2023 CMES SLR BartesRazvanClapouAlexandru
2023 CMES SLR BartesRazvanClapouAlexandru
2023 CMES SLR BartesRazvanClapouAlexandru
3.3. Data synthesis insights into the formation mechanisms of specific biolog-
3.3.1. IOT agriculture to improve food and farming ical traits. Utilizing integrated automation platforms, the
technology research emphasizes the acquisition of multi-scale, multi-
This paper focus into the role of the Internet of Things environmental, and multi-mode plant traits, forming big data
(IoT) in the Agricultural Sector, exploring the integration of on plant phenotypes.
GPS and sensors for improved communication and data ex-
change among agricultural devices. Emphasizing the bene- 3.3.3. Recent advancements and challenges of Internet
fits of Information Technology (IT), particularly cloud tech- of Things in smart agriculture: A survey
nology, the study demonstrates how it enhances farmers’ This paper explores the dynamic evolution of the In-
management capabilities in areas such as crop growth, yield ternet of Things (IoT) as a paradigm for connecting di-
estimation, fertilizer application, and disease prevention. verse smart physical components, aiming at multi-domain
The application of a cloud-based agro-cloud system is ex- modernization. Focused on minimizing human intervention
amined as a catalyst for advancing agricultural techniques, in the management and tracking of agricultural lands, the
streamlining communication, reducing costs, and expediting study explores a number of IoT-based frameworks, offering
information exchange. a thorough analysis of their key elements, new technologies,
security concerns, difficulties, and potential developments in
3.3.2. The future of Internet of Things in agriculture: the field of agriculture.
Plant high-throughput phenotypic platform
Advancements in sensor, communication, plant, com- 3.3.4. An Overview of Internet of Things (IoT) and
puter, and engineering sciences have propelled Internet of Data Analytics in Agriculture: Benefits and
Things (IoT) in agriculture. Environmental sensor networks, Challenges
non-destructive imaging, spectral analysis, and robotics The global population surge prompts a shift to smart
contribute to a qualitative leap in obtaining continuous plant agriculture, addressing food security concerns amid dimin-
phenotypic data. This study explores the genotype–phenotype ishing resources and unpredictable weather. This paper ex-
–envirotype relationships in the omics system, enabling deep plores the transition from wireless sensor networks (WSN) to
the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics 3.3.8. Smart Agriculture and IoT Technology
(DA), outlining benefits, challenges, and the IoT ecosystem’s This paper provides a comprehensive overview of Inter-
role. The combination of IoT and DA is driving operational net of Things (IoT) applications in modern agriculture, em-
efficiency in agriculture, and the paper outlines future trends phasizing achievements and advancements in vertical farm-
and opportunities across technological innovations, applica- ing, hydroponics, and phenotyping. Examining the role of
tion scenarios, business, and marketability. IoT in agricultural practices, the study explores the potential
and challenges associated with wireless sensors integration
3.3.5. INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) AND CLOUD into traditional farming methods. The paper details specific
COMPUTING FOR AGRICULTURE sensor applications for agriculture and outlines current and
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a transformative tech- future scenarios and platforms based on IoT. Additionally,
nology shaping the future of computing and communica- it reviews ongoing research by major technology companies
tions, constituting a self-configuring wireless network of worldwide, aiming to guide researchers and agricultural en-
interconnected objects. Global food security hinges on a gineers in implementing IoT technology for the development
unified digital market, future internet, knowledge sharing, of smart parks.
social networks, data protection, and open access to wis-
dom. Wisdom-based systems for agriculture, focusing on 3.3.9. A Creative IoT agriculture platform for cloud
IoT, geomatics, sensor technology, WSN, RFID, and Cloud fog computing
Computing, contribute to greener farming with increased This study introduces an innovative service process
environmental stewardship and economic viability. Despite leveraging a cloud computing platform within the Internet of
technological strides, integrating IoT into agriculture for Things (IoT), enhancing the integration of cloud-to-physical
online monitoring and managing complex ecosystems de- networking and accelerating IoT computing speed. By fo-
mands structured, collaborative efforts. cusing on high-speed computing and remote operations, the
proposed service process facilitates seamless collaboration,
3.3.6. Internet of things for smart agriculture: efficiently moving data between Cloud and Fog resources.
Technologies, practices and future direction The research applies this innovative platform technology
This paper delves into the burgeoning realm of agricul- to the realm of cloud agriculture, enabling large-scale data
tural innovation propelled by the Internet of Things (IoT). collection and analysis for automated solutions in agricul-
At its early stages, IoT in agriculture demands extensive tural monitoring, pest management, and image analysis.
experimentation for widespread application across diverse This approach addresses challenges in large-area automation
farming scenarios. The study systematically reviews poten- construction, particularly in farmland with limited network
tial IoT applications, scrutinizing associated challenges and resources.
issues for effective deployment in farming. A comprehen-
sive analysis of IoT devices and wireless communication 3.3.10. Adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) in
technologies tailored to agricultural contexts is conducted to agriculture and smart farming towards urban
meet specific requirements. The paper investigates sensor- greening: A review
enabled IoT systems, offering intelligent services for en- This study investigates the incorporation of Internet of
hanced farming practices. Through case studies, it explores Things (IoT) technology in agriculture and farming prac-
existing IoT solutions categorized by deployment parame- tices, aiming to boost productivity and cost-effectiveness
ters, highlighting associated challenges and paving the way through automation. Examining 60 peer-reviewed scientific
for future improvements and advancements in smart agricul- publications spanning 2016-2018, the research focuses on
ture. IoT applications, sensor data collection, and sub-verticals
such as water and crop management. Findings highlight wa-
3.3.7. The internet of things in agriculture for ter management as the predominant sub-vertical, followed
sustainable rural development by crop management and smart farming. Notable sensor data
This research explores the shared challenges faced by priorities include environmental temperature and humidity,
rural areas in South Africa and Zambia across agriculture, with Wi-Fi and mobile technology emerging as the primary
connectivity, water, transport, health, and education. Focus- technological choices. The study underscores a significant
ing on IoT technologies, the study aims to uncover potential emphasis on the agricultural sector compared to farming
solutions for poverty reduction aligned with the identified and offers valuable insights for the industry to optimize IoT
needs in these communities. Emphasizing agriculture, the for enhanced production efficiencies. Future research rec-
paper highlights specific IoT applications for crop farming, ommendations encompass scalability, heterogeneity, system
weather forecasting, wildlife management, forestry, live- architecture, data analysis methods, security protocols, and
stock farming, market identification, and rural financing. technological considerations.
4. Results
IoT and cloud technology play a pivotal role in enhancing
farmers’ management capabilities, spanning areas such as
crop growth, yield estimation, fertilizer application, and Othmane Friha, Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Lei Shu, Leandros
disease prevention. This integration not only reduces costs Maglaras, and Xiaochan Wang, "Internet of Things for the
but also expedites information exchange among agricultural Future of Smart Agriculture: A Comprehensive Survey of
devices. Meanwhile, advancements in sensor technology Emerging Technologies," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol.
and automation platforms contribute to the acquisition of 8, no. 4, pp. 718-752, Apr. 2021.
continuous plant phenotypic data, providing valuable in- doi: 10.1109/JAS.2021.1003925 shu
sights into genotype-phenotype-envirotype relationships and
generating extensive big data on plant phenotypes. In the Ray, Partha Pratim. ‘Internet of Things for Smart Agricul-
realm of smart agriculture, the dynamic evolution of IoT ture: Technologies, Practices and Future Direction’. 1 Jan.
aims at minimizing human intervention in land manage- 2017 : 395 – 420.
ment, exploring various frameworks, technologies, security
concerns, and potential developments across diverse agri- Madushanki, A. A. R., Halgamuge, M. N., Wirasagoda,
cultural domains. Furthermore, the integration of IoT and W. A. H. S., Syed, A. (2019). Adoption of the Internet
data analytics in agriculture is driving operational efficiency, of Things (IoT) in agriculture and smart farming towards
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benefits, challenges, and future trends in technological inno- vanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(4), 11-28.
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The transformative potential of IoT, geomatics, sensor tech-
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Computing in agriculture is highlighted, emphasizing the sion Support System for Precision Farming," 2019 IEEE Intl
need for structured, collaborative efforts to integrate IoT into Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing,
agriculture for online monitoring and the management of Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl
complex ecosystems. Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber
contribution details Science and Technology Congress , Fukuoka, Japan, 2019,
pp. 889-892
Madushanki, A. A. R., Halgamuge, M. N., Wirasagoda, J. Ma, X. Zhou, S. Li and Z. Li, "Connecting Agricul-
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urban greening: A review. International Journal of Ad- 4th International Conference on Cyber, Physical and So-
vanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(4), 11-28. cial Computing, Dalian, China, 2011, pp. 184-187, doi:
https://doi.org/10.14569/ijacsa.2019.0100402 10.1109/iThings/CPSCom.2011.32.