The Parasite Fauna of Gar-Fish - Belone Belone

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Vol. 1 1970




From Department of Ichthyology

Head: Prof. Dr. Eugeniusz Grabda

From 1966 to 1967 the :J.uthor carried out an

investigation on the helminth fauna of gar-fish
Belone belone (L,) from Puck Bay of the Bal­
tic. It was established·, the next species pa­
rasitise in gar-fish: Diplostomum spathaceum
(Rud.), Tylodelphys sp., Scolex pleuronectis
Miill, , Contracaecum aduncum (Rud.) , Cucu1-
lanus truttae (Fabricius), Pomphorhynchus
laevis (Zoega), and Neoechinorhynchus ruti­
li (Miill. ). With exception of Pomphorhynchus
laevis (Zoega) they were not found in gar-fish
yet, but they occur commonly in the other Po­
lish fishes.

The present work comprises the results of examination of gar-fishes for

helminth parasites, Only a little information exists in Polish literature con­
cerning the parasites of this fish species in Polish territorial waters of the
Baltic Sea. The internal parasites were studied by J. Grabda (in press) , but
she found only one species of acanthocephalan - Pomphorhynchus laevis
(Zoega). The researches of Pr o s t (1967), carried on gar-fishes from
Puck Bay, concerned exclusively monogeneans. This author did not find any
parasite of this group in 176 fishes examined. Wa g e n e r (1909) found
no parasites in this fish species in the territories immediately neighboring
to Poland. He gave only a short notethat nothing had been found in gar-fish,
without precise of information on the number of fishes examined and their
origin. Probably the fishes were caught in the environs of Kaliningrad, from
where the majority of his materials originated. E n g e 1 b r e c h t (1958)
found only the larvae of Terranova decipiens and Cercaria sp. in gar-fishes
from the environs of Greifswald and Kleinen Haff (GDR).

The scarcity of information on the parasites of gar-fish in the southern

part of the Baltic S.ea has inclined the author to undertake studies on helminth
parasites of this fish species.
104 J. Rynkiewicz

In our territorial water gar-fish is taken in net seasonally from May to

August, and the researches were carried on in this period of the year.
In 1966 examination were made on 70 frozen specimens a total length range
from 530 to 781 mm, and weigh from 175 to 440 g; and in 1967 eighty freshly
caught fishes from 635 to 810 mm, in length and from 250 to 840 g. in weigh
were used for investigations.
In this material 7 species of parasites belonging to Digenea, Cestoda,
Nematoda and Acanthocephala were found.


1. Diplostomum spathaceum (Ru d o 1 p h i, 1819)

This species was found in 1967 in 8 fishes out of 80 examined specimens.
Single metacercariae occured in eye lenses.
In Poland this species is a common parasite of many fresh water fishes.
In Puck Bay it was found in 8 species of fishes (C i c h o w l a s, 1961)
In gar-fish in Poland reported for the first time,

2. Tylodelphys�.
Single specimen of metacercaria was found in the vitreous body of the eye
of one fish.


1. Scolex pleuronectis M i.i 1 1 e r, 1788

In the intestine of one fish 243 specimens of the larvae were found in 1966.
Under this name the larvae belonging to different genera and species of the
ordo Tetraphyllidea are ranged, ,According to Yamaguti (after B y h o v­
s k i j, 1962) five types of larvae may be distinguished within it. The author's
specimens were found only once in the intestine of a frozen fish, so their
structure was not very clear and precise determination was impossible.


1. Contracaecum adun� (Ru d o 1 p h i, 1802)

Single specimens were found in the intestine of 6 fishes out of 80 specimens
examined in 1967. The parasite is common in brackish- and salt water. In
gar-fish in Poland repcrted for the first time.
The parasite fauna of gar-fish - Belone belone (L.).,. 105

2. Cucullanus truttae (F a b r i c i u s, 1794)

ln 1966 the incidence of infestation amounted to 9% and the intensity was 1
to 2 specimens in the intestine of one fish. In Poland this species was found
in salmon trout (Salmo trutta trutta L.) (Wierzbicki in Grabda, in press) and
in sheat-fish (Silurus glanis L.) (E j s y m o n t, 1964).


1. Pomphorhynchus laevis (Z o e g a in M ii 1 1 e r, 1776)

This acanthocephalan species dominated over the other parasites of gar­
-fish. In 1966 the incidence of infestation amounted to 40% and the intensity
to 1-6 specimens in a fish. In 1967 the incidence was 15% and the intensity
1-2 specimens. The species occur in marine and freshwater fishes as well.
Common in Poland. In gar-fish reported by J, Grabda (in press).

2. Neoechinorhynchus rutili (M ii 1 1 e r, 1780)

This acanthocephalan species was found in 1966 in one gar-fish in a number
of 7 specimens, In 1967 this parasite was not found. The species is common
in Poland; it occurs in many species of freshwater fishes, sporadically in
marine fishes, In gar-fish in Poland reported for the first time.


B y h o v s k i j B.E. (red,), 1962: Opredelitel' parazitov presnovodnyh

ryb SSSR. Moskva - Leningrad.

E j s y m o n t L,, 1964: Pasozyty jelitowe suma (Silurus glanis L,) w rzece

Biebrzy. Wiad. Parazytol., X, 4-5. Wroclaw.

E n g e 1 b r e c h t H., 1958: Untersuchungen iiber den Parasiten befall

der Nutzfische im Greifswalde Boden und Kleinen Haff. Z,Fish,, VII, 7 /8.

Gr a b d a J.: Kolcoglowy - Acanthocephala. Katalog Fauny Polski. X (in


G r a b d a J. : Pasozyty smoczkoustych i ryb - Parasita Cyclostomorum et

Piscium, 11 - Katalog Fauny Pasozytniczej Polski (in press),

P r o s t M,, 1967: Comparison of Monogenoidea fauna of some species of

fishes from the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Baltic seas. Acta Parasi­
tol. Pol., XIV, 32,

W e g e n e r G., 1909: Die Ektoparasiten der Fische Ostpreussens. Sehr.

phys, okon. Ges.50. Konigsberg.
106 J, Rynkiewicz




W latach 1966-1967 przebadano 150 ryb o ci�zarze 175-840 g i dlugosci

(longitudo corporis /longitudo totalis) 51 /53-77 /81 cm z Zatoki Puckiej,
Stwierdzono nast�pujqce gatunki pasozyt6w: Diplostomum spathaceum (Rudol­
phi, 1819), Tylodelphys sp. , Scolex pleuronectis Muller, 1788 ,Contracaecum
aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802), Cucullanus truttae (Fabricius, 1794), Pomphor­
hynchus laevis (Zoega in Muller, 1776) i Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Muller,
1780) . Sq to gatunki pospolite, wyst�pujqce w Polsce u r6znych gatunk6w
ryb; U belony z wyjqtkiem Pomphorhynchus laevis notowane w kraju po raz


Pe s IOM e

B 1966-1967 rr. o6CJI6;z\OBaHO 15J Sirn. ph!6 52/53-77 /81 UM- ;z\Jil1Hhl (lon­
gitudo corporis / longi tudo totalis) 11 175-840 rp. Beca 9 l13 IIyIJ;IWrO 3aJil1Ba,
Eh!Jil'l o6HapymeHh! CJie;zi;yI0�11e Bl'l;z\hl napa311TOB: Diplostomum spathaceum (Rudol­
phi, 1819), Tylodelphys sp., Scolex pleuronectis Muller, 1788, Contraca­
ecum aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802), Cucullanus truttae (Fabricius, 1794),Pom­
phorhynchus laevis (Zoega in Muller, 1776)� Neaechinorhynchus rutili (Mul­
ler, 1780), 8TO 06bIKHOB6HHhl6 Bl'l;z\bl, HaXO;z\6HHhl6 B ITom,rne l1 y ;zi;pyrwx Bl1;z\OB
pbI6, Omn sa l1CIW!Ol!6Hl16M Pomphorhynchus laevis (Zoega) BrrepBbie aaper11c­
Tpl1POBaHhl B cTpaHe y capraHa.

Mgr Jerzy Rynkiewicz
Katedra Ichtiologii WSR
Szczecin, ul.Kazimierza Kr6lewicza 4
Polska - Poland

Received 10. V. 1969

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