(IJCST-V5I2P27) :abdulrahman, Mangesh Koli, Umesh Kori, Ahmadakbar

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017


Seed Sowing Robot

Abdulrahman, Mangesh Koli, Umesh Kori, Ahmadakbar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Theem College of Engineering
Boisar (east), District Palghar
Maharashtra India

Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. About half of the total population of our country has chosen agriculture as
their chief occupation. The states like Maharashtra, Punjab, and Kerala, Assam are highly involved in agriculture. It all
started due to the impact of, Green Revolution by means of which farmers came to know about the various techniques
involved in farming and the advantages in it. As centuries passed, certain modern techniques were invented in agriculture
due to the progress in science. These modern techniques included the use of tractors for ploughing the field, production of
pesticides, invention of tube-wells etc. Since water is the main necessity in this scenario, techniques were discovered which
would help in watering the field easily, consume less water and reduce human efforts. These discoveries improved the
standard of living of farmers. Agro-Technology is the process of applying the technology innovation occurring in daily life
and applying that to the agriculture sector which improves the efficiency of the crop produced and also to develop a better
Mechanical machine to help the agriculture field which reduces the amount and time of work spent on one crop. Hence in
this work of project we decided to design a better mechanical machine which is available to the farmers at a cheaper rate
and also which can sow and seed the crop at the same time. This project consists of the better design of the machine which
can be used specifically for sowing of soybean, maize, pigeon pea, Bengal gram, groundnut etc. For various agricultural
implements and non-availability of sufficient farm labor, various models of seed sowing implements becoming popular in
dry land regions of India. The success of crop production depends on timely seeding of these crops with reduced dull work
of farm labor. The ultimate objective of seed planting using improve sowing equipment is to achieve precise seed
distribution within the row.
Keywords:- NPK, DC, Robot

cropping patterns. At the same time there is urgency to
India record of progress in agriculture over the past four better exploit potential of rain fed and other less endowed
decades has been quite impressive. The agriculture sector has areas. Given the wide range of agro ecological setting and
been successful in keeping pace with rising demand for food. producers, Indian agriculture is faced with a great diversity of
The contribution of increased land area under agricultural needs, opportunities and prospects. Future growth needs to be
production has declined over time and increases in more rapid, more widely distributed and better targeted.
production in the past two decades have been almost entirely These challenges have profound implications for the way
due to increased productivity. Contribution of agricultural farmers problems are conceived, researched and transferred
growth to overall progress has been widespread. Increased to the farmers. On the one hand agricultural research will
productivity has helped to feed the poor, enhanced farm increasingly be required to address location specific problems
income and provided opportunities for both direct and facing the communities on the other the systems will have to
indirect employment. The success of Indias agriculture is position themselves in an increasingly competitive
attributed to a series of steps.The major sources of environment to generate and adopt cutting edge technologies
agricultural growth during this period were the spread of to bear upon the solutions facing a vast majority of resource
modern crop varieties, intensification of input use and poor farmers.The robotic systems play an immense role in
investments leading to expansion in the irrigated area. In all sections of societies, organization and industrial units. The
areas where Green Revolution technologies had major objective of the project is to develop a microcontroller based
impact, growth has now slowed. New technologies are system at helps in on-farm operations like seeding and
needed to push out yield frontiers, utilize inputs more fertilizing at pre-designated distance and depths with all
efficiently and diversify to more sustainable and higher value applicable.Agriculture comes from two Latin words: Ager
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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017

which means a field. Culturia which means cultivation, Due industries and so on. In this paper, the robot system is used to
to traditional methods of agricultural process the Indian develop the process of cultivating agricultural land without
farmer faces many problems about productivity of the use of man power. The aim of the paper is to reduce the
agricultural product than others. It is due to unbalance man power, time and increase the productivity rate. All the
feeding of fertilizer without knowing the actual requirement basic automation robot works like weeding, harvesting and so
of nutrient to a particular crop.Digital models of biological on. In current generation most of the countries do not have
objects have proven to deliver new facilities for the analysis sufficient human factor in agricultural sector and it affects the
of structural and functional interrelationships as well as growth of developing countries so its time to automate the
developmental processes in a spatial or spatio-temporal sector to overcome this problem. In India, there are 70%
context .We are working towards the generation of a people dependent on agriculture. So we need to study the
generalized 3-D anatomical atlas of developing barley agriculture. Innovative idea of our project is to automate the
(Hordeum vulgare) grains at different developmental stages. process of sowing crops such as groundnut, sunflower, and
Serving as reference framework for the integration, baby corn and so on. The farming system like ploughing,
visualization, and exploration of various data modalities, cultivating, weeding, harvesting, etc is the different process.
such inter-individual atlases significantly promote the All the processes are advance to modifying the mechanism in
analysis of developmental gradients and dynamics. farming which works automatically without the man power
Traditional methods include broadcasting manually, opening requirement.The small machine would be assembled from
furrows by a country plough and dropping seeds by hand, existing mass produced components without the need of
and dropping seeds in the furrow through a bamboo/meta specialized design and tooling. Also energy require to this
funnel attached to a country plough (Pora). For sowing in machine is less as compared with tractors or any agricultural
small areas dibbling i.e., making holes or slits by a stick or instrument. Seeding preparation is our day to day life we use
tool and dropping seeds by hand is practiced. Multi row tractor in farms. But it requires more time and the man
traditional seeding devices with manual metering of seeds are shortage is faced continuously. Now a day soil is tested in
quite popular with experienced farmers.In the current laboratory and proper analysis of soil is done and amount of
generation most of the countries do not have sufficient skilled various contains and their ratio are measured but laboratories
man power specifically in agricultural sector and it affects the are normally in district places and it is little bit time
growth of developing countries. So its a time to automate the consuming process. This proposed system contributes to give
sector to overcome this problem. In India there are 70% contain of NPK in soil within some minutes.N (Nitrogen) -
people dependent on agriculture. So we need to study for growth of leaves and vegetation. P (Phosphorus)-for root
agriculture. Innovative idea of our project is to automate the and growth.K (Potassium)-regulation of water.Nutrient in
process of sowing crops such as sunflower, baby corn, plantcell, flowering, fruiting.Seeding is one of the main
groundnut and vegetables like beans, ladys finger, pumpkin process of farming activity. Italso takes more power that can
and pulses like black gram, green gram etc & to reduce the be reduced with this system, seeding is automated which
human effort and increase the yield.The plantation of seeds is helps linear way of seeding and time consumption is
automatically done by using DC motor. The distance reduced.The NPK value is measured and compared with the
between the two seeds are controlled and varied by using standard value for particular crop is known so the difference
Microcontroller. It is also possible to cultivate different kinds amount of fertilizer is dispensed by robot.
of seeds with different distance. When the Robot reaches the
end of the field we can change the direction with the help of 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT
remote switches. The whole process is controlled by
In the present scenario most of the countries do not have
Microcontroller. Seed plantation is our day to day life is done
sufficient skilled man power in agricultural sector and that
by tractor in farms. The conventional method for seeding is affects the growth of developing countries. Therefore farm-
the manual one. But it requires more time & the man power ers have to use upgraded technology for cultivation activity
shortage is faced continuously. India is agrarian economies (digging, seed sowing, fertilizing, spraying etc.).
and most of rural populations depend on agriculture to earn So its a time to automate the sector to overcome this prob-
their livelihood. Agriculture is the largest livelihood provided lem which inturn will also eliminate the requirement of
in India mostly in the rural areas. The farmers are in need of Labors and also avoid the wastage of seeds.
seeds for ploughing & cultivation. The seeds are available in
1.2 Problem Motivation
packets & many industries deal in manufacture of such seed
packets. In Modern world, Automation robot is used in many As we are interested in Embedded Electronics based
of the fields such as defence, surveillance, medical field, projects and there are many advantages of the embedded

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017

system as well in spite of the electronics based projects. We manually operated seed planter machine. In this they pre-
can control the speed of the DC motor which is an electrical sent objective of seed planter machine design, factors af-
component by using a delay in the source coding. We are fecting seed Emergence, some mechanisms. The basic ob-
motivated for doing this project because it is an autonomous jective of sowing operation is to put the seed and fertilizer
agricultural based project and here we get to deal with the in rows at desired depth and seed to seed spacing, the sig-
controller, its interfacing with the dc motors, interfacing nificance of the study is in the contribution in the field of
with the ultrasonic sensor, a linear actuator which is used wireless control of automated guided vehicle systems and
for opening and closing of the valve required for the robotics. Through this project, a simpler approach and algo-
dispension of seeds and so on. rithm is designed for using low cost and in house available
RF transceiver and ASSR with low processing requirements
II. LITERATURE SURVEY but with effective results.
The recommended seed to seed spacing and depth of seed
placement vary from crop to crop and for different agro-
2.1 Wireless control of an Automatted guided ma
climate conditions to achieve optimum yields. From this we
chine know that mechanical factors effects on seed germination
2.1.1 Introduction like uniformity of depth of placement of seed, uniformity of
distribution of seed along rows.
The robotic system is an electromechanical (conveys a Project is to automate the process of sowing crops such as
sense that it has agency of its own) and artificial agent groundnut, sunflower, and baby corn and so on. The meas-
which is steered by DC motor which has four wheels. The urement of the moisture of soil, temperature of soil and ph
farm is cultivated by the machine, depending on the crop value of soil, performing of the seeding and fertilizing in
considering particular rows & specific columns. The infra- agriculture field is designed in the agriculture Robot. In-
red sensor detects the obstacles in the path and it also senses stead of using line follower, obstacle detecting sensor in the
turning position of vehicle at end of land. The seed block proposed system camera is used for live streaming.
can be detected and solved using water pressure.The ma- Agriculture robot can be control by the internet using rasp-
chine can be controlled remotely and solar panel is used to berry pi. Live steaming can see by computer by typing ip
charge DC battery. Assembly language is used in program- address of raspberry pi and password then it can be control
ming the microcontrollers. The microcontroller is used to the robot by pressing controlling key in the system. Rhex
control and monitor the process of system motion of vehicle rover robot is replaced by the wheeled robot.
with the help of DC motor. Keller et al. further developed this principle in where the
seeds are picked up by a precise vacuum probe and let them
As agriculture is extensively supported by technical fall by inverting the pressure. Their robot is not used to
means like seeding, mowing or harvesting machines, it is plant seeds, but to transfer seeds from one seed-box to an-
widely considered to be a field with a high potential for other.
robotic application as it is a small step from these semi-
automatically operated machines to fully autonomous ro- A different approach to pick up a single seed is used by
bots in both greenhouse and open field applications. Robots Tonus .In his patent a needle moves from the ground of a
are available on all development levels from experimental seed-box to its top. The tip is designed in a way that only
to market-ready in several agricultural applications but most one seed remains on it. After reaching the top of the seed-
of them are in research, where institutes have made pro- box, the tip enters a small tube from where the seed on the
gress to extend the existing agricultural machines to robotic tip is transported to the outlet using air pressure. Trebbin et
systems.Most of the robots considered in this publication al. have withdrawn their patent application for the first ap-
are developed for harvesting. Seeding is not yet as im- proach, it is assumed that they focus on the second ap-
portant since there are already good tractor based seeding proach. Neither is published how they create an optimal
systems. In horticulture there are significantly less robotic flowering pattern out of the image to get the best solution.
applications as in agriculture. Leenata Vedpathak proposed system is to measure of the N
The big exception are small moving robots for home use, (nitrogen), P (phosphorus) and K(potassium) contents of
but robots for precise planting of single plants or autono- soil and according to result, we can add the necessary ele-
mous hedge cutting are not yet available on the market, ments in the soil. The N, P and K amounts in the soil sam-
probably due to high development cost and complexity in ple is determined by comparing the solution with colour
relation to the market size. It can be concluded that for the chart.
creation of growing flower images, no existing platform can Farmers in India perform agriculture mostly with manual
be used or further developed, but a new one has to be de- operation. The pain involved in doing each and every opera-
signed from scratch. tion has to be reduced by the way of introducing simple
This research paper presents design and development of technology. Sowing is one of the basic operations needed to

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get better revenue from agriculture. There are different Energy saving
methods of sowing depending upon the type of crop.
Early planting was done by hand. The seeds would be It was reported that by using three row bullock drawn
thrown, or broadcast. This system made it more difficult to ferti-seed drill for wheat crop, a saving of 76.37 percent
weed and harvest the crop. Later a dibber was used for man hours and 59.92 per cent bullock-hours was obtained
some crops. A dibber was a board with holes evenly spread when compared with the behind the plough sowing. (Mehta
apart. A stick would be pushed through the holes and then a and Varshney, 1970) Singh (1971) revealed that by using a
seed would be placed in the hole made by the stick. This ferti-seed drill for wheat crop, a saving of 69.96 per cent in
was very effective but also very tedious and time consum- man-hours and 55.17 percent in huliock hours was achieved
ing. The idea for dropping seeds through a tube first ap- when compared.
peared in Mesopotamia about 1500 B. C. In 1701 Jethro
Tull invented the first seed drill. The implement would cut Drilling or Line Sowing:
small channels into the soil and the seed would be dropped
into the channel. Broadcasting is simply throwing seeds In this method seed is sown by seed drill or ferti-seed
onto the ground. The seed drill had many advantages to the drill. With the help of this implement seeds drop at uniform
broadcasting system. Less seed was lost to birds or other depth and results in uniform germination and regular stand.
animals. Finally, with rows, it was much easier for the
farmer to weed his crop. Jethro Tull's invention was met Seed bed should be fine and well levelled free from clods
with scepticism and not really appreciated or accepted till and weeds for the use of seed drill or ferti-seed drill. Seed
after his death in 1741. One of the next innovations was a drills are easily available in the market. They may be either
two row seed drill. This was not automatic so the field bullock driven or tractor driven. Ferti-seed drill should be
would have to be marked and then the seeds released by used wherever possible to ensure uniform depth of sowing,
pulling of a lever. Then came the multiple row seed drill. It proper placement of fertilisers and good germination.
could be adjusted to the amount of seeds and at what inter-
vals they released into the soil. Which are cost more than Dibbling:
the simple machines but most efficient.
[1.https://www.ijirset.com/upload/2014/special/vishwatech/ It is the placing or dibbling of seeds at cross marks (+)
Paper-67_.pdf made in the field with the help of maker as per the require-
2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7824880/] ment of the crop in both the directions. It is done manually
by dibbler. This method is followed in crops like Ground-
nut, Castor, and Hy. Cotton, etc. which are having bold size
2.2 Comparative performance of seeding devices and high value. This method is used in case where supply of
with other sowing methods seed is limited. Sowing is done with the help of a small
2.2.1 Introduction implement known as Dibbler. It is a wooden or iron frame
with pegs. The frame is pressed in the field and lifted and
In this multipurpose seeding machine equipment consists then one or two seeds are dropped by hand in each of the
of cylindrical shape container in which the seeds can fill. hole. It is not a common method because it is a very time
The container is attached on the four wheeled carrier as- consuming process.
sembly. It consists of metering plate bevel gear mechanism
and two holes at the bottom depending on seed size. The Putting seeds behind the plough:
working as plate will rotate in container when the bottom
holes of container and meter plate hole coincide seeds will A majority of farmers use this method. This method con-
flow through pipe to soil. Here the metering plate gets rotat- sists of dropping the seeds by hand into the furrows that
ing motion by bevel gear assembly and the bevel gears get have been opened with local plough. When seed is dropped
the motion by rear wheels with the help chain and sprocket in furrows by hand, it is called Kera method and when it is
assembly. dropped through a Pora or Nai or Hazara a special attach-
ment with local plough it is called Pora method. In this
Crop yield method seeds are dropped at a depth of 5-6 centimetre and
germination is satisfactory. Manual sowing has the problem
Studies in different parts of the country have shown that of not giving adequate spacing between row to row and
seeding devices introduced in rainfed areas have increased plant to plant leading to less population of crops than rec-
crop yields by 10 to 20 percent over conventional methods ommended by the agronomists. Also there is the problem of
of seeding due to better plant establishment and proper ap- placing the seeds at correct depth and correct soil coverage.
plication of inputs. In most parts of Nortli India, seedcum-
fertilizer drills are used for sowing whereas seed drills are Weed Mapping
found in use mostly in the Southern parts of the country.
Weed mapping is process of recording the position and

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017

preferably the density (biomass) of different weed species equipment manufacturers are developing larger machines,
using aspects of machine vision. One method is to just rec- with 42 meter booms currently under development (pers.
ord the increased leaf area found in weedy areas as weeds com. Hardi International). When mounting booms this big,
are patchy and the crops are planted in rows (Pedersen they have inherent stability problems as the tractor has a
2001). Another more accurate method is to use active shape relatively small wheelbase and they tend to oscillate. One
recognition, originally developed to recognise human faces, method to improve stability would be to mount a spray
to classify weed species by the shape of their outline boom between two unmanned robots that travelled in adja-
(Sgaard and Heisel 2002). Current research has shown that cent tramlines.
up to 19 species can be recognised in this way.
This robotic gantry could apply both liquid sprays and
Robotic Weeding fertiliser and be able to regulate itself according to current
weather conditions. If it became too windy then the gantry
Robotic weeding Knowing the position and severity of could just stop and wait until conditions improved. Variable
the weeds there are many methods that can kill, remove or rate, patch spraying, minimising skips and overlaps could
retard these unwanted plants (Nrremark and Griepentrog all be built into the original design specifications by con-
2004) Different physical methods can be used that rely on trolling individual nozzles. Turning on the headland would
physical interaction with the weeds. A classic example is to be different, as it would not include rotation just transla-
break the soil and root interface by tillage and promote wilt- tion, as the robots could turn but the boom remains parallel
ing of the weed plants. This can be achieved in the inter row to its working direction. Sensing systems could be mounted
area easily by using classical spring or duck foot tines. Intra on a trolley that could move along the spray boom as in the
row weeding is more difficult as it requires the position of crop scouting section.
the crop plant to be known so that the end effector can be
steered away. Within the close-to-crop area, tillage cannot Selective Harvesting
be used as any disturbance to the soil is likely to damage
the interface between the crop and the soil. Non contact Selective harvesting Selective harvesting involves the
methods are being developed such as laser treatments concept of only harvesting those parts of the crop that meet
(Heisel 2001) and micro-spraying. Controlled biodiversity certain quality thresholds. It can be considered to be a type
is an opportunity that could be realised with robotic weed-
of pre sorting based on sensory perception. Examples are to
ing. Non-competitive weeds can be left to grow when they
are at a distance from the crop. This is part of the design only harvest barley below a fixed protein content or com-
parameters for the Autonomous Christmas Tree weeder bine grain that is dry enough (and leave the rest to dry out)
being developed at KVL. or to select and harvest fruits and vegetables that meet a
size criteria. As these criteria often attract quality premi-
Micro Spraying ums, increased economic returns could justify the additional
sensing. To be able to carry out selective harvesting effec-
Micro spraying within the close-to-crop area, great care
tively, two criteria are needed; the ability to sense the quali-
must be taken not to damage the crop nor disturb the soil.
One method of killing weeds close to the crop plants is to ty factor before harvest and the ability to harvest the prod-
use a micro spray that delivers very small amounts directly uct of interest without damaging the remaining crop. Most
on to the weed leaf. Machine vision can be used to identify agricultural equipment is getting bigger and hence not suit-
the position of an individual weed plant and a set of nozzles ed for this approach. Smaller more versatile selective har-
mounted close together can squirt a herbicide on to the vesting equipment is needed. Either the crop can be sur-
weed. Tests have shown that splashing can be reduced when veyed before harvest so that the information needed about
a gel is used as a carrier rather than water (Lund and
where the crop of interest is located, or that the harvester
Sgaard 2005). Other trials have shown that when the right
amount of herbicide is placed in the right way at the right may have sensors mounted that can ascertain the crop con-
time, the usage of herbicide can be drastically reduced to dition. The selective harvester can then harvest that crop
about 1 gram per hectare for an infestation of 100 weeds per that is ready, while leaving the rest to mature, dry, or ripen
square meter (Graglia 2004). A micro spray system is cur- etc. Alternatively, small autonomous whole crop harvesters
rently under development at DIAS Bygholm, in Denmark. could be used to selectively gather the entire crop from a
selected area and transport it to a stationary processing sys-
Robotic Gantry
tem that could clean, sort and maybe pack the produce. This
Robotic gantry Traditional or macro spraying can be very is not a new idea, but updating a system that used stationary
efficient, especially when they cover large areas. Most threshing machines from many years ago. Alternatively a

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017

stripper header could be used to only gather the cereal It is the placing or dibbling of seeds at cross marks (+)
heads and send them for threshing. made in the field with the help of maker as per the require-
ment of the crop in both the directions. It is done manually
III. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE by dibbler. This method is followed in crops like Ground-
nut, Castor, and Hy. Cotton, etc. which are having bold size
and high value. This method is used in case where supply of
seed is limited. Sowing is done with the help of a small
implement known as Dibbler. It is a wooden or iron frame
. with pegs. The frame is pressed in the field and lifted and
then one or two seeds are dropped by hand in each of the
hole. It is not a common method because it is a very time
consuming process.

3.4 Putting seeds behind the plough

Fig 3 purposed architecture
A majority of farmers use this method. This method con-
3.1 Block Diagram sists of dropping the seeds by hand into the furrows that
have been opened with local plough. When seed is dropped
Above figure shows the block diagram of automated in furrows by hand, it is called Kera method and when it is
seed sowing machine. It consist of PIC microcontroller, DC dropped through a Pora or Nai or Hazara a special attach-
motors with driver, LCD, Solenoid valve, relay and its driv- ment with local plough it is called Pora method. In this
er.This is an Autonomous agricultural Robot. Here, as soon method seeds are dropped at a depth of 5-6 centimetre and
as the users presses the start button the robot starts moving germination is satisfactory. Manual sowing has the problem
in the forward direction. In Microcontroller, we have al- of not giving adequate spacing between row to row and
ready programmed the robots working. When the robot plant to plant leading to less population of crops than rec-
starts moving in the forward motion after few distance it ommended by the agronomists. Also there is the problem of
stops and then it starts drilling with the help of a drilling placing the seeds at correct depth and correct soil coverage.
mechanism. After this process, theres a Solenoid valve Manual sowing is time consuming and costly. Hence, there
arrangement through which the seeds are being dispensed in is a need for appropriate seed drill for sowing.The aim of
the soil.This same procedure continues until the user does the present study is to develop a seed sowing mechanism to
not switches off the circuit. Drilling process is done with suit the varied topographic condition of Indian agriculture.
DC motor and seed dropping in land is done with the help The specific objective of the study is to develop an auto-
of a two port solenoid valve. All these process are displayed mated seed sower and test the performance. It is also com-
on LCD. pared with manual seeding for its benefit cost analysis.

3.2 Drilling or Line Sowing: 3.5 Circuit Diagram

In this method seed is sown by seed drill or ferti-seed The MAX232 IC is used to convert the TTL/CMOS log-
drill. With the help of this implement seeds drop at uniform ic levels to RS232 logic levels during serial communication
depth and results in uniform germination and regular stand. of microcontrollers with PC. The controller operates at TTL
Seed bed should be fine and well levelled free from clods logic level (0-5V) whereas the serial communication in PC
and weeds for the use of seed drill or ferti-seed drill. Seed works on RS232 standards (-25 V to + 25V). This makes it
drills are easily available in the market. They may be either difficult to establish a direct link between them to com-
bullock driven or tractor driven. Ferti-seed drill should be municate with each other. The intermediate link is provided
used wherever possible to ensure uniform depth of sowing, through MAX232. It is a dual driver/receiver that includes a
proper placement of fertilisers and good germination. Trac- capacitive voltage generator to supply RS232 voltage levels
tor driven. Ferti-seed drill should be used wherever possible from a single 5V supply.
to ensure uniform depth of sowing, proper placement of The receivers, on the other hand, takes input from trans-
fertilisers and good germination. It is the dropping of seeds mission pin of RS232 serial port and give serial output to
into the soil with the help of implement such as mogha, microcontrollers receiver pin. MAX232 needs four exter-
seed drill, seed-cum-ferti driller or mechanical seed drill nal capacitors whose value ranges from 1F to 22F.
and then the seeds are covered by wooden plank or harrow This part explains how the actual process is being done.
to have contact between seed and soil. Crops like Jowar, The working of the project is explained below as follows:
wheat, Bajara, etc. are sown by this method. At the First Stage we should fill the seeds inside the con-
tainer. Then select the button for distance between the
3.3 Dibbling: seeds. When the power supply is given to the robo its start
to move in the field. The time taken to reach the distance is

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017

feed into the microcontroller when it reaches the distance it relay.

will stop the robo by OFF the geared motor with the use of
Fig 3.5 Circuit design

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017

establish by remote control.

Then the stepper motor is activated to control the flow of
seeds which is kept inside the container after the flow of
seed it will stopped by using relay. Finally the DC motor is
activated to sow the seeds inside the field at the depth of 1
to 1.5 inches.

Then the DC motor is stopped and Geared motor is acti-

vated and the process is repeated.
The front part of the robo has only one wheel to easily
change the direction. The change in direction is controlled
by geared motor with the assistance of remote button. When
the robo reaches the end if the field we can change the di- Fig 3.6 Stepper DC motor
rection by using remote switches present in the robo. All the
operation is controlled using Microcontroller.
Automation brings comfort to our life. Automation in its
pure sense defines any activity that minimizes human factor A dc motor is a device that converts direct current
to increase productivity at consistent quality. The main fact (electrical energy) into mechanical energy. Two dc motors
is that how fast the process is being completed. This project are used for driving the wheels connected to the robot.
An Autonomous Agricultural Seed Sowing Robo aims in L293d is a dc motor driver used for driving dc motors.
fulfilling the lack of man power and automate the process 200RPM Centre Shaft Economy Series DC Motor is high
of seed sowing with low cost.
quality low cost DC geared motor. It has steel gears and
Low Cost Automation (LCA), the buzzword in all indus-
trial firms generally involves pneumatic, electrical as well pinions to ensure longer life and better wear and tear
as electronic components. LCA is important in the automa- properties. The gears are fixed on hardened steel spindles
tion of factories, for example, the electronic component polished to a mirror finish. The output shaft rotates in a
assembly plants. Automation saves a lot of tedious manual plastic bushing. The whole assembly is covered with a
work and speeds up the production processes. plastic ring. Gearbox is sealed and lubricated with lithium
Now days we have a problem on lack of man power. So grease and require no maintenance. The motor is screwed to
agricultural field we spent more money for both planting
the gear box from inside. Although motor gives 200 RPM at
especially seed sowing. It consumes more time and also
increase the cost with low accuracy. So it is a time to auto- 12V but motor runs smoothly from 4 V to 12V and gives
mate the process of sowing. wide range of RPM, and torque. Tables below gives fairly
In agriculture environment heavy or loaded vehicle cant good idea of the motor?s performance in terms of RPM and
move easily on the bumpy road, so small vehicle is de- no load current as a function of voltage and stall torque,
signed, operates on dc motor, in this project. For controlling stall current as a function of voltage.
path of vehicle, it should be predefined as shown in figure
3. Previously, the vehicle drives in straight line to first col-
umn and after end of ploughed land, the vehicle rotate 1800 3.7 L293D DRIVER CIRCUIT
and select second column and proceed further. to maintain
the robotic vehicle position in between the two lines of crop
there are two sensors that are senses the distance between
the crop line and the edge of robot if the distance towards
one of the side is decreases then distance towards the other
side increases then the vehicle slightly moves towards the
distance increasing side up to maintain the near about same Fig 3.7 L293d Driver Circuit
distance towards both the side and then robot move in for-
ward direction .To determine instantaneous values of all L293D is a typical Motor driver or Motor Driver IC
motors, the analysis of rigid body velocity is used. During which allows DC motor to drive on either direction. L293D
the translational motion the longitudinal direction of all is a 16-pin IC which can control a set of two DC motors
front two wheels are oriented identically with respect to simultaneously in any direction. It means that you can con-
vehicle body and both wheels spin at same rate around their trol two DC motor with a single L293D IC. Dual H Bridge
drive axes. Motor Driver integrated circuit (IC). L293D is a dual H-
In this project direction is provided by using remote con- bridge motor driver integrated circuit (IC). Motor drivers
trol. By using remote proper direction is given to the robot. act as current amplifiers since they take a low-current con-
The farm is not the straight line and smooth. Figure shows trol signal and provide a higher-current signal. This higher
how obstacle problem is solved. If any obstacle is occurred current signal is used to drive the motors.
like stone, electric light pole, trees, etc such new path is
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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017


Fig 3.10 IR Sensor

Fig 3.8 Pin Diagram
IR Sensors work by using a specific light sensor to detect
In its common mode of operation, two DC motors can be a select light wavelength in the Infra-Red (IR) spectrum. By
driven simultaneously, both in forward and reverse direc- using an LED which produces light at the same wavelength
tion. The motor operations of two motors can be controlled as what the sensor is looking for, you can look at the inten-
by input logic at pins 2 and 7 and 10 and 15. Input logic 00 sity of the received light. When an object is close to the
or 11 will stop the corresponding motor. Logic 01 and 10 sensor, the light from the LED bounces off the object and
will rotate it in clockwise and anticlockwise directions, re- into the light sensor. This results in a large jump in the in-
spectively. tensity, which we already know can be detected using a
Enable pins 1 and 9 (corresponding to the two motors) must threshold. Files with the authors first name or an abbreviated
be high for motors to start operating. When an enable input version of either name to avoid confusion. If a graphic is to
is high, the associated driver gets enabled. As a result, the appear in print as black and white, it should be saved and
outputs become active and work in phase with their inputs. submitted as a black and white file (grayscale or bitmap.) If a
Similarly, when the enable input is low, that driver is disa- graphic is to appear in color, it should be submitted as an
RGB color file.
bled, and their outputs are off and in the high impedance
Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been de-
fined before the equation appears or immediately following.
Italicize symbols (T might refer to temperature,

3.9 LCD

Fig 3.11 Solenoid Valve

Fig 3.9 LCD

A solenoid valve is an electromechanically operated
valve. The valve is controlled by an electric current through
The LCD receives the control signal from the a solenoid: in the case of a two-port valve the flow is
microcontroller, it decodes the control signal and switched on or off. Solenoid valves are the most frequently
performs the corresponding actions on the LCD. It is used control elements in fluidics. Their tasks are to shut off,
used for displaying the amount of fertilizers in the soil release. In this system solenoid valve like arrangement is
snd the amount of seeds being dispensed in the soil. used to drop the seeds in the farm when seeding is to be
done by robot.

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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017

3.12 POWERSUPPLY mega328) of

which 0.5 KB
used by

Clock Speed 16 MHZ
Motor (Johnson motor - 12 V DC
Fig 3.12 Power supply Geared Motor - 200 RPM)
18000 RPM base motor
A 12v dc battery is being used for our autonomous robot Shaft 6mm
used for driving the dc motors. 5 volt supply is being used Gearbox diame- 37 mm
by the controller, LCD and for driving the relays. ter
Motor Diameter 28.5 mm
3.13 Keypad Length 63 mm without
Shaft length 15mm
Weight 300 gm
No-load current 800 mA(Max)
Load current upto 9.5 A(Max)
Magnetic Tape magmarker25
Width 2.54cm
Fig 3.13 Keypad Length 0.3048m
Thickness 0.1143cm
Keypad consist of a start and a stop button. As soon as
the user presses the start button the robot moves in the
forward direction, then after reaching a particular Wheels
distance its stops and then dispenses a seed in the soil. Diameter 3 inch
This process continues until the user doesnt presses
Motor Driver L293D
the stop button.
Wide Supply-Voltage Range 4.5 V
IV. SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE to 36 V Separate Input-Logic Supply
SPECIFICATION Internal ESD protection High-
Noise-Immunity Inputs Output Cur-
4.1 Hardware specification rent 1A per Channel Peak Output
Current 2A per Channel
Arduino Uno R3 Output Clamp Diodes for Inductive
Microcontroller PIC18F Transient Suppression
Operating Volt- 5V
Input Voltage 6-20V 4.2.1 EMBEDDED C
(limits) Embedded C is a set of language extensions for the C
Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 Programming language by the C Standards committee to
provide PWM address commonality issues that exist between C
output) extensions for different embedded systems. Historically,
Analog Input 6 embedded C programming requires nonstandard
Pins extensions to the C language in order to support exotic
DC Current per 40 mA features such as fixed-point arithmetic, multiple distinct
I/O Pin memory banks, and basic I/O operations. In 2008, the C
DC Current for 50 mA Standards Committee extended the C language to address
3.3V Pin these issues by providing a common standard for all
Flash Memory 32 KB (AT- implementations to adhere to. It includes a number of

ISSN: 2347-8578 www.ijcstjournal.org Page 140

International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017

features not available in normal C, such as, fixed-point Now place the microcontroller in the GIF socket
arithmetic, named address spaces, and basic I/O hardware provided in the programmer kit.
addressing. Embedded C use most of the syntax and
semantics of standard C, e.g main() function, variable Click on the proload icon in the PC. A window appears
definition, data type declaration, conditional statements providing the information like Hardware model, com
(if, switch. case), loops (while, for), functions, arrays and port, device type, Flash size etc. Click on browse
strings, structures and union, bit operations, macros, option to select the hex file to be dumped into the
unions, etc. The C Programming Language was microcontroller and then click on Auto program to
originally developed for and implemented on the UNIX program the microcontroller with that particular hex
operating system, by Dennis Ritchie in 1971. One of the file.
best features of C is that it is not tied to any particular
The status of the microcontroller can be seen in the
hardware or system. This makes it easy for a user to write
small status window in the bottom of the page.
programs that will run without any changes on practically
all machines. C is often called a middle-level computer After this process is completed, remove the
language as it combines the elements of high-level microcontroller from the programmer kit and place it in
languages with the functionalism of assembly language. your system board. Now the system board behaves
To produce the most efficient machine code, the according to the program written in the microcontroller.
programmer must not only create an efficient high level
design, but also pay attention to the detailed V. APPLICATION, ADVANTAGE,
implementation. DISADVANTAGE
Characteristic of an Embedded C programming environment: 5.1 Application
Special keywords and tokens (@, interrupt, tiny).
1) Farming
Many different pointer kinds (far / near / rom / uni).
The design of furrow openers of seed drills varies to suit
Critical timing (Interrupt Service Routines, tasks)
the soil conditions of particular region. Most of the seed
Hardware oriented programming cum fertilizer drills are provided with pointed tool to form a
narrow slit in the soil for seed deposition.
4.2.2 Proload
2) Gardening
Proload is software which accepts only hex files. Once
the machine code is converted into hex code, that hex
code has to be dumped into the microcontroller placed Seeds are broadcasted on the soil which results in the
in the programmer kit and this is done by the Proload. loss and damage of the seeds. As the cost of seeds is more
Programmer kit contains a microcontroller on it other and cannot be affordable for the farmers so there is the need
than the one which is to be programmed. This for the proper placement of seeds in the soil.
microcontroller has a program in it written in such a
way that it accepts the hex file from the keil compiler 3) Sports Stadium
and dumps this hex file into the microcontroller which
is to be programmed. As this programmer kit requires The fluted roller seed cup is having the arrangement of
power supply to be operated, this power supply is given seed cut-off and controlling flap to control the amount of
from the power supply circuit designed above. It seeds and fertilizers.
should be noted that this programmer kit contains a
power supply section in the board itself but in order to 4) Agri Universities
switch on that power supply, a source is required. Thus
this is accomplished from the power supply board with The Harrow is one of the important agricultural equip-
an output of 12volts or from an adapter connected to ment which is used in the fields of agriculture for seed bed
230 V AC. preparation and weed control. This is used before the seeds
Steps to work with Proload: are sown in the field. This helps in the leveling of the soil
and seeds can be sown in the prepare bed easily Polyhouse
Install the Proload Software in the PC. Seeds are broadcasted on the soil which results in the loss
and damage of the seeds. As the cost of seeds is more and
Now connect the Programmer kit to the PC (CPU) cannot be affordable for the farmers so there is the need for
through serial cable. the proper placement of seeds in the soil.
Power up the programmer kit from the ac supply
through adapter.
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International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) Volume 5 Issue 2, Mar Apr 2017

4.3 Advantage VI. CONCLUSION

Reduce the manual work The main focus of this system is its Automatic way of sow-
ing the seeds. The seeds are been sowed in a proper se-
Anyone that has ever had the task of relocating a fixed con- quence which results in proper germination of seeds. This
veyor system knows that this can be a cumbersome under- automatic way of sowing seeds using a robot reduces the
taking. Through the use of advanced ASSR technology and labor requirement. Here the wastage of seeds is also been
wireless routing, vehicles can be quickly reprogrammed to reduced to a greater extent. This system has been developed
change path or operation, eliminating the need for expen- for the sowing of seeds in an automatic way. Here with the
sive retrofitting. New directions, tasks, and work cells can help of a robot the seeds are been dispensed in the soil in a
be created almost instantaneously without the need for proper sequence hereby reducing the wastage of seeds The
physical equipment installation. planting process of the onion crop only has been imple-
mented by using this Seed Sowing V robot autonomously.
Less skill technicians is sufficient to operate. This robot will help the farmers to do the farming process
efficiently. The project can be enhanced to any other kinds
Through the advancement of control systems ASSRs offer a of crop such as fruits, paddy, sugarcane etc. The robot can
safe and predictable method of delivery, while avoiding be designed with chain roller instead of normal wheel.
interference with human and building factors. ASSRs can Hence, it can be applicable to the real time agricultural
operate almost around the clock, without the need for field.
breaks and vacation time. In addition, ASSRs operate in
conditions that may not be suitable for human operators, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
such as extreme temperatures and hazardous environments.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards our
Installation is simplified very much guide, Prof. Waseem Sultan for the help, guidance and en-
couragement, he provided during the dissertation report.
Automated Seed Sowing, combined with RF technology, This work would have not been possible without his valua-
interface with the Warehouse Control System or Warehouse ble time, patience and motivation. We thank him for making
Management System to improve accuracy and efficiency. our stint thoroughly pleasant and enriching. It was great
ASSRs have little downtime, and operate at a fixed rate to learning and an honor being his student. We deeply indebt-
meet a predictable metric for operational activity. ed to Prof. Prashant Rathod HOD, Project Coordinator and
the entire team in the Computer Technology Department.
Labor requirement reduces They supported us with scientific guidance, advice and en-
couragement, they were always helpful and enthusiastic and
Optimization of transport flows in accordance with vehicle this inspired us in our work.
fleet, traffic and missions.Work flows distributed dynami-
cally between the same ASSRs.Possibility of 24/7 operation REFERENCES
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