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Learn Arabic Grammar – The Easy Way

UNIT - 3

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Introduction of ‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
The verbs we have learned so far are called 3-letter verbs. In their different forms, the additions are those
relating to person, gender, or number, as isَ apparent in the following example:
Name of ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

ْ ‫اَفْعَ َل‬ َ‫َي َفْعَل‬ َ ‫فَعَ َل‬

‫اَفْعَلَ ْوَا‬ َ‫َي َفْعَلَ ْو َن‬ ‫فَعَلَ ْوَا‬
ْ ‫ََل ََت َفْعَ َل‬ َ‫َتَفْعَل‬ ََ ْ ‫فَعَ َل‬
‫ََل ََت َفْعَلَ ْوَا‬ َ‫َأفْعَل‬ َ ْ ‫فَعَ َل‬
‫َف َاعل‬ َ‫َتَفْعَلَ ْو َن‬ ْ‫فَعَ َل ْت َم‬
‫مََفْعَ َْو َل‬ َ‫َن َفْعَل‬ ‫فَعَ َل ْن ََا‬
‫فعْل‬ َ‫َتَفْعَل‬ َْ َ ‫فَعَ َل‬
Introduction of Mazeed Feeh:
If a verb has extra letters to the 3-letter set (as seen in the َ‫ ماض‬key), it is called: ‫( مَزيدَفيه‬Mazeed Feeh),
meaning “extra in it” verb. For example:
➢ َ‫ عَل َّ َم‬from َ‫( عَل َم‬shadda is added here), and
➢ َ‫ أ َ ْسل َ َم‬from َ‫( َسل َم‬Hamzah is added in the beginning).
English language also has “Mazeed feeh” verbs. Let us take an example from English. Take the verb ‘write.’
We can generate the whole table in our style as shown below.
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action،‫اسممفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
Write! He writes He wrote
Write! (you all) They write They wrote
Don’t write! You write You wrote
Don’t write! (you all) I write I wrote
Writer You all write You all wrote
That which is written We write We wrote
To write She writes She wrote
Now let us add re- to the verbَ ‘write’: Rewrite. And let us make all the forms again!
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action،‫اسممفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
Rewrite! He rewrites He rewrote
Rewrite! (you all) They rewrite They rewrote
Don’t rewrite! You rewrite You rewrote
Don’t rewrite! (you all) I rewrite I rewrote
Rewriter You all rewrite You all rewrote
That which is rewritten We rewrite We rewrote
To rewrite She rewrites She rewrote
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There are different styles of making “Mazeed feeh” verbs in English. They are made by adding a prefix.
• Prefix re: redo; rewrite; reestablish
• Prefix un: undo; unpack; unfold
• Prefix de: declassify; demotivate; degenerate
• Prefix mis: mislead; misalign; miscalculate
• Prefix over: overcook; overtake; overrate
• Prefix under: undercook; undertake; underestimate
In Arabic, the extra letters are added sometimes before the first letter and sometimes between the first and
the second letter. Once they are added to the root letters, they stay in almost all the forms of ‫ مضارع‬,ََ‫ماض‬, etc.
as shown above, i.e., rewrites, rewrote, rewritten, etc.
There are 14 derivative forms )‫ (مزيدَفيه‬in Arabic. Five of them are more common which are given below
along with their occurrence in the Qur’an. To memorize these 5 types easily, memorize the 2 sentences given
• ‫ تَعْليم‬and ‫ م َحا َسبَة‬are very important in ‫إ ْس ََلم‬
‫تَعْليم‬ ↔ َ‫عَل َّ َم‬ Extra shaddah 1660

‫م َحا َسبَة‬ ↔ ََ‫َحا َسب‬ Extra Alif 500

َ‫إ ْس ََلم‬ ↔ َ‫أ َ ْسل َ َم‬ Extra Hamzah 4500

َ َ
ْ ‫ ا‬do ‫( ا ْستغْفار‬to ask for forgiveness).
Don’t do ‫ختَلف‬

َ‫ا ْخت ََلف‬ ↔ َ َ َ ‫ا ْختَل‬

‫ف‬ ََ ‫ا‬
Extra ‫َـَت‬ 1200

‫ا ْستغْفَار‬ ↔ َ‫ا ْستَغْفَ َر‬ ََ ‫ا‬

Extra ‫ست‬ 400

Please note the following

• The numbers in the last column show the occurrence of such type of words, approximately, in the
• Please note that the َ‫ ماض‬key is the main key. ‫ مزيدَفيه‬letters are shown in the َ‫ ماض‬key.
• Out of the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys, you have already learnt one verb and one noun form (as
shown in the tables above). The rest of the keys will be taught in the following lessons.
• Words on the above 5 patterns occur in the Qur’an almost 8200 times, i.e., almost once in every line
of the Qur’an (in a 15-line Mushaf).

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َ‫ عَل َّ َم‬:‫َمزيْدَفيْه‬
Let us make the verb table for the Mazeed-feeh verb, َ‫)عَل َّ َمَ → عَلمََ( عَل َّ َم‬. A shaddah is added to the second letter.
Just carry the addition everywhere while making its different forms! Verbs on this pattern occur in the
Qur’an almost 1700 times.
• Key of ‫فعلَماض‬: ََ‫َعلَّم‬
• Key of ‫مضارع‬: َ‫( يعَلم‬Ensure to noteَ‫ يـ‬in the beginning and Kasrah before the last letter)
• Key of ‫أمر‬: ْ‫( عَل َم‬Take َ‫ َفعلَماض‬form, put sukoon on the last letter and a Kasrah before it)
• ‫ اس َم فاع َل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add ‫ َم‬to the key of ‫فعلَماض‬
َ and add Fathah or Kasrah before the last letter.
(Verb keys and noun keys are inside double-line boxes) He taught :َ‫ عَل َّ َم‬41
Name ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
of action

Teach! َْ‫عَلم‬ He teaches َ‫يعَلم‬ He taught ََ‫عَلَّم‬

Teach! َ‫عَلم ْوا‬ They teach ََ‫يعَلم ْون‬ They taught َ‫عَلَّم ْوا‬
Don’t teach! َْ‫ََلَتعَلم‬ You teach َ‫تعَلم‬ You taught َ‫ت‬َ ‫عَل َّ ْم‬
Don’t teach! ‫ََلَتعَلم ْوا‬ I teach َ‫أعَلم‬ I taught َ‫عَل َّ ْمت‬
one who
‫معَلم‬ You all teach ََ‫تعَلم ْون‬ You all taught َْ‫عَل َّ ْمتم‬
The one who is
َ ‫معَلَّم‬ We teach َ‫نعَلم‬ We taught َ ‫عَل َّ ْمنَا‬
to teach ‫تَعْليْم‬ She teaches َ‫تعَلم‬ She taught ْ ‫عَل َّ َم‬
 Spoken Arabic 
َ َ.َ‫َعَلَّمَََالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ َ‫هَلَْعَلَّمََالْق ْرٰانَ؟‬
َ.َ‫َعَلَّمواَالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫هَلَْعَلَّمواَالْق ْرٰانَ؟‬
َ.َ‫َعَل َّ ْمتََالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫تَالْق ْرٰانَ؟‬َ ‫هَلَْعَل َّ ْم‬
َ.َ‫َعَل َّ ْمن ََاَالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ‫هَلَْعَل َّ ْمتمَالْق ْرٰانَ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

َ.َ‫َأعَلمََالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ‫َهَلَْتعَلمَالْق ْرٰانَ؟‬ َ َ :َ‫• فعلَمضارع‬

َ.َ‫َأعَلمََالْق ْرٰان‬ َ َ!َ‫َعَلمَالْق ْرٰان‬ َ َ :َ‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ َ ْ ‫َهَلَْأَن‬
.ٌَ‫َأنَاَمعَلم‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ ‫تَمعَلمٌ َ؟‬
َ:َ‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
Just like َ‫عَل َم‬, we can make the complete table for ‫ح‬
ََ َّ ‫( َسب‬he glorified). You can find other verbs too on this

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ََ‫َ َحا َسب‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
Let us take second ‫مزيدَفيه‬: ََ‫) َحا َسبََ → َح َسبَ ََ( َحا َسب‬. An alif is added to the second letter. Just carry the addition
everywhere while making its different forms Verbs on this pattern occur in the Qur’an almost 500 time.
• Key of َ‫فعلَماض‬: ََ‫َحا َسب‬
• Key of ‫مضارع‬: َ‫( ي َحاسب‬Ensure to noteَ‫ يـ‬in the beginning and Kasrah before the last letter)
• Key of ‫أمر‬: َ‫( َحاسب‬Take َ‫ فعلَماض‬form, put sukoon on the last letter and a Kasrah before it)
• ‫ اس َم فاع َل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add ‫ َم‬to the key of ‫فعلَماض‬
َ and add Fathah or Kasrah before the last letter.
(Verb keys and noun keys are inside double-line boxes) he took account َ ‫ َحا‬3
Name ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
of action

Take account! َ‫َحاسب‬ He takes account َ‫ي َحاسب‬ He took account ََ‫َحا َسب‬
Take account! َ َ‫َحاسب ْوا‬ They take account ََ‫ي َحاسب ْون‬ They took account َ‫َحا َسب ْوا‬
Don’t take
َ‫ََلَت َحاسب‬ You take account َ‫ت َحاسب‬ You took account َ ‫َحا َسب‬
Don’t take
َ‫ََلَت َحاسب ْوا‬ I take account َ‫أ َحاسب‬ I took account َ‫َحا َسبت‬
one who takes
َ‫م َحاسب‬ You all take ََ‫ت َحاسب ْون‬ You all took
َْ‫َحا َسبتم‬
account account account
The one who is
taken to account
َ‫م َحا َسب‬ We take account َ‫ن َحاسب‬ We took account ‫َحا َسبنَا‬
to take account َ‫م َحا َسبَة‬ She takes account َ‫ت َحاسب‬ She took account ْ َ ‫َحا َسب‬
 Spoken Arabic
َ َ.َ‫َي َحاسبَنَفْ َسه‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫هَلَْي َحاسبَنَفْ َسهَ؟‬
َ َ
َ.ْ‫َي َحاسب ْونََأنْف َسهم‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫هَلَْي َحاسب ْونََأنْف َسهمْ؟‬
َ.‫َأ َحاسبَنَفْس ْي‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫ك؟‬َ ‫هَلَْت َحاسبَنَفْ َس‬
َ.‫َن َحاسبَأنْف َسنَا‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫هَلَْت َحاسب ْونََأنَف َسكمْ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
.َ‫َ َحا َسبنَاَأَنْف َسنَا‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْ َحا َسبت َمَْأنَف َسك َمْ َ؟‬ :‫فعلَماض‬ •
.َ‫أ َحاسب‬ !َ‫َحاسب‬ :َ‫فعلَأمر‬ •
.ََ‫َن َ ْحنَم َحاسب ْون‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْأنْتمَْم َحاسب ْونَ؟‬ :َ‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫اسمَفاعل‬ •
Just like ََ‫ َحا َسب‬, we can make the complete table for َ‫( هَاج َر‬he migrated). You can find other verbs too on this

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Lesson َ‫َأ َ ْسل َ َم‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
Let us take third ‫مزيدَفيه‬: ََ‫)أ َ ْسل َ َمَ → َسلمََ( أ َ ْسلَم‬. A Hamzah is added to the first letter. Verbs on this pattern occur
in the Qur’an almost 4500 time.
• Key of ‫مضارع‬: َ‫ ي ْسلم‬the Hamzah in the beginning dropped like a weak letter; for simplification. So,
instead of ََ‫ يأ َ ْسلم‬it becomes ‫ي ْسلم‬.
• Key of ‫أمر‬: ‫ أ َ ْسلم‬Put Sukoon on the last letter and a Kasrah on the letter before it in the key of َ‫فعل ماض‬.
• ‫ اس َم فاع َل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add ‫ َم‬to the key of ‫فعلَماض‬
َ and add Fathah or Kasrah before the last letter: ‫م ْسلم‬, َ‫َمَ ْسلَم‬
(Hamzah in the beginning dropped like a weak letter. Instead of ‫َمأ َ ْسلم‬, ‫مأ َ ْسلَم‬, you have ‫م ْسلم‬, ‫)م ْسلَم‬.
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ He submitted :ََ‫ أ َسل َ َم‬72
Name ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
of action
To whom one
ْ‫أ َ ْسل َم‬ He submits َ‫ي ْسلم‬ He submitted َ‫أ َ ْسل َ َم‬
َ َ
‫أ ْسلم ْوا‬ ََ‫ي ْسلم ْون‬ ‫أ ْسلَم ْوا‬
Submit! They all
They submit
(you all) submitted.
Don’t submit! َْ‫ََلَت ْسلم‬ You submit َ‫ت ْسلم‬ You submitted. َ ‫أ َ ْسل َ ْم‬
Don’t submit!
(you all)
َ‫ََلَت ْسلم ْوا‬ I submit َ‫أ ْسلم‬ I submitted. َ‫أ ْسل َ ْمت‬
‫م ْسلم‬ ََ‫ت ْسلم ْون‬ َْ‫أ ْسل َ ْمتم‬
One who You all
You all submit
submits submitted.
To whom one
‫م ْسلَم‬ We submit َ‫ن ْسلم‬ We submitted. ‫أ ْسل َ ْمنَا‬
Submission ‫إ ْس ََلم‬ She submits َ‫ت ْسلم‬ She submitted. ْ ‫أ َ ْسل َ َم‬
َ َ‫ت‬
 Spoken Arabic 
َ ‫َي ْسلم‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
.َ‫َلِل‬ َ ‫هَلَْي ْسلمََلِل َ؟‬
َ َ‫َي ْسلم ْون‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
.َ‫َلِل‬ َ ‫هَلَْي ْسلم ْونََلِل َ؟‬
َ ‫َأ ْسلم‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
.َ‫َلِل‬ ‫هَلَْت ْسلمَلِل َ؟‬
َ ‫َن ْسلم‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
‫َلِل‬ َ ‫هَلَْت ْسلم ْونََلِل َ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ َ
َ.‫َأ ْسلَم ْواَلِل‬،ْ‫َن َعَم‬ َ‫هَ َل َْأ ْسلَم ْواَلِل؟‬ :‫فعلَماض‬ •
َ.َ‫أ ْسلمَلِل‬ َ!‫أ ْسلمَْلِل‬ :َ‫فعلَأمر‬ •
َ.َ‫َن َ ْحنَم ْسلم ْون‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْأنْتمَْم ْسلم ْونََ؟‬ :َ‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫اسمَفاعل‬ •
Just like َ‫أ َ ْسل َ َم‬, we can make the complete table forََ‫( أَرْ َسل‬he sent). You can find other verbs too on this style.

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5 َ‫َا ْختَل َ َف‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
َ َ َ ‫فَ( ا ْختَل‬
forms of ‫ مزيدَفيه‬of ‫ف‬ َ َ َ ‫ف → َخل‬
َ َ َ ‫)ا ْختَل‬. “Hamzah” and “Taa” are extra here and we keep them in all the
forms. Verbs on this pattern occur in the Qur’an almost 1200 times.
• Key of َ‫فعلَماض‬: ‫ف‬ َ َ َ ‫ا ْختَل‬. It is a ‘joining’ Hamzah in the beginning, i.e., when this word is joined by others,
the Hamzah drops. For example:َ‫ف‬ َ َ َ ‫اختَل‬
ْ َ‫َو‬،‫اختَل َ َف‬
ْ َ ‫َف‬

• Key of ‫مضارع‬: َ‫ ي َ ْختَلف‬To make ‫“ مضارع‬Hamzah” in the beginning is dropped (like a weak letter!).
• َ ْ ‫ ا ْختَل‬Put Sukoon on the last letter and a Kasrah on the letter before it in the key of ‫ماض‬
Key of ‫أم َر‬: ‫ف‬ َ ‫فع َل‬.
• ‫ اس َم فاع َل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add ‫ َم‬to the key of ‫فعلَماض‬
َ and add Fathah or Kasrah before the last letter: ‫م ْختَلف‬, ‫ َم ْختَلَف‬.
Here again the starting Hamzah is dropped.
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ He differed َ َ َ ‫ ا ْختَل‬52
Name ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
of action

Differ! َ‫ا ْختَل ْف‬ He differs َ ‫ف‬ َ ‫ي َ ْختَل‬ He differed َ‫ا ْختَل َ َف‬
(you all)!
‫ا ْختَلف ْوا‬ They differ َ‫ي َ ْختَلف ْو َن‬ They differed ‫ا ْختَلَف ْوا‬
Don’t differ! َ‫ََلَت َ ْختَل ْف‬ You differ َ‫تَ ْختَلف‬ You differed َ‫ت‬َ ْ‫ا ْختَلَف‬
Don’t differ
(you all)!
َ‫ََلَت َ ْختَلف ْوا‬ I differ َ‫أ ْختَلف‬ I differed َ‫ا ْختَلَفْت‬
one who
‫م ْختَلف‬ You all differ َ‫تَ ْختَلف ْو َن‬ You all
ْ‫ا ْختَلَفْت َم‬
that which is
differed from
‫م ْختَلَف‬ We differ َ‫ن َ ْختَلف‬ We differed ‫ا ْختَلَفْن ََا‬
Difference, to
َ‫ا ْخت ََلف‬ She differs َ‫تَ ْختَلف‬ She differed َْ َ‫ا ْختَلَف‬
َ ‫ت‬
 Spoken Arabic
َ .َ َ‫اَاختَل َ َفَف ْيَكتَابَالِل‬
ْ َ‫م‬ َ ‫َاختَل َ َفَف ْيَكتَابَالِل؟‬ ْ ‫هَل‬
.َ َ‫اَاختَلَف ْواَف ْيَكتَابَالِل‬
ْ َ‫م‬ ‫َاختَلَف ْواَف ْيَكتَابَالِل؟‬
ْ ‫هَل‬
َ ‫اختَلَفْتَف ْيَكتَاب‬
.َ‫َالِل‬ ْ َ‫مَا‬ ‫تَف ْيَكتَابَالِل َ؟‬ َ ْ‫َاختَلَف‬ْ ‫هَل‬
.َ َ‫اَاختَلَفْنَاَف ْيَكتَابَالِل‬ْ َ‫م‬ ‫َاختَلَفْتمَْف ْيَكتَابَالِل َ؟‬
ْ ‫هَل‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ ‫َََلَأ ْختَلفَفيَْكتَاب‬
.َ‫َالِل‬ ‫َهَ َل َْت َ ْختَلفَفيَْكتَابَالِلَ َ؟‬ :‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ ‫َ ََلَأ ْختَلفََفيَْكتَاب‬
.َ‫َالِل‬ َ ‫فَفيَْكتَاب‬
َ !‫َالِل‬ َ ْ ‫َ ََلَت َ ْختَل‬ َ َ َ:َ‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ َ ْ ‫َهَلَْأَن‬
َ ‫فَفيَْكتَاب‬
.َ‫َالِل‬ َ ‫َالِل؟ َمَاَأنَاَبم ْختَل‬
َ ‫تَم ْختَلفََفيَْكتَاب‬ َ :َ‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
َ َ َ‫ا ْختَل‬, we can make the complete table for ‫(َاتَّ َخ ََذ‬he took). You can find other verbs too on this style.
Just like ‫ف‬

www.understandquran.com 7
‫َا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
Let us make different forms of ‫ مزيدَفيه‬of ‫)ا ْستَغْفَ ََر → غَفَرََ( ا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬. keep “َ‫ ” ا ْستَــ‬in the beginning of its all forms.
Verbs on this pattern occur in the Qur’an almost 400 time.
• Key of َ‫فعلَماض‬: ‫ا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬. It is a ‘joining’ Hamzah in the beginning, i.e., when this word is joined by others,
the Hamzah drops. For example:‫َوَا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬،َ‫َفَا ْستَغْفَر‬
• Key of ‫مضارع‬: َ‫ي َ ْستَغْفر‬. To make ‫مضارع‬, Hamzah in the beginning is dropped.
• Key of ‫أم َر‬: ‫ ا ْستَغْف َْر‬Put Sukoon on the last letter and a Kasrah on the letter before it in the key of ‫ماض‬
َ ‫فع َل‬.
• ‫ اس َم فاع َل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add ‫ َم‬to the key of ‫فعلَماض‬
َ and add Fathah or Kasrah before the last letter: ‫م ْستَغْفر‬, ‫ َم ْستَغْفَر‬.
Hamzah is dropped here too.
:َ‫ ا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬42
He asked for
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ forgiveness
Name ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
of action

َ‫ا ْستَغْف ْر‬ َ‫ي َ ْستَغْفر‬ َ‫ا ْستَغْفَ َر‬

Ask for He asked for
He asks for forgiveness
forgiveness! forgiveness.

‫ا ْستَغْفروْا‬ َ‫ي َ ْستَغْفروْ َن‬ ‫ا ْستَغْفَروْا‬

Ask for … They all asked for
They ask for forgiveness
(you all)! forgiveness.

َ‫ََلَت َ ْستَغْف ْر‬ َ‫تَ ْستَغْفر‬ َ ‫ا ْستَغْفَ ْر‬

Don’t ask for
You asked for
You ask for forgiveness
forgiveness! forgiveness.
‫ََلَت َ ْستَغْفروْا‬ َ‫أ ْستَغْفر‬ َ‫ا ْستَغْفَ ْرت‬
Don’t ask for I asked for
I ask for forgiveness
… (you all)! forgiveness.
one who asks for
forgiveness َ‫م ْستَغْفر‬
You all ask for
َ‫تَ ْستَغْفروْ َن‬ You all asked for
ْ‫ا ْستَغْفَ ْرت َم‬
َ‫م ْستَغْفَر‬ َ‫ن َ ْستَغْفر‬ ‫ا ْستَغْفَ ْرنَا‬
one who is asked We asked for
We ask for forgiveness
for forgiveness, forgiveness.

‫ا ْستغْفَار‬ َ َ‫تَ ْستَغْفر‬ ْ ‫ا ْستَغْفَ َر‬

to ask for She asked for
She asks for forgiveness
forgiveness forgiveness.

 Spoken Arabic

.َ‫َي َ ْستَغْفرَم ْنَكَذَنْب‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ َ‫هَلَْي َ ْستَغْفرَم ْنَكَذَنْبَ؟‬
َ.َ‫َي َ ْستَغْفروْنََم ْنَكَذَنْب‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫هَ َل َْي َ ْستَغْفروْنََم ْنَكَذَنْب؟‬
َ.َ‫َأ ْستَغْفرَم ْنَكَذَنْب‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ َ‫هَلَْت َ ْستَغْفرَم ْنَكَذَنْب؟‬
.َ‫َن َ ْستَغْفرَم ْنَكَذَنْب‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫هَلَْت َ ْستَغْفروْنََم ْنَكَذَنْب؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ.َ‫َا ْستَغْفَروْاَم ْنَكَذَنْب‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬ َ‫هَلََا ْستَغْفَروْاَم ْنَكَذَنْبَ؟‬ :‫• فعلَماض‬
َ.َ‫َأ ْستَغْفرَم ْنَكَذَنْب‬ َ !َ‫َا ْستَغْف َْرَم ْنَكَذَنْب‬ َ َ:َ‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ َ ْ ‫َهَلَْأَن‬
َ.‫َأنَاَم ْستَغْف ٌَر‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ َ‫تَم ْستَغْف ٌَرَ؟‬ :َ‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
ْ َ ‫( َا ْست‬he was arrogant). You can find other verbs too on
Just like ‫ا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬, we can make the complete table for ََ‫كبَر‬
this style.
www.understandquran.com 8
7 َ‫َتَ َدبَّ َر‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
In previous lessons, we have studied the five most important styles of ‫مزيدَفيه‬. In the following lessons, we
will take 3 styles which are not that common. We start with ‫)تَ َدبَّ ََر → دَبَرََ( تَ َدبَّ ََر‬. keep “‫ ”ت‬and the Shaddah in
all the forms. Verbs on this pattern occur in the Qur’an almost 400 time.
• Key of ‫مضارع‬: َ‫يَت َ َدبَّر‬
• Key of ‫أمر‬: ‫ تَ َدبَّ َْر‬Put Sukoon on the last letter. Note that this does not have any Kasrah on the letter
before the last letter.
• ‫ اس َم فاع َل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add ‫ َم‬to the key of ‫فعلَماض‬
َ and add Fathah or Kasrah before the last letter: ‫َمتَ َد َّب َر‬،ْ‫متَ َدبر‬.
:َ‫ تَ َدبَّ ََر‬4
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ pondered
Name ،‫اسممفعول‬،‫اسمفاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
of action

Ponder! َ َ‫تَ َدبَّ ْر‬ He ponders ‫يَت َ َدبَّ َر‬ He pondered َ َ‫تَ َدبَّ َر‬
Ponder! ‫تَ َدبَّروَْا‬ They ponder َ‫يَت َ َدبَّروْ َن‬ They pondered ‫تَ َدبَّروَْا‬
Don’t Ponder! َ‫ََلَتَت َ َدبَّ ْر‬ You ponder َ‫تَت َ َدبَّر‬ You pondered ََ ْ‫تَ َدبَّر‬
Don’t Ponder! َ‫ََلَتَت َ َدبَّروْا‬ I ponder َ‫أتَ َدبَّر‬ I pondered َ‫تَ َدبَّرْت‬
one who
َ ‫مت َ َدبر‬ You all ponder َ‫تَت َ َدبَّروْ َن‬ You all pondered ْ‫تَ َدبَّرْت َم‬
‫مت َ َدبَّر‬ ‫نَت َ َدبَّ َر‬ ‫تَ َدبَّرْن ََا‬
that which is We ponder We pondered
pondered on
to ponder ‫تَ َدبُّر‬ She ponders َ َ‫تَت َ َدبَّر‬ She pondered ْ ‫تَ َدبَّ َر‬

 Spoken Arabic

.َ‫َيَت َ َدبَّرََف ْيَالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫هَلَْيَت َ َدبَّرَف ْيَالْق ْرٰان؟‬
.َ‫َيَت َ َدبَّروْنََف ْيَالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْيَت َ َدبَّروْنََف ْيَالْق ْرٰان؟‬
.ََ‫َأتَ َدبَّرََف ْيَالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫هَلَْتَت َ َدبَّرََف ْيَالْق ْرٰانَ َ؟‬
َ ‫َنَت َ َدبَّ َرَف ْيَالْق ْر‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
.َ‫ٰان‬ ‫هَلَْتَت َ َدبَّروْنََف ْيَالْق ْرٰان؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ.َ‫َت َ َدبَّرْتََفىَالْق َْرٰان‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬ ‫تَفىَالْق ْرٰانََ؟‬ َ ْ‫َهَ َل َْت َ َدبَّر‬ :‫• فعلَماض‬
َ.َ‫َأتَ َدبَّرََفىَالْق َْرٰان‬ َ َ!َ‫َتَ َدبَّ ْرَفىَالْق ْرٰان‬ َ َ َ:َ‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ َ ْ ‫َهَلَْأَن‬
َ.َ‫َأنَاَمت َ َدبرَفىَالْق َْرٰان‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ‫تَمت َ َدبرَفىََالْق َْرٰانَ؟‬ َ :َ‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
َ َّ ‫(َتَ َو‬he put trust). You can find other verbs too on this style.
Just like َ‫ َت َد َّب ََر‬, we can make the complete table for َ‫َّك‬

www.understandquran.com 9
ََ‫َانْقَلَب‬،‫َت َ َدارَ َس‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
Let us take a Mazeed-feeh verb ‫س‬ َ َ َ‫س → دَرَ َسَ( تَ َدار‬
َ َ َ‫)تَ َدار‬. keep “َ‫ ”ت‬and the Alif in all the forms. Verbs on this
pattern occur in the Qur’an almost 100 time.
• Key of ‫مضارع‬: َ‫يَت َ َدارَس‬
• Key of ‫أمر‬: ‫س‬ َ ْ َ‫ تَ َدار‬Put Sukoon on the last letter. Note that this does not have any Kasrah on the letter
before the last letter.
• ‫ اس َم فاع َل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add ‫ َم‬to the key of ‫فعلَماض‬
َ َ ‫َمتَ َدا َر‬،‫متَ َدارس‬.
and add Fathah or Kasrah before the last letter: ‫س‬
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ He studied together َ َ َ‫ تَ َدار‬0
Name ،‫اسممفعول‬،‫اسمفاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
of action

َ‫تَ َدارَ ْس‬ َ‫يَت َ َدارَس‬ َ‫تَ َدارَ َس‬

Study He studies
He studied together
together! together
Study you all
‫تَ َدارَس ْوَا‬
They study َ‫يَت َ َدارَس ْو َن‬ They studied
‫تَ َدارَس ْوَا‬
together together together

َ‫ََلَتَت َ َدارَ ْس‬ َ‫تَت َ َدارَس‬ َ ‫تَ َدارَ ْس‬

Don’t study You study
together! together
You studied together َ‫ت‬
َ‫ََلَتَت َ َدارَس ْوا‬
َ‫أتَ َدارَس‬ َ‫تَ َدارَ ْست‬
Don’t study
I study together I studied together
you all together
one who
‫مت َ َدارس‬
You all study َ‫تَت َ َدارَس ْو َن‬ You all studied
ْ‫تَ َدارَ ْست َم‬
studies together together
- - We study together َ‫نَت َ َدارَس‬ We studied together ‫تَ َدارَ ْسن ََا‬
‫تَ َدارس‬ َ‫تَت َ َدارَس‬ ْ ‫تَ َدارَ َس‬
to study She studies
She studied together َ َ‫ت‬
together together
 Spoken Arabic
.ََ‫سَالْق ْرٰان‬
َ َ َ‫َت َ َدار‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫سَالْق ْرٰانَ َ؟‬ َ َ َ‫هَلَْت َ َدار‬
.ََ‫َت َ َدارَسَ ْواَالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْت َ َدارَسَ ْواَالْق ْرٰانَ َ؟‬
.ََ‫َت َ َدارَ َْستَالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫تَالْق ْرٰانَ َ؟‬ َ ‫هَلَْت َ َدارَ َْس‬
.ََ‫َت َ َدارَ َْسنَاَالْق ْرٰان‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْت َ َدارَ َْستمَالْق ْرٰانَ َ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ ‫َيَت َ َدارَس ْو َنََالْق ْر‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬
.ََ‫ٰان‬ َ َ ‫َهَ َل َْيَت َ َدارَس ْو َنََالْق ْر‬
‫ٰانَ َ؟‬ :‫• فعلَمضارع‬
.ََ‫نَت َ َدارَسَالْق َْرٰان‬ َ ‫َتَ َدارَسَواَالْق َْر‬
َ!َ‫ٰان‬ :‫• فعلَأمر‬
.ََ‫َن َ ْحنَمت َ َدارس ْون‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ ‫َهَلَْأنْتمَْمت َ َدارس ْونَ َ؟‬ َ :َ‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
َ َ َ‫تَ َدار‬, we can make the complete table for ََ‫(َت َ َشابَه‬he looked alike/he seemed alike). You can find
Just like ‫س‬
other verbs too on this style.

www.understandquran.com 10
َ ََ‫َانْقَلَب‬:َ‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
Let us take a Mazeed-feeh verb ََ‫)انْقَلَبََ → قَلَبََ( انْقَلَب‬. Keep “‫ ”انْـ‬in all the forms. Verbs on this pattern occur in
the Qur’an almost 100 time.
• Key of ‫مضارع‬: َ‫يَنْقَلب‬. To make ‫مضارع‬, Hamzah in the beginning is dropped.
• Key of ‫أمر‬: َ‫ انْقَلب‬Put Sukoon on the last letter and Kasrah before the last letter of َ‫فعلَماض‬.
• ‫ اس َم فاع َل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add ‫ َم‬to the key of ‫فعلَماض‬
َ َ َ‫َمنْ َقل‬،‫منْ َقلب‬.
and add Fathah or Kasrah before the last letter: ‫ب‬
:ََ‫ انْقَلَب‬22
He turned
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ around
Name ،‫اسممفعول‬،‫اسمفاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
of action
َ‫انْقَلب‬ He turns
َ ‫ب‬ َ ‫يَنْقَل‬ He turned around ََ‫انْقَلَب‬
‫انْقَلب ْوَا‬ They turn
َ‫يَنْقَلب ْو َن‬ They turned around ‫انْقَلَب ْوَا‬
Don’t turn
َ‫ََلَتَنْقَلب‬ You turn
َ‫تَنْقَلب‬ You turned around َ‫ت‬َ ‫انْقَلَب‬
Don’t turn
َ‫ََلَتَنْقَلب ْوا‬ I turn around َ‫أنْقَلب‬ I turned around َ‫انْقَلَبت‬
one who
turns around
َ‫منْقَلب‬ You all turn
َ‫تَنْقَلبو َن‬ You all turned
ْ‫انْقَلَبت َم‬
- - We turn around َ‫نَنْقَلب‬ We turned around ‫انْقَلَبن ََا‬
to turn over ‫انْق ََلب‬ She turns
َ‫تَنْقَلب‬ She turned around َْ َ ‫انْقَلَب‬
َ ‫ت‬
 Spoken Arabic
.ََ‫َانْقَلَبَََإلَىَالِل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫هَلَانْقَلَبَََإلَىَالِلَ؟‬
.ََ‫َانْقَلَبَ ْواَإلَىَالِل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَانْقَلَبَ ْواَإلَىَالِلَ؟‬
.ََ‫َانْقَلَبَتََإلَىَالِل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫تَإلَىَالِلَ؟‬
ََ َ‫هَلَانْقَلَب‬
.َ‫َانْقَلَبَن ََاَإلَىَالِل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَانْقَلَبَت َمَْإلَىَالِلَ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ.َ‫َنَنْقَلبََإلَىَالِل‬،ْ‫َن َعَم‬ َ َ‫َهَ َل َْتَنْقَلب ْو َنََإلَىَالِلَ؟‬ :‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ.َ‫نَنْقَلبََإلَىَالِل‬ َ ََ!َ‫َانْقَلب ْواَإلَىَالِل‬ :‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ َ ْ ‫هَلَْأَن‬
َ.َ‫َأنَاَمنْقَلبٌََإلَىَالِل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫تَمنْقَلبٌََإلَىَالِلَ؟‬ :‫اسمَمفعو َل‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
Just likeََََ‫انْ َقلَب‬, we can make the complete table for َ‫(َانْ َطلَ َق‬he went). You can find other verbs too on this style.

www.understandquran.com 11
Lesson Introduction of Mazeed Feeh
9 with weak verbs

Arabic words are of 3 types: Noun )‫(اسم‬, Verb )‫(فعل‬, and particle )‫(حرف‬
َ َ ‫َن‬،‫فَتَ َح‬
َ ‫ص َر‬
• In Course-1, we learnt 3-letter sound verbs: َ‫َ َسم َع‬،‫َض َر َب‬،
• In Course-2, we learnt:
o Weak verbs such as ‫َهَ ٰدى‬،‫َدَعَا‬،َ‫َزَاد‬،َ‫َقَال‬،‫َوَعَ َد‬، َ‫وَهَب‬
o Verbs with repeated letters such as َّ ‫َض َل‬، َ ‫ َظ َّن‬and

o Verbs with hamza such as َ ‫َق َ َرَأ‬،َ‫َ َسأَل‬،‫أَمَ َر‬.

Below is the table of the verbs that we learnt in Course-1 and Course-2. All these verbs are 3-letter verbs.
& have good
Therefore pray In fact, He Allah will
to him for said: He will give; it is a
Otherwise you
guidance give more promise.
will be lost

ََ‫َسأَل‬ َ ٰ ‫َسع‬
‫ى‬ ََ‫وَهَب‬ ََ َ ‫فَت‬
َ ‫أم َر‬َ َ‫َظ َّن‬ َ‫َد َعَا‬ َ َ‫ق‬
َ‫ال‬ -
َ َ َ‫ن‬
َ‫ص َر‬
ٰ‫ت‬ َ
َ‫أ‬ َ
َّ ‫ض َل‬ ‫هَ َٰدى‬ ‫َز َا ََد‬ َ‫وَعَ َد‬ َ
ََ ‫ض َر‬
َ‫َمَ َّس‬ ََ ‫رَض‬
‫ي‬ َ ‫َشا َء‬ َ‫وَس َع‬ َ‫َسم َع‬
Till the previous lessons of this book, we learnt sound Mazeed-feeh verbs such as َ،‫َا ْختَل َ َف‬،َ‫َأ َ ْسلَم‬، َ‫َحا َسب‬،
َ َ‫عَلَّم‬
ََ‫َانْقَلَب‬،‫َت َ َدارَ َس‬،‫َت َ َدبَّ َر‬،‫ا ْستَغْفَ َر‬.
We have seen sound verbs, weak verbs, double-letter verbs, and verbs with Hamzah in 3-letter verbs.
Similarly, Mazeed-feeh verbs also the above categories.
In next lesson we will study those َ‫ مزيدَفيه‬verbs which have weak letters, Hamzah, or repeated root letters.
Both sound verbs and the other types are important. Sound verbs occur 4500 times and the rest occur 4500
times. Together, they make up around 9000 times, i.e., almost once in every line of the Qur’an.

www.understandquran.com 12
Below is a glimpse of these types of verbs in Mazeed feeh style. You don’t have to memorize anything
now. We will learn them in the next 11 lessons.

َ ‫َظل َّ َل‬ َٰ ‫َو‬

‫ّل‬ َ‫ص َّو َر‬ َ َ‫بَي َّ َن‬ ‫وَف َّ ََق‬ َ‫عَل َّ َم‬
ََّ ‫َش‬
‫اق‬ ‫نَادٰى‬ َ‫بَاي َ َعَ َجا َو َز‬ ‫وَاعَ ََد‬ ََ‫َحا َسب‬
َّ ‫ض َل‬ َ َ‫أ‬ َ
َ ٰ‫ألْق‬
‫ى‬ َ‫ام‬ َ
َ َ ‫أق‬ َ ‫أو ْ ٰح‬
َ َ‫أ َ ْسل َ َم‬
َ َّ َ ‫ا ْخت‬
‫ص‬ َ ‫اهْت َ ٰد‬
‫ى‬ َ‫ا ْختَا َر‬ َ ٰ‫اتَّقٰىَاوْتَ َق‬
‫ى‬ َ َ َ ‫ا ْختَل‬
‫ا ْستَقَ ََّر‬ َ ٰ‫ا ْست َ ْسق‬
‫ى‬ َ َ‫ا ْستَق‬
َ‫ام‬ ‫ا ْست ْوق َ ََد‬ ‫ا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬
ََ‫َانْقَلَب‬،‫َت َ َدارَ َس‬،‫تَ َدبَّ َر‬
While making the verb table, the changes that occur in Mazeed feeh weak verbs is similar to those you saw in 3-
letter weak verbs. It will be very helpful if you remember how you prepared the verb tables of different types of
weak verbs, Hamzah verbs, and repeated root letter verbs. For, example, let us revise the table of ‫ى‬ ٰ that you
َ ‫هد‬
learnt in Course-2. Its features are very useful when you prepare similar tables in ‫مزي َدَفيَه‬. Notice how the plurals
(‫َهاد ْو ََن‬،
َ ‫ََََهاد‬،‫ا‬
َ ‫َا ْهد ْو‬،‫َََََا ْهد‬،‫َي َ ْهد ْو َن‬،‫ََََي َ ْهدي‬،‫َه َد ْوا‬،‫ى‬
َ ‫ ) َه ٰد‬and the feminine form ‫ت‬
َْ ‫ َه َد‬were made.
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
He guided :َ‫هَ ٰدى‬
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

‫اهْ َد‬ ْ ‫يَهْد‬

َ‫ي‬ ‫هَ ٰدى‬
He guides /
Guide! He guided
will guide
They guide / َ‫يَهْدوْ َن‬ They guided َ‫هَ َدوْا‬
(you all) will guide
‫َََلَتَهْ َد‬ ْ ‫تَهْد‬
َ‫ي‬ َ‫ت‬َ ْ ‫هَ َدي‬
You guide /
Don’t guideََ You guided
will guide
‫َََلَتَهْدوَْا‬ َْ ‫أهْد‬ َ‫هَ َديْت‬
Don’t guide!
I guide /
I guided,
(you all) will guide,
the one who guides َ‫هَاد‬
You all guide / َ‫تَهْدوْ َن‬ You all guided ْ‫هَ َديْت َم‬
will guide
The one who
is guided َ ‫مَهْد‬
We guide /
will guide َ‫ي‬ ْ ‫نَهْد‬ We guided, ‫هَ َديْنَا‬
to guide ‫ه َدايَة‬/‫ه ًدى‬ She guides /
will guide َْ ‫تَ ْهد‬
‫ي‬ She guided ْ ‫هَ َد‬

www.understandquran.com 13
10 َٰ ‫َ َو‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
This verb is on the pattern of َ‫ عَل َّ َم‬but has a weak letter (َ‫ّل → َو ّٰل‬
َٰ ‫) َو‬.
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬because it ends with standing Fathah (written as ‫ى‬
It is similar to ‫ى‬ َ ). Therefore, a number of features that you
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬table can be used here such as the approach to make plurals )َ‫َهاد ْو َن‬،
learnt in ‫ى‬ َ ‫َا ْهد ْو‬،‫ََا ْهد‬،‫َي َ ْهد ْو َن‬،‫يَ ْهدي‬،‫َه َد ْوا‬،‫ى‬
َ ‫ََهاد‬،‫ا‬ َ ‫(ه ٰد‬
َ َ

(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)

َ He turned away َٰ ‫ َو‬31
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬

Turn! ‫وَ َل‬ He turns َ‫ي َول ْي‬ He turned َٰ ‫َو‬

َ ‫ّل‬
(you all)
‫وَلُّ ْوا‬ They turn ََ‫ي َولُّ ْون‬ They turned ‫وَلَّ ْوا‬
Don’t turn! َ‫ََلَت َول‬ You turn َ‫ت َول ْي‬ You turned َ‫ت‬ َ ْ ‫وَلَّي‬
Don’t turn! (you all) َ‫ََلَت َولُّ ْوا‬ I turn َ‫أوَل ْي‬ I turned َ‫وَلَّيْت‬
One who turns َ‫م َول‬ You all turn ََ‫ت َولُّ ْون‬ You all turned َْ‫وَلَّيْتم‬
That which is turned َ‫م َولًّىَعَنْه‬ We turn َ‫ن َول ْي‬ We turned ‫وَلَّيْنَا‬
To turn َ‫تَ ْوليَة‬ She turns َ‫ت َول ْي‬ She turned ْ َّ‫وَل‬
َ َ‫ت‬
 Spoken Arabic
.‫َ َو ّٰلَوَجهَه‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫هَلَْ َو ّٰلَوَجهَه َ؟‬
.َْ‫َوَلَّ ْواَوج ْوهَهم‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْوَلَّ ْواَوج ْوهَهمْ؟‬
.َ‫َوَلَّيْتَوَجه ْي‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫ك؟‬ َ َ‫تَوَجه‬َ ْ ‫هَلَْوَلَّي‬
.َ‫َوَلَّيْنَاَوج ْوهَنَا‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫هَلَْوَلَّيْتمَْوج ْوهَكمْ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ.َ‫يَوَجهَه‬ َْ ‫َي َول‬،ْ‫َن َعَم‬ َ‫َهَ َل َْي َول ْيََوَجهَهَ؟‬ َ:‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ.‫يَوج ْوهَن ََا‬ َْ ‫َ ََلَن َول‬ ََ!ْ‫َ ََلَت َولُّ ْواَوج ْوهَك َم‬ :‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ َ ْ ‫هَلَْأَن‬
َ.َ‫َأنَاَم َول‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ ََ‫تَم َولَ؟‬ :‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
َٰ ‫ َو‬, we can make the complete table forَ‫جى‬
Just likeَ‫ّل‬ ٰ َ ‫(َن‬he saved). You can find other verbs too on this style.

www.understandquran.com 14
This verb is on the pattern of ََ‫ َحا َسب‬but has a weak letter (َ‫ي‬ َ ‫)نَادٰى → نَد‬.
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬because it ends with standing Fathah (written as ‫ى‬
It is similar to ‫ى‬ َ ). Therefore, a number of features that you
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬table can be used here such as the approach to make plurals )َ‫َهاد ْو َن‬،
learnt in ‫ى‬ َ ‫َا ْهد ْو‬،‫ََا ْهد‬،‫َي َ ْهد ْو َن‬،‫يَ ْهدي‬،‫َه َد ْوا‬،‫ى‬
َ ‫ََهاد‬،‫ا‬ َ ‫(ه ٰد‬
َ َ

(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)

َ He called out :َ‫ نَادٰى‬48
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬

Call out! َ‫نَاد‬ He calls out ْ ‫ينَاد‬

َ‫ي‬ He called out ‫نَادٰى‬
Call out
‫نَادوْا‬ They call out َ‫ينَادوْ َن‬ They all called out ‫نَادَوْا‬
(you all)!
Don’t call out! َ‫ََلَتنَاد‬ You call out َ‫ي‬ْ ‫تنَاد‬ You called out َ‫ت‬ َ ْ ‫نَادَي‬
Don’t (you all) call out! ‫ََلَتنَادوْا‬ I call out َ‫ي‬ْ ‫أنَاد‬ I called out َ‫نَادَيْت‬
One who calls out َ‫منَاد‬ You all call out َ‫تنَادوْ َن‬ You all called out ْ‫نَادَيْت َم‬
One who is called out َ‫منَادًى‬ We call out ْ ‫ننَاد‬
َ‫ي‬ We called out ‫نَادَيْن ََا‬
to call out ‫منَادَاة‬ She calls out َ‫ي‬ْ ‫تنَاد‬ She called out َ‫ت‬ْ َ‫نَاد‬
 Spoken Arabic
.ََ ‫َنَادَىَالِل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫هَلَْنَادَىَالِل ََ؟‬
.ََ ‫َنَادَوْاَالِل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫هَلَْنَادَوْاَالِلَ؟‬
.ََ ‫َنَادَيْتَاهلل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫تَاهلل ََ؟‬َ ْ ‫هَلَْنَادَي‬
.ََ ‫َنَادَيْنَاَالِل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْنَادَيْتمَْالِل ََ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ ‫َننَادىَا‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬
َ.َ ‫لِل‬ َ ‫َهَ َل َْتنَادوْ َنََا‬
ََ‫هلل َ؟‬ َ:‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ ‫ننَادىَا‬
َ.َ ‫لِل‬ َ ََ!َ ‫لِل‬ َ ‫َنَادواَا‬ :‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ.َ‫َن َ ْحنَمنَادوْ َن‬،ْ‫َ نَعَم‬ َ‫َهَلَْأنْتمَْمنَادوْ َنَ؟‬ :‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
Just likeَ‫نَادٰى‬, we can make the complete table forَ‫(َ ََل ٰٰق‬he met). You can find other verbs too
on this style.

www.understandquran.com 15
12 َ َ ‫َأق‬:َ‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
َ َ
This verb is on the pattern of َ‫ َأ ْسل َ َم‬but has a weak letter. (ََ‫امَ → قَام‬
َ َ ‫)أق‬.

(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ He established َ َ ‫ أق‬71
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬

Establish! ْ‫أَق َم‬ He establishes َ‫يقيْم‬ He established

َ َ ‫أق‬
َ َ
(you all)
َ‫أقيْم ْوا‬ They establish ََ‫يقيْم ْون‬ They
َ‫أقَام ْوا‬
Don’t establish! َْ‫ََلَتقم‬ You establish ‫تقي ْ َم‬ You established َ‫ت‬ َ ‫أَق َ ْم‬
Don’t establish!
(you all)
َ‫ََلَتقيْم ْوا‬ I establish َ‫أقيْم‬ I established َ‫أق َ ْمت‬
One who
َ‫مقيْم‬ You all
ََ‫تقيْم ْون‬ You all
َْ‫أَق َ ْمتم‬
To establish َ‫مقَام‬ We establish َ‫نقيْم‬ We established ‫أق َ ْمنَا‬
To establish َ‫إقَامَة‬ She establishes َ‫تقيْم‬ She established ْ َ‫أَقَام‬
 Spoken Arabic
.ََ ‫َالص ََلة‬ َّ َ‫َأَقَام‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫َالص ََلةَ؟‬َّ َ‫هَلَْأَقَام‬
َ َ
.ََ ‫واَالص ََلة‬
َّ ‫َأقَام‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫واَالص ََلة ََ؟‬
َّ ‫هَلَْأقَام‬
.ََ ‫َالص ََلة‬َّ ‫َأَقَمْت‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫َالص ََلةَ؟‬
َّ ‫ت‬ َ ْ‫هَلَْأَقَم‬
.ََ ‫اَالص ََلة‬ َّ َ ‫َأَقَمْن‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َّ ‫هَلَْأَقَمْتم‬
‫َالص ََلةَ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ.َ ‫الص ََل َة‬
َّ ََ‫َأقيْم‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬ ‫الص ََل َة َ؟‬
َّ ََ‫َهَ َل َْتقيْم‬ َ:‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ.َ ‫الص ََل َة‬
َّ ََ‫َأقيْم‬ َّ َ‫َأَقم‬
َ َ!َ ‫الص ََل َة‬ :‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ.َ‫َن َ ْحنَمقيْم ْو َن‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ ‫َهَلَْأنْتمَْمقيْم ْو َنَ؟‬ َ:‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
َ َ
َ َ ‫أق‬, we can make the complete table for َ‫اد‬
Just likeََ‫ام‬ َ َ‫( أر‬he wanted). You can find other verbs too
on this style.

www.understandquran.com 16
َ ٰ‫ ألْق‬:َ ‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
َ ٰ‫)أَلْق‬.
This verb is on the pattern of َ‫ أ ْسل َ َم‬but has a weak letter. (َ‫ى → لَق َي‬
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬because it ends with standing Fathah (written as ‫ى‬
It is similar to ‫ى‬ َ ). Therefore, a number of features that you
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬table can be used here such as the approach to make plurals )َ‫َهاد ْو َن‬،
learnt in ‫ى‬ َ ‫َا ْهد ْو‬،‫ََا ْهد‬،‫َي َ ْهد ْو َن‬،‫يَ ْهدي‬،‫َه َد ْوا‬،‫ى‬
َ ‫ََهاد‬،‫ا‬ َ ‫(ه ٰد‬
َ َ
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ He threw :َ‫ ألْقٰى‬75
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
َ َ
Throw! َ‫ألْق‬ He throws َ‫يلْق ْي‬ He threw َ‫ألْقٰى‬
َ َ
Throw! (you all) َ‫ألْق ْوا‬ They throw َ‫يلْق ْو َن‬ They threw َ‫ألْقَ ْوا‬
Don’t throw! َ‫ََلَتلْق‬ You throw َْ ‫تلْق‬
‫ي‬ You threw َ ْ ‫أَلْقَي‬
Don’t throw! (you all) َ‫ََلَتلْق ْوا‬ I throw َ‫ألْق ْي‬ I threw َ‫ألْقَيْت‬
One who throws َ‫ملْق‬ You all throw َ‫تلْق ْو َن‬ You all threw َْ‫أَلْقَيْتم‬
That which is thrown ‫ملْقًى‬ We throw َْ ‫نلْق‬
‫ي‬ We threw ‫ألْقَيْنَا‬
To throw َ‫إلْقَاء‬ َ‫تلْق ْي‬She throws She threw ْ َ‫أَلْق‬
 Spoken Arabic
َ .‫صا‬ َ َ ‫َأَلْقٰىَالْع‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫صا؟‬ َ َ ‫هَلَْأَلْقٰىَالْع‬
.‫صا‬ َ َ ‫َأَلْقَ ْواَالْع‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫صا؟‬ َ َ ‫هَلَْأَلْقَ ْواَالْع‬
َ .َ‫صا‬ َ َ ‫َأَلْقَيْتَالْع‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ َ ‫تَالْع‬
َ ‫صا؟‬ َ ْ ‫هَلَْأَلْقَي‬
.َ‫صا‬َ َ ‫َأَلْقَيْنَاَالْع‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫صا؟‬َ َ ‫هَلَْأَلْقَيْتمَْالْع‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ َ ‫َنلْقىَالْع‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬
َ.‫صَا‬ َ َ‫صَا؟‬َ َ ‫َ َهَ َل َْتلْق ْو َنََالْع‬ َ:‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ َ ‫َألْقىََالْع‬
َ.‫صَا‬ َ َ َ!‫صَا‬ َ َ ‫َأَلْقََالْع‬ :‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ َ ‫َأَنَاَملْقَالْع‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬
َ.‫صَا‬ َ ‫صَا؟‬ َ ْ ‫هَلَْأَن‬
َ َ ‫تَملْقَالْع‬ :‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬

َ ٰ‫أَلْق‬, we can make the complete table for ‫ى‬

Just likeَ‫ى‬ َ ‫( أَو ْ ٰح‬he revealed). You can find other verbs too on this style.

www.understandquran.com 17
َ‫َٰا َم َن‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
Now we will make different forms of ‫ مزيدَفيه‬of ‫)ٰامَ ََن → أَم َنَ( ٰامَ ََن‬. This is on the pattern of َ‫ أ َ ْسل َ َم‬but it has a
• Key of َ‫فعلَماض‬: when two Hamzah join they become Madd for ease. Like: ‫ ٰامَ ََن → أَأْمَ ََن‬rest of forms will
be alike.
• Key of ‫مضارع‬: َ‫يؤمن‬. Note one more change: َ‫ ;أوْمنَ → أأْمن‬the second Hamzah becomes Madd.
• Key of ‫أمر‬: َ‫ ٰام ْن‬Kasrah before the last letter of the key of َ‫فعلَماض‬.
• ‫ اسمَفاعل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add َ‫ م‬to the key of ‫ فعلَمضارع‬and add Fathah or Kasrah before the last letter: ‫م ْؤمن‬, ‫م ْؤمَن‬.
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ He believed :َ‫ ٰامَ ََن‬812
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬

Believe! َ‫ٰام ْن‬ He believes َ‫يؤْمن‬ He believed َ ‫ٰامَ ََن‬

‫ٰامن ْوا‬ They believe ََ‫يؤْمن ْون‬ They believed ‫ٰامَن ْوا‬
(you all)!
Don’t believe! ‫ََلَتؤْم َْن‬ You believe َ‫تؤْمن‬ You believed َ ْ ‫ٰامَن‬
Don’t believe
(you all)!
‫ََلَتؤْمن ْوا‬ I believe َ‫أوْمن‬ I believed َ‫ٰامَنْت‬
One who
‫مؤْمن‬ You all believe ََ‫تؤْمن ْون‬ You all believed َْ‫ٰامَنْتم‬
One who is
‫مؤْمَن‬ We believe َ‫نؤْمن‬ We believed ‫ٰامَنَّا‬
To believes َ‫إي ْ َمان‬ She believes َ‫تؤْمن‬ She believed ْ َ ‫ٰامَن‬
 Spoken Arabic
ْ ‫َٰامَ َنَب‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
.َ َ‫ااْلخ َرة‬ َ ‫ااْلخ َرةَ؟‬ْ ‫هَ َل َْٰامَ ََنَب‬
.َ‫ااْلخ َرة‬ْ ‫َٰامَن ْواَب‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ْ ‫هَ َل َْٰا َمن ْواَب‬
‫ااْلخ َرةَ َ؟‬
.َ‫ااْلخ َرة‬ ْ ‫تَب‬ َ ْ ‫َٰامَن‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ْ ‫ت َب‬
‫ااْلخ َرة َ؟‬ ََ ْ ‫هَلَْٰامَن‬
ْ ‫َٰامَ َنَب‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
.َ َ‫ااْلخ َرة‬ َ ‫ااْلخ َرةَ؟‬ ْ ‫هَ َل َْٰامَ ََنَب‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
ْ ‫َيؤْمن ْو َنََب‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬
َ.َ‫ااْلخ َرة‬ ْ ‫َهَلَْيؤْمن ْو َنََب‬
َ َ‫ااْلخ َرةَ؟‬ َ:‫• فعلَمضارع‬
ْ ‫نؤْم َنَب‬
َ.َ‫ااْلخ َرة‬ ْ ‫َٰامن ْواَب‬
َ!َ‫ااْلخ َرة‬ :‫• فعلَأمر‬
ْ ‫َأَنَاَمؤْم ٌَنَب‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬
َ.َ‫ااْلخ َرة‬ ْ ‫تَمؤْم ٌَنَب‬
ََ‫ااْلخ َرة؟‬ َ ْ ‫َهَلَْأَن‬ َ:‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬

Just likeَ‫ٰامَ ََن‬, we can make the complete table for ‫( أَنْفَ ََق‬he spent). You can find other verbs too on this style.

www.understandquran.com 18
Lesson َ َ ‫َأ‬:َ‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
ََّ ‫ض َل‬
This verb is on the pattern of َ‫ أ َ ْسل َ َم‬but has repeated root letters (ََّ‫→ضل‬
َ َ ‫)أ‬.
َّ ‫ض َل‬
It is similar to the 3-letter verb َّ ‫ض َل‬ َ in the sense that the laam with shaddah splits into two in some cases to
ْ َ ‫ أ‬،‫ت‬
make it easy to say it. For example ْ‫ضلَلْتَ َم‬ ْ َ ‫ أ‬etc.
ََ ْ ‫ضلَل‬
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys) He misguided َ َ ‫ أ‬68
:َّ ‫ض َل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬

Misguide! َّ ‫أَض َل‬ He misguides ُّ َ‫يضل‬ He misguided َّ ‫ض َل‬َ َ‫أ‬

َ َ َ‫أ‬
(you all)
‫أضل ُّ ْوا‬ They misguide َ‫يضل ُّ ْو َن‬ They misguided ‫ضل ُّ ْوا‬
Don’t misguide! َّ َ‫ََلَتضل‬ You misguide ُّ َ‫تضل‬ You misguided َ‫ت‬ ْ َ‫أ‬
َ ْ ‫ضلَل‬
Don’t misguide!
‫ََلَتضل ُّ ْوا‬ I misguide َ ُّ ‫أض َل‬ I misguided َ‫ضلَلْت‬ ْ َ‫أ‬
(you all)
one who
َ‫مضل‬ You all َ‫تضل ُّ ْو َن‬ You all misguided ْ‫ضلَلْت َم‬ ْ َ‫أ‬
misguides misguide
The one who is َ ‫م‬
َ‫ضل‬ We misguide ُّ َ‫نضل‬ We misguided ‫ضلَلْن ََا‬ْ َ‫أ‬
to misguide ‫ض ََلل‬
ْ ‫إ‬ She misguides ُّ َ‫تضل‬ She misguided َ‫ت‬ َ َ‫أ‬
ْ َّ ‫ضل‬
 Spoken Arabic
.َ‫ضلََّالْقَ ْوم‬َ َ ‫مَاَأ‬ َ َ‫ضلََّالْقَ ْومَ؟‬ َ َ ‫هَلَْأ‬
.َ‫ضلُّواَالْقَ ْوم‬َ َ ‫مَاَأ‬ َ‫ضلُّواَالْقَ ْومَ؟‬َ َ ‫هَلَْأ‬
.ََ‫ضلَلْتَالْقَ ْوم‬ ْ َ ‫مَاَأ‬ َ َ‫تَالْقَ ْومَ؟‬ َ ْ ‫ضلَل‬ ْ َ ‫هَلَْأ‬
.َ‫ضلَلْنَاَالْقَ ْوم‬ ْ َ ‫مَاَأ‬ َ‫ضلَلْتمَْالْقَ ْومَ؟‬ ْ َ ‫هَلَْأ‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ.َ‫َيض َل َُّالْقَ ْو َم‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬ َ‫َهَ َل َْيض َل َُّالْقَ ْو َمَ؟‬ َ:‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ.َ‫َ ََلَأضلَُّالْقَ ْو َم‬ َ!َ‫َ ََلَتض َل ََّالْقَ ْو َم‬ َ:‫• فعلَنهي‬
َ َ ْ ‫َهَلَْأَن‬
َ.َ‫تَمضلَالْقَ ْومَ؟َ َمَاَأنَاَبمضلَالْقَ ْو َم‬ :‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
َ َ ‫أ‬, we can make the complete table forَََّ‫( أ َ َحب‬he liked). You can find other verbs too on this style.
Just likeََّ ‫ض َل‬

www.understandquran.com 19
16 َٰ َ:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
This verb is on the pattern of َ‫ أ َ ْسل َ َم‬but has a Hamzah and a weak letter (َ‫ت →أ َ ٰت‬
َٰ ‫)ا‬.
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬because it ends with standing Fathah (written as ‫ى‬
It is similar to ‫ى‬ َ ). Therefore, a number of features that you
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬table can be used here such as the approach to make plurals )َ‫َهاد ْو َن‬،
learnt in ‫ى‬ َ ‫َا ْهد ْو‬،‫ََا ْهد‬،‫َي َ ْهد ْو َن‬،‫يَ ْهدي‬،‫َه َد ْوا‬،‫ى‬
َ ‫ََهاد‬،‫ا‬ َ ‫(ه ٰد‬
َ َ

(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)

َ He gave َٰ 275
Name ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
of action

Give! َ َ‫ٰات‬ He gives َ‫يؤْت ْي‬ He gave َٰ

َ ‫ٰات‬
‫ٰات ْوا‬ They give َ‫يؤْت ْو َن‬ They gave ‫ٰاتَ ْوا‬
(you all)
Don’t give! َ‫ََلَتؤْت‬ You give َ‫تؤْت ْي‬ You gave َ ْ ‫ٰاتَي‬
Don’t give!
(you all)
َ‫ََلَتؤْت ْوا‬ I give َْ ‫أوْت‬
‫ي‬ I gave َ‫ٰاتَيْت‬
One who gives َ‫مؤْت‬ You all give َ‫تؤْت ْو َن‬ You all gave ْ‫ٰاتَيْت َم‬
One who is
َ‫مؤْتًى‬ We give َ‫نؤْت ْي‬ We gave ‫ٰاتَيْن ََا‬
To give ‫إَيْتَاء‬ She gives َْ ‫تؤْت‬
‫ي‬ She gave ْ َ‫ٰات‬
 Spoken Arabic
َّ ‫َيؤْت‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫ىَالزكٰوةَ؟‬ َّ ‫هَلَْيؤْت‬
َّ ََ‫َيؤْت ْو َن‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫َالزكٰوةَ؟‬
َّ َ‫هَلَْيؤْت ْون‬
.َ‫الزكٰوة‬ َّ َ‫َأوْتى‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ ‫ىَالزكٰوة ََ؟‬
َّ ‫هَلَْتؤْت‬
َ ٰ ‫الزك‬
َ ‫وة‬ َّ َ‫َنؤْتى‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫َالزكٰوةَ؟‬
َّ َ‫هَلَْتؤْت ْون‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ ٰ ‫الزك‬
َ.َ ‫وة‬ َّ ََ‫َٰاتَيْت‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬ َ ٰ ‫الزك‬
َ‫وة َ؟‬ َ ْ ‫َهَلَْٰاتَي‬
َّ ََ‫ت‬ :‫• فعلَماض‬
َ ٰ ‫الزك‬
َ.َ ‫وة‬ َّ َ‫َأوْتى‬ َ َ!َ ‫وة‬ َ ٰ ‫الزك‬
َّ ََ‫َٰات‬ :‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ.َ ‫وة‬ َّ ََ‫وة َ؟َ َأَنَاَمؤْت‬
َ ٰ ‫الزك‬ َ ٰ ‫الزك‬ َ ْ ‫هَلَْأَن‬
َّ ََ‫تَمؤْت‬ :‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬

َٰ , we can make the complete table for َ‫( ٰاذٰى‬he harmed). You can find other verbs too on this style.
Just likeَ‫ٰات‬

www.understandquran.com 20
‫َاهْت َ ٰدى‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
َ َ َ ‫ ا ْختَل‬but has a weak letter (‫)اهْت َ ٰدى →هَ ٰدى‬.
This verb is on the pattern of ‫ف‬

It is similar to ‫ى‬ َ ‫ َه ٰد‬because it ends with standing Fathah (written as ‫ى‬

َ ). Therefore, a number of features that you
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬table can be used here such as the approach to make plurals )َ‫َهاد ْو َن‬،
learnt in ‫ى‬ َ ‫َا ْهد ْو‬،‫ََا ْهد‬،‫َي َ ْهد ْو َن‬،‫يَ ْهدي‬،‫َه َد ْوا‬،‫ى‬
َ ‫ََهاد‬،‫ا‬ َ ‫(ه ٰد‬
َ َ

(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)

َ He received guidance :‫ اهْت َ ٰدى‬61
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬

Receive guidance! ‫اهْت َ َد‬ He receives

ْ ‫يَهْتَد‬
َ‫ي‬ He received guidance َ‫اهْت َ ٰدى‬
Receive guidance!
‫اهْتَدوْا‬ They receive َ‫يَهْتَدوْ َن‬ They received
‫اهْت َ َدوْا‬
(you all) guidance guidance
Don’t receive
َ‫ََلَتَهْتَد‬ You receive
َ‫ي‬ْ ‫تَهْتَد‬ You received
َ ْ ‫اهْت َ َدي‬
Don’t receive
‫ََلَتَهْتَدوْا‬ I receive guidance َ‫ي‬ْ ‫أَهْتَد‬ I received guidance َ‫اهْت َ َديْت‬
guidance! (you all)
The one who receives
َ‫مهْتَد‬ You all receive َ‫تَهْتَدوْ َن‬ You all received
ْ‫اهْت َ َديْت َم‬
guidance guidance guidance
The one who received
َ‫مهْت َ ًدى‬ We receive guidance ْ ‫نَهْتَد‬
َ‫ي‬ We received guidance ‫اهْت َ َديْنَا‬
To receive guidance ‫اهْت َداء‬ She receives
ْ ‫تَهْتَد‬
َ‫ي‬ She received
ْ ‫اهْت َ َد‬

 Spoken Arabic

.ٖ‫َاهْت َ ٰدىَلنَفْسه‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ َ‫هَلَاهْت َ ٰدىَلنَفْسهٖ؟‬
َ َ
َ .ْ‫َاهْت َ َدوْاَِلنْفسهم‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَاهْت َ َدوْاَِلنْفسهمْ َ؟‬
.َ‫َاهْت َ َديْتَلنَفْس ْي‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫ك؟‬ َ ‫تَلنَفْس‬ َ ْ ‫هَلَاهْت َ َدي‬
َ َ
.َ‫َاهْت َ َديْنَاَِلنْفسنَا‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَاهْت َ َديْتمَِْلنْفسكمْ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ.ٖ َ‫يَلنَفْسه‬
ْ ‫َيَهْتَد‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ‫يَلنَفْس َه ٖ؟‬
ْ ‫َهَلَْيَهْتَد‬ َ َ َ:‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ ْ ََْ َ
َ.‫يَِلنْفسنَا‬ ‫َنهتد‬ َ!ْ‫َاهْتَدوْاَِلنْفسكم‬ :‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ.‫َه َوَمهْتَد‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ َ‫َهَلَْه َوَمهْتَد؟‬ ََ:‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
Just likeَ‫اهْت َ ٰدى‬, we can make the complete table for ‫( ابتَغٰى‬he desired). You can find other verbs
too on this style.

www.understandquran.com 21
18 َ ٰ‫َاتَّق‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
Let’s make the complete table of ‫ى‬ َ ٰ‫ى → َو ٰٰقَ( اتَّق‬
َ ٰ‫)اتَّق‬. This is on the pattern of ‫ف‬
َ َ َ ‫ا ْختَل‬. it should have been ‫ى‬
َ ٰ‫ اوْتَق‬but
َ ٰ‫ اتَّق‬for ease.
it has been made ‫ى‬
It is similar to ‫ى‬َ ‫ َه ٰد‬because it ends with standing Fathah (written as ‫ى‬
َ ). Therefore, a number of features that you
َ ‫ َهد‬table can be used here such as the approach to make plurals )َ‫َهاد ْو َن‬،
learnt in ‫ى‬ ٰ َ ‫َا ْهد ْو‬،‫ََا ْهد‬،‫َي َ ْهد ْو َن‬،‫ َي ْهدي‬،‫َه َد ْوا‬،‫ى‬
َ ‫ََهاد‬،‫ا‬ َ ‫(ه ٰد‬
َ َ

• Key of ‫مضارع‬: ‫ي‬ َْ ‫يَتَّق‬

• Key of ‫أمر‬: َ‫ اتَّق‬Kasrah before the last letter and weak letter dropped
• ‫ اسمَفاعل‬or ‫اسمَمفعو َل‬: Add َ‫ م‬to the key of َ‫ فعلَماض‬and add double Fathah or double Kasrah on the last
letter: َ‫متَّق‬, ‫َمتَّقًى‬
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ He feared :َ‫ اتَّقٰى‬215
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬

Fear! ‫اتَّ َق‬ He fears َ‫يَتَّق ْي‬ He feared ‫اتَّقٰى‬

‫اتَّق ْوَا‬ َ‫يَتَّق ْو َن‬ ‫اتَّقَ ْوَا‬
They fear They feared
(you all)
Don’t fear! َ‫ََلَتَتَّق‬ You fear َ‫تَتَّق ْي‬ You feared َ‫ت‬ َ ْ ‫اتَّقَي‬
Don’t fear! (you all) َ ‫ََلَتَتَّق ْوا‬ I fear َْ ‫أتَّق‬
‫ي‬ I feared َ‫اتَّقَيْت‬
One who fears َ‫متَّق‬ You all fear َ‫تَتَّق ْو َن‬ You all feared ْ‫اتَّقَيْت َم‬
That which is feared َ‫متَّقًى‬ We fear َ‫نَتَّق ْي‬ We feared ‫اتَّقَيْن ََا‬
To fear ‫اتقَاء‬ She fears َ‫تَتَّق ْي‬ She feared ْ َ‫اتَّق‬
 Spoken Arabic
َ ‫َاتَّقَىَا‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
.ََ ‫لِل‬ َ ‫هَلَاتَّقَىَالِلَ؟‬
َ ‫َاتَّقَواَا‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬
.ََ ‫لِل‬ َ ‫هَلَاتَّقَواَالِلَ؟‬
.ََ ‫َاتَّقَيْتَاهلل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫تَاهللَ؟‬َ ْ ‫هَلَاتَّقَي‬
.َ‫َاتَّقَيْنَاَالِل‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَاتَّقَيْتمَاهللَ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ ‫َيَتَّقىَا‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬
َ.َ ‫لِل‬ َ ‫َهَلَْيَتَّقىَا‬
َ َ‫لِل َ؟‬ َ َ َ:‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ ‫َأتَّقىَا‬
َ.َ ‫لِل‬ َ!َ‫َاتَّقََالِل‬ َ َ َ:‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ.َ‫َن َ ْحنَمتَّق ْو َن‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ‫َهَلَْأنْتمَْمتَّق ْو َنَ؟‬ َ َ:‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
َ ٰ‫اتَّق‬, we can make the complete table for ‫( افْتَرٰى‬he fabricated). You can find other verbs too on this
Just likeَ ‫ى‬
www.understandquran.com 22
19 َ َ‫َا ْستَق‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
This verb is on the pattern of ‫ ا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬but has a weak letter (ََ‫امَ → قَام‬
َ َ‫)ا ْستَق‬.
(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)
َ He was straight َ َ‫ ا ْستَق‬47
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬

Be straight! ْ‫ا ْستَق َم‬ He is straight َ‫ي َ ْستَقيْم‬ He was straight َ َ‫ا ْستَق‬
Be straight! (you all) َ‫ا ْستَقيْم ْوا‬ They are straight َ ََ‫ستَقيْم ْون‬ ْ َ‫ي‬ They were straight َ‫ا ْستَقَام ْوا‬
Don’t be straight! َْ‫ََلَت َ ْستَقم‬ You are straight َ‫تَ ْستَقيْم‬ You were straight َ ‫ا ْستَقَ ْم‬
Don’t be straight! (you
َ‫ََلَت َ ْستَقيْم ْوا‬ I am straight َ‫أ ْستَقيْم‬ I was straight َ‫ا ْستَقَ ْمت‬
One who is straight َ‫م ْستَقيْم‬ You all are
ََ‫تَ ْستَقيْم ْون‬ You all were
َْ‫ا ْستَقَ ْمتم‬
- - We are straight َ‫ن َ ْستَقيْم‬ We were straight ‫ا ْستَقَ ْمنَا‬
To be straight َ‫ا ْستقَامَة‬ She is straight َ‫تَ ْستَقيْم‬ She was straight ْ َ‫ا ْستَقَام‬
 Spoken Arabic
َ .‫َا ْستَقَامََعَلَىَالدي ْ َن‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْا ْستَقَامََعَلَىَالديْنَ؟‬
.َ‫َا ْستَقَام ْواَعَلَىَالديْن‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْا ْستَقَام ْواَعَلَىَالدي ْ َن؟‬
.َ‫َا ْستَقَمْتَعَلَىَالديْن‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ َ‫تَعَلَىَالديْنَ؟‬ َ ْ‫هَلَْا ْستَقَم‬
.َ‫َا ْستَقَمْنَاَعَلَىَالديْن‬،ْ‫نَعَم‬ ‫هَلَْا ْستَقَمْتمَْعَلَىَالدي ْ َن؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ.‫َي َ ْستَقيْم ْونَََعَلَىَالدي ْ َن‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬ َ َ‫َهَلَْي َ ْستَقيْم ْونَََعَلَىَالدي ْ َن؟‬ َ َ:‫• فعلَمضارع‬
َ.‫ن َ ْستَقيْمَعَلَىَالدي ْ َن‬ َ َ َ‫َا ْستَقيْم ْواَعَلَىَالديْن؟‬ َ َ:‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ.‫َهمَْم ْستَقيْم ْونَََعَلَىَالدي ْ َن‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ‫َ َهَلَْهمَْم ْستَقيْم ْو َنََعَلَىَالديْن؟‬:‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
َ َ‫ا ْستَق‬, we can make the complete table for ََ‫( ا ْست َ َطاع‬he was able). You can find other
Just likeَ َ‫ام‬
verbs too on this style.

www.understandquran.com 23
20 َ‫َتَ َو ّٰل‬:‫مَزيْدَفيْه‬
َٰ ‫)تَ َو‬.
This verb is on the pattern of ‫ تَ َدبَّ ََر‬but has two weak letters (َ‫ّل → َو ّٰل‬
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬because it ends with standing Fathah (written as ‫ى‬
It is similar to ‫ى‬ َ ). Therefore, a number of features that you
َ ‫ َه ٰد‬table can be used here such as the approach to make plurals )َ‫َهاد ْو َن‬،
learnt in ‫ى‬ َ ‫َا ْهد ْو‬،‫ََا ْهد‬،‫َي َ ْهد ْو َن‬،‫يَ ْهدي‬،‫َه َد ْوا‬،‫ى‬
َ ‫ََهاد‬،‫ا‬ َ ‫(ه ٰد‬
َ َ

Make special note of the plurals of: ‫َتَ َو ََّل‬،‫َيَتَ َو ّٰل‬،‫ت َو ّٰل‬.

(The boxes show the 3 verb keys and 3 noun keys)

َ He turned away َٰ ‫ تَ َو‬79
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬

Turn away! َّ‫تَ َو َل‬ He turns away َ‫يَت َ َو ّٰل‬ He turned away َ‫تَ َو ّٰل‬
Turn away!
(you all) ‫تَ َولَّ ْوا‬ They turn away َ ََ‫يَت َ َولَّ ْون‬ They turned away ‫تَ َولَّ ْوا‬
Don’t turn away ََّ‫ََلَتَت َ َول‬ You turn away َٰ ‫تَت َ َو‬
‫ّل‬ You turned away َ‫ت‬ َ ْ ‫تَ َولَّي‬
Don’t turn away
(you all) َ‫ََلَتَت َ َولَّ ْوا‬ I turn away َٰ ‫أتَ َو‬
‫ّل‬ I turned away َ‫تَ َولَّيْت‬
one who turns away ‫مت َ َو َل‬ You turn away ََ‫تَت َ َولَّ ْون‬ You all turned away َْ‫تَ َولَّيْتم‬
- َ َ‫مت َ َولًّى‬ We turn away َٰ ‫نَت َ َو‬
‫ّل‬ We turned away ‫تَ َولَّيْنَا‬
to turn away َََ‫تَ َول‬ She turns away َ‫تَت َ َو ّٰل‬ She turned away ْ َّ‫تَ َول‬
َ َ‫ت‬

 Spoken Arabic

َٰ ‫ََلَيَت َ َو‬
.‫ّل‬ َٰ ‫هَلَْيَت َ َو‬
َ َ‫ّل؟‬
.َ‫ََلَيَت َ َولَّ ْون‬ َ‫هَلَْيَت َ َولَّ ْونَ؟‬
.‫ّل‬َٰ ‫ََلَأتَ َو‬ َٰ ‫هَلَْتَت َ َو‬
َٰ ‫ََلَنَت َ َو‬
.‫ّل‬ ‫هَلَْتَت َ َولَّ ْونَ؟‬
After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:
َ.‫َت َ َولَّيْن ََا‬،ْ‫َ َن َعَم‬ َ َ‫َهَ َل َْتَ َولَّيْت َمْ؟‬ َ َ َ:‫• فعلَماض‬
َٰ ‫َنَت َ َو‬
.‫ّل‬ َ َ !‫َتَ َولَّ ْوا‬ َ َ َ:‫• فعلَأمر‬
َ.َ‫َه َوَمت َ َول‬،ْ‫َنَعَم‬ َ َ‫َهَلَْه َوَمت َ َولَ؟‬ َ َ:‫اسمَمفعول‬/‫• اسمَفاعل‬
َٰ ‫تَ َو‬, we can make the complete table for ‫ّف‬
Just likeَ‫ّل‬ َٰ ‫( تَ َو‬he took {in death}). You can find other verbs too on
this style.

www.understandquran.com 24
(Qur'an Part)

www.understandquran.com 25
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 01 - Introduction of ‫مزيدَفي َه‬
Q1-: Why letters are added to the end of different verb forms?

Q2-: What type of verbs are called ‫?مزيدَفيه‬

Q3-: How many sentences are made to remember 5 types of ‫?مزيدَفيه‬

Q4-: How many times ‫ مزيدَفيه‬are used in each line of the Qur’an?

Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 02 - َ‫َعَل َّ َم‬:‫َمزيدَفيه‬

Q-1: Memorize the table for َ‫ عَل َّ َم‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: He taught people
• Translate into English: ْ َ‫وَعَلَّمََٰادَم‬
َ ‫َاَل َ ْس َمٓا َء‬

• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫هَلَْعَلَّمواَالْق ْرٰانَ َ؟‬

Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verb ‫( َسبَّ ََح‬he glorified), which is similar to ‫ َعلَّ ََم‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

ََ َّ ‫َسب‬
َ ‫ح‬

‫تَ ْسبيْح‬

www.understandquran.com 26
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 03 -َََ‫َ َحا َسب‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Q-1: Memorize the table for ََ‫ َحا َسب‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: Take account of yourself!
• Translate into English: َ ‫ي َحاسبكمَْبه‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: !ْ‫هَلَْ َحا َسبتمَْأنْف َسك َم‬
Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verb ‫( َها َج ََر‬He migrated), which is similar to ََ‫ َحا َسب‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ َ‫هَا َج َر‬

َ َ‫مهَا َج َرة‬
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 04 -ََ‫َأ ْسل َ َم‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Q-1: Memorize the table for َ‫ أ ْسل َ َم‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: Submit you all to the lord of the worlds
• Translate into English: َ ‫وَن َ ْحنَلَهَم ْسلم‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫هَلَْأ ْسلَمْتمَْلِل َ؟‬
Q-2: Write full table
for the verb َ َ‫( أَرْ َسل‬he sent), which is similar to َ‫ أ َ ْسل َ َم‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
َ ََ‫أرْ َسل‬

‫إر ْ َسال‬

www.understandquran.com 27
َ َ َ ‫َا ْختَل‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 05 - ‫ف‬
َ َ َ ‫ ا ْختَل‬thoroughly and answer the following:
Q-1: Memorize the table for ‫ف‬
• Translate into Arabic: You all are who differs in the religion
• Translate into English: !َ‫ف َ ََلَت َ ْختَلف ْواَفىَالديْن‬
• Answer with ‘No’ in Arabic: ‫هَلَْت َ ْختَلف ْونََفيَْكتَابَالِل َ؟‬
َ َ َ‫ ا ْختَل‬and circle the 6 keys.
Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verb ‫( اتَّ َخ َذ‬He took), which is similar to ‫ف‬
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ ‫اتَّ َخ ََذ‬

َ ‫ات َخاذ‬

Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 06 - ‫َا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬

Q-1: Memorize the table for ‫ ا ْستَغْفَ ََر‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: You (all) ask forgiveness of Allah!
• Translate into English: ‫فَا ْستَغْفَ َرَرَبَّ َه‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ْ ‫هَلَْأَنْتمَْم ْستَغْفروْنََم َن‬
‫َاْلثْم َ؟‬
Q-2: Write full table َ for the verbَ‫( َا ْستَ ْكبَ َر‬He was arrogant), which is similar to ‫ ا ْستَغْ َف ََر‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
ْ َ ‫ا ْست‬
َ َ‫كب َ َر‬

ْ ‫ا ْست‬
َ ‫كبَار‬

www.understandquran.com 28
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 07 -‫َت َ َدبَّ ََر‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Q-1: Memorize the table for ‫ تَ َدبَّ ََر‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: They ponder upon the Qur’an
• Translate into English: َ ‫اَف َ ََلَيَت َ َدبَّروْنََالْق ْر‬

• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫هَلَْتَت َ َدبَّروْنََالْق ْرٰانَ َ؟‬

َ َّ ‫( تَ َو‬He put trust), which is similar to ‫ تَ َدبَّ ََر‬and circle the 6 keys.
Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verb َ‫َّك‬
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ َّ ‫تَ َو‬
َ َ ‫َّك‬

َ ُّ ‫تَ َو‬
َ ‫َّك‬

Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 08 -َََ‫َانْقَلَب‬،‫َت َ َدارَ َس‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬

َ َ َ‫ تَ َدار‬thoroughly and answer the following:
Q-1: Memorize the table for ‫س‬
• Translate into Arabic: Study (you all) together the Qur’an!
• Translate into English: ‫َاهلل‬
َ ‫اب‬ َ َ ‫يَت َ َدارَس ْونََكت‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: َ َ ‫هَ َل َْت َ َدارَ ْستمَالْكت‬
‫اب َ؟‬
َ َ‫( ت‬He was arrogant), which is similar to ‫س‬
Q-2: Write full table for the verbََ‫شابَه‬ َ َ َ‫ تَ َدار‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ َ ‫تَ َشابَ َه‬

َ ‫تَ َشابه‬

www.understandquran.com 29
َََ‫ انْقَلَب‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Q-1: Memorize the table for ََ‫ انْقَلَب‬thoroughly and answer the following:

• Translate into Arabic: You all returned to the religion

• Translate into English: َ ْ ‫انْقَلب ْواَالَىَالْبَي‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫ىَاْل ْس ََلم َ؟‬
ْ َ‫هَلَْتَنْقَلب ْونََإل‬

Q-2: Write full table for the verb ‫( انْ َطلَ ََق‬he went), which is similar to ََ‫ انْ َقلَب‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ ‫ان ْ َطل َ ََق‬

َ‫انْط ََلق‬

www.understandquran.com 30
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 09 - Introduction of َ‫ مزيدَفيه‬with weak letter
Q-1: How many types of words in Arabic and which are they?

Q-2: Which verbs we have learnt in Course-1 and Course-2?

Q-3: Give an example of a verb with weak letter and a verb with repeated letters?

Q-4: which kind of verbs we are going to learn in next lessons?

َٰ ‫َ َو‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 10 -َ‫ّل‬
َٰ ‫ َو‬thoroughly and answer the following:
Q-1: Memorize the table for ‫ّل‬
• Translate into Arabic: He turns away from the religion
• Translate into English: ْ‫مَاَوَلٰىهمَْعَ ْنَقبلَته َم‬
• Answer with ‘No’ in Arabic: َ َ‫هَلَْت َوليَْوَجه‬
‫كَعَنَالديْن َ؟‬

Q-2: Write full table

for the verb ‫جى‬ َٰ ‫ َو‬and circle the 6 keys.
ٰ َ ‫( ن‬he saved), which is similar to ‫ّل‬
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
ٰ َ‫ن‬
َ ‫جى‬

َ ‫تَنْجيَة‬

www.understandquran.com 31
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 11 -َ‫َنَادٰى‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Q-1: Memorize the table for ‫ نَادٰى‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: You (all) call your lord!
• Translate into English: َ ‫ىَل َْلي ْ َم‬
‫ان‬ ْ ‫ينَاد‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫هَلَْأنْتمَْمنَادوْنََاهلل ََ؟‬
Q-2: Write full table
َٰ ‫( ََل‬He met), which is similar to ‫ نَادٰى‬and circle the 6 keys.
for the verb ‫ٰق‬
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ َ‫ََل ٰٰق‬

َ َ‫م ََلقَاة‬
َ َ ‫َأق‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 12 -ََ‫ام‬
َ َ ‫ أق‬thoroughly and answer the following:
Q-1: Memorize the table for َ‫ام‬
• Translate into Arabic: We establish Salah for Allah
• Translate into English: !َ ‫واَالص ََلَة‬
َّ ‫أقيْم‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫َالصٰلوة ََ؟‬
َّ َ‫هَلَْيقيْم ْون‬

Q-2: Write full table

َ َ‫(َأَر‬He wanted), which is similar to َ‫ام‬
for the verbََ‫اد‬ َ َ ‫ أَق‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
َ َ‫اد‬
َ َ ‫أر‬

َ ‫إرَادََة‬

www.understandquran.com 32
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 13 -َ‫َألْقٰى‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Q-1: Memorize the table for ‫ ألْقٰى‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: Throw down!
• Translate into English: ‫ض‬َ ْ‫وَاَلْقٰىَفىَ ْاَلَر‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: َ ‫ت‬
‫َشيْئًا َ؟‬ َ ْ ‫هَلَْأَلْقَي‬

Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verb ‫( أَوْ ٰح َى‬He revealed), which is similar to ‫ى‬ ٰ َ‫ ن‬and circle the 6 keys.
َ ‫اد‬
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
َ َ‫أو ْ ٰحى‬

َ ‫إي ْ َحاء‬

Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 14 -َ‫َٰامَ ََن‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬

Q-1: Memorize the table forَ‫َٰامَ ََن‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: We believed in Allah and his messenger

• Translate into English: َ ‫كَٰامَ َنَب‬

• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ْ ‫هَلَْتؤْمن ْونََب‬
‫ااْلخ َرة َ؟‬
Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verbَ‫(َأَنْفَ ََق‬He spent), which is similar toََ‫ أ َ ْسلَم‬and ‫ٰامَ ََن‬, and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
َ ‫أنْفَ ََق‬

َ َ‫إنْفَاق‬

www.understandquran.com 33
َ َ ‫َأ‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 15 -ََّ ‫ض َل‬
َ َ ‫ َأ‬thoroughly and answer the following:
Q-1: Memorize the table for َّ ‫ض َل‬
• Translate into Arabic: Allah misguide the disbelievers
• Translate into English: ‫ضلََّفرْعَ ْونَق َ ْومَ َه‬ َ َ ‫وَا‬

• Answer with ‘No’ in Arabic: ‫تَالْقَ ْومَ َ؟‬

َ ْ ‫ضلَل‬ْ َ ‫هَلَْأ‬
َ َ َ ‫ أ‬and circle the 6 keys.
Q-2: Write full table
ََّ ‫( أ َح‬He liked), which is similar to َّ ‫ض َل‬
for the verb ‫ب‬
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬
َ ََّ‫أ َحب‬

َ َ‫إ ْحبَاب‬

َٰ َ:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 16 -َ‫ٰات‬
َٰ thoroughly and answer the following:
Q-1: Memorize the table for ‫ٰات‬
• Translate into Arabic: They all give Zakah
• Translate into English: ْ َ ‫ٰاتٰىهمَاهللَم ْنَف‬
ٖ ‫ضل َه‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫َالزكٰوة ََ؟‬
َّ ‫هَلَْٰاتَيْتم‬

َ ٰ‫(َٰاذ‬He harmed), which is similar to ‫ٰات‬

Q-2: Write full table for the verbَ‫ى‬
َٰ and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ ‫ٰاذٰى‬

َ ‫إي ْ َذا َء‬

www.understandquran.com 34
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 17 -َ‫َاهْت َ ٰدى‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Q-1: Memorize the table for ‫ اهْت َ ٰدى‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: They all are guided
• Translate into English: ًَ ْ ‫وَ ََلَيَهْتَدوْنََ َسبي‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫هَلَاهْت َ َدوْاَ َسبي ْ ًَل َ؟‬
Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verb ‫( ابتَغٰ َى‬He desired), which is similar to ‫ى‬
َ ‫ ا ْهتَ ٰد‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ ‫ابتَغٰى‬

َ ‫ابتغَاء‬

Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 18 -َ‫َاتَّقٰى‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬

Q-1: Memorize the table forَ‫َاتَّقٰى‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: Fear Allah! (you all)
• Translate into English: ‫ح‬ََ َ ‫صل‬
ْ َ ‫فَمَنَاتَّقٰىَوَا‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫هَلَْأنْتمَْمتَّق ْونََاهلل ََ؟‬
Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verbَ‫(َافْتَرٰى‬He fabricated), which is similar to ‫ اتَّقٰ َى‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ َ‫افْت َ ٰرى‬

َ ‫افْت َراء‬

www.understandquran.com 35
َ َ‫َا ْستَق‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 19 -ََ‫ام‬
َ َ‫ ا ْستَق‬thoroughly and answer the following:
Q-1: Memorize the table for َ‫ام‬
• Translate into Arabic: They are straight on Haqq
• Translate into English: !‫فَا ْستَقيْم ْوا‬
• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ‫هَلَا ْستَقَمْتمَْعَلَىَالديْن َ؟‬
ََ ‫ ا ْستَ َق‬and circle the 6 keys.
َ ‫( ا ْستَ َط‬He was able), which is similar to ‫ام‬
Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verb َ‫اع‬
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ ََ‫ا ْست َ َطاع‬

َ َ‫ا ْست َطاعَة‬

َٰ ‫َت َ َو‬:‫مزيدَفيه‬
Grammar Workbook: Lesson – 20 -َ‫ّل‬
Q-1: Memorize the table forَ‫َت َ َو ّٰل‬thoroughly and answer the following:
• Translate into Arabic: They turned away from Haqq
• Translate into English: ‫يَت َ َو ّٰلَعَنَالدي ْ َن‬
• Answer with ‘No’ in Arabic: ‫َاْل ْس ََلم َ؟‬
ْ ‫هَلَْيَت َ َو ّٰلَعَن‬

Q-2: Write full tableَ for the verbَ‫(َتَ َو َّٰف‬He took {in death}), which is similar to ‫ تَ َو َّٰل‬and circle the 6 keys.
،‫فعلنهى‬،‫فعل أمر‬
Name of action ،‫ اسم مفعول‬،‫اسم فاعل‬
ِ ‫فعل‬ ‫فعل ماض‬

َ َ‫تَ َو ّٰف‬

َ َ‫تَ َوف‬

www.understandquran.com 36

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