Alternative Lagna's

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CPS-II Basic Level-II

Alternative Lagna's
Often Asked

I get this question many time. So I thought let me tell it to everyone. Difference between different house clusters.

Houses Signify
Trines Prosperity and Flourishing.

Kendra's Sustenance and Vital Activities.

Upachaya's Gains and Growth.

Dusthana's Setbacks and Obstacles.

Argala Sthana's Decisive Influences.

Alternative Lagna’s

There are many Alternative Lagna's mentioned in various classics. Few prominent ones are listed below:

Lagna Meaning/Use
Bhava Lagna(BL) Since the Rasi’s are of different duration, to make things easy Rishi’s introduced Bhava Lagna. BL is at the position of Sun at
the time of sunrise. It moved at the rate of one rashi per 2 hours starting from the degrees of Sun.
Hora Lagna(HL) It shows self from the point of view of money, wealth & prosperity. HL is at the position of Sun at the time of sunrise. It moves
at the rate of one Rasi per hora(hour) starting from the degree of Sun. Eg: When we time good and bad periods for a
businessman, HL may be important.
Ghati/Ghatika Lagna(GL) It shows self from the point of view of fame, power & authority. GL is at the position of Sun at the time of sunrise. It moves at
the rate of one Rasi per Ghati(Ghati=1/60th of a day i.e. 24 minutes). Eg: When we time good and bad periods for a
politician, GL may be important.
Paka Lagna Seat of Lagna Lord. Important from Dashas, Transit point of view.

Varnada Lagna(VL) Important for judging profession.

Sree/Sri Lagna(SL) Sree means wealth. Also means Lakshmi. Important for prosperity. We calculate it based on the degrees of difference
between the Moon and Lagna. Its placement in your chart reveals where Lakshmi is placed in your chart. The Sri Lagna
shows the level of comfort our prosperity is giving to us in life. Spl Dasa: Sudasa is often used with SL.
Karakamsha Lagna(KL) Atma Karaka stands for the soul of the person. Navamsha Rasi of Atma Karaka(AK) in D1 chart.

Indu Lagna(IL) The Indu Lagna or wealth ascendant is based on the cumulative position of the ninth house from Ascendant and the Moon.
Indu Lagna is also known as the ascendant of wealth & Prosperity. Indu Lagna is analyzed to determine the financial
situation of a native. It is used to determine the wealth and prosperity of the native.

Trivia: If the birthtime changes by 1 minute, GL will change by 1.25 degree. This is quiet large and it can cause some eroor in the position of GL in some
divisional charts. So GL is more sensitive to birthtime errors than Normal Lagna.

Alternative Lagna

Hora Lagna

Hora Lagna is an impression of the mind and intellect on matters of the 2nd House. It represents the concept of wealth for the individual. The house and sign occupied
by the hora lagna shows the concept of wealth that motivates the mind.

The word Hora is derived from the word aho-ratra by removing the first(a) and last(tra) syllables. The word “aho” means day and “ratra” means night thereby
referring to the division of day into 2 parts of day and night. The day is lorded by the Sun and the night is lorded by the Moon.

Hora Lagna House Signify

1 or 7 Native is fortunate and is well known for his wealth. Such people believe that all the resources of the world are for them to command and they would like
to play a vital role in its control and distribution. Both will be obsessive about their spouse or relationships. The only difference will be that 7th House HL
people will keep spouse before self. If the 7th House HL people ever be disloyal or unfaithful to spouse, they will suffer severely through the hands of the
Lord of HL. Eg: Queen Victoria( HL -1st House), Franklin D Roosevelt( HL – 7th House)-{ Unfaithful -> Polio}
2 or 8 Indicates a person who considers family, community or people he identifies with as his real wealth. They like to work in groups and are dedicated.
Wealth can be accumulated or renounced altogether as for them their association and social concerns are far greater than wealth itself. The primary
difference between the 2nd and 8th HL is that the latter considers that they have to redeem a debt or are messengers of destiny, both good and bad. Eg:
Mahatma Gandhi ( HL – 2nd House) – { Truthful speech, fasting, community and group}, Adolf Hitler ( HL – 8th House).
3 or 9 Can produce brilliance if its lord associates with Sun, Jup and Lagna. It can produce the most debauched people if the asscoation is with dire malefics. In
the positive knowledge and higher learning become the wealth of the native while in the nagtive all sorts of criminals, faruds, fake spiritualists. Eg: Albert
Einstein( HL – 3rd House), Many Tantriks have HL in 9th House.
4 or 10 Shows attachment to home or work( or reputation/name and fame) and matters related to these forms the underlying theme of life itself. Eg: Morarji
Desai( 4th Prime Minister of India)( HL – 4th House)
5 - 11 Who considers children, students, faith, sisya or people who he leads in any form or manner as his real wealth. In 11th House the focus or value is
attached to friends, colleagues, elder, brothers and one-self. Eg: Rajneesh(Osho) ( HL in 5th House)
6 - 12 The enemies, battles, difficulties and such hardships turn out to be a blessing in disguise as they can lead to greater fortune and wealth. The native values
foreign goods and people related to foreign lands. Travels, long distance work or friendships always brings good fortune and glory. Sometimes HL in 6th
can create a value system that is associated with controlling others like slaves(Saturn) as this house rules servants. Eg: Benito Mussolini( HL – 6th House),
Aishwarya Rai( Miss World & Bollywood Star) ( HL in 12th House).

Alternative Lagna

Hora Lagna

➢ If we cheat in the HL house, we will suffer due to the significations of the Lord of HL.

➢ If one were to develop ill feelings or hatred towards a specific person clearly indicated by the lord of HL in his own chart, it is sure indicator of forthcoming bad
times that can cause great suffering and even death.

➢ The lord of HL and the natural significator planets of that house need to checked for strength, afflictions, benefic involvement etc. Of course badly placed, afflicted
house or lord or significator will not be conducive for prospects of the HL.

➢ A Single planet aspecting the 3 ascendants i.e. Lagna, Hora Lagna and Ghatika Lagna indicates a Raj yoga and such a planet is called a Yogada – the giver of yoga.
Eg: a planet can be the lord of either one of the ascendant and aspect and aspect the other 2 lagna’s.

➢ A single planet aspecting or having ownership of the 2 of the 3 ascendants while owning or aspecting the 9th House is also a Yogada.

➢ If in the above Raj yoga’s, the 7th House is involved instead of Lagna, then the native will see wealth(HL) and power(GL) all around but will himself not have them
unless through marriage.

➢ If the above Raja yoga, the 7th from HL is involved instead of HL then the native will have some authority and power but will not have much wealth. The level of Raja
yoga is reduced considerably.

➢ If the above Raj yoga, the 7th from GL is involved instead of GL, then the native will have wealth and power will come through spouse, friends or associates.

➢ For Testing: A planet which is the dispositor of LL and aspects HL or GL or both shall surely give Rajayoga or Dhana Yoga( if only aspecting HL). Try Rasi drishti
also apart from Planetary aspect. See which one works better.

Alternative Lagna

Varnada Lagna

Varna Bheda means Caste system based profession.

➢ Fiery Signs represents Kshatriyas(Authority) and politicians( represented by Leo), Armed Forces( Aries) and Bureaucrats( Sagi).
➢ Watery Signs represents Brahmana’s( Intellectuals) and includes Priests(Pisces), Astrologers, Magicians. Research scientists etc(Scorpio) and
➢ Airy Signs represents Vaisyas(Businessmen) and include traders(Gemini), industrialists etc( Aquarius) and other businessmen(Libra).
➢ The earthy signs represents Sudras( Workers) and include Labour(Capricorn), Accountants(Virgo) and other workers(Taurus)

Note: This is not a exhaustive list of profession for each sign. Just for giving a clear picture.

The profession can be seen from the sign occupied by the Lord of Varnada Lagna.

✓ Unafflicted Varnada Lagna(VL)and aspected by many planets gives a Raj Yoga.

✓ The lord of VL is very important. Ideally, unafflicted and aspected by benefics is preferred.
✓ Good Placement of VL from Lagna is better. 6,8,12 can bring problems at times.

Sri Lagna(SL) and Indu Lagna(IL)

✓ Dasha of Lord of SL, sign of SL(In case of Sign based Dasha), planets placed/aspecting SL, 2nd,11th from SL can bring wealth during their dashas and

Note: Strength and condition of those planets and houses should be checked.Yes, even malefics can bring wealth if associated like above.

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