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A) calls for B) runs over

C) makes out D) falls behind

E) takes over

A) obedience B) exclusion

C) hindrance D) disparity

E) component

A) had emerged / are preserving

B) was emerging / preserve

C) emerged / have preserved

A) recommendation B) competence D) would emerge / will preserve

C) assessment D) tendency E) have emerged / had preserved

E) conclusion

A) used to create / must facilitate

B) could create / should have facilitated

C) might have created / were to facilitate

A) arbitrary B) lucrative
D) had to create / could facilitate
D) prominent
E) must have created / had better facilitate
E) compulsory


A) across / through B) among / during

A) meticulously B) recklessly
C) from / for D) in / against
C) disputably D) externally
E) into / on
E) reluctantly

A) replace B) decipher
A) With / from B) By / below
C) commit D) undergo
C) Beyond / on D) Among / in
E) terminate
E) For / beneath

A) even if B) as though

C) whether D) because
A) on / among B) to / by
E) now that
C) from / between D) for / of

E) about / with

A) such as B) at the expense of

C) owing to D) contrary to
A) Whereas B) Once
E) instead of
C) Until D) Unless

E) Because

A) similar to B) in terms of

C) with the aim of D) by means of

A) Although B) Now that
E) rather than
C) Because D) In case

E) Provided that

A) as / as B) such / that

C) so / that D) whether / or
A) unless B) as long as
E) neither / nor
C) so that D) even when

E) as if

A) that B) whose

C) what D) who
A) As soon as B) Before
E) why
C) Just as D) If

E) In case

A) However
B) For instance
C) Similarly
World War I (WWI), an unp D) Otherwise
1914 to 1918, reshaped the geopolitical landscape and
E) That is
the course of history. (21) ---- the diplomatic manoeuvres
that gave initial hopes for a swift resolution, WW I broke
out in 1914, following the assassination of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand. The war ushered in a new era of
warfare (22) ---- modern technologies and innovative
strategies. Technological advances allowed the creation
of strong defensive systems. (23) ----, the toll on human
lives and societies was overwhelming. This happened
despite the fact that those in power had been warned that
the destruction (24) ---- at unpredictable levels. The
aftermath saw the redrawing of borders, the
profound and far-reaching (25) ---- as it shaped the
dynamics of international relations as well as setting the
stage for subsequent global events.
A) should be
B) had better be
C) would be
D) is to be
21. E) should have been
A) In case of B) Owing to
C) In favour of D) Similar to
E) In spite of

22. 25.
A) in A) requisities
B) against B) demands
C) from C) measures
D) with D) challenges
E) over E) consequences

A) tailoring
B) to be tailored
C) tailored
A good teacher possesses a myriad of characteristics D) having tailored
that extend far beyond subject expertise. To begin with,
E) to tailor
help teachers (26) ---- complex ideas with clarity and
engage students in meaningful dialogue. Patience is
another virtue of a good teacher to understand that each
student learns (27) ---- their own pace. Adaptability is also
important, as it enables teachers (28) ---- their approach
according to the diverse learning styles and needs of
students. (29) ----, passion for the subject matter can
inspire students to explore and appreciate the material.
Empathy is equally crucial, because a good teacher
recognizes the individuality of each student to provide
support. Ultimately, a good teacher communicates
knowledge (30) ---- instilling a lifelong love of learning,
nurturing the intellectual and personal growth of their
A) However
B) To illustrate
C) Furthermore
D) In other words
E) In fact
A) convey B) undermine
C) overtake D) escalate
E) shift

27. 30.

A) on B) over A) such as

C) along D) at B) as well as

E) into C) despite
D) on behalf of
E) rather than

A) The Inca civilization faced challenges due to its
lack of a writing system

B) The Inca Empire was known for its highly

A) men are less likely to face discrimination in hiring
practices than women C) The Inca rulers used peaceful assimilation to
incorporate a large portion of South America
B) workplace diversity is no more a relevant concern
for economic growth D) The Inca road system facilitated communication
and transportation across the empire
C) gender pay gaps remain persistent in many
industries E) The Inca agriculture thrived due to the innovative
methods they came up with
D) women are more interested in pursuing leadership

E) there is a need for policies that address work-life


A) whereas the invention of the compass indeed had

A) unless schools are assisted in coping with
a profound impact on navigation and changed a lot
challenges in adapting to diverse student needs
in maritime exploration and trade routes
B) because the individual learning styles of students
B) given that it took 500 years for papermaking may vary considerably
to enter Europe mostly because of the vast
geographical and cultural barriers that existed C) since the increasing focus on standardized testing
during ancient times may motivate some students

C) even though the Silk Road trade routes expanded D) when teachers can provide enough guidance and
, facilitating the exchange of goods, empower students to reach their full potential
technologies, and ideas between East and West
E) due to the abundance of platforms to enhance
D) as it replaced more inconvenient writing materials teaching and learning experiences

E) since calligraphy not only remained a cherished art

form but also held a central role in shaping cultural
identity and preserving historical records

A) loneliness is the feeling people have when their
need for social contact is not met interdisciplinary research projects to explore
complex human phenomena like suicide

relationships with others B) understanding suicide through a sociological lens

provides valuable insights into the complex nature
C) loneliness is a deep feeling that may persist for a
of this phenomenon.
long time

D) cultivating meaningful relationships can contribute

insights into the causes, contexts, and
to a sense of belonging and emotional health
interpretations of suicide
E) feeling lonely is likely to have a negative impact on
D) this perspective highlights the importance of
your mental and physical health
societal cohesion, norms, values, and the degree
of social integration

E) psychologists often underestimate the societal

impact and concentrate on individual factors
contributing to suicide

A) they are immune to natural disasters and climate

than good in dealing with crimes requiring secrecy change

B) Cybercrime can sometimes be used for political

and ideological purposes surrounding landscape

C) Cybercrime is any criminal activity that involves a C) some archaeological excavations can be carried
computer, networked device or a network

D) Some cybercriminals make use of the shifting D) meticulous care is essential for their preservation
and interpretation

E) Addressing the growing threat of cybercrime E) artefacts found at these sites are almost always
requires a holistic approach

A) Water scarcity, a pressing issue, poses a

agricultural regions

B) Modern technology has introduced automated

irrigation systems and precision agriculture

C) Traditional methods of irrigation still remain

prevalent in certain agricultural regions

D) The history of irrigation dates back to ancient

civilizations that relied mainly on rivers

E) Sustainable farming practices help minimize the

environmental impact of excessive irrigation

A) government funding for social programs will be


popular communities may increase

C) they may yield some unfavourable impacts on the

target population


E) bureaucratic processes for these services will

become more streamlined A) Magna Carta, de


A) if potential biases are to be eliminated during


by others

C) when they need to consider the ethical

implications of their research


E) although the peer-review process takes a long

time to complete



opportunities, one is to face such challenges
as high living costs, congestion, as well as
heightened competition for resources.

but it also often entails facing challenges such

A) Although wartime photographs might be used
as high living costs, congestion, and heightened
with the aim of propaganda, even in the era of
competition for resources.
digital and AI-enhanced imagery, the idea that
photography reveals the truth is still true. C) Living in a big city has a variety of opportunities,
but one must deal with challenges such as high
B) Wartime photographs can be used for propaganda
purposes, but the idea that photography reveals
competition for resources.
the truth maintains its existence despite the era of
digital and AI-enhanced imagery. D) Although living in a big city is associated with
struggles such as high living costs, congestion,
C) Wartime photographs can be used for propaganda
and heightened competition for resources, there
purposes, yet even in the era of digital and AI-
are also diverse opportunities.
enhanced imagery, the idea that photography
reveals the truth maintains its existence.
big city often poses challenges such as high living
D) Even if wartime photographs are used for
costs, congestion, and heightened competition for
propaganda purposes, the idea that photography
reveals the truth maintains its existence even in
the era of digital and AI-enhanced imagery.

E) Wartime photographs might be used for

propaganda purposes, but even in the era of
digital and AI-enhanced imagery, that photography
reveals the truth is an idea that still persists.

A) The excessive use of social media may lead to a

genuine communication, which emphasizes the

need to adopt a mindful online approach.

B) Since the excessive use of social media results in

genuine communication, it is necessary to adopt a

mindful online approach.

C) The excessive use of social media leads to a

genuine communication, which means that the

need for a mindful online approach should be

D) There is a need to adopt a mindful online

approach as the excessive use of social media

interaction instead of genuine communication.

E) A mindful online approach should be adopted due

to the excessive use of social media, which leads

of genuine communication.

A) Since 331 BC, when Alexander the Great founded economic policies, the existing disparities in wealth
Alexandria, the city has contributed to the world of distribution will continue and social tensions will
knowledge through its Great Library and remains worsen.
one of the symbols of human achievements.
B) The current disparities in the distribution of wealth
B) Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC, will persist and exacerbate social tensions unless
Alexandria made contributions to the world of
knowledge thanks to its Great Library and it policies.
continues to be one of the symbols of human
reform economic policies, current disparities in the
C) Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great in distribution of wealth will persist and exacerbate
331 BC, remains one of the symbols of human social tensions.
achievements as it contributed to the world of
D) The current disparities in the distribution of wealth
knowledge through its Great Library.
will persist and exacerbate social tensions as long
D) Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC,
Alexandria contributed to the world of knowledge is not made.
through its Great Library and it remains one of the
symbols of human achievements.
economic policies, existing disparities in the
E) One of the symbols of human achievements, distribution of wealth will persist and cause social
Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great tensions to exacerbate.
in 331 BC, contributing to the world of knowledge
through its Great Library.

A) Poverty is a complex societal issue and it

encompasses not only economic deprivation but
also challenges related to access to education and

B) What makes poverty a complex societal issue is

the fact that it encompasses not only economic
deprivation but also challenges related to access
to education and healthcare.

C) Poverty is a complex societal issue that

encompasses not only economic deprivation but
also challenges related to access to education and

D) As a societal issue, poverty encompasses not only

economic deprivation but also challenges related
to access to education and healthcare, which
makes it a complex societal issue.

E) Poverty becomes a complex societal issue when

it encompasses not only economic deprivation but
also challenges related to access to education and


A) Probably because of this, they inhabited the arid

coastal regions of the Atacama Desert.

B) However, the higher-ranking individuals underwent

A) Research has shown that Neanderthals had
similar practices to those of modern humans.
C) Besides, the culture lasted for several thousand
B) The skeleton had many hallmark traits of a years, evolving and adapting over the period.
Neanderthal man.

C) There is still an ongoing debate about whether the human bodies have been found here.
digital portrait is accurate.
E) That is, the cemeteries reveal that the Chinchorro
D) Previous reconstructions of ancient humans had regularly inno
exaggeratedly ape-like features.

E) The representation revealed that our extinct

A) Developmental psychology studies how individuals
change and grow across the lifespan.
A) The majority of actors used to be drawn from the
local population. B) Psychology is also the study of the mind and
behaviour in non-humans as well as humans.
B) The performance of religious plays outside of the
church began sometime in the 12th century.
encompasses various sub-disciplines.
C) Some historians believe that theatre evolved from
ritual practices.
behavioural or cognitive scientists.

societal values. E) Many ancient civilizations are known to have been

engaged in the philosophical study of psychology.
E) Theatrical practices and performance elements


A) From here, modern wild cats evolved into the

distinct species we live with today.

B) In other parts of the world, humans and cats

A) The Celts are known to have lacked a centralized
political structure. C) Research shows cats were living among people
thousands of years before they existed in Egypt.
B) The scholarly inquiry into their ancient and
enigmatic civilization is still ongoing. D) Evidence reveals that cats arrived in North and
South America with European settlers.
C) The relation between ethnicity, language and
culture in the Celtic world is unclear and debated. E) During the Middle Ages, many people associated
them with darkness and witchcraft.
D) Celtic literary tradition begins with Old Irish texts
around the 8th century AD.

E) They had a common linguistic, religious and

artistic heritage that distinguished them from other

63. (I) Methods of testing in education have undergone

evolving needs of learners. (II) Traditional pen-

and-paper exams have given way to more dynamic
approaches like project-based evaluations and
continuous assessments. (III) These alternative
60. (I) The Navajos, a Native American people of the
Southwestern United States, came into contact
The integration of
with early Spanish explorers in the sixteenth
technological advancements, for instance, has led to
century. (II) After a while, however, the Navajos
methods. Apart from such contributions, they
forces intent on conquering the Southwest. (III)
also foster critical thinking and problem-solving
The arrival of the Spanish introduced sheep,
goats, and horses to the lives of the Navajo.
They were highly adaptive and they could
incorporate domestic livestock and agriculture A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
into their subsistence system without any
They also adopted the horse and,
like other tribes who used the animal as a means
of transportation, sometimes engaged in slave
and food raids on neighbouring tribes. 64. (I) Euthana

moral issue. (II) Advocates argue that individuals

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V have the right to end their lives when faced with
(III) The legal landscape
surrounding euthanasia varies widely across

advocates sometimes complicate the issue further.

61. (I) While trying to solve crimes and uncover
Opponents, on the other hand, often motivated
by religious beliefs, believe that only nature
dealing with the moral dimensions of their work. (II)
should dictate the timing of death. However,
societal perspectives on euthanasia are evolving,
experts to attach importance to precision and
challenging traditional norms and prompting
detail. (III) DNA analysis, a cornerstone of forensic
reconsideration of the boundaries between life and
science, has revolutionized criminal investigations death.
by helping them provide irrefutable evidence.

for identifying individuals and linking them to crime A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

scenes. Despite these advances, challenges
persist in maintaining the integrity of evidence and
addressing potential biases in forensic practices.

65. (I) Social services are integral to fostering

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
support for diverse needs. (II) In some instances,
social services inevitably produce unintended
62. (I) A seamstress is a person, usually a woman, consequences for the people in need. (III) Patience
who makes a career out of sewing, mending, and understanding from both service providers and
and designing garments, or clothes. (II) Most recipients are necessary to achieve a desirable
seamstresses today work in department stores or result.
workers and community members contribute
alterations and amendments to ready-made clothes.
(III) Centuries ago, however, these professionals By recognizing these
were often employed by wealthy families to make requirements, social services can become even
clothing from scratch. Though the job has their mission.
changed over time, much of the work they do has
remained the same. With the rise of fast fashion,
clothing has become more disposable, and the A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
demand for custom-made garments has decreased.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) drastically changed the architectural concepts of
the city planners at that time

B) serves as a cautionary incident of how

Ancient cities are window devastating natural phenomena can become
into the remarkable achievements and societal
advancements of bygone civilizations. One such city that
in ancient times and in our modern age
has captured the attention of historians and archaeologists
is Pompeii, located near modern-day Naples, Italy. D) revealed that the city had an unparalleled city
design at that time
famously buried under layers of volcanic ash and pumice E) had a major impact on the daily lives of people
during the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius residing in nearby cities
in 79 AD. Remarkably preserved under this shroud of
destruction, the well-preserved streets, buildings, and
artefacts reveal details about everything from urban
planning and architecture to art, social customs, and even

residents caught in the midst of the eruption. Pompeii

serves as a time capsule, allowing us to piece together
the complexities of Roman civilization. It continues to be a
source of fascination and research, shedding light on the
past while warning of the unpredictable forces of nature.

A) To stress the importance of ancient cities that

disaster that hit Pompei. give insights into the past by providing an
B) The archaeologists excavating the city were
astonished by its well-reserved remains. B) To persuade the reader to learn more about
ancient cities that are important in history
C) Its remnants have provided scientists with an
unparalleled insight into ancient Rome. C) To give information about the risks natural
disasters posed in the past
D) Its residents were well aware of the threats posed
by Mount Vesuvius. D) To compare and contrast ancient cities that

archaeologists predicted. E) To inform the reader about the daily life in the
ancient city of Pompei


B) He became interested in mathematics rather than

René Descartes is a 17th-century French philosopher, philosophy in his later years.
mathematician, and scientist. Often regarded as the father
of modern philosophy, Descartes is best known for his
geometry and algebra into analytic geometry.
famous dictum, “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I
am), which summarises his method of radical doubt and D) He objected to the view that reason and thinking
should be evaluated independently of each other.
independently. His groundbreaking work, Meditations E) He came up with several terms that continue to be
on First Philosophy, laid the foundation for modern used in our modern day.
epistemology, with its rigorous and systematic approach to

to mathematics, coining the term “Cartesian coordinates”

for the graphing system he developed. His work in
analytic geometry and algebra helped pave the way for
the advancement of calculus. His dedication to scepticism
and reason, coupled with his innovative contributions

His achievements have had a lasting impact, shaping

the way we approach knowledge, mathematics, and the

still utilized.

Descartes ----.
A) was at odds with the methodologies introduced by
other philosophers of his age A) his lifelong commitment to introducing new

B) wrote Meditations on First Philosophy by making

use of a synthesis of earlier approaches B) the groundbreaking work he achieved through
analytic geometry and calculus
C) was initially questioned because of the radical
methods he introduced C) his devotion to rationalism and doubt as well as

D) has had a profound impact on the development of

D) the radical approaches he came up with to seek
out the truth at all costs
E) praised true philosophy as a means to attain
wisdom throughout his life E) his approach towards people, which inspired them
to think independently

A) win a quick victory against Germans following
the Paris attack
The Battle of the Marne, fought from September 5 to B) prevent the German army from moving forward
September 12, 1914, stands as a historic event that in the west
dramatically altered the course of World War I (WWI). As
German forces advanced towards Paris in a lightning- C) encourage the Allied forces elsewhere to join
British and French forces
dire. In response to this attack, French and British forces,
D) show the resilient spirit of the Allied forces in the
face of war
advance and ultimately pushed them back. The battle
was characterized by intense trench warfare, artillery E) prove that German forces had underestimated
bombardments, and relentless infantry engagements. the power of the Allied forces

for a swift victory in the west. The battle forced the

Germans to retreat and dig in, setting the stage for the

course of the war, preventing an early German victory and

A) German forces were not as invincible as

during WWI previously thought

B) had been planned by the Allied forces before the B) the Allied forces would have to be reinforced
Germans attacked Paris against the German attacks

C) trench warfare was an obsolete military strategy

resisting the Germans to win a battle

D) was a turning point that drastically changed how

WWI progressed the Western front

E) was a great victory for the Allied forces who were E) WWI would be a long and brutal battle in the
heavily outnumbered by Germans days to come

nutritional psychology and dietetics

B) is considered a controversial issue because it

The intricate relationship between dietary habits and
psychology highlights the profound impact of nutrition
on mental well-being. Research has increasingly shown
interconnectedness between the gut and the
and overall psychological well-being. Nutrient-rich
diets, abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and
lean proteins, have been linked to improved cognitive impact on dietary habits or nutrition
function and a reduced risk of mental health disorders.
Conversely, diets high in processed foods, sugar, and E) involves one-way communication, solely from
unhealthy fats have been associated with an increased the brain to the gut
risk of depression and anxiety. The gut-brain connection,
known as the gut-brain axis, shows the bidirectional
communication between the gastrointestinal tract and
the brain. This suggests that the health of our digestive
system can impact mental health. Also, emotional states

interplay between psychological factors like stress,

emotions, and eating behaviours. Understanding this
intricate connection is crucial for developing holistic
approaches to mental health, integrating nutrition into
mental health interventions, and promoting overall well-

gut-brain connection habits on overall well-being

emotional states

C) the most common underlying cause of mental C) To emphasize the importance of a well-balanced
disorders is the imbalance in the gut-brain axis

D) personality traits of individuals determine their D) To prove that mental well-being matters more
dietary habits than physical health

E) To exemplify the impacts of having an unhealthy

our physical and mental health diet on peopl

to ----.

Rote learning, often characterized by the memorization of perceive
information through repetition without deep understanding,
has both advantages and disadvantages in the realm enhance

of acquiring basic facts, particularly in subjects like inhibit

vocabulary, multiplication tables, and historical dates.
Rote learning, using memorization as a primary learning
tool, can provide a foundation of knowledge necessary
for more complex cognitive processes later on. Moreover,
it instils discipline and helps develop a strong memory.

when applied to higher-order thinking skills. Critics argue

that rote learning may creativity, critical thinking,
and problem-solving abilities given that it emphasizes
memorization over comprehension. Students might
struggle to apply learned information in real-world

of concepts. Striking a balance between rote learning

and more interactive, modern teaching approaches
remains a challenge in education, as educators seek
methods that encourage both memorization and a deeper
comprehension of the subject matter.

problems in their later years
B) The pros and cons that accompany rote learning
B) has become prevalent despite the emergence of
modern teaching methods C) The importance of integrating rote learning into
modern teaching methods
C) may form the basis of knowledge required for more
complicated thinking processes in the future D) Some considerations regarding the use of rote
D) is likely to take over modern teaching approaches
due to its practicality E) The debate over rote learning in education

possess a strong memory




1. E 21. E 41. B 61. A

2. C 22. D 42. A 62. E

3. D 23. A 43. C 63. D

4. A 24. C 44. A 64. C

5. B 25. E 45. C 65. B

6. A 26. A 46. D 66. C

7. C 27. D 47. E 67. B

8. D 28. E 48. C 68. A

9. A 29. C 49. E 69. D

10. C 30. B 50. A 70. E

11. D 31. C 51. D 71. C

12. E 32. D 52. C 72. D

13. A 33. A 53. B 73. B

14. B 34. B 54. E 74. E

15. C 35. D 55. B 75. E

16. A 36. E 56. D 76. C

17. C 37. E 57. A 77. A

18. E 38. D 58. C 78. C

19. D 39. A 59. B 79. E

20. B 40. C 60. B 80. B

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