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Jurnal Model
Teknologi Analysis
Industri of Agro-Industrial
Pertanian Agustus 2022 …………
32 (2): 156-165,Development Terakreditasi Peringkat 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24961/j.tek.ind.pert.2022.32.2.156 SK Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi No. 158/E/KPT/2021
ISSN: 0216-3160 EISSN: 2252-3901 Tersedia online http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jurnaltin




Casnan1), Purnawan2), Erliza Noor3)*, Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo3) , Irzaman3),
Eti Rohaeti3), Aditya Kurniawan4)

1) Program Study of Mathematics Education, STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan. Jawa Barat, Indonesian
2) Department of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering faculty, Ahmad Dahlan Universit
3) Department of Agroindustrial Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University

Jl. Raya Dramaga, Babakan, Kec. Dramaga, Kota Bogor Jawa Barat 16680, Indonesian
E-mail: [email protected]
4)Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, IPB University
5)Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, IPB University
6)Universitas Veteran Yogyakarta, Condongcatur, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Makalah: Diterima 01 Juni 2022; Diperbaiki 05 Agustus 2022; Disetujui 20 Agustus 2022


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bisnis model agroindustri silika dari sekam padi dengan
pendekatan Bisnis Model Kanvas. Sekam padi diproses menjadi silika dilakukan melalui proses pembakaran
dengan suhu tinggi. Arang sekam padi mengandung sekitar 72,1% silikon oksida dan meningkat menjadi 94,95%
setelah dibakar pada 700 oC selama 6 jam, sedangkan abu sekam kering mengandung silikon oksida sekitar 80%
- 90%. Arang dan abu sekam padi dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif sumber silika dan silikon. Hasil penelitian
ini memiliki prospek untuk mengembangkan agroindustri silika berbasis sekam padi sebagai alternatif bahan baku
terbarukan. Metode yang digunakan untuk membangun model bisnis adalah Business Model Canvas (BMC).
Business Model Canvas adalah metode visual menggambarkan bagaimana suatu perusahaan membuat dan
melakukan bisnis. Visualisasi dengan kanvas lebih komunikatif, hal ini akan mendeskripsikan model bisnis secara
sederhana untuk dimengerti. BMC diuraikan dalam sembilan komponen yaitu Customer Segment, Customer
Relationship, Customer Channel, Revenue Stream, Value Proposition, Key Activities, Key Resource, Cost
Structure, dan Key Partners. BMC perlu dilakukan sebagai acuan untuk mengisi kanvas model bisnis
pengembangan agroindustri silika, tidak hanya berkaitan dengan manfaat atau keuntungan tetapi juga cara
organisasi menciptakan, menyampaikan, dan menangkap nilai secara rasional. Silika yang dihasilkan dari proses
pirolisis dalam skala medium memiliki kemurnian yang tinggi. Proses produksi silika berbahan dasar sekam padi
memiliki potensi yang baik untuk dikembangkan menjadi agroindustri silika sebagai bahan baku alternatif
Kata kunci: business model canvas (BMC), rice husks-based silica


This study aimed to develop a business model for silica agroindustry from rice husk with a Canvas Business
Model approach. Rice husk was processed into silica through a high-temperature combustion process. Rice husk
charcoal contained about 72.1% silicon oxide and increases to 94.95% after being burned at 700 oC for 6 hours,
while dry husk ash contains about 80% - 90% silicon oxide. Charcoal and rice husk ash can be used as alternative
sources of silica and silicon. The results of this study have prospects for developing silica agroindustry based on
rice husk as an alternative renewable raw material. The method used to build a business model was the Business
Model Canvas (BMC). The Business Model Canvas is a visual method of describing how a company creates and
does business. Visualization with canvas is more communicative, it will describe the business model in a simple
way to understand. BMC is described in nine components, namely Customer Segment, Customer Relationship,
Customer Channel, Revenue Stream, Value Proposition, Key Activities, Key Resources, Cost Structure, and Key
Partners. BMC needs to be carried out as a reference to fill the canvas of the silica agroindustry development
business model, not only related to benefits or advantages but also the way organizations create, deliver, and
capture value rationally. Silica produced from the pyrolysis process on a medium scale has high purity. The
production process of silica based on rice husk has good potential to be developed into silica agroindustry as a
renewable alternative raw material.
Keywords: business model canvas (BMC), rice husks-based silica

*Coresspounding Author Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 32 (2): 156-165
Casnan, Purnawan, Erliza Noor, Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, Irzaman,
Eti Rohaeti, Aditya Kurniawan

INTRODUCTION In this study, a business model was identified

based on the Business Model Canvas approach by
Rice husks are abundant agricultural waste in Osterwalder and Pigneur (2015). The nine elements
Indonesia. Globally, the availability of rice husks in of BMC are: customer segments, value propositions,
75 countries is estimated at around 100 million ton s channels, customer relationships, revenue streams,
with the potential energy of about 1.2 x10 9 GJ/year key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and
and an average caloric value of 15 MJ / year. cost structure. After identifying the 9 elements of
Indonesia as an agrarian country has about 60,000 rice BMC, there will be validation and verification of the
grinding machines scattered throughout the provinces business model of agro-industrial development of rice
with a rice husk production of about 15 million tons a husks-based silica by expert (Osterwalder et al.,
year. Several large-capacity rice-grinding machines 2015).
are capable to produce 10-20 tons of rice husks daily RESEARCH AND METHODS
[6]. Indonesia's rice production in 2015 reaches a total
of 69.05 million tons of dry milled grain (GKG) or Production Process of Rice Husks-Based Silica
raise of 6.64% from 2014 (BPS, 2015). The increase Rice husk ashing is carried out in a medium
in rice production surely promotes the rice husk’s scale furnace with a capacity of 15 kg. Rice husks are
stock. The weight fraction of rice husks toward the burned at a heating rate of 1.5 oC/min to a temperature
bulk weight of grain ranges from 20-30%. This of 900oC. During the burning process, the temperature
indicates that the rice husks produced in Indonesia by is retained each for 1 hour at 400 oC and 900 oC. Rice
2015 reached about 15.91 million tons as waste. husk ash is then washed using hydrochloric acid
Rice husk charcoal can be processed into (HCl) 3% (technical grade). It aims to eliminate the
silicon oxide (silica) with a yield of 16.85% (Patil et impurities so that the high purity silicon dioxide is
al. 2014:26-29). Rice husks charcoal contains about obtained. The washing process use 12 mL HCl 3%
72.1% of silicon oxide and increases 94.95 % after technical for 1 g of husk ash.
being burned at 700 oC for 6 hours (Rohaeti et al., The mixture is then heated over the hot plate
2010:1-7), while dry rice husks ash in dry conditions at a temperature of 200oC and stirred using a magnetic
contained about 80% - 90% (Givi et al., 2010) so that stirrer at a speed of 240 rpm for 2 hours. It is then
rice husks charcoal and ash can be used as an washed using hot aquadest serveral times until acid-
alternative source of silica and silicon production free condition is obtained(tested using litmus paper).
(Muthadhi dan Kothandaraman, 2010). The results of It is then filtered using ash-free filter paper. The
this study offer a good opportunity to build rice husk- filtering result (residue and filter paper) is heated in a
base silica agro-industry as an alternative renewable furnace with a temperature of 1000oC until white
raw material. A method that can be used to build a silicon dioxide remains. The sample is cooled in a
business model is the Business Model Canvas furnace until it attains room temperature. The
discovered by Osterwalder and Pigneur in 2015. In resulting silica ash is then characterized by its
designing the business model canvas, an approach is structural and electrical properties. The structural
required as a reference to fill its content because the properties is tested using SEM (Scanning Electron
business model canvas deals not only with benefits or Microscope), the silicon dioxide purity is tested using
advantages but also the way organizations create, EDX (Energy Dispersive X-Ray) and its electrical
deliver and capture value rationally (Osterwalder et properties using LCR meter (Casnan et al., 2019).
al., 2015).
Developing a product is not an easy task. Mapping of Business Model Canvas of Rice
Some research state that only half of the companies Husks-based Silica Agroindustrial Development
are able to show a good performance at their products
(Adam, 2016). Some challenges that must be Business Model Canvas is obtained from
overcame in developing the products are: the number secondary data by literature review. The flow diagram
of trade-offs that must be considered in making of developing the Business Model Canvas is shown in
decisions, dynamic consumer preferences, details in Figure 1.
identifying needs, time pressures that make In mapping the business model, it starts by
companies must be able to produce quickly to meet defining and filling the consumer segment box. It is
consumer needs, and creation that means differences because only a customer who generate profit will
in ideas and perspectives in the development of new support the organization. The next step is filling the
products (Pahlavi et al., 2017). One aspect that is value proposition box, which is a statement of the
widely researched in creating a product is to predict uniqueness of the product or service guaranteed by
how likely it is to be successful in the market based the company to the targeted consumer segment.
on the value offered or value proposition (Agustina, Next is filling the channel box that explain
2011); (Pokorná et al., 2015); (Adam, 2016). how organizations communicate, deliver, and interact

Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 32 (2): 156-165 157

Business Model Analysis of Agro-Industrial Development …………

with their customers. The channel box should be which means it generate revenue into the
filled because this box defines how intense the organization. Each box for key resources, key
organization maintains its relationships with activity, key business partner, also should be filled
customers. If the consument segment is well focused, and set up so that it runs efficiently. The efficiency in
the value proposition is boldly expressed and the these boxes is necessary to keep the cost structure box
customer channel and relationship is maintained optimal. The business model canvas framework is
properly, then the income flow box can be filled, displayed in Figure 2.


Information Gathering

Mapping the Canvas Business Model

1. Customer segments
2. Value Proposition
3. Channels
4. Customer Relationship
5. Revenue Streams
6. Key Resources
7. Key Activities
8. Key Partners
9. Cost Structure



Improvement of the Business Model Canvas for the development

of the Rice Husks-based Silica Agroindustry


Figure 1. Process diagram of business model canvas development of rice husks based-silica agro-industry

business Segment
partners Consumer
Main Activities Value Proposition Customer Relations

Key Resources Channel

Fee Structure Income Flow

Figure 2. Canvas business model outline

158 Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 32 (2): 156-165

Casnan, Purnawan, Erliza Noor, Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, Irzaman,
Eti Rohaeti, Aditya Kurniawan

RESULT AND DISCUSSION al. 2015). The canvas divides a business model into 9
main components, then separate further into the right
The Business Model Canvas is a business (creative) and left (logic) components. The
model of a logical picture of how an organization explanation of each 9 components is listed in
creates, delivers, and captures value (Osterwalder et following Figure 3.

Key Business Key Activities Proposition Customer Relations Customer

Partners • Produce through a • GET: identify similar Segment
• Sales through combination of MSMEs • Relatively industries that Industries
agents such as (Rice-husk ash production high potentially to become that use
cooperatives or is carried out in a medium- purity/grade customers. silica as its
distributors scale furnace with a silica • KEEP: Maintain raw material:
(representing Furnace capacity of 15 kg) • resulted by customer loyalty by • Ceramics
MSMEs) • Producing by medium and selected continually providing industry;
• Direct sales or large-scale industries (a process the latest information • paper
through business plan is required) designs (product samples, better industry,
distributors • Flexibility of processes), brochures, • paint
• Cooperation with scale books industry,
farmers as • GROW: byparticipating • rubber
suppliers of raw in exhibitions or industry,
materials seminars • Polymer
• Cement
• Chemical
• Glass
Key Resources Channel

 Production by MSME • agent, if production

has several advantages: executed by several
o equipment can be SMEs
procured at a • direct, if produced on a
relatively low cost. medium or large scale
o the availability of a
patented production
o Human resources and
capital can be
provided through
• Production by
medium/large scale
required business plan
Cost Structure Revenue Stream
• If produced by several SMEs: • Silica Sales
o major costs are SMEs start- o sales of products via agents when produced through a cooperation of
up and production according SMEs
to the process o direct sales if production on medium and large scale
o Production cost • Establish sales cooperation
• If it is produced by medium and • Collaboration with cooperatives
large industries: costs are
comparableto those at private
industry (but cooperation with
financial institutions is easier)
Figure 3. The design of the silica agroindustry canvas business model

Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 32 (2): 156-165 159

Business Model Analysis of Agro-Industrial Development …………

Consumer Segment applications in various industries, either as the

Consumer segment is a description of a group main raw material or mixed raw materials [8]. The
of individuals or organizations who buy a product results of pyrolysis in a medium-scale furnace
according to their urge, resources, location, and produced rice husk ash with a yield of 15.40%.
buying habits. Because of unique needs and urge, Silica purity in rice husk ash before washing was
each buyer is a potential market of its own. Therefore, obtained between 63.99 – 80.79% and silica purity
defining the proper Consumer Segment can help a in rice husk ash after washing.
company or organization in determining its business b. Produced from selected process designs Rice
development strategy. The consumer segment of rice husk-ash production is carried out in a medium-
husk-based Silica Agro-industry is a niche market. scale furnace with a furnace capacity of 15 kg.
The niche market business model is done by fixing on Rice husks are burned at a heating rate of
one particular segment, because it is assumed that the 1.5oC/minute to a temperature of 900oC, in the
consumers have specific and specialized process of burning rice husks, holding at a
needs/characteristics (Milovanovic, 2016). A temperature of 400oC and 900 oC for 1 hour, the
business model whose market segmentation is a washing process of husk ash using HCl 3%
special market (niche) targeting certain specific technical grade (i.ee 12 ml of HCl for 1 gram of
market segments which are usually small in number husk ash), then heated on a hotplate with a
and have not been served well. This business model temperature of 200oC and stirred using a magnetic
is commonly found in business relationships between stirrer at a speed of 240 rpm for 2 hours. Then it is
suppliers and buyers. The consumer segment of rice washed using hot distilled water repeatedly until
husk-based Silica Agro-industry are ceramic acid-free condition is achieved and then filtered
industry; Paper industry, Paint industry, Rubber with ash-free filter paper. The filtered result is
industry, Polymer industry; Cement Industry; heated in a furnace at a temperature of 1000oC
Chemical equipment industry; Glass Industry (Kumar until the remaining white silica is obtained.
et al., 2012). The industry uses silica as its main raw
material. c. Scale-flexible
The graph of the relationship between the heating
Value Proposition rate and the rice husks capacity of, shows a good
Value Proposition is the value offered by rice correlation. Using the regression method, the
husk-based Silica agroindustry to its customers. The correlation between the mass of rice husks and the
benefits of this value proposition is manifested as a heating rate is obtained as Equation 1. This
set of products or services. According to Osterwalder equation can be used to predict the heating rate for
and Pigneur (2015), there are eleven elements that can larger rice husk capacity. The limitation of the
form a Value Proposition including: novelty, regression method is the melting point of silica. If
performance, customization, job completion, design, the temperature of the pyrolysis process exceeds
brand/status, price, cost reduction, access, and the melting point of silica.
convenience/ease of use. The Value Proposition of y = 0.0135x + 1.2037
rice husk-based Silica agroindustry is relatively high Information:
Silica Purity, resulting from selected and scale- y : Rate of temperature rise (oC/menit)
flexible process design. x : Mass of rise husk (kg)
a. The resulting silica has a relatively high purity of
63.99% - 82.74%. This product is suitable for

Table 1. Results of EDX silica analysis of rice husks on shelves 1, 4 and 8

Percentage (%) atom
Element Rack 1 Rack 4 Rack 8
Before After Before After Before After
Washing Washing Washing Washing Washing Washing
C 11,98 7,27 11,92 9,73 10,14 8,39
O 59,86 64,39 65,61 62,2 65,81 65,7
Na 0,47 0,52 1,13 0,44 - 0,21
- - - 0,23
Mg 0,3 0,18 -
- - -
Al - 27,58 21,33 0,44 23,85 25,48
Si 26,93 0,24 - 26,73 0,2 -
K 0,45 0,29
80,79 82,74 63,99 80,19 71,55 76,44

160 Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 32 (2): 156-165

Casnan, Purnawan, Erliza Noor, Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, Irzaman,
Eti Rohaeti, Aditya Kurniawan

Channel • Fixed capital

The channel built by Silica Agroindustry is in • Furnace Rental cost: Rp 2 000 000,-Production
the form of direct sales and sales agents. Silica cost. The production cost is listed in Table 2.
agroindustry serves a direct-sales for products in the
form of powdered rice husk-based silica when it is  Income
produced on a medium or large scale. On the other Silica yield by the pyrolysis process is 15.4%.
side, the form of agent-based channel is built by Therefore, from 15 kg of rice husks, there are
cooperating with silica supplying agents for several 2,230 grams of silica are obtained. The price of
industries that use silica as its primary raw materials silica per gram is IDR 2,600,- (Aldrich, 2006), so
or mixed raw materials, such as the ceramic industry; the revenue from selling silica is IDR 5,798,000,-
Paper, paint, rubber, polymer industry; Cement  Net income
Industry; Chemical equipment industry; Glass The net income from silica sales is the
Industry. Agents-based cooperation are carried out discrepancy between revenue, fixed capital and
when the production is carried out by a combination production costs.
of small and medium enterprises (SMES). Net income = 5,798,000 – 2,315,000 – 2,000,000
= 1,480,000
Customer Relations  Cost of Production (HPP)
The relationship that exists with customers is The cost of production is the division of
through GET: identifying the number of similar production costs by the production amount, so the
industries that have the potential to become customers HPP can be calculated as follows:
(Pahlavi et al., 2017). KEEP: Maintaining consumer
loyalty by always providing the latest information HPP = 2,315,000 / 2,230
(product samples, better processes), brochures, books = IDR 1,056.801 rounded up to IDR 1,100
(Parvatiyar and Sheth, 2001);(Purwanto and Widodo,
2016)and GROW, i.e. by attending exhibitions, Therefore, the HPP of rice husk-based silica by
seminars, etc. (Pradana and Danisa, 2016). pyrolysis process is IDR 1,100,- The potential
revenue from silica sales according to the results
Revenue Stream of this study, based on the supply of Indonesian
The revenue stream of Silica Agroindustry is rice husks, is obtained through following
transaction revenues, i.e. revenue generated from calculation:
customers through single payment. Revenue streams
in the form of recurring revenues (recurring revenues) The dried rice husks are weighed as much as
are also developed. The generated Revenue Stream is 15 kg to be burned in a medium-scale Furnace at a
obtained from the silica sales. The sales of silica temperature of 400oC for 1 hour and followed by a
products is done via agents when the silica is temperature of 900oC for 1 hour. After heating
produced by cooperation of MSMEs or via direct- process, as much as2,310 grams of rice husk ash
sales if the production is carried out in medium and (15.4%) is obtained, then 10.029 grams of husk ash
large scale, and by establishing sales cooperation with were weighed to be washed using HCl 3% technical
cooperatives. grade (12 ml HCl for 1 gram of husk ash) for 2 hours,
The production costs is calculated based on t hen it is filtered and rinsed using distilled water
business feasibility analysis to obtain the cost of (aquadest). After the washing process, rice husk ash
production (HPP). The HPP calculation for one-time was heated in a kiln at a temperature of 1000oC for 1
production with a capacity of 15 kg of rice husks is as hour, obtained silica as much as 7,062 grams
follows: (70.41%). Silica samples were analyzed by EDX,
obtained 82.74% silica purity (Casnan et al., 2019)

Table 2. Production Cost

No. Fee type Quantity Unit Price (Rp) Amount (Rp)

1 Rice Husk 1 15,000 15,000
2 Ceramics for shelves 2 300,000 600,000
3 HCl 4 25,000 100,000
4 Sample characterization 3 400,000 1200,000
5 Workers' salary 2 200,000 400,000
Sub-Total 2,315,000

Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 32 (2): 156-165 161

Business Model Analysis of Agro-Industrial Development …………

a. Confession
 Yield of SiO2 (82.74%) = % Rice husk ash X % Ashing of rice husks is carried out in a medium-
Silica X % Silica purity. scale furnace with a furnace capacity of 15 kg.
 Yield of SiO2 (82.74%) = 15% X 70.41% X Rice husks are burned at a heating rate of 1.5oC
82.74 % = 8.74% /minute to a temperature of 900 oC, in the process
 Calculation of SiO2 price (82.74%). of burning rice husks, holding at a temperature of
 BPS data (2015) Indonesian Milled Dry Rice 400oC and 900oC for 1 hour.
(GKG) = 69.05 x 109 kg Ashing of rice husks is carried out in a medium-
 Rice husk is 20% of GKG (Muthadhi, 2007) = scale furnace with a furnace capacity of 15 kg.
13.81 x 109 kg. Rice husks were burned at a heating rate of 1.5oC
 For 1‰ of the existing rice husk, SiO2 (82.74%) /minute to 900 oC, in the process of burning rice
= 1‰ x 13.81 x 109 kg x 8.74% = 1 207 000 kg husks, holding at a temperature of 400oC and
 SiO2 price (82.74%) (Aldrich 2006) = $180.50 900oC for 1 hour.
x 1 207 000 kg
= $217 863 500;
= Rp. 3 050 000 000 000;
(Assuming $1 = Rp.14 000 ;)

Determination of the price is performed by

dynamic pricing. that is, the price changes based on
market conditions. If the price of raw materials
increases, the price of the sales products will also

Key Resources
Rice husk is a renewable silica source. BPS
data (2015) showed that the Indonesian Milled Dry
Rice (GKG) = 69.05 x 109 kg. It is a quite huge
resource to be developed for silica processing. If rice Figure 4. Medium scale furnace capacity 15 kg rice
husk-based silica is produced by MSMEs, the husk
equipment can be provided at a relatively low
cost.The production equipment for pyrolysis process Silica Extract
on a medium scale is made of ceramic, then coated Rice husk ash was washed using technical 3%
with kaowool to maintain heat flow in the furnace. hydrochloric acid (HCl). The washing process is
The heat source for furnace apply a gas fuel burner aimed at reducing the existing impuriti to obtain silica
located at the bottom of furnace.The shelves made of husk ash. The washing process husk ash using HCl
ceramics are placed inside the furnace to store rice 3% technical (ie 12 mL of HCl 3% technical for 1 g
husks during the pyrolysis process. Rice husks are husk ash), then heated over a hotplate at a temperature
placed on ceramic racks with a height of 2 cm to of 200 oC and stirred using a magnetic stirrer
produce silica powder from rice husks. The cost (magnetic stirrer) at a speed of 240 rpm for 2 hours.
related with patents application of the silica Then washed using hot distilled water repeatedly until
production process, human resources (HR) and free of acid (tested using litmus paper), then filtered
capital can be handled through credit. If the rice husk- with ash-free filter paper. The filtered result is heated
based silica is produced on a medium or large scale, a in a furnace at a temperature of 1 000 oC until the
business plan development and substantial business remaining white silica. The samples were cooled in
capital are required. the furnace (furnace temperature labored together at
room temperature). Silica final product produced
Key Activities from rice husk is shown in Figure 5.
The key activity carried out for the
development of silica agroindustry is the rice husks-
based silica production through a cooperation of
SMES or through medium and large industries. The
production process through medium or large
industries requires a business plan and substantial
capital, but if it is produced through SMES,
production equipment can be provided at a relatively
low cost.
The steps of the silica production process from
rice husks are as follows: Figure 5. Silica from rice hus

162 Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 32 (2): 156-165

Casnan, Purnawan, Erliza Noor, Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, Irzaman,
Eti Rohaeti, Aditya Kurniawan

Key Business Partners Key Activities

Silica agroindustry has cooperation with Based on the research result on the pyrolysis
farmers as suppliers of raw materials, sales through process of rice-husk-based silica production on a
agents such as cooperatives or distributors medium scale, by a capacity of 15 kg of rice husks,
(representing SME’s) and direct sales or distributors. this process can be performed by cooperation of
Cost Structure
The cost structure is developed as follow, if Key Resources
it is produced through a cooperation of SME’s, the The production process by cooperation of
costs are focused on the major costs, namely SME’s SME’s, is potentially implemented in short-term
start-up and production according to production programs. This is supported by several factors: a)
processes and costs If the production is on a equipment can be procured at a relatively low cost, b)
medium and large industrial scale, the costs are there is a patent on the production process c) human
comparable as borne by to those at private industry resources and capital can be accommodated via credit
(but cooperation with financial institutions is through collaboration with financial institutions.
Based on the results of research and secondary Key Business Partners
data analysis, improvements were made to the Silica Agroindustry has cooperation with
elements of the business model canvas as shown in several suppliers of raw materials and supporting
Figure 6. To improve the business model seven materials, Sales Agents, and cooperation with online
elements were selected, i.e. key activities, key shops.
resources, key business partners, customer relations,
channels, cost structure and revenue streams.

Key Business Key Activities Value Customer Relations Customer

Partners  Produce through a Proposition • GET: identify the Segment
• Sales through combination of SMES Relatively high number of similar
agents such as (Rice husk production is purity industries that have the Industries that
cooperatives or carried out in a medium- • Generated from potential to become use silica as raw
distributors scale Furnace with a selected process customers. material:
(representing Furnace capacity of 15 designs • GROW: attend Ceramics
SMES) kg) • Flexibility of exhibitions, seminars industry;
• Direct sales or scale • Promotion through the paper industry,
distributors Website (Purwanto and paint industry,
• Cooperation with Widodo, 2016) rubber industry,
farmers as suppliers • Promotion through Polymer
of raw materials Social Media (Pujastuti industry;
• Cooperation with et al., 2014) Cement
Online Stores Key Resources Channel Industry;
(Pradana and • Produced through • agents, because Chemical
Danisa, 2016) SMES they produce with a equipment
• equipment can be combination of industry;
procured at relatively SMEs Glass Industry
low cost • Online Sales
• the existence of a (Pradana & Danisa
patent on the process 2016)
• HR and capital can be
handled via credit
Fee Structure Revenue Stream
• production through a combination of SMES • Silica Sales
• major costs are SMES start-up and • sales of products through agents because they produce
production according to the process through a combination of MSMEs
• Production cost • Establish sales cooperation
• Cooperation with cooperatives
• Cooperation with online stores (Pradana and Danisa, 2016)

Figure 6. Design of silica agroindustry canvas business model version 6

Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 32 (2): 156-165 163

Business Model Analysis of Agro-Industrial Development …………

Customer Relationship agroindustry from rice husk. The results of the

The production process is carried out by a analysis based on the results of research and
cooperation of SMES, so that customer relationship secondary data analysis are used as improvement
can be established through GET: i.ee identifying the steps in the elements of the business model canvas. In
number of similar industries that have the potential to the improvement, four elements were selected, i.e.
become customers. and GROW: i.e. participating in key business partners, customer relations, channels,
exhibitions, seminars, and promotions via and revenue streams (Figure 6).
Website and Social Media. The promotion was
carried out by introducing high purity silica products CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
through promotional and social media. Some
researches on the influence of websites and social Conclusions
media show that the consumer trust in e-commerce or The concept of Silica Agro-industry
online stores in Indonesia is strongly influenced by development is carried out using the Business Model
the quality of the website and the security Canvas approach. BMC is described in nine
arrangement presented through the website... The components, namely Customer Segment, Customer
security arrangement, according to consumers in the Relationship, Customer Channel, Revenue Stream,
study, is the existence of symbols and specific Value Proposition, Key Activities, Key Resources,
explanations about the warranty before the consumer Cost Structure, and Key Partners. Based on the results
proceed the transaction (Pujastuti et al., 2014). of the analysis of the production of rice husk-based
silica through a pyrolysis process to be developed
Channel through a combination of SMEs, the business scheme
The channels built by Silica Agroindustry are will be potentially profitable. Therefore, the process
sales agents and online sales. One reason of the of rice husk-based silica production is feasible to be
development online is affected by the changes in developed into rice husk-based silica agroindustry.
technology. The use of the internet has changed the
way people shop for a product. The role of the internet Recommendations
is significant in all processes, both as social media and Rice husk charcoal contains about 72.1%
economic activities such as e-commerce, even though silicon oxide and increases to 94.95% after being
without we realize that social media utilization, apart burned at 700oC for 6 hours, while dry husk ash
from being a means of socializing, is also used for contains about 80% - 90%. From silicon oxide
online shopping. Probably, this explain the reasons Charcoal and rice husk ash can be used as an
why consumers choose social media for their alternative source of silica and silicon. The results of
shopping activities. One reason is that through the this study have the prospect of developing silica
social media, , consumers can get convenience in agroindustry based on rice husk as an alternative
getting the product information they need or want renewable raw material.
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