Prospects of Floating Photovoltaic Technology and Its Implementation in Central and South Asian Countries

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International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1755–1762


Prospects of floating photovoltaic technology and its implementation

in Central and South Asian Countries
M. Abid1 · Z. Abid2 · J. Sagin3 · R. Murtaza4 · D. Sarbassov3 · M. Shabbir1

Received: 22 June 2018 / Revised: 2 September 2018 / Accepted: 16 October 2018 / Published online: 22 October 2018
© Islamic Azad University (IAU) 2018

Many regions around the globe, especially South Asia including Afghanistan and Pakistan and Central Asia, have extreme
difficulties in accessing portable water and a stable energy supply. Some areas are covered with arid soil and salty water,
while others have power transmission problems. Water evaporation from reservoirs is also another problem during high
temperatures, thereby posing additional energy and water demands. This paper discusses the multiple prospects of floating
photovoltaic technology in different regions of the world and highlights the importance of such technologies in already
water-scarce regions like South Asia and Central Asia. This technology will prove to be highly feasible as it is an environ-
ment friendly and cost efficient and will help in reducing evaporation, achieving sustainable water supply and clean energy
production and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There is very minimal work done on floating solar technology; thus,
there is immense need to explore and research on this technology on every level through information sharing.

Keywords Clean energy · Evapotranspiration · Floating · Photovoltaic · Submerged PV panels · Sustainable · Power

Introduction countries is observed and is likely to increase worldwide.

A typical overland photovoltaic (PV) module, depending
Floating photovoltaic system (FPVS) is a novel idea in upon the type of solar cells and climatic conditions, converts
renewable energy production without putting additional bur- 4–18% of the incident solar energy into electricity. The rest
den on water and land resources. Since FPVS is a relatively of the incident solar radiation is converted into heat, which
new concept, only a few demonstrator projects have been significantly increases the temperature of the PV (Dubey
deployed worldwide (Trapani 2013). Because FPVS can be et al. 2013; Syahriman et al. 2013). Being installed on water,
installed in water bodies such as oceans, lakes, lagoons, res- a FPVS has significant lower ambient temperature in vir-
ervoir, irrigation ponds, wastewater treatment plants, winer- tue to the cooling effect of water. Consequently, efficiency
ies, fish farms, dams and canals and also because of insuf- of floating-type solar panels is 11% higher compared with
ficiency of land, a reasonable demand of FPVS installations ground-installed solar panels (Gotmare et al. 2014; Dash and
in Japan, USA, Korea, Australia, Brazil, India and other Gupta 2015; Fesharaki et al. 2011; Baskar 2014; Choi 2014).
The pilot study on floating PV technology was completed
in 2007, while the first pilot floating PV plant was built in
Editorial responsibility: Hari Pant.
California in 2008. By the end of 2014, a total of 22 pho-
* M. Abid tovoltaic power plants had been built in the world with the
[email protected] installed capacity from 0.5 to 1157 kW (Liu et al. 2017). At
present, the developments on marine floating PV systems are
Interdisciplinary Research Centre, COMSATS University in pipeline to examine the effects of corrosion of seawater on
Islamabad, Wah Campus, G T Road, Wah Cantt, Pakistan
unit and PV configuration and the link with energy produc-
Department of Environmental Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam tion efficacy (Oshima et al. 2001).
University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Nazarbayev University, 53 KabanbayBatyr Ave, Astana,
Centre for Climate Research and Development (CCRD),
COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan

1756 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1755–1762

Methodology (MEPCM)-PV unit to be floated on water surface. (Ho

et al. 2015).
This review paper is designed to assess the prospects and • The Colignola power plant called Floating Tracker
highlight the importance of floating solar panel technology. Cooling Concentrator (FTCC) couples PV panels and
Critical assessment of multiple studies on solar technolo- reflectors. The combination of cooling effect of water
gies’ implementations has been done. The study time span is and reflection of the mirrors increases efficiency of solar
2001–2017, which makes 17 years. Multiple keywords were panels, thereby reducing the cost by about 20% than over-
used to search the relevant articles and research studies on land PV systems.
solar technology such as clean energy, evapotranspiration, • The German SUNdy structure from Det Norske Veritas
floating photovoltaic technology, microencapsulated phase has implemented a hexagonal-shaped structure which
change material, submerged PV panels and sustainable water brings potentially interesting properties such as easy
supply. The database is produced in the paper using relevant arrangement of modules. The system shows flexibility
search engines such as and journal websites by resisting the waves and retaining its shape. Finally, the
such as Sciencedirect, Elsevier, Springer and IWAP. At the larger installations at Kato City, Japan, are designed to
end, inclusion and exclusion criteria were used to cite the withstand typhoons. However, corrosion may be a con-
relevant articles in a review study. cern since most of these systems are designed for water.
Long-term issues need to be observed and considered.
• The governments in different countries such as Japan,
UK, Brazil, India and USA are promoting installation
Overview of presently implemented floating of floating solar plants owing to the numerous benefits
photovoltaic systems associated with the technology. Japan accounted for 50%
of the overall market share in 2015. In addition, the Japa-
Several countries have studied the effectiveness of floating nese government has sanctioned over 100 plants that are
solar panel technology and are discussed as follows: going to be installed in the next 5 years. The political
factor is also playing an important role in the growth of
• A prototype has been developed to study the benefits technology in the country (Grand View Research 2017).
of solar PV panels for local farmers in Spain. Most of • China, being one of the largest coal-based thermal power
the farms have water reservoirs for irrigation. Despite generating countries, introduced 40 MW floating solar
changes in feed-in tariffs in Spain, the system remains power plant, thereby highlighting the importance of
economical and highly attractive (Ferrer-Gisbert et al. using renewable energy sources (Brandon 2017) (Fig. 1).
2013). An improvement in output energy generation is • Similarly, India’s largest floating solar PV plant of
achieved using microencapsulated phase change material 100 kW is installed in Kerala (Sengupta 2017), while

Fig. 1  The world’s largest 40 MW floating solar power plant at Huainan, China. (Source: Brandon 2017)

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1755–1762 1757

10 kW solar plant is planned to be installed in Kolkata would be able to produce energy of 971.57 MWh/year.
and Banasura Sagar reservoir in Wayanad. The fiscal examinations exhibited that the total cost
• The scientific and monetary investigations on FPVS will be 897,000 US$ with return time period of about
of 20 kW prototype covering 350 m2 area, mounted on 12.3 years, while the yearly reduction in greenhouse
reservoirs, were conducted in Agosto Alicante, Spain. gases will be 471.21 tCO2 (Song and Choi 2016).
The successful performance of prototype directed to a • The deployment of crystalline PV systems with pon-
full-scale installation of 1458 PV panels supported on toon-type structures in offshore environments was
750 pontoons covering an area of 4490 m2. The panels assessed. Thin-film-based PV is reasonably inexpen-
are now producing clean energy at a trifling power of sive for offshore wind power activities (latitudes rang-
300 kW (Gozálvez et al. 2012). In an agriculture reser- ing from 45N to 45S). The specific output in GWh/
voir, one-to-one plant was built to study the performance km2 was higher for thin-film PV as compared to tidal
of system near Alicante, Spain. The surface area of res- barrage systems, wind and wave. The specific installed
ervoir top was 4700 m2, but just 7% area was covered by capacity measured in MW/km2 was larger than tradi-
static solar system (Ferrer-Gisbert et al. 2013). tional technologies apart from tidal current turbines
• Based on the preliminary simulation of FPVS of 240 kW (Trapani et al. 2013).
on a pool in Khuzestan province in Iran, it was observed • The integration of floating solar panels with ground-
that the FPVS can annually produce 380 MW power and based systems is also observed useful. The offshore
can be added into the main power supply system. Moreo- location nearby the Maltese islands was used for
ver, the water stored due to reduced evaporation could be launching PV panels floating on sea surface. The yield
as much as 13,950 m3/year, which makes up about 24% was combined with current traditional electricity pro-
of the reservoir’s storage capacity. Thus, FPVS is consid- duction structure which relies on steam and gas turbine
ered to be an efficient key for agro-energetic policies for systems (Trapani and Millar 2013).
countries around the globe (Nazififard et al. 2017) and • A thin-film flexible floating PV array technology is
for water pumping due to sufficient amount of solar radia- implemented and evaluated on water reservoirs in Sud-
tions available over large area (Vick and Clark 2009). bury, Canada, where water cooling effect increased its
• Two floating PV test plants with generating capacities efficiency up to 5% (Trapani and Millar 2014).
of 2.4 kW and 1000 kW, respectively, were evaluated in • The current capacities of dams can be used in asso-
Korea. Their capacity was increased by 10% due to the ciation with PV modules on surface of water bodies.
cooling effect of water. About 60% of the total population in Santa Maria,
• An exclusive FPVS was developed jointly by Universidad Southern Brazil, is receiving drinking water from Val
Politécnica de Valencia and CELEMIN ENERGY. This de Serra. The Homer software used in pre-feasibility
FPV technology was composed of polyethylene floating observations thus revealed that 227 kW hydroelectric
units that along with elastic fasteners and tension produc- facility can be operated together with 60 kW PV mod-
ing elements are proficient to adjust for changing water ules (Teixeira et al. 2015).
levels in reservoir. The whole surface reservoir was cov- • The cooling effect of water also generates more energy
ered, i.e., 4490 m2 at 300 kWp (Santafé et al. 2014). with floating solar plant. According to a study, the
• The energy generation of FPVS is estimated and related potential of floating PV systems can reach 160 GW in
to ground-based PV plant. Generally, the power produc- China, covering about 2500 km2 water surface, and will
tion of floating solar unit in China during June to August save 2054 m3 water from evaporation a year and greatly
is meaningfully higher but lower during September to ease the competition for land resources, especially in
October (Lee et al. 2014). the east region in China. Using 3D finite element analy-
• FPVSs on Pit Lake in mines of Korea were assessed sis based on the water cooling effect, an increase in
with the help of fish-eye-type lens camera and mod- the efficiency of 1.58–2.00% of floating PV systems is
eling approach, i.e., digital elevation model (DEM). In observed compared with the traditional terrestrial PV
order to group the zones suitable for FPVSs, shading systems (Liu et al. 2017).
analysis was performed. The FPVS was designed and • The integration of GIS-based techniques and remote
constructed by bearing in mind the array spacing of sensing can also help in improving and determining
PV panels and most favorable tilt angle (Santafé et al. the potential of FPVSs (Sahu et al. 2016). In addition,
2014). The energy simulations were completed using artificial neural networks (ANNs) developed are imple-
system advisor model (SAM) by National Renewable mented to forecast power generation for big scale PV
Energy Laboratory, USA, based upon the system design plants (Mellit et al. 2013).
and weather data. It is studied that future PV system

1758 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1755–1762

Technical and economic feasibility ple, while submergible arrays are inundated in unkind
of floating photovoltaic systems (FPVSs) weather situations. Moreover, they can also withstand
compared with overland PV systems typhoons because of their flexibility to resist waves and
shape-retaining property. Using submerged photovol-
Floating photovoltaic systems have numerous technical taic (PV) panels at different depths, 20% increase in
and economic advantages over overland PV systems and efficiency is observed achieving a temperature differ-
are discussed as follows. ence of 30 °C with reduction in light reflection and
absence of thermal drift (Rosa-Clot et al. 2010).
• The cleaning of FPVS is easy since water for cleaning is
Technical feasibility readily available. In addition, compared with the ground-
based systems, floating PV technology experiences less
• FPVSs are highly feasible systems as they are conveni- dust. It also proves to be environment-friendly technol-
ent and provide increased energy efficiency (Tina et al. ogy as it has less impact on land (Majid et al. 2014).
2011) • With its successful implementation, this technology can
• One of the greatest benefits is easy arrangement of be helpful in establishing a solar-friendly real estate on
modules; they can be either be fixed or equipped with industrial ponds, inland freshwater bodies, mine lakes,
the tracking system depending upon the external condi- hydroelectric dams and irrigation reservoirs.
tions and can also adjust to the changing water levels
to maximize the energy output. Factors for technical feasibility
• In order to conserve natural resources such as land
and water, the installation of solar PV system on water Performance of the floating PV system is observed depend-
bodies, wastewater treatment plants, wineries and fish ent on the type and size of modules, phase change mate-
farms is an effective option. With the given technology, rial (PCM), floating and support structure, construction of
up to 33% evaporation on natural lakes and ponds and modules (single or multilayer), thickness of modules, tem-
about 50% in man-made facilities are prevented (Choi perature of modules and inclination of modules which is
2014) and water levels during extreme summers are optimal (Bahaidarah et al. 2013). In addition, the system’s
preserved in storage reservoirs of water. This can lead technical and economic feasibility can be ensured by assess-
to efficient supply of drinking water. Tsoutsos et al. ing weather conditions, water depth, solar radiation distri-
2005 claim that up to 40% of open reservoir’s water bution, solar pathfinder, flow modeling, system connection
could be lost during evaporation. It has been studied and connectivity with power system and by determining a
that a large portion of water can be conserved in small mooring method to ensure the adaptation of buoyant materi-
water bodies and canals by implementing floating solar als to substantial changes in water level (Ueda et al. 2008).
technology as it reduces the evaporation from reser- One of the technical benefits of FPVS is accounted for
voirs by about 70% (Sharma et al. 2015). by the use of two microencapsulated phase change mate-
• Vladan and Zeljko (2017) concluded that one of the rial layers on the backside of the PV panels. The output of
main positive ecological effects of the building of the energy generation increased by 1.48% with two 3-cm-thick
FPVS is the reduction in the water evaporation which MEPCM layers of melting point 30 °C and 26 °C, respec-
would amount to about 5.41 million ­m3/year. tively, while the power generation yield of two 5-cm-thick
• This floating system is durable, cost effective, and supple. MEPCM layers enlarged by 2.03% during summers at 30 °C
The technology is not time-consuming when it comes to and 26 °C due to the effects of MEPCM layers on the tem-
installation. Old tires and bamboo are used to firm float- perature control of PV cell and energy production efficiency
ing solar system and in a short time of up to 3 months. of PV unit during the day (Ho et al. 2015).
Flexible solar panels are inserted on floating foil, so the Interest and present discussions on this technology,
system can be easily rolled up and transported mostly in Asia, predict larger installations in near future
• The implementation of FPVSs is easy compared with (Trapani and Redón Santafé 2015; Sharma et al. 2015).
overland PV systems.
• Vladan and Zeljko (2017) studied a proposed Float-
ing Photovoltaic Power Plant with annual production Economic feasibility
of almost 186.05 GWh/year, providing about 20.78%
electrical energy needs. • The cost of building the supporting floating structure can
• The marine sites are envisioned to comprise coated represent up to 25% of the total project cost and is often
thin-film PV which allows the arrangement to be sup- less than buying and preparing the equivalent area of
land, i.e., civil works and seismic proof foundations.

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1755–1762 1759

• They can be installed with ease as no heavy equipment • Vladan and Zeljko (2017) concluded that considering
is required (Choi et al. 2013). The amount of steel struc- the proposed Floating Photovoltaic Power Plant planned
tures in plant is also reduced because no boilers and on an isolated and shallow part of Skadar Lake whose
chimneys are required in FPV. The PV panels can also water level in the summer months decreases to a critical
be mounted on a rigid pontoon structure. As a result, cost height that isolates it from the rest of the lake, the effect
of implementation is not much. of evaporation reduction has a very positive effect on the
• Operation and maintenance cost of FPVS is compara- survival of living organisms in this part of the lake.
tively less compared with land-based systems as water for
cleaning is available at source and components were less Recommendation for implementation of floating PV
likely to overheat (Lu et al. 2015). Saltwater corrosion is systems in Central and South Asia
not normally a problem since most floating PV is sited on
freshwater bodies such as lakes and reservoirs. Floating The relatively new technology of photovoltaic systems
PV is potentially less prone to shading, and there is no can be used efficiently in Central Asia where the level of
maintenance associated with clearing away ground-based evapotranspiration is larger than the level of precipitation
vegetation (Smyth et al. 2011) (Sorg et al. 2014), P/PET < 0.5 (150/500) (Li et al. 2014)
• Shetty and Kulkarni (2014) have calculated the payback in different regions, especially in arid and semiarid loca-
period of 5 years for 1 MW Floating Solar Power Plant tions. Most of the water collection technologies are related
(PSPP) with 4000 modules of capacity 250 each with to the open surface water reservoirs in Central Asia; there-
minimum plant life of 25–30 years and highlight its eco- fore, desertification over its territories is becoming a com-
nomic feasibility. Total installation cost taken was crore plicated issue. There are considerable water losses in open
8; selling cost per unit Rs/kWh 9; total generation hours reservoirs via salty water creation and evaporation. Keeping
1920; total generation (MU) MU/per day 0.008; earn- and recharging the water in aquifers is an alternative solu-
ing per year crore 1.728, hence providing savings after tion for reducing the rate of evaporation from water bodies.
10 years crore 9.28. During Central Asian summers, the water resources continue
• On the basis of construction materials, cost analysis for to dry up, thus giving rise to irrigation issues. The Central
constructing FPVS of power 1 MWp was performed by Asia receives solar radiations by about 1300–2200 kWt/h
Kim et al. (2017). It was concluded that investment costs on one square meter, which makes the region suitable for
were significantly lower for lighter structures made of enforcement of PV technologies as mentioned in Fig. 2 by
fiber-reinforced polymer. Investment costs will drop with Winarso (2017).
the growth of total installed capacities as well of unit Keeping in view the success of the floating solar plant
power. technology mostly in South Asian region, it is suggested
that such implementations should be extended to Pakistan,
Effect on the environment Afghanistan and Iran and especially to Central Asian coun-
tries where a large amount of water reservoirs, rivers and
• FPVS can conserve land for agriculture, mining, tourism channels of different sizes are available. Implementation
and other land-incentive activities and is an environment- of this sophisticated technology in Pakistan, Afghanistan
friendly technology with less impact on land (Sahu et al. and Central Asia was discussed in Indus Basin Knowledge
2016). Forum held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and included in the Ten-
• Vladan and Zeljko (2017) concluded from their detailed Point Agenda Actions for the future (http://www.iwmi.cgiar​
study that FPVS contributes significantly to the reduction .org/resea​rch/susta​inabl​e-growt​h/gover ​nance​-and-gende​r/
in carbon dioxide gas emissions by 83.42 kt ­CO2/year. indus​-basin​-knowl​edge-forum​/).
• The algae formation in the water bodies is also decreased The territory of the Indus Basin is shared by Afghani-
due to reduced rate of photosynthesis in water (Woody stan, China, India and Pakistan. The Indus Basin origi-
2011). nates from Tibetan Plateau, China, and is nourished by
• Reduction in the evaporation and more retained water major tributaries of Karakoram, Hindu Kush and Hima-
would be beneficial for animals and vegetation in the area layan region. In basin territories, almost 300 million peo-
where FPV panels are installed. ple live and depend upon the basin resources for energy
• Ecosystems of flora and fauna can be affected (Gair and food. It is discussed that Pakistan and Afghanistan
2014/2015). Biodiversity can get affected as underwater must benefit from the Central Asian Countries’ experi-
electric cables can affect aquatic ecosystems. Fishing and ences related to climate change, snowmelt processes, flood
other transportation activities can be hampered. How- and drought. Decision in Indus Basin Forum will help in
ever, more research is needed to predict the effects of addressing the renewable energy production and evapo-
FPV panels on animal life (Sahu et al. 2016). ration mitigation techniques. Therefore, a huge scope is

1760 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1755–1762

Fig. 2  Global solar resource for PV technologies. (Source: Winarso 2017)

expected by the implementation of floating solar plants on Conclusion

commercial scale. In order to benefit from floating solar
panels technology in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central The concept of floating photovoltaic system is rela-
Asia, the current planning includes generation of a data- tively new in the sustainable development related to
base to own all pertinent datasets like available data in a efficient energy production and water resource use for
GIS surroundings and web-based GIS. This will help in food–energy–water NEXUS programs. This technology
understanding the hydrological setting of the area, access- can be used for most of the territories of Central Asia and
ing agreements to use facilities, preparing safety fences, South Asia especially Pakistan and Afghanistan. The suc-
installing floating solar panels on small water bodies and cessful pilot projects can be expanded to other regions of
reservoirs in selected areas and providing awareness and South Asia, Central Asia and beyond. The applications and
training sessions to scientific community and people. Later benefits of floating PV technology have been mentioned
on, generated database and GIS data will help in examin- from multiple regions of the world. The system is in prin-
ing the spatial relationships between the acquired data- ciple practicable and reasonably useful. It is concluded
sets and develop sound conceptual models. The model will that the floating system will be used to cover the surface
then be used for the development of surface–groundwater of water bodies in the near future. Also, the cooling effect
modeling to be used in prediction analyses, thereby high- of water will improve the energy efficiency of the tech-
lighting the criteria for installation of floating solar plants nology. This technology will be a good source of income
with sustainable water supply and clean energy production for reservoir hosts. Its major benefit is that water losses
perspectives. will be minimized through this technology. Moreover, for
Asia Pacific is the largest and fastest growing market agro-energetic plans and policies and demand of water
of floating solar panel followed by Europe, Japan, China tools in agricultural industry, the FPVS can be a competent
and India. A new market opportunity lies in the expan- way out. It has also been concluded that the installation
sion of floating panel-type solar power system in densely of floating solar PV technology will solve the problems of
populated countries such as China, India, Japan, USA, land acquisition. In terms of implementation, solar track-
Korea, Australia and Brazil. Keeping in view the poten- ing system to check the tilt and angle solar radiations is
tial of FPVS, it is strongly recommended that Pakistan, required and maintained. This technology also proves to be
Afghanistan and Central Asian Countries must take chal- environment friendly as it reduces greenhouse gas emis-
lenge to implement and contribute to the share of the RE- sions and reduces the growth of algae. However, under-
based generation targets and save the limited water sources water biodiversity can be affected and further studies need
availability in next 5 years.

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2019) 16:1755–1762 1761

to be conducted to assess this aspect. Monetarily, imple- Gozálvez JJF, Gisbert PSF, Gisbert CMF, Santafé MR, Soler JBT,
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solar panels: technical and financial analysis. In: 16th interna-
as compared to overland PV systems. Furthermore, the tional conference on project engineering, Valencia, 11–13 July
effect of saltwater on PV technology must be taken into 2012, pp 177–187
account while designing such technologies. The integra- Grand View Research 2003 Floating solar panels market size to reach
tion of GIS-based techniques and remote sensing can also USD 2.70 billion by 2025. http://www.grand​viewr​esear​
press​-relea​se/globa​l-float​ing-solar​-panel​s-marke​t. Accessed 6
help in improving and determining the potential of such Oct 2017
technologies. However, FPV technology is still a new type Ho CJ, Chou WL, Lai CM (2015) Thermal and electrical perfor-
of power generation technology; therefore, there is still a mance of a water-surface floating PV integrated with a water-
need to work in this area to benefit in full. saturated MEPCM layer. Energy Convers Manag 89:862–872
Acknowledgements The research was supported by the USAID PEER http://www.iwmi.cgiar​.org/resea​rch/susta​inabl​e-growt​h/gover​nance​
program, Grant Award Number = AID-OAA-A-11-00012. We appre- -and-gende​r/indus​-basin​-knowl​edge-forum​/
ciate the efforts of all researchers who have worked diligently in this Kim S, Yoon S, Choi W (2017) Design and construction of 1 MW
review paper. class floating PV generation structural system using FRP mem-
bers. Energies 10:1–14
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