Forefront of Collegiate Transition in The G11 Students (Abuloc Et. Al.)
Forefront of Collegiate Transition in The G11 Students (Abuloc Et. Al.)
Forefront of Collegiate Transition in The G11 Students (Abuloc Et. Al.)
Submitted by:
December 2019
First and foremost, praises and thanks to God almighty who guide us to
We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to Ma’am Marry
Her sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired us. It was a great privilege and
honor to work and study under her guidance. We are extremely grateful for what
she offered us. We would like to thank her for the great patient and effort. And
also to give thanks to our adviser Ma’am Marian Gealon who help and supported
We are extremely grateful to our parents for their love, care, sacrifices and
support for educating us and preparing us to our future. Special thanks to those
people who agreed to take part in this study, we can’t make it without your help.
We dedicate this project to our parents and to all of our teachers who educated
Tittle Page
Table of Contents
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Theoretical Lens
Significance of the Study
Delimitation and Limitation of the Study
Definition of Terms
Organization of the Study
Review Related Literature
Research Design
Role of the Researchers
Research Participant
Data Sources
Data Collection Procedure
Data Analysis
Trustworthiness of the study
Ethical Consideration
Categorization of the data
Research Question No.1: What are the experiences by
Grade 11 students in their academic preparation for college?
TABLE 1: Summary of the experiences by
Grade 11 students in their academic preparation for
Research Question No.2: What are the implications of
these experiences to student learning?
TABLE 2. Summary of the implications of these
experiences to student learning?
Research Question No.3.)How these experiences make
learning process effective?
TABLE 3. Summary of how these experiences
make learning process effective?
Discussion and Conclusion
Implication for Further Research
Concluding Remarks
remediation. The transition from high school to college marks a distinct steps in
a student’s academic career. The vast majority of high school students aspire to
some kind of postsecondary education, yet far too many enter college without
teaching and learning are partly influence by their previous education and life
experiences (Ozga & Sukhnandan , 1998). Many high school graduates fall short
Forester (2003) stated: “More than half of the students who do graduate from
high school, and more than two-thirds of all the students who start high school,
during the first year but also signals that students need to be supported by the
university will avoid student dissatisfaction with their academic experience and
thereby reduce poor performance and ultimately withdrawals from the university.
Recently, the first batch of K-12 graduates, have already entered into
college. Given that learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of the
previous learning experience (Phillips, 1995). This study centers around probing
Theoretical Lens
explains how people acquire knowledge and learn, which has direct application to
education .The theory suggest that humans construct knowledge and meaning
from their experiences. In relation to our study, it suggest that students gained
learning views that people learn by observing others. Bandura assumes that
motivation. In relation to our study, students learn not just in observing others
efficacy is affected by both feeling, thinking and behavior. The individual’s belief
for college. This study is very important for it will help students use their
make learning process effective. It will also aid teachers to promote quality
teaching among the students for them to be equipped with vital knowledge and
TCCSTFI, Gazmen Compound , Gazmen Road , Magugpo West, Tagum City. This
Definition of Terms
from high school to college. The literature confirms the importance of student
adjustment, especially during the first year but also signals that students need to
be supported by the faculty and university system and the experience of grade
answer the research study. Followed by our Theoretical lens which addresses
and learn. The theory suggest that humans construct knowledge and meaning
from their experiences. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory, his theory of social
learning views that people learn by observing others that learning is based on
both feeling, thinking and behavior. The individual’s belief in his or her capacity
Compound , Gazmen Road , Magugpo West, Tagum City. The definition of terms
will help you to know the meaning of the unfamiliar and difficult words.
Chapter 2
Review Related Literature
theories and articles that are related to our study. Such as Act & Conley(2007),
Conley (2007) defined college readiness much the same way but limited
curricula in the United States today, many students who apply for college
admission must take remedial courses because they are not adequately prepared
for the rigors of college (Education Trust, 2001). In other words, they are not
The ACT (2007) suggested that local standards should align with state
However, Achieve, Inc. (2007) claimed that most states have academic
standards, but many students do not get the academic rigor necessary to be
successful after graduation. Therefore, Achieve, Inc. has a goal to “help every
state close the expectations gap so that all students graduate ready for
success” . Part of this work is being completed through the ADPN as Achieve,
Inc. works with groups in 33 states “to significantly raise the rigor of the high
Inc., 2007b).
An article by Grace Chen (2011) that delve into a number of recent reports
and studies that shows high school graduates may be ill-prepared for the
academic rigors of college . In her study , she states that: “College is a rigorous
academic process, and proper preparation , makes all the difference between
college level , but in fact dealing with the issue at the high school level is
between being Eligible for College and Ready for College . In his report it states
that: “Other educators and academics across the country have agree that
content knowledge isn’t enough to prepare students for life after school.” This
Chicago’s most highly regarded charter school networks , like KIPP and YES
Green and Forester (2003) stated: “More than half of the students who do
graduate from high school, and more than two-thirds of all the students who
start high school, do not graduate with the minimal requirements needed to
Sources, Data Collection Procedure, Data Analysis, Trust worthiness of the study
Research Design
Students” calls for a phenomenological approach, since the study delves on the
nature of our study. To gather data with confidentiality and bring comfort to our
participants as we gather the said data. The responsibility to orient and explain
each question and to understand the various opinion of the participants in
accordance to the research. And the ability to be prepared for that happens
Research Participant
The participants of this study are the Senior High School students of
proceed to the highest level of their education which is college. In this study we
choose 7 participants for individual questioning and 14 for the small group
Data Sources
We gathered data from the internet, articles, books, brochures that can
support our study. Also the data that we will gather from our participants will
sampling, since the study was focused on a particular group of people, the Grade
technique is suited to our study, since existing study subjects recruit future from
Data Analysis
We will gather all the data that we collected from the participant. We will
analyze the answers from the participant to ensure the credibility of our
11 students will be based on the participant responses and not in any potential
Protecting rather than taking advantage of the participants who will help
us with this study was of the outmost importance. We will take a number of
steps to ensure the participants will not be harmed through their participation.
opportunity to go over the information previously, and will have the opportunity
to ask any question or express any concerns before signing. The consent from
went over the nature, purpose and requirements of the study while also making
it clear that participation was voluntary and that the participants could back out
to the study at any time, steps will be taken to maintain confidentiality and
protect the identity of the participants. Lastly, will make sure to treat the
participants as fellow researchers, allowing them to have some control over the
direction of interview, not pushing them to share more than they were
b. How will you apply the learnings that you have experienced?
c. Why is it important to be an experienced person before we proceed to
2. What are the implications of these experiences to student learning?
a. If the student is already experienced, what are its implications to
teaching practices?
b. What are the results of these academic experiences to student
c. Why are those experiences important to the student learning and
teaching practices?
3. How these experiences make learning process effective?
a. What are the uses of these learning experiences?
b. What are the effects of these experiences to your, learning process?
c. Why do we need to relay on those experiences to make our learning
process effective?
Chapter 4
This chapter contain the overall presentation of the analytical data from in-
The research questions which guided this study are the following:
things that we did during the collection of the data. The second part was all
about the data of the participants that we’ve collected. Third part is about the
data of the participant from which the qualitative werw assembled. The fourth
part was the analysis of the data in which we created their own major themes
using the snowball sampling for participants with the same experiences. While
conducting our interview by using in-depth interview and focus group discussion
we highly consider their privacy and identity and ask permission regarding our
topic. We then used audio recording as well as taking picture for evidence
(1998), I first watched the video and listened cautiously to the sound recording.
This was to transform the data into text and so that it would be easier for us to
encode my data later. These steps were being taken during the data analysis
This were done in order to identify core and essential themes about the
During the in-dept interviews and focus group discussion, the following questions
research problem. What can you say about those academic experiences that you
have encountered in high school? How will you apply the learnings that you have
to college?
Ms. Cute)
“Based on my experience right now, I can say it is so hard and maybe even
harder when I going to college. If we just read the hardship now that we are still
(FGD, Daneca)
aside from the daily lessons from each subject.” – (FGD , Cherry)
“I have lots of experiences here in high school especially in Math and English ,
don’t know English but now Im pretty confident .”- (FGD , Dodong)
“The teachers find ways to elaborate or help us understand the lessons, such as
“What I’m experiencing now are just mere preparation for college and my
“What I’m experiencing now are just mere preparation for college and my
“High school gives us enough knowledge and experience for us to be ready for
college”-(FGD, Artx)
“I will use it to make right choices in which course to choose that is in track with
“agree”-(FGD, Wilson)
“Your experiences in high school ready you for college.”- (FGD , Dodong)
“My experiences can be use to help me be ready in crossing the gap between
college.”(IDI, Arx)
(FGD , Maliya)
“I will use it to make right choices in which course
(FGD , Vin )
During the in-dept interviews and focus group discussion, the following
above research problem. If the student is already experienced, what are its
experiences we have today in high school are just as important for us as we are
“Now that I still do not expect, even harder in the future, they say that college is
“What happens is what students gain more knowledge and it becomes to easier
“The result of it is positive, because he/she apply it he/she didn’t ignore that
“Its result a huge impact, if you’ve experience already and you use it there’s a
“Wherever you are you can able to use it.” (IDI, Ms. Cute)
“Just the same more students can improve their knowledge and learning.” (IDI,
“So you know how to explain to other people, because you understand yourself
“The result is that it enhances the student’s knowledge and enhances his
“It can be easier because you have an experience that kind of thing.”(IDI, Boy)
“It can enhance our self-confidence , in a way such as reporting.” (FGD , Maliya)
– (FGD, Ethan)
“You can learn many things when you’re experienced .”- (FGD, Rona)
“Academic experiences is the foundation of student learning .”- (FGD , Dodong)
“The connection of experiences and student learning is that it would be easier for
“The experiences that you have encounter will serve as a reminder and will help
“The more experienced you are the more you learn . ” – (FGD, Vin)
“You can handle things easily, since you have already have academic
“The student can learn more from his academic experience and he can apply it
wouldn’t say “Ma’am stop now because I know that I wouldn’t say that kind of
thing in the other hand they can add on learnings that can also add in my
“The teacher more likely to teach because students have more knowledge about
“As I said earlier their minds will be more advanced and they will have more
people to help not only for themselves with the knowledge they have a acquired
but also to share with others that they have learned.”(IDI, CJ’s)
“So he already knows how to tell to other students because he have already
“If I really had any knowledge of that it would have been easier that couldn’t
really avoid any difficult points but it was easy because you have experienced it
“Just what I’ve said it would be easier for them.” (IDI, Aja ka ghorl)
research, we’ve practice that thing if you encounter that again in college we will
not be ignorant and it’s not difficult for us.” (IDI, Madam Awring)
“It is important at the same time it is effective.”(IDI,Boy)
“Just the same the student will be more prepared and well experienced they will
“As I said before if we are well educated we will be very knowledgeable and
read.”(IDI,Black Mamba)
“it is important because as a student our learnings relay on how the teacher
ka ghorl)
“If the student is already experienced, the teacher can level up her teaching
“As a student it is important for we can use it in the future.” (FGD , Maliya)
“The teachers teaching practices will highly affect the academic learnings of the
teachers”-(FGD , Kulot )
“It will be the basis of the students learning experience .”-(FGD, Mitoy)
understanding.”(IDI, Boy)
“As I said earlier their minds will be more advanced and
During the in-dept interviews and focus group discussion, the following
above research problem. What are the uses of these learning experiences? What
are the effects of these experiences to your, learning process? Why do we need
“If we put in reality, we can apply the time management just what I’ve said if
the teacher gives us home+works we can apply or I can apply the time
“The process is no matter how difficult is, especially to student that they can
“So this is a very big question, these practices are really useful because here
path.”(IDI, Arx)
“What we are experiencing now is that we can use it to mold our ability
“It uses to our life to make us better person in the future.”(IDI, Aja ka ghorl)
“It’s because experience , just like in working for example you’re an experience
guard and you apply to a work that you’re not experience so it has a huge effect
Madam Awring)
“Those experiences will make us able to know what we can do to make things
good ” (IDI,Boy)
“We need to relay on those experiences for us to apply it in college and our
“What we are experiencing now becomes the basis for our standing as a college
and everything will be easier because of what you have experience .”(IDI, CJ’s)
“Experience is the basis of our academic learning, its really helpful and we can
“We need to relay in our experience because it will help us in the future .”(IDI,
Aja ka ghorl)
Participant of the Focus Group Discussion Stated that:
“Our learning experiences in high school can be useful in the future especially in
“To be armed and oriented when going to college and avoid mishaps . ”- (FGD,
“For us to apply our past learnings , and for us to know what to do , and
“You can gain knowledge and more knowledge .”- (FGD , Dodong)
“The topics and lessons that I will encounter in college will be familiar to me ,
“Agree”-(FGD , Kulot )
“If you don’t have learning experiences while your in high school then it would
“ The you realize and experienced things , the more you can analyze and gained
“we need to relay in our experiences for the more we experience the more we
student who wanted to finish schooling so the effect of it is positive because you
are in grade 11 you commit that kind of experience that why if you are in college
“It is effective because you have experience that, so can able to know what is
“For instance you have something to do that used to do before, it became easy
“It is effective because if you focus on what you hence learned it will be tired
“It is effective in the way we are still in the processing stage , we are just letting
ourselves learn and learn so that we can be ready next time.”(IDI,Black Mamba)
“It is important to student because it can mold to their self.”(IDI, Aja ka ghorl)
“Just like earlier, if I already know and my teacher teach us, I can’t say to my
teacher that I already know that thing. There have also an idea that can be
“It add in my learnings and at the same time I have knowledge on that.”(IDI,
“As a student it can enhance your knowledge and learnings.”(IDI, Ms. Cute)
“So your knowledge will expand and you will learn more.”(IDI, Cj’s)
“The effect is that you will understand and really understand how to stand up
“So like I said if you knew a lot it would be easy for you to do that.”(IDI,
Black Mamba)
“It will expand your knowledge, since you are already experienced in high school
“Agree”-(FGD, Artx)
“Same”-(FGD , Kulot )
“The more you realize and experience things the more you can analyze and gain
“My high school experiences will make me comprehend things easily . ” – (FGD,
(FGD, Ethan)
“Your experiences will guide you when you proceed in college .”- (FGD , Dodong)
“Agree”-(FGD, Artx)
“Same thought”-(FGD , Kulot )
“Agree.”-(FGD, Mitoy)
“My experiences in high school will serve as my guide for college . ” – (FGD, Vin)
“Our learning experiences had a huge impact on us , it
more.”(IDI, Cj’s)
“The effect is that you will understand and really
Chapter 5
The adequateness of the students academic learning and its connection to the
teaching practices, and the application and the outcomes of this experiences.
technical school”. Conley (2007) defined college readiness much the same way
college admission must take remedial courses because they are not adequately
prepared for the rigors of college (Education Trust, 2001). In other words, they
process. A pattern that was evident in answer to this question was one of
optimism. One way in which this research question was answered was through
classrooms and within the premises of the school. Some of the students stated
the teaching practices of the teachers and programs that the school implemented
in preparation for college level learning, the experiences are apparent and
“The experiences that I have acquire in the strand that I choose , which is in
student learning?
The first part of this section will address the second part of the research
affect the learnings of the student and their experiences in high school. Artx and
“The teachers teaching practices will highly affect the academic learnings of the
students .”
of its importance.
“it is important because as a student our learnings relay on how the teacher
The question addresses the applications and the outcomes of the academic
Mamba, Cherry, Ms. Cute and Aja ka ghorl’s narrative showed high regards to
“What we are experiencing now is that we can use it to mold our ability
“We need to relay on those experiences for us to apply it in college and our
In the other hand Maliya, Dodong, Cherry’s statements showed the outcomes of
“If you don’t have learning experiences while you’re in high school then it
the teaching practices and the programs of the faculty and school. The academic
High School students and the adequateness of their student learning . Few
comparative analysis could be useful to enrich findings from the present study as
well. The etiology of why some preparation is lacking is undiscovered and trying
Concluding Remarks
several phenomena that are consistent with existing research data (Act &
Emmanuel Felton (2016) and Green & Foster (2003).). During the interviews,
Each participant was willing to be open about the ups and downs of his or
her academic life, which made for rich interview experiences. For many
participants, the transition form high school to college marks a distinct step to
their academic carrer. It was clear at some points participants were unsure of
how to answer questions, likely from a lack of contact with such inquiries.
It was obvious participants felt fondly towards the idea of being ready for
passion. The benefit of a strand that allows them to transition into such field of
the teaching practices and the programs of the faculty and school. The academic
detailed accounts of our participants , thought limited, are still relatable to the
o Michael W. Kirst and Kathy Reeves Bracco, “Bridging the Great Divide: How
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About It.” In Michael W. Kirst and Andrea Venezia, eds., From High School to
College: Improving Opportunities for Success in Postsecondary Education
(Jossey-Bass, 2004).
o David Conley, College Knowledge: What it Takes for Students to Succeed and
How We Can Help Them Get Ready (Indianapolis: Jossey-Bass, 2005).
o Available at
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from http://
4E14B96861BB/0/ k16_winter01.pdf
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and college readiness rates in the United States (Working Paper Number 3).
New York, NY: Center for Civic Innovation, The Manhattan Institute
o ACT, Inc., The Condition of College & Career Readiness (Iowa City, Iowa:
o Achieve, Inc. (2007b). Our goals. Retrieved February 22, 2008, from
o Education Trust (2001, Winter). Youth at the crossroads: Facing high school
and beyond. Thinking K-16, 5(1), Winter 2001. Retrieved March 16, 2008,
from http://
4E14B96861BB/0/ k16_winter01.pdf
o Green, J. P., & Forester, G. (2003, September). Public high school graduation
and college readiness rates in the United States (Working Paper Number 3).
New York, NY: Center for Civic Innovation, The Manhattan Institute.
o ACT, “ACT National Curriculum Survey 2005–2006” (Iowa City: ACT, 2007)
o ACT Inc. (2008). The Condition of College and Career Readiness. Retrieved
o ACT Inc. (2010). The Condition of College and Career Readiness. Retrieved
o Piaget, J. (1980). The psychogenesis of knowledge and its epistemological
significance.In M.Piatelli-Palmarini (Ed.), Language and learning (pp. 23-34).
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
The following are permission letters for the conduction of our study in the
Forefront of Collegiate Transition in the Grade 11 Students”.
Elpidio M. Gazmen Compound, Gazmen Road, Tagum City
SEC Reg. No. 200630691/Tel. No. 216-6824
E-mail Address: [email protected]
March 6, 2020
Dear Sir;
Greetings! We, the Grade 11 Students of section Friendly would like to ask permission
to conduct an interview to our respondents in partial fulfillment to our research study
Respectfully yours,
Abuloc et al.
March 6, 2020
To all the Teachers
High School Department
Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Dear Sir/Ma’am:
Greetings! We, the Grade 11 students of Practical Research 1- section Friendly, would
like to ask for your permission to conduct a survey to our respondents who will play
vital role in the extraction of data.
The data will be used to complete our quantitative research entitled “FOREFRONT OF
We are hoping for your positive response on this matter. Thank You!
Respectfully yours,
Greetings! We, the Grade 11 students of Practical Research 1- section Friendly, would
like to ask for your permission to conduct a survey to our respondents who will play
vital role in the extraction of data.
The data will be used to complete our quantitative research entitled “FOREFRONT OF
We promise not to disclose any information or your identity and will kept everything
confidential. All the data will be gathered will be for academic purposes only.
We are hoping for your positive response on this matter. Thank You!
Respectfully yours,
Abuloc et al.
Dear Sir;
Greetings! We, the Grade 11 Students of section Friendly would like to ask permission
to conduct an interview to our respondents in partial fulfillment to our research study
Respectfully yours,
Abuloc et al.
Approved by:
March 6, 2020
SSG President
High School Department
Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Dear Miss:
Greetings! We, the Grade 11 Students of section Friendly would like to ask permission
to conduct an interview to our respondents in partial fulfillment to our research study
Respectfully yours,
Abuloc et al.
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Female
Senior High School: 2019-2020 Tagum City College of Science and Technology
Foundation Inc.
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Female
Senior High School: 2019-2020 Tagum City College of Science and Technology
Foundation Inc.
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Female
Senior High School: 2019-2020 Tagum City College of Science and Technology
Foundation Inc.
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Female
Senior High School: 2019-2020 Tagum City College of Science and Technology
Foundation Inc.
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Female
Senior High School: 2019-2020 Tagum City College of Science and Technology
Foundation Inc.
Tagum City
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Female
Senior High School: 2019-2020 Tagum City College of Science and Technology
Foundation Inc.
Maco de oro
Nationality: Filipino
Sex: Female
Senior High School: 2019-2020 Tagum City College of Science and Technology
Foundation Inc.