Grade-7-ICT 2nd Term Complete Notes

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Subject: ICT

Grade: 7
Unit: 4
POWER OF DATA: Using Data Modeling
Q1) What is the importance of creating a model?
Ans) It can be difficult to make decisions using a large amount of data. Computer applications
can be used to create a model of the problem you are trying to solve. Doing this helps you to
understand the data. Once you understand the data, you can easily use it to make decisions.
Q2) Define database? Give an example.
Ans) Database applications are more common than you realize.
For example: each time you use an internet streaming service.
(for example: To watch a film or play an online game) you are accessing a large database that
generates a list of games, TV shows and films for you to watch or play.
Q3) What is the importance of databases and spreadsheets?
Ans) Databases and spreadsheet applications can be used to create complex models of real-life
situations. Databases and spreadsheets use words, numbers, and formulae to represent a real-
life scenario, such as the students participating in a gaming convention.
Q4) What are simulations?
Ans) Simulations are more complex models than those created using databases and
Simulations will often use complex graphics to help represent the real-life situations they are
modeling. Simulations allow the user to see a visual representation of a scenario, For example,
a gaming simulation that the user can interact with.
Q5) What are Pros and Cons of Simulations?
Ans) Pros of Simulations:
1) Using a simulation for training can help avoid loss of life.
2) Lots of different situations can be modelled.
3) Cheaper than using the real equipment.
Cons of Simulations:
1)Expensive to produce.
2)Too many factors for all outcomes to be considered.

Q6) Write a note on MS Excel

Ans) MS Excel is one example of a spreadsheet application. Spreadsheets such as MS Excel can
contain worksheets that are divided into rows and columns. The rows and column in a
spreadsheet are identified using numbers and letter.
Spreadsheets are used mainly for applications that requires a lot of calculations to be carried
out quickly.
spreadsheet models start out as a table of words and numbers.
They become more complex data models when you add formulae to link the data in the model.
Worksheets are divided into boxes called cells. When a column letter and row number are used
to identify a cell is called cell references e.g. D3, A2.
Q7) How to enter formulae in MS Excel.
Ans) A formula can be entered into area of spreadsheet called the formulae bar. All formulae in
spreadsheet must start with an (=) sign. After the = sign, formulae contain combinations of
numbers, cell reference and mathematical symbols. For example: to find average we will use
following formulae:
Q8) What is importance of formulae?
Ans) Importance of formulae:
1)Formulae allow spreadsheets to carry out calculations using values in other spreadsheets
2)A formulae will tell computer what mathematical operations (+,-,/,*) needs to be to the
cells included in the formulae.
3)Some formulae, such as “=AVERAGE(A1:A5)”, use special functions to carry out more complex
Q9) What is fill handle?
Ans) Ans) A square that appears in a spreadsheet cell to let the users know that the contents
can be copied and filled into the cells the user drags the fill handle into; when you hover over,
plus sign appears, what is which you click on and drag to replicate the contents.
Q10) Differentiate between relative cell reference and absolute cell reference.
Ans) A cell reference that will be updated as part of the formula if the formula is copied and
pasted into another cell is called relative cell reference.
A cell reference that will not be updated as part of a formulae if the formulae is copied and
pasted into another cell is called absolute cell reference.
Q11 Write a brief note on MS Access?
Ans) MS Access is an example of a database application that can be used to store data that
represents a real-life scenario. In MS Access, data is stored in a table structure. The data in the
table is organized under special heading called field heading and each item must be assigned a
specific data type. Each field in the database can be assigned a data type. A data type is used to
describe the kind of data the field can store.
Q12) What is Primary Key?
Ans) To help uniquely identify one entry from the others, an additional field called "primary
key" is added. The primary key will contain a unique value for each record. This helps make sure
that the correct record is selected each time data needs to be accessed.
Many database developers use the AutoNumber data type when creating a primary key.
Q13) Differentiate between design view and data sheet view.
Ans) Design View: A method of viewing contents in MS Access where the layout of the database
can be changed.
Data sheet view: A method of viewing contents in MS Access that allows the user to edit data.
Q14) What are important data types used in MS Access and why are they used.
Ans) There are multiple data types we use in MS Access:
1) Text: Used to store data that is a mixture of text and numbers. Normally used to store data
that is not used as part of a calculation.
2) Number: Stores data that may be used as part of a calculation. Different number types are
available e.g., integer or decimal number.
3) Date/Time: Different date and time formats can be selected so that a field can be used to
record a date such as 12 October 2011, or a time; e.g., 10:04 pm.
4) Currency: Money values can be stored using this datatype and different currency formats
such as dollar can be selected.
5) AutoNumber: Can be used to assign a number to each record in a database. This computer
creates a new sequential number for each record added to the data table. Once a number has
been assigned to a record, it cannot be used again even if that record is deleted.
6) Yes/No: Data entered into a field can have only one of two values, such as Yes/NO or
Q15) How do data capture forms collect data?
Ans) Data capture forms can be used to collect data in many different ways:
1) Some forms may be available only on a computer screen; others may be printed and sent out
to be completed by hand.
2) Some may be emailed out and data entered using a keyboard
3) No matter how the forms are completed they must be easy to understand.
4) This makes sure that the correct data is collected-form the person providing it.
16)Differentiate between Queries and Criteria.
Ans) Queries are used to search a database and select data that can be used to answer
questions for the user. For example, in the gaming competition database, a teacher might wish
to search for students who have not yet paid their deposit for the tip.
Queries use criteria to search for databases. The criteria are used to provide a set of conditions
the data must meet for it to be selected when a search is carried out. For example, when
searching a database for all of the students in stage 7 in school, the condition is ‘Stage=7’.
17)Write any four features of user-Friendly data capture form.
Ans) These are four features of user-Friendly data capture form:
1)Clear instruction for the user to help them complete the form.
2)The name of the organization collecting the data.
3)A graphic or a logo to help explain the purpose of the form.
4)Examples to help the user complete the form.

18) Write down database features and spreadsheets features.

Ans) Database features:
1)Organizes data under field headings and in a table to make it easier to understand.
2)Queries to allow us to search the data to answer questions.
3)Forms to allow us to enter data in a user-friendly way.
4)Primary keys to help identify one data item form another.
5)Data types that can be used to change how data is presented.
6)Conditional formatting to highlight data that meets certain criteria.
Spreadsheets features:
1)Stores data in individual cell.
2)Labels to organize data and make it easier to understand.
3)Data types to improve the formatting of data.
4)Formulae to perform calculations and create links between different data items in a model.
5)Conditional formatting to highlight data that meets certain criteria.

1) The database management application is:
a) MS Word
b) MS Publisher
c) MS Excel
d) MS Access
2)MS Excel is used to create:
a) Documents
b) Database
c) Spreadsheet
d) Presentation
3)A fixed amount of memory available to complete a task is called:
a) Fixed budget
b) Fixed price
c) Fixed data
d) Proper budget
4)What is the formula to find the AVERAGE using MS Excel:
a) =AVERAGE (C2:C1)
b) AVERAGE (C2:C1)
c) =Average (C2:C1)
d) Average (C2:C1)
5)A field represents a
a) Table
b) Cell
c) Column
d) Row
6)The key data item represented in a data model is:
a) Formula
b) Factors
c) Simulator
d) Field
7)A chart or a diagram that represents information in a visual way is called:
a) Graphics
b) Infographic
c) Model
d) Spreadsheets
8)A formula in a spreadsheet is entered in:
a) Formula bar
b) Status bar
c) Scroll bar
d) Cell bar
9)A1:A5 represents:
a) Cell
b) Cell range
c) Cell reference
d) Labels
10)Formatting a data item that meets a specific rule is:
a) Specific formatting
b) Conditional formatting
c) Highlight formatting
d) Supper formatting
11)MS Access can automatically set aside 255 characters for each field that has been set as text
data type:
a) 255
b) 265
c) 275
d) 205
12)A form designed to collect data for a specific task is called:
a) Data collection form
b) Data capture form
c) Data choice form
d) Data reading form
13)__________ for databases queries can include text, number or comparison operators:
a) Criteria
b) Condition
c) Query
d) Field
14)An element on a database input form e.g. text , box or a label is:
a) Control
b) Criteria
c) Condition
d) Field
15)A tool within a database used to output data for the user is:
a) Database
b) Database report
c) Database form
d) Database query
16)Items that can be bough at events is called:
a) Merchandise
b) Products
c) Objects
d) Items
17)Heading used in a spreadsheet application to aid the understanding a data is:
a) Field
b) Label
c) Cell
d) Formula

Unit: 5
Q#1: What is digital assistant?
Ans. An electronic device that can be used to help a user complete task such as switching on
other appliances, controlling heating systems, searching the internet for information or
organizing music play lists.

Q#2: Define AI.

Ans. An area of computing that focuses on creating intelligent computers that can mimic the
way humans think and make decisions.
Q#3: Do any devices in our home use smart technology?
Ans. Many devices in our homes now use smart technology. We have smart thermostats, smart
lights, smart refrigerators, smart locks, and smart TVs that can help us manage our energy
usage and make our lives more convenient.
Q#4: How today’s weather forecast system uses AI?
Ans. Today’s weather forecast system uses AI-powered digital assistants, like Siri, Google
Assistant or Alexa. The microphone records what you are saying and sends it to a cloud-based
service that is able to extract key words from what you have asked in order to interpret your
request. So, with just a simple voice command, we can get the weather forecast without even
lifting a finger.
Q#5: What are integrated applications? Give examples.
Ans. Applications that are part of a larger package and all have similar interfaces and can work
together are known as integrated applications. Google App Suite and MS Office are the
examples of integrated applications.
Q#6: How AI applications has evaluated over time?
Ans. AI applications have evolved significantly over time. Devices with AI applications, such as
digital assistants, become easier to interact. For example:
 The user’s voice patterns are more easily recognized over time.
 Home locations are identified in the user’s car-navigation system.
Q#7: Write three uses of AI from the daily life.
Ans. Following are the uses of AI from the daily life:
a. Virtual Assistants: AI-powered virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant
help us with tasks.
b. Smart Home Devices: AI powered smart home devices like smart speakers, thermostats
and security systems.
c. Healthcare Applications: AI is being used in healthcare for various purposes, such as
diagnosing diseases, analyzing medical images and predicting patient outcomes.
Q#8: List down the name of Industries utilizing AI.
Ans. AI helps in many areas of industry like;
 Business ordering product
 Business and finance
 Bookings and online enquiries
 Manufacturing
 Advertising
 Healthcare
Q#9: What are the pros and cons of AI?

AI pros AI cons
Reduction in errors Expensive to develop
Available 24 hours a day Unemployment
Increased speed of decision making No emotional connection
Helps with research and development in almost Dependence and Reliability
all areas of life

Q#10: What are three key factors which developers have to think while designing a new
digital device? Give example with a diagram.
Ans. When designing any new device, developers need to think carefully about:
INPUT: How data will be supplied to the device.
PROCESS: How the data will be processed.
OUTPUT: How results will be sent to the user.
Following is the example of digital assistant which is used to control a light bulb, represented in
Voice command Voice pattern analyzed to Light bulb switched on/off
help understand depending on instruction

Q#11: Which sensors are commonly used in AI and what data do they collect?
Temperature and Humidity sensors:
These sensors measure environmental conditions, allowing for climate control, weather
forecasting and smart home automation.
Proximity sensors:
It detects the presence of a nearby object. Proximity sensors detect the presence or absence of
objects nearby.
Light sensors:
Light sensors detect ambient light levels and are used in automatic brightness adjustment for
displays, photography and energy-saving lighting systems.

Q#12: Write major differences between Vector and Bitmap graphics.

 Bitmap graphics use pixels to represent images, while vector graphics use basic
geometric shapes to represent images.
 Bitmap graphics are mostly photographs, while vector graphics are mostly logos, icons,
and clip arts.
 Bitmap images are comparatively larger than vector images.
 A vector graphic consists of shapes, curves, lines, and text which together make a
picture, while a bitmap image contains information about the color of each pixel.

Q#13: With the help of diagram show Analog to Digital conversion.

Q#14: What do know about logic gates? Name some digital devices that use logic gates.
Ans. A physical device or circuit that processes one or more input signals to produce a single
output signal. Some of digital devices where logic gates used are:
 Burglar alarms
 Door bells
 Street lights
 TV remote controls
 Automatic lights on cars

Q#15: Write the rules for gate operation and draw diagram of respective gate.
Rule for AND gate operation:
 AND gates have two inputs.
 The AND gate will only output 1 if both inputs are 1.

Rule for OR gate operation:

 OR gates have two inputs.
 The OR gate will output 1 if either of the two inputs is 1.
Rule for NOT gate operation:
 NOT gates have only 1 input.
 Output from the NOT gate will always be the opposite of the input.

1. To reduce the human interaction and leave the running of a device to use sensors to
determine the output is called _____
a. AI
b. Digital device
c. Automate
d. Technology
2. Tasks that are to be carried out by the user of digital system is __________
a. Digital assistant
b. User-related task
c. Application software
d. Hardware
3. _____ is the character in the background of a computer game that the game player can
interact with.
a. Digital assistant
b. NPC
c. Chatbot
d. Sprite
4. Cookie is the text file that holds the small piece of data about the ____
a. Tester
b. Programmer
c. User
d. Manager
5. _______ have a huge impact on medical and social care provision in society.
a. AI
b. Artificial empathy
c. Smart device
d. Chatbot
6. To count endangered species in an area we use ________ sensors.
a. Proximity
b. Temperature
c. Touch
d. Infrared
7. ____ is able to analyze data and select appropriate advertisement for user.
a. Machine language
b. AI
c. Robot
d. Search engine
8. The red or purple flash coming out from TV remote are ______
a. Optical
b. Thermal
c. Infrared
d. Wireless
9. Measure of degree to which an object is raised or lowered from a flat surface is _____
a. Bend
b. Angle
c. Inclined
d. Tilt
10. The number of pixels in a square inch of screen is ____
a. NPC
b. PPI
c. Bit
d. btmp
11. Color depth is measure of number of ____ used to represent color in individual pixels in
an image.
a. Pixels
b. Bits
c. Binary
d. Bitmap
12. Analogue image is created using _____ camera.
a. Web
b. Smart
c. Digital
d. Analogue
13. Logic gates are building blocks of ______
a. Digital circuits
b. Electronic circuits
c. Circuit
d. None of these
14. The form of algebra where all values are reduced to either true or false is ______
a. Boolean value
b. Boolean logic
c. Boolean operations
d. All of above
15. If we give input A=0 and B=1 to AND gate then the output will be
a. 0
b. 00
c. 1
d. 01

Unit: 6
Sequencing and pattern recognition: Getting the message across
A. MCQ’s
1. Many advertising signs use _____ to help get your attention.
a. Light
b. Light sequence
c. Light display
d. Pattern
2. The order lights are displayed in is _____
a. Light display
b. Light sequence
c. Light pattern
d. Light
3. The LED display on the micro: bit is made of ______ individual LED lights.
a. 29
b. 35
c. 25
d. 26
4. The second step after creating a flow chart is applying a _____
a. Algorithm
b. Prototype
c. Test plan
d. Scenario
5. A sample, model or first release of a product is ____
a. Scenario
b. Test plan
c. Algorithm
d. Prototype
6. Bug is an ____ in a program.
a. Error
b. Feature
c. Design
d. Element
7. User Feedback is gathering feedback from users of the product to aid ______
a. Development
b. Programmer
c. End user
d. None of these
8. The quotation marks tell the computer that the content inside the quotation marks is a
a. Boolean
b. Number
c. String
d. Currency
9. To output text in python we use ____
a. display ()
b. display.scroll ()
c. print
d. print ()
10. A logic gate that accepts only one input is _____
a. AND
b. NOT
c. OR
B. What will be the output of following flowchart?
OUTPUT= 142.5

C. Set the variable number to 7.5 complete the table.

Test Data Entered Expected Outcome


1. Total=number+8 15.5
2. Total=number-8 -0.5
3. Total=number*8 60
4. Total=number/8 0.93

Answer the following questions.

Q1. Traffic lights are an automated solution for which task? What might happen if the
sequence of lights might change without warning?
Ans. Traffic lights are signal devices positioned at road intersections, pedestrian
crossings and other locations in order to control the traffic.
If the sequence of lights changes without warning it may cause accidents.
Q2. Write the steps to be follow while creating a MicroPython program?
Ans. Following are the steps to be followed.
1. First create a flowchart to show the algorithm of the sequence of instructions
needed to solve a problem.
2. To test your flowchart with a range of possible inputs and documents your
outcomes by applying a test plan.
3. Lastly create a program of your flowchart on the micro: bit using MicroPython.
Q3. What is the importance of prototyping?
Ans. By creating a physical or software prototype, the designer can be clear on:
1. Cost
2. Material to use
3. Quantities of any parts to require the final project.
4. Gather user feedback.
5. Improvements that could be made.
Q4. Explain the types of prototyping linked with software development.
Ans. There are two types of prototyping linked with software development:

Evolutionary Prototyping Throwaway Prototyping

This is the development of a full prototype of This is development of small sections of final
the software given to users to gather software solutions and is given to user to
feedback. gather user feedback.

Q5. What sequence is being displayed in the following flowchart?

Ans. It will display a triangle then wait for 0.5 second, then a square will appear and
then there will be a gap of 0.5 seconds.
Q6. Why is print keyword used in python? Which keyword replaces it in MicroPython.
Ans. Print is used to display the output in python program. The print keyword is
replaced by display. scroll () in MicroPython.
For example:

Q7. What are the two uses of * in MicroPython?

Ans. It is important to note the two uses of * in the MicroPython program:
1. Import * means import everything so that you can program with the micro: bit.
2. Within the program, the * is an arithmetic operator and is the symbol for
Q8. Other than sequence error what could be other possible errors in the program?
Ans. If you have checked the sequence and know that this is not the cause of the error
then you may check:
1. Case sensitive error
2. Data type error
3. Missing symbol/ Keyword error
4. Extension error

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