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Knowing that the couple shown acts in a vertical plane, determine the
stress at (a) point A, (b) point B.


1 3
For rectangle: I= bh
For cross sectional area:
1 1 1
I = I1 + I 2 + I 3 = (2)(1.5)3 + (2)(5.5)3 + (2)(1.5)3 = 28.854 in 4
12 12 12
My A (25)(2.75)
(a) y A = 2.75 in. σA = − σ A = −2.38 ksi t
I 28.854

My B (25)(0.75)
(b) yB = 0.75 in. σB = − σ B = −0.650 ksi t
I 28.854

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Knowing that the couple shown acts in a vertical plane, determine

the stress at (a) point A, (b) point B.


1 3
For rectangle: I = bh
Outside rectangle: I1 = (80)(120)3

I1 = 11.52 × 106 mm 4 = 11.52 × 10−6 m 4

Cutout: I2 = (40)(80) 3

I 2 = 1.70667 × 10 6 mm 4 = 1.70667 × 10−6 m 4

Section: I = I1 − I 2 = 9.81333 × 10−6 m 4

My A (15 × 10 3 )(0.040)
(a) y A = 40 mm = 0.040 m σA = − = −61.6 × 10 6 Pa
I 9.81333 × 10 −6

σ A = −61.6 MPa t

MyB (15 × 10 3 )(−0.060)

(b) yB = −60 mm = −0.060 m σB = − −6
= 91.7 × 10 6 Pa
I 9.81333 × 10

σ B = 91.7 MPa t

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Using an allowable stress of 16 ksi, determine the largest couple that can be
applied to each pipe.


π 4
(a) I = ro − ri4 = (0.64 − 0.54 ) = 52.7 × 10 −3 in 4
4 4
( )
c = 0.6 in.
Mc σI (16)(52.7 × 10 −3 )
: M =
I c 0.6
σ = =

M = 1.405 kip ⋅ in t

(b) I = (0.7 4 − 0.54 ) = 139.49 × 10−3 in 4

c = 0.7 in.
Mc σI (16)(139.49 × 10 −3)
: M =
I c 0.7
σ = =

M = 3.19 kip ⋅ in t

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without permission.

A nylon spacing bar has the cross section shown. Knowing that the
allowable stress for the grade of nylon used is 24 MPa, determine the
largest couple Mz that can be applied to the bar.


1 3 π 4
I = I rect − I circle =bh − r
12 4
(100)(80)3 − (25)4 = 3.9599 × 106 mm 4
12 4

= 3.9599 × 10 −6 m
c= = 40 mm = 0.040 m
Mc σI (24 × 106 )(3.9599 × 10 −6 )
: Mz = = 2.38 × 103 N ⋅ m
I c 0.040
σ = =

M z = 2.38 kN ⋅ m t

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without permission.

A beam of the cross section shown is extruded from an aluminum

alloy for which σ Y = 250 MPa and σ U = 450 MPa. Using a factor
of safety of 3.00, determine the largest couple that can be applied to
the beam when it is bent about the z-axis.


σU 450
Allowable stress. = 150 MPa
F.S . 3
= =

= 150 × 106 Pa
Moment of inertia about z-axis.
I1 = (16)(80)3 = 682.67 × 103 mm 4
I 2 = (16)(32)3 = 43.69 × 103 mm 4
I 3 = I1 = 682.67 × 103 mm 4

I = I1 + I 2 + I 3 = 1.40902 × 106 mm4 = 1.40902 × 10 −6 m 4

Mc 1
with c = (80) = 40 mm = 0.040 m
I 2

I σ (1.40902 × 10 −6 )(150 × 106 )

M= = 5.28 × 103 N ⋅ m M = 5.28 kN ⋅ m t
c 0.040

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Solve Prob. 4.5, assuming that the beam is bent about the y-axis.

PROBLEM 4.5 A beam of the cross section shown is extruded from an

aluminum alloy for which σ Y = 250 MPa and σ U = 450 MPa. Using a
factor of safety of 3.00, determine the largest couple that can be applied to
the beam when it is bent about the z-axis.


σU 450
Allowable stress: = 150 MPa
F.S . 3.00
= =

= 150 × 106 Pa
Moment of inertia about y-axis.
I1 = (80)(16) 3 + (80)(16)(16) 2 = 354.987 × 103 mm 4
I 2 = (32)(16)3 = 10.923 × 103 mm 4
I 3 = I1 = 354.987 × 103 mm 4

I = I1 + I 2 + I 3 = 720.9 × 103 mm 4 = 720.9 × 10 −9 m 4

Mc 1
with c = (48) = 24 mm = 0.024 m
I 2

I σ (720.9 × 10 −9 )(150 × 106 )

M= = 4.51 × 103 N ⋅ m M = 4.51 kN ⋅ m t
c 0.024

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without permission.
Two vertical forces are applied to a beam of the cross section shown. Determine
the maximum tensile and compressive stresses in portion BC of the beam.


π 2 π 4r (4)(25)
A1 = r = (25) 2 = 981.7 mm 2 y1 = = 10.610 mm
2 2 3π 3π

h 25
A2 = bh = (50)(25) = 1250 mm 2 y2 = − = − = −12.5 mm
2 2

A1 y1 + A2 y2 (981.7)(10.610) + (1250)(−12.5)
y = = −2.334 mm
A1 + A2 981.7 + 1250

I1 = I x1 − A1 y12 =
π 4
r − A1 y12 = (25)4 − (981.7)(10.610) 2 = 42.886 × 106 mm 4
8 8
d1 = y1 − y = 10.610 − (−2.334) = 12.944 mm
I1 = I1 + A1d12 = 42.866 × 103 + (981.7)(12.944) 2 = 207.35 × 103 mm 4
1 3 1
I2 = bh = (50)(25)3 = 65.104 × 103 mm 4
12 12
d 2 = y2 − y = −12.5 − (−2.334) = 10.166 mm
I 2 = I 2 + A2 d 22 = 65.104 × 103 + (1250)(10.166) 2 = 194.288 × 103 mm 4
I = I1 + I 2 = 401.16 × 103 mm 4 = 401.16 × 10−9 m 4
ytop = 25 + 2.334 = 27.334 mm = 0.027334 m
ybot = −25 + 2.334 = −22.666 mm = −0.022666 m

M − Pa = 0 : M = Pa = (4 × 103)(300 × 10−3 ) = 1200 N ⋅ m

−Mytop (1200)(0.027334)
σ top = = −81.76 × 10 6 Pa σ top = −81.8 MPa t
I 401.16 × 10−9

−Mybot (1200)(−0.022666)
σ bot = −9
= 67.80 × 10 6 Pa σ bot = 67.8 MPa t
I 401.16 × 10

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without permission.
Two vertical forces are applied to a beam of the cross
section shown. Determine the maximum tensile and
compressive stresses in portion BC of the beam.


A, mm 2 y0 , mm Ay0 , mm3

 600 30 18 × 103
‚ 600 30 18 × 103
ƒ 300 5 1.5 × 103

1500 37.5 × 103

37.5 × 103
Y0 = = 25 mm
Neutral axis lies 25 mm above the base.

I1 = (10)(60) 3 + (600)(5)2 = 195 × 103 mm 4 I 2 = I1 = 195 mm 4
I 3 = (30)(10)3 + (300)(20) 2 = 122.5 × 103 mm 4
I = I1 + I 2 + I 3 = 512.5 × 103 mm 4 = 512.5 × 10 −9 m 4

ytop = 35 mm = 0.035 m ybot = −25 mm = −0.025 m

a = 150 mm = 0.150 m P = 10 × 103 N
M = Pa = (10 × 103 )(0.150) = 1.5 ×103 N ⋅ m

My top (1.5 × 103 )(0.035)

σ top = − −9
= −102.4 × 106 Pa σ top = −102.4 MPa (compression) t
I 512.5 × 10

M ybot (1.5 × 103 )( −0.025)

σ bot = − = 73.2 × 106 Pa σ bot = 73.2 MPa (tension) t
I 512.5 × 10−9

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without permission.
Two vertical forces are applied to a beam of the cross section shown.
Determine the maximum tensile and compressive stresses in portion
BC of the beam.


A y0 A y0
 8 7.5 60
‚ 6 4 24
ƒ 4 0.5 2
Σ 18 86
Yo = = 4.778 in.
Neutral axis lies 4.778 in. above the base.
1 1
I1 = b1h13 + A1d12 = (8)(1)3 + (8)(2.772) 2 = 59.94 in 4
12 12
1 1
I 2 = b2 h2 + A2 d 2 = (1)(6)3 + (6)(0.778)2 = 21.63 in 4
3 2
12 12
1 1
I 3 = b3h3 + A3d 3 = (4)(1)3 + (4)(4.278) 2 = 73.54 in 4
3 2
12 12
I = I1 + I 2 + I3 = 59.94 + 21.63 + 73.57 = 155.16 in 4
ytop = 3.222 in. ybot = −4.778 in.

M − Pa = 0
M = Pa = (25)(20) = 500 kip ⋅ in

Mytop (500)(3.222)
σ top = − σ top = −10.38 ksi (compression) t
I 155.16

Mybot (500)( −4.778)

σ bot = − σ bot = 15.40 ksi (tension) t
I 155.16

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without permission.
The beam shown is made of a nylon for which the allowable stress is
24 MPa in tension and 30 MPa in compression. Determine the largest
couple M that can be applied to the beam.


A, mm 2 y0 , mm Ay0 , mm 3

 600 22.5 13.5 × 103

‚ 300 7.5 2.25 × 10 3
900 15.75 × 10 3
15.5 × 103
Y0 = = 17.5 mm The neutral axis lies 17.5 mm above the bottom.
ytop = 30 − 17.5 = 12.5 mm = 0.0125 m
ybot = −17.5 mm = −0.0175 m
1 1
I1 = b1h13 + A1d12 = (40)(15)3 + (600)(5)2 = 26.25 × 103 mm 4
12 12
1 1
I 2 = b2 h23 + A2 d 22 = (20)(15)3 + (300)(10) 2 = 35.625 × 103 mm 4
12 12
I = I1 + I 2 = 61.875 × 103 mm4 = 61.875 × 10 −9 m 4

My σI
|σ | = M=
I y

(24 × 10 6 )(61.875 × 10 −9 )
Top: (tension side) M= = 118.8 N ⋅ m

(30 × 106 )(61.875 × 10−9 )

Bottom: (compression) M= = 106.1 N ⋅ m
Choose smaller value. M = 106.1 N ⋅ m t

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without permission.

Solve Prob. 4.15, assuming that d = 40 mm.

PROBLEM 4.15 The beam shown is made of a nylon for which the
allowable stress is 24 MPa in tension and 30 MPa in compression.
Determine the largest couple M that can be applied to the beam.


A, mm 2 y0 , mm Ay0 , mm3

 600 32.5 19.5 × 103

‚ 500 12.5 6.25 × 103
1100 25.75 × 103

25.75 × 103
Y0 = = 23.41 mm The neutral axis lies 23.41 mm above the bottom.
ytop = 40 − 23.41 = 16.59 mm = 0.01659 m
ybot = −23.41 mm = −0.02341 m
1 1
I1 = b1h13 + A1d12 = (40)(15)3 + (600)(9.09) 2 = 60.827 × 103 mm 4
12 12
1 1
I 2 = b2 h2 + A2 d 2 = (20)(25)3 + (500)(10.91) 2 = 85.556 × 103 mm 4
2 2
12 12
I = I1 + I 2 = 146.383 × 103 mm4 = 146.383 × 10 −9 m 4

My σI
|σ | = M=
I y

(24 × 10 6 )(146.383 × 10 −9 )
Top: (tension side) M= = 212 N ⋅ m

(30 × 106 )(146.383 × 10 −9 )

Bottom: (compression) M= = 187.6 N ⋅ m
Choose smaller value. M = 187.6 N ⋅ m t

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