Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application: Industrial Insulation

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Industrial Insulation

Module 1

Sheet Metal and Insulation Fundamentals


Pipe Cladding (Basic)

Fabrication & Application
Produced by

In cooperation with subject matter expert:

Michael Kelly

© SOLAS 2014
Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 
Unit Objective ...............................................................................................................2 
1.0  Sketching and Measuring................................................................................ 3 
1.1  Sketching Equipment .................................................................................3 
1.2  Sketching a Job ............................................................................................3 
1.3  Recording Measurements ..........................................................................4 
2.0  Developing a Straight Pipe Section............................................................... 5 
2.1  Positioning of a Joint Line .........................................................................5 
2.2  Parallel Line Development ........................................................................6 
2.3  Mechanical Drawings .................................................................................7 
3.0  Installation and Disassembly of a Cladding Pipe Section.......................... 8 
3.1  Installation of Pipe Cladding .....................................................................8 
3.2  Disassembly of Pipe Cladding ..................................................................9 
Summary .......................................................................................................................10 

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

The fabrication and application of cladding pipes and fittings requires a high
level of skill and knowledge of pattern development, metal forming and the
ability to solve problems. Every job will differ in some shape or form and the
industrial insulator must be able to meet the challenges of each project, and
deliver a top quality job every time.

Module 1
Sheet Metal &

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5

Introduction to the Manual Measuring, Notching, Folding & General Allowances for
Workshop Handling Marking & Joining Insulation & Cladding
Environment Cutting Out

Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11

Marking, Cutting, Swaging (Basic) Pipe Cladding Metal Cladding Pipe Insulation (Hot & Valve &
Punching, Rolling, Cold) Material Selection Flange Box
Seam Swagingn & Male/Female & (Basic) Fabrication Assembly
Screwing Flange Turning & Application Work & Application Fundamentals

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

Unit Objective
By the end of this unit each apprentice will be able to:
 Sketch, Measure and Record details of an insulated pipe section.
 Position joints correctly.
 Manufacture a two piece pipe section.
 Properly swage a two piece pipe section.

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

1.0 Sketching and Measuring

Key Learning Points

 Sketching and measurement of training rig insulated pipe work.
 Measurement to ±2mm tolerance.
 Recording of pipe work measurement.
 Errors associated with accumulation of measurement.
 Communication through sketching.

Sketching and freehand drawing are important skills to have as a tradesman or

apprentice. Most designs or job layouts are preceded by site sketches. They
allow the communication of initial ideas and assist the tradesman in planning
the layout of a job.
Most sketches will consist of a number of “views”, that is, the same job
sketched from a number of different angles. This allows the tradesman to
accurately measure the job and at the same time identify any obstacles which
may cause a problem later during installation.

1.1 Sketching Equipment

It is important that when you are taking a sketch that you have the right tools
for the job. After all, the finished job will depend on your initial sketches. You
will need the following equipment:
 Notepad – preferably a squared pad for isometric sketching..
 Pencil - a 2b pencil will allow for heavier lines for more detail.
 Eraser.
 Measuring tape.
 Circumference rule – can be used to take different angles.

1.2 Sketching a Job

1. Study the object you are going to sketch.
2. Form a mental picture of the overall object noting prominent features.
3. Decide on which views you want to sketch the job in e.g. Plan view,
elevation etc
4. Begin to read less complicated features, study the job from different angles
taking note of possible obstacles that may alter the final installation.
5. Read the more complicated features, use imaginary projection lines to
locate surfaces and edges, and understand how they relate to the different
views you want to sketch.
6. Study any detail features that are still unclear.

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

7. Include written notes to the sketch to clarify different aspects of the job
which may still remain unclear.

1.3 Recording Measurements

When sketching a job it is vitally important that the measurements you record
on the sketch are clear, concise and accurate. The measurements that you
record are a form of communication for the person fabricating the parts, as
they will not have seen the job and are depending on your sketch for the
correct information. Some important factors to take into consideration when
recording measurements onto a sketch are:
 Measurements should be shown clearly on the sketch.
 The section of the job that is measured should be indicated on the
sketch using arrows showing the start point of the measurement to the
finishing point of the measurement.
 When using the metric system to record measurements decide before
measuring the job whether to use millimetres, centimetres or meters.
 Make a note on the sketch to indicate whether your measurements
include allowances for joints, hems etc or if they have to be allowed for
during the fabrication process.
 When measuring pipe work use an outside callipers to accurately
measure the outside diameter of the pipe.
 If the finished job requires insulation and cladding ensure that there is
sufficient space around the pipe work for the materials. Sometimes
cladding may have to be manufactured in two halves so as to allow for
 Ensure that your measurements are accurate as this will speed up the
fabrication time and reduce costs.
 Spend time double checking your measurements and make sure you
have not forgotten a measurement.
 The apprentice should always be working to a tolerance no more than
± 2mm as anything outside of this will not allow for a clean and
accurate fit up of parts.

Note: It is important to note that when measuring a job that has a number of
fittings and straight sections, that each of these fittings and straights should be
measured individually. However when these fittings and straights sections are
measured, the combined lengths should equal the overall length of the job. It is
a common mistake to have an incorrect overall measure due to an
accumulation of measurements.

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

2.0 Developing a Straight Pipe Section

Key Learning Points

 Efficient use of time and material.
 Insulation allowances.
 Circumference calculation from diameter.
 Calculation of swage and lap allowance.
 Male and female swaging.
 Rolling, fixing and swaging.

There are many considerations the apprentice or tradesman must take into
account when developing a pattern on sheet metal:
 The correct material to use.
 Position of the joint line.
 Economical use of time and material.
 Swaging arrangement.
 Fit up of parts.
 Problems with fit up of parts and assembly.
We use the parallel line method of developments for developing a cylinder pipe
and all other cylindrical work.

2.1 Positioning of a Joint Line

We always aim to put the joint line on the shortest side of a pattern, however
the positioning of the joint is decided by a number of factors:
 Shedding of water in cladding work.
 Appearance and the overall look of the job.
 Strength of a piece.
 Nesting of materials to minimise waste.
There are many joints in sheet metal. Some joints are called self-secured joints,
where we allow extra material on the pattern to form the joint. Examples are
Groove joint, Slip joint, Paned joint and the lap joint. Each joint will require a
different amount of metal to be added on for their assembly. It is important to
allow for these joints when marking out a pattern.
Refer to module 1 – unit 7 – section 2.0 – swaging.
Refer to module 1 – unit 6 – section 3.0 – rolling.

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

2.2 Parallel Line Development

The term development refers to the distance across the flat pattern or flat piece
of metal before it is formed into shape. See illustration of square and cylindrical
job for clarification. The development is the same as the distance round the
On a round pipe it would be the circumference.

Layout or development generally refers to the method of developing the lines

which form the pattern. The common methods of layout or development are:
1. Parallel Line Development
2. Radial Line Development
3. Triangulation
Refer to Module 2 – unit3 – Parallel Line Development.
Refer to module 1 – unit 5 – section 1.3 – circumference of a circle.
Refer to module 1 – unit 5 – section 2.0 – measuring insulated and non-
insulated pipes.
Refer to module 1- unit 5 – section 3 – allowances for cladding

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

2.3 Mechanical Drawings

A working or mechanical drawing shows the exact size and shape of each side.
Note each view is what you see when looking directly at the various sides.
Since some of the views are alike i.e. top, bottom, front, back, right and left
sides, it’s only necessary to draw the number of views required to show the size
and shape of the object.
In most cases this will be three; top, front and end views.

Mechanical Drawing
The term elevation means any view which shows the height of an object. The
term plan view means the top view. Front elevation means front view. End
elevation means end view. With this type of information, the pattern seen is
easily developed.The X on the lines indicates the place where the metal is to be
bent or folded. These lines are called fold lines.

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

3.0 Installation and Disassembly of a

Cladding Pipe Section

Key Learning Points

 Disassembly of pipe cladding.
 Safe disposal of waste and sharp materials.
 Fitting of pipe cladding over insulated pipe work.
 Location of joints out of view where possible.
 Professional attitude toward finish and presentation.

3.1 Installation of Pipe Cladding

The process of installing pipe cladding over an insulated pipe takes patience
and a keen eye for detail. The apprentice must develop a professional attitude
towards the overall finish and presentation of the job from the start as any
mistake or oversight will be seen by the customer. The following procedure
should be followed when installing a section of pipe cladding:
 Check the pipe insulation to make sure there are no rips or tears in the
outer foil covering or vapour barrier.
 Decide on a starting point for the installation of the cladding. This may
be from a vessel or flange.
 Try in so far as reasonably possible to keep the joints hidden and out or
view. This will add to the overall appearance of the job.
 When installing a round pipe section, the cylindrical pipe will have to be
pulled apart to fit over the insulated pipe, so it is important that the
cladding pipe is not damaged.
 Make sure that when you are fitting the cladding pipe over the insulated
pipe that you d not tear the insulation of protective foil covering.
 Temporarily fix the cladding pipe in place using self tapping screws.
Install the next section of pipe or fitting in place by fitting the male
swage of one section into the female section of the other fitting. Secure
in place using the self tapping screws ensuring that the joint is tight and
free from movement.
 Check your measurements as you install each section so as to avoid a
problem at the end of the overall installation. As each section is
installed measurements can creep thus increasing the overall length, and
make it difficult to install the final pieces.
 When the installation is complete make sure there are no finger or hand
marks on the job, wipe the cladding with a soft clean cloth to remove
such marks.

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

3.2 Disassembly of Pipe Cladding

When disassembling pipe cladding the following procedures should be
 Sketch the installed job before disassembly in case the cladding has to
be installed at a later stage. If possible take some photographs of the
job from a number of different angles.
 Number each part making sure to mark where each section joins to the
 Remove all self tapping screws using a screw driver. If the joints have
pop riveted, drill out the pop rivets with the same size drill bit that was
used to originally drill holes. Try to avoid enlarging the holes in case the
cladding has to be reused.
 Remove each section carefully trying to avoid damaging the cladding
and disturbing the insulation underneath.
 Place the removed cladding in a designated storage area, if the cladding
is been dumped make sure it is placed in the proper recycling bin.
 Always wear the appropriate personnel protective equipment when
disassembling cladding.
 Leave the work area clean and tidy when the job is complete.

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Module 1– Unit 8 Pipe Cladding (Basic) Fabrication & Application

In industrial insulation, there are a number of factors which make up a
complete job. The quality of materials, measuring the job correctly, pattern
development, metal forming, installation and presentation. The complete
installation must be functional and at the same time it must have a good
appearance. The apprentice industrial insulator must develop from the start, a
keen eye for detail, the ability to solve problems and only be happy when
he/she has delivered a high quality job.

Industrial Insulation Phase 2 Revision 2.0, August 2014

Castleforbes House
Castleforbes Road
Dublin 1

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