MKTM Anushka

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Mittal School of Business



Course Code: MKTM503 Course Title: Marketing Management

Course Instructor: Dr. POOJA KHANNA Section: Q2246

Academic Task No. 1 Academic Task Title:

Student’s Roll No. RQ2246B64 Student’s Reg. No. 12200893

Max. Marks: 30 Marks Obtained:

Student’s Name. Anushka Singh As per rubrics

Learning Outcome: Briefly write about the learning outcome obtained from doing this task.
I have learned the skill, knowledge and values and dynamic marketing environment And its implications.
Also learned about the segmentation, strategies, and marketing channels.


I declare that this CA is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other students’ work or from any
other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written
for me by any other person.

Student’ Signature:

Evaluator’s Comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best part of the

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:
➢ INTRODUCTION (Medref, over the counter drugs (OTC)
• On the basis of demographic (age, income, education)
• On the basis of psychographic (lifestyle, attitude)
➢ Accuracy of used segmentation basis
➢ Area Segmentation (urban and rural)
➢ Target market
➢ Positioning of Medref APP
➢ Market Strategies
➢ Market Channels
➢ Customer evolving
➢ References


Medref is a mobile/web application. This app offer solution for you and your family’s
health and medical needs. This app provides guidance system that educated users whether
OTC drugs are recommended in each scenario or should the user be consulting a doctor.
Aiming to make healthcare more clear, inexpensive, and accessible, Medref is a digital
platform for consumer healthcare. With more accessibility, reduced transaction costs, and
greater consumer convenience, Medref provides better price than traditional brick and
mortar businesses. Additionally, it covers the misuse of OTC medications, OTC
medications for other purposes, and it offers a system of recommendations to inform
consumers of the significance of seeing a physician before using an OTC medication.

Over The Counter Drug(OTC)

OTC drugs means drugs legally allowed to be sold ‘Over the Counter’, i.e., without the
prescription. In India, through the phrase has no legal recognition, all the drugs that are
not included in the list of ‘prescription drugs’ are considered as non-prescription drugs.
OTC drugs are medicines that are sold directly to the consumer without a prescription
from a healthcare professional. OTC medicines allow consumer to treat certain ailments
and relieve many substances sagely, one must be educated, reasonable, and caution. OTC
drugs are usually regulated by active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
Needs for a Health app

Don’t want to visit to a doctor for small Saves Time

ailments, Want medicines for mild cases Cost Saving
without prescriptive.
Easy access to health information and Less contact with other people.
resources with one top. Self-Care.

Jobs To Be Done (Medref)

Medref app is providing OTC drugs Consumers can order medicines with
without prescription and also side effects MedRef app by just sitting at their homes
of those drugs are mentioned. with MedRef app, you can save your cost
Medref app is fully online app providing of travelling. Also, your money as they
24*7 services. are providing door-o-door services.
Medref app is providing all the necessary Medref app is providing contactless
healthcare information either related to the delivery as after Covid-19, less contact is
dosage, side effects. They are also mandatory.
providing age wise, gender wise data too.

Medref app is a consumer- focused app and they divided it into into different

➢ AGE: India’s population has been steadily growing, and it is anticipated that this
trend will continue over the next year. The median age, which indicates that half
of the population is younger and the other half is older, has increased since then.
Young Adulthood (18-35) – MedRef main focus on age criteria because young adulthood is the
one who are more active and increased responsibilities, such as gaining financial independence,
developing one’s job are linked to young adulthood. They also spend more time working. So,
delivering of medicines at doorsteps is beneficial for them. Also, they can have easy access to the
information related to the medicines9 like cold, cough etc) without the prescription. So, it saves
their time and reduces stress.

Older Adulthood (55 and above) – Medref app main focus is on this age criteria too because
older people are more dependent on other because of their age and medical issues too. So, if they
use this app then they will order medicines at home any time. They do not have to visit doctor
again and again for minor ailments. Also, they can get detailed analysis of the medicines like
side effects, appropriate dosage, whether to see a doctor or not etc. by just filling a questionnaire.

➢ INCOME: Medref app is an online application and we can use it either in our
smartphones or laptops etc. Income class has been divided into five categories.
Households with annual income pyramid. The next segment, known as the lower
middle class, makes between Rs 200,000 and Rs 100,000 annually. The third
category of families is middle class and earn between Rs200,000 and Rs500,000
annually. The fourth one earns between Rs 500,000 and Rs 1 million annually and
might be categorized as upper middle class and the highest class of families earn
more than Rs 1 million annually. Households with annual incomes less Rs
100,000 and some lower middle classes too are not able to afford smartphones
and lives in rural areas. So, they are the only ones that are not able to afford this
app but this app is working on it as their main focus is on consumer. But right
now, they are more focused on people who have smartphones.

➢ Education: The literacy rate in India in 2022 is 77.7%. MedRef app is providing
multi- language support for questionnaire. Also, the app is providing voice-based
questionnaire facility so if people who do not know to read and write they can
also use this app.


• Language - MedRef app is supporting multi-language feature with its customers for wide range
of customer support. Customer can use it in any language according to their preference.
• Urban and Rural areas - MedRef app is an online app due to which the reach of rural areas
is comparatively lower than urban areas because urban people have more access to internet and
phones but on the other hand rural people have less access. So, MedRef app will create
awareness about health with regard to this app, social campaigns and guide them about the
importance of these apps in today's life. Also, provide live shows about the usage and benefit of
MedRef app.
• Lifestyle - Consumers are more evolving towards technology. As technology is evolving day
by day, MedRef app is also evolving with new technologies. You can easily get medicines
delivered at home with full clarity about the medicines, its side-effects, other recommendations
too and they provide a feedback form too for all the suggestions/recommendation from the
• Attitude - The relationship between Internet behavior, and attitude toward potential drug
purchases online was explored. Consumers are more focused towards self-care or self-
medication specially after Covid-19. So, online drug purchases will be more common among
respondents who use the internet more frequently and don't want to visit doctors for minor


MEDREF app- Age Segment

Consumers who are between the age of 18-50. It includes students, children, employees, old
generation. Currently, Indians are evolving more with the new technology and they are
depending more on internet usage and every household has at least one smartphone. So, MedRef
is an app that provides online health care facilities. People of this age will use this app more
because of their change in preferences. Also, they have to maintain the work-life balance. So,
what if they get sick and not able to get a leave? What if at midnight a children get sick?
MedRef is the solution for these problems as they can get medicines without the prescription at
any time (24*7) and MedRef provides the guidance for the misuse of OTC drugs. This app
provides ailments for cough, cold, allergies, pain, fever, acidity, diarrhea and skin related
conditions. So, this app is kind of a combination as it provides medicines and information of the
usage, dosages, side effects etc.
Cold, cough, fever is mostly common among children - Parents can order medicines at home for
their children with the help of MedRef app.
Acidity, Heartburn is common among young generation - MedRef provides a detailed analysis of
the medical issue and future recommendations as well.
Skin related conditions is common among girls (above 15)- Fill the MedRef questionnaire and
get the detailed report of the issue and order medicines. Also, your data is saved for the future.

MedRef app- Urban and Rural areas segment

Out of 121 crore Indians, 83.3 crore live in rural areas while 37.7 crore stay in urban areas.
Urban areas are more developed one but people here are more affected with the health problems
because of the bad air, bad habits etc. Almost 40% of urban people have no access to safety
managed sanitation services. Poor sanitation and working condition also affect the life of older
people and young generation. They got easily affected with the allergies, cough, cold. This is the
common symptom among the people of urban areas.
MedRef is providing ailments for allergies without the prescription (OTC drugs) so you can
order and store the medicines at home anytime or anywhere. By ordering, you can reduce going
outside so it saves your time and money.
On the other hand, in rural areas people are less affected with the health issues but they have
limited access to health care opportunities. Residents of rural areas tend to be older, with lower
incomes and less education.
MedRef is still working to provide this app in rural areas too but the internet usage is less and
smartphones usage too but eventually we will find an alternative to provide access to this app in
rural areas too.

MedRef app is using Differentiated marketing. MedRef app is focusing on different segments.
MedRef app divided the segments into:
1. Families and Children: The app offers ailments for common symptoms among people. App
recommends preferable dosage according to the age and shows side effects too. You can also
save your medical data in the app for future use.
2. College student: Students who are living inside the hostels cannot go out on daily basis. So,
they can use this app to order medicines at their doorsteps.
3. Employees: They want to maintain their work life balance. They are so busy that they are not
able to go out and buy medicines. So, MedRef is here for them they can even order medicines at
their office only by just filling a questionnaire.
4. Disability people: People who are disable and dependent on others this is the great app for
them. They don't have to be dependent. They can use their phone and order medicines for
5. Old/retired: They don't have good knowledge of phones but they can use the voice-based
feature for filling the questionnaire.
6. Lifestyle: With changing lifestyle after Covid-19, people are more evolving towards less
7. Language: App is supporting multi-language feature.
MedRef app is fulfilling diverse needs of customers. They are approaching towards more
consumers by providing them diverse offerings like MedRef is providing ailments for cough,
cold etc. From children to old age consumers,
everyone can use Dollo or paracetamol (proper dosage according to the age criteria). MedRef
also uses the feature of feedback which help them to adapt or fulfils the new generated needs of
customers. MedRef is facing a lot of competition too but our app is quite different because they
are providing OTC drugs without prescription. It's quite beneficial because now consumers do
not require to visit doctor for every mild medical issue. Also, MedRef is expanding its value-
added services with Prato.


1.) Identifying the audience: MedRef app is targeting teenagers, older people, high income
peoples, people more into online shopping, urban areas.

2.) Unique Selling Price (USP): MedRef is providing best quality features with low prices.
They focused on LOW-PRICE HIGH-QUALITY basis. The app provides customers with quick
delivery services at reasonable pricing. In addition to over-the-counter medicines, clients may
obtain healthcare supplies and schedule home health tests at their convenience. The client can
also provide feedback to aid with improvement. Quality- Latest manufactured medicines, no
expiry or close to expiry dates medicines to be sold. Price- Lowest price guaranteed, full refunds
in case of any issue, special offers, discounts.

3.) Identify your customers: MedRef app is facing a big competition in this market.
Apps like,, etc. are giving tough competition to our
product. MedRef is providing some best features that will differentiate our product from the
competitor's product i.e.,
• Easy to access - Fill the questionnaire and get the desired results. Questionnaire is available in
• Price Consciousness - LOW PRICE HIGH QUALITY focused.
• After every feedback, MedRef redefines the app and database. Alternative brand (medicine)
suggestion option is there.
• Future recommendations are there like whether to see a doctor or not. • Free to use application.
• Proper knowledge of OTC drugs and their use/misuse.

4.) Identify the promotion technique: MedRef can promote our app through:
• Social media (Instagram ads, Facebook ads etc.) because a huge ratio of teenagers are there. •
Advertisements in TV through Over the counter drugs.
• Social awareness campaigns on OTC drugs.
• Public health promotion events.
• Virtual events
A marketing strategy defines the overall plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them
into customers of our products.
MedRef app marketing strategy and marketing mix (4Ps)

1.MedRef Product strategy: MedRef is a leading mobile app and interface which connects
consumers to medicines and doctors. MedRef provide opportunities to consumers to get access to
all the health-related information, medical advice online and it's free of cost. MedRef offers
database services to store data in the app only. The various products offered for this segment are
MedRef profile, MedRef consultancy, MedRef portal, quality services, feedback control, proper
packaging of medicines.
2. MedRef Price strategy: MedRef offers paid as well as free services to their consumers. The
patients can seek free consultation from verified doctors. They can also order medicines online
which are priced at cheaper rates. They will offer discounts, membership benefits to members
3. MedRef Place strategy: MedRef can be accessed from anywhere through any device such as
Windows, Android, iOS, Mac. You can download the app from play
store. MedRef is working in India. The app is available in multi-language and can be used by
4. MedRef Promotion strategy: MedRef will be majorly promoted through digital media with
active presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin,
YouTube. MedRef will promote itself by positioning as "Be Healthy Be Stable" which aims at
signifying simplicity offered by the app to the consumers.
1. COMMUNICATION CHANNEL: MedRef uses this channel to tell their target audience
about the app. MedRef app uses face-to-face communication, Virtual events, emails,
Billboards, Internet to promote our app. Tools used are: - Social Media platforms,
Campaigns, Newspaper.

2. DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL: An intermediary through which a good pass until it

reaches the final buyer or the end consumer. MedRef is an online app so first they accept
the questionnaire filled by the patient then ready the report and bill with full details of the
patients and then deliver the medicines to the doorsteps.
3. SERVICE CHANNEL: MedRef provide health related services to their patients and in
return demand feedback only. With the provision to collect feedback from users after every
recommendation, use the data to refine app/ database.

Value Proposition Canva

1.) Cheap prices
2.) Safety of information
3.) Save time

1.) Language Support
2.) Contactless services

Health related information/recommendations PAINS –

1.) Late night emergency for medicines
2.) Misuse or wrong usage of medicines.
1.) Free mobile application, lower prices
2.) Records of patient with full database security. 3.) Home Delivery service

1.) Questionnaire available in multi-language support and voice-based format.
2.) Records of patient with full database security.
3.) Home Delivery service.

1.) Questionnaire available in multi-language support and voice-based format.
2.) Door to door services
3.) Dosage, Side-effects, alternatives brand suggestion.

1.) 24*7 available
2.) Detailed analysis of medicines (OTC drugs), its uses and misuses.


The healthcare sector is increasing continuously. After Covid-19, patients prefer to avoid
going to clinics, medical stores or pharmacy etc. So, working on a new medical app that
provide services online is the best option. The number of consumer digital health apps
ballooned last year. Most of these apps focuses on consumers welfare.
One of our projects, MedRef is the mobile/web application which provide a guidance
system that educates user whether OTC drugs are recommended in each scenario or
should the user be consulting a doctor. Modern medical software that includes online and
mobile booking tools and communication platforms is revolutionizing the way we
previously received healthcare.
Consequently, there is a lot of competition when developing a medical application.
You need to make sure that a market with millions of consumers adopts your platform
and makes it popular. Before using healthcare services, patients are paying more attention
to internet reviews of medical facilities and staff. This indicates that individuals are
becoming more demanding, leading them to select the best course of action for their
families and themselves. Healthcare providers should thus view healthcare marketing as
not just a fantastic investment but also a very minimum requirement.

1. Analyze the competition: We must first identify our top rivals before analyzing them
to learn about their methods and how they have persisted in the market for such a long
time. After compiling all of their information, we must evaluate our application to see
where we can make improvements and what techniques we can use to compete with
2. Make a press kit: Press kits provide journalists and the press with the most
comprehensive, well-organized information on your product. Make certain that nothing
critical is missing from this kit while you work on it. These consist of: Guide to studying
with highlights, Screenshots, Logos and, naturally, video. An essential tool for your
medical marketing and media operations, a press kit is a wonderful writing source of
information about your product that you can make available to individuals upon request.
It may be included as a page on your website.

3.Supply chain: It's critical that the business do an inventory of its goods to make sure it
has enough to fulfil demand. Creating a controllable supply chain is the most effective
approach to do this. Working closely with our suppliers, we must find out from them how
many units they can supply at once and what their maximum capacity is. Afterward, work
together to determine how to increase production if the demand for our product launch
exceeds the availability.

4.Smooth onboarding: Even if your app is only for mobile devices, the website is crucial
for promoting new apps. As consumers learn about your product, make sure they have the
easiest possible time getting what they need. Clarify the typical queries and respond to
them directly on the website. After completing all the stages, we must choose the
product's launch date. We need to use social media more frequently and encourage our
friends and family to spread the word about the app. On every available channel, we need
to get the public's attention more.We can PPC campaigns too.

5.Feedback after launch: Finally, the product is now offered for sale. Therefore, we
must be prepared for consumer feedback. If a consumer leaves a bad review, we must be
sympathetic, respond positively, and provide them both a short-term fix for their current
issue and a long- term fix for the application's future.

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