Light - Reflection and Refraction Part 1

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Question Bank

Class : 10 Reflection of Light
Very Short Answer Questions (1 mark)

1. Define reflection of light.

2. What is a reflector?
3. State laws of reflection.
4. What are the values of angle of incidence and angle of reflection for normal incidence
of light on a plane mirror?
5. What is real image?
6. What is virtual image?
7. Mention the nature of image produced by a plane mirror.
8. Define centre of curvature of a spherical mirror.
9. Define radius of curvature of a spherical mirror.
10. Define aperture of a spherical mirror.
11. Define pole of a spherical mirror.
12. Define principal axis of a spherical mirror.
13. Define principal focus of a convex mirror.
14. Define principal focus of a concave mirror.
15. Define focal length of a spherical mirror.
16. Write the relation between focal length and radius of curvature of a spherical mirror.
17. No matter how far you stand from a mirror, your image always appears erect and
diminished. Identify the type of mirror.
18. Where an object should be placed on the principal axis of a concave mirror so that its
real image is of the same size as that of the object?
19. Where an object should be placed on the principal axis of a concave mirror, so that a
magnified and virtual image of the object is formed.
20. Where will the image be formed by a convex mirror if the object is placed between
infinity and pole of the mirror?
21. Name the rear view mirror used in vehicles.
22. Name the type of mirror used in headlight of buses and cars.
23. Name the type of mirror used in solar furnaces.
24. Why does a ray of light passing through the centre of curvature of a concave mirror
after reflection, is reflected back along the same path?
25. What kinds of mirrors are used in big shopping stores to watch the activities of
26. Name the type of mirror used by ladies for the makeup?
27. Name the type of mirror used in street lights?
28. A small mirror is fitted on the wall of Agra Fort to see the full length image of Taj
Mahal. Name the type of mirror.
29. Write mirror formula.
30. Define magnification of mirror.
31. If the magnification, m = +1, name the type of mirror.
32. If the magnification, m = -1, name the type of mirror.
33. When do an object and its image coincide in a convergent mirror?
34. What is the distance between the image and the plane mirror, if the object is at 20m?
35. How can we find the rough focal length of a concave mirror?

Short Answer Questions (2 Mark)

1. The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is -30 cm. Find the focal length of this
mirror and identify the type of mirror.
2. With the help of a ray diagram, show that angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
reflection, when a ray is incident on the concave mirror.
3. An object is placed at the following distances from a concave mirror of focal length
15 cm.
a) 10 cm
b) 20 cm
c) 30 cm
d) 40 cm

Which position of the object will produce?

1) Virtual image
2) Diminished real image
3) Enlarged real image
4) An image of the same size
4. Draw the ray diagram to show reflected ray by a concave mirror when the incident ray
a) Passes through its centre of curvature
b) Passes through its focus
5. Mention two properties of image formed by a convex mirror.
6. Name the mirror that
a) Can give real as well as virtual image of an object.
b) Will always give virtual image of same size of an object.
7. A man standing in front of a mirror finds his image having a very large head and legs
of normal size. What types of mirrors are used in designing such a mirror?
8. The magnification produced by a mirror is -1.5. What does it signify about the image
9. Identify the nature of the mirror and mention two characteristics of the image formed
when magnification, m = +6.
10. An object is placed between infinity and pole of a convex mirror. Draw a ray diagram
and also state the position and nature of the image formed.

Short Answer Qusetions (3marks)

1. An object 2 cm in size is placed 30 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 15

cm. At what distance from the mirror should a screen be placed in order to obtain a sharp
image? What will be the nature and the size of the image formed? Draw a ray diagram to
show the formation of the image in this case.

2. (a) It is desired to obtain an erect image of an object, using a concave mirror of focal
length 20 cm

(i) What should be the range of distance of the object from the mirror?

(ii) Will the image be bigger or smaller than the object?

(iii) Draw a ray diagram to show the image formation in this case.

3.An object is placed between infinity and the pole of a convex mirror. Draw a ray
diagram and also state the position, the relative size and the nature of the image formed.

4.Rohan placed a pencil perpendicular to principal axis in front of a converging mirror of

focal length 30 cm. The image formed is twice the size of the pencil. Calculate the
distance of the object from the mirror.
5. Draw the ray diagram and also state the position, relative size and nature of the image
formed by a concave mirror when the object is placed between its centre of curvature C
and focus F.

6. State the type of mirror preferred as (i) rear view mirror in vehicles

ii) Shaving mirror .Justify your answer giving two reasons in each case.

7. State the type of mirror preferred as i) Headlights of a car ii) Solar furnace. Justify
your answer giving two reasons in each case.

8. An object is placed at a distance of 30cm in front of a convex mirror of focal length

15cm. Write four characteristics of the image formed by the mirror.

9. A spherical mirror produces an image of magnification -1 on a screen placed at a

distance of 50cm from the mirror.

i) Write the type of the mirror

ii) Find the distance of the image from the object

iii) What is the focal length of the mirror?

10.If the image formed by a mirror for all positions of the object placed in front of it is
always erect and diminished; what type of mirror is it? Draw a ray diagram to justify
your answer. Where do we generally use this type of mirror?

11. Design an activity using concave mirror to prove that it s converging in nature. Also
state a method to find its rough focal length.
12. Write one similarity and one dissimilarity between image formed by pane mirror and
convex mirror.
13. Draw a diagram and apply [the new Cartesian sign] conventions for calculating focal
length and nature of a spherical mirror which forms a 1/3 times magnified virtual
image of an object placed 18cm in front of it.

14. According to Cartesian sign convention, all distances are measured from the pole of
the mirror or the optical centre of the lens. The distances measured in the same
direction as the incident light are taken as positive and those measured in the
direction opposite to the direction of incident light are taken as negative. The
heights measured upwards with respect to x-axis and normal to the principal axis
(x-axis) of the mirror/ lens are taken as positive. The heights measured downwards
are taken as negative.

1. The focal length of a mirror is -15cm. Name the type of mirror.

2. Height of the object is +6cm and the height of the image is +1cm. Name the
type of mirror and nature of the image.

Long Answer Questions (5 marks)

1. A student wants to project the image of a candle flame on a screen 80cm in front of a
mirror by keeping the candle flame at a distance of 20cm from its pole.

i) Which type of mirror should the student use?

ii) Find the magnification of the image produced.

iii) Find the distance between the object and its image.

iv) Draw a ray diagram to show the image formation in this case and mark the distance
between the object and its image.

2. For the given data showing object distance and focal length of three concave mirrors,
answer the following questions :

i)Out of the three in which case the mirror will form the image having same size as
the object ?

ii)Which mirror is being used as a make-up-mirror ?

iii)Draw the ray diagram for part (1) and part (2)

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