Communications Policy

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Communications Policy

Internal Procedures

Proper communication within the Woodbridge Soccer Club (WSC) and its members is vital to
our success. These policies have been created to ensure that a minimum level of
communication is maintained within the club. Efforts should be made to ensure that where
possible, the standards and frequency of communication meet the requirements of the club
members. The Club’s website is the primary vehicle for communicating with staff and members.
All relevant communications and club information is made available through the club website at

1. Notice of Annual General Meetings (AGM)/ Special General Meetings (SGM), from the
WSC Bylaws, shall be given to all Members at least 14 days before the meeting is to be
held, at such place, and at such date as the Board of Directors may determine. Such
notification shall be by website notice, and email to email list subscribed members, if
necessary also by newspaper announcement and/or regular mail.
2. Board of Directors: Minutes of the AGM, SGMs and board meetings will be approved at
the following AGM, SGM and board meetings and made available to the club members
within two weeks of their approval. The agenda for the upcoming AGM/SGMs meeting
should be made available to the membership prior to the meeting.
3. Sub committees: Any other committees formed as sub-sections of the board must report
as outlined above.
4. WSC Bylaws, Policies and Rules: The club bylaws, policies and rules must be made
available to club members. WSC Bylaws, Policies and Rules will be placed on the Club
website, and will be made available in digital format upon request.
5. Membership Communication: Informally, throughout the year, there will be reason to
communicate club activities and events to the general membership. To facilitate this, the
club maintains a master email distribution list. Where possible all communications should
be maintained at the club for member access. Members should be kept abreast of 1)
Club events (Tournaments, field changes, social activities, meetings, etc.), 2) Volunteer
requirements and Communications from The Canadian Soccer Association and The

Revised July 2019

Ontario Soccer Association, and 3) Notices of equipment allocations, clarifications on
club rules, when necessary, etc.
6. Portfolio Contacts: Contact information for the Board of Directors, Sub Committees,
Working Groups and club staff should be provided to the members.
7. Website guidelines: The website must update and maintain these elements as a
minimum requirement. The posting to the site must be amended (within a reasonable
timeframe) when changes are made.

External Procedures

1. League officials and governing organizations

All communication with the leagues, YRSA, OSA or CSA is made via the appropriate
Board member or our Club Office Staff. Our Membership is not to communicate with any
of our leagues or governing bodies directly unless approval has been received in writing
from the Board and/or Club Office Staff. All communication regarding the interpretation
or clarification of OSA, CSA or FIFA policy must be requested in writing. Prior to
communicating any interpretation of policy, the response from the governing
organization must first be received in writing.

2. Government

Because the WSC is actively involved in the community, we communicate with our
Town, our Mayor, Municipal and Regional councillors, MPPs and MPs.

WSC Board members and staff have developed relationships with local officials.
Ongoing and regular contact keeps them up to date with Club’s needs and successes.
The stronger the relationship between WSC and local officials, the stronger advocates
they will be.

The Board of Directors must approve all communication with local government officials.

3) Media

The Board of Directors and/or Office Manager must approve all the following forms of
communication with the Media:

i) Media Advisory: Media advisories are used to alert reporters to an upcoming event or
announcement that will be taking place. The media advisory contains all the logistical
details of the event (date, time, location, etc.) and includes any applicable context

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articulating why this event or announcement is important and relevant to their
ii) News Release: News releases are used to make announcements, to convey new
information or to provide comments or perspective on outside development. News
releases are focused on the information at hand; provide quotes from key Club officials
or spokespeople and all relevant background information, facts and figures.
Teams/Individuals requesting to publish a news release must provide all information to
the Office Staff at ​[email protected]​.
iii) Opinion Pieces available on open forums: In the event of public opinions which
contains factual errors, inaccuracies or which gives a wrong impression, WSC will
respond and request a retraction.
iv) Paid Advertising: Paid ads can be important tools to supplement earned media or
other communication efforts, especially if an urgent issue should arise. Budgetary
consideration is given to advertising contingencies as well as in conjunction with planned
open houses or fundraising initiatives.
v) Website: The Club's website should be viewed as a primary communication portal for
reaching all audiences. The Club webmaster and Club Staff are responsible for the
website and its content.
vi) Media recognition for Team Success: Teams looking to have their recent team
success posted are asked to provide the following information to the Office at
[email protected]​.

Suggested information:

• Date of game(s)
• League/Tournament name and age group
• Score of the game(s)
• Result of the Tournament
• WSC goal scorer(s)
• WSC goalkeeper
• Coach/Coaching staff name
• Other highlights
• Team record

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Parents and Players

Team official and WSC Staff communication with players and parents should only communicate
messages about soccer, scheduling, conflicts, and logistics.
1. Telephone:​ It is recommended that coaches should not engage in telephone
conversations with only a player. Any telephone conversation with a player should
include a parent/guardian as part of the conversation. Where players initiate
communication directly with coaches i.e. missing practice, sick, injury, etc; in this case it
would be appropriate for a coach to confirm receipt of the communication, but not to
engage in any conversation over the telephone. Conversations that require engagement
should include a parent/guardian where appropriate.
2. Text Message:​ It is recommended that coaches do not communicate with players by
text message and/or SMS message unless it is including a parent/guardian in the thread.
Where players initiate communication directly with coaches i.e. missing practice, sick,
injury, etc. in this case it would be appropriate for a coach to confirm receipt of the text,
but not to deviate away from soccer.
3. Email: ​It is recommended coaches engage in email communications with players and
include parents when appropriate. For example, a coach may email a player and copy
the parent/guardian on the email.
4. Social Media:​ refer to Social Media Policy and Procedures
5. Communication content:​ Team officials and all WSC Staff should avoid focussing in on
the negative aspects of a player’s performance, or any incident relating to a specific
individual. There should never be any singling out of individuals in group communication
with players and parents. Any specific player comments or feedback should be
communicated directly with the player and parent following the communication
guidelines noted above.

Revised July 2019

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