Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment For Cognitive Radio Networks For Internet of Things 5G Wireles

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ISSN 1007-0214 06/20 pp698−720

DOI: 1 0 . 2 6 5 9 9 / T S T . 2 0 2 3 . 9 0 1 0 0 6 5
Volume 29, Number 3, June 2024

Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio

Networks for Internet of Things 5G Wireless Communication

Thulasiraman Balachander, Kadiyala Ramana, Rasineni Madana Mohana,

Gautam Srivastava*, and Thippa Reddy Gadekallu

Abstract: Recently, Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (CSS) for Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN) plays a
significant role in efficient 5G wireless communication. Spectrum sensing is a significant technology in CRN to
identify underutilized spectrums. The CSS technique is highly applicable due to its fast and efficient
performance. 5G wireless communication is widely employed for the continuous development of efficient and
accurate Internet of Things (IoT) networks. 5G wireless communication will potentially lead the way for next
generation IoT communication. CSS has established significant consideration as a feasible resource to improve
identification performance by developing spatial diversity in receiving signal strength in IoT. In this paper, an
optimal CSS for CRN is performed using Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation Universal Filtered Multi-
Carrier Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (OQAM/UFMC/NOMA) methodologies. Availability of spectrum and
bandwidth utilization is a key challenge in CRN for IoT 5G wireless communication. The optimal solution for
CRN in IoT-based 5G communication should be able to provide optimal bandwidth and CSS, low latency,
Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) improvement, maximum capacity, offset synchronization, and Peak Average Power
Ratio (PAPR) reduction. The Energy Efficient All-Pass Filter (EEAPF) algorithm is used to eliminate PAPR. The
deployment approach improves Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of system reliability, throughput, and energy
efficiency. Our in-depth experimental results show that the proposed methodology provides an optimal solution
when directly compares against current existing methodologies.

Key words: cooperative spectrum sensing; cognitive radio network; Internet of Things; offset quadrature
amplitude modulation; universal filtered multi-carrier; non-orthogonal multiple access

1 Introduction Radio Networks (CRN), Spectrum Sensing (SS) is used

In any efficient 5G communication using Cognitive to determine accessibility in frequency resources. The
Thulasiraman Balachander is with SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu 603203, India. E-mail:
[email protected].
Kadiyala Ramana is with Lebanese American University, Beirut 1102, Lebanon, and also with Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of
Technology, Hyderabad 500075, India. E-mail: [email protected].
Rasineni Madana Mohana is with Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad 500075, India. E-mail:
[email protected].
Gautam Srivastava is with Brandon University, Brandon, R7A 0A1, Canada, China Medical University, Taichung 404327, China, and
Lebanese American University, Beirut 1102, Lebanon. E-mail: [email protected].
Thippa Reddy Gadekallu is with Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lebanese American University, Beirut 1102,
Lebanon. E-mail: [email protected].
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Manuscript received: 2022-12-12; revised: 2023-06-08; accepted: 2023-06-17

© The author(s) 2024. The articles published in this open access journal are distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 699

notion of fixed (or static) frequency allocation XDA from the standpoint of XOR range evaluation is
underpins the majority of today’s wireless presented to inhibit a collusive SSDF attack, taking
communication technologies. They are programmed to into account the polarity of sensing data. The XOR
function in specific frequency bands. This fixed similarity computation based on previous binary ( 0 and
allotment leads to poor spectrum usage particularly 1 ) detecting data is utilized XDA to quantify the
during periods of low congestion. Some assigned resemblance[4]. There are several SS approaches
frequency bands are used less than 15% of the time. offered with the most prominent matched filter
Furthermore, there has been a lot of advancement of detection, Cyclostationary feature identification, and
5G efficient wireless communication technology energy detection. Compared to other detection
solutions. Moreover, the enormous increase in the approaches, energy detection is well-known for its
number of linked devices through protocol-based simplicity and lack of pre-existing information on the
Internet of Things (IoT) networks, and topology-based Primary User (PU) signal. The detection performance
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies with in SS can be decreased due to a variety of issues such
subsequent accurate wireless utilization, force the as multipath fading, shadowing, and the noise
wireless communication society to improve the uncertainty problem. CSS techniques have been
utilization of narrow bandwidth resource base to meet developed to mitigate these effects.
the growing requirement on wireless technology[1]. SS The CRN accessibility technique is shown in Fig. 1.
allocation’s real-time characteristic and performance as With full-duplex mode and half-duplex, it incorporates
well as the energy spectrum access method founded on underlying, overlaying, and interweaving
the master-slave balancing adaptive deployment categorization. Improving Energy Efficiency (EE) and
paradigm have been investigated in the literature. High Scalability (HS) in 5G wireless communication
Based on the requirement for convergence speed and systems is a major task capable of meeting upcoming
migration patterns, our methodology creates a new wireless communication demands and delivering
encryption technique for use. The reactivity community Quality of Service (QoS) requirements including
can be estimated with only a few computational nodes allowing for maximum bandwidth with low energy
at identical intervals to improve calculation consumption. In this paper, a look-up table is used to
performance[2]. Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (CSS) allow a fuzzy-based technique to study SS and EE
is a hot topic because it has the potential to address the difficulties in 5G technology and achieve an optimally
concealing endpoint problem. CSS’s sensing balanced trade-off among them to improve the overall
capability, on the other hand, is still lacking, system performance[5].
particularly in low Signal Noise Ratio (SNR) Downlink Cognitive Radio (DCR) has the potential
conditions. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are to alleviate spectrum shortages by allowing
thought to extract characteristics from an observed commercial wireless sensor networks to use common
signal and enhance sensing performance. More carrier frequency capabilities to extend their
precisely, a unique 2D database of the received data is bandwidth. Overlay CR equipment, on the other hand,
created, and three traditional CNN-based CSS methods could be accomplished by correctly altering wireless
(LeNet, AlexNet, and VGG-16) are developed and communication settings in response to wireless
evaluated on the database[3]. CSS is thought to be a network sensing. In Ref. [6], two alternative SNR
strong tool for maximizing the use of restricted estimate techniques for spatial-temporal interleaved
available spectrum. If CSS reflects that practically all data expectations triggered by CRN-based viable IoT
users on secondary units may be reliable, hackers may are presented to achieve this aim. Roads are split into
be able to execute cognitive radio data manipulation equal parts and sub-segmented according to the
operations. Current initiatives have been devoted to likelihood value. Normal vehicles or spectrum
building trust structures to combat such a danger. allocation create local development issues by utilizing
However, certain hackers can create a cluster-based a hybrid Machine Learning (ML) approach that
collusive group and consequently cause issues using incorporates fuzzy and native Bayes techniques to
Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification (SSDF) attacks. choose the best SS method. The sensing approaches
The defence mechanism against such attacks using employ adaptive thresholds. In Ref. [7], a segmented
700 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

IoT using CRN

Deployment Deployment Deployment

underlay overlay interweave

Modulation using full Modulation using half

duplex duplex

Transmit-signal Tx and Rx of signal

Fig. 1 CRN accessing paradigm.

spectrum operator in cooperation with SS is used with system architecture incorporates advancements at the
the tri-agent supervised learning method to make a lower levels of a CRN of WSN with CRN functionality
general choice. In CRN, CSS methods termed for productive wireless device energy harvesting,
Demodulate Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (DCSS) resource channel handoffs complete removal, and
and Modulate Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (MCSS) effective energy storage with improvement in QoS of
are developed. information frequency wireless device implementations
The following are the major aims and via CRN streams. For energy efficiency, any massive
implementation of our developed system-based WSN is split into groups, each of which connects to a
cooperative spectrum sensing schemes: cloud-assisted General Processor (GP)[10]. Sensor
● To use strategies to address the problem of Nodes (SN) allow bidirectional interaction for
increased transmission requirement in a maximum communication between two principal users in a
likelihood method. Moreover, the effect of reflecting combination of sensor nodes’ primary users. In
users’ power level, which is defined by the interruption exchange, SN gather energy from primary users’
limitation, on CSS methods’ structural characterization transmissions and utilize the gained energy to power
is examined. their transmissions. Input and output connections
● To use the work in Ref. [8], in relation to among the primary side PU and directional data
predictive performance and interruption likelihood, gathering among sensor devices may be accomplished
evaluate the sensing effectiveness of our proposed CSS in three stages in such a system. For simultaneous
methods. Under the practicality of static structural wireless data and power transmission, a power
systems, conditions were investigated for the partitioning method is used.
Likelihood of Spectral Utilization (LSU) of a CR SN broadcast primary and secondary signals using
system with soft CSS. the Amplify and Forward (AF) method, while the PU
The duration of a period in practical applications is uses decision mixing to acquire the available direct
typically set, with the period consisting of detecting, relationship[11]. The perceptual connectivity-powered
monitoring, and communication periods. Consequently, wireless medium is made up of an important
in CSS, raising the sensing and transmitting time length communication pair and a secondary communication
enhances the probability of successfully detecting PU network intended for IoT. For the information
relative importance while decreasing the transmitting handover of the second communication network, a
processing time, resulting in lower bandwidth[9]. unique hybrid production and backscatter transmission
Cognitive radio is a powerful platform that may be method is proposed. Once the principal network is
used in WSN to enhance spectrum utilization. A overfilled, Perceptive Users (PEU) employ
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 701

conservation Back Scatter mode to backscatter the integrated models that do not address flexible
intrusive information through the Key Spreader (KS) communication links cannot be easily implemented. To
for gathering information and preserving power for do this, issues with exploiting system efficacy by
upcoming information communication. Any secondary adapting model proportions and network capability of
user request can be given, and Cognitive Users (CU) the device while keeping energy usage, available
reversely disperse the intercepted signal from the bandwidth, and disturbance restrictions in mind[14]. In
energy transmitter in the Bi-static Scattering (BS) WSN, the efficiency of multi-hop adaptive wireless
phase or operate in the function to transfer signals[12]. enabled Device-to-Device (D2D) interactions is very
The level of expansion of IoT wireless networking important. According to our observations, each SN
technology is seen in Fig. 2. A novel energy detection gathers energy from several reliable electricity signals
technique is suggested that is based on temporal data and uses subsurface cognitive radio to share spectral
potential identification. A more realistic 2D Cognitive efficiency with multiple Primary Receptions (PR).
WSN (CWSN) architecture prototype is developed to Consider a real-world situation of adaptive
evaluate the method’s feasibility and reliability, in connectivity D2D communications in WSN in which
which the key indication source could be dispersed by obstruction channel information is considered to be
a particular sensing region arbitrarily cycle. Thus, the poor. In this paper, we present two user optimization
application of any specific fusion technique for 2D techniques, specifically Dual-Hop Sequencing (DHS)
sensor devices contains 2 significant identifying and highest-quality programming both used to increase
phases: (1) spectral detection non-cooperation for all the performance of the network[15]. The technique
device nodes, and (2) position prediction with range addresses the problem of dropping drive depletion and
fusion of chosen sensor node. Another point to increasing system lifecycle in a wireless device system
consider is the energy constraint in CWSN[13]. In based on sensors that could be made up of arbitrarily
energy storage for CRN, the system utility oriented devices that conduct inter CSS. More
maximization issue is addressed. Sensor nodes in specifically, a deterministic technique is proposed for
Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks (CRSN), unlike assessing the CWSN duration while also considering
typical sensor nodes, have incorporated multiple access detection quality.
modules, allowing them to automatically access The variety of devices and principal users in the
licensed frequencies. region are found to take two-dimensional Gaussian
Due to the importance of flexible data transmission probabilities, while detection and false alarm
in ensuring network infrastructure for CRSN, probabilities for the devices are computed

Growing level of IoT

Level-I RFID technology based interconnection

before 2010 and apply IoT application

Level-II Interconnection between WSN and

2010 to 2015 RFID labels

High speed transmissions
2015 to 2020

Depth integration between human, things,

Level-IV and service network

Fig. 2 Level growth of IoT technology.

702 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

objectively[16]. Different distributions have become developed security through numerical equations to
severely scarce as mobile communication offerings and compute the resulting interpretations for all examined
wireless technologies have developed. Enterprise WSN cases to reduce calculating difficulty.
(EWSN) may be required to take radio frequencies The OQAM/UFMC/NOMA technique is used to get
with other devices, resulting in significant interruption. the best CSS for CRN. Spectrum availability and
Industrial Cognitive Radio Networks (ICRN) are bandwidth usage are two major issues in CRN for IoT
created to solve this, and signal categorization is a 5G wireless technology. CRN for IoT-based 5G
basic and crucial concept mainly for manufacturing communication should be optimized to offer optimal
industrial system wireless networks that are a necessity throughput and CSS, low latency, improved SNR,
to recognize distrustful signals. In Ref. [17], an maximum capacity, offset synchronization, and
innovative context for data intelligence categorization reduced Peek to Arerage Power Ratio (PAPR), among
development of deep learning systems is suggested. other things. The closed-form of important QoS
Even though traditional WSN nodes merely detect variables such as structure dependability, maximization
the surroundings, recent developments in WSN, such of throughput, and network energy efficiency is
as Perceptual (P-WSN), wireless sensing element accomplished using the objective function.
network, wireless action network, and encryption in The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
WSN need networks to perform computations. Section 2, various related research articles and papers
Furthermore, most elevated techniques are discarded are discussed. In Section 3, secured CSS is discussed.
for next-generation WSN without examination into In Section 4, the system model, QoS Requirements for
resource restrictions in nodes and a lack of an IoT Systems, Practical Considerations, optimal
assessment mechanism. Many sources, for example, utilization of CSS, CRN using OQAM/UFMC/NOMA
have recommended a low-performance, reduced for IoT, and accurate gathering of data in CRSN are
Energy Detection (ED) technique for CWSN without developed. Our in-depth experimental results and
any assessment or analysis, based only on the fact that discussion are given in Section 5. Finally, the
ED has the least difficulty of all energy detection conclusion is given in Section 6.
techniques, as was seen in Ref. [18]. An Internet
2 State of the Art for Cognitive Radio
Protocol’s main purpose is end-to-end traffic
Network in IoT 5G Wireless
regulation, which aims to determine how much traffic
flow provided by the resource can be managed by the
system. Even though a lot of research is present in the Li et al.[21] investigated the fundamental contexts with
literature to oppose the end-to-end protected possible insight into perceptive IoT. The low
transmitting issue in traditional WSN, due to the non- bandwidth issue is solved through additional features
assorted range, these strategies typically result in an of efficient IoT. IoT modules are often highly
extended interruption for the base station to react to functional, resulting in trade-offs with several
traffic delays in wireless communication adhoc bandwidth-request technologies in competition with
connections. As a result, the end-to-end bandwidth each other for efficiency.
drops significantly[19]. Non-licensed spectrum Osman and Zaki[22]introduced an interference control
utilization of Secondary Users (SU) must precede model for CRN. This proposed model uses the
cognizance for extended periods throughout that can Lagrangian objective function to decrease interference
consume the energy spectrum in CRN to maximize the and enhance efficient energy productivity and
utilization of idle times on primary channels. As a dependability with accurate IoT communication
result, researchers tend to concentrate on the issue of systems using 5G communication networks. Moreover,
how long an SU can retain a primary channel as well as methodologies to control interference between IoT and
the average quantity of data that can be transferred Base Stations are examined. To accomplish the
throughout that period. Situations with similar and non- provided model’s goal, first the authors designed a
similar data confirmation for different quantities of SU multi-objective optimization technique. The restricted
may be done conditionally on the movement stages of nature of important QoS characteristics such as system
spectrum utilization PU. In Ref. [20], the authors dependability, bandwidth, and energy consumption
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 703

were then investigated based on an objective function. mutual exclusion instructions founded on resident
Baniata et al.[23] investigated an energy-efficient scheme selections that are communicated through an
clustering approach for MIMO-based IoT orthogonal data transmission channel by participating
communications networks. For IoT applications in 5G nodes. For both opposing and non-orthogonal signals,
environments and beyond, the authors proposed an fusion rules are first generated at the fusion center
innovative MIMO-based energy-harvesting irregular under perfect CSI.
fusion gathering method. The efficacy of the proposed Xu et al.[28]investigated uplink authentication
MIMOHC protocol is evaluated using different proportional equality power and the sub-route
techniques and compared to their defined current optimization problem for perceptual sensor networks
framework. with inter-network collaboration. Allowing inexact
Al-kahtani et al.[24]presented a hybrid resource mass spectral detecting and network state data, each SU
and energy efficient technique for a mobile device-to- creates variations in receiver influence and sub-
device data communication system that uses successive channels to enhance secrecy while following set QoS
interference cancellation which is responsive to the boundaries. The double decomposition approach is
Regular Water Filling (RWF) methodology as a portion used to provide optimum information preservation and
of the control distribution solution. When compared sub-network energy distribution to challenge the
specifically to a Sequential Iterative Water-Filling above-mentioned bi-convex optimization problem.
(SIWF) power allocation methodology, the SIWF-
3 Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
based spatial domain frequency division multiple
access methods provide better energy efficiency. A concurrent fusion network may be used to mimic the
Sahoo et al.[25] developed a two-stream spectrum CSS procedure. Autonomous sensing, data analysis,
hopping procedure both with and without global and data aggregation are all controlled by central
channel estimation for ICRN to maximize the degree of identification known as the Fusion Center (FC). To
docking in the shortest possible time, minimize Inter- begin, each SU uses energy monitoring to detect a
Docking Increments, and decrease Mean Time To PU’s signal through the efficient spectrum detection
Resolve (MTTR) by 2 Parallel Secondary Users (PSU). network channel that could be a licensed user
Establishing the communication protocol through this frequency band in which a layer-based physical end-to-
spectrum hopping approach in ICRN, on the other end link exists among the PU spreader and each SU for
hand, is a fairly tough task. Effective channel hopping the persistence of observing the central energy
algorithms must be devised to ensure dependable spectrum.
throughput in ICRN. The NOMA orthogonal slot allocation’s benefit of
Gallardo et al.[26] tackled the problem of constant increased energy efficiency comes with the drawback
processing data in a multi-hop, multi-transceiver CRN of limiting the number of customers who can access the
where channel access is governed by an empty Time system. Take into account a NOMA-CRN with K SU s
Division Multiple Access (TDMA) standard and the and J transmitter-receiver pairs. The kth secondary user
primary usage data is an ON/OFF procedure. and the jth pair of principal transmitter-receiver links,
Moreover, the issue of finding available end-to-end respectively, are denoted by the variables S k and P j ,
throughput for load balancing has been proven to be respectively. The major links in the suggested model
NP-complete. Therefore, instead of concentrating on a are both potentially active and always protected. The
probability distribution function and examining its secondary network is a single cellular network with all
worst-case performance, by simplifying the problem of SU having TDMA uplinks to the secondary base
continuous processing requests by employing a station, while the primary network is made up of J
randomly selected scheduling scheme and evaluating transmitter-receiver pairs and uses a non-orthogonal
its average performance, strong results were achieved. SCMA-based allocation scheme for slots.
Patel et al.[27]resolved the issue of CSS in multi-user All SU communicate specific sensing data to FC
MIMO CRN where Channel State Information (CSI) through the development of processes, which is a
generated by the transceiver of the SU channels control channel with a direct point-to-point link
accessible on combination midpoint was indefinite. between each SU and FC. Finally, to identify the
Numerous approaches remain to be obtainable that uses existence of PU, FC combines the incoming individual
704 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

sensory data into a single judgement value. Three outcome is 0 . When the bits vary, the outcome is 1 .
common data fusion rules may be used to make such a The OR approach works well when the amount of
final decision: the AND, OR, and Majority procedures. secondary users is large, while the AND instruction
The AND rule requires all SU to observe the channel works well when the amount of cooperative SU is less
as idle, the OR rule requires at least one SU to observe kN
in amount. In the scenario , the Majority principle
the channel as idle, and finally the Majority rule 2
may be obtained from the k out of N principle. E-
requires a minimum of half of the SU to observe the
commerce, P2P networks, adhoc networks, online
channel as idle. These rules are used in cooperative
social groups, and other situations have all benefited
sensing methods in CRNs to make binary decisions on
from these trust mechanisms.
whether the channel is idle or busy based on the
observations of multiple SU. The energy spectrum 3.1 Secured cooperative spectrum sensing from
detection technique usually does not detect a PU signal, spectrum sensing data falsification attack
then each data sensing for the energy detection Currently, trust mechanisms are also important in the
technique could also be seen as a binary hypothesis CSS world. The following are some examples of CSS
problem using Eqs. (1) and (2). trust mechanism systems. With the Beta reputation, a
f (t) = a(t), X0 (1) CSS technique is suggested. They do, however, need
the base station to give its detecting consequence for
h(t) = u(t) + a(t), X1 (2) the faith familiar sensing outcome gathering at each
where f (t) is the identified data at every secondary effective CSS movement that could place the base
user, u(t) is the encoded primary user data, h(t) is the station under a lot of pressure if it also has to identify
signal detecting channel gain, a(t) is the zero variance the PU signal at each effective CSS operation. To
Gaussian multiplicative noise, and t is the counter the SSDF threat, a safe CSS method is
measurement index, respectively. The hypotheses of presented with the help of trustworthy SU. However,
the PU signal’s nonexistence and existence, the amount of probability theory and statistics needed
respectively, are represented by X0 and X1 , to identify hackers can increase computational
respectively. If f (t) is greater than the spectrum efficiency. A perception method known as the
sensing threshold value, the presence of PU can be weighted successive likelihood ratio test is used during
communicated. Aside from that, no primary user data the implementation of the technique which
is observed. The detecting information of each SU is automatically includes the location of PU and SU to
obtained after the unique sensing. SUi ’s sensing data is obtain approximately desirable subsequent likelihood.
represented by di , which is a categorical variable in Moreover large sample sizes, which, in the worst-case
general as in Eq. (3). scenario, could result in an impasse with infinite
sensing sampling, are utilized. A multi-factor trust
V = 0, X0 = 1, X1 (3) management system is proposed that includes several
where 0 and 1 denote the notion of PU spectrum status decision factors such as the background trust system,
nonexistence and presence, respectively. As a result of active element, motive factor, and integrity factor.
the data synthesis, FC’s ultimate conclusion is likewise However, evaluating these elements requires additional
binary. The AND, OR, and Majority rules are typical numerical simulation.
cooperative sensing methods in CSS. When all di = 1 , To minimize significant overload while still
FC uses the AND rule to make d = 1 . When one di = 1 , suppressing collusive SSDF attacks, we devise a
the OR rule relates to d = 1 . According to the Majority compact collusive SSDF intruder identification
criterion, a minimum of half of the secondary users technique based on lowering the computational
should provide 1 . difficulty of the trust mechanism. Because SU sensing
In NOMA communication, XOR is a common data may be regarded as a binary variable ( 0 or 1 ), they
Boolean logic operation that is used to provide parity can easily create two sorts of sensing outcomes: honest
bits for error checking and fault tolerance. Two input or false. The XOR length assessment design approach
bits are compared via XOR, which produces one output can be built on a random variable to prevent collusive
bit. The reasoning is clear. If the bits match, the SSDF threats. As a result of the rapid XOR operation
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 705

used on the 0 and 1 data acquired, the created Furthermore, because of deep masking and multi-path
approaches may be light, with collusive SSDF fading, δ may not be established as the maximum trust
intruders being detected as SU with the smallest XOR rate since honest secondary users may deliver wrong
duration and the highest importance. It may also make sensed data with a lower likelihood. The simulation
used of a fundamental trust processing method based technique is an excellent choice for determining the
on device values called Basic, in which each SU’s trust reasonable value of δ .
value is initialized by 2 factors: (1) the quantity of 3.2 Objective
honest detecting (hon) and (2) the rate of false
detecting (fal). This specification might be enhanced Increased network performance, reduced latency, great
by restricting the expansion of hon after discovering efficiency, and significant machine-to-machine
collusive SSDF operators. In reality, one of the most interactions are all features of 5G mobile
common designs for determining trust level using communication networks. In this regard, one of the
quantitative information is the Beta component (i.e., main research challenges for 5G is the creation of the
positive or negative). It looks at how many positive and multi-carrier waveform. To address the aforementioned
issue, some advanced work suggests OQAM/UFMC/
negative actions a user has been involved in and then
NOMA as an alternative to the OFDM waveform.
uses the beta probability density function to calculate
Indeed, some real-time communication techniques used
the amount of confidence as in Eq. (4).
in 4G networks made use of OFDM. Yet, it is unclear
B(a, b) = T (a + b)a − 1(1)b − 1(θ)Te(a)Te(b) (4) how it will be implemented in upcoming 5G networks.
where θ is the likelihood of performances, 0 ⩽ θ ⩽ 1 , This is because using OQAM/NOMA for more recent
a > 0 , b > 0 . Te(n) = (n − 1) when n is a number. 1(1) wireless communications is unfeasible due to the strict
represents the quality of honest detecting. requirements of 5G communications networks, which
For instance, the ith secondary user ( SUitr ), where may be extended to effective 5G communications
hon and fal denote the amount of honest (positive) and networks. To meet the requirements of upcoming
false (negative) perceiving followed by SUi , communications systems, MCW with more versatility
respectively. The initial assessment of SUitr ’s trust are urgently required. In terms of a low PAPR,
model is as in Eq. (5). synchronization, improved spectrum efficiency, and
throughput, the proposed OQAM/UFMC/NOMA
Thi = B(hon + 1, fal + 1) (5) satisfies 5G capabilities. The OQAM/UFMC/NOMA
Thi represents threshold which is equal to honest proposed in this study make use of frequency mobility
detection and false detection. As a result, the beta using the Energy Efficient All-Pass Filter (EEAPF) of
collecting anticipation rate is E[Beta(a, b)] = a/(a + b) . the input signal to the universal filtered multi-carriers
In this situation, Thi can be calculated further as in Eq. (UFMC) modes, as well as power-domain combining
(6). techniques like non-orthogonal multiple access
(NOMA). The equivalent probability density function
Thi = 1 + hon2 + hon1 + fal (6) is used to conduct a statistical study of the PAPR.
Let us call the trust value threshold δ . SUitr will be
recognized as an intruder if Thi is greater than or equal 4 Cognitive Radio Network Model for
to δ , and vice versa. δ should meet two conditions to Internet of Things 5G Wireless
ensure CSS efficiency: Communication
(1) As Thi[0, 1] , then δ should be a reasonable CR technology is anticipated to be used in IoT
number between 0 and 1; architecture with modules. As a result, consumers may
(2) The value of δ can be changed to prevent make use of any accessible spectrum. Primary users
fraudulent replies from being created by intruders have exclusive operating privileges in permitted
submitting fake sensed information. frequencies. The underutilized frequency range will be
In [0, 1] , δ definitely cannot be assigned to a limited used by 5G NOMA CRN communication networks to
quality. If this were done, hackers with a high trust improve bandwidth and address issues of spectrum
value would have more chances to provide fake sensed scarcity for the predicted billions of IoT-connected
information, leading to the most harmful replies. devices on the forefront of networks, the ability to
706 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

detect accessible frequencies and underutilized sending bits ( N ), and the sample rate of the ratings
spectrum, and finally by sensing the surrounding provided (fr) . As a result, T r = IB may be used to
spectrum surroundings. CR will decide if a specific describe the reporting time. The time frame may now
band is active or inactive at a specific time and place. be represented using Eq. (7).
Smart 5G architecture for IoT is homogeneous,
T = T s + IB + T tr (7)
enabling coverage for CR-enabled 5G communication
networks everywhere. It will be able to handle a large T I and T B represent the idle and busy multi-step
number of connected devices as well as a diverse process of PU, respectively. A Poisson distribution
application server. It can also achieve greater capacity regulates the movement of PU from occupied to idle
utilization, enhance network performance, minimize and vice-versa. The incidence of certain occurrences at
energy consumption, and show increased system a particular rate although entirely nonlinear similar to a
throughput since it can employ all non-contiguous Poisson distribution. It is known that PU has two states
spectrums. in the spectral range, i.e., busy or idle, but the order in
We assume that all SU are deployed separately and which these states appear is entirely arbitrary. As a
equally, with the same measurement of SNR of the result, the behaviour of PU’s state transition may be
sensing network in the primary signal’s transmission described as a Poisson distribution by looking at its
range. Due to its simple structure and lack of behaviour. As a result, T I and T B may both be
requirement for previous information on the source represented as exponential distributions.
signal and channel fading, an ED approach is assumed 4.1 QoS requirements for IoT systems
for spectrum sensing. Soft CSS is utilized in the CR
network, in which each SU collects a set number of Data rate, latency, and dependability are just a few of
samples and then sends the potential speed of the the QoS criteria for IoT applications. Furthermore,
gathered information to FC in numerous bits. The FC because of the widespread distribution of IoT sensing
then adds together all SU provided numbers and makes nodes, economics with environmental effects could be
a judgement by matching the total to a predetermined taken into account while designing IoT devices. To
threshold level. Another expectation is that all SU send guarantee QoS from beginning to end, an IoT
their data to FC in a NOMA way through the technology allocation technique for uplink and
development of processes. downlink resources is used. The required QoS for
Figure 3 depicts the proposed CR network’s various IoT services is provided by the CR network.
structural system, in which a period (time) for SU is The usage of high-bandwidth communication channels
separated into three sections based on the number of is the primary strategy for ensuring QoS. The reason
steps performed by SU. Sensing time ( T s ), reporting may be an increase in operating prices would raise the
time ( T r ), and transfer rate ( T tr ) are the three parts of a total charge of the IoT device and a rise in total
period. T = T s + T r + T t is used for calculating the consumption of energy is estimated as a large
duration of a period. The sending time is defined by the environmental concern because it is connected to
number of Secondary users (multiple), the amount of greenhouse emissions implicitly.
Let SC denote the IoT system’s collection of
classification services. The following QoS
characteristics apply to each class in SC: Data Rate
PU (DR), Latency (L), Reliability (RE), Economic Effect
(EC), and Environmental Impact (EI). It explores a
T restricted collection of service classes with quality of
service measurement parameter characteristics that are
SU (Ttr) shown in Table 1 to avoid losing generality and for
demonstration reasons. For illustrative reasons, these
characteristics are ranked from 0 to 3 in terms of
Sensing Reporting importance, with 0 being least important, 1 being
(Ts) (Tr)
important, 2 being most important, and 3 being
Fig. 3 Proposed CR network’s structural system. essential.
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 707

Table 1 Characteristics of OQAM/UFMC/NOMA. long-term network-level throughput in energy-

Parameter Characteristic constrained cooperative cognitive radio networks
FFT size 1024 (CCRN). For each SU to experience the same SNR of
Sub-band offset filter 156 the sensing channel in the primary signal’s coverage
Sub-band size 24 region, it is assumed that each SU is Independently and
Type of MAPF filter Dolph Chebyshev Identically Distributed (IID). Due to its straightforward
Filter length 64 implementation and lack of requirement for prior
Modulation 4, 16, 64, and 256 OQAM knowledge of source signal and channel fading, an ED
Sub-carrier mapping Localization technique is assumed for spectrum sensing.
Bits per subcarrier 1, 2, 4, 8 During the sensing phase, each SU gathers S
Frequency 16 MHz observations from the channel and communicates the
Bandwidth of AWGN channel 24 MHz energy value of those observations to the FC in the
form of a quantized representation of N . When the FC
4.2 Practical considerations receives the quantized energy value from all SU, it
For numerous reasons, such as temporal integrates them and analyzes them to a predefined
synchronization between transmitting and receiving, threshold level ( λ ) to conclude. Employing the
the frame length in most linear applications must be conditional probability theorem to several samples and
set. As a result, the duration of a temporal frame T is users yields the Detection Probability (DP) and false
considered to be fixed throughout this work. However, alarm probability FA (PFA) given in Eqs. (8) and (9).
 λ 2
depending on the number of samples obtained by an 
Q σ − 1;

PFA = 
 (8)
SU and the number of SU in CSS, the sensing or 0, σ2
reporting length within a given time frame may be
varied. The longer the detection period, the more DP = Pr(Energy > λ|H1 |) = Q, λ − γ − 1 × MS (9)
samples are gathered for detection. Likewise, the where MS represents the time in milliseconds. γ is
greater the reporting time will be, the more SU that SNR and Q is Q-function. Due to performance
engage in CSS and/or the bigger the number of packets constraints, a specific degree of detection probability is
used for transmission. It is worth noting that greater frequently required in actual systems. When given a
detecting and sending times result in lower data target detection probability, the detection threshold
transmission which contributes to a lower spectrum may be determined using Eq. (10).
utilization likelihood. As a result, there is an intriguing
trade-off to be made between the number of SU and λt = σ2 λ + r2 λ + 1(Q − 1) × (DP) (10)
sending bits versus spectrum usage. It is worth noting The likelihood of a false alarm may be recast as a
that there is a chance that SU will use the idle proportion of objective detection probability by
frequency band during the communication slot of a substituting Eq. (10) into Eq. (8).
particular time frame before PU reappears in that √ √
PFA = Q 2 × γ + C(Q − 1)(DP) + γ × MS (11)
spectrum band. For SU, spectrum efficiency is
primarily determined by the accuracy with which the PFA computed at FC falls as the number of SU
removal of the primary signal is detected and the increases in soft CSS. PFA is affected by the number N
duration of data transmission. The greater the correct utilized in data sending to FC. PFA decreases as N
detection likelihood and the greater the transmit grows because as the quantity of reporting bits
duration, the more spectrum is predicted to be used. improves, so does the number of quantization levels
( 2N ), which aids in achieving low PFA. As a result,
4.3 Optimal utilization of cooperative spectrum having a low PFA increases the probability of accurate
sensing detection ( Pcor ) of primary users’ signals, allowing SU
While the ideal number of SU is predetermined, the to better use unused spectrum bands. Communication
optimal number of bits for reporting can still be of SU is deemed successful if it occurs during the PU
achieved. A resource allocation plan that takes into idle time, which needs the PU idle time to be longer
account the user variety of SU in channel state, traffic than SU data transmission, in other words, there is no
load, and energy amount is proposed to maximize the PU appearance in the spectral during SU data
708 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

transmission ( T r ). This prevents secondary users from Transmit Sequence (PTS) to lower the PAPR to get rid
interfering with the principal user. of this problem. To reduce the strong PAPR effects,
Forming a network of cognitive radio users, choosing these methods include changing the broadcast signal in
appropriate sensing methods, designing an effective the time or frequency domain. By utilizing these
cooperative protocol, ensuring synchronization, strategies for PAPR reduction, we make sure that the
allocating channels for sensing, developing effective transmission in our CRN employing NOMA maintains
data fusion algorithms, making precise decisions for a low PAPR, preventing bit-error rate deterioration and
spectrum access, incorporating a feedback mechanism, improving system performance as a whole.
continuously adjusting and optimizing the system, and In 5G, UFMC is a new QAM-type multicarrier
regularly evaluating its performance are all necessary modulation that may be used instead of NOMA and
to achieve the best possible utilization of cooperative FBMC waveforms. In contrast to FBMC, which uses
spectrum sensing. These procedures facilitate self-subcarrier modulation, UFMC uses a group of
cooperation, precise sensing, trustworthy decision- subcarrier modulation. When compared to FBMC,
making, and adaptive optimization, which leads to subcarrier grouping reduces the length of the filter
effective spectrum utilization and enhanced overall while also reducing the performance time. UFMC may
performance of the cooperative spectrum sensing be thought of as a generalized variant of the NOMA,
starting with the standard OFDM system.
4.4 Cognitive radio network using OQAM/UFMC/ The following are some ways that NOMA-UFMC is
NOMA for Internet of Things used to improve CSS. First, NOMA-UFMC uses
One of the primary challenges faced by UFMC cutting-edge multi-user interference cancellation
developers is the large level of PAPR. Furthermore, techniques to allow numerous users to share the same
recent research may be combined the metric with the frequency and temporal resources. As a result, the
PAPR to demonstrate the signal’s energy back-off spectrum can be used more effectively and with better
impact, in which the PAPR measure detects the highest spectral efficiency. Additionally, because it makes use
peak while the quadratic metric detects the Out of Band of filter banks that can reduce inter-symbol
leakage and In-Band deformation[29, 30]. The majority interference, NOMA-UFMC offers robustness against
of existing methods, such as intensity clipping, tone fading channels. Cooperative users can execute
reserve, and active constellations expansion, reduce simultaneous sensing and communication by
PAPR while lowering the bit error rate[31, 32]. Selected integrating NOMA-UFMC into CSS, which improves
shifting is a promising approach that has lately been CSS in cognitive radio networks by boosting overall
utilized to tackle the PAPR and CM issues without spectrum sensing performance and enhancing sensing
degrading the Bit Error Rate (BER). The EEAPF is accuracy.
used in conjunction with UFMC to minimize PAPR Let NOMA be written as in Eq. (12).
while maintaining BER in 5G networks. Because of the ∑

consistency of sub-carriers in the spatial domain, X(e ) =
X[n]e−jnΩ (12)
multicarrier transmission schemes have a high PAPR. n=−∞
High PAPR causes the power amplifier to enter the where
nonlinearity zone, resulting in out-of-band emission, IB
distortions, and lengthy word length. The digital-to- Ω= = ωT.
analogue converter’s large word length is a critical
issue that drastically decreases battery life. To Here, X set is created using OQAM modelling, where
eliminate the PAPR in the waveform, many methods X is the NOMA transmissions that indicate an Inverse
are offered. The EEAPF technique is used to eliminate Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) of standard size NFFT ,
PAPR. k is denoted as time index, and n is the wavelength
The problem of a high PAPR, which frequently guide, respectively. Completely identical independent
occurs in multicarrier systems, is addressed in our distribution makes up the X set. Equation (12) has a
suggested methodology for CRN using NOMA. We constructively or destructively compounding. As a
use methods like Selected Mapping (SLM) or Partial result of information coherence aggregation, there will
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 709

be a big peak relative to the average, which is known smaller (on the choice of cyclic prefix period of usual
as PAPR. The NOMA (cyclic-prefix free) used in LTE CP-NOMA, allowing the system to support Transmits
may be created by applying the filter over the whole Short Messages) as the bandwidth filter length is long.
band, as shown in Eq. (12). The NOMA is obtained by Furthermore, unlike the FBMC signal architecture,
using the filter in Eq. (13). side-lobe removal occurs at the endpoints of the sub-
bands rather than between the subcarriers. The time-
y = U ×V (13)
domain stepping up/down provides more barriers
where NFFT can be written as the number of
against the occurrence of Inter-Symbol Interference
transmission subcarriers at the transmitter end and U is
(ISI) that could be eliminated by CP. The FBMC
the IFFT vector of size N . As a result, Eq. (14) is
( ) characteristics are dissimilar from the UFMC that
1 maintains complex orthogonality, allowing the UFMC
X(ejnΩ ) = Xa (jnwT ), −π < Ω = ωT < π (14)
t to effectively communicate the MIMO method for
where n is in the range of [0, NFFT − 1] . The UFMC multiple users. The UFMC, on the other hand, is more
scheme may be specified as an equation if the full band productive than NOMA in terms of spectrum build
is segmented into R sub-bands as in Formula (15). since it lacks a cyclic prefix. The procedure begins at

R zero paddings on the receiving end to produce a two-
y G r × U r × Vr (15) fold up-sampling. After that, UFMC may achieve
i=1 OQAM de-mapping to gather the received data by
where G is the Toeplitz vector NOMA transmission at performing the 2N-DFT and choosing every other
the end of the transmitter of the Finite Impulse subcarrier, which is down-sampling, as illustrated in
Response (FIR) filter, which achieves the direct Fig. 4.
alteration across the band of N. The final windowed
4.5 Accurate data gathering for IoT CRN 5G
data sequence is
wireless communication
{. . . , 0, y[0], y[1], . . . , y[NFFT − 1], 0, . . .} (16)
There are three types of IoT data gathering:
Using the finite sequence as given below, (1) Equipment data. This type of data pertains to
{y[0], y[1], . . . , y[NFFT − 1]} (17) the state of IoT devices. Equipment data is collected in
real-time to allow predictive maintenance tasks.
denoted by
Predictive Maintenance does not have to be the sole
{y[NFFT]}, N − 1 (18) realm of Data Scientists. Check out this video to
The OQAM signal elements of Vr are first translated discover how to apply machine learning for PdM. In
to the spatial domain using the relevant entry of the buildings where several tenants utilize utilities like
IDFT vector Ur , which correlates to the given sub- water, electricity, gas, or cable, submeter data can be
band r inside the frequency spectrum, in Formula (15). gathered. Digital measuring equipment minimizes
Gr is the sub-band filter that corresponds. The whole measurement costs, mistakes, and billing timeliness.
UFMC system is obtained from Formula (15). To (2) Environment information. Environmental data
accomplish two times up-sampling, the procedure starts may be measured and monitored by IoT devices. These
with zero padding at the receiver end. The carrier data streams are used to track physical labour
frequencies (down-sampling) of a junction are then conditions to minimize disasters such as flooding and
picked using the 2N-DFT until the OQAM de-mapping air toxicity. As a result, it saves the system a significant
is used to gather the collected signal. amount of energy while increasing machine
The architecture of OQAM/UFMC/NOMA is shown productivity and lifetime. To make equipment data
in Fig. 4 and shows how the filtering process uses a more helpful, it should be consolidated and accessible
block-wise variant of Physical Resource Block (PRB) to line employees, tactical management, and senior
to increase the architecture’s adaptability. The filter executives.
length, P >> 1 , and X all include one OQAM signal, (3) Submeter information. Submetering enables
therefore they play an important part in the system’s property owners to automate the measurement of
construction. The spatial domain characteristics may be individual utility use in multi-user environments.
710 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

User 1 User K Sink User 1 Sink User K

Encoding and mapping Encoding and mapping


LDS spreader S1 LDS spreader SK






Radio channel Radio channel Remove GI

LDS Low density signature for NOMA

GI Guard (bit) interval
MAPF Multiple all pass filter
FEC Forward error correction
AWG Additive white gaussian noise

Fig. 4 Proposed architecture diagram of OQAM/UFMC/NOMA for IoT.

A novel architecture could be established to improve consideration the needs of the sensors’ operations,
the underlying part of a WSN CRN with CR centralized, group, and decentralized radio resource
functionality for accurate sensors’ energy monitoring, management methods are three types of radio resource
energy-consuming stream hand-off removal, an management techniques. In the centralized system, all
effective energy brokerage and service quality of the sensors communicate directly with the base
availability of data transfer rate to the sensing device station or sink node, allowing for higher data
application areas through CRN network. The large transmission and locally optimal responses. This
WSN is grouped into regions for energy consumption, approach becomes inconsistent with disruption
with each group connected to a surface central procedures as the data collection period increases.
processor. For optimal spectrum usage, the protocol When the mobile network grows, a group strategy is
contains an optimal recurrent learning method, which chosen since it allows for more mobility and
enables data collection from devices while community resource distributions, which means that
simultaneously addressing environmental concerns. detecting updates does not have to be transmitted to the
WSN predicts PU traffic and adapts to spectrum and central and connectivity capacity does not have to be
intervening situations on a per-flow basis to prevent divided among all of the network’s devices. Signalling
clashing with licensed users. is decreased as the number of sensor nodes in the group
The proposed methodology focuses on long-term decreases, and the sensors may transmit at lower
alternatives for sensor nodes to gather sensor data power.
while using CRN capabilities and taking into The dispersed method does not give the most cost-
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 711

effective capacity planning. A CRN WSN is made up The Cluster Head (CH), which implements the
of clusters of devices. The CRN feature offers plug- control plane in CRN WSN, sends communication to
and-play compatibility for a variety of network-based the sink node through secure channels. The CRN WSN
applications. This is accomplished through the directly is regarded as large enough to justify its split into
attributed plane, which allows for a wide range of data clusters. The clusters are arranged locally, reducing the
transmission rules, and the application layer, which amount of power required since broadcasting to the CH
combines higher activities from access points (sensor uses fewer resources than transmitting immediately to
network) and provides operations with a global view of the sink node, increasing the cluster’s lifetime and
the network elements. Flows are the appropriate allowing spectrum recycling. Intra-cluster information
software data flow through the CRN framework. is transmitted over a communication link that is chosen
Improvements to the CRN lower layers features, so that the control channels of nearby clusters do not
namely medium connectivity, are recommended so that conflict. Sensor nodes, also known as cluster heads or
aspects such as sustainability and QoS configuration core networks, are useful for interacting between
management in terms of data frequency flow, as well adjacent clusters. The CH calculates the SNR of its
as effective energy brokering with dynamic channel streams, and if the SNR falls below a specific level, the
access assessment tasks to avoid channel access network is removed from the list of CR
threats, are possible. communications aspiring to be streams. For the CH to
The Cluster Head (CH), which supports the network select the best available channel as the control channel,
devices that are fully accountable for information- it employs an optimum supervised learning scheme to
related functions, is a node that enables the data plane learn about PU traffic and identify the greatest
in each group. An inter-domain link connects the CH to distribution possibilities, i.e., those that are not
the other CHs and the sink. The cluster’s traffic is disrupted by PU arrival. By providing their SNR
finally routed to the SN, which link to the computing values, the sensors help this process. Even though the
main controller. cluster is tiny and the SNR circumstances inside it tend
Clustering has increased energy efficiency through to be similar, there may be outliers, and the sensors can
the selection of cluster heads, but its implementation is transmit their SNR state to the CH. CH is chosen from
still challenging. The sites where cluster heads are many other strong sink nodes and is in charge of
desired are initially explored via the existing cluster- cluster maintenance as well as cluster security. The CH
head selection methods. The cluster heads are then also gathers the sensors’ data rate needs for their
chosen from the nodes that are most nearby these streams and sends them to the sink for improvement.
points. Seven phases make up the energy efficiency Because the CH are unable to perform high research
exploration: initialization, local leader, global leader, techniques, those jobs are sent to the SN and the cloud.
local leader learning, global leader learning, local The cluster accepts the flow data rates after obtaining
leader decision, and global leader decision phases. In the optimization findings, and the sensors change their
contrast to a typical method, an exploration sample- transmitting power and data rate appropriately.
based method updates the exploration samples and Communication between SU and PU is shown in Fig. 5.
location at the same time. The algorithm is developed for sensor node activities
The most prevalent issues encountered are network concerning CH.
holes and isolated nodes. In a multihop environment, Algorithm 1 involves initializing variables and
the CH near the base station consumes energy more parameters related to data transmission, signal-to-noise
quickly than the nodes far from the base station due to ratio, modulation type, waveform type, and latency.
the network hole problem, also known as the hot-spot The algorithm then loops through iterations to estimate
problem, where the majority of data is transferred to the delay, estimate the spectrum at the primary user,
the CH near the base station for aggregation and data and transmit the data. The sleep state is entered at the
transfer to the base station. The isolated node problem, end of each iteration.
on the other hand, occurs when nodes do not join any Algorithm 2 involves generating random input data
cluster and do not have a way to convey data to the and transforming it using OQPSK modulation. The
base station. algorithm also calculates the SNR and best Eb/No
712 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

Algorithm 2 Start mobility of data at cluster head

1: Begin
2: Bits = 1 × 104
Secondary 3: Input = rand(1, Bits) > 0.5
4: Ortho = 2 × Input − 1
transmitter 5: Distance = 1∶20
Main beam of SU 6: Energy = 25
Main beam of PU
7: SNRindB = Energy + 10 × log10(Subcarrier) +
10 × log10(64/80)
8: Best Eb/No in decibels
Primary 9: 00000000[Datasize] is sent to the main processor
transmitter 10: for j = 1, j_h, j + + do
11: if T j > d then
12: Primary device’s 00000000[Datasize].
13: N/W layer receives data
Fig. 5 Communication between SU and PU. 14: U1 = fargmin(Wi )g[U1 ]
15: U2 = fargmax(Wi )g[U2 ]
Algorithm 1 Start mobility of data at sensor node 16: end if
1: Begin 17: end for
2: Data = 1 × 106 bits 18: End
3: eps = 1 × 10−4
4: Datasize = 10 000; spectrum and initiates supervised learning
and processing of data in a CRN context, with a focus
on spectrum estimation and classification, channel
5: SNR = 0∶2∶40
estimation, and signal processing techniques. The main
6: SNRindB=10(SNR/10)
phase data receiver CRN OQAM WSN is derived from
7: Modulation_Type = OQAM
Algorithm 3. The count of the samples is supplied as
8: 5GW = UFMC
N = 1 × 106 with the input values with the transmitter
9: Initialize Di = D j = AE
data, the Eb/No is initialized to [0∶25], the transmitter
10: for k = 1, k_n, k + + do
and receiver have 2 channels, and the error is equal to
11: for Iteration = 1 : end
WSN CRN SNR; the initialization of scaling parameter
12: Power = eps×SNRindB(Iteration) S , f , Q , with N subcarrier, and T − Th segmentation.
13: Hmatrix = Latency minimize For the jth subcarrier signal, the spectrum estimate is
14: q←0 performed. The calculated signal is normalized. The jth
15: eps ← 1 × 10−6 segment is considered if the normalized signal is bigger
16: i←0 than the segmented signal. CRN with spectral
17: Convergence ← false efficiency fresh data and CSS yields the highest
18: Estimate delay using XOR vector throughput. Furthermore, n values are used to calculate
19: Estimate spectrum at PU and convey the data the number of users.
20: Go into a sleep state
4.6 Experimental setup
21: end for
22: end for The MATLAB 2022 is used for research and
23: End development. The following is a full list of the
probabilities utilized in the research and the
values for the transmitted signal. The algorithm then experimental environment. These will also be utilized
loops through iterations to transmit the 00000000 to obtain a simulation model, which will validate that
message to the primary device, receive data at the the practical application is correct:
network layer, and select U1 and U2 based on (1) PPS is denoted as the probability of successful
minimum and maximum functions. transmission among the primary user transmitter and
Algorithm 3 is concerned with the efficient reception secondary user transmitter.
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 713

Algorithm 3 Main phase data receiver CRN OQAM WSN PUTx and PURx immediately. For cooperate cognitive
1: Begin transmission, this is the optimal circumstance. In other
2: N = 1 × 106 words, the possibilities are set to values that will
3: Eb/No = [0∶25] simulate the channel condition, and they are set to
4: nTx = 2 values that will replicate a better channel circumstance
5: nRx = 2 between PUTx, and SUTx, SUTx, and PURx than PUTx
6: WSN_CRN_SNR = Error/N and PURx. As a result, PPS = 0.95 , PSD = 0.95 , and
7: CRN_SNR = 0.5 × erfc(sqrt(10(Eb/No/10) )) PPD = 0.70 are considered.
8: Eb/No = 10(Eb/No/10)
5 Result and Discussion
9: Sensor spectrum ensemble classification
10: Initialize S, f, Q, nsub, Thseg; In this section, the test results of the proposed
11: Spectrum estimation methodology are presented and discussed. Our
12: for ( j − nsub ) do experimental analysis performs simulations to validate
13: Compute Y jnorm the performance of the proposed methodology and
14: if (Y jnorm > Thseg ) discusses the results. The experimental parameters are
15: Consider jth as segment1 listed in Table 1. Table 1 details the many
16: then count ++; characteristics employed in calculations and analyses.
17: end if FFT size is 512 , with 10 sub-bands and 20 sub-carriers,
18: total_segment = nsub + count + 1 as shown in Table 1. One of the most significant
19: Starts sending the updated 00000000[Datasize] factors to assess system performance is Cubic-Metric
20: Primary processor if the 00000000[Datasize] (CM) or PAPR evaluation. PAPR analysis was chosen
21: Maximum throughput over CM analysis because it is frequently used in
22: Spectral efficiency new data 00000000[Datasize] and CSS research to examine multicarrier signals.
23: end for At the transmitter, complex signals are produced
24: for ( j − total_data) do using OQAM for WSN communication systems. The
25: number_users = n additional DC bias, however, cannot completely
26: SUi j = SUi j1 , SUi j2 , SUi jn ; prevent zero clipping when taking into account the
27: end for peak power restriction. In the meanwhile, the DC
28: for (r − n) do addition may result in peak power clipping distortion.
29: Classify signal as low SNR or high SNR; If (SNR==low) The DC bias needs to be eliminated at the receiver
30: MFD is used; before the M-QAM data can be retrieved and
31: Compute EST2; demodulated in WSN.
32: end for Table 2 summarizes the CCDF analysis of the PAPR
33: End evaluation using 4 OQAM, 16 OQAM, 64 OQAM, and
256 OQAM, correspondingly, at a clip rate of 1 × 10−3 .
(2) PSD is denoted as the probability of successful Table 2 shows that raising the magnitude in MPAF,
transmission among the secondary user transmitter and which is a power allocation factor, causes the PAPR of
primary user receiver. the UFMC signal to drop, at the revalued amount of the
(3) PPD is denoted as the probability of successful system’s functionality. The performance of current
transmission among the primary user transmitter and wireless communication is significantly improved by
primary user receiver. NOMA-UFMC and cooperative SS based on
modulation. One of the techniques that are better suited
4.7 Assumptions
for deployment in 5G communication systems is
Suppose that PPS and PSD are larger than PPD to NOMA-UFMC. NOMA-UFMC works on system
optimize the results of cooperation cognitive modulation to establish user orthogonality. It is a really
transmitting. This means that the communication simple solution that not only makes the system more
channel between PUTx and PURx through SU is efficient overall but also makes it simpler. Real and
comparably larger than the data transmission among distant users are modified separately on the
714 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

Table 2 OQAM comparison for multi-carrier waveform generation.

Multi-carrier waveform 4 OQAM 16 OQAM 64 OQAM 256 OQAM
OQAM/UFMC/NOMA 12 12 12 12
UFMC/NOMA 7.4 7.5 8 8.5
UFMC 7.2 7.3 7.8 7.9
OQAM/OFDM 7.1 7.2 7.4 7.6

constellation of the modulation in NOMA-UFMC by

the BS. Near users are modulated on the real
component of the OQAM constellation, and far users 19 9

Number of cooperative sensing nodes

are modulated on the imaginary components. In terms 22
16 4
17 8 10
of a smaller number of SICs, NOMA-UFMC lowers
the symbol error rate, inter-cell and inter-cluster
21 7 2
interference, latency, and computational complexity. 6

The PAPR decrease is also influenced by the variation 24 1

size. When relative to the NOMA-UFMC pattern, the
20 14
influence of incorporating diverse QAMs is more 15 18

evident on the GCL pre-coded UFMC waveform and 3 23

MPAF channel estimation UFMC waveform with
V = 2, 4, 16 , respectively. With higher cognitive
Frequency (Hz)
modulations, PAPR performance decreases. As a
result, the modulating size should be carefully chosen Fig. 6 Simulation of CRN for 5G wireless communication
for 5G wireless IoT. IoT.
The proposed approach offers a fresh method for
For maximum synchronization, appropriate beam-
lowering the PAPR through filtering. The findings
forming between antennas is used. For computing
revealed a notable decline in PAPR with an average
maximal norms and vector projections, a channel
drop of 32.8% , without impairing BER performance.
matrix was created. The technique is continued until
The suggested method takes significantly more
computing power than the prior methods, according to the smallest associated antenna is found. Even though
the computation complexity study. This is mostly due the system’s computing complexity has been reduced,
to the simultaneous execution of IFFTs, phase it still fails to improve performance.
searching, and candidate selection at both the real and Figure 8 shows CRN’s reliable limited cooperative
imaginary sections. Also, the suggested method’s BER spectrum. Soft Choice Scheme, in which the CRN
performance with the effect added demonstrates collects and combines the test statistics generated at the
improvement with a 25% decrease in the BER with 256 SU to compare a final test statistic to a limit and
OQAM. 35
Figure 6 shows a simulation of CRN for 5G wireless
communication using OQAM/UFMC/NOMA. In both
the absence and presence of the primary user, a CR
network is proposed to allow a secondary network 20

comprising SU who want to access the 5G spectrum. In 15

particular, SU can use the OQAM/UFMC/NOMA
method to connect with two destinations, which can
significantly increase spectrum usage when compared 5
to the NOMA schemes for 5G wireless IoT. The 0
colours of the lines in both Figs. 7 and 8 represent an −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Frequency (MHz)
interactive display of the different subcarriers to show
the difference between them. Figure 7 shows CRN Fig. 7 CRN synchronization for reliable cooperative
synchronization for a reliable cooperative spectrum. spectrum (RCS) IoT.
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 715

determine a primary channel selection. This section Figure 10 shows capacity maximization for different
displays the performance improvement as a function of modulation schemes for CRN 5G wireless
the reliability factor. In Fig. 8, the BER of channels is communication. The simulation system is set up to
changed, and the normalized average reliability values check the effectiveness of the classification approach in
of control channels selected using current methods and terms of energy consumption, interference produced by
the soft choice scheme are presented. The reliability the secondary system to the PU linkages system, and
factor is weighted in the utility function to ensure the its user capacity. Between the transceivers, two pairs of
selection of highly reliable channels with a low error PU connections with a distance of 10 m are formed.
rate. According to the reliability study, the soft choice Each node in the CRN system is expected to have
scheme picks the channel with the lowest BER synchronization antennae. When the SNR increases,
readings and offers an improved environment amid the capacity in Mbps also increases. The latency is
noisy settings. Figure 9 shows the relationship between reduced due to an increase in capacity. If the SNR in
SNR and PD for 5G wireless communication for 5G dB is increased, the capacity in Mbps is also increased.
wireless IoT. When the average SNR of sensing node 1 The SNR and capacity are linear and propositional to
changes from −20 dB to −10 dB and that of sensing each other. The latency ID is highly reduced due to an
node 2 is set at −15 dB, the detection performance for increase in the capacity and SNR. The capacity of the
a single and two data aggregation scenarios is proposed methodology is higher than other
compared. For the equal thresholds scenario, it can be methodologies. The proposed methodology has high
seen that the average SNR’s effective range is rather SNR in dB as it reached 37 Mbps. The other
limited for 5G wireless IoT. methodologies’ capacities are reduced considerably.
35 Figure 11 shows CRN 5G Link quality Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. In two different
circumstances, the suggested approach is compared to
energy detection: AWGN channel and Rayleigh
20 channel. The algorithms’ performance is measured

15 using ROC curves, the PFA, and the PD over a range

of SNR values.
The latency of CRN NOMA for 5G wireless
5 communication is highly reduced as shown in Fig. 12.
0 The OQAM/UFMC/NOMA reached 0.01 latency error
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
and it reached 40 dB SNR, thus the variation of error
Frequency (MHz)
varies from 0.01 to 0 for obtaining 40 dB. Other
Fig. 8 CRN reliable limited cooperative spectrum (RLCS) methodologies take high latency errors to reach 40 dB.
for 5G wireless communication IoT. The UFMC/NOMA has reached a higher error of 0.04
Capacity (latancy reduction) (Mbps/Hz)

1.00 40
0.99 35 UFMC
Probability of detection

0.95 PF=0
0.94 PF=0.15 5
14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
SNR (dB) SNR (dB)

Fig. 9 Relationship between SNR and PD for 5G wireless Fig. 10 Capacity maximization for different modulation
communication IoT. schemes for CRN 5G wireless communication.
716 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

100 100

PAPR probability of reduction

70 10−1
Link quality

50 10−2
20 UFMC/NOMA 10−3
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10−4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Network distance (m) PAPR Eb/No (dB)

Fig. 11 CRN 5G Link quality ROC curve. Fig. 13 PAPR reduction using EEAPF for CRN IoT 5G
wireless communication.
for SNR in 40 dB. The UFMC has reached a higher
error of 0.05 for SNR in 40 dB. The OQAM/OFDM PAPR and reached high SNR in 30 dB. The UFMC has
has reached the highest error of 0.08 for SNR in 40 dB. achieved a low PAPR and reached high SNR in 25 dB.
For CRN, Fig. 12 depicts the estimated one-hop The UFMC/NOMA has achieved low PAPR and
latency minimization of various SU nodes. CRN has reached high SNR in 22 dB. The OQAM/OFDM has
the shortest transmission delay when compared to the achieved low PAPR and reached high SNR in 18 dB.
other techniques for proving latency minimization. As Figure 14 shows Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO)
a result, the proposed method provides reduced synchronization error minimization for CRN 5G IoT.
transmission delay and near-optimal power usage for Because of its homogenous distribution features, high
each SU node in the network. Figure 13 shows PAPR spectral efficiency, and low carrier frequency offset,
reduction using EEAPF for CRN 5G wireless OQAM is frequently employed in 5G communication.
communication IoT. For N = 64 and N = 256, the Figure 15 shows Symbol Error Rate (SER)
proposed technique is used. With 10.7 dB and 11.3 dB minimization for M-OQAM/UFMC/NOMA. The
at a probability of 1×10−3, correspondingly, the PAPR various OQAM M-array modulation techniques are
of the pure OQAM/UFMC/NOMA signal is the applied to minimize SER to improve the CSS of
greatest. The EEAPF for CRN 5G is proposed for OQAM/UFMC/NOMA. The OQAM/UFMC/NOMA
minimization PAPR for OQAM/UFMC/NOMA. IFFT obtained minimized error of 0.04 and high SNR of
are used by the EFFAPF filter to create several 35 dB. The UFMC/NOMA obtained a high CFO
waveform candidates. The waveform candidate with mismatch error of 0.08 and reaches high SNR in 35 dB.
the lowest PAPR is chosen to transmit the OFDM The UFMC has reached a high CFO mismatch error of
symbol. The OQAM/UFMC/NOMA has achieved low 0.12 and reached high SNR in 35 dB. The
0.08 OQAM/OFDM obtained a high CFO mismatch error of
OQAM/OFDM 0.13 and reaches high SNR in 35 dB.
0.07 UFMC
UFMC/NOMA Figure 16 shows throughput maximization. The
Latency minimization

OQAM/UFMC/NOMA proposed OQAM/UFMC/NOMA methodology

provides better throughput when compared to other
0.04 methodologies. The OQAM/UFMC/NOMA reaches
0.03 around 98% of throughput in the performance. The
0.02 other UFMC/NOMA, UFMC and OQAM/OFDM are
0.01 lesser performance than OQAM/UFMC/NOMA. The
improved SNR minimized BER, minimized PAPR,
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 minimized CFO and minimized latency is used to
SNR (dB)
provide better throughput maximization as shown in
Fig. 12 Latency minimization for CRN IoT 5G wireless the graph. To maximize the throughput of NOMA-
communication. based 5G networks, the study gives a thorough review
Thulasiraman Balachander et al.: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Deployment for Cognitive Radio Networks for... 717

0.14 considerations. Moreover, the article compares existing

0.12 UFMC/NOMA water-filling algorithms to the improved methods in
UFMC terms of throughput performance, time efficiency, and
computational complexity. Finally, the channel state is

a crucial signal for power allocation. Methods for

0.06 improving network performance may include
0.04 increasing the number of multiplexed users on the
same subcarrier.
The performance of the system is significantly
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 impacted by the proposed methodology’s mitigation of
SNR (dB) CFO synchronization error. A CFO synchronization
issue can result in frequency misalignment between the
Fig. 14 CFO synchronization Error minimization for CRN
transmitting and receiving nodes, which can impair
IoT 5G.
system performance and cause Inter-Carrier
Interference (ICI). The suggested methodology enables
precise frequency alignment, lowering ICI, and
10−1 enhancing signal quality by minimizing CFO
synchronization error. As a result, BER are reduced
Symbol error rate

10−2 and detection accuracy is improved. Furthermore,

reduced CFO synchronization error enables improved
10−3 spectrum utilization, boosting spectral efficiency and
total system capacity. By reducing the effects of CFO
10−4 16 QQAM
64 QQAM synchronization problems, the suggested methodology
256 QQAM benefits from increased system dependability and
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 performance.
Es/No (dB)
6 Conclusion
This research offers a multi-carrier waveform for
100 cognitive radio networks in 5G wireless
communication. To evaluate the PAPR performance of
the proposed waveform, simulations were run in
Throughput (%)

MATLAB. In this study, the EEAPF is used to increase

85 the PAPR gain utilizing the OQAM/UFMC/NOMA
80 technique. The results of the computer simulations
demonstrate that the suggested waveform produces
OQAM/UFMC/NOMA superior PAPR results than conventional NOMA-
70 UFMC signals, i.e., at a clip rate of 1×10−3, the
OQAM/OFDM suggested waveform produces about 4 dB of PAPR
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
gain when compared to standard NOMA-UFMC
Number of sensor nodes
waveform employing OQAM. It is worth noting that
Fig. 16 Throughput maximization. the proposed methodology has a somewhat high level
of design complexity. However, the suggested
of the throughput performance in power allocation waveform’s complexity can be reduced by employing
systems. It describes the principle of the NOMA-based smaller FFTs and lowering the number of sub-bands.
system and offers an example of throughput The suggested waveform has a substantial advantage
computation. The paper also addresses the power over existing waveforms in terms of capacity and
allocation issue formulation in terms of the algorithms PAPR reduction. In compared to existing waveforms,
used, goal functions, restrictions, problem limits, and the suggested waveform has a large capacity. Optimal
718 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

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Thulasiraman Balachander received the Kadiyala Ramana is currently working as

bachelor degree in information technology an associate professor and a head of
from Madurai Kamraj University, India in Department of Artificial Intelligence and
2003, and the MS degree in advanced Data Science, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute
computing from SASTRA University, of Technology (Autonomous), India.
India in 2006. He received the PhD degree During 2007−2021, he was an assistant
in computer science and engineering from professor in Department of Information
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Technology at Annamacharya Institute of
India in 2022. He is currently working as an assistant professor Technology and Sciences (Autonomous), India. He received the
in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India. He has bachelor degree in information technology in 2007 from
published research publications in various reputed national & Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India, and the MS
international journals and conferences. His research areas degree in information technology in 2011 from Sathyabhama
include cognitive radio networks, 5G, block chain technology, University, India. He received the PhD degree in philosophy in
Internet of Things (IoT), Malware analysis, and Cyber security. November 2019 from SRM University, India. His research areas
are distributed systems, parallel and distributed systems,
Gautam Srivastava received the MS and software defined networking, cluster computing, and web
PhD degrees in computer science from technologies. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed
University of Victoria, Canada in 2006 and international journals and also attended various international
2012, respectively. He is a professor of conferences. He is a reviewer of several international journals
computer science at Brandon University, and program committee member of various international
Canada. In his 10-year academic career, he conferences. He is a life time member of IAENG, IE(I), ISTE,
has published 400 papers in high-impact and IACSIT.
conferences in many countries and high-
status journals. He is an editor of several international scientific
research journals, including IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social
Systems, and IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
720 Tsinghua Science and Technology, June 2024, 29(3): 698−720

Thippa Reddy Gadekallu currently Rasineni Madana Mohana is a senior

works as an associate professor at School member of IEEE and works as a professor
of Information Technology and in Department of Artificial Intelligence &
Engineering, Vellore Institute of Data Science at Chaitanya Bharathi
Technology, India. He obtained the Institute of Technology, India, and he is
bachelor degree in computer science and also an adjunct lecturer at Botho
engineering from Nagarjuna University, University, India. He has more than 19
India in 2003, the MS degree in computer years of extensive experience in research
science and engineering from Anna University, India in 2011, and teaching. His research areas are artificial intelligence,
and the PhD degree from Vellore Institute of Technology, India machine learning, data science, big data analytics, formal
in 2017. He has more than 14 years of experience in teaching. languages & automata theory, compiler design, database
He has more than 150 international/national publications in management systems, and data mining.
reputed journals and conferences. Currently, his research areas
include machine learning, Internet of Things, deep neural
networks, blockchain, and computer vision.

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