Jaisankar 2020
Jaisankar 2020
Jaisankar 2020
K. Krishna Rubigha
Research Scholar
Kumaraguru College of Technology
Coimbatore, India
Abstract—Affordability of smart devices by small farmers is the automobile, telecommunications sectors but not much are put
major reason for not using IoT devices in agricultural production in use in the agriculture sector. Many IoT based remote
and processes. S urvey results found that small farmers are facing control devices are developed for monitoring and controlling
problems in managing their farms due to various reasons The agricultural farmlands but only a very small percent of farmers
paper is a conceptual study that attempts to develop a novel low-
is using it in their farms. Dieisson, (2018) in his study
cost smart kit to solve the problems specific to coconut farm
owners. Installation of coco smart kit connected to a smartphone comments that the concept of smart farming is fast catching
will help the farmers to manage their farmland efficiently with the rapid developments in the internet of things (IoT) and
without any manpower resources. cloud computing but still there is a lot more to be done in
bringing technologies in agriculture. Ravi Gorli, (2018)
Keywords— Internet of Things; Coconut Farm management; predicts that the concept of smart farming is quickly catching
Small Farmers; Smart Kit in agricultural business. Crop control, on-time data collection,
and automated farming techniques have many advantages
networked farming. Use of sensor-based IoT devices
I. INT RODUCT ION communicates information on the changes happening in the
field to the farmer. Verónica Saiz-Rubio, (2019) states that
Internet of Things (IoT) plays an important role in almost all
sensors are usually integrated into a platform that is fixed to
sectors across the globe. IoT based devices are developed and
the ground within fields. These devices are to monitor crops
applied in manufacturing. healthcare, automobile,
and to obtain information from the farmland. Large farmers
telecommunications sectors but not much are put in use in the
can invest in equipment, facilities, and manpower but not in
agriculture sector. Many IoT based remote control devices are
case of small farmers. Food and Agriculture Organization of
developed for monitoring and controlling agricultural
the United Nations report states that agriculture is the largest
farmlands but only a very small percent of farmers is using it
source of livelihoods in India where 70 percent of the rural
in their farms. Efficient farming requires accurate information
households depend primarily on agriculture for their
at the right time. Farmers need time-critical information to
livelihood. The report also stated that 82 percent of farmers in
make decisions in changing farm conditions. Use of IoT based
India are operating in small and marginal scale owning a small
devices helps farmers to get the right information at the time
area of land. Affordability of smart devices by small farmers is
about the present condition of the farmland. The information
the major reason for not using IoT devices in agricultural
received farmers’ smartphone help farmers located at remote
production and processes . Muhammad Shoaib Farooq (2020)
in managing the resources efficiently that enables the yield
in his research finding, has stated that one of the issues for
more productive. Theodoros Lantzos, (2013) in his study
farmers not deploying IoT in agriculture is because of several
states that the use of the smart phone with specialized software
cost-related issues such as setup and running costs. The setup
installed is an ideal solution for various farm management
costs include hardware costs for IoT devices/sensors, base
processes. Remote farming also minimizes the cost of
station infrastructure, and gateways.
production by reducing the manpower required to perform the
This paper is a conceptual study that attempts to
develop a novel low-cost smart kit to solve the problems faced
Internet of Things (IoT) plays an important role in
by the coconut farm owners with less than 5 acres of land.
almost all sectors across the globe. IoT based devices are
Installation of the coco smart kit connected to a smartphone
developed and applied in manufacturing. healthcare,
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20OSV-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5464-0
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20OSV-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5464-0
that poverty and price volatility of agricultural produces, in moisture, temperature, sunlight, and humidity. This especially
general, are impacting the shift towards technolog y. The is helpful for farmers with limited or no knowledge of
above factors discuss the factors affecting and impacting the maintaining the planned climatic conditions. Muthunoori and
adoption of technology in farming and further in the review it Munaswamy (2019) identified the potential for artificial
was observed that what are all the different technologies intelligence in agriculture is envisioning at the soil and crop
prevalent and how they can be taken to the farmers. The monitoring, weather forecasting, predictive agricultural
technology has advanced the manual operated to auto-pilot analytics, markets and supply chain efficiency. Moving a step
tractors, crop sensors, temperature sensors, and humidity forward, Baskar D A (2020) in his study concluded that the
sensors. Today, the Internet of Things is running the world internet of things that can involve billions of devices that
and it has affected the agricultural practices to a great extent. range from large scale to small scale. The rapid progress in the
A new branch called Smart Farming has emerged with the technologies cause huge growth in the devices that are
application of Information and Communication Technologies connected by the IoT, and in turn, increases the energy
(ICT) in the farming practices. The third green revolution is consumption. Muhammad Shoaib Farooq (2020), based on the
focused on ICT after the plant breeding and genetic extensive reviews of literature has given a major classification
revolution. Smart Farming majorly includes Precision of application of devices (in percentage) are Irrigation
equipment, IoT actuators, GPS, Big Data, Artificial Monitoring and Controlling (16%), Precision Farming (16%),
Intelligence, Machine Learning, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Soil Monitoring (13%), Temperature Monitoring (12%),
(Drones), Robotics, etc. Saiz-Rubio & Rovira-Más (2020) Humidity Monitoring (11%), Animal Monitoring and
confirmed that consistent knowledge about farms leads to Tracking (11%), Water Monitoring and Controlling (7%),
optimal decisions. Agricultural management systems can Disease Monitoring (5%), Air Monitoring and Fertilization
handle farm data in such a way that the outcome could be Monitoring (4%).
different for each farm. There are many other technologies, platforms, and mobile
The following are some of the important examples of applications providing a real-time solution to farming hurdles.
the impact of technology in agriculture. John Deere, one of the But again, the constraint is the size of the land that determines
famous farming equipment manufacturers is pioneering in the adoption and usage. Almost all technologies are designed
auto-pilot or autonomous pilots like self-driving or to serve the big farmers with larger pieces of land. This study
autonomous cars. The tractors are connected to the Internet attempts to bridge the gap and provide a sensible, affordable,
and in real-time, the crop data can be monitored. Sensors in and useful application to farmers.
the fields help the farmers gain access to the topography of the
field and variables such as acidity and temperature of the soil.
Everything is available at the touch of a click of our IV. RESEARCH PROCESS
fingerprints. Smartphones enable the farmers to access data
A. Research Gap
remotely about their equipment, crops, and livestock and get
statistics about the same. They can even statistical predictions From the previous review papers, several authors stated that there
are several technologies with the use of Information and
and use predictive analytics to forecast weather and decision Communication Technologies are developed for agriculture to get
making. maximum yield and minimize the manpower. There are no attempt s
Bhar L M et al., (2019) emphasis that AI requires a made to develop a low-cost kit affordable by the small farmer
continuous and vast amount of data for the accurate and addressing to solve the problems faced by farmers focusing on
seamless performance of the data systems. This involves coconut farming. This study addresses the issues faced by small
including the historical data and improving the prediction coconut small farmers to find ways how to manage the small farms
system. This enables the agricultural management systems to by the implementation of IoT devices in rural farmlands.
provide customized solutions to individual farms on a crop-to-
crop basis. Nayyar and Puri (2017) proposed an agriculture B. Objectives
stick having a system of breadboard, sensors, and live data
This study attempt to develop a conceptual low-cost smart
feed integrating Arudino Technology. On putting in practice
kit model for the small farmers those who own coconut farms
the system predicted 98% accurately the data needed for
less than 5 acres of land. The objective of the study was to
informing the farmers about the field conditions and planning
develop a customized IoT based low-cost smart kit to address
the decisions accordingly.
these problems. The kit will contain four important devices
The devices to include in the smart kit was decided based
that considered essential to manage a small coconut farm.
on the recommendations made by the researchers of previous
Installation of the smart kit connected with a smartphone
studies and hearing the voice of the farmers. Jennifer, Raj and
farmer can manage their farm efficiently without any
Vijitha (2019) in their study explained that IoT enabled
manpower resources.
Greenhouses can maintain the temperature in minuscule level
with greater precision and accuracy. The monitoring and
controlling of the parameters and maintaining the required C. Research Methodology
climatic conditions. The researchers proposed the use of The research method adopted is qualitative research. The
Netduino 3 as the IoT platform and sensors for monitoring sampling method used was snowball sampling. An intensive
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20OSV-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5464-0
interview process was carried out with a help of a semi- VI. W ORKING PRINCIPLE
structured questionnaire to the small farmers with less than 5 The smart kit contains four application devices such
acres in the rural areas of Pollachi located in Coimbatore as Fence alarm, Moisture sensor, Pest sensor and Water valve
district, South India. Initially, two farmers were approached to control are installed in the appropriate locations in the coconut
collect the information and followed by referrals another farmland. The fence alarm detects any object passing through
fourteen farmers were interviewed. Sixteen farm owners were the fence and the sensor will detect it and send the signal to
interviewed. the farmer. Whenever the water content level in this soil
decreases from the set level, the moisture sensor unit will
D. Problem Statement
detect it and sends the information to the farmer. Coconut
From the interview process, it was found that there are not
trees are bound to various types of pests. The sensor detects
many technologies were used in the farming processes due to
the presence and the movement of the pests and sends the
lack of awareness among farmers about the sensing devices
signal to the farmer. Whenever the soil moisture goes below
used in the farm management. There was no technology used
the required level, the farmer can switch-on the pump to
for security system and for controlling the motor and water
discharge water and controls the level of water flow based on
valves. Based on the outcome of the survey, it was found that
the water availability. The signals are routed through a
the major problems faced by the local farmers in this area
Safeguarding the coconut trees from wild animals
Distribution of available water covering the fields
Preventing the pests from coconut trees
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC)
IEEE Xplore Part Number:CFP20OSV-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5464-0
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