MEC135 - Design and Fabrication of Multipurpose Agricultural Machine Report

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the award of the degree



____________________________________ ENGINEERING


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DEPARTMENT OF _______________________ ENGINEERING




The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without the mentioning of the people whose constant guidance and
encouragement made it possible. We take pleasure in presenting before you, our project,
which is result of studied blend of both research and knowledge.

We express our earnest gratitude to our internal guide, Assistant Professor

______________, Department of ________, our project guide, for his constant support,
encouragement and guidance. We are grateful for his cooperation and his valuable

Finally, we express our gratitude to all other members who are involved either directly or
indirectly for the completion of this project.


We, the undersigned, declare that the project entitled ‘_______________________,

being submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of _______________________
Engineering, affiliated to _________ University, is the work carried out by us.

__________ _________ _________

__________ _________ _________

Design and Fabrication of
Multipurpose Agricultural Machine

Agriculture has been the backbone of the economy and it will
continue to remain. Agriculture is the science and art of farming
including cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising
livestock. Generally, cultivation of any crop involves various
steps like ploughing, harvesting, sowing, and irrigation. Farmer
has to use various agricultural equipment’s and labours for
caring out these steps, our purpose is to combine all the
individual tools to provide farmers with multipurpose equipment
which implements all the scientific farming techniques and
specifications, suitable for all type of seed to seed cultivation
with minimum cost as possible. All this can be done in this same
machine. This multipurpose agro machine is wireless remote
operated & designed and fabricated as a multipurpose equipment
which is used for agricultural processes like ploughing, sowing
seeds and sprinkling water. This machine works in both
directions when it is pushed forward it ploughs the field with the
help of plough. The height of the plough can be adjusted, with
the help of screw arrangement and the seed feeder is mounted
directly to the motor. The motor rotates and the shaft attached to
it has holes. The motor is directly attached to the shaft with
holes. When we push the agriculture machine in a backward
direction, we can pick the plough up from the ground and the
pump which is attached to the front shaft will start pumping the
water from the tank and it will sprinkle water over the field.

Literature Review
In agriculture the use of robots enhances the productivity and
reduces the human effort and cost. The automation of various
agricultural activities by robots are envisioned. It has been described
that the present robot can perform better and can automate more
than one work simultaneously. This robot can be effectively used by
the farmers.
In future this robot can be enhanced with some more cognitive
capabilities and also to take appropriate actions even in the absence
of the farmers. It can be induced with human interaction and also
learning from experience, given by Blackmore, S.(2007). “A
systems view of agricultural robotics”.
Central to this idea was the proposal of the implementation of the
PFDS and PADS, and their strong interaction. The PFDS is
primarily used for relaying spatial accuracy information for
machinery navigation, while the PADS are used to communicate the
agronomy information about, and requirements of, the crop, given
by R. Eaton, R. Eaton, J. Katupitiya, S D Pathirana (2008),
“Autonomous farming: Modeling and control of agricultural
machinery in a unified framework”.
Gowtham kumar S N, Multipurpose Agriculture Machine. The
paper presents about the multiple agricultural tasks done by the
single robot. To develop the efficiency of the agricultural tasks we
have to find the new ways. This project deals with a novel approach
for cultivating lands in very efficient way. The distinctiveness of
this agriculture robot system is it is multitasking abilities which can
drill, pick and place, seeding, pumping water & fertilizers, weather
monitoring to work in both agriculture, afforestation and gardening
Vishnu Prakash K, Design and Fabrication of Multipurpose
Agricultural Robot, -This paper presents a project developed at the
K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology ( Tamilnadu, India) aimed
at designing, implementing, and testing an autonomous
multipurpose vehicle with safe, efficient, and economic
operation. This autonomous vehicle moves through the crop
lines of a Agricultural land and performs tasks that are tedious
and/or hazardous to the farmers. First, it has been equipped for
spraying, but other configurations have also been designed, such as:
a seeding ,plug platform to reach the top part of the plants to
perform different tasks (pruning, harvesting, etc.), and a trailer
to transport the fruits, plants, and crop waste.
B S Balaji, Smart Phone Operated Multipurpose Agricultural Robot,
The paper aims on the design, development and the fabrication of
the robot which can dig the soil, leveler to close the mud and
sprayer to spray water, these whole systems of the robot works with
the battery and the solar power. More than 40% of the population in
the world chooses agriculture as the primary occupation, in recent
years the development of the autonomous vehicles in the agriculture
has experienced increased interest.

Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy and it
will continue to remain so for a long time. ―A man without
food for three days will quarrel, for a week will fight and for a
month or so will die‖. Agriculture is a branch of applied science.
Agriculture is the science and art of farming including
cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising livestock. It is
the most important enterprise in the world. Over the years,
agricultural practices have been carried out by small-holders
cultivating between 2 to 3 hectare, using human labor and
traditional tools such as wooden plough, yoke, leveler, harrow,
mallot, spade, big sikle etc. These tools are used in land
preparation, for sowing of seeds, weeding and harvesting.
Modem agricultural techniques and equipments are not used by
small land holders because these equipments are too expensive
and difficult to acquire. By adopting scientific farming methods
we can get maximum yield and good quality crops which can
save a farmer from going bankrupt but majority of farmers still
uses primitive method of farming techniques due to lack of
knowledge or lack of investment for utilizing modern
The use of hand tools for land cultivation is still predominant in
India because tractors require resources that many Indian
farmers do not have easy access to. The need for agricultural
mechanization in India must therefore be assessed with a deeper
understanding of the small holder farmer‘s activities. There is
huge gap in technology adoption and Implement used with small

and marginal farmers. Sustainable improvement in the
livelihoods of poor farmers in developing countries depends
largely on the adoption of improved resource conserving
cropping systems. While most of the necessary components
already exist, information on the availability and performance of
equipment is lacking and effective communication between
farmers and agricultural research and development department is

Main Features of Indian Agriculture

(i) Source of livelihood:
Agriculture is the main occupation. It provides employment to
nearly 61% persons of total population. It contributes 25% to
national income.
(ii) Dependence on monsoon:
Agriculture in India mainly depends on monsoon. If monsoon is
good, the production will be more and if monsoon is less than
average then the crops fail. As irrigation facilities are quite
inadequate, the agriculture depends on monsoon.
(iii) Labor intensive cultivation:
Due to increase in population the pressure on land holding
increased. Land holdings get fragmented and subdivided and
become uneconomical. Machinery and equipment cannot be

used on such farms.
(iv) Under employment:
Due to inadequate irrigation facilities and uncertain rainfall, the
production of agriculture is less; farmers find work a few
months in the year. Their capacity of work cannot be properly
utilized. In agriculture there is under employment as well as
disguised unemployment.
(v) Small size of holdings:
Due to large scale sub-division and fragmentation of holdings,
land holding size is quite small. Average size of land holding
was 2 to 3 hectares in India while in Australia it was 1993
hectares and in USA it was 158 hectares.
(vi) Traditional methods of production:
In India methods of production of crops along with equipment
are traditional. It is due to
poverty and illiteracy of people. Traditional technology is the
main cause of low production.
(vii) Low Agricultural production:
Agricultural production is low in India. India produces 27 Qtls
Wheat per hectare. France produces 71.2 Qtls per hectare and
Britain 80 Qtls per hectare. Average annual productivity of an
agricultural labour is 162 dollars in India, 973 dollars in Norway
and 2408 dollars in USA.

(viii) Dominance of food crops:
75% of the cultivated area is under food crops like Wheat, Rice
and Bajra, while 25% of cultivated area is under commercial
crops. This pattern is cause of backward agriculture.

Major Challenges Faced By Indian Agriculture

1. Stagnation in Production of Major Crops: Production of some
of the major staple food crops like rice and wheat has been
stagnating for quite some time. This is a situation which is
worrying our agricultural scientists, planners and policy makers.
If this trend continues, there would be a huge gap between the
demand of ever growing population and the production.
2. High cost of Farm Inputs: Over the years rates of farm inputs
have increased. Farm inputs include fertilizer, insecticide,
pesticides, HYV seeds, farm labour cost etc. Such an increase
puts low and medium land holding farmers at a disadvantage.
3. Soil Exhaustion: Soil exhaustion means loss of nutrients in
the soil from farming the same crop over and over again. This
usually happens in the rain forest.
4. Depletion of Fresh Ground Water: Most of the irrigation in
dry areas of Punjab,
Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh was carried out by
excessive use of ground water. Today fresh ground water

situation in these states is alarming. In the coming few years if
this type of farming practice continues, these states are going to
face water famine.
5. Adverse impact of Global Climatic Change: Among various
challenges, global climatic change is the recent one. It is
predicted that due to climate change, temperature
would increase from 2°C to 3°C, there would be increase in sea
level, more intense cyclones, unpredictable rainfall etc These
changes would adversely affect the production of crops.
6. Impact of Globalization: You can see the effect of
globalization on the farm sector in India. All developing
countries have been affected by it. The most evident effect is the
squeeze on farmer‘s income and the threat to the viability of
cultivation in India. This is due to the rising input costs and
falling output prices. This reflects the combination of reduced
subsidy and protection to farmers.
7. Providing Food Security: Before the introduction of green
revolution in India, we were not self sufficient in terms of our
food grain production. With the introduction of green revolution,
production of food grains increased substantially and India
became self sufficient. However, during the last one decade the
total production has become stagnant.
On the other hand we have added another 16 to 18 million
populations over this period. Although India has become self
sufficient in good it is yet to ensure food security which is
dependent upon accessibility, affordability as well nutritional
value of the food available. One of the biggest challenges facing
India is Providing Food Security to its population.
8. Farmers Suicide: Every suicide has a multiple of causes but
when you have nearly 200,000 of them, it makes sense to seek
broad common factors within that group. The suicides appear
concentrated in regions of high commercialization of agriculture
and very high peasant debt. Cash crop farmers seemed far more
vulnerable to suicide than those growing food crops. Yet the
basic underlying causes of the crisis remained untouched.
Commercialization of the countryside along with massive
decline in investment in agriculture was the beginning of the
decline. Withdrawal of bank credit at a time of soaring input
prices and the crash in farm incomes compounded the problems.
Shifting of millions from food crop to cash crop cultivation had
its own risks. Privatization of many resources has also
compounded the problems. The devastation lies in the big 5
States of
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and
Chhattisgarh. These states accounted for two-thirds of all farm
suicides during 2003-08.Some of the major factors responsible
are indebtedness, crop failure and deterioration in economic
status. Decline in social position, exorbitant charges by local
money lenders for the vulnerable farmers, chronic illness in the
family, addiction etc. have made life of farmers difficult.
Advantages of Tractor Powered Equipment
Time consumption is very less.
Operation is easy.
Most suitable for larger fields.

Disadvantages of Tractor
Costly, High initial cost (6 to 8 lakh), high maintenance cost
(diesel cost) and service costfor replacing and repairs of the
Tractor wheels will destroy furrows. An average weight of
tractor is around 2 tons, when its weight acts on soil it tends to
form a clods these clods prevents the root growth.
Produces large amount of clods, hence clod breaker has to be
Tractors are not enough flexible for variations like edge tilling
and corner furrowing.
Requires skilled person. The handling of tractor in an
agricultural field is comparativelybdifficult than conventional
Once the crop is germinated tractor has no further use in
cultivation process.

Disadvantages of Bullock Powered Equipment.
Consume more time.
Difficult to cultivate large areas.

Advantages Of Bullock Powered Equipment

Low cost.
Suitable for all types of agricultural operations.
Flexible to changes; the irregular paths can be created according
to requirements of theformer.
The seeds and the furrows will not be damaged as seen in


Agriculture is the art and underlying science in production and
improvement of field crops with the efficient use of soil fertility,
water, labor and other factors related to crop production. It is the
most important enterprise in the world. About 70% of Indian
populations are either farmers or involved in some agricultural
related activities

Steps Involved In Agriculture

a. Seed selection
Among varieties of crops, a suitable crop has to be selected for
b. Land preparation
It involves tilling, ploughing and furrows and ridges formation
c. Fertilizer application: organic fertilizer is applied during
ploughing, chemical fertilizer is applied before sowing and
during vegetative stage.
d. Seed preparation
Seeds are treated with fungicides like carbendazim before

e. Sowing
Seeding or sowing is an art of placing seeds in the soil to have
good germination in the field
f. Irrigation
Watering the crops for its growth and development.
- Surface irrigation.
- Drip irrigation.
- Sprinkler irrigation.
- Rain dependent irrigation.
g. Germination – seed develops into a two leaf stage, tiny plant.
h. Thinning – only one plant is retained in each pit by plucking
the excess seeding. One healthy seeding is left and other seeding
is plucked to support the complete resources of water, fertilizer
and spacing for single plant.
i. Filling – if there is no germination in some pits; when some
seeds fail to germinate, then seedling is plucked from where it is
excess and planted at the empty space.
j. Weeding: The process of removing the unwanted plants in the
field to ensure complete utilization of resources only to the crop.
- Manual weeding (once in 3 weeks).
- Before sowing, field has to be ploughed well to remove all

- After germination tiny weeds area removed using weeding
- After vegetative stage weedicides are sprayed. Chemical
weeding – spraying of weedicides like "pendimethalin" of 1 liter
is mixed with 200 liters of water for one hectare. Spraying
during weeding will prevent formation of weeds during next one
k. Vegetative stage – maximum growth of plant takes place in
this stage.
l. Flowering stage: plant starts producing flowers in this stage.
m. Pesticides spraying – When the crops are infested with pests
use pesticides.
n. Fruit/pod formation stage: At this stage development of fruit
or pod takes place.
o. Harvesting stage – separating crop from soil.
p. Threshing – separating seeds from plants.


Seeding or sowing is an art of placing seeds in the soil to have
good germination in the field. A perfect seeding gives
a. Correct amount of seed per unit area.
b. Correct depth at which seed is placed in the soil.
c. Correct spacing between row-to-row and plant-to-plant.
Methods of Sowing:
The sowing method is determined by the crop to be sown. There
are 6 sowing methods which differ in their merits, demerits and
adoption. Those are:

1) Broad casting: It is the scattering of seeds by hand all over

the prepared field followed by covering with wooden plank or
harrow for contact of seed with soil. Crops like wheat, paddy,
Sesamum, methi, coriander, etc. are sown by this method.
(a) Quickest & cheapest method
(b) Skilled labor is not required.
(c) Implement is not required.
(d) Followed in moist condition.

(a) Seed requirement is more.
(b) Crop is not uniform.
(c) Results in gap in germination & defective wherever the
adequate moisture is not present in the soil.
(d) Spacing is not maintained within rows & lines, hence
interculturing is difficult.

2) Drilling or Line sowing: It is the dropping of seeds into the

soil with the help of implement such as mogha, seed drill, seed-
cum-ferti driller or mechanical seed drill and then the seeds are
covered by wooden plank or harrow to have contact between
seed & soil. Crops like Jowar, wheat Bajara, etc. are sown by
this method.

(a) Seeds are placed at proper & uniform depths
(b) Along the rows, interculturing can be done
(c) Uniform row to row spacing is maintained
(d) Seed requirement is less than ‗broad casting‘
(e) Sowing is done at proper moisture level.

a) Require implement for sowing
b) Plant to plant (Intra row) spacing is not maintained
c) Skilled person is required for sowing.

3) Dibbling: It is the placing or dibbling of seeds at cross marks

(+) made in the field with the help of maker as per the
requirement of the crop in both the directions. It is done
manually by dibbler. This method is followed in crops like
Groundnut, Castor, Cotton, etc. which are having bold size and
high value.

a) Spacing between rows & plants is maintained
b) Seeds can be dibbled at desired depth in the moisture zone
c) Optimum plant population can be maintained
d) Seed requirement is less than other method
e) Implement is not required for sowing
f) An intercrop can be taken in wider spaced crops
g) Cross wise Intercultivation is possible

a) Laborious & time consuming method
b) Require more labour, hence increase the cost of cultivation
c) Only high value & bold seeds are sown
d) Require strict supervision.

4) Transplanting: It is the raising of seedlings on nursery beds

and transplanting of seedlings in the laid out field. For this,
seedlings are allowed to grow on nursery beds for about 3-5
weeks. Beds are watered one day before the transplanting of
nursery to prevent jerk to the roots. The field is irrigated before
actual transplanting to get the seedlings established early &
quickly which reduce the mortality. Besides the advantages &
disadvantages of dibbling method, initial cost of cultivation of
crop can be saved but requires due care in the nursery. This
method is followed in crops like paddy, fruit, vegetable, crops,
tobacco, etc.

5) Planting: It is the placing of vegetative part of crops which

are vegetatively propagated in the laid out field. E.g.: Tubers of
Potato, mother sets of ginger & turmeric, cuttings of sweet
potato & grapes, sets of sugarcane.

6) Sowing behind the plough: Sowing behind the plough is
done by manual or mechanical means. Seeds are dropped in the
furrows opened by the plough and the same is closed or covered
when the next furrow is opened. The seeds are sown at uniform
distance. Manual method is a laborious and time consuming
process. Seeds like redgram, cowpea and groundnut are sown
behind the country plough. Major sown crop is ground out.
Seeds are sown by mechanical means by Gorus – seed drill. A
seed drill has a plough share and hopper. Seeds are placed on
hopper. Currently different types of seed drill are available.

7) Some other forms of sowing are:

Row planting: Mark the placement of a row within your garden,
and then make a furrow at the correct depth along the row. Some
seeds may not sprout, so sow seeds more thickly than you want
the final spacing of the crops to be. Thinning rows is less of a
chore if you space seeds as evenly as possible. Cover the seeds
with fine soil and then firm them in with the back of a hoe to
make sure that all the seeds are in contact with the soil. Water
gently. If you plan to use furrow irrigation, fill the furrows with
water first and then push the large seeds into the top of raised
Wide row planting: This method allows you to plant more seeds
in less space by concentrating watering, weeding, and fertilizing
in a smaller area. Rows are generally

10 to 16 inches (25 to 41 cm) wide. Sprinkle seeds over the
entire row — with most crops, try to land the seeds about 1/2 to
1 inch (1 to 2 cm) apart. For peas and beans, space them 1-1/2 to
2 inches (4 to 5 cm). Cover small seeds with a thin layer of
potting soil. Lightly pat the potting soil down again to bring the
added soil into firm contact with the seeds.
Bed planting: Planting in beds is essentially the same as planting
wide rows.
Hill planting: Plant seeds for vining crops that spread out, such
as squash, melons, or cucumbers, in hills or circular groups.
Loosen the soil in a 1-foot-diameter (30 cm) area, level the area,
and then plant five to six seeds close together. Thin out all but
the two strongest seedlings

Factors affecting Germination and Emergence:

 Viability of seed
 Soil temperature
 Availability of soil moisture to seeds
 Soil aeration
 Mechanical impedance of seedling emergence (resistance
of soil to penetration by seedling)

These are influenced by:

 Soil type
 Physical condition of the soil
 Depth of planting
 Intimacy of contact between seeds and soil
 Degree of compacting of soil above the seeds
 Formation of surface crusts after planting
 Final field stand is also due to disease, insects, and adverse
environmental conditions.

Design Consideration

Several structural design considerations should be taken into

account for economical and efficient manufacturing. Many of
these apply to other joining methods, and all apply to both
subassemblies and the complete structure.


1. Definition of problem

2. Synthesis

3. Analysis of forces

4. Selection of material

5. Determination of mode of failure

6. Selection of factor of safety

7. Determination of dimensions

8. Modification of dimensions

9. Preparation of drawings

10. Preparation of design report


 Strength
 Rigidity
 Reliability
 Safety
 Cost
 Weight
 Ergonomics
 Aesthetics
 Manufacturing considerations
 Assembly considerations
 Conformance to standards
 Friction and wear
 Life
 Vibrations
 Thermal considerations
 Lubrication
 Maintenance
 Flexibility

 Size and shape
 Stiffness
 Corrosion
 Noise
 Environmental considerations


• Appearance is an outward expression of quality of the product

and is the first communication of product with the user.

• Aesthetics is defined as the set of principles of appreciation of

beauty. It deals with the appearance of the product.


 Form(shape)
 Symmetry and shape
 Color
 Continuity
 Variety
 Proportion
 Noise
 Contrast
 Impression and purpose
 Style
 Material and surface finish
 Tolerance


• Ergonomics is defined as the study of the man - machine -

working environment relationship

• It aims at decreasing the physical and mental stresses to the


• Areas covered under ergonomics

• Communication between man (user) and machine

• Working environment

• Human anatomy and posture while using the machine

• Energy expenditure in hand and foot operations


 Minimum total number of parts in a product

 Minimum variety of parts
 Use standard parts
 Use modular design
 Design parts to be multifunctional
 Design parts for multiple use
 Select least costly material
 Design parts for ease of manufacture
 Shape the parts for minimizing the operations


• It is the process of establishing the set of norms to which a

specified set of characteristics of a component or a product
should conform

• Example: Standardizing the shaft consists of specifying the set

of shaft diameters and material

Objectives of standardization

• To make the interchangeability of the components possible

• To make the mass production of components easier


 Strength
 Stiffness/Rigidity
 Elasticity
 Plasticity
 Ductility
 Brittleness
 Malleability
 Toughness
 Machinability
 Resilience
 Creep
 Fatigue
 Hardness



 Plougher – Mild Steel

 Water tank
 Water Pump – 12V DC
 Seed feeder
 Wheels
 Motors
 Metal frame

 Metal Frame:
It is made up of Mild steel by using 25 x 25 x 3mm L
angle. It give supports to our machine
 Plougher:
It is made up of Mild steel sheet with the help of laser
cutting. The Movement of plougher is adjusted by using
worm gear assembly.
 Seed Sowing:
It is made up of aluminum sheet and pipe is attached
to the 12V DC Motor. So when the pipe is rotated the seed
gets sowed.
 Water Tank:
A 12V DC water pump is attached to plastic water
tank. It is used to pour water on the seeds.
 12V DC Motor:
This helps in movement of motor.

Fabrication Processes used

Laser Beam Machining (LBM)

Lasers are used for many purposes. One way they are used is for cutting
metal plates. On mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum plate, the
laser cutting process is highly accurate, yields excellent cut quality, has
a very small kerf width and small heat affect zone, and makes it
possible to cut very intricate shapes and small holes.

Most people already know that the word “LASER” is actually an

acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

The laser beam is a column of very high intensity light, of a single
wavelength, or color. In the case of a typical CO2 laser, that wavelength
is in the Infra-Red part of the light spectrum, so it is invisible to the
human eye. The beam is only about 3/4 of an inch in diameter as it
travels from the laser resonator, which creates the beam, through the
machine’s beam path. It may be bounced in different directions by a
number of mirrors, or “beam benders”, before it is finally focused onto
the plate. The focused laser beam goes through the bore of a nozzle
right before it hits the plate. Also flowing through that nozzle bore is a
compressed gas, such as Oxygen or Nitrogen.

Focusing the laser beam can be done by a special lens, or by a curved

mirror, and this takes place in the laser cutting head. The beam has to
be precisely focused so that the shape of the focus spot and the density
of the energy in that spot are perfectly round and consistent, and
centered in the nozzle. By focusing the large beam down to a single
pinpoint, the heat density at that spot is extreme. Think about using a
magnifying glass to focus the sun’s rays onto a leaf, and how that can
start a fire. Now think about focusing 6 KWatts of energy into a single
spot, and you can imagine how hot that spot will get.

The high power density results in rapid heating, melting and partial or
complete vaporizing of the material. When cutting mild steel, the heat
of the laser beam is enough to start a typical “oxy-fuel” burning
process, and the laser cutting gas will be pure oxygen, just like an oxy-
fuel torch. When cutting stainless steel or aluminum, the laser beam
simply melts the material, and high pressure nitrogen is used to blow
the molten metal out of the kerf.

On a CNC laser cutter, the laser cutting head is moved over the metal
plate in the shape of the desired part, thus cutting the part out of the
plate. A capacitive height control system maintains a very accurate
distance between the end of the nozzle and the plate that is being cut.
This distance is important, because it determines where the focal point
is relative to the surface of the plate. Cut quality can be affected by
raising or lowering the focal point from just above the surface of the
plate, at the surface, or just below the surface.

There are many, many other parameters that affect cut quality as well,
but when all are controlled properly, laser cutting is a stable, reliable,
and very accurate cutting process.

Advantages of LBM:

 Tool wear and breakage are not encountered.

 Very small holes with large aspect ratio can be achieved.
 A wide variety of hard and difficult-to-machine materials can be
 Machining is extremely rapid and the setup times is economical.
 Holes can be located accurately by using an optical laser system
for alignment.
 The operating cost is low.

Lathe Machine Operations:
Facing is the operation of machining the ends of a piece of work to produce flat
surface square with the axis. The operation involves feeding the tool
perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the work.

Turning in a lathe is to remove excess material from the workpiece to produce a
cylindrical surface of required shape and size.

 Straight turning:The work is turned straight when it is made to rotate

about the lathe axis and the tool is fed parallel to the lathe axis. The
straight turning produces a cylindrical surface by removing excess metal
from the workpieces.

 Step turning: Step turning is the process of turning different surfaces
having different diameters. The work is held between centres and the tool
is moved parallel to the axis of the lathe. It is also called shoulder turning.

Eccentric turning
If a cylindrical workpiece has two separate axes of rotating, one being out of
centre to the other, the workpiece is termed as eccentric and turning of different

surfaces of the workpiece is known as eccentric turning. The distance between
the axes is known as offset. Eccentric turning may also be done on some special
machines. If the offset distance is more, the work is held by means of special
centres. If the offset between the centres is small, two sets of centres are marked
on the faces of the work. The work is held and rotated between each set of
centres to machine the eccentric surfaces.

Taper turning

A taper may be defined as a uniform increase or decrease in diameter of a piece

of work measured along its length.

Taper turning methods

1. Form tool method

2. Compound rest method
3. Tailstock set over method
4. Taper turning attachment method
5. Combined feed method

1. Form tool method

A broad nose tool is ground to the required length and angle. It is set on the work
by providing feed to the cross-slide. When the tool is fed into the work at right
angles to the lathe axis, a tapered surface is generated.

This method is limited to turn short lengths of taper only. The length of the taper
is shorter than the length of the cutting edge. Less feed is given as the entire
cutting edge will be in contact with the work.

2. Compound rest method
The compound rest of the lathe is attached to a circular base graduated
in degrees, which may be swiveled and clamped at any desired angle.
The angle of taper is calculated using the formula
D1−D 2
tan α =

D1∧D2 =large∧small dia .respectively

l=length of taper

α =taper angle∨the angle about which compound rest is swiveled

The compound rest is swiveled to the angle calculated as above and clamped.
Feed is given to the compound slide to generate the required taper.

3. Tailstock setover method
Turning taper by the setover method is done by shifting the axis of rotation of the
workpiece at an angle to the lathe axis and feeding the tool parallel to the lathe
axis. The construction of tailstock is designed to have two parts namely the base
and the body. The base is fitted on the bed guideways and the body having the
dead centre can be moved at cross to shift the lathe axis.

The amount of setover – S, can be calculated as follows

D 1−D2
S= L×

The dead centre is suitably shifted from its original position to the calculated
distance. The work is held between centres and longitudinal feed is given by the
carriage to generate the taper.

The advantage of this method is that the taper can be turned to the entire length
of the work. Taper threads can also be cut by this method.

The amount of setover being limited, this method is suitable for turning small
tapers (approx. upto 8°). Internal tapers cannot be done by this method.

4. Taper attachment method
The taper attachment consists of a bracket which is attached to the rear end of
the lathe bed. It supports a guide bar pivoted at the centre. The bar having
graduation in degrees may be swiveled on either side of the zero graduation and
set at the desired angle to the lathe axis. A guide block is mounted on the guide
bar and slides on it. The cross slide is made free from its screw by removing the
binder screw. The rear end of the cross slide is tightened with the guide block by
means of a bolt. When the longitudinal feed is engaged, the tool mounted on the
cross slide will follow the angular path as the guide block will slide on the guide
bar set at an angle of the lathe axis. The depth of cut is provided by the
compound slide which is set parallel to the cross-slide.

The advantage of this method is that long tapers can be machined. As power feed
can be employed, the work is completed at a shorter time. The disadvantage of
this method is that internal tapers cannot be machined.

5. Combined feed method

Feed is given to the tool by the carriage and the cross-slide at the same time to
move the tool at resultant direction to turn tapers.

Drilling operation:
It is the process of producing cylindrical hole in the workpiece. In this operation,
Workpiece is held in a chuck or a suitable device and the drill is held in the
tailstock. During operation, the drill is fed by rotating the handwheel of the
tailstockin clockwise direction. First a shorter length is drilled by using a smaller
and shorter drill, followed by producing the required diameter with the help of
correct drill size.

Reaming Operation
It is a finishing operation because a very small amount of material is removed
during the operation. For performing reaming a multi-teeth tool is used, which is
called as reamer. During the operation, the workpiece is held in a chuck or face

plate and the reamer shank is fitted in a sleeve or inserted in the tapered hole of
the tailstock spindle.

Boring Operation:
It is an operation which is employed for machining internal surfaces, hence also
called as internal turning. Boring is done to enlarge the already drilled hole and
bring them to the exact required size. Generally, a single point cutting tool is used
for this purpose.

Knurling is the process of embossing a diamond shaped pattern on the surface of
the workpiece. The knurling tool holder has one or two hardened steel rollers
with edges of required pattern. The tool holder is pressed against the rotating
work. The rollers emboss the required pattern. The tool holder is fed
automatically to the required length. Knurls are available in coarse, medium and
fine pitches. The patterns may be straight, inclined or diamond shaped.

Thread cutting

Thread cutting is one of the most important operations performed in a lathe. The
process of thread cutting is to produce a helical groove on a cylindrical surface by
feeding the tool longitudinally.

1. The job is revolved between centres or by a The longitudinal feed should be
equal to the pitch of the thread to be cut per revolution of the work piece.
2. The carriage should be moved longitudinally obtaining feed through the
leadscrew of the
3. A definite ratio between the longitudinal feed and rotation of the
headstock spindle should be found Suitable gears with required number of
teeth should be mounted on the spindle and the leadscrew.
4. A proper thread cutting tool is selected according to the shape of the It is
mounted on the toolpost with its cutting edge at the lathe axis and
perpendicular to the axis of the work.
5. The position of the tumbler gears are adjusted according to the type of the
thread (right hand or left hand).
6. Suitable spindle speed is selected and it is obtained through back
7. Half nut lever is engaged at the right point as indicated by the thread
8. Depth of cut is set suitably to allow the tool to make a light cut on the
9. When the cut is made for the required length, the half nut lever is The
carriage is brought back to its original position and the above procedure is
repeated until the required depth of the thread is achieved.
10.After the process of thread cutting is over, the thread is checked by
suitable gauges.

Chamfering is the operation of bevelling the extreme end of the workpiece. The
form tool used for taper turning may be used for this purpose. Chamfering is an
essential operation after thread cutting so that the nut may pass freely on the
threaded workpiece.

Grooving is the process of cutting a narrow goove on the cylindrical surface of the
workpiece. It is often done at end of a thread or adjacent to a shoulder to leave a
small margin. The groove may be square, radial or bevelled in shape.

Forming is a process of turning a convex, concave or any irregular shape. For
turning a small length formed surface, a forming tool having cutting edges
conforming to the shape required is fed straight into the work.

Selection Process of Materials:

1) Frame
Options available:
1) Mild Steel
2) Stainless Steel
3) Aluminium

The frame is the main structure of the project where the

different parts are attached. The main function of the frame
is support the main assembly and transfer of the load.

As the mild steel is easily available in the local market, and

it can be machined according to use we used the mild steel
for the manufacturing of the frame.

Mechanical Properties of Mild Steel:

Max Stress 400-560 n/mm2

Yield Stress 300-440 n/mm2 Min

0.2% Proof Stress 280-420 n/mm2 Min

Elongation 10-14% Min

Force Acting on the Frame:

 Weight of the components

 Force due to braking and acceleration

2) Seed Feeder:
Made up of Alumnium

3) Motor :
We are taking electrical components such that it can
operate on 12V. As the 12V supply battery can be small
and efficient to take load of the whole circuit.

12V DC Motor with 30RPM is used to drive the vehicle.

4) Wheels :
We are using wheels made up of Plastic and Rubber.

5) Water Tank and Pump :

12V DC pump operated water tank is used

This multipurpose agro machine is wireless remote operated &
designed and fabricated as a multipurpose equipment which is
used for agricultural processes like ploughing, sowing seeds and
sprinkling water. This machine works in both directions when it
is pushed forward it ploughs the field with the help of plough.
The height of the plough can be adjusted, with the help of screw
arrangement and the seed feeder is mounted directly to the
motor. The motor rotates and the shaft attached to it has holes.
The motor is directly attached to the shaft with holes. When we
push the agriculture machine in a backward direction, we can
pick the plough up from the ground and the pump which is
attached to the front shaft will start pumping the water from the
tank and it will sprinkle water over the field.

Objective of Our Project
The purpose of this project is to provide farmer with
multipurpose equipment which implements all the scientific
farming specifications and technology to get maximum yield
and good quality crops by reducing investment and number of
There are many tractor powered equipment which are suitable
and economical only for more than 5 acres of land. There are
many hand pulled equipments which are only suitable for
gardening purpose. Our objective of making animal powered
equipment is suitable for 1 acre to 3 acres of land it is both
economical and modernized with scientific methods. Majority of
Indian formers are the land owners of 1 to 3 acres. Hence it is
most suitable for Indian economy and farming techniques.

Factors That Influenced Design and Fabrication Of Our
 Scientific farming methods
 Precision farming
 Acceptance for all types of seed to seed farming
 Fool proofing
 Portability of the equipment: our equipment is completely
flexible for easy assembly and disassembly.
 Low cost


Atmega 328

ATmega328 is an eight bit Microcontroller. It can handle the data sized of up to eight bits. It is an AVR
based miniaturized scale controller. Its built in interior memory is around 32KB. It works extending from
3.3V to 5V. It has a capacity to store the information notwithstanding when the electrical supply is
expelled from its biasing terminals. Its brilliant highlights incorporate the cost effectiveness, low power
dispersal, programming lock for security purposes, genuine clock counter with isolated oscillator. It's
ordinarily utilized as a part of Embedded Systems applications.
The computer on one hand is intended to play out all the universally useful errands on a solitary
machine like you can utilize a computer to run a product to perform estimations or you can utilize a
computer to store some media record or to get to web through the program, while the microcontrollers
are intended to perform just the particular undertakings, for e.g., turning the AC off naturally when
room temperature drops to a specific characterized confine and again turning it ON when temperature
transcends as far as possible.

There are number of mainstream groups of microcontrollers which are utilized as a part of various
applications according to their capacity and attainability to play out the coveted errand, most normal of
these are 8051, AVR and PIC microcontrollers. In this we will present you with AVR group of
There are number of well known groups of microcontrollers which are utilized as a part of various
applications according to their capacity and achievability to play out the coveted undertaking, most
normal of these are 8051, AVR and PIC microcontrollers. In this we will present you with AVR group of
The present microcontrollers are very different from what it were in the underlying stage, and the
quantity of producers are considerably more in check than it was 10 years or two prior. At current
portion of the real producers are Microchip (production: PIC microcontrollers), Atmel (distribution: AVR
microcontrollers), Hitachi, Phillips, Maxim, NXP, Intel and so forth. Our intrest is upon ATmega32. It has
a place with Atmel's AVR arrangement small scale controller family. How about we see the highlights.

Features include:
 High Performance, Low Power Design
 8-Bit Microcontroller Atmel® AVR® advanced RISC architecture
o 131 Instructions most of which are executed in a single clock cycle
o Up to 20 MIPS throughput at 20 MHz
o 32 x 8 working registers
o 2 cycle multiplier
 Memory Includes
o 32KB of of programmable FLASH
o 10,000 Write and Erase Cycles for Flash and 100,000 for EEPROM
o Data retention for 20 years at 85°C and 100 years at 25°C
o Optional boot loader with lock bits
 In System Programming (ISP) by via boot loader
 True Read-While-Write operation
o Programming lock available for software security
 Features Include
o 2 x 8-bit Timers/Counters each with independent prescaler and compare modes
o A single 16-bit Timer/Counter with an idependent prescaler, compare and capture
o Real time counter with independent oscillator
o 10 bit, 6 channel analog to digital Converter
o 6 pulse width modulation channels
o Internal temperature sensor

o Serial USART (Programmable)
o Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface - (Philips I2C compatible)
o Programmable watchdog timer with independent internal oscillator
o Internal analog comparator
o Interrupt and wake up on pin change
 Additional Features Features
o Internal calibrated oscillator
o Power on reset and programmable brown out detection
o External and internal interrupts
o 6 sleep modes including idle, ADC noise reduction, power save, power down,
standby, and extended standby
 I/O and Package
o 23 programmable I/O lines
o 28 pin PDIP package
 Operating voltage:
o 1.8 - 5.5V
 Operating temperature range:
o 40°C to 85°C
 Speed Grades:
o 0-4 MHz at 1.8-5.5V
o 0-10 MHz at 2.7-5.5V
o 0-20 MHz at 4.5-5.5V
 Low power consumption mode at 1.8V, 1 MHz and 25°C:
o Active Mode: 0.3 mA
o Power-down Mode: 0.1 μA
o Power-save Mode: 0.8 μA (Including 32 kHz RTC)

Flash: 32 KBytes
EEPROM: 1 KBytes
SRAM: 2 KBytes
Max I/O Pins: 23
Frequency Max: 20 MHz
VCC: 1.8-5.5
10-bit A/D
16-bit Timers: 1
8-bit Timer: 2
Brown Out Yes

Ext Interrupts: 2
Interrupts: 26
ISP: Yes
On Chip
PWM Channels: 6
RTC: Yes
Self Program
SPI: 1
TWI: Yes
Watchdog: Yes
Lead Free PDIP

Pin Diagram

Pin configuration

Pin name Description Secondary Function

Pin by default is used as RESET pin. PC6 can

1 PC6 (RESET) Pin6 of PORTC only be used as I/O pin when RSTDISBL Fuse is

RXD (Data Input Pin for USART)

2 PD0 (RXD) Pin0 of PORTD USART Serial Communication Interface

[Can be used for programming]

TXD (Data Output Pin for USART)

USART Serial Communication Interface

3 PD1 (TXD) Pin1 of PORTD [Can be used for programming]

INT2( External Interrupt 2 Input)

External Interrupt source 0

4 PD2 (INT0) Pin2 of PORTD

External Interrupt source1

5 Pin3 of PORTD
OC2B(PWM - Timer/Counter2 Output
Compare Match B Output)

6 PD4 (XCK/T0) Pin4 of PORTD T0( Timer0 External Counter Input)

XCK ( USART External Clock I/O)

7 VCC Connected to positive voltage

8 GND Connected to ground

XTAL1 (Chip Clock Oscillator pin 1 or External

PB6 clock input)
9 Pin6 of PORTB
TOSC1 (Timer Oscillator pin 1)

XTAL2 (Chip Clock Oscillator pin 2)

10 Pin7 of PORTB
TOSC2 (Timer Oscillator pin 2)

T1(Timer1 External Counter Input)

11 Pin5 of PORTD
OC0B(PWM - Timer/Counter0 Output
Compare Match B Output)

AIN0(Analog Comparator Positive I/P)

12 Pin6 of PORTD
OC0A(PWM - Timer/Counter0 Output
Compare Match A Output)

AIN1(Analog Comparator Negative I/P)

13 PD7 (AIN1) Pin7 of PORTD

14 PB0 Pin0 of PORTB ICP1(Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Pin)

CLKO (Divided System Clock. The divided
system clock can be output on the PB0 pin)

OC1A (Timer/Counter1 Output Compare

15 PB1 (OC1A) Pin1 of PORTB
Match A Output)

SS (SPI Slave Select Input). This pin is low

when controller acts as slave.

[Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for

16 PB2 (SS/OC1B) Pin2 of PORTB

OC1B (Timer/Counter1 Output Compare

Match B Output)

MOSI (Master Output Slave Input). When

controller acts as slave, the data is received
by this pin. [Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
PB3 for programming]
17 Pin3 of PORTB
OC2 (Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match

MISO (Master Input Slave Output). When

controller acts as slave, the data is sent to
master by this controller through this pin.

18 PB4 (MISO) Pin4 of PORTB

[Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for


19 PB5 (SCK) Pin5 of PORTB SCK (SPI Bus Serial Clock). This is the clock
shared between this controller and other

system for accurate data transfer.

[Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for


20 AVCC Power for Internal ADC Converter

21 AREF Analog Reference Pin for ADC


23 PC0 (ADC0) Pin0 of PORTC ADC0 (ADC Input Channel 0)

24 PC1 (ADC1) Pin1 of PORTC ADC1 (ADC Input Channel 1)

25 PC2 (ADC2) Pin2 of PORTC ADC2 (ADC Input Channel 2)

26 PC3 (ADC3) Pin3 of PORTC ADC3 (ADC Input Channel 3)

ADC4 (ADC Input Channel 4)

27 Pin4 of PORTC
(ADC4/SDA) SDA (Two-wire Serial Bus Data Input/output

ADC5 (ADC Input Channel 5)

28 PC5 (ADC5/SCL) Pin5 of PORTC
SCL (Two-wire Serial Bus Clock Line)

Block Diagram of Atmega328


There are hundreds of applications for ATMEGA328P:


 Industrial control systems.
 SMPS and Power Regulation systems.
 Digital data processing.
 Analog signal measuring and manipulations.
 Embedded systems like coffee machine, vending machine.
 Motor control systems.
 Display units.
 Peripheral Interface system.


What is DC Motor?

A DC motor is an electric motor that runs on direct current (DC) electricity. In any electric
motor, operation is based on simple electromagnetism. A current-carrying conductor generates a
magnetic field; when this is then placed in an external magnetic field, it will experience a force
proportional to the current in the conductor, and to the strength of the external magnetic field. As
you are well aware of from playing with magnets as a kid, opposite (North and South) polarities
attract, while like polarities (North and North, South and South) repel. The internal configuration
of a DC motor is designed to harness the magnetic interaction between a current-carrying
conductor and an external magnetic field to generate rotational motion.
Let's start by looking at a simple 2-pole DC electric motor (here red represents a magnet
or winding with a "North" polarization, while green represents a magnet or winding with a
"South" polarization).

Fig.4.8(c) DC motor

Every DC motor has six basic parts -- axle, rotor (a.k.a., armature), stator, commutator,
field magnet(s), and brushes. In most common DC motors, the external magnetic field is
produced by high-strength permanent magnets1. The stator is the stationary part of the motor --
this includes the motor casing, as well as two or more permanent magnet pole pieces. The rotor
rotates with respect to the stator. The rotor consists of windings (generally on a core), the

windings being electrically connected to the commutator. The above diagram shows a common
motor layout -- with the rotor inside the stator (field) magnets.
The geometry of the brushes, commutator contacts, and rotor windings are such that
when power is applied, the polarities of the energized winding and the stator magnet(s) are
misaligned, and the rotor will rotate until it is almost aligned with the stator's field magnets. As
the rotor reaches alignment, the brushes move to the next commutator contacts, and energize the
next winding. Given our example two-pole motor, the rotation reverses the direction of current
through the rotor winding, leading to a "flip" of the rotor's magnetic field, driving it to continue

In real life, though, DC motors will always have more than two poles (three is a very
common number). In particular, this avoids "dead spots" in the commutator. You can imagine
how with our example two-pole motor, if the rotor is exactly at the middle of its rotation
(perfectly aligned with the field magnets), it will get "stuck" there. Meanwhile, with a two-pole
motor, there is a moment where the commutator shorts out the power supply (i.e., both brushes
touch both commutator contacts simultaneously). This would be bad for the power supply, waste
energy, and damage motor components as well. Yet another disadvantage of such a simple motor
is that it would exhibit a high amount of torque "ripple".
So since most small DC motors are of a three-pole design, let's tinker with the workings of one
via an interactive animation (JavaScript required):

You'll notice a few things from this -- namely, one pole is fully energized at a time (but
two others are "partially" energized). As each brush transitions from one commutator contact to
the next, one coil's field will rapidly collapse, as the next coil's field will rapidly charge up (this
occurs within a few microsecond). We'll see more about the effects of this later, but in the
meantime you can see that this is a direct result of the coil windings' series wiring.


What is RF?
RF itself has become synonymous with wireless and high-frequency signals, describing
anything from AM radio between 535 kHz and 1605 kHz to computer local area networks
(LANs) at 2.4 GHz. However, RF has traditionally defined frequencies from a few kHz to
roughly 1 GHz. If one considers microwave frequencies as RF, this range extends to 300 GHz.
The following two tables outline the various nomenclatures for the frequency bands. The third
table outlines some of the applications at each of the various frequency bands.
Table 1: Frequency Band Designations

 Range in open space(Standard Conditions) : 100 Meters
 RX Receiver Frequency : 433 MHz
 RX Typical Sensitivity : 105 Dbm
 RX Supply Current : 3.5 mA
 RX IF Frequency : 1MHz
 Low Power Consumption
 Easy For Application
 RX Operating Voltage : 5V
 TX Frequency Range : 433.92 MHz
 TX Supply Voltage : 3V ~ 6V

 TX Out Put Power : 4 ~ 12 Dbm


Fig 4.9(a): 315/433 MHz TRANSMITTER

General Description:
The ST-TX01-ASK is an ASK Hybrid transmitter module. ST-TX01-ASK is designed by the
Saw Resonator, with an effective low cost, small size, and simple-to-use for designing.
Frequency Range: 315 / 433.92 MHZ.
Supply Voltage: 3~12V.
Output Power: 4~16dBm
Circuit Shape: Saw

PIN Description

Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Symbol Condition Unit
Min. Typic Max.
Operation 3 5 12V V
Voltage V V
315MHz 4 10 16 dBm
Output power Psens Supply 11 20 57 mA
1Kbps Data current
Rate 434MHz 4 10 16 dBm

Supply 11 22 59 mA
Tune on Time To Data start out by Vcc turn 10 20 ms
n on

Data Rate 200 1k 3k bps

Input duty Vcc=5V; 1kbps data 40 60 %

Temperature -20 +80 ℃

*Wireless security systems
*Car Alarm systems
*Remote controls.
*Sensor reporting
*Automation systems


Fig.4.9(b):315/434 MHz ASK RECEIVER

General Description:
The ST-RX02-ASK is an ASK Hybrid receiver module. A effective low cost solution for using at
315/433.92 MHZ. The circuit shape of ST-RX02-ASK is L/C. Receiver Frequency: 315 / 433.92 MHZ
Typical sensitivity: -105dBm

Supply Current: 3.5mA IF Frequency: 1MHz

 Low power consumption
 Easy for application
 Operation temperature range: ﹣20℃~+70℃
 Operation voltage: 5 Volts.
 Available frequency at: 315/434 MHz

Pin Description


 Operating voltage is 2.4V~12V for the HT12E.
 Low power and high noise immunity CMOS technology
 Low standby current: 0.1_A (typ.) at VDD=5V
 HT12A with a 38kHz carrier for infrared transmission medium
 Minimum transmission words are Four words for the HT12E
 Built-in oscillator needs only 5% resistor
 Data code has positive polarity
 Minimal external components
 HT12A/E: 18-pin DIP/20-pin SOP package

 Burglar alarm system
 Smoke and fire alarm system
 Garage door controllers
 Car door controllers
 Car alarm system
 Security system
 Cordless telephones
 Other remote control systems

The RF encoders are a series of CMOS LSIs for remote control system m applications.
They are capable of encoding information which consists of N address bits and 12_N data
bits. Each address/ data input can be set to one of the two logic states. The programmed
addresses/data are transmitted together with the header bits via an RF or an infrared

transmission medium. Upon receipt of a trigger signal. The capability to select a TE trigger
on the HT12E or a DATA trigger on the HT12A further enhances the application for
flexibility of the 2^12 series of encoders. The HT12A additionally provides a 38 kHz carrier
for infrared systems.






 Operating voltage: 2.4V~12V.
 Low power and high noise immunity CMOS technology.
 Low standby current.
 Capable of decoding 12 bits of information.
 Binary address setting.
 Received codes are checked 3 times.
 Address/Data number combination for HT12D: 8 address bits and 4 data bits.
 Built-in oscillator needs only 5% resistor
 Valid transmission indicator
 Easy interface with an RF or an infrared transmission medium
 Minimal external components
 Pair with Holtek’s 212 series of encoders
 18-pin DIP, 20-pin SOP package

 Burglar alarm system
 Smoke and fire alarm system
 Garage door controllers
 Car door controllers
 Car alarm system
 Security system
 Cordless telephones
 Other remote control systems

General Description
The 212 decoders are a series of CMOS LSIs for remote control system applications.
They are paired with Holtek’s 212 series of encoders (refer to the encoder/decoder cross
reference table). For proper operation, a pair of encoder/decoder with the same number of

addresses and data format should be chosen. The decoders receive serial addresses and data from
a programmed 212 series of encoders that are transmitted by a carrier using an RF or an IR
transmission medium. They compare the serial input data three times continuously with their
local addresses. If no error or unmatched codes are found; the input data codes are decoded and
then transferred to the output pins. The VT pin also goes high to indicate a valid transmission.
The 212 series of decoders are capable of decoding information that consists of N bits of address
and 12_N bits of data. Of this series, the HT12D is arranged to provide 8 address bits and 4 data
bits, and HT12F is used to decode 12 bits of address information.






[1] B.C. Wolverton, Anne Johnson, and Keith Bounds, “Interior Landscape Plants
for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement: Final Report”, National Aeronautics and
Space Administration ( NASA-TM-101768) Science and Technology Laboratory,
Stennis Space Center, 1989.

[2] E.J. Van Henten, J. Hemming, B.A.J. Van Tuijl, J.G. Kornet, J. Meuleman, J.
Bontsema and E.A. Van Os; “An Autonomous Robot for Harvesting Cucumbers in
Greenhouses”; Autonomous Robots; Volume 13 Issue 3, November 2002.

[3] Kevin Sikorski, “Thesis- A Robotic PlantCare System”, University of

Washington, Intel Research, 2003.

[4] Ayumi Kawakami, Koji Tsukada, Keisuke Kambara and Itiro Siio, “PotPet: Pet-
like Flowerpot Robot”, Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2011, Pages 263-264
ACM New York, NY, USA, 2011.

[5] Constantinos Marios Angelopoulos, Sotiris Nikoletseas, Georgios Constantinos

Theofanopoulos, “A Smart System for Garden Watering using Wireless Sensor
Networks”, MobiWac '11 Proceedings of the 9th ACM international symposium on
Mobility management and wireless access Pages 167-170 ACM New York, NY,
USA, 2011.

[6] T.C.Manjunath, Ph.D. ( IIT Bombay ) & Fellow IETE, Ashok Kusagur , Shruthi
Sanjay, Saritha Sindushree, C. Ardil, “Design, Development & Implementation of a
Temperature Sensor using Zigbee Concepts”, International Journal of Electrical
and Computer Engineering 3:12 2008.

[7] Rafael Muñoz-Carpena and Michael D. Dukes, “Automatic Irrigation Based on

Soil Moisture for Vegetable Crops”, Applied Engineering in Agriculture (2005).

[8] Christos Tatsiopoulos and Aphrodite Ktena, “A Smart ZIGBEE Based Wireless
Sensor Meter System”, IEEE Electrical Engineering (2009), ISBN:

[9] Ragheid Atta, Tahar Boutraa and Abdellah Akhkha, “Smart Irrigation System
for Wheat in Saudi Arabia Using Wireless Sensors Network Technology”,
International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments 1(6): 478-482,
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[10] Manual by Martin Hebel and George Bricker , “ Getting Started with XBee RF
Modules: A Tutorial for BASIC Stamp and Propeller Microcontrollers”, Version 1.0,
ISBN 9781928982562.

[11] UC Hobby, “Visualizing sensor data with Arduino processing”,

[12] “XBEE Tutorial”,

[13] “RFID card reading”,


[14] “Connection of RFID and Arduino board”,

[15] Hobby Robotics, “Using Relay with Arduino”,

 low cost and more efficient
 energy efficient and eco-friendly
 better result than manual system
 works at much cheaper price

The multipurpose agricultural robot gives an advance method to
sow, plow and spray water with minimum man power and labor
making it an efficient vehicle. The machine will cultivate the
farm by considering particular rows and specific column at fixed
distance depending on crop.

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Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering Research


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