Effectof Baffle Orientationon Heat Transferand Pressure Dropof Shelland Tube Heat Exchangerswithandwithout Leakage Flows

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Effect of Baffle Orientation on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Shell and
Tube Heat Exchangers with and without Leakage Flows

Conference Paper · May 2008

DOI: 10.1615/ICHMT.2008.CHT.590 · Source: DLR


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3 authors, including:

Koorosh Mohammadi W. Heidemann

MPlan GmbH Universität Stuttgart


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Proceedings of CHT-08
ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer

May 11-16, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco




Koorosh Mohammadi*, Wolfgang Heidemann*,§ and Hans Müller-Steinhagen*,#

Institute of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering,University of Stuttgart, Germany
Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, German Aerospace Centre, Stuttgart, Germany
Correspondence author. Fax: +49 711 6856 3503 Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The effect of baffle orientation on the heat transfer and pressure drop of shell and
tube heat exchangers in the domain of turbulent flow is investigated numerically using the
commercial CFD code FLUENT. The segmentally baffled shell and tube heat exchangers
considered follow the TEMA standards and consist of 76 and 660 plain tubes respectively, with
fixed outside diameter and arranged in a triangular layout. Air, water and engine oil with Prandtl
numbers in the range of 0.7 to 206 are used as shell-side fluids. For horizontally and vertically
orientated baffles, simulations are performed using different flow velocities at the inlet nozzle. A
shell-side gain factor suitable for the assessment of shell and tube heat exchangers is introduced as
ratio of the shell side heat transfer coefficient to the shell-side pressure drop. To facilitate the
decision between horizontal and vertical baffle orientation, a performance factor Φ is used as ratio
of the gain factor for horizontally orientated baffles to the gain factor for vertical baffle orientation.
The simulation results show a significant influence of the baffle orientation on the shell-side
pressure drop and heat transfer of shell and tube heat exchangers. In the shell and tube heat
exchanger with leakage flows the vertical baffle orientation seems to be more advantageous than
the horizontal orientation. The benefit of vertical baffle orientation on horizontal baffle orientation
is more noticeable for gases. Contrariwise, the simulation results for shell and tube heat exchangers
without leakages show the advantage of the horizontal baffle orientation over the vertical
orientation, particularly in the inlet and outlet zone for all investigated shell-side fluids.
The comparison of calculation results with and without leakage flows presents different behaviour
and underlines the importance of a consideration of tube-baffle leakage and bypass streams for the
prediction of the performance factor of technical heat exchangers.


Nu0,AW Modified shell side Nusselt number Greek symbols

Reψ,l Modified shell side Reynolds number ψ Void ratio of tube bank
Γ Gain factor
Abbreviation Φ Performance factor
HEX Heat exchanger

Numerous methods are cited in literature for the design of shell and tube heat exchangers, which
consider the effect of different geometrical factors like leakages, baffle spacing, tube layout and
arrangement and baffle cut on heat transfer and pressure loss:
Colburn [1933] suggested a correlation for the shell-side heat transfer coefficient, limited to
staggered tube layout and based on the assumption that shell-side flow behaves similarly to flow
across ideal tube banks. Grimison [1937] modified Colburn´s correlation by considering non-
isothermal effects. Donohue [1949] and Kern [1965] published shell-side methods based on overall
data from baffled heat exchangers which assumed that the baffles are used to direct the shell fluid in
the tube bundle perpendicularly to the bundle. Due to the limited number of available data only an
insufficient variation of basic geometrical parameters like baffle spacing, baffle cut and tube layout
was presented. To overcome this deficiency, safety factors were introduced which lead to reduced
accuracies for the prediction of shell-side heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. Tinker [1958]
suggested a schematic flow pattern where the shell-side flow is divided into a number of individual
streams and the pressure drop of the main effective cross-flow stream acts as driving force for the
other streams. This early analysis of shell-side flow was extended by Palen and Taborek [1969].
Heat Transfer Research, Inc. (HTRI) [1969] developed several methods for the for the shell-side
flow pressure drop and heat transfer based on stream analysis methods. Bell [1963] published the
so-called Delaware method which implies that the specific heat exchanger is described completely
geometrically and the process specifications for all streams are given. The VDI [2002] recommends
the calculation of the pressure loss and the mean heat transfer coefficient on the shell side according
to the Delaware method and studies published by Gnielinski [1977,1978,1983] and Gaddis
[1977,1978,1983]. Using the VDI method the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop for pure
cross-flow in an ideal tube bank is calculated and then the effective average shell-side heat transfer
is evaluated by use of different stream-flow correction factors. The overall shell-side pressure loss
is the sum of the pressure drop for cross-flow between the baffle tips, the pressure drop in the end
zones, the pressure drop in the baffle windows and the pressure drop in both the inlet and outlet
nozzle. This method was checked by Gnielinski and Gaddis against a large number of
measurements from the literature. A maximum error of ±15% for the overall heat transfer
coefficient and ± 35% for the pressure loss compared to the measurements was found. Mohammadi
et. al. [2006] investigated numerically the effect of baffle orientation and baffle cut on heat transfer
and pressure drop of a shell and tube heat exchanger. In order to perform the calculations for a heat
exchanger with 660 tubes the authors had to neglect leakage flows.
In summary, it can be noted that well-established calculation methods consider the effect of
different baffle orientations on heat transfer and pressure loss not or only insufficiently. Nowadays
available hard- and software for the calculation of heat transfer and pressure loss in complex heat
exchangers simplifies the investigation of such geometrical variations since no cumbersome
experiments are required. However, the effect of simplifying assumptions for the numerical
treatment, like the neglection of leakage flows (cf. Mohammadi et. al. [2006]) on the performance
of the heat exchanger has to be evaluated and assessed critically. Hence, in the context of the
present study, the performance of shell and tube heat exchangers with different baffle orientation
(horizontal and vertical) as well as with and without leakage flows are investigated numerically in
more detail.


Decription of problem Two standard shell and tube heat exchangers consisting of 76 tubes (HEX
1) and 660 tubes (HEX 2) are considered. Each heat exchanger consists of different flow sections
such as the inlet zone, several intermediate zones located between adjacent baffles and the outlet
zone. As an example a simplified sketch of the geometry of HEX 1 in which the tube bank is not
depicted for simplicity is shown in Figure 1. Both heat exchangers are single pass E type shell with
equally-sized inlet, outlet and central baffle spacing as well as single segmental plate baffles with
different orientation. The geometrical data are based on TEMA standard and listed in Table 1 for
HEX 1 and Table 2 for HEX 2. The baffle cut for the heat exchangers HEX 1 and HEX 2 is chosen
in such a way that the ratio of the heat transfer area of the tubes in the baffle window to the heat
transfer area of the tubes in one baffle spacing zone is similar for both of the two heat exchangers.
Clearance between tube outside diameter and the baffle holes as well as clearance between the shell
and the baffles and the associated leakage flows are considered for HEX 1. No leakage flows are
considered for HEX 2. Geometrical aspects of the tube bank are shown in Figure 2.

Table 1
Geometrical Data of HEX 1

shell diameter Dshell 254.00 mm tube pitch ltp 23.81 mm

tube outside diameter dtube 19.05 mm tube pitch angle 60 degree
nozzle inside diameter Dnozzle at inlet 81.20 mm baffle spacing Lbs 112.06 mm
nozzle inside diameter Dnozzle at outlet 105.56 mm baffle cut (in percent of Dshell) 20 %
nozzle length Lnozzle 113.00 mm baffle orientation hor./ver.
baffle thickness 3.20 mm number baffle spacing zones 4
radial clearance between inside shell 1.13 mm radial clearance between tube 0,19 mm
and baffle outside and baffle hole

Table 2
Geometrical Data of HEX 2

shell diameter Dshell 590.93 mm tube pitch ltp 20.64 mm

tube outside diameter dtube 15.88 mm tube pitch angle 60 degree
nozzle inside diameter Dnozzle at inlet 154.18 mm baffle spacing Lbs 262.41 mm
nozzle inside diameter Dnozzle at outlet 154.18 mm baffle cut (in percent of Dshell) 24 %
nozzle length Lnozzle 192.72 mm baffle orientation horiz./vertic.
baffle thickness 6.35 mm number baffle spacing zones 6

For both heat exchangers the shell fluid has constant temperature Tinlet and uniform velocity uinlet at
the inlet nozzle. All tubes in the bundle are at constant wall temperature Ttube as it occur during
condensation or evaporation inside the tubes. Only one mode of operation is considered: The shell
fluid is heated if Ttube >Tinlet is valid.
In order to define the baffle orientation of the heat exchanger, reference planes and vectors are
introduced as given in Figure 2.3:
- The baffle orientation plane is parallel to the tube-bundle axis and touches the baffle edge,
- the inlet (outlet) plane contains the inlet (outlet) area of the inlet (outlet) nozzle,
- face vectors are normal to the planes considered and directed to the centre of the shell,
- the baffle vector is normal to the baffle orientation plane and directed towards the outside of the

Heat exchangers with horizontal baffle orientation may then be characterized by a counter-clockwise
angle between the baffle vector and the face vector of the inlet plane equal to 0° (at the inlet zone) and
180° (at the first intermediate zone), respectively. Similarly, heat exchangers with vertical baffle
orientation show a value of 270° (at the inlet zone) and 90° (at the first intermediate zone).
Figure 1. Geometrical aspects of HEX 1 Figure 2. Geometrical aspects
(horizontal baffle orientation) of the tube bank

r r r r
k i = j ×k

Figure 3. Plane und vector system for the definition of the baffle orientation

Geometry and mesh structure The heat exchangers are subdivided into zones as depicted in Figure 1
exemplarily for HEX 1: One inlet zone, several baffle spacing zones and one outlet zone. Each zone has
been built from around 200 (HEX 1) and 2.000 (HEX 2) single volumes, respectively. Roughly 80% of
these volumes are longitudinal prisms. The combination of neighbouring prisms builds the fluid volume
around each tube. A set of these conjugated structures, looking like a honeycomb, represents the fluid
bulk around the tube bank. Due to the constant tube wall temperature, no additional grid is required to
mesh the tube-side fluid volume. All 3D elements applied for the mesh schemes are hexahedral. In total
about 1,200,000 mesh elements are used for each of the two heat exchangers HEX 1 and HEX 2.
Almost 99% of the 3D elements have aspect ratio less than 15. About 97% of all mesh elements are
less-skewed elements with values less than 0.4 for the skewness factor.

CFD Model For both heat exchangers HEX 1 and HEX 2 a velocity inlet boundary condition is used
to describe the flow conditions at the inlet nozzle. Steady uniform velocities uinlet normal to the inlet
surface of the inlet nozzle are considered which result in Reynolds numbers
Re nozzle = ρ inlet ⋅ u inlet ⋅ D nozzle / μ inlet . The relevant data for the description of the boundary condition at
the inlet nozzle are listed in Table 3. Temperature dependent polynomial functions are used to describe
the physical properties of the shell fluids at the given operating pressure of 7.9 bar.

Table 3
Boundary Condition at the Inlet Nozzle

Tinlet 370 K
Ttube wall 400 K
Renozzle 2.000 - 139.000 10.000 - 305.000
Turbulence specifications Turbulence intensity: 0.16 ⋅ Re −nozzle
1/ 8

Length scale : 0.07 ⋅ D nozzle

Due to leakage flows which are considered for HEX 1, interactions between the different flow sections
(inlet and outlet zones, intermediate baffle spacing zones) may occur up-stream and downstream.
Hence HEX 1 is simulated as a whole, consisting of different flow sections with an outflow boundary
condition at the outlet nozzle. All other boundaries of HEX 1 are adiabatic.
In contrast to HEX 1, no leakage flows are considered for HEX 2. In this case it is expected that no
influence of different flow sections up-stream occurs. Each flow section can be treated separately. Flow
conditions at the exit of each flow section of HEX 2 are outflow boundary conditions. The outflow is
used as inlet boundary condition of the adjacent zone downstream. All other boundaries of HEX 2 are
adiabatic. The procedure of the numerical treatment of HEX 2 is depicted in Figure 4, in which the tube
bank is not illustrated for reason of clearness and a horizontal baffle orientation is assumed.
The governing equations for mass, momentum and energy conservation are solved numerically
using the finite-volume-method-based CFD code FLUENT. A segregated solution method solves
the governing equations in implicit formulation sequentially. For the pressure-velocity coupling the
SIMPLE algorithm is applied. The RNG k-ε model is selected as turbulence model. A standard wall
function proposed by Launder and Spalding [1974] bridges the viscosity-affected region between
the wall and the fully turbulent region. A check of the dimensionless sublayer-scaled distance y+
confirmed the correctness of the mesh structure and of the applied semi-empirical function to treat
the near wall regions.
An analysis of the iterative numerical procedure showed a maximum average convergence error of
less than 0.004% for properties like continuity, velocity, energy, kinetic energy and dissipation rate
of kinetic energy of turbulence.
Figure 4. Zoning of HEX 2


Example 1 The numerical scheme and mesh structure have been validated using experimental data
for four ideal tube banks with triangular tube layout published by Kays et. al. [1954]. For this
purpose simulated values for the dimensionless pressure loss and heat transfer coefficient were
compared with the available experimental data. The Fanning friction factor f and the
modified Colburn j-factor are used to characterize the pressure drop and heat transfer:
2 ⋅ rh ⋅ Δp tube bank Nu ρ ⋅ u max ⋅ d tube
f= (1) jH = St o ⋅ Pr 2 / 3 = (2) Re o = (3)
ρ⋅u 2
max ⋅L Re o ⋅ Pr 1 / 3 μ
umax denotes the maximum velocity of the shell fluid within the tube bank and dtube the tube outside
diameter. The geometrical property rh is defined as rh=Ac⋅L/ Ah with AC as minimum free flow area,
L as effective flow length of the tube bank ( L = l l ⋅ n l ) and Ah as heat transfer area.
The comparison between the simulated results and the experimental data is given in Figure 5 and
shows good agreement. A maximum deviation of ±10 % is found between simulated and measured
Figure 5. Comparison of CFD results and experimental data published by Kays et. al. [1954] for
pressure loss (left) and shell-side heat transfer (right) of tube banks

Example 2 For a second validation of the numerical scheme the shell-side Nusselt number of a
heat exchanger comparable to HEX 1 with horizontal and vertical baffle orientation was calculated
numerically and compared with values obtained with the VDI method (cf. VDI Wärmeatlas [2002]).
Geometrical data of the heat exchanger are given in Table 1. The Nusselt number is defined as
Nu shell = (h shell π⋅ d tube / 2 ⋅ k ) ⋅ (Prwall /Prshell )m with m= 0.11 for cooling and m=0.25 for heating.
Water, air and engine oil serve as shell fluids. Properties of the shell fluids are calculated at the
average shell-side temperature (Tinlet+Toutlet)/2, while Prwall has to be calculated at the tube wall
temperature Twall.
Figures 6 and 7 show the comparison of the CFD-based results with the values obtained by the VDI
method. The comparison shows a satisfying level of agreement for the prediction of the shell-side
Nusselt number and pressure drop with horizontally orientated baffles. However, the comparison
indicates that the VDI method undersizes a shell and tube heat exchanger with vertical baffle
orientation, significantly.

103 horizontal orientation 103 vertical orientation

heating heating
Water Water
Air Air
Nu0,AW (VDI method)

Nu0,AW (VDI method)

Engine Oil -50% Engine Oil -50%

cooling cooling
Water Water
Air +50%
Air +50%
Engine Oil Engine Oil
102 102

101 101
101 102 103 101 102 103
Nu0,AW (CFD calculation) Nu0,AW (CFD calculation)

Figure 6. Comparison of shell-side Nusselt numbers, CFD calculation versus VDI-method,

left: horizontal baffle orientation, right: vertical orientation
107 107
horizontal orientation vertical orientation
heating heating
106 Water 106 Water
Air A ir

Δ p [pa] (VDI method)

Δ p [pa] (VDI method)

Engine Oil Engine Oil

105 105
-50% -50%
cooling cooling
Water Water
+50% + 50%
104 Air 104 A ir
Engine Oil Engine Oil
3 3
10 10

102 102

101 101

100 100
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Δ p [pa] (CFD calculation) Δ p [pa] (CFD calculation)

Figure 7. Comparison of shell-side pressure drop, CFD calculation versus VDI method, left:
horizontal baffle orientation, right: vertical baffle orientation


Parameters and Definition In the following the effect of different baffle orientations on the
thermo-fluid-dynamic behaviour of the shell-side fluid in shell and tube heat exchangers is
discussed. Two heat exchangers HEX 1 (cf. Table 1) and HEX 2 (cf. Table 2), one direction of heat
flow (heating), two directions of baffle orientation (horizontal, vertical) and three shell fluids (air,
water and engine oil) in the range of 0.7 to 206 for the Prandtl number - based on thermo-physical
properties at operating temperature and pressure - were considered for the numerical investigations.
In order to assess the simplifying assumption to neglect leakage flows, the calculation of HEX 1 is
performed with leakage flows and the calculation of HEX 2 without leakage flows. Heat transfer
and pressure drop of the heat exchangers are characterized by the overall Nusselt number Nushell (cf.
previous chapter) and the dimensionless Karman number defined as

Nk shell = ρ ⋅ D 3shell ⋅ Δp /(μ 2 ⋅ L baffle spacing )

Since the heat transfer coefficient relates to the energy recovered by the heat exchanger and the
pressure drop refers to the work which is necessary to maintain the shell-side fluid flow, a shell-side
gain factor suitable for the assessment of shell and tube heat exchangers may be introduced as ratio
of the shell-side heat transfer coefficient to the shell-side pressure drop:
Nu shell h shell
Γshell = ∼
Nk shell Δp shell
To facilitate the decision between horizontal and vertical baffle orientation, a performance factor Φ
is defined:
(Γ )
Φ = shell horizontal
(Γshell )vertical
A performance factor Φ greater than one indicates that a heat exchanger with horizontally
orientated baffles is more desirable than one with vertical baffle orientation.
Rationally, no advantage exists between different baffle orientations when the performance factor is
equal or near to unity.

Local behaviour of HEX 1 Figures 8-1 to 8-3 show the performance factor of HEX 1 (with
leakage flows) at different zones (1.. inlet zone, 2-5 … baffle spacing zones, 6 … outlet zone) for
the shell-side fluids air, water and engine oil. The Reynolds number at the inlet nozzle
Re nozzle = ρ inlet ⋅ u inlet ⋅ D nozzle / μ inlet with Dnozzle in accordance with Table 1 is used as a parameter and
covers the range 2,000 ≤ Renozzle ≤ 139,000.
It can be noticed that the local performance factor for HEX 1 is almost always lower than one and
decreases downstream along the baffle spaces. This effect is more noticeable for lower Reynolds
numbers. The decay of the performance factor becomes greater for lower Prandtl numbers.

Figure 8-1. Local performance factor of HEX 1 for air

Figure 8-2: Local performance factor of HEX 1 for water

Figure 8-3: Local performance factor of HEX 1 for engine oil

Local behaviour of HEX 2 The study for HEX 2 was performed without considering leakage
flows. Figures 9-1 to 9-3 show the simulation results for the performance factor at different baffle
spacing zones for the investigated – in case of HEX 2 – two shell fluids (Pr=0.7, Pr=1.6). The
Reynolds number at the inlet nozzle Re nozzle = ρ inlet ⋅ u inlet ⋅ D nozzle / μ inlet (Dnozzle see Table 2) is used
as parameter and covers the range 10,000 ≤ Renozzle ≤ 305,000.

Figure 9-1. Local performance factor at each baffle spacing zone of HEX 2 for air (Pr=0.7)

Figure 9-2. Local performance factor at each baffle spacing zone of HEX 2 for water (Pr=1.6)

The simulation results for the performance factor show values which are significantly higher than
one in the inlet zone followed by a decay of the performance factor when reaching and passing the
intermediate baffle spacing zones further downstream. The decay of the performance factor
becomes greater with decreasing Prandtl number. At the outlet zone a remarkable increase of the
performance factor is recognizable.

Comparative evaluation of simulation results with and without leakage flows A comparison of
the simulation results achieved with (Figures 8-1 to 8-3) and without (Figures 9-1 to 9-3) leakage
flows shows that the model without leakage flows overestimates continuously the local
performance factor compared to the results achieved with leakages. In single zones like the inlet
zone, the first three intermediate baffle spacing zones and in particular in the outlet zone a
performance factor Φ greater than one occurs which indicates the advantage of horizontal baffle
orientation compared to the vertical baffle orientation.
In contrast to that the model with leakage flows predicts virtually always values for the
performance factor lower than unity which shows that a heat exchanger with vertically orientated
baffles is more desirable than one with horizontal baffle orientation. In particular the benefit of
vertical baffle orientation over horizontal baffle orientation is more noticeable for gases.
Both models agree in the prediction of the qualitative behaviour of the heat exchanger in the
intermediate baffle spacing zones far away from the end zones (inlet, outlet): The performance
factor is constant or decreases. The latter is more noticeable for low Reynolds numbers.
In summary, it can be noted that the results of the numerical simulations with and without leakage
flows present different quantitative behaviour of the investigated heat exchangers. In the following
section a brief explanation of the different behaviour of the heat exchangers is given. In particular
the flow behaviour at the end zones (inlet, outlet) is discussed, since these zones showed the biggest
differences for the performance factor if calculated with leakage and without leakage flows,

Flow behaviour without leakage flows A look at the geometrical situation may be helpful for the
following discussions.

Figure 10. Schematic illustration of geometrical and fluidic aspects of the shell-side fluid in the
nozzle zone for vertical and horizontal baffle orientation.
The average short cut distance between the inlet nozzle and the first baffle window - as well as the
last baffle window and the outlet nozzle - is longer in a shell and tube heat exchanger with
horizontal baffle orientation compared to the same one with vertical baffle orientation as depicted
schematically in Figure 10.
For a heat exchanger with horizontal baffle orientation the velocity profile at the first baffle window
is symmetrical. Contrariwise, a heat exchanger with vertical baffle orientation shows an irregular
velocity distribution which increases the residence time of the shell fluid and with it the heat
transfer. Therefore, the performance factor decreases. At the outlet zone of the heat exchanger the
average distance from the baffle window to the outlet nozzle is larger for horizontally orientated
baffles than for vertical baffle orientation (cf. Figure 10), consequently the performance factor has
to ascend.

Flow behaviour with leakage flows The baffled shell-side flow can not be adequately expressed by
simple approaches due to its complexity. In fact a stream analysis has to be carried out. Only parts of
the fluids take the desired path along the tube bundle, whereas potentially a substantial portion flows
through the leakage and the bypass area between the tube bundle and the shell wall. Individual streams
originally introduced by Tinker [1958] and extended by Palen and Taborek [1969] have to be
distinguished (cf. Figure 11): Stream A is the leakage stream in the orifice formed by the clearance
between the baffle hole and tube wall, stream B describes the main effective cross-flow stream, which
can be related to flow across ideal tube banks, stream C is the tube bundle bypass stream in the gap
between the bundle and the shell wall, stream E presents the leakage stream between the baffle edge
and the shell wall. The pressure drop of the cross-flow stream B acts as a driving force for the other
streams, forcing parts of the flow through the leakage and bypass clearances. Thus, the pressure drop
distribution developed by stream B in the region of the baffles plays an important role in the
explanation of the effect of leakages on the performance of shell-and-tube heat exchangers with vertical
and horizontal baffle orientations. For the following discussion numerical results are used which were
obtained for HEX 1 using water as shell-side fluid (Pr=1.6).

Figure 11. Flow path of streams through the shell of a cross-baffled shell and tube heat exchanger.

Figure 12 illustrates the ratio of the shell-side heat transfer coefficient hhorizontal/hvertical at each baffle
spacing as a function of Reynolds number Renozzle. It can be seen that a shell and tube heat
exchanger with horizontal baffle orientation has predominately a greater shell-side heat transfer
coefficient than a shell and tube heat exchanger with vertical baffle orientation in the region of high
Reynolds numbers (Renozzle > 4.9×104). In general the values of hhorizontal/hvertical increase with
increasing Reynolds number. The advantage of horizontal baffle orientation in heat transfer
compared to vertical baffle orientation decreases along the heat exchanger such that the ratio of
hhorizontal/hvertical reaches a value less than one for low Reynolds numbers. The unfavorable effect of
tube bundle bypass and tube baffle leakage streams on the heat transfer is responsible for the fact
that the mean ratio hhorizontal/hvertical is smaller than one for low Reynolds numbers (Renozzle< 7×103)
and only about 20% greater than one for high Reynolds numbers. The descending trend of
hhorizontal/hvertical along the heat exchanger is caused by the influence of the main effective cross-flow
stream B on the other flow streams.

Figure 12. Ratio hhorizontal/hvertical at each baffle spacing zone

As already mentioned the average short cut distance between the inlet / outlet and the first /last baffle
window is longer in a shell and tube heat exchanger with horizontal baffle orientation compared to the
same one with vertical baffle orientation (cf. Figure 10). Hence the portion of fluid moving along the
baffle wall in horizontal baffle orientation is greater than the portion of fluid passing along the baffle
wall in vertical baffle orientation. This increases the possibility of an increased flow of the shell-side
fluid through the tube-baffle clearances (bypass stream E) in the heat exchanger with horizontal baffle
orientation compared to configurations with vertical baffle orientation. As a result the remaining main
effective cross flow stream B and with it the heat transfer coefficient in the baffle spacing zones is
lower for the heat exchanger with horizontally oriented baffles compared to the heat exchanger with
vertical baffle orientation.

Figure 13 shows the ratio of the pressure drop for the horizontal baffle orientation to the pressure drop
for the vertical baffle orientation ∆phorizontal/∆pvertical for the baffle zones as a function of the Reynolds
number. The effect of tube-baffle and baffle-shell leakages on the pressure drop is the main source that
increases the overall pressure drop in horizontally baffled heat exchanger compared to the overall
pressure drop in vertically baffled shell and tube heat exchangers. The interaction between the different
streams decreases the value of the performance factor (cf. Figure 8-2).
Figure 13. Local ratio ∆phorizontal/∆pvertival for baffle space


In the context of the present study, it could be shown that the orientation of baffles has a significant
influence on the shell-side pressure drop and heat transfer of heat exchangers. By introducing a
performance factor, the effects of horizontally and vertically orientated baffles on pressure drop and
heat transfer could be compared and assessed. The tube-baffle leakages and bypass streams play an
important role in the explanation of the performance factor of segmentally baffled shell and tube
heat exchangers. The comparison of calculation results with and without leakage flows presents
different behaviour especially at the end zones of the heat exchanger and underlines the importance
of a consideration of tube-baffle leakage and bypass streams for the prediction of the performance
factor of technical heat exchanger. For all shell-side fluids (air, water, engine oil), which have been
considered in a heat exchanger with leakage flows, the vertical baffle orientation seems to be more
advantageous than the horizontal orientation. It was found, that the horizontal baffle orientation
produces up to 250% higher pressure drop compared to the pressure drop in vertical baffle
orientation. The heat transfer coefficient is up to 20% higher than the heat transfer coefficient for
vertical orientation. The local and overall behaviour of the performance factor for liquids as shell-
side fluid is comparable and reaches a value of about 0.85 at high Reynolds numbers. With air as
shell-side fluid a value of about 0.3 for the overall performance factor was obtained at high
Reynolds numbers. The benefit of vertical baffle orientation over horizontal baffle orientation is
more noticeable for gases since the dissipation rate in gases is much higher than in liquids.

This scientific work has been sponsered by Heat Transfer Research, Inc. (HTRI) under contract
1566.1. The authors gratefully acknowledge this support.

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Shell and tube heat exchanger, baffle orientation, numerical investigation, CFD, shell-side,
performance factor

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