Lessonobjectives: All Learners Will Be Able

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Unit:8 Natural Disaster

Teacher’s name: Kuzembayeva K.T

Date: 01.04.2024

Grade:7 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Feelings

Learning objectives(s) that 7.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
this lesson is contributing to: about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics
7.UE13 use a variety of modal forms for different functions on a range
of familiar general and curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able They will learn about healthy and unhealthy
They will talk about different habits or lifestyle.
They will share their ideas connected with healthy/unhealthy lifestyle.
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources


Beginning of the Organization moment: At the CD player

lesson The aim:To develop Ss organization
1.Greeting. speaking skills and create moment T Microphone
Warming-up friendly atmosphere tries to
Ask about the weather. cards
award active
Efficiency:By telling the
3 min. wishes they show their “Good job!
appreciations .
Well done!”

Pre-learning T puts on the board a Sslook at the board and start to Descriptor: Whiteboard
poster with words: Healthy write all the words connected
«Brainstorming» and Unhealthy. with the healthy or unhealthy -know the
method lifestyle. meaning of
T gives Ss 2 min to write the words Cards
down all the words
connected with them. - collect
5 min. Aim:Revise the previous related
In differentiationpart lessons material.Find out how vocabulary Student’s
«Discussion» method was much do they remember.
- know book
used to check up student’s
vocabulary knowledge. Efficiency:Ss refresh their mind vocabulary
before starting new theme. of previous
After that T introduces the
aim and theme of the

Middle of the «Vocabulary builder» Ss open their books on page Descriptor:

lesson method is used to open up 87 and write down new Whiteboard
the theme of the lesson. -can spell
Presentation part. words. the word Student’s
T asks Ss to listen exercise Practice the pronunciation. book
1 on page 87 and T asks to -can use
listen and repeat. them Flashcards
8 min. Try to remember them and
find out the translation
«Memory quiz » Ss revise the list of new words T praise Whiteboard
connected with sport active Ss
T gives 2 min to remember with phrases Student’s
new words. such as: book
“Good job! Poster

T gives exercise 2,p 87. Sslisten and repeat new phrases. Descriptor: Whiteboard
New words. Listen and Student’s
11 min. Write down new grammar -use phrases book
repeat key phrases. structure
-work with Poster
T explains how to use Make up their own examples. new
should/should not grammar
structure in order to give
an advice. Gives -make up

T asks students to write Ssuse should/should not Descriptor: Whiteboard

good advice in order to structure Student’s
8 min. -can use book
stay healthy. Use key phrases and write active Poster
Aim: improve writing advice to stay healthy vocabulary

«Verbal support» method -understand

is used to help Ss use new grammar
words in the sentences. - can write a

“You should_____” task. Ssuse new phrases and grammar Descriptor: Whiteboard
material and practice speaking.
5 min T asks Ss to use the given -know new Student’s
structure and practice Ss give advice to each other words- book
speaking about healthy life style 1point.

Aim:enlarge vocabulary -can give

knowledge advice-
the pair» game is used to
develop their speaking and
listening skills.

End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to show Descriptor: Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T asks their knowledge according to
Ss to stick their stickers to the lesson Speak on the Pupils
the Success Ladder. Green- I understood theme Book Poster:
Reflection “Healthy Success
Yellow-I have some questions
Red-I need a help. habits”, Ladder.
Aim:To know how many Ss got -can use
the theme. vocabulary
Individual work: Efficiency:
Ss can use colors to show how -give advice
5 min. - 2points.
much do they remember.
Well done!
» method is used to finish the
Good job! I
like it!
Unit:8 Creativity

Teacher’s name: Kuzembayeva K.T

Date: 01.04.2024y

Grade:5 Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Culture

Learning objectives(s) that 5.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

this lesson is contributing to:

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able They will learn types of leisure activities names.
They will talk about how they like to spend their free time.
They will describe the benefits of hobbies and why people need to have a
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources


Beginning of the Organization moment: . At the CD player

lesson The aim:To develop Ss organization
1.Greeting. speaking skills and create moment T Microphone
Warming-up friendly atmosphere tries to
Ask about the weather. cards
award active
Efficiency:By telling the
3 min. wishes they show their “Good job!
appreciations .
Well done!”

Pre-learning T puts on the board a Ss look lok at the posters and Descriptor: Whiteboard
poster with different try to share ideas.
«Brainstorming» sports on it . T asks Ss to -identify the
method identify as many types of card
sport as they can. Aim:Revise the previous - can make
lessons material.Find out how sentence
5 min. In differentiationpart
much do they remember.
«Discussion» method was Total: 1point
used to check up student’s Student’s
Efficiency:Ss refresh their mind
vocabulary knowledge. book
before starting new theme.

Middle of the «Vocabulary builder» Ss open their books on page Descriptor:

lesson method is used to open up 97 and write down new Whiteboard
the theme of the lesson. -can spell
Presentation part. words. the word Student’s
T asks Ss to listen Practice the pronunciation. book
exercise 1 on page 97 and -can use
identify which of these them Flashcards
8 min. Try to remember them and
words are similar in their find out words that sounds Total: 1point
language? similar
«Memory quiz » Ss revise the list of new words T praise Whiteboard
connected with sport active Ss
T gives 2 min to with phrases Student’s
remember new words. such as: book
“Good job! Poster
T gives exercise 1, Ss use the example and make up Descriptor: Whiteboard
their own sentences. Student’s
11 min. T asks Ss to look at the -use phrases book
board and name sport Share their ideas with others Poster
-work with
that they can see. Use Speak about sport new words
the phrase I like/I don’t
like…./I prefer ____ to -make up
____. sentence

Total: 1point

T asks students to write Ss write about their favourite Descriptor: Whiteboard

about their favourite sport. Student’s
8 min. -can use book
sport. Name and describe. active Poster
Aim: improve speaking vocabulary

Efficiency: -understand
general idea.
To develop Ss writing
skills and use new Total: 1point

“How often do you Ss learn to ask questions. Descriptor: Whiteboard

play______?” task.
5 min Use the given sample of the -know new Student’s
T asks Ss to use the given question words- book
question and share ideas.T 1point.
gives short explanation Ask and answer questions
about adverbs of -can ask and
Use adverbs of frequency. answer the
frequency like: never,
sometimes, often, usually questions
and always.

Aim:enlarge vocabulary

End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to show Descriptor: Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T their knowledge according to
asks Ss to stick their the lesson Speak on the Pupils
stickers to the Success theme Book Poster:
Reflection Green- I understood “Sport”, Success
Yellow-I have some questions -can use
Red-I need a help.
Individual work: -describe
sport -
5 min. 2points.
Aim:To know how many Ss got
the theme. Well done!
Efficiency: Brilliant!
Good job! I
Ss can use colors to show how like it!
much do they remember.

» method is used to finish the
Unit:8 Food and drink

Teacher’s name: Kuzembayeva K.T

Date: 01.04.2024

Grade:8 Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson: The Food waste scandal

Learning objectives(s) that 8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
this lesson is contributing to: about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able They will learn about food and drinks
They will talk about different habits or lifestyle.
They will share their ideas connected with healthy/unhealthy food.
Value link: Be friendly, respect each other.

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources


Beginning of the Organization moment: At the CD player

lesson The aim:To develop Ss organization
1.Greeting. speaking skills and create moment T Microphone
Warming-up friendly atmosphere tries to
Ask about the weather. cards
award active
Efficiency:By telling the Ss.«The
3 min. wishes they show their praise»
appreciations . method

“Good job!

Well done!”

Pre-learning T puts on the board a Sslook at the board and start to Descriptor: Whiteboard
poster with words: Food write all the words connected
«Brainstorming» and drinks. with the food and drinks. -know the
method meaning of
T gives Ss 2 min to write the words Cards
down all the words
connected with them. Aim:Revise the previous - collect
5 min. lessons material.Find out how related
In differentiationpart much do they remember. vocabulary Student’s
«Discussion» method was
- know book
used to check up student’s Efficiency:Ss refresh their mind
vocabulary knowledge. before starting new theme. vocabulary
of previous
After that T introduces the lesson.
aim and theme of the
lesson. Total:

Middle of the «Vocabulary builder» Ss open their books on page Descriptor:

lesson method is used to open up 87 and write down new Whiteboard
the theme of the lesson. -can spell
Presentation part. words. the word Student’s
T asks Ss to listen exercise Practice the pronunciation. book
1 on page 87 and T asks to -can use
listen and repeat. them Flashcards
8 min. Try to remember them and
find out the translation Total:

«Memory quiz » Ss revise the list of new words T praise Whiteboard

connected with sport active Ss
T gives 2 min to remember with phrases Student’s
new words. such as: book
“Good job!

T gives exercise 2,p 87. Sslisten and repeat new phrases. Descriptor: Whiteboard
New words. Listen and Student’s
11 min. Write down new words. -use phrases book
repeat key phrases.
Answer the question in exercise -work with Poster
T asks Ss to answer the 2, page 87 new
questions. grammar
Aim: work new vocabulary -make up
To develop Ss critical
thinking skills and find out
new words

T presents new words. Ssuse new words and answer Descriptor: Whiteboard
Give explanation. the question given in exercise 3. Student’s
8 min. -can use book
T gives exercise 3 on active Poster
page 87 answer the vocabulary
question. -answer the
Aim: improve writing

“Iwould eat_____” task. Ssuse new phrases and grammar Descriptor: Whiteboard
material and practice speaking.
5 min T asks Ss to use the given -know new Student’s
structure and practice Ssspeaks about food and drink words- book
speaking they would like to eat. 1point.

Aim:enlarge vocabulary -can give

knowledge advice-

Ss use new vocabulary and

practice it with

End of the lesson. The Ladder method was Ss use their stickers to show Descriptor: Whiteboard
used as a reflection. T asks their knowledge according to
Ss to stick their stickers to the lesson Speak on the Pupils
the Success Ladder. theme Book Poster:
Reflection Green- I understood “Food and Success
drinks”, Ladder.
Yellow-I have some questions
Individual work: -can use
Red-I need a help. vocabulary
5 min.
Aim:To know how many Ss got -give advice
the theme. - 2points.
Unit:8 Space

Teacher’s name: Kuzembayeva K.T

Date: 01.04.2024

Grade:10 Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson: Amazing facts about space

Learning objectives(s) that this - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a
lesson is contributing to: range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics;

10.5.2 - use a growing range of vocabulary, which is appropriate to topic and

genre, and which is spelt accurately;

Lessonobjectives: All learners will be able to: usage of vocabulary

Most learners will be able to:usage of grammar

Some learners will be able to:vocabulary, grammar, write a for and against

Value links: Respect each other, be polite

Part of the Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Assessment Resources


Beginning of the Revision of previous Questions: Descriptor: Whiteboard

lesson lessons materials with the
help of the teacher. 1.What is a robot? -answer the
Pre-learning 1st-question
Differentiation: “verbal 2Tell the rule of Reported Cards
«Brainstorming» support” speech - answer the 2
method nd-question.
T asks different questions 3 make your own examples
5 min. answer the 3rd- Students
connected with the theme Aim:Revise the previous Book
and tries to help Ss to give question.
lessons material.
the correct answer. T asks Efficiency: Ss refresh their Total: 1point
leading questions to clarify mind before starting new theme.
the theme to the Ss who
needs T support.
Encourage Ss
Ss give their possible who answer
answers. After that T the questions
introduces the aim and
theme of the lesson.

Give Ss time to read the Exercise 1read the text and -choose the
text and complete the task. answer the questions right answer Whiteboard
Middle of the Aim: to read for specific
lesson information 1point Students
Efficiency: to develop Book
reading skills
Differentiation:“memory” Poster
7 min.
is used to identify their

Ask Ss to read the Exercise 2 -find the

statements 1-5.. correct answer Whiteboard
6 min. •Play the recording. Ss Mark sentences 1point Students
listen and mark the Book
statements accordingly
Aim:to listen for specific CD track
information 2.22
Efficiency: to develop
listening skills

Explain the task. Exercise 3, 4, 5 Complete the Descriptor: Whiteboard

•Ss complete the task sentences
8 min. -Choose the Students
Aim:to practice and right answer Book
consolidate the vocabulary
from the module Poster

Now choose the correct Total: 2points

option from exercise 4

Efficiency: to develop
writing skills

Differentiation: “flash”
method is used to identify
the quickest Ss.

“Captivating Grammar” Exercise 6,7,8 Descriptor: Whiteboard

7 min. Complete the tasks from Choose the correct item. choose the Students
exercise 6.7.8 right answer Book

Aim: to consolidate the 3 points

grammar from the module

“memory” is used to
identify their

Explain the task and give Exercise 9 to write an essay Descriptor: Whiteboard
Ss time to plan and
7min complete their work - write Students
sentences Book
Aim:to write an essay without
Writing task Efficiency: 2 points

Develop their writing skills

End of the lesson. The One-Minute Papers Ss answer the questions like : Ss evaluate Whiteboard
method was used as a What is the most important each other and
reflection. It provides the issue discussed today? encourage Students
opportunity to the students classmate with Book
Reflection What did you find difficult to
to provide a quick phrases like:
reflection on what they comprehend?
learned by responding to Well done!
What are some questions you Brilliant! Good
questions. would like to explore further? job! I like it!
5 min.
Aim:To know how many Ss got
the theme.

Efficiency:To make appropriate

modifications that would
enhance students’ learning
engagement and performance
method is used to finish the

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