Vocabulary Food and Drinks
Vocabulary Food and Drinks
Vocabulary Food and Drinks
Teacher’s name: Issalhova S
Grade:8 Numberpresent: absent:
Theme of the lesson: Vocabulary: foods and drinks
Learning objectives(s) that 8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
this lesson is contributing to: about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics
Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able They will learn about food and drinks
They will talk about different habits or lifestyle.
They will share their ideas connected with healthy/unhealthy food.
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.
After that T introduces the 1point
aim and theme of the
lesson. Praise Ss
who has
more cards
and could
name the
Middle of the «Vocabulary builder» Ss open their books on page Descriptor:
lesson method is used to open up 87 and write down new -can spell Whiteboard
Presentation part. the theme of the lesson. words. the word Student’s
T asks Ss to listen exercise Practice the pronunciation. -can use book
8 min. 1 on page 87 and T asks to them Flashcards
Try to remember them and
listen and repeat.
find out the translation
«Memory quiz » Ss revise the list of new words T praise Whiteboard
T gives 2 min to remember connected with sport active Ss Student’s
new words. with phrases book
such as: Poster
“Good job!
Well done!”
“One more
T gives exercise 2,p 87. Sslisten and repeat new phrases. Descriptor: Whiteboard
11 min. New words. Listen and Write down new words. -use phrases Student’s
repeat key phrases. Answer the question in exercise -work with book
T asks Ss to answer the 2, page 87 new Poster
-make up
Aim: work new vocabulary
To develop Ss critical
thinking skills and find out
new words
support» method is used
to help Ss use new words
in the sentences.
T presents new words. Ssuse new words and answer Descriptor: Whiteboard
8 min. Give explanation. the question given in exercise 3. -can use Student’s
T gives exercise 3 on active book
page 87 answer the vocabulary Poster
-answer the
Aim: improve writing
To develop Ss writing
skills and use new
support» method is used
to help Ss use new words
in the sentences.
“Iwould eat_____” task. Ssuse new phrases and grammar Descriptor: Whiteboard
5 min T asks Ss to use the given material and practice speaking. -know new Student’s
structure and practice Ssspeaks about food and drink words- book
speaking they would like to eat. 1point.
Aim:enlarge vocabulary -can give
knowledge advice-
Efficiency: 1point.
Ss use new vocabulary and
practice it with
the pair» game is used to
develop their speaking and
listening skills.
End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to show Descriptor: Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T asks their knowledge according to Speak on the Pupils
Reflection Ss to stick their stickers to the lesson theme Book Poster:
the Success Ladder. Green- I understood “Food and Success
Yellow-I have some questions drinks”, Ladder.
Red-I need a help. -can use
Individual work: vocabulary
5 min. Aim:To know how many Ss got -give advice
the theme. - 2points.
Ss can use colors to show how Ss evaluate
much do they remember. each other
Differentiation:«Conclusion and
» method is used to finish the encourage
lesson. classmate
with phrases
Well done!
Good job! I
like it!