Srat Lesson

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Student Response and Assessment Tools

This is the template for the SRATs lesson idea.

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Lesson Title
Unit 3 Test Review – Simplifying Radicals
Content Area
Advanced Algebra 2

Content Standards
AA.FGR.4.1 Rewrite radical expressions as expressions with
rational exponents. Extend the properties of integer exponents to
rational exponents.

AA.FGR.4.2 Solve radical equations in one variable and give

examples showing how extraneous solutions may arise

Technology Standards
1.1 Empowered Learner
1.1a – Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop
strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the
learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
1.1c – Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and
improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of
1.1d – Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology
operations; demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot
current technologies; and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore
emerging technologies.

Reference or
Supporting Resources Radicals - Search results - Kahoot! – Provides questions that promotes
Students to collaborate with each other.

Solving Radical Equations | Open Middle® - Provides with a Square

Root and Cube Root, and they cannot use the same number twice.
This leads into the Kahoot activity.

Integrated Tool
Teacher-Paced (students have limited time to come up with an answer)
Hardware Used
Computer and Phones

Bloom’s Taxonomy
Integration Level
Level 1: Awareness

Universal Design
Rationale The best UDL that represents this lesson would be options for Sustaining
Efforts & Persistence, since students must use cooperative learning groups
with scaffolded roles and responsibilities to help enhance their learning.
Lesson Idea - Prior
Students will engage in a warmup where they must get at least two
combinations of square and cube roots. Afterwards, I will pose them a
question to see if they can find the relationship between the square root of
one number and the cube root of another and I will ask them why.
SRAT Purpose
The purpose of this SRAT activity is to serve as review for test over this unit,
but it allows students to compete with each other.
Question Types
Multiple Select
Short open-ended response

Lesson Idea - During

Throughout this activity students will engage in teams and they will select an
answer for each question after being given time to think and reason with each
other. I will also increase the length of time to allow more time for the
students to think with each other.

If I noticed that a lot of students got a question wrong or if an important one

comes up, I will engage us in a brief classroom instruction, to where I will
pose aa question and the students will have a brief moment to discuss with
each other and we will talk about it.

The length of this activity will be 30 minutes.

Lesson Idea - After
This lesson will conclude with a review guide that the students will complete
in preparation for the next class day, where I will answer questions before the
test starts.
Data Plan
The data from this activity will be collected to award the winning student a
bonus grade of +2 points on their test. The data from this activity will help me
decide for the next Kahoot, if it will have trickier questions, more higher-order
questions, or more lower-ended questions.
Personal Learning
Goals From this activity, I am learning how the students will engage with each other,
what levels of reasoning they will discuss with each other, and how they will
respond to each question. This will help me decide whether I should ask more
difficult questions, tricky questions, or make the questions more easier
depending on how they are performing. I hope this activity will help students
learn as it encourages them to share ideas with each other and also they can
be more familiar with similar questions on the test since they will be tied
directly towards an engaging activity.
Design Reflection
This activity will positively impact student learning since they will actively
share ideas with each other giving them different audio and visual
representation of the mathematical ideas present in it. I could further enhance
this activity by removing the time limit and provide generic mathematical
examples of the ideas present in this activity. For instance similar to the Open
Middle warmup at the beginning of this lesson, I could modify a question to
where instead of finding out what √25 is, students must answer this question,
If at 𝑡 a ball was 25 meters away from Person A, what is the possible time
that has passed since then? Here I did not specify whether I want students to
get a positive or negative answer (since you could either multiply 5 by itself or
(-5) by itself to get 25), I left that up to the students to reason with each other
about and whichever team gets it right, gets the point.


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