IEINews March24
IEINews March24
IEINews March24
Artificial Intelligence Robotic Artificial Metal Casting Reports of Energy PROCEEDINGS of News-in-Brief IEI Diary
and IoT in Agriculture Intelligence enabled Technology: The Conservation 104th AGM of
and Food Industry 4.0 Cyber Crime......... Backbone........ Day 2024 IEI
4 6 7 8 12 14 19
Volume 30 Number 12
Management in the Hilly Regions The proliferation of predatory journals exacerbates the
issue, with India leading in the publication of such dubious
The 37th National Convention of Environmental Engineers was organized by Himachal Pradesh platforms. These journals, devoid of rigorous editorial
State Centre of the Institution during 26-27 October 2023 in association with Bureau of Indian oversight, cater to authors seeking quick publication at a
Standards (BIS), University Institute of Technology (UIT), HP University and Uttarakhand Landslide hefty fee. Furthermore, the presence of shadow agencies,
Mitigation and Management known as paper mills, highlights the intricate web of deceit
Centre under the aegis of the permeating scientific publishing.
Environmental Engineering Division
Board, [ENDB] IEl at Shimla. The
Retraction serves as a crucial mechanism to uphold
event was a remarkable success the integrity of scholarly literature. However, discerning
and was graced by eminent between genuine errors and intentional misconduct remains
personalities and experts in the a complex endeavor. Nevertheless, deliberate manipulation,
field. A National Seminar was also including data fabrication and plagiarism, constitutes a
organized on the theme Friendly significant portion of retractions.
& Sustainable Approaches for The repercussions of fraudulent research reverberate
Erosion, Landslide and Land throughout academia and beyond. Despite retractions,
Subsidence Management in a concerning number of retracted articles continue to
the Hilly Regions, which struck receive citations, perpetuating misinformation. The delayed
Contd. on page 5 Contd. on page 3
(WFEO-CIC), with S S Rathore, Past President of IEI, serving as its Chair. The
WFEO-CIC stands as one of the significant Standing Technical Committees
of WFEO, diligently addressing various Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) outlined by UNESCO. Noteworthy is the tenure during which IEI
hosted the WFEO-CIC from 2015 to 2019, subsequently extended to 2019-
2023 due to its commendable performance. It's a source of great pride that
this collaboration resulted in the historic achievement of publishing a book As The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) had served the maximum allowable
by an International publisher under the stewardship of a Standing Technical two terms hosting the WFEO Committee on Information & Communication
Committee, a first in WFEO's history. (WFEO-CIC), it was time to transition this responsibility. Following Iraq's
agreement to host the CIC, the Executive Council (EC) consented to
The President of WFEO, in his opening address, underscored the significance transferring the WFEO Committee on Information & Communication (WFEO-
of this achievement, lauding IEI for its remarkable initiative. A poignant CIC) to Iraq.
moment ensued when the President of WFEO invited the Honorable Minister,
the ADG Natural Science UNESCO, Past Presidents, and President (Elect) of During the event, S.S Rathore participated in the meeting of All Committee
WFEO to join him at the dais as he received the physical copy of the book, Chairs and engaged in interactions with the President’s Advisors Committee.
marking a historic milestone for both WFEO and IEI. This moment resonated Furthermore, both Mr. Basa and Mr. S.S Rathore actively participated in the
as a testament to the collaborative spirit and dedication towards advancing Special Executive Council Meeting held from 4 pm to 6 pm on March 5th,
engineering ethics and knowledge, setting a precedent for future endeavors contributing their insights and perspectives to the deliberations.
in the field. The UNESCO WFEO World Engineering Day 2024 Conference and Special
The physical handover of the book took place immediately after the welcome Executive Council Meeting held in Lisbon provided a platform for global
speech by the President of WFEO at the onset of the opening ceremony. collaboration and exchange of ideas, with notable contributions from the
Subsequently, other dignitaries, including the Honorable Minister and senior Indian Delegation and other esteemed participants, shaping the future of
UNESCO officials, delivered their addresses. Following the conclusion of engineering for sustainable development.
Smart Textiles
Tamilnadu State Centre of IEI organized the 36th National Convention of Textile drive progress, this synergy between textiles and technology opens doors
Engineers in Chennai during 06-07 October 2023 under the aegis of Textile to new possibilities and advancements, shaping the future landscape of
Engineering Division Board [TXDB]. A National Seminar was also organized various sectors, mentioned Dr. Amarnath. Dr T Saravana Kumar, Founder
on the occasion on the theme Smart Textiles. Thiru Dharmendra Pratap & Director, Dev Innotech LLP, Karur, Tamilnadu, delivered Expert lecture
Yadav, IAS, Principal Secretary to Government, Handlooms, Handicrafts, on the topic 'Smart Sport Textiles: The Future of Sportswear' and focused
Textiles and Khadi Department, Government of Tamilnadu, graced the on the bright prospects of smart textiles. He mentioned that this growth is
function as the Chief Guest and inaugurated the program. Er E R Eswaran, being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing demand for
Hon’ble Member of the Legislative Assembly, Thiruchengode, Tamilnadu, wearable devices, the growing trend towards personalized training, and the
was the Guest of Honour. The National Convention commenced with the rising popularity of smart clothing. Dr K M Pachiyappan, Associate Professor,
ceremonial lighting of the lamp by esteemed dignitaries seated on the dais. Department of Costume Design and Fashion, PSG College of Arts & Science,
Dr V Karthikeyan, presently Chairman, Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI, delivered Coimbatore, delivered Expert lecture on 'Smart Textiles'. He elucidated that
the welcome address. Prof (Dr) P Mohanraj, Committee Member, Textiles, smart textiles possess the remarkable ability to react to and adjust according
Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI and convenor of the event delivered the thematic to environmental stimuli originating from diverse sources. Expanding on his
viewpoint, he expressed his belief that in the imminent future, the apparel
industry is poised to lead the way in introducing smart textiles to the market
by integrating flexible printed electronic technologies. Dr A Selvakumar,
Associate Professor, Senior Grade, VIT Fashion Institute of Technology,
Chennai, also delivered Expert lecture on the theme and stated that smart
garment is embedded with sensors, processors, actuators, which are able
to measure various vital and physical parameters through stimuli. Shri V R
Karthikeyarayan, Associate Professor, Fashion Communication Department,
National Institute of Fashion Technology, Chennai, delivered Expert lecture on
‘How to Look Cool on Mars’ and discussed the fashion and style in the context
of Mars, a planet known for its’ harsh conditions and barren landscapes.
address. Prof (Dr) Sadhan Chandra Ray, Chairman, Textile Engineering
Also during the technical sessions, papers were presented on different
Division Board, IEI, presided over the inaugural function. On this occasion,
topics, namely; Development of Natural coir/ Moringa Oleifera Fiber Hybrid
Mr V Elangovan, Managing Director, SNQS Internationals Private Limited, Mr
Composite Material for Thermal Insulation Applications; Preparation and
R Naresh, Managing Director, Shuttles & Needles Private Limited and Ergo
Extraction of Microcapsules Filled with Essential Oils for Medical Textiles;
G2 Engineers Private Limited and Prof Samrat Mukhopadhyay, Department of
Investigation of Plasma Treatment on the Moisture Management Properties
Textile and Fibre Engineering, IIT Delhi (in absentia) were felicitated as eminent
of Cotton/Polyester Blended Knitted Fabrics; Pigment Dyeing of Polyester/
engineering personalities for their outstanding contribution to the profession
Cotton Blended Fabric through Cationization with CHPTAC and Dyeing in
of textile engineering. The IEI Young Engineer Award in Textile Engineering
the Presence of Vanillin; Effect of Cationization on Direct Dyeing of Cotton;
Division for the year 2022-23 was presented to Dr Mukesh Bajya, Assistant
Development of Guduchi-based Antimicrobial Ayurvastra; Review on Skin
Professor, Department of Textile Technology, Dr B R Ambedkar National
Fabric Friction and Thermo Physiological Behaviour of Skin Fabric Friction;
Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab and Dr Satyaranjan Bairagi,
Influence of Cyclic Tensile Straining Parameters on the Tensile Characteristics
Research Associate, Department of Textile and Fibre Engineering, IIT Delhi (in
of Compact Yarns; Wild Animal Protective Textile Systems: Cut Resistant
absentia). The event also witnessed the unveiling of a Souvenir and Technical
Fabric; Microbial Decolorization of Textile Dye Effluent; Insulation Elastic
Proceedings, symbolizing the advancement and knowledge exchange in the
Textile Fabric with Heat-adjusting Sensor for Alleviating Men; Development
august presence of the dignitaries on the dais. Er K N Sivaraju, Honorary
of Thermal and pH Responsive Biocompatible Polymeric Hydrogel for All
Secretary, Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI [Session 2021-23] proposed the vote
Purpose Bra Cushion; Eco-Friendly Dyeing of Various Fabrics Using Rubia
of thanks.
Cordifolia; An Overview on Diabetic Insole; Wearable Electronic Textiles;
Dr B K Chakrabarti Memorial Lecture was delivered by Dr J V Rao, Advisor Medical Textiles; Ceramic Coatings in Water Repellant Textiles; Integration of
and Former CEO, Textile Sector Skill Council, Government of India on the Cosmetics with Textile: An Emerging Area of Functional Textile Application of
topic 'Business Opportunities in Technical Textiles'. Dr Wyyuru Amarnath, Textile Materials in Aerospace; Thermoregulated Textiles; Development and
Managing Director, Sri Sankara Weaving Private Limited delivered Keynote Characterization of Antimicrobial Super Absorbent; Bio-sludge Valorization in
lecture on the topic 'Significance of Innovations in Smart Textiles'. In his Textile Industry: A Thermo-chemical Approach etc.
address, Dr. Amarnath emphasized the pivotal role of innovation in propelling
During the valedictory function, Mr Vijay Kapoor, Founder, Derby Men graced
the modern textile industry to unprecedented heights across diverse
the occasion as the Chief Guest. Er Milind Laxmikant Patil, Member, TXDB, IEI
applications. He conveyed that the convergence of textiles and technology
[Session 2022-23] addressed the audience. Prof (Dr) P Mohanraj summed up
represents a groundbreaking frontier with immense potential to revolutionize
the proceedings of deliberation.Er K N Sivaraju proposed the vote of thanks.
industries spanning from fashion to healthcare. As innovation continues to
Eco Friendly & Sustainable Approaches for Erosion, Landslide and Land
Subsidence Management in the Hilly Regions
Contd. from page 4
Dr Rakesh Kadaverugu delivered presentation on the topic 'Landslide and install early warning systems specifically designed for hilly regions,
Susceptibility Modeling using MaxENT'; Dr Ankit Agarwal spoke on Landslide incorporating real-time data on rainfall, soil moisture, ground movement, and
Mitigation and Dr C Nagendranatha Reddy deliberated on the topic 'Integrating other relevant parameters.
Sustainable Strategies for Biomediation of Complex E Wastewater embedded Communication channels to be established to ensure timely dissemination of
with Renewable Energy Generation and Resource Recovery'. Also, Shri Ankit warnings and advisories to communities residing in vulnerable areas, enabling
Verma, Geo Spar, Geo Engineering Company, New Delhi delivered lecture on them to take preventive measures and evacuate if necessary.
Ground Improvement, Slope Stablisation, Rockfall, Mitigation & Foundation
Training and capacity building to relevant stakeholders should be provided
Engineering'. A panel discussion was also organized on the occasion.
on the operation and maintenance of early warning systems, as well as the
During the valedictory function, Dr A J Singh, Director, UIT, HP University graced interpretation of warning signs and indicators specific to hilly regions.
the function as the Chief Guest. The session was chaired by Er Viswa Mohan
Adopting Sustainable Land Use Practices
Joshi. Recommendations emanating from the technical deliberation are as
follows. Guidelines in collaboration with BIS, UIT and NDMA for sustainable land use
practices in hilly regions should be developed considering factors such as
Enhancing Research and Development
slope stability, soil conservation, and water management.
Collaboration with organizations such as BIS, NIDM, UIT and NDMA is
Implementation of green infrastructure ber promoted, such as terraced
required to prioritize research and development efforts towards eco-friendly
farming, retention ponds, and green belts, to mitigate erosion, landslides, and
and sustainable approaches for erosion, landslide, and land subsidence
land subsidence while also promoting sustainable agriculture and biodiversity
management specifically tailored to hilly regions.
Field surveys and comprehensive geological studies should be conducted on
The use of traditional and indigenous knowledge in land management practices
regular basis to identify the key hotspots prone to erosion, landslides, and land
as well as the integration of traditional engineering techniques with modern
subsidence in hilly regions, and develop targeted solutions based on the local
ecofriendly approaches be encouraged more.
terrain and geological characteristics.
The NDMA's recommendations for slope stabilization techniques, such as the
Practical solutions available from guidelines provided by the National Disaster
use of rock buttresses, geotextiles, and bioengineering methods, in land use
Management Authority (NDMA) be applied to enhance the effectiveness of
planning and development activities in hilly regions be utilized in proper way.
erosion, landslide, and land subsidence management strategies in hilly regions.
Strengthening Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
Sustainable practices be incorporated as recommended by the NDMA, such
as adopting vegetative measures, contour plowing, and slope remediation Workshops, conferences, and joint research projects should be organised on
techniques etc. regular basis involving experts from BIS, UIT, NIDM, NDMA and other relevant
stakeholders, focusing on the specific challenges and solutions for erosion,
Promoting Community Awareness and Education
landslide, and land subsidence management in hilly regions.
Specialized training programs should be organised for the local communities,
A centralized database and platform be constituted for sharing best practices,
engineers, and architects on eco-friendly and sustainable practices for erosion,
case studies, and research findings related to eco-friendly and sustainable
landslide, and land subsidence management in hilly regions.
approaches, ensuring that the knowledge is easily accessible to policymakers,
Collaboration with NIDM & NDMA should be pursued for utilizing their engineers, and other stakeholders.
resources on community awareness, which includes brochures, pamphlets,
Cross-learning and exchange programs between hilly regions facing similar
and documentaries, to explain the causes, impacts, and preventive measures.
challenges, fostering collaboration and enabling the transfer of effective
Implementing Early Warning Systems solutions and strategies should be encouraged and facilitated more.
More collaboration with UIT and the local government be explored to develop
One Day Workshop under the aegis of National Languages Promotional Committee
(See Rule 8 of The Registration of Newspapers (Central) Rules, 1956)
Statement about ownership and other particulars about IEI News of The Institution of Engineers (India) to be published in the
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4. Publisher’s Name Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd)
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Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd)
Dated : March 01, 2024 Signature of Publisher
Thirty-nineth National Convention of Chemical Electronics & Telecommunication Engg Division Production Engineering Division
Engineers on "R&D Activities in Minerals and
Metallurgical Industries for Today’s Society" All India Seminar on "Design of Advanced 5G Thirty-eighth National Convention of Production
Bhunaneswar, October 19-20, 2024 Antenna and Prototype Technologies" Engineers on "Green and Bio-inspired Manufacturing
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Odisha State Centre, Coimbatore, May 02-03, 2024 – The Way Forward"
Engineers Bhawan, Institution of Engineers Square, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore Local Centre, Bareilly, May 02-03, 2024
Sachivalaya Marg, Unit-4, Bhubaneswar 751001, PSG College of Technology Campus, Peelamedu, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local Centre,
[(: 0674-2390291, E-mail: [email protected], Coimbatoree 641 004 [(: 0422-2580733; Email: 44, Camphor Estate Colony, Near Champhor Hospital,
Website:] [email protected]; Website: https://www. Rampur Road, C B Ganj, Bareilly 243502, Uttar Pradesh] [Mobile: 9634953691, Email: bareillylc@]
Civil Engineering Division
Mechanical Engineering Division Interdisciplinary Co-ordination Committee
Thirty-nineth National Convention of Civil Engineers on
"Exploring Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering" All India Seminar on "Sustainability through Green All India Seminar on "Sustainable Developments and
Kochi, October 25-26, 2024 Vehicles: Powered by Hydrogen, Fuel Cell, CNG Technologies"
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kochi Local Centre, IEI and Flexi Fuel Vehicles" Gorakhpur, May 24-25, 2024
Bhavan, Government Homeo Hospital Road, Pullepady, Coimbatore, May 15-16 2024 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Gorakhpur Local Centre,
PO: Kaloor, Kochi 682017 [(: 0484-2403838 / The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore Local Centre, 176, Siddharthnagar Colony (Opposite GDA Office),
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Electrical Engineering Division]
All India Seminar on "Artificial Intelligence and
All India Seminar on "A Transition Towards Clean One Day Seminar on "Additive Manufacturing and Machine Learning in Materials Engineering for
Energy Its Impact on Indian Economy" 3D Printing" Environment"
Agra, 20 June 2024 Rourkela, May 18-19, 2024
Salem, May 25-26, 2024
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Rourkela Local Centre,
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Salem Local Centre, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Agra Local Centre,
National Institute of Technology Campus, Roukela
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Continuing Professional Development Programmes (CPDPs) for the Month of April 2024
2. Bio Medical Waste Management – Handling & Safe Disposal Options with New Rules 2016 03 - 05 Apr 24
9. Latest trends in Welding Technology and NDT Techniques (Theory and Practical exposure) 22 - 26 Apr 24
10. General Safety in Mining - Risk Assessment, Accident Prevention, Formulation of Safety Management Plan, Safety Audit, 22 - 26 Apr 24
Legislation, ISO- 31000
12. Renewable Energy Systems - Wind & Solar - Grid Integration 23 - 26 Apr 24
13. Advanced technologies based Water and Waste Water Treatment for Zero Discharge Compliance 24 - 26 Apr 24
14. Mastering High-Performance Teams: Competency Building for Collaborative Excellence 24 - 26 Apr 24
16. Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources: Monitoring and Management 25 - 26 Apr 24
Mr Bulbul Samaddar, an employee of the Institution HQ superannuated from the services of IEI on March 31, 2024. He joined
the Institution on February 01, 1993 and rendered his services to the Institution over a period of 31 years.
IEI wishes Bulbul Samaddar and his family a happy and healthy life in the future.
Owner : The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 President : Dr G Ranganath
Printer : Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General
Publisher : Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Editor : Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd)
Published from : 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 Special Contributors: Mr S Chakraverty, Dr K Sen
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6A S N Banerjee Road, Kolkata 700013 Mr S Bagchi, Ms N Sikdar
ISSN 0971-3352 Editor : Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General
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20 March2024
March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3