Sta. Maria - Dlp-Cot4

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TEACHER: Arlene A. Sta. Maria QUARTER: 4 WEEK: 3
SCHOOL: Fort Bonifacio High School TEACHING TIME: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
SECTION: Grade 8 Gomez DATE: April 18, 2024

I. OBJECTIVES The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an expression
1. Content Standards of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow invarious text types; reality, fantasy,
and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of
information sources, active/passiveconstructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and
logical connectors in journalistic writing.
2. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents of
which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech featuring use of
properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
3. Learning Competencies Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea
development: general to particular, claim and counterclaim, problem-solution, cause-effect
and others.
4. Specific Objectives 1. Identify the different methods/modes of paragraph development.
2. Compose a paragraph using any method or pattern of development.
II. CONTENT Modes of Paragraph Development
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources English – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 2: Modes of Paragraph Development
First Edition, 2021

4 Types of Paragraphs
A. Reviewing previous 1. Greetings I maintain a safe and secure
lesson or presenting the 2. Checking of attendance learning environment by
new lesson 3. Reiterating classroom rules consistently applying classroom
Review of the previous lesson:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transitional device in the box.

One of the most an example

In addition, Also But

1. _____________ important needs indicated in the hierarchy of needs by Maslow is the

physiological need. 2. _____________ of this is the need for food. Another need 3.
_____________ is the sociological need or the need to belong, the need to be loved, and
accepted. 4. _____________ is the esteem needs which refer to the need to be recognized. All
needs are equally important, 5. _____________ the one located at the peak of the pyramid is
the self-actualization. It is a point where one meets the maximum of his or her potential.
Thus, one becomes fully happy and contented.

B. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson Imagine you're a carpenter with a toolbox full of different tools. Each
tool has its own unique function, whether it's a hammer for driving nails,
a saw for cutting wood, or a screwdriver for tightening screws.
Similarly, in writing, you have different types of paragraphs that serve
different purposes.
Just as a carpenter wouldn't use a hammer to saw through wood or a
screwdriver to drive nails, writers shouldn't use the same type of
paragraph for every situation. Learning to identify the different types of paragraphs is like
learning to choose the right tool for the job.

C. Presenting examples / A paragraph is a self-contained unit of written composition that consists of one or more
TEACHER: Arlene A. Sta. Maria QUARTER: 4 WEEK: 3
SCHOOL: Fort Bonifacio High School TEACHING TIME: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
SECTION: Grade 8 Gomez DATE: April 18, 2024
instances of the new sentences grouped together around a central topic or main idea. In prose writing, paragraphs
lesson serve as building blocks that organize and present information in a coherent and structured
D. Discussing new concepts Types/Modes of Paragraph Development
and practicing new skills
#1 1. Descriptive Paragraph Development:
A. Purpose:
The purpose of a descriptive paragraph is to paint a vivid picture or evoke sensory
experiences for the reader. It focuses on providing detailed descriptions of people,
places, objects, or experiences.
B. Characteristics:
Descriptive paragraphs use sensory language (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) to
create imagery and engage the reader's senses. They often employ adjectives,
adverbs, and figurative language to enhance descriptions.
C. Example:
"The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the tranquil
lake. The water shimmered like liquid gold, reflecting the vibrant hues of the sky. A
gentle breeze danced through the air, carrying the sweet scent of wildflowers and the
faint chirping of crickets."

II. Comparison Paragraph Development:

A. Purpose:
The purpose of a comparison paragraph is to highlight similarities and/or differences
between two or more subjects or ideas. It aims to help the reader understand the
relationships between the subjects being compared.
B. Characteristics:
Comparison paragraphs typically use signal words (such as "similarly," "likewise,"
"in contrast," "on the other hand") to indicate comparisons and contrasts. They may
follow a point-by-point or block comparison structure.
C. Example:
"Both cats and dogs make popular pets, but they differ in their behaviors and care
requirements. While cats are known for their independent nature and low-
maintenance care, dogs are more social animals that require regular exercise and

III. Cause and Effect Paragraph Development:

A. Purpose:
The purpose of a cause and effect paragraph is to explain the relationship between
actions (causes) and their outcomes (effects). It aims to help the reader understand
why certain events occur and their consequences.
B. Characteristics:
Cause and effect paragraphs typically present one or more causes followed by their
corresponding effects or vice versa. They may use signal words (such as "because,"
"since," "as a result," "consequently") to indicate causality.
C. Example:
"The rise in global temperatures is primarily caused by human activities such as
burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These actions release greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere, trapping heat and leading to climate change. As a result, we are
witnessing more frequent and severe weather events, rising sea levels, and
disruptions to ecosystems."

IV. Classification Paragraph Development

A. Purpose:
The purpose of a classification paragraph is to categorize or group items, ideas,
or concepts based on shared characteristics or criteria. It aims to help the reader
understand the organization and relationships within a group.
B. Characteristics: Classification paragraphs typically identify and define categories or
classes, then provide examples or descriptions for each category. They may use
signal words (such as "types of," "categories include," "classified into") to indicate
TEACHER: Arlene A. Sta. Maria QUARTER: 4 WEEK: 3
SCHOOL: Fort Bonifacio High School TEACHING TIME: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
SECTION: Grade 8 Gomez DATE: April 18, 2024
C. Example:
"Computer programming languages can be classified into three main categories:
high-level languages, low-level languages, and scripting languages. High-level
languages like Python and Java are user-friendly and focus on problem-solving.
Low-level languages such as Assembly are closer to machine code and offer more
control over hardware. Scripting languages like JavaScript are used for automating
tasks and web development."

5. Discussing new concepts Underline cue words that help you identify the mode or type of paragraph development.
and practicing new skills
#2 The ancient oak tree stood tall and majestic in the center of the meadow, its gnarled
branches reaching skyward like outstretched arms. Its thick trunk, weathered and worn with
age, bore the scars of countless seasons. Surrounding the tree, a carpet of emerald grass
swayed gently in the breeze, punctuated by bursts of colorful wildflowers that danced in the

In this paragraph, cue words

such as "tall and majestic," 2. Public transportation and private vehicles offer
In this part of the lesson, distinct advantages and disadvantages for
"gnarled branches,"
the students will develop commuters. While public transportation is often
"weathered and worn,"
literacy skills as well as more affordable and environmentally friendly, it
"surrounding the tree," and
critical and higher-order "colorful wildflowers" evoke may be less convenient and less flexible in terms
skills because they will be sensory details and imagery, of scheduling. On the other hand, private vehicles
presented with various indicating that it is a provide greater autonomy and flexibility, but they
texts and examples of descriptive paragraph. come with higher costs and contribute to traffic
paragraphs, and they will
congestion and pollution.
identify its mode
according to what have In this paragraph, cue words such as "While" "On the other hand," and "but" indicate
learned. a comparison between two contrasting ideas, highlighting the advantages and
disadvantages of public transportation and private vehicles.

3. The proliferation of social media platforms has had profound effects on society. The
constant connectivity and instant gratification provided by social media have led to a rise
in online activism and social movements, as individuals can easily organize and mobilize
for causes they believe in. However, this digital landscape has also given rise to issues
such as cyberbullying, misinformation, and addiction, affecting mental health and social

In this paragraph, cue

words such as "has led to," 4. Musical instruments can be classified into four
"However," and main categories: string instruments, wind
"affecting" indicate cause- instruments, percussion instruments, and
and-effect relationships, electronic instruments. String instruments, such as
demonstrating how the the violin and guitar, produce sound through the
proliferation of social vibration of strings. Wind instruments, including
media platforms has both the flute and trumpet, produce sound by blowing
positive and negative air through a tube or reed. Percussion instruments,
impacts on society. like the drum and xylophone, produce sound by
In this paragraph, cue words
striking or shaking. Electronic instruments, such
such as "categories,"
as synthesizers and keyboards, generate sound
"including," "like," and "such
as" indicate a classification of electronically using digital technology.
musical instruments into
different categories based on
their characteristics and
methods of producing sound.

6. Developing mastery Activity 1 FILL ME UP

(leads to Formative Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term about paragraph and types of
Assessment) paragraph development.
1. In a __________ paragraph, writers provide detailed descriptions of people, places,
objects, or experiences, using sensory language to create imagery and engage the
TEACHER: Arlene A. Sta. Maria QUARTER: 4 WEEK: 3
SCHOOL: Fort Bonifacio High School TEACHING TIME: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
SECTION: Grade 8 Gomez DATE: April 18, 2024
reader's senses.
2. __________ paragraphs highlight similarities and/or differences between two or
In this part of the lesson, more subjects or ideas, using signal words such as "while," "on the other hand," and
the students will develop "but" to indicate comparisons and contrasts.
literacy skills as well as 3. __________ paragraphs explain the relationship between actions (causes) and their
critical and higher-order outcomes (effects), using signal words such as "because," "since," "as a result," and
skills. They must analyze "consequently" to indicate causality.
and evaluate the 4. In a __________ paragraph, items, ideas, or concepts are categorized into distinct
statements so they can groups based on shared characteristics or criteria, with signal words such as
"categories," "including," "like," and "such as" used to indicate classification.
identify the type of
5. _________ is a sentence or a group of sentences that focuses on developing a single
paragraph is being
discussed and whether the
description given is true or Activity 2: How Well Do You Know (TRUE OR FALSE)
false. 1. Descriptive paragraphs focus on explaining the relationship between actions and
their outcomes. (False)
2. Comparison paragraphs highlight similarities and/or differences between two or
more subjects or ideas. (True)
3. Cause and effect paragraphs categorize items, ideas, or concepts based on shared
characteristics or criteria. (False)
4. Classification paragraphs provide detailed descriptions of people, places, objects, or
experiences. (False)
5. Classification paragraphs organize information into distinct categories based on
shared characteristics or criteria. (True)

7. Finding practical Activity 3. Be a Writer

applications of concepts Directions:
and skills in daily living The class will be divided into 8 groups. Each group will get to be assigned a topic to develop
using the mode or type of paragraph development that will be chosen by the electronic SPIN

I incorporated the lesson 1. Classification

with topics aligned with the Types of Physical Fitness Activities
students’ curricular subjects
Types of Computer Software
such as Physical Education,
TLE, Science, Filipino, Values 2. Comparison
Education, Music, Social Renewable Vs. Non-Renewable Energy Sources
Studies, and Health. In Traditional Filipino Festivals vs. Modern Celebrations
grouping the students and 3. Description
assigning the topics to their The Impact of Kindness in Society
group, I take into The Symphony Orchestra
consideration their interests
4. Cause and Effect
and hobbies. This way, I used
differentiated method in
The Industrial Revolution
assigning tasks and group. The Effect of Poor Diet on Physical Health

8. Making generalizations Activity 4. Post It

and abstractions about the
lesson Fill out the chart by sharing your insights and additional questions about the topic. Write your
insights and inquiries in a post it and stick it on the chart.

What I What Interests What I Want

This part of the lesson shows
learner-centered culture because Learned me Most to Know
they are allowed to post their Further
insights and further questions
that we may discuss the next day.
This allows the students to direct
the lesson based on their needs.

9. Evaluating learning Directions: Choose the type of paragraph development (descriptive, comparison, cause and
effect, or classification) that best fits each paragraph.

1.The bustling city streets were alive with the sounds of honking horns, bustling
crowds, and vendors hawking their wares. Neon signs illuminated the night sky, casting
TEACHER: Arlene A. Sta. Maria QUARTER: 4 WEEK: 3
SCHOOL: Fort Bonifacio High School TEACHING TIME: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
SECTION: Grade 8 Gomez DATE: April 18, 2024
a colorful glow over the bustling metropolis. The aroma of street food filled the air,
enticing passersby with its tantalizing scent.
A. Descriptive
B. Comparison
C. Cause and Effect
D. Classification

2. Both hiking and cycling offer outdoor enthusiasts opportunities to explore nature and
stay active. While hiking allows for a slower pace and closer interaction with the
environment, cycling provides a faster means of covering longer distances and exploring
diverse landscapes.
A. Descriptive
B. Comparison
C. Cause and Effect
D. Classification

3. The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century
revolutionized the spread of information and knowledge. This innovation enabled the
mass production of books and newspapers, democratizing access to literature and
fostering intellectual growth and cultural exchange.
A. Descriptive
B. Comparison
C. Cause and Effect
D. Classification
4. Renewable energy sources can be classified into three main categories: solar, wind, and
hydroelectric power. Solar energy harnesses sunlight to generate electricity through
photovoltaic cells, while wind energy utilizes wind turbines to convert wind into
electrical power. Hydroelectric power relies on the gravitational force of flowing water
to generate electricity.
A. Descriptive
B. Comparison
C. Cause and Effect
D. Classification

5. The widespread use of smartphones has transformed the way people communicate and
access information. While smartphones offer unparalleled convenience and connectivity,
they have also been linked to a range of issues, including decreased attention spans, sleep
disturbances, and social isolation.
A. Descriptive
B. Comparison
C. Cause and Effect
D. Classification
6. Snowboarding and skiing are popular winter sports that offer exhilarating experiences on
the slopes. While snowboarding involves riding a single board with both feet strapped in,
skiing involves using two separate skis with bindings to slide down the snow-covered
A. Descriptive
B. Comparison
C. Cause and Effect
D. Classification
7. The industrial revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries had far-reaching effects on
society, economy, and culture. The shift from agrarian to industrial economies led to
urbanization, technological advancements, and changes in social structures and labor
A. Descriptive
B. Comparison
C. Cause and Effect
D. Classification

8. The human brain can be divided into several distinct regions, each responsible for
specific functions and abilities. The frontal lobe, for example, controls decision-making
and cognitive processes, while the occipital lobe is involved in visual processing and
TEACHER: Arlene A. Sta. Maria QUARTER: 4 WEEK: 3
SCHOOL: Fort Bonifacio High School TEACHING TIME: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
SECTION: Grade 8 Gomez DATE: April 18, 2024
A. Descriptive
B. Comparison
C. Cause and Effect
D. Classification

10. Additional activities for For remediation, students who belong to opportunity class will do the tasks in E-SIM posted
application or in the Google Classroom
A. Number of learners who earned 75% in the Section = 29
B. Number of learners who require additional
Section = 2
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Number of Yes ____/____ No ________
learners who have caught up with the lesson. Section = 2
D. Number of learners who continue to require
Section = 0
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? ________ Experiment ________ Role play
Why did this work? ____/____ Collaborative Learning ____/____ Lecture
____/____ Differentiated Instruction ________ Discovery
____/____ Complete Instructional Materials
Why? Collaborative learning allows the students to share their ideas
and develop their social skills. It also helps the students to complete
tasks in a given time in an interactive and fun way.
Others _______________________________
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my ________ Bullying among students
principal or supervisor can help me solve? ____/____ Students’ behavior / attitude
________ Inappropriate IMs
________ Technology / Equipment Unavailable
________ Science / Computer / Internet Laboratory
Others _______________________________
G. What innovation or localized materials did I ________ Localized videos
use / discover which I wish to share with other ________ Making big books from views of the locality
teachers? ________ Using recycled materials for instruction
________ Local music composition
Others localized topics and reading materials

Prepared by: Checked by: Observed by:


Teacher II Head Teacher VI, English Department Head Teacher VI, English Department
English 8 Date: ___________________ Date: ___________________

Noted by:


Principal III

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