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The Research and Training Institutes of the CSB provide scientific and
technological support for enhancing production and productivity for sustainable
sericulture through innovative approaches. The CSR&TI at Mysore (Karnataka)
Berhampore (West Bengal) and Pampore (Jammu and Kashmir) deal with
Mulberry sericulture, whereas CTR&TI Ranchi (Jharkhand) deals with Tasar
culture and CMR&TI Lahdoigarh, Jorhat (Assam) deals with Muga, Eri and
Oak tasar culture.

Regional Sericulture Research Stations (RSRS) have been functioning

for the development of region specific technology package and dissemination of
research findings as per regional needs. Besides, a network of Research
Extension Centre (RECs) and its sub units are also functioning to provide
extension support to sericulturist’s. In order to provide Research and
Development support in post cocoon sector, the Board has established Central
Silk Technological Research Institute at Bengaluru. In addition, the CSB has
also set up Silkworm Seed Technology Laboratory in Bengaluru (Karnataka),
Central Sericultural Germplasm Resource Centre at Hosur (Tamil Nadu) and
Seri Biotech Research Laboratory at Bengaluru.

During the year 2019-20, a total of 44 new research projects have been initiated
and 58 projects have been concluded by various Research and Training
institutes of CSB and currently a total of 96 research projects viz., 41 in
Mulberry Sector, 30 in Vanya Sector,11 in Post cocoon sector and 14 in
specialized sectors (Seed science and Biotechnology) are under progress.

In case of university many research projects are taken up by College of

Temperate Sericulture Mirgund ( SKUAST-K) where in research regarding
silkworm and mulberry is done for improvement of cocoon crop in temperate
zones of Jammu & Kashmir,

Some of the main Research & Development (Highlights of Research


(i) R&D on Host Plant (Mulberry):

 Eight high water and nutrient use efficiency accessions viz., MI0437, MI-
0310, MI-0683, ME-0173, MI-0246, MI-0685, MI-0762 and ME0256 to
develop climate resilient mulberry varieties have been identified by CSB.

 24 new mulberry accessions for morphological, reproductive, anatomical

traits were characterized and evaluated. Based on the preliminary yield
assessment and morphological evaluation, 10 better performing accessions
viz. MI-0857, MI-0837, MI-0980, MI-0838, MI-0858, MI-0962, MI-0966,
MI-0973, MI-0974 and MI-0841 have been identified by CSB.
 R&D efforts helped to improve the mulberry productivity from 50
MT/Ha/yr during 2005-06 to 62 MT/Ha/yr during 2019-20 in Tropical
belt of India.
(ii) R&D on Mulberry Silkworm:

 New bivoltine double hybrid of BFC25 x BFC11 was developed by

utilizing Bulgarian and Indian silkworm genetic resources, which showed
a shell ratio of 23.8%, filament length of 1,095 meter and renditta of 5.8.

 Three high yielding silkworm hybrids i.e G11 x G19, with yield potential
of 68.0 kg of cocoons /100 dfls, have been achieved in Karnataka, Tamil
Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala and Maharashtra

 A general disinfectant, NIRMOOL was developed for disinfection of

silkworm rearing house and appliances.

These R&D efforts have helped in improving the yield from 48 Kg/100
dfls during 2005-06 to 65 Kg/100 dfls during 2019-20 in Tropical belt of

(iii) R&D on Vanya Silk:

 An 18 days preservation schedule for the three days Muga eggs, With 2
days post preservation/ incubation period was developed which resulted
in 85% hatching.
 A short term seed preservation schedule for Tasar silkworm BDR10
mixed eggs (at 15ºC for 15 days) with two days progressive incubation
(totaling 17 days) was developed which resulted in 90% hatching.

 In the last 10 years, 5 Vanya silkworm breeds have been released for
commercial exploitation.

(iv) R&D in Post Cocoon:

 An optimum line of machinery under Miniature concept of Eri spinning

has been developed by CSB
 Technology for development of diversified silk knitwear products/
garments using international quality Indian silk was developed by CSB
These R&D efforts have helped in improving the Renditta from 8.2
during 2005-06 to 7.3 during 2019-20 in Eri silk

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