Magic Item Creation Guide

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Magic Item Creation

for the Busy Wizard

New guidelines on creating balanced magic
items for your D&D 5th edition game

By Mark Stout
Magic Item Creation
For the Busy Wizard

New guidelines on creating balanced magic

items for your D&D 5th edition game.


Cover Illustration: Item pictures courtesy of Publisher's Choice Quality

Stock Art© Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2018 by Mark Stout and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

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Some properties are obviously intended for one kind of

What's in this product? item. Other properties can be used with any type of item.
Common sense is your best friend in making that
This product contains a system of guidelines for
producing magic items that are balanced for a particular
The system was created by breaking down the
Minor Properties
mechanical effects of magic items presented in the • Shed light as a torch or lantern.
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition Dungeon Master's Guide. • Know which direction is north.
The individual properties were classified into several • Know depth underground.
categories, and then tested to see if items could be recreated • Know direction of nearest exit to surface when
from those categorized properties. Many items in the DMG underground.
can be recreated using these guidelines, but some items don't • Gain a +2 bonus to initiative.
conform to the system, usually being rated at a lower rarity • Gain knowledge of 1 language while carrying the item.
than their properties suggest. • Item glows faintly when 1 chosen enemy (orcs,
Despite some inconsistencies, I feel this is a useful tool dragons) is within 120 feet.
for all Dungeon Masters who wish to create new and unique • Unbreakable. Must be destroyed by special means.
items without producing ones that are underpowered or • Change Shape. This could be a dagger that changes to a
overpowered. shortsword, or a hand axe that changes to a hammer.
• Illusionary Appearance. The item can appear as

How did it come about? •

another item.
Gain an armor or weapon proficiency while in
possession of, or wearing, the item.
The idea for this product came about from my desire to
have a mechanically sound way to measure the power, and
• Gain advantage on saves to resist extremely hot or cold
thus rarity, of a magic item. Perusal of the existing items in
the DMG can be a somewhat frustrating affair, as items will
• Cast a cantrip at will.
demonstrate different rarities even if they perform the exact
• Spend a bonus action to return this thrown weapon to
your hand after you throw it.
same function.
Some examples of this problem can be seen in various
items that provide resistance to one damage type. The ring of
cold resistance is a Rare magical item. Yet the ring of warmth,
Major Properties (1)
which provides cold resistance plus resistance to The following properties count as 1 Major Property.
environmental cold, is an Uncommon item. The boots of the • +1 bonus to a weapon or shield.
winterlands provide cold resistance, along with two other • +1 bonus to a suit of armor. NOTE: The first +1 bonus to
benefits, and is also rated as Uncommon. These are the sorts armor counts as 2 Major properties, but each
of inconsistencies that led me to develop these guidelines. subsequent +1 bonus counts as 1 Major property.
I keep using the word 'guidelines' because these rules are • +1 AC from a non-armor item.
exactly that - guidelines. They are meant to help you make • +1 bonus to all saving throws.
new magic items that are balanced, not become a noose to • +1d6 typed damage on each hit with the weapon. Typed
hang yourself with. Do let these guidelines help you. Don't means pick a damage type: fire, cold, etc.
let them hold your creativity back. • +2d6 weapon damage on each hit versus a specific foe,
A.K.A. a Bane weapon. Foe may be a category like giants

So how does this work? or dragons. Humanoids must be a specific race.

• Weapon inflicts an extra 7 weapon damage on a roll of
natural 20.
All the magical properties - the mechanical game effects -
have been sorted into several categories: Minor Properties,
• Wielder can swap weapon bonus to and from attack
bonus and AC.
Major Properties, and properties that count as 2, 3, or even 4
Major Properties.
• Weapon inflicts 1d4 typed damage on target that
continues until stopped. Each hit adds another 1d4.
The rarity is determined by how many Major Properties
Usually stopped by a Con saving throw of 10-18 based
an item has. Minor properties don't affect the rarity, but
on final rarity.
should be limited as noted below. Select the properties you
want, note the amount of major properties, and consult the
• Weapon inflicts maximum damage on a hit. A
longsword (1d8) would do 8 + modifiers damage.
chart below to see what the rarity will be.
• Common: 1 Minor property • Damage inflicted by the weapon can't be healed by
magic, including regeneration.
• Uncommon: 1 Major property, 1 minor property • Weapon wielder can spend a bonus action to make one
• Rare: 2 Major properties, 1-2 minor properties attack.
• Very Rare: 3 Major properties, 1-2 minor properties • After making a ranged attack with this thrown
• Legendary: 4+ Major properties, 1-3 minor weapon, it returns to your hand.

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Major Properties (1) Major Properties (2)
The following properties count as 1 Major Property. The following properties count as 2 Major Properties.
• Weapon can inflict 4d6 typed damage (save for half) • +2 bonus to a weapon or shield.
once per day on a hit. • First +1 bonus to a suit of armor. See note under 1
• Gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls or damage rolls with Major Property list.
one particular type of weapon (bows, slings, etc). • Weapon ignores damage resistance of the type it
• Weapon produces a poison that deals 2d10 poison inflicts.
damage and poisoned condition on the next hit (save • Gain resistance to one damage type.
for half and no poisoned) once per day. • Gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing,
• Gain advantage on your next attack roll, once per day. and slashing damage.
• Can use your reaction to make one attack against a foe • +2 AC from a non-armor item.
that hit you. • +2d6 typed damage on each hit with the weapon. Typed
• Armor lets wearer ignore Stealth and Strength means pick a damage type: fire, cold, etc.
penalties. • Weapon inflicts an extra 14 weapon damage on a roll of
• Armor turns critical hits on wearer into normal hits. natural 20.
• You can use your reaction to reduce damage from a hit • Weapon inflicts an extra 10 typed damage on a roll of
by 1d10 + ability modifier. natural 20, and has an additional effect. Example:
• Gain advantage on one saving throw in one particular Target takes 10 necrotic damage and you gain 10
instance - Con save against poison, Dex save to avoid temporary hit points, or target takes 10 poison damage
traps, Str save to resist being shoved, etc. and must make a Con save or be poisoned for 1 minute.
• Gain immunity to one of the following conditions: • +3d6 weapon damage on each hit versus a specific foe.
blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, or poisoned. • +2d6 weapon damage on each hit versus a specific foe,
• Gain advantage on initiative checks. and has an additional effect. Example: Target takes an
• Gain a +5 bonus to up to two specific skill checks. Ex: extra 2d6 damage and must succeed on a Str save or be
Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb and swim. knocked prone.
• Gain advantage on one skill check. Example: On • When a natural 20 is rolled, the weapon forces target
Dexterity (Stealth) checks when hiding or sneaking. to make a DC 15 Con saving throw or die.
• Gain a +1 bonus to all ability checks, but not attack • Displacement effect causes foes to have disadvantage
rolls or saving throws. on their attack rolls against you until you take damage.
• You can reroll one ability check, attack roll, or saving • You gain advantage on saving throws against spells.
throw once per day. You must keep the second result. • You can automatically succeed on one saving throw by
• Item sets one ability score to 19. Doesn't work if ability spending a charge, item has 3 charges. Example: Spend
score is already 19 or higher. a charge to succeed on a Dexterity save.
• Gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed. • When you make a saving throw against a spell and roll
• Gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. a natural 20, you reflect the spell on the caster and
• Gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed, once suffer no effects from it.
per day for up to 4 hours. • Automatically make one ability check once per day.
• Gain the spider climb ability. • Item sets one ability score to 21. Doesn't work if ability
• Gain a speed of 30 feet that can't be reduced by armor score is already 21 or higher.
or encumbrance. Doesn't help if speed already higher. • You gain a fly speed of 60 feet for up to 1 hour per day.
• Double your speed for up to 10 minutes per day, • While attuned to the item, you ignore difficult terrain,
multiple uses possible. can't have your movement reduced, and can't be
• Gain the ability to walk on one substance you normally paralyzed or restrained.
can't walk on - water, lava, etc. • You gain the benefits of a feather fall spell whenever
• Gain water breathing when underwater, operates you fall.
continuously. • You can cast a 2nd level spell (no offensive, defensive,
• Gain the ability to see invisible people and objects, or healing spells) on yourself only, at will. Examples:
operates continuously. levitate, misty step, or alter self.
• Gain darkvision of 60 feet, or increase your darkvision • You can cast a 3rd to 5th level spell once per day.
range by 60 feet if you already have it. • You can cast a variety of spells from 1st to 5th level,
• Item has extradimensional storage of large capacity. paying 1 charge per spell level, item has 7-10 charges,
• Wearer can't be found with divination magic. rechargeable.
• Can cast a 1st level utility spell (no offensive, defensive, • Can cast a 3rd or 4th level spell for 1 charge each, non-
or healing spells) on yourself only, at will. Examples rechargeable.
comprehend languages, jump, unseen servant. • Can cast a 3rd or 4th level spell for 1 charge, increasing
• Can cast a 2nd level spell once per day. charges upgrade spell, item has 7 charges,
• Can cast a 1st or 2nd level spell(s) by spending charges, rechargeable.
item has 3-7 charges (rechargeable) or 5-12 charges • Can cast up to a 6th level spell one time, this destroys
(non-rechargeable/expendable). the item.

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wands, staffs, and one rod. Note that not all of them have
Major Properties (3) charges - of the rods, only one does. Those that do have
charges tend to follow these rules.
The following properties count as 3 Major Properties. Wands typically have 3 or 7 charges. If the wand allows
• +3 bonus to a weapon or shield. the casting of one spell, it will cost 1 charge to cast that spell.
• +2 bonus to a suit of armor. If the spell is one that can be cast at a higher level for
• Shield or weapon is animated, defending for 1 minute additional effect, more than 1 charge can be spent to
or attacking once as a bonus action for 4 rounds. increase the casting level. Example: A wand of fireballs casts
• Gain immunity to one damage type. the fireball spell at 3rd level for 1 charge. Using 2 charges
• Gain advantage on saving throws against spells and casts the spell at 4th level. If the wand allows the casting of
magical effects. more than one spell, the charge cost will be the lowest level
• Gain resistance to spell damage. of the spell, and no extra charges can be spent to increase
• Gain regeneration of 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes. A the level. Example:A wand of binding can cast hold person for
missing body part regrows in 1d6+1 days. 2 charges or hold monster for 5 charges.
• Item sets one ability score to 23 or 25. Doesn't work if Staffs that use charges to cast spells tend to have 10
ability score is already higher. charges. The staff of power and staff of the magi are
• Gain a permanent +2 bonus to one ability score, or a +2 exceptions. They allow the casting of multiple spells, so the
bonus while possessing or wearing the item. This charge cost to cast the spell is the spell's base level.
increases your maximum score by the same amount.
• You can cast a 7th or 8th level spell one time, this Charged Items - type 2
destroys the item. The second category of charged items is those that aren't
• You can cast a 5th or 6th level spell for 1 charge each, destroyed by expending the last charge. Any item that isn't a
non-rechargeable. potion, scroll, wand, or staff that has charges falls under this

Major Properties (4) Wondrous items and rings with charges have examples
in the DMG - ring of evasion, medallion of thoughts, and eyes
of charming. These items have 3-10 charges, and typically
The following properties count as 4 Major Properties. use 1 charge to cast spells or activate their effects. Single
• +3 bonus to a suit of armor. spell or effect items, like the eyes of charming and ring of
• You can cast a 7th to 9th level spell once per day. evasion, tend to have 3 charges and replenish 1d3 charges
• Item sets one ability score to 27 or 29. Doesn't work if once per day. Multiple spell or effect items, like the ring of
ability score is already higher. shooting stars, usually have 6-10 charges, with charge costs
equal to the spell level or effect produced.
More on Charged Items You aren't restricted to using charges on rings and
wondrous items. Weapons, armor, and shields can all have
Charged items come in three varieties. charged effects or spells, either alongside a standard "plus"
1. Items that recharge once per day at a set time bonus, or in lieu of it.
(dawn, dusk, midnight). When the last charge is
spent, there is a 1 in 20 chance (1 on a d20 roll) that
Charged Items - type 3
the item is destroyed. These charged items don't recharge. When the last
2. Items that recharge once per day at a set time charge is expended, one of three things happens, depending
(dawn, dusk, midnight). These items aren't on the type of item it is.
destroyed by spending the last charge. • The item loses the charged function permanently
3. Items that don't recharge. When the last charge is (death effect of a nine lives stealer, wishes of a luck
expended, the item loses that function blade).
permanently, becomes non-magical, or is destroyed. • The item becomes non-magical (ring of 3 wishes,
A rechargeable item generally recharges a random helm of brilliance).
amount of charges based on a die roll (or roll with a • The item is destroyed (scarab of protection, gem of
modifier). When deciding on a recharge die and modifier, brightness).
both should allow for a complete restoration of charges on a Items in the first two points above tend to have 1 to 9
maximum die result, but still retain a good variance. charges, determined randomly, and use 1 charge per
An example of this is with the wand of magic missiles. It activation. The more powerful the effect, the less charges the
has 7 charges, and regains 1d6+1 charges at dawn. Using a d6 item has.
die with a +1 modifier gives the roll a wide variance (2-7) Items in the third point have a larger number of charges,
while allowing for a maximum roll to fully replenish the anywhere from 12 to 50. As above, powerful effects will have
charges. The staff of curing has 10 charges, and regains 1d6+4 less charges, or if the item has multiple effects, the more
(5-10) charges at dawn. powerful effects will require the expenditure of multiple
charges, like the gem of brightness.
Charged Items - type 1
The first category of charged items, items that could be
destroyed when the last charge is expended, typically covers

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Attunement Minor and Major Items
So where does attunement fit in with this system? It has Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGE) showed the split
nothing to do with determining the rarity of a magical item. between Minor and Major magical items. If you look at the
Rather it is a restriction of sorts, a way to ensure that minor magic item tables by rarity (XGE 140-142), you'll see
characters aren't walking around festooned with magical that all the magic items that fall into the minor category
items like a Christmas tree with ornaments. (with the exception of several Common items) are all items
Certain magical items have attunement as a requirement that do not require attunement. These items are mostly
to use the item, or have access to the item's special consumable or expendable items, or permanent items that
properties. Attunement seems to be universal among the don't have a direct combat usage (storage, transport, non-
most powerful magic items, with a few notable exceptions. It flying movement).
also seems to be almost omnipresent on items that allow the You can determine whether your magical item is minor
casting of multiple spells, and those that provide a constant or major by using the above notes, as well as the XGE tables
bonus to the character in the form of ability checks, saving as a guide.
throws, AC, resistances, immunities, or other continuous
magical effects.
Some types of items never require attunement. These Example Builds
In this section, iconic and new magic items have been
• Potions, elixirs, and oils built to demonstrate the ease and versatility of the system.
• Scrolls You'll see which iconic items follow the guidelines, and
• Dusts and powders which do not.
• Ointments
• Bags with beans, fuzzy objects, etc Flame Tongue
• Beads that release a spell or effect when thrown • +2d6 fire damage on a hit - 2 Major properties.
• Weapons, armor, or shields that are +1 to +3 only, • Sheds light - 1 Minor property.
with no other abilities Two Major properties and 1 Minor property make a Rare
• Ammunition item. This matches the DMG entry.
• Items whose sole function is extradimensional
storage Frost Brand
• Limited use items whose sole function is to • +1d6 cold damage on a hit - 1 Major property.
summon creatures • Gain cold resistance - 2 Major properties.
• Flying devices that are ridden on • Sheds light - 1 Minor property.
• Vehicles and buildings • Extinguish flames - 1 Minor property.
• Item that produces a 1st or 2nd level spell once per Three Major properties and 1 Minor property make a
day as its sole function Very Rare item. This matches the DMG entry.
• Item designed to be placed onto another creature
(iron bands, dimensional shackles) Mace of Disruption
• Bane weapons with no other abilities except the • +2d6 radiant damage to undead or fiend on a hit,
bane ability and a bonus and it must save or be destroyed if it has 25 or less
• Armor whose magic is on the armor, not the wearer hit points - 2 Major.
(adamantine armor, dwarven plate, mithral armor) • Sheds light - 1 Minor.
• Figurines that become a monster Two Major properties and 1 Minor property make a Rare
• Bottles and flasks that hold things item. This matches the DMG entry.
• Items designed for mounts Ring of Warmth
• One-use items that grant a permanent ability score • Gain cold resistance - 2 Major.
increase (manuals, books, and tomes)
• Advantage on saves against cold environment - 1
Some types of items always require attunement. These
Two Major properties and 1 Minor property make a Rare
• Staffs, rods, and wands (except wands that produce item. This doesn't match the DMG entry of Uncommon.
only one 1st level spell or effect)
• Items which increase an ability score while they Boots of Elvenkind
are being worn. • Gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks - 1
• Sentient items Major.
• Artifacts One Major property makes an Uncommon item. This
As for any item not covered on the two lists above, it's matches the DMG entry.
your choice as DM. Generally, an item that bestows a
continuous effect on the character, allows the casting of
multiple spells, or conveys multiple benefits, should require
attunement. Powerful items of Very Rare to Legendary rarity
should always require attunement.

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Vicious Weapon Bag of Slime Balls
• Weapon inflicts an extra 7 weapon damage on a Wondrous item, uncommon
roll of natural 20 - 1 Major. • Bag contains 1d4+4 spongy balls that feel slick to
One Major property makes an Uncommon item. This the touch. You can throw the ball up to 60 feet as an
doesn't match the DMG entry of Rare. action. When it lands, it creates the effect of a
grease spell. Targets in the area must make a DC 12
Tome of Clear Thought Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. Any creature
• Gain a permanent +2 bonus to your Intelligence entering the area or ending its turn there must
score. This increases your maximum score by the make the Dexterity saving throw. The slippery area
same amount - 3 Major. remains for 1 minute. - 1 Major property.
Three Major properties make a Very Rare item. This One Major property makes this an Uncommon item.
matches the DMG entry.
Assassin's Blade
Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)
Belt of Dwarvenkind • +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls - 1 Major.
• Gain +2 bonus to Con while wearing belt - 2 Major • +1d6 piercing damage on a hit - 1 Major.
(since it doesn't increase maximum score). • Illusionary Appearance. The dagger can be made to
• Advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks with appear as any object of equivalent size - 1 Minor.
dwarves - 1 Major. Two Major and 1 Minor properties make this a Rare item.
• Gain dwarven resistance to poison, advantage on
poison saves, darkvision, and language 3 Major and
1 Minor.
Six Major properties and 1 Minor property make a
Legendary item. This doesn't match the DMG entry of Rare.

New Items
Sword of the Arctic Wastes
Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
• +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls - 1 Major.
• +1d6 cold damage on a hit - 1 Major.
• As a bonus action, you can change it from a
longsword to an war pick - 1 Minor.
Two Major properties and 1 Minor property make a Rare
Hawkwing Armor
Armor (leather), very rare (requires attunement)
• +1 bonus to AC - 2 Major.
• You can say a command word as an action to make
the armor sprout wings. You gain a flying speed
equal to your walking speed. You can dismiss the
wings with a bonus action. You can use the wings a
total of 4 hours per day - 1 Major.
Three Major properties make a Very Rare item.
Storm Shield
Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)
• The shield has 3 charges. You can use your reaction
when you've been struck by a foe within 60 feet to
expend 1 charge to cast a hellish rebuke spell that
inflicts lightning damage. The shield regains 1d3
charges at dawn - 1 Major.
• +1 bonus to AC - 1 Major.
Two Major properties make a Rare item.

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