Sodeca Ct03 Solutions in Smoke Exhaust en
Sodeca Ct03 Solutions in Smoke Exhaust en
Sodeca Ct03 Solutions in Smoke Exhaust en
F.400 F.300
SODECA offers solutions in industrial ventilation, smoke exhaust,
staircase pressurisation and improving indoor air quality.
Our quality procedures, certified in accordance with These new installations have a surface area of more
ISO 9001:2015, have placed Grupo SODECA as one of than 15,000 m2, distributed into offices, customer
the best and most recognised fan manufacturers in service area, warehouse and production area.
the world.
Currently, SODECA has become an international
As a result of the expansion process and consolida- leader in the ventilation sector; primarily for its solu-
tion of the business, in 2018 we inaugurated the new tions in fire protection, smoke exhaust and staircase
headquarters located in Ripoll, a municipality near pressurisation and evacuation routes.
"80% of fire victims are a result of the harmful effects of smoke: toxic inhalation, temperature, asphyxia and
lack of visibility".
Controlling smoke in the event of a fire is essential in To ensure an optimum control of the smoke, the
order to evacuate people and for fire-fighters to smoke control system in the event of a fire must
extinguish the fire, helping to create smoke free be activated, with equipment that guarantee it
zones or ensuring the temperature and visibility will operate as designed for the anticipated tem-
are suitable in each case. Additionally, if the smoke perature conditions and operating time, but it is also
is controlled, material assets are protected as well as required that said system be designed following the
the building's enclosures and structures, allowing to existing standards or technical design specifications
resume the business activity more quickly. of renowned prestige as well as controlling the differ-
ent equipment that will ensure the system operates
To ensure the operation of the extract fans for smoke exhaust, all of SODECA's solutions have a CE marking
in accordance with European Standard EN 12101-3:2015. Smoke and heat control systems - Part 3:
Specification for powered smoke and heat control ventilators (Fans).
SODECA has helped provide ventilation solutions for smoke extraction in international
emblematic infrastructures.
SODECA has implemented a Quality Management For this reason, all critical points of the manufacturing
System that is certified in accordance with ISO process are inspected using a rigorous internal man-
9001:2015 by Bureau Veritas, who has certified the agement control system:
company’s ability to plan, execute and control the
• Certifications of raw materials
processes required for carrying out their work and
(steel sheets)
keeping customers satisfied by delivering products
manufactured using the highest quality standards. • Corrosion resistance certification
• Review of manufacturing processes
A company committed to the reliability and warranty of
their equipment installed at locations that are difficult to • Balancing of impellers
access and are fire safety system components. • Checking motor consumption
It is essential for the ventilation In car parks, ventilation may be required conditions of safety and
system for car parks to be reliable natural or forced. In the latter, fans comfort under normal conditions
throughout the years to ensure must be installed to properly as well as in the event of a fire.
it is safe for users. move the air and maintain the
These three functions are integrated in a single system that is capable of providing a flow adapted to the needs
at any given time with the aim of optimising the system's power consumption.
Installation of fan for
immersed operation in fire
risk zone
Installation of outdoor fans
in the fire risk zone
Installation of jet fan in the
fire risk zone
Smoke exhaust solutions limit the effects of heat and evacuate the smoke that is generated in the event of a fire.
These ventilation systems can extract hot gases gen- In order to produce all these advantages, it is
erated at the start of a fire and create smoke free essential for smoke and heat extract fans to be
areas below the layers of floating smoke, helping reliable and operate perfectly throughout their
the evacuation as well as the fire-fighting effort. Also, useful service life when required.
the appearance of secondary fires is prevented as well
as control the temperature of the smoke to prevent A smoke exhaust system must be projected and sized
the building from collapsing. to achieve one or several of the following objectives:
The use of smoke exhaust systems in the event of a centres with one or several floors; atriums and odd
fire are designed for different types of buildings and shaped buildings; entertainment and publicly used
applications, including: industrial buildings with one buildings; and also, non-compartmentalised spaces in
or several floors or with a mezzanine floor; palletised buildings with more than one floor.
warehouses or with storage on shelves; shopping
The implementation of a smoke control system in the event of a fire in cold rooms have unique differences
compared to traditionally installed smoke control systems in industrial buildings; specifically:
The presence of a dual ceiling (ceiling of the room The equipment installed on the casing of the cold
and building roof ) makes it difficult to exhaust the room requires thermal insulation features in
smoke produced during a fire to the exterior from order to prevent high energy losses.
inside the cold room.
The presence of low temperatures inside the cold room may reduce the buoyancy of the smoke and make
exhaustion difficult. For this reason, mechanical extraction systems are the option that offers the best perfor-
mance guarantee.
Pressurisation control systems protect evacuation routes in the event of fire, preventing the entry of smoke through
air overpressure. If the doors are opened or in the event of air leaks, the system reacts by increasing the flow rate.
This guarantees that the escape routes are always free of smoke in an emergency situation.
They are supplied integrated and The control panel has status indicator
ready for operation (Plug&Play system). lights and an automatic or manual
system power selector.
It is essential that reliable ventilation systems are used to provide safety for the user throughout the years.
Tunnel ventilation may be natural or forced and in the latter case, fans must be installed to generate the
proper air movement to maintain safe conditions in comfort mode as well as in event of an emergency.
Ventilation systems may be configured based on different key elements such as the type of tunnel,
length, slope or traffic volume:
27 THT
400°C/2h and 300°C/2h tubular 77 THT/CL
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h 86 THT/WALL
Dynamic wall mounted 94 THT/WALL-F
Dynamic wall mounted
axial extract fans with short tubular axial extractor fans extractor fans with motorised extractor fans with motorised
casings with long casing and external hatch, for smoke exhaust in hatch, for smoke exhaust in
terminal boxes case of fires, 400 °C/2h and case of fires, 400 °C/2h and
300 °C/2h 300 °C/2h
400°C/2h and 300°C/2h rated 107 CJTHT/PLUS
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h axial 112 CJTHT
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h 119 CJTHT/ATEX
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h
dynamic discharge system with exhaust fan units with built-in axial fans with acoustically axial exhaust units with ATEX
motorised opening function, fitted acoustic attenuator insulated box certification
with roof mounted extractor, for
smoke exhaust in the event of fire
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h 131 TUNEL JET FAN
Jet fans specially designed for 134 CI
Long-range 300 ºC/2h and 137 HTMF
400 ºC/2h (F400) and
long range unidirectional or tunnel ventilation. 400 ºC/2h 400 ºC/2h centrifugal induction 300 ºC/2h (F300) roof mounted
reversible Jet fans and 300 ºC/2h certificates, Jet fans for use in fire risk zones multifunctional extract fans
depending on model with a low profile
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h roof 149 CJBDT
Extract units with direct drive, 152 CBDT
Double inlet centrifugal fans, 155 CJV/EW
Extract fans with automatic
mounted axial extract fans with to work inside the fire zone direct drive, to work inside the operation, vertical air outlet, EC
vertical air outlets 400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h fire zone 400 ºC/2h and Technology motor and constant
300 ºC/2h pressure control for homes
158 TCR
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h 161 CJS
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h 164 CJMD
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h
centrifugal extractor fans with extractor fan units with extractor fan units with linear
backward curved impeller interchangeable covers inlet and outlet
168 TCR/R
400 ºC/2h centrifugal extractor 172 TCR/R/EW
400 ºC/2h centrifugal extractor 177 CJTCR/R
400 ºC/2h extractor fan 182 CJTCR/R/EW
400 ºC/2h extraction units
fans with backward curved fans with backward curved units with backward curved fans with backward curved
impeller impeller fitted with electronically impeller impeller fitted with electronically
adjustable, high efficiency, adjustable, high-efficiency,
asynchronous IE3 motors asynchronous IE3 motors
188 TCMP
400 ºC/2h centrifugal extractor 193 CJMP
400 ºC/2h extractor fan units 199 CJTX-C
400°C/2h belt-driven double 209 CJSX
400 ºC/2h belt-driven single
fans, with forward impeller with forward impeller inlet extractor fan units inlet extractor fan units
Extraction units 400 ºC/2h to 223 CJLINE
400°C/2h air and smoke extract 227 CJLINE/EC
Air extract units with linear inlet 232 CKD
F400 extractor fan units
work outside the fire risk zone, fan units with linear inlets and and outlet, equipped with EC with a large door for ease
driven by transmission with a outlets Technology IE5 motor of maintenance and 40 mm
backward curved impeller acoustic insulation slab
235 CKDR
F400 extractor fan units 239 CKDR/EC
Extract units with large door 244 CHT
400 ºC/2h centrifugal roof 248 CHT/EC
Centrifugal roof fans with
with a large door for ease of and 40 mm acoustic insulation, fans with horitzontal air outlet, horizontal air outlet, with EC
maintenance and 40 mm acoustic equipped with EC Technology aluminum hood Technology IE5 motor
insulation slab IE5 motor
252 CVT
400 ºC/2h centrifugal roof 256 CVT/EC
Centrifugal roof fans with
fans with vertical air outlet, vertical air outlet, with EC
aluminum hood Technology IE5 motor
Control panel for a fan 271 BOXSMART II
Control panel with standby fan 276 BOXSMART EC
Control panel for an EC 281 BOXSMART FLAP
Control panel with damper fan
motor fan
Control panels for car park 297 INT
On/Off safety switches in 297 INT/ATEX
ATEX stop-start switch 297 IAT
Stop-start safety switches for
ventilation systems with triple accordance with Standard according to directives 400 ºC/2h to comply with the
purpose: daily ventilation, CO UNE-EN 60204-1 2014/34/UE and 2014/35/UE II UNE-EN 60204-1 Standard
concentration control and smoke 2D Ex tb IIIC T 85 °C Db II 3G
extraction in case of fire Ex nR IIC T6 Gc IP66
297 C2V
Switch for two speed motors 298 CABLE BOX
Electrical cable and connection 298 RM
Electronic speed controllers for 299 VSD3/A-RFT -
box kit 400 ºC/2h for external single-phase motors Electronic variable speed drive
connections to the motor in fire for AC motors
fighting installations
Monoxide detection control 300 AET
Star/delta starter and three- 301 P-400
Backdraught louvres, certified 301 RT
Protection guard for inlet or
box, for ventilation in parking phase fan protection control for 400 ºC/2h outlet of long cased axial fans
lots panel, with stop and start
302 RPA
Protection guard for inlet of 302 R/THT
Protection grille for the intake of 303 BTUB
Coupling flange for axial fans 303 B
Coupling flange for centrifugal
centrifugal fans THT series axial fans fans
304 BD
Double coupling flange for 305 BAC
Double and elastic coupling 305 BIC
Conversion flange from 306 PS
Set of support feet for tubular
centrifugal fans flange for axial fans rectangular to circular for fans
centrifugal fans
306 MS
Support frame to facilitate 307 PA
Adapter plate for mounting 307 BS
High base plate 307 BSS
High base plate with silencer
mounting on site accessories, on roof extractors
308 PT
Automatic closing shutters to 308 PT/H
Automatic closing shutters to 309 VIS
Outlet hood with protection 310 ACE ACE/400
Elastic coupling to dampen
work in vertical position. Version work in horizontal position. guard vibrations
400 certified 400 ºC/2h Version 400 certified 400 ºC/2h
311 TEJ
Roof cover for outdoor 311 CM
Motor cover for outside work 311 TAC
Circular coupling cap 312 S
Silencers to be coupled to the
suction or discharge
316 SC
Silencers to be coupled to the 316 SI-PIR
Motion detector 316 SI-TEMP+HUMEDAD
Temperature and relative 317 SI-PRESIÓN
Pressure transmitter
suction or discharge humidity sensor with display
Wind sensor 317 SI-PRESOSTATO
Pressure sensor 318 PDS LOBBY CONTROL
Control panel and independent
24 V DC/AC power supply automatic regulation for lobby
pressurisation systems
Multi-compartment smoke
control dampers with manual
and automatic activation
400°C/2h and 300°C/2h tubular axial extract fans with short casings
Order code
THT — 56 — 4T — 2 — F400
THT: 400°C/2h and 300°C/2h Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
tubular axial extract fans with diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
short casings in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz
6=1000 r/min 50 Hz
8=750 r/min 50 Hz
THT: 400°C/2h and Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Number of blades: Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h
300°C/2h tubular axial diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz 6 blades (HP) approved
extract fans with short in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz 9 blades F400: 400 ºC/2h
casings 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz 12 blades approved
8=750 r/min 50 Hz
12=500 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model1 Speed pressure level2
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
THT-40-2T-1.5 IE3 2880 4.02 2.23 1.10 20 7040 71 31
THT-40-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 1.10 / 0.25 20 7040 / 3480 71 / 56 32
THT-40-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 32 4800 55 29
THT-40-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 3150 46 34
THT-40-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 1.98 / 0.84 0.55 / 0.09 32 3150 / 1520 46 / 31 38
THT-45-2T-2 IE3 2880 5.32 2.95 1.50 16 9400 71 34
THT-45-2/4T-2 2940 / 1460 4.33 / 1.36 1.50 / 0.37 16 9400 / 4670 71 / 56 34
THT-45-2T-3 IE3 2900 7.56 4.19 2.20 22 11330 71 36
THT-45-2T-4 IE3 2900 9.94 5.51 3.00 28 13075 72 46
THT-45-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 36 7450 58 30
THT-45-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 30 4450 48 35
THT-45-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 1.98 / 0.84 0.55 / 0.09 30 4450 / 2150 48 / 33 39
THT-50-2T-3 IE3 2870 7.56 4.19 2.20 12 11950 76 43
THT-50-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 22 8390 60 32
THT-50-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 7000 52 36
THT-56-2T-5.5 IE3 2890 7.18 4.32 4.00 16 18800 78 60
THT-56-4T-1 IE3 1430 3.08 1.79 0.75 22 11250 63 40
THT-56-4T-1.5 IE3 1420 4.1 2.37 1.10 30 13600 63 40
THT-56-4/8T-1.5 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 30 13600 / 6640 63 / 48 43
THT-56-4T-2 IE3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 36 15030 64 43
THT-56-6T-0.75 930 2.9 1.75 0.55 38 10140 54 39
THT-56-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 38 10140 / 4890 54 / 39 43
THT-63-2T-12 IE3 2920 18.07 10.44 9.20 18 32300 83 143
THT-63-2T-20 IE3 2960 26.50 15.35 15.00 28 39950 82 170
THT-63-4T-1 IE3 1430 3.08 1.79 0.75 14 15190 67 43
THT-63-4T-1.5 IE3 1420 4.1 2.37 1.10 20 17800 66 45
THT-63-4/8T-1.5 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 20 17800 / 8680 66 / 51 49
THT-63-4T-2 IE3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 24 19280 66 49
THT-63-4/8T-2 1415 / 715 3.40 / 1.65 1.50 / 0.30 24 19280 / 9740 66 / 52 60
THT-63-4T-3 IE3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 32 22150 68 54
THT-63-4/8T-3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 32 22150 / 10920 68 / 53 66
THT-63-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 38 24240 69 63
THT-63-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 38 24240 / 12070 69 / 54 77
THT-63-6T-0.75 930 2.9 1.75 0.55 28 13590 57 45
THT-63-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 28 13590 / 6550 57 / 42 49
THT-63-6T-1 IE3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 38 15890 58 48
THT-63-6/12T-1 935 / 455 3.75 / 2.76 0.80 / 0.20 38 15890 / 7700 58 / 43 55
THT-71-4T-1.5 IE3 1420 4.1 2.37 1.10 12 19480 71 52
THT-71-4/8T-1.5 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 12 19480 / 9500 71 / 56 56
THT-71-4T-2 IE3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 14 20900 70 56
THT-71-4/8T-2 1415 / 715 3.40 / 1.65 1.50 / 0.30 14 20900 / 10560 70 / 56 67
THT-71-4T-3 IE3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 22 25100 70 61
THT-71-4/8T-3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 22 25100 / 12370 70 / 55 74
THT-71-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 28 27480 70 70
THT-71-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 28 27480 / 13680 70 / 55 83
THT-71-6T-0.75 930 2.9 1.75 0.55 20 16100 60 52
THT-71-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 20 16100 / 7760 60 / 45 56
THT-71-6T-1 IE3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 26 17300 60 55
THT-71-6/12T-1 935 / 455 3.75 / 2.76 0.80 / 0.20 26 17300 / 8380 60 / 45 62
THT-71-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 34 19930 61 61
THT-71-6/12T-1.5 940 / 460 3.52 / 2.00 1.20 / 0.30 34 19930 / 9760 61 / 46 69
THT-80-4T-3 IE3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 12 25450 75 69
THT-80-4/8T-3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 12 25450 / 12550 75 / 60 82
THT-80-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 16 30250 74 78
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model1 Speed pressure level2
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
THT-80-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 16 30250 / 15060 74 / 59 92
THT-80-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 18 32750 73 85
THT-80-4/8T-5.5 1450 / 715 7.88 / 2.87 3.80 / 1.00 18 32750 / 16150 73 / 58 118
THT-80-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 18 21450 63 69
THT-80-6/12T-1.5 940 / 460 3.52 / 2.00 1.20 / 0.30 18 21450 / 10500 63 / 48 77
THT-80-6T-2 IE3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 26 25950 64 78
THT-80-6/12T-2 960 / 470 4.46 / 3.43 1.60 / 0.40 26 25950 / 12700 64 / 49 82
THT-80-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 32 29930 65 84
THT-80-6/12T-3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 32 29930 / 15120 65 / 51 91
THT-80-8T-0.75 700 3.48 2.00 0.55 20 17540 57 62
THT-80-8T-1 710 5.06 2.92 0.75 28 20650 58 69
THT-90-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 8 33580 79 93
THT-90-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 8 33580 / 16720 79 / 64 106
THT-90-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 12 38890 78 99
THT-90-4/8T-5.5 1450 / 715 7.88 / 2.87 3.80 / 1.00 12 38890 / 19170 78 / 63 132
THT-90-4T-7.5 IE3 1430 10.40 6.04 5.50 18 46140 77 126
THT-90-4/8T-7.5 1455 / 725 11.40 / 3.86 5.50 / 1.10 18 46140 / 22910 77 / 62 140
THT-90-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 22 50140 76 137
THT-90-4/8T-10 1455 / 725 15.10 / 5.16 7.50 / 1.50 22 50140 / 24900 76 / 61 140
THT-90-6T-2 IE3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 16 28780 66 92
THT-90-6/12T-2 960 / 470 4.46 / 3.43 1.60 / 0.40 16 28780 / 14090 66 / 51 96
THT-90-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 24 34000 66 99
THT-90-6/12T-3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 24 34000 / 17180 66 / 52 105
THT-90-6T-4 IE3 945 12.8 6.36 3.00 30 38900 69 124
THT-90-6/12T-4 970 / 485 7.37 / 3.53 2.80 / 0.70 30 38900 / 19450 69 / 54 126
THT-90-8T-1 710 5.06 2.92 0.75 18 22900 60 84
THT-90-8T-2 700 7.32 4.21 1.50 30 29490 63 99
THT-90-8T-3 705 9.3 5.35 2.20 32 30850 64 116
THT-100-4T-7.5 IE3 1430 10.40 6.04 5.50 10 46850 82 131
THT-100-4/8T-7.5 1455 / 725 11.40 / 3.86 5.50 / 1.10 10 46850 / 23260 82 / 67 145
THT-100-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 16 57400 79 142
THT-100-4/8T-10 1455 / 725 15.10 / 5.16 7.50 / 1.50 14 54700 / 27160 80 / 65 145
THT-100-4T-15 IE3 1455 20.70 11.99 11.00 22 66300 79 195
THT-100-4/8T-15 1470 / 730 20.70 / 7.19 11.00 / 3.00 22 66300 / 32880 79 / 64 195
THT-100-4T-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 28 76150 80 210
THT-100-4/8T-20 1470 / 725 31.72 / 11.75 15.00 / 3.80 28 76150 / 37560 80 / 65 210
THT-100-4T/9-15 IE3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 18 55340 80 204
THT-100-4T/9-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 22 63260 80 219
THT-100-4T/9-25 IE3 1475 35.40 20.39 18.50 26 70625 80 249
THT-100-4T/9-30 IE3 1475 42.20 24.44 22.00 30 74845 82 266
THT-100-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 16 37600 70 105
THT-100-6/12T-3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 16 37600 / 18990 70 / 56 112
THT-100-6T-4 IE3 945 12.8 6.36 3.00 20 41150 69 130
THT-100-6/12T-4 970 / 485 7.37 / 3.53 2.80 / 0.70 20 41150 / 20580 69 / 54 131
THT-100-6T-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 26 47780 70 142
THT-100-6T/9-5.5 IE3 970 11.00 6.35 4.00 20 39020 70 145
THT-100-6T/9-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 26 46765 71 153
THT-100-6T/9-10 IE3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 34 52255 74 193
THT-125-4T/6-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 10 78600 87 290
THT-125-4/8T/6-20 1470 / 725 31.72 / 11.75 15.00 / 3.80 10 78600 / 38770 87 / 72 290
THT-125-4T/6-25 IE3 1465 35.40 20.39 18.50 14 92550 86 343
THT-125-4/8T/6-27 1470 / 730 39.70 / 14.10 20.00 / 5.00 16 98830 / 48910 85 / 70 357
THT-125-4T/6-30 IE3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 16 98830 85 357
THT-125-4/8T/6-37 1475 / 735 54.55 / 18.50 28.00 / 6.50 20 110890 / 55260 85 / 70 437
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model1 Speed pressure level2
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
THT-125-4T/6-40 IE3 1475 53.30 31.02 30.00 22 117450 85 437
THT-125-4T/6-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 26 131050 85 473
THT-125-4T/6-60 IE3 1475 80.90 46.90 45.00 28 135820 85 543
THT-125-4T/6-75 IE3 1480 98.60 57.20 55.00 34 152100 88 643
THT-125-4T/9-25 IE3 1465 35.40 20.39 18.50 10 79650 87 352
THT-125-4T/9-30 IE3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 12 88290 86 366
THT-125-4/8T/9-27 1470 / 730 39.70 / 14.10 20.00 / 5.00 12 88290 / 43690 86 / 71 366
THT-125-4/8T/9-37 1475 / 735 54.55 / 18.50 28.00 / 6.50 16 104040 / 51840 85 / 70 446
THT-125-4T/9-40 IE3 1475 53.30 31.02 30.00 16 104040 85 446
THT-125-4T/9-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 20 118400 85 482
THT-125-4T/9-60 IE3 1475 80.90 46.90 45.00 24 134970 85 534
THT-125-4T/9-75 IE3 1480 98.60 57.20 55.00 28 146770 86 634
THT-125-4T/9-100 IE3 1480 128.00 74.22 75.00 34 158560 88 773
THT-125-4T/12-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 18 101660 86 516
THT-125-4T/12-60 IE3 1475 80.90 46.90 45.00 20 109180 86 561
THT-125-4T/12-75 IE3 1480 98.60 57.20 55.00 26 131240 86 661
THT-125-4T/12-100 IE3 1480 128.00 74.22 75.00 32 154100 88 791
THT-125-6T/6-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 10 51500 77 218
THT-125-6T/6-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 14 60640 75 225
THT-125-6/12T/6-7.5 970 / 480 14.50 / 5.17 5.50 / 1.00 14 60640 / 30010 75 / 60 239
THT-125-6T/6-10 IE3 960 15.20 8.83 7.50 20 72650 74 255
THT-125-6/12T/6-10 970 / 490 13.60 / 5.69 7.20 / 1.80 20 72650 / 36510 74 / 60 275
THT-125-6T/6-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 26 85850 74 285
THT-125-6/12T/6-15 970 / 485 23.10 / 8.41 11.00 / 3.00 26 85850 / 42710 74 / 59 290
THT-125-6T/6-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 30 92850 76 343
THT-125-6/12T/6-24 970 / 480 41.60 / 13.21 17.60 / 2.85 34 99650 / 49320 78 / 63 437
THT-125-6T/9-10 IE3 960 15.20 8.83 7.50 14 63490 77 264
THT-125-6/12T/9-10 970 / 490 13.60 / 5.69 7.20 / 1.80 14 63490 / 31910 77 / 63 284
THT-125-6T/9-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 20 77550 75 294
THT-125-6/12T/9-15 970 / 485 23.10 / 8.41 11.00 / 3.00 20 77550 / 38580 75 / 60 299
THT-125-6T/9-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 26 92950 75 352
THT-125-6/12T/9-24 970 / 480 41.60 / 13.21 17.60 / 2.85 30 98500 / 48750 76 / 61 446
THT-125-6T/9-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 32 101450 77 372
THT-125-6T/9-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 36 106525 80 382
THT-125-6T/12-10 IE3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 12 49630 79 328
THT-125-6T/12-15 IE3 970 22.50 13.07 11.00 18 67315 77 338
THT-125-6T/12-20 IE3 970 29.00 16.78 15.00 24 81840 76 396
THT-125-6T/12-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 30 96765 77 406
THT-125-6T/12-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 32 102040 78 416
THT-125-6T/12-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 34 106355 79 571
THT-140-6T/6-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 8 62800 83 260
THT-140-6T/6-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 16 86640 78 327
THT-140-6T/6-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 22 102950 77 396
THT-140-6T/6-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 24 108750 77 448
THT-140-6T/6-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 28 119050 77 457
THT-140-6T/9-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 12 77400 82 336
THT-140-6T/9-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 16 91200 81 405
THT-140-6T/9-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 20 103800 80 458
THT-140-6T/9-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 22 111000 79 467
THT-140-6T/9-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 28 128800 79 611
THT-140-6T/9-50 IE3 980 67.20 39.00 37.00 32 135750 80 696
THT-140-6T/9-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 38 145610 82 931
THT-140-6T/12-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 20 101570 81 492
THT-140-6T/12-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 28 128800 80 647
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model1 Speed pressure level2
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
THT-140-6T/12-50 IE3 985 67.20 39.00 37.00 32 143360 81 730
THT-140-6T/12-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 36 156705 82 940
THT-140-6T/12-75 IE3 985 103.00 59.70 55.00 38 162890 83 965
THT-160-6T/6-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 12 111990 85 463
THT-160-6T/6-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 14 121100 84 515
THT-160-6T/6-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 16 129330 83 524
THT-160-6T/6-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 22 153700 82 669
THT-160-6T/6-50 IE3 980 67.20 39.00 37.00 26 170800 81 757
THT-160-6T/6-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 30 185460 82 984
THT-160-6T/6-75 IE3 985 103.00 59.70 55.00 34 199030 83 1029
THT-160-6T/9-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 10 104250 90 525
THT-160-6T/9-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 14 126800 88 534
THT-160-6T/9-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 18 145500 86 679
THT-160-6T/9-50 IE3 980 67.20 39.00 37.00 20 154940 85 768
THT-160-6T/9-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 24 176750 85 968
THT-160-6T/9-75 IE3 985 103.00 59.70 55.00 28 192290 84 1013
THT-160-6T/12-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 20 151615 86 1002
THT-160-6T/12-75 IE3 985 103.00 59.70 55.00 26 182250 85 1047
1 The 40, 45, 50 and 56-2T models only in F300 version.
2 The noise level values are pressures in dB(A) measured at a distance of 3 metres in a free field.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 63-8-2 (2V) 39 51 60 66 66 66 60 52
40-4-1.5 (2V) 32 48 60 68 73 71 67 60 63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69
40-4-0.75 37 53 63 70 71 68 67 68 63-8-3 (2V) 41 53 62 68 68 68 62 54
40-6-0.75 28 44 54 61 62 59 58 59 63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70
40-12-0.75 (2V) 12 28 38 45 46 43 42 43 63-8-4 (2V) 42 54 63 69 69 69 63 55
45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74 63-6-0.75 48 58 68 72 73 71 64 56
45-4-2 (2V) 32 45 59 71 72 71 67 59 63-12-0.75 (2V) 32 42 52 56 57 55 48 40
45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75 63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57
45-2-4 52 69 78 84 88 88 83 75 63-12-1 (2V) 32 42 52 56 57 55 48 40
45-4-0.75 47 59 67 73 73 73 68 60 71-4-1.5 57 73 80 86 86 86 82 74
45-6-0.75 37 49 57 63 63 63 58 50 71-8-1.5 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58
45-12-0.75 (2V) 21 33 41 47 47 47 42 34 71-4-2 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73
50-2-3 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89 71-8-2 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58
50-4-0.75 49 61 69 75 75 75 70 62 71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73
50-6-0.75 41 53 61 67 67 67 62 54 71-8-3 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58
56-2-5.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81 71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75
56-4-1 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64 71-8-4 (2V) 48 60 64 70 70 71 68 60
56-4-1.5 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64 71-6-0.75 46 53 73 76 76 71 63 55
56-8-1.5 (2V) 35 47 56 62 62 62 56 48 71-12-0.75 (2V) 30 37 57 60 60 55 47 39
56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65 71-6-1 46 64 73 76 76 71 64 55
56-6-0.75 45 55 65 69 70 68 61 53 71-12-1 (2V) 29 47 56 59 59 54 47 38
56-12-0.75 (2V) 29 39 49 53 54 52 45 37 71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56
63-2-12 64 81 91 97 98 97 95 97 71-12-1.5 (2V) 32 50 59 62 62 57 50 41
63-2-20 63 80 90 96 97 96 94 96 80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74
63-4-1 48 64 76 82 84 81 74 66 80-8-3 (2V) 40 56 69 76 76 73 67 59
63-4-1.5 47 63 75 81 83 80 73 65 80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73
63-8-1.5 (2V) 31 47 59 65 67 64 57 49 80-8-4 (2V) 39 55 68 75 75 72 66 58
63-4-2 54 66 75 81 81 81 75 67 80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
80-8-5.5 (2V) 38 54 67 74 74 71 65 57 125-4/9-50 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 125-4/9-60 73 86 95 99 101 100 96 89
80-12-1.5 (2V) 38 53 60 63 64 61 55 47 125-4/9-75 74 87 96 100 102 101 97 90
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 125-4/9-100 76 89 98 102 104 103 99 92
80-12-2 (2V) 43 53 59 63 64 62 57 49 125-4/12-50 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-6-3 60 70 76 80 81 79 74 66 125-4/12-60 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-12-3 (2V) 45 55 61 65 66 64 59 51 125-4/12-75 74 87 96 100 102 101 97 90
80-8-0.75 46 59 67 72 74 71 64 53 125-4/12-100 76 89 98 102 104 103 99 92
80-8-1 47 60 68 73 75 72 65 54 125-6/6-5.5 64 79 89 92 93 90 85 77
90-4-4 61 77 88 94 95 93 88 80 125-6/6-7.5 62 77 87 90 91 88 83 75
90-8-4 (2V) 46 62 73 79 80 78 73 65 125-12/6-7.5 (2V) 47 62 72 75 76 73 68 60
90-4-5.5 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79 125-6/6-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
90-8-5.5 (2V) 45 61 72 78 79 77 72 64 125-12/6-10 (2V) 46 61 71 74 75 72 67 59
90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78 125-6/6-15 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
90-8-7.5 (2V) 44 60 71 77 78 76 71 63 125-12/6-15 (2V) 45 60 70 73 74 71 66 58
90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77 125-6/6-20 63 78 88 91 92 89 84 76
90-8-10 (2V) 43 59 70 76 77 75 70 62 125-6/6-24 65 80 90 93 94 91 86 78
90-6-2 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 125-12/6-24 (2V) 50 65 75 78 79 76 71 63
90-12-2 (2V) 36 51 62 66 66 62 55 47 125-6/9-10 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 125-12/9-10 (2V) 46 61 72 78 79 73 69 62
90-12-3 (2V) 37 52 63 67 67 63 56 48 125-6/9-15 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68 125-12/9-15 (2V) 43 58 69 75 76 70 66 59
90-12-4 (2V) 45 55 65 70 70 67 61 53 125-6/9-20 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
90-8-1 42 63 70 75 78 74 67 56 125-6/9-24 60 75 86 92 93 87 83 76
90-8-2 51 66 73 78 81 77 70 59 125-12/9-24 (2V) 45 60 71 77 78 72 68 61
90-8-3 53 67 74 79 82 78 71 60 125-6/9-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-4-7.5 67 83 90 97 98 96 92 84 125-6/9-30 64 79 90 96 97 91 87 80
100-8-7.5 (2V) 52 68 75 82 83 81 77 69 125-6/12-10 63 78 89 95 96 90 86 79
100-4-10 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82 125-6/12-15 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-8-10 (2V) 50 66 73 80 81 79 75 67 125-6/12-20 60 75 86 92 93 87 83 76
100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 125-6/12-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-8-15 (2V) 56 68 72 78 79 79 76 68 125-6/12-30 62 77 88 94 95 89 85 78
100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 125-6/12-40 63 78 89 95 96 90 86 79
100-8-20 (2V) 57 69 73 79 80 80 77 69 140-6/6-7.5 63 79 91 97 98 96 94 96
100-4/9-15 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82 140-6/6-15 58 74 86 92 93 91 89 91
100-4/9-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 140-6/6-20 57 73 85 91 92 90 88 90
100-4/9-25 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 140-6/6-25 56 72 84 92 94 89 87 89
100-4/9-30 74 86 90 96 97 97 94 86 140-6/6-30 57 73 85 91 92 90 88 90
100-6-3 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 140-6/9-15 64 77 89 97 99 95 91 83
100-12-3 (2V) 42 57 67 70 71 68 60 52 140-6/9-20 63 76 88 96 98 94 90 82
100-6-4 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66 140-6/9-25 62 75 87 95 97 93 89 81
100-12-4 (2V) 41 56 66 69 70 67 59 51 140-6/9-30 61 74 86 94 96 92 88 80
100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 140-6/9-40 61 74 86 94 96 92 88 80
100-6/9-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 140-6/9-50 52 65 76 85 91 94 98 92
100-6/9-7.5 58 73 83 86 87 84 76 68 140-6/9-60 54 67 78 87 93 96 100 94
100-6/9-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 79 71 140-6/12-30 63 76 88 96 98 94 90 82
125-4/6-20 69 85 96 103 104 102 95 87 140-6/12-40 62 75 87 95 97 93 89 81
125-8/6-20 (2V) 54 70 81 88 89 87 80 72 140-6/12-50 53 66 77 86 92 95 99 93
125-4/6-25 68 84 95 102 103 101 94 86 140-6/12-60 54 67 78 87 93 96 100 94
125-4/6-27 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 140-6/12-75 55 68 79 88 94 97 101 95
125-8/6-27 (2V) 52 68 79 86 87 85 78 70 160-6/6-20 67 83 92 99 100 98 97 97
125-4/6-30 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/6-25 66 82 91 98 99 97 96 96
125-4/6-37 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/6-30 66 82 91 98 99 96 96 96
125-8/6-37 (2V) 52 68 79 86 87 85 78 70 160-6/6-40 64 80 89 96 97 95 94 94
125-4/6-40 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/6-50 64 80 89 96 97 94 94 94
125-4/6-50 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/6-60 64 80 89 96 97 95 94 94
125-4/6-60 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/6-75 56 69 78 86 92 97 100 100
125-4/6-75 70 86 97 104 105 103 96 88 160-6/9-25 75 88 97 105 107 105 100 91
125-4/9-25 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88 160-6/9-30 73 86 95 103 105 103 98 89
125-4/9-30 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87 160-6/9-40 71 84 93 101 103 101 96 87
125-4/9-27 51 65 78 86 88 85 80 72 160-6/9-50 70 83 92 100 102 100 95 86
125-8/9-27 (2V) 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87 160-6/9-60 70 83 92 100 102 100 95 86
125-4/9-37 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86 160-6/9-75 59 72 80 87 88 100 103 96
125-8/9-37 (2V) 50 64 77 85 87 84 79 71 160-6/12-60 71 84 93 101 103 101 96 87
125-4/9-40 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86 160-6/12-75 60 73 81 88 89 101 104 97
Dimensions mm
Motor Motor
size ØA ØB C ØD E ØJ N size ØA ØB C ØD E ØJ N
THT-40 80 490 450 356 410 250 12 8x45º THT-90 100 1015 970 472 900 350 15 16x22º30'
THT-40 90S 490 450 398.5 410 250 12 8x45º THT-90 112 1015 970 500.5 900 350 15 16x22º30'
THT-40 90L 490 450 429 410 250 12 8x45º THT-90 132S 1015 970 526 900 350 15 16x22º30'
THT-45 80 540 500 356 460 250 12 8x45º THT-90 132M 1015 970 564 900 350 15 16x22º30'
THT-45 90S 540 500 398.5 460 250 12 8x45º THT-100 112 1115 1070 490.5 1000 450 15 16x22º30'
THT-45 90L 540 500 429 460 250 12 8x45º THT-100 132S 1115 1070 526 1000 450 15 16x22º30'
THT-45 100 540 500 435 460 250 12 8x45º THT-100 132M 1115 1070 564 1000 450 15 16x22º30'
THT-50 80 600 560 356 514 250 12 12x30º THT-100 160M 1115 1070 658 1000 450 15 16x22º30'
THT-50 90S 600 560 398.5 514 250 12 12x30º THT-100 160L 1115 1070 702 1000 450 15 16x22º30'
THT-50 90L 600 560 429 514 250 12 12x30º THT-100 180M 1115 1070 711 1000 450 15 16x22º30'
THT-50 100 600 560 435 514 250 12 12x30º THT-100 180L 1115 1070 749 1000 450 15 16x22º30'
THT-50 112 600 560 456.5 514 250 12 12x30º THT-125 132M 1365 1320 603.5 1250 500 15 20x18º
THT-56 80 660 620 356 560 250 12 12x30º THT-125 160M 1365 1320 660 1250 500 15 20x18º
THT-56 90S 660 620 398.5 560 250 12 12x30º THT-125 160L 1365 1320 704 1250 500 15 20x18º
THT-56 90L 660 620 429 560 250 12 12x30º THT-125 180M 1365 1320 715 1250 500 15 20x18º
THT-56 100 660 620 432 560 250 12 12x30º THT-125 180L 1365 1320 753 1250 500 15 20x18º
THT-56 112 660 620 460.5 560 250 12 12x30º THT-125 200 1365 1320 824.5 1250 500 15 20x18º
THT-56 132S 660 620 495 560 250 12 12x30º THT-125 225 1365 1320 881 1250 500 15 20x18º
THT-56 132M 660 620 533 560 250 12 12x30º THT-125 250 1365 1320 1025.5 1250 700 15 20x18º
THT-63 80 730 690 356 640 250 12 12x30º THT-125 280 1365 1320 1129.6 1250 900 15 20x18º
THT-63 90S 730 690 398.5 640 250 12 12x30º THT-140 132S 1515 1470 537 1400 400 15 20x18º
THT-63 90L 730 690 429 640 250 12 12x30º THT-140 132M 1515 1470 575 1400 400 15 20x18º
THT-63 100 730 690 432 640 250 12 12x30º THT-140 160L 1515 1470 704 1400 450 15 20x18º
THT-63 112 730 690 455.5 640 250 12 12x30º THT-140 180L 1515 1470 762 1400 550 15 20x18º
THT-63 132S 730 690 523 640 250 12 12x30º THT-140 200 1515 1470 824.5 1400 550 15 20x18º
THT-63 132M 730 690 561 640 250 12 12x30º THT-140 225 1515 1470 881 1400 550 15 20x18º
THT-63 160M 730 690 660 640 350 12 12x30º THT-140 250 1515 1470 1025.5 1400 600 15 20x18º
THT-63 160L 730 690 704 640 350 12 12x30º THT-140 280 1515 1470 1110 1400 700 15 20x18º
THT-71 80 810 770 363 710 300 12 16x22º30' THT-160 132S 1735 1680 537 1600 400 19 24x15º
THT-71 90S 810 770 398.5 710 300 12 16x22º30' THT-160 132M 1735 1680 575 1600 400 19 24x15º
THT-71 90L 810 770 429 710 300 12 16x22º30' THT-160 160L 1735 1680 704 1600 450 19 24x15º
THT-71 100 810 770 434 710 300 12 16x22º30' THT-160 180L 1735 1680 762 1600 550 19 24x15º
THT-71 112 810 770 452.5 710 300 12 16x22º30' THT-160 200 1735 1680 824.5 1600 550 19 24x15º
THT-80 90L 900 860 426.5 800 300 12 16x22º30' THT-160 225 1735 1680 881 1600 550 19 24x15º
THT-80 100 900 860 462 800 300 12 16x22º30' THT-160 250 1735 1680 1025.5 1600 600 19 24x15º
THT-80 112 900 860 480.5 800 300 12 16x22º30' THT-160 280 1735 1680 1110 1600 700 19 24x15º
THT-80 132S 900 860 516 800 300 12 16x22º30'
Motor build sizes depending on power (1 speed)
0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 5.5 7.5 10 12 15 20
2T (3000 r/min) 80 80 80 90S 90L 100LB 112M 132S 132S 132MA 160M 160M
4T (1500 r/min) 80 90S 90S 90L 100LA 100LB 112M 132S 132M - 160ML 160L
6T (1000 r/min) 90S 90S 90L 100L 112M 132S 132MA 132MB 160M - 160L 180ML
8T (750 r/min) 90L 100LA 100L 112M 132S 132M 160MA 160M 160L - 180L 200MLA
22 25 30 40 50 60 75 100
2T (3000 r/min) 160L 180M 180L 200L 225S/M 225S/M 250S/M 280S/M
4T (1500 r/min) - 180M 180L 200L 225S/M 225S/M 250S/M 280S/M
6T (1000 r/min) - 200MLA 200MLB 225SMB 250S/M 280S/M 280S/M -
8T (750 r/min) - 225SMA 225SMB 250SMA 280S/M 280S/M - -
0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 5.5 6 7.5 8 9 10
2/4 (3000/1500 r/min) - - 90S 90S 90L 100L - 112M - - 132M -
4/8 (1500/750 r/min) - - 90S 100L 100LA 100LC 132S - 132S 132S 132ML 132M
6/12 (1000/500 r/min) 90L 100L 100LB 112M 112M 132MC 160M 160M 160LB 160LB - 160LB
12 15 18 20 22 24 27 37 38 40
2/4 (3000/1500 r/min) 160MA - 160M - 160L - - - - -
4/8 (1500/750 r/min) - 160M - 160L 180M 180M 180L 200MLA 200L 225S/M
6/12 (1000/500 r/min) - 200MLC 160L 200M - 250SMB 225S/M - 225S/M -
Configuration with BOXPARK
Control panels for car park ventilation systems with triple purpose: daily ventilation, CO concentration
control and smoke extraction in case of fire
Control panels in metal enclosure with all the necessary elements for the management and control of fans
in car park ventilation systems, whether they are based on duct networks or impulse fans, for the control of
CO concentration levels and smoke extraction in case of fire. Customised panels for all power ratings and
number of fans according to project requirements.
CO level 1
Modbus/CAN open
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
Control signal
Control signal
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Initial data
Working point:
• Flow rate: 12,500 m³/h
• Loss of load: 7.5 mmH₂O
Name of series: Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h
THT diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz (HP) approved
in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz F400: 400 ºC/2h
6=1000 r/min 50 Hz approved
8=750 r/min 50 Hz
12=500 r/min 50 Hz
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
motor power
Absorbed power kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Absorbed power motor power
kW (HP)
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h tubular axial extractor fans with long casing and external
terminal boxes
Tubular axial extract fans with long casing • Maximum temperature of air to be
for immersed operation in fire risk zones. carried: S1 -20 ºC +40 ºC continuous
service, also suitable for warm climates
Fan: with temperatures up to 50 ºC. S2
• Tubular casing in sheet steel with operation, 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
external terminal box (Cable box) and
inspection hatch. Finish:
• Variable angle impeller made of cast • Anti-corrosive finish in polyester resin,
aluminium. polymerised at 190 ºC, after degreasing
• Approved in accordance with standard with phosphate-free nanotechnology
EN 12101-3, with certifications no.: treatment.
0370-CPR-0305 (F400) and
0370-CPR-0973 (F300). Available versions:
• Airflow direction from motor to impeller. • THT: tubular axial fans with short casing.
Motor: On request:
• Class H motors for S1 continuous • Airflow direction from impeller to motor.
operation and S2 emergency use. With • 100% reversible impellers.
ball bearings, IP55 protection and 1 or 2
speeds, depending on model.
• Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers
equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except
single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
• Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to
3 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers
greater than 3 kW).
Order code
THT/CL — 56 — 4T — 2 — F400
THT/CL: 400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
tubular axial extractor fans with diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
long casing and external terminal in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz
boxes 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz
8=750 r/min 50 Hz
THT/CL: 400 ºC/2h and Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Number of blades: Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h
300 ºC/2h tubular axial diameter in 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz 6 blades (HP) approved
extractor fans with long cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz 9 blades F400: 400 ºC/2h
casing and external 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz 12 blades approved
terminal boxes 8=750 r/min 50 Hz
12=500 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
THT/CL-40-2T-1.5 IE3 2880 3.93 2.26 1.10 20 7040 71 33
THT/CL-40-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 1.10 / 0.25 20 7040 / 3480 71 / 56 34
THT/CL-40-2/4T-2 2940 / 1465 3.58 / 1.19 1.50 / 0.37 24 7950 / 3950 71 / 56 35
THT/CL-40-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 32 4800 55 32
THT/CL-40-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 3150 46 37
THT/CL-40-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 32 3150 / 1520 46 / 31 41
THT/CL-45-2T-2 IE3 2880 4.91 2.84 1.50 16 9400 71 38
THT/CL-45-2/4T-2 2940 / 1465 3.58 / 1.19 1.50 / 0.37 16 9400 / 4680 71 / 56 37
THT/CL-45-2T-3 IE3 2900 7.14 4.13 2.20 22 11330 71 39
THT/CL-45-2/4T-3 2930 / 1460 4.79 / 1.54 2.20 / 0.60 22 11330 / 5640 71 / 56 39
THT/CL-45-2T-4 IE3 2855 9.61 5.52 3.00 28 13074 72 49
THT/CL-45-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 36 7450 58 34
THT/CL-45-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 30 4450 48 38
THT/CL-45-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 30 4450 / 2150 48 / 33 42
THT/CL-50-2T-3 IE3 2860 7.14 4.13 2.20 12 11948 76 46
THT/CL-50-2/4T-4 2920 / 1445 6.70 / 2.09 3.00 / 0.80 16 13880 / 6870 76 / 61 51
THT/CL-50-2/4T-6 2930 / 1455 9.50 / 2.80 4.50 / 1.30 20 15900 / 7880 76 / 61 67
THT/CL-50-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 22 8390 60 35
THT/CL-50-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 7000 52 40
THT/CL-56-2T-5.5 IE3 2890 7.20 4.17 4.00 16 18800 78 69
THT/CL-56-2/4T-6 2930 / 1455 9.50 / 2.80 4.50 / 1.30 16 18800 / 9320 78 / 63 71
THT/CL-56-2/4T-12 2920 / 1440 18.30 / 5.90 9.00 / 2.50 30 27200 / 13390 79 / 64 137
THT/CL-56-4T-1 IE3 1430 3.08 1.79 0.75 22 11250 63 45
THT/CL-56-4T-1.5 IE3 1440 4.10 2.37 1.10 30 13600 63 44
THT/CL-56-4/8T-1.5 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 30 13600 / 6640 63 / 48 48
THT/CL-56-4T-2 IE3 1415 5.89 3.38 1.50 36 15030 64 48
THT/CL-56-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 38 10140 54 44
THT/CL-56-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 38 10140 / 4890 54 / 39 48
THT/CL-63-2T-12 IE3 2950 18.07 10.44 9.20 18 32300 83 161
THT/CL-63-2T-20 IE3 2960 26.50 15.35 15.00 28 39950 82 188
THT/CL-63-4T-1 IE3 1430 3.08 1.79 0.75 14 15190 67 49
THT/CL-63-4T-1.5 IE3 1420 4.10 2.37 1.10 20 17800 66 51
THT/CL-63-4/8T-1.5 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 20 17800 / 8680 66 / 51 55
THT/CL-63-4T-2 IE3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 24 19280 66 55
THT/CL-63-4/8T-2 1415 / 715 3.40 / 1.65 1.50 / 0.30 24 19280 / 9740 66 / 52 70
THT/CL-63-4T-3 IE3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 32 22150 68 64
THT/CL-63-4/8T-3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 32 22150 / 10920 68 / 53 77
THT/CL-63-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 38 24240 69 73
THT/CL-63-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 38 24240 / 12070 69 / 54 86
THT/CL-63-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 28 13590 57 51
THT/CL-63-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 28 13590 / 6550 57 / 42 55
THT/CL-63-6T-1 IE3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 38 15890 58 54
THT/CL-63-6/12T-1 935 / 455 3.75 / 2.76 0.80 / 0.20 38 15890 / 7700 58 / 43 61
THT/CL-71-4T-1.5 IE3 1420 4.10 2.37 1.10 12 19480 71 58
THT/CL-71-4/8T-1.5 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 12 19480 / 9500 71 / 56 61
THT/CL-71-4T-2 IE3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 14 20900 70 61
THT/CL-71-4/8T-2 1415 / 715 3.40 / 1.65 1.50 / 0.30 14 20900 / 10560 70 / 56 76
THT/CL-71-4T-3 IE3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 22 25100 70 70
THT/CL-71-4/8T-3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 22 25100 / 12370 70 / 55 82
THT/CL-71-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 28 27480 70 79
THT/CL-71-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 28 27480 / 13680 70 / 55 92
THT/CL-71-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 20 16100 60 57
THT/CL-71-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 20 16100 / 7760 60 / 45 61
THT/CL-71-6T-1 IE3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 26 17300 60 61
THT/CL-71-6/12T-1 935 / 455 3.75 / 2.76 0.80 / 0.20 26 17300 / 8380 60 / 45 67
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
THT/CL-71-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 34 19930 61 69
THT/CL-71-6/12T-1.5 940 / 460 3.52 / 2.00 1.20 / 0.30 34 19930 / 9760 61 / 46 77
THT/CL-80-4T-3 IE3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 12 25450 75 79
THT/CL-80-4/8T-3 1415 / 670 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 12 25450 / 12550 75 / 60 91
THT/CL-80-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 16 30250 74 88
THT/CL-80-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 16 30250 / 15060 74 / 59 101
THT/CL-80-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 18 32750 73 94
THT/CL-80-4/8T-5.5 1450 / 715 7.88 / 2.87 3.80 / 1.00 18 32750 / 16150 73 / 58 127
THT/CL-80-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 18 21450 63 78
THT/CL-80-6/12T-1.5 940 / 460 3.52 / 2.00 1.20 / 0.30 18 21450 / 10500 63 / 48 86
THT/CL-80-6T-2 IE3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 26 25950 64 87
THT/CL-80-6/12T-2 960 / 470 4.46 / 3.43 1.60 / 0.40 26 25950 / 12700 64 / 49 91
THT/CL-80-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 32 29930 65 94
THT/CL-80-6/12T-3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 32 29930 / 15120 65 / 51 100
THT/CL-80-8T-0.75 700 3.48 2.00 0.55 20 17540 57 71
THT/CL-80-8T-1 710 5.06 2.92 0.75 28 20650 58 78
THT/CL-90-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 8 33580 79 110
THT/CL-90-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 8 33580 / 16720 79 / 64 124
THT/CL-90-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 12 38890 78 117
THT/CL-90-4/8T-5.5 1450 / 715 7.88 / 2.87 3.80 / 1.00 12 38890 / 19170 78 / 63 150
THT/CL-90-4T-7.5 IE3 1430 10.40 6.04 5.50 18 46140 77 143
THT/CL-90-4/8T-7.5 1455 / 725 11.40 / 3.86 5.50 / 1.10 18 46140 / 22910 77 / 62 157
THT/CL-90-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 22 50140 76 154
THT/CL-90-4/8T-10 1455 / 725 15.10 / 5.16 7.50 / 1.50 22 50140 / 24900 76 / 61 157
THT/CL-90-6T-2 IE3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 16 28780 66 110
THT/CL-90-6/12T-2 960 / 470 4.46 / 3.43 1.60 / 0.40 16 28780 / 14090 66 / 51 114
THT/CL-90-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 24 34000 66 116
THT/CL-90-6/12T-3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 24 34000 / 17180 66 / 52 123
THT/CL-90-6T-4 IE3 945 12.80 6.36 3.00 30 38900 69 142
THT/CL-90-6/12T-4 970 / 485 7.37 / 3.53 2.80 / 0.70 30 38900 / 19450 69 / 54 143
THT/CL-90-8T-1 710 5.06 2.92 0.75 18 22900 60 100
THT/CL-90-8T-2 700 7.32 4.21 1.50 30 29490 63 116
THT/CL-90-8T-3 705 9.30 5.35 2.20 32 30850 64 134
THT/CL-100-4T-7.5 IE3 1430 10.40 6.04 5.50 10 46850 82 151
THT/CL-100-4/8T-7.5 1455 / 725 11.40 / 3.86 5.50 / 1.10 10 46850 / 23260 82 / 67 165
THT/CL-100-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 16 57400 79 162
THT/CL-100-4/8T-10 1455 / 725 15.10 / 5.16 7.50 / 1.50 14 54710 / 27170 80 / 65 165
THT/CL-100-4T-15 IE3 1455 20.70 11.99 11.00 22 66300 79 215
THT/CL-100-4/8T-15 1470 / 730 20.70 / 7.19 11.00 / 3.00 22 66300 / 32880 79 / 64 215
THT/CL-100-4T-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 28 76150 80 230
THT/CL-100-4/8T-20 1470 / 725 31.72 / 11.75 15.00 / 3.80 28 76150 / 37560 80 / 65 230
THT/CL-100-4T/9-15 IE3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 18 55340 80 224
THT/CL-100-4T/9-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 22 63260 80 239
THT/CL-100-4T/9-25 IE3 1475 35.40 20.39 18.50 26 70625 80 269
THT/CL-100-4T/9-30 IE3 1475 42.20 24.44 22.00 30 74845 82 286
THT/CL-100-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 16 37600 70 124
THT/CL-100-6/12T-3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 16 37600 / 18990 70 / 56 130
THT/CL-100-6T-4 IE3 945 12.80 6.36 3.00 20 41150 69 150
THT/CL-100-6/12T-4 970 / 485 7.37 / 3.53 2.80 / 0.70 20 41150 / 20580 69 / 54 151
THT/CL-100-6T-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 26 47780 70 162
THT/CL-100-6T/9-5.5 IE3 970 11.00 6.35 4.00 20 39020 70 165
THT/CL-100-6T/9-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 26 46765 71 173
THT/CL-100-6T/9-10 IE3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 34 52255 74 213
THT/CL-125-4T/6-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 10 78600 87 318
THT/CL-125-4/8T/6-20 1470 / 725 31.72 / 11.75 15.00 / 3.80 10 78600 / 38770 87 / 72 318
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
THT/CL-125-4T/6-25 IE3 1465 35.40 20.39 18.50 14 92550 86 386
THT/CL-125-4/8T/6-27 1470 / 730 39.70 / 14.10 20.00 / 5.00 16 98830 / 48910 85 / 70 400
THT/CL-125-4T/6-30 IE3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 16 98830 85 400
THT/CL-125-4/8T/6-37 1475 / 735 54.55 / 18.50 28.00 / 6.50 20 110890 / 55260 85 / 70 481
THT/CL-125-4T/6-40 IE3 1475 53.30 31.02 30.00 22 117450 85 481
THT/CL-125-4T/6-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 26 131050 85 529
THT/CL-125-4T/6-60 IE3 1475 80.90 46.90 45.00 28 135820 85 599
THT/CL-125-4T/6-75 IE3 1480 98.60 57.20 55.00 34 152100 88 699
THT/CL-125-4T/9-25 IE3 1465 35.40 20.39 18.50 10 79650 87 395
THT/CL-125-4T/9-30 IE3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 12 88290 86 409
THT/CL-125-4/8T/9-27 1470 / 730 39.70 / 14.10 20.00 / 5.00 12 88290 / 43690 86 / 71 409
THT/CL-125-4/8T/9-37 1475 / 735 54.55 / 18.50 28.00 / 6.50 16 104040 / 51840 85 / 70 490
THT/CL-125-4T/9-40 IE3 1475 53.30 31.02 30.00 16 104040 85 490
THT/CL-125-4T/9-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 20 118400 85 538
THT/CL-125-4T/9-60 IE3 1475 80.90 46.90 45.00 24 134970 85 590
THT/CL-125-4T/9-75 IE3 1480 98.60 57.20 55.00 28 146770 86 690
THT/CL-125-4T/9-100 IE3 1480 128.00 74.22 75.00 34 158560 88 829
THT/CL-125-4T/12-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 18 101660 86 560
THT/CL-125-4T/12-60 IE3 1475 80.90 46.90 45.00 20 109180 86 605
THT/CL-125-4T/12-75 IE3 1480 98.60 57.20 55.00 26 131240 86 705
THT/CL-125-4T/12-100 IE3 1480 128.00 74.22 75.00 32 154100 88 835
THT/CL-125-6T/6-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 10 51500 77 251
THT/CL-125-6T/6-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 14 60640 75 258
THT/CL-125-6/12T/6-7.5 970 / 480 14.50 / 5.17 5.50 / 1.00 14 60640 / 30010 75 / 60 272
THT/CL-125-6T/6-10 IE3 960 15.20 8.83 7.50 20 72650 74 283
THT/CL-125-6/12T/6-10 970 / 490 13.60 / 5.69 7.20 / 1.80 20 72650 / 36510 74 / 60 303
THT/CL-125-6T/6-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 26 85850 74 313
THT/CL-125-6/12T/6-15 970 / 485 23.10 / 8.41 11.00 / 3.00 26 85850 / 42710 74 / 59 318
THT/CL-125-6T/6-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 30 92850 76 386
THT/CL-125-6/12T/6-24 970 / 480 41.60 / 13.21 17.60 / 2.85 34 99650 / 49320 78 / 63 481
THT/CL-125-6T/9-10 IE3 960 15.20 8.83 7.50 14 63490 77 292
THT/CL-125-6/12T/9-10 970 / 490 13.60 / 5.69 7.20 / 1.80 14 63490 / 31910 77 / 63 312
THT/CL-125-6T/9-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 20 77550 75 322
THT/CL-125-6/12T/9-15 970 / 485 23.10 / 8.41 11.00 / 3.00 20 77550 / 38580 75 / 60 327
THT/CL-125-6T/9-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 26 92950 75 395
THT/CL-125-6/12T/9-24 970 / 480 41.60 / 13.21 17.60 / 2.85 30 98500 / 48750 76 / 61 490
THT/CL-125-6T/9-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 32 101450 77 416
THT/CL-125-6T/9-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 36 106525 80 426
THT/CL-125-6T/12-10 IE3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 12 49630 79 372
THT/CL-125-6T/12-15 IE3 970 22.50 13.07 11.00 18 67315 77 382
THT/CL-125-6T/12-20 IE3 970 29.00 16.78 15.00 24 81840 76 440
THT/CL-125-6T/12-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 30 96765 77 450
THT/CL-125-6T/12-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 32 102040 78 460
THT/CL-125-6T/12-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 34 106355 79 615
THT/CL-140-6T/6-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 8 62800 83 297
THT/CL-140-6T/6-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 16 86640 78 366
THT/CL-140-6T/6-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 22 102950 77 445
THT/CL-140-6T/6-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 24 108750 77 497
THT/CL-140-6T/6-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 28 119050 77 506
THT/CL-140-6T/9-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 12 77400 82 375
THT/CL-140-6T/9-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 16 91200 81 455
THT/CL-140-6T/9-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 20 103800 80 506
THT/CL-140-6T/9-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 22 111000 79 515
THT/CL-140-6T/9-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 28 128800 79 673
THT/CL-140-6T/9-50 IE3 980 67.20 39.00 37.00 32 135750 80 751
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
THT/CL-140-6T/9-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 38 145610 82 986
THT/CL-140-6T/12-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 20 101570 81 531
THT/CL-140-6T/12-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 28 128800 80 686
THT/CL-140-6T/12-50 IE3 985 67.20 39.00 37.00 32 143360 81 769
THT/CL-140-6T/12-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 36 156705 82 979
THT/CL-140-6T/12-75 IE3 985 103.00 59.70 55.00 38 162890 83 1004
THT/CL-160-6T/6-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 12 111990 85 532
THT/CL-160-6T/6-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 14 121100 84 584
THT/CL-160-6T/6-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 16 129330 83 593
THT/CL-160-6T/6-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 22 153700 82 768
THT/CL-160-6T/6-50 IE3 980 67.20 39.00 37.00 26 170800 81 842
THT/CL-160-6T/6-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 30 185460 82 1064
THT/CL-160-6T/6-75 IE3 985 103.00 59.70 55.00 34 199030 83 1109
THT/CL-160-6T/9-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 10 104250 90 594
THT/CL-160-6T/9-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 14 126800 88 603
THT/CL-160-6T/9-40 IE3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 18 145500 86 778
THT/CL-160-6T/9-50 IE3 980 67.20 39.00 37.00 20 154940 85 852
THT/CL-160-6T/9-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 24 176750 85 1067
THT/CL-160-6T/9-75 IE3 985 103.00 59.70 55.00 28 192290 84 1112
THT/CL-160-6T/12-60 IE3 985 84.40 48.90 45.00 20 151615 86 1071
THT/CL-160-6T/12-75 IE3 985 103.00 59.70 55.00 26 182250 85 1116
1 The noise level values are pressures in dB(A) measured at a distance of 3 metres in a free field.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 56-4-12 (2V) 39 52 70 78 80 79 74 67
40-4-1.5 (2V) 32 48 60 68 73 71 67 60 56-4-1 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64
40-2-2 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 56-4-1.5 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64
40-4-2 (2V) 32 48 60 68 73 71 67 60 56-8-1.5 (2V) 35 47 56 62 62 62 56 48
40-4-0.75 37 53 63 70 71 68 67 68 56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65
40-6-0.75 28 44 54 61 62 59 58 59 56-6-0.75 45 55 65 69 70 68 61 53
40-12-0.75 (2V) 12 28 38 45 46 43 42 43 56-12-0.75 (2V) 29 39 49 53 54 52 45 37
45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74 63-2-12 64 81 91 97 98 97 95 97
45-4-2 (2V) 32 45 59 71 72 71 67 59 63-2-20 63 80 90 96 97 96 94 96
45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75 63-4-1 48 64 76 82 84 81 74 66
45-4-3 (2V) 32 49 59 66 73 71 68 60 63-4-1.5 47 63 75 81 83 80 73 65
45-2-4 52 69 78 84 88 88 83 75 63-8-1.5 (2V) 31 47 59 65 67 64 57 49
45-4-0.75 47 59 67 73 73 73 68 60 63-4-2 54 66 75 81 81 81 75 67
45-6-0.75 37 49 57 63 63 63 58 50 63-8-2 (2V) 39 51 60 66 66 66 60 52
45-12-0.75 (2V) 21 33 41 47 47 47 42 34 63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69
50-2-3 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89 63-8-3 (2V) 41 53 62 68 68 68 62 54
50-2-4 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89 63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70
50-4-4 (2V) 43 59 69 76 77 74 73 74 63-8-4 (2V) 42 54 63 69 69 69 63 55
50-2-6 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89 63-6-0.75 48 58 68 72 73 71 64 56
50-4-6 (2V) 43 59 69 76 77 74 73 74 63-12-0.75 (2V) 32 42 52 56 57 55 48 40
50-4-0.75 49 61 69 75 75 75 70 62 63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57
50-6-0.75 41 53 61 67 67 67 62 54 63-12-1 (2V) 32 42 52 56 57 55 48 40
56-2-5.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81 71-4-1.5 57 73 80 86 86 86 82 74
56-2-6 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81 71-8-1.5 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58
56-4-6 (2V) 38 51 69 77 79 78 73 66 71-4-2 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73
56-2-12 54 67 85 93 95 94 89 82 71-8-2 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 125-4/9-25 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88
71-8-3 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58 125-4/9-27 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75 125-8/9-27 (2V) 51 65 78 86 88 85 80 72
71-8-4 (2V) 48 60 64 70 70 71 68 60 125-4/9-30 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
71-6-0.75 46 53 73 76 76 71 63 55 125-4/9-37 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
71-12-0.75 (2V) 30 37 57 60 60 55 47 39 125-8/9-37 (2V) 50 64 77 85 87 84 79 71
71-6-1 46 64 73 76 76 71 64 55 125-4/9-40 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
71-12-1 (2V) 29 47 56 59 59 54 47 38 125-4/9-50 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56 125-4/9-60 73 86 95 99 101 100 96 89
71-12-1.5 (2V) 32 50 59 62 62 57 50 41 125-4/9-75 74 87 96 100 102 101 97 90
80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74 125-4/9-100 76 89 98 102 104 103 99 92
80-8-3 (2V) 40 56 69 76 76 73 67 59 125-4/12-50 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73 125-4/12-60 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-8-4 (2V) 39 55 68 75 75 72 66 58 125-4/12-75 74 87 96 100 102 101 97 90
80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 125-4/12-100 76 89 98 102 104 103 99 92
80-8-5.5 (2V) 38 54 67 74 74 71 65 57 125-6/6-5.5 64 79 89 92 93 90 85 77
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 125-6/6-7.5 62 77 87 90 91 88 83 75
80-12-1.5 (2V) 38 53 60 63 64 61 55 47 125-12/6-7.5 (2V) 47 62 72 75 76 73 68 60
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 125-6/6-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
80-12-2 (2V) 43 53 59 63 64 62 57 49 125-12/6-10 (2V) 46 61 71 74 75 72 67 59
80-6-3 60 70 76 80 81 79 74 66 125-6/6-15 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
80-12-3 (2V) 45 55 61 65 66 64 59 51 125-12/6-15 (2V) 45 60 70 73 74 71 66 58
80-8-0.75 46 59 67 72 74 71 64 53 125-6/6-20 63 78 88 91 92 89 84 76
80-8-1 47 60 68 73 75 72 65 54 125-6/6-24 65 80 90 93 94 91 86 78
90-4-4 61 77 88 94 95 93 88 80 125-12/6-24 (2V) 50 65 75 78 79 76 71 63
90-8-4 (2V) 46 62 73 79 80 78 73 65 125-6/9-10 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
90-4-5.5 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79 125-12/9-10 (2V) 46 61 72 78 79 73 69 62
90-8-5.5 (2V) 45 61 72 78 79 77 72 64 125-6/9-15 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78 125-12/9-15 (2V) 43 58 69 75 76 70 66 59
90-8-7.5 (2V) 44 60 71 77 78 76 71 63 125-6/9-20 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77 125-6/9-24 60 75 86 92 93 87 83 76
90-8-10 (2V) 43 59 70 76 77 75 70 62 125-12/9-24 (2V) 45 60 71 77 78 72 68 61
90-6-2 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 125-6/9-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
90-12-2 (2V) 36 51 62 66 66 62 55 47 125-6/9-30 64 79 90 96 97 91 87 80
90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 125-6/12-10 63 78 89 95 96 90 86 79
90-12-3 (2V) 37 52 63 67 67 63 56 48 125-6/12-15 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68 125-6/12-20 60 75 86 92 93 87 83 76
90-12-4 (2V) 45 55 65 70 70 67 61 53 125-6/12-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
90-8-1 42 63 70 75 78 74 67 56 125-6/12-30 62 77 88 94 95 89 85 78
90-8-2 51 66 73 78 81 77 70 59 125-6/12-40 63 78 89 95 96 90 86 79
90-8-3 53 67 74 79 82 78 71 60 140-6/6-7.5 63 79 91 97 98 96 94 96
100-4-7.5 67 83 90 97 98 96 92 84 140-6/6-15 58 74 86 92 93 91 89 91
100-8-7.5 (2V) 52 68 75 82 83 81 77 69 140-6/6-20 57 73 85 91 92 90 88 90
100-4-10 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82 140-6/6-25 56 72 84 92 94 89 87 89
100-8-10 (2V) 50 66 73 80 81 79 75 67 140-6/6-30 57 73 85 91 92 90 88 90
100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 140-6/9-15 64 77 89 97 99 95 91 83
100-8-15 (2V) 56 68 72 78 79 79 76 68 140-6/9-20 63 76 88 96 98 94 90 82
100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 140-6/9-25 62 75 87 95 97 93 89 81
100-8-20 (2V) 57 69 73 79 80 80 77 69 140-6/9-30 61 74 86 94 96 92 88 80
100-4/9-15 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82 140-6/9-40 61 74 86 94 96 92 88 80
100-4/9-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 140-6/9-50 52 65 76 85 91 94 98 92
100-4/9-25 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 140-6/9-60 54 67 78 87 93 96 100 94
100-4/9-30 74 86 90 96 97 97 94 86 140-6/12-30 63 76 88 96 98 94 90 82
100-6-3 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 140-6/12-40 62 75 87 95 97 93 89 81
100-12-3 (2V) 42 57 67 70 71 68 60 52 140-6/12-50 53 66 77 86 92 95 99 93
100-6-4 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66 140-6/12-60 54 67 78 87 93 96 100 94
100-12-4 (2V) 41 56 66 69 70 67 59 51 140-6/12-75 55 68 79 88 94 97 101 95
100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 160-6/6-20 67 83 92 99 100 98 97 97
100-6/9-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 160-6/6-25 66 82 91 98 99 97 96 96
100-6/9-7.5 58 73 83 86 87 84 76 68 160-6/6-30 66 82 91 98 99 96 96 96
100-6/9-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 79 71 160-6/6-40 64 80 89 96 97 95 94 94
125-4/6-20 69 85 96 103 104 102 95 87 160-6/6-50 64 80 89 96 97 94 94 94
125-8/6-20 (2V) 54 70 81 88 89 87 80 72 160-6/6-60 64 80 89 96 97 95 94 94
125-4/6-25 68 84 95 102 103 101 94 86 160-6/6-75 56 69 78 86 92 97 100 100
125-4/6-27 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/9-25 75 88 97 105 107 105 100 91
125-8/6-27 (2V) 52 68 79 86 87 85 78 70 160-6/9-30 73 86 95 103 105 103 98 89
125-4/6-30 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/9-40 71 84 93 101 103 101 96 87
125-4/6-37 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/9-50 70 83 92 100 102 100 95 86
125-8/6-37 (2V) 52 68 79 86 87 85 78 70 160-6/9-60 70 83 92 100 102 100 95 86
125-4/6-40 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/9-75 59 72 80 87 88 100 103 96
125-4/6-50 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/12-60 71 84 93 101 103 101 96 87
125-4/6-60 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 160-6/12-75 60 73 81 88 89 101 104 97
125-4/6-75 70 86 97 104 105 103 96 88
Dimensions mm
Motor Motor
size ØA ØB ØD E F* ØJ N size ØA ØB ØD E F* ØJ N
THT/CL-40 80 490 450 410 400 - 12 8x45º THT/CL-90 100 1015 970 900 600 - 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-40 90S 490 450 410 400 - 12 8x45º THT/CL-90 112 1015 970 900 600 - 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-40 90L 490 450 410 400 29 12 8x45º THT/CL-90 132S 1015 970 900 600 - 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-45 80 540 500 460 400 - 12 8x45º THT/CL-90 132M 1015 970 900 600 - 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-45 90S 540 500 460 400 - 12 8x45º THT/CL-100 112 1115 1070 1000 600 - 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-45 90L 540 500 460 400 29 12 8x45º THT/CL-100 132S 1115 1070 1000 600 - 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-45 100 540 500 460 400 35 12 8x45º THT/CL-100 132M 1115 1070 1000 600 - 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-50 80 600 560 514 400 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-100 160M 1115 1070 1000 700 - 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-50 90S 600 560 514 400 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-100 160L 1115 1070 1000 700 2 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-50 90L 600 560 514 400 29 12 12x30º THT/CL-100 180M 1115 1070 1000 700 11 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-50 100 600 560 514 400 35 12 12x30º THT/CL-100 180L 1115 1070 1000 700 49 15 16x22º30'
THT/CL-50 112 600 560 514 400 56.5 12 12x30º THT/CL-125 132M 1365 1320 1250 700 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-56 80 660 620 560 400 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-125 160M 1365 1320 1250 700 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-56 90S 660 620 560 400 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-125 160L 1365 1320 1250 700 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-56 90L 660 620 560 400 29 12 12x30º THT/CL-125 180M 1365 1320 1250 900 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-56 100 660 620 560 500 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-125 180L 1365 1320 1250 900 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-56 112 660 620 560 500 60.5 12 12x30º THT/CL-125 200 1365 1320 1250 900 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-56 132S 660 620 560 500 15 12 12x30º THT/CL-125 225 1365 1320 1250 1000 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-56 132M 660 620 560 500 53 12 12x30º THT/CL-125 250 1365 1320 1250 1000 25.5 15 20x18º
THT/CL-63 80 730 690 640 400 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-125 280 1365 1320 1250 1200 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-63 90S 730 690 640 400 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-140 132S 1515 1470 1400 650 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-63 90L 730 690 640 400 29 12 12x30º THT/CL-140 132M 1515 1470 1400 650 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-63 100 730 690 640 500 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-140 160L 1515 1470 1400 700 5 15 20x18º
THT/CL-63 112 730 690 640 500 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-140 180L 1515 1470 1400 900 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-63 132S 730 690 640 500 43 12 12x30º THT/CL-140 200 1515 1470 1400 900 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-63 132M 730 690 640 500 81 12 12x30º THT/CL-140 225 1515 1470 1400 1000 - 15 20x18º
THT/CL-63 160M 730 690 640 650 - 12 12x30º THT/CL-140 250 1515 1470 1400 1000 5.5 15 20x18º
THT/CL-63 160L 730 690 640 650 29 12 12x30º THT/CL-140 280 1515 1470 1400 1200 5.5 15 20x18º
THT/CL-71 80 810 770 710 430 - 12 16x22º30' THT/CL-160 132S 1735 1680 1600 650 - 19 24x15º
THT/CL-71 90S 810 770 710 430 - 12 16x22º30' THT/CL-160 132M 1735 1680 1600 650 - 19 24x15º
THT/CL-71 90L 810 770 710 430 19 12 16x22º30' THT/CL-160 160L 1735 1680 1600 700 5 19 24x15º
THT/CL-71 100 810 770 710 430 24 12 16x22º30' THT/CL-160 180L 1735 1680 1600 900 - 19 24x15º
THT/CL-71 112 810 770 710 500 - 12 16x22º30' THT/CL-160 200 1735 1680 1600 900 - 19 24x15º
THT/CL-80 90L 900 860 800 430 27 12 16x22º30' THT/CL-160 225 1735 1680 1600 1000 - 19 24x15º
THT/CL-80 100 900 860 800 500 - 12 16x22º30' THT/CL-160 250 1735 1680 1600 1000 30.5 19 24x15º
THT/CL-80 112 900 860 800 500 - 12 16x22º30' THT/CL-160 280 1735 1680 1600 1200 - 19 24x15º
THT/CL-80 132S 900 860 800 600 - 12 16x22º30'
* Dimension F only applies to F400 models.
Motor build sizes depending on power (1 speed)
0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 5.5 7.5 10 12 15 20
2T (3000 r/min) 80 80 80 90S 90L 100LB 112M 132S 132S 132MA 160M 160M
4T (1500 r/min) 80 90S 90S 90L 100LA 100LB 112M 132S 132M - 160ML 160L
6T (1000 r/min) 90S 90S 90L 100L 112M 132S 132MA 132MB 160M - 160L 180ML
8T (750 r/min) 90L 100LA 100L 112M 132S 132M 160MA 160M 160L - 180L 200MLA
22 25 30 40 50 60 75 100
2T (3000 r/min) 160L 180M 180L 200L 225S/M 225S/M 250S/M 280S/M
4T (1500 r/min) - 180M 180L 200L 225S/M 225S/M 250S/M 280S/M
6T (1000 r/min) - 200MLA 200MLB 225SMB 250S/M 280S/M 280S/M -
8T (750 r/min) - 225SMA 225SMB 250SMA 280S/M 280S/M - -
0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 5.5 6 7.5 8 9 10
2/4 (3000/1500 r/min) - - 90S 90S 90L 100L - 112M - - 132M -
4/8 (1500/750 r/min) - - 90S 100L 100LA 100LC 132S - 132S 132S 132ML 132M
6/12 (1000/500 r/min) 90L 100L 100LB 112M 112M 132MC 160M 160M 160LB 160LB - 160LB
12 15 18 20 22 24 27 37 38 40
2/4 (3000/1500 r/min) 160MA - 160M - 160L - - - - -
4/8 (1500/750 r/min) - 160M - 160L 180M 180M 180L 200MLA 200L 225S/M
6/12 (1000/500 r/min) - 200MLC 160L 200M - 250SMB 225S/M - 225S/M -
Characteristic curves
See series characteristic curves: THT
Configuration with BOXPARK
Control panels for car park ventilation systems with triple purpose: daily ventilation, CO concentration
control and smoke extraction in case of fire
Control panels in metal enclosure with all the necessary elements for the management and control of fans
in car park ventilation systems, whether they are based on duct networks or impulse fans, for the control of
CO concentration levels and smoke extraction in case of fire. Customised panels for all power ratings and
number of fans according to project requirements.
CO level 1
Modbus/CAN open
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
Control signal
Control signal
Dynamic wall mounted extractor fans with motorised hatch, for smoke exhaust in case of
Dynamic wall-mount extractor fans with • Thermal resistance of the assembly less
motorised opening system for connection than 0.89 W/m2·K.
to extract duct. Specially designed for the • Limit switches in both positions (open
fast, effective exhaust of harmful smoke and closed).
and gases in the event of fire. Suitable for • Manual opening system.
installation in industrial buildings, stores or
in any other type of building. Approved as a Motor:
whole in accordance with standard • Class H motors for S1 continuous
EN 12101-3, with F400 and F300 certificate. operation and S2 emergency use. With
Can be used for ambient ventilation. ball bearings, IP55 protection and 1 or 2
speeds, depending on model.
Fan: • IE3 efficiency motors.
• Helicoidal casing support and fixing • Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to
flange to allow easy wall anchorage and 3 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers
installation. greater than 3 kW).
• With F400 certificate number • Maximum temperature of air to be
0370-CPR-2823 and F300 certificate carried: S1 -25 ºC +40 ºC continuous
number 0370-CPR-0973. service, also suitable for warm climates
• Tubular casing in sheet steel with with temperatures up to 50 ºC. S2
polyester resin anti-corrosive treatment. operation, 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
• Variable angle impeller made of cast
aluminium. Actuator:
• Shielded power cable with EMC • Reliability greater than 11,000 dual
protection. cycles.
• Airflow direction from motor to impeller. • Supply voltage at 230 V AC 50/60 Hz.
• Working temperature: -25 ºC +60 ºC.
Extruded aluminum hatch:
• An extremely robust structure that Flap finish:
is able to withstand severe weather • Anti-corrosive in extruded aluminum.
changes. • RAL 7016 supplied as standard. Any
• Designed to ensure watertightness. other RAL can be supplied on demand.
• Aluminum profile with thermal bridge
• Central ceiling and structure equipped
with high performance thermal
Order code
THT/WALL — 56 — 4T — 2 — F400
THT/WALL: Dynamic wall mounted Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
extractor fans with motorised diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
hatch, for smoke exhaust in case in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz
of fires, 400 °C/2h and 300 °C/2h 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz
Size 125
THT/WALL: Dynamic wall mounted Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Number of blades: Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h
extractor fans with motorised diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz 6 blades (HP) approved
hatch, for smoke exhaust in case in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz 9 blades F400: 400 ºC/2h
of fires, 400 °C/2h and 300 °C/2h 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz 12 blades approved
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Installed Blade tilt Maximum Sound pressure level1 Approx.
Model Speed
current (A) power angle flow rate dB (A) weight
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet Exhaust (Kg)
THT/WALL-40-2T-1 IE3 2850 2.76 1.59 0.75 16 6100 62 62 62
THT/WALL-40-2T-1.5 IE3 2880 3.93 2.26 1.10 20 7040 61 61 63
THT/WALL-45-2T-2 IE3 2880 4.91 2.84 1.50 16 9400 61 61 67
THT/WALL-45-2T-3 IE3 2840 7.14 4.13 2.20 22 11325 61 61 68
THT/WALL-50-2T-4 IE3 2880 9.61 5.52 3.00 16 13860 66 66 84
THT/WALL-50-2T-5.5 IE3 2870 7.20 4.17 4.00 20 15900 66 66 100
THT/WALL-56-2T-5.5 IE3 2870 7.20 4.17 4.00 16 18820 68 68 105
THT/WALL-56-2T-7.5 IE3 2910 10.10 5.80 5.50 22 22510 68 68 107
THT/WALL-56-4T-2 IE3 1440 5.89 3.38 1.50 36 15020 54 54 84
THT/WALL-63-4T-3 IE3 1425 7.86 4.52 2.20 32 22170 58 58 131
THT/WALL-63-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 38 24240 59 59 132
THT/WALL-63-6T-1 IE3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 38 15890 48 48 121
THT/WALL-71-4T-3 IE3 1425 7.86 4.52 2.20 22 25100 60 60 124
THT/WALL-71-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 28 27480 60 60 133
THT/WALL-71-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 38 32250 61 61 143
THT/WALL-71-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 34 19930 51 51 123
THT/WALL-80-4T-3 IE3 1425 7.86 4.52 2.20 12 25460 65 65 138
THT/WALL-80-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 16 30270 64 64 147
THT/WALL-80-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 18 32770 63 63 153
THT/WALL-80-4T-7.5 IE3 1460 10.40 6.04 5.50 26 39640 63 63 154
THT/WALL-80-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 18 21470 53 53 137
THT/WALL-80-6T-2 IE3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 26 25970 54 54 146
THT/WALL-90-4T-7.5 IE3 1460 10.40 6.04 5.50 18 46140 67 67 222
THT/WALL-90-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 22 50140 66 66 233
THT/WALL-90-4T-15 IE3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 30 59390 68 68 242
THT/WALL-90-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 24 34000 56 56 195
THT/WALL-90-6T-4 IE3 970 12.80 6.36 3.00 30 38910 59 59 221
THT/WALL-100-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 16 57420 69 69 239
THT/WALL-100-4T-15 IE3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 22 66300 69 69 292
THT/WALL-100-4T-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 28 76160 70 70 307
THT/WALL-100-6T-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 26 47780 60 60 239
THT/WALL-100-6T-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 32 53520 62 62 276
THT/WALL-125-4T/6-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 10 78600 77 77 462
THT/WALL-125-4T/6-25 IE3 1465 35.40 20.39 18.50 14 92550 76 76 530
THT/WALL-125-4T/6-30 IE3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 16 98830 75 75 544
THT/WALL-125-4T/6-40 IE3 1475 53.30 31.02 30.00 22 117450 75 75 625
THT/WALL-125-4T/6-50 IE3 1480 66.40 38.26 37.00 26 131050 75 75 673
THT/WALL-125-4T/9-25 IE3 1465 35.40 20.39 18.50 10 79650 77 77 539
THT/WALL-125-4T/9-30 IE3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 12 88290 76 76 553
THT/WALL-125-4T/9-40 IE3 1475 53.30 31.02 30.00 16 104040 75 75 634
THT/WALL-125-4T/9-50 IE3 1480 66.40 38.26 37.00 20 118400 75 75 682
THT/WALL-125-4T/12-30 IE3 1475 42.20 24.44 22.00 10 62900 78 78 569
THT/WALL-125-4T/12-40 IE3 1470 53.30 31.02 30.00 14 79180 77 77 650
THT/WALL-125-4T/12-50 IE3 1480 66.40 38.26 37.00 18 95715 76 76 693
THT/WALL-125-6T/6-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 10 51500 67 67 395
THT/WALL-125-6T/6-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 14 60640 65 65 402
THT/WALL-125-6T/6-10 IE3 960 15.20 8.83 7.50 20 72650 64 64 427
THT/WALL-125-6T/6-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 26 85850 64 64 457
THT/WALL-125-6T/6-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 30 92850 66 66 530
THT/WALL-125-6T/9-10 IE3 960 15.20 8.83 7.50 14 63490 67 67 436
THT/WALL-125-6T/9-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 20 77550 65 65 466
THT/WALL-125-6T/9-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 26 92950 65 65 539
THT/WALL-125-6T/9-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 32 96500 67 67 569
THT/WALL-125-6T/12-25 IE3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 28 91680 67 67 579
THT/WALL-125-6T/12-30 IE3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 32 102050 68 68 621
THT/WALL-125-6T/12-40 IE3 980 55.80 32.13 30.00 38 115950 72 72 739
1 The noise level values are pressures in dB(A) measured at a distance of 10 metres in a free field.
Technical characteristics of the dynamic exhaust system based on standards EN-12101-3
Motor insulation Temperature room
Model Approval Durability Wind load
class temperature
(ºC) (ºC) (Pa)
THT/WALL F300 and F400 Class H RE 11000 -25 WL 200
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-2-1 48 64 76 84 89 87 83 76 40-2-1 48 64 76 84 89 87 83 76
40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75
45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74 45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74
45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75 45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75
50-2-4 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89 50-2-4 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89
50-2-5.5 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89 50-2-5.5 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89
56-2-5.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81 56-2-5.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81
56-2-7.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81 56-2-7.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81
56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65 56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65
63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69 63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69
63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70 63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70
63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57 63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57
71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73
71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75 71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75
71-4-5.5 64 76 80 86 86 87 84 76 71-4-5.5 64 76 80 86 86 87 84 76
71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56 71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56
80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74 80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74
80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73 80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73
80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
80-4-7.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 80-4-7.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65
90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78 90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78
90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77 90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77
90-4-15 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79 90-4-15 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79
90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63
90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68 90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68
100-4-10 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81 100-4-10 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81
100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83
100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84
100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
100-6-7.5 59 74 84 87 88 85 77 69 100-6-7.5 59 74 84 87 88 85 77 69
125-4/6-20 69 85 96 103 104 102 95 87 125-4/6-20 69 85 96 103 104 102 95 87
125-4/6-25 68 84 95 102 103 101 94 86 125-4/6-25 68 84 95 102 103 101 94 86
125-4/6-30 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 125-4/6-30 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
125-4/6-40 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 125-4/6-40 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
125-4/6-50 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 125-4/6-50 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
125-4/9-25 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88 125-4/9-25 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88
125-4/9-30 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87 125-4/9-30 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
125-4/9-40 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86 125-4/9-40 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
125-4/9-50 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86 125-4/9-50 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
125-6/6-5.5 64 79 89 92 93 90 85 77 125-6/6-5.5 64 79 89 92 93 90 85 77
125-6/6-7.5 62 77 87 90 91 88 83 75 125-6/6-7.5 62 77 87 90 91 88 83 75
125-6/6-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74 125-6/6-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
125-6/6-15 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74 125-6/6-15 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
125-6/6-20 63 78 88 91 92 89 84 76 125-6/6-20 63 78 88 91 92 89 84 76
125-6/9-10 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77 125-6/9-10 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
125-6/9-15 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75 125-6/9-15 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
125-6/9-20 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75 125-6/9-20 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
125-6/9-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77 125-6/9-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
125-4/12-30 68 82 95 103 105 102 97 89 125-4/12-30 68 82 95 103 105 102 97 89
125-4/12-40 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88 125-4/12-40 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88
125-4/12-50 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87 125-4/12-50 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
125-6/12-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77 125-6/12-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
125-6/12-30 62 77 88 94 95 89 85 78 125-6/12-30 62 77 88 94 95 89 85 78
125-6/12-40 66 81 92 98 99 93 89 82 125-6/12-40 66 81 92 98 99 93 89 82
Dimensions mm
Wall-mounting flange
A B C D ØD* I J H G E F J1 J2 K1 K2 X2 ød
THT/WALL-40 640 590 650 600 400 80 255 530 510 82 430 700 200 700 200 200 10
THT/WALL-45 640 590 650 600 450 80 280 530 510 82 430 700 200 700 200 200 12
THT/WALL-50 690 690 700 700 500 80 305 530 510 82 560 790 220 790 220 200 12
THT/WALL-56 690 690 700 700 560 80 340 530 510 82 560 790 220 790 220 215 13
THT/WALL-56-2T-7.5 690 690 700 700 560 80 340 630 610 82 560 790 220 790 220 215 13
THT/WALL-63 990 990 1000 1000 630 80 385 630 605 82 760 1050 300 1050 300 215 13
THT/WALL-63-6T-1 990 990 1000 1000 630 80 385 530 505 82 760 1050 300 1050 300 215 13
THT/WALL-71 990 990 1000 1000 710 80 445 630 605 82 760 1050 300 1050 300 225 13
THT/WALL-80 990 990 1000 1000 800 100 490 630 605 82 760 1050 300 1050 300 280 13
THT/WALL-90 1190 1190 1200 1200 900 100 550 730 705 82 790 1250 250 1250 250 280 18
THT/WALL-90-4T-15 1190 1190 1200 1200 900 100 550 830 805 82 790 1250 250 1250 250 280 18
THT/WALL-100 1190 1190 1200 1200 1000 100 600 730 705 82 790 1250 250 1250 250 280 18
THT/WALL-100-4T-15 1190 1190 1200 1200 1000 100 600 830 805 82 790 1250 250 1250 250 280 18
THT/WALL-100-4T-20 1190 1190 1200 1200 1000 100 600 830 805 82 790 1250 250 1250 250 280 18
THT/WALL-125 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 1050 1025 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-4T/6-20 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 850 825 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-6T/6-5.5 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 850 825 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-6T/6-7.5 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 850 825 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-6T/6-10 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 850 825 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-6T/6-15 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 850 825 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-6T/9-10 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 850 825 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-6T/9-15 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 850 825 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-4T/6-50 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 1150 1125 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-4T/9-50 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 1150 1125 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
THT/WALL-125-4T/12-50 1490 1490 1500 1500 1250 100 725 1150 1125 82 1240 1600 300 1600 300 300 18
* Recommended nominal tube diameter
(C x D) Nominal size of the wall opening.
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Dynamic wall mounted extractor fans with motorised hatch, for smoke exhaust in case of
Dynamic wall extractor fans with motorised • Central ceiling and structure equipped
opening system and protective grating with high performance thermal
for use without extract duct. Specially insulation.
designed for the fast, effective exhaust • Thermal resistance of the assembly less
of harmful smoke and gases in the than 0.89 W/m2·K.
event of fire. Suitable for installation in • Limit switches in both positions (open
industrial buildings, stores or in any other and closed).
type of building. Approved as a whole in • Manual opening system.
accordance with standard EN 12101-3,
with F400 and F300 certificate. Can be Motor:
used for ambient ventilation. • Class H motors for S1 continuous
operation and S2 emergency use. With
Fan: ball bearings, IP55 protection and 1 or 2
• Wall fixing flange for correct and easy speeds, depending on model.
installation. • IE3 efficiency motors.
• Support frame in galvanized sheet steel. • Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to
• With F400 certificate number 3 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers
0370-CPR-2823 and F300 certificate greater than 3 kW).
number 0370-CPR-0973. • Maximum temperature of air to be
• Variable angle impeller made of cast carried: S1 -25 ºC +40 ºC continuous
aluminium. service, also suitable for warm climates
• Shielded power cable with EMC with temperatures up to 50 ºC. S2
protection. operation, 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
• Airflow direction from motor to impeller.
• Protection grid against contacts Actuator:
according to UNE-EN ISO 12499. • Reliability greater than 11,000 dual
Extruded aluminum hatch: • Supply voltage at 230 V AC 50/60 Hz.
• An extremely robust structure that • Working temperature: -25 ºC +60 ºC.
is able to withstand severe weather
changes. Flap finish:
• Designed to ensure watertightness. • Anti-corrosive in extruded aluminum.
• Aluminum profile with thermal bridge • RAL 7016 supplied as standard. Any
break. other RAL can be supplied on demand.
Order code
THT/WALL-F — 56 — 4T — 2 — F400
THT/WALL-F: Dynamic wall mounted Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
extractor fans with motorised hatch, diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
for smoke exhaust in case of fires, in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz
400 °C/2h and 300 °C/2h 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Installed Blade tilt Maximum Sound pressure level1 Approx.
Model Speed
current (A) power angle flow rate dB (A) weight
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet Exhaust (Kg)
THT/WALL-F-40-2T-1.5 IE3 2880 3.93 2.26 1.10 20 7040 61 61 55
THT/WALL-F-45-2T-2 IE3 2880 4.91 2.84 1.50 16 9400 61 61 63
THT/WALL-F-45-2T-3 IE3 2840 7.14 4.13 2.20 22 11325 61 61 67
THT/WALL-F-56-4T-2 IE3 1440 5.89 3.38 1.50 36 15020 54 54 69
THT/WALL-F-63-4T-3 IE3 1425 7.86 4.52 2.20 32 22170 58 58 97
THT/WALL-F-63-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 38 24240 59 59 103
THT/WALL-F-71-4T-3 IE3 1425 7.86 4.52 2.20 22 25100 60 60 100
THT/WALL-F-71-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 28 27480 60 60 106
THT/WALL-F-71-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 34 19930 51 51 98
THT/WALL-F-80-4T-3 IE3 1425 7.86 4.52 2.20 12 25460 65 65 114
THT/WALL-F-80-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 16 30270 64 64 120
THT/WALL-F-80-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 18 32770 63 63 122
THT/WALL-F-80-4T-7.5 IE3 1460 10.4 6.04 5.50 26 39640 63 63 152
THT/WALL-F-80-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 18 21470 53 53 112
THT/WALL-F-80-6T-2 IE3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 26 25970 54 54 116
THT/WALL-F-90-4T-7.5 IE3 1460 10.4 6.04 5.50 18 46140 67 67 183
THT/WALL-F-90-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.2 8.17 7.50 22 50140 66 66 187
THT/WALL-F-90-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 24 34000 56 56 145
THT/WALL-F-90-6T-4 IE3 970 12.8 6.36 3.00 30 38910 59 59 165
THT/WALL-F-100-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.2 8.17 7.50 16 57420 69 69 194
THT/WALL-F-100-4T-15 IE3 1460 20.7 11.99 11.00 22 66300 69 69 226
THT/WALL-F-100-4T-20 IE3 1460 27.8 16.03 15.00 28 76160 70 70 237
THT/WALL-F-100-6T-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 26 47780 60 60 178
1 The noise level values are pressures in dB(A) measured at a distance of 10 metres in a free field.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75
45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74 45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74
45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75 45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75
56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65 56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65
63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69 63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69
63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70 63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70
71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73
71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75 71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75
71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56 71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56
80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74 80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73 80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73
80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
80-4-7.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 80-4-7.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65
90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78 90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78
90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77 90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77
90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63
90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68 90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68
100-4-10 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81 100-4-10 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81
100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83
100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84
100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
Dimensions mm
Wall-mounting flange
A B C D E F G J1 J2 K1 K2
THT/WALL-F-40 640 590 650 600 82 430 375 700 200 700 200
THT/WALL-F-45 640 590 650 600 82 430 400 700 200 700 200
THT/WALL-F-56 690 690 700 700 82 560 415 790 220 790 220
THT/WALL-F-63 990 990 1000 1000 82 760 475 1050 300 1050 300
THT/WALL-F-71 990 990 1000 1000 82 760 500 1050 300 1050 300
THT/WALL-F-80 990 990 1000 1000 82 760 500 1050 300 1050 300
THT/WALL-F-90 1190 1190 1200 1200 82 790 525 1250 250 1250 250
THT/WALL-F-100 1190 1190 1200 1200 82 790 550 1250 250 1250 250
(C x D) Nominal size of the wall opening.
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4T=1500 r/min
400°C/2h and 300°C/2h rated dynamic discharge system with motorised opening function,
fitted with roof mounted extractor, for smoke exhaust in the event of fire
Order code
THT/HATCH — 63 — 4T — 3 — F400
THT/HATCH: 400°C/2h and Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
300°C/2h rated dynamic discharge diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
system with motorised opening in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz
function, fitted with roof mounted 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz
extractor, for smoke exhaust in the
event of fire
Order code
Size 125
THT/HATCH: 400°C/2h and Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Number of Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h
300°C/2h rated dynamic discharge diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz blades: (HP) approved
system with motorised opening in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz 6 blades F400: 400 ºC/2h
function, fitted with roof mounted 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz 9 blades approved
extractor, for smoke exhaust in the
event of fire
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Installed Blade tilt Maximum Sound pressure level1 Approx.
Model Speed
current (A) power angle flow rate dB (A) weight
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet Exhaust (Kg)
THT/HATCH-40-2T-1 IE3 2850 2.76 1.59 0.75 16 6100 62 62 184
THT/HATCH-40-2T-1.5 IE3 2880 3.93 2.26 1.10 20 7040 61 61 188
THT/HATCH-45-2T-2 IE3 2880 4.91 2.84 1.50 16 9400 61 61 193
THT/HATCH-45-2T-3 IE3 2840 7.14 4.13 2.20 22 11325 61 61 194
THT/HATCH-50-2T-4 IE3 2880 9.61 5.52 3.00 16 13860 66 66 206
THT/HATCH-56-2T-5.5 IE3 2870 7.20 4.17 4.00 16 18820 68 68 226
THT/HATCH-56-2T-7.5 IE3 2910 10.10 5.80 5.50 22 22510 68 68 237
THT/HATCH-63-4T-3 IE3 1425 7.86 4.52 2.20 32 22170 58 58 262
THT/HATCH-63-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 38 24240 59 59 271
THT/HATCH-63-6T-1 IE3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 38 15890 48 48 252
THT/HATCH-80-4T-3 IE3 1425 7.86 4.52 2.20 12 25460 65 65 280
THT/HATCH-80-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 16 30270 64 64 289
THT/HATCH-80-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 18 32770 63 63 295
THT/HATCH-80-4T-7.5 IE3 1460 10.40 6.04 5.50 26 39640 63 63 311
THT/HATCH-80-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 18 21470 53 53 279
THT/HATCH-80-6T-2 IE3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 26 25970 54 54 288
THT/HATCH-90-4T-7.5 IE3 1460 10.40 6.04 5.50 18 46140 67 67 392
THT/HATCH-90-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 22 50140 66 66 403
THT/HATCH-90-4T-15 IE3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 30 59390 68 68 456
THT/HATCH-90-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 24 34000 56 56 365
THT/HATCH-90-6T-4 IE3 970 12.80 6.36 3.00 30 38910 59 59 391
THT/HATCH-100-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 16 57420 69 69 413
THT/HATCH-100-4T-15 IE3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 22 66300 69 69 466
THT/HATCH-100-4T-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 28 76160 70 70 481
THT/HATCH-100-4T/9-25 IE3 1475 35.40 20.39 18.50 26 70620 69 69 535
THT/HATCH-100-4T/9-30 IE3 1475 42.20 24.44 22.00 30 74840 71 71 552
THT/HATCH-100-6T-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 26 47780 60 60 413
THT/HATCH-100-6T-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 32 53520 62 62 420
THT/HATCH-125-4T/6-25 IE3 1465 35.40 20.39 18.50 14 92550 76 76 746
THT/HATCH-125-4T/6-30 IE3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 16 98830 75 75 760
THT/HATCH-125-4T/6-40 IE3 1475 53.30 31.02 30.00 22 117450 75 75 841
THT/HATCH-125-4T/6-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 26 131050 75 75 889
THT/HATCH-125-4T/9-25 IE3 1465 35.40 20.39 18.50 10 79650 77 77 755
THT/HATCH-125-4T/9-30 IE3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 12 88290 76 76 769
THT/HATCH-125-4T/9-40 IE3 1475 53.30 31.02 30.00 16 104040 75 75 850
THT/HATCH-125-4T/9-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 20 118400 75 75 898
THT/HATCH-125-6T/6-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 10 51500 67 67 611
THT/HATCH-125-6T/6-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 14 60640 65 65 618
THT/HATCH-125-6T/6-10 IE3 960 15.20 8.83 7.50 20 72650 64 64 643
THT/HATCH-125-6T/6-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 26 85850 64 64 673
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Installed Blade tilt Maximum Sound pressure level1 Approx.
Model Speed
current (A) power angle flow rate dB (A) weight
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet Exhaust (Kg)
THT/HATCH-125-6T/6-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 30 92850 66 66 746
THT/HATCH-125-6T/9-10 IE3 960 15.20 8.83 7.50 14 63490 67 67 652
THT/HATCH-125-6T/9-15 IE3 955 22.50 13.07 11.00 20 77550 65 65 682
THT/HATCH-125-6T/9-20 IE3 950 29.00 16.78 15.00 26 92950 65 65 755
1 The noise level values are pressures in dB(A) measured at a distance of 10 metres in a free field.
Technical characteristics of the dynamic exhaust system based on standards EN-12101-3 and EN-12101-2
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-2-1 48 64 76 84 89 87 83 76 40-2-1 48 64 76 84 89 87 83 76
40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75
45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74 45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74
45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75 45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75
50-2-4 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89 50-2-4 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89
56-2-5.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81 56-2-5.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81
56-2-7.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81 56-2-7.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81
63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69 63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69
63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70 63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70
63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57 63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57
80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74 80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74
80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73 80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73
80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
80-4-7.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 80-4-7.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65
90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78 90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78
90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77 90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77
90-4-15 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79 90-4-15 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79
90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63
90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68 90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68
100-4-10 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81 100-4-10 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81
100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83
100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84
100-4/9-25 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 100-4/9-25 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83
100-4/9-30 73 85 89 95 96 96 93 85 100-4/9-30 73 85 89 95 96 96 93 85
100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
100-6-7.5 59 74 84 87 88 85 77 69 100-6-7.5 59 74 84 87 88 85 77 69
125-4/6-25 68 84 95 102 103 101 94 86 125-4/6-25 68 84 95 102 103 101 94 86
125-4/6-30 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 125-4/6-30 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
125-4/6-40 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 125-4/6-40 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
125-4/6-50 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85 125-4/6-50 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
125-4/9-25 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88 125-4/9-25 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88
125-4/9-30 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87 125-4/9-30 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
125-4/9-40 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86 125-4/9-40 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
125-4/9-50 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86 125-4/9-50 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
125-6/6-5.5 64 79 89 92 93 90 85 77 125-6/6-5.5 64 79 89 92 93 90 85 77
125-6/6-7.5 62 77 87 90 91 88 83 75 125-6/6-7.5 62 77 87 90 91 88 83 75
125-6/6-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74 125-6/6-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
125-6/6-15 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74 125-6/6-15 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
125-6/6-20 63 78 88 91 92 89 84 76 125-6/6-20 63 78 88 91 92 89 84 76
125-6/9-10 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77 125-6/9-10 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
125-6/9-15 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75 125-6/9-15 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
125-6/9-20 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75 125-6/9-20 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
Dimensions mm
A B C D ød1 ød2 E F H H1 J K L M N P Q
THT/HATCH-40 1100 1000 1020 920 400 13 1100 1000 900 1000 900 800 700 600 1065 - 965
THT/HATCH-45 1100 1000 1020 920 450 13 1100 1000 900 1000 900 800 700 600 1065 - 965
THT/HATCH-50 1100 1000 1020 920 500 13 1100 1000 900 1000 900 800 700 600 1065 - 965
THT/HATCH-56 1100 1000 1020 920 560 13 1100 1000 900 1000 900 800 700 600 1065 - 965
THT/HATCH-63 1300 1200 1220 1120 630 13 1300 1200 900 1000 1100 1000 900 800 1265 - 1165
THT/HATCH-80 1300 1200 1220 1120 800 13 1300 1200 900 1000 1100 1000 900 800 1265 - 1165
THT/HATCH-90 1500 1400 1420 1320 900 13 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 - 1365
THT/HATCH-90-4T-15 1500 1400 1420 1320 900 13 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 38 1365
THT/HATCH-100 1500 1400 1420 1320 1000 13 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 - 1365
THT/HATCH-100-4T-15 1500 1400 1420 1320 1000 13 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 80 1365
THT/HATCH-100-4T-20 1500 1400 1420 1320 1000 13 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 80 1365
THT/HATCH-100-4T/9-25 1500 1400 1420 1320 1000 13 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 125 1365
THT/HATCH-100-4T/9-30 1500 1400 1420 1320 1000 13 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 125 1365
Dimensions mm
A B C D ød1 E F H H1 J K
THT/HATCH-125 1750 1775 1700 1700 1245 1780 1780 1230 1330 1580 1580
Installation diagram
9 3 10
1 1. THT/HATCH box
2. THT fan
3. Motorised arm (230 V AC or 24 V DC x2)
4. Connection flange in inlet conduit
2 5. Roof opening
6. Roof
7 7. Protection against water entry
4 8. Direct assembly using the adjustable baseboard
8 9. Motor safety switch
10. Actuator safety switch
6 5
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h axial exhaust fan units with built-in acoustic attenuator
Order code
CJTHT/PLUS — 56 — 4T — 2 — F400
CJTHT/PLUS: 400 ºC/2h and Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h
300 ºC/2h axial exhaust fan diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz (HP) approved
units with built-in acoustic in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz F400: 400 ºC/2h
attenuator 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz approved
8=750 r/min 50 Hz
12=500 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
CJTHT/PLUS-40-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 1.10 / 0.25 20 7040 / 3480 71 / 56 53
CJTHT/PLUS-40-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 32 4800 55 47
CJTHT/PLUS-40-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 3150 46 52
CJTHT/PLUS-40-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 32 3150 / 1520 46 / 31 56
CJTHT/PLUS-45-2/4T-2 2940 / 1465 3.58 / 1.19 1.50 / 0.37 16 9400 / 4680 71 / 56 56
CJTHT/PLUS-45-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 36 7450 58 49
CJTHT/PLUS-45-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 30 4450 48 53
CJTHT/PLUS-45-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 30 4450 / 2150 48 / 33 58
CJTHT/PLUS-50-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 22 8392 60 50
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
CJTHT/PLUS-50-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 7000 52 55
CJTHT/PLUS-56-4T-1 IE3 1430 3.08 1.79 0.75 22 11250 63 62
CJTHT/PLUS-56-4T-1.5 IE3 1420 4.10 2.37 1.10 30 13600 63 64
CJTHT/PLUS-56-4/8T-1.5 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 30 13600 / 6640 63 / 48 68
CJTHT/PLUS-56-4T-2 IE3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 36 15030 64 68
CJTHT/PLUS-56-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 38 10140 54 64
CJTHT/PLUS-56-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 38 10140 / 4890 54 / 39 68
CJTHT/PLUS-63-4T-1 IE3 1430 3.08 1.79 0.75 14 15190 67 66
CJTHT/PLUS-63-4T-1.5 IE3 1420 4.10 2.37 1.10 20 17800 66 69
CJTHT/PLUS-63-4/8T-1.5 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 20 17800 / 8680 66 / 51 72
CJTHT/PLUS-63-4T-2 IE3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 24 19280 66 72
CJTHT/PLUS-63-4/8T-2 1415 / 715 3.40 / 1.65 1.50 / 0.30 24 19280 / 9740 66 / 52 84
CJTHT/PLUS-63-4T-3 IE3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 32 22150 68 78
CJTHT/PLUS-63-4/8T-3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 32 22150 / 10920 68 / 53 90
CJTHT/PLUS-63-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 38 24240 69 87
CJTHT/PLUS-63-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 38 24240 / 12070 69 / 54 101
CJTHT/PLUS-63-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 28 13590 57 68
CJTHT/PLUS-63-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 28 13590 / 6550 57 / 42 72
CJTHT/PLUS-63-6T-1 IE3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 38 15890 58 72
CJTHT/PLUS-63-6/12T-1 935 / 455 3.75 / 2.76 0.80 / 0.20 38 15890 / 7700 58 / 43 78
CJTHT/PLUS-71-4T-1.5 IE3 1420 4.10 2.37 1.10 12 19480 71 85
CJTHT/PLUS-71-4/8T-1.5 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 12 19480 / 9500 71 / 56 89
CJTHT/PLUS-71-4T-2 IE3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 14 20900 70 89
CJTHT/PLUS-71-4/8T-2 1415 / 715 3.40 / 1.65 1.50 / 0.30 14 20900 / 10560 70 / 56 101
CJTHT/PLUS-71-4T-3 IE3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 22 25100 70 95
CJTHT/PLUS-71-4/8T-3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 22 25100 / 12370 70 / 55 107
CJTHT/PLUS-71-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 28 27480 70 104
CJTHT/PLUS-71-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 28 27480 / 13680 70 / 55 118
CJTHT/PLUS-71-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 20 16100 60 85
CJTHT/PLUS-71-6/12T-0.75 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 20 16100 / 7760 60 / 45 89
CJTHT/PLUS-71-6T-1 IE3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 26 17300 60 88
CJTHT/PLUS-71-6/12T-1 935 / 455 3.75 / 2.76 0.80 / 0.20 26 17300 / 8380 60 / 45 95
CJTHT/PLUS-71-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 34 19930 61 94
CJTHT/PLUS-71-6/12T-1.5 940 / 460 3.52 / 2.00 1.20 / 0.30 34 19930 / 9760 61 / 46 102
CJTHT/PLUS-80-4T-3 IE3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 12 25450 75 103
CJTHT/PLUS-80-4/8T-3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 12 25450 / 12550 75 / 60 115
CJTHT/PLUS-80-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 16 30250 74 112
CJTHT/PLUS-80-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 16 30250 / 15060 74 / 59 125
CJTHT/PLUS-80-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 18 32750 73 118
CJTHT/PLUS-80-4/8T-5.5 1450 / 715 7.88 / 2.87 3.80 / 1.00 18 32750 / 16150 73 / 58 153
CJTHT/PLUS-80-6T-1.5 IE3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 18 21450 63 102
CJTHT/PLUS-80-6/12T-1.5 940 / 460 3.52 / 2.00 1.20 / 0.30 18 21450 / 10500 63 / 48 110
CJTHT/PLUS-80-6T-2 IE3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 26 25950 64 111
CJTHT/PLUS-80-6/12T-2 960 / 470 4.46 / 3.43 1.60 / 0.40 26 25950 / 12700 64 / 49 115
CJTHT/PLUS-80-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 32 29930 65 118
CJTHT/PLUS-80-6/12T-3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 32 29930 / 15120 65 / 51 124
CJTHT/PLUS-80-8T-0.75 700 3.48 2.00 0.55 20 17540 57 95
CJTHT/PLUS-80-8T-1 710 5.06 2.92 0.75 28 20650 58 102
CJTHT/PLUS-90-4T-4 IE3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 8 33580 79 136
CJTHT/PLUS-90-4/8T-4 1420 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 8 33580 / 16720 79 / 64 149
CJTHT/PLUS-90-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 12 38890 78 142
CJTHT/PLUS-90-4/8T-5.5 1450 / 715 7.88 / 2.87 3.80 / 1.00 12 38890 / 19170 78 / 63 177
CJTHT/PLUS-90-4T-7.5 IE3 1430 10.40 6.04 5.50 18 46140 77 168
CJTHT/PLUS-90-4/8T-7.5 1455 / 725 11.40 / 3.86 5.50 / 1.10 18 46140 / 22910 77 / 62 182
CJTHT/PLUS-90-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 22 50140 76 179
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
(A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
CJTHT/PLUS-90-4/8T-10 1455 / 725 15.10 / 5.16 7.50 / 1.50 22 50140 / 24900 76 / 61 182
CJTHT/PLUS-90-6T-2 IE3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 16 28780 66 135
CJTHT/PLUS-90-6/12T-2 960 / 470 4.46 / 3.43 1.60 / 0.40 16 28780 / 14090 66 / 51 139
CJTHT/PLUS-90-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 24 34000 66 142
CJTHT/PLUS-90-6/12T-3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 24 34000 / 17180 66 / 52 148
CJTHT/PLUS-90-6T-4 IE3 945 12.80 6.36 3.00 30 38900 69 166
CJTHT/PLUS-90-6/12T-4 970 / 485 7.37 / 3.53 2.80 / 0.70 30 38900 / 19450 69 / 54 168
CJTHT/PLUS-90-8T-1 710 5.06 2.92 0.75 18 22900 60 126
CJTHT/PLUS-90-8T-2 700 7.32 4.21 1.50 30 29490 63 142
CJTHT/PLUS-90-8T-3 705 9.30 5.35 2.20 32 30850 64 158
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4T-7.5 IE3 1430 10.40 6.04 5.50 10 46850 82 176
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4/8T-7.5 1455 / 725 11.40 / 3.86 5.50 / 1.10 10 46850 / 23260 82 / 67 190
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 16 57400 79 187
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4/8T-10 1455 / 725 15.10 / 5.16 7.50 / 1.50 14 54710 / 27170 80 / 65 190
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4T-15 IE3 1455 20.70 11.99 11.00 22 66300 79 231
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4/8T-15 1470 / 730 20.70 / 7.19 11.00 / 3.00 22 66300 / 32880 79 / 64 231
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4T-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 28 76150 80 246
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4/8T-20 1470 / 725 31.72 / 11.75 15.00 / 3.80 28 76150 / 37560 80 / 65 246
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4T/9-15 IE3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 18 55340 80 231
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4T/9-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 22 63260 80 240
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4T/9-25 IE3 1475 35.40 20.39 18.50 26 70625 80 280
CJTHT/PLUS-100-4T/9-30 IE3 1475 42.20 24.44 22.00 30 74845 82 288
CJTHT/PLUS-100-6T-3 IE3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 16 37600 70 150
CJTHT/PLUS-100-6/12T-3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 16 37600 / 18990 70 / 56 156
CJTHT/PLUS-100-6T-4 IE3 945 12.80 6.36 3.00 20 41150 69 175
CJTHT/PLUS-100-6/12T-4 970 / 485 7.37 / 3.53 2.80 / 0.70 20 41150 / 20580 69 / 54 176
CJTHT/PLUS-100-6T-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 26 47780 70 187
CJTHT/PLUS-100-6T/9-5.5 IE3 970 11.00 6.35 4.00 20 39020 70 201
CJTHT/PLUS-100-6T/9-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 26 46765 71 205
CJTHT/PLUS-100-6T/9-10 IE3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 34 52255 74 230
1 The noise level values are pressures in dB(A) measured at a distance of 3 metres in a free field.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 56-4-1.5 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64
40-4-1.5 (2V) 32 48 60 68 73 71 67 60 56-8-1.5 (2V) 35 47 56 62 62 62 56 48
40-4-0.75 37 53 63 70 71 68 67 68 56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65
40-6-0.75 28 44 54 61 62 59 58 59 56-6-0.75 45 55 65 69 70 68 61 53
40-12-0.75 (2V) 12 28 38 45 46 43 42 43 56-12-0.75 (2V) 29 39 49 53 54 52 45 37
45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74 63-4-1 48 64 76 82 84 81 74 66
45-4-2 (2V) 32 45 59 71 72 71 67 59 63-4-1.5 47 63 75 81 83 80 73 65
45-4-0.75 47 59 67 73 73 73 68 60 63-8-1.5 (2V) 31 47 59 65 67 64 57 49
45-6-0.75 37 49 57 63 63 63 58 50 63-4-2 54 66 75 81 81 81 75 67
45-12-0.75 (2V) 21 33 41 47 47 47 42 34 63-8-2 (2V) 39 51 60 66 66 66 60 52
50-4-0.75 49 61 69 75 75 75 70 62 63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69
50-6-0.75 41 53 61 67 67 67 62 54 63-8-3 (2V) 41 53 62 68 68 68 62 54
56-4-1 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64 63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
63-8-4 (2V) 42 54 63 69 69 69 63 55 90-4-5.5 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79
63-6-0.75 48 58 68 72 73 71 64 56 90-8-5.5 (2V) 45 61 72 78 79 77 72 64
63-12-0.75 (2V) 32 42 52 56 57 55 48 40 90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78
63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57 90-8-7.5 (2V) 44 60 71 77 78 76 71 63
63-12-1 (2V) 32 42 52 56 57 55 48 40 90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77
71-4-1.5 57 73 80 86 86 86 82 74 90-8-10 (2V) 43 59 70 76 77 75 70 62
71-8-1.5 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58 90-6-2 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63
71-4-2 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 90-12-2 (2V) 36 51 62 66 66 62 55 47
71-8-2 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58 90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63
71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 90-12-3 (2V) 37 52 63 67 67 63 56 48
71-8-3 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58 90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68
71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75 90-12-4 (2V) 45 55 65 70 70 67 61 53
71-8-4 (2V) 48 60 64 70 70 71 68 60 90-8-1 42 63 70 75 78 74 67 56
71-6-0.75 46 53 73 76 76 71 63 55 90-8-2 51 66 73 78 81 77 70 59
71-12-0.75 (2V) 30 37 57 60 60 55 47 39 90-8-3 53 67 74 79 82 78 71 60
71-6-1 46 64 73 76 76 71 64 55 100-4-7.5 67 83 90 97 98 96 92 84
71-12-1 (2V) 29 47 56 59 59 54 47 38 100-8-7.5 (2V) 52 68 75 82 83 81 77 69
71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56 100-4-10 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82
71-12-1.5 (2V) 32 50 59 62 62 57 50 41 100-8-10 (2V) 50 66 73 80 81 79 75 67
80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74 100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83
80-8-3 (2V) 40 56 69 76 76 73 67 59 100-8-15 (2V) 56 68 72 78 79 79 76 68
80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73 100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84
80-8-4 (2V) 39 55 68 75 75 72 66 58 100-8-20 (2V) 57 69 73 79 80 80 77 69
80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 100-4/9-15 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82
80-8-5.5 (2V) 38 54 67 74 74 71 65 57 100-4/9-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 100-4/9-25 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84
80-12-1.5 (2V) 38 53 60 63 64 61 55 47 100-4/9-30 74 86 90 96 97 97 94 86
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 100-6-3 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
80-12-2 (2V) 43 53 59 63 64 62 57 49 100-12-3 (2V) 42 57 67 70 71 68 60 52
80-6-3 60 70 76 80 81 79 74 66 100-6-4 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66
80-12-3 (2V) 45 55 61 65 66 64 59 51 100-12-4 (2V) 41 56 66 69 70 67 59 51
80-8-0.75 46 59 67 72 74 71 64 53 100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
80-8-1 47 60 68 73 75 72 65 54 100-6/9-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
90-4-4 61 77 88 94 95 93 88 80 100-6/9-7.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
90-8-4 (2V) 46 62 73 79 80 78 73 65 100-6/9-10 58 73 83 86 87 84 76 68
Dimensions mm
A C øD1 E F
CJTHT/PLUS-40/45/50 700 550 565 - 630
CJTHT/PLUS-56/63 825 550 690 140 630
CJTHT/PLUS-71/80 1000 650 850 - 730
CJTHT/PLUS-90/100 1200 750 1050 - 830
Characteristic curves
See series characteristic curves: THT
Control panels for car park ventilation systems with triple purpose: daily ventilation, CO concentration
control and smoke extraction in case of fire
Control panels in metal enclosure with all the necessary elements for the management and control of fans
in car park ventilation systems, whether they are based on duct networks or impulse fans, for the control of
CO concentration levels and smoke extraction in case of fire. Customised panels for all power ratings and
number of fans according to project requirements.
CO level 1
Modbus/CAN open
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
Control signal
Control signal
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h axial fans with acoustically insulated box
Order code
CJTHT — 56 — 4T — 2 — F400
CJTHT: 400 ºC/2h and Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
300 ºC/2h axial fans with diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
acoustically insulated box in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz
6=1000 r/min 50 Hz
8=750 r/min 50 Hz
Size 125
CJTHT: 400 ºC/2h and Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Number of blades: Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h
300 ºC/2h axial fans with diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz 6 blades (HP) approved
acoustically insulated box in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz 9 blades F400: 400 ºC/2h
6=1000 r/min 50 Hz 12 blades approved
8=750 r/min 50 Hz
12=500 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 50-4-0.75 49 61 69 75 75 75 70 62
40-4-1.5 (2V) 32 48 60 68 73 71 67 60 50-6-0.75 41 53 61 67 67 67 62 54
40-4-0.75 37 53 63 70 71 68 67 68 56-4-1 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64
40-6-0.75 28 44 54 61 62 59 58 59 56-4-1.5 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64
40-12-0.75 (2V) 12 28 38 45 46 43 42 43 56-8-1.5 (2V) 35 47 56 62 62 62 56 48
45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74 56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65
45-4-2 (2V) 32 45 59 71 72 71 67 59 56-6-0.75 45 55 65 69 70 68 61 53
45-4-0.75 47 59 67 73 73 73 68 60 56-12-0.75 (2V) 29 39 49 53 54 52 45 37
45-6-0.75 37 49 57 63 63 63 58 50 63-4-1 48 64 76 82 84 81 74 66
45-12-0.75 (2V) 21 33 41 47 47 47 42 34 63-4-1.5 47 63 75 81 83 80 73 65
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
63-8-1.5 (2V) 31 47 59 65 67 64 57 49 100-4/9-15 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82
63-4-2 54 66 75 81 81 81 75 67 100-4/9-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84
63-8-2 (2V) 39 51 60 66 66 66 60 52 100-4/9-25 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84
63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69 100-4/9-30 74 86 90 96 97 97 94 86
63-8-3 (2V) 41 53 62 68 68 68 62 54 100-6-3 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70 100-12-3 (2V) 42 57 67 70 71 68 60 52
63-8-4 (2V) 42 54 63 69 69 69 63 55 100-6-4 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66
63-6-0.75 48 58 68 72 73 71 64 56 100-12-4 (2V) 41 56 66 69 70 67 59 51
63-12-0.75 (2V) 32 42 52 56 57 55 48 40 100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57 100-6/9-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
63-12-1 (2V) 32 42 52 56 57 55 48 40 100-6/9-7.5 58 73 83 86 87 84 76 68
71-4-1.5 57 73 80 86 86 86 82 74 100-6/9-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 79 71
71-8-1.5 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58 125-4/6-20 69 85 96 103 104 102 95 87
71-4-2 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 125-8/6-20 (2V) 54 70 81 88 89 87 80 72
71-8-2 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58 125-4/6-25 68 84 95 102 103 101 94 86
71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 125-4/6-27 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
71-8-3 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58 125-8/6-27 (2V) 52 68 79 86 87 85 78 70
71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75 125-4/6-30 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
71-8-4 (2V) 48 60 64 70 70 71 68 60 125-4/6-37 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
71-6-0.75 46 53 73 76 76 71 63 55 125-8/6-37 (2V) 52 68 79 86 87 85 78 70
71-12-0.75 (2V) 30 37 57 60 60 55 47 39 125-4/6-40 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
71-6-1 46 64 73 76 76 71 64 55 125-4/6-50 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
71-12-1 (2V) 29 47 56 59 59 54 47 38 125-4/6-60 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56 125-4/6-75 70 86 97 104 105 103 96 88
71-12-1.5 (2V) 32 50 59 62 62 57 50 41 125-4/9-25 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88
80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74 125-4/9-27 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-8-3 (2V) 40 56 69 76 76 73 67 59 125-8/9-27 (2V) 51 65 78 86 88 85 80 72
80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73 125-4/9-30 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-8-4 (2V) 39 55 68 75 75 72 66 58 125-4/9-37 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 125-8/9-37 (2V) 50 64 77 85 87 84 79 71
80-8-5.5 (2V) 38 54 67 74 74 71 65 57 125-4/9-40 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 125-4/9-50 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
80-12-1.5 (2V) 38 53 60 63 64 61 55 47 125-4/9-60 73 86 95 99 101 100 96 89
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 125-4/9-75 74 87 96 100 102 101 97 90
80-12-2 (2V) 43 53 59 63 64 62 57 49 125-4/9-100 76 89 98 102 104 103 99 92
80-6-3 60 70 76 80 81 79 74 66 125-4/12-50 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-12-3 (2V) 45 55 61 65 66 64 59 51 125-4/12-60 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-8-0.75 46 59 67 72 74 71 64 53 125-4/12-75 74 87 96 100 102 101 97 90
80-8-1 47 60 68 73 75 72 65 54 125-4/12-100 76 89 98 102 104 103 99 92
90-4-4 61 77 88 94 95 93 88 80 125-6/6-5.5 64 79 89 92 93 90 85 77
90-8-4 (2V) 46 62 73 79 80 78 73 65 125-6/6-7.5 62 77 87 90 91 88 83 75
90-4-5.5 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79 125-12/6-7.5 (2V) 47 62 72 75 76 73 68 60
90-8-5.5 (2V) 45 61 72 78 79 77 72 64 125-6/6-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78 125-12/6-10 (2V) 46 61 71 74 75 72 67 59
90-8-7.5 (2V) 44 60 71 77 78 76 71 63 125-6/6-15 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77 125-12/6-15 (2V) 45 60 70 73 74 71 66 58
90-8-10 (2V) 43 59 70 76 77 75 70 62 125-6/6-20 63 78 88 91 92 89 84 76
90-6-2 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 125-6/6-24 65 80 90 93 94 91 86 78
90-12-2 (2V) 36 51 62 66 66 62 55 47 125-12/6-24 (2V) 50 65 75 78 79 76 71 63
90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 125-6/9-10 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
90-12-3 (2V) 37 52 63 67 67 63 56 48 125-12/9-10 (2V) 46 61 72 78 79 73 69 62
90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68 125-6/9-15 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
90-12-4 (2V) 45 55 65 70 70 67 61 53 125-12/9-15 (2V) 43 58 69 75 76 70 66 59
90-8-1 42 63 70 75 78 74 67 56 125-6/9-20 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
90-8-2 51 66 73 78 81 77 70 59 125-6/9-24 60 75 86 92 93 87 83 76
90-8-3 53 67 74 79 82 78 71 60 125-12/9-24 (2V) 45 60 71 77 78 72 68 61
100-4-7.5 67 83 90 97 98 96 92 84 125-6/9-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-8-7.5 (2V) 52 68 75 82 83 81 77 69 125-6/9-30 64 79 90 96 97 91 87 80
100-4-10 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82 125-6/12-10 63 78 89 95 96 90 86 79
100-8-10 (2V) 50 66 73 80 81 79 75 67 125-6/12-15 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 125-6/12-20 60 75 86 92 93 87 83 76
100-8-15 (2V) 56 68 72 78 79 79 76 68 125-6/12-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 125-6/12-30 62 77 88 94 95 89 85 78
100-8-20 (2V) 57 69 73 79 80 80 77 69 125-6/12-40 63 78 89 95 96 90 86 79
Dimensions mm
CJTHT-40/45/50 700 550 565 - 630 -
CJTHT-56/63 825 550 690 140 630 -
CJTHT-71/80 1000 650 850 - 730 -
CJTHT-90/100 1200 750 1050 - 830 -
CJTHT-125 ≤20 HP 1600 1200 1400 - 1280 -
CJTHT-125 >20 HP 1600 1200 1400 123 1280 100
Characteristic curves
See series characteristic curves: THT
Configuration with BOXPARK
Control panels for car park ventilation systems with triple purpose: daily ventilation, CO concentration
control and smoke extraction in case of fire
Control panels in metal enclosure with all the necessary elements for the management and control of fans
in car park ventilation systems, whether they are based on duct networks or impulse fans, for the control of
CO concentration levels and smoke extraction in case of fire. Customised panels for all power ratings and
number of fans according to project requirements.
CO level 1
Modbus/CAN open
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
Control signal
Control signal
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h axial exhaust units with ATEX certification
Order code
CJTHT/ATEX: 400 ºC/2h Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power CAT3: With ATEX F300: 300 ºC/2h
and 300 ºC/2h axial diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz (HP) certification, approved
exhaust units with ATEX in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz Category 3 Ex II3G F400: 400 ºC/2h
certification 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz approved
8=750 r/min 50 Hz
12=500 r/min 50 Hz
Size 125
CJTHT/ATEX: 400 ºC/2h Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Number of Motor power CAT3: F300: 300 ºC/2h
and 300 ºC/2h axial diameter 2=3000 r/min 50 Hz blades: (HP) With ATEX approved
exhaust units with ATEX in cm 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz 6 blades certification, F400: 400 ºC/2h
certification 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz 9 blades Category 3 approved
8=750 r/min 50 Hz 12 blades Ex II3G
12=500 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
current (A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
CJTHT/ATEX-40-2/4T-1.5/CAT3 2920 / 1445 2.89 / 1.04 1.10 / 0.25 20 7040 / 3480 71 / 56 50
CJTHT/ATEX-40-4T-0.75/CAT3 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 32 4820 55 41
CJTHT/ATEX-40-6T-0.75/CAT3 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 3150 46 49
CJTHT/ATEX-40-6/12T-0.75/CAT3 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 32 3150 / 1520 46 / 31 53
CJTHT/ATEX-45-2/4T-2/CAT3 2940 / 1465 3.58 / 1.19 1.50 / 0.37 16 9400 / 4680 71 / 56 53
CJTHT/ATEX-45-4T-0.75/CAT3 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 36 7470 58 43
CJTHT/ATEX-45-6T-0.75/CAT3 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 30 4460 48 51
CJTHT/ATEX-45-6/12T-0.75/CAT3 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 30 4460 / 2150 48 / 33 55
CJTHT/ATEX-50-4T-0.75/CAT3 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 22 8390 60 48
CJTHT/ATEX-50-6T-0.75/CAT3 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 7030 52 52
CJTHT/ATEX-56-4T-1/CAT3 1420 3.08 1.79 0.75 22 11280 63 59
CJTHT/ATEX-56-4T-1.5/CAT3 1420 4.10 2.37 1.10 30 13550 63 61
CJTHT/ATEX-56-4/8T-1.5/CAT3 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 30 13550 / 6610 63 / 48 65
CJTHT/ATEX-56-4T-2/CAT3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 36 15030 64 63
CJTHT/ATEX-56-6T-0.75/CAT3 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 38 10140 54 61
CJTHT/ATEX-56-6/12T-0.75/CAT3 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 38 10140 / 4890 54 / 39 65
CJTHT/ATEX-63-4T-1/CAT3 1420 3.08 1.79 0.75 14 15190 67 63
CJTHT/ATEX-63-4T-1.5/CAT3 1420 4.10 2.37 1.10 20 17800 66 66
CJTHT/ATEX-63-4/8T-1.5/CAT3 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 20 17800 / 8680 66 / 51 69
CJTHT/ATEX-63-4T-2/CAT3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 24 19280 66 67
CJTHT/ATEX-63-4/8T-2/CAT3 1415 / 715 3.40 / 1.65 1.50 / 0.30 24 19280 / 9740 66 / 52 74
CJTHT/ATEX-63-4T-3/CAT3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 32 22170 68 73
CJTHT/ATEX-63-4/8T-3/CAT3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 32 22170 / 10930 68 / 53 87
CJTHT/ATEX-63-4T-4/CAT3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 38 24240 69 78
CJTHT/ATEX-63-4/8T-4/CAT3 1425 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 38 24240 / 12070 69 / 54 91
CJTHT/ATEX-63-6T-0.75/CAT3 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 28 13590 57 66
CJTHT/ATEX-63-6/12T-0.75/CAT3 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 28 13590 / 6550 57 / 42 69
CJTHT/ATEX-63-6T-1/CAT3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 38 15890 58 67
CJTHT/ATEX-63-6/12T-1/CAT3 935 / 455 3.75 / 2.76 0.80 / 0.20 38 15890 / 7700 58 / 43 71
CJTHT/ATEX-71-4T-1.5/CAT3 1420 4.10 2.37 1.10 12 19480 71 82
CJTHT/ATEX-71-4/8T-1.5/CAT3 1440 / 705 2.69 / 1.12 1.10 / 0.25 12 19480 / 9500 71 / 56 86
CJTHT/ATEX-71-4T-2/CAT3 1425 5.89 3.38 1.50 14 20920 70 84
CJTHT/ATEX-71-4/8T-2/CAT3 1415 / 715 3.40 / 1.65 1.50 / 0.30 14 20920 / 10570 70 / 56 91
CJTHT/ATEX-71-4T-3/CAT3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 22 25110 70 90
CJTHT/ATEX-71-4/8T-3/CAT3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 22 25110 / 12380 70 / 55 103
CJTHT/ATEX-71-4T-4/CAT3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 28 27480 70 95
CJTHT/ATEX-71-4/8T-4/CAT3 1425 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 28 27480 / 13680 70 / 55 108
CJTHT/ATEX-71-6T-0.75/CAT3 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 20 16100 60 82
CJTHT/ATEX-71-6/12T-0.75/CAT3 940 / 455 2.35 / 1.15 0.60 / 0.15 20 16100 / 7760 60 / 45 86
CJTHT/ATEX-71-6T-1/CAT3 940 3.36 1.93 0.75 26 17310 60 84
CJTHT/ATEX-71-6/12T-1/CAT3 935 / 455 3.75 / 2.76 0.80 / 0.20 26 17310 / 8390 60 / 45 87
CJTHT/ATEX-71-6T-1.5/CAT3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 34 19930 61 86
CJTHT/ATEX-71-6/12T-1.5/CAT3 940 / 460 3.52 / 2.00 1.20 / 0.30 34 19930 / 9760 61 / 46 97
CJTHT/ATEX-80-4T-3/CAT3 1435 7.86 4.52 2.20 12 25460 75 98
CJTHT/ATEX-80-4/8T-3/CAT3 1415 / 700 4.80 / 1.85 2.20 / 0.45 12 25460 / 12550 75 / 60 111
CJTHT/ATEX-80-4T-4/CAT3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 16 30270 74 103
CJTHT/ATEX-80-4/8T-4/CAT3 1425 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 16 30270 / 15070 74 / 59 115
CJTHT/ATEX-80-4T-5.5/CAT3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 18 32770 73 113
CJTHT/ATEX-80-4/8T-5.5/CAT3 1455 / 720 7.88 / 2.87 3.80 / 1.00 18 32770 / 16160 73 / 58 147
CJTHT/ATEX-80-6T-1.5/CAT3 945 4.73 2.72 1.10 18 21470 63 95
CJTHT/ATEX-80-6/12T-1.5/CAT3 940 / 460 3.52 / 2.00 1.20 / 0.30 18 21470 / 10510 63 / 48 105
CJTHT/ATEX-80-6T-2/CAT3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 26 25970 64 99
CJTHT/ATEX-80-6/12T-2/CAT3 960 / 470 4.46 / 3.43 1.60 / 0.40 26 25970 / 12710 64 / 49 113
CJTHT/ATEX-80-6T-3/CAT3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 32 29930 65 113
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
current (A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
CJTHT/ATEX-80-6/12T-3/CAT3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 32 29930 / 15120 65 / 51 118
CJTHT/ATEX-80-8T-0.75/CAT3 700 3.48 2.00 0.55 20 17540 57 99
CJTHT/ATEX-80-8T-1/CAT3 710 5.06 2.92 0.75 28 20680 58 111
CJTHT/ATEX-90-4T-4/CAT3 1430 11.01 6.33 3.00 8 33580 79 127
CJTHT/ATEX-90-4/8T-4/CAT3 1425 / 710 6.45 / 2.28 3.00 / 0.60 8 33580 / 16720 79 / 64 139
CJTHT/ATEX-90-4T-5.5/CAT3 1440 7.95 4.61 4.00 12 38890 78 137
CJTHT/ATEX-90-4/8T-5.5/CAT3 1455 / 720 7.88 / 2.87 3.80 / 1.00 12 38890 / 19170 78 / 63 171
CJTHT/ATEX-90-4T-7.5/CAT3 1460 10.40 6.04 5.50 18 46140 77 171
CJTHT/ATEX-90-4/8T-7.5/CAT3 1455 / 725 11.40 / 3.86 5.50 / 1.10 18 46140 / 22910 77 / 62 190
CJTHT/ATEX-90-4T-10/CAT3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 22 50140 76 208
CJTHT/ATEX-90-4/8T-10/CAT3 1455 / 725 15.10 / 5.16 7.50 / 1.50 22 50140 / 24900 76 / 61 198
CJTHT/ATEX-90-6T-2/CAT3 945 6.25 3.62 1.50 16 28780 66 123
CJTHT/ATEX-90-6/12T-2/CAT3 960 / 470 4.46 / 3.43 1.60 / 0.40 16 28780 / 14090 66 / 51 137
CJTHT/ATEX-90-6T-3/CAT3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 24 34000 66 137
CJTHT/ATEX-90-6/12T-3/CAT3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 24 34000 / 17180 66 / 52 142
CJTHT/ATEX-90-6T-4/CAT3 970 12.80 6.36 3.00 30 38910 69 171
CJTHT/ATEX-90-6/12T-4/CAT3 970 / 485 7.37 / 3.53 2.80 / 0.70 30 38910 / 19460 69 / 54 171
CJTHT/ATEX-90-8T-1/CAT3 710 5.06 2.92 0.75 18 22910 60 135
CJTHT/ATEX-90-8T-2/CAT3 700 7.32 4.21 1.50 30 29490 63 139
CJTHT/ATEX-90-8T-3/CAT3 710 9.30 5.35 2.20 32 30850 64 171
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4T-7.5/CAT3 1460 10.40 6.04 5.50 10 46870 82 179
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4/8T-7.5/CAT3 1455 / 725 11.40 / 3.86 5.50 / 1.10 10 46870 / 23270 82 / 67 198
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4T-10/CAT3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 16 57420 79 216
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4/8T-10/CAT3 1455 / 725 15.10 / 5.16 7.50 / 1.50 14 54710 / 27170 80 / 65 206
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4T-15/CAT3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 22 66300 79 251
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4/8T-15/CAT3 1470 / 730 20.70 / 7.19 11.00 / 3.00 22 66300 / 32880 79 / 64 251
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4T-20/CAT3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 28 76160 80 258
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4/8T-20/CAT3 1470 / 725 31.72 / 11.75 15.00 / 3.80 28 76160 / 37560 80 / 65 258
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4T/9-15/CAT3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 18 55345 80 260
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4T/9-20/CAT3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 22 63265 80 268
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4T/9-25/CAT3 1475 35.40 20.39 18.50 26 70625 80 308
CJTHT/ATEX-100-4T/9-30/CAT3 1475 42.20 24.44 22.00 30 74845 82 316
CJTHT/ATEX-100-6T-3/CAT3 950 9.78 5.62 2.20 16 37620 70 145
CJTHT/ATEX-100-6/12T-3/CAT3 940 / 475 5.62 / 3.32 2.20 / 0.55 16 37620 / 19000 70 / 56 150
CJTHT/ATEX-100-6T-4/CAT3 970 12.80 6.36 3.00 20 41180 69 179
CJTHT/ATEX-100-6/12T-4/CAT3 970 / 485 7.37 / 3.53 2.80 / 0.70 20 41180 / 20590 69 / 54 179
CJTHT/ATEX-100-6T-5.5/CAT3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 26 47780 70 187
CJTHT/ATEX-100-6T/9-5.5/CAT3 970 11.00 6.35 4.00 20 39020 70 196
CJTHT/ATEX-100-6T/9-7.5/CAT3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 26 46765 71 200
CJTHT/ATEX-100-6T/9-10/CAT3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 34 52255 74 225
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/6-20/CAT3 1455 27.80 16.03 15.00 10 78610 87 466
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4/8T/6-20/CAT3 1455 / 720 31.72 / 11.75 15.00 / 3.80 10 78610 / 38770 87 / 72 485
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/6-25/CAT3 1470 35.40 20.39 18.50 14 92000 86 549
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4/8T/6-27/CAT3 1470 / 730 39.70 / 14.10 20.00 / 5.00 16 98100 / 48550 85 / 70 557
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/6-30/CAT3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 16 98830 85 554
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4/8T/6-37/CAT3 1480 / 740 54.55 / 18.50 28.00 / 6.50 20 110250 / 54940 85 / 70 633
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/6-40/CAT3 1475 55.19 31.87 30.00 22 117000 85 606
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/6-50/CAT3 1480 66.40 38.26 37.00 26 130450 85 734
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/6-60/CAT3 1475 80.90 46.90 45.00 28 135820 85 747
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/6-75/CAT3 1480 98.60 57.20 55.00 34 152100 88 828
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/9-25/CAT3 1470 35.40 20.39 18.50 10 79680 87 558
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/9-30/CAT3 1470 42.20 24.44 22.00 12 88290 86 563
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4/8T/9-27/CAT3 1470 / 730 39.70 / 14.10 20.00 / 5.00 12 88290 / 43690 86 / 71 566
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4/8T/9-37/CAT3 1480 / 740 54.55 / 18.50 28.00 / 6.50 16 104040 / 51840 85 / 70 642
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Installed Blade tilt Maximum Approx.
Model Speed pressure level1
current (A) power angle flow rate weight
dB (A)
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet (Kg)
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/9-40/CAT3 1475 55.19 31.87 30.00 16 104040 85 615
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/9-50/CAT3 1480 66.40 38.26 37.00 20 118350 85 743
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/9-60/CAT3 1475 80.90 46.90 45.00 24 134970 85 756
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/9-75/CAT3 1480 98.60 57.20 55.00 28 146770 86 837
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/9-100/CAT3 1480 128.00 74.22 75.00 34 158560 88 998
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/12-50/CAT3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 18 101660 86 752
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/12-60/CAT3 1475 80.90 46.90 45.00 20 109180 86 765
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/12-75/CAT3 1480 98.60 57.20 55.00 26 131240 86 846
CJTHT/ATEX-125-4T/12-100/CAT3 1480 128.00 74.22 75.00 32 154100 88 1016
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/6-5.5/CAT3 940 8.37 4.82 4.00 10 51300 77 402
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/6-7.5/CAT3 960 12.30 7.07 5.50 14 60640 75 410
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6/12T/6-7.5/CAT3 980 / 485 14.50 / 5.17 5.50 / 1.00 14 60640 / 30010 75 / 60 454
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/6-10/CAT3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 20 72250 74 458
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6/12T/6-10/CAT3 975 / 490 13.6 / 5.69 7.20 / 1.80 20 72250 / 36310 74 / 60 466
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/6-15/CAT3 970 22.50 13.07 11.00 26 85450 74 475
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6/12T/6-15/CAT3 975 / 485 23.1 / 8.41 11.00 / 3.00 26 85450 / 42510 74 / 59 566
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/6-20/CAT3 970 29.00 16.78 15.00 30 92860 76 542
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6/12T/6-24/CAT3 980 / 485 41.60 / 13.21 17.60 / 2.85 34 99650 / 49320 78 / 63 631
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/9-10/CAT3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 14 63490 77 467
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6/12T/9-10/CAT3 975 / 490 13.6 / 5.69 7.20 / 1.80 14 63490 / 31910 77 / 63 475
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/9-15/CAT3 970 22.50 13.07 11.00 20 77550 75 484
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6/12T/9-15/CAT3 975 / 485 23.1 / 8.41 11.00 / 3.00 20 77550 / 38580 75 / 60 575
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/9-20/CAT3 970 29.00 16.78 15.00 26 92950 75 551
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6/12T/9-24/CAT3 980 / 485 41.60 / 13.21 17.60 / 2.85 30 98530 / 48760 76 / 61 640
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/9-25/CAT3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 32 101450 77 627
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/9-30/CAT3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 36 106525 80 638
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/12-10/CAT3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 12 49630 79 476
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/12-15/CAT3 970 22.50 13.07 11.00 18 67315 77 493
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/12-20/CAT3 970 29.00 16.78 15.00 24 81840 76 560
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/12-25/CAT3 975 36.10 20.77 18.50 30 96765 77 636
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/12-30/CAT3 975 42.30 24.35 22.00 32 102040 78 647
CJTHT/ATEX-125-6T/12-40/CAT3 985 56.00 32.50 30.00 34 106355 79 762
1 The noise level values are pressures in dB(A) measured at a distance of 3 metres in a free field.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 56-12-0.75 (2V) 29 39 49 53 54 52 45 37
40-4-1.5 (2V) 32 48 60 68 73 71 67 60 63-4-1 48 64 76 82 84 81 74 66
40-4-0.75 37 53 63 70 71 68 67 68 63-4-1.5 47 63 75 81 83 80 73 65
40-6-0.75 28 44 54 61 62 59 58 59 63-8-1.5 (2V) 31 47 59 65 67 64 57 49
40-12-0.75 (2V) 12 28 38 45 46 43 42 43 63-4-2 54 66 75 81 81 81 75 67
45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74 63-8-2 (2V) 39 51 60 66 66 66 60 52
45-4-2 (2V) 32 45 59 71 72 71 67 59 63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69
45-4-0.75 47 59 67 73 73 73 68 60 63-8-3 (2V) 41 53 62 68 68 68 62 54
45-6-0.75 37 49 57 63 63 63 58 50 63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70
45-12-0.75 (2V) 21 33 41 47 47 47 42 34 63-8-4 (2V) 42 54 63 69 69 69 63 55
50-4-0.75 49 61 69 75 75 75 70 62 63-6-0.75 48 58 68 72 73 71 64 56
50-6-0.75 41 53 61 67 67 67 62 54 63-12-0.75 (2V) 32 42 52 56 57 55 48 40
56-4-1 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64 63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57
56-4-1.5 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64 63-12-1 (2V) 33 43 53 57 58 56 49 41
56-8-1.5 (2V) 35 47 56 62 62 62 56 48 71-4-1.5 57 73 80 86 86 86 82 74
56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65 71-8-1.5 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58
56-6-0.75 45 55 65 69 70 68 61 53 71-4-2 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
71-8-2 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58 100-12-4 (2V) 41 56 66 69 70 67 59 51
71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
71-8-3 (2V) 41 57 64 70 70 70 66 58 100-6/9-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75 100-6/9-7.5 58 73 83 86 87 84 76 68
71-8-4 (2V) 48 60 64 70 70 71 68 60 100-6/9-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 79 71
71-6-0.75 46 53 73 76 76 71 63 55 125-4/6-20 69 85 96 103 104 102 95 87
71-12-0.75 (2V) 30 37 57 60 60 55 47 39 125-8/6-20 (2V) 54 70 81 88 89 87 80 72
71-6-1 46 64 73 76 76 71 64 55 125-4/6-25 68 84 95 102 103 101 94 86
71-12-1 (2V) 30 48 57 60 60 55 48 39 125-4/6-27 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56 125-8/6-27 (2V) 52 68 79 86 87 85 78 70
71-12-1.5 (2V) 31 49 58 61 61 56 49 40 125-4/6-30 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74 125-4/6-37 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
80-8-3 (2V) 40 56 69 76 76 73 67 59 125-8/6-37 (2V) 52 68 79 86 87 85 78 70
80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73 125-4/6-40 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
80-8-4 (2V) 39 55 68 75 75 72 66 58 125-4/6-50 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 125-4/6-60 67 83 94 101 102 100 93 85
80-8-5.5 (2V) 38 54 67 74 74 71 65 57 125-4/6-75 70 86 97 104 105 103 96 88
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 125-4/9-25 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88
80-12-1.5 (2V) 37 52 59 62 63 60 54 46 125-4/9-27 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 125-8/9-27 (2V) 51 65 78 86 88 85 80 72
80-12-2 (2V) 43 53 59 63 64 62 57 49 125-4/9-30 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
80-6-3 60 70 76 80 81 79 74 66 125-4/9-37 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
80-12-3 (2V) 45 55 61 65 66 64 59 51 125-8/9-37 (2V) 50 64 77 85 87 84 79 71
80-8-0.75 46 59 67 72 74 71 64 53 125-4/9-40 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
80-8-1 47 60 68 73 75 72 65 54 125-4/9-50 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
90-4-4 61 77 88 94 95 93 88 80 125-4/9-60 73 86 95 99 101 100 96 89
90-8-4 (2V) 46 62 73 79 80 78 73 65 125-4/9-75 74 87 96 100 102 101 97 90
90-4-5.5 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79 125-4/9-100 76 89 98 102 104 103 99 92
90-8-5.5 (2V) 45 61 72 78 79 77 72 64 125-4/12-50 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78 125-4/12-60 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
90-8-7.5 (2V) 44 60 71 77 78 76 71 63 125-4/12-75 74 87 96 100 102 101 97 90
90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77 125-4/12-100 76 89 98 102 104 103 99 92
90-8-10 (2V) 43 59 70 76 77 75 70 62 125-6/6-5.5 64 79 89 92 93 90 85 77
90-6-2 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 125-6/6-7.5 62 77 87 90 91 88 83 75
90-12-2 (2V) 36 51 62 66 66 62 55 47 125-12/6-7.5 (2V) 47 62 72 75 76 73 68 60
90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 125-6/6-10 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
90-12-3 (2V) 37 52 63 67 67 63 56 48 125-12/6-10 (2V) 46 61 71 74 75 72 67 59
90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68 125-6/6-15 61 76 86 89 90 87 82 74
90-12-4 (2V) 45 55 65 70 70 67 61 53 125-12/6-15 (2V) 46 61 71 74 75 72 67 59
90-8-1 42 63 70 75 78 74 67 56 125-6/6-20 63 78 88 91 92 89 84 76
90-8-2 51 66 73 78 81 77 70 59 125-6/6-24 65 80 90 93 94 91 86 78
90-8-3 53 67 74 79 82 78 71 60 125-12/6-24 (2V) 50 65 75 78 79 76 71 63
100-4-7.5 67 83 90 97 98 96 92 84 125-6/9-10 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-8-7.5 (2V) 52 68 75 82 83 81 77 69 125-12/9-10 (2V) 46 61 72 78 79 73 69 62
100-4-10 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82 125-6/9-15 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
100-8-10 (2V) 50 66 73 80 81 79 75 67 125-12/9-15 (2V) 44 59 70 76 77 71 67 60
100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 125-6/9-20 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75
100-8-15 (2V) 56 68 72 78 79 79 76 68 125-6/9-24 60 75 86 92 93 87 83 76
100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 125-12/9-24 (2V) 45 60 71 77 78 72 68 61
100-8-20 (2V) 57 69 73 79 80 80 77 69 125-6/9-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-4/9-15 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82 125-6/9-30 64 79 90 96 97 91 87 80
100-4/9-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 125-6/12-10 63 78 89 95 96 90 86 79
100-4/9-25 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 125-6/12-15 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-4/9-30 74 86 90 96 97 97 94 86 125-6/12-20 60 75 86 92 93 87 83 76
100-6-3 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 125-6/12-25 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77
100-12-3 (2V) 42 57 67 70 71 68 60 52 125-6/12-30 62 77 88 94 95 89 85 78
100-6-4 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66 125-6/12-40 63 78 89 95 96 90 86 79
Dimensions mm
CJTHT/ATEX-40/45/50 700 550 565 - 630 -
CJTHT/ATEX-56/63 825 550 690 140 630 -
CJTHT/ATEX-71/80 1000 650 850 - 730 -
CJTHT/ATEX-90/100 1200 750 1050 - 830 -
CJTHT/ATEX-125 ≤20 HP 1600 1200 1400 - 1280 -
CJTHT/ATEX-125 >20 HP 1600 1200 1400 123 1280 100
Characteristic curves
See series characteristic curves: THT
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h long range unidirectional or reversible jet fans
Order code
THT/IMP: 400 ºC/2h Design: Airflow direction Impeller Number of T= Motor F300: 300 ºC/2h
and 300 ºC/2h long C: Circular casing UNI: Unidirectional diameter in cm motor poles Three-phase power approved
range unidirectional O: Painted casing REV: Reversible 2=2900 r/min (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h
or reversible jet fans L: Galvanised 50 Hz approved
sheet casing 4=1400 r/min
LS: Casing of 50 Hz
reduced length
Technical characteristics
Maximum Sound
Maximum flow Impulsion Installed Approx.
Model Speed admissible Thrust pressure
rate speed power weight
current (A) level1
(r/min) 400V (m³/h) (N) (m/s) (kW) dB (A) (Kg)
THT/IMP-C-UNI-31-2/4T 2780 / 1380 1.50 / 0.60 4260 / 2115 21 / 10 15.6 / 7.7 0.55 / 0.15 51 / 35 65
THT/IMP-C-UNI-35-2/4T 2905 / 1445 2.40 / 0.77 6360 / 3165 36 / 18 17.8 / 8.9 0.85 / 0.20 52 / 36 70
THT/IMP-C-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 8450 / 4180 57 / 28 20.7 / 10.2 1.10 / 0.25 47 / 31 89
THT/IMP-C-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 9250 / 4585 60 / 30 20.4 / 10.1 1.10 / 0.25 53 / 37 98
THT/IMP-C-UNI-45-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 10800 / 5375 62 / 31 18.1 / 9.0 1.50 / 0.37 57 / 41 132
THT/IMP-C-UNI-45-2/4T-3 2885 / 1435 4.79 / 1.54 13200 / 6570 92 / 46 22.1 / 11.0 2.20 / 0.60 58 / 42 133
THT/IMP-C-UNI-50-2/4T-6 2915 / 1445 9.50 / 2.80 19700 / 9770 165 / 82 26.4 / 13.1 4.50 / 1.30 60 / 44 220
THT/IMP-O-UNI-29-2/4T 2780 / 1380 1.50 / 0.60 4000 / 1990 21 / 10 16.8 / 8.3 0.55 / 0.15 37 / 21 69
THT/IMP-O-UNI-35-2/4T 2905 / 1445 2.40 / 0.77 6360 / 3165 36 / 18 17.8 / 8.9 0.85 / 0.20 52 / 36 70
THT/IMP-O-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 8450 / 4185 57 / 28 20.7 / 10.2 1.10 / 0.25 47 / 31 94
THT/IMP-O-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 9250 / 4580 60 / 30 20.4 / 10.1 1.10 / 0.25 53 / 37 104
THT/IMP-O-UNI-45-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 10800 / 5375 62 / 31 18.1 / 9.0 1.50 / 0.37 57 / 41 140
THT/IMP-O-UNI-45-2/4T-3 2885 / 1435 4.79 / 1.54 13200 / 6570 92 / 46 22.1 / 11.0 2.20 / 0.60 58 / 42 141
THT/IMP-O-UNI-50-2/4T-6 2915 / 1445 9.50 / 2.80 19700 / 9770 165 / 82 26.4 / 13.1 4.50 / 1.30 60 / 44 234
THT/IMP-L-UNI-29-2/4T 2780 / 1380 1.50 / 0.60 4000 / 1990 21 / 10 16.8 / 8.3 0.55 / 0.15 37 / 21 69
THT/IMP-L-UNI-35-2/4T 2905 / 1445 2.40 / 0.77 6360 / 3165 36 / 18 17.8 / 8.9 0.85 / 0.20 52 / 36 70
THT/IMP-L-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 8450 / 4185 57 / 28 20.7 / 10.2 1.10 / 0.25 47 / 31 94
THT/IMP-L-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 9250 / 4580 60 / 30 20.4 / 10.1 1.10 / 0.25 53 / 37 104
THT/IMP-L-UNI-45-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 10800 / 5375 62 / 31 18.1 / 9.0 1.50 / 0.37 57 / 41 140
THT/IMP-L-UNI-45-2/4T-3 2885 / 1435 4.79 / 1.54 13200 / 6570 92 / 46 22.1 / 11.0 2.20 / 0.60 58 / 42 141
THT/IMP-L-UNI-50-2/4T-6 2915 / 1445 9.50 / 2.80 19700 / 9770 165 / 82 26.4 / 13.1 4.50 / 1.30 60 / 44 234
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-29-2/4T 2780 / 1380 1.50 / 0.60 4000 / 1990 21 / 10 16.8 / 8.3 0.55 / 0.15 39 / 23 55
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-35-2/4T 2905 / 1445 2.40 / 0.77 6360 / 3165 36 / 18 17.8 / 8.9 0.85 / 0.20 54 / 38 56
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 8450 / 4185 57 / 28 20.7 / 10.2 1.10 / 0.25 49 / 33 76
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 2900 / 1435 2.89 / 1.04 9250 / 4580 60 / 30 20.4 / 10.1 1.10 / 0.25 55 / 39 83
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-45-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 10800 / 5375 62 / 31 18.1 / 9.0 1.50 / 0.37 59 / 43 112
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-45-2/4T-3 2885 / 1435 4.79 / 1.54 13200 / 6570 92 / 46 22.1 / 11.0 2.20 / 0.60 60 / 44 113
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-50-2/4T-6 2915 / 1445 9.50 / 2.80 19700 / 9770 165 / 82 26.4 / 13.1 4.50 / 1.30 62 / 46 187
1 Sound pressure level in dB(A) at a distance of 10 m and at maximum flow rate.
Maximum Sound
Maximum flow Impulsion Installed Approx.
Model Speed admissible Thrust pressure
rate speed power weight
current (A) level1
(r/min) 400V (m³/h) (N) (m/s) (kW) dB (A) (Kg)
THT/IMP-C-REV-31-2/4T 2780 / 1380 1.50 / 0.60 3840 / 1910 17 / 8 14.1 / 7.0 0.55 / 0.15 50 / 34 63
THT/IMP-C-REV-35-2/4T 2905 / 1445 2.40 / 0.77 5940 / 2955 31 / 15 16.7 / 8.3 0.85 / 0.20 51 / 35 70
THT/IMP-C-REV-38-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 8200 / 4080 54 / 27 20.1 / 10.0 1.50 / 0.37 49 / 33 91
THT/IMP-C-REV-40-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 9250 / 4605 60 / 30 20.4 / 10.1 1.50 / 0.37 52 / 36 100
THT/IMP-C-REV-45-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 10300 / 5125 56 / 28 17.2 / 8.6 1.50 / 0.37 56 / 40 131
THT/IMP-C-REV-45-2/4T-3 2885 / 1435 4.79 / 1.54 12800 / 6370 87 / 43 21.4 / 10.6 2.20 / 0.60 57 / 41 133
THT/IMP-C-REV-50-2/4T-6 2915 / 1445 9.50 / 2.80 19000 / 9420 153 / 76 25.4 / 12.6 4.50 / 1.30 60 / 44 267
THT/IMP-O-REV-29-2/4T 2780 / 1380 1.50 / 0.60 3400 / 1690 15 / 7 14.3 / 7.1 0.55 / 0.15 38 / 22 67
THT/IMP-O-REV-35-2/4T 2905 / 1445 2.40 / 0.77 5940 / 2955 31 / 15 16.7 / 8.3 0.85 / 0.20 51 / 35 70
THT/IMP-O-REV-38-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 8200 / 4080 54 / 27 20.1 / 10 1.50 / 0.37 49 / 33 97
THT/IMP-O-REV-40-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 9250 / 4605 60 / 30 20.4 / 10.1 1.50 / 0.37 52 / 36 106
THT/IMP-O-REV-45-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 10300 / 5125 56 / 28 17.2 / 8.6 1.50 / 0.37 56 / 40 139
THT/IMP-O-REV-45-2/4T-3 2885 / 1435 4.79 / 1.54 12800 / 6370 87 / 43 21.4 / 10.6 2.20 / 0.60 57 / 41 141
THT/IMP-O-REV-50-2/4T-6 2915 / 1445 9.50 / 2.80 19000 / 9420 153 / 76 25.4 / 12.6 4.50 / 1.30 60 / 44 284
THT/IMP-L-REV-29-2/4T 2780 / 1380 1.50 / 0.60 3400 / 1690 15 / 7 14.3 / 7.1 0.55 / 0.15 38 / 22 67
THT/IMP-L-REV-35-2/4T 2905 / 1445 2.40 / 0.77 5940 / 2955 31 / 15 16.7 / 8.3 0.85 / 0.20 51 / 35 70
THT/IMP-L-REV-38-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 8200 / 4080 54 / 27 20.1 / 10.0 1.50 / 0.37 49 / 33 97
THT/IMP-L-REV-40-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 9250 / 4605 60 / 30 20.4 / 10.1 1.50 / 0.37 52 / 36 106
Technical characteristics
Maximum Sound
Maximum flow Impulsion Installed Approx.
Model Speed admissible Thrust pressure
rate speed power weight
current (A) level1
(r/min) 400V (m³/h) (N) (m/s) (kW) dB (A) (Kg)
THT/IMP-L-REV-45-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 10300 / 5125 56 / 28 17.2 / 8.6 1.50 / 0.37 56 / 40 139
THT/IMP-L-REV-45-2/4T-3 2885 / 1435 4.79 / 1.54 12800 / 6370 87 / 43 21.4 / 10.6 2.20 / 0.6 57 / 41 141
THT/IMP-L-REV-50-2/4T-6 2915 / 1445 9.50 / 2.80 19000 / 9420 153 / 76 25.4 / 12.6 4.50 / 1.30 60 / 44 284
THT/IMP-LS-REV-29-2/4T 2780 / 1380 1.50 / 0.60 3400 / 1690 15 / 7 14.3 / 7.1 0.55 / 0.15 40 / 24 55
THT/IMP-LS-REV-35-2/4T 2905 / 1445 2.40 / 0.77 5940 / 2955 31 / 15 16.7 / 8.3 0.85 / 0.20 53 / 37 56
THT/IMP-LS-REV-38-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 8200 / 4080 54 / 27 20.1 / 10.0 1.50 / 0.37 51 / 35 77
THT/IMP-LS-REV-40-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 9250 / 4605 60 / 30 20.4 / 10.1 1.50 / 0.37 53 / 37 85
THT/IMP-LS-REV-45-2/4T-2 2875 / 1430 3.58 / 1.19 10300 / 5125 56 / 28 17.2 / 8.6 1.50 / 0.37 58 / 42 111
THT/IMP-LS-REV-45-2/4T-3 2885 / 1435 4.79 / 1.54 12800 / 6370 87 / 43 21.4 / 10.6 2.20 / 0.60 59 / 43 113
THT/IMP-LS-REV-50-2/4T-6 2915 / 1445 9.50 / 2.80 19000 / 9420 153 / 76 25.4 / 12.6 4.50 / 1.30 62 / 46 227
1 Sound pressure level in dB(A) at a distance of 10 m and at maximum flow rate.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
THT/IMP-C-UNI-31-2/4T 53 59 77 66 69 68 66 57 THT/IMP-C-REV-31-2/4T 52 58 76 65 68 67 65 56
THT/IMP-C-UNI-31-2/4T (2V) 37 43 61 50 53 52 50 41 THT/IMP-C-REV-31-2/4T (2V) 36 42 60 49 52 51 49 40
THT/IMP-C-UNI-35-2/4T 54 60 78 67 70 69 67 58 THT/IMP-C-REV-35-2/4T 53 59 77 66 69 68 66 57
THT/IMP-C-UNI-35-2/4T (2V) 38 44 62 51 54 53 51 42 THT/IMP-C-REV-35-2/4T (2V) 37 43 61 50 53 52 50 41
THT/IMP-C-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 49 55 73 62 65 64 62 53 THT/IMP-C-REV-38-2/4T-2 51 57 75 64 67 66 64 55
THT/IMP-C-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 (2V) 33 39 57 46 49 48 46 37 THT/IMP-C-REV-38-2/4T-2 (2V) 35 41 59 48 51 50 48 39
THT/IMP-C-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 55 61 79 68 71 70 68 59 THT/IMP-C-REV-40-2/4T-2 54 60 78 67 70 69 67 58
THT/IMP-C-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 (2V) 39 45 63 52 55 54 52 43 THT/IMP-C-REV-40-2/4T-2 (2V) 38 44 62 51 54 53 51 42
THT/IMP-C-UNI-45-2/4T-2 59 65 83 72 75 74 72 63 THT/IMP-C-REV-45-2/4T-2 58 64 82 71 74 73 71 62
THT/IMP-C-UNI-45-2/4T-2 (2V) 43 49 67 56 59 58 56 47 THT/IMP-C-REV-45-2/4T-2 (2V) 42 48 66 55 58 57 55 46
THT/IMP-C-UNI-45-2/4T-3 60 66 84 73 76 75 73 64 THT/IMP-C-REV-45-2/4T-3 59 65 83 72 75 74 72 63
THT/IMP-C-UNI-45-2/4T-3 (2V) 44 50 68 57 60 59 57 48 THT/IMP-C-REV-45-2/4T-3 (2V) 43 49 67 56 59 58 56 47
THT/IMP-C-UNI-50-2/4T-6 62 68 86 75 78 77 75 66 THT/IMP-C-REV-50-2/4T-6 62 68 86 75 78 77 75 66
THT/IMP-C-UNI-50-2/4T-6 (2V) 46 52 70 59 62 61 59 50 THT/IMP-C-REV-50-2/4T-6 (2V) 46 52 70 59 62 61 59 50
THT/IMP-O-UNI-29-2/4T 39 45 63 52 55 54 52 43 THT/IMP-O-REV-29-2/4T 40 46 64 53 56 55 53 44
THT/IMP-O-UNI-29-2/4T (2V) 23 29 47 36 39 38 36 27 THT/IMP-O-REV-29-2/4T (2V) 24 30 48 37 40 39 37 28
THT/IMP-O-UNI-35-2/4T 54 60 78 67 70 69 67 58 THT/IMP-O-REV-35-2/4T 53 59 77 66 69 68 66 57
THT/IMP-O-UNI-35-2/4T (2V) 38 44 62 51 54 53 51 42 THT/IMP-O-REV-35-2/4T (2V) 37 43 61 50 53 52 50 41
THT/IMP-O-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 49 55 73 62 65 64 62 53 THT/IMP-O-REV-38-2/4T-2 51 57 75 64 67 66 64 55
THT/IMP-O-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 (2V) 33 39 57 46 49 48 46 37 THT/IMP-O-REV-38-2/4T-2 (2V) 35 41 59 48 51 50 48 39
THT/IMP-O-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 55 61 79 68 71 70 68 59 THT/IMP-O-REV-40-2/4T-2 54 60 78 67 70 69 67 58
THT/IMP-O-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 (2V) 39 45 63 52 55 54 52 43 THT/IMP-O-REV-40-2/4T-2 (2V) 38 44 62 51 54 53 51 42
THT/IMP-O-UNI-45-2/4T-2 59 65 83 72 75 74 72 63 THT/IMP-O-REV-45-2/4T-2 58 64 82 71 74 73 71 62
THT/IMP-O-UNI-45-2/4T-2 (2V) 43 49 67 56 59 58 56 47 THT/IMP-O-REV-45-2/4T-2 (2V) 42 48 66 55 58 57 55 46
THT/IMP-O-UNI-45-2/4T-3 60 66 84 73 76 75 73 64 THT/IMP-O-REV-45-2/4T-3 59 65 83 72 75 74 72 63
THT/IMP-O-UNI-45-2/4T-3 (2V) 44 50 68 57 60 59 57 48 THT/IMP-O-REV-45-2/4T-3 (2V) 43 49 67 56 59 58 56 47
THT/IMP-O-UNI-50-2/4T-6 62 68 86 75 78 77 75 66 THT/IMP-O-REV-50-2/4T-6 62 68 86 75 78 77 75 66
THT/IMP-O-UNI-50-2/4T-6 (2V) 46 52 70 59 62 61 59 50 THT/IMP-O-REV-50-2/4T-6 (2V) 46 52 70 59 62 61 59 50
THT/IMP-L-UNI-29-2/4T 39 45 63 52 55 54 52 43 THT/IMP-L-REV-29-2/4T 40 46 64 53 56 55 53 44
THT/IMP-L-UNI-29-2/4T (2V) 23 29 47 36 39 38 36 27 THT/IMP-L-REV-29-2/4T (2V) 24 30 48 37 40 39 37 28
THT/IMP-L-UNI-35-2/4T 54 60 78 67 70 69 67 58 THT/IMP-L-REV-35-2/4T 53 59 77 66 69 68 66 57
THT/IMP-L-UNI-35-2/4T (2V) 38 44 62 51 54 53 51 42 THT/IMP-L-REV-35-2/4T (2V) 37 43 61 50 53 52 50 41
THT/IMP-L-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 49 55 73 62 65 64 62 53 THT/IMP-L-REV-38-2/4T-2 51 57 75 64 67 66 64 55
THT/IMP-L-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 (2V) 33 39 57 46 49 48 46 37 THT/IMP-L-REV-38-2/4T-2 (2V) 35 41 59 48 51 50 48 39
THT/IMP-L-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 55 61 79 68 71 70 68 59 THT/IMP-L-REV-40-2/4T-2 54 60 78 67 70 69 67 58
THT/IMP-L-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 (2V) 39 45 63 52 55 54 52 43 THT/IMP-L-REV-40-2/4T-2 (2V) 38 44 62 51 54 53 51 42
THT/IMP-L-UNI-45-2/4T-2 59 65 83 72 75 74 72 63 THT/IMP-L-REV-45-2/4T-2 58 64 82 71 74 73 71 62
THT/IMP-L-UNI-45-2/4T-2 (2V) 43 49 67 56 59 58 56 47 THT/IMP-L-REV-45-2/4T-2 (2V) 42 48 66 55 58 57 55 46
THT/IMP-L-UNI-45-2/4T-3 60 66 84 73 76 75 73 64 THT/IMP-L-REV-45-2/4T-3 59 65 83 72 75 74 72 63
THT/IMP-L-UNI-45-2/4T-3 (2V) 44 50 68 57 60 59 57 48 THT/IMP-L-REV-45-2/4T-3 (2V) 43 49 67 56 59 58 56 47
THT/IMP-L-UNI-50-2/4T-6 62 68 86 75 78 77 75 66 THT/IMP-L-REV-50-2/4T-6 62 68 86 75 78 77 75 66
THT/IMP-L-UNI-50-2/4T-6 (2V) 46 52 70 59 62 61 59 50 THT/IMP-L-REV-50-2/4T-6 (2V) 46 52 70 59 62 61 59 50
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-29-2/4T 41 47 65 54 57 56 54 45 THT/IMP-LS-REV-29-2/4T 42 48 66 55 58 57 55 46
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-29-2/4T (2V) 25 31 49 38 41 40 38 29 THT/IMP-LS-REV-29-2/4T (2V) 26 32 50 39 42 41 39 30
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-35-2/4T 56 62 80 69 72 71 69 60 THT/IMP-LS-REV-35-2/4T 55 61 79 68 71 70 68 59
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-35-2/4T (2V) 40 46 64 53 56 55 53 44 THT/IMP-LS-REV-35-2/4T (2V) 39 45 63 52 55 54 52 43
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 51 57 75 64 67 66 64 55 THT/IMP-LS-REV-38-2/4T-2 53 59 77 66 69 68 66 57
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-38-2/4T-1.5 (2V) 35 41 59 48 51 50 48 39 THT/IMP-LS-REV-38-2/4T-2 (2V) 37 43 61 50 53 52 50 41
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 57 63 81 70 73 72 70 61 THT/IMP-LS-REV-40-2/4T-2 55 61 79 68 71 70 68 59
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-40-2/4T-1.5 (2V) 41 47 65 54 57 56 54 45 THT/IMP-LS-REV-40-2/4T-2 (2V) 39 45 63 52 55 54 52 43
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-45-2/4T-2 61 67 85 74 77 76 74 65 THT/IMP-LS-REV-45-2/4T-2 60 66 84 73 76 75 73 64
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-45-2/4T-2 (2V) 45 51 69 58 61 60 58 49 THT/IMP-LS-REV-45-2/4T-2 (2V) 44 50 68 57 60 59 57 48
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-45-2/4T-3 62 68 86 75 78 77 75 66 THT/IMP-LS-REV-45-2/4T-3 61 67 85 74 77 76 74 65
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-45-2/4T-3 (2V) 46 52 70 59 62 61 59 50 THT/IMP-LS-REV-45-2/4T-3 (2V) 45 51 69 58 61 60 58 49
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-50-2/4T-6 64 70 88 77 80 79 77 68 THT/IMP-LS-REV-50-2/4T-6 64 70 88 77 80 79 77 68
THT/IMP-LS-UNI-50-2/4T-6 (2V) 48 54 72 61 64 63 61 52 THT/IMP-LS-REV-50-2/4T-6 (2V) 48 54 72 61 64 63 61 52
Dimensions mm
C: Circular casing
THT/IMP-C-31 315 415 320 700 10 1956 2000 220 345 275
THT/IMP-C-35 355 460 325 700 12 1960 2005 250 346 300
THT/IMP-C-38 380 460 340 1000 12 2570 2620 250 530 517
THT/IMP-C-40 410 510 340 950 12 2485 2540 280 376 340
THT/IMP-C-45 460 630 360 950 12 2500 2554 355 396 440
ØA ØB C L Ød E (UNI) E (REV) H H1 X X1 X2 Z
THT/IMP-C-50 514 710 450 1100 12 2895 2950 498 80 518 320 700 370
Dimensions mm
O: Painted casing
L: Galvanised sheet casing
LS: Casing of reduced length
A B C ød E (UNI) E (REV) L X X1 Z Z1
THT/IMP-LS-29 319.5 324 479 12x26 1410 1610 1200 400 167 580 610
THT/IMP-L-29 319.5 324 479 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 167 580 610
THT/IMP-O-29 319.5 324 479 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 167 580 610
THT/IMP-LS-35 383 386 523 12x26 1410 1610 1200 400 167 614 644
THT/IMP-L-35 383 386 523 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 167 614 644
THT/IMP-O-35 383 386 523 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 167 614 644
THT/IMP-LS-38 406 409 550 12x26 1410 1610 1200 400 170 640 670
THT/IMP-L-38 406 409 550 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 170 640 670
THT/IMP-O-38 406 409 550 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 170 640 670
THT/IMP-LS-40 436 439 582 12x26 1410 1610 1200 400 170 670 700
THT/IMP-L-40 436 439 582 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 170 670 700
THT/IMP-O-40 436 439 582 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 170 670 700
THT/IMP-LS-45 486 489 630 12x26 1410 1610 1200 400 170 724 754
THT/IMP-L-45 486 489 630 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 170 724 754
THT/IMP-O-45 486 489 630 12x26 2210 2410 2000 400 170 724 754
THT/IMP-LS-50 546 549 742 12x26 1445 1675 1200 560 255 778 808
THT/IMP-L-50 546 549 742 12x26 2245 2475 2000 560 255 778 808
THT/IMP-O-50 546 549 742 12x26 2245 2475 2000 560 255 778 808
Configuration with BOXPARK
Control panels for car park ventilation systems with triple purpose: daily ventilation, CO concentration
control and smoke extraction in case of fire
Control panels in metal enclosure with all the necessary elements for the management and control of fans
in car park ventilation systems, whether they are based on duct networks or impulse fans, for the control of
CO concentration levels and smoke extraction in case of fire. Customised panels for all power ratings and
number of fans according to project requirements.
CO level 1
Modbus/CAN open
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
Control signal
Control signal
Jet fans specially designed for tunnel ventilation. 400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h certificates,
depending on model
Order code
THT/IMP-C: Jet fans Unidirectional Impeller diameter Number of T = Three-phase Motor F300: 300 ºC/2h
specially designed for tunnel in cm motor poles power approved
ventilation. 400 ºC/2h and 2=2900 r/min (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h
300 ºC/2h certificates, 50 Hz approved
depending on model 4=1400 r/min
50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Maximum flow Impulsion Installed Approx.
Model Speed Thrust pressure
current (A) rate speed power weight
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (m³/h) (N) (m/s) (kW) dB (A) (Kg)
THT/IMP-C-UNI-56-2T-12 IE3 2975 18.07 10.44 29500 312 37.6 9.2 64 273
THT/IMP-C-UNI-56-4T-2 IE3 1435 5.89 3.38 14550 76 16.4 1.5 50 197
THT/IMP-C-UNI-63-2T-20 IE3 2935 26.50 15.35 40050 455 37.1 15.0 68 323
THT/IMP-C-UNI-63-4T-3 IE3 1450 7.86 4.52 21550 132 19.2 2.2 53 241
THT/IMP-C-UNI-71-4T-4 IE3 1455 11.01 6.33 28550 182 20.0 3.0 65 279
THT/IMP-C-UNI-80-4T-5.5 IE3 1445 7.95 4.61 36900 239 20.4 4.0 63 414
THT/IMP-C-UNI-90-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 52000 375 22.7 7.5 65 495
THT/IMP-C-UNI-100-4T-15 IE3 1460 20.70 11.99 66500 497 23.5 11.0 63 667
THT/IMP-C-UNI-125-4T-30 IE3 1475 42.20 24.44 98100 692 22.2 22.0 59 980
THT/IMP-C-UNI-125-4T-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 123700 1101 28.0 37.0 62 1110
1 Sound pressure level in dB(A) at a distance of 10 m and at maximum flow rate.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
56-2T-12 66 72 90 79 82 81 79 70 80-4T-5.5 65 71 89 78 81 80 78 69
56-4T-2 52 58 76 65 68 67 65 56 90-4T-10 67 73 91 80 83 82 80 71
63-2T-20 70 76 94 83 86 85 83 74 100-4T-15 65 71 89 78 81 80 78 69
63-4T-3 55 61 79 68 71 70 68 59 125-4T-30 61 67 85 74 77 76 74 65
71-4T-4 67 73 91 80 83 82 80 71 125-4T-50 64 70 88 77 80 79 77 68
Dimensions mm
ØA ØB C L Ød E H H1 X X1 X2 Z
THT/IMP-C-UNI-56 560 750 500 1200 12 3093 503 80 558 345 750 465
THT/IMP-C-UNI-63 640 800 650 1200 14 3242 525 80 706 418 900 545
THT/IMP-C-UNI-71 710 900 500 1200 14 3092 600 80 558 345 750 465
THT/IMP-C-UNI-80 800 1000 600 1200 14 3104 655 80 656 395 855 730
THT/IMP-C-UNI-90 900 1100 600 1200 14 3105 675 80 677 405.5 876 825
THT/IMP-C-UNI-100 1000 1200 700 1200 14 3205 730 80 767 450 965 884
THT/IMP-C-UNI-125 1250 1503 650 1350 17 3455 953 100 717 575 1250 1150
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Thrust (N)
Application example
Long-range 300 ºC/2h and 400 ºC/2h centrifugal induction jet fans for use in fire risk zones
with a low profile
Long range 300 ºC/2h and 400 ºC/2h • Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz.
centrifugal induction jet fans for use in fire • Maximum temperature of air to be
risk zones with a low profile. carried: S1 -20 ºC +40 ºC continuous
service, also suitable for warm climates
Fan: with temperatures up to 50 ºC. S2
• Sheet steel casing. operation, 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
• Backward curved impeller in highly
robust sheet steel. Finish:
• IAT series safety switch built into the fan. • Anti-corrosive finish in polyester resin,
• Fixing feet included. polymerised at 190 ºC, after degreasing
with phosphate-free nanotechnology
Motor: treatment.
• Class H motors for S1 continuous
operation and S2 emergency use. With
ball bearings, IP55 protection and 1 or
2 speeds, depending on model.
Order code
CI — 50 — 4T — F400
CI: Long-range 300 ºC/2h and Impeller size Number of motor T = Three-phase F300: 300 ºC/2h
400 ºC/2h centrifugal induction poles approved
jet fans for use in fire risk zones 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz F400: 400 ºC/2h
with a low profile 8=750 r/min 50 Hz approved
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Maximum Impulsion Installed Approx.
Model Speed Thrust pressure
current (A) flow rate speed power weight
(r/min) 230V 400V (m³/h) (N) (m/s) (kW) dB (A) (Kg)
CI-50-4T 1395 5.00 2.90 6050 50 23.5 1.20 64 83
CI-50-4/8T 1395 / 650 2.90 / 1.20 6050 / 2820 50 / 23 23.5 / 10.9 1.20 / 0.30 64 / 47 83
CI-75-4/8T 1450 / 730 5.20 / 2.05 8080 / 4070 75 / 38 26.3 / 13.2 2.20 / 0.37 65 / 50 139
CI-100-4T 1445 9.90 5.70 9340 100 30.0 2.40 67 141
CI-100-4/8T 1445 / 715 5.70 / 2.20 9340 / 4625 100 / 49 30.0 / 14.8 2.40 / 0.55 67 / 51 141
1 Sound pressure level in dB(A) at a distance of 10 m and at maximum flow rate.
Acoustic characteristics
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CI-50-4T 63 75 82 86 88 85 81 75 CI-75-4/8T (2V) 50 67 69 73 74 68 64 60
CI-50-4/8T 63 75 82 86 88 85 81 75 CI-100-4T 68 85 87 89 90 85 80 73
CI-50-4/8T (2V) 46 58 65 69 71 68 64 58 CI-100-4/8T 68 85 87 89 90 85 80 73
CI-75-4/8T 65 82 84 88 89 83 79 75 CI-100-4/8T (2V) 52 69 71 73 74 69 64 57
Dimensions mm
A B C V2 V1 X1 X2 Kxn
CI-50-F300 1240 840 272.5 741.5 524.5 413 477 12x26
CI-50-F400 1240 840 261.5 741.5 524.5 413 477 12x26
CI-75-F300 1778 1040 311 1143 662 494 596 12x26
CI-75-F400 1778 1040 299 1143 662 494 596 12x26
CI-100 F-300 1778 1040 323 1143 662 494 596 12x26
CI-100 F-400 1778 1040 323 1143 662 494 596 12x26
Configuration with BOXPARK
Control panels for car park ventilation systems with triple purpose: daily ventilation, CO concentration
control and smoke extraction in case of fire
Control panels in metal enclosure with all the necessary elements for the management and control of fans
in car park ventilation systems, whether they are based on duct networks or impulse fans, for the control of
CO concentration levels and smoke extraction in case of fire. Customised panels for all power ratings and
number of fans according to project requirements.
CO level 1
Modbus/CAN open
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
Control signal
Control signal
400 ºC/2h (F400) and 300 ºC/2h (F300) roof mounted multifunctional extract fans
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h rated roof • Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers
mounted multifunctional extract fans for equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except
work in fire risk zones, designed for smoke single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
extraction in industrial or similar buildings. • Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to
3 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers
Fan: greater than 3 kW).
• Support base in painted galvanized steel • Maximum temperature of air to be
sheet. carried: S1 -20 ºC +40 ºC continuous
• Adjustable cast aluminum impeller. service, also suitable for warm climates
• Protection grid against contacts with temperatures up to 50 ºC. S2
according to UNE-EN ISO 12499. operation, 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
• Cap in painted galvanized steel
sheet, with natural air outlet. Approval Finish:
according to EN 12101-3, with • Anti-corrosive finish in polyester resin,
certifications No. 0370-CPR 0544 (F400) polymerised at 190 ºC, after degreasing
and 0370-CPR-3073 (F300). with phosphate-free nanotechnology
• Class H motors for S1 continuous
operation and S2 emergency use. With
ball bearings, IP55 protection and 1 or 2
speeds, depending on model.
Order code
HTMF — 63 — 4T — 2 — F400
HTMF: 400 ºC/2h (F400) and Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
300 ºC/2h (F300) roof mounted diameter 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
multifunctional extract fans in cm 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz
8=750 r/min 50 Hz
12=500 r/min 50 Hz
Size 125
HTMF: 400 ºC/2h (F400) and Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Number of blades: Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h
300 ºC/2h (F300) roof mounted diameter 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz 6 blades (HP) approved
multifunctional extract fans in cm 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz 9 blades F400: 400 ºC/2h
8=750 r/min 50 Hz approved
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Maximum flow Sound pressure level1 Approx.
Model Speed
(A) power rate dB (A) weight
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Maximum flow Sound pressure level1 Approx.
Model Speed
(A) power rate dB (A) weight
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
56-4-1 46 67 74 79 82 78 71 60 56-4-1 43 64 71 76 79 75 68 57
56-4-1.5 47 68 75 80 83 79 72 61 56-4-1.5 44 65 72 77 80 76 69 58
56-8-1.5 (2V) 31 52 59 64 67 63 56 45 56-8-1.5 (2V) 28 49 56 61 64 60 53 42
56-6-0.75 35 56 63 68 71 67 60 49 56-6-0.75 33 54 61 66 69 65 58 47
63-4-1.5 49 70 77 82 85 81 74 63 63-4-1.5 46 67 74 79 82 78 71 60
63-8-1.5 (2V) 33 54 61 66 69 65 58 47 63-8-1.5 (2V) 30 51 58 63 66 62 55 44
63-4-2 50 71 78 83 86 82 75 64 63-4-2 47 68 75 80 83 79 72 61
63-8-2 (2V) 35 56 63 68 71 67 60 49 63-8-2 (2V) 32 53 60 65 68 64 57 46
63-4-3 51 72 79 84 87 83 76 65 63-4-3 48 69 76 81 84 80 73 62
63-8-3 (2V) 36 57 64 69 72 68 61 50 63-8-3 (2V) 33 54 61 66 69 65 58 47
63-6-0.75 40 61 68 73 76 72 65 54 63-6-0.75 38 59 66 71 74 70 63 52
63-6-1 41 62 69 74 77 73 66 55 63-6-1 39 60 67 72 75 71 64 53
71-4-2 53 74 81 86 89 85 78 67 71-4-2 50 71 78 83 86 82 75 64
71-8-2 (2V) 38 59 66 71 74 70 63 52 71-8-2 (2V) 35 56 63 68 71 67 60 49
71-4-3 55 76 83 88 91 87 80 69 71-4-3 52 73 80 85 88 84 77 66
71-8-3 (2V) 40 61 68 73 76 72 65 54 71-8-3 (2V) 37 58 65 70 73 69 62 51
71-4-4 56 77 84 89 92 88 81 70 71-4-4 53 74 81 86 89 85 78 67
71-8-4 (2V) 41 62 69 74 77 73 66 55 71-8-4 (2V) 38 59 66 71 74 70 63 52
71-6-1 42 63 70 75 78 74 67 56 71-6-1 40 61 68 73 76 72 65 54
71-6-1.5 43 64 71 76 79 75 68 57 71-6-1.5 41 62 69 74 77 73 66 55
80-4-4 57 78 85 90 93 89 82 71 80-4-4 54 75 82 87 90 86 79 68
80-8-4 (2V) 42 63 70 75 78 74 67 56 80-8-4 (2V) 39 60 67 72 75 71 64 53
80-4-5.5 58 79 86 91 94 90 83 72 80-4-5.5 55 76 83 88 91 87 80 69
80-8-5.5 (2V) 43 64 71 76 79 75 68 57 80-8-5.5 (2V) 40 61 68 73 76 72 65 54
80-6-1.5 46 67 74 79 82 78 71 60 80-6-1.5 44 65 72 77 80 76 69 58
80-6-2 47 68 75 80 83 79 72 61 80-6-2 45 66 73 78 81 77 70 59
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
80-6-3 48 69 76 81 84 80 73 62 80-6-3 46 67 74 79 82 78 71 60
80-8-1 45 66 73 78 81 77 70 59 80-8-1 44 65 72 77 80 76 69 58
90-4-5.5 63 84 91 96 99 95 88 77 90-4-5.5 60 81 88 93 96 92 85 74
90-8-5.5 (2V) 48 69 76 81 84 80 73 62 90-8-5.5 (2V) 45 66 73 78 81 77 70 59
90-4-7.5 65 86 93 98 101 97 90 79 90-4-7.5 62 83 90 95 98 94 87 76
90-8-7.5 (2V) 50 71 78 83 86 82 75 64 90-8-7.5 (2V) 47 68 75 80 83 79 72 61
90-4-10 66 87 94 99 102 98 91 80 90-4-10 63 84 91 96 99 95 88 77
90-8-10 (2V) 51 72 79 84 87 83 76 65 90-8-10 (2V) 48 69 76 81 84 80 73 62
90-6-3 52 73 80 85 88 84 77 66 90-6-3 50 71 78 83 86 82 75 64
90-12-3 (2V) 37 58 65 70 73 69 62 51 90-12-3 (2V) 35 56 63 68 71 67 60 49
90-6-4 53 74 81 86 89 85 78 67 90-6-4 51 72 79 84 87 83 76 65
90-12-4 (2V) 38 59 66 71 74 70 63 52 90-12-4 (2V) 36 57 64 69 72 68 61 50
90-8-1 45 66 73 78 81 77 70 59 90-8-1 44 65 72 77 80 76 69 58
90-8-2 47 68 75 80 83 79 72 61 90-8-2 46 67 74 79 82 78 71 60
100-4-7.5 68 89 96 101 104 100 93 82 100-4-7.5 65 86 93 98 101 97 90 79
100-8-7.5 (2V) 53 74 81 86 89 85 78 67 100-8-7.5 (2V) 50 71 78 83 86 82 75 64
100-4-10 68 89 96 101 104 100 93 82 100-4-10 65 86 93 98 101 97 90 79
100-8-10 (2V) 53 74 81 86 89 85 78 67 100-8-10 (2V) 50 71 78 83 86 82 75 64
100-4-14 69 90 97 102 105 101 94 83 100-4-14 66 87 94 99 102 98 91 80
100-8-14 (2V) 54 75 82 87 90 86 79 68 100-8-14 (2V) 51 72 79 84 87 83 76 65
100-4-15 70 91 98 103 106 102 95 84 100-4-15 67 88 95 100 103 99 92 81
100-6-3 58 79 86 91 94 90 83 72 100-6-3 56 77 84 89 92 88 81 70
100-12-3 (2V) 43 64 71 76 79 75 68 57 100-12-3 (2V) 41 62 69 74 77 73 66 55
100-6-4 59 80 87 92 95 91 84 73 100-6-4 57 78 85 90 93 89 82 71
100-12-4 (2V) 44 65 72 77 80 76 69 58 100-12-4 (2V) 42 63 70 75 78 74 67 56
100-6-5.5 60 81 88 93 96 92 85 74 100-6-5.5 58 79 86 91 94 90 83 72
100-12-5.5 (2V) 45 66 73 78 81 77 70 59 100-12-5.5 (2V) 43 64 71 76 79 75 68 57
100-8-3 53 74 81 86 89 85 78 67 100-8-3 52 73 80 85 88 84 77 66
100-8-4 54 75 82 87 90 86 79 68 100-8-4 53 74 81 86 89 85 78 67
125-4/6-15 63 72 87 94 97 91 85 81 125-4/6-15 60 69 84 91 94 88 82 78
125-4/6-20 63 72 87 94 97 91 85 81 125-4/6-20 60 69 84 91 94 88 82 78
125-4/9-20 62 71 87 93 95 89 84 80 125-4/9-20 59 68 84 90 92 86 81 77
125-6/6-5.5 56 66 78 81 83 79 68 64 125-6/6-5.5 54 64 76 79 81 77 66 62
125-6/6-7.5 56 66 78 81 83 79 68 64 125-6/6-7.5 54 64 76 79 81 77 66 62
125-6/6-10 58 68 80 83 85 81 70 66 125-6/6-10 56 66 78 81 83 79 68 64
125-6/6-15 60 70 82 85 87 83 72 68 125-6/6-15 58 68 80 83 85 81 70 66
125-6/9-7.5 54 65 79 83 83 81 70 66 125-6/9-7.5 52 63 77 81 81 79 68 64
125-6/9-10 54 65 79 83 83 81 70 66 125-6/9-10 52 63 77 81 81 79 68 64
125-6/9-15 57 68 82 86 86 84 73 69 125-6/9-15 55 66 80 84 84 82 71 67
125-6/9-20 60 71 85 89 89 87 76 72 125-6/9-20 58 69 83 87 87 85 74 70
125-8/6-4 50 59 70 75 75 69 58 54 125-8/6-4 49 58 69 74 74 68 57 53
125-8/6-5.5 52 61 72 77 77 71 60 56 125-8/6-5.5 51 60 71 76 76 70 59 55
125-8/6-7.5 54 63 74 79 79 73 62 58 125-8/6-7.5 53 62 73 78 78 72 61 57
125-8/6-10 55 64 75 80 80 74 63 59 125-8/6-10 54 63 74 79 79 73 62 58
125-8/9-5.5 49 61 70 76 78 72 61 57 125-8/9-5.5 48 60 69 75 77 71 60 56
125-8/9-7.5 52 64 73 79 81 75 64 60 125-8/9-7.5 51 63 72 78 80 74 63 59
125-8/9-10 54 66 75 81 83 77 66 62 125-8/9-10 53 65 74 80 82 76 65 61
125-8/9-15 55 67 76 82 84 78 67 63 125-8/9-15 54 66 75 81 83 77 66 62
Dimensions mm
HTMF-56 650 185 425 40 960 900 750 14
HTMF-63 680 215 425 40 1092 1000 850 14
HTMF-71 759 195 524 40 1120 1000 850 14
HTMF-80 790 216 524 50 1252 1150 1000 14
HTMF-90 920 232 638 50 1380 1150 1000 14
HTMF-100 1055 252 753 50 1527 1250 1100 14
HTMF-125 1170 311 809 50 1803 1425 1275 17
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
HTMF-90 HTMF-100
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
HTMF-THT-125-4T/6/9 HTMF-THT-125-6T/6
HTMF-THT-125-6T/9 HTMF-THT-125-8T/6
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h roof mounted axial extract fans with vertical air outlets
Roof mounted axial extract fans with • Class H motors for S1 continuous
vertical air outlets, for immersed operation operation and S2 emergency use. With
in fire risk zones, designed for smoke ball bearings and IP55 protection.
extraction in industrial or similar buildings. • Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to
3 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers
Fan: greater than 3 kW).
• Support base in galvanized steel sheet • Maximum temperature of air to be
and anti-corrosive treatment. carried: S1 -25 ºC +40 ºC continuous
• Adjustable cast aluminum impeller. service, also suitable for warm climates
• Protection grid against contacts with temperatures up to 50 ºC. S2
according to UNE-EN ISO 12499. operation, 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
• Non-return damper in aluminum sheet to
prevent the entry of water when the fan Finish:
is not running. • Anti-corrosive finish in polyester resin,
• Approved in accordance with standard polymerised at 190 ºC, after degreasing
EN 12101-3, with certifications no.: with phosphate-free nanotechnology
0370-CPR-3080 (F400) and treatment.
0370‐CPR‐3056 (F300).
• Airflow direction from motor to impeller. On request:
• Fans with 2 speed motor.
Motor: • 2 and 8 pole fans according to diameter.
• Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers
equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except
single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
Order code
THT/ROOF — 56 — 4T — 2 — F400
THT/ROOF: 400 ºC/2h Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
and 300 ºC/2h roof diameter 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
mounted axial extract fans in cm 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz
with vertical air outlets
Size 125
THT/ROOF: 400 ºC/2h Impeller Number of motor poles T = Three-phase Number of blades: Motor power F300: 300 ºC/2h
and 300 ºC/2h roof diameter 4=1500 r/min 50 Hz 6 blades (HP) approved
mounted axial extract fans in cm 6=1000 r/min 50 Hz 9 blades F400: 400 ºC/2h
with vertical air outlets approved
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible Installed Blade tilt Maximum Sound pressure level1 Approx.
Model Speed
current (A) power angle flow rate dB (A) weight
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet Exhaust (Kg)
THT/ROOF-40-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 32 4800 45 44 39
THT/ROOF-40-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 3150 36 35 44
THT/ROOF-45-4T-0.75 1420 2.84 1.64 0.55 36 7450 48 47 42
THT/ROOF-45-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 30 4450 38 37 47
THT/ROOF-50-4T-1 IE3 1410 3.08 1.79 0.75 28 9730 50 49 51
THT/ROOF-50-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 32 7000 42 41 54
THT/ROOF-56-4T-1 IE3 1410 3.08 1.79 0.75 22 11250 53 52 58
THT/ROOF-56-4T-1.5 IE3 1430 4.10 2.37 1.10 30 13600 53 52 58
THT/ROOF-56-4T-2 IE3 1435 5.89 3.38 1.50 36 15030 54 53 61
THT/ROOF-56-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 38 10140 44 43 57
THT/ROOF-63-4T-1.5 IE3 1430 4.10 2.37 1.10 20 17800 56 55 67
THT/ROOF-63-4T-2 IE3 1435 5.89 3.38 1.50 24 19280 56 55 71
THT/ROOF-63-4T-3 IE3 1450 7.86 4.52 2.20 32 22150 58 57 76
THT/ROOF-63-4T-4 IE3 1455 11.01 6.33 3.00 38 24240 59 58 85
THT/ROOF-63-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 28 13590 47 46 67
THT/ROOF-63-6T-1 IE3 935 3.36 1.93 0.75 38 15890 48 47 70
THT/ROOF-71-4T-2 IE3 1435 5.89 3.38 1.50 14 20900 60 59 78
THT/ROOF-71-4T-3 IE3 1450 7.86 4.52 2.20 22 25100 60 59 83
THT/ROOF-71-4T-4 IE3 1455 11.01 6.33 3.00 28 27480 60 59 92
THT/ROOF-71-6T-0.75 930 2.90 1.75 0.55 20 16100 50 49 74
THT/ROOF-71-6T-1 IE3 935 3.36 1.93 0.75 26 17300 50 49 77
THT/ROOF-71-6T-1.5 IE3 930 4.73 2.72 1.10 34 19930 51 50 83
THT/ROOF-80-4T-4 IE3 1455 11.01 6.33 3.00 16 30250 64 63 114
THT/ROOF-80-4T-5.5 IE3 1445 7.95 4.61 4.00 18 32750 63 62 121
THT/ROOF-80-6T-1.5 IE3 930 4.73 2.72 1.10 18 21450 53 52 105
THT/ROOF-80-6T-2 IE3 950 6.25 3.62 1.50 26 25950 54 53 114
THT/ROOF-80-6T-3 IE3 960 9.78 5.62 2.20 32 29930 55 54 120
THT/ROOF-90-4T-5.5 IE3 1445 7.95 4.61 4.00 12 38890 68 67 134
THT/ROOF-90-4T-7.5 IE3 1455 10.40 6.04 5.50 18 46140 67 66 161
THT/ROOF-90-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 22 50140 66 65 172
THT/ROOF-90-6T-2 IE3 950 6.25 3.62 1.50 16 28780 56 55 127
THT/ROOF-90-6T-3 IE3 960 9.78 5.62 2.20 24 34000 56 55 134
THT/ROOF-90-6T-4 IE3 970 12.80 6.36 3.00 30 38900 59 58 159
THT/ROOF-100-4T-7.5 IE3 1455 10.40 6.04 5.50 10 46850 72 71 172
THT/ROOF-100-4T-10 IE3 1460 14.20 8.17 7.50 16 57400 69 68 183
THT/ROOF-100-4T-15 IE3 1460 20.70 11.99 11.00 22 66300 69 68 236
THT/ROOF-100-4T-20 IE3 1460 27.80 16.03 15.00 28 76150 70 69 251
THT/ROOF-100-6T-3 IE3 960 9.78 5.62 2.20 16 37600 60 59 146
THT/ROOF-100-6T-4 IE3 970 12.80 6.36 3.00 20 41150 59 58 171
THT/ROOF-100-6T-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 26 47780 60 59 183
THT/ROOF-125-4T/6-25 IE3 1475 35.40 20.39 18.50 14 92550 70 69 413
THT/ROOF-125-4T/6-30 IE3 1475 42.20 24.44 22.00 16 98830 69 68 427
THT/ROOF-125-4T/6-40 IE3 1470 53.30 31.02 30.00 22 117450 69 68 507
THT/ROOF-125-4T/6-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 26 131050 69 68 543
THT/ROOF-125-4T/9-25 IE3 1475 35.40 20.39 18.50 10 79650 77 76 422
THT/ROOF-125-4T/9-30 IE3 1475 42.20 24.44 22.00 12 88290 76 75 436
THT/ROOF-125-4T/9-40 IE3 1470 53.30 31.02 30.00 16 104040 75 74 516
THT/ROOF-125-4T/9-50 IE3 1480 66.80 38.70 37.00 20 118400 75 74 552
THT/ROOF-125-6T/6-5.5 IE3 970 8.37 4.82 4.00 10 51500 62 61 288
THT/ROOF-125-6T/6-7.5 IE3 970 12.30 7.07 5.50 14 60640 60 59 295
THT/ROOF-125-6T/6-10 IE3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 20 72650 59 58 325
THT/ROOF-125-6T/6-15 IE3 970 22.50 13.07 11.00 26 85850 60 59 355
THT/ROOF-125-6T/6-20 IE3 970 29.00 16.78 15.00 30 92850 61 60 413
THT/ROOF-125-6T/9-10 IE3 970 15.20 8.83 7.50 14 63490 67 66 334
THT/ROOF-125-6T/9-15 IE3 970 22.50 13.07 11.00 20 77550 65 64 364
THT/ROOF-125-6T/9-20 IE3 970 29.00 16.78 15.00 26 92950 65 64 422
1 The noise level values are pressures in dB(A) measured at a distance of 10 metres in a free field.
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-4-0.75 37 53 63 70 71 68 67 68 40-4-0.75 36 52 62 69 70 67 66 67
40-6-0.75 28 44 54 61 62 59 58 59 40-6-0.75 27 43 53 60 61 58 57 58
45-4-0.75 47 59 67 73 73 73 68 60 45-4-0.75 46 58 66 72 72 72 67 59
45-6-0.75 37 49 57 63 63 63 58 50 45-6-0.75 36 48 56 62 62 62 57 49
50-4-1 49 61 69 75 75 75 70 62 50-4-1 48 60 68 74 74 74 69 61
50-6-0.75 41 53 61 67 67 67 62 54 50-6-0.75 40 52 60 66 66 66 61 53
56-4-1 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64 56-4-1 50 62 71 77 77 77 71 63
56-4-1.5 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64 56-4-1.5 50 62 71 77 77 77 71 63
56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65 56-4-2 51 63 72 78 78 78 72 64
56-6-0.75 45 55 65 69 70 68 61 53 56-6-0.75 44 54 64 68 69 67 60 52
63-4-1.5 47 63 75 81 83 80 73 65 63-4-1.5 46 62 74 80 82 79 72 64
63-4-2 54 66 75 81 81 81 75 67 63-4-2 53 65 74 80 80 80 74 66
63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69 63-4-3 55 67 76 82 82 82 76 68
63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70 63-4-4 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69
63-6-0.75 48 58 68 72 73 71 64 56 63-6-0.75 47 57 67 71 72 70 63 55
63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57 63-6-1 48 58 68 72 73 71 64 56
71-4-2 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 71-4-2 55 71 78 84 84 84 80 72
71-4-3 56 72 79 85 85 85 81 73 71-4-3 55 71 78 84 84 84 80 72
71-4-4 63 75 79 85 85 86 83 75 71-4-4 62 74 78 84 84 85 82 74
71-6-0.75 46 53 73 76 76 71 63 55 71-6-0.75 45 52 72 75 75 70 62 54
71-6-1 46 64 73 76 76 71 64 55 71-6-1 45 63 72 75 75 70 63 54
71-6-1.5 47 65 74 77 77 72 65 56 71-6-1.5 46 64 73 76 76 71 64 55
80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73 80-4-4 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 80-4-5.5 52 68 81 88 88 85 79 71
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 80-6-1.5 52 67 74 77 78 75 69 61
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 80-6-2 58 68 74 78 79 77 72 64
80-6-3 60 70 76 80 81 79 74 66 80-6-3 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65
90-4-5.5 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79 90-4-5.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78
90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78 90-4-7.5 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77
90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77 90-4-10 57 73 84 90 91 89 84 76
90-6-2 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 90-6-2 51 66 77 81 81 77 70 62
90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 90-6-3 51 66 77 81 81 77 70 62
90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68 90-6-4 59 69 79 84 84 81 75 67
100-4-7.5 67 83 90 97 98 96 92 84 100-4-7.5 66 82 89 96 97 95 91 83
100-4-10 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81 100-4-10 63 79 86 93 94 92 88 80
100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 100-4-15 70 82 86 92 93 93 90 82
100-4-20 72 84 88 94 95 95 92 84 100-4-20 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83
100-6-3 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 100-6-3 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66
100-6-4 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66 100-6-4 55 70 80 83 84 81 73 65
100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 100-6-5.5 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66
125-4/6-25 65 81 88 95 96 94 90 82 125-4/6-25 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81
125-4/6-30 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81 125-4/6-30 63 79 86 93 94 92 88 80
125-4/6-40 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 125-4/6-40 70 82 86 92 93 93 90 82
125-4/6-50 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 125-4/6-50 70 82 86 92 93 93 90 82
125-4/9-25 67 81 94 102 104 101 96 88 125-4/9-25 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87
125-4/9-30 66 80 93 101 103 100 95 87 125-4/9-30 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86
125-4/9-40 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86 125-4/9-40 64 78 91 99 101 98 93 85
125-4/9-50 65 79 92 100 102 99 94 86 125-4/9-50 64 78 91 99 101 98 93 85
125-6/6-5.5 59 74 84 87 88 85 77 69 125-6/6-5.5 58 73 83 86 87 84 76 68
125-6/6-7.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 125-6/6-7.5 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66
125-6/6-10 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66 125-6/6-10 55 70 80 83 84 81 73 65
125-6/6-15 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 125-6/6-15 56 71 81 84 85 82 74 66
125-6/6-20 58 73 83 86 87 84 76 68 125-6/6-20 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
125-6/9-10 61 76 87 93 94 88 84 77 125-6/9-10 60 75 86 92 93 87 83 76
125-6/9-15 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75 125-6/9-15 58 73 84 90 91 85 81 74
125-6/9-20 59 74 85 91 92 86 82 75 125-6/9-20 58 73 84 90 91 85 81 74
Dimensions mm
THT/ROOF-40 628 349 244 35 519 630 530 12
THT/ROOF-45 642 363 244 35 569 710 590 12
THT/ROOF-50 679 400 244 35 626 900 750 12
THT/ROOF-56 710 426 244 40 686 900 750 14
THT/ROOF-63 747 463 244 40 753 1000 850 14
THT/ROOF-71 830 498 292 40 833 1000 850 14
THT/ROOF-80 887 545 292 50 923 1150 1000 14
THT/ROOF-90 989 601 338 50 1031 1150 1000 14
THT/ROOF-100 1136 648 438 50 1128 1250 1100 14
THT/ROOF-125 1313 775 488 50 1386 1425 1275 17
Characteristic curves
See series characteristic curves: THT
Extract units with direct drive, to work inside the fire zone 400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h
400 ºC/2h extractor fan units and double • Single-phase 230 V 50 Hz and three-
inlet centrifugal extractor fans with direct phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to 3 kW) and
drive motors for immersed operation in 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers greater than
fire risk zones. With the option of a single- 3 kW).
phase motor. • Maximum temperature of air to be carried:
S1 continuous operation -20 ºC +60 ºC,
Fan: S2 operation 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
• Galvanized steel sheet casing.
• Forward curved impeller in galvanized Finish:
sheet steel. • Anti-corrosive in galvanized steel sheet.
• External terminal box.
• Vibration isolators. On request:
• Approved in accordance with standard • Fans with circular outlet.
EN 12101-3, with certificate no.: • Fans with vertical outlet.
• Class H motors for S1 continuous
operation and S2 emergency use. With
ball bearings, IP55 protection and 1 or
2 speeds, depending on model.
Order code
CJBDT: Extract units with direct Impeller size Number of motor M = Single-phase Motor power (HP) F300: 300 ºC/2h
drive, to work inside the fire zone poles T = Three-phase approved
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz F400: 400 ºC/2h
6=900 r/min 50 Hz approved
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
Irradiated sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CJBDT-9/9-4-0.75 51 66 70 69 68 65 65 55 CJBDT-12/12-6-1.5 52 67 71 70 69 66 66 56
CJBDT-10/10-4-0.75 54 69 73 72 71 68 68 58 CJBDT-15/15-6-3 63 72 74 76 71 70 64 55
CJBDT-12/12-6-1 51 66 70 69 68 65 65 55 CJBDT-18/18-6-5.5 64 74 76 78 73 72 66 57
Dimensions mm
A B C D1 D2 G1 H I J K L
CJBDT-9/9 550 522 550 428 456 333.5 54.5 509 570 308 268
CJBDT-10/10 600 575 600 480 505 361.5 65.5 559 620 334 296
CJBDT-12/12 650 650 700 555 605 418 57.5 659 670 395 349
CJBDT-15/15 755 755 800 660 705 485 64 759 775 478 412
CJBDT-18/18 1000 900 1000 804 904 585 69.5 934 1041 550 491
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
6T=1000 r/min
Double inlet centrifugal fans, direct drive, to work inside the fire zone 400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h
400 ºC/2h double inlet centrifugal extractor • Single-phase 230 V 50 Hz and three-
fans with direct drive motors for immersed phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to 3 kW) and
operation in fire risk zones, with the option 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers greater than
of a single-phase motor. 3 kW).
• Maximum temperature of air to be carried:
Fan: S1 continuous operation -20 ºC +60 ºC,
• Galvanized steel sheet casing. S2 operation 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
• Forward curved impeller in galvanized
sheet steel. Finish:
• External terminal box. • Anti-corrosive in galvanized steel sheet.
• Approved in accordance with standard
EN 12101-3, with certificate no.: On request:
0370-CPR-0580. • Fans with circular outlet.
• Fans with vertical outlet.
• Class H motors for S1 continuous
operation and S2 emergency use. With
ball bearings, IP55 protection and 1 or 2
speeds, depending on model.
Order code
CBDT: Double inlet centrifugal fans, Impeller size Number of motor M = Single-phase Motor power (HP) F300: 300 ºC/2h
direct drive, to work inside the fire poles T = Three-phase approved
zone 400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz F400: 400 ºC/2h
6=900 r/min 50 Hz approved
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CBDT-9/9-4-0.75 46 56 64 68 73 72 69 61 CBDT-12/12-6-1.5 49 60 65 72 73 73 68 62
CBDT-10/10-4-0.75 48 58 66 70 75 74 71 63 CBDT-15/15-6-3 63 72 74 76 71 70 64 55
CBDT-12/12-6-1 47 58 63 70 71 71 66 60 CBDT-18/18-6-5.5 64 74 76 78 73 72 66 57
Dimensions mm
A B B1 B2 E H K L P Q V X X1 x O
CBDT-9/9 390 402 1.5 218 183 181 300 263 280 280 358 360 49 332 9x17
CBDT-10/10 430 448 2 246 202 204 326 292 326 326 398 388 33 360 9x17
CBDT-12/12 501 534 4 290 230 239.5 387 342 384 384 470 448 57 420 9x17
CBDT-15/15 584 630 - 348 265 280 473 405 460 460 550 535 58 507 9x17
CBDT-18/18 694 756 4 415 323 336 540 482 553 608 665 600 85 570 9x17
CBDT-10/10 CBDT-18/18
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
6T=1000 r/min
Extract fans with automatic operation, vertical air outlet, EC Technology motor and
Technical characteristics
Speed Single-phase VSD 230 V 50/60 Hz Max. electric Sound pressure level Approx.
min/max Maximum current input (A) power min/max weight
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Irradiated values at 1700 m³/h ‐250 Pa
Dimensions mm
CJV/EW-1800 560 815 520 225 325 315 460 800 780 345 130 180 395
CJV/EW-1800/T 560 815 520 225 325 315 460 800 780 345 130 180 395
Characteristic curves
Flow rate in m³/h. Static pressure in Pa. Electric power in W. Irradiated sound pressure at 4 m.
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h centrifugal extractor fans with backward curved impeller
Order code
TCR: 400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h Impeller size Number of motor T = Three-phase F300: 300 ºC/2h
centrifugal extractor fans with poles approved
backward curved impeller 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz F400: 400 ºC/2h
6=900 r/min 50 Hz approved
Standard supply LG 270
Technical characteristics
Installed Maximum Approx.
Model Speed Maximum admissible current (A) pressure
power flow rate weight
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (m³/h) dB (A) (Kg)
TCR-1240-4T IE3 1425 3.08 1.79 0.75 5830 65 76
TCR-1445-4T IE3 1435 4.10 2.37 1.10 8100 68 98
TCR-1650-4T IE3 1140 5.89 3.38 1.50 10600 70 118
TCR-1650-6T IE3 950 3.36 1.93 0.75 7410 60 118
TCR-1856-4T IE3 1455 11.01 6.33 3.00 15240 76 158
TCR-1856-6T IE3 950 4.73 2.72 1.10 10050 68 150
TCR-2063-4T IE3 1465 10.40 6.04 5.50 24490 78 257
TCR-2063-6T IE3 955 6.25 3.62 1.50 16100 68 212
TCR-2271-4T IE3 1480 20.70 11.99 11.00 34760 84 380
TCR-2271-6T IE3 970 12.80 6.36 3.00 23010 75 313
1 Irradiated sound pressure level in dB(A) at a distance of 3 m.
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
Irradiated sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
TCR-1240-4T 53 67 73 76 76 77 67 56 TCR-1856-6T 58 66 78 80 77 78 68 57
TCR-1445-4T 56 69 75 80 77 80 75 61 TCR-2063-4T 77 82 88 90 88 85 78 70
TCR-1650-4T 61 71 79 81 80 82 73 63 TCR-2063-6T 66 67 79 79 78 80 70 60
TCR-1650-6T 50 62 69 74 70 66 59 51 TCR-2271-4T 80 81 90 93 95 96 92 79
TCR-1856-4T 66 75 88 84 87 88 82 68 TCR-2271-6T 70 70 84 83 87 87 76 65
Dimensions mm
Inlet nozzle
Outlet nozzle
I J J1 J2 K k k1 k2 L Ø0
TCR-1240 395 480 70 440 315 100 77.5 355 400 11
TCR-1445 445 540 99 498 355 100 102.5 405 450 11
TCR-1650 490 590 87.5 550 400 125 100 450 500 13
TCR-1856 550 660 55 610 450 125 125 500 560 13
TCR-2063 620 750 95 690 500 125 92.5 560 630 13
TCR-2271 690 840 75 775 560 125 62.5 625 710 13
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h extractor fan units with interchangeable covers
Order code
CJS: 400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h Impeller size Number of motor poles T = Three-phase F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
extractor fan units with 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
interchangeable covers 6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Acoustic characteristics
Dimensions mm
CJS-1850-4T 800 800 400 400 700 640
CJS-2056-4T 925 925 462.5 450 825 765
CJS-2056-6T 925 925 462.5 450 825 765
CJS-2071-4T 1060 1060 530 710 960 900
CJS-2071-6T-3 1000 1000 500 630 900 840
CJS-2071-6T-5.5 1060 1060 530 710 960 900
CJS-2263-4T 1000 1000 500 630 900 840
CJS-2263-6T 925 925 462.5 560 825 765
CJS-2880-6T 1060 1060 530 710 960 900
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4T=1500 r/min
6T=1000 r/min
400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h extractor fan units with linear inlet and outlet
400 ºC/2h extractor fan units with • Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers
acoustically insulated boxed for immersed equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except
operation in fire risk zones. single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
• Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to
Fan: 3 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers
• Galvanised sheet steel structure greater than 3 kW).
with thermal insulation and acoustic • Maximum temperature of air to be
insulation. carried: S1 -25 ºC +40 ºC continuous
• Impeller made of sheet steel. service, also suitable for warm climates
• Approved in accordance with standard with temperatures up to 50 ºC. S2
EN 12101-3, with certificate no.: operation, 300 ºC/2h, 400 ºC/2h.
• Linear airflow direction. Finish:
• Anti-corrosive in galvanized steel sheet.
• Class H motors for S1 continuous On request:
operation and S2 emergency use. With • Fans with 2 speed motor.
ball bearings and IP55 protection.
Order code
CJMD: 400 ºC/2h and 300 ºC/2h extractor Impeller size Number of motor poles T = Three-phase F300: 300 ºC/2h approved
fan units with linear inlet and outlet 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
Irradiated sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CJMD-600-4T 33 43 54 61 65 62 60 53 CJMD-960-4T 51 64 70 75 72 75 70 56
CJMD-665-4T 37 47 58 65 69 66 64 57 CJMD-1020-4T 56 66 74 76 75 77 68 58
CJMD-730-4T 41 51 62 69 73 70 68 61 CJMD-1020-6T 45 57 64 69 65 61 54 46
CJMD-730-6T 27 37 48 55 59 56 54 47 CJMD-1160-6T 50 60 71 78 82 80 78 70
CJMD-800-4T 47 56 67 74 78 76 74 67 CJMD-1225-4T 61 70 83 79 82 83 77 63
CJMD-800-6T 34 43 54 61 65 63 61 54 CJMD-1225-6T 53 61 73 75 72 73 63 52
CJMD-825-6T 38 47 58 65 69 67 65 58 CJMD-1330-4T 72 77 83 85 83 80 73 65
CJMD-885-6T 41 50 61 68 72 70 68 61 CJMD-1330-6T 61 62 74 74 73 75 65 55
CJMD-905-4T 48 62 68 71 71 72 62 51 CJMD-1550-4T 75 76 85 88 90 91 87 74
CJMD-920-6T 48 58 69 76 80 78 76 68 CJMD-1550-6T 65 65 79 78 82 82 71 60
Dimensions mm
A B C C3 D1 G G1 K L Y
CJMD-600-4T 735 755 604 302 400 378 500 140 215 190
CJMD-665-4T 790 810 678 339 400 405 540 165 250 215
CJMD-730-4T 855 874 748 374 400 437 577 180 295 237
CJMD-730-6T 855 874 748 374 400 437 577 180 295 237
CJMD-800-4T 941 961 798 399 500 481 653 200 320 264
CJMD-800-6T 941 961 798 399 500 481 653 200 320 264
CJMD-825-6T 1039 1059 892 446 500 530 770 230 280 296
CJMD-885-6T 1148 1168 938 469 500 585 849 250 320 330
CJMD-905-4T 970 990 896 448 500 495 636 315 400 398
CJMD-920-6T 1268 1287 954 477 600 644 945 284 360 372
CJMD-960-4T 1060 1080 966 483 600 540 694 355 450 443
CJMD-1020-4T 1150 1170 1038 519 800 585 756 400 500 490
CJMD-1020-6T 1150 1170 1038 519 800 585 756 400 500 490
CJMD-1160-6T 1375 1395 1098 549 800 698 999 315 450 414
CJMD-1225-4T 1204 1284 1258 629 800 642 836 450 560 545
CJMD-1225-6T 1204 1284 1258 629 800 642 836 450 560 545
CJMD-1330-4T 1338 1418 1474 737 800 709 921 500 630 620
CJMD-1330-6T 1338 1418 1474 737 800 709 921 500 630 620
CJMD-1550-4T 1495 1575 1648 824 1000 788 1032 560 710 675
CJMD-1550-6T 1495 1575 1648 824 1000 788 1032 560 710 675
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4T=1500 r/min
4T=1500 r/min
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
6T=1000 r/min
6T=1000 r/min
400 ºC/2h centrifugal extractor fans with backward curved impeller
Order code
TCR/R: 400 ºC/2h centrifugal Impeller size Number of motor T = Three-phase F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
extractor fans with backward poles
curved impeller 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz For S2 operation: 300 ºC/2h
4=1400 r/min 50 Hz and 400 ºC/2h
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance
equivalent to twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
TCR/R-1240-2T 68 83 81 93 90 94 96 83 TCR/R-1856-4T 69 78 91 87 90 91 85 71
TCR/R-1240-4T 56 40 76 79 79 80 70 59 TCR/R-1856-6T 61 69 81 83 80 81 71 60
TCR/R-1445-2T 73 85 83 95 93 97 99 89 TCR/R-2063-4T 80 85 91 93 91 88 81 73
TCR/R-1445-4T 59 72 78 83 80 83 78 64 TCR/R-2063-6T 69 70 82 82 81 83 73 63
TCR/R-1650-4T 64 74 82 84 83 85 76 66 TCR/R-2271-4T 79 80 89 92 94 95 91 78
TCR/R-1650-6T 53 65 72 77 73 69 62 54 TCR/R-2271-6T 73 73 87 86 90 90 79 68
Standard supply LG 270
Dimensions mm
Inlet nozzle
Dimensions mm
Outlet nozzle
I J J1 J2 K k k1 k2 L Ø0
TCR/R-1240-2T 395 480 70 440 315 100 77.5 355 400 13
TCR/R-1240-4T 395 480 70 440 315 100 77.5 355 400 13
TCR/R-1445-2T 445 540 99 498 355 100 102.5 405 450 11
TCR/R-1445-4T 445 540 99 498 355 100 102.5 405 450 11
TCR/R-1650-4T 490 590 87.5 550 400 125 100 450 500 13
TCR/R-1650-6T 490 590 87.5 550 400 125 100 450 500 13
TCR/R-1856-4T 550 660 55 610 450 125 125 500 560 13
TCR/R-1856-6T 550 660 55 610 450 125 125 500 560 13
TCR/R-2063-4T 620 750 95 690 500 125 92.5 560 630 13
TCR/R-2063-6T 620 750 95 690 500 125 92.5 560 630 13
TCR/R-2271-4T 690 840 75 778 560 125 62.5 625 710 13
TCR/R-2271-6T 690 840 75 778 560 125 62.5 625 710 13
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
6T=1000 r/min
400 ºC/2h centrifugal extractor fans with backward curved impeller fitted with electronically
adjustable, high efficiency, asynchronous IE3 motors
400 ºC/2h centrifugal, single inlet extractor • Highly configurable electronic drive with
fans for outdoor operation in fire risk 2 analog inputs, 2 digital inputs, 1 relay
zones, with extreme robustness, fitted output and 1 analog or digital output to
with a backward curved impeller and an select.
electronically adjustable, high efficiency IEC • Possibility of connection to MODBUS and
asynchronous motor. CAN Open field buses.
• Electronic drive for easy installation
Fan: outside the work area. Thanks to its DIN
• Sheet steel casing. rail it can be mounted on control panels
• Backward curved impeller in very robust minimizing connections.
sheet steel, with anti-heat paint. • Supplied pre-wired with shielded cable
• Approved in accordance with standard in accordance with EMC directive
EN 12101-3. 2014/30/EU.
• Available with single-phase 220-240 V
Motor: 50/60 Hz input up to 3 CV (Type VSD1 /
• New high efficiency AC asynchronous A-RFM) or three-phase 380-415 V
motors (IE3). 50/60 Hz (Type VSD3 / A-RFT). IP20
VSD: Electronic speed
• Fitted with durable ball bearings. IP55 standard protection. IP66 protection up
drive. protection. to 10 CV on request.
. VSD3/A-RFT • Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to 4 kW) • Working temperature (VSD): -25ºC + 50 ºC.
Supply on request and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers greater
than 4 kW). Finishing:
• Maximum temperature of air to be carried: • Anti-corrosive finish in polyester resin,
Supplied as an optional S1 -20 ºC+ 250 ºC continuous service. S2 polymerised at 190 ºC, after degreasing
accessory 300 ºC/2h and 400 ºC/2h service. with phosphate-free nanotechnology
POWER SUPPLY Electronic speed drive:
220-240 V 50/60 Hz • Adjustable speed by 0-10 V signal or
380-415 V 50/60 Hz
PI automatic control integrated in the
TCR/R/EW: 400 ºC/2h centrifugal extractor fans with Impeller size Number of motor poles T = Three-phase IE3 motor
backward curved impeller fitted with electronically 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz
adjustable, high efficiency, asynchronous IE3 motors 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
TCR/R/EW: 400 ºC/2h Impeller Number of motor T = Three-phase IE3 VSD1: Fitted with D: Standard version, VSD supplied
centrifugal extractor size poles motor VSD1/ARFM, electronic programmed for constant speed.
fans with backward 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz variable speed, single P: Supplied with VSD programmed
curved impeller fitted 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz phase power supply for pressurecontrol and Si-Presión
with electronically 6=900 r/min 50 Hz 220-240 V 50/60 Hz. pressuretransmitter.
adjustable, high efficiency, K: Supplied with VSD programmed
asynchronous IE3 motors VSD3: Fitted with for pressure control and built into a
VSD3/A-RFT, electronic BOXPRES KIT/B box.
variable speed, three- Only available for fans with motor
phase power supply power less than or equal to 2.2 kW.
380-415 V 50/60 Hz.
Technical characteristics
Speed Single-phase VSD Three-phase VSD Maximum current Installed Flow rate Approx.
Model pressure level
min/max 230 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz motor 50 Hz (A) power min/max weight
Maximum Maximum
(r/min) current input Model VSD current input Model VSD 230V 400V 690V (kW) (m³/h) dB (A) (Kg)
(A) (A)
TCR/R/EW-1240-2T-IE3 1160/2900 - - 9.44 VSD3/A-RFT-5.5 13.00 7.50 - 4.00 4440 / 11110 62/82 93
TCR/R/EW-1240-4T-IE3 570/1420 8.32 VSD1/A-RFM-1 2.31 VSD3/A-RFT-1 2.82 1.62 - 0.75 2330 / 5830 47/67 71
TCR/R/EW-1445-2T-IE3 1170/2935 - - 17.45 VSD3/A-RFT-10 - 13.90 8.06 7.50 6620 / 16560 65/85 126
TCR/R/EW-1445-4T-IE3 580/1455 11.87 VSD1/A-RFM-2 3.30 VSD3/A-RFT-2 4.07 2.34 - 1.10 3240 / 8100 50/70 93
TCR/R/EW-1650-4T-IE3 580/1440 15.78 VSD1/A-RFM-2 4.38 VSD3/A-RFT-2 5.41 3.11 - 1.50 4240 / 10600 52/72 114
TCR/R/EW-1650-6T-IE3 380/940 8.69 VSD1/A-RFM-1 2.41 VSD3/A-RFT-1 3.36 1.93 - 0.75 2980 / 7450 42/62 111
TCR/R/EW-1856-4T-IE3 580/1440 - - 7.20 VSD3/A-RFT-5.5 10.70 6.15 - 3.00 6100 / 15240 58/78 152
TCR/R/EW-1856-6T-IE3 380/945 12.43 VSD1/A-RFM-2 3.45 VSD3/A-RFT-2 4.68 2.69 - 1.10 4020 / 10040 50/70 145
TCR/R/EW-2063-4T-IE3 590/1465 - - 12.81 VSD3/A-RFT-7.5 - 10.30 5.97 5.50 9800 / 24490 60/80 225
TCR/R/EW-2063-6T-IE3 380/950 16.64 VSD1/A-RFM-2 4.62 VSD3/A-RFT-2 6.43 3.70 - 1.50 6460 / 16140 50/70 209
TCR/R/EW-2271-4T-IE3 590/1470 - - 25.10 VSD3/A-RFT-15 - 21.40 12.40 11.00 13900 / 34760 62/82 315
TCR/R/EW-2271-6T-IE3 390/970 - - 7.39 VSD3/A-RFT-5.5 12.00 6.91 - 3.00 9200 / 23000 57/77 280
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance
equivalent to twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
TCR/R/EW-1240-2T 68 83 81 93 90 94 96 83 TCR/R/EW-1856-4T 69 78 91 87 90 91 85 71
TCR/R/EW-1240-4T 56 40 76 79 79 80 70 59 TCR/R/EW-1856-6T 61 69 81 83 80 81 71 60
TCR/R/EW-1445-2T 73 85 83 95 93 97 99 89 TCR/R/EW-2063-4T 80 85 91 93 91 88 81 73
TCR/R/EW-1445-4T 59 72 78 83 80 83 78 64 TCR/R/EW-2063-6T 69 70 82 82 81 83 73 63
TCR/R/EW-1650-4T 64 74 82 84 83 85 76 66 TCR/R/EW-2271-4T 79 80 89 92 94 95 91 78
TCR/R/EW-1650-6T 53 65 72 77 73 69 62 54 TCR/R/EW-2271-6T 73 73 87 86 90 90 79 68
Standard supply LG 270
Dimensions mm
Inlet nozzle
Outlet nozzle
I J J1 J2 K k3 k1 k2 L Ø0
TCR/R/EW-1240 395 480 70 440 315 100 77.5 355 400 13
TCR/R/EW-1445 445 540 99 498 355 100 102.5 405 450 11
TCR/R/EW-1650 490 590 87.5 550 400 125 100 450 500 13
TCR/R/EW-1856 550 660 55 610 450 125 125 500 560 13
TCR/R/EW-2063 620 750 95 690 500 125 92.5 560 630 13
TCR/R/EW-2271 690 840 75 778 560 125 62.5 625 710 13
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
TCR/R/EW-1240-2T TCR/R/EW-1240-4T
TCR/R/EW-1445-2T TCR/R/EW-1445-4T
TCR/R/EW-1650-4T TCR/R/EW-1650-6T
TCR/R/EW-1856-4T TCR/R/EW-1856-6T
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
TCR/R/EW-2063-4T TCR/R/EW-2063-6T
TCR/R/EW-2271-4T TCR/R/EW-2271-6T
400 ºC/2h extractor fan units with backward curved impeller
Order code
CJTCR/R: 400 ºC/2h extractor fan Impeller size Number of motor T = Three-phase F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
units with backward curved impeller poles
2=2900 r/min 50 Hz For S2 operation: 300 ºC/2h
4=1400 r/min 50 Hz and 400 ºC/2h
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance
equivalent to twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CJTCR/R-1240-2T 63 78 76 88 85 89 91 78 CJTCR/R-1856-4T 64 73 86 82 85 86 80 66
CJTCR/R-1240-4T 51 65 71 74 74 75 65 54 CJTCR/R-1856-6T 56 64 76 78 75 76 66 55
CJTCR/R-1445-2T 68 80 78 90 88 92 94 84 CJTCR/R-2063-4T 75 80 86 88 86 83 76 68
CJTCR/R-1445-4T 54 67 73 78 75 78 73 59 CJTCR/R-2063-6T 64 65 77 77 76 78 68 58
CJTCR/R-1650-4T 58 68 76 78 77 79 70 60 CJTCR/R-2271-4T 79 80 89 92 94 95 91 78
CJTCR/R-1650-6T 48 60 67 72 68 64 57 49 CJTCR/R-2271-6T 68 68 82 81 85 85 74 63
Standard supply LG 270
Dimensions mm
A B C ØD1 E H H2 K L Y
CJTCR/R-1240 970 970 970 400 312 549 308 315 400 307.5
CJTCR/R-1445 1070 1070 1070 450 357 610 339 355 450 333.5
CJTCR/R-1650 1160 1160 1160 500 382 660 365 400 500 355
CJTCR/R-1856 1260 1260 1050 560 422 727 399 450 560 360
CJTCR/R-2063 1400 1400 1200 630 472 810 444 500 630 395
CJTCR/R-2271 1555 1555 1355 710 532 906 489 560 715 430
Dimensions mm
Supply on request: LG 90
A B C ØD1 E H H2 K L Y
CJTCR/R-1240 970 970 970 400 312 379 350 315 400 307.5
CJTCR/R-1445 1070 1070 1070 450 357 408 391 355 450 333.5
CJTCR/R-1650 1160 1160 1160 500 382 447 419 400 500 355
CJTCR/R-1856 1260 1260 1050 560 422 495 438 450 560 360
CJTCR/R-2063 1400 1400 1200 630 472 546 488 500 630 395
CJTCR/R-2271 1555 1555 1355 710 532 607 532 560 715 430
Supply on request: LG 0
A B C ØD1 E H H2 K L Y
CJTCR/R-1240 970 970 970 400 533 437 322 315 400 307.5
CJTCR/R-1445 1070 1070 1070 450 586 484 367 355 450 333.5
CJTCR/R-1650 1160 1160 1160 500 634.5 525.5 391.5 400 500 355
CJTCR/R-1856 1260 1260 1050 560 681.5 578.5 442.5 450 560 360
CJTCR/R-2063 1400 1400 1200 630 759 641 482 500 630 395
CJTCR/R-2271 1555 1555 1355 710 838 717 518.5 560 715 430
Dimensions mm
Outlet nozzle
k1 k2 J1 J2 ØO
CJTCR/R-1240 177.5 - - 440 11
CJTCR/R-1445 202.5 - - 498 11
CJTCR/R-1650 225 - - 550 13
CJTCR/R-1856 - 500 305 - 13
CJTCR/R-2063 - 560 345 - 13
2063 CJTCR/R-2271 312.5 - - 775 13
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
6T=1000 r/min
400 ºC/2h extraction units fans with backward curved impeller fitted with electronically
adjustable, high-efficiency, asynchronous IE3 motors
CJTCR/R/EW: 400 ºC/2h extraction units Impeller size Number of motor T = Three-phase IE3 motor
fans with backward curved impeller fitted poles
with electronically adjustable, high-efficiency, 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz
asynchronous IE3 motors 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
CJTCR/R/EW: 400 ºC/2h Impeller Number of motor T = Three-phase IE3 VSD1: Fitted with D: Standard version, VSD supplied
extraction units fans with size poles motor VSD1/ARFM, electronic programmed for constant speed.
backward curved impeller 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz variable speed, single P: Supplied with VSD programmed
fitted with electronically 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz phase power supply for pressurecontrol and Si-Presión
adjustable, high-efficiency, 6=900 r/min 50 Hz 220-240 V 50/60 Hz. pressuretransmitter.
asynchronous IE3 motors K: Supplied with VSD programmed
VSD3: Fitted with for pressure control and built into a
VSD3/A-RFT, electronic BOXPRES KIT/B box.
variable speed, three- Only available for fans with motor
phase power supply power less than or equal to 2.2 kW.
380-415 V 50/60 Hz.
Technical characteristics
Speed Single-phase VSD Three-phase VSD Maximum current Installed Flow rate Approx.
Model pressure level
min/max 230 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz motor 50 Hz (A) power min/max weight
Maximum Maximum
(r/min) current input Model VSD current input Model VSD 230V 400V 690V (kW) (m³/h) dB (A) (Kg)
(A) (A)
CJTCR/R/EW-1240-2T-IE3 1160/2900 - - 9.44 VSD3/A-RFT-5.5 13.00 7.50 - 4.00 4440 / 11110 57/77 147
CJTCR/R/EW-1240-4T-IE3 570/1420 8.32 VSD1/A-RFM-1 2.31 VSD3/A-RFT-1 2.82 1.62 - 0.75 2330 / 5830 42/62 125
CJTCR/R/EW-1445-2T-IE3 1170/2935 - - 17.45 VSD3/A-RFT-10 - 13.90 8.06 7.50 6620 / 16560 60/80 210
CJTCR/R/EW-1445-4T-IE3 580/1455 11.87 VSD1/A-RFM-2 3.30 VSD3/A-RFT-2 4.07 2.34 - 1.10 3240 / 8100 45/65 177
CJTCR/R/EW-1650-4T-IE3 580/1440 15.78 VSD1/A-RFM-2 4.38 VSD3/A-RFT-2 5.41 3.11 - 1.50 4240 / 10600 46/66 189
CJTCR/R/EW-1650-6T-IE3 380/940 8.69 VSD1/A-RFM-1 2.41 VSD3/A-RFT-1 3.36 1.93 - 0.75 2980 / 7450 37/57 186
CJTCR/R/EW-1856-4T-IE3 580/1440 - - 7.20 VSD3/A-RFT-5.5 10.70 6.15 - 3.00 6100 / 15240 53/73 273
CJTCR/R/EW-1856-6T-IE3 380/945 12.43 VSD1/A-RFM-2 3.45 VSD3/A-RFT-2 4.68 2.69 - 1.10 4020 / 10040 45/65 266
CJTCR/R/EW-2063-4T-IE3 590/1465 - - 12.81 VSD3/A-RFT-7.5 - 10.30 5.97 5.50 9800 / 24490 55/75 380
CJTCR/R/EW-2063-6T-IE3 380/950 16.64 VSD1/A-RFM-2 4.62 VSD3/A-RFT-2 6.43 3.70 1.50 6460 / 16140 45/65 364
CJTCR/R/EW-2271-4T-IE3 590/1470 - - 25.10 VSD3/A-RFT-15 - 21.40 12.40 11.00 13900 / 34760 62/82 508
CJTCR/R/EW-2271-6T-IE3 390/970 - - 7.39 VSD3/A-RFT-5.5 12.00 6.91 - 3.00 9200 / 23000 52/72 473
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance
equivalent to twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CJTCR/R/EW-1240-2T 63 78 76 88 85 89 91 78 CJTCR/R/EW-1856-4T 64 73 86 82 85 86 80 66
CJTCR/R/EW-1240-4T 51 65 71 74 74 75 65 54 CJTCR/R/EW-1856-6T 56 64 76 78 75 76 66 55
CJTCR/R/EW-1445-2T 68 80 78 90 88 92 94 84 CJTCR/R/EW-2063-4T 75 80 86 88 86 83 76 68
CJTCR/R/EW-1445-4T 54 67 73 78 75 78 73 59 CJTCR/R/EW-2063-6T 64 65 77 77 76 78 68 58
CJTCR/R/EW-1650-4T 58 68 76 78 77 79 70 60 CJTCR/R/EW-2271-4T 79 80 89 92 94 95 91 78
CJTCR/R/EW-1650-6T 48 60 67 72 68 64 57 49 CJTCR/R/EW-2271-6T 68 68 82 81 85 85 74 63
Standard supply LG 270
Dimensions mm
A B C ØD1 E H H2 K L Y
CJTCR/R/EW-1240 970 970 970 400 312 549 308 315 400 307.5
CJTCR/R/EW-1445 1070 1070 1070 450 357 610 339 355 450 333.5
CJTCR/R/EW-1650 1160 1160 1160 500 382 660 365 400 500 355
CJTCR/R/EW-1856 1260 1260 1050 560 422 727 399 450 560 360
CJTCR/R/EW-2063 1400 1400 1200 630 472 810 444 500 630 395
CJTCR/R/EW-2271 1555 1555 1355 710 532 906 489 560 715 430
Supply on request: LG 90
A B C ØD1 E H H2 K L Y
CJTCR/R/EW-1240 970 970 970 400 312 379 350 315 400 307.5
CJTCR/R/EW-1445 1070 1070 1070 450 357 408 391 355 450 333.5
CJTCR/R/EW-1650 1160 1160 1160 500 382 447 419 400 500 355
CJTCR/R/EW-1856 1260 1260 1050 560 422 495 438 450 560 360
CJTCR/R/EW-2063 1400 1400 1200 630 472 546 488 500 630 395
CJTCR/R/EW-2271 1555 1555 1355 710 532 607 532 560 715 430
Dimensions mm
Supply on request: LG 0
A B C ØD1 E H H2 K L Y
CJTCR/R/EW-1240 970 970 970 400 533 437 322 315 400 307.5
CJTCR/R/EW-1445 1070 1070 1070 450 586 484 367 355 450 333.5
CJTCR/R/EW-1650 1160 1160 1160 500 634.5 525.5 391.5 400 500 355
CJTCR/R/EW-1856 1260 1260 1050 560 681.5 578.5 442.5 450 560 360
CJTCR/R/EW-2063 1400 1400 1200 630 759 641 482 500 630 395
CJTCR/R/EW-2271 1555 1555 1355 710 838 717 518.5 560 715 430
Outlet nozzle
k1 k2 J1 J2 ØO
CJTCR/R/EW-1240 177.5 - - 440 11
CJTCR/R/EW-1445 202.5 - - 498 11
CJTCR/R/EW-1650 225 - - 550 13
CJTCR/R/EW-1856 - 500 305 - 13
CJTCR/R/EW-2063 - 560 345 - 13
2063 CJTCR/R/EW-2271 312.5 - - 775 13
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
CJTCR/R/EW-1240-2T CJTCR/R/EW-1240-4T
CJTCR/R/EW-1445-2T CJTCR/R/EW-1445-4T
CJTCR/R/EW-1650-4T CJTCR/R/EW-1650-6T
CJTCR/R/EW-1856-4T CJTCR/R/EW-1856-6T
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
CJTCR/R/EW-2063-4T CJTCR/R/EW-2063-6T
CJTCR/R/EW-2271-4T CJTCR/R/EW-2271-6T
400 ºC/2h centrifugal extractor fans with forward curved impeller
Order code
TCMP: 400 ºC/2h centrifugal Impeller size Number of motor T = Three-phase Motor power F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
extractor fans with forward curved poles (HP)
impeller 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz For S2 operation: 300 ºC/2h
6=900 r/min 50 Hz and 400 ºC/2h
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance
equivalent to twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
TCMP-820-4T 40 50 61 68 72 69 67 60 TCMP-1435-4T-10 57 66 77 84 88 86 84 77
TCMP-922-4T 41 51 62 69 73 70 68 61 TCMP-1435-6T 46 55 66 73 77 75 73 66
TCMP-1025-4T-1.5 45 55 66 73 77 74 72 65 TCMP-1640-4T-5.5 55 64 75 82 86 84 82 75
TCMP-1025-4T-2 47 57 68 75 79 76 74 67 TCMP-1640-4T-7.5 58 67 78 85 89 87 85 78
TCMP-1128-4T-3 49 59 70 77 81 78 76 69 TCMP-1640-4T-10 57 66 77 84 88 86 84 77
TCMP-1128-4T-4 50 60 71 78 82 79 77 70 TCMP-1640-6T 49 58 69 76 80 78 76 69
TCMP-1128-6T 35 45 56 63 67 64 62 55 TCMP-1845-4T-7.5 61 71 82 89 93 91 89 81
TCMP-1231-4T-3 51 60 71 78 82 80 78 71 TCMP-1845-4T-10 61 71 82 89 93 91 89 81
TCMP-1231-4T-4 53 62 73 80 84 82 80 73 TCMP-1845-6T 56 66 77 84 88 86 84 76
TCMP-1231-4T-5.5 55 64 75 82 86 84 82 75 TCMP-2050-4T-10 59 69 80 87 91 89 87 79
TCMP-1231-6T 42 51 62 69 73 71 69 62 TCMP-2050-4T-15 63 73 84 91 95 93 91 83
TCMP-1435-4T-4 54 63 74 81 85 83 81 74 TCMP-2050-4T-20 65 75 86 93 97 95 93 85
TCMP-1435-4T-5.5 56 65 76 83 87 85 83 76 TCMP-2050-6T 58 68 79 86 90 88 86 78
TCMP-1435-4T-7.5 58 67 78 85 89 87 85 78
Standard supply LG 270
Positions LG 180 and RD 180 on request with special anchoring measurements.
Dimensions mm
TCMP- 820-4T 322 377 223 300 68 203 245 230 M6 137 137 184 213 95 189 134 160 158 9
Inlet nozzle
Outlet nozzle
TCMP-922 388 455 346 73 230 284 256 M8 180 280 134 204 282 128 140 - 180 217 9.5 10.5 290 220 114 50 104
TCMP-1025 427 503 384 86 261 308 282 M8 197 310 144 229 312 145 165 - 205 252 9.5 12.5 315 228 134 74 115
TCMP-1128-4T 472 553 444 94 287 348 320 M8 216 340 152 244 364 170 180 - 220 299 10 12.5 348 245 144 95 122
TCMP-1128-6T 472 553 359 93 287 348 320 M8 216 340 152 244 364 170 180 - 220 299 10 12.5 348 245 144 95 122
TCMP-1231-3 526 631 432 103 315 382 354 M8 238 390 179 264 382 180 200 - 240 322 12 13 382 322 183 140 125
TCMP-1231-4 526 631 432 103 315 382 354 M8 238 390 179 264 382 180 200 - 240 322 12 13 382 322 183 140 125
TCMP-1231-5.5 526 631 455 103 315 382 354 M8 238 390 179 264 382 180 200 - 240 322 12 13 382 322 183 140 125
TCMP-1231-6T 526 631 432 103 315 382 354 M8 238 390 179 264 382 180 200 - 240 322 12 13 382 322 183 140 125
TCMP-1435-4 573 715 453 118 355 422 394 M8 250 445 242 292 342 159 228 133 - 282 11.5 12 456 420 333 136.5 149.5
TCMP-1435-5.5 573 715 469 118 355 422 394 M8 250 445 242 292 342 159 228 133 - 282 11.5 12 456 420 333 136.5 149.5
TCMP-1435-7.5 573.5 715 512 118 355 422 394 M8 250 445 242 292 342 159 228 133 - 280 11.5 12 456 420 333 136.5 149.5
TCMP-1435-10 573.5 715 512 118 355 422 394 M8 250 445 242 292 342 159 228 133 - 280 11.5 12 456 420 333 136.5 149.5
TCMP-1435-6T 573 715 469 118 355 422 394 M8 250 445 242 292 342 159 228 133 - 282 11.5 12 456 420 333 136.5 149.5
TCMP-1640-5.5 634 799 480 130 402 464 438 M8 270 495 271 336 404 185 250 150 - 324 11.5 12 500 460 327 134 161
TCMP-1640-7.5 634 799 553 130 402 464 438 M8 270 495 271 336 404 185 250 150 - 324 11.5 12 500 460 327 134 161
TCMP-1640-10 634 799 553 130 402 464 438 M8 270 495 271 336 404 185 250 150 - 324 11.5 12 500 460 327 134 161
TCMP-1640-6T 634 799 480 130 402 464 438 M8 270 495 271 336 404 185 250 150 - 324 11.5 12 500 460 327 134 161
TCMP-1845-4T 710 901 570 147 453 515 485 M8 302 560 305 370 444 202 284 164 - 364 11.5 12 538 502 340 140 178
TCMP-1845-6T 710 901 497 147 453 515 485 M8 302 560 305 370 444 202 284 164 - 364 11.5 12 538 502 340 140 178
TCMP-2050-10 797 987 600 162 500 565 535 M8 345 610 313 411 544 250 315 182.5 - 454 11.5 12 653 615 435 187.5 194.5
TCMP-2050-15 797 987 694 162 500 565 535 M8 345 610 313 411 544 250 315 182.5 - 454 11.5 12 653 615 435 187.5 194.5
TCMP-2050-20 797 987 694 162 500 565 535 M8 345 610 313 411 544 250 315 182.5 - 454 11.5 12 653 615 435 187.5 194.5
TCMP-2050-6T 797 987 600 162 500 565 535 M8 345 610 313 411 544 250 315 182.5 - 454 11.5 12 653 615 435 187.5 194.5
* Recommended nominal tube diameter
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4T=1500 r/min
(mm H2O)
4T=1500 r/min
(mm H2O)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
6T=1000 r/min
(mm H2O)
400 ºC/2h centrifugal extractor fan units with forward curved impeller
Order code
CJMP: 400 ºC/2h centrifugal Impeller size Number of motor T = Three-phase Motor power F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
extractor fan units with forward poles (HP)
curved impeller 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz For S2 operation: 300 ºC/2h
6=900 r/min 50 Hz and 400 ºC/2h
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance
equivalent to twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CJMP-820-4T 34 44 55 62 66 63 61 54 CJMP-1435-4T-10 57 66 77 84 88 86 84 77
CJMP-922-4T 35 45 56 63 67 64 62 55 CJMP-1435-6T 41 50 61 68 72 70 68 61
CJMP-1025-4T-1.5 39 49 60 67 71 68 66 59 CJMP-1640-4T-5.5 49 58 69 76 80 78 76 69
CJMP-1025-4T-2 41 51 62 69 73 70 68 61 CJMP-1640-4T-7.5 52 61 72 79 83 81 79 72
CJMP-1128-4T-3 43 53 64 71 75 72 70 63 CJMP-1640-4T-10 57 66 77 84 88 86 84 77
CJMP-1128-4T-4 44 54 65 72 76 73 71 64 CJMP-1640-6T 44 53 64 71 75 73 71 64
CJMP-1128-6T 30 40 51 58 62 59 57 50 CJMP-1845-4T-7.5 55 65 76 83 87 85 83 75
CJMP-1231-4T-3 45 54 65 72 76 74 72 65 CJMP-1845-4T-10 61 71 82 89 93 91 89 81
CJMP-1231-4T-4 47 56 67 74 78 76 74 67 CJMP-1845-6T 51 61 72 79 83 81 79 71
CJMP-1231-4T-5.5 49 58 69 76 80 78 76 69 CJMP-2050-4T-10 59 69 80 87 91 89 87 79
CJMP-1231-6T 37 46 57 64 68 66 64 57 CJMP-2050-4T-15 63 73 84 91 95 93 91 83
CJMP-1435-4T-4 48 57 68 75 79 77 75 68 CJMP-2050-4T-20 65 75 86 93 97 95 93 85
CJMP-1435-4T-5.5 50 59 70 77 81 79 77 70 CJMP-2050-6T 53 63 74 81 85 83 81 73
CJMP-1435-4T-7.5 52 61 72 79 83 81 79 72
Standard supply LG 270
Positions LG 180 and RD 180 on request with special anchoring measurements.
Dimensions mm
A B C ØD1 E H H2 K L Y
CJMP-820 400 450 450 200 142 263 126 130 156 112
CJMP-922 610 610 610 224 187 349 215 140 215 176
CJMP-1025 660 660 660 250 204 379 235 165 250 178.5
CJMP-1128 720 720 720 280 223 409 257 180 295 191
CJMP-1231 800 800 800 315 245 459 279.5 200 320 205
CJMP-1435 880 880 880 355 257 514 271.5 230 280 291
CJMP-1640 970 970 970 400 277 564 293 250 320 324
CJMP-1845 1070 1070 1070 450 309 629 324 284 360 357
CJMP-2050 1160 1160 1160 500 352 679 366 315 450 385.5
A B C ØD1 E H H2 K L Y
CJMP-922 720 720 720 224 187 349 237 140 215 176
CJMP-1025 800 800 800 250 204 379 277 165 250 178
CJMP-1128 880 880 880 280 223 409 319 180 295 191
CJMP-1231 970 970 970 315 245 459 332 200 320 205
CJMP-1435 1070 1070 1070 355 257 514 314 230 280 291
CJMP-1640 1160 1160 1160 400 277 564 325 250 320 325
CJMP-1845 865 1260 1050 450 309 629 326 284 360 357
CJMP-2050 965 1400 1200 500 352 679 408 315 450 383.5
Dimensions mm
A B C ØD1 E H H2 K L Y
CJMP-922 610 610 610 224 279 349 197 140 215 176
CJMP-1025 660 660 660 250 302 379 214 165 250 178.5
CJMP-1128 720 720 720 280 335 409 233 180 295 191
CJMP-1231 800 800 800 315 366 459 255 200 320 205
CJMP-1435 880 880 880 355 385 514 253 230 280 291
CJMP-1640 970 970 970 400 412 564 287 250 320 324
CJMP-1845 1070 1070 1070 450 446 629 319 284 360 357
CJMP-2050 1160 1160 1160 500 485 679 362 315 450 383.5
Outlet nozzle
922 k1 k2 J1 Ø0
1128 CJMP-820 - 160 94.5 9
CJMP-922 - 180 128 9.5
CJMP-1025 - 205 145 9.5
CJMP-1128 - 220 170 9.5
CJMP-1231 - 240 180 11.5
CJMP-1435 133 - 159 11.5
CJMP-1640 150 - 185 11.5
CJMP-1845 164 - 202 11.5
1845 CJMP-2050 182.5 - 250 11.5
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4T=1500 r/min
(mm H2O)
4T=1500 r/min
(mm H2O)
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
6T=1000 r/min
(mm H2O)
400°C/2h belt-driven double inlet extractor fan units
400°C/2h extractor fan units, with motor • Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers
and transmission mounted inside the box, equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except
to operate outside the fire risk zone. single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
• Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to
Fan: 4 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers
• Galvanised sheet steel structure. greater than 4 kW).
• Forward curved impeller in galvanized • Maximum temperature of air to be
sheet steel. carried: S1 continuous operation -25 ºC
• Approved in accordance with standard +120 ºC. S2 operation, 300 ºC/2h and
EN 12101-3, with certificate no.: 400 ºC/2h.
• Linear airflow direction. Finish:
• Anti-corrosive in galvanized steel sheet.
• Class F motors with ball bearings, IP55 On request:
protection and with 1 or 2 speeds, • Fans with vertical outlet.
depending on model.
Order code
CJTX-C: 400°C/2h belt-driven Impeller size Motor power (HP) 2V reference: F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
double inlet extractor fan units 2-speed fan
For S2 operation: 300 ºC/2h
and 400 ºC/2h
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
Dimensions mm
A B B1 C D E F G H I K L X Z
CJTX-C-7/7 700 480 - 730 354 470 62 202 724 690 239 216 12 9
CJTX-C-9/9 785 592 - 759 466 490 92 226 812 721 310 270 12 9
CJTX-C-10/10 860 618 - 825 492 520 87 235 884 787 334 296 12 9
CJTX-C-12/12 970 680 - 945 554 620 80 250 995 896 395 350 12 9
CJTX-C-15/15 1100 776 - 1100 650 720 80 285 1124 1062 483 411 12 9
CJTX-C-18/18 1278 900 60 1250 774 870 90 325 1328 1197 552 486 30.3 13
CJTX-C-20/20 1495 1050 60 1474 954 1100 100 336 1555 1419 618 615 32.5 13
CJTX-C-22/22 1640 1180 60 1625 954 1100 125 350 1711 1570 665 705 22 13
CJTX-C-25/25 1800 1300 60 1825 1174 1450 125 369 1871 1770 780 806 22 13
CJTX-C-30/28 2000 1525 60 2134 1399 1760 118 465 2060 2085 900 942 20 13
Dimensions mm
A B B1 C D E F H I K L X Z
CJTX-C-7/7 700 480 - 730 354 470 186 724 690 239 219 12 9
CJTX-C-9/9 785 592 - 759 466 490 170 812 721 305 272 12 9
CJTX-C-10/10 860 618 - 825 492 520 161 884 787 333 300 12 9
CJTX-C-12/12 970 680 - 945 554 620 202 995 896 397 355 12 9
CJTX-C-15/15 1100 776 - 1100 650 720 220 1124 1062 485 415 12 9
CJTX-C-18/18 1278 900 60 1250 774 870 259 1328 1197 550 495 30.3 13
CJTX-C-20/20 1495 1050 60 1474 954 1100 312 1555 1419 617 611 32.5 13
CJTX-C-22/22 1640 1180 60 1625 954 1100 307 1711 1570 666 705 22 13
CJTX-C-25/25 1800 1300 60 1825 1174 1450 334 1871 1770 775 808 22 13
CJTX-C-30/28 2000 1525 60 2134 1399 1760 417 2060 2085 900 947 20 13
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
400 ºC/2h belt-driven single inlet extractor fan units
400 ºC/2h extractor fan units, with motor • Three-phase 230/400 V 50 Hz (up to
mounted outside the airflow path. For 4 kW) and 400/690 V 50 Hz (powers
outdoor operation in fire risk zones. greater than 4 kW).
• Maximum temperature of air to be
Fan: carried: S1 continuous operation -25 ºC
• Galvanised sheet steel structure. +120 ºC. S2 operation, 300 ºC/2h and
• Forward curved impeller in galvanized 400 ºC/2h.
sheet steel.
• Approved in accordance with standard Finish:
EN 12101-3, with certificate no.: • Anti-corrosive in galvanized steel sheet.
On request:
Motor: • Fans with 2 speed motor.
• Class F motors with ball bearings and • Fans with vertical outlet.
IP55 protection.
• Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers
equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except
single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
Order code
CJSX : 400 ºC/2h belt-driven single inlet Impeller size Motor power (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
extractor fan units
For S2 operation: 300 ºC/2h
and 400 ºC/2h
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
Dimensions mm
CJSX-12/6-H 853 653 543 317 44 315 262 306 215 347
CJSX-15/7-H 1003 758 600 400 49 357 299 337 273 410
CJSX-18/9-H 1203 878 621 480 42 418 348 396 304 488
CJSX-20/10-H 1426 1105 729 582 91 491 407 429 334 607
CJSX-22/11-H 1573 1253 763 625 61 540 492 458 362 700
CJSX-25/13-H 1653 1286 821 703 62 579 425 479 416 799
CJSX-30/14-H 1868 1521 860 804 54 699 528 575 478 939
CJSX-12/6-V 853 653 543 317 45 348 339 215 347
CJSX-15/7-V 1003 758 600 400 27 398 379 273 410
CJSX-18/9-V 1203 878 621 480 43 455 462 304 488
CJSX-20/10-V 1426 1105 729 582 91 555 615 334 607
CJSX-22/11-V 1573 1253 763 625 61 614 633 362 700
CJSX-25/13-V 1653 1286 821 703 62 700 707 416 799
CJSX-30/14-V 1868 1521 860 804 65 788 843 478 939
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Extraction units 400 ºC/2h to work outside the fire risk zone, driven by transmission with a
backward curved impeller
Order code
CJSRX: Extraction units 400 ºC/2h to Impeller size Motor power (HP) F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
work outside the fire risk zone, driven by
transmission with a backward curved impeller
Technical characteristics
Technical characteristics
Dimensions mm
A B B1 C ØD E E1 F F1 G1 G2 G3
CJSRX-315 1170 740 60 600 315 82 84.2 113 281 317.5 423.2 366.2
CJSRX-355 1265 815 60 650 365 85 86.5 112.5 302.5 347.2 470 398
CJSRX-400 1370 900 60 680 400 82 90.2 111 331 386.2 522.2 447.2
CJSRX-450 1480 990 60 716 448 82 91.2 112.8 360 422.2 577.2 491
CJSRX-500 1625 1080 60 760 510 80.5 91 111.7 381.3 461.2 629.2 534.2
CJSRX-560 1760 1195 60 810 580 86.8 94.2 128 426 506.2 696.2 590
CJSRX-630 1880 1322 60 850 635 85.2 89.6 113.4 455.6 557.7 768.7 648.2
CJSRX-710 2180 1500 80 910 710 103 108.2 100 491 632.2 873.2 737.2
H H1 H2 K L V V1 X X1 X2
CJSRX-315 305 451.5 346.3 224 405 760 680 880 - 155
CJSRX-355 338 496 373 248 454 810 730 1020 - 152
CJSRX-400 359 543 407 275 508 840 760 1120 - 152
CJSRX-450 383 598 443 309 570 876 796 1240 - 152
CJSRX-500 409 650 482 345 639 920 840 1340 670 152
CJSRX-560 462 731 540 384 716 970 890 1490 745 152
CJSRX-630 488 792.5 578.5 433 802 1010 930 1610 820 158
CJSRX-710 562 865 624 479 899 1070 990 1910 955 168
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
400°C/2h air and smoke extract fan units with linear inlets and outlets
Order code
CJLINE: 400°C/2h air and smoke Impeller size Number of motor T = Three-phase F400: 400 ºC/2h approved
extract fan units with linear inlets and poles
outlets 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz For S2 operation: 300 ºC/2h
6=900 r/min 50 Hz and 400 ºC/2h
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance
equivalent to twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CJLINE-1131-4T 42 51 57 56 60 60 52 46 CJLINE/H-1856-4T 69 77 91 87 90 90 85 71
CJLINE-1235-4T 49 58 64 63 67 66 59 53 CJLINE-1856-6T 58 64 69 70 73 72 65 60
CJLINE-1640-4T 56 62 67 68 71 73 65 59 CJLINE/H-2063-4T 81 86 93 94 93 90 83 75
CJLINE/H-1650-4T 64 74 82 84 83 85 76 66 CJLINE-2063-6T 60 66 72 72 76 76 68 61
CJLINE-1845-4T 60 66 71 72 75 77 69 63 CJLINE-2271-6T 64 70 76 76 80 80 72 65
CJLINE-1845-6T 52 58 63 64 67 69 61 55 CJLINE-2880-6T 66 72 78 78 82 82 74 67
Dimensions mm
B C I J J2 K K2 L M ØO
CJLINE-1131 750 710 450 510 483 560 593 620 195 12
CJLINE-1235 797 800 500 560 533 620 653 680 223 12
CJLINE-1640 896 900 560 620 593 711 743 770 245 12
CJLINE/H-1650 1015 1000 630 690 663 800 833 860 338 12
CJLINE-1845 1015 1000 630 690 663 800 833 860 278 12
CJLINE-1856 1185 1250 800 860 833 1000 1033 1060 348 12
CJLINE/H-1856 1220 1250 800 860 833 1000 1033 1060 348 12
CJLINE-2063 1295 1400 900 980 940 1125 1165 1205 410 14
CJLINE/H-2063 1480 1400 900 980 940 1125 1165 1205 410 14
CJLINE-2271 1350 1400 900 980 940 1190 1230 1270 470 14
CJLINE-2880 1580 1500 1000 1080 1040 1250 1290 1330 510 14
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4T=1500 r/min
6T=1000 r/min
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4T=1500 r/min
Air extract units with linear inlet and outlet, equipped with EC Technology IE5 motor
Supplied as an
optional accessory
Order code
CJLINE/EC: Air extract units with Impeller size Number of motor M = Single-phase Motor IE5 motor
linear inlet and outlet, equipped poles power (HP)
with EC Technology IE5 motor 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance equivalent to
twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
Dimensions mm
B C I J J2 K K2 L M2 ØO
CJLINE/EC-1131-4M 783 710 451 510 483 561 593 620 194 12
CJLINE/EC-1235-4M 833 800 501 560 533 621 653 680 222 12
CJLINE/EC-1640-4M 896 900 561 620 593 711 743 770 244 12
CJLINE/EC-1845-4M 965 1000 631 690 663 801 833 860 277 12
CJLINE/EC-1856-6M 1133 1250 801 860 833 1001 1033 1060 348 12
CJLINE/EC-2063-6M 1242 1400 900 980 940 1124 1165 1205 410 14
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
F400 extractor fan units with a large door for ease of maintenance and 40 mm acoustic
insulation slab
Fan: Motor:
• Galvanised sheet steel structure. • Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers
• 40 mm acoustic insulation. equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except
• Forward curved impeller in galvanized single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
sheet steel. • Class F motors with ball bearings and
• Approved in accordance with standard IP55 protection.
EN 12101-3, with certificate no.: • Single-phase 230 V 50 Hz and three-
0370-CPR-2358. phase 230/400 V 50 Hz.
• Changeable opening door direction • Working temperature: -25 ºC +120 ºC.
thanks to its interchangeable hinges.
• Adjustable in different positions. Finish:
• Prepared for continuous work at 120 ºC. • Anti-corrosive in galvanized steel sheet.
• Motor cover accessory (CM) supplied
with fan. On request:
• Special windings for different voltages.
Order code
CKD: F400 extractor fan units with a large Nozzle diameter Number of motor M = Single-phase Motor power (HP)
door for ease of maintenance and 40 mm in mm poles T = Three-phase
acoustic insulation slab 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance
equivalent to twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
Dimensions mm
L (total)
CKD-250 590 520 260 250 50 245 290 250 48 160 225 560
CKD-280 590 520 275 315 50 245 290 250 48 160 287 600
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4T=1500 r/min
Standard supply: LG 0 On request orientations LG 90 and LG 270. Different mounting positions are possible by
modifying the feet and interchangeable hinges, depending on each need.
LG 0 LG 90 LG 0 LG 270
The CKD/CKDR fans can be wall-mounted using angle brackets.
F400 extractor fan units with a large door for ease of maintenance and 40 mm acoustic
insulation slab
Fan: Motor:
• Galvanised sheet steel structure. • Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers
• 40 mm acoustic insulation. equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except
• Backward curved impeller made of single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
sheet steel. • Class F motors with ball bearings and
• Approved in accordance with standard IP55 protection.
EN 12101-3, with certificate no.: • Single-phase 230 V 50 Hz and three-
0370-CPR-2358. phase 230/400 V 50 Hz.
• Changeable opening door direction • Working temperature: -25 ºC +120 ºC.
thanks to its interchangeable hinges.
• Adjustable in different positions. Finish:
• Prepared for continuous work at 120 ºC. • Anti-corrosive in galvanized steel sheet.
• Motor cover accessory (CM) supplied
with fan. On request:
• Special windings for different voltages.
Order code
CKDR: F400 extractor fan units with a Nozzle diameter Number of motor M = Single-phase Motor power (HP)
large door for ease of maintenance and in mm poles T = Three-phase
40 mm acoustic insulation slab 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz
4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance
equivalent to twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CKDR-280-2 53 67 73 74 76 77 73 71 CKDR-450-4 45 66 67 67 68 69 64 58
CKDR-315-2 50 67 77 77 79 79 74 71 CKDR-500-4 49 68 64 69 74 68 63 60
CKDR-355-4 43 62 64 65 68 67 61 55 CKDR-560-4 44 75 71 74 74 74 66 62
CKDR-400-4 41 60 62 63 65 64 58 53
Dimensions mm
L (total)
CKDR-280 590 520 345 315 52 245 290 315 48 192.5 215 612
CKDR-315 700 625 385 355 55 290 356 355 56 207 215 665
CKDR-355 700 625 385 355 55 290 356 355 56 207 182 665
CKDR-400 830 775 385 355 55 354 418 355 56 212 214 660
CKDR-450 830 775 385 355 55 354 418 355 56 212 214 660
CKDR-500 1000 900 470 400 75 420 505 400 75 244 224 865
CKDR-560 1000 900 470 400 75 420 505 400 75 244 285 865
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4T=1500 r/min
Standard supply: LG 0 On request orientations LG 90 and LG 270. Different mounting positions are possible by
modifying the feet and interchangeable hinges, depending on each need.
LG 0 LG 90 LG 0 LG 270
The CKD/CKDR fans can be wall-mounted using angle brackets.
Extract units with large door and 40 mm acoustic insulation, equipped with EC Technology
IE5 motor
Order code
CKDR/EC: Extract units with Impeller size Number of motor M = Single-phase Motor IE5 motor
large door and 40 mm acoustic poles power (HP)
insulation, equipped with EC 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz
Technology IE5 motor 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance equivalent to
twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CKDR/EC-280-2M-1 53 67 73 74 76 77 73 71 CKDR/EC-400-4M-0.75 41 60 62 63 65 64 58 53
CKDR/EC-315-2M-1,5 50 67 77 77 79 79 74 71 CKDR/EC-450-4M-1 45 66 67 67 68 69 64 58
CKDR/EC-355-4M-0.5 43 62 64 65 68 67 61 55 CKDR/EC-500-4M-1.5 49 68 64 69 74 68 63 60
Dimensions mm
CKDR/EC-280 590 520 345 315 52 245 290 315 48 192,5 210 612
CKDR/EC-315 700 625 385 355 55 290 356 355 56 207 210 665
CKDR/EC-355 700 625 385 355 55 290 356 355 56 207 188 665
CKDR/EC-400 830 775 385 355 55 354 418 355 56 212 209 660
CKDR/EC-450 830 775 385 355 55 354 418 355 56 212 229 660
CKDR/EC-500 1000 900 470 400 75 420 505 400 75 244 229 865
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
CKDR-280-2M-1 IE5
CKDR-315-2M-1,5 IE5
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
CKDR-355-4M-0.5 IE5
CKDR-400-4M-0.75 IE5
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
CKDR-450-4M-1 IE5
CKDR-500-4M-1.5 IE5
400 ºC/2h centrifugal roof fans with horitzontal air outlet, aluminum hood
Motor: On request:
• Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers • Special windings for different voltages.
equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except • ATEX certified Category 3.
single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
Order code
CHT — 200 — 4T — BS
CHT: 400 ºC/2h centrifugal roof fans Impeller size Number of motor M = Single-phase BS: Raised support base
with horitzontal air outlet, aluminum poles T = Three-phase BSS: Raised support base
hood 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz with silencer
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate (Qmax) Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate (Qmax)
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CHT-200-4 37 43 54 57 58 54 52 46 CHT-200-4 41 46 60 62 63 63 58 53
CHT-225-4 44 53 58 58 62 61 54 48 CHT-225-4 43 52 62 66 69 66 59 53
CHT-250-4 48 57 62 62 66 65 58 52 CHT-250-4 46 55 65 69 72 69 62 56
CHT-315-4 52 58 64 64 67 70 61 55 CHT-315-4 51 63 71 73 74 74 66 58
CHT-400-4 59 65 71 71 74 77 68 62 CHT-400-4 58 70 78 80 81 81 73 65
CHT-400-6 48 54 60 60 63 66 57 51 CHT-400-6 47 59 67 69 70 70 62 54
CHT-450-4 64 71 76 76 80 79 72 67 CHT-450-4 62 74 82 84 85 82 75 67
CHT-450-6 52 59 64 64 68 67 60 55 CHT-450-6 52 64 72 74 75 72 65 57
CHT-500-6 56 62 67 68 72 71 64 57 CHT-500-6 52 66 74 78 77 74 68 62
CHT-560-6 59 65 70 71 75 74 67 60 CHT-560-6 56 70 78 82 81 78 72 66
CHT-630-6 63 69 74 75 79 78 71 64 CHT-630-6 59 73 81 85 74 81 75 69
Dimensions mm
A B øD* øF G H øI
CHT-200 530 20 250 570 450 360 12
CHT-225 548 20 250 570 450 360 12
CHT-250 620 30 355 726 560 450 12
CHT-315 670 30 355 726 560 450 12
CHT-400 755 40 500 856 710 590 12
CHT-450 770 40 500 856 710 590 12
CHT-500 846 40 630 1072 900 750 14
CHT-560 1035 40 710 1300 1100 900 14
CHT-630 1096 40 710 1300 1100 900 14
* Recommended nominal tube diameter
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4M/4T=1500 r/min
6T=1000 r/min
Sound pressure variation depending on distance
The noise level may vary depending on the roof or tile structure.
Application example
Extract fans suitable for use in industrial kitchens
Centrifugal roof fans with horizontal air outlet, with EC Technology IE5 motor
Motor: Finish:
• High efficiency EC Technology motors • Anti-corrosive in galvanized steel sheet
with integrated electronics, regulated by and aluminum.
0-10 V or 4-20 mA.
• IE5 efficiency motors, class F and IP55
• Single-phase 230 V 50/60 Hz.
• Working temperature: -25 ºC +60 ºC.
EC CONTROL:Supplied as an optional
EC TECHNOLOGY accessory. Control panel for ventilation
MOTOR with systems with EC Technology motors with
integrated electronics the electronics integrated in the motor
itself. With the following characteristics:
• CPC: Constant pressure control.
• CFC: Constant flow control. Support for roof-mounting
Supplied as an
optional accessory
Order code
CHT/EC: Centrifugal roof fans Impeller size Number of motor M = Single-phase Motor power IE5 motor
with horizontal air outlet, with EC poles (HP)
Technology IE5 motor 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance equivalent to
twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate (Qmax) Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate (Qmax)
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
315-4M 50 56 62 62 65 68 59 53 315-4M 49 61 69 71 72 72 84 58
400-6M 46 52 58 58 61 64 55 49 400-6M 45 57 65 67 68 68 60 52
450-6M 50 57 62 62 66 65 58 53 450-6M 50 62 70 72 73 70 63 55
Dimensions mm
A B øD* øF G H øI
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
400 ºC/2h centrifugal roof fans with vertical air outlet, aluminum hood
Motor: On request:
• Motors with IE3 efficiency for powers • Special windings for different voltages.
equal to or greater than 0.75 kW, except • ATEX certified Category 3.
single-phase, 2-speed and 8-pole.
Order code
CVT — 200 — 4T — BS
CVT: 400 ºC/2h centrifugal roof fans Impeller size Number of motor M = Single-phase BS: Raised support base
with vertical air outlet, aluminum poles T = Three-phase BSS: Raised support base
hood 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz with silencer
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate (Qmax) Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate (Qmax)
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
CVT-200-4 37 43 54 57 58 54 52 46 CVT-200-4 41 46 60 62 63 63 58 53
CVT-225-4 44 53 58 58 62 61 54 48 CVT-225-4 43 52 62 66 69 66 59 53
CVT-250-4 48 57 62 62 66 65 58 52 CVT-250-4 46 55 65 69 72 69 62 56
CVT-315-4 52 58 64 64 67 70 61 55 CVT-315-4 51 63 71 73 74 74 66 58
CVT-400-4 59 65 71 71 74 77 68 62 CVT-400-4 58 70 78 80 81 81 73 65
CVT-400-6 48 54 60 60 63 66 57 51 CVT-400-6 47 59 67 69 70 70 62 54
CVT-450-4 64 71 76 76 80 79 72 67 CVT-450-4 62 74 82 84 85 82 75 67
CVT-450-6 52 59 64 64 68 67 60 55 CVT-450-6 52 64 72 74 75 72 65 57
CVT-500-6 56 62 67 68 72 71 64 57 CVT-500-6 52 66 74 78 77 74 68 62
CVT-560-6 59 65 70 71 75 74 67 60 CVT-560-6 56 70 78 82 81 78 72 66
CVT-630-6 63 69 74 75 79 78 71 64 CVT-630-6 59 73 81 85 74 81 75 69
Dimensions mm
A A1 B øD* øF G H øI
CVT-200 472 296 20 250 530 450 360 12
CVT-225 490 296 20 250 530 450 360 12
CVT-250 562 248 30 355 700 560 450 12
CVT-315 612 373 30 355 700 560 450 12
CVT-400 689 473 40 500 900 710 590 12
CVT-450 705 474 40 500 900 710 590 12
CVT-500 772 545 40 630 1100 900 750 14
CVT-560 957 678 40 710 1295 1100 900 14
CVT-630 1017 676 40 710 1295 1100 900 14
* Recommended nominal tube diameter
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
4M/4T=1500 r/min
6T=1000 r/min
Sound pressure variation depending on distance
The noise level may vary depending on the roof or tile structure.
Application example
Extract fans suitable for use in industrial kitchens
Centrifugal roof fans with vertical air outlet, with EC Technology IE5 motor
EC CONTROL:Supplied as an optional
EC TECHNOLOGY accessory. Control panel for ventilation
MOTOR with systems with EC Technology motors with
integrated electronics the electronics integrated in the motor
itself. With the following characteristics:
• CPC: Constant pressure control.
• CFC: Constant flow control.
EC CONTROL • DAY / NIGHT: Double pressure setpoint
Supplied as an adjustment according to time of day.
optional accessory
Support for roof-mounting
Order code
CVT/EC: Centrifugal roof fans Impeller size Number of motor M = Single-phase Motor power IE5 motor
with vertical air outlet, with EC poles (HP)
Technology IE5 motor 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Erp. (Energy Related Products)
Information on Directive 2009/125/EC can be downloaded from the SODECA website or the QuickFan selector programme.
Acoustic characteristics
The indicated values are determined by measuring the sound pressure level and sound power in dB(A) obtained in a free field at a distance equivalent to
twice the size of the fan plus the impeller diameter, with a minimum of 1.5 m.
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate (Qmax) Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate (Qmax)
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
315-4M 50 56 62 62 65 68 59 53 315-4M 49 61 69 71 72 72 84 58
400-6M 46 52 58 58 61 64 55 49 400-6M 45 57 65 67 68 68 60 52
450-6M 50 57 62 62 66 65 58 53 450-6M 50 62 70 72 73 70 63 55
Dimensions mm
A A1 B øD* øF G H øI
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Characteristic curves
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Pressurisation equipment for evacuation routes, designed according to the
European standard EN 12101-6
On request:
• Automatic switching system for backup
fan (see KIT BOXPDS II series).
+50 Pa +50 Pa
• Easy to install.
• A compact, autonomous solution.
• Easy start-up.
• Safe, functional installation.
Order code
KIT BOXPDS: Pressurisation equipment for Impeller diameter Number of motor T = Three-phase Motor power (HP)
evacuation routes, designed according to in cm poles
the European standard EN 12101-6 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
KIT BOXPDS II: Pressurisation equipment
for evacuation routes with standby fan,
designed according to the European
standard EN 12101-6
Technical characteristics
Installed Maximum Sound Approx.
Model Speed Power supply admissible current
power flow rate pressure level weight
(r/min) (V) (Hz) 400V (kW) (m³/h) dB (A) (Kg)
KIT BOXPDS-710-4T-1.5 IE3 1400 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 4.75 1.1 19770 75 188
KIT BOXPDS-710-4T-2 IE3 1430 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 6.25 1.5 21090 75 191
KIT BOXPDS-710-4T-3 IE3 1445 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 8.20 2.2 23970 78 200
KIT BOXPDS-800-4T-3 IE3 1445 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 8.20 2.2 27940 79 208
KIT BOXPDS-800-4T-4 IE3 1445 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 10.05 3.0 32720 80 210
KIT BOXPDS-800-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 12.65 4.0 37440 81 215
KIT BOXPDS-900-4T-7.5 IE3 1440 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 15.20 5.5 47550 88 309
KIT BOXPDS-900-4T-10 IE3 1455 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 20.30 7.5 53120 89 326
KIT BOXPDS-1000-4T-10 IE3 1455 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 20.30 7.5 58560 90 334
KIT BOXPDS-1000-4T-15 IE3 1460 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 28.30 11.0 68000 91 366
KIT BOXPDS-1000-4T-20 IE3 1460 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 36.60 15.0 71850 92 377
May be supplied with the KIT BOXPDS II for standby fan (a second impulsion unit is added to the KIT BOXPDS).
Dimensions mm
KIT BOXPDS-710/800 1314 300 1000 976.5 326.5 1000 650 995 600 850 650 850 1000
KIT BOXPDS-900/1000 1540 300 1200 1102 326.5 1200 750 1195 800 1050 750 1050 1200
Dimensions mm
BOXPDS-710/800 1000 300 600 DAMPER BOX 71/80 326.5 850 995 CJHCH-71/80 1000 650 850
BOXPDS-900/1000 1200 300 800 DAMPER BOX 90/100 326.5 1050 1195 CJHCH-90/100 1200 750 1050
Application example
In technical room Next to ventilation unit In intake conduit Next to ventilation unit BOXPDS with additional
2 DAMPERS can be used by installing two inlets away from the fan, so that if
smoke is detected at one inlet it will close and the second damper will be kept
open to ensure the entry of clean air into the space to be protected (smoke-free
evacuation route).
Pressurisation equipment for evacuation routes with advanced control,
designed according to the European standard EN 12101-6
• Easy to install.
• A compact, autonomous solution.
• Easy start-up.
• Safe, functional installation.
Order code
KIT BOXPDS SMART: Pressurisation equipment for Impeller diameter Number of motor T = Three-phase Motor power (HP)
evacuation routes with advanced control, designed in cm poles
according to the European standard EN 12101-6 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz
KIT BOXPDS SMART II: Pressurisation equipment for
evacuation routes with advanced control and standby fan,
designed according to the European standard EN 12101-6
Technical characteristics
Installed Maximum Sound Approx.
Model Speed Power supply admissible current
power flow rate pressure level weight
(r/min) (V) (Hz) 400V (kW) (m³/h) dB (A) (Kg)
KIT BOXPDS SMART-710-4T-1.5 IE3 1400 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 4.75 1.1 19770 75 188
KIT BOXPDS SMART-710-4T-2 IE3 1430 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 6.25 1.5 21090 75 196
KIT BOXPDS SMART-710-4T-3 IE3 1445 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 8.20 2.2 23970 78 205
KIT BOXPDS SMART-800-4T-3 IE3 1445 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 8.20 2.2 27940 79 213
KIT BOXPDS SMART-800-4T-4 IE3 1445 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 10.05 3.0 32720 80 215
KIT BOXPDS SMART-800-4T-5.5 IE3 1440 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 12.65 4.0 37440 81 220
KIT BOXPDS SMART-900-4T-7.5 IE3 1440 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 15.20 5.5 47550 88 314
KIT BOXPDS SMART-900-4T-10 IE3 1455 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 20.30 7.5 53120 89 331
KIT BOXPDS SMART-1000-4T-10 IE3 1455 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 20.30 7.5 58560 90 339
KIT BOXPDS SMART-1000-4T-15 IE3 1460 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 28.30 11.0 68000 91 371
KIT BOXPDS SMART-1000-4T-20 IE3 1460 380-480 V 50/60 Hz 36.60 15.0 71850 92 382
May be supplied with the KIT BOXPDS SMART II for standby fan (a second impulsion unit is added to the KIT BOXPDS SMART).
Dimensions mm
KIT BOXPDS SMART-710/800 1400 400 1000 1000 350 1000 650 995 600 850 650 850 1000
KIT BOXPDS SMART-900/1000 1600 400 1200 1125 350 1200 750 1195 800 1050 750 1050 1200
BOXPDS SMART-710/800 1000 400 600 DAMPER BOX SMART 71/80 350 850 995 CJHCH-71/80 1000 650 850
BOXPDS SMART-900/1000 1200 400 800 DAMPER BOX SMART 90/100 350 1050 1195 CJHCH-90/100 1200 750 1050
Application example
In technical room Next to ventilation unit In intake conduit Next to ventilation unit BOXPDS with additional
2 DAMPERS can be used by installing two inlets away from the fan, so that if
smoke is detected at one inlet it will close and the second damper will be kept
open to ensure the entry of clean air into the space to be protected (smoke-free
evacuation route).
Equipment for pressurizing evacuation routes in the event of fire, designed according
to the European standard EN 12101-6
Order code
HATCH PDS: Equipment for Size Number of motor T= Motor power (HP) Finish
pressurizing evacuation routes in the poles Three-phase G=galvanised
event of fire, designed according to the 2=2900 r/min 50 Hz P=painted in
European standard EN 12101-6 4=1400 r/min 50 Hz special colour
6=900 r/min 50 Hz
Technical characteristics
Maximum admissible current Installed Blade tilt Maximum Sound pressure level Approx.
Model Speed
(A) power angle flow rate dB (A) weight
(r/min) 230V 400V 690V (kW) (º) (m³/h) Inlet Exhaust (Kg)
Acoustic characteristics
Sound power spectrum Lw(A) in dB(A) per Hz frequency band
Values measured at inlet with maximum flow rate Values measured at exhaust with maximum flow rate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
40-2-1 48 64 76 84 89 87 83 76 40-2-1 48 64 76 84 89 87 83 76
40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75 40-2-1.5 47 63 75 83 88 86 82 75
45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74 45-2-2 47 60 74 86 87 86 82 74
45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75 45-2-3 47 64 74 81 88 86 83 75
50-2-4 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89 50-2-4 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89
50-2-5.5 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89 50-2-5.5 58 74 84 91 92 89 88 89
56-2-5.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81 56-2-5.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81
56-2-7.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81 56-2-7.5 53 66 84 92 94 93 88 81
56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65 56-4-2 52 64 73 79 79 79 73 65
63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69 63-4-3 56 68 77 83 83 83 77 69
63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70 63-4-4 57 69 78 84 84 84 78 70
63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57 63-6-1 49 59 69 73 74 72 65 57
80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74 80-4-3 55 71 84 91 91 88 82 74
80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73 80-4-4 54 70 83 90 90 87 81 73
80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 80-4-5.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
80-4-7.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72 80-4-7.5 53 69 82 89 89 86 80 72
80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62 80-6-1.5 53 68 75 78 79 76 70 62
80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65 80-6-2 59 69 75 79 80 78 73 65
90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78 90-4-7.5 59 75 86 92 93 91 86 78
90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77 90-4-10 58 74 85 91 92 90 85 77
90-4-15 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79 90-4-15 60 76 87 93 94 92 87 79
90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63 90-6-3 52 67 78 82 82 78 71 63
90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68 90-6-4 60 70 80 85 85 82 76 68
100-4-10 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81 100-4-10 64 80 87 94 95 93 89 81
100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83 100-4-15 71 83 87 93 94 94 91 83
100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67 100-6-5.5 57 72 82 85 86 83 75 67
100-6-7.5 59 74 84 87 88 85 77 69 100-6-7.5 59 74 84 87 88 85 77 69
Dimensions mm
A B C D ød1 E F H H1 J K L M N P Q R S Ød2
HATCH/PDS-40 1100 1000 1020 920 400 1100 1000 900 1000 900 800 700 600 1065 - 965 700 600 13
HATCH/PDS-45 1100 1000 1020 920 450 1100 1000 900 1000 900 800 700 600 1065 - 965 700 600 13
HATCH/PDS-50 1100 1000 1020 920 500 1100 1000 900 1000 900 800 700 600 1065 - 965 700 600 13
HATCH/PDS-56 1100 1000 1020 920 560 1100 1000 900 1000 900 800 700 600 1065 - 965 700 600 13
HATCH/PDS-63 1300 1200 1220 1120 630 1300 1200 900 1000 1100 1000 900 800 1265 - 1165 900 800 13
HATCH/PDS-80 1300 1200 1220 1120 800 1300 1200 900 1000 1100 1000 900 800 1265 - 1165 900 800 13
HATCH/PDS-90 1500 1400 1420 1320 900 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 - 1365 1100 1000 13
HATCH/PDS-90-4T-15 1500 1400 1420 1320 900 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 38 1365 1100 1000 13
HATCH/PDS-100 1500 1400 1420 1320 1000 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 - 1365 1100 1000 13
HATCH/PDS-100-4T-15 1500 1400 1420 1320 1000 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 80 1365 1100 1000 13
Pressurisation system for stairs or evacuation routes. Maintains a differential pressure of
50 Pa in a single stage, designed according to the European standard EN 12101-6
• Overpressure kit with backup
fan, consisting of a control panel
(BOXSMART II), which incorporates an
• Easy to install.
• A compact, autonomous solution.
• Easy start-up.
• Safe, functional installation.
Order code
KIT BOXSMART: Overpressure unit Maximum flow 230: Single-phase 200 to 1D: 1 DAMPER BOX SMART
KIT BOXSMART II: Overpressure unit with rate 240 V 50/60 Hz input 2D: 2 DAMPER BOX SMART
standby fan (m³/h) 400: Three-phase 380 to
480 V 50/60 Hz input
Technical characteristics
Model Power Power supply Outlet Impulsion unit
flow rate
KIT BOXSMART-2880-230V-1D 0.37 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 2880 CJBD-2828-4M 1/2
KIT BOXSMART-7100-230V-1D 0.37 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 7100 CJHCH-45-4T-0.5 IE3
KIT BOXSMART-7800-230V-1D 1.10 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 7800 CJBD-3333-6T 1 1/2
KIT BOXSMART-12900-230V-1D 0.75 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 12900 CJHCH-56-4T-1 IE3
KIT BOXSMART-17000-230V-1D 1.10 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 17000 CJHCH-63-4T-1.5 IE3
KIT BOXSMART-7800-400V-1D 1.10 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 7800 CJBD-3333-6T 1 1/2
KIT BOXSMART-12900-400V-1D 0.75 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 12900 CJHCH-56-4T-1 IE3
KIT BOXSMART-17000-400V-1D 1.10 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 17000 CJHCH-63-4T-1.5 IE3
Technical characteristics
Model Power Power supply Outlet Impulsion unit
flow rate
Dimensions mm
CJBD-2828 550 575 600 479 504 104 177 330 294
CJBD-3333 650 650 700 554 604 105 198 392 347
A C D1
Application example
This system uses pressurisation by injecting air into spaces that are used as
evacuation routes in the event of a fire, including stairwells, corridors, passageways,
lifts, etc., especially in tall buildings with high occupancy.
The method is based on using air speed and over pressure to create a barrier,
preventing smoke from entering evacuation routes.
Control panel for a fan Control panel with standby fan
The BOXSMART control panel includes: • Metal casing with lock with key and with
• Variable frequency drive programmed IP66 protection.
at 50 Pa and highly accurate differential • Capable of managing asynchronous
pressure probe. motors, IPM or RM.
• External connection for the control panel • Ready to operate and perform its
to be used exclusively by firefighters. function of pressure control.
• Magnetic thermal switch. • Only the power supply, the impulsion
• Status indicator lamp: Ready, Alarm, Fire fan and the fire signal need to be
and Run. connected.
• Built-in control panel with TEST • Different input voltage ranges and power
selector for maintenance and selector on demand.
to be used exclusively by firefighters • Integrated control of motorized flaps
0-AUTO-MANUAL. with smoke detector (Compatible with
• Operating procedures in safe mode DAMPER BOX SMART).
in the case of failure of the differential
pressure probe and automatic reset of Options:
the system in case of failure. • BOXSMART EC: control panel for an
• Connection of status signals using free EC motor fan.
power contacts (FAULT, START and FIRE • BOXSMART: control box for a fan.
ACTIVATION) and connection to BMS • BOXSMART II: control panel with
systems via RTU Modbus for monitoring backup fan.
the equipment. • BOXSMART FLAP: control panel with
• Memory of the last activation state for damper fan.
greater security, resettable from the
RESET selector on the control panel or
by external signal.
• External connection for daily ventilation
use through SI-CALENDAR accessory.
Order code
BOXSMART: Control panel for Power Input voltage M: Single-phase input 1D: 1 DAMPER BOX SMART
a fan (kW) T: Three-phase input 2D: 2 DAMPER BOX SMART
BOXSMART II: Control panel
with standby fan
Technical characteristics and dimensions
For systems with a standby fan. The fans never operate simultaneously.
*All connections are made at the top section of the panel.
Pressurisation system for stairs or evacuation routes. Maintains a differential pressure of
50 Pa in a single stage, designed according to the European standard EN 12101-6
The correct operation of the pressurisation CM-SMART: External control panel for
systems depends not only on their firefighters
sound design, but also on the correct • The CM-SMART indicates the system
regulation performed by the system. For status and provides firefighters with the
this reason, it is extremely important to option of manually turning the system
have calibrated, high precision regulation on or off via its selector switch. We
elements that will permit both situations recommend that this panel be installed
present in the event of a fire to be at the main entry point to the protected
maintained simultaneously, quickly and area.
stably. • This unit is not included in the KIT
Staircase overpressure kit, consisting • The BOXSMART EC model is
of a control panel (BOXSMART EC) compatible with CM-SMART.
and a high-efficiency drive unit with EC
Technology motors (CJK/EC).
• Easy to install.
• A compact, autonomous solution.
• Easy start-up.
• Safe, functional installation.
Order code
Technical characteristics
Model Power Power supply Outlet Impulsion unit
flow rate
KIT BOXSMART EC-1900 - 230 0.2 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 1920 CJK/EC-310
KIT BOXSMART EC-3600 - 230 0.5 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 3640 CJK/EC-400
KIT BOXSMART EC-6500 - 400 1.1 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 6580 CJK/EC-500
* The output power is reduced by 20% when the equipment is operating in the lower electrical power range. The same models, except the FLAP models, may be supplied with the KIT BOXSMART II for standby fan (a
second impulsion unit is added to the KIT BOXSMART).
Dimensions mm
Application example
This system uses pressurisation by injecting air into spaces that are used as evacuation routes in the
event of a fire, including stairwells, corridors, passageways, lifts, etc., especially in tall buildings with
high occupancy.
The method is based on using air speed and over pressure to create a barrier, preventing smoke
from entering evacuation routes.
Control panel for an EC motor fan
Order code
BOXSMART EC: Control panel for Power Input voltage M: Single-phase input
an EC motor fan (kW) T: Three-phase input
Technical characteristics
Max. Output Approx.
Model Power Power supply Outlet Size Measurements
current weight
(length x width x
(kW) (V) (Hz) (V) (A) (Kg)
BOXSMART EC-0.5-230V 50/60HZ-M-M 0.5 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 1.5 1 300x400x200 10
BOXSMART EC-1.1-400V 50/60HZ-T-T 1.1 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 2.0 1 300x400x200 10
*All connections are made at the top section of the panel.
Pressurisation system for stairs or evacuation routes. Maintains a differential pressure of
50 Pa in a single stage, designed according to the European standard EN 12101-6
• Easy to install.
• A compact, autonomous solution.
• Easy start-up.
• Safe, functional installation.
Order code
KIT BOXSMART FLAP: Pressurisation Maximum flow rate 400: Three-phase 380 to
unit with hatch fan (m³/h) 480 V 50/60 Hz input
Technical characteristics
Model Power Power supply Outlet Impulsion unit
flow rate
KIT BOXSMART FLAP-21100 - 400 1.5 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 21100 WALL/DUCT-71-4T IE3
KIT BOXSMART FLAP-25400 - 400 3.0 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 25400 HCT/HATCH-63-4T-4 IE3
KIT BOXSMART FLAP-41850 - 400 4.0 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 41850 WALL/DUCT-90-4T-5.5 IE3
KIT BOXSMART FLAP-52500 - 400 5.5 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 52500 HCT/HATCH-100-4T-7.5 IE3
* The output power is reduced by 20% when the equipment is operating in the lower electrical power range. The same models, except the FLAP models, may be supplied with the KIT BOXSMART II for standby fan (a
second impulsion unit is added to the KIT BOXSMART).
Dimensions mm
A B C D ød1 E F H H1 J K L M N P Q Ød2
HCT/HATCH-63 1300 1200 1220 1120 630 1300 1200 900 1000 1100 1000 900 800 1265 - 1165 13
HCT/HATCH-100 1500 1400 1420 1320 1000 1500 1400 900 1000 1300 1200 1100 1000 1465 - 1365 13
Dimensions mm
A B C ød D ØD* E F G H I J J1 J2 K1 K2 X2
WALL/DUCT-71 990 990 1000 13 1000 710 82 760 605 630 80 445 1050 300 1050 300 225
WALL/DUCT-90 1190 1190 1200 18 1200 900 82 790 605 630 100 550 1250 250 1250 250 280
Application example
This system uses pressurisation by injecting air into spaces that are used as evacuation routes in the
event of a fire, including stairwells, corridors, passageways, lifts, etc., especially in tall buildings with
high occupancy.
The method is based on using air speed and over pressure to create a barrier, preventing smoke
from entering evacuation routes.
Control panel with damper fan
The BOXSMART FLAP control panel • External connection for daily ventilation
includes: use through SI-CALENDAR accessory.
• Variable frequency drive programmed • Metal casing with lock with key and with
at 50 Pa and highly accurate differential IP66 protection.
pressure probe. • Capable of managing asynchronous
• External connection for the control panel motors, IPM or RM.
to be used exclusively by firefighters. • Ready to operate and perform its
• Magnetic thermal switch. function of pressure control.
• Status indicator lamp: Ready, Alarm, Fire • Only the power supply, the impulsion
and Run. fan and the fire signal need to be
• Built-in control panel with TEST connected.
selector for maintenance and selector • Different input voltage ranges and power
to be used exclusively by firefighters on demand.
• Operating procedures in safe mode Options:
in the case of failure of the differential • BOXSMART EC: control panel for an EC
pressure probe and automatic reset of motor fan.
the system in case of failure. • BOXSMART: control box for a fan.
• Connection of status signals using free • BOXSMART II: control panel with
power contacts (FAULT, START and FIRE backup fan.
ACTIVATION) and connection to BMS • BOXSMART FLAP: control panel with
systems via RTU Modbus for monitoring damper fan.
the equipment.
• Memory of the last activation state for
greater security, resettable from the
RESET selector on the control panel or
by external signal.
Order code
BOXSMART FLAP: Control panel with damper fan Power Input voltage T: Three-phase input
Technical characteristics
Max. Output Approx.
Model Power Power supply Outlet Size Measurements
current weight
(length x width x
(kW) (V) (Hz) (V) (A) (Kg)
BOXSMART FLAP-1.5-400V 50/60Hz-T-T 1.50 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 4.1 2 400x500x250 18
BOXSMART FLAP-4-400V 50/60Hz-T-T 4.00 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 9.5 3 400x600x250 20
BOXSMART FLAP-5.5-400V 50/60Hz-T-T 5.50 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 14.0 4 500x700x250 28
*All connections are made at the top section of the panel.
Pressurisation system for stairs or evacuation routes. Maintains a differential pressure of
50 Pa in a single stage, designed according to the European standard EN 12101-6
It includes:
• Variable frequency drive programmed at 50 Pa.
STAIRCASES OVERPRESSURE KIT • Differential pressure probe.
For single-phase equipment • Magnetic thermal switch.
• Line and fault LEDs.
• Check button.
BOXPRES is a control box with all its connections made and tested. Ready to operate
and perform its function on the control of the installation pressure. Possibility of
checking the installation to avoid failures. Only the power line, the supply fan and the
fire signal should be connected.
• Easy to install.
• A compact, autonomous solution.
• Preventive maintenance.
• Easy start-up.
• Safe, functional installation.
Order code
Technical characteristics
Dimensions mm
CJBD-2525 9/9 500 522 550 426 454 107 147 303 268
CJBD-3333 12/12 650 650 700 554 604 105 198 392 347
Dimensions mm
A C D1
A B C D E F G H1 H2
CJBD/TWO-3333 1390 648.5 702.4 460 460 1149.3 156 1294.6 553.6
CJBD/TWO-15/15 1600 754 851.4 545 545 1342.6 186.5 1502.6 658.6
A B C D1
A B B1 C C1 ØD ØE F G nº UxS
NEOLINEO-250/V 383 310 174 286 150 247 261 150 150 4 8x11
NEOLINEO-315/V 446 386 216 357 187 312 325 181 178 4 8x11
Technical characteristics and dimensions
Max. Output
Model Power Power supply Outlet Size Measurements
BOXPRES KIT-0.37W 230Vac 0.37 230 V II / 50 Hz 230 V III / 50 Hz 2.3 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm
BOXPRES KIT-0,75kW 230Vac 0.75 230 V II / 50 Hz 230 V III / 50 Hz 4.3 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm
BOXPRES KIT-1.5kW 230Vac 1.50 230 V II / 50 Hz 230 V III / 50 Hz 7.0 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm
BOXPRES KIT-2.2KW 230Vac 2.20 230 V II / 50 Hz 230 V III / 50 Hz 10.5 2 360 x 360 x 205 mm
BOXPRES KIT-0.75KW 400Vac 0.75 400 V III / 50 Hz 400 V III / 50 Hz 2.2 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm
BOXPRES KIT-1.5KW 400Vac 1.50 400 V III / 50 Hz 400 V III / 50 Hz 4.1 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm
BOXPRES KIT-2.2KW 400Vac 2.20 400 V III / 50 Hz 400 V III / 50 Hz 5.8 2 360 x 360 x 205 mm
Pressure connection
Max. Output
Model Power Power supply Outlet Size Measurements
BOXPRES KIT II-1.5KW 400Vac 1.5 400 V III / 50 Hz 400 V III / 50 Hz 4.1 1 270 x 270 x 170 mm
BOXPRES KIT II-2.2KW 400Vac 2.2 400 V III / 50 Hz 400 V III / 50 Hz 5.4 2 360 x 360 x 205 mm
M 12 x 1.5 mm
This system uses pressurisation by
Fire signal connection
injecting air into spaces that are used
as evacuation routes in the event of
Pressure connection a fire, including stairwells, corridors,
passageways, lifts, etc., especially in tall
buildings with high occupancy.
Pressurisation system for stairs or evacuation routes. Maintains a differential pressure of
50 Pa in a single stage, designed according to the European standard EN 12101-6
The correct operation of the pressurisation switching system that maintains the
systems depends not only on their overpressure in the event of the main
sound design, but also on the correct fan failure.
regulation performed by the system. For
this reason, it is extremely important to CM-SMART External control panel for
have calibrated, high precision regulation firefighters
elements that will permit both situations • The CM-SMART indicates the system
present in the event of a fire to be status and provides firefighters with the
maintained simultaneously, quickly and option of manually turning the system
stably. on or off via its selector switch. We
recommend that this panel be installed
KIT BOXPRES PLUS at the main entry point to the protected
• Staircase overpressure kit comprised of area.
a control panel (BOXPRES PLUS) and • This unit is not included in the KIT
an impulsion unit (CJHCH or CJBD), for BOXPRES PLUS.
pressurising staircases and evacuation • The BOXPRES PLUS and BOXPRES
routes. PLUS II models are compatible with
• Overpressure kit with standby fan
comprised of a control panel (BOXPRES
PLUS II) with a built-in automatic
• Easy to install.
• A compact, autonomous solution.
• Easy start-up.
• Safe, functional installation.
Order code
KIT BOXPRES PLUS: Overpressure unit Maximum flow 230: Single-phase 200 to
KIT BOXPRES PLUS II: Overpressure unit rate 240 V 50/60 Hz input
with standby fan (m³/h) 400: Three-phase 380 to
480 V 50/60 Hz input
Technical characteristics
Model Power Power supply Outlet Impulsion unit
flow rate
KIT BOXPRES PLUS-2880 - 230 0.37 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 2880 CJBD-2828-4M 1/2
KIT BOXPRES PLUS-7100 - 230 0.37 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 7100 CJHCH-45-4T-0.5 IE3
KIT BOXPRES PLUS-7800 - 230 1.10 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 7800 CJBD-3333-6T 1 1/2
KIT BOXPRES PLUS-12900 - 230 0.75 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 12900 CJHCH-56-4T-1 IE3
KIT BOXPRES PLUS-17000 - 230 1.10 200 a 240 V 50/60 Hz 230 V 50/60 Hz 17000 CJHCH-63-4T-1.5 IE3
KIT BOXPRES PLUS-7800 - 400 1.10 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 7800 CJBD-3333-6T 1 1/2
KIT BOXPRES PLUS-12900 - 400 0.75 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 12900 CJHCH-56-4T-1 IE3
KIT BOXPRES PLUS-17000 - 400 1.10 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 17000 CJHCH-63-4T-1.5 IE3
KIT BOXPRES PLUS-21100 - 400 1.50 380 a 480 V 50/60 Hz 400 V 50/60 Hz 22100 CJHCH-71-4T-2 IE3
The output power is reduced by 20% when the equipment is operating in the lower power supply voltage range. The same models may be supplied with the KIT BOXPRES PLUS II for standby fan (a second impulsion
unit is added that is equivalent to that of the KIT BOXPRES PLUS).
Dimensions mm
A C D1
Equivalence inches A B C D E F G K L
CJBD-2828 10/10 550 575 600 479 504 104 177 330 294
CJBD-3333 12/12 650 650 700 554 604 105 198 392 347
Size A B C
1 300 400 200
2 400 500 250
3 400 600 250
4 500 700 250
Pressurisation equipment for lobbies, compliant with DM 30/11/1983 and designed
according to the European standard EN 12101-6
+50 Pa
Control panel characteristics
• Total voltage (V): 1x230 • Total current (A): 0.3
• Output voltage 1 (V): 19.7-28 V DC • Output voltage 2 (V): 19.7-28 V DC
• Max. Output current 1 (A): 6 • Max. Output current 2 (A): 7
• Protection (IP): 44 • Operating temperature (ºC): -25 a +60
• Approx. weight (Kg): 30.5
Order code
Technical characteristics
Max- Nominal
Flow rate LpA irradi- Total Total Total Approx. Operating
Model imum Speed Protection diameter
ated 3 m voltage current power weight temperature
pressure of conduit
(m³/h) (Pa) (r/min) dB(A) (V) (A) (w) (Kg) (IP) (ºC) (mm)
PRESSKIT ONE 2100 180 1800 65 24 V DC 4.8 115 7 42 -25 a +60 310
PRESSKIT TWIN 4100 180 1800 68 24 V DC 9.6 230 14 42 -25 a +60 310
Dimensions mm
Control panel for a fan
Order code
BOXPRES PLUS: Control panel for a fan Power (kW) Input voltage M: Single-phase input
BOXPRES PLUS II: Control panel with T: Three-phase input
standby fan
Technical characteristics and dimensions
For systems with a standby fan. The fans never operate simultaneously.
*All connections are made at the top section of the panel.
Only models:
Dimensions mm
Size A B C
1 300 400 200
2 400 500 250
3 400 600 250
4 500 700 250
Application example
This system uses pressurisation by injecting air into spaces that are used as evacuation routes in the
event of a fire, including stairwells, corridors, passageways, lifts, etc., especially in tall buildings with
high occupancy.
The method is based on using air speed and over pressure to create a barrier, preventing smoke
from entering evacuation routes.
Control panels for car park ventilation systems with triple purpose: daily ventilation,
CO concentration control and smoke extraction in case of fire
Control panels in metal enclosure with all the necessary elements for the management and
control of fans in car park ventilation systems, whether they are based on duct networks
or impulse fans, for the control of CO concentration levels and smoke extraction in case
of fire. Customised panels for all power ratings and number of fans according to project
• Control panel for smoke extraction in case of fire and CO control in single zone car parks,
with daily ventilation mode using a time programmer included.
• Control panel for smoke extraction in case of fire and CO control in car parks for single
or multiple zones, with daily ventilation mode using a time programmer included, with the
possibility of managing motorised dampers and incorporating a remote panel for fire fighters.
• Power supply: 400 V AC three-phase plus • Starting by double speed contactor (S2): • Status signals (System OK, Fault, Run, CO
neutral and earth conductor. Individual magnetothermic circuit breaker Activation and Fire Activation).
• Metal enclosure, depending on the per group, individual motor protection • General magneto-thermal and differential
dimensions of the wall-mounted or switch for high speed, individual motor line protection.
self-supporting equipment with plinth. protection switch for slow speed. • Differential protection by group and zone
• Load-break disconnector switch sized to • Back-up of the system's electronics by (Jet fans, extraction, supply).
the maximum power of the system. UPS in case of power failure. • 2-speed fan control.
• Natural or forced ventilation of the electrical • Microcontroller with programmable logic • Fan control using a variable speed drive.
panel, with thermostat for activation/ (PLC). • Reversible fans control.
deactivation and thermomagnetic circuit • Communication with BMS, MODBUS TCP • LC filters (recommended with variable
breaker protection. protocol. frequency drive (VSD) control from 50 m
• Interior cabinet lighting (from 1600 mm • WEB SERVER integrated for programming. of EMC cable and from 100 m of non-
height). • Daily time switch with battery reserve, for screened cable).
• Auxiliary voltage for 24 V DC control activation of daily ventilation per zone. • Possibility of request for several areas.
through power supply and protections. • Connection input to monoxide control unit • Possibility of analogue CO signal for
• SCHUKO base inside the control panel with three CO activation levels, low level, proportional operation.
(protected). high level and alarm level. NO potential-free • Remote control for firefighters that
• Unbalance and phase loss detector. activation contacts. incorporates 0-AUTO-MANUAL selector,
• Overload and short-circuit protection per • Connection input with fire detection and status lights (System OK, Fault, Run
group. control panel, via NO or NC potential-free and Fire Activation).
• Depending on the drives, the equipment activation contact (selectable). Memory of • Touch screen for monitoring and
incorporates the following protections: the last operating status and resettable fire configuration.
• Frequency converter starter (VSD): activation signal, via key switch on the front • Motorised gate management.
Individual input thermomagnetic circuit of the control panel. • Interconnection between panels.
breaker. • 0-AUTO-MANUAL selectors per group.
• Single-speed contactor starter (S1): • Control panel status lights per zone
Individual thermomagnetic circuit breaker per (System OK, Fault, Run, CO Activation and
group, individual motor-protective switch. Fire Activation).
Comparison between models
Fire signal status memory card, including fire Reset selector NO YES YES
2 levels of CO NO NO YES
Enclosure ventilation (depending on control panel size and power) YES YES YES
LC-filters (recommended from 50 m EMC cable, from 100 m
non-screened cable)
Reversibility NO NO OPTIONAL
Installation examples with BOXPARK
CO level 1
Modbus/CAN open
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
400 V AC
Control signal
Control signal
INT Model
Cable entry
On/Off safety switches in accordance with Standard INT-KG 20/3CA 25 7.5 29
UNE-EN 60204-1 INT-KG 41/3CA 40 15 37.5
INT-KG 64/3CA 63 22 37.5
INT-KG 80/3CA 80 30 37.5
• Switches to be installed next to the fan to be able to
cut off the power before handling the fan. INT-KG 100/3CA 100 37 37.5
• IP65 protection. INT-KG 20/6CA 25 7.5 29
• Single-phase or three-phase fans, use a 3-pole switch INT-KG 41/6CA 40 15 37.5
(3CA). INT-KG 64/6CA 63 22 37.5
• Three-phase two-speed fans, use a 6 pole switch (6CA).
INT-KG 80/6CA 80 30 37.5
INT-KG 100/6CA 100 37 37.5
ATEX stop-start switch according to directives 2014/34/UE and 2014/35/UE II 2D Ex tb IIIC T 85 °C Db II 3G
Ex nR IIC T6 Gc IP66
• II 3G Ex nR IIC T6 Gc
• II 2D Ex tb IIIC T XX °C Db IP66
• IP66 protection.
• Manufactured from anti-static thermoplastic.
• 3 pole switches for three-phase motors at a maximum line voltage of 500 V.
Stop-start safety switches for 400 ºC/2h to comply Current Current
with the UNE-EN 60204-1 Standard Model Model
(A) (A)
IAT-400-20/3P 20 IAT-400-20/6P 20
IAT-400-32/3P 32 IAT-400-32/6P 32
• Switches to be installed next to the fan and thus be
able to cut off the power before handling the fan. IAT-400-63/3P 63 IAT-400-63/6P 63
• IP65 protection model 400 ºC / 2h. IAT-400-125/3P 125 IAT-400-125/6P 125
Switch for two speed motors
• 3 position 1-0-2 switch for driving 2 speed motors
with Dahlander connection.
• IP67 protection.
Electrical cable and connection box kit 400 ºC/2h for external connections to the motor in fire fighting
• 6 stranded electric cable + ground wire connection with a length of 1.5 m and terminals at each end.
• Terminal box in cast aluminum.
• Terminal block in ceramic material.
• Kit certified together with the CJBDT series of extractors, with certification No. 0370-CPR-0580.
Maximum power
Model Max. Applicable to diameters
400V (HP)
motor size
1 speed 2 speeds 40 45 50 56 63 71 80 90 100 125 140 160
CABLE BOX-1-400 (4Gx2.5)-450 100 4 N/A X X X X X X
CABLE BOX-1-400 (7Gx2.5)-450 112 5.5 6 X X X X X X
CABLE BOX-2-400 (7Gx2.5)-550 160 12 12 X X X X
CABLE BOX-2-400 (7Gx2.5)-800 132 10 9 X
CABLE BOX-3-400 (7Gx4)-800 160 20 20 X
CABLE BOX-3-400 (7Gx6)-800 160 22 22 X X X X
CABLE BOX-4-400 (7Gx10)-800 280 75 40 X X X
CABLE BOX-4-400 (13Gx10)-800 280 100 N/A X
Electronic speed controllers for single-phase motors
Common features:
• Converters for speed variation for fans with asynchronous single-phase
• Speed drive power supply single-phase 230 V 50/60 Hz.
• Start/Stop switch.
Model A B C
• Speed adjustment by analog command.
• According to the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives 2014/30 / EU RM-00 81 81 66
and Low Voltage 2014/35 / EU. RM-01 81 81 66
RM-02 81 81 66
RM models features:
• Minimum speed adjustment. RM-1 80 145 80
• With EMC filters in accordance with Standard EN-55014. RM-2 96 164 85
RM-3 96 164 85
RM/VSD1 model features: RM/VSD1-3.5 200 180 100
• 16AF protective fuse.
• Dual passive (radiator) and active (cooling fan) heat dissipation system. RM/VSD1-8.0 200 225 100
Maximum current
Model Regulation type Input voltage Output voltage Protection
RM-00 Voltage 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-50/60 Hz IP44 0.5
RM-01 Voltage 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-50/60 Hz IP44 1.0
RM-02 Voltage 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-50/60 Hz IP44 2.0
RM-1 Voltage 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-50/60 Hz IP54 3.0
RM-2 Voltage 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-50/60 Hz IP54 5.0
RM-3 Voltage 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-50/60 Hz IP54 10.0
RM/VSD1-3.5 Frequency 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-35...50 Hz IP20 3.5
RM/VSD1-8.0 Frequency 230 V-50/60 Hz 230 V-35...50 Hz IP20 8.0
Electronic variable speed drive for AC motors • UNE EN 55011: limits and methods for measuring the
characteristics related to radio electric disturbances
Characteristics: of industrial, scientific and medical devices (ICM) that
• Converters for speed and frequency variation of axial and produce radio frequency energy.
centrifugal fans with asynchronous three-phase motors. • IEC 60529: specifications for degrees of protection in
• Converter power supply: enclose premises.
• Single-phase (VSD1/A-RFM): 200-240 V 50/60 Hz.
• Three-phase (VSD3/A-RFT): 380-480 V 50/60 Hz. In general, all SODECA fans with three-phase motors
• In accordance with the Electromagnetic Compatibility are adequate for operating supplied with a static
Directive 2014/30/EU, the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU frequency converter in normal execution (based on
and the Machinery Safety Directive 2006/42/EC. IEC 60034-17). However some motors require special
• Stop/start input to disable/enable the drive. measures. The maximum operating frequency or
• 0-10 V input for speed control. speed must never exceed that of the fan design. In
• ModBus RTU bus connection available. applications with a quadratic torque such as fans and
• Standard model with degree of protection IP20. Also pumps, when the speed changes, the absorbed power
available in IP66 version up to 10 CV. For powers greater is directly proportional to the rotation speed cube:
than 15 CV, only available with protection degree IP55. Pa2 = Pa1 (n2 / n1)3.
• According to norms:
• UNE EN 61800-3: variable speed electric power drives. The insulation of the motors coupled to the fans
EMC related product standard including specific test is sufficient to work without restrictions with the
methods. frequency converter up to voltages of 500 V. The use of
• UNE EN 61800-5-1: variable speed electric power drives. sinusoidal filters at the converter output will contribute
Security requirements. Electrical, thermal and energy. to the correct operation of the motor, reducing failures
• UNE EN 60204-1: safety of machines. Electrical and increasing its useful life. It is advisable that for
equipment of machines. General requirements. motors greater than 225 size, these are requested
with special windings for operating with a frequency
VSD1/A- VSD1/A VSD1/A VSD1/A The length of the output cable from the converter
RFM-0,5 -RFM-1 -RFM-2 -RFM-3 to the fan has an important effect on the voltage
Power (HP) 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 characteristics in the motor terminals. The definition
Power (kW) 0.37 0.75 1.50 2.20
'long cables' will depend on the nominal value and
type of converter, and the technical document of the
Maximum current (A) 2.3 4.3 7.0 10.5
manufacturer must be consulted.
Inlet type Single-phase Single-phase Single-phase Single-phase Ex-d explosion-proof motors must be requested
Voltage (V) 200-240 V 200-240 V 200-240 V 200-240 V for activation with a frequency converter. The motor
Frequency (Hz) 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz
manufacturer should request information on the
application using a questionnaire, to define the working
parameters. Furthermore, these motors must have
Outlet type Three-phase Three-phase Three-phase Three-phase built-in TPC sensors.
Voltage (V) 200-240 V 200-240 V 200-240 V 200-240 V
Frequency (Hz) 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz Ex-e increased safety motors cannot be activated
Degrees of protection Standard: IP20. On request: IP66 with a frequency converter (this would require the joint
motor-converter certification).
Cooling IP20: Forced. IP66: Natural
RFT-1 RFT-2 RFT-3 RFT-5.5 RFT-7.5 RFT-10 RFT-15 RFT-20 RFT-25 RFT-30
Power (HP) 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.50 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00
Power (kW) 0.75 1.50 2.20 4.00 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00
Maximum current (A) 2.2 4.1 5.8 9.5 14.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 39.0 46.0
Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three-
Inlet type phase phase phase phase phase phase phase phase phase phase
Voltage (V) 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V
Frequency (Hz) 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz 50‐60 Hz
Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three- Three-
Outlet type phase phase phase phase phase phase phase phase phase phase
Voltage (V) 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V 380-480 V
Frequency (Hz) 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz 0‐500 Hz
Degrees of protection Standard: IP20. On request: IP66 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Cooling IP20 e IP55: Forced. IP66: Natural
Star/delta starter and three-phase Thermal relay adjustment Motor power 3x400/690V
current (A) (kW)
fan protection control panel, with
stop and start buttons AET-01-5.5/400 4-6. 3 4.0
AET-01-7.5/400 5-8 5.5
Characteristics: AET-01-10/400 7-10 7.5
• Stop and start by button.
AET-01-15/400 12-18 11.0
• Status display through pilot lights.
• With adjustable thermal relay for AET-01-20/400 12-18 15.0
motor protection. AET-01-30/400 18-26 18.5/22.0
• Fully wired. AET-01-40/400 28-40 30.0
• Metal box for surface mounting, AET-02-50/400 34-50 37.0
IP65 protection.
AET-02-60/400 45-65 45.0
• The regulation current of the thermal
relay must be 50% of the rated AET-02-75/400 45-65 55.0
current shown on motor plate.
Model A B C
AET-01 300 300 150
AET-02 400 400 200
Backdraught louvres, certified for 400 ºC/2h
• They are supplied assembled in the box with its corresponding adapter.
• Approved in accordance with standard EN 12101-3, with certificate no.: 0370-CPR-0312.
• Steel sheet frame construction and aluminum sheet slats.
• It can be used for other applications 400 ºC/2h.
Q= Flow rate in m³/h, m³/s and cfm Pe= Static pressure in mm H₂O, Pa and inwg
Model G A C ØD E F
P-400-56 565 615 51 6 455 80
P-400-63 690 760 72 6 600 80
P-400-80 850 920 72 6 740 90
P-400-100 1050 1120 72 6 940 90
P-400-125 1400 1486 102 6 1306 90
P-400-140 1500 1586 102 6 1366 110
Protection guard for inlet or outlet of long cased axial fans
• Protects against contact with the impeller and prevents objects from entering in accordance with standard
UNE-EN ISO 12499.
• Manufactured with electrowelded wire.
• In the HEPT series, can only be fitted on the outlet.
Model øA øB C P N Nxα Form
to THT
RT-25 280 259 10 11 - 4x90° 1 -
RT-31/B 320 301 10 11 - 4x90° 1 -
RT-31 355 322 10 11 - 4x90° 1 -
RT-35 395 364 10 11 - 4x90° 1 -
RT-40 450 426 12 11 - 4x90° 1 40
RT-45 500 468 12 11 - 4x90° 1 45
RT-50 560 528 12 11 - 4x90° 1 50
RT-56 620 572 - 11 12 4x90° 2 56
RT-63 690 655 - 11 12 4x90° 2 63
RT-71 770 732 - 11 12 4x90° 2 71
RT-80 860 820 - 11 12 4x90° 2 80
RT-90 970 930 - 11 12 4x90° 2 90 Form 1 Form 2
Protection guard for inlet of centrifugal fans
• Prevents against contact with the impeller and possible entry of objects, according to the UNE-EN ISO 12499 standard.
• Made of sheet steel.
Applicable to Applicable to
Model TCMP Model TCMP
RPA-10 - - RPA-42 1435 -
RPA-11 - - RPA-44 - -
RPA-13 - - RPA-47 2050 1240
RPA-15 - - RPA-48 - -
RPA-17 - - RPA-52 1845 1445
RPA-18 - - RPA-55 2050 1650
RPA-20 - - RPA-60 2050 1650
RPA-23 - - RPA-65 - -
RPA-25 820 - RPA-66 - 1856
RPA-25/2 - - RPA-73 - 2063
RPA-28 922 - RPA-74 - -
RPA-31 1025 - RPA-81 - 2271
RPA-32 - - RPA-88 - 2380
RPA-35 1435/1640 - RPA-90 - -
RPA-38 1231 - RPA-100 - -
Protection grille for the intake of THT series axial fans
• Protects against contact with the impeller and prevents objects from entering in accordance with standard
UNE-EN ISO 12499.
• Manufactured with electrowelded wire.
BTUB Model
10 4x90º
Coupling flange for axial fans BTUB-280 350 320 280 80 10 4x90º
BTUB-315 380 355 315 80 10 8x45º
Fan: BTUB-355 430 395 355 80 11 8x45º
• Adapted to inlet and outlet.
BTUB‐400 480 450 400 80 12 8x45º
• Facilitates installation on duct.
BTUB‐450 530 500 450 80 12 8x45º
BTUB‐500 590 560 500 80 12 12x30º
BTUB‐560 650 620 560 80 12 12x30º
BTUB‐630 720 690 630 80 12 12x30º
BTUB‐710 800 770 710 80 12 16x22º30'
BTUB‐800 890 860 800 100 13 16x22º30'
BTUB‐900 1000 970 900 100 15 16x22º30'
BTUB‐1000 1100 1070 1000 100 15 16x22º30'
BTUB‐1250 1365 1320 1250 100 15 20x18º
BTUB‐1400 1520 1470 1400 100 15 20x18º
BTUB‐1600 1740 1680 1600 100 19 24x15º
Model ØA ØC F Model ØA ØC F
B-52-E 100 52 67 B-355/2 430 355 80
Double coupling flange for centrifugal fans
• It adapts to the suction mouth.
• Facilitates installation in duct with flange.
Applicable to Applicable to
Model ØA ØC ØD Ød F β Form TCMP Model ØA ØC ØD Ød F β Form TCMP
BD-112 160 112 137 7 60 45º 2 BD-405 480 405 448 12 100 15º 5
BD-140 190 140 165 7 80 - 1 BD-450/1 530 450 500 12 100 22º30’ 3 1845
BD-160 220 160 185 7 80 45º 2 BD-450/2 530 450 500 12 100 22º30’ 3 1445
BD-160 220 160 185 7 80 - 1 BD-455 530 455 497 12 100 15º 5
BD-180 240 180 205 7 80 11º15' 2 BD-500/1 590 500 560 12 100 15º 5 2050
BD-185 240 185 219 8 80 22º30’ 3 BD-500/2 590 500 560 12 100 15º 5 1650
BD-200 260 200 225 7 80 - 1 820 BD-505 590 505 551 12 100 15º 5
BD-200 260 200 225 7 80 22º30’ 2 BD-555 640 555 610 10 120 15º 5
BD-205 260 205 241 8 80 22º30’ 3 BD-560 650 560 620 12 120 15º 5 1856
BD-224 280 224 254 7 80 - 1 922 BD-565 650 565 629 13 120 15º 5
BD-228 280 228 265 8 80 22º30’ 3 BD-630/1 720 630 690 12 120 15º 5
BD-250/1 310 250 280 10 80 45º 2 1025 BD-630/2 720 630 690 12 120 15º 5 2063
BD-250/2 310 250 280 10 80 45º 2 BD-635 720 635 698 15 120 15º 5
BD-255 310 255 292 10 80 22º30’ 3 BD-710 800 710 770 12 120 11º15’ 6 2271
BD-280 350 280 320 10 100 - 4 1128 BD-715 800 715 775 15 120 11º15’ 6
BD-285 350 285 332 10 100 22º30’ 3 BD-800 890 800 860 12 140 11º15’ 6
BD-315/1 390 315 355 10 100 22º30’ 3 BD-805 890 805 861 15 140 11º15’ 6
BD-315/2 390 315 355 10 100 22º30’ 3 BD-900/1 1000 900 958 14 140 11º15’ 6
BD-315/3 390 315 355 10 100 22º30’ 3 1231 BD-905 1000 905 958 14 140 11º15’ 6
BD-320 390 320 366 12 100 22º30’ 3 BD-1000/1 1100 1000 1067 14 140 7º30' 7
BD-355/1 430 355 395 10 100 22º30’ 3 BD-1007 1100 1007 1067 15 140 7º30' 7
BD-355/2 430 355 395 10 100 22º30’ 3 BD-1130 1250 1130 1200 15 140 7º30' 7
BD-355/3 430 355 395 10 100 22º30’ 3 1435 BD-1260 1380 1260 1337 15 160 7º30' 7
BD-360 430 360 405 12 100 22º30’ 3 BD-1410 1530 1410 1491 13 160 5º30' 8
BD-400/1 480 400 450 12 100 22º30’ 3 1640 BD-1700 1820 1700 1770 16 180 5º30' 8
BD-400/2 480 400 450 12 100 22º30’ 3 1240
Applicable to
BAC-160 160 220 240 - -
Double and elastic coupling flange for axial fans BAC-180 180 240 240 - -
BAC-250 250 310 340 200/225 -
Characteristics: BAC-315B 280 350 340 - -
• Adapted to inlet and outlet.
BAC-315 315 380 340 - -
• Facilitates installation in duct with flange.
BAC-355 355 430 340 250/315 -
• Prevents transmission of vibrations.
BAC-400 400 480 340 - 40
BAC-450 450 530 340 - 45
BAC-500 500 590 340 400/450 50
BAC-560 560 650 340 - 56
BAC-630 630 720 340 500 63
BAC-710 710 800 340 560/630 71
BAC-800 800 890 340 - 80
BAC-900 900 1000 340 - 90
BAC-1000 1000 1100 340 - 100
BAC-1250 1250 1365 340 - 125
* Recommended nominal tube diameter
BIC Model
Applicable to TCMP
Conversion flange from BIC-922 922
rectangular to circular for BIC-1025 1025
centrifugal fans BIC-1128 1128
BIC-1231 1231
Characteristics: BIC-1435 1435
• Fits the outlet mouth. BIC-1640 1640
• Facilitates installation on BIC-1845 1845
circular duct.
BIC-2050 2050
BIC-2563 2563
Set of support feet for tubular fans
• When attached to the flange, it facilitates
anchoring on flat surfaces.
Applicable to
Model A B B1 C D h H ØJ
PS-31/E 300 225 - 25 10.5 100 205 10 -
PS-25/31 275 225 - 25 10.5 90 165 10 -
PS-25/31 275 225 - 25 10.5 90 191.5 10 -
PS-25/31 275 225 - 25 10.5 90 205 10 -
PS-35/40 240 200 - 30 13 60 230 10 -
PS-35/40 240 200 - 30 13 60 255.5 10 40
PS-45/50 450 400 200 35 14.5 125 278 12 45
PS-45/50 450 400 200 35 14.5 125 305 12 50
PS-56/63 520 430 215 40 17 155 338 13 56
PS-56/63 520 430 215 40 17 155 385.5 13 63
PS-71 490 450 225 50 21 150 445 13 71
PS-80 600 560 280 50 21 150 490 13 80
PS-90 620 560 280 60 28 175 547.5 18 90
PS-100 680 560 280 60 28 185 597.5 18 100
PS-125 <20HP 1000 900 3x300 60 28 285 726.5 18 125
PS-125 >25HP 1000 900 3x300 60 28 285 726.5 18 125
PS-140 1100 1000 4x250 60 30 306 800 14 140
PS-160 1300 1200 4x300 60 25 290 890 14 160
MS Model A B E H h
Applicable to
Support frame to facilitate mounting MS-348 348 520 60 295 70 -
on site
MS-393 393 565 60 320 70 -
Characteristics: MS-443 443 615 60 360 70 200/225
• Used to facilitate the assembly of the fan MS-493 493 665 60 410 70 -
in construction ducts. MS-553 553 725 60 450 70 250/315
MS-623 623 795 60 530 70 -
MS-701 701 875 60 590 90 400/450
MS-791 791 965 60 680 90 -
MS-891 891 1065 60 750 90 500
MS-991 991 1165 60 850 90 -
MS-1086 1086 1260 60 850 90 560/630
MS-1140 1140 1314 60 1000 90 -
MS-1240 1240 1414 60 1100 90 -
Adapter plate for mounting accessories, on roof
• Used to mount PT, B, BTUB, BAC accessories. Allows
fan to be separated from its base without dismantling
Applicable to
Model A ØC ØD E H ØO N
PA-345 345 200 165 20 295 M.8 4x90" -
PA-390 390 210 190 20 320 M.8 4x90" -
PA-440/250 440 280 249 20 360 M.6 4x90" 200/225
PA-490 490 355 314 20 410 M.8 8x45" -
PA-550 550 395 354 20 450 M.6 8x45" 250/315
PA-620 620 450 399 20 530 M.10 8x45" -
PA-700/500 700 560 499 20 590 M.10 12x30" 400/450
PA-700/450 700 500 449 20 590 M.10 8x45" -
PA-790 790 560 499 20 680 M.10 12x30" -
PA-890/630 890 690 629 20 750 M.10 12x30" 500
PA-890/560 890 620 559 20 750 M.10 12x30" -
PA-990/630 990 690 629 20 850 M.10 12x30" -
PA-990/710 990 770 709 20 850 M.10 16x22"30' -
PA-1085 1085 770 709 20 850 M.10 16x22"30' 560/630
PA-1138/800 1138 860 799 25 1000 M.10 16x22"30' -
PA-1138/900 1138 970 899 25 1000 M.12 16x22"30' -
PA-1238 1238 1070 999 25 1100 M.12 16x22"30' -
BS Model A B H E
Applicable to
BSS Model A B H E
Applicable to
High base plate with silencer BSS-348 348 520 295 800 -
BSS-393 393 565 320 800 -
BSS-443 444 611 360 800 200/225
BSS-493 493 665 410 800 -
BSS-553 554 724 450 800 250/315
BSS-623 623 795 530 800 -
BSS-701 701 871 590 900 400/450
BSS-791 791 965 680 900 -
BSS-891 891 1071 750 900 500
BSS-991 991 1165 850 900 -
BSS-1086 1086 1266 900 900 560/630
BSS-1140 1136 1310 1000 900 -
BSS-1240 1237 1411 1100 900 -
Automatic closing shutters to work in vertical position. Version 400 certified 400 ºC/2h
• Circular self-closing shutters to be installed in the suction of roof extractors.
• Use of PA adaptor plate recommended for assembly.
Model øA B øC øD N øO Y
PT-160 220 150 200 150 8x45º 10 -
PT-180 240 150 210 170 8x45º 10 -
PT-250 310 150 280 245 4x90º 10 45
PT-355 435 200 395 350 8x45º 10 22º30'
PT-500 600 280 560 495 12x30º 12 15º
PT-630 730 355 690 625 12x30º 12 15º
PT-710 810 400 770 705 16x22º30' 12 11º15'
Applicable to
Model øA B øC øD N øO Y CHT/CVT
PT-160-400 220 150 200 150 8x45º 10 - -
PT-180-400 240 150 210 170 8x45º 10 - -
PT-250-400 310 150 280 245 4x90º 10 45 200/225
PT-355-400 435 200 395 350 8x45º 10 22º30' 250/315
PT-500-400 600 280 560 495 12x30º 12 15º 400/450
PT-630-400 730 355 690 625 12x30º 12 15º 500
PT-710-400 810 400 770 705 16x22º30' 12 11º15' 560/630
Automatic closing shutters to work in horizontal position. Version 400 certified 400 ºC/2h
Model ØA B ØC Ø D* E F ß ØJ N
PT-450/H PT-450/H-400 540 254 500 460 185 340 22'30' 12 8x45'
PT-500/H PT-500/H-400 600 254 560 514 185 346 15' 12 12x30'
PT-560/H PT-560/H-400 660 254 620 560 185 363 15' 12 12x30'
PT-630/H PT-630/H-400 730 254 690 640 185 409 15' 12 12x30'
PT-710/H PT-710/H-400 810 254 770 710 185 443 11'15' 12 16x22'30'
PT-800/H PT-800/H-400 900 254 860 800 185 488 11'15' 12 16x22'30'
PT-900/H PT-900/H-400 1015 254 970 900 185 555 11'15' 15 16x22'30'
PT-1000/H PT-1000/H-400 1115 254 1070 1000 185 609 11'15' 15 16x22'30'
PT-1250/H PT-1250/H-400 1365 254 1320 1250 185 736.5 9' 15 20x18'
* Recommended nominal tube diameter
Outlet hood with protection guard
• Prevents objects and water from entering
the fan.
Applicable to
VIS-820 132 157 170 56.5 820 -
VIS-922 142 216 215 56.5 922 -
VIS-1025 167 251 240 56.5 1025 -
VIS-1128 182 296 270 56.5 1128 -
VIS-1231 202 321 290 56.5 1231 -
VIS-1240 317 401 350 56.5 - 1240 Applicable to
VIS-1435 232 281 260 56.5 1435 - Model A B E F CJLINE
VIS-1445 357 451 385 56.5 - 1445 VIS-1131 560 450 250 100 1131
VIS-1640 252 321 290 56.5 1640 - VIS-1235 620 500 250 100 1235
VIS-1650 402 501 420 56.5 - 1650 VIS-1640/E 710 560 250 100 1640
VIS-1845 286 361 320 56.5 1845 - VIS-1845/E 800 630 250 100 1845
VIS-1856 452 561 465 56.5 - 1856 VIS-1856/E 1000 800 250 100 1856
VIS-2050 317 451 385 56.5 2050 - VIS-2063/E 1120 900 250 100 2063
VIS-2063 502 631 515 56.5 - 2063 VIS-2271/E 1190 900 250 100 2271
VIS-2271 562 716 575 56.5 - 2271 VIS-2880 1250 1000 250 100 2880
Applicable to
VIS-7/7 1919 - 7/7
VIS-9/9 2525 9/9 9/9
VIS-10/10 2828 10/10 10/10
VIS-12/12 3333 12/12 12/12
VIS-15/15 3939 15/15 15/15
VIS-18/18 - 18/18 18/18
VIS-20/20 - 20/20 20/20
VIS-22/22 - 22/22 22/22
VIS-25/25 - - 25/25
VIS-30/28 - - 30/28
Model A B C D E F G Ød
VIS-7/7 VIS-7/7-P 300 280 334 314 50 200 200 6xØ5
VIS-9/9 VIS-9/9-P 370 370 404 404 50 250 200 6xØ5
VIS-10/10 VIS-10/10-P 400 360 434 394 50 250 240 6xØ5
VIS-12/12 490 470 524 504 50 250 170 9xØ5
VIS-12/12-P 430 410 464 444 50 250 175 9xØ5
VIS-15/15 VIS-15/15-P 550 530 584 564 50 400 200 9xØ5
VIS-18/18 VIS-18/18-P 630 600 664 634 50 400 200 9xØ5
VIS-20/20 VIS-20/20-P 760 690 794 724 50 400 200 9xØ5
VIS-22/22 950 820 984 854 50 400 200 15xø5
VIS-22/22-P 820 820 854 854 50 400 180 15xø5
VIS-25/25 820 820 854 854 50 400 180 15xø5
VIS-25/25-P 950 820 984 854 50 400 200 15xø5
VIS-30/28 VIS-30/28-P 1040 1100 1074 1134 50 400 200 15xø5
Elastic coupling to dampen vibrations
• It is used between the fan mouth and the duct to avoid the transmission of vibrations.
• It is advisable to add the B accessory at the inlet and BIC at the outlet, except in CPV models.
Applicable to
ACE-52 52 200 ACE-355 355 300 ACE/400-200 200 200 - 820 -
ACE-63 63 200 ACE-400 400 300 ACE/400-224 224 200 - 922 -
ACE-80 80 200 ACE-450 450 300 ACE/400-250 250 300 - 1025 -
ACE-100 100 200 ACE-500 500 300 ACE/400-280 280 300 - 1128 -
ACE-112 112 200 ACE-560 560 300 ACE/400-315 315 300 - 1231 -
ACE-125 125 200 ACE-630 630 300 ACE/400-355 355 300 - 1435 -
ACE-140 140 200 ACE-710 710 300 ACE/400-400 400 300 40 1640 1240
ACE-150 150 200 ACE-800 800 300 ACE/400-450 450 300 45 1845 1445
ACE-160 160 200 ACE-900 900 300 ACE/400-500 500 300 50 2050 1650
ACE-180 180 200 ACE-1000 1000 300 ACE/400-560 560 300 56 - 1856
ACE-200 200 200 ACE-1130 1130 300 ACE/400-630 630 300 63 - 2063
ACE-224 224 200 ACE-1260 1250 300 ACE/400-710 710 300 71 - 2271
ACE-250 250 300 ACE-1410 1400 300 ACE/400-800 800 300 80 - -
ACE-280 280 300 ACE-1610 1610 300 ACE/400-900 900 300 90 - -
ACE-315 315 300 ACE/400-1000 1000 300 100 - -
ACE/400-1250 1250 300 125 - -
Roof cover for outdoor
• Avoids water entering ventilation units installed outside.
Applicable to
TEJ-820 500 550 25 820 - Applicable to
TEJ-922 710 710 25 922 - Model A B E CJTX-C
TEJ-1025 760 760 25 1025 - TEJ-7/7 710 740 30 7/7
TEJ-1128 820 820 25 1128 - TEJ-9/9 770 795 30 9/9
TEJ-1231 900 900 25 1231 - TEJ-10/10 835 870 30 10/10
TEJ-1435 980 980 25 1435 - TEJ-12/12 955 980 30 12/12
TEJ-1640 1071 1070 26 1640 1240 TEJ-15/15 1110 1110 30 15/15
TEJ-1845 1170 1170 26 1845 1445 TEJ-18/18 1260 1290 30 18/18
TEJ-1856 1360 1150 26 - 1856 TEJ-20/20 1485 1505 30 20/20
TEJ-2050 1260 1260 26 2050 1650 TEJ-22/22 1635 1650 30 22/22
TEJ-2063 1500 1300 26 - 2063 TEJ-25/25 1810 1835 30 25/25
TEJ-2271 1655 1455 26 - 2271 TEJ-30/28 2010 2145 30 30/28
CM Model A B C D
Motor cover for outside work CM-1 15 260 200 300
CM-2 15 260 240 300
Characteristics: CM-5.5 15 300 270 330
• Avoids water entering CM-10 15 380 320 450
motors installed outside.
CM-20 15 440 350 530
CM-30 15 440 360 550
Circular coupling cap
• To convert the rectangular inlet or outlet of the models
to circular.
Applicable to
TAC-100 698 698 80 400 50 1850 -
TAC-200 823 823 80 560 50 2056/2263-6T -
TAC-300 898 898 80 630 50 2263-4T/2071-6T-3 -
TAC-400 958 958 80 710 50 2071-4T/6T-5.5/2880 -
TAC-1131 615 505 165 400 150 - 1131
TAC-1235 695 575 165 450 150 - 1235
TAC-1640 785 635 165 500 150 - 1640
TAC-1845 875 705 165 560 150 - 1845
TAC-1856 1075 875 165 700 150 - 1856
TAC-2063 1195 975 165 800 150 - 2063
TAC-2271 1265 975 165 800 150 - 2271
TAC-2880 1325 1075 165 900 150 - 2880
Silencers to be coupled to the suction or discharge
• Circular or rectangular silencers to be coupled to the inlet or outlet of centrifugal or helical fans.
Substitute shock absorption (dB) in octave bands (Hz)
Substitute shock absorption (dB) in octave bands (Hz)
Silencers to be coupled to the suction or discharge
• Circular silencers to be coupled to the inlet or outlet of
in-line extractors.
• Silencers equipped with neck for coupling circular
Acoustic attenuation
Model Ød1 ød2 L M 63 125 250 500 100 2000 4000 8000
SC-125 125 225 600 720 1.1 2.9 8.8 19.4 27.2 34.1 27.2 13.4
SC-160 160 260 600 720 1.0 2.9 7.2 16.5 23.4 29.6 20.3 9.2
SC-200 200 300 600 720 1.0 2.9 7.0 14.6 20.3 25.8 15.6 6.8
SC-250 250 355 600 720 0.2 2.1 7.2 12.5 18.8 23.0 10.3 5.2
SC-315 315 415 600 720 0.2 2.1 7.2 10.3 15.0 20.0 7.0 3.9
SC-355 355 450 700 820 3.6 4.2 6.5 13.2 14.2 4.0 7.9 7.2
Motion detector
Automatically activates the ventilation system when it detects the presence of people in its range of action and remains
in operation for a preset time, adjustable by internal clock.
Temperature and relative humidity sensor with display
It independently controls the temperature and relative humidity of the room's ambient air. Automatically activates the
ventilation system when it detects a temperature or humidity higher than the set point. Once the ambient temperature
or humidity has dropped below the set point, the fan remains in operation for a preset time, adjustable by means of an
internal clock.
Installation Operating
Model Power supply Outlet Adjusting devices
height temperature
SI-TEMP+HUMEDAD 24 V AC 0-10 V DC T = 0,5ºC and HR = 2% 1.5-2.5 m +10º +40º C
Pressure transmitter
Monitors the pressure in ventilation installations at constant pressure, and transforms it into an electrical signal, to
regulate the ventilation system and always maintain the same pressure.
Connectors Pressure
Model Power supply Outlet consumption
Ø range
SI-PRESIÓN TPDA 24 V AC/24 V DC 0-10 V/4-20 mA 4 6.2 mm 0-2500 Pa
SI-PRESIÓN TPDA c/DISPLAY 24 V AC/24 V DC 0-10 V/4-20 mA 4 6.2 mm 0-2500 Pa
24 V DC/AC power supply
It powers the 24 V AC/DC smart sensors from a single phase 230 V voltage input.
Wind sensor
The SI-VENT electronic wind controller is a highly robust and reliable device, made up of a sensor, a controller and the
power supply.The sensor is capable of measuring winds of up to 100 k.p.h. and the controller starts up the electrical
extractor when the wind speed is below the programmed minimum wind value for five minutes.
Pressure sensor
Monitors the pressure difference between filters, once it reaches the selected value it triggers a contact to activate an
alarm relay.
Control panel and independent automatic regulation for lobby pressurisation systems
Control panel and independent automatic • Control of a motorised damper that opens
regulation for lobby pressurisation proportionally according to a 0-10 VDC
systems in accordance with standard signal to supply or exhaust air.
EN 12101-6, compatible with systems • Manual activation via a configurable
KIT BOXPDS and KIT BOXPDS SMART potential free contact.
acting as remote pressure sensor and • Local activation via an autonomous
with automatic damper control to maintain analogue 4-20 mA smoke sensor.
overpressure in lobbies in case of fire. • Casing with IP54 protection rating.
• Working temperature range -10 ºC +50 ºC.
The PDS LOBBY CONTROL panel • Power supply: selectable between 230 V
includes: AC 50/60 Hz or 24 V DC.
• Built-in high precision differential • NO/NC configurable potential free relay
pressure sensor. outputs: STATUS (OK or FAULT).
• LCD screen and controls for • NO/NC configurable potential free relay
programming all functions. outputs: Activation confirmation to the
• Modbus RTU connection for fire panel.
communications with KIT BOXPDS and
KIT BOXPDS SMART, or to connect with Easy system configuration via pushbutton
a BMS system. control panel and LCD screen.
• Activation from the fire panel via a
configurable potential free contact.
• OPEN/CLOSE control of two
independent motorised dampers for
supply and/or exhaust air.
Technical characteristics
Model Supply voltage Nominal current Pressure range Approx. weight Protection class
PDS LOBBY CONTROL 230 V AC 50/60 Hz 0.6 0-2500 -10 a +50 0.9 IP 54
24 V DC 0.6 0-2500 -10 a +50 0.9 IP 54
Dimensions mm
Motorized damper with built-in optical smoke detector for pressurization systems
Order code
DAMPER BOX: Motorized with built-in optical smoke detector compatible Compatible fan AntiFrost system
with KIT BOXPDS pressurization systems diameter
DAMPER BOX SMART: Motorized with built-in optical smoke detector
compatible with KIT BOXSMART and KIT BOXPDS SMART pressurization
Dimensions mm
DAMPER BOX 56/63 835 690 690 326.5
DAMPER BOX 71/80 995 850 850 326.5
DAMPER BOX 90/100 1195 1050 1050 326.5
DAMPER BOX SMART 56/63 835 690 690 350
DAMPER BOX SMART 71/80 995 850 850 350
DAMPER BOX SMART 90/100 1195 1050 1050 350
BxC: Duct measurements.
Single compartment smoke control dampers with manual and automatic operation
Order code
SCDLS-MA: Single compartment Nominal Damper design F: Flanges with a height of 20 mm Technical specifications
smoke control dampers with manual size according to the I: Insulation on the inside of the slats (fixed)
and automatic operation table
Single compartment circular smoke control dampers with manual or automatic operation
Order code
Multi-compartment smoke control dampers with manual and automatic activation
Order code
SCDLM-MA: Multi-compartment Nominal Damper design Left side Right side Technical
smoke control dampers with manual size according to the specifications
and automatic activation table (fixed)
BOXSMART 271 B 303
CHT 244 BS 307
CHT/EC 248 BSS 307
CI 134 BTUB 303
CJBDT 149 C2V 297
CJMD 164 CM 311
CJSRX 216 IAT 297
CJSX 209 INT 297
CJTCR/R/EW 182 MS 306
CJTHT 112 P-400 301
CJTX-C 199 PS 306
CJV/EW 155 PT 308
CKD 232 PT/H 308
CKDR 235 R/THT 302
CKDR/EC 239 RM 298
CVT 252 RPA 302
CVT/EC 256 RT 301
HATCH PDS 266 S 312
HTMF 137 SC 316
TCMP 188 VIS 309
TCR 158 VSD3/A-RFT - VSD1/A-RFM 299
TCR/R 168
TCR/R/EW 172
THT 27
Sodeca, S.L.U. Sodeca, S.L.U.
Pol. Ind. La Barricona Ctra. de Berga, km 0,7
Carrer del Metall, 2 E-08580 Sant Quirze de
E-17500 Ripoll Besora
Girona, SPAIN Barcelona, SPAIN
Tel. +34 93 852 91 11 Tel. +34 93 852 91 11
Fax: +34 93 852 90 42 Fax: +34 93 852 90 42
General sales: General sales:
[email protected] [email protected]
Export sales: Export sales:
[email protected] [email protected]
Sodeca Finland, Oy Smoke Control Solutions Smoke extraction and industrial Marelli Ventilazione, S.R.L.
HUITTINEN Mr. Antti Kontkanen applications Viale del Lavoro, 28
Sales and Warehouse Vilppulantie 9C Niinistönkatu 12 37036 San Martino B.A.
Mr. Kai Yli-Sipilä FI-00700 Helsinki FI-05800 Hyvinkää (VR), ITALY
Metsälinnankatu 26 Tel. +358 400 237 434 Mr. Jaakko Tomperi Tel. +39 045 87 80 140
FI-32700 Huittinen [email protected] Tel. +358 451 651 333 [email protected]
Tel. + 358 400 320 125 [email protected]
[email protected] Mrs. Kaisa Partanen
Tel. +358 451 308 038
[email protected]
Sodeca Ventiladores, SpA. Sodeca Latam, S.A.S. Sodeca Perú, S.A.C.
Sra. Sofía Ormazábal Sra. Luisa Stella Prieto Sr. Jose Luis Jiménez
Santa Bernardita 12.005 Calle7 No. 13 A-44 C/ Mariscal Jose Luis de
(Esquina con Puerta Sur) Manzana 4 Lote1, Montana Orbegoso 331. Urb. El pino.
Bodegas 24 a 26, Mosquera, Cundinamarca 15022, San Luis. Lima, PERÚ
San Bernado, Santiago, CHILE Bogotá, COLOMBIA Tel. +51 1 326 24 24
Tel. +56 22 840 5582 Tel. +57 1 756 4213 Cel. +51 994671594
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Sodeca, S.L.U.
Pol. Ind. La Barricona
Carrer del Metall, 2
E-17500 Ripoll
Girona, SPAIN
Tel. +34 93 852 91 11
Fax: +34 93 852 90 42
General sales: [email protected]
Export sales: [email protected]
Sodeca, S.L.U.
Ctra. de Berga, km 0,7
E-08580 Sant Quirze de Besora
Barcelona, SPAIN
Tel. +34 93 852 91 11
Fax: +34 93 852 90 42
General sales: [email protected]
Export sales: [email protected]