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Green marketing and purchase intention of JMSAB

green product: The role of environmental 205
Krisdayanti & Arief Widodo Research Paper
Marketing Management
Economics and Business Faculty, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana,
Salatiga, Indonesia

Along with the development of people's lifestyles, the concept of Received: 23 Mar 2022
environmental awareness has now become part of their daily lives. Accepted: 26 Jun 2022
For this reason, it is necessary to know the effect of green marketing Online: 29 Aug 2022
on purchase intention in a green label tissue with environmental
awareness as a moderation. This study uses a quantitative method by
distributing questionnaires with Google Forms to 175 respondents,
which are then analyzed using Moderate Analysis Regression (MRA).
The results of hypothesis testing indicate that green marketing has a
positive effect on purchase intention, and the consequences of the
second hypothesis test indicate that environmental awareness
strengthens the influence of green marketing on the customers'
purchase intention. The implications of this research can provide
input for companies that want to increase purchase intention of
products with a green marketing strategy.

Green marketing, purchase intention, environmental awareness
Corresponding Author:
Arief Widodo JMSAB, Vol 5, No. 2, 2022
Email: [email protected] pp. 205-216

© The Author(s) 2022 eISSN 2655-237X

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36407/jmsab.v5i2.588

CC BY: This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the
material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The
license allows for commercial use.
Jurnal Manajemen Strategi dan Aplikasi Bisnis
Vol 5, No. 2, 2022. 205-216. https://doi.org/10.36407/jmsab.v5i2.588

The twenty-first century began with various environmental problems, including global
warming caused by the greenhouse effect, pollution, and further ecological damage that
occurred worldwide (Nekmahmud & Fekete-Farkas, 2020). Trends in environmental
problems such as the degradation of natural resources, the loss of various biological
species, and the severe threat of global warming make companies and business actors
direct their businesses to implement a new business concept, namely green marketing
related to environmental sustainability (Kusumawati, 2019). Recently, producers and
consumers are increasingly paying more attention to the green product market (Cheung
& To. 2019). It is even reported that there is a high trend in young consumers who have
an interest in purchasing green products (Yadav and Pathak, 2017). However, Ritter et al.
(2015) suggest that more research is needed to explore and promote green purchase
Green marketing is a marketing strategy for products that are considered safe for
the environment by focusing on saving earth resources in the activities of changing
production processes, product modifications, packaging changes, to changes in
advertising that are oriented towards environmental sustainability (Syahbandi, 2012).
Green marketing is product marketing that aims to meet consumer needs and desires
without causing any harm to the surrounding environment, both the product itself, the
production process and the packaging (Agustina et al., 2016). The marketing mix, as it is
known, has 4P components such as Product (Product), Price (Price), Place (Place), and
Promotion (Promotion) (Muqorrobin et al., 2017).
There is consumer interest in using environmentally friendly products because
they think they can provide more value for consumers and the environment. When
consumers feel that they have benefited from green products, it can generate their buying
interest in green products. Hasan and Ali (2013) states that the attitude of consumers
who care about the environment can be seen by consumer behavior that protects the
environment. This attitude can encourage an interest in buying a green product. The claim
can make consumers realize to purchase products to preserve the environment. In line
with the research of Ibrahim et al (2013), the possibility of buying interest can encourage
consumers to lead to actual purchase actions. Meanwhile, according to Agustina et al.
(2016), environmentally friendly consumers are willing to pay a premium price (higher
price) compared to the cost of standard products that do not implement green marketing.
Still, consumers who are already concerned about the environment will be willing to pay
a little more for the sake of the domain. Get products that do not harm the environment.
Consumer environmental awareness becomes one of the critical roles in increasing the
intention to consume a product. By showing ecological conditions affected by pollution,
consumers are expected to be able to preserve the environment so that consumer
awareness becomes a vital role in increasing consumer buying interest to consume
products that are more environmentally friendly (Ardani, 2018).
Existing studies have documented the relationship between green marketing and
purchase intention but have mixed results. On the one hand, researchers found a
significant effect of green marketing on purchase intention (Ardani, 2018; Arlanti &
Suyanto, 2019; Nekmahmud & Fekete-Farkas, 2020), but on the other hand, gave
contradictory results (Balawera, 2013; Yani & Astuti, 2016; Xu et al., 2020). Thus, the first
purpose of this study is to replicate and provide the latest empirical evidence regarding
the relationship between green marketing and purchase intention. In addition, the present

Krisdayanti & Arief Widodo
Green marketing, purchase intention, environmental awareness,

study's interest in tissue products is due to the increasing level of public awareness of the
environment, not only making consumers buy environmentally friendly bottled water
products but it is hoped that consumers will also choose similar products that have the
same impact as environmental damage, which includes tissue.
Second, this study proposes environmental awareness as a moderator, which was
previously still relatively rarely studied. For example, Nekmahmud and Fakete-Farkas
(2020) offer environmental awareness as an antecedent of purchase intention.
Meanwhile, another study (Zhang et al., 2018) examined the role of environmental
awareness on the relationship between greenwashing perceptions and green purchasing
intentions. A recent study (Szabo & Webster, 2021) directed their investigation to the
relationship between green marketing strategies and competitive advantage. Following
up on the limitations of previous studies, the purpose of the two studies examine the role
of environmental principles as a moderator of the relationship between green marketing
and purchase intention explicitly, especially for green tissue products.

Theoretical framework and hypotheses

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991) is the framework used in this study
to explain the effect of green marketing on consumer attitudes and behavior toward green
products. There are three variables in TPB theory: (1) attitude, (2) subjective norms, and
(3) perceived behavioral control, which is cooperative, the combination of which can
influence consumer behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Many previous researchers have used TPB to
explain consumer behavior in green products (i.e., Cheung & To, 2019; Nekmahmud &
Fekete-Farkas, 2020; Paul et al., 2016). For instance, Cheung & To (2019) uses TBP to
explain the purchase intention of green products to consumers in China. Furthermore,
Nekmahmud and Fekete-Farkas (2020) apply TPB to explain the purchasing behavior of
green products to consumers in Pakistan. Thus, TPB provided a logical explanation as to
why individuals choose green products based on their attitudes towards green marketing
and environmental awareness.
Green marketing
Green marketing was first introduced in early 1975 by the American Marketing
Association (AMA) as "marketing of products that are assumed to be environmentally safe
and friendly is called green marketing" (Nekmahmud and Fakete-Farkas, 2020). Various
names, including environmental marketing, eco-marketing, social marketing, organic
marketing, and sustainability marketing. In general, ecological awareness is a major
component of all definitions of green marketing (Martínez et al., 2020). Green marketing
as one of the efforts to meet the wants and needs of consumers of green products that can
reduce the impact of damage to the environment. Green marketing is a marketing strategy
for products that are considered safe for the environment by focusing on saving earth
resources in the activities of changing production processes, product modifications,
packaging changes, to changes in advertising that are oriented towards environmental
sustainability (Syahbandi, 2012).

Green produk
Rahman et al, (2017) stated that a green marketing mix is an approach from green
marketing that is modified in products by raising environmental issues in company

Jurnal Manajemen Strategi dan Aplikasi Bisnis
Vol 5, No. 2, 2022. 205-216. https://doi.org/10.36407/jmsab.v5i2.588

activities, starting from strategic planning, and preparing production to distribution to

consumers. Silvia et al., (2014) suggest that the green marketing mix must have a green
element to promote its products and be responsive to environmental problems. The green
marketing mix has several dimensions, including Green Products are defined as products
with long-term durability that is ecologically safe to protect ecological sustainability
(Istantia et al., 2016). Green products are defined as products that are processed and
designed to reduce the impact that can pollute the environment both during production,
packaging, distribution, and use (Balawera, 2013).
In the green product dimension, general guidelines that include green products
(Agustina et al., 2016), are products that do not involve cruelty to animals, relatively
efficient in the use of resources during manufacture, use, and disposal. Products do not
include ingredients derived from endangered species or threatening the environment,
and the product does not contribute excessive waste in its use or packaging. Meanwhile,
according to Haryadi (2009), the existence of individuals willing to pay for
environmentally friendly products proves that there is support for improving the
ecological environment. In addition, environmental certification labels such as ISO 1400
indicate that the product is environmentally friendly, which can support consumers in
their purchasing decisions.

Green price
Price is one of the essential components in the green marketing mix because most
consumers are willing to pay a premium price if there is a different perception of product
value (Haryadi, 2009). This value is expected to provide a longer life expectancy and not
harm the environment (Islam, 2018). Green prices are considered money consumers
spend to get environmentally friendly products. In the green price dimension, there are
several indicators, including the price comparison of ecologically friendly and non-
environmentally friendly products and the suitability of the price and quality of green
products (Haryadi, 2009). Meanwhile, Rahman et al. (2017) green products have a higher
price (premium price), and the cost of green products is proportional to their quality.
Many previous researchers have highlighted the importance of the price factor in
influencing consumer purchasing decisions. Therefore, pricing environmentally friendly
products is an essential issue for companies (Nekmahmud & Fekete-Farkas, 2020).
Company management is faced with the problem of pricing that can reach consumer needs
while still considering the cost of production (Reboredo & Ugolini, 2020).

Green Place
According to Agustina et al. (2016), producers must provide products in places easily
accessible by consumers to influence purchasing decisions. Green place is related to
distribution channels that reduce environmental damage by paying attention to the
convenience of consumers in obtaining products (Nekmahmud & Fekete-Farkas, 2020).
In line with Islam (2018) that distribution channels are activities to distribute
environmentally friendly products without having excessive and negative air pollution
impacts on the environment, which can be prevented by opening branches in all regions
in Indonesia. The green place dimension related to distribution channels can be seen from
the above understanding that to measure the green marketing mix on the green place
dimension, indicators are needed, including strategic locations that reduce energy and

Krisdayanti & Arief Widodo
Green marketing, purchase intention, environmental awareness,

make it easier for green products to be reached and found, and completeness of products
at each outlet. While in Haryadi's research (2009), the green place indicator can be
measured by the distance of the outlet, the number of outlets, and the completeness of the
green product at each outlet which is always available when needed (Ariescy et al., 2019).

Green Promotion
Green promotion is a marketing mix that has a significant role in the green marketing mix
because it is one of the activities to communicate product advantages and influence
consumers (Islam, 2018). Submission of information with green promotion is intended to
provide information to consumers about the company's commitment to preserving the
environment (Sienatra, 2021). The green place dimension related to distribution channels
can be seen from the above understanding that to measure the green marketing mix on
the green place dimension, indicators are needed, including strategic locations that reduce
energy and make it easier for green products to be reached and found, and completeness
of products at each outlet. While in Haryadi's research (2009), the green place indicator
can be measured by the distance of the outlet, the number of outlets, and the completeness
of the green product at each outlet which is always available when needed.

Green marketing and purchase intention

Purchase intention is essential in decision-making because a person intends to buy a
product now or in the future. The emergence of purchase intention is due to a response to
a product or service that makes consumers interested in creating a purchase (Ariescy et
al., 2019). Furthermore, another author (Hisam et al., 2020) defines the purchase
intention variable as four dimensions, namely Transactional Interest, a person's tendency
to buy a product, measured by the indicator of Feeling interested in the products offered,
Green image of the product making them interested in buying, The tendency of consumers
to repurchase green products that are consumed. referential Interest: The tendency to
recommend to others with indicators Availability recommends environmentally friendly
brands to others, tells others about positive experiences, and promotes green products to
friends and others. Preferential interest is the behavior of someone who has the primary
preference for products with indicators being the main choice in choosing a product, and
exploratory interest is the behavior of someone who is always looking for information
with indicators in the form of a person's tendency to try to find information about green
products, Still looking for information on green products even though they are familiar
with other products.
Wilson et al. (2014) stated that green marketing has a relationship with buying
interest in green products; the relationship arises because companies use the issue of
environmental damage, so companies use green marketing to increase consumer buying
interest. A study by Septifani et al. (2014) found that green marketing affects buying
interest of Starbucks consumers who have implemented green marketing in reducing
paper and plastic waste by bringing or using their cups or bottles. The application of the
green marketing concept is not just about marketing environmentally friendly products,
but how to reorient the company to the environment and be responsible so that the idea
can meet consumer needs by reducing the impact on the environment, which can lead to
buying interest in green and environmentally friendly products (Sumarwan et al. ., 2012).
Recently, more empirical studies also has been proved the relationship between green

Jurnal Manajemen Strategi dan Aplikasi Bisnis
Vol 5, No. 2, 2022. 205-216. https://doi.org/10.36407/jmsab.v5i2.588

marketing and purchase intention (Hisam et al., 2020; Kurniadin et al., 2021;
Khaerunnisa, 2019).
H1. Green marketing has a significant positive influence on the green purchase

The role of environment awareness

Green marketing can affect consumer buying interest if the company can fulfill the wants
and needs for green products. The environmental damage makes consumers more
sensitive to the environment, which impacts consumer behavior habits in increasing
consumption of green products so that they can grow consumer awareness of
environmental sustainability. According to Cheung et al. (2019), environment awareness
influences generating a desire or interest from consumers in buying green products.
Ardani (2018) states that ecological awareness can support green marketing in
influencing buying interest so that a good application of green marketing by companies
will create consumer ecological awareness, which will impact buying interest in green
Xu et al. (2020) explain that environmental awareness does not have a direct effect
on purchase intention but rather an indirect effect through perceived behavioral control.
It can be stated that individuals who have environmental awareness will tend to invest in
green products, compared to individuals who pay less attention to the environment.
Similarly, prior studies observed that environmental awareness had a significant effect on
ecological purchase behavior (Nekmahmud & Fekete-Farkas, 2020). Therefore, we
assume the following hypothesis
H2: Environmental awareness strengthens the influence of green marketing on
purchase intention.

Population and sample
In this study, the population is all consumers of Wateru wipes which are classified as
unlimited. Sampling using nonprobability sampling technique with purposive sampling
method based on specific characteristics such as: Have you ever seen a product,
advertisement, or website for Wateru wipes and bought a Wateru tissue product? To get
a good sample size of respondents, the sample of respondents taken to fill out the
questionnaire (Hair et al., 2010) can be determined by the number of indicators multiplied
by 5-10 times. The number of needles in this study was 35, so the number of samples was
five times the number of indicators, or as many as 175 respondents were taken.

Variable measurement
The green marketing variable is measured using four dimensions: green product, green
price, green place, and green promotion (Muqorrobin et al., 2017). The buying interest
variable was measured using four dimensions: Transactional Interest, Referential
Interest, Preferential Interest, and Explorative Interest (Hisam et al., 2020). The
environmental awareness variable is measured by three dimensions: knowledge,
attitudes, and actions (Nekmahmud & Fekete-Farkas, 2020). The measurement uses a

Krisdayanti & Arief Widodo
Green marketing, purchase intention, environmental awareness,

Likert scale, namely: score 1 = strongly disagree, score 2 = disagree, score 3 = neutral,
score 4 = agree, and score 5 = strongly agree.

Data analysis
The interaction test or Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) is a tool used to determine
whether the variables used can strengthen or weaken the direct relationship between the
independent and dependent variables.

Adjusted R square shows the coefficient of determination or the role of the independent
variable on the dependent variable. Thus, the influence of green marketing on buying
interest is 63.9%, and other variables outside of this study influence the remaining 36.1%.
Furthermore, the adjusted R square shows a coefficient of determination of .681 or 68.1%
(model 2). Table 2 shows an increase in the adjusted R square value from regression
model I to regression model II by 4.2% compared to the first regression test of 63.9%. The
adjusted R square figure of .68 or 68.1% shows that only 68.1% of the purchase intention
can be explained by the green marketing, which is moderated by the Environmental
Awareness; other factors explain the remaining 31.9%, which were not investigated in
this study.
Table 1 calculations show that environmental awareness can simultaneously
strengthen the relationship between the green marketing variable and the purchase
intention because F-value is 186,57 > Ftable is 3,09 with a significance level of .01 and
based on the t-count value. The environmental awareness variable (Z) directly and
significantly strengthens the influence of green marketing on the purchase intention
because the T-value is 4.85 > the cut-off value is 1.96 with a significance level of .00 which
is smaller than .05.

The first hypothesis of this study proves that green marketing has a positive effect on
buying interest statistically. The first equation's findings show a significant impact of
green marketing on buying stakes. Therefore, it can be concluded that the first hypothesis,
which states that green marketing has a significant positive effect on purchase intention,
was accepted. The results indicate that, as measured by 19 items, green marketing
significantly and positively affects consumers' buying interest in Wateru wipes. This
shows that the better the company's green marketing strategy for its products, the better
the consumer's buying interest to buy. These results agree with the research of Hisam et
al. (2020), Kurniadin et al. (2021), and Khaerunnisa (2019), which prove that green
marketing has a significant effect on purchase intention. Based on this research, it can be
concluded that green marketing is needed by companies to be implemented;
environmentally-oriented companies can be one of the marketing strategies in increasing
buying interest.
The results of the second hypothesis are accepted, so it can be proven that the
environmental awareness variable moderates green marketing on buying interest. In
other words, ecological awareness strengthens the positive relationship between green
marketing and purchase intention. That is, if consumers have good environmental

Jurnal Manajemen Strategi dan Aplikasi Bisnis
Vol 5, No. 2, 2022. 205-216. https://doi.org/10.36407/jmsab.v5i2.588

awareness, green marketing will affect buying interest. Conversely, if consumers have
poor environmental awareness, green marketing will negatively affect buying stakes. In
line with Ardani's research (2018), consumers who have a high understanding of the
environment have a higher buying interest in environmentally friendly products.

Table 2.
Regression analysis
Variabel B Std.Error t-value Sig
Model 1
Green Marketing .50 .03 17.58 .00
F-Statistics 309.16 .00
R-Square/ Adj Square 0.64 .64
Model 2
Green Marketing .21 .07 3.15 .00
Green Marketin* Mod .01 .00 4.86 .00
F-Statistics 186.58 .00
R-Square/ Adj Square .68 .68

Environmental awareness is defined as the ability of consumers to realize the widespread

impact of personal consumption on the environment (Arlanti et al., 2019). In addition,
environmental awareness is essential in increasing interest in consuming green products
when consumers have a high sense of care for environmental sustainability (Ardani,
2018). Ecological awareness is a change in the attitudes and behavior of a person or group
of people that leads to more attention and responsibility for environmental sustainability.
In addition, ecological awareness is essential in increasing interest in consuming green
products when consumers have a high sense of care for environmental sustainability
(Ardani, 2018). Three dimensions of ecological awareness can be seen from the above
understanding: knowledge, attitudes, and actions. The knowledge dimension relates to
learning about environmental issues, the attitude dimension relates to the individual's
positive attitude towards ecological conditions, and the action dimension relates to
buying environmentally friendly products.
Consumers are interested in using environmentally friendly products because
they think they can provide more value for consumers and the environment. When
consumers feel that they have benefited from green products, it can generate their buying
interest in green products. The attitude of consumers who care about the environment
can be seen by consumer behavior that protects the environment's sustainability; this
attitude can encourage an interest in buying a green product. The claim can make
consumers realize to purchase products to preserve the environment. In line with the
research of Ibrahim et al. (2013), the possibility of buying interest can encourage
consumers to lead to actual purchase actions.

Managerial implications
The results of this study can empirically be used as a reference for tissue companies who
want to increase their interest in buying products with a green marketing strategy. From
the study results, the green marketing strategy affects purchase intention, so a green
marketing strategy needs to be applied by the company. Activism that pays attention to
social and environmental aspects can increase the brand's rise in consumer perception

Krisdayanti & Arief Widodo
Green marketing, purchase intention, environmental awareness,

because, for consumers, the brand becomes a reflection and identity of their values so that,
in addition to increasing interest in buying green marketing, it can also help companies
carry out their responsibilities while paying attention to aspects environmental
Currently, the Indonesian people are in a crisis of awareness about preserving the
environment, so encouragement is needed to use environmentally friendly products
(Tanaya et al., 2016). The high logging occurs due to the community's high consumptive
power. Trees that are the world's lungs continue to be exploited due to illegal flights being
used as building land. Not only for making land, but the trees cut down are also for
manufacturing tissue. The tissue that is used excessively will encourage damage to forests
and the environment. To make two packs of tissue or as many as 40 sheets, one tree is six
years old, while one can provide oxygen for three people. As many as 270,000 trees are
cut down worldwide every day to be used as tissue which ends up as garbage and waste
(Nur Arinta, 2018). Companies that care about environmental sustainability are essential
in using environmentally friendly products by changing their marketing strategy to
increase market share (Ariani, 2017). As time passes, Indonesian people increasingly
realize the importance of implementing a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. This is
shown by the number of consumers who care about the environment in Indonesia by
112% from 2019 to 2020. As many as 86% of the people began to change their habits with
a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, while 74% began to consume environmentally
friendly products by choosing brands with a concern.

Limitations and directions for future research

This study has methodological limitations that can be considered in future studies. First,
the data were collected using a cross-sectional design so that it has restrictions on
causality claims. Further studies are suggested to use a longitudinal design so that the
conclusion of causality between variables can be more robust. Second, this study is limited
to tissue products that apply green marketing strategies. Thus, generalizations to other
products need to be considered carefully. We suggest future studies consider broad
sampling, covering a wide range of product types.

The main goals of this research were to evaluate the impacts of green marketing on
purchase intention, moderated by environmental awareness. The results proved all the
hypotheses that green marketing is positively associated with purchase intention, and
customers' environmental awareness played a moderating role. In other words,
environmental awareness can strengthen the relationship between green marketing and
purchase intention.

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Krisdayanti & Arief Widodo
Green marketing, purchase intention, environmental awareness,

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Cite this article

Krisdayanti, K., & Widodo, A. (2022). Green marketing and purchase intention of green product:
The role of environmental awareness. Jurnal Manajemen Strategi Dan Aplikasi Bisnis, 5(2), 205 -
216. https://doi.org/10.36407/jmsab.v5i2.588

Jurnal Manajemen Strategi dan Aplikasi Bisnis

Journal of Strategic Management and Business Applications

Publisher : LPMP Imperium

Frequency : 2 issues per year (June & December)
ISSN (online) : 2655-237X SK ISSN
DOI : Prefix 10.36407
Accredited : SINTA 3


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