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March 2024

Artificial Intelligence Robotic Artificial Metal Casting Reports of Energy PROCEEDINGS of News-in-Brief IEI Diary
and IoT in Agriculture Intelligence enabled Technology: The Conservation 104th AGM of
and Food Industry 4.0 Cyber Crime......... Backbone........ Day 2024 IEI

4 6 7 8 12 14 19
Volume 30 Number 12

UNESCO WFEO World Engineering Day 2024 From the

Conference & Special Executive Council President’s Desk.....
Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal Retracted
Research: Unveiling
the Challenges
in Scientific
In the realm of academic research,
the integrity and trustworthiness of published papers stand
as the bedrock of scholarly discourse. Yet, recent revelations
The official delegation from The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) to the UNESCO WFEO have rocked the very foundation of scientific publishing,
World Engineering Day 2024 Conference and Special Executive Council Meeting in Lisbon, exposing a troubling surge in retractions worldwide. Various
Portugal, was constituted by the Honorable President of IEI. The event took place on March analyses, drawing from the repositories of Retraction
4th and 5th, 2024. As a National and Founder Member of the World Federation of Engineering Watch and numerous reputable journals, have indicated a
Organizations (WFEO), IEI nominated the following representatives to participate in the event: significant uptick in retracted scientific papers. The year
Mr Ashok Kumar Basa, Executive Vice-President of WFEO, Mr S S Rathore, Chair, WFEO 2023, in particular, witnessed an unprecedented wave, with
Committee on Information & Communication (WFEO-CIC) and Mr Navinchandra B Vasoya, over 10,000 papers facing retractions—an alarming 2.5-
National Member of the Executive Council of WFEO. However, Mr Vasoya was unable to fold increase from the previous year. Notably, a significant
attend due to prior personal commitments. portion of these retractions trace back to journals under the
Contd. on page 2 banner of frontline publishers.
Thirty-seventh National Convention of Environmental Engineers and India, too, grapples with a concerning escalation in
National Seminar retractions, witnessing a manifold increase since 2010.
The nation ranks third globally in this regard, with notable
Eco Friendly & Sustainable Approaches for instances of retractions emerging from prestigious
academic institutions. Plagiarism and duplication of papers
Erosion, Landslide and Land Subsidence emerge as prominent reasons behind these retractions.

Management in the Hilly Regions The proliferation of predatory journals exacerbates the
issue, with India leading in the publication of such dubious
The 37th National Convention of Environmental Engineers was organized by Himachal Pradesh platforms. These journals, devoid of rigorous editorial
State Centre of the Institution during 26-27 October 2023 in association with Bureau of Indian oversight, cater to authors seeking quick publication at a
Standards (BIS), University Institute of Technology (UIT), HP University and Uttarakhand Landslide hefty fee. Furthermore, the presence of shadow agencies,
Mitigation and Management known as paper mills, highlights the intricate web of deceit
Centre under the aegis of the permeating scientific publishing.
Environmental Engineering Division
Board, [ENDB] IEl at Shimla. The
Retraction serves as a crucial mechanism to uphold
event was a remarkable success the integrity of scholarly literature. However, discerning
and was graced by eminent between genuine errors and intentional misconduct remains
personalities and experts in the a complex endeavor. Nevertheless, deliberate manipulation,
field. A National Seminar was also including data fabrication and plagiarism, constitutes a
organized on the theme Friendly significant portion of retractions.
& Sustainable Approaches for The repercussions of fraudulent research reverberate
Erosion, Landslide and Land throughout academia and beyond. Despite retractions,
Subsidence Management in a concerning number of retracted articles continue to
the Hilly Regions, which struck receive citations, perpetuating misinformation. The delayed
Contd. on page 5 Contd. on page 3

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
Conference & Special Executive Council
Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal
Contd. from page 1
the opening ceremony, the Hackathon Awards Ceremony was conducted,
World Engineering Day (WED) 2024 was observed on March 4th, 2024, followed by an enlightening address by Prof S.F de Azevedo, President of
at the esteemed venue of Ordem dos Engenheiros in Lisbon, Portugal, the Portuguese Academy of Engineers, Portugal.
the National Member of WFEO. The Opening Ceremony was graced by a The post-lunch session extended from 14:00 to 18:00, punctuated by a
distinguished array of dignitaries, including Elvira Fortunato, the Honorable 30-minute tea break. During this time, speakers delved into various aspects
Minister of Science, Technology & Higher Education of Portugal, Dr Lidia of "Energy Transition & Sustainability." Mr. Basa and Mr. Rathore attended
Brito, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences of UNESCO, Er Mustafa all these functions and sessions, actively engaging with the discussions
Shehu, President of WFEO, Prof Jose Vieira, Immediate Past President of and presentations.
WFEO, Er Seng Chuan Tan, President (Elect) of WFEO, Er Fernado A Sontos,
President of Ordem Dos Engenheiros, Portugal, along with esteemed Past On March 5th, a series of meetings for various Board Appointed Committees
Presidents of WFEO and other notable personalities. took place. Mr. Ashok Basa, Executive Vice-President of WFEO, participated
in the Finance Committee & Executive Board meetings. Notably, owing to his
The focal point of the opening ceremony was the momentous occasion commendable performance, Mr. Basa has been re-nominated as the Chair
of physically handing over the copies of the book titled “Ethics in Artificial of the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) for the term spanning 2023-
Intelligence: Bias, Fairness and Beyond,” published by Springer Nature for 2025, having previously held the position from 2022-2023. During the
IEI, which hosted the WFEO Committee on Information & Communication SPC session chaired by Mr. Basa, numerous significant suggestions were
deliberated upon, aimed at enhancing the efficacy of WFEO and delineating
its role within UNESCO and the UN. It is important to note that the Strategic
Planning Committee holds immense importance within WFEO, being one
of its pivotal Committees, comprising approximately ten members from
across the globe.

(WFEO-CIC), with S S Rathore, Past President of IEI, serving as its Chair. The
WFEO-CIC stands as one of the significant Standing Technical Committees
of WFEO, diligently addressing various Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) outlined by UNESCO. Noteworthy is the tenure during which IEI
hosted the WFEO-CIC from 2015 to 2019, subsequently extended to 2019-
2023 due to its commendable performance. It's a source of great pride that
this collaboration resulted in the historic achievement of publishing a book As The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) had served the maximum allowable
by an International publisher under the stewardship of a Standing Technical two terms hosting the WFEO Committee on Information & Communication
Committee, a first in WFEO's history. (WFEO-CIC), it was time to transition this responsibility. Following Iraq's
agreement to host the CIC, the Executive Council (EC) consented to
The President of WFEO, in his opening address, underscored the significance transferring the WFEO Committee on Information & Communication (WFEO-
of this achievement, lauding IEI for its remarkable initiative. A poignant CIC) to Iraq.
moment ensued when the President of WFEO invited the Honorable Minister,
the ADG Natural Science UNESCO, Past Presidents, and President (Elect) of During the event, S.S Rathore participated in the meeting of All Committee
WFEO to join him at the dais as he received the physical copy of the book, Chairs and engaged in interactions with the President’s Advisors Committee.
marking a historic milestone for both WFEO and IEI. This moment resonated Furthermore, both Mr. Basa and Mr. S.S Rathore actively participated in the
as a testament to the collaborative spirit and dedication towards advancing Special Executive Council Meeting held from 4 pm to 6 pm on March 5th,
engineering ethics and knowledge, setting a precedent for future endeavors contributing their insights and perspectives to the deliberations.
in the field. The UNESCO WFEO World Engineering Day 2024 Conference and Special
The physical handover of the book took place immediately after the welcome Executive Council Meeting held in Lisbon provided a platform for global
speech by the President of WFEO at the onset of the opening ceremony. collaboration and exchange of ideas, with notable contributions from the
Subsequently, other dignitaries, including the Honorable Minister and senior Indian Delegation and other esteemed participants, shaping the future of
UNESCO officials, delivered their addresses. Following the conclusion of engineering for sustainable development.

Certificate of Practice for Practicing Chartered Engineers

The Corporate Members of the Institution having Chartered Engineer Certificate in the current grade of Membership with five years of experience as
an Engineer in the relevant field can apply for Practicing Chartered Engineers Certification. The Institution will issue Practicing Registration No. for
practising Chartered Engineers, which is valid for five years.
The application fee for empanelment is, Rs.5900/- (GST included), which may be paid through Demand Draft/ Multi-city Cheque in favour of “The
Institution of Engineers (India)” payable at Kolkata.
The hard copy of application should reach to:-
Deputy Director (Membership), The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020
Please visit : https://www.ieindia.org/webui/IEI-RegistrationForPPCE.aspx for more details.

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2 March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3
Thirty-sixth National Convention of Textile Engineers and National Seminar

Smart Textiles
Tamilnadu State Centre of IEI organized the 36th National Convention of Textile drive progress, this synergy between textiles and technology opens doors
Engineers in Chennai during 06-07 October 2023 under the aegis of Textile to new possibilities and advancements, shaping the future landscape of
Engineering Division Board [TXDB]. A National Seminar was also organized various sectors, mentioned Dr. Amarnath. Dr T Saravana Kumar, Founder
on the occasion on the theme Smart Textiles. Thiru Dharmendra Pratap & Director, Dev Innotech LLP, Karur, Tamilnadu, delivered Expert lecture
Yadav, IAS, Principal Secretary to Government, Handlooms, Handicrafts, on the topic 'Smart Sport Textiles: The Future of Sportswear' and focused
Textiles and Khadi Department, Government of Tamilnadu, graced the on the bright prospects of smart textiles. He mentioned that this growth is
function as the Chief Guest and inaugurated the program. Er E R Eswaran, being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing demand for
Hon’ble Member of the Legislative Assembly, Thiruchengode, Tamilnadu, wearable devices, the growing trend towards personalized training, and the
was the Guest of Honour. The National Convention commenced with the rising popularity of smart clothing. Dr K M Pachiyappan, Associate Professor,
ceremonial lighting of the lamp by esteemed dignitaries seated on the dais. Department of Costume Design and Fashion, PSG College of Arts & Science,
Dr V Karthikeyan, presently Chairman, Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI, delivered Coimbatore, delivered Expert lecture on 'Smart Textiles'. He elucidated that
the welcome address. Prof (Dr) P Mohanraj, Committee Member, Textiles, smart textiles possess the remarkable ability to react to and adjust according
Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI and convenor of the event delivered the thematic to environmental stimuli originating from diverse sources. Expanding on his
viewpoint, he expressed his belief that in the imminent future, the apparel
industry is poised to lead the way in introducing smart textiles to the market
by integrating flexible printed electronic technologies. Dr A Selvakumar,
Associate Professor, Senior Grade, VIT Fashion Institute of Technology,
Chennai, also delivered Expert lecture on the theme and stated that smart
garment is embedded with sensors, processors, actuators, which are able
to measure various vital and physical parameters through stimuli. Shri V R
Karthikeyarayan, Associate Professor, Fashion Communication Department,
National Institute of Fashion Technology, Chennai, delivered Expert lecture on
‘How to Look Cool on Mars’ and discussed the fashion and style in the context
of Mars, a planet known for its’ harsh conditions and barren landscapes.
address. Prof (Dr) Sadhan Chandra Ray, Chairman, Textile Engineering
Also during the technical sessions, papers were presented on different
Division Board, IEI, presided over the inaugural function. On this occasion,
topics, namely; Development of Natural coir/ Moringa Oleifera Fiber Hybrid
Mr V Elangovan, Managing Director, SNQS Internationals Private Limited, Mr
Composite Material for Thermal Insulation Applications; Preparation and
R Naresh, Managing Director, Shuttles & Needles Private Limited and Ergo
Extraction of Microcapsules Filled with Essential Oils for Medical Textiles;
G2 Engineers Private Limited and Prof Samrat Mukhopadhyay, Department of
Investigation of Plasma Treatment on the Moisture Management Properties
Textile and Fibre Engineering, IIT Delhi (in absentia) were felicitated as eminent
of Cotton/Polyester Blended Knitted Fabrics; Pigment Dyeing of Polyester/
engineering personalities for their outstanding contribution to the profession
Cotton Blended Fabric through Cationization with CHPTAC and Dyeing in
of textile engineering. The IEI Young Engineer Award in Textile Engineering
the Presence of Vanillin; Effect of Cationization on Direct Dyeing of Cotton;
Division for the year 2022-23 was presented to Dr Mukesh Bajya, Assistant
Development of Guduchi-based Antimicrobial Ayurvastra; Review on Skin
Professor, Department of Textile Technology, Dr B R Ambedkar National
Fabric Friction and Thermo Physiological Behaviour of Skin Fabric Friction;
Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab and Dr Satyaranjan Bairagi,
Influence of Cyclic Tensile Straining Parameters on the Tensile Characteristics
Research Associate, Department of Textile and Fibre Engineering, IIT Delhi (in
of Compact Yarns; Wild Animal Protective Textile Systems: Cut Resistant
absentia). The event also witnessed the unveiling of a Souvenir and Technical
Fabric; Microbial Decolorization of Textile Dye Effluent; Insulation Elastic
Proceedings, symbolizing the advancement and knowledge exchange in the
Textile Fabric with Heat-adjusting Sensor for Alleviating Men; Development
august presence of the dignitaries on the dais. Er K N Sivaraju, Honorary
of Thermal and pH Responsive Biocompatible Polymeric Hydrogel for All
Secretary, Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI [Session 2021-23] proposed the vote
Purpose Bra Cushion; Eco-Friendly Dyeing of Various Fabrics Using Rubia
of thanks.
Cordifolia; An Overview on Diabetic Insole; Wearable Electronic Textiles;
Dr B K Chakrabarti Memorial Lecture was delivered by Dr J V Rao, Advisor Medical Textiles; Ceramic Coatings in Water Repellant Textiles; Integration of
and Former CEO, Textile Sector Skill Council, Government of India on the Cosmetics with Textile: An Emerging Area of Functional Textile Application of
topic 'Business Opportunities in Technical Textiles'. Dr Wyyuru Amarnath, Textile Materials in Aerospace; Thermoregulated Textiles; Development and
Managing Director, Sri Sankara Weaving Private Limited delivered Keynote Characterization of Antimicrobial Super Absorbent; Bio-sludge Valorization in
lecture on the topic 'Significance of Innovations in Smart Textiles'. In his Textile Industry: A Thermo-chemical Approach etc.
address, Dr. Amarnath emphasized the pivotal role of innovation in propelling
During the valedictory function, Mr Vijay Kapoor, Founder, Derby Men graced
the modern textile industry to unprecedented heights across diverse
the occasion as the Chief Guest. Er Milind Laxmikant Patil, Member, TXDB, IEI
applications. He conveyed that the convergence of textiles and technology
[Session 2022-23] addressed the audience. Prof (Dr) P Mohanraj summed up
represents a groundbreaking frontier with immense potential to revolutionize
the proceedings of deliberation.Er K N Sivaraju proposed the vote of thanks.
industries spanning from fashion to healthcare. As innovation continues to

From the President’s Desk.....

Contd. from page 1 traditionally regarded as a bastion of quality assurance, faces scrutiny amid
mounting retractions. Instances of manipulation, in the form of selective
Retracted Research: Unveiling the Challenges in editing practices, underscore the vulnerabilities inherent in the review
Scientific Publishing system.
detection of fraudulent studies exacerbates the problem, allowing flawed As the scientific community grapples with these challenges, a concerted
findings to influence public policy and technological advancements. effort is needed to fortify the integrity of scholarly publishing. Vigilance,
While efforts to improve detection methodologies and enhance editorial transparency, and robust editorial practices are essential to safeguarding
scrutiny are underway, challenges persist. The peer review process, the credibility of scientific research in the digital age.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
All India Seminar under the aegis of Interdisciplinary Coordination Committee

Artificial Intelligence and IoT in Agriculture and Food Industry 4.0

An All India Seminar on the theme Artificial Intelligence and IoT in problems need to be explored.
Agriculture and Food Industry 4.0 was organised by Rourkela Local
Enhanced research is recommended for application of AI and loT in
Centre during 12-13 August 2023 in association with Department of Food
agriculture and food Industry, which includes precision agriculture, crop
Process Engineering and Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
monitoring and disease detection, automated machinery and robotics,
National Institute of Technology Rourkela at Rourkela under the aegis of
supply chain management, smart greenhouses, predictive analytics, water
Interdisciplinary Coordination Committee, IEI. Prof Bibhudutta Sahoo, HoD,
management, livestock monitoring, food quality assurance, and waste
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Rourkela graced the
function as the Chief Guest and Prof Parag Prakash Sutar, HoD, Department
of Food Process Engineering, NIT Rourkela was the Guest of Honour. The AI and loT technologies are readily scalable for use in substantial farms.
programme started with the welcome speech delivered by Er Ajay Kumar In this way, farmers can maximize production and long-term viability by
Goswami, Chairman of Rourkela Local Centre [Session 2021-23]. He spoke applying modem technologies to broad acreages.
about the relevance and importance of AI in Food and Agriculture industries.
Developing AI-driven prediction models that utilize data in real time from loT
The Guest of Honour, Prof Parag Prakash Sutar informed the audience
sensors should be dispersed across farms. These models forecast possible
about the stringent regulations being practiced in the food industries by
disease outbreaks and insect infestations and give significant insights into
USA and Japan, the two major food importers from India. The Chief Guest,
crop health, moisture levels, and nutritional needs. Their efforts greatly
Prof Bibhudutta Sahoo, chronicled the technological advancements from
improve the quality of food production as a whole and the efficiency with
manual to modern farming, ranging from robotics and agricultural drones
which resources are used.
to computer vision software, have entirely transformed modern agriculture.
A souvenir was released on the occasion by the dignitaries present on the The capacity of AI and loT to explain complex subjects involving technology
dais. to ordinary people should be focused more.
During six technical sessions, 29 papers were presented. Keynote Lectures With the use of AI algorithms, the necessary information may be used to
were also delivered in technical sessions by eminent personalities from predict how climate change would affect crop production. Accordingly, the
reputed academic institutes. Posters relevant to the various sub-themes farmers may modify their methods so that they can more effectively resist
the effects of climate change.
Application of AI-enabled drones and robots with loT sensors, that sow
seeds and harvest crops without human intervention should be in practice.
Technology like this helps farmers save time and money by reducing the
need for manual work and making farming more consistent.
With the use of loT and AI, agricultural products can be tracked from farm
to fork, giving buyers insight into the safety, freshness, and sustainability
of their purchases. Trust is bolstered, and more mindful consumption is
facilitated by that transparency.
Farmers can efficiently estimate ideal planting timings and organize
succession plantings by integrating historical environmental data with
AI algorithms. Farmers may increase their harvests and lessen their
were displayed by the engineering students and evaluated by the experts. susceptibility to weather extremes by adapting crops to their specific
In the Demonstration session, live demonstrations were presented by growing environments.
students pertaining to drone applications for Agriculture, Robotics and
Automation. The technical sessions were chaired by eminent experts in loT sensors monitor soil moisture, provide weather conditions, and calculate
the related field. Papers were presented on emerging topics, namely; AI- how much water each plant needs in real-time. Algorithms powered by AI
based Image Classification in Food Quality Evaluation: Food Quality 4.0; use this information to create optimal watering targets that provide plants
Advancements in Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Food Quality with the right quantity of moisture at the right moment. As a result, growth
Evaluation: A Comprehensive Review for the Food Industry; Development of improves while water use is minimized.
Polyvinyl Acetate-Based Coating and its Effects on Papaya and Strawberry: Stakeholders should support the use of AI and loT in the food and farming
Leveraging AI and Image Processing for Enhanced Quality; An Application industries because of the many advantages these tools provide. Integrating
of Image Analysis to Model Changes in Millet Kernel Water Absorption and AI and loT offers a chance to improve the industry and adapt to the needs
Dimensions during Hydration at Different Temperatures; Application of of a fast-changing world in numerous techniques, including increased
IoT in Agriculture; Synergistic Effect of IoT, Big Data and AI in Agrifood efficiency and sustainability, improved product quality, and increased
Sectors; Application of Biosensors for Food Safety and Quality; Applications market competitiveness.
of Digital Technologies in Agri-food Processing Industry; IoT-driven Supply
Chain Optimization: Block Chain Technology; Growing Applications of As the world's population rises, so will the pressure on farmers to feed more
Hyperspectral Imaging in Millet Processing; Maize Leaf Disease Detection people. With AI and loT, the agricultural sector can increase productivity
and Classification Using Inception v3; Cyclone Detection System Using and better utilize resources to satisfy future food needs.
Machine Learning; AI and Biosensors' Role in Food Shelf-life Detection; Integrating AI and loT in the food and agricultural industries can be perceived
Application of Drone Technology in Agricultural Practices etc. as a mission that includes an extensive approach encompassing multiple
Recommendations emanating from the two-day deliberations are as follows: dimensions. These dimensions include infrastructure development, skill
enhancement, policy framework, research and development, technology
The rapid evolution of technology in the era of Industry 4.0, characterized localization, start-up ecosystem, pilot projects and demonstration farms,
by integrating advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) data sharing and collaboration, regulatory support, industry-academia
and the Internet of Things (loT). In the agricultural and food production collaboration, financial support, public awareness and adoption campaigns,
industries, these technologies have enormous potential to solve major monitoring and evaluation, as well as collaboration with global partners.

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4 March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3
Eco Friendly & Sustainable Approaches for Erosion, Landslide and Land
Subsidence Management in the Hilly Regions
Contd. from page 1
and Dr C Nagendranatha Reddy, Assistant Professor & Research Coordinator,
a chord with participants who gathered to share insights and expertise in Department of Biotechnology, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (A),
tackling environmental challenges unique to hilly terrains. The distinguished Gandipet ,Hyderabad, Telangana, for their outstanding achievement in the
Chief Guest of the event, Shri Nand Lal Sharma, CMD of Satluj Jal Vidyut field of Environmental Engineering. Earlier, Er Vishwa Mohan Joshi, Chairman,
Nigam (SJVN), Shimla, commended Himachal Pradesh State Centre, IEI, for Himachal Pradesh State Centre, IEI, set the stage with a warm welcome and
organizing the National Convention. He emphasized the critical nature of the an enlightening talk on the theme, highlighting the significance of ecofriendly
Convention, particularly in the aftermath of recent devastations in Shimla, practices in managing environmental concerns in hilly regions. Er Jaswant
including destructive landslides triggered by cloudbursts and heavy rainfall. Singh, Honorary Secretary, Himachal Pradesh State Centre, IEI, proposed the
He expressed his belief that such initiatives serve as a morale booster for the vote of thanks at the end of the inaugural session. A souvenir was released on
people of the state and play a significant role in the ongoing recovery efforts. the occasion in the august presence of dignitaries on the dais.
Furthermore, he advocated for the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and The N V Modak Memorial Lecture was delivered by Prof (Dr) Satyendra Mittal,
innovative solutions to address these challenges effectively. He highlighted Geotechnical Engineering Group, Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute
the potential of Remote Sensing, Geospatial Data, and advanced monitoring of Technology Roorkee on the topic ‘Sustainable Eco friendly Approach for
systems in predicting and managing such natural disasters. The event Control of Land Subsidence in Hilly Regions through Nailing’. Prof Mittal, in
witnessed the gracious presence of Dr A J Singh, Director of University Institute his lecture explained the concept of soil nailing, soil reinforcement and ground
of Technology (UIT), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Er Ajay Gupta, improvement techniques prior to construction. He further enumerated the
Engineer in Chief, Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department (HPPWD) and successful field application of the nailing techniques in hilly areas. The Dr G D
Prof (Dr) Dinesh Kumar Vatsa, Vice Chancellor of Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Agrawal Memorial Lecture was delivered by Dr S K Gupta, Chairman, Envirotech
Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, as the Guests of Honour, Private Limited, New Delhi, on the topic ‘GD – Redefined Purpose of Life’
who shared their valuable expertise and insights. Dr A J Singh stressed on and remembered the academic brilliance of Prof Agarwal and his supportive
the importance of finding solutions to the natural calamities, the importance and development initiatives in different professional assignments. Shri K
of application of early warning systems, inter-disciplinary collaboration Vijayaveeran, Scientist E, Director & Head, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS),
within various engineering disciplines in order to mitigate natural disasters. PARWANOO Branch Office, delivered presentation on the occasion.
He highlighted the essence of ethics in engineering construction, stressed
on halting of unplanned growth resulting in catastrophic devastation with During the technical sessions, eminent professionals delivered invited lectures
deep social concerns. Er Ajay Gupta, highlighted the brutality of the repetitive on different topics. Dr Shantanu Sarkar, Director, Uttrakhand Landslide Mitigation
occurrence of landslides in the Himalayan belt and emphasized the importance and Management Center, Dehradun, delivered an Invited Talk on 'Slope Stability
of adopting sustainable studies for landslides mitigation. He deliberated on the Assessment and Scheme of Mitigation Measures'; Dr K V Uday, Associate
importance of adopting modern practices of soil enrichment by incorporating Professor, IIT Mandi, delivered an Invited Talk on 'Erosion Quantification and
chemical additive compounds, advancement of soil enrichment technology and Bio-engineering Measures'; Dr Mahesh Sharma, Assistant Professor, UIT,
adoption of bio-Gem technology. Dr Vatsa, deliberated on the importance of HP University, Shimla, on the topic 'Preliminary Assessment of the Shiv
addressing the detrimental effect of landslides in the Himalayan belt and urged Bawdi Landslide in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India'; Er V Sankaranarayan,
the regulators to adopt vertical farming, protected cultivation, sustainable Shiraz Swan, Deepak Kumar, Shashank Shekhar Khare and Nitin Thakur on
production, adopting modern technologies in farming. He deliberated on the 'Hydropower Projects and Landslides in The Himalaya Region, A Review by
importance of adopting renewable energy exploration, minimizing deforestation, SJVN as a Hydropower Project Developer' and Cdr Dr Bhaskar M Bhandarkar,
adoption of slope stabilization, sustainable construction, and policy regulation Chairman, Marine Engineering Division Board, IEI [Session 2022-23] on the
for sustainable and progressive development. Er Jagdish Chand Singhal, topic 'Disaster Management during Landslides'.
Chairman of Environmental Engineering Division Board, [ENDB] IEI, presided Further, Special Invited Talks were delivered by notable speakers from the relevant
over the inaugural session. In his address, Er Singhal emphasized the critical field. Colonel Parikshit Mehra, Civil Engineering Batch 1999-2003, 201 Engineer
role of environmental engineers in preserving hilly regions. He appreciated the Regiment, Madras Engineering Group, Corps of Engineers, delivered Special
sincere effort of Himachal Pradesh State Centre, IEI, for organizing the National Invited Talk on the topic 'Sustainable Approaches for Connectivity in Himalayan
Convention on a relevant theme imperative to the hilly regions of the country Region; Stabilization Measures, Avalanche Protection Structures and Tunnels';
and stressed on eco-friendly solutions and interventions to prioritize the eco- Prof Dr Surya Prakash, Head, CBRN and Cyber Disaster Risks Management,
friendly approaches that can minimize environmental impact by the use of National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi on 'Restoration of
sustainable materials and practices. Prof Vatsa, also served as the Chairman Affected Areas after Landslide and Land Subsidence Event and Case Studies';
of the Technical Committee and Convener of the National Convention ensuring Shri Rajnish Kumar Nath, Regional Sales Manager, Geobrugg India Private
its seamless execution. Er Pankaj Dadwal, Chairman- BOG, National Skill Limited on 'Geo-hazard Mitigation Solutions for Himalayan Region and Similar
Development Forum [NSDF], IEI [Session 2022-23] delivered an insightful Geology'; Shri Ram Asra Khural, BRES, MIRC, Border Roads Organisation on
presentation on the Convention's theme, enriching participants with valuable 'Sustainability Approach For Development of Hill Roads'; Dr Tanmay Gupta,
knowledge and ideas. He said that collaboration with various stakeholders, Assistant Professor, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Wakanaghat,
including agencies like the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), Solan on 'Solan's Landslide Challenges and Potential Transformation by Cutting
BIS and Uttarakhand Landslide Mitigation Management Centre in Dehradun will Edge Mitigation Techniques'; Dr G. Rameshwar Rao, Director, Dr D Venkat
prove to be crucial for comprehensive solutions to landslide. On the occasion, Reddy, Advisor, Center for Climate Change-Environmental Management, Anita
Er A K Dinkar, Secretary, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi & Aggarwal, Faculty and Head I/c, CCC- EM Division, Engineering Staff College of
Former Engineer in Chief, Irrigation Department, Uttarakhand; Er Rajesh Bisaria, India (ESCI), Hyderabad on 'Field Investigation Techniques for Assessment of
Environmental Expert, Arbitrator & Techno-legal Consultant and Dr Daljit Singh, Active Landslides and Mass Movements in Hilly Terrains in Himachal Pradesh
Engineer-in Chief cum Technical Advisor, Punjab W/S & Sewerage Board, and Uttarakhand States of India with Inputs to Develop Sustainable Remedial
Chandigarh were felicitated as eminent engineering personalities for their Measures for the Stability of the Strata: A Typical Analysis; Dr Labh Singh
relentless contribution to the field of Environmental Engineering. The IEI Young Bhari, Chairman, Punjab and Chandigarh State Centre, IEI and Prof Dr Shallu
Engineers Award in Environmental Engineering Division for the year 2023-24 Sehgal, Associate Professor, SILB Solan, HP delivered Special Invited talk on
was presented to Dr Rakesh Kadaverugu, Senior Scientist, Cleaner Technology 'Harnessing Technology for Eco- Friendly and Sustainable Hilly Region'.
and Modeling Division, CSIR National Environmental Engineering Research On the occasion, the IEI Young Engineer Awardees shared their thoughts and
Institute (NEERI), Nehru Marg, Nagpur, Maharashtra; Dr Ankit Agarwal, Assistant aspirations.
Professor, Department of Hydrology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Contd. on page 6

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
One Day Workshop under the aegis of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Division Board

Robotic Artificial Intelligence enabled Cyber Crime

and Animation Development
Agra Local Centre, IEI, organized a One Day Workshop in association with
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BSA College of
Engineering & Technology, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, on the theme Robotic
Artificial Intelligence enabled Cyber Crime and Animation Development on 11
September 2023 in Agra under the aegis of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering Division Board [ETDB], IEI. Er Rajnesh Kumar Yadav, Honorary
Secretary, Agra Local Centre, IEI in his opening remarks, explained the role
of IEI, its functioning and contribution in the society and academics. The
workshop was inaugurated by Advocate Umashankar Agrwal, Chairman, BSA
College of Engineering & Technology, Mathura. Mr Bhawan Singh, Registrar,
BSA College of Engineering and Technology, Mathura, advised the students for into the foundational principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and elucidated on the
practical study on cyber crime and animation development. concerning issue of AI-enabled cybercrime. His comprehensive presentation
aimed to raise awareness about the unethical applications of AI and strategies
During the technical sessions, Mr Vishal Lal Goswami, Assistant Professor, for its prevention in practical contexts. He discussed on ethical and unethical
HOD, ECE Department, BSACET, introduced the students on ‘Robotic and Its use of cybercrime and its impact in the society. During the hands-on practical
Application in the field of Space, Cyber security and Animation’. Mr Farhan Aziz, session, projects on robotic components, project development based on
Assistant Professor, ECE Department, BSACE explained about popular hardware Arduino, sensors, modules, programmimg software etc. He also the Rover
tools like Quarky, Arduino, Sensors, Motors and Modules. In the workshop, Er. Module of Chandrayan 3. Er Rajnesh Kumar Yadav explained about cyber crime
Paras Yadav, a Robotic Trainer from Ishwara Electrical Private Limited, delved awareness techniques and discussed cyber fraud cases.

Eco Friendly & Sustainable Approaches for Erosion, Landslide and Land
Subsidence Management in the Hilly Regions
Contd. from page 4
Dr Rakesh Kadaverugu delivered presentation on the topic 'Landslide and install early warning systems specifically designed for hilly regions,
Susceptibility Modeling using MaxENT'; Dr Ankit Agarwal spoke on Landslide incorporating real-time data on rainfall, soil moisture, ground movement, and
Mitigation and Dr C Nagendranatha Reddy deliberated on the topic 'Integrating other relevant parameters.
Sustainable Strategies for Biomediation of Complex E Wastewater embedded Communication channels to be established to ensure timely dissemination of
with Renewable Energy Generation and Resource Recovery'. Also, Shri Ankit warnings and advisories to communities residing in vulnerable areas, enabling
Verma, Geo Spar, Geo Engineering Company, New Delhi delivered lecture on them to take preventive measures and evacuate if necessary.
Ground Improvement, Slope Stablisation, Rockfall, Mitigation & Foundation
Training and capacity building to relevant stakeholders should be provided
Engineering'. A panel discussion was also organized on the occasion.
on the operation and maintenance of early warning systems, as well as the
During the valedictory function, Dr A J Singh, Director, UIT, HP University graced interpretation of warning signs and indicators specific to hilly regions.
the function as the Chief Guest. The session was chaired by Er Viswa Mohan
Adopting Sustainable Land Use Practices
Joshi. Recommendations emanating from the technical deliberation are as
follows. Guidelines in collaboration with BIS, UIT and NDMA for sustainable land use
practices in hilly regions should be developed considering factors such as
Enhancing Research and Development
slope stability, soil conservation, and water management.
Collaboration with organizations such as BIS, NIDM, UIT and NDMA is
Implementation of green infrastructure ber promoted, such as terraced
required to prioritize research and development efforts towards eco-friendly
farming, retention ponds, and green belts, to mitigate erosion, landslides, and
and sustainable approaches for erosion, landslide, and land subsidence
land subsidence while also promoting sustainable agriculture and biodiversity
management specifically tailored to hilly regions.
Field surveys and comprehensive geological studies should be conducted on
The use of traditional and indigenous knowledge in land management practices
regular basis to identify the key hotspots prone to erosion, landslides, and land
as well as the integration of traditional engineering techniques with modern
subsidence in hilly regions, and develop targeted solutions based on the local
ecofriendly approaches be encouraged more.
terrain and geological characteristics.
The NDMA's recommendations for slope stabilization techniques, such as the
Practical solutions available from guidelines provided by the National Disaster
use of rock buttresses, geotextiles, and bioengineering methods, in land use
Management Authority (NDMA) be applied to enhance the effectiveness of
planning and development activities in hilly regions be utilized in proper way.
erosion, landslide, and land subsidence management strategies in hilly regions.
Strengthening Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
Sustainable practices be incorporated as recommended by the NDMA, such
as adopting vegetative measures, contour plowing, and slope remediation Workshops, conferences, and joint research projects should be organised on
techniques etc. regular basis involving experts from BIS, UIT, NIDM, NDMA and other relevant
stakeholders, focusing on the specific challenges and solutions for erosion,
Promoting Community Awareness and Education
landslide, and land subsidence management in hilly regions.
Specialized training programs should be organised for the local communities,
A centralized database and platform be constituted for sharing best practices,
engineers, and architects on eco-friendly and sustainable practices for erosion,
case studies, and research findings related to eco-friendly and sustainable
landslide, and land subsidence management in hilly regions.
approaches, ensuring that the knowledge is easily accessible to policymakers,
Collaboration with NIDM & NDMA should be pursued for utilizing their engineers, and other stakeholders.
resources on community awareness, which includes brochures, pamphlets,
Cross-learning and exchange programs between hilly regions facing similar
and documentaries, to explain the causes, impacts, and preventive measures.
challenges, fostering collaboration and enabling the transfer of effective
Implementing Early Warning Systems solutions and strategies should be encouraged and facilitated more.
More collaboration with UIT and the local government be explored to develop

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6 March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3
One Day Seminar under the aegis of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division Board

Metal Casting Technology: The Backbone of Futuristic Manufacturing

West Bengal State Centre, IEI, has organized One Day Seminar on Metal Furthermore, he underscored how this framework, which underpins
Casting Technology: The Backbone of Futuristic Manufacturing under the solidification processing endeavors, plays a pivotal role in expediting the
aegis of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division Board [MMDB], translation of emerging knowledge into new technologies and ensuring the
IEI, on the occasion of the commemoration of Late Haridas Nandy on 05 development of right-first-time products.
August 2023 in Kolkata. Dr Nirmal Das, Chairman, West Bengal State Centre,
It was followed by an Invited lecture delivered by Prof (Dr) N R Bandyopadhyay,
IEI [Session 2021-23] delivered the welcome address and mentioned
Professor, IIEST Shibpur & Former Chairman, MMDB, IEI on the topic 'Metal
that, after graduating in the field of Metallurgy from Bengal Engineering
Castings : One of the Most Efficient and Versatile Manufacturing Processes
College Shibpur [presently IIEST Shibpur] in the year 1944, Late H Nandy’s
in the Present Era'. He said that the emergence of concepts like Industry 4.0
professional journey started
and the Fourth Industrial Revolution have been in circulation since at least
in steel foundry and metal
2014. This ongoing revolution continues to introduce fresh and innovative
casting sectors in eastern
implementations across industries worldwide. The metal casting industry is
India and shortly he emerged
currently experiencing its own version of the fourth revolution, witnessing
as a distinguished expert in
a surge in the adoption of Internet of Things technology by suppliers,
the field. The seminar was
foundries, and end-users to enhance operational efficiency. In this context,
formally inaugurated by Prof
he said that Additive Manufacturing is the future. The process of 3D printing
(Dr) Samiran Chaudhuri, Past
is already replacing conventional methods of casting soon. He further
President, IEI. In his Inaugural
added that 3D printing has the calibre to replace the process of casting
address as the Chief Guest,
itself. There is great potential in the incorporation of the prehistoric process
he paid his rich tribute to
of metal casting and contemporary additive manufacturing.
the great memories of Late
H Nandy and adored him The second technical session was chaired by Sri S N Laha, Distinguished
as the living encyclopedia Consultant & Member MME,WBSC, IEI. Speaker of the session, Prof A K
of IEI. Er R P Gupta, Past Chakrabarti, Former Professor, IIT Kharagpur, delivered presentation on
President, IEI, graced the the topic 'Cast Steel Research Vis-a-vis Microalloyed Steels'. He gave a
function as Special Guest. In brief summary of three aspects of cast steel research. In the initial part
addition to paying tribute to he described notable improvements achieved by multiple micro alloying.
his mentor, the late H Nandy, The product of cast steel base composites and the scope of forging such
he shared insights from his composites were reported in the second part. In the third part he mentioned
extensive experience as a seasoned metallurgist. Gupta reminisced about how modification of inclusions may reduce tool wear during machining of
the traditional practices in metallurgy, focusing on the extraction of metals cast in products. Last Speaker of the day, Dr D De Sarkar, CEO, Indian Copper
from ores and their subsequent refinement for practical applications. He Development Centre, Kolkata, discussed on the topic 'Sustainability of Non-
highlighted how these practices, once staunchly adhered to by the late Ferrous Metal Casting Units – Some Important Issues'. He stated that man
Nandy, have undergone remarkable transformations in contemporary times. and metals have an age old relationship. Different periods of early human
civilization have been named after metals, i.e., copper age, bronzeage,
Thereafter, the technical sessions' theme was eloquently elucidated to the
iron age. The two important sources for the history of Indian Metallurgy
participants by Er. Subrata Chandra, the Convener of the Materials and
are archaeological excavations and literary evidences. Archaeological
Metallurgical Engineering (MME) Division at the West Bengal State Center
excavations conducted in various parts of our country clearly reveal ancient
(WBSC) of IEI.
knowledge of extraction, melting, casting and further working of metals to
During two technical sessions, four eminent speakers delivered their various shapes. But literary evidence has not been studied to the extent it
presentations. The first technical session was chaired by Er R P Gupta, Past deserves.
President, IEI.
The valedictory session was chaired by Prof (Dr) N R Bandyopadhyay.
The first technical lecture of the session started with the Commemorative In his initial annotation he expressed his satisfaction for the absorbing
Key note lecture delivered by Prof P P Chattopadhyay, Director , National deliberation by the expert guest speakers, followed by lively interaction.
Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology ( NIAMT), (Erstwhile NIFFT), He extended sincere and hearty welcome to the guest and participants
Ranchi on “Engineering Science of Solidification : From Art to Automation”. present during the day long proceedings. Reporting of technical sessions
In his lecture he highlighted that the solidification processing of metals has was conducted by Er G C Chattopadhyay, Former Co-Chairman, MME
evolved over millenniums, in wider spectrum of applications, involving Division and Former Joint Secretary, WBSC, IEI. In his concise summary
large verities of metals and processes. He provided a succinct overview of of the technical proceedings, he noted the extensive coverage provided
solidification processing, emphasizing its diverse combinations of metals, by distinguished speakers across two comprehensive technical sessions
processes, and applications. These features, he noted, are intricately during the seminar. Topics ranged from traditional metallurgical practices to
connected with relevant phenomena and length scales. For instance, he the rapid and relentless technological advancements unfolding on a global
illustrated how the scope of physically tracking phenomenological features scale within production and industrial development sectors. Furthermore,
in bottom-up solidification routes, such as 3D printing, across both length he highlighted the exploration of new and emerging fields, offering exciting
and time scales, contrasts with the limitations inherent in top-down opportunities for both aspiring students and seasoned professionals alike.
processes, where such access is unfeasible. The vote of thanks was proposed by Prof (Dr) Sumit Chabri, Joint Convenor,
MME Division, WBSC,IEI, who also earlier briefly Introduced all the Guest
The presentation then delved into the foundational knowledge framework of
Speakers prior to their lecture. He extended heartfelt thanks to all guests
solidification in metals, followed by detailed discussions on an integrated
and participants as well as to those who have diligently worked behind
multi-scale modeling approach. This approach forms the basis of
the scenes, their silent efforts having played an integral and indispensable
solidification simulation processes. He adeptly explained the evolution of
role in the resounding success of this event. The seminar was attended by
engineering science knowledge in solidification, highlighting its convergence
nearly 100 delegates from both industry and academia.
through theoretical, computational, and experimental advancements.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
IEI Celebrates
Energy Conservation Day
The Energy Conservation Day was celebrated by the Institution on December 14, 2023. Brief
accounts of celebration as received from various Centres are reported hereunder.


explained various measures
Assam adopted by MSPDCL
Assam State Centre, and BEE towards energy
IEI, observed Energy conservation. Theme
Conservation Day 2023 at Speaker of the event, Dr
Guwahati on 14 December Huirem Neeranjan Singh,
2023. Er Monojit Misra, Assistant Professor,
Honorary Secretary, Assam Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT, Manipur, spoke on the needs
State Centre, IEI, delivered of energy conservation and the ways it can be conserved. He stressed that
the welcome address. energy conservation is vital due to depleting energy reserves in the world.
Invited Speaker of the event, Prof Debendra Chandra Baruah, Department of At the end, Er Thokchom Subhashchandra Singh, Honorary Secretary,
Energy and Director of Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, Tezpur (Central) Manipur State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
University, Tezpur, delivered lecture on ‘Energy Conservation Scenarios in Mizoram
different Sectors of Economic Importance with Special Reference to Policy
and Perspectives of Assam’. He mentioned about the potential of solar and On 14 December 2023, Mizoram State Centre, IEI, observed Energy
bio-energy based technologies in the North Eastern Region of India. He Conservation Day 2023 at Mizoram and a Seminar was organized
emphasized the importance of renewable energy technologies in achieving on ‘Frugality in Energy Use’. Speaker of the event was Dr Chittatosh
net zero emissions and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by India Bhattacharya, Deputy Director, National Power Training Institute, Durgapur.
in particular. The event was chaired by Er Mahesh Barkataki, Chairman of Topics discussed in the Seminar were energy efficiency, energy productivity,
Assam State Centre. At the end, Er Pulak Sarmah, Immediate Past Honorary energy intensity, Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2022, impact
Secretary, Assam State Centre, IEI, proposed the vote of thanks. of energy efficiency, importance of energy efficiency, cost effectiveness,
reduction of carbon footprint, etc.
West Bengal
On 10 January 2024,
Karnataka State Centre, West Bengal State Centre, IEI, observed Energy Conservation Day 2023 at
IEI, observed Energy Kolkata on 14 December 2023. A Seminar was organized on the topc ‘Energy
Conservation Day 2023 Modesty for Sustainable Development’. Er Sandip Kumar Deb, Council
through hybrid mode and a Member, IEI, and Chairman,
lecture was organized on the Architectural Engineering
topic ‘Energy Conservation, Division Board, IEI, [Session
Efficiency & Climate 2021-23] delivered the
Change’. Chief Guest of the event, Shri N Amaranath, CEO & GM of KSPDCL, welcome address. Er
Karnataka, stressed on decentralized distribution of energy for empowering Prasun Kumar Chakrabarty,
people at grassroots level. Speaker of the event, Prof S S Murthy, Former President, Energy Club,
Vice Chancellor, Central University of Karnataka discussed about energy Former Director, West
management and discussed on accelerating battery driven minibuses for Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited, explained the theme of the
narrow roads, metro rail and suburban train as public transport. event. Chief Guest of the function, Dr S P Gon Chaudhuri, Visiting Professor,
IIEST Shibpur, Member, WBREDA Board & Chairman, International Solar
Kerala Innovation Council, underscored the imperative of integrating renewable
Kerala State Centre, IEI, observed Energy Conservation Day 2023 on 14 energy sources with conventional ones. He emphasized the gradual phasing
December 2023 at Thiruvananthapuram. Er P Balakrishnan Nair, Chairman, out of fossil fuels from our energy generation processes. Dr Sarobindu
Kerala State Centre, IEI, welcomed the participants. Speaker of the event, Mohanta, Consultant, FICCI, Accredited Energy Auditor emphasized the
Dr P S Chandramohan, Former Principal, Government Engineering College need of skill development for energy and resource conservation; Mr Tamal
& Former Director, Agency for New and Renewable Energy Research and Kumar Bhattacharyya, Scientific Officer-G, Variable Energy Cyclotron
Technology [ANERT], delivered lecture on the topic ‘Energy & Environment’. Centre, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, focused on
Er K R Suresh Kumar, Honorary Secretary of Kerala State Centre proposed future of nuclear energy; Dr Bishaljit Paul, HoD, Electrical Engineering
the vote of thanks at the end of the event. Department, Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, explained the general
aspects of energy conservation and Mr Richik Ghoshthakur, Research
Scientist, NB Institute of Rural Technology, Kolkata, discussed the various
On 14 December 2023, Manipur State Centre, IEI, observed Energy aspects and challenges of solar photovoltaic cell. Mr Ashoke Kumar Sarkar,
Conservation Day 2023 at Imphal. Er Swamikanta Singh L, Chairman, Manipur President-Elect, ISHRAE, Kolkata Chapter, focused on the passive cooling
State Centre, IEI, presided over the function and discussed the methods and for buildings; Swami Kamalasthananda, Principal, Vivekananda Centenary
needs for energy conservation. Chief Guest of the event, Mr H Shantikumar College, discussed the energy and water conservation measures adopted in
Singh, Managing Director, Manipur State Power Distribution Company his Institution. Dr Manas Pratim Das, Executive Officer, Science Cell, All India

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8 March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3
Radio, emphasized the need of education and training of personnel with fossil fuels. At the end, Er Bidhan Chandra Debnath, Honorary Secretary,
sustainable practices and creation of mass of awareness and Dr Devashish Asansol Local Centre, IEI, proposed the vote of thanks.
Konar, Consultant Psychiatrist, Immediate Past President, IPSWB & IACAM,
Vice President, IACAPAP stressed the role of human, effect of climate on
human behavioural patter and importance of change in lifestyle. Er Anirban On 23 December 2023, Aurangabad Local Centre, IEI, observed Energy
Datta, Honorary Secretary, West Bengal State Centre, IEI facilitated the Conservation Day 2023 through online mode. Speaker of the event, Er
conduct of the entire event. In a fitting conclusion, he extended his gratitude Uttam G Zalte, Former Director (Operations), Maharashtra State Electricity
to all participants and contributors by proposing the vote of thanks. Transmission Company Limited (MSETCL), delivered lecture on the topic
‘Post Independence Journey of Power Sector in India’. Er Zalte focused on
LOCAL CENTRES National Policies of Energy Sector, Electricity Act 2003, Consumption and
Aligarh Generation of Power in India, National Electricity Policy 2005, etc. Er K M I
Sayyad, Honorary Secretary, Aurangabad Local Centre, IEI, introduced the
On 16 December 2023, Speaker. Prof (Dr) Ulhas Bhanudasrao Shinde, Chairman, Aurangabad Local
Aligarh Local Centre, Centre, IEI, proposed the vote of thanks.
IEI, observed Energy
Conservation Day 2023 at Indore
Aligarh. Dr (Mrs) Salma On 14 December 2023,
Shaheen, Chairman, Indore Local Centre,
Aligarh Local Centre, IEI, IEI, observed Energy
delivered the welcome address. Chief Guest of the event was Prof Aasim Conservation Day 2023 at
Zafar, Chairman and Professor, Department of Computer Science, AMU, Indore. Er Dinesh Kumar
Aligarh and Guest of Honour of the event was Er Sanjay Kumar Mittal, Shukla, Chairman, Indore
MPSEZ Utilities Limited, Mundra, Gujarat. Prof Zafar shared his views Local Centre, IEI, welcomed
about the importance of energy conservation and stressed on alternative the dignitaries. Chief Guest of the event, Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
energy sources. He explained various scenarios of optimally and efficiently Er Shankar Lalwani shared his views about the role of engineers in energy
replacing conventional energy. Er Mittal shared his valuable insights on conservation and focused on more application of solar energy. Guest of
energy conservation and emphasized the relevance of energy conservation Honour of the event, Er Abhilash Mishra, IAS, Assistant Commissioner,
in addressing the climatic concern. Indore Municipal Corporation, spoke on bio-CNG plant set up where large
Ananthapuram amount of CNG gas is being produced from the waste and is used as fuel
in public transport. Er R P Goutam, Immediate Past Chairman, Indore Local
On 15 December 2023, Centre, explained the change in demand and supply in power.
Ananthapuram Local
Centre, IEI, observed Energy Kalaburagi
Conservation Day 2023 at On 14 December 2023, Kalaburagi Local Centre, IEI, in association with
Ananthapuram. Prof (Dr) Smt V G College for Women,
Ms Chigarapalle Shoba Kalaburagi observed Energy
Bindu, Chairman, Ananthapuram Local Centre, IEI, welcomed the guests Conservation Day 2023 at
and opined that energy conservation is one of the major ways to replace Kalaburagi. Er Seetharam
non-renewable sources of energy with renewable sources. Chief Guest of Munnur, Honorary
the event, Dr Kishan Naik, Associate Professor, Department of Studies in Secretary, Kalaburagi Local
Mechanical Engineering, University BDT College of Engineering, Davangere, Centre, IEI, welcomed the Speaker of the event, Dr S N Mulgi, Professor,
emphasized on energy conservation and the optimal use of electricity. Sharanbasava University, Kalaburagi, Karnataka. Dr Mulgi, delivered
He suggested that fossil fuels, crude oil, coal, natural gas, etc generates lecture on ‘Significance of Energy Conservation’. The Speaker encouraged
sufficient energy in our daily life but their demands creates the depletion the students in scientific research particularly in the field of solar cells,
of natural resources. At the end, Dr M Rama Krishna Reddy, Honorary renewable energy sources and efficient system developments. Dr Sridhar R
Secretary, Ananthapuram Local Centre, IEI, proposed the vote of thanks. Pande, Chairman, Kalaburagi Local Centre, IEI, presided over the function
Asansol and spoke on the importance of energy conservation.

On 14 December 2023, Kanchepuram

Asansol Local Centre, On 14 December 2023, Kanchepuram Local Centre, IEI, in association with
IEI, observed Energy Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Saveetha Engineering
Conservation Day 2023 College, observed Energy
at Asansol. Dr Debashis Conservation Day 2023 at
Sarkar, Chairman, Asansol Chennai. A seminar was
Local Centre, IEI and Er Bidhan Chandra Debnath, Honorary Secretary, organized on the topic
Asansol Local Centre, IEI, welcomed all. Guest of Honour of the event ‘Energy Security in The
was Er Sumanta Karmakar, Immediate Past Honorary Secretary, Asansol Age of Energy Transition:
Local Centre, IEI and Speaker of the event was Mr Ayandeep Sarkar, Balancing Reliability and
Student Member, Asansol Local Centre, IEI. Mr. Ayandeep addressed Sustainability’. Chief Guest of the event was Dr S Sivarasu, BEE Certified
the significance of energy conservation, highlighting its pivotal role in Energy Auditor. Dr R Senthil Kumar, Professor & Head/EEE, Saveetha
preserving non-renewable resources. By curbing the consumption of Engineering College, Tamilnadu also graced the occasion and addressed the
fossil fuels, he emphasized, we not only mitigate environmental impact but audience. Special Keynote address was delivered by Prof (Dr) S Ramesh,
also alleviate financial burdens, thus bolstering consumer economies. Mr. Chairman, Kanchepuram Local Centre, IEI. The seminar concentrated obn
Ayandeep stressed the imperative for researchers to innovate and devise developing in-depth knowledge of the complexities surrounding energy
energy-efficient solutions aimed at prolonging the sustainable utilization of security within the context of ongoing energy transitions.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
Kanyakumari of the event, Dr Anjani
Kumar Mishra, Principal,
On 14 December 2023, Kanyakumari Local Centre, IEI, organized Energy
Government Polytechnic,
Conservation Day 2023 at Kanyakumari. Er S Bright Selvin, Chairman,
Vaishali stressed on
Kanyakumari Local Centre, IEI, welcomed all and presided over the function.
changing our habit about
Keynote Speakers of the event were Dr J Prakash Arul Jose, Principal,
energy consumption and
Annai Engineering College, Kumbakonam and Prof (Dr) Marsaline Beno M,
management practices.
Dean of Research, St Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil
Er Lok Ranjan, Honorary
and Honorary Secretary, Kanyakumari Local Centre, IEI. Dr Jose shared
Secretary, Muzaffarpur Local Centre, IEI, advocated the increased use of
his valuable insights to reduce energy consumption in both personal
renewable energy sources instead of non-renewable energy and at the end
and professional spheres. Dr Beno shared comprehensive strategies for
of the event, proposed the vote of thanks.
sustainable energy conservation. He discussed long term planning and
systematic changes that organizations and communities can adopt to Nagpur
promote energy efficiency and underscored the crucial role of strategic
On 16 December 2023, Nagpur Local Centre, IEI, observed Energy
planning in achieving desired results and fostering a sustainable future.
Conservation Day 2023 at Nagpur and organized a Workshop on ‘Energy
Mangalore Conservation’. The event
witnessed the presence of
On 12 December 2023,
Chief Guest of the event
Mangalore Local Centre,
Er Ravikiran Maske, Vice
IEI, observed Energy
President (Elect), Indorama
Conservation Day 2023 at
and Guest of Honour of the
Mangalore. Er Umesh Bhat
event, Er Vilas Motghare,
K V, Chairman, Mangalore
Chief Engineer, Koradi Power
Local Centre, IEI, presided
Station. Dr V K Khare, Former Director, Power Grid Corporation and former
over the function. Er Chinnagiri Gowda H C, Honorary Secretary, Mangalore
Technical Member, Government of UP, was also present on the occasion.
Local Centre, IEI, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Speaker of the
In the concluding session, the Chief Guest was Dr Nitin Labhshetwar, Chief
day, Er Shakuna Udupa, DGM (Technical Services), Mangalore Chemicals
Scientist, NEERI, Nagpur and the Guest of Honour was Dr Manish Wath,
& Fertilizers Limited.
Chief Engineer, MSCDL, Mumbai. At the end, Er Mahesh Rajaram Shukla,
Meerut Honorary Secretary, Nagpur Local Centre, IEI, proposed the vote of thanks.
On 14 December 2023, Navi Mumbai
Meerut Local Centre,
On 15 December 2023,
IEI, organized Energy
Navi Mumbai Local Centre,
Conservation Day 2023
IEI observed Energy
at Meerut. Er Raj Pal
Conservation Day 2023
Agarwal, Chairman,
at Belapur. Dr Nilajkumar
Meerut Local Centre, IEI, Er
Najukrao Deshmukh,
Subhash Chandra Mittal, Honorary Secretary, Meerut Local Centre, IEI, Mr
Chairman, Navi Mumbai Local Centre, IEI delivered the welcome address.
Sukhnandan Tyagi, Principal, Ram Sahay Inter College, Meerut, shared their
Dr Mohan B Dagaonkar, Former City Engineer and Additional Commissioner,
views about energy saving.
Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation explained about Energy Conservation
Munirabad Day. At the end, Er Prabhakar Shankarrao Phulari, Honorary Secretary, Navi
On 14 December 2023, Munirabad Local Centre, IEI, in association with Mumbai Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rao Bahaduri Y Mahabaleswarappa Neyveli
Engineering College,
On 14 December 2023,
Ballari, observed Energy
Neyveli Local Centre,
Conservation Day 2023
IEI observed Energy
at Munirabad. Prof (Dr) S
Conservation Day
M Shasidhar, Chairman,
2023 at Neyveli. Er M
Munirabad Local Centre, IEI,
Venkatachalam, Chairman,
shared his valuable insights
Neyveli Local Centre,
about the importance of
IEI presided over the event. Er Appavu Eraniyan, Honorary Secretary,
energy conservation. Speaker of the event, Er Shabad Khan, Manager of
Neyveli Local Centre, IEI, welcomed all. Keynote Speaker of the event,
JSW Energy Limited, Toranagallu, emphasized that every energy saving
Er M Venkatachalam delivered presentation on the topic ‘Need & Trends
endeavour contributes to the fabric of progress. He urged the attendees to
in Conservation and Sustainability’. At the end, Er M Anbalagan, Joint
be mindful of their choices for a brighter and sustainable future.
Honorary Secretary, Neyveli Local Centre, IEI, proposed the vote of thanks.
On 15 December 2023, Muzaffarpur Local Centre, IEI, observed Energy
Pune Local Centre, IEI, in association with Indian Water Works Association
Conservation Day 2023 at Muzaffarpur. Dr Aseem Kumar Thakur, Chairman,
(IWWA), Pune Centre,
Muzaffarpur Local Centre, IEI, in his welcome address, emphasized the
observed Energy
objective of the event to raise awareness about the crucial aspects of energy
Conservation Day 2023
saving. The esteemed Chief Guest of the event, Dr Raju M Tungayat, Principal
at Pune on 16 December
of Government Engineering College, Samastipur, emphasized the critical
2023. Er Vasant Dattatraya
necessity for individuals, communities, and institutions to collaborate in
Pandarkar, Chairman,
effecting meaningful change in energy conservation efforts. Special Invitee

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10 March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3
Pune Local Centre, IEI delivered the welcome address. Keynote speaker down energy bills. He suggested that clean energy and fossil fuel system
of the event, Dr Shavaru Tirthakar, CME Kirkee, Pune delivered lecture on co-exist and both are required to deliver reliable energy services. At the
‘Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) – A Promising Technology for Waste end, Dr (Ms) Hireni Rajnikant Mankodi, Honorary Secretary, Vadodara Local
Water Treatment’. Centre, IEI, proposed the vote of thanks.
Thanjavur Visakhapatnam
On 28 December 2023, Thanjavur Local Centre, IEI, observed On 14 December 2023, Visakhapatnam Local Centre, IEI, observed
Energy Conservation Day 2023 through virtual platform. Prof (Dr) N Energy Conservation Day
Venkatachalapathy, Chairman, Thanjavur Local Centre, IEI, welcomed all 2023 at Visakhapatnam
and introduced the Guest Speaker of the event, Dr D Thayalnayaki, Assistant and organized a technical
Professor (SG) & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, PMIST University, lecture on ‘Save Energy,
Thanjavur. Er Senthamil Kumar S, Honorary Secretary, Thanjavur Local Save World’. Speaker of
Centre, IEI, proposed the vote of thanks. the event, Mr R V Ramana
Rao, former Superintending
Engineer, APEPDCL/APSEB, Senior Consultant & Lead Auditor IRS and
On 15 December 2023, Tuticorin Local Centre, IEI, observed Energy Certified Energy Auditor highlighted the critical role of energy conservation
Conservation Day 2023 at Tuticorin. Er I Maria Michael Raj, Past Chairman, in protecting the environment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
Tuticorin Local Centre, IEI, welcomed the august audience and explained the saving money through decreased electricity usage. Dr B Venkataramana,
objectives of energy conservation day. He underscored the vital significance Immediate Past Chairman of Visakhapatnam Local Centre presided over.
of energy conservation and advocated for increased awareness regarding Earlier, Dr K V Rama Mohana Rao, Immediate Past Honorary Secretary of
its importance in our everyday activities, as well as the promotion of the Centre welcomed the gathering.
energy-efficient practices.
Er I Emeron Irudayaraj,
Director, Sacred Heart On 14 December 2023, Warangal Local Centre, IEI, in association
Institute of Engineering, with Talla Padmavathi
Tuticorin, delivered the College of Engineering,
Keynote address. He urged Kazipet, observed Energy
the necessity for adoption of Conservation Day 2023
energy efficient services for national security, personal financial security, at Warangal. Dr Anumula
higher savings, etc and stressed that energy can be conserved by reducing Rama Chandra Reddy,
wastages and losses, improved operation and maintenance. He suggested Chairman, Warangal Local
that by adopting green engineering practices, we can improve the life Centre, in his welcome
cycle of the components. At the end, Er Sivageerthi T, Honorary Secretary, speech, stressed the need on reducing unnecessary energy consumption.
Tuticorin Local Centre, IEI, proposed the vote of thanks. The Chief Guest of the event, Dr. G Amba Prasad Rao, Professor (HAG),
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Warangal, underscored the
importance of prudent energy usage. He advocated for the adoption of
Vadodara Local Centre, IEI, observed Energy Conservation Day 2023 at energy-efficient technologies, including the utilization of star-rated energy
Vadodara on 19 December 2023, Prof (Dr) Satishkumar Kantilal Joshi, devices, as well as other innovative approaches to promote energy
Chairman, Vadodara Local Centre, IEI, delivered the welcome address. conservation. Guest of Honour of the event, Dr Anumula Rama Chandra
Speaker of the event, Mr Kamal Prajapati, Head – Business Development Reddy, Chairman, Warangal Local Centre, IEI, spoke about the activities
India (West & South Region), Secure Meters Limited, delivered lecture on of Warangal Local Centre and stressed on reducing unnecessary energy
the theme ‘Energy Security is Equivalent to Energy Transition’ and stressed consumption. Dr A V Giridhar, Honorary Secretary, Warangal Local Centre,
on securing energy supplies at an affordable price. Mr Nalin Gupta, Senior IEI, highlighted the role of engineers in promoting energy efficiency and
Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction), Vadodara Division, Western emphasized the unity within the engineering community and at the end of
Railways, spoke about energy transition to build more sustainable energy the session, proposed the vote of thanks.
system, and thereby reducing the exposure to fuel price volatility and brings

Know-Your- Member (KYM)

The Institution of Engineers (India) is updating the database of all its Corporate Members along with their achievements
for which a Know-Your-Member (KYM) form has been introduced.
Every Corporate Member is requested to kindly fill up the form and forward it along with the self-attested coy of photo
ID proof to the address given below:-
Deputy Director (Membership)
The Institution of Engineers (India)
8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020
Email: [email protected]
The form is available on IEI Website:

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
Hundred-and-fourth Annual General Meeting
The Institution of Engineers (India)
PROCEEDINGS (2) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(a)(iii) (17)
The 104 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The Institution of Engineers
The Corporate Members elected to the Council from the following State
(India) was held at 1400 hrs on 29 Dec 2023 at Hotel Royal Orbit, Nagpur Centres for sessions 2023-2027 shall be Members of the Council for its
Road, Jabalpur (M.P). Session 2023-2024:
Attended by 176 Corporate Members, the meeting was chaired by Er Bihar :: Ajoy Kumar Sinha
Shivanand Roy, FIE, President, IEI. The President welcomed the Past
Madhya Pradesh :: R K Rathore
Presidents, President-elect and Corporate members of IEI present at the
meeting. Rajasthan :: Sajjan Singh Yadav
On being invited by the President, the Secretary and Director General read Further, one Corporate Member from Jharkhand State Centre shall become
out the Notice of the meeting published in November 2023 issue of IEI News. member of the Council for the Session 2023-2024 on clearance of the
result by the President. Another Corporate Member from West Bengal State
ITEM 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the 103rd Annual General Meeting Centre shall become member of the Council for the Session 2023-2024 on
held on 18 Dec 2022 at Chennai completion of the election process.
The Minutes of the 103rd Annual General Meeting held on 18 December Elected for the Sessions 2022-2026:
2022 at Chennai have been circulated in the March 2023 issue of IEI News,
[Vol. 29, No. 12]. President invited comments on the Minutes from the Kerala :: Dr G Madhu
members present. As election from Andhra Pradesh State Centre to the Council could not be
The Corporate Members present unanimously Resolved that the Minutes of conducted under this Bye-Law, co-option to the Council for session 2023-
the 103rd Annual General Meeting of The Institution of Engineers (India) held 2024 may be done under provision of Regulation 17.
on 18 December 2022 at Chennai be confirmed. The Corporate Members elected to the Council from the following State
ITEM 2 To receive the Annual Report of the Council and the Audited Centres shall continue as Members of the Council for the Session 2023-
Accounts of The Institution of Engineers (India) for the year ended on 31 2024:
March 2023 Elected for the Sessions 2021-2025:
(a) Annual Report Delhi :: Devendra Gill
President invited comments from the members present on the Annual Gujarat :: Sandeep B Vasava
Report of the Council for the year 2022-2023 as circulated. Karnataka :: Dr M Chowde Gowda
The Corporate Members present unanimously Resolved that the Annual Maharashtra :: Manish Mahendra Kothari
Report of the Council for the year 2022-2023 be received. Odisha :: Dr Nutan Kumar Dash
(b) Audited Accounts Tamilnadu :: Dr G Ranganath
President then invited comments on the Audited Accounts of The Institution Telangana :: M Shyamprasad Reddy
of Engineers (India) for the year ended on 31 March 2023. Uttar Pradesh :: V B Singh
The Corporate Members present unanimously Resolved that the Audited Elected for the Sessions 2019-2023 and with term extended upto 2023-
Accounts of The Institution of Engineers (India) for the year ended on 31 2024:
March 2023 be received.
Haryana :: Ashwani Kumar Sharma
ITEM 3 To receive the report on the composition of the Council for the Punjab & :: Sukhvir Singh Mundi
Session 2023-2024 Chandigarh
On being requested by the President, the Secretary and Director General (3) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(a)(iv) (31)
reported the following composition of the Council for the Session 2023-
2024: The following elected members from 15 Engineering Divisions for the
Sessions 2021-2025 shall become members of the Council for the Session
Dr G Ranganath, President 2023-2024 :
(1) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(a)(ii) (02) Aerospace (1) :: Dr Venkitakrisnan P V
Dr Hemant O Thakare, by virtue of his being the President (Session 2021- Agricultural (1) :: Prof (Dr) Nemichandrappa M
22), shall become Member of the Council for the Session 2023-2024: Architectural (1) :: Mr Sandip Kumar Deb
There being more than one who served in the office of the President, IEI for Chemical (2) :: Dr Raghupatruni Bhima Rao
the session 2022-23 and in view of the divergent opinions of the Corporate Prof (Dr) Ms Shilpa Tripathi
Members present, the President in Chair decided that the decision of filing
Civil (5) :: Mr M Nagaraj
the Council seat of the Immediate Past President for the Session 2023-2024
is kept in abeyance. Dr I Satyanarayana Raju

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12 March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3
Mr P Surya Prakash By virtue of the extension of the term of the Delhi State Centre Committee
Dr S M Goel including its Chairman by one more session upto 2023-2024, Dr Santosh
Kumar Singh has become the ex-officio member of the Council for its
Dr Anil Joseph
session 2023-24.
Computer (2) :: Dr Amit Kumar Das
The Chairman of the West Bengal State Centre shall become ex-officio
Prof (Dr) Chandrashekara S N
member of the Council for session 2023-24 after assumption of office and
Electrical (4) :: Mr R R Tanwar under provision of Regulation 7(a).
Dr S Dharmalingam
By virtue of being Chairmen of the following State Centres for the Sessions
Mr A Sekar 2022-2024, following persons shall continue to be ex-officio members of
Mr K K Gopalakrishnan Nair the Council for its Session 2023-2024:
Electronics & :: Dr (Ms) G Padmavathi Haryana :: Rajeev Vasudeva
Telecommunication (4) Prof (Dr) G S Mundada Himachal Pradesh :: Vishwa Mohan Joshi
Dr Aloknath De Madhya Pradesh :: Rajesh Bisaria
Mr S S Mutha Tripura :: Dr Subhadeep Bhattacharjee
Environmental (1) :: Mr J C Singhal Punjab & Chandigarh :: Dr Labh Singh Bhari
Marine (1) :: Cdr B M Bhandarkar Sikkim :: Dr Narvendra Singh Chauhan
Mechanical (5) :: Dr Enti Ranga Reddy (5) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(b)(ii) (18)
Prof (Dr) K Venkatasubbaiah By virtue of being elected as the Chairmen of the following Local Centres
Prof (Dr) Brahma Raju K for the Sessions 2023-2025, the following persons shall become ex-officio
Mr Sajjan Singh Yadav members of the Council for its Session 2023-2024:
Dr R Venkatesan Navi Mumbai :: Dr Nilajkumar Najukrao Deshmukh
Metallurgical & :: Mr K K Mehrotra Coimbatore :: Prof (Dr) Krishnamoorthi J
Materials (1) Durgapur :: Prof (Dr) Chandan Koner
Mining (1) :: Prof (Dr) Netai Chandra Dey Ghaziabad :: Dr Satish Chandra Gupta
Production (1) :: Dr Seeram Satyanarayana Kanchepuram :: Prof (Dr) S Ramesh
Textile (1) :: Dr Sadhan Chandra Ray Kochi :: Velayudhan Nair G
Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(b)(i) (31) Ludhiana :: Dr Arvind Dhingra
By virtue of being Chairmen of the following State Centres for the Sessions Madurai :: Prof (Dr) P Udhaya Kumar
2023-2025, following persons have become ex-officio members of the Mysore :: Prof (Dr) Deepu R
Council for its Session 2023-2024: Nagpur :: Satish Sambhaji Raipure
Andhra Pradesh :: Prof (Dr) C V Sriram Neyveli :: M Venkatachalam
Andaman & Nicobar :: Ms T Shanthi Pune :: Vasant Dattatraya Pandarkar
Arunachal Pradesh :: Prof (Dr) M Chandrasekaran South Gujarat :: Dr Suryawanshi Shiwanand Rohidas
Assam :: Mahesh Barkataki Salem :: Dr Thangaraj K
Bihar :: Jai Prakash Narayan Tiruchirappalli :: Prof (Dr) Ravimaran S
Chhattisgarh :: Prof (Dr) Sanjay Kumar Vadodara :: Dr Satishkumar Kantilal Joshi
Goa :: Anwar Isaac Khan By virtue of being the Chairmen of the following Local Centres for the
Gujarat :: Maheshkumar Rambhai Patel Sessions 2022-2024, the following persons shall continue to be members
Jammu & Kashmir :: Iftikhar Ahmed Hakeem of the Council for its Session 2023-2024:
Jharkhand :: Dr Mahesh Kumar Gupta Nashik :: Chopda Mahavir B
Karnataka :: M Nagaraj Visakhapatnam :: Venkata Satya G Pakki
Kerala :: P Balakrishnan Nair (6) Under provisions of Bye-Law 12, 13 and Regulation 17
Maharashtra :: Anand Wamanrao Jawanjal Corporate Members shall be co-opted in the Council for the Session 2023-
Manipur :: Swamikanta Singh L 2024 under provisions of Bye-Law 12, 13 and Regulation 17.
Meghalaya :: Frederick E Kharshiing ITEM 4 To appoint Auditors for the year 2023-2024 and to fix their
Mizoram :: Prof (Dr) Saibal Chatterjee remuneration
Odisha :: Prof (Dr) Sudhansu Sekhar Dash President proposed that Auditors M/s D K Chhajer & Co., Chartered
Puducherry :: Dr S Thirougnaname Accountants be appointed as Auditors of The Institution of Engineers (India)
for the year 2023-2024 at a remuneration of Rs.3,00,000 + Taxes as
Rajasthan :: Mahendra K Chauhan applicable.
Tamilnadu :: Dr V Karthikeyan
It was then Resolved that M/s D K Chhajer & Co., Chartered Accountants,
Telangana :: Dr G Venkata Subbaiah be appointed as Auditors of The Institution of Engineers (India) for the year
Uttarakhand :: Narendra Kumar Yadav 2023-2024 at a remuneration of Rs.3,00,000 + Taxes as applicable.
Uttar Pradesh :: Satya Prakash The meeting was declared closed at 1500 hrs.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
The following are the brief account of Technical Activities organised by various Centres and FORA


Delhi Organized a Technical Talk in association with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI,
Organized Royal Charter Day 2023 on 09 September 2023 in Delhi. Mr SSI, ISTD, SAME, IITArb, PMI, IETE on ‘Design Secret of the Universe using
D K Bhalla, Former Director, Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad Hidden Mathematics as Numbers and Proportions’ on 16 August 2023 in
graced the occasion as Chief Guest and delivered presentation on the Thiruvananthapuram. Speaker of the event was Mr Prof (Dr) V Rajendra
topic ‘Manufacturing of Electromagnetic/Ceramic Components by Power Babu, Former Professor & Head (Civil), Dean (PG Studies), College of
Metallurgy’. He explained about Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) for Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram.
processing hard materials with complex geometrical shapes, which are Tripura
difficult to machine by conventional machining processes; These materials
find applications where lower surface cracks, wear resistance, corrosion Organized a Seminar on ‘Industrial Waste and Environmental Pollution’
resistance, etc are desirable surface properties. He mentioned that in recent on 22 August 2023 in Agartala. Mr Arif Mohammad, Assistant High
years, research has been made to determine the possibility of employing Commissioner, Bangladesh Assistant High Commission and Dr Sumanta
electrodes as feed stock material to produce significant surface alloying Chakraborty, Registrar, Maharaja Bir Bikram University, Agartala, graced
and these electrodes are generally produced through Powder Metallurgy the occasion as Guest of Honour and Special Guest, respectively. Also
(PM) technique in order to achieve necessary combination of operating Special Guests of the event were Er Suryapal Majumder, Chief Inspector of
characteristics. Earlier, Dr Santosh Kumar Singh, Chairman, Delhi State Factory and Boilers, Government of Tripura and Er Dipradidhiti Roy Barman,
Centre, IEI, explained the history of Royal Charter and the purpose of the Research Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Agartala.
day to create public or private corporations (including towns and cities) and The seminar underscored the extensive and enduring effects of industrial
to define their privileges and purpose. pollution on the planet.
Gujarat Organized a Seminar in association with School of Logistics, Communication
Organized World Standards Day 2023 on 16 October 2023 on the theme and Waterways, State Institute of Public Administration and Rural
‘A Shared Vision for a Better World: Incorporating SDG 3’ through online Development (SIPARD), Agartala, on the topic ‘International Connectivity
mode. Er Pravinkumar Mohanbhai Choudhari, Chairman, Gujarat State with Tripura and Business Opportunities’ on 29 September 2023 in
Centre, IEI [2021-23], mentioned that this day was established to raise Agartala. Guest of Honour of the event, Er Paramananda Sarkar Banerjee,
awareness about the need for global standardization of products and its Former Chief Inspector of Factory & Boilers, Government of Tripura and
importance to the world economy. Guest of Honour of the event, Er Kanak OSD to the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tripura, spoke about the international
Oza, Superintending Engineer (Electrical), Roads & Building Department, connectivity of Tripura by rail, road and waterways. Special speakers of the
Government of Gujarat emphasized that the importance of International event, Dr Subir Kumar Sen, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce,
Standards to offer practical solutions to make the world a better place and Tripura University (a Central University) explained the economy of Tripura
focused on SDG3 for ensuring healthy lives, promoting well-being and and discussed the historical perspective of connectivity in Tripura before
serving for a more sustainable world. Keynote Speaker of the event, Mr and after partition of India. He underscored the significance of a specific
Mitra Sen Verma, Joint Director, Bureau of Indian Standard, Ahmedabad, medicinal plant as a promising business venture in Tripura. Additionally,
explained the benefit of nation’s economy through standardization, Dr. Partha Pratim Sarkar, Associate Professor at the Department of Civil
certification and testing and highlighted the role of BIS in achieving the goal. Engineering, NIT Agartala, delved into the ramifications of rainfall on
He stressed that world’s leading developers of international standards like landslides impacting road connectivity. He particularly emphasized the
IEC, ISO, ITU along with IEI, call upon the global community not only to critical role of the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal Corridor in this context. Er
unite together for shaping the world for promoting well-being, good health Susanta Dutta, Head, School of Logistics, Communication and Waterways,
of every individual but also for the generations to come. SIPARD, Agartala, spoke about Tripura’s diverse opportunities in logistic
Himachal Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Organized 56th Engineers’ Day 2023, in association with Himachal Pradesh
Public Works Department (HPPWD), Shimla on 15 September 2023 Organized a Lecture on ‘Zero Cast Over-Run Projects’ on 29 August 2023 in
in Shimla. Er Vishwa Mohan Joshi, Chairman, Himachal Pradesh State Lucknow. Mr Shankar Pande, renowned senior industrial and environmental
Centre, IEI, highlighted the importance of engineering in shaping the future expert, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and said that the main
of state and emphasized the role of engineers in creating a resilient and reason for ‘cost over run’ is time over-run and time over-runs thrive due to
sustainable future. The event witnessed the presence Chief Guest Er Ajay indecisiveness or delayed decisions and over the time increases the project
Gupta, Engineer in Chief, HPPWD, Shimla; Er Pankaj Dadwal, Chairman, cost.
National Skill Development Forum (NSDF) [Session 2022-23] and Prof (Dr)
Tanmay Gupta, Assistant Professor (SG), Civil Engineering Department, Organized a Technical Workshop on ‘Emotional Intelligence’ on 08
Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT), Waknaghat. Er Gupta September 2023 in Lucknow. Chief Guest, Mr M M Khan, Former Chief
highlighted the dedication and innovation rendered by engineers in Himachal Engineer, Renusagar Power Project and Director, Pro-Lead explained in
Pradesh during the recent disaster and stressed the need for collaboration detail about Emotional Intelligence and why do we need it.
and innovation to build a stronger, smarter and safer future. Er Dadwal
discussed the skill development in the engineering sector and stressed the Organized Royal Charter Day 2023 on 09 September 2023 in Lucknow
need for continuous learning to meet the demands of the industry. Prof and a workshop was organised on ‘Health Related Stress Management’.
(Dr) Gupta explained the role of engineering in addressing contemporary Keynote Speaker of the event was Dr Charu Rawat, Professor at Amity
challenges and building a future that can witnessed adversely. University, Corporate Trainer, Personality Development & Skill Trainer. Er V B

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14 March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3
Singh, former Vice President, IEI and Convener of the event discussed about with a focus on sustainability. Dr Pragyan Chakravorty, Director, CLIQUE
Royal Charter and Stress Management. (Applied Research in Electronic Technology), Bhilai, Chhattisgah, delivered
lecture on ‘Beyond 5-G Technology’.
West Bengal
Organized a Seminar on ‘New Technology for Efficient Maritime
Management’ and Technical Paper Competition in association with Marine Organized four-day Workshop in association with AICTE Idea Lab, S R K R
Engineers (India), Kolkata on 04 November 2023 in Kolkata. Students from Engineering College, Bhimavaram, on ‘Design Thinking Fundamentals’ from
Indian Maritime University (Kolkata Campus) (Erstwhile DMET) and The 26-29 September 2023 in Bhimavaram. Speaker of event was Mr V V Durga
Neotia University, Kolkata, presented papers on Blockchain Management, Kiran, Associate, Cognizant Technology Solutions.
Internet on Ships, Alternative Fuels, Automated Stowage Planning, PMS on Coimbatore
ships, etc. Chief Guest of the event, Dr Biswajit Ghose, Vice Chancellor, The
Organized a technical lecture in association with the Department of
Neotia University, advised the cadets to familiarize with modern technology
Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security), Karpagam College of
but not at the cost of humanity. Rear Admiral Dr Rangachari P J (Retd),
Engineering, Coimbatore, on ‘Defend, Detect and Defeat: A Cyber Security
Campus Director, Indian Maritime University, Kolkata Campus in his address
Awareness’ on 14 October 2023 at Coimbatore. Speakers of the session
mentioned the role of IMU (KC) towards delivering quality of Maritime
were Mr D Suresh, Additional Superintendent of Police, Cyber Crime Wing,
Education & Training. Mr A Srinivasa Prasad, E&SS cum DDG (Technical),
Coimbatore District and Mr Anand, Sub-Inspector of Police (Technical),
MMD Kolkata in his Keynote address highlighted the developments in Cyber Crime Wing, Coimbatore District.
management of maritime industry and explained Blockchain, the Internet of
Things, alternative fuels, etc. Ghaziabad
Organized Special Lecture on ‘India’s Moon Missions’ at Ghaziabad to pay
LOCAL CENTRES tribute to Dr Vikram Sarabhai on his 104th birthday and to celebrate the
Agra ISRO’s Foundation Day and National Remote Sensing Day on 17 August
2023 at Ghaziabad. Dr Aloke Kumar Mathur, Senior Scientist G, ISRO (Retd)
Organized 56th Engineers’ Day 2023 in association with Institute of
graced the occasion as Chief Guest & Keynote speaker. Er (Dr) Arindam
Engineering & Technology, Khandari Campus, Agra, on 15 September 2023
Basu, Director General, NITRA, graced the occasion as Guest of Honour.
in Agra. Chief Guest of the event was Prof Ajay Taneja, Pro Vice Chancellor, Dr Mathur discussed the journey in orbits around the earth and moon,
Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra and Guest of Honour of the event separation of lander and landing on South Pole of the moon including
was Prof Manu Pratap Singh, Director, IET, Agra. Er. Rajnesh Kumar Yadav, the vast data of moon surface and its environment including blue green
Honorary Secretary, Agra Local Centre, IEI, delivered a presentation on house gases. Dr Basu shared his experiences with Dr Vikram Sarabhai and
the remarkable accomplishments of Bharat Ratna Sir M Visvesvaraya. He discussed the Indian space journey.
highlighted Sir Visvesvaraya's pivotal role in the construction of dams and
the generation of hydro power, which have significantly contributed to the Kadapa
advancement of our nation and the engineering community. Furthermore, he Organized Seminar on ‘Artificial Intelligence Impact on Enhanced Project
elaborated on the theme 'Engineering a Resilient Future: Building Stronger, Management’ on 02 October 2023 in Kadapa. Speaker of the event was Dr T
Smarter, and Safer', emphasizing the importance of creating robust, Naresh Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, AITS,
intelligent, and secure infrastructure for the times ahead. Rajampet. The lecture provided valuable insights and knowledge for all. As
AI continues to advance, its integration into project management processes
holds immense potential for enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in civil
Organized technical lectures on ‘Role of Engineers in Industry’ and ‘Personality engineering domain, the speaker said. Dr Kumar further shed light on how AI
Development and Soft Skills’ on 14 October 2023 at Ahmednagar. Speaker technologies can be leveraged to optimize project planning, monitoring and
of the session, Mr Dilip Adhav, Plant Head, L & T Electrical and Automation, execution. AI promised to equip civil engineers with the tools and knowledge
Ahmednagar, discussed the expectations of industry from the engineers and to elevate their skills and adapt to the changing demands of the industry;
spoke about the important role of 5 M, namely, man, material, machine, AI can assist project managers with the creation of details schedules and
methods and money in the industry. He spoke on seven functions, Planning, comprehensive risk logs, predict outcomes, optimize resource allocation
Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and Budgeting and enhance communication, he mentioned.
(POSDCORB). He further opined that engineering education should be Organized Seminar on ‘Role of Renewable Energy on Agriculture’ on 15
utilized for achieving growth of the organization. He stressed on excellence October 2023 at Kadapa. Dr V V Krishna Reddy, Assistant Professor,
in 5E, which is Education Exposure, Experience, Excellence and Energy. Department of EEE, Dr JNTUA College of Engineering, Pulivendula, delivered
Dr D B Karanjule, Joint Honorary Secretary, Ahmednagar Local Centre, lecture on the topic and discussed about energy for establishing growth and
IEI delivered on ‘Personality Development and Soft Skills’ and highlighted progress of the country.
the importance of leadership and teamwork in achieving success in any
organisation. Kanchepuram
In association with Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Organized technical lecture on ‘Indian Automobile - Car Segment’ on
Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, organized World Habitat Day 2023
19 October 2023 in Ahmednagar. Er Abhay Krishnarao Raje, Honorary
0n 05 October 2023 in Chennai. Chief Guest of the event, Dr Mahalakshmi
Secretary, Ahmednagar Local Centre, IEI, presented a case study on car
Ganapathee, Head (R&D) Evnexus Private Limited, Nanganallur, Chennai,
usage, advantages and disadvantages of diesel and petrol car, type of explained the importance of resilient urban economics-cities as drivers of
transmissions, safety features, fuel economy etc. growth and economy and also the EV technology and its real time impacts.
Bhilai Kanpur
Organized a technical webinar on ‘India’s Preparedness for Next Generation Organized a technical lecture on ‘Genetic Algorithm for Solving Engineering
Technologies’ on 27 August 2023. Panellist of the event Dr R P S Chauhan, Optimization Problems’ on 29 August 2023 in Kanpur. Guest Speaker, Dr
Professor & Head (CSE-AI & ML), SSIPMT, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, spoke on Afroz Alam, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
‘AI and ML Technology’. Dr Naveen Jain, Professor & Head (Mechanical), HBTU, Kanpur, delivered a very informative lecture about Genetic Algorithm
SSIPMOT, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, discussed on ‘Industry 4.0 Technology’ and and explained the scope and functioning of GA as an adaptive heuristic
provided an overview of the use of RPA, IoT and AI-ML in heavy industries search algorithm.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
Organized a technical visit to Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation to explore North Bengal
the potential of academia-industry mutually beneficial relationship on 27
Organized a Lecture Meeting on ‘Phytoremediation: An Effective and
September 2023 in Kanpur. Er Pritish Prakash, General Manager (Safety), Economic Approach towards Removal of Nutrients and Heavy Metals
Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh discussed from Waste Water’ on 28 August 2023 in Jalpaiguri. Theme Speaker of
about safety measures taken by Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation, the function, Er Prithwish Roy, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
Kanpur, for constructing this project. Engineering, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri,
Kanyakumari explained Phytoremediation as an environment friendly alternative, which
utilizes different types of hyperaccumulator plants known as macrophytes
Organized an International Industry Academia Conference in association for removal of heavy metal pollutants from water through different
with Riyasaa Labs Nagercoil on 08 September 2023 in Nagercoil. mechanisms including phytoextraction, rhizofiltration, phytovolatilization
Keynote Address were delivered by Dr Alan Linn, Associate Professor, and phytostabilization. He opined that Phytoremediation holds promise as
SVSS Singapore; Prof Bashiru Aremu, Vice Chancellor, Crown University a technology for remedying polluted sites. This method involves utilizing
International, Argentina USA delivered lecture through online presence and plants to extract heavy metals from contaminated soil, subsequently
Er Robin Thomas, CEO, Olive IoT Innovations Private Limited, Chennai accumulating them in their roots, stems, and branches.
graced the occasion and addressed the august presence. Professor Linn
elaborated on the evolution of the Singapore University of Social Sciences
and the hurdles encountered in its journey towards becoming a world-class Organized a Technical Session on ‘Applications of IoT in Plug-in Hybrid
institution. Sir Bashiru Aremu, Vice Chancellor, Crown University, Argentina Electric Vehicles’ on 27 July 2023 in Palakkad. Guest Speaker of the
USA elucidated on Information Communication Technology during his session, Dr Ajay Babu, Assistant Professor, EEE Department, NSS College
Keynote Address. He expounded on the implementation of online classes, of Engineering, Palakkad, explained the application of IoT in improving fuel
even in the absence of a physical teacher, through e-learning platforms. efficiency and safety and reduce vehicle maintenance in electric vehicles
He highlighted the essential computer applications and services necessary and hybrid vehicles. The session highlighted the importance of various
to facilitate effective communication in this context. Er Robin Thomas in levels of automation in vehicles and the concept of Vehicle-to-everything
his Keynote address told about his organization Olive IoT and their target
and achievement. He explained about the development of ideas under the Organized a Technical Session on ‘Fireside Chat on the Current Technology
concept of Industry Academia Collaboration and discussed about ‘Non & Leadership Trends’ on 07 August 2023 at Palakkad. Er Ajay Chankramath,
Intrusive Energy Monitoring System for Industrial Sustainability in India’. Vice President, Thought Works (Platforms & Cloud), North America, graced
the occasion as Guest Speaker. Er Chankramath elaborated the changes
Kochi that are taking place in the field of management and leadership and spoke
Organized World Students Day 2023 on 15 October 2023 through online about the use of artificial intelligence like ChatGPT for increasing of
mode. Er Devendra Gill, Executive Director, DMRC, New Delhi and Council employee productivity, narrowing the gap between private and public sector
Member, IEI, shared his memories with Dr A P J Abdul Kalam while working organizations which can be seen in today’s industrial and commercial
in DRDO with him and witnessed Dr Kalam’s dedication and commitment. arenas.
He presented Dr Kalam’s career working with fire safety as specialization Rourkela
and shared his expertise during his tenure with DMRC.
Observed International Day against Nuclear Test on 29 August 2023
Organized a technical visit to Mattupetty Indo-Swiss Farm, Munnar on 07 at Rourkela. A seminar was organised on ‘Engineering for Peace and
November 2023. Sustainability’. Speaker of the event, Smt Pragati Das, Principal, Utkalmani
Gopabandhu Institute of Engineering, Rourkela, delivered that International
Day against Nuclear Tests guiding us towards a future by collaboration,
Organized a webinar on ‘Application of IoT in Aerospace Industry – A Smart sustainability, common good, etc and we can harness our collective
Way to Manufacturing’ on 05 September 2023. The event featured Dr engineering to shape a world where the spectre of nuclear tests is relegated
Anand S N, Professor & Head, MITE, Mangaluru, as the Keynote Speaker. to history. She stressed a call to channel our technical expertise towards
Dr Anand spoke about the application of IoT in Aerospace Industry and engineering a safer and more harmonious world.
explained the importance of global smart manufacturing industry 4.0., Organized a technical paper meeting on ‘Aditya-L1: India’s First Space
product deployment, new tools & services, technology skills, artificial Mission to see the Sun’ on 01 September 2023 at Rourkela. Speaker of the
intelligence, automation robotics, etc. He also provided a case study on IoT event was Prof Ananta Charan Pradhan, Associate Professor, Department of
based weather drone airship for live weather monitoring. Physics & Astronomy, National Institute of Technology Rourkela.
Madurai Tiruchirappalli
Organized National Regional Language Week on 28 August 2023 in Madurai. Organized a lecture in association with Computer Society of India,
Mr V Arumugam, Former Assistant Water Analyst, TWAD Board, Madurai, Tiruchirappalli Chapter; Safety Quality Forum – IEI, New Delhi; Indian
delivered lecture on the topic ‘Water Pollution and Portable Drinking Water Institute of Welding, Tiruchirappalli Branch Indian Welding Society, Southern
in Hilly Regions’; Mr AR Ramamoorthy, Director, Sri Vignesh Institute, Zone; Indian Institute of Metals, Tiruchirappalli Chapter; Indian Institution of
Madurai, delivered lecture on the topic ‘Cyber Crime and Safety and Mrs Industrial Engineering, Tiruchirappalli; Kumari Arivial Peravai, Kanyakumari
M Kavitha, Head and Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, NMS and Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing, Trichy Chapter on the topic
Sermathai Vasan College for Women, Madurai, delivered lecture on the topic ‘Heat Transfer Analysis of Supercritical Water Flowing in a Vertical Tube’
‘Development of Renewable Energy i.e., Wind, Solar and Hydro Power’. on 01 August 2023 through hybrid mode. Speaker of the event was Dr S
Anand, Engineer, Product Engineering, High Pressure Boiler Plant, Bharat
Nashik Heavy Electricals Limited, Tiruchirappalli.
Organized Royal Charter Day on 09 September 2023 through online mode. Organized lecture in association with G20 India, Meity, Government of India;
Er Sumit Kantilal Khinvasara, Past Chairman, Nashik Local Centre, IEI, Computer Society of India, Tiruchirappalli Chapter; Safety Quality Forum
graced the occasion as Guest Speaker. – IEI, New Delhi; Indian Institute of Welding Tiruchirappalli Branch; Indian

Th e e-editio n is av a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

16 March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3
Welding Society, Southern Zone; Indian Institute of Metals, Tiruchirappalli facilities for treatment of liquid waste. He suggested the need for solid waste
Chapter; Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Tiruchirappalli; Kumari management plan to be developed with provision for materials recovery
Arivial Peravai, Kanyakumari and Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing, centre and biodegradable treatment system at house hold, institutional and
Trichy Chapter on the topic ‘Best Practices for Responding & Recovering community level.
from Cyber Incidents’ on 08 August 2023 through online mode. Speaker
of the event was Dr Geetha S, Professor and Associate Dean (Research), FORA
Vellore Institute of Technollgy, VIT, Chennai. Water Management Forum
In association with Computer Society of India, Tiruchirappalli Chapter; Safety Organized Technical Talk, in association with Gujarat State Centre, IEI, on
Quality Forum – IEI, New Delhi; Indian Institute of Welding Tiruchirappalli ‘Dam Safety Act 2021 at a Glance & Case Study of Machchu-2 Dam-Morbi-
Branch Indian Welding Society, Southern Zone; Indian Institute of Metals, Flood Disaster 1979’ on the occasion to celebrate the 64th Foundation
Tiruchirappalli Chapter; Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Day of the Forum on 01 September 2023 through hybrid mode. Er Hiro
Tiruchirappalli; Kumari Arivial Peravai, Kanyakumari and Indian Society for Udhavdas Kalyani, Chairman – BoG, Water Management Forum, IEI
Non-destructive Testing, Trichy Chapter organised lecture [Session 2022-23] & Additional Secretary, Saurashtra, Water Resources
On the topic ‘Welded Marvels – Waste to Wealth’ on 22 August 2023 through Department, Government of Gujarat, Gandinagar, explained the objectives &
online mode. Speaker of the event was Mr Sachin Kaluskar, Designated various activities of the Water Management Forum, IEI. Guest of Honour of
Partner, M/s Infine Art Ventures LLP, Vadodara, Gujarat. the event, Er Sandeep B Vasava, Council Member, IEI & Secretary, Roads &
Building Department, Government of Gujarat, expressed his best wishes to
On the topic ‘Additive Workflow in Industries and Benefits from its Adaptation’ Gujarat State Centre, IEI, on the occasion of observation of Foundation Day.
on 29 August 2023 through virtual mode. Speaker of the event was Er Chief Guest of the event, Er S K Patel, Superintending Engineer, Mechanical
Suman Gowda N C, Manager – Application (Additive Manufacturing), M/s Circle No. 2, NWRWS & Kalpsar Department, Government of Gujarat,
Phillips Tools India Private Limited, Bangalore. explained about Dam Safety Act 2021 as implemented by Government of
Trichur Gujarat and its implementation procedure for safety of dams in Gujarat.
He told that Gujarat Government has constituted two committees namely,
Organized a technical session on ‘Solid Waste Disposal – Challenges Gujarat Dam Safety Organization and Committee on Dam Safety for suitable
and Way Forward’ on 25 August 2023 in Trichur. Panellists of the event, action towards Dam Safety Act 2021. Keynote Speaker of the event, Er K B
Er Cyriac M G, Executive Engineer (Retd), KWA and Associate Professor, Trivedi, Former D E E (Mechanical), NWRWS & K Department, Government
Jyothi Engineering College, Cheruthuruthy, Thrissur, discussed the of Gujarat, presented a detailed case study of Machchu-2 Dam, Morbi-Flood
environmental issues like solid concentration in urban areas, river pollution, Disaster 1979.
contaminated water wells, spread of communicable diseases and limited

One Day Workshop under the aegis of National Languages Promotional Committee

E-Waste Management in India In Regional Language Hindi

[NLPC], IEI. The event started with lightning of the lamp by Er Rajneesh
Kumar Yadav, Honorary Secretary, Agra Local Centre, Er Ashok Kumar
Sahu, HoD, Civil Engineering Department, BSACET and Organizing
Secretary, speakers, guests and dignitaries. Er Rajneesh Kumar Yadav
welcomed guests, speakers and audience and gave brief introduction of IEI
activities. He also narrated about sources of e-Wastage. Keynote speaker
Mrs Mukta Yadav, Assistant Professor at RBS Engineering Technical
Campus in Bichpuri, Agra, highlighted the significance of e-waste recycling,
stressing the extraction of maximum value from salvageable components
to reclaim metals and prevent resource loss. Mr Mukul Raghav, Trainer and
Agra Local Centre, IEI, organized One Day Workshop in association with Councilor, delivered the importance of civil engineering software, billing &
Department of Civil Engineering, Shri C V Raman Auditorium, BSA College estimation techniques, demand of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in
of Engineering & Technology, Mathura (UP), on E-Waste Management in construction industry. Er Ashok Kumar Sahu expressed his sincere thanks
India in Regional Language Hindi on 18 August 2023 in Mathura, Uttar to the speakers, audience and members involved in making the program
Pradesh under the aegis of National Languages Promotional Committee successful.

National Maritime Day 2024

Sustainable Shipping : Opportunities and Challenges
05 April, 2024
Th e e-ed itio n is av a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg 17
Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
The Institution of Engineers (India)
Notification for
R&D Grant-in-Aid
To promote appropriate technology, assist in building up design & research talents and, most importantly, to help in nurturing potential R&D venture amongst engineering
students pursuing Diploma/UG/PG/PhD courses, The Institution of Engineers (India) had instituted the R&D Grant-in-Aid program way back in 2001.
Like every year, the Institution invites applications for the session 2024-2025 for funding industry-oriented R&D projects and research initiatives aimed at improving the
life-style of common people from engineering students pursuing full time Diploma/UG/PG/PhD engineering program in AICTE/UGC/NAAC approved Institutions/Colleges/
Universities. The application form and guidelines are available in our website https://www.ieindia.org. The projects should be carried out under the guidance of faculty
members who are Corporate Members of IEI. Membership criteria for student(s), guide(s) and Institution(s) are as follows:

Project Category Student/Applicant Guide(s) Institutional Membership Quantum of Grant (INR)

Membership Membership
1. Diploma Exempted [Membership AMIE/MIE/FIE Not Mandatory Not exceeding `20,000/- for
of Student Chapter is a single project
2. UG (BE/BTech/AMIE/ SMIE AMIE/MIE/FIE Applicant's Institute should preferably be Not exceeding `50,000/- for
Equivalent) an Institutional Member with NBA / NAAC a single project
Accreditation or valid NIRF Rank
3. PG (ME/MTech/ AMIE/MIE/FIE MIE/FIE Applicant's Institute should preferably be Not exceeding `1,00,000/-
Equivalent) an Institutional Member with NBA / NAAC for a single project
Accreditation or valid NIRF Rank
4. PhD AMIE/MIE/FIE MIE/FIE Applicant's Institute should preferably be Not exceeding `1,50,000/-
an Institutional Member with NBA / NAAC for a single project
Accreditation or valid NIRF Rank
The soft copy of the duly filled-up applications (in editable format), as per the pro-forma available in our website www.ieindia.org, should be sent through email to
[email protected] and one printed copy of the same should reach the following address:
Deputy Director (Technical)
The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020
Applications received in format other than that available on our website will not be accepted. Application should be forwarded through the Guide, Head of the Department
or Head of the Institution. Please note that preference will be given to project proposals received from Institutions who are members of The Institution of Engineers (India)
and with NBA / NAAC Accreditation or valid NIRF Rank. Kindly go through the guidelines (visit link https://www.ieindia.org/webui/IEI-Activities.aspx#RnD-Initiative)
carefully before filling up the application.
The grant is not intended for the faculty members / working individuals who have access to other avenues of research funding. Proposals received will be scrutinized
and the recipients of R&D Grant will be informed accordingly.

(See Rule 8 of The Registration of Newspapers (Central) Rules, 1956)
Statement about ownership and other particulars about IEI News of The Institution of Engineers (India) to be published in the
first issue every year after the last day of February
1. Place of Publication 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020
2. Periodicity of its Publication Monthly (April to March)
3. Printer’s Name M/s Florence Offset Process Pvt. Ltd.
Nationality Indian
Address 6A, S N Banerjee Road, Kolkata 700 013
4. Publisher’s Name Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd)
Nationality Indian
Address 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020
5. Editor’s Name Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd)
Nationality Indian
Address 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020
6. Names and addresses of individuals who own the newspaper and The Institution of Engineers (India)
partners or shareholders holding more than one percent of capital 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020
I, Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary and Director General of The Institution of Engineers (India), hereby declare that the particulars given above
are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd)
Dated : March 01, 2024 Signature of Publisher

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18 March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3
IEI DIARY One Day Seminar on "Green Manufacturing of Steel"
Durgapur, June 23, 2024
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre,
Aerospace Engineering Division 2332544, E-mail: [email protected]; Website: Nehru Avenue, B Zone, Durgapur 713 205 [ Fax: 0343-
www.ieislc.com] 2564770, Email: [email protected], Website:
All India Seminar on "Trends in Indian Aviation Civil
Thirty-ninth National Convention of Electrical http://www.ieidurgapurlc.org]
and Defense"
Chennai, May 17-18 2024 Engineers on "Green Hydrogen, Electric Vehicle and Thirty-ninth National Convention of Mechanical
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Tamil Nadu State Centre, Energy Storage System" Engineers on "Innovations in Mechanical Engineering,
No. 19, Swami Sivananda Salai, Chepauk, Chennai Chennai, October 25-26, 2024 Sustainable Manufacturing Technologies, Design and
600005 [(: 044-25360614 /9962950333, E-mail : The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Tamil Nadu State Centre, Energy Systems"
[email protected], Website : www.ieitnsc.org] No. 19, Swami Sivananda Salai, Chepauk, Chennai Chandigarh, September 13-14, 2024
600005 [(: 044-25360614 /9962950333, E-mail : The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Punjab and Chandigarh
Thirty-seventh National Convention of Aerospace [email protected], Website : www.ieitnsc.org] State Centre, Sector 19A Madhya Marg, Chandigarh
Engineers on "Innovation in Aerospace Engineering" 160 019 [ (: 0172-2775418, Fax: 0172-2540133,
Ranchi, November 23-24, 2024 Environmental Engineering Division
Email: [email protected]]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Centre,
Thirty-eighth National Convention of Environmental Fortieth National Convention of Mechanical Engineers
Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, PO Doranda,
Engineers on "Change Yourself Not the Nature" on "Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering"
Ranchi 834002 [(: 0651-3510412, E-mail:
Kochi, August 23-24, 2024 Durgapur, August 23-24, 2025
[email protected]; Website: ieijscjharkhand.
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kochi Local Centre, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre,
IEI Bhavan, Government Homeo Hospital Road, Nehru Avenue, B Zone, Durgapur 713 205 [ Fax: 0343-
Agricultural Engineering Division Pullepady, PO: Kaloor, Kochi 682017 [(: 0484- 2564770, Email: [email protected], Website:
2403838 / 2403993, E-mail : [email protected]; http://www.ieidurgapurlc.org]
Thirty-sixth National Convention of Agricultural Website : www.ieikochi.org]
Engineers on "Conservation and Management Metallurgical & Materials Engg. Division
of Engineering inputs Farm Mechanization Agro All India Seminar on "Sources of Planet Energy
Processing" Environment and Disaster Science SPEEDS24 Thirty-seventh National Convention of Metallurgical &
Raipur, August 29-30, 2024 Climate Justice and Equity" Materials Engineers on "Modern Steel Manufacturing
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Chhattisgarh State Lucknow, June 22-23, 2024 Process"
Centre, National Institute of Technology Campus, G The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Uttar Pradesh State Chennai, December 06-07, 2024
E Road, Raipur 492010 [(: 0771-2254625, E-mail: Centre, Engineers Bhawan, River Bank Colony, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Tamil Nadu State Centre,
[email protected], Website : www.ieicg.org] Lucknow 226 018 [(: 0522-2625322, Fax: 0522- No. 19, Swami Sivananda Salai, Chepauk, Chennai
2625322, Email: [email protected], Website: http:// 600005 [(: 044-25360614 /9962950333, E-mail :
Chemical Engineering Division www.ieiup.org.in] [email protected], Website : www.ieitnsc.org]

Thirty-nineth National Convention of Chemical Electronics & Telecommunication Engg Division Production Engineering Division
Engineers on "R&D Activities in Minerals and
Metallurgical Industries for Today’s Society" All India Seminar on "Design of Advanced 5G Thirty-eighth National Convention of Production
Bhunaneswar, October 19-20, 2024 Antenna and Prototype Technologies" Engineers on "Green and Bio-inspired Manufacturing
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Odisha State Centre, Coimbatore, May 02-03, 2024 – The Way Forward"
Engineers Bhawan, Institution of Engineers Square, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore Local Centre, Bareilly, May 02-03, 2024
Sachivalaya Marg, Unit-4, Bhubaneswar 751001, PSG College of Technology Campus, Peelamedu, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local Centre,
[(: 0674-2390291, E-mail: [email protected], Coimbatoree 641 004 [(: 0422-2580733; Email: 44, Camphor Estate Colony, Near Champhor Hospital,
Website: www.ieiorissa.org] [email protected]; Website: https://www. Rampur Road, C B Ganj, Bareilly 243502, Uttar Pradesh
ieicoimbatore.org] [Mobile: 9634953691, Email: bareillylc@ ieindia.org]
Civil Engineering Division
Mechanical Engineering Division Interdisciplinary Co-ordination Committee
Thirty-nineth National Convention of Civil Engineers on
"Exploring Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering" All India Seminar on "Sustainability through Green All India Seminar on "Sustainable Developments and
Kochi, October 25-26, 2024 Vehicles: Powered by Hydrogen, Fuel Cell, CNG Technologies"
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kochi Local Centre, IEI and Flexi Fuel Vehicles" Gorakhpur, May 24-25, 2024
Bhavan, Government Homeo Hospital Road, Pullepady, Coimbatore, May 15-16 2024 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Gorakhpur Local Centre,
PO: Kaloor, Kochi 682017 [(: 0484-2403838 / The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore Local Centre, 176, Siddharthnagar Colony (Opposite GDA Office),
2403993, E-mail : [email protected]; Website : PSG College of Technology Campus, Peelamedu, Bharwaliya Buzurg, Taramandal, Gorakhpur 273017,
www.ieikochi.org] Coimbatoree 641 004 [(: 0422-2580733; Email: [Mobile : 8707269768, Email: gorakhpurlc@ieindia.
[email protected]; Website: https://www. org, Website: www.ieigorakhpur.org]
Electrical Engineering Division ieicoimbatore.org]
All India Seminar on "Artificial Intelligence and
All India Seminar on "A Transition Towards Clean One Day Seminar on "Additive Manufacturing and Machine Learning in Materials Engineering for
Energy Its Impact on Indian Economy" 3D Printing" Environment"
Agra, 20 June 2024 Rourkela, May 18-19, 2024
Salem, May 25-26, 2024
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Rourkela Local Centre,
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Salem Local Centre, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Agra Local Centre,
National Institute of Technology Campus, Roukela
104/7, Manivannan Road, 3rd Floor, SPC Bhawan, Opp Room No-G3, Faculty of Engineering & Technology
769008, Odisha [(: 0661-2472709, E-mail:
to Salem New Bus Stand, Salem 636004, [(: 0427- Agra College, Agra 282002 [(: 812689221; [email protected]]
E-mail: [email protected]]

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 3 March 2024
Registration No. 64282/1994 with The Registrar of Newspapers for India, New Delhi

Engineering Staff College of India

Autonomous Organ of The Institution of Engineers (India)
(IMS [ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 50001:2018, ISO 45001:2018],
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Certified, AICTE & CEA Recognized Institution)

Continuing Professional Development Programmes (CPDPs) for the Month of April 2024

Sl. No. Name of the Course Scheduled Dates

1. 3D Printing in Manufacturing 02 - 05 Apr 24

2. Bio Medical Waste Management – Handling & Safe Disposal Options with New Rules 2016 03 - 05 Apr 24

3. Advancements in Casting, Forging and Sheet Metal Forming 15 - 19 Apr 24

4. Efficient Drilling & Blasting Operations in Opencast Mines 15 - 17 Apr 24

5. Distribution Transformers - O&M achieving Zero Breakdown 16 - 19 Apr 24

6. Advanced Construction Materials in Concrete Technology and its Applications 22 - 26 Apr 24

7. Advanced Manufacturing Processes For Sustainable Polymer-Based Materials 22 - 24 Apr 24

8. Cyber Security Best Practices for Managers & Executives 22 - 24 Apr 24

9. Latest trends in Welding Technology and NDT Techniques (Theory and Practical exposure) 22 - 26 Apr 24

10. General Safety in Mining - Risk Assessment, Accident Prevention, Formulation of Safety Management Plan, Safety Audit, 22 - 26 Apr 24
Legislation, ISO- 31000

11. Dam Break Analysis using Latest Software 22 - 26 Apr 24

12. Renewable Energy Systems - Wind & Solar - Grid Integration 23 - 26 Apr 24

13. Advanced technologies based Water and Waste Water Treatment for Zero Discharge Compliance 24 - 26 Apr 24

14. Mastering High-Performance Teams: Competency Building for Collaborative Excellence 24 - 26 Apr 24

15. Project Management using MS Project 2021 24 - 26 Apr 24

16. Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources: Monitoring and Management 25 - 26 Apr 24

For detail information please contact:

Engineering Staff College of India
Old Bombay Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032
Landline : 040-66304100 & Mobile: +91 7337319038 / Email : [email protected] / URL : https://escihyd.org

Superannuation from IEI

Mr Bulbul Samaddar, an employee of the Institution HQ superannuated from the services of IEI on March 31, 2024. He joined
the Institution on February 01, 1993 and rendered his services to the Institution over a period of 31 years.
IEI wishes Bulbul Samaddar and his family a happy and healthy life in the future.

Owner : The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 President : Dr G Ranganath
Printer : Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General
Publisher : Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Editor : Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd)
Published from : 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 Special Contributors: Mr S Chakraverty, Dr K Sen
Printed from : M/s Florence Offset Process Pvt. Ltd. Mr D Nath, Mr A Deb, Mr A Das, Ms H Roy,
6A S N Banerjee Road, Kolkata 700013 Mr S Bagchi, Ms N Sikdar
ISSN 0971-3352 Editor : Maj Gen (Dr) MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General

The Institution of Engineers (India) as a body accepts no responsibility for the statements made by individuals. Reprints of any portion of the
publication may be made provided reference thereto is quoted.
Telephones: 91-33-40106299/248/228/215; Web: http://www.ieindia.org; E-mail: [email protected]
Th e e-editio n is av a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg
20 March2024
March 2024 Ol d Vol u m e 7 3

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