Final Biology

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1. Explain why natural selection is the only mechanism that consistently produces
adaptive change.
Natural selection is a mechanism of evolution in which organisms with beneficial or
adaptive traits reproduce more than organisms without those traits, leading to an increase
in the frequency of the traits over time. Since it specifically selects for adaptive traits,
natural selection consistently leads to adaptive evolution. In contrast, genetic drift
operates by random chance and gene flow does not select for beneficial traits to transfer
between populations, so these mechanisms do not consistently lead to adaptive evolution.

2. Describe the term "Descent with modification". Give examples to demonstrate.

Descent with modification is the passing on of traits from parent organisms to their
offspring with some changes over time. This passing on of traits is known as heredity,
and the basic unit of heredity is the gene.
However, during the processes of cell cycles, mutations happen leading to changes in the
genetic materials, which will continuously be passed through the next generations.
+ Appearance of hind limbs in whales as evidence of a terrestrial ancestor
+ Teeth exhibited by chickens
+ Additional toes observed in modern horse species
+ Back flippers of bottlenose dolphins

3. Describe the evidence that steroid hormones have intracellular receptors, while
water-soluble hormones have cell-surface receptors.
Steroid hormones are generally lipid-soluble, so they easily pass through the cell
membrane, so the receptors are usually inside the target cell. They are lipid-soluble, so
cells that are sensitive to these hormones have internal receptor molecules that bind
specifically to them. Intracellular receptor proteins are often transcription factors.
Example: testosterone, estradiol,…

Water-soluble hormone receptors are found only on cell surfaces because these
proteins receive messages and direct cells to carry out their functions. The plasma
membrane possesses these receptors because they cannot cross the cell membrane. They
bind to cell membrane receptors to initiate cell signaling within the cell, which includes
various G proteins and enzymes such as protein kinases along with the messenger cyclic
Example: insulin, glucagon,…

4. Describe the function of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, and fibrin.

Erythrocytes: transport oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and tissues.
Leukocytes: protecting body from infection; is a part of the immune system.
 Basophil
 Neutrophil
 Eosinophils
 Lymphocyte
 Monocyte
Platelets: react to bleeding from blood vessel injury by clumping, thereby initiating a
blood clot.
Fibrin: Take part in the clotting of blood

5. Summarize advantageous characteristics of flowering plants that make them the

most dominant group in the plant kingdom.
Relatively high photosynthetic capacity of their leaves.
Have a huge amount of stomata and veins which really makes the most of their
photosynthesis. These stomata bring in loads of CO2 and the veins move sugars around
very easily. This has helped angiosperms grow and spread a way faster than other
Have flowers and fruits attracting pollinators to disperse seeds. Seeds are developed
inside the flower's ovaries, giving these plants a unique advantage.
Angiosperm has well-defined vascular tissues: xylem and phloem. Almost 80% of
terrestrial land is filled with flowering plants.

6. Describe the role of stomata and discuss factors that might affect their density and
Stomata play crucial roles in plants, including.
 Exchange gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2), between the plant
and its environment.
 Control the loss of water vapor through a process called transpiration. → regulate
 Contribute to photosynthesis by facilitating the entry of CO2.
Factors affect density and behavior:
 PH: rise in pH of guard cells causes the opening of stomata.
 Water: stomata open during the day and close at night to reduce water loss.
 Light: high light intensity during growth increase the stomatal density.

7. Describe the value of biodiversity in maintaining the global ecosystem.

Biodiversity helps to maintain the Earth’s natural processes (i.e., soil turnover, water
purification, pest control, etc.).
Biodiversity enhances the stability and resilience of ecosystems. → It withstands and
recovers from environmental disturbances like climate change, diseases, and natural
Biodiverse ecosystems, such as forests and wetlands, are crucial in mitigating climate
change. They sequester carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, helping to regulate the
global climate and reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.
8. Describe the main relationship between species-species in the ecosystem.
The relationships between species in an ecosystem can be complex and multifaceted.
There are various types of species interactions:

Competition Two or more species compete for a resource in short supply.

Predation One species, the predator, kills and eats the other, the prey.
Predation has led to diverse adaptations, including mimicry.
Herbivory An herbivore eats part of plants or algae.
Symbiosis Individuals of two or more species live in close contact.
Symbiosis includes parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism.
Parasitism The parasite derives nourishment from a second organism, its
host, which is harmed.

Mutualism Both species benefit from the interaction

Commensalism One species benefits from the interaction, while the other is

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