Company Information 2
Company Profile 3
Mr. Abdul Rehman Qureshi CREDIT RATING
Chairman VIS Credit Rating Company Limited
Mr. Shoaib Ahmed Khan Long-term entity rating (A+)
Member Short-term entity rating (A1)
Mr. Mirza Javed Iqbal Future Outlook: Stable
Member Last updated: December 08, 2023
HUMAN RESOURCE & REMUNERATION The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited
COMMITTEE Long-term entity rating (A+)
Mr. Abdul Rehman Qureshi Short-term entity rating (A1)
Chairman Future Outlook: Stable
Mr. Mirza Javed Iqbal Last updated: April 05, 2024
Member Askari Bank Limited
Allied Bank Limited
INVESTOR RELATIONS Al Baraka Bank (Pakistan) Limited
Financial analysts, stock brokers, interested investors Bank Alfalah Limited
and financial media desiring information regarding the Bank Islami Pakistan Limited
Company should contact Mr. Muhammad Fahad Hafeez Bank of Punjab (Islamic Taqwa Division)
2 at the Company’s Registered Office, Lahore. Bank of Khyber
Tel: +92-42-35960841 Ext: 155 Bank Al-Habib Limited
E-mail: [email protected] Bank Makarmah Limited
Dubai Islamic Bank Limited
SHARE REGISTRAR Faysal Bank Limited
Enquiries concerning lost share certificates, dividend Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited
payments, change of address, verification of transfer Habib Bank Limited
deeds and share transfers should be directed to: ICBC Bank Limited
THK Associates (Private) Limited JS Bank Limited
Plot No. 32-C, Jami Commercial Street 2, MCB Bank Limited
D.H.A. Phase-VII, Karachi, Pakistan. MCB Islamic Bank Limited
Tel: +92-21-111-000-322 Meezan Bank Limited
E-mail: [email protected] Pak China Investment Company Limited
Web: www.thk.com.pk Pak Libya Holding Company Limited
Incase of shareholder complaints/queries, Silk Bank Limited
Please Contact: Soneri Bank Limited
Mr. Zeeshan Ejaz Samba Bank Limited
Tel : +92-42-35960841 Ext:136 Standard Chartered Bank Limited
E-mail: [email protected] United Bank Limited
AUDITORS Registered / Corporate office
Fazal Mahmood & Company 31-A Shadman 1
Chartered Accountants Lahore, Pakistan
(A member firm of Prime Global) Tel: +92-42-35960841-3
Muniff Ziauddin & Company Fax: +92-42-35960846
Chartered Accountants E-mail: [email protected]
(A member of BKR International)
Sale centres and warehouse
Mufti Imran Khan Lahore, Pakistan
LEGAL ADVISOR Factory & warehouses
Mr. Muhammad Atif Butt 17-KM Sheikhupura Road
TAX ADVISORS Lahore, Pakistan
Akhtar Ali Associates
Juris Counsel Company Website:
Farooq Khan Law Associates www.mughalsteel.com
Butt & Company Note: Company’s Financial Statements
Punjab Law Associates are also available at the above website.
Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited (“Mughal Steel”) was incorporated in 2010 as a public limited company.
The Company took over the running business of a partnership concern by the name of “Mughal Steel” which
had been in the steel business for over 50 years and was being run by the major sponsors of the Company.
Today, the Company is one of the leading companies involved in both ferrous and non-ferrous operations in
Pakistan. At Mughal Steel we work with passion and expertise to develop high-quality diversified portfolio of
quality products. This means we create value for our customers and can successfully exploit the diverse
opportunities in the markets of the future. Depth of technical and managerial expertise, reputation for reliability
and a sharply defined business focus, has forged the organization into a modern, highly competitive supplier
of quality products. The Company’s ability to generate profits throughout the fluctuations of various economic
and business cycles is testimony to the strategic initiatives to continuously reinvest, modernize and diversify.
The management team is being led by Mr. Khurram Javaid, Director and CEO.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of MUGHAL IRON & STEEL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, we are pleased to
present the un-audited condensed interim financial statements of the Company for the nine months period ended
March 31, 2024, the financial results of which are summarized below:
(Rs. in Millions)
Nine months period ended
Variation %
March 31,
Your company posted highest ever topline along with profitable bottom line despite of the prevailing adversities.
Increase in topline was associated with increase in selling prices both in ferrous and non-ferrous segments and
increase in volumes in ferrous segments. Overall non-ferrous volumes witnessed decline due to decrease in sale
of waste, which was mainly due to in-house utilization of iron scrap by ferrous segment, however, copper volumes
witnessed increased. Overall margins witnessed decline, which was mainly due to decline in ferrous margins
due to increase in operational costs. Administrative expenses mainly increased due to increase in salaries
expenses. Rs. 45.006 million was reversed on account of allowance for expected credit losses in respect of trade
debts due to recovery of overdue balances. Other charges mainly represented provision for workers’ profit
participation fund and workers’ welfare fund and decreased in line with decrease in profitability. Finance cost
increased significantly due to prevailing significantly high base discount rate. Taxation decreased mainly due
to reversal of deferred taxation on account of recognition of tax loss and minimum tax. Additions in property,
plant and equipment mainly represented installation of induction furnace and CCM. Inventories increased mainly
due to increase in average cost and also due to increase in inventories in transit. Loans and advances decreased
due to decrease in advances to suppliers.
The Board of Directors in their meeting held on August 15, 2023 and the members of the Company in their
Extraordinary General Meeting held on September 19, 2023, had approved the acquisition of Mughal International
DMCC and Mughal Energy Limited, respectively. The acquisition of Mughal International DMCC is currently
pending and in process. However, the acquisition of Mughal Energy Limited was completed during the quarter
ended December 31, 2023, whereby, the Company acquired 100% ordinary shares and 100% Class-B shares
of Mughal Energy Limited and subsequently obtained Group registration w.e.f from December 15, 2023. The
Group now comprises of Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited as the holding company and Mughal Energy
Limited as the wholly owned subsidiary company. Mughal Energy Limited on April 08, 2024 has filed an application
through PRIDE for listing on GEM Board of Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited by offering 10% of its post paid
up capital as an initial offer to the accredited investors in accordance with the chapter 5A of PSX Regulation,
which is currently pending.
The Company issued privately placed, rated, secured Sukuk - II certificates to the tune of Rs. 2,500.000 million
having 15 months tenure. The proceeds therefrom were utilized to finance the Company's working capital
requirements. Trade and other payables increased due to increase in foreign suppliers on account of deferred
letter of credits. Subsequent to the period end, the Company has issued privately placed, rated, un-secured
Sukuk - III to the tune of Rs. 3,000.000 million having 06 months tenure for meeting the working capital requirements
of the Company.
Future outlook
Going forward, the impact of political and economic scenario and high discount rate may continue to impact
the performance of the Company, however, Company will continue to manage its topline and bottom line.
The Board remains committed to provide sustained returns to our shareholders, in addition to maintaining our
reputation for good governance. Lastly, we would like to thank all stakeholders for their patronage and look
forward to their continued support.
The annexed notes from 1 to 24 form an integral part of these unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements.
The annexed notes from 1 to 24 form an integral part of these unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements.
BALANCE AS AT JUNE 30, 2022 - (audited) 3,356,339,330 2,324,952,020 980,000,000 3,018,133,793 11,167,653,096 20,847,078,239
BALANCE AS AT MARCH 31, 2023 - (unaudited) 3,356,339,330 2,324,952,020 980,000,000 2,825,409,477 13,866,245,053 23,352,945,880
BALANCE AS AT JUNE 30, 2023 - (audited) 3,356,339,330 2,324,952,020 980,000,000 3,998,378,178 14,712,766,418 25,372,435,946
The annexed notes from 1 to 24 form an integral part of these unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements.
The annexed notes from 1 to 24 form an integral part of these unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements.
shares and 100% Class-B shares of Mughal Energy Limited and subsequently obtained Group registration
w.e.f December 15, 2023. The Group now comprises of Mughal Iron & Steel Industries Limited as the
holding company and Mughal Energy Limited as the wholly owned subsidiary company.
Mughal Energy Limited (MEL) was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company on August 19,
2012 under the repealed Companies Ordinance, 1984 (now the Companies Act, 2017). Its registered office
is situated at 31-A, Shadman I, Lahore. The Company is domiciled in Lahore. The principal activity of MEL
is to carry on business of generating, purchasing, importing, transforming, converting, distributing, supplying,
exporting and dealing in electricity and all other forms of energy and products or services associated
therewith. Mughal Energy Limited on April 08, 2024 has filed an application through PRIDE for listing on
GEM Board of Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited by offering 10% of its post paid-up capital as an initial
offer to the accredited investors in accordance with the chapter 5A of PSX Regulation, which is currently
The geographical locations and addresses of the Company’s business units including plants are as follows:
Business unit: Geographical location / address:
10 - Registered office 31-A Shadman-1, Lahore
- Manufacturing plants 17-KM Sheikhupura Road, Lahore
- Warehouses 17-KM Sheikhupura Road, Lahore and Badami Bagh, Lahore
- Sales centres Badami Bagh, Lahore
These condensed interim financial statements are the separate financial statements of the Company.
Consolidated condensed interim financial statements of the Company have not been prepared separately
since the annual audited financial statements were not prepared on consolidated basis. Details of the
Company’s investment in subsidiaries are stated in note 7 to these unconsolidated condensed interim
financial statements.
These unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan for interim financial reporting. The accounting
and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan for interim financial reporting comprise of:
- International Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting', issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as notified under the Companies Act, 2017;
- Islamic Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan
as notified under the Companies Act, 2017; and
- Provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017.
Where provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 differ with the requirements of
(IAS) 34 or IFAS, the provisions of and directives issued under the Companies Act, 2017 have been followed.
These unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical
cost convention, except as otherwise stated in relevant notes and are presented in Pakistani Rupees (Rs.),
which is the functional currency of the Company.
The significant accounting policies and the methods of computation adopted in the preparation of these
unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements are the same as those applied in the preparation
of the annual audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2023, except
detailed below or elsewhere.
These unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements do not include all the information and
disclosures as are required for annual audited financial statements, and therefore, should be read in
conjunction with the Company's annual audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2023.
However, selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant
to an understanding of the changes in the Company's financial position and performance since the last
annual audited financial statements.
During the period, certain amendments / interpretations became effective and were adopted by the
Company. Management has assessed the changes laid down by the amendments / interpretations that
became effective during the period or are yet not effective and determined that they do not have any
significant impact on these unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements.
Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using tax rate that would be applicable to expected
annual profit or loss. Actuarial valuations are carried out on annual basis. The last actuarial valuation was
carried out on June 30, 2023. The impact of remeasurement of retirement benefit plan has not been
incorporated in the unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements.
The preparation of unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements in conformity with the approved
accounting standards requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect
the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and
expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates. In preparing these unconsolidated condensed
interim financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Company's
accounting policies and key sources of estimation of uncertainty were the same as those applied to the
annual audited financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2023, except as disclosed
otherwise in respective notes.
7.1 This represents investment in unquoted 174.692 million ordinary shares of Rs. 10/- each (June 2023: Nil)
and unquoted 22.570 million class B shares of Rs. 10/- each (June 2023: Nil) of Mughal Energy Limited
(MEL). Investment in MEL includes 03 ordinary shares in name of the nominees of the Company. These
are stated at cost less impairment loss, if any.
9. This included payments made under protest on account of sales tax and duties amounting to Rs. 80.783
million and Rs. 223.043 million, respectively in respect of sale of local waste generated from non-ferrous
segment against demand created by the Customs authorities. During the period, the matter was decided
in favor of the Company by the Customs Appellate Tribunal, however, the said amounts are yet to be
12 refunded or adjusted.
The authorized share capital of the Company is Rs. 10,000,000,000/- (June 30, 2023: 5,000,000,000) divided
into 700,000,000 (June 30, 2023: 500,000,000) ordinary shares of Rs. 10/- each, 250,000,000 (June 30,
2023: Nil) ordinary Class-B shares of Rs. 10/- each and 50,000,000 (June 30, 2023: Nil) ordinary Class-C
shares of Rs. 10/- each.
ii) The amount of future payments under short-term operating leases and the period in which these
payments will become due are as follows:
Cash and cash equivalents included in the statement of cash flows comprise of the following:
- Ferrous
- Non - Ferrous
Ferrous segment comprises of long-rolled mild steel related products whereas non-ferrous segment
mainly comprises of copper and related iron waste items. Information regarding the Company's
reportable segments is presented below:
Following is an analysis of the Company's revenue and results by reportable segment for the nine
months ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023 along with reconciliation of the total of the
reportable segments' measures of profit or loss to the Company's profit or loss for the period:
- Copper ingots 93.41% 73.33%
- Waste 4.79% 25.58%
- Others 1.80% 1.10%
100.00% 100.00%
18.4 Information about major customers:
Revenue from major local customers of ferrous segment represented 25% (March 2023: 26%) of the total
revenue of ferrous segment. Revenue from major local customers of non-ferrous segment represents 5%
(March 2023: 17%) of the total revenue of non-ferrous segment and 94% (March 2023: 99%) of the total
local revenue of non-ferrous segment. Revenue from major foreign customers of non-ferrous segment
represent 74% (March 2023: 67%) of the total revenue of non-ferrous segment and 78% (March 2023: 81%)
of the total foreign revenue of non-ferrous segment.
18.5 Geographical information:
All revenues from external customers for ferrous segment were generated in Pakistan. 95% (March 2023:
82%) of revenues from external customers for non-ferrous segment were generated from outside Pakistan
while remaining were generated from external customers within Pakistan. Sales outside Pakistan is made
to customers in the People's Republic of China. All non-current assets of the Company as at March 31,
2024 and June 30, 2023 were located and operating in Pakistan.
18.6 Measure of total assets and total liabilities:
Reportable segments' assets and liabilities as at March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2023 are reconciled to total
assets and liabilities as follows:
- Ferrous 318,748,241 361,664,489
- Non-Ferrous 49,524,714 10,969,877
- Unallocated 60,032,531 84,126,799
428,305,486 456,761,165
The entire revenue of the Company is from Shariah compliant business segments except for profit / interest
income earned on term deposit receipts / saving accounts maintained with conventional banks. During the
period, no investment of any kind was made, except as otherwise disclosed. The Company maintains good
relationship with Shariah compliant banks and carried out trade and other routine banking transactions with
them. There was no exchange gain earned on actual currency. Details of exchange gain / loss earned on
foreign currency bank balances has been disclosed in unconsolidated condensed interim statement of cash
These unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements do not include all financial risk management
information and disclosures, which are required in the annual financial statements and should be read in
conjunction with the Company's annual audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2023. There
has been no change in any risk management policies since the year end.
Except for long-term loans to employees, long-term deposits and long-term loans under SBP refinance 17
schemes, the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities recognized in these unconsolidated
The above table shows assets recognized at fair value, analyzed between those whose fair value is based on:
- Level 2: those involving Inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or
liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices); and
- Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data.
Nine months ended As at
Rupees March 31, March 31, March 31, June 30,
2024 2023 2024 2023
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
22. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES Transactions Outstanding Balances
Details of transactions /outstanding balances with related parties, not otherwise disclosed elsewhere, are as follows:
- Sale 695,000,000 -
- Commission income against corporate guarantee 45,000,000 45,000,000
Detail of outstanding balance
- Receivable (not yet due) 695,000,000 -
Relationship Common directorship
Percentage of shareholding Nil
Detail of outstanding balance
Deposits, prepayments and other receivables
- Security deposits 500,000 500,000
Detail of transactions
- Rent expense 1,584,000 1,440,000
Major shareholders, Directors and their relatives
Detail of transactions
- Remuneration / meeting fee 70,808,013 53,604,710
- Net repayment of short-term loans 5,689,036 628,111
- Dividend 683,483,756 -
Key management personnel (other than Directors)
18 and their relatives
Detail of outstanding balance
- Loans and advances 91,760 345,000
Detail of transaction
- Salaries and benefits 34,615,230 31,410,000
- Dividend 20,054 -
Chief Executive Officer, Executive Directors and certain Executives are given company maintained cars. There are no transactions
with key management personnel other than under the terms of employment and otherwise disclosed, if any.
These unconsolidated condensed interim financial statements have been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company
and authorized for issue on April 30, 2024.
Subsequent to the period end, the Company has issued privately placed, rated, unsecured Sukuk-III to the tune of Rs. 3,000.000
million having 06 months tenure for meeting the working capitel requirement of the Company.
The corresponding figures have been rearranged or reclassified, wherever necessary, for the purpose of comparison, however,
no material significant reclassification has been made.
In order to comply with the requirements of International Accounting Standard, IAS - 34 - ‘Interim Financial Reporting’, the
unconsolidated condensed interim statement of financial position as of the end of the current interim period has been compared
with the statement of financial position as of the end of the immediately preceding financial year, the unconsolidated condensed
interim statement of profit or loss & other comprehensive income for the current interim period has been compared with the
statement of profit or loss & other comprehensive income for the comparable interim period of the immediately preceding
financial year, whereas, the unconsolidated condensed interim statement of changes in equity and unconsolidated condensed
interim statement of cash flows have been compared with the relevant statements for the comparable year-to-date period of
the immediately preceding financial year.