44070-Article Text-194906-1-10-20221108
44070-Article Text-194906-1-10-20221108
44070-Article Text-194906-1-10-20221108
Jurnal Model
Teknologi Analysis
Industri of Agro-Industrial
Pertanian Agustus 2022 …………
32 (2): 156-165,Development Terakreditasi Peringkat 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24961/j.tek.ind.pert.2022.32.2.156 SK Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi No. 158/E/KPT/2021
ISSN: 0216-3160 EISSN: 2252-3901 Tersedia online http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jurnaltin
1) Program Study of Mathematics Education, STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan. Jawa Barat, Indonesian
2) Department of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering faculty, Ahmad Dahlan Universit
3) Department of Agroindustrial Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University
Jl. Raya Dramaga, Babakan, Kec. Dramaga, Kota Bogor Jawa Barat 16680, Indonesian
E-mail: [email protected]
4)Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, IPB University
5)Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, IPB University
6)Universitas Veteran Yogyakarta, Condongcatur, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Makalah: Diterima 01 Juni 2022; Diperbaiki 05 Agustus 2022; Disetujui 20 Agustus 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bisnis model agroindustri silika dari sekam padi dengan
pendekatan Bisnis Model Kanvas. Sekam padi diproses menjadi silika dilakukan melalui proses pembakaran
dengan suhu tinggi. Arang sekam padi mengandung sekitar 72,1% silikon oksida dan meningkat menjadi 94,95%
setelah dibakar pada 700 oC selama 6 jam, sedangkan abu sekam kering mengandung silikon oksida sekitar 80%
- 90%. Arang dan abu sekam padi dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif sumber silika dan silikon. Hasil penelitian
ini memiliki prospek untuk mengembangkan agroindustri silika berbasis sekam padi sebagai alternatif bahan baku
terbarukan. Metode yang digunakan untuk membangun model bisnis adalah Business Model Canvas (BMC).
Business Model Canvas adalah metode visual menggambarkan bagaimana suatu perusahaan membuat dan
melakukan bisnis. Visualisasi dengan kanvas lebih komunikatif, hal ini akan mendeskripsikan model bisnis secara
sederhana untuk dimengerti. BMC diuraikan dalam sembilan komponen yaitu Customer Segment, Customer
Relationship, Customer Channel, Revenue Stream, Value Proposition, Key Activities, Key Resource, Cost
Structure, dan Key Partners. BMC perlu dilakukan sebagai acuan untuk mengisi kanvas model bisnis
pengembangan agroindustri silika, tidak hanya berkaitan dengan manfaat atau keuntungan tetapi juga cara
organisasi menciptakan, menyampaikan, dan menangkap nilai secara rasional. Silika yang dihasilkan dari proses
pirolisis dalam skala medium memiliki kemurnian yang tinggi. Proses produksi silika berbahan dasar sekam padi
memiliki potensi yang baik untuk dikembangkan menjadi agroindustri silika sebagai bahan baku alternatif
Kata kunci: business model canvas (BMC), rice husks-based silica
This study aimed to develop a business model for silica agroindustry from rice husk with a Canvas Business
Model approach. Rice husk was processed into silica through a high-temperature combustion process. Rice husk
charcoal contained about 72.1% silicon oxide and increases to 94.95% after being burned at 700 oC for 6 hours,
while dry husk ash contains about 80% - 90% silicon oxide. Charcoal and rice husk ash can be used as alternative
sources of silica and silicon. The results of this study have prospects for developing silica agroindustry based on
rice husk as an alternative renewable raw material. The method used to build a business model was the Business
Model Canvas (BMC). The Business Model Canvas is a visual method of describing how a company creates and
does business. Visualization with canvas is more communicative, it will describe the business model in a simple
way to understand. BMC is described in nine components, namely Customer Segment, Customer Relationship,
Customer Channel, Revenue Stream, Value Proposition, Key Activities, Key Resources, Cost Structure, and Key
Partners. BMC needs to be carried out as a reference to fill the canvas of the silica agroindustry development
business model, not only related to benefits or advantages but also the way organizations create, deliver, and
capture value rationally. Silica produced from the pyrolysis process on a medium scale has high purity. The
production process of silica based on rice husk has good potential to be developed into silica agroindustry as a
renewable alternative raw material.
Keywords: business model canvas (BMC), rice husks-based silica
*Coresspounding Author Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 32 (2): 156-165
Casnan, Purnawan, Erliza Noor, Hartrisari Hardjomidjojo, Irzaman,
Eti Rohaeti, Aditya Kurniawan
with their customers. The channel box should be which means it generate revenue into the
filled because this box defines how intense the organization. Each box for key resources, key
organization maintains its relationships with activity, key business partner, also should be filled
customers. If the consument segment is well focused, and set up so that it runs efficiently. The efficiency in
the value proposition is boldly expressed and the these boxes is necessary to keep the cost structure box
customer channel and relationship is maintained optimal. The business model canvas framework is
properly, then the income flow box can be filled, displayed in Figure 2.
Information Gathering
1. Customer segments
2. Value Proposition
3. Channels
4. Customer Relationship
5. Revenue Streams
6. Key Resources
7. Key Activities
8. Key Partners
9. Cost Structure
Figure 1. Process diagram of business model canvas development of rice husks based-silica agro-industry
business Segment
partners Consumer
Main Activities Value Proposition Customer Relations
RESULT AND DISCUSSION al. 2015). The canvas divides a business model into 9
main components, then separate further into the right
The Business Model Canvas is a business (creative) and left (logic) components. The
model of a logical picture of how an organization explanation of each 9 components is listed in
creates, delivers, and captures value (Osterwalder et following Figure 3.
a. Confession
Yield of SiO2 (82.74%) = % Rice husk ash X % Ashing of rice husks is carried out in a medium-
Silica X % Silica purity. scale furnace with a furnace capacity of 15 kg.
Yield of SiO2 (82.74%) = 15% X 70.41% X Rice husks are burned at a heating rate of 1.5oC
82.74 % = 8.74% /minute to a temperature of 900 oC, in the process
Calculation of SiO2 price (82.74%). of burning rice husks, holding at a temperature of
BPS data (2015) Indonesian Milled Dry Rice 400oC and 900oC for 1 hour.
(GKG) = 69.05 x 109 kg Ashing of rice husks is carried out in a medium-
Rice husk is 20% of GKG (Muthadhi, 2007) = scale furnace with a furnace capacity of 15 kg.
13.81 x 109 kg. Rice husks were burned at a heating rate of 1.5oC
For 1‰ of the existing rice husk, SiO2 (82.74%) /minute to 900 oC, in the process of burning rice
= 1‰ x 13.81 x 109 kg x 8.74% = 1 207 000 kg husks, holding at a temperature of 400oC and
SiO2 price (82.74%) (Aldrich 2006) = $180.50 900oC for 1 hour.
x 1 207 000 kg
= $217 863 500;
= Rp. 3 050 000 000 000;
(Assuming $1 = Rp.14 000 ;)
Key Resources
Rice husk is a renewable silica source. BPS
data (2015) showed that the Indonesian Milled Dry
Rice (GKG) = 69.05 x 109 kg. It is a quite huge
resource to be developed for silica processing. If rice Figure 4. Medium scale furnace capacity 15 kg rice
husk-based silica is produced by MSMEs, the husk
equipment can be provided at a relatively low
cost.The production equipment for pyrolysis process Silica Extract
on a medium scale is made of ceramic, then coated Rice husk ash was washed using technical 3%
with kaowool to maintain heat flow in the furnace. hydrochloric acid (HCl). The washing process is
The heat source for furnace apply a gas fuel burner aimed at reducing the existing impuriti to obtain silica
located at the bottom of furnace.The shelves made of husk ash. The washing process husk ash using HCl
ceramics are placed inside the furnace to store rice 3% technical (ie 12 mL of HCl 3% technical for 1 g
husks during the pyrolysis process. Rice husks are husk ash), then heated over a hotplate at a temperature
placed on ceramic racks with a height of 2 cm to of 200 oC and stirred using a magnetic stirrer
produce silica powder from rice husks. The cost (magnetic stirrer) at a speed of 240 rpm for 2 hours.
related with patents application of the silica Then washed using hot distilled water repeatedly until
production process, human resources (HR) and free of acid (tested using litmus paper), then filtered
capital can be handled through credit. If the rice husk- with ash-free filter paper. The filtered result is heated
based silica is produced on a medium or large scale, a in a furnace at a temperature of 1 000 oC until the
business plan development and substantial business remaining white silica. The samples were cooled in
capital are required. the furnace (furnace temperature labored together at
room temperature). Silica final product produced
Key Activities from rice husk is shown in Figure 5.
The key activity carried out for the
development of silica agroindustry is the rice husks-
based silica production through a cooperation of
SMES or through medium and large industries. The
production process through medium or large
industries requires a business plan and substantial
capital, but if it is produced through SMES,
production equipment can be provided at a relatively
low cost.
The steps of the silica production process from
rice husks are as follows: Figure 5. Silica from rice hus
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