Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching

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Facilitating learner centered teaching

Module 1
Manescan kaye d. beed ii

Activity 1:

Aspects of Study Habits Always (10) Sometimes (5) Never (5)

1. Motivation/Motivated 
to study
2. Organizing and 
Planning your work
3. Working with other 
utilizing with
resources and
4. Managing School 
work stress
5. Note-taking and 
6. Preparing an 
assignment Project

- I discovered that when there is work that needs to be done, I always prepare my
works early. So that I can think more about my work or what I want to improve.
- I think I’m strong because I will be always ready to do some works and always think
and find many more ways to improve it.
Module 1
Metacognition (Worksheet 1)
1. Make a collection of metacognitive strategies that can make learning more effective and

 Use Writing , write out what you know and what questions you have about the learning
objectives for each topic you are learning.

 Take notes from memory , it also engages your recall, which makes it more likely you’ll
be able to remember and understand the material when you’re done.

 Test yourself, you don’t want you exam to be the first time you accurately assess how
well you know the material.

 Ask yourself question, Try brainstorming some of you own questions as well. Take the
time to be introspective and honest with yourself about comprehension.

2. Make a collection of teaching strategies that develop metacognition in students.

 Enable student to negotiate assessment methods and criteria matched to their learning

 With a focus on activating prior knowledge, introducing new knowledge and skills,
modelling the application of knowledge and skills and providing ample opportunity for
independent practice and reflection.

 Assist students to become increasingly self- directed over time and to gain confidence
and their ability to complete learning tasks.
3. Write a 3-paragraph insights on the lesson being studied.
From the Module on Metacognition, I realized that metacognition improves learning because it
promotes information recognition, it aids comprehension, and encourages self-regulation.
Metacognition refers to the awareness and understanding of their own cognitive process, it is
thinking about thinking, which promotes information recognition by reflecting and questioning
one 's self. It also helps with the comprehension of material and it encourages self regulation, a
learning process which consists of a developing a set of behavior that affects ones.

Metacognition often described as the "thinking about thinking" is a decision making process.
Metacognition improves learning because it helps students; recognize which learning strategies
are effective and which are not; helps student recognize what their learning and memory
capabilities are. involves many other tasks as monitoring, understanding and analyzing the
progress. The better a person will be in a metacognitive skill the higher their learning.

Metacognition also involves knowing yourself as a learner that is, knowing your strengths and
weaknesses as a learner. For example, if you can explain what your strengths are in academic
writing, or exam taking, or other types of academic tasks, then you are metacognitively aware.
Metacognitive processes can be applied to learning and thinking in all disciplines and contexts.
It is an essential skill for life-long learning, and therefore, metacognitive skills need to be taught
and discussed with students.
Module 2
Activity 1

Cognitive and Metacognitive Factor Motivational and Affective Factors

(6 Principles) (3 Principles)
1. Nature of the Learning Process 7. Motivational and emotional
2. Goals of the Learning Process influence on Learning
3. Construction of Knowledge
4. Strategic thinking 8. Intrinsic motivation to learn
5. Thinking about Thinking 9. Effects of motivation on effort
6. Context of Learning

Learning Centered

Individual Differences Factors

Development and Social Factors (3 Principles)

(2 Principles) 12. Individual differences in Learning

13. Learning and Diversity

10. Development influence on learning 14. Standards and assessments

11. Social Influence on Learning

Module 2
1. Examine the title “Learner-Centered Psychological Principles” and quickly list down 10
words that come to your mind.

 Responsibility * Learning Task

 Distinct * Mediums
 Goals * Approach
 Objective * Setting
 Interest * Choices

2. Go back to each word and write phrases about why you think the word can be
associated with Learner-Centered Psychological Principles.

RESPONSIBILITY – for learning while the teacher facilities.

DISTINCT – characteristics that makes unique.
GOALS – the end product of learning.
OBJECTIVE – actions and measurable steps that learners need to take to achieve the
end product.
INTEREST – in learning new ideas
LEARNING TASK – from every lesson
MEDIUMS – uses different kinds of methods such as video/PowerPoint presentation,
podcasts and etc.
APPROACH – teachers should pull off different approaches.
SETTING – its providing student’s their own space to let their creative juices flow.
CHOICES – provides a lot of choice for learners where they think they could be
3. Use the written phrases to make a one-paragraph description of LCP.

 Learner-centered Psychological aims to grasp the nature of learners in a holistic

manner. Interactive approaches and methods are used in learner-centered
education to engage students and develop their skills and talents. This
educational approach assists students in developing abilities such as decision-
making, problem-solving, interaction, and to be globally competent on
presentation and digital skills. It is essential to learn this as a future educator in
order for us to develop effective learner-centered methods that motivates
students to learn.
Module 2
Worksheet 2
1. Describe what you can do to advocate the use of the 14 Learning –Centered
Psychological Principles.

 I advocate the use of the 14 Learning-Centered , if you are not willing to learn,
nobody can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.
Education is one of many complex living systems that function to support
particular human needs. To live a life without continuous learning is

2. Explain briefly in your own words the meaning of the phrase “Thinking about

 Thinking about thinking is your ability to think and solve your own problems in
specific ways when you are in unfamiliar cultural settings. Thinking about
thinking helps us to have better manage our own learning and learn difficult
concepts deeply.

3. Write a 2-paragraph insights on the lesson being studied.

 From the Module on Learner-Centered Psychological Principles, I realized that

empowers the students to take ownership of what they learn by focusing on
how the new knowledge solves a problem or adds value. Instead of simply
pouring information over the child's mind, the facilitator presents the student
with an issue and guides the class as they build a solution.

 In this, they started to use strategic thinking in every instances of their life.
Because as we all know, learning is a process that helps us to grow not only by
physical improvements but also in developing our mind's understanding.
Because as he grows in his physical appearance, their minds will also expands
adding information’s they started to learn and put them all into actions.

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