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Name: Resty J.

Arcayna Score:
Course/Code: DTE/Socia Studies Date:
Task 1: Each student will interview two (2) teachers and ask how they apply the
factors that contribute to teaching-learning process.
Principle T1 T2
Principle 1: The nature of the It's a process, so it'll take Assess the nature of the
learning process some time. It also learners if they can apply
progresses from simple and adopt to the learning
to complex and cannot environment and in the
be changed in the nature of learning
opposite direction. process
Principle 2: Goals of the Always focus on the Emphasize on goals that
learning process goals that should be will inspire learners to
delivered at the end of learn and will be
the learning process. delivered at the end of
the learning process.
Principle 3: Construction of Make it simple and clear Construct a clear and
knowledge that can be easily straightforward
understood by the knowledge base based
learners. on the learner's
understanding so that the
learners may easily catch
Principle4: Strategic thinking Strategic thinking should Create a unique and
always seek general simple strategy
knowledge and
understanding through
the application of
scientific procedure.
Principle 5: Thinking about Encourage learners to be Motivate students to be
thinking more creative more creative and use
what they've learned.
Principle 6: Context of Learning Learning is an unending Learning development of
process and so in order the framework must be
for teaching to be incorporated into the
successful, a teacher learning process.
must never stop learning.
Principle 7: Motivational and Create more motivation Improve morale and be
emotionalinfluence and be sensitive in the responsive in the delivery
s delivery and choice of and activity selections.
on learning activities.
Principle 8: Intrinsic motivation Know your learners, feel Have to know your
to learn their emotions and state students through sensing
of feelings. their emotional
Principle 9: Effects of Based on experience, Examine and measure
motivation oneffort effort is best manifested the impact and efficacy
from motivated students of each activity used as
while the forced ones motivation.
usually do things out of
compliance and nothing
Principle 10: Developmental Assess how effective and Examine the impact of
influences on the influence of learning learning and how
learning effective it really is.
Principle 11: Social influences Update and check Through an open
on learning learners social influence conversation, learners'
and status through an social impact and status
open conversation. may be updated and
Principle 12: Individual Always consider and be Always keep in mind and
differences sensitive on learner’s be sensitive to the
inlearning differences and diversity. individuality and diversity
of your learners.
Principle 13: Learning and Acknowledge always the Recognize the learner's
diversity learner’s nature of individuality at all times.
Principle 14: Standards and Need to set standard as Set a standard, yet be
assessment always, but need to be sensitive and flexible
sensitive and flexible as when necessary.

Task 2: Using the space below, draw a graphic organizer of the four factors of
facilitating teaching-learning principles. In each factor, look for a research
study related to it, and then paste/copy the Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
of the research paper. Construct 5-6 sentence synthesis of each research

Facilitating Teaching- Learning Principles

Cognitive and Metacognitive


Cognitive capacities in patients with psychosis have been shown to predict

occupational outcomes in studies. Although Cognitive Remediation
Programs help people improve their work results, they still have trouble
keeping jobs. Although metacognition has been shown to predict work
performance in people with schizophrenia, this has yet to be tested in
people with First Episode Psychosis (FEP). The goal of this study was to
see if metacognition, intellectual aptitude, and functional capability can
predict work engagement and hours worked in FEP.

Motivational and Affective


Motivational and Affective factors Motivational and emotional influences on

learning The rich internal world of thoughts, beliefs, goals, and expectation
for success or failure can enhance or interfere with the learner’s quality of
thinking and information processing.
When we think about the courses that we teach in our disciplines, we tend to
focus on concepts and intellectual skills that we want students to develop. In
other words, we think about our classroom primarily as an intellectual space
where students acquire knowledge. However, the research on learning
suggests that student emotions and motivations play an important role in the
learning process. In brief, this aspect of learning focuses on how learners feel
about their learning and the course environment.

Developmental and Social


There are few sex differences in the rate and severity of problem behavior
in early childhood, according to a growing body of data, but clear sex
disparities appear around the age of four. The authors investigate two
hypotheses to learn more about emerging sex differences in problem
behavior throughout the first five years of life. The first contends that as a
result of socialization, the change in girls' issue conduct from infancy to
school enrollment involves a channeling of early problem behavior into
largely internalizing difficulties. The second hypothesis is that the difference
in early problem behavior in girls throughout preschool is due to girls' faster
biological, cognitive, and social–emotional development than boys. In order
to test the first hypothesis, the authors evaluate evidence on the influence of
parents, teachers, and peers on girls' conduct from infancy through
preschool, while in order to test the second hypothesis, they review studies
of sex differences in developmental processes. Both theories receive
moderate support, and they give a comprehensive view of girls' developing
psychopathology that incorporates social and developmental variables.

Individual Differences

Discusses research on how individual differences should be conceptualized and

identified, as well as how instruction and the educational system can take individual
differences into account, and what factors, including educational ones, influence the
development of individual differences. The structure of individual differences in
cognitive functions [fundamental psychometric concepts, taxonomies] is also

Task 3: Make your personal insight.

As a teacher, you must prepare any materials that you will be able to utilize in
educating pupils so that they would be knowledgeable, and you must also prepare
certain teaching instruments.
In this topic, I learned that teaching-learning concepts are very important to students
and teachers since they provide numerous benefits by integrating students in the
learning process, promoting self-exploration, and allowing students to acquire and
remember the material.


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