Airport Engineering

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Airport Engineering

Prepared By:
Engr. Rey Mickel W. Avena
Airports are essential
components of modern air
travel. An airport is an area of
land that is used or intended to
be used for the landing and
takeoff of aircraft, and includes
its buildings and facilities, if any.

An aircraft is a heavier-than-air
flying machine, which includes
fixed and rotary wing vehicles:
airplanes, helicopters, gliders,
ultralights, gyrocopters, and
unmanned aerial vehicles
Common Airport Features
A runway is a defined
rectangular surface on an
airport suitable for the landing
or takeoff of aircraft. A single
airport may have multiple
runways. Runways may be
man-made (asphalt and/or
concrete) or natural surfaces
such as ice, turf, dirt, or sand.
Runway Geometric
- Length of runway
- Width of runway strip
- Sight Distance
- Longitudinal and Effective Gradient
- Rate of Change of Longitudinal Gradient
- Transverse Gradient
- Safety Area
Runway Length

- Basic runway length depends upon the category in which the

aircraft falls as per International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

- This length is modified for elevation, temperature and gradient

- Runway length requirements for various aircraft

Small airplanes with < 10 passenger seats

Aircraft Runway Length, m
75% of fleet 750
95% of fleet 920
100% of fleet 1090

Small airplanes with 10 or more passenger seats use 1270m

Large airplanes of 60000 lb or less

Aircraft Runway Length, m

75% of fleet at 60% useful load 1613
75% of fleet at 90% useful load 2135
100% of fleet at 60% useful load 1680
100% of fleet at 90% useful load 2379
Runway Width
- Depends upon the type of airport and largest aircraft in

- In the case of large aircraft, the central 30m width of the

runway pavement is observed to take a more concentrated air traffic

- Also, it requires additional space on the two sides of this 30m

width so as to protect the possible damage to the farthest machinery
i.e. engines from ingestion of loose material of shoulders.
As per ICAO (in meters)

Code Code Letter


1 18 18 23 - -

2 23 23 30 - -

3 30 30 30 45 -

4 - - 45 45 45
Sight Distance
-Generally no sight distance restrictions as the longitudinal
gradients for the runway are quite gentle.

- Hazardous locations are crossings of two runways or runway

and taxiway.

- Adherence to runway longitudinal gradient standards provides

an adequate line of sight
Airport Category Y (meter) X

ICAO code letter A 1.5 Half runway length

ICAO code letter B 2.1 Half runway length

ICAO code letter C 3.0 Half runway length

-Runway grade should be such that any two points Y meters above
runway centerline will be mutually visible for a minimum distance of X
Runway Gradient
- Longitudinal and Effective gradient
- The longitudinal gradient of the runway increases the
required runway length
- It also affects the aircraft’s performance
- These should be as flat as possible to avoid excessive
engine thrust
- ICAO limits the maximum longitudinal gradient to 1.25 to
1.5 percent for runways that serve the largest type of
- Rate of change of Effective longitudinal gradient

Type of Airport Max Longitudinal Maximum Effective

Gradient Gradient
A,B,C 1.5% 1.00%

D,E 2.00% 2.00%

Transverse Gradient
- Provided for quick disposal of surface water

- Ponding of water is hazardous for aircraft operation

- Minimum recommended transverse slope is 1%

- For rigid pavement, it can be kept as low as 0.5%

- Slopes up to 2% are permitted for runways that serve smaller
classes of aircraft (Code A and B). For other runways, the maximum
transverse slope is 1.5%

- For shoulders, slope of up to 5% is permitted

Safety Area
- The runway safety area is an area that is cleared, drained and

- It includes the structural pavement, shoulders on either side of

the runway and the additional width.
Prevailing wind is a leading factor
when designing which direction a
runway should be aligned, since
fixed-wing aircraft have an
advantage when taking off and
landing into the wind. Runway
length varies and may range from
hundreds of feet to several miles
A taxiway is a defined path
established for the taxiing of aircraft
from one part of an airport to
another. Taxiway design
incorporates low speed and precise
taxiing, integrating safety as the
basis of design.
An apron is a surface (usually
paved) that is employed for
various purposes, including aircraft
tiedowns, short and long-term
parking, fueling, washing, or
maintenance. Aprons are typically
located in the non-movement area
of an airport near or adjacent to
the terminal area. Tie-downs
Hangars are buildings used to
maintain and store aircraft for
security and protection against
wind and other adverse weather
conditions. Hangars vary in size and
shape; box hangars can size larger
and multiple aircraft, while T-
hangars maximize the number of
aircraft per apron area.
Terminal Building
The terminal building is where
passengers enter and exit the
airport facility. The terminal
usually contains check-in
services, baggage handling,
security checkpoints, and gates
that convey passengers to board
and deplane an aircraft.
Air Traffic Control Facilities
Electronic equipment and buildings
(i.e. a tower) aid air traffic control
(ATC) in communication and
surveillance of aircraft, including
weather detection and advisory
Navigation Aids (NAVAIDs)
NAVAIDs include electric and
visual air navigation equipment,
lights, signs, and associated
supporting facilities. NAVAID
systems are both visual and
instrument based that assist in
guiding pilots during aircraft
Weather & Communication
Segmented circles, wind cones, and
weather cameras provide data to
pilots of current weather and
surface conditions at an airport.
Automated Surface Observing
System (ASOS) and Automated
Weather Observing System (AWOS)
are automatic recording
instruments to measure air and
weather conditions.

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