Festiana 2019 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1157 032047

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International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 032047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/3/032047

Design and development of model-eliciting activity in energy

and electrical power topics

I Festiana1,2*, H Firman1, A Setiawan1 and M Muslim1

Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Lampung, Jl. Hanafiah Lintas Timur, Mataram Marga,
Lampung Timur 34394, Indonesia

*[email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to design and develop the model eliciting activity in
the physics course on energy and electric power topic for students of electrical engineering. The
method used in this research is Design and Development Research (DDR). This research was
carried out in electrical engineering study program in one of private Universities in Lampung.
This research consists of three phases of design and development research: 1) identify the
problem, 2) describe the objectives, 3) design & develop the artifact. The result obtained in this
research is the model eliciting activity design which consists of learning units based on model
eliciting activity at the topic of energy and electric power to improve conceptual understanding

1. Introduction
In the 21st century there are ten skills that must be taught to the students. The skills include 1) creativity
and innovation, 2) critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, (3) learning to learn,
metacognition, 5) collaboration, 6) information literacy, 7) ICT literacy, 8) citizenship-local and global,
9) life and career, 10) personal and social responsibility-including cultural awareness and competence
[1]. It is important for the students to have 21st century skills to be successful in the ever-changing job
market [2]. Based on the Global Competitive Index of 2014-2015 Indonesia is ranked 37 out of 144
countries, in 2016-2017 Indonesia is ranked 41 out of 138, 2017-2018 is ranked 36 out of 137.
Indonesia's ranking has increased, but is still under the other ASEAN countries. This situation indicates
that the mastery of the concept of science is still low.
The main issue of questions on science education is: "How to teach?" [3] and learning model is very
useful to help the learning process. Learning model used is expected to enable students to be active. The
use of appropriate learning models will also have an impact on students’ understanding of the concepts.
Model eliciting activity (MEAs) is a learning model that has the following steps: 1) Pre-reading as
individual warm-up; 2) Hands-on demonstration that is students engaged in hands-on activities to
explore concepts related to the topic; 3) A model to predict material is a multi-representation model for
predicting [4]. MEAs are particularly useful for improving conceptual understanding and means for
assessing problem-solving processes in the field of electrical engineering [5].
Research on previous MEAs has been applied to heat transfer topic in chemical engineering [6].
MEAs have not been applied in the field of electrical engineering. Therefore, further research is required
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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 032047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/3/032047

in the field of electrical engineering and also on topics other than heat transfer. We are trying to design
MEAs on energy and electrical power topic to be applied to electrical engineering.
The topic of energy and electrical power is part of the basic physics course. The topic of energy and
electric power is essential to study because technological developments should also be accompanied by
energy savings. Physics is an important but difficult course to understand. Because of that, a way is
needed to deliver physics so that student can understand the concepts of physics taught. Appropriate
learning model is needed to improve the students’ mastery of the concepts.

2. Method
In this research we used DDR method. DDR has two types, namely: type one is a product and tool
research, whereas DDR type two is a study of models consisting of development, validation, and use of
models [7]. The research phase consists of three phases: 1) identify the problem, 2) describe the
objectives, 3) design & develop the artefact [8]. This research will be conducted on electrical
engineering students for basic physics course at one of Private University in Lampung.

Identify the problem Describe Design &

the develop the
objectives artefact

 Literature study Produce a course program which The design of MEAs course
(Analysis of syllabus, daily learning can improve conceptual program consisting of syllabus,
activities, conceptual understanding understanding using MEAs daily activities, design model
 Field study
(Observation of physics course model on
electrical engineering, identification of
conceptual understanding student)

Figure 1. Design and Development Research (DDR) [8].

Based on figure 1: Identify the problem is the initial phase in DDR study. At this stage a literature study
consisting of syllabus, daily learning activities, and research of conceptual understanding. The next step,
field study to see the problems that exist in the field, consists of observation of physics course model on
electrical engineering used by Lecturer, and identify conceptual understanding students. Describe the
objectives of designing and developing models eliciting activity in basic physics lectures on energy and
electrical power topic to improve the students' mastery of electrical engineering concepts. The purpose
of course development is expected to improve the students' mastery of electrical engineering concept.
Design & develop the artefact is to design and develop Basic Physics course program. Artefact referred
to in this stage is a lecture program of Basic Physics lecturing with student model eliciting activity of
Electrical Engineering. In this third phase explains the design of model eliciting activity on the topic of
energy and electrical power.

3. Result and discussion

This research uses design and development research (DDR) about model development. The results
obtained from the phase of identifying problems are the syllabus used was still using conventional
learning, the learning is still centered on the lecturer rather than the students, and the learning has never
applied the model eliciting activity. Learning outcome is also not well structured. Students’ conceptual
understanding is also low. This result is obtained based on observations that have been done. The results
of the literature study show that MEAs can improve the students’ conceptual understanding student.
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design and develop the MEAs in the form of learning units
that are expected to improve the students’ conceptual understanding.

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 032047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/3/032047

Stages of design & develop the artefact is to design and design lecture models using MEAs. MEAs
will be applied to electro engineering courses. MEAs are used because they are suitable for use in
electrical engineering. MEAs involve simulating real-life problem-solving situations. The design of
model eliciting activity on the topic of energy and electrical power can be seen in figure 2.

Figure 2. Design model-eliciting activity.

Model eliciting activity that has three steps: 1) Pre-reading as the individual warm-up, 2) Hands-on
demonstration, 3) A model to predict material. Furthermore, MEAs are developed by adding the fourth
step of presentation model and the use of multi representation in the first and fourth steps. The MEAs
format consists of reading the article and completing readiness question, teacher lead a discussion on
readiness questions and the problem statement (15 minutes), group work (40-70 minutes), group
presentations (30-40 minutes), and revise solution and reflection [9].
The design of the MEAs model begins in part 1 Pre-reading as an individual warming-up. The article
is presented in a multi-representation form consisting of representations of verbal diagrams,
mathematical diagrams, and graphs on the topic of energy and electrical power. Students at the first
stage read the article summary and answer asked questions individually. On the topic of energy and
electric power on "saving electrical energy" in part 1, students individually read a summary of an article
explaining how to save electricity. This pre-reading enables students to get information about energy
saving. In addition to reading the article, students individually answer the questions presented in this
section 1.
In part 2, Hands-on demonstrations, students in groups perform simulations and experiments. In part
2, students involved in Hands-on activities are embedded in the MEAs that allow them to explore
concepts related to electrical energy. On the topic of energy and electrical power about "saving
electrical energy" students make observations to find out the most appropriate method used to conserve
electrical energy and to record the specifications of electronic devices that can help conserve electrical

International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE 2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 032047 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/3/032047

In part 3, a model to predict material, students in groups demonstrate the model. In this section
students in groups make two notes of the model for "saving electrical energy" consisting of first notes
such as the concept of electrical energy and a list of electronic device specifications that can save
electrical energy and be represented in a multi-representation. Representation can help students in their
reasoning solve problems [10]. The second note is a model of "saving electrical energy" that is useful to
the community. In part 4, presentation model, the students with their group presented the model with
verbal, mathematical, diagrams, and graphical representations. Students with their group members in
part 4 present the model of "energy-saving energy".

4. Conclusion
Based on the phase of design and development research, which consists of identify the problem, describe
the objectives, design and development the artefact, the model eliciting activity is obtained in electrical
engineering for energy and electric power topic in the form of learning units. This design still needs to
be developed further on other materials on basic physics topics or on other topics suitable for model
eliciting activity (MEAs).

The author would like to acknowledge all parties who assist in the collection of research data. Secondly,
the author would also like thank the Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry of Finance
of the Republic of Indonesia through LPDP who gave scholarships (BUDI-DN) to the authors during
the study.

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