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Dosen pengampu:
Prof. DR. Shofia, S.E., M.Si.

Disusun oleh:

NIM :P2C223040
KELAS : R-004

Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
Beykent University
School of Vocational Banking and Insurance Program
E-mail: [email protected]
Time is a priceless source. Time is passing by and never comes back. However, we have so many
things we dream to do and so many things that we have to do. Because of the competitive
conditions in business life nowadays forcing people and businesses to do so many things
simultaneously, the importance of right decision making for the right jobs with the right methods
become more and more important.
For those who can’t perform the necessities of time management effectively in their private and
business lives, through not being able to keep themselves updated, it will result in failure and
unhappiness. Time, when once consumed, can never be taken back. Therefore, it should be
considered consciously, with good planning, and should be used wisely in order for success to be
obtained and productivity to be increased.
The purpose of this study is, for those students who give importance to education and therefore
having master’s degree education; in order to cope with the constant changes and developments of
the business life, to know that the most significant challenge ahead will be, the misuse of their time
management. With this thought in mind, for those students who are working in different jobs at
different times and ages, and studying in the same time frame; finding out the relationship between
time management skills and academic performance/success, through the application of time
management survey is critically important.
Key words: Time management, Academic performance
JEL Classification: M19
The concept of time management comes from Frederick Winslow Taylor’s early analysis of
motion and time studies of workers. Father of Scientific Management formalized the principles of
scientific management and rational efficiency in the beginning of the industrial era. He pointed out
the key factors of productivity as standardizing work, tools and maintenance techniques hence a
great dissection of work tasks into different actions and the timing of each action based on
repeated stopwatch studies.
Taylor’s aim was to reduce unproductive work task and reduce the amount of time allocated to
waste. The goal of time-and-motion studies was becoming more efficient.
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
“Time” that Taylor considers approximately 100 years ago as the determinative factor of
efficiency, is now a concept that has to be emphasized by nowadays’ people having to keep up
with evolving and improving economic situation. We can say that if competition gets even more
intense, the most powerful source of competitive advantage is time.
Time management is an art and a science. Everybody has to learn how to do it. Some people have
a good skill at it but not everybody.
Time is a priceless source. Time is the single resource that can’t be accumulated for future use,
can’t be changed, can’t be taken back once it is used and is used completely at the appreciation of
the owner. No one can control the moving of time but everyone is able to decide how to use it, that
is available. The subject is You.
The term “time management” became familiar in the 1950’s and 1960’s as referring to a tool to
help managers make better use of available time. The tool was based on practical experience, in
the form of do’s and don’ts. The term appears to indicate that time is managed but actually
activities are managed over time. Time management is self-management with an explicit focus on
time in deciding what to do; on how much time to allocate to activities; on how activities can be
done more efficiently and on when the time is right for particular activities (www.sageereference.
Time management is focused on solving problems. Examples of common problems are; being
unable to deal with distractions, deadline pressure, procrastination, lack of self discipline,
ambiguity of personal goals, not being able to say “no”, excessive social relations,
indetermination, perfectionism, messy desk...
Effective time management requires several components;
• List goals and set priorities
If we don’t know what we want to achieve in our lives, we can’t manage time and someday, we
can be disappointed of where we are.
So, make your list, determine what you are committed to doing, and put these items in the
appropriate place in your time management system. You can use A,B,C system.
A= Highest priority
B= Important to be completed, but not absolutely essential for today
C= Nice if I can get to it.
Do the highest priority items first A’s, then B’s and then C’s.
• Planning to achieve goals
Having just goals is not enough. We need to have a clean plan to achieve them. “If you don’t know
where to go, no road can bring you there”. If you want to learn French, you either have to attend a
language course, live in France for a while or read books about the language. If you are not doing
any of those suggestions, your wish would certainly remain as a dream. Dreams that are not
becoming true are meaning failure, and failure is meaning unhappiness.
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
• Using communication tools efficiently
Telephone and computer are considered as the traps of our era. When the magical tools of
communication are used consciously and under control, it is obvious that the contributions are
going to be very valuable.
• Avoiding procrastination
Procrastination may be seen as a particular time management problem that involves the delay of
activities. Procrastinating steals your time and chases you from achieving your goals. In order to
achieve something you need to start doing it and to finish it, you need to not procrastinate it. Thus,
the reasons of procrastination should be determined and the will of problem solving should be
• Desk planning and building a good filing system
Even though “A messy desk means a messy mind” for some, “A messy desk is the indicator of
genius” for others. If moments where you lose an important file and end up in difficult situation,
you probably are the first type of person and a spring cleaning is needed. A messy desk and the
lack of a good filing system are important time traps. The desk is not the right place to store
documents; it’s the place where work is realized. Thereby if only needed documents are on the
desk performance would increase and time wouldn’t be wasted.
• Regulation of work time according to your body’s energy cycle
While some people’s energy is peeking early the morning, some are successful on the afternoon
and some at night. Knowing your best time and doing important and urgent things during that time
is a good planning approach.
• Being able to say “No”
If it is not a requirement of your job and only by courtesy you are not able to say “No”, you are
facing the problem of being retained of doing your own job. If you don’t learn to say “No”, your
to-do list is going to get longer. You need to build your own boundaries and learn how to refuse
unnecessary work in a kind way.
• Delegation of some of your responsibilities
This way, additional time to do other important things would remain to the person.
3.1 The purpose of the study, data collection and analysis
The aim of this study is to examine whether time management practices are predictive of
academic performance of master level’s students.
The population of the study is MBA level’s students at Beykent University. There are 231
students. The Time Management Questionnaire was distributed to 108 students, 89 of them were
proper to analyze.
The time management attitudes of master level’s students were assessed via their scores on a time
management questionnaire. The questionnaire includes 18 items that might be descriptive of the
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
survey taker. The time management questionnaire used was an instrument developed by Britton
and Tesser.
The items of the questionnaire are assessing time-management behavior. It requires subjects to
answer on a five-point scale which consists of the responses always, frequently, sometimes,
infrequently and never. For each item scoring is determined such that responses indicating
predefined “good” time management practices are given 5 points while those at the other end of
the scale are scored as 1 point. Accordingly other responses are given intermediate values. Thus
superior time-management behavior is indicated by higher scores on the scale. (Wells, G., 1993 :
19) Scores on time management questionnaire were correlated with an academic measure called
GPA. Semester grade point averages (GPA) were obtained from university records.
Statistical analyses were made by using PASW 18 package program of SPSS Inc.
Reliability test, factor analysis, correlation analysis and student t-test analyses were used to find
out if there are significant differences and/or relations among groups and/or among variables.
Our hypotheses can be stated as follows:
1. There are correlations between the factor scales (LRP,TA, and SRP) and grades of
students (GRADE)
2. There are differences between demographic groups in terms of the factor scales (LRP,TA,
and SRP)
3.2 Results
Factor Analysis is primarily used for data reduction or structure detection. (PASW 18 Statistics
Program Tutorial, SPSS Inc. 2009)
• The purpose of data reduction is to remove redundant (highly correlated) variables from the data
file, perhaps replacing the entire data file with a smaller number of uncorrelated variables.
• The purpose of structure detection is to examine the underlying (or latent) relationships between
the variables.
To determine the significance of the results a 5% significance level is used in interpreting the
outcomes of the analyses. (Groebner et al. 2005: 308)
The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy is a statistic that indicates the proportion
of variance in your variables that might be caused by underlying factors. High values (close to 1,0)
generally indicate that a factor analysis may be useful with your data. If the value is less than 0,50,
the results of the factor analysis probably won't be very useful. Bartlett's test of sphericity tests the
hypothesis that your correlation matrix is an identity matrix, which would indicate that your
variables are unrelated and therefore unsuitable for structure detection. Small values (less than
0,05) of the significance level indicate that a factor analysis may be useful with the data. (PASW
18 Statistics Program Tutorial, SPSS Inc. 2009)
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
Table 1: Time Management Questionnaire Factor Structure and Loadings
Factor Name Factor Item Factor
Amount of Variability
owed to the factor (%)
Q1.Do you make a list of the things you
have to do each day? 0,724
Q4.Do you plan your day before you
start it? 0,740
Q7.Do yo make a Schedule of the
activities you have to do on school/work
Q10.Do you write a set of goals for
yourself for each day? 0,601
Q13.Do you spend time each day
planning? 0,837
Q16.Do you have a clear idea of what
you want to accomplish during the next
Q18.Do you set and honor priorities? 0,537
Q2.Do you often find yourself doing
things which interfere with your
schoolwork simply because you hate to
say “NO” to people? *
Q5.Do you feel you are in charge of your
own time, by and large? 0,438
Q9.The night before a major assignment
is due, are you usually still working on it
Q14.Do you make constructive use of
your time? 0,293
Q17.Do you continue unprofitable
routines or activities?* 0,497
Q3.Do you usually keep your desk clear
of everything other than what you are
currently working on
Q6.Do you have a set of the goals for the
entire semester? Long-Range -0,325
Q12.When you have several things to
do, do you think it is best to do a little bit
of work on each one ?
* Reverse ordered Total 36,390
Reliability (Cronbach Alpha) 0,669
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of
Sampling Adequacy
Approx. Chi-
Df 153
Bartlett's Test of
Sig. 0,000
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
In our analysis, KMO value of 0,757 shows that Factor Analysis is useful in determining the
underlying factors. Again, the significance level of Bartlett's Test of Sphericity value of 0,000
(which is less than 0,05) shows that our variables are suitable for structure detection.
The low value of Cronbach Alpha coefficient (near to 0) means that the variable is not reliable.
The evaluations of Cronbach Alpha coefficient estimation measurement are as the following.
(Özdamar, 2002 : 673)
0.0 ≤ α < 0.40, the scale is not reliable
0.40 ≤ α < 0.60, the scale is low reliable
0.60 ≤ α < 0.80, the scale is considerably reliable
0.80 ≤ α < 1.00, the scale is highly reliable
The reliability of the scales with 18 questions is measured with the Cronbach alpha equal to 0,669.
This indicates that our questionnaire is reliable for measuring the scales.
In questions related to Short-Range Planning (SRP), our data revealed the same factor components
as in the original research. This factor has the highest amount of variability (17,838%). This means
that the MBA students are careful about their short-range plans. But we cannot tell the same thing
about their time attitudes (TA).
In our analysis, we saw that for TA scale we have different set of items. According to our data, in
TA scale Q8 item is excluded and Q9 item included. This factor/scale has the second highest
amount of variability (9,475%). This means that the MBA students are not careful about their time
Finally, we see similar pattern in long-range planning as in time attitude. Long-Range Planning
(LRP) scale has also different set of items. In this scale, only Q3, Q6 and Q12 items are included
due to their high factor loadings. And items Q9 and Q15 are not included in this scale. This
factor/scale has the least amount of variability (9,531%). This means that the MBA students are
not careful about their long-range plans.
Generally speaking, results of the factor analysis shows us that, students are aware of their shortrange
plans while managing their time. On the other hand, they are not aware their time attitudes.
For example, they consider “Q9.The night before a major assignment is due, are you usually still
working on it ?” as Time Attitude factor with high loading (0,565), instead of considering that item
as Long-Range Planning factor as in the original study.
In the table below, our correlation analysis shows that, only in total points of SRP and LRP there is
a significant correlation at the 0,01 level. There is no significant correlation between Grades and
the other scales.
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
For example, correlation between Grades and SRP is 0,086 and the significance value is equal to
0,421, which is not significant at the 0,05 percent level. Similarly, correlation between Grades and
TA is -0,124 and the significance value is equal to 0,249, which is not significant at the 0,05
percent level and correlation between Grades and LRP is -0,054 and the significance value is equal
to 0,617, which is not significant at the 0,05 percent level.
Table 2 : Correlations among the variables
The following section is the results of comparisons among demographic groups in terms of factor
scales SRP, TA, and LRP. Marital Status, Gender, Type of Establishment, Number of Children,
and Type of Job.
Since our demographic question marital status has two groups as married and single, we used
Student T-test to analyze the differences between these groups in terms of the Grade variable and
the SRP, TA and LRP scales. In the table below, we can see the mean and standard deviations of
each group in each variable.
Table 3 : Mean and std. deviation values for marital status groups
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
According to the table below, the significance level of 0,05 percent there are no significant
differences between married and single students in terms of their GRADE (sig.=0,125), total
points of Short-Range Planning (sig.=0,677), total points of Time Attitudes (sig.=0,931), and total
points of Long-Range Planning (sig.=0,160).
Table 4: Student t-test results among marital status groups
Since our demographic question, gender has two groups as female and male, we used Student Ttest
to analyze the differences between these groups in terms of the Grade variable and the SRP,
TA and LRP scales. In the table below, we can see the mean and standard deviations of each group
in each variable.
Table 5: Mean and std. deviation values for gender groups
According to the table below, the significance level of 0,05 percent, There is a significant
difference between Females and Males in terms of their GRADE (sig.=0,012). Females are more
successful than males with average grades 3,303 and 3,037 respectively. On the other hand, there
are no significant differences between married and single students in terms of their total points of
Short-Range Planning (sig.=0,269), total points of Time Attitudes (sig.=0,328), and total points of
Long-Range Planning (sig.=0,485).
GRADE 1,549 87 ,125 ,1773
Short-Range Planning ,418 87 ,677 ,48946
Time Attitudes -,087 87 ,931 -,04859
Long-Range Palanning 1,418 87 ,160 ,80855
t-tes t for Equality of Means
t df
Sig. (2-
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
Table 6: Student t-test results among gender groups
For our third demographic question, type of establishment has two groups as private and public,
we used Student T-test to analyze the differences between these groups in terms of the Grade
variable and the SRP, TA and LRP scales. In the table below, we can see the mean and standard
deviations of each group in each variable.
Table 7: Mean and std. deviation values for type of establishment groups
According to the table below, the significance level of 0,05 percent, there are no significant
differences between students working in private and public sector establishments in terms of their
GRADE (sig.=0,579), total points of Short-Range Planning (sig.=0,123), total points of Time
Attitudes (sig.=0,788), and total points of Long-Range Planning (sig.=0,566).
Table 8: Student t-test results among type of establishment groups
The demographic question number of children has been grouped into two as None (having no
child) and Yes (having at least one child). For this reason, we used Student T-test to analyze the
differences between these groups in terms of the Grade variable and the SRP, TA and LRP scales.
In the table below, we can see the mean and standard deviations of each group in each variable.
GRADE 2,555 87 ,012 ,2663
Sh o rt-Ra n g e P la n n ing -1,113 87 ,269 -1,20630
Tim e Attitudes -,984 87 ,328 -,50915
L o n g -Ra n g e Pala n n ing -,702 87 ,485 -,37602
t-tes t for E q u a lity o f Means
t df
S ig. (2-
taile d )
Me a n
Diffe rence
GRADE -,556 86 ,579 -,0608
Short-Range Planning 1,558 86 ,123 1,68750
Tim e Attitudes -,269 86 ,788 -,14167
Long-Range Palanning ,576 86 ,566 ,31250
t-tes t for Equality o f Means
t df
Sig. (2-
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
Table 9: Mean and std. deviation values for number of children groups
According to the table below, the significance level of 0,05 percent, there are no significant
differences between students having no child and students having at least one child in terms of
their GRADE (sig.=0,710), total points of Short-Range Planning (sig.=0,989), total points of Time
Attitudes (sig.=0,710), and total points of Long-Range Planning (sig.=0,295).
Table 10: Student t-test results among number of children groups
The demographic question type of job has been grouped into two as Manager and Non-Manager.
For this reason, we used Student T-test to analyze the differences between these groups in terms of
the Grade variable and the SRP, TA and LRP scales. In the table below, we can see the mean and
standard deviations of each group in each variable.
Table 11: Mean and std. deviation values for type of job groups
G R AD E -,3 7 3 8 5 ,7 1 0 -,0 7 0 6
S h o rt-R a n g e P la n n in g ,0 1 4 8 5 ,9 8 9 ,0 2 6 9 0
T im e A ttitu d e s ,3 7 3 8 5 ,7 1 0 ,3 3 2 2 8
L o n g -R a n g e P a la n n in g 1 ,0 5 3 8 5 ,2 9 5 ,9 8 7 3 4
t- te s t fo r E q u a l i ty o f M e a n s
t df
S ig . (2 -
ta i le d )
D iffe re n ce
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
According to the table below, the significance level of 0,05 percent, There is a significant
difference between managers and Non-managers in terms of their GRADE (sig.=0,025). Non-
Managers are more successful than managers with average grades 3,224 and 2,907 respectively.
On the other hand, there are no significant differences between married and single students in
terms of their total points of Short-Range Planning (sig.=0,093), total points of Time Attitudes
(sig.=0,109), and total points of Long-Range Planning (sig.=0,756).
Table 12: Student t-test results among type of establishment groups Type of Job
The competition conditions of nowadays are pushing teenagers and employees to do more. Their
believes in the fact that they won’t gain money until the end of time with their degrees and talents
pushes them to an endless quest and conduct them to constant learning and acquiring of knowledge
and skills in new fields.
Due to the information, communication and technology era we are living in, everybody needs to be
more attentive while planning their careers. They thought if they don’t rise to the challenge,
someone else will. So they know that they must work too hard. Many persons are willing to
increase their professional improvements by doing post graduate educations, especially executive
MBA’s. But when studentship is added to the already existing work life tempo, they complain
about not being able to study or conduct research. They take some difficulties of time
mismanagement when they become pressured by their daily chores and they can’t respond to their
responsibilities in a good manner. Even if they could feel a lot of pressure, they should plan out
how much time they want to spend with each occupation.
Time is something that human being created. If we created time, we can also manage it Nowadays
the ability to use time advantageously becomes even more critical.
The key to improving your skills in this area is increasing your awareness of your attitudes,
thinking and behaviors regarding how you manage your time and workload. Do you manage it, or
it manages you? Once you are aware of what doesn’t work, you can take responsibility and make
choices that will support your efficiency and effectiveness.(Topf.)
Atkinson, J., Zamanı Yönetme Sanatı, (çev:İslam, C.,), Nehir yayınları, 1997
GRADE -2 ,286 84 ,025 -,3173
Short-Ra n g e P lan n ing 1,699 84 ,093 2 ,28929
Tim e Attitudes 1,618 84 ,109 1 ,09107
Long -Ra n g e P a la n n ing -,311 84 ,756 -,22143
t-tes t for Equ a lity o f Means
t df
S ig. (2-
ta ile d )
Me a n
Diffe rence
Vol 2, No 1, 2010 ISSN: 1309-8047 (Online)
Burt, C.D.B., Forsyth, D.K., “Relationshipb between supervisor behavior, family support and
perceived time management ability” , 26.04.2010
Davidson, J., “Six Myths of Time Management” ,
Groebner, D. F., Shannon, P. W., Fry, P. C., Smith, K.D., Business Statistics: A Decision-
Making Approach, 6th Edition, Pearson, 2005
Macan, T.H., “Time Management Training:Effects on Time Behaviors, Attitudes and Job
Performance” , 26.04.2010
Özdamar,K., Paket Programlar ile İstatistiksel Veri Analizi, 4.basım (vol 1), Kaan Kitabevi,
Eskişehir, 2002
Sabuncuoğlu, Z., Paşa, M., Zaman Yönetimi, Ezgi kitabevi, 2002
Scoot,M., Zaman Yönetimi, (çev: Çelik,A.,), Rota Yayın, 1997, İstanbul
Stinson, L.S., “Measuring How People Spend Their Time” , 26.04.2010
Topf, M., “Is What You Are Doing Contributing to Your Success?” , 26.04.2010
Wells, G.D. “Time-Management and Academic Achievement”, Thesis, University of Windsor,
Ontario, Canada, 1993 14.05.2010 14.05.2010 25.02.2010 25.02.2010
Volume & Halaman Vol 2
Tahun 2010
Reviewer Arfan Rifqi Fauzi
Tanggal 26 Oktober 2016

Abstrak Jurnal yang berjudul “The Relationship Of Time Management To

Academic Performance” ini berisi tentang pentingnya pendidikan
dan karena itu memiliki gelar master pendidikan; dalam rangka
untuk mengatasi perubahan konstan dan perkembangan dari
kehidupan bisnis, untuk mengetahui bahwa tantangan yang paling
signifikan ke depan akan, penyalahgunaan manajemen waktu
Abstrak yang disajikan penulis hanya menggunakan Bahasa inggris
(Bahasa Internasional). Secara keseluruhan isi dari abstrak ini
langsung menuju ke topic bahasan yang dibahas dalam jurnal ini,
yang menurut saya pembaca menjadi mudah memahami jurnal ini.
Pengantar Didalam Paragraf pertama, penulis menegaskan bahwa Konsep
manajemen waktu berasal dari analisis awal Frederick Winslow
Taylor studi gerak dan waktu pekerja. Bapak Manajemen Ilmiah
diformalkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen ilmiah dan efisiensi rasional
pada awal era industri. Ia mencontohkan faktor kunci produktivitas
sebagai standardisasi kerja, alat dan teknik pemeliharaan maka
pembedahan besar tugas pekerjaan ke dalam tindakan yang berbeda
dan waktu setiap tindakan berdasarkan studi stopwatch diulang.
Paragraf berikutnya menjelaskan bahwa Tujuan Taylor adalah untuk
mengurangi tugas kerja yang tidak produktif dan mengurangi
jumlah waktu yang dialokasikan untuk limbah. Tujuan dari studi
waktu-dan-gerak menjadi lebih efisien.
Paragraf terakhir menjelaskan "Waktu" yang Taylor menganggap
sekitar 100 tahun lalu sebagai faktor yang menentukan efisiensi,
sekarang menjadi konsep yang harus ditekankan oleh saat ini 'orang
harus bersaing dengan berkembang dan meningkatkan situasi
ekonomi. Kita dapat mengatakan bahwa jika persaingan
mendapatkan bahkan lebih intens, sumber yang paling kuat dari

keunggulan kompetitif adalah waktu. Manajemen waktu adalah seni

dan ilmu. Semua orang harus belajar bagaimana melakukannya.
Beberapa orang memiliki keterampilan yang baik dalam hal itu, tapi
tidak semua orang.
Pembahasan Pada bagian pembahasan, penulis membagi sub pokok bahasan
menjadi beberapa bagian, yaitu :
Waktu manajemen; Waktu adalah sumber tak ternilai harganya
Manajemen waktu yang efektif memerlukan beberapa komponen;
gol Daftar dan set prioritas,Perencanaan untuk mencapai
tujuan,Menggunakan alat komunikasi efisien,Menghindari
penundaan,perencanaan Meja dan membangun sistem pengarsipan
yang baik, Peraturan waktu kerja sesuai dengan siklus energi tubuh
Anda,Mampu untuk mengatakan "Tidak", Delegasi beberapa
tanggung jawab Anda.
1. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji apakah praktek
manajemen waktu adalah prediksi kinerja akademik mahasiswa
tingkat master.
2. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa tingkat MBA di Beykent
University. Ada 231 siswa. Manajemen Angket Waktu dibagikan
kepada 108 siswa, 89 dari mereka yang tepat untuk menganalisis.
3. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan PASW 18 paket
program SPSS Inc.
4. Hasil; Secara umum, hasil analisis faktor menunjukkan bahwa,
siswa menyadari rencana jangka pendek mereka sambil mengelola
waktu mereka.
Dalam sub pokok bahasan diatas penulis menjelaskan dengan sangat
rinci bagaimana penelitian tersebut dilaksanakan. Pembahasan yang
dilakukan oleh penulis mudah dipahami maksud dan tujuannya oleh
pembaca .
Simpulan Pada bagian kesimpulan, penulis membuktikan dan menjelaskan
bahwa Kondisi persaingan saat ini mendorong remaja dan karyawan
untuk melakukan lebih. Mereka percaya pada fakta bahwa mereka
tidak akan mendapatkan uang sampai akhir waktu dengan derajat
dan bakat mendorong mereka untuk suatu pencarian tak berujung
dan melakukan mereka untuk belajar terus-menerus dan
memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam bidang baru
Karena informasi, komunikasi dan era teknologi kita hidup di,
semua orang perlu menaruh perhatian lebih ketika merencanakan
karir mereka. Mereka berpikir jika mereka tidak naik ke tantangan,
orang lain akan. Sehingga mereka tahu bahwa mereka harus bekerja
terlalu keras. Banyak orang bersedia untuk meningkatkan perbaikan
profesional mereka dengan melakukan pendidikan pasca sarjana,
terutama eksekutif MBA. Tapi ketika beasiswa ditambahkan ke
tempo kehidupan kerja yang sudah ada, mereka mengeluh tentang
tidak mampu untuk belajar atau melakukan penelitian. Mereka
mengambil beberapa kesulitan waktu urus ketika mereka menjadi
tertekan oleh tugas-tugas sehari-hari mereka dan mereka tidak bisa
menanggapi tanggung jawab mereka dengan cara yang baik. Bahkan
jika mereka bisa merasakan banyak tekanan, mereka harus
merencanakan berapa banyak waktu yang mereka ingin
menghabiskan waktu dengan setiap pekerjaan.
Waktu adalah sesuatu yang manusia diciptakan. Jika kita
menciptakan waktu, kami juga dapat mengelolanya Saat ini
kemampuan untuk menggunakan waktu secara menguntungkan
menjadi lebih penting.
Kunci untuk meningkatkan keterampilan Anda di daerah ini
meningkatkan kesadaran Anda dari sikap Anda, berpikir dan
perilaku tentang bagaimana Anda mengatur waktu Anda dan beban
kerja . Apakah Anda mengelolanya, atau mengelola Anda? . Setelah
Anda menyadari apa yang tidak bekerja, Anda dapat mengambil
tanggung jawab dan membuat pilihan yang akan mendukung
efisiensi dan efektivitas
Kekuatan Penelitian 1. Teori dan model analisis yang diguakan tepat
2. Bahasa yang digunakan oleh penulis mudah dipahami maksud
dan tujuannya oleh pembaca. Analisisnya sangat rinci dan mudah
3. penulis detail dalam memberikan hasil yang didapat dalam
melakukan penelitiannya.
Kelemahan Penelitian 1. Penulis kurang lengkap dalam menyimpulkan keseluruhan isi dari
jurnal ini.

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