Horizon User Manual
Horizon User Manual
Horizon User Manual
Revision History
Release No. Rev. 0 Rev. 0.9 Date 12/13/10 12/24/10 Revised by Tony WRP Revision Description Users Manual draft 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. 2. Modified PART LIST Modified GENERAL INFO Modified SYSTEM SET UP Modified SOFTWARE Added MAINTENENCE Modified SAFETY Modified SOFTWARE Modified MAINTENANCE Added TROUBLESHOOTING Modified Ultra Capacitor Bank Added note to Stack Holder Added note to Hydrogen Sensor Modified Software Installation Added H2 sensor external power Added fuse usage to Step 7 & 11 Fix mistake of supply / purge valve direction arrow. Add note for not too long purge line. Add warning for not to turn off by error protection.
Rev. 0.95
Rev. 0.96 Rev. 0.97 Rev. 0.98 Rev. 0.99 Rev. 0.99 Rev. 0.10
Information contained in this data sheet is considered to be accurate and reliable, to the best of our knowledge, at time of printing. However, we do not guarantee or warrantee its accuracy, reliability or completeness. Information may be subjected to revision and edition at our discretion. It is the Users obligation to use the product safely and within the scope advised in this publication. Information relates only to the specific product/material mentioned and may not be applicable where such product/material is used with any other.
Table of Content
Safety6 Part list12 General information..18 System set up.27 Software .41 Maintenance...46 Troubleshooting .49
PEM fuel cell: A PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) fuel cell is a device that converts hydrogen and oxygen into water and electricity. A fuel cell stack: It includes a plurality of plate-like fuel cells arranged along an axis generally parallel to cell thickness with electrically conductive separator plates between each pair of cells. Reactants: Reactant is a material used to start a chemical reaction. In the fuel cell the reactants are air and hydrogen by which the electricity will be generated. Humidification: Humidity what the fuel cells need for running. Blower: Supply air to the fuel cells and meanwhile decrease the temperature in the stack. Purging valve: The controller will control the purging time for purging the water and air gas redundant in the fuel cells. SCU: Short circuit unit the short circuit will be controlled for good performance of the stack. Dead ended valve: Purge valve for the controlling of the gas purging. Mass flow per minute: The total amount of the hydrogen flow through the fuel cell every minute what the hydrogen supply can be calculated. HFCT: Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies
NOTE: The safety guidelines included here may not cover every situation. Use common sense.
Use a pressure regulator to control the fuel inlet pressure to the system. Do not alter the fitting on a regulator. Ask experienced personnel for help. Do not attempt to force gas cylinder threads. Never transport a gas cylinder with regulators attached. Ensure cylinder caps are in place. Always use a cylinder cart with a safety strap or chain. Secure a high-pressure cylinder to a bench, post, or fixed object to avoid accidental contact. Avoid unnecessary contact with On/Off valves. They can easily move to On by accident.
WARNING! Always operate H-1000XP in a well-ventilated area and ensure that ventilation slots are unobstructed.
WARNING! A mixture of hydrogen and air is potentially flammable and explosive and can be ignited by a spark or a hot surface.
As in the presence of any fuel, all sources of ignition, including smoking, are not permitted in the vicinity of the system.
WARNING! Keep all sources of ignition away. Smoking is not permitted in the vicinity of the H-1000XP
WARNING! Do not touch fuel cells, cell voltage monitoring equipment or electrical components.
Electronic components can also be damaged as the result of static discharge. To minimize this, ground all equipment in contact with H-1000XP. Never use damaged extension cords. Minimize conductivity by avoiding surfaces in contact with water; hands and clothes must be dry. Do not operate or store H-1000XP in wet or damp conditions.
NOTE: The cathode has already been connected to the stack shell.
The stack cathode should be connected to common ground of all the equipments.
WARNING! Avoid contact with the fuel cell stack or components that convey process or cooling air.
2. Stack holder
It helps to fix the fuel cell stack on the place you want. There are 4 in the package. As showed on stack picture above, each side (left or right) can place 2.
NOTE: Please use bolts provided together with spring washer. Do not over tighten. The use of wrong screw length will damage the stack.
5. SCU switch
It is to turn the SCU on/off. For SCU, Please refer to Terminology.
6. LCD display
It displays the system status, current, voltage, temperature etc. Please refer to trouble shooting section for more details
7. Hydrogen sensor
It triggers at 25% of LFL, which is 1% hydrogen concentration.
On/OFF switch
RS 232 connector
It controls the stack and all peripheral parts to perform at its optimal condition. It has the following features Control Stack temperature Control Stack purge rate Monitoring stack current and voltage Monitoring H2 concentration(H2 sensor needed) Protect stack from possible failures, like stack low voltage, over current, over temperature Control Hydrogen supply and shut off RS232 Communication with computer
DC/DC connector
Wirecolors Red Grey Red&Black Black Yellow Blue Red&Black Black Black
Connectorpin# #1 #3 #5 #7 #9
 #11 #13 #15 #16
Peripheralscontrolled StackTemperatureSensor AmbientTemperatureSensor Blowers(Red#5=+ve,Black#6=ve) HydrogenPurgeValve(Black#7=+ve,Black#8=ve) HydrogenSupplyValve(Yellow#9=+ve,Yellow#10=ve) ShortCircuitSwitch N/A N/A BlowerPWM
system less than 5.5kg 1100W 0 - 33.5A @ 30V 25V - 48V Hydrogen and Air 99.99% dry H2 7.2 - 9.4 PSI 13.5SLPM 5 - 35C 65C Self-humidified air 10%-95%RH non-condensing 12V System status / Historical data
3.4.2 Stack degradation rate and lifetime There are generally two key life-limiting failure modes that will prevent the stack from performing as required in a given application: voltage loss and fuel leakage. Voltage loss is seen as a steady degradation in maximum power. Fuel leakage will lead to both an increase in fuel consumption, and H2 emissions in the coolant air exhaust stream. Testing has demonstrated that the H-1000XP stack has a mean lifetime of approximately 1000 hours and 300 on/off cycles under nominal operating conditions In general, to maximize stack life, avoid the following conditions: Fuel starvation (for example, due to low/high hydrogen pressure, or operating for significant periods of time below optimal ambient temperature) High operating temperatures (operating for significant periods of time above optimal ambient temperature) Contaminants in the coolant/oxidant air Contaminants in the fuel Open storage. Open storage will result in MEA in the stack got dehydrated, which is the most common reason that result in system performance low.
3.4.3 Peak power output The H-1000XP can deliver a peak power output of 1100W* to meet the high power requirements during vehicle climbing hills. This is realized by connecting an ultra capacitor in parallel hybrid configuration. Fuel cell also recharges the capacitor when excess power is available during cruise. Please refer to section 2.0 for more details of ultra capacitor
3.4.4 System hydrogen consumption rate Figure 3.4.4 presents the fuel consumption rate of the H-1000XP system at different power outputs. The data is recorded in Nominal operating conditions (please refer to 3.4.1 for more details) Please NOTE the fuel consumption will also vary with ambient temperature, since high ambient temperature will require higher fan power consumption and also it will affect the fuel cell stack performance,
Figure3.4.4polarizationcurveforH1000XPsystem 106.6W 1.4L/min 265.2W 3.1 L/min 444W 5 L/min 651W 7.5 L/min 904.2W 10.7 L/min 1081.9W 14 L/min
3.4.5 Airflow requirements Fuel cell system requires airflow for reaction oxidant as well as cooling. Figure 3.4.5 below shows the estimated airflow requirements of the H-1000XP at different power outputs. Slight contaminant level in the operating environment has insignificant effect on the H-1000XP performance over the full product lifetime. Exposure to high level of contamination in the operating environment will lead to a drop in performance drop, which may or may not be recoverable. If the operating environment is expected to be very dusty, filter for the oxidant and cooling air may be required.
3.4.6 Ambient temperature One factor that affects the H-1000XP performance is ambient temperature. Higher temperature leads to the drying up of the proton exchange membranes inside the fuel cell stack, reducing proton conductivity and consequently the power output of the fuel cell. The H-1000XP can deliver its rated performance when operating at ambient temperature ranging 0-35C* and a relative humidity range of 10-90%. At a given environment temperature, the H-1000XP performance increases with a higher level of relative humidity.
Step 1 Make gas line for hydrogen inlet, connect two tubes(6 / prefer each tube length Figure4.1 less than 50cm) to the three way, as showed in fig 4.1 and 4.2, Repeat step 1 to make a gas line for hydrogen outlet
Step 2 Please place the stack in vertical like this. Then connect the gas line finished in step 1 to stack hydrogen inlet port, as showed in fig 4.3.
WARNING! Do not place anything in front of or back from the stack, which may block off the air flow.
Step 3 Connect the gas line finished in step 1 to stack hydrogen outlet port, as showed in fig 4.4.
Step 4 Connect the hydrogen purge valve to the hydrogen outlet gas line; please pay attention to the flow direction on the valve body, as showed from fig 4.5 to 4.8. Figure4.5
At the air inlet side, since the stack will suck in hydrogen from air side, which could result in permanent damage to the stack!!!
Please keep the hydrogen purge line away from the stack, it is recommended that keep the purge line at the stack fan side, as the air will blow purged hydrogen away. It is strictly prohibited that leave the purge line
Connect your hydrogen supply to the hydrogen supply valve, please DO NOT turn your hydrogen until the system is fully set up. Please make sure hydrogen is 0.5bar/15SLPM at no load and during full load
NOTE: Be sure the purge line is NOT TOO LONG from the purge valve, so that it will not do harm to stack purging easily.
Step 5 Connect control signal connector to the stack, as showed in fig 4.9
Step 6 Connect power cord connector to the stack, as showed in fig 4.10
Step 7 Connect ultra capacitor connector to the ultra capacitor bank, as showed in fig 4.11 A fuse is to be installed on the positive side of the capacitor bank (not provided). This fuse rating will varies from team to team and must be according the Chapter 1 Shell Eco Marathon Rules.
Step 8 Connect DC/DC connector to the DC/DC convertor, as showed in fig 4.12
Step 9 Connect hydrogen sensor to the hydrogen sensor connector, as showed in fig 4.13 Please note that some application will not require this component and system will still work without this part
Step 10 Connect LCD display to the controller LCD connector; please note system could run without this part, as showed in fig 4.14
Connect the hydrogen sensor to on-board battery to power the safety circuit, as showed in fig 4.15
Step 11 Connect the start up battery (not included in the system); it could be any DC power source with 12VDC, current above 4ampere. First, connect the cable to the start up battery. Then plug the cable connector to the controller, as showed in fig 4.16
NOTE: It is NOT suggested to plug the battery cable to the controller BEFORE it connects to the battery, as showed in fig 4.17.
WARNING! Remind to plug in the correct polarity. Wrong polarity will fry the controller.
Step 12 It is highly recommended to connect rs232 to your computer to record system operation data, as showed in fig 4.18 Please refer to the software section for more details
Step 13 Please make sure the emergency stop switch is at off position, otherwise the system is unable to start Figure4.19
Step 13 Figure4.20 To turn on: Push the button, as showed in fig 4.20
To turn off: Wheel the button till it is up, as showed in fig 4.21
Step 14 Connect the load cable to your load, it is suggested that please do not turn on the load before system start up.
NOTE: The clamp is NOT suggested to use for connecting You may find other tools to make the connection more reliable. This way is only for example.
A fuse is to be installed on the positive side of the fuel cell terminal. This fuse rating will varies from team to team and must be according the Chapter 1 Shell Eco Marathon Rules.
Step 15 Please find the tube to the Hydrogen supply valve, connect it to the regulator. Then set the regulator value to operating pressure: 0.5bar/15SLPM.
NOTE: The type of the regulator used for example may be different from yours. WARNING! Be careful to hold on the operating pressure. Too high or too low is harmful to the fuel cell stack.
Step 16 Please place the ambient temperature sensor opposite to the blower side of the stack. The place where the air comes in
Step 17 Check all the connections first, including the gas and the electricity. Be sure there is no problem of disconnecting. Now it is ready to start the system by long press the button (3 seconds)
Come to booting up phase, system beeps for a short moment, flash the blue LED, display "Horizon /Fuel Cell" on the LCD.
Come to running phase, the blue LED will light on, the LCD displays: E for ambient temperature; B for battery voltage, T for stack temperature, I for stack current, U for stack voltage.
Step 17 If the red LED flashing with the beeps, the system comes to the error protection status. For example, the LCD displays SYSTEM OFF FOR: FCVOLTAGE LOW means the stack open circuit voltage is too low, and the system will shut off for protection. For more, please refer to troubleshooting section.
WARNING! Do not attempt to let outside load run out all the energy from fuel cell or other ways may cause system shut down by error protection, if you want to turn off the system.
ECO-Marathon Serial Port Monitor is software, which is developed to help user to communicate with ECO-Marathon system, monitor and record various information, including: Ambient Temperature, Stack Temperature, Stack Voltage, Stack Current, Stack Power, Battery Voltage and Stack Status.
5.1 Features
1. System Monitoring a) Ambient Temperature Monitoring b) Stack Temperature Monitoring c) Stack Voltage Monitoring d) Stack Current Monitoring e) Stack Power Monitoring 2. Real-time Curves a) Ambient Temperature Curve b) Stack Temperature Curve c) Stack Voltage Curve d) Stack Current Curve e) Stack Power Curve f) Battery Voltage Curve 3. History Display a) Display Result b) Save to File
5.2 Environment
Hardware Environment 1. Desktop or Laptop with Serial Port 2. Serial Cable(RS232) Or 1. Desktop or Laptop with USB 2. USB To RS232 Cable with driver Software Environment 1. Microsoft Windows XP or above (32bit)
5.3 Installation
1. 2.
Put the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive. Run Setup program. 43
Open program 1. Find ECO-Marathon Monitor in START\All Programs. 2. Click the icon to open. Configuration 1. Select I/O Port which is to connect to the ECO-Marathon system. 2. Set Timeout (Default is 100s). 3. Set REC ON/OFF, whether to record data or not. 4. Set recording Period (Default is 1s). Run & Stop 1. After the configuration, press the RUN button on the top left corner to run the program. 2. Press STOP button on the top right corner to stop the program. Figure5.3STOPbutton Monitor Panel 1. Ambient Temperature, Stack Temperature, Voltage, Current, Power will display as meter and number on this panel.
Curves Panel 1. Ambient Temperature, Stack Temperature, Voltage, Current, Power, Battery Voltage will display as real-time curves on this panel.
History Panel 1. User select the time from the pull down list. Figure5.6Pulldownlist 2. Press the DISPLAY RESULT button, the history data will display in the result records table. Figure5.7DISPLAYRESULTbutton 3. Press SAVE TO FILE button, the results will save in the data directory as an EXCEL file. Figure5.8SAVETOFILEbutton
Figure5.10Monitorpanel d) Description ECO-Marathon Serial Port Monitor lost connection to the system.
When finished operating the stack, we highly suggest that inject pure water into the stack before place it back in the supplied air tight container to keep the stack from getting too dry. Injecting water into the stack: 1. Connect a short section of hosing to the gas port marked H2 Input and another one to theH2 Output port. 2. Fill a syringe with pure water (distilled) and connect it to the hose attached to the H2 Input port. 3. Inject pure water into the stack until you see water coming out of the hose connected to the H2 Output port. Keep the water inside the stack. Disconnect the syringe. 4. We strongly recommend you connect a small hose to both H2 Input and H2 Output ports. If the stack is un-used for a long period of time (more than 4 weeks): Rejuvenate by injecting water into the stack before use: 1. Connect a short section of hosing to the gas port marked H2 Input and another one to theH2 Output port. 2. Fill a syringe with pure water (distilled) and connect it to the hose attached to the H2 Input port. 3. Inject pure water into the stack until you see water coming out of the hose connected to the H2 Output port. Keep the water inside the stack for about 5 minutes. Now disconnect the syringe, and leave the water in the two hoses. 4. Purged the water out of the stack thoroughly before use. This is done by connecting the H2 supply to the stack, without a load attached, and purging the stack thoroughly (i.e. letting hydrogen flow through the stack to remove water and other contaminants). Make sure the hydrogen supply pressure is not >0.5bar.
1. Please make sure you have purged the water out of the stack thoroughly before use. 2. Using the fuel cell stack with water inside can irreparably damage it!
Disconnect the hydrogen supply completely if the fuel cell is not in operation for more than 30 mins. This is to stop hydrogen gas leaking into the fuel cell and destroying some of the parts.
When you turn off the on/off switch connected to the control box at the temperature of the fuel cell stack higher than 45C the stack will not stop working immediately. Only when the stack temperature goes down below 45C, the whole system will stop operation in order to protect the stack. So in order to make it work well, the fuel cell stack must be maintained lower than 45C before operate the on/off switch.
The stack must be standing on the clear plastic feet.
# 1 Procedure Starting up LCD Horizon /Fuel Cell System 2 Starting up off/Battery Low System 3 Starting up off/FC Voltage Low System 4 Starting up off/H2% High E: 5 Running T: I: System 6 Running off/FC Voltage Low System 7 Running off/H2% High System 8 Running off/Current High Red flashing Red flashing Long beep Long beep Hydrogen leaks Stack current is too high Shut down Red flashing Long beep Stack voltage is too low Shut down B: U: Red flashing Green light on Long beep Hydrogen leaks Shut down Red flashing Long beep Stack voltage is too low Shut down LED Green flashing Red flashing Beep Long beep Long beep Status Normal Battery voltage is too low Shut down System Reaction Starting up
Red flashing
Long beep
Rehydrating the fuel cell because the stack cannot reach the rated power 1. Make sure the purging valve is disconnected from the hydrogen outlet connector. 2. Add water to fuel cell through the hydrogen inlet connector, and keep filling until water starts to come out of the hydrogen outlet valve. 3. Immediately use the hydrogen supply valve to connect the hydrogen supply the hydrogen inlet connector. Pay attention to the hydrogen supply direction. 4. Make sure the hydrogen supply pressure is not >0.5bar. 5. Open the hydrogen supply. Turn on the on/off switch for purging the water out of the fuel cell. 6. Steps 1-5 should only take 5-10 seconds to do. 7. Setup the fuel cell system again for general operation. 8. With the SCU switch on, start the fuel cell again. Battery voltage is too low Please check if start-up battery connector is ok. Or the battery might not be operating correctly or in the case of a battery may not have any charge left. 1. Disconnect the external power source. 2. Using a multimeter take a reading of the positive and negative connection points on the external power connectors to the controller. 3. If the power is <12V then the power is not coming through to be able to power the controller, blowers and valves. 4. Change or recharge your power supply and check the voltage that it meets the fuel cell voltage before connecting it up to the controller. Stack voltage is too low 1. Please check if supply/purge valve is open. 2. Please check if the blowers are running slowly, or not running at all. Hydrogen leaks Please check if the gas line has no leakage, including gas tubings and gas connectors, etc If the system shuts down by itself check the following details 1. Make sure you have connected all wires according to the diagram. 3. Make sure you have connected the hydrogen supply with the correct pressure. 4. Make sure the load is below the peak power. Overload can trigger the stack protection function to avoid the damage to the stack. 5. Check whether the fuel cell temperature is below 68C, the system will shut off if it is above 68C.
Check the SCU 1. During operation with the SCU on, the voltage of the fuel cell will drop. 2. If the fuel cell voltage is not dropping then contact [email protected] with the diagnostic SCU not operational with the controller number.