Revision 4 English F1

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Subject : ENGLISH Level: F1 Revision No: 4

A. Error Identification
Practice 1
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, write the
correct word in the space provided.

The wau bulan is an intricately designed moon kite traditionally flown in the
Malaysian state 0) in Kelantan. You can even make one yourself. Firstly, you 1) has to
build the frame of the kite using light bamboo sticks. 2) Bent the bamboo around the
designated shape and 3) tied it securely with string. Then, 4) covered the frame with
coloured paper of your choice. You can cut out patterns using a 5) sharpest knife. Be
creative with your choices! 6) Affixed the coloured paper using glue that is diluted
with 7) waters. This will prevent the coloured paper from sagging. Leave your wau to
dry 8) complete before attaching the flying line. 9) Made sure that the string you use
is strong and long enough. Now you can take 10) our kite out to an open field, wait for
a breeze and watch your kite soar. The wau bulan is truly a national treasure and
should be preserved for the future generations.

0) of

B. Reading Comprehension
Practice 1
Read the passage below. Then, answer the following questions.

The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of this modern age. It has transformed
our lives in many ways especially in providing us access to information and opening up
channels of communication.
For students, the Internet is an invaluable tool that can provide important benefits. It
has opened up vast opportunities for learning at the click of the button. All you have to do is
type in the keywords of the information you are looking for and click the ‘Enter’ button on
your computer’s keyboard and you will practically have hundreds of articles to choose from
within seconds. In the past, one had to sift through books and magazines for hours before
getting relevant information on a topic.
The other advantage of the Internet is communication. Now we can communicate in a
fraction of seconds with a person who is in another part of the country or even the world.
With new advancement in mobile phones and other technological devices like the tablet,
communication has become cheap and easy. Many students also interact and socialise
through online social networks.
Despite the ease at which the Internet provides information and makes it easier to
communicate, over reliance on this technology can also bring problems. One of the main
problems associated with the Internet is copying. Nowadays, it has become easy for
students to copy someone else’s work without even understanding the content. Another
problem that has cropped up is the dissemination of false or inaccurate information. If we
are unable to analyse or judge the information we read on the Internet, we may be misled
into believing false claims.
Over reliance of today’s younger generation on their mobile phones and laptops as a
means of communication is also taking its toll on their interpersonal skills. Experts believe
that spending increasing amounts of time online and communicating through the Internet
rather than face – to – face can be detrimental to our ability to form healthy relationships
with others in the future.

a. List two ways of how the Internet has transformed our lives.
i) _____________________________________________________________________

ii) _____________________________________________________________________

b. How did students look for information in the past?


c. How do students usually socialise on the Internet?

d. What is the best way to avoid being misled by false information from the Internet?


e. Fill in the table with an appropriate word / phrase from the passage.

Meaning Word/Phrase
i) changed
ii) immediately
iii) spread
iv) harmful

f. What is affected when students spend more time communicating via the Internet
rather than face – to – face?

g. What do you think are the disadvantages of the Internet?

i) ___________________________________________________________________
ii) ___________________________________________________________________
iii) ___________________________________________________________________

C. Literature – Poems
Practice 1
Read the poem ‘News Break’. Then, answer the following questions.

News Break

Now why so loving, darling,

And why the sudden kiss?
You’d help me with some little jobs?
For goodness sake, what’s this?

Your face is clean for once, dear.

Your clothes without a crease.
You saved your luncheon money?
Will wonders never cease?

No dropping of your school books,

No shrieking, childish treble.
Today you are a lamb, love,
Where yesterday a rebel.

But surely you’re some stranger,

No rage or hullabaloo.
Come closer, let me look, dear,
Can this be REALLY you?

Now were you struck by lightning

Or were you stunned at sport?
Ah… now I see the reason.
You’ve brought your school report!

Max Fatchen

a) The author of the poem is _________________________.

b) The point of view of the poem is in _________________________.

c) Explain the meaning of the poem.


d) How does the child usually behave?

e) What does the child suddenly do?


f) What has happened to the child’s luncheon money before?


g) State two examples of ‘alliteration’ in the poem.

i) ______________________________________________________________

ii) _____________________________________________________________

Practice 2
Which of these words does the poet use to describe the child in the poem? Tick ()
the correct boxes.

1 beast 6 toddler
2 darling 7 lamb
3 angel 8 stranger
4 loving 9 fly
5 rebel 10 dear

Practice 3
Match the words that rhyme.

Column A Letter Column B

1. lamb ____ a. miss

2. rage ____ b. season

3. kiss ____ c. deer

4. reason ____ d. page

5. dear ____ e. lamp

Practice 4
Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the poem.

1. A _______________ is a baby sheep.

2. My family often come to this restaurant because it is _______________.

3. A _______________ is a person who does not like to follow rules.

4. My cousins were_______________ with laughter while watching the comedy show.

5. It can be dangerous to be standing under a tree when _______________ strikes.

6. If you have a _______________ in your clothes, it is better to iron it out.

7. A _______________ is someone whom you do not know.

8. My grandmother had a fall in the bathroom. The fall _______________ her.

Practice 5
Read the poem ‘Sad I Ams’. Then, answer the following questions.

Sad I Ams
1. I am 2. I am
the ring from an empty Cola can the envelope on which the gum is gone
the scrapings from an unwashed porridge pan the Sellotape where you can’t find the end
the severed arm of last year’s Action man. the toothless stapler, springless bulldog clip
the dried up liquid paper that mars instead of
the stamped addressed reply that you forgot to

3. I am 4. I am
the battery in which no charge is left a garden overgrown with weeds
the starter motor which remains inert a library book that no one ever reads
the tyre on which the tread is worn a stray which no one thinks to feed
the piece of good advice which no one seems to
the sparking plug which shows no sign of spark
the carburettor chocked by bits of dirt
the chromium trim from which the shine has
Trevor Millum

a) What is the poem about?

b) The writer of the poem is _____________________________________________

c) Name any three of the ‘I am’s:

i) ___________________________________________________________________
ii) ___________________________________________________________________
iii) __________________________________________________________________

d) In stanza 1, what does the word ‘unwashed’ tell us about the owner of the porridge

e) In stanza 2, what kind of materials is being discussed?


f) Give an example of ‘assonance’ in the poem.

i) ___________________________________________________________________

g) Give two examples of ‘alliteration’ in the poem.

i) ___________________________________________________________________
ii) __________________________________________________________________

h) In stanza 4, in the context of today’s lifestyle, why do you think no one ever reads
books anymore?

Practice 6
Read the list of things below. Which of these things do we usually throw away or
neglect? Tick () the correct boxes.

1 a torn envelope 5 a kitchen knife

2 a brand new car 6 a worn – out tyre

3 an empty can 7 food scrapings

4 a television set 8 an old spark plug

Practice 7
Match the words that rhyme.

Column A letter Column B

1. spark ____ a. slip

2. gum ____ b. harm

3. can ____ c. shark

4. arm ____ d. mend

5. clip ____ e. sum

6. send ____ f. man

Practice 8
Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the poem.

1. When your garden is _______________ with weeds, it is time for the gardener to trim

2. The police found the _______________ arm of the murder victim in the drain and
took it away for forensic tests.

3. Tim’s mother was angry with him because he _______________ to send his younger
sister to school yesterday.
4. The wrestlers stepped into the _______________ and the referee started the match

5. After a hearty meal of pancakes, I put the _______________ in a plastic bag outside
for the rubbish collection.

6. The baby gave his father a _______________ grin when he saw him coming.

7. “I thought I had a good stock of chocolate chip cookies in that jar. Now, it’s
_______________!” Grandma Sally complained.

D. Grammar – Positive and Negative Statements

Practice 1
Write the following statements into negative statements.

1. Jill and Billy are adventurous.


2. Jill has been to many places.


3. Billy goes to many tourist destinations.


4. Billy brings a gift for Jill every time he comes back.


5. Jill likes mountain climbing.


6. Billy may visit Indonesia next year.



Subject : ENGLISH Level: F1 Revision No: 4


A. Error Identification
Practice 1
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, write the
correct word in the space provided.

The wau bulan is an intricately designed moon kite traditionally flown in the
Malaysian state 0) in Kelantan. You can even make one yourself. Firstly, you 1) has to
build the frame of the kite using light bamboo sticks. 2) Bent the bamboo around the
designated shape and 3) tied it securely with string. Then, 4) covered the frame with
coloured paper of your choice. You can cut out patterns using a 5) sharpest knife. Be
creative with your choices! 6) Affixed the coloured paper using glue that is diluted
with 7) waters. This will prevent the coloured paper from sagging. Leave your wau to
dry 8) complete before attaching the flying line. 9) Made sure that the string you use
is strong and long enough. Now you can take 10) our kite out to an open field, wait for
a breeze and watch your kite soar. The wau bulan is truly a national treasure and
should be preserved for the future generations.

0) of
1) have
2) Bend
3) tie
4) cover
5) sharp
6) Affix
7) water
8) completely
9) Make
10) your

B. Reading Comprehension
Practice 1
Read the passage below. Then, answer the following questions.

The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of this modern age. It has transformed
our lives in many ways especially in providing us access to information and opening up
channels of communication.
For students, the Internet is an invaluable tool that can provide important benefits. It
has opened up vast opportunities for learning at the click of the button. All you have to do is
type in the keywords of the information you are looking for and click the ‘Enter’ button on
your computer’s keyboard and you will practically have hundreds of articles to choose from
within seconds. In the past, one had to sift through books and magazines for hours before
getting relevant information on a topic.
The other advantage of the Internet is communication. Now we can communicate in a
fraction of seconds with a person who is in another part of the country or even the world.
With new advancement in mobile phones and other technological devices like the tablet,
communication has become cheap and easy. Many students also interact and socialise
through online social networks.
Despite the ease at which the Internet provides information and makes it easier to
communicate, over reliance on this technology can also bring problems. One of the main
problems associated with the Internet is copying. Nowadays, it has become easy for
students to copy someone else’s work without even understanding the content. Another
problem that has cropped up is the dissemination of false or inaccurate information. If we
are unable to analyse or judge the information we read on the Internet, we may be misled
into believing false claims.
Over reliance of today’s younger generation on their mobile phones and laptops as a
means of communication is also taking its toll on their interpersonal skills. Experts believe
that spending increasing amounts of time online and communicating through the Internet
rather than face – to – face can be detrimental to our ability to form healthy relationships
with others in the future.

a. List two ways of how the Internet has transformed our lives.
i) By providing us information.

ii) By opening up channels of communication.

b. How did students look for information in the past?

They did so by looking through books and magazines.

c. How do students usually socialise on the Internet?
They usually do it through online social networks.

d. What is the best way to avoid being misled by false information from the Internet?
The best way is to analyse or judge the information we read on the Internet.

e. Fill in the table with an appropriate word / phrase from the passage.

Meaning Word/Phrase
i) changed transformed
ii) immediately at the click of the button
iii) spread dissemination
iv) harmful detrimental

f. What is affected when students spend more time communicating via the Internet
rather than face – to – face?
Interpersonal skills are affected.

g. What do you think are the disadvantages of the Internet?

i) Can spread false or inaccurate information.
ii) Can result in students copying.
iii) Can affect interpersonal skills.

C. Literature – Poems
Practice 1
Read the poem ‘News Break’. Then, answer the following questions.

News Break

Now why so loving, darling,

And why the sudden kiss?
You’d help me with some little jobs?
For goodness sake, what’s this?

Your face is clean for once, dear.

Your clothes without a crease.
You saved your luncheon money?
Will wonders never cease?

No dropping of your school books,

No shrieking, childish treble.
Today you are a lamb, love,
Where yesterday a rebel.

But surely you’re some stranger,

No rage or hullabaloo.
Come closer, let me look, dear,
Can this be REALLY you?

Now were you struck by lightning

Or were you stunned at sport?
Ah… now I see the reason.
You’ve brought your school report!

Max Fatchen

a) The author of the poem is Max Fatchen.

b) The point of view of the poem is in the first person.

c) Explain the meaning of the poem.

The poem is about a child who does things to impress the parent/mother before
showing his bad school report card.

d) How does the child usually behave?
He usually misbehaves by rebelling, screaming and throwing tantrums.

e) What does the child suddenly do?

He suddenly gives his mother a kiss.

f) What has happened to the child’s luncheon money before?

He has spent it all on food.

g) State two examples of ‘alliteration’ in the poem.

i) ‘…clothes without a crease’

ii) ‘… surely you’re some stranger’

Practice 2
Which of these words does the poet use to describe the child in the poem? Tick ()
the correct boxes.

1 beast 6 toddler
2 darling  7 lamb 
3 angel 8 stranger 
4 loving  9 fly
5 rebel  10 dear 

Practice 3
Match the words that rhyme.

Column A letter Column B

1. lamb e a. miss

2. rage d b. season

3. kiss a c. deer

4. reason b d. page

5. dear c e. lamp

Practice 4
Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the poem.

1. A lamb is a baby sheep.

2. My family often come to this restaurant because it is clean.

3. A rebel is a person who does not like to follow rules.

4. My cousins were shrieking with laughter while watching the comedy show.

5. It can be dangerous to be standing under a tree when lightning strikes.

6. If you have a crease in your clothes, it is better to iron it out.

7. A stranger is someone whom you do not know.

8. My grandmother had a fall in the bathroom. The fall stunned her.

Practice 5
Read the poem ‘Sad I Ams’. Then, answer the following questions.

Sad I Ams
1. I am 2. I am
the ring from an empty Cola can the envelope on which the gum is gone
the scrapings from an unwashed porridge pan the Sellotape where you can’t find the end
the severed arm of last year’s Action man. the toothless stapler, springless bulldog clip
the dried up liquid paper that mars instead of
the stamped addressed reply that you forgot to

3. I am 4. I am
the battery in which no charge is left a garden overgrown with weeds
the starter motor which remains inert a library book that no one ever reads
the tyre on which the tread is worn a stray which no one thinks to feed
the piece of good advice which no one seems to
the sparking plug which shows no sign of spark
the carburettor chocked by bits of dirt
the chromium trim from which the shine has
Trevor Millum

a) What is the poem about?
The poem is about items that are no longer used or usable.

b) The writer of the poem is Trevor Millum

c) Name any three of the ‘I am’s:

i) I am the ring from an empty Cola can.
ii) I am the envelope on which the gum is gone.
iii) I am the tyre on which the tread is worn.

d) In stanza 1, what does the word ‘unwashed’ tell us about the owner of the porridge
The owner must be a lazy, busy or untidy person with no sense of hygiene

e) In stanza 2, what kind of materials is being discussed?

Writing and office materials – stationery.

f) Give an example of ‘assonance’ in the poem.

i) ‘unwashed porridge pan’

g) Give two examples of ‘alliteration’ in the poem.

i) ‘that mars instead of mends’
ii) ‘the gum is gone’

h) In stanza 4, in the context of today’s lifestyle, why do you think no one ever reads
books anymore?
I think simply because almost everyone has a smartphone where information
needed is easily accessible or they are a generation that are not interested in reading

Practice 6
Read the list of things below. Which of these things do we usually throw away or
neglect? Tick () the correct boxes.

1 a torn envelope  5 a kitchen knife

2 a brand new car 6 a worn – out tyre 

3 an empty can  7 food scrapings 

4 a television set 8 an old spark plug 

Practice 7
Match the words that rhyme.

Column A letter Column B

1. spark c a. slip

2. gum e b. harm

3. can f c. shark

4. arm b d. mend

5. clip a e. sum

6. send d f. man

Practice 8
Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the poem.

1. When your garden is overgrown with weeds, it is time for the gardener to trim it.

2. The police found the severed arm of the murder victim in the drain and took it away
for forensic tests.

3. Tim’s mother was angry with him because he forgot to send his younger sister to
school yesterday.

4. The wrestlers stepped into the ring and the referee started the match immediately.

5. After a hearty meal of pancakes, I put the scrapings in a plastic bag outside for the
rubbish collection.

6. The baby gave his father a toothless grin when he saw him coming.

7. “I thought I had a good stock of chocolate chip cookies in that jar. Now, it’s empty!”
Grandma Sally complained.

D. Grammar – Positive and Negative Statements

Practice 1
Write the following statements into negative statements.

1. Jill and Billy are adventurous.

Jill and Billy are not adventurous.

2. Jill has been to many places.

Jill has not been to many places.

3. Billy goes to many tourist destinations.

Billy does not go to many tourist destinations.

4. Billy brings a gift for Jill every time he comes back.

Billy does not bring a gift for Jill every time he comes back.

5. Jill likes mountain climbing.

Jill does not like mountain climbing.

6. Billy may visit Indonesia next year.

Billy may not visit Indonesia next year.


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