Teacher Learning and Collaboration in A Life Sciences Cluster in South Africa
Teacher Learning and Collaboration in A Life Sciences Cluster in South Africa
Teacher Learning and Collaboration in A Life Sciences Cluster in South Africa
There is increasing focus on collaborative teacher learning in South Africa. In the Mpumalanga province, the Department of
Education uses cluster meetings as a model of teacher development. Clusters are groups of teachers from different schools
who teach the same subject. In this article we focus on the learning activities that took place in 1 cluster of life sciences
teachers during 2016 and 2017. Data were generated by observing 6 cluster meetings (at provincial, district and circuit level),
and by interviewing 11 members of the cluster and 2 departmental officials. Wenger’s concepts of mutual engagement,
shared repertoire and joint enterprise were used to analyse the data. The findings show that the professional learning activities
that took place in the cluster meetings were mostly directed at improving the Grade 12 learners’ results. The subject advisors,
rather than the teachers, initiated the learning activities. The routines and resources used also focused on improving learner
results. We thus argue that a managerial discourse of professionalism underpins the cluster model of professional
development, primarily providing strategies intended to improve the pass rate of the Grade 12 learners and to monitor school-
based assessment, rather than supporting collaborative professional learning.
There is a global shift towards collaborative models of professional development, such as professional learning
communities, that acknowledge the complexity of the teacher-learning process (Avalos, 2011; Bantwini, 2019;
Brodie & Borko, 2016; Korthagen, 2017; Opfer & Pedder, 2011; Wei, Darling-Hammond, Andree, Richardson
& Orphanos, 2009). Teacher development policy in South Africa also supports collaborative professional
learning by establishing professional learning communities of teachers (Department of Basic Education [DBE],
Republic of South Africa [RSA], 2015).
Subject clusters are a model of professional development that embraces collaboration and that are used by
some provincial departments of education in South Africa. i A cluster is a grouping of senior secondary teachers
who all teach the same subject at different schools, led by a teacher who is appointed as the cluster leader. In
2012, the Mpumalangaii Department of Education established various subject clusters as a model that aims to
support the teachers at school level, as many district curriculum advisors are not necessarily able to visit all
schools to provide the required support to teachers (Mpumalanga Department of Education, 2012). The focus of
the study reported on here was teacher professional learning in a cluster of life sciences teachers who taught
Grade 10 to 12 learners.
In the first section of this article, we present the literature on teacher development in South Africa and
scrutinise the concept of teacher learning, drawing on Wenger’s (1998, 2009) social learning theory informed by
learning in a community of practice as a conceptual framework. We then discuss the methods, the findings, and
conclude that the data suggest that the cluster meetings in this case study were underpinned by a discourse of
managerial professionalism focusing more on monitoring and policy compliance, than on supporting teacher-led
collaborative learning.
Literature Review
Overview of professional development in South Africa
Basic education in South Africa faces a range of challenges, such as low achievement rates, poor school
resourcing and organisation, slow curriculum coverage and teachers’ weak content knowledge (Meyer & Abel,
2015; Taylor, 2019; Venkat & Spaull, 2015). Teacher professional development is seen as a key intervention to
improve quality outcomes of schooling. Professional development activities in South Africa have been closely
linked to policy implementation in the post-apartheid era over the past 25 years. The numerous curriculum
reforms have been accompanied by centralised training workshops for teachers, which were not always
successful in conveying the underpinning principles of the reform or in changing teachers’ practice (Bantwini,
2009; Department of Education [DoE], 2009; Walton, Nel, Muller & Lebeloane, 2014).
An important policy is the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and
Development in South Africa 2011–2025. Its main aim is to “[i]mprove the quality of teacher education and
development in order to improve the quality of teachers and teaching” (DBE & Department of Higher Education
and Training [DHET], 2011:1). The policy document tasks provincial departments with providing support to
teachers at the local level. It notes that one strategy is to create professional learning communities to enhance
teacher professionalism (DBE & DHET, 2011:13).
Many studies agree that professional learning communities (PLCs) can be an effective model of
professional development and that teachers should initiate PLCs and focus on aspects of teaching that they have
2 Mxenge, Bertram
identified as important (Brodie, 2013; Brodie & development models such as PLCs or action
Borko, 2016; Feldman & Fataar, 2017; Vescio, research should enable teachers to take agency over
Ross & Adams, 2008). Studies suggest that for their own professional learning and position
PLCs to be effective, teachers should be the ones to themselves as active change agents. This reflects a
initiate PLCs and these should focus on aspects of democratic professionalism that “privileges
their practice that they have identified as important collaboration, openness, teacher agency and an
(Darling-Hammond & Richardson, 2009; Feldman, overt commitment to social justice” (Kennedy,
2020). In contrast, South African policy suggests 2014:695).
that PLCs should be created by the department.
This indicates that these may become instruments The cluster model of professional
of bureaucratic accountability, rather than teacher- development
initiated communities (Brodie & Borko, 2016). A model that is used in some provinces in South
There is a range of research on PLCs in South Africa supports collaborative learning in the form
Africa focusing on partnerships between teachers of teacher clusters (Jita & Mokhele, 2014; Jita &
and universities (for example, Brodie, 2013; Ndlalane, 2009). Secondary school teachers from a
Feldman & Fataar, 2017) or partnerships between range of schools in a circuit are grouped according
teachers, support agencies and the DoE (VVOB to the subject they teach. According to the
Education for Development, 2017) or research on Mpumalanga Department of Education, the cluster
clusters run by provincial departments of education meetings were established to
(Jita & Ndlalane, 2009). With this article we aim to [p]rovide teacher development opportunities;
add to our understanding of how clusters may or develop subject purpose for teachers; monitor
progress of projects/assignments/schools-based
may not operate as a learning community that activities and assessment tasks; ensure
supports collaborative teacher learning. standardisation on the moderation process on a
Different models of professional continuous basis; develop the necessary support
development, be they workshops or PLCs, are not material for teachers and learners; improve
simply ways of delivering continuing professional management of education in classrooms; regulate
development (CPD), but are also underpinned by the activities of clusters with the purpose of
assumptions about how teachers learn. Two working towards achieving quality education for
different ways of understanding learning are all; provide teachers with capacity building
described by Sfard (1998:10), who argues that in opportunities through cooperative support between
schools and develop common assessment tasks,
the “learning as acquisition” metaphor learning is and share their expertise. (Mpumalanga
viewed as the acquisition of knowledge or skills Department of Education, 2012:8)
that then become the possession of the person. This This policy is quite vague about exactly who is
is congruent with the cognitive theories of learning responsible for these tasks, e.g. who will monitor
that assume that teachers will be able to transfer the assessment tasks, and who will develop the
their learning to new contexts. Cognitive theories support material? In addition, some of these aims
do not account for the different contexts of learning indicate the purpose of providing teacher
or the problem of transfer (Kelly, 2006; Postholm, development and capacity-building opportunities
2012). In contrast, in the metaphor of “learning as for teachers, while other purposes refer to
participation” learning is regarded as a monitoring and regulating activities. Thus, a key
collaborative process that requires participation in a question that prompted this study was to what
community of people who are learning together. extent the learning opportunities afforded by the
From this perspective, learning is seen as a socio- cluster model are supportive of professional
cultural endeavour that should take the teacher’s learning and to what extent these are focused on
identity and the context into account (Kelly, 2006; monitoring teachers’ work?
Opfer & Pedder, 2011). Generally, researchers
agree that collaborative models of teacher Conceptual Framework
development are informed by a socio-cultural Since the clusters are broadly informed by the
perspective on teacher learning, which theorises notion of collaborative learning, Wenger’s concept
learning as a social practice (Brodie & Borko, of a community of practice was deemed to be
2016; Feldman, 2020; Wenger, 2009). useful to analyse the data. Wenger (1998:227)
Kennedy (2014) goes further by arguing that defines learning as “[a]n interaction between
different models of professional development personal experience and social competence.” He
reflect different underpinning discourses about understands that learning occurs by participating in
teacher professionalism. Models that are informed a practice, rather than only by an individual
by a managerial perspective on professionalism acquiring knowledge (Wenger, 2009). These
tend to understand learning as the acquisition of practices are situated within communities of
knowledge that teachers need to implement policies practice “which negotiate joint enterprises that
efficiently and focus on externally imposed members work towards, ways of engaging with
accountability. In contrast, professional each other in pursuit of these enterprises, and
South African Journal of Education, Volume 43, Number 4, November 2023 3
were carried out, namely moderation of school- In the four district-level workshops observed,
based assessment and team teaching. there was some opportunity for mutual
Moderation of school-based assessment took engagement. The curriculum advisor called on
place at the circuit level. The purpose of the selected teachers to share teaching strategies that
moderation activity was for the cluster leader to they found to be worthwhile. Two early-career
monitor the teachers’ progress in covering the teachers indicated in their interviews that they
curriculum, meeting the assessment requirements found this sharing of teaching methods very useful:
and to moderate the consistency of the marking of Because in these meetings we help each other by
school-based assessments. Learners’ first term giving methods on how to teach these difficult
assessment tasks are marked by the teachers at topics. So, in a way I say they really help me
school. A teacher’s file must contain the ATP, because I can now teach these two topics [meiosis
and evolution] but not to the desired level or
lesson plans, the assessment plan and the marked expected level of the department. (Bume, 3 years
assessment tasks. These are checked by the head of teaching experience)
department at the school and then by the cluster There was a problem with that topic evolution, on
leader in the cluster meeting. The cluster leader sits how are you going to start teaching evolution?
at a table and the teachers queue up to hand in their How can you explain so that the learners can
files to be checked. understand you if you are talking about
Team teaching involves one teacher teaching evolution...? So, they choose one teacher who is
learners from several schools in a central venue, good at explaining, discussing, and explaining all
observed by other teachers. Two teachers, Ziduli about evolution. So, that guy, he explained a lot
about evolution … Even myself, I learned
and Slhoqo noted that teachers in their cluster something from that topic. (Marhoza, 3 years
(from 12 secondary schools) arranged for all their teaching experience)
Grade 12 learners to meet in a central venue, where At the circuit level, Ziduli noted that teachers
teachers who had expertise in teaching particular organise team teaching opportunities for their
topics taught all the learners. learners, and that teachers in the cluster share
contact details and have created a WhatsApp group
Mutual Engagement: Learning Activities and for sharing important information. This was the
Sharing Expertise
only example of teachers taking initiative for their
According to Wenger (1998), the mutual
own professional growth.
engagement dimension entails members of a Yes, the cluster teachings that we organise here is
community engaging with one another and sharing that … we organise all our learners … they go to
their competences and expertise. The nature of the a particular place. We organise a centre where
teachers’ working together and the learning they meet on weekends and then we invite
activities that they engaged in was different at the teachers from different schools to come and teach
three system levels as shown in the previous the different topics. (Ziduli, 7 years teaching
section. experience)
Observation of two provincial workshops and
four district-level workshops indicated that Shared Repertoire: Learning from Activities,
Tools, and Discourses
departmental curriculum advisors initiated and
Wenger (1998) argues that a community of practice
planned most of the activities at these workshops.
develops a shared repertoire of communal
Teachers could not influence the direction that the
resources that includes the ways in which the
workshop might take as the departmental officials
members engage in activities, the discourses and
managed the process. Teachers were able to raise
the resources used. “A shared repertoire refers to
challenges linked to content or pedagogy they
ways of doing things, using words and tools, as
experienced in the classroom but not to other
well as concepts that the community has produced
concerns. For example, when a teacher in a district
or adopted, throughout its history, that can be
meeting complained that a lesson of 40 minutes
reified in shared histories and documents”
was too short to teach one topic, the curriculum
(Johannesson, 2022:414).
advisor simply said that the teacher needed to
Observation of the two provincial, four
discuss the problem with her head of department at
district workshops and circuit-level moderation
showed that these followed the same routines or
For both of the provincial workshops, it was
activities. These routines included presentations of
clear that the size of the teacher groups meant that
the content of challenging life sciences topics (such
there was not much opportunity for mutual
as genetics and evolution). Thereafter, groups of
engagement, although the task given did allow
teachers were given instructions for a group
some teachers to share their expertise. Much of the
activity based on the topic. When they had finished,
workshop time was taken up with presentations of
they presented this to the entire group. The
policy documents like the ATPs and the
moderation of school-based assessment at the
examination guidelines. Teachers were not given
circuit level also followed the same routine each
opportunities to negotiate the activities.
term. However, there was no evidence that the
6 Mxenge, Bertram
teachers established these routines, except that mutual accountability relations born from joint
organising team teaching of learners in central enterprise negotiations include “what matters and
venues. what does not, what to do and not to do, what to
Wenger (1998:83) describes discourse as a pay attention to and what to ignore, what to talk
means of “creating meaningful statements about the about and what to leave unsaid, what to justify and
world.” The discourse in the workshops observed what to take for granted, what to display and what
supported the notion that the most important goal to withhold.”
was to ensure that the Grade 12 learners passed the Both departmental officials said that they
examination. In one district-level workshop, the understood the clusters as a structure that aimed to
subject advisor exhorted teachers to stick closely to enhance the teachers’ capacity so that the Grade 12
the examination guide. In another, the curriculum pass rate improved. The focus was on teachers
advisor told teachers to emphasise the definitions being “taught” and “capacitated” reflecting a deficit
of scientific terms to their learners, as this section discourse. The subject head, Punky, said the
of the examination paper carried more marks. following about the teachers:
Pharara, who has been teaching life sciences for 2 They will be capacitated; they will be taught here
years, noted this in her interview: for certain days so that they can improve the
It is very important to clearly note the terms results in their clusters and they are also
because there are a lot of marks for learning the responsible for their clusters in the sense that after
terms. If learners master the terms, as we have to a quarterly test or the June exams they are
tell them the structure of the question paper, you expected to analyse the results of their cluster.
will find that in the first section learners [could While teachers explained their understanding of
gain] a lot of marks…. the purpose in different ways, the main focus was
In one district-level workshop, a teacher was on being able to fulfil the curriculum coverage
scolded when he wanted to focus on other areas requirements, understand the assessment policy
that were not to be assessed at the end of the year. and to analyse the examination papers, so that
Teachers were advised on how to achieve a 100% teaching could focus on these topics.
pass rate, with tips that included teaching their The purpose of the intervention workshops is to
learners terminology (“definition of terms” is an unpack the syllabus so each and every teacher
important section of the life sciences examination must be aware on what to teach every term … and
paper), using previous years’ question papers and also the tests that they have to conduct and also
the informal test and the formal test which is the
adhering to examination guidelines. exams. (Marhoza, 3 years teaching experience)
The life sciences district and provincial Eh … I think the cluster meetings are there to
workshops used artefacts or resources that were make us see where we are with our syllabi, to
provided by the subject advisor such as past Grade notice whether you are on the right track or you
12 examination papers, examination memoranda, are behind (Duke, 7 years teaching experience).
examination guidelines and Microsoft PowerPoint To help each other, to discuss the papers, for
slides for teachers to use for teaching specific example after we have written a paper we need to
topics like evolution or genetics. However, none of discuss to see the difficulty of the paper and to
these were created by teachers. discuss the memo if it’s wrong or then if the paper
was difficult then we want to see the challenges
It was clear that the provincial DoE directs the then if there are difficult topics, we can discuss
routines and provides the artefacts. The resources these, so that we can help each other, so that
were mostly policy documents that regulate teaching will be fruitful. (Slhoqo, 7 years teaching
teachers’ work. The workshop routines did not experience).
allow teachers to create their own teaching Slhoqo regarded the purpose of the clusters for
resources. Thus, there was no shared repertoire in teachers to support one another, although she also
the sense of teachers working together to create framed this support as being in relation to
resources. The focus on “best practice” seems to improving learners’ achievement.
assume a one-size-fits-all approach that does not From the observations and interview data,
consider the diversity of the learners, the contextual there did not appear to be a need for negotiation
conditions nor the varied needs of teachers in regarding the purpose of the cluster activities as
different schools. both teachers and officials agreed that the main
goal was improving the learners’ achievement. This
Joint Enterprise: Purpose of the Cluster may be because these were high school teachers
Meetings with a specific focus on the Grade 12 year.
Wenger (1998:1) refers to common purpose as one However, it is certainly problematic that the
of the aspects of “joint enterprise” of a community teachers and the departmental official regarded the
of practice. In this section, we focus on the ways in purpose of professional development in such a
which the participants talked about the purpose of passive and narrow way. This does not support
the cluster and on how the understandings of the teacher participation and initiative (Bertram &
purpose were negotiated. Wenger (1998:81) argues Mxenge, 2023).
South African Journal of Education, Volume 43, Number 4, November 2023 7