Lab Report Drilling - Group 2

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Islamic University

‫الجامعة اإلسالميةكليه‬
Faculty of Engineering
Department of
Mechanical Engineering
‫قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية‬

Manufacturing Technology Lab

ME 334

Workshop Practice 3
Ammar Mohammad Khear Akbazli - 392025023

Abdullah Mulawi – 392026873

Abdulbari Hussein - 392027463

Ahmad Adam - 392027063

Section: 604
Grading Table:
Criteria Assessment Breakup Marks

Adherence to Standard Machining

Machining /80
Product Conformity with Requirements 20

Lab Report 40

Adherence to SWP 10
Safety Precautions/Safety Regulations (Report) 10

1. Aim: To Operate Drill Press Machine to crate holes in metal workpiece.

2. Objective:
• Familiarize with the components and the working principle of a drill press

• To perform drilling operation on a given workpiece as an assignment

3. Equipment: [5]

Take the photo of machine and lable the parts

4. Theory: [10]

Provide brief theoretical background to Drilling operation with the

help of simple diagram.

5. Procedure: [20]

Write detailed procedure followed while carrying out

theoperations. Report the operation characteristics

Before and After Picture of the work piece. [5]

6. Operation Specific Safety Considerations: [10]

Write five machine and operation specific safety

considerations followed during the machining, which you
thinkare the most critical.

Report Instructions:

• [HANDWRITTEN REPORT] Typed and Computer generated fileprints will

not be accepted.
• [NO PLAGIARISM] Both source and destination will receivezero marks if
reports found copied.
• [ORIGINAL LANGUAGE] Use your own words to write the report, text
material copied from internet/books will notbe accepted.
• Scan and upload the report with the title page at the instructed web
location within 2 weeks of performing theoperations.
• Follow the file name format with the uploaded file as

Drilling is one of the most important machining operations, the main function of it is to creates a
round hole in a work-part, the cutting tool called a drill or drill bit as shown in Fig1. below.

Generally, there are two types of holes: (a) through-hole, and (b) blind hole.

Through-holes: drill exits opposite side of work as shown in Fig 2, (a).

Blind holes: does not exit work opposite side Fig 2, (b).

Figure 1 Figure 2

Drilling mainly depend on the drill bit and according to its shape we can perform different
operations such as Reaming, Tapping, and counter boring.

Reaming: Used to slightly enlarge a hole, provide better tolerance on diameter, and improve
surface finish

Tapping: Used to provide internal screw threads on an existing hole. Tool called a tap.

Counter boring: Provides a stepped hole, in which a larger diameter follows smaller diameter
partially into the hole
The machine and its components

1 >> Up and down handle ,, 2>> Working table ,, 3>> Start & stop switch of
motor ,, 4>> Crank column to provide rotary motion for the working table and
the motor ,, 5>> Lock handle to fix the working table (also there is a lock to
prevent the rotary motion of the working table) ,, 6>> Feed handle of spindle ,,
7>>Lock handle to fix the upper part,, 8>> The drill bit jaw,, 9>> The support




Procedure must be followed.

1/ Take a correct center for the specimen.

2/ Note the point given by the doctor or supervisor.

3/ Adjust the specimen in the working table.

4/ Tight the Chuck to be coherent.

5/ Adjust the drill bit on the chuck.

6/ Adjust the chosen distance for each hole.

7/ Turn on the machine.

8/ Move the spindle downward to the specimen direction.

9/ Move the spindle downward slowly.

10/ After the whole is drilled remove deliver slowly.

11/ Turn off the machine.

12/ Clean the workstation.

In our experiment we did 4 different holes using the Blind hole types, with different depth and
different diameter as shown in the Fig3. below.

Figure 3 First picture the specimen, second picture after drilling the first hole, third picture the final part with 4 holes according to the
dimensions we were given.

Safety consideration
1/ Be aware while using the machine.

2/ You should wear safety shoes.

3/ Wear safety glasses.

4/ Must Put the cover window.

5/ Put a distance while using the machine.

6/ Make sure to move the drill bit slowly.

7/ Put a distance between the specimen and the drill bit.

8/ Make sure that the drill bit has been adjusted on the chuck very well.

9/ Do not touch the specimen during operation.

10/ Replace the drill bit after each experiment and put it in its pack.
11/ Do not work without the doctor or the supervisor.

12/ After finishing the experiment clean the workpiece.

13/ Return everything to its original position and turn off the machine.

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