Competency Standard and Assessment Guide of Fire Safety Worker S Level

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Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP)

Finance Division, Ministry of Finance

The Competency Standards for Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for workers is a document
for the development of curricula, teaching and learning materials, and assessment tools. It also serves as
the document for providing trainings consistent with the requirement of industry in order for individuals
who passed through the set standard via assessment would be qualified and settled for a relevant job.

This document is owned by the Finance Division of the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of
Bangladesh, developed under the Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP).

Public and private institutions may use the information contained in this standard for activities
benefitting Bangladesh.

Other interested parties must obtain permission from the owner of this document for reproduction of
information in any manner in whole or in part of this Skills Standard, in English or other languages.

This document is available at:

Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) Project, Finance Division, Ministry of Finance,
Probashi Kallyan Bhaban(Level‐16)
71‐72 Old Elephant Road, Eskaton Garden
Phone: +8802 55138753‐55, Fax: +88 02 55138752
Website: www.seip‐

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 1


The Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) Project of the Finance Division of the
Ministry of Finance has embarked on a project which aims to qualitatively and quantitatively expand the
skilling capacity of identified public and private training providers by establishing and operationalizing a
responsive skill eco system and delivery mechanism through a combination of well‐defined set of funding
triggers and targeted capacity support.

Among the many components of the project, one is to promote a Market Responsive Inclusive
Skills Training Delivery program. Key priority economic growth sectors identified by government have
been targeted by the project to improve current job skills along with up‐skilling of the existing workforce
to ensure ‘required skills to industry standards’. Training providers are encouraged and supported to work
with the industry to address identified skills to enable industry growth and increased employment through
the provision of market responsive inclusive skills training programs. Priority sectors were identified to
adopt a demand driven approach to training with effective inputs from Industry Skills Councils (ISCs),
Employer Associations and Employers.

This document is developed to improve skills in accordance with the job roles and skill sets of the
occupation and ensure that the required skills are aligned to industry requirements.

The document details the format, sequencing, wording and layout of the Competency Standard
for an occupation which comprised Units of Competence and its corresponding Elements.


A Competency Standard is a written specification of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
for the performance of a job or occupation or trade corresponding to the standard of performance
required in the workplace.
Competency standard:
 provides a consistent and reliable set of components for training, recognizing and assessing
people’s skills, and may also have optional support materials.
 enables industry recognized qualifications to be awarded through direct assessment of
workplace competencies
 encourages the development and delivery of flexible training which suits individual and
industry requirements
 encourages learning and assessment in a work‐related environment which leads to verifiable
workplace outcomes.

Competency Standards are developed by a working group who comprised national and
international process experts and the participation of experts from the industry to identify the
competencies required of an occupation in a particular sector.

Competency Standards describe the skills, knowledge and attitude needed to perform effectively
in the workplace. Competency Standards acknowledge that people can achieve vocational and technical
competency in many ways by emphasizing what the learner can do, not how or where they learned to do

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 2

With Competency Standards, training and assessment may be conducted at the workplace or at
training organization or any combination of these.

A Unit of Competency describes a distinct work activity that would normally be undertaken by
one person in accordance with industry standards.

Units of Competency are documented in a standard format that comprises:

 Reference to Industry Sector, Occupational Title and Occupational Description
 Unit code
 Unit title
 Unit descriptor
 Unit of Competency
 Elements and performance criteria
 Variables and range statement
 Evidence guides

Together all the parts of a Unit of Competency:

 Describe a work activity
 Guide the assessor in determining whether the candidate is competent.

Identification and validation of units of competency and elements for each occupation were made
by experts of various construction companies in an industry consultative workshop held at the Bangladesh
Knitwear Manufacturer’s & Exporters Association (BKMEA) of RMG sector on the 14th of June 2016.
Profile of experts and facilitators who participated in the Competency Verification and Validation
Workshop are given below:
Competency Verification‐Validation Experts:
Name Company Job Position
Mohammad Manik Mia BKMEA Senior Trainer (Fire Safety)
Mohammad Iftekhar BKMEA Senior Trainer (Fire Safety)
Group Manager (HR Admin
Joya Nandy Zuma Fashions Ltd. BKSP Savar
and Compliance & Audit)
Md. Shahabuddin (Bilash) Impress Fashion Ltd. Manager (HRA &

Workshop Facilitators:

Md. Mohiuzzaman SEIP Course Specialist

Emeterio Cedillo, Jr. SEIP International Specialist

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 3

The ensuing sections of this document comprise a description of the respective occupation with
all the key components of a Unit of Competency:

 A chart with an overview of all Units of Competency for the respective occupation
including the Unit Codes and the Unit of Competency titles and corresponding Elements.

 The Competency Standards that include the Unit of Competency, Unit Descriptor,
Elements and Performance Criteria, Range of Variables, Curricular Content Guide and
Assessment Evidence Guide.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 4



A. Occupation Specific (Core) Competencies

EXPLAIN THE Identify the nature of Explain the principle Describe the process Describe different
FUNDAMENTALS OF FIRE fire of extinguishing fire of heat transfer types of flammable

Explain the different Describe the methods Identify the causes of

classes of fire of extinguishing fire fire

OPERATE FIRE FIGHTING Describe the different Demonstrate the Explain the operation Explain the operation
types of fire proper method of and application of the and application of
extinguisher and their using fire sprinkler system the water hydrant
applications extinguisher system

Explain the operation Explain the proper

and application of the use of auxiliary
fire alarm system firefighting equipment

CARRY OUT FIRE DRILLS Describe the different Follow the Perform firefighting Carry out rescue
types of fire drills evacuation operation

EXPLAIN THE Define hazard in the Explain the steps in Identify hazards in Eliminate hazards in
RESPONSIBILITY OF A workplace hazard identification the workplace the workplace

WEAR PERSONAL Explain the application Wear personal

PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT and importance of protective equipment
Personal Protective

PERFORM FIRST AID and Explain the purpose Describe the Carry out first aid
RESCUE MANAGEMENT of first aid importance of first aid treatment for different
types of workplace

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 5

EXPLAIN ELECTRICAL Identify the types of Describe the effects Describe the causes Explain Electrical
SAFETY PRINCIPLES electricity of electricity to a of fire due to Safety Management
person electricity System

Explain the lockout

and tagout system of
preventing electrical

EXPLAIN CHEMICAL SAFETY Describe the nature of Identify the risks Explain the application Recognize the
PRINCIPLES chemicals of Material Safety Data
associated with importance of
Sheet (MSDS) to
(SEIP-RMG-FIRW-8-O) chemicals chemical labelling
chemicals in safety

Identify the types and

application of PPEs
used for chemical

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 6

Units & Elements at Glance:
Occupation Specific (Core) Competencies (30 hrs.)
Code Unit of Competency Elements of Competency Guided

1. Identify the nature of fire

2. Explain the principle of extinguishing fire
3. Describe the process of heat transfer
Explain the 4. Describe different types of flammable
SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐1‐O materials 3
Fundamentals of Fire
5. Explain the different classes of fire
6. Describe the methods of extinguishing
7. Identify the causes of fire
1. Describe the different types of fire
extinguisher and their applications
2. Demonstrate the proper method of using
fire extinguisher
3. Explain the operation and application of
Operate Fire Fighting the sprinkler system
Equipment Properly 4. Explain the operation and application of
water hydrant system
5. Explain the operation and application of
fire alarm system
6. Identify the proper use of auxiliary
firefighting equipment
1. Describe the different types of fire drills
2. Follow the evacuation procedures
SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐3‐O Carry Out Fire Drills 4
3. Perform firefighting
4. Carry out rescue operation
Explain the 1. Define hazard in the workplace
SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐4‐O Responsibility of a 2. Explain the steps in hazard identification 4
3. Identify hazards in the workplace
Worker (Fire Fighter) 4. Eliminate identified hazards
1. Explain the application and importance
Wear Personal of Personal Protective Equipment
Protective Equipment
2. Wear personal protective equipment
1. Explain the purpose of first aid
Perform First Aid and 2. Describe the importance of first aid
SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐6‐O training 4
Rescue Management 3. Carry out first aid treatment for different
types of workplace injuries

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 7

1. Identify the types of electricity
2. Describe the effects of electricity to a

Explain Electrical 3. Describe the causes of fire due to

SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐7‐O electricity 3
Safety Principles
4. Explain Electrical Safety Management
5. Explain the lockout and tag out system
of preventing electrical accidents
1. Describe the nature of chemicals
2. Identify risks associated with chemicals
3. Explain the application of Material
Explain Chemical Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) in chemical
SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐8‐O safety management 3
Safety Principles
4. Explain the importance of chemical
5. Identify the types and application of
PPEs used for chemical handling
Total Hours 30 hrs.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 8


A. The Occupation Specific (Core) Competencies

Unit of Competency: Nominal Duration: Unit Code:

Unit Descriptor:
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a worker to explain the basic application
of fire in the readymade garments sector. It specifically includes the tasks of identifying the nature of
fire, explaining the principle of extinguishing fire, describing the process of heat transfer, explaining the
different classes of fire, describing the methods of extinguishing fires and identifying the causes of fire.

Elements and Performance Criteria Template:

(Terms in the performance criteria that are written in bold and underlined are described in the range of
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria
1. Identify the nature of fire 1.1 The nature of fire is defined.
1.2 The four (4) requirements of combustion are described.
2. Explain the principle of 2.1 The methods of extinguishing fire is explained.
extinguishing fire
3. Describe the process of 3.1 The heat transfer process is described.
heat transfer 3.1.1 The conduction process is explained.
3.1.2 The convection process is explained.
3.1.3 The radiation process is explained.
4. Describe different types of 4.1 Types of flammable materials are described.
flammable materials
5. Explain the different classes 5.1 The different classification of fire according to burning
of fire principle are identified.
6. Describe the methods of 6.1 The methods of fire extinguishment are identified.
extinguishing fire
7. Identify the causes of fire 7.1 The causes of fire are described.

Range of Variables

Variable Range (Includes but not limited to):

1. Requirements of 1.1 Oxygen (air)
combustion 1.2 Fuel
1.3 Heat
1.4 Chemical chain reaction
2. Methods of extinguishing 2.1 Starvation
fires 2.2 Smothering
2.3 Cooling
2.4 Interrupting chain reaction
3. Heat transfer process 3.1 Conduction
3.2 Convection
3.3 Radiation

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 9

4. Types of flammable 4.1 Tinder
materials 4.2 Kindling
4.3 Bulk
5. Classification of fire 5.1 Solid fire – Class A
according to burning 5.2 Liquid fire – Class B
principle 5.3 Gasses fire ‐ Class C
5.4 Metal fire ‐ Class D
5.5 Electrical fire – Class E
5.6 Cooking fire – Class F/K
6. Causes of fire 6.1 Electrical
6.2 Hazardous chemical mishandling
6.3 Welding
6.4 Gas eruption/explosion
6.5 Sabotage/arson
6.6 Burning stove
6.7 Lightning
6.8 Smoking
6.9 Overheating
6.10 Friction
6.11 Hostility
6.12 Boiler eruption
6.13 Flaming mosquito coil
6.14 Gas cylinder abuse

Curricular Content Guide

1. Underpinning Knowledge 1.1 The nature of fire
1.2 The four (4) requirements of combustion
1.3 The principle of fire extinguishment
1.4 The principle of heat transfer process
1.5 Types of flammable materials
1.6 Different classes of fire
1.7 Classification of fire according to their burning principle
1.8 Methods and techniques of extinguishing
1.9 Causes of fire
2. Underpinning Skills 2.1 Defining the nature of fire
2.2 Describing the four (4) components of combustion
2.3 Explaining the principle of extinguishing fire
2.4 Describing the heat transfer process
3. Underpinning Attitudes 3.1 Commitment to occupational health and safety practices
3.2 Awareness to fire prevention
3.3 Eagerness to learn
3.4 Tidiness, timeliness, and orderliness
3.5 Respect for rights of peers and seniors in workplace
4. Resource Implications 4.1 Workplace (simulated or actual)
4.2 Various kinds of firefighting tools, equipment and PPEs
4.3 Workplace rules and regulation policy manual

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 10

4.4 Pens
4.5 Papers
4.6 Work books
4.7 Multi‐media (Projector, laptop, sound system)

Assessment Evidence Guide

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment required evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Described the four (4) requirements of combustion.
1.2 Explained the principle of fire extinguishment.
1.3 Described the heat transfer process.
1.4 Identified the different classification of fire according to burning
1.5 Identified the methods of extinguishing fires.
1.6 Described the causes of fire.
2. Methods of Assessment Competency should be assessed by:
2.1 Written examination
2.2 Demonstration
2.3 Oral questioning
2.4 Workplace observation
3. Context of Assessment 3.1 Competency assessment must be done in a training center or in
an actual or simulated work place after completion of the
training module.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 11

Unit of Competency: Nominal Duration: Unit Code:
Unit Descriptor:
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a worker to operate firefighting
equipment properly. It specifically includes the tasks of describing the different types of fire
extinguisher and their applications, demonstrating the proper method of using fire extinguisher,
explaining the operation and application of the sprinkler system, explaining the operation and
application of the water hydrant system, explaining the operation and application of the fire alarm
system and identifying the proper use of auxiliary firefighting equipment.

Elements and Performance Criteria Template:

(Terms in the performance criteria that are written in bold and underlined are described in the range of
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria
1. Describe the different types 1.1 The four stages of fire are identified.
of fire extinguisher and 1.2 The different types of fire extinguishers are identified.
their applications 1.3 The properties of the different types of fire extinguishers are
2. Demonstrate the proper 2.1 The proper use and application of the different types of fire
method of using fire extinguisher are explained.
extinguisher 2.2 The “PASS” technique of using the portable fire extinguisher is
2.3 Placement and installation height of portable fire extinguisher
is identified.
3. Explain the operation and 3.1 The operation and application of the different types of
application of the sprinkler sprinkler system is explained.
4. Explain the operation and 4.1 Operation and application of the water hydrant the system is
application of water Explained.
hydrant system
5. Explain the operation and 5.1 The operation and application of the fire alarm system is
application of fire alarm explained.
system 5.2 Major components of the Fire Alarm System is identified.
6. Identify the proper use of 6.1 The proper use of auxiliary firefighting equipment are
auxiliary firefighting identified.

Range of Variables

Variable Range (Includes but not limited to):

1. Four stages of fire 1.1 Incipient (developing) stage
1.2 Smoldering stage
1.3 Flame stage
1.4 Uncontrolled stage
2. Types of fire extinguishers 2.1 Dry chemical powder (DCP)/ABC powder
2.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 12

2.3 Foam spray
2.4 Water
2.5 Wet chemical
3. Properties of the different 3.1 Test pressure
types of fire extinguishers 3.2 Working pressure
3.3 Discharge time
3.4 Gas used
3.5 Effective distance
4. “PASS” technique 4.1 Pull
4.2 Aim
4.3 Squeeze
4.4 Sweep
5. Different types of sprinkler 5.1 Wet type
system 5.2 Dry type
5.3 Pre‐action type
5.4 Deluge type
6. Components of the fire 6.1 Alarm initiation device
alarm system 6.2 Notification appliances
6.3 Fire alarm control units
6.4 Remote on‐site annunciation
6.5 Batteries/power supply
7. Auxiliary firefighting 7.1 Fire bitter
equipment 7.2 Fire hook
7.3 Fire blanket
7.4 Hose pipe
7.5 Bucket

Curricular Content Guide

1. Underpinning Knowledge 1.1 The four stages of fire
1.2 Different types of fire extinguishers
1.3 Properties of the different types of fire extinguishers
1.4 Use and application of the different types of fire extinguisher
1.5 The “PASS” technique of using the portable fire extinguisher
1.6 Placement and installation height of portable fire extinguisher
1.7 operation and application of a sprinkler system
1.8 Operation and application of water hydrant system
1.9 Operation and application of fire alarm system
1.10 The proper use of auxiliary firefighting equipment
2. Underpinning Skills 2.1 Identifying the four stages of fire
2.2 Identifying the different types of fire extinguishers
2.3 Identifying the properties of different types of fire extinguishers
2.4 Explaining the proper use and application of different types of
fire extinguisher
2.5 Applying the “PASS” technique of using the portable fire

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 13

2.6 Identifying placement and installation height of portable fire
2.7 Explaining the operation and application of a sprinkler system
2.8 Explaining the operation and application of water hydrant
2.9 Explaining the operation and application of the fire alarm
2.10 Identifying the proper use of auxiliary firefighting equipment
3. Underpinning Attitudes 3.1 Commitment to occupational health and safety practices
3.2 Awareness to fire prevention
3.3 Eagerness to learn
3.4 Tidiness, timeliness, and orderliness
3.5 Respect for rights of peers and seniors in workplace
4. Resource Implications 4.1 Workplace (simulated or actual)
4.2 Various kinds of firefighting tools, equipment and PPEs
4.3 Workplace rules and regulation policy manual
4.4 Pens
4.5 Papers
4.6 Work books

Assessment Evidence Guide

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment required evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Identified the different types of fire extinguishers
1.2 Applied the “PASS” technique of using the portable fire
1.3 Explained the operation and application of a sprinkler system
1.4 Explained operation and application of water hydrant system
1.5 Explained the operation and application of fire alarm system
1.6 Identified the proper use of auxiliary firefighting equipment
2. Methods of Assessment Competency should be assessed by:
2.1 Written examination
2.2 Demonstration
2.3 Oral questioning
2.4 Workplace observation
3. Context of Assessment 3.1 Competency assessment must be done in a training center or in
an actual or simulated work place after completion of the
training module.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 14

Unit of Competency: Nominal Duration: Unit Code:
Unit Descriptor:
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a worker to carry out fire drills. It
specifically includes the tasks of describing the different types of fire drills, following the evacuation
procedures, performing firefighting and carrying out rescue operation.

Elements and Performance Criteria Template:

(Terms in the performance criteria that are written in bold and underlined are described in the range of
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria
1. Describe the different types 1.1 Fire drill is explained.
of fire drills 1.2 The types of fire drills are described.
1.3 Fire response/firefighting teams are identified.

2. Follow the evacuation 2.1 Evacuation plan is identified.

procedures 2.2 Evacuation procedures are described.
2.3 Evacuation is followed in accordance with the plan.
3. Perform firefighting 3.1 Assigned members of firefighting team performed firefighting
in accordance with the appropriate procedures.
4. Carry out rescue operation 4.1 Types of rescue methods/techniques in the event of fire is
4.2 Member of the rescue team carries out rescue operation in
accordance with appropriate procedures.

Range of Variables

Variable Range (Includes but not limited to):

1. Types of fire drill 1.1 Announced fire drill
1.2 Unannounced fire drill
2. Fire response/firefighting 2.1 Firefighting team
teams 2.2 Rescue team
2.3 First aid team
3. Rescue methods/ 3.1 One rescuer techniques
techniques 3.1.1 One rescuer human crutch
3.1.2 Pack strap carry technique
3.1.3 Fire fighter’s crawl
3.1.4 Down stairs removal technique
3.2 Two rescuer Techniques
3.2.1 Two rescuer human crutch
3.2.2 Two and four handed seats
3.2.3 The “fore and aft” method

Curricular Content Guide

1. Underpinning Knowledge 1.1 Definition of fire drill

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 15

1.2 Types of fire drill
1.3 Composition of fire response/firefighting teams
1.4 Evacuation plan
1.5 Evacuation procedures
1.6 Set procedure of evacuation plan
1.7 Procedures in performing firefighting
1.8 Rescue methods/techniques
1.9 Procedure on carrying out rescue operation
2. Underpinning Skills 2.1 Explaining meaning of fire drills
2.2 Describing the types of fire drill
2.3 Identifying fire response/firefighting teams
2.4 Identifying evacuation plan
2.5 Describing evacuation procedures
2.6 Following evacuation in accordance with the plan
2.7 Performing firefighting in accordance with appropriate
2.8 Explained types of rescue methods/techniques
2.9 Carrying out rescue operation by member of the rescue team
3. Underpinning Attitudes 3.1 Commitment to occupational health and safety practices
3.2 Awareness to fire prevention
3.3 Eagerness to learn
3.4 Tidiness, timeliness, and orderliness
3.5 Respect for rights of peers and seniors in workplace
4. Resource Implications 4.1 Workplace (simulated or actual)
4.2 Various kinds of firefighting tools, equipment and PPEs
4.3 Workplace rules and regulation policy manual
4.4 Pens
4.5 Papers
4.6 Work books

Assessment Evidence Guide

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment required evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Explained fire drill.
1.2 Described the types of fire drill.
1.3 Identified fire response/firefighting teams.
1.4 Identified evacuation plan.
1.5 Described evacuation procedures.
1.6 Followed evacuation in accordance with the plan.
1.7 Performed firefighting in accordance with the appropriate
1.8 Explained the types of rescue methods/techniques in the event
of fire incident.
1.9 Carried out rescue operation in accordance with appropriate
2. Methods of Assessment Competency should be assessed by:
2.1 Written examination

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 16

2.2 Demonstration
2.3 Oral questioning
2.4 Workplace observation
3. Context of Assessment 3.1 Competency assessment must be done in a training center or in
an actual or simulated work place after completion of the
training module.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 17

Unit of Competency: Nominal Duration: Unit Code:
Unit Descriptor:
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a worker to recognize the responsibility
of a worker (fire fighter) in the readymade garments sector. It specifically includes the tasks of
explaining the steps in hazard identification and identifying hazards in the workplace.

Elements and Performance Criteria Template:

(Terms in the performance criteria that are written in bold and underlined are described in the range of
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria
1. Define hazard in the 1.1 Workplace hazard is defined.
workplace 1.2 Classification of hazard are enumerated and explained.
1.3 Sources of information to identify hazards are determined.
1. Explain the steps in hazard 1.1 Steps in hazard identification are explained.
2. Identify hazards in the 2.1 Potential hazards in the workplace are identified.
3. Eliminate identified hazards 1.4 Identified hazards in the workplace are immediately contained
3.1 Improvements are made to totally eliminate hazards in the

Range of Variables

Variable Range (Includes but not limited to):

1. Classification of hazard 1.1 Physical
1.2 Chemical
1.3 Ergonomic
1.4 Radiation
1.5 Psychological
1.6 Biological
2. Sources of information 2.1 Environment
2.2 Equipment
3. Steps in hazard 3.1 Workplace plan retrieval
identification 3.2 Audit of workplace environment
3.3 Work area survey
3.4 Check operability of firefighting equipment
3.5 Inventory of firefighting equipment
4. Potential hazards 4.1 Hazards due to unsafe acts
4.2 Hazards due to unsafe conditions
5. Identified hazards 5.1 Obstructed passageways/corridors
5.2 No available water in fire water tanks
5.3 Expired/zero pressure in fire extinguishers
5.4 Damaged/broken parts of fire extinguishers
5.5 Locked/blocked exit doors

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 18

5.6 Open electrical wiring
5.7 Workplace building does not follow Construction Building Codes
5.8 Extreme temperatures in work area
5.9 Presence Gas
5.10 Presence of Oil and other flammable liquids

Curricular Content Guide

1. Underpinning Knowledge 1.1 Hazard identification techniques
1.2 Hazard classification
1.3 Potential hazards
1.3.1 Unsafe acts
1.3.2 Unsafe conditions
1.4 Sources of hazard identification
1.5 Practical hazard management
1.6 Personal Protection Equipment
1.7 Safety signs
1.8 Workshop ventilation
2. Underpinning Skills 2.1 Defining Workplace hazard
2.2 Explaining the steps in identifying hazards
2.3 identifying potential hazards in the workplace
2.4 Explaining the classification of hazard
2.5 Identifying potential hazards in the workplace
2.6 Determined the sources of information in identifying hazards
3. Underpinning Attitudes 3.1 Commitment to occupational health and safety practices
3.2 Awareness to fire prevention
3.3 Eagerness to learn
3.4 Tidiness, timeliness, and orderliness
3.5 Respect for rights of peers and seniors in workplace
4. Resource Implications 4.1 Workplace (simulated or actual)
4.2 Various kinds of firefighting tools, equipment and PPEs
4.3 Workplace rules and regulation policy manual
4.4 Pens
4.5 Papers
4.6 Work books

Assessment Evidence Guide

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment required evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Defined workplace hazard
1.2 Explained classification of hazard
1.3 Identified potential hazards in the workplace
1.4 Explained sources of information to identify hazards
2. Methods of Assessment Competency should be assessed by:
2.1 Written examination
2.2 Demonstration

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 19

2.3 Oral questioning
2.4 Workplace observation
3. Context of Assessment 3.1 Competency assessment must be done in a training center or in
an actual or simulated work place after completion of the
training module.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 20

Unit of Competency: Nominal Duration: Unit Code:
Unit Descriptor:
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a worker to wear personal protective
equipment in the readymade garments sector. It specifically includes the tasks of explaining the
application and importance of personal protective equipment and wearing personal protective
equipment at work.

Elements and Performance Criteria Template:

(Terms in the performance criteria that are written in bold and underlined are described in the range of
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria
1. Explain the application and 1.1 Application and importance of Personal Protective Equipment
importance of Personal (PPE) are explained.
Protective Equipment 1.2 Classification of personal protective equipment is identified.
1.3 Importance of wearing personal protective equipment are
2. Wear personal protective 2.1 Rules for the use and maintenance of personal protective
equipment equipment are described.
2.2 Personal protective equipment are regularly and properly worn
at work.

Range of Variables

Variable Range (Includes but not limited to):

1. Personal Protective 1.1 Vest
Equipment (PPE) 1.2 Helmet
1.3 Protective eye glass
1.4 Safety boot
1.5 Ear plug
1.6 Hand gloves
2. Classification of personal 2.1 Work clothing
protective equipment 2.2 Head protection
2.3 Eye and face protection
2.4 Foot protection
2.5 Hearing protection

Curricular Content Guide

1. Underpinning Knowledge 1.1 Application and importance of Personal Protective Equipment
1.2 Classification of personal protective equipment
1.3 Importance of wearing personal protective equipment
1.4 Rules for the use and maintenance of personal protective
1.5 Proper way of wearing Personal protective equipment at work

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 21

1.6 Consequences of NOT wearing PPEs at work
2. Underpinning Skills 2.1 Explaining the application and importance of Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
2.2 Identifying the classification of personal protective equipment
2.3 Explaining the importance of wearing personal protective
equipment (PPE).
2.4 Describing the rules for the use and maintenance of personal
protective equipment (PPE).
2.5 Wearing of personal protective equipment (PPEs) regularly and
properly at work
3. Underpinning Attitudes 3.1 Commitment to occupational health and safety practices
3.2 Commitment to wear appropriate PPEs properly
3.3 Eagerness to learn
3.4 Tidiness, timeliness, and orderliness
3.5 Respect for rights of peers and seniors in workplace
4. Resource Implications 4.1 Workplace (simulated or actual)
4.2 Various kinds of firefighting tools, equipment and PPEs
4.3 Workplace rules and regulation policy manual
4.4 Pens
4.5 Papers
4.6 Work books

Assessment Evidence Guide

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment required evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Explained the Importance of wearing personal protective
1.2 Worn Personal protective equipment regularly and properly.
2. Methods of Assessment Competency should be assessed by:
2.1 Written examination
2.2 Demonstration
2.3 Oral questioning
2.4 Workplace observation
3. Context of Assessment 3.1 Competency assessment must be done in a training center or in
an actual or simulated work place after completion of the
training module.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 22

Unit of Competency: Nominal Duration: Unit Code:
Unit Descriptor:
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a worker to perform first aid and rescue
management in the readymade garments sector. It specifically includes the tasks of explaining the
purpose of first aid, describing the importance of first aide training and carrying out first aid treatment
for different types of occupational injuries.

Elements and Performance Criteria Template:

(Terms in the performance criteria that are written in bold and underlined are described in the range of
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria
1. Explain the purpose of 1.1 The purpose of providing first aid is explained.
first aid 1.2 Roles and responsibilities of first aid provider are described.

2. Describe the importance 2.1 The importance of first aide training is described.
of first aid training 2.2 Availability of first aid kit supply is checked.
2.3 Availability of first aid medication is checked.

3. Carry out first aid 3.1 General/universal first aid procedure is carried out.
treatment for different 3.2 First aid treatment for workplace injuries are carried out.
types of workplace injuries

Range of Variables

Variable Range (Includes but not limited to):

1. Roles and responsibilities 1.1 Maintain composure
1.2 Maintain personal health and safety
1.3 Maintain caring attitude
1.4 Maintain up‐to‐date knowledge and skills
1.5 Make the victim’s needs in your concern but without putting
yourself in danger
1.6 Do not do anything that may harm others
2. First aid kit supply 2.1 Adhesive tape
2.2 Elastic wrap bandages
2.3 Nonstick sterile bandages and roller gauze in assorted sizes
2.4 Eye shield or pad
2.5 Instant cold packs
2.6 Cotton balls and cotton‐tipped swabs
2.7 Disposable non‐latex examination gloves, several pairs
2.8 Petroleum jelly or other lubricants
2.9 Scissors and tweezers
2.10 Antibiotic ointment
2.11 Antiseptic solution and towelettes
2.12 Eyewash solution
2.13 Thermometer

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 23

3. First aid medications 3.1 Calamine lotion
3.2 Anti‐diarrhea medication
3.3 Laxative
3.4 Antacids
3.5 Antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine
3.6 Pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others),
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others)
3.7 Hydrocortisone cream
3.8 Cough and cold medications
4. General/universal first aid 4.1 Assess the scene
procedure 4.2 Alert in case of emergency or activate the emergency plan
4.3 Attend to victim
4.4 Provide first aid treatment
5. Workplace injuries 5.1 Minor wounds
5.2 Severe bleeding
5.3 Electric shock
5.4 Burns
5.5 Eye injury
5.6 Nose bleed
5.7 Heat stroke

Curricular Content Guide

1. Underpinning Knowledge 1.1 Purpose of providing first aid
1.2 Roles and responsibilities of first aid provider
1.3 Importance of first aid training
1.4 First aid kit supply
1.5 First aid medications
1.6 General/universal first aid procedure
1.7 First aid treatment procedures for various workplace injuries
2. Underpinning Skills 2.1 Explaining the purpose of providing first aid
2.2 Describing the roles and responsibilities of first aid provider
2.3 Describing the importance of first aid training
2.4 Checking the availability of first aid kit supply
2.5 Checking the availability of first aid medications
2.6 Carrying out general/universal first aid procedure
2.7 Carrying out first aid treatment for workplace injuries
3. Underpinning Attitudes 3.1 Commitment to occupational health and safety practices
3.2 Eagerness to learn
3.3 Tidiness, timeliness, and orderliness
3.4 Respect to the rights of peers and seniors in workplace
4. Resource Implications 4.1 Workplace (simulated or actual)
4.2 Various kinds of firefighting tools, equipment and PPEs
4.3 Workplace rules and regulation policy manual
4.4 Pens
4.5 Papers
4.6 Work books

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 24

Assessment Evidence Guide
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment required evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Explained purposes of providing first aid.
1.2 Described roles and responsibilities of first aid provider.
1.3 Described importance of first aide training.
1.4 Carried out general/universal first aid procedure.
1.5 Carried out first aid treatment for workplace injuries.
2. Methods of Assessment Competency should be assessed by:
2.1 Written examination
2.2 Demonstration
2.3 Oral questioning
2.4 Workplace observation
3. Context of Assessment 3.1 Competency assessment must be done in a training center or in
an actual or simulated work place after completion of the
training module.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 25

Unit of Competency: Nominal Duration: Unit Code:
Unit Descriptor:
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a worker to explain electrical safety
principles. It specifically includes the tasks of identify the types of electricity, describe the effects of
electricity to a person, describe the causes of fire due to electricity, explain electrical safety
management system, and explain the lockout and tag out system of preventing electrical accidents.

Elements and Performance Criteria Template:

(Terms in the performance criteria that are written in bold and underlined are described in the range of
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria
1. Identify the types of 1.1 Principle of electricity is explained.
electricity 1.2 The main types of electricity are identified.
1.3 Important electrical terms are defined.
2. Describe the effects of 2.1 The effect of electricity to a person is explained.
electricity to a person 2.2 The factors that affect the severity of electric shock is
3. Describe the causes of fire 3.1 Causes of fire involving electricity are explained.
due to electricity 3.2 Other contributing factors that may cause electrical fire are
4. Explain Electrical Safety 4.1 Responsibilities of management are described.
Management System 4.2 Responsibilities of employees are described.
4.3 Proper electrical installation based on codes and regulation is
5. Explain the lockout and 5.1 The purpose of lockout‐tagout procedure is explained.
tagout system of 5.2 Devices and characteristics of Lockout‐ Tagout (LOTO)
preventing electrical implementation procedures are identified.
accidents 5.3 Principles of Lockout‐Tag out execution is explained.
5.4 Requirements to be completed before the release of Lockout‐
Tagout (LOTO) is identified.
5.5 The steps in LOTO implementation are identified.

Range of Variables

Variable Range (Includes but not limited to):

1. Main types of electricity 1.1 Static electricity
1.2 Current electricity
1.2.1 Direct current
1.2.2 Alternating current
2. Electrical terms 2.1 Volts
2.2 Ampere
2.3 Ohm
2.4 Frequency
2.5 Power
2.6 Ampacity

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 26

3. Factors 3.1 Primary factors
3.1.1 Amount of current
3.1.2 Path of current
3.1.3 Length of time
3.2 Other factors
3.2.1 Voltage
3.2.2 Presence of moisture
3.2.3 Phase or cycle (Hertz)
3.2.4 Health condition of person
4. Causes of fire involving 4.1 Overheating
electricity 4.2 Arcing
5. Devices and characteristics 5.1 Padlock
of Logout‐ Tagout (LOTO) 5.2 Tag with attachments
5.3 Easily Identifiable
5.4 Durable and strong
5.5 Tag attachment non‐reusable, attachable by hand, self‐locking,
non‐re‐sealable, environmentally tolerant
5.6 Contain statement prohibiting unauthorized person
5.7 Available with disconnecting means or tag removal
6. Principles of Lockout‐Tag 6.1 Employee involvement
out 6.2 Training
6.3 Planning
6.4 Control of energy
6.5 Identification
6.6 Power (Voltage) removal
6.7 Coordination
7. Steps in LOTO 7.1 Identify energy sources
implementation 7.2 Notify employees
7.3 Shutdown equipment
7.4 Isolate equipment
7.5 Attach LOTO device
7.6 Release stores energy
7.7 Verify isolation
7.8 Perform servicing or maintenance
7.9 Release LOTO

Curricular Content Guide

1. Underpinning Knowledge 1.1 Principles of electricity
1.2 Main types of electricity
1.3 Definitions of important electrical terms
1.4 Effect of electricity to a person
1.5 Factors that affect the severity of electric shock
1.6 Causes of fire involving electricity
1.7 Other contributing factors that may cause electrical fire
1.8 Responsibilities of management
1.9 Responsibilities of employees

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 27

1.10 Electrical installation based on codes and regulation
1.11 Purpose of lockout‐tagout procedure
1.12 Devices and characteristics of lockout‐tagout (LOTO)
implementation procedure
1.13 Principles of lockout‐tagout execution
1.14 Requirements to be completed before the release Lockout‐Tag
1.15 Steps in LOTO implementation
2. Underpinning Skills 2.1 Explaining the principle of electricity
2.2 Describing the main types of electricity
2.3 Defining important electrical terms
2.4 Explaining the effect of electricity to a person
2.5 Describing the factors that affect the severity of electric shock
2.6 Explaining the causes of fire involving electricity
2.7 Identifying other contributing factors that may cause electrical
2.8 Describing responsibilities of management
2.9 Describing the responsibilities of employees
2.10 Observing proper electrical installation based on codes and
2.11 Explaining the purpose of lock out‐tag out procedure
2.12 Identifying devices and characteristics of lockout‐tagout (LOTO)
implementation procedure
2.13 Explaining the principles of lockout‐tagout execution
2.14 Identifying the requirements to be completed before the release
of lockout‐tagout (LOTO)
2.15 Identifying the steps in LOTO implementation
3. Underpinning Attitudes 3.1 Commitment to occupational health and safety practices
3.2 Awareness to fire safety
3.3 Eagerness to learn
3.4 Tidiness, timeliness, and orderliness
3.5 Respect for rights of peers and seniors in workplace
4. Resource Implications 4.1 Workplace (simulated or actual)
4.2 Various kinds of firefighting tools, equipment and PPEs
4.3 Workplace rules and regulation policy manual
4.4 Pens
4.5 Papers
4.6 Work books

Assessment Evidence Guide

1. Critical Aspects of Assessment required evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Identified main types of electricity.
1.2 Explained effect of electricity to a person.
1.3 Explained causes of fire involving electricity.
1.4 Described responsibilities of management.
1.5 Described responsibilities of employees.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 28

1.6 Identified steps in LOTO implementation.

2. Methods of Assessment Competency should be assessed by:

2.1 Written examination
2.2 Demonstration
2.3 Oral questioning
2.4 Workplace observation
3. Context of Assessment 3.1 Competency assessment must be done in a training center or in
an actual or simulated work place after completion of the
training module.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 29

Unit of Competency: Nominal Duration: Unit Code:
Unit Descriptor:
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a worker to explain chemical safety
principles. It specifically includes the tasks of describe the nature of chemicals, identify the risks
associated with chemicals, explain the application of material safety data sheet (MSDS) to chemicals,
explain the importance of chemical labelling and identify the types and application of PPE used for
chemical handling.

Elements and Performance Criteria Template:

(Terms in the performance criteria that are written in bold and underlined are described in the range of
Elements of Competency Performance Criteria
1. Describe the nature of 1.1 The nature of chemicals is described.
chemicals 1.2 The types of process chemicals used in textile manufacturing are
2. Identify risks associated 2.1 The risks associated with chemicals are Identified.
with chemicals 2.2 Classes of chemicals and their properties are described.
2.3 Types of chemicals found in workplace are identified.

3. Explain the application of 3.1 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is defined.
Material Safety Data Sheet 3.2 Contents of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are identified.
(MSDS) in chemical safety 3.3 Application of material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is explained.
4. Explain the importance of 4.1 The standard pictograms in classification and labelling of
chemical labelling chemicals/materials are identified.
4.2 The importance of chemical labelling is explained.
5. Identify the types and 5.1 Importance of using Personal Protective Equipment when
application of PPEs used for handling chemicals is explained.
chemical handling 5.2 Types of PPE used for handling of chemicals are identified.
5.3 Proper use and application of the different types of PPEs when
handling chemicals is carried out.

Range of Variables

Variable Range (Includes but not limited to):

1. Process chemicals 1.1 Acids
1.2 Alkalis
1.3 Bleach
1.4 Dyes
1.5 Stabilizers
1.6 Surfactants
1.7 Auxiliary finishes
1.8 Resins

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 30

1.9 Detergents
1.10 Caustic soda
2. Risks 2.1 Pollution
2.2 Hazard due to explosion
2.3 Burning
2.4 Oxidation
2.5 Toxicity
3. Classes of chemicals 3.1 Class A
3.2 Class B
3.3 Class C
3.4 Class D
3.5 Class E
3.6 Class F
4. Types of chemicals 4.1 Solid
4.2 Dust
4.3 Liquid
4.4 Vapor
4.5 Gas
5. Contents of Material Safety 5.1 Section 1: Chemical product and company identification
Data Sheet (MSDS) 5.2 Section 2: Composition and information on ingredients
5.3 Section 3: Hazards identification
5.4 Section 4: First aid measures
5.5 Section 5: Firefighting measures
5.6 Section 6: Accident release measures
5.7 Section 7: Handling and storage
5.8 Section 8: Exposure control/personal protection
5.9 Section 9: Physical and chemical properties
5.10 Section 10: Stability and reactivity
5.11 Section 11: Toxicological information
5.12 Section 12: Ecological information
5.13 Section 13: Disposal consideration
5.14 Section 14: Transport information
5.15 Section 15: Regulatory information
5.16 Section 16: Other information (e.g. last known revision)
6. Standard pictograms 6.1 Health hazard
6.2 Flammable materials
6.3 Irritant materials
6.4 Gas cylinders
6.5 Corrosive materials
6.6 Explosives
6.7 Flammable oxides
6.8 Environmental hazardous materials
6.9 Acute toxicity materials
7. PPEs used for handling of 7.1 Respirator
chemicals 7.2 Chemical resistant gloves
7.3 Chemical resistant boots
7.4 Chemical protective clothing

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 31

Curricular Content Guide
1. Underpinning Knowledge 1.1 Types of chemicals used in textile manufacturing
1.2 Nature of chemicals
1.3 Risks associated with chemicals
1.4 Classes of chemicals and their properties
1.5 Types of chemicals found in workplace
1.6 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
1.7 Contents of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
1.8 Application of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
1.9 Importance of chemical labelling
1.10 Standard hazard pictograms used in classification and labelling
of chemicals on hazardous materials
1.11 Importance of using personal protective equipment when
handling chemicals
1.12 Types of PPE used for handling of chemicals
1.13 Use and application of the different types of PPE when handling
2. Underpinning Skills 2.1 Identifying the types of chemicals used in textile manufacturing
2.2 Describing the nature of chemicals
2.3 Identifying the risks associated with different chemicals
2.4 Describing classes of chemicals and their properties
2.5 Identifying types of chemicals found in workplace
2.6 Defining Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
2.7 Identifying contents of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
2.8 Explaining application of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
2.9 Explaining the importance of chemical labelling
2.10 Identifying the standard hazard pictograms used in classification
and labelling of chemicals on hazardous materials
2.11 Explaining the importance of using personal protective
equipment when handling chemicals
2.12 Identifying the types of PPE used for handling of chemicals
2.13 Carrying out proper use and application of different types of PPE
when handling chemicals
3. Underpinning Attitudes 3.1 Commitment to occupational health and safety practices
3.2 Awareness to fire safety
3.3 Eagerness to learn
3.4 Tidiness, timeliness, and orderliness
3.5 Respect for rights of peers and seniors in workplace
4. Resource Implications 4.1 Workplace (simulated or actual)
4.2 Various kinds of firefighting tools, equipment and PPEs
4.3 Workplace rules and regulation policy manual
4.4 Pens
4.5 Papers
4.6 Work books

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 32

Assessment Evidence Guide
1. Critical Aspects of Assessment required evidence that the candidate:
1.1 Identified types of process chemicals used in textile
1.2 Described nature of chemicals
1.3 Identified types of chemicals found in workplace
1.4 Explained application of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
1.5 Identified standard hazard pictograms used in classification and
labelling of chemicals on hazardous materials
1.6 Explained importance of chemical labelling
1.7 Identified types of PPE used for handling of chemicals
1.8 Carried out proper use and application of the different types of
PPE when handling chemicals
2. Methods of Assessment Competency should be assessed by:
2.1 Written examination
2.2 Demonstration
2.3 Oral questioning
2.4 Workplace observation
3. Context of Assessment 3.1 Competency assessment must be done in a training center or in
an actual or simulated work place after completion of the
training module.

End of Competency Standard

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 33

Assessment Guide

A Framework for Effective Assessment

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment For


Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 34

How to Use this Assessment Guide

 This Assessment Guide presents need-to-know information for Assessors

and others who want to know more about the assessment process. A
handy Table of Contents Guide on the next page shows you where to look.

 If you want the basics of assessment, its key terms and definitions, in a
Question & Answer (Q&A) format, see Section One.

 If you want a knowledge of who does what, the key roles and
responsibilities involved in assessment, see Section Two.

 If you want a “toolbox” of tools and templates, that you can select from
depending on your assessment need, see Section Three.

 If you want to look at working samples of completed assessment tools, see

the Appendices.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 35

Table of Contents

Section One: Q&A linked to Key Terms & Definitions

1.1 Define assessment.
1.2 Give an example of assessment.

1.3 What is the purpose of assessment?

1.4 What is Assessment based on?

1.5 Define the term “competency.”

1.6 Describe what makes up a competency standard.

1.7 Define the term “assessment tool.”

1.8 Describe the difference between Conventional & Competency Based


1.9 Describe briefly what makes up an assessment system

1.10 Define the purpose of the Assessor role.

1.11 Describe the basic questions that an Assessor must ask when planning an
1.12 Give some Assessor Requirements/Competencies.

1.13 Define the challenges of the Assessor Role.

1.14 Review some basic need-to-know elements concerning assessment.

1.15 Describe the trainer role in the assessment process.

1.16 Discuss the importance of principles of assessment and what is involved.

1.17 What are the different forms of evidence that can be collected?

1.18 Describe and outline what is involved in “rules of evidence” and why they are
1.19 Give the purpose of evidence gathering tools.
1.20 What is the Purpose of evidence gathering tools?

1.21 State the use of the evidence guide.

1.22 State why assessment evidence is important

1.23 Describe the kinds of Assessment Methods that can be used for Evidence
gathering purposes
1.24 What kinds of Assessment Methods can be used for Evidence gathering

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 36

1.25 Define the term “evidence gathering tools” giving examples
1.26 Define the term “portfolio.”
1.27 Outline a 6-step method for preparing an evidence plan.

1.28 Outline the steps (sequence of activities) involved in developing an

assessment tool.
1.29 Describe the four dimensions of competency.

Section Two: Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 The Assessment System: Planning Guide for the Assessor
2.2 Assessor Role and Responsibilities
2.3 Trainer Role and Responsibilities
2.4 Candidate Role and Responsibilities

Section Three: Tools and Templates

3.1 Demonstration Checklist
3.2 Observation Checklist
3.3 Oral Questions Checklist
3.4 Evidence Plan (Overall Summary)
3.5 Assessor Job Sheet and Specifications (Spec) Form
3.6 Competency Assessment Results
3.7 Assessor Planning Checklist Tool
3.8 General Guidelines for Effective Questioning
3.9 Assessor Guide to Conducting Competency Assessments
3.10 Assessor’s Quick Start

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 37

Assessment Guide

Section One: Objectives linked to Key Terms & Definitions

Define assessment.

Assessment is a systematic process of collecting proof or evidence on whether or not a candidate

has demonstrated competence in the performance of a work-related activity/task that is directly
linked to a performance standard. The assessment confirms that the individual can perform to the
standard expected in the workplace and/or the nationally approved competency standard.

Give an example of assessment.

A helpful example in this regard is the driving test. The driver must prove his competence to drive
by demonstrating to the driving assessor his ability to do so. The driving assessor uses a checklist
to assess the candidate and make the necessary recommendations, based on the evidence he
has collected in observing the candidate’s driving. S/He either records/recommends that the
candidate is competent or not yet competent.

What is the purpose of assessment?

The Purpose of Assessment is to confirm that a trainee can perform competently to the standards
expected in the workplace.

What is Assessment based on?

 An effective Assessment is based on a Competency Standard.

 A Competency Standard describes the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to perform
effectively in the workplace, not the classroom.

Define the term “competency.”

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 38

Competency is the ability to do a task successfully. Aspects of competency include:

 The capacity to perform tasks to the required standard consistently

 The ability to respond to different needs in the workplace
 The ability to plan and integrate a variety of tasks to attain a work outcome

Describe what makes up a competency standard.

It must be noted that a competency standard is made up of individual units of competency that
include elements of competency as well as the performance criteria needed to accomplish them.

Define the term “Assessment tool.”

An assessment tool is, in effect, an evidence-gathering tool. It contains both the instrument used
for the assessment and instructions for gathering evidence in the assessment process. As an
assessment instrument it contains the context and conditions for the assessment; tasks to be
administered to the learner; an outline of the evidence to be gathered for the learner; the criteria
for judging the evidence; and the necessary housekeeping records for recording and reporting

Describe the difference between Conventional Testing & Competency Based


Conventional Testing CBT Assessment

 Emphasis on knowledge/memorization  Based on competency standards

 Teachers/Training Providers have main  Involve industry partners in crucial role
role  Assessment based on demonstration of
 Theory & practical Tests can become work skills rather than classroom
outdated knowledge
 High cost & central control  Flexible delivery
 Relatively inflexible  Competencies widely recognized
 Guidelines & Templates used

Describe briefly what makes up an assessment system.

An Assessment System must be understood as a well-coordinated set of documented policies

and procedures, including assessment materials and tools, that ensure assessments are
consistently valid, reliable, flexible, fair, and safe.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 39

Define the purpose of the Assessor role.

The role of Assessor is the heart and soul of effective competency based assessment. Without
this pivotal role, determining the competency of the trainee is mere guesswork.


 The Industry Assessor will be asked to provide specs and practical demonstration tests
from his workplace that will provide the evidence for determining competency.
 The importance of this input cannot be overemphasized for it best matches and tests the
required performance criteria from the Standard.

Describe the basic questions that an Assessor must ask when planning an

Planning an Assessment: What Needs to Happen?

 Determine which Units of Competency need to be assessed?

 Determine what Assessment Methods will be used?
 Determine what evidence-based tools (specs) need to be developed by the Assessor
to guide the assessment?
 Determine how long it will take?
 Determine when the assessment will occur?
 Determine where the assessment will take place?
 Determine how it will be recorded?

Give some Assessor Requirements/Competencies.

Requirements/Competencies of an Assessor-

 The ability to use assessment tools to gather evidence effectively is essential, adjusting
the language where necessary to reflect the language/literacy/numeracy levels of the
workplace and not to exceed them in order to ensure learner understanding. This will also
entail an ability to respond to learner needs such as responding to learner disability.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 40

 The skill to develop specifications and practical tests, based on performance criteria, that
provide evidence of competency that will fast track the assessment process.
 The ability to clearly demonstrate current industry skills and competencies relevant to the

 The Assessor is selected/appointed by Industry to act as an Assessor because of his

proven competencies.
 Knows what needs to be done to assess the performance criteria
 Demonstrates a high level of expertise in the technical area to be examined
 Can provide constructive feedback

Define the challenges of the Assessor Role.

Assessor Role: Challenges

 Needs to be objective and unbiased

 Must have interpersonal skills to relax nervous candidates or deal with those who are
aggressive or emotional
 Must have ability to deal with those who have literacy problems or difficult dialect

Review some basic need-to-know elements concerning assessment.

Assessment Basics: Need to Know Elements

 Assessment to be conducted by Industry Assessor selected by industry

 Industry assessor must be familiar with units of competency outlined in the course
 Industry Assessor should drafts specs that reflect industry requirements for trainees and
that are based on critical aspects of competency
 Industry assessor is responsible for making final judgment of competent or not yet
 Trainer will assist industry assessor
 Trainees must demonstrate competence based on the units of competency outlined in the
 All resources related to units of competency must be made available prior to the
assessment event, e.g., tools, equipment, materials

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 41

Describe the trainer’s role in the assessment process.

The Trainer acts as a primary resource for the Assessor and acts as a Facilitator.

Trainer ensures:

 All industry required tools, equipment, and materials are available for the assessment
 The training venue is booked and has sufficient space for demonstrations/tasks
 That all logistics such as admission slips, signature sheets, and records are readily
available for distribution and collection
 That all teaching materials and Standard documents and Assessment tools are ready for
the Assessor

Discuss the importance of principles of assessment and what is involved.

Principles of Assessment Table

Key Principles Relevance/Meaning

Valid Ensures assessment aligned with the Unit of Competency and

is based on evidence that shows the learner can demonstrate
skills and knowledge in other similar contexts (workplace)

Reliable Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted

regardless of the Assessor

Flexible Assesses competencies held by the learner regardless of where

they have been acquired; reflects the individual learner’s needs

Fair The individual learner’s needs or disability is considered in the

assessment process; the learner is provided with information
about the assessment process and given the opportunity to
challenge the result of the assessment if warranted

Safe The assessor has inspected the venue for assessment and
determined that it is safe for all involved and that emergency
evacuations are in place if needed

Define the term “evidence.”

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 42

Evidence is information that is gathered and matched against a Unit of Competency to provide
proof of competency.

State the different forms of evidence that can be collected.

Different forms of evidence that can be collected are-

 Direct such as demonstration test, or observation of Candidate

 Indirect such as Candidate’s self-assessment or third party reports such as an employer

Describe and outline what is involved in “rules of evidence” and why they are
Rules of Evidence Table

Rules of Evidence Meaning

Valid The assessor is given assurance that the learner possesses the
skills, knowledge, and attitudes described in the Unit of
Competency and related assessment requirements

Sufficient The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity, and relevance of
the evidence is sufficient to enable a judgment to be made on the
learner’s competency

Authentic The assessor is assured that the evidence provided for assessment
is the learner’s own work

Current The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence

demonstrates current competency of the learner. This evidence
must be from the present or very recent past.

Describe the purpose of evidence gathering tools.

The Purpose of evidence gathering tools are-

 To help candidates understand what is expected of them

 To provide a focus for the assessment
 To identify what is needed to verify competency

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 43

State the use of the evidence guide.

The evidence guide provides useful advice on Unit of Competency assessment and must be read
in conjunction with the performance criteria, required underpinning skills/knowledge/attitudes,
range statement, and the critical aspects of competency for the Standard.

State why assessment evidence is important.

Evidence is the information gathered that provides proof that the performance criteria of a unit of
competency has been met. Evidence can take many forms:

 Observation: watching the trainee perform

 Questioning: asking the trainee questions
 Demonstration of specific skills: seeing how the trainee performs a procedure or
creates a final product
 Examining previous work the trainee has done

Describe the kinds of Assessment Methods that can be used for Evidence
gathering purposes.

Various kinds of Assessment Methods can be used for Evidence gathering purposes. A wide
range of assessment methods are available for Evidence- gathering purposes. Assessment
methods are not limited to those listed below. The greater the range of assessment methods
applied, the better the accuracy of the assessment.

Assessment Methods Table

Methods Examples

Direct Observation of Actual real-time activities in the workplace

Candidate Work activities in a simulated workplace/training center

Questioning Written questions; interviews; self-evaluation with

questions; verbal questioning; questionnaires

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 44

Evidence compiled by Portfolio; collection of work samples; products with
Candidate supporting documentation; logbooks; information about
life experience

Methods Examples

Review of Product Work samples and products; products as a result of a

demonstration test/spec

Third Party Feedback Reports/testimonials from Employers and Supervisors;

evidence of training; interviews with Employers and

Advice to the Assessor: use these methods and examples as a means of making your
assessment valid, reliable, flexible, fair, and safe.

Define the term “evidence gathering tools” and give some examples of these

Evidence gathering tools are the actual instruments that the Assessor uses to collect evidence.
Evidence may be collected through:

 Demonstration of work activity

 Observation Checklist
 Question List
 Third party reports e.g. supervisor to verify consistent performance
 Review of candidate’s portfolio
 Verifying the Candidate’s capacity to deal with contingencies (unexpected things that
come up)
 Written test

Define the term “portfolio.”

A collection of evidence that may be presented by the Candidate to an Assessor to prove the
Candidate’s competence at a job or task.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 45

What are some examples of Portfolio Evidence?

 Training results and certificates

 Training workbooks
 References from employers
 Job description and work experience
 Photos and videos
 Work journals
 Awards
 Work samples
 Letters and memos

Outline a 6-step method for preparing an evidence plan.

Steps in Preparing an Evidence Plan (Sequence of Steps to Follow)-

The Evidence Plan is the most important planning tool for an Assessor. A good evidence plan
generates a list of the evidence that the Assessor must gather when conducting the assessment
for a specific Unit of Competency. The following 6-Point Method for preparing an Evidence Plan
provides a useful sequence of inter-related steps to follow:

1. Select Unit of Competency for assessment

2. Read full Unit of Competency
3. Identify evidence requirements based on:
a. Elements and Performance Criteria
b. Dimensions of Competence
c. Underpinning skills knowledge
d. Critical aspects of competency
4. Develop a list of evidence requirements
5. Identify best ways of collecting evidence (tools)
6. Document evidence plan

Outline the steps (sequence of activities) involved in developing an

assessment tool.

Following are the steps (sequence of activities) involved in developing an assessment tool:

1. Select the Unit of Competency

2. Read the Unit of Competency

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 46

3. Identify the required evidence: critical aspects of competency
4. Identify the evidence gathering method
5. Complete the evidence plan
6. Select the appropriate template
7. Complete the template
8. Check the evidence gathering tools against the evidence plan and Unit of Competency
9. Check the tool with another Assessor for his opinion

Describe the four dimensions of competency.

Task Skills: the capacity to perform tasks in the workplace and demonstrate competence that
meets the required Standard;

Task Management Skills: the ability to plan and integrate several tasks simultaneously that
achieve a desired work outcome such as those skills involved in budgeting for a work operation,
securing supplies and equipment for the work operation, completing the task in a timely, cost-
effective manner, and ensuring safety practices are followed throughout;

Contingency Management Skills: the ability to respond to crises and breakdowns in the
workplace, such as accidents and emergency situations that are unanticipated and require
immediate action and resolution;

Job/Role Environment Skills: the capacity to own the responsibilities and expectations of the
work environment that involves working with others effectively and participating in creating a work
culture where all can contribute their best within the parameters of their job role

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 47

Assessment Guidelines
Section Two: Roles and Responsibilities

The Assessment System: Planning Guide for the Assessor

An Assessment System must be understood as a well-coordinated set of documented policies

and procedures, including assessment materials and tools, that ensure assessments are
consistently valid, reliable, flexible, fair, and safe.

Competency Assessment is a systematic process of collecting proof or evidence on whether or

not a candidate has demonstrated competence in the performance of a work-related activity/task
that is directly linked to a performance standard. The assessment confirms that the individual can
perform to the standard expected in the workplace and/or the nationally approved competency

Each Unit of Competency contained in a Standard describes a distinct part of a Mason’s work
and job profile. Within each Unit of Competency, the following components appear:

 Unit Title
 Unit Descriptor
 Elements of Competency
 Performance Criteria
 Range of Variables
 Evidence Guide

As a prelude to conducting assessments, the Assessor must be thoroughly familiar with all of the
particulars and details of the Unit of Competency that is being assessed. This is a “must” for the
role of the Assessor. He must be especially familiar with the Evidence Guide for gathering critical

The three sample assessment tools found below focus on the critical aspects of competency that
can provide the required evidence to determine competency- the evidence guide. These sample
assessment tools are as follows:

 Demonstration Checklist
 Observation Checklist
 Oral Questions Checklist

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 48

The duties of the Assessor include:

 Covering all of the key elements of the Unit of Competency under assessment
 Applying rigorously the Evidence Guide for the Unit of Competency as this contains the
method and context of assessment, resources required for the assessment, the critical
aspects of competency, and the required underpinning knowledge, skills, and attitudes
 Developing specifications (specs) for the task sheet for Demonstration as required
 Requiring the candidate to perform project tasks that cover interrelated units of
competency- known as a “clustering.”
 Making what can be termed “reasonable adjustments” for candidates with disabilities or
for example, those candidates with regional dialects that prove difficult to understand

Note: These “reasonable adjustments” may involve reconfiguring a simulated workplace site so
that a candidate’s disability does not impede the assessment process, or for example, finding
someone who can understand a regional dialect and assist the Assessor with essential
communication skills.

Roles and Responsibilities of Assessor

Prior to any assessment, the Assessor should follow the specific instructions below to ensure a
well-planned assessment event. In most cases s/he will be assisted by a Trainer. Nevertheless,
s/he should make certain that good preparation has taken place for the assessment event.

1. Visit the assessment venue or workplace to ensure an adequate work area or platform

 Sufficient space for working- ensure square meters of work space enough for task to be
carried out effectively and safely
 Fire extinguisher and safety equipment within reach
 Emergency procedures in place
 All necessary tools, equipment, and materials ready at hand
 All necessary machinery in good working order

2. Assessment is drawn and extracted from the relevant Unit of Competency based on an
approved Standard and on an Evidence plan that clearly focuses on critical aspects of

3. The duration of time to assess the demonstration is clearly indicated, for example,
3 hours. This information is shared with the Candidate along with other pertinent information such

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 49

as the sequence of tasks that he must follow, and the fact that he will be closely observed as the
tasks are performed.

4. After the Candidate has performed the task, the Assessor will provide feedback to the
Candidate on his performance.

5. The responsibility on finally deciding whether or not the Candidate was Competent or Not
Yet Competent belongs to the accredited Assessor.

6. At the conclusion of the assessment, the Assessor will provide feedback on whether or
not the Candidate was Competent or Not Yet Competent. S/He will also share information on next
steps. These next steps include where to obtain the certificate related to the assessment or, if
unsuccessful, how to re-try for competency within a specified period of time.

Roles and Responsibilities of Trainer

Prior to the assessment, you will have studied and become familiar with the Competency
Standard for the industry occupation. You will also have met with or contacted the Assessor
beforehand and discussed preparations and arrangements for the assessment. Your role will be
to facilitate the assessment process and ensure all necessary resources are available, assisting
the Assessor wherever possible. For example, once a draft spec has been produced by the
Assessor, you will ensure it is fully consistent with the evidence plan and copied appropriately for
use by both the Assessor and Candidate.

In addition to a confirming a suitable training venue and time, you will ensure that:

 Sufficient space is allotted for task work- square meters of work space enough for
demonstration tasks to be carried out effectively and safely
 Fire extinguisher and safety equipment within reach if necessary
 Emergency procedures in place
 All necessary tools, equipment, and materials ready at hand
 All necessary machinery in good working order

Your duties include:

 notifying the Assessor and candidates of planned assessment events and their location
 advising and assisting the Assessor on planned assessment events
 collecting admission slips and signature sheets for assessment events
 ensuring all required forms and reporting mechanisms are in place and ready for
distribution to the Assessor and to the Candidate
 ensuring all requisite forms are duly signed and forwarded to the SEIP Office, or certifying

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 50

 responding to candidate queries and concerns such as re-assessment procedures
 reconfiguring workplace simulations so that candidates with disabilities are able to
participate fully and without impediment
 working closely with the SEIP contact to ensure a successful assessment event

Roles and Responsibilities of Candidate

Prior to the assessment, you will have studied and become familiar with the Competency
Standard for your industry.

1. Initially, you will be given information on the task you are to perform, and the estimated
time you will require to perform it. These tasks are based on the critical aspects of competency
related to the performance criteria within the approved Competency Standard.

Given the necessary instructions, and/or a task-related spec and the necessary tools, materials,
and equipment, you will carry out and complete a work task. You will observe that there is:

 Sufficient space for working- square meters of work space enough for task to be carried
out effectively and safely
 Fire extinguisher and safety equipment within reach if necessary
 Emergency procedures in place
 All necessary tools, equipment, and materials ready at hand
 All necessary machinery in good working order

2. Assessment is drawn and extracted from the relevant Unit of Competency based on the
approved Competency Standard and on an Evidence plan (proof of competence) developed by
the Assessor that clearly focuses on critical aspects of competency. The Evidence plan will be
based on critical assessment tools such as demonstration/task; observation; oral questions.

3. The duration of time to assess the demonstration should be clearly indicated, for example,
3 hours. This information will be given to you along with other pertinent information such as the
procedure or sequence of tasks that you must follow. It is important to note that you will be closely
observed and assessed throughout the duration of your demonstration. You will be given time to
ask questions and request clarification. You will also be given 10 minutes to familiarize yourself
with the resources to be used in the assessment.

4. Based on your performance in demonstrating the task, you will be assessed by the
Assessor to be Competent or Not Yet Competent. Regardless of the result you will be given
feedback from the Assessor on your performance and the next steps.

5. After you have performed the task, the Assessor will provide feedback to you on your

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 51

6. The responsibility on finally deciding whether or not you are Competent or Not Yet
Competent belongs to the accredited Assessor.

7. At the conclusion of the assessment, the Assessor will provide feedback on whether or
not you have been assessed to be Competent or Not Yet Competent. Both your signatures will
be required on the Assessment Form. You will also be allowed to make comments on the
Assessor’s decision. The Assessor will then share information on next steps. These next steps
include where to obtain the certificate related to the successful assessment or, if unsuccessful,
how to re-try for competency within a specified period of time.

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 52

Section Three: Tools and Templates

This toolbox of Tools and Templates offers a wide range of assessment tools that will facilitate
evidence gathering and other assessment-related needs. Evidence gathering, however, should
not be limited to these tools and templates alone. The toolbox should be revised or expanded as
necessary, to include other tools and templates that are deemed relevant.

 Demonstration Checklist
 Observation Checklist
 Oral Questions Checklist
 Evidence Plan (Overall Summary)
 Assessor Job Sheet and Specifications (Spec) Form
 Competency Assessment Results
 Assessor Planning Checklist Tool
 All About Questioning Techniques for Use in Assessment
 Quick Guide to Conducting Competency Assessments
 Assessor’s Quick Start

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 53

Demonstration Checklist
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Project-Based Assessment
Units of competency covered:
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Please see attached Instruction for Demonstration (Candidate/Assessor)
Supplies and Materials Tools and equipment
 Please refer to attached specific instruction  Please refer to attached specific instruction

 to show if evidence
is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   
   

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 54

Observation Checklist
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Unit of Competency:
Name of
Observe Candidate’s performing the task, and following the
Procedure to Follow: spec- if a spec is provided
During the demonstration of skills, did the Candidate do the following (List steps that
reflect critical aspects of competency from performance criteria of Unit of Competency):


Feedback to

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 55

Oral Questions Checklist

Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name
Date of Assessment:
Assessment Venue:
Unit of Competency:
Reference Standard:
The List of Questions below must be pegged to the competency demonstration test and may
involve related specs for each Unit of Competency tested. Underpinning skills for Knowledge may
also be reviewed for competent/non yet competent.

List of Questions Satisfactory Response

Indicate Y or N in the box provided YES NO


Feedback to Candidate:

Candidate’s overall performance was (circle): Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

The Candidate’s underpinning knowledge was Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 56

EVIDENCE PLAN: Overall Summary

Project-Based Assessment Title

Units of competency covered

Ways in which evidence will be collected:

Written Examination
Demonstration with
Observation with
[tick the column]



The evidence must show that the candidate …...

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 57

Assessor Job Sheet and Specifications (Spec) Form

This Spec is in reference to the________ Standard, and has been developed by an Industry
The Result* indicates either C for Competent, or NYC for Not Yet Competent.

Critical Aspects of
Unit of Competency Elements Competency Result*: C/NYC
Reviewed Covered

JOB #1 Procedure for Developing Specification (Spec): List the steps involved in performing the
task/spec successfully. It will cover, in logical order, the critical aspects of competency listed
above that will determine if the candidate is Competent or Not Yet Competent.






Tools and Equipment Required for Spec completion: List all tools, equipment, and materials
required in completing Job #1:

Tools Equipment Materials

Assessor Name: Date:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 58

Competency Assessment Results

Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name
Qualification Title:
Date of Assessment:
Assessment Venue:
Reference Standard:
Unit of Competency:

Assessment Unit Competent Not Yet Competent

Assessor’s Recommendation and Comments:

Overall Assessment:
Yes: The Candidate successfully met the required evidence/standards and demonstrated all of
the competencies necessary for certification in the Qualification and Units of Competency listed

No: The Candidate did not meet the evidence requirements. Re-assessment is recommended.

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:

Assessment Center Manager Signature:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 59


Assessor’s name:


Directions: Circle the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ response to each item.

1. The Assessor is familiar with the unit(s) of competency being Yes No


2. The Assessor has verified that the workplace or training center Yes No
has the correct equipment, machinery, tools, and materials
necessary to complete all of the relevant aspects of the unit of

3. The Assessor has ensured that all materials and equipment Yes No
were assembled and arranged in advance.

4. The Assessor has all the necessary tools, templates, and Yes No
specifications needed to assess the trainee including a variety
of assessment tools covering practical demonstration,
observation, oral question, and (where necessary) written tests
relevant to the competency specified in the standard

5. The Assessor has met with the trainer prior to the assessment Yes No
event to discuss his/her role.

6. The Assessor will discuss the performance test with the trainee Yes No
and address any concerns prior to giving the test

7. The Assessor will discuss and record with the trainee the results Yes No
of their performance

Action to be taken on “No” responses:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 60

General Guidelines for Effective Questioning

 Keep questions short and focused on one key concept

 Ensure that questions are structured
 Test the questions to check that they are not ambiguous
 Use `open-ended questions such as `what if...?’ and `why...?’ questions, rather than
closed questions
 Keep questions clear and straight forward and ask one at a time
 Use words that the candidate is able to understand
 Look at the candidate when asking questions
 Check to ensure that the candidate fully understands the questions
 Ask the candidate to clarify or re-phrase their answer if the assessor does not
understand the initial response
 Confirm the candidate’s response by repeating the answer back in his/her own words
 Encourage a conversational approach with the candidate when appropriate, to put him
or her at ease
 Use questions or statements as prompts for keeping focused on the purpose of the
questions and the kind of evidence being collected
 Use language at a suitable level for the candidate
 Listen carefully to the answers for opportunities to find unexpected evidence
 Follow up responses with further questions, if useful, to draw out more evidence or to
make links between knowledge areas
 Compile a list of acceptable responses to ensure reliability of assessments

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 61

Recording responses
When using oral questioning, you may need a tool that has a structured approach (see below)
and also enables you to record a candidate’s responses. If the candidate’s response is insufficient
the assessor should record why on the recording sheet or checklist. This provides information
that can be used later, if necessary, to explain to the candidate where he or she needs to develop
their skills and/or knowledge to achieve the required competence.

Recording sheet for oral questioning (template)

Candidate’s Name
Assessor or Observer’s Name
Unit of Competency)
Date of Assessment
Questions to be Answered by candidate Response/Answer* Satisfactory (Yes/No)
What would you do if …
What would you do if …
What would you do if …
How do you …
What are …
Why did you… (Clarification)
Follow up Questions
The candidate’s knowledge was: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Feedback to candidate:

Candidate signature: Date:

Assessor/Observer’s Signature:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 62


- Review unit(s) of -Verify attendance Give clear instructions Provide feedback on

competency to be through signed to trainees on what outcome of assessment
assessed especially attendance sheet they are required to do: process re:
evidence to be  time limits and  give clear feedback
collected against - Provide overview of expectations on assessment
performance criteria what is to happen decision
throughout day  all equipment and
- Ensure the workplace tools must be of the  provide information
or training center Orient the trainees to: same quality for all on overcoming any
complies with all safety  purpose of trainees gaps in competency
requirements and that assessment assessment
high risk areas are  written and verbal
clearly marked  qualification to be instructions  provide opportunity to
assessed translated into local discuss assessment
- Identify/request dialects as needed process and outcome
essential assessment  assessment
resources: procedures to be  encourage Prepare required
 tools and followed questions assessment reports:
equipment  all rating sheets
 address needs of  avoid providing any signed by trainee as
 supplies and trainees and provide assistance to well as Assessor
materials information on trainees during
evidence assessment  maintain records of
 personal protective requirements and assessment
equipment assessment process  stop process if procedures, evidence
accident imminent collected, and
 print resources and assessment outcome
rating sheets  make all  keep focused on
announcements just evidence being  verify assessment
 Have trainees before start of valid, reliable, fair, results/outcomes with
contacted if they assessment flexible, and safe training center
have to bring any
resources for the  Record details of Prepare
assessment, e.g. evidence collected
logbook recommendations for
issuance of national

Assessor's Quick Start

1. Identify the Unit(s) of Competency from the Program Standard that you are going to

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 63

2. Review the Critical Aspects of Competency from the Unit of Competency that will be the
basis of your Evidence Guide.

3. Select the Assessment Tools that you will use to gather evidence.
i. Demonstration Checklist
ii. Observation Checklist
iii. Oral Questions Checklist

4. Create spec sheet(s) for the Unit of Competency to be examined.

5. Review the assessment procedure with the Candidate and ask if there are any questions.

6. Complete the assessment using the assessment tools in the order above. You are free to
use other tools as well if you wish.

7. Determine whether Candidate is Competent or Not-Yet-Competent

8. Complete all necessary record sheets.

9. Give feedback to the Candidate.

Demonstration Checklist: Explain The Fundamentals of

Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Qualification: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 64

Assessment Title
Units of competency Explain The Fundamentals of Fire
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Please see attached Instruction for Demonstration (Candidate/Assessor)
Supplies and Materials Tools and equipment
 Please refer to attached specific instruction  Please refer to attached specific instruction

 to show if evidence
is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A
1. Describe the 4 components of combustion.   
2. Describe the 4 principles of fire extinguishment.   
3. Describe the heat transfer process.   
4. Identify the different classification of fire according to the burning
  
5. Outline the 4 simple methods of extinguishing fires.   
6. Describe 14 common causes of fire.   
  
  
  

Observation Checklist: Explain The Fundamentals of Fire

Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Unit of Competency: Explain The Fundamentals of Fire

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 65

Code: SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐1‐ 0
Name of
Observe Candidate’s performing the task, and following the
Procedure to Follow: spec- if a spec is provided
During the demonstration of skills, did the Candidate do the following (List steps that
reflect critical aspects of competency from performance criteria of Unit of Competency):

1. Describe the 4 components of combustion.
2. Describe the 4 principles of fire
3. Describe the heat transfer process.
4. Identify the different classification of fire
according to the burning principle.
5. Outline the 4 simple methods of
extinguishing fires.
6. Describe 14 common causes of fire.


Feedback to

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Oral Questions Checklist: Explain The Fundamentals of

Candidate’s name:

Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 66

Assessment Venue:
Unit of Competency: Explain The Fundamentals of Fire
Reference Standard: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers
The List of Questions below must be pegged to the competency demonstration test and
may involve related specs for each Unit of Competency tested. Underpinning skills for
Knowledge may also be reviewed for Competent/Not Yet Competent designation.

List of Questions Satisfactory


Indicate Y or N in the box provided YES NO

1. What are 14 common causes of fire?
2. Can you outline 4 methods of extinguishing fire?
3. Can you briefly review 3 aspects of the heat transfer process?
4. What are 3 types of flammable materials?
5. Can you briefly describe the classifications of fire according to 6
burning principles?

Feedback to Candidate:

The Candidate’s overall performance was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

The Candidate’s underpinning knowledge was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:

Demonstration Checklist: Operate Fire Fighting Equipment

Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Qualification: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 67

Assessment Title
Units of competency Operate Fire Fighting Equipment Properly
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Please see attached Instruction for Demonstration (Candidate/Assessor)
Supplies and Materials Tools and equipment
 Please refer to attached specific instruction  Please refer to attached specific instruction

 to show if evidence
is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A
1. Identify the 5 different types of fire extinguishers.   
2. Apply the “PASS” technique of using the portable fire extinguisher.   
3. Describe the operation and application of a sprinkler system.   
4. Describe the operation and application of a water hydrant system.   
5. Describe the operation and application of a fire alarm system.   
6. Identify the proper use of auxiliary firefighting equipment.   
  
  
  

Observation Checklist: Explain Operate Fire Fighting

Equipment Properly
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 68

Unit of Competency: Operate Fire Fighting Equipment Properly
Code: SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐2‐ 0
Name of
Observe Candidate’s performing the task, and following the
Procedure to Follow: spec- if a spec is provided
During the demonstration of skills, did the Candidate do the following (List steps that
reflect critical aspects of competency from performance criteria of Unit of Competency):

1. Identify the 5 different types of fire
2. Apply the “PASS” technique of using the
portable fire extinguisher.
3. Describe the operation and application of a
sprinkler system.
4. Describe the operation and application of a
water hydrant system.
5. Describe the operation and application of a
fire alarm system.
6. Identify the proper use of auxiliary firefighting


Feedback to

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Oral Questions Checklist: Operate Fire Fighting

Equipment Properly

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 69

Candidate’s name:

Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Assessment Venue:
Unit of Competency: Operate Fire Fighting Equipment Properly
Reference Standard: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers
The List of Questions below must be pegged to the competency demonstration test and
may involve related specs for each Unit of Competency tested. Underpinning skills for
Knowledge may also be reviewed for Competent/Not Yet Competent designation.

List of Questions Satisfactory


Indicate Y or N in the box provided YES NO

1. Can you identify the 4 stages of fire?
2. What are 5 types of fire extinguishers?
3. Can you describe the properties of the different types of fire
4. Can you describe the actions and purpose of the “PASS”
5. What are 4 types of sprinkler systems?
6. Can you briefly describe the 5 components of the fire alarm
7. Can you identify and outline the uses of auxiliary firefighting

Feedback to Candidate:

The Candidate’s overall performance was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

The Candidate’s underpinning knowledge was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:
Demonstration Checklist: Carry Out Fire Drills
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Qualification: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 70

Assessment Title
Units of competency Carry Out Fire Drills
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Please see attached Instruction for Demonstration (Candidate/Assessor)
Supplies and Materials Tools and equipment
 Please refer to attached specific instruction  Please refer to attached specific instruction

 to show if evidence
is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A
7. Describe what happens in a fire drill.   
8. Identify 2 types of fire drill.   
9. Describe and briefly explain 3 types of fire response/firefighting
  
10. Describe the purpose of an evacuation plan and its importance.   
11. Describe what happens (procedures) during an evacuation.   
12. Outline the 4 rescue methods/techniques followed for one rescuer
  
13. Outline the 3 rescue methods/techniques followed for two rescuer
  
8. Describe the importance of communicating awareness of fire
prevention and ways of promoting it.   

  

Observation Checklist: Carry Out Fire Drills

Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Unit of Competency: Carry Out Fire Drills

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 71

Code: SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐3‐ 0
Name of
Observe Candidate’s performing the task, and following the
Procedure to Follow: spec- if a spec is provided
During the demonstration of skills, did the Candidate do the following (List steps that
reflect critical aspects of competency from performance criteria of Unit of Competency):

1. Describe what happens in a fire drill.
2. Identify 2 types of fire drill.
3. Describe and briefly explain 3 types of fire
response/firefighting teams.
4. Describe the purpose of an evacuation plan
and its importance.
5. Describe what happens (procedures) during
an evacuation.
6. Outline the 4 rescue methods/techniques
followed for one rescuer techniques.
7. Outline the 3 rescue methods/techniques
followed for two rescuer techniques.
8. Describe the importance of communicating
awareness of fire prevention and ways of
promoting it.

Feedback to

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Oral Questions Checklist: Carry Out Fire Drills

Candidate’s name:

Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 72

Assessment Venue:
Unit of Competency: Carry Out Fire Drills
Reference Standard: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers
The List of Questions below must be pegged to the competency demonstration test and
may involve related specs for each Unit of Competency tested. Underpinning skills for
Knowledge may also be reviewed for Competent/Not Yet Competent designation.

List of Questions Satisfactory


Indicate Y or N in the box provided YES NO

1. Why is it important to regularly practice rescue
2. Why is an evacuation plan essential?
3. Should an evacuation plan conform to the physical layout of a
factory floor or office.
4. Can you briefly outline one rescuer techniques and two rescuer
techniques to the satisfactiion of the Assessor?
5. Why are defined procedures for carrying out a rescue operation
so crucial?

Feedback to Candidate:

The Candidate’s overall performance was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

The Candidate’s underpinning knowledge was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:

Demonstration Checklist: Explain The Responsibility Of A

Worker Fire Fighter
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 73

Qualification: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers

Assessment Title
Units of competency Explain The Responsibility Of A Worker Fire Fighter
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Please see attached Instruction for Demonstration (Candidate/Assessor)
Supplies and Materials Tools and equipment
 Please refer to attached specific instruction  Please refer to attached specific instruction

 to show if evidence
is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A
1. Define workplace hazard.   
2. Describe hazard classification.   
3. Identify potential hazards in the workplace.   
4. Describe the sources of information used to identify hazards.   
  

  
  
  
  

Observation Checklist: Explain The Responsibility Of A

Worker Fire Fighter
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 74

Unit of Competency: Explain The Responsibility Of A Worker Fire Fighter
Code: SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐4‐ 0
Name of
Observe Candidate’s performing the task, and following the
Procedure to Follow: spec- if a spec is provided
During the demonstration of skills, did the Candidate do the following (List steps that
reflect critical aspects of competency from performance criteria of Unit of Competency):

1. Define workplace hazard.
2. Describe hazard classification.
3. Identify potential hazards in the workplace.
4. Describe the sources of information used to
identify hazards


Feedback to

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Oral Questions Checklist: Explain The Responsibility Of A

Worker Fire Fighter
Candidate’s name:

Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Assessment Venue:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 75

Unit of Competency: Explain The Responsibility Of A Worker Fire Fighter
Reference Standard: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers
The List of Questions below must be pegged to the competency demonstration test and
may involve related specs for each Unit of Competency tested. Underpinning skills for
Knowledge may also be reviewed for Competent/Not Yet Competent designation.

List of Questions Satisfactory


Indicate Y or N in the box provided YES NO

1. Can you identify 6 hazard classifications?
2. What are the 5 steps involved in hazard identification?
3. What are 10 commonly identified hazards in the workplace?
4. Why is it important to promote fire awareness in the workplace?
5. Can you name 2 general potential hazards?

Feedback to Candidate:

The Candidate’s overall performance was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

The Candidate’s underpinning knowledge was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:

Demonstration Checklist: Wear Personal Protective

Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Qualification: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 76

Assessment Title
Units of competency Wear Personal Protective Equipment
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Please see attached Instruction for Demonstration (Candidate/Assessor)
Supplies and Materials Tools and equipment
 Please refer to attached specific instruction  Please refer to attached specific instruction

 to show if evidence
is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A
1. Identify 6 items of personal protective equipment.   
2. Describe the importance of wearing personal protective equipment
  
according to the classification of protection involved.
3. Demonstrate how personal protective equipment should be worn to
  
the satisfaction of the Assessor.
4. State the importance of dedicated workplace rules, policies, and
  
regulations covering fire safety.
  

  
  
  
  

Observation Checklist: Wear Personal Protective

Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 77

Unit of Competency: Wear Personal Protective Equipment
Code: SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐5‐ 0
Name of
Observe Candidate’s performing the task, and following the
Procedure to Follow: spec- if a spec is provided
During the demonstration of skills, did the Candidate do the following (List steps that
reflect critical aspects of competency from performance criteria of Unit of Competency):

1. Identify 6 items of personal protective
2. Describe the importance of wearing personal
protective equipment according to the
classification of protection involved.
3. Demonstrate how personal protective
equipment should be worn to the satisfaction
of the Assessor.
4. State the importance of dedicated workplace
rules, policies, and regulations covering fire


Feedback to

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Oral Questions Checklist: Perform First Aid And Rescue


Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 78

Candidate’s name:

Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Assessment Venue:
Unit of Competency: Perform First Aid And Rescue Management
Reference Standard: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers
The List of Questions below must be pegged to the competency demonstration test and
may involve related specs for each Unit of Competency tested. Underpinning skills for
Knowledge may also be reviewed for Competent/Not Yet Competent designation.

List of Questions Satisfactory


Indicate Y or N in the box provided YES NO

1. Why is a commitment to wear personal protective equipment

regularly and properly essential?
2. Why is the classification of personal protective equipment
according to the protection function important?
3. Can you identify at least 6 kinds of personal protective equipment
and their uses?
4. Can you describe the rules for the use and maintenance of
personal protective equipment?

Feedback to Candidate:

The Candidate’s overall performance was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

The Candidate’s underpinning knowledge was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:

Demonstration Checklist: Perform First Aid And Rescue

Candidate’s name:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 79

Assessor’s name:
Qualification: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers

Assessment Title
Units of competency Perform First Aid And Rescue Management
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Please see attached Instruction for Demonstration (Candidate/Assessor)
Supplies and Materials Tools and equipment
 Please refer to attached specific instruction  Please refer to attached specific instruction

 to show if evidence
is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A
1. Describe the purposes of providing first aid.   
2. Describe the roles and responsibilities of first aid providers.   
3. Describe the importance of first aid training.   
4. Carry out general/universal first aid procedure to the satisfaction of
  
the Assessor.
5. Describe/carry out first aid treatment for workplace injuries to the   
satisfaction of the Assessor.
  
  
  
  

Observation Checklist: Perform First Aid And Rescue

Candidate’s name:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 80

Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Unit of Competency: Perform First Aid And Rescue Management
Code: SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐6‐ 0
Name of
Observe Candidate’s performing the task, and following the
Procedure to Follow: spec- if a spec is provided
During the demonstration of skills, did the Candidate do the following (List steps that
reflect critical aspects of competency from performance criteria of Unit of Competency):

1. Describe the purposes of providing first aid.
2. Describe the roles and responsibilities of first
aid providers.
3. Describe the importance of first aid training.
4. Carry out general/universal first aid
procedure to the satisfaction of the Assessor.
5. Describe/carry out first aid treatment for
workplace injuries to the satisfaction of the


Feedback to

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Oral Questions Checklist: Perform First Aid And Rescue


Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 81

Candidate’s name:

Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Assessment Venue:
Unit of Competency: Perform First Aid And Rescue Management
Reference Standard: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers
The List of Questions below must be pegged to the competency demonstration test and
may involve related specs for each Unit of Competency tested. Underpinning skills for
Knowledge may also be reviewed for Competent/Not Yet Competent designation.

List of Questions Satisfactory


Indicate Y or N in the box provided YES NO

1. Can you describe the roles and responsibilities embodied in the

first aid and rescue management role?
2. Can you define the purpose of first aid?
3. What are at least 6 common first aid medications used?
4. Can you describe 13 essential components of a first aid supply
5. Can you outline a 4‐step method for the application of universal
first aid?

Feedback to Candidate:

The Candidate’s overall performance was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

The Candidate’s underpinning knowledge was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 82

Demonstration Checklist: Explain Electrical Safety
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Qualification: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers

Assessment Title
Units of competency Explain Electrical Safety Principles
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Please see attached Instruction for Demonstration (Candidate/Assessor)
Supplies and Materials Tools and equipment
 Please refer to attached specific instruction  Please refer to attached specific instruction

 to show if evidence
is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A
1. Identify the main types of electricity.   
2. Describe the effect of electricity (shock) on a human body.   
3. Identify the common causes of fire involving electricity.   
4. Describe the responsibilities of management.   
5. Describe the responsibilities of employees.   
6. Identify the 7 steps in LOTO (lockout-tagout) implementation.   
  
  
  

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 83

Observation Checklist: Explain Electrical Safety Principles
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Unit of Competency: Explain Electrical Safety Principles
Code: SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐7‐ 0
Name of
Observe Candidate’s performing the task, and following the
Procedure to Follow: spec- if a spec is provided
During the demonstration of skills, did the Candidate do the following (List steps that
reflect critical aspects of competency from performance criteria of Unit of Competency):

1. Identify the main types of electricity.
2. Describe the effect of electricity (shock) on a
human body.
3. Identify the common causes of fire involving
4. Describe the responsibilities of management.
5. Describe the responsibilities of employees.
6. Identify the 7 steps in LOTO (lockout-tagout)


Feedback to

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 84

Oral Questions Checklist: Explain Electrical Safety
Candidate’s name:

Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Assessment Venue:
Unit of Competency: Explain Electrical Safety Principles
Reference Standard: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers
The List of Questions below must be pegged to the competency demonstration test and
may involve related specs for each Unit of Competency tested. Underpinning skills for
Knowledge may also be reviewed for Competent/Not Yet Competent designation.

List of Questions Satisfactory


Indicate Y or N in the box provided YES NO

1. Can you identify the factors that affect electrical shock on the
human body?
2. What are the devices and characteristics of Lockout‐Tagout?
3. What are the principles of Lockout‐Tagout?
4. Can you briefly describe the steps in LOTO implementation?
5. To what extent and why is training important in dealing with
electrical shock?

Feedback to Candidate:

The Candidate’s overall performance was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

The Candidate’s underpinning knowledge was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 85

Demonstration Checklist: Explain Chemical Safety
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Qualification: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers

Assessment Title
Units of competency Explain Chemical Safety Principles
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Please see attached Instruction for Demonstration (Candidate/Assessor)
Supplies and Materials Tools and equipment
 Please refer to attached specific instruction  Please refer to attached specific instruction

 to show if evidence
is demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A
1. Identify the types of process chemicals used in textile
  
Describe the nature of chemicals.   
2. Identify the types of chemicals found in the workplace.   
3. Describe the application of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).   
4. Identify standard hazard pictograms for use in classification and   
labelling of chemicals on hazardous materials.
5. Describe the importance of chemical labelling.   
6. Identify types of PPE used for handling of chemicals.   
8. Carry out the proper use and application of the different types of
PPE when handling chemicals.   

  

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 86

Observation Checklist: Explain Chemical Safety Principles
Candidate’s name:
Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Unit of Competency: Explain Chemical Safety Principles
Code: SEIP‐RMG‐FIRW‐8‐ 0
Name of
Observe Candidate’s performing the task, and following the
Procedure to Follow: spec- if a spec is provided
During the demonstration of skills, did the Candidate do the following (List steps that
reflect critical aspects of competency from performance criteria of Unit of Competency):

1. Identify the types of process chemicals used
in textile manufacturing.
2. Describe the nature of chemicals.
3. Identify the types of chemicals found in the
4. Describe the application of Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS).
5. Identify standard hazard pictograms for use
in classification and labelling of chemicals on
hazardous materials.
6. Describe the importance of chemical
7. Identify types of PPE used for handling of
8. Carry out the proper use and application of
the different types of PPE when handling

Feedback to

Candidate’s Signature: Date:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 87

Oral Questions Checklist: Explain Chemical Safety
Candidate’s name:

Assessor’s name:
Date of Assessment:
Assessment Venue:
Unit of Competency: Explain Chemical Safety Principles
Reference Standard: Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers
The List of Questions below must be pegged to the competency demonstration test and
may involve related specs for each Unit of Competency tested. Underpinning skills for
Knowledge may also be reviewed for Competent/Not Yet Competent designation.

List of Questions Satisfactory


Indicate Y or N in the box provided YES NO

1. Can you identify 10 common types of process chemicals used in

textile manufacturing?
2. Can you identify 5 risks associated with process chemicals?
3. Can you describe the functions and importance of Material Safety
Data Sheets?
4. What are 9 common pictograms and why are they important?
5. Why is it essential to know the classes of chemicals?
6. Can you identify 4 PPEs used for handling chemicals?

Feedback to Candidate:

The Candidate’s overall performance was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

The Candidate’s underpinning knowledge was (circle): Satisfactory/ Not Satisfactory

Assessor Signature: Date:

Candidate Signature: Date:

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 88

Fire Safety Management and Risk Assessment for Workers 89

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