Passe Compose Final

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Le passé composé

The Perfect Tense

1- Use and formation
2- Perfect with Avoir
3- Perfect with Être
4-Time expressions

Le passé composé
When we talk about things that happened in the past, we use the past

One of these tenses in French is called le passé composé.

We use this tense to talk about completed actions in the past.

In English, we can talk about a completed action in two ways:

• I ate
• I have eaten

In French, le passé composé covers both senses:

• J’ai mangé

Don’t you think the French version, j’ai mangé, looks similar to one of
the English versions?
Looking at j’ai mangé you can see that two verbs are used to form the tense.

Verb 1 = avoir (the auxiliary verb) in the present tense.

Verb 2 = mangé, which is the past participle form of manger.

Take a look at these sentences and see which ones would be translated using
le passé composé:

1. I watched a movie with my friend last Friday.

2. They watch a film every weekend.
3. I have eaten my dinner.
4. We will be late for the party.

It’s important to recognise the tense in English, so that you know when to use
le passé compose in French.
Remember: it is a two-verb tense.

Subject pronoun + être/avoir + Past participle of


• Take Subject pronoun : je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles.

• Conjugate the correct auxiliary (helping) verb with it. : être/avoir

• Then add past participle of the verb.

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Let’s look at verb 1.

This verb can be either avoir or être.

Only a small number of verbs use être in le passé composé: all others
use avoir.

Let’s revise the present tense of avoir.

J’ ai
Tu as
Il/elle/on a
Nous avons
Vous avez
Ills/elles ont

Remember your pronunciation:

nous [z]avons, vous [z]avez, ils/elles [z]ont
Now let’s look at verb 2 which

This is the past participle. To form the past participle, we need to

know if the verb has a regular or irregular past participle. If it is a
regular verb, we follow these rules:

-er verbs change their ending to -é

parler J’ai parlé

-ir verbs change their ending to -i

finir J’ai fini

-re verbs change their ending to -u

vendre J’ai vendu

We will look at the past participles of irregular verbs later on.

Let’s go through the list for forming le passé composé:

1. Le passé composé is a two-verb tense.

2. Verb 1 is either avoir or être.

3. Check that you have the correct part of avoir/ être in the present.

4. Make sure that you have formed Verb 2 – the past participle

The regular past participle endings are:

• -er -é
• -ir -i
• -re -u
Most verbs use the auxiliary avoir .
The endings always stay the same.
J’ai regardé vendu fini
Tu as regardé vendu fini
Il, Elle, On a regardé vendu fini
Nous avons regardé vendu fini
Vous avez regardé vendu fini
Ils, Elles ont regardé vendu fini

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Mets les verbes au passé composé.

1. Je (regarder-to watch) Réponse : J’ai regardé

2. Nous (aimer-to like) Réponse : Nous avons aimé

3. Ils (finir-to finish) Réponse : Ils ont fini

4. Elle (attendre-to wait) Réponse : Elle a attendu

5. Tu (rougir-to blush) Réponse : Tu as rougi

6. Elles (choisir-to choose) Réponse : Elles ont choisi

7. On (manger-to eat) Réponse : On a mangé

8. Vous (vendre-to sell) Réponse : Vous avez vendu

Irregular past

Être Verbs

• There are some verbs that use the auxiliary être.

• In that case, the past participle agrees with the

subject (masculine, feminine, singular or plural

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Je suis allé(e) descendu(e) parti(e)

Tu es allé(e) descendu(e) parti(e)

Il,Elle, On est allé(e) descendu(e) parti(e)

Nous sommes allé(e)s descendu(e)s parti(e)s

Vous êtes allé(e)(s) descendu(e)(s) parti(e)(s)

Ils, Elles sont allé(e)s descendu(e)s parti(e)s

List Of Être Verbs
• Devenir (to become) devenu(e)(s)
• Revenir (to come back) revenue(e)(s)

• Monter (to go up) monté(e)(s)

• Rester (to stay)
• Sortir (to go out)
• Venir (to come) venu(e)(s)
• Arriver (to arrive) arrivé(e)(s)
• Naître (to be born) né(e)(s) Will help you in
• Descendre (to get off/go down)
• Entrer (to enter) entré(e)(s)
• Rentrer (to return) rentré(e)(s) this list
• Tomber (to fall) tombé(e)(s)
• Retourner (to turn/return) retourné(e)(s)
• Aller (to go) allé(e)(s)
• Mourir (to die) mort(e)(s)
• Partir (to leave) Hiral
parti(e)(s) 13
• Passer (to pass-by some place) passé(e)(s)
Few Examples : Try to translate them

• J’ai joué de la guitar avec mes amis.

• Ma mère a fait trois gateaux pour mon anniversaire.

• Hier, nous sommes allés au jardin.

• L’année dernière, je suis partie en vacances au Japon.

Time expressions
• L’année dernière (last year)

• Avant-hier (the day before yesterday)

• Hier (yesterday)

• Hier matin/soir (yesterday morning/evening)

• Pendant les dernières vacances (during the last holidays)

• La semaine dernière (last week)

• Le week-end dernier (last week-end)

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