GFP0011 Group 7
GFP0011 Group 7
GFP0011 Group 7
supportive framework in place to address risks, and
are able to manage their online behavior as part of
contributing to positive and supportive online
Cyber risk management is the process of communities.
identifying, prioritizing, managing, and
monitoring risks to information systems
Individuals understand the different types of
behavioral cyber risks (e.g., cyberbullying,
harassment, and stalking), how they might
encounter these risks, how these risks might
affect them, and how they can formulate
strategies for dealing with them.
Individuals are able to develop the
appropriate technical, socio-cognitive,
communicative, and decision-making skills to
address behavioral cyber risk incidents as they
occur, whether as a bystander or victim, and
gain valuable coping tools to address these
negative online experiences
Individuals become better equipped to develop and use conflict
management techniques to mitigate such risks, whether through
avoiding or confronting individuals or groups involved in the
creation of such content, reporting incidents to platform
administrators or other appropriate processes
Individuals understand different types Individuals become familiar with the strategies
of commercial or community cyber involved in dealing with these risks.
They are able to identify and/or develop strategies
Individuals exhibit caution and
risks, their contextual exposure to vigilance when online, understand
and tools to mitigate and manage exposure to risks
such risks as members of specific and enhance quality of life. where and when strategies for
communities and groups, and They detect and report incidents, identify affected dealing with risks may be available
demonstrate depth systems and user groups, and trigger alerts and to them
announcements devise creative ways to handle
currency of knowledge about legal
They manage the lifecycle of problems to prevent
and ethical issues related to and avoid the dangers associated
problems and incidents from occurring, eliminate
with these risks.
commercial and community cyber recurring incidents, and minimize the impact of
risks. unavoidable incidents.
Digital security is the protection of
the one’s digital identity, data and
devices from intruders, surveillance
and harm.
Knowledge Skills
Individuals understand their personal online
Individuals are able to identify cyber threats,
risk profiles and how to identify different
use relevant cyber security practices
types of cyber-threats
Individuals exhibit resilience and vigilance
against careless or negligent behaviors that
may compromise their own or others' data
and device security
have confidence about what to do when
there is a problem.
2. NETWORK SECURITY Individuals continuously take the initiative to stay up-todate about
evolving cyber threats, risk profiles, and network vulnerabilities when
using technology. (Values)
Knowledge Skills
The ability to detect, avoid, and
manage cyber-threats to cloud-
Individuals are able to predict and identify
based collaborative digital
weaknesses and risks in their networks that
environments leave them vulnerable to possible cyber threats.
They evaluate vulnerabilities, quantify
Individuals understand cyber threats associated risks (e.g., business loss), employ
specific to cloud networks and collaborative tools, strategies, and protocols to ensure and
improve the confidentiality and security of their
digital environments that may compromise
collaborative work.
their data, devices, and systems, and the
They monitor their networks and systems and
options available to them for ensuring
implement support systems to allow for
appropriate levels of protection, optimum productivity and performance.
confidentiality, and privacy If individuals belong to an organization, their
security tools and strategies are aligned with
their organization's security framework,
guidelines, and technical requirements to ensure
minimal impact to their business.
The ability to recognise, plan, and implement organizational cyber security defenses.