Final Year BOS 2020

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Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technolology-






[Effective from the Session: 2020-21]
Sl.No. Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme
Subject Semester Total Credit
1 BEET-701 Power Quality and FACTS 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
2 BEET-702 Department Elective-III 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
3 Department Elective-IV 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3

4 Open Elective-I 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3

5 BEEP-701 FACT Lab using MATLAB 0 0 2 25 25 50 2

BEEP-702 Internship-III*
6 0 0 2 25 25 50 2

7 BEEP-703 0 0 8 100 100 200 3

Total 12 1 12 850 20
*Internship (4 weeks) conducted during summer break after VI semester and will be assessed during VII semester.

Department Elective-III Department Elective-IV

(BEET-071)-ANN & Fuzzy Logic (BEET-074)-Wind and Solar Energy
(BEET-072)-Power System Dynamics & Control (BEET-075) Computational Electromagnetics
(BEET-073)-HVDC Transmission Systems (BEET-076)Electrical Machine Design

Open Elective -I
(BEET-01)Computer Networks
(BEET-002) Utilization of electrical energy and traction
(BEET-003) Internet of Things
Sl.No. Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme Credit
Subject Semester Total
1 BEET-801 Power System Protection 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
2 BEET-802 Open Elective – II 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
3 BEET-803 Open Elective – III 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
4 BEEP-801 Power System Protection 0 0 2 50 2
Lab 25 25
5 BEEP-802
Project-2 0 0 8 100 200 300 6
Total 9 0 8 800 17

Open Elective - II Open Elective - III

(BEET-004)Special Electrical Machines (BEET-007)Advanced High Power Converters
(BEET-005) Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing (BEET-008)High Voltage Engineering
(BEET-009)Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
(BEET-006)Industrial Electrical Systems

BEET-701 Power Quality and FACTS 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course- students will demonstrate the ability to
• Understand the characteristics of ac transmission and the effect of shunt and series reactive
• Understand the working principles of FACTS devices and their operating
• Understand the basic concepts of power quality.
• Understand the working principles of devices to improve power quality.

Detailed Syllabus
Unit 1: Transmission Lines and Series/Shunt Reactive Power Compensation (4 hours)
Basics of AC Transmission. Analysis of uncompensated AC transmission lines. Passive Reactive Power
Compensation. Shunt and series compensation at the mid-point of an AC line. Comparison of Series and
Shunt Compensation.

Unit 2: Thyristor-based Flexible AC Transmission Controllers (FACTS) (6 hours)

Description and Characteristics of Thyristor-based FACTS devices: Static VAR Compensator
(SVC)- Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)- Thyristor Controlled Braking Resistor
and Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) Switch. Configurations/Modes of Operation- Harmonics
and control of SVC and TCSC. Fault Current Limiter.
Unit 3: Voltage Source Converter based (FACTS) controllers (8 hours)
Voltage Source Converters (VSC): Six Pulse VSC- Multi-pulse and Multi-level Converters- Pulse-Width
Modulation for VSCs. Selective Harmonic Elimination- Sinusoidal PWM and Space Vector Modulation.
STATCOM: Principle of Operation- Reactive Power Control: Type I and Type II controllers- Static
Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC): Principle of
Operation and Control. Working principle of Interphase Power Flow Controller. Other Devices: GTO
Controlled Series Compensator. Fault Current Limiter.

Unit 4: Application of FACTS (4 hours)

Application of FACTS devices for power-flow control and stability improvement. Simulation example of
power swing damping in a single-machine infinite bus system using a TCSC. Simulation example of
voltage regulation of transmission mid-point voltage using a STATCOM.

Unit 5: Power Quality Problems in Distribution Systems (4 hours)

Power Quality problems in distribution systems: Transient and Steady state variations in voltage and
frequency. Unbalance- Sags- Swells- Interruptions- Wave-form Distortions: harmonics- noise- notching-
dc-offsets- fluctuations. Flicker and its measurement. Tolerance of Equipment: CBEMA curve.
Voltage Sag/Swell mitigation: Dynamic Voltage Restorer – Working Principle and Control
Strategies. Series Active Filtering. Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC): Working
Principle. Capabilities and Control Strategies.

1. N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi- “ Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of FACTS
Systems”- Wiley-IEEE Press- 1999.
2. K. R. Padiyar- “ FACTS Controllers in Power Transmission and Distribution”- New Age
International (P) Ltd. 2007.
3. T. J. E. Miller- “ Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems”- John Wiley and Sons- New York-
4. R. C. Dugan- “Electrical Power Systems Quality” - McGraw Hill Education- 2012.
5. G. T. Heydt- “Electric Power Quality” - Stars in a Circle Publications- 1991


BEET-071 ANN & Fuzzy Logic 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes

• Neural Network Structure and its model.

• BackPropagation Network and Algoritm.
• Fuzzy set theory and operations.
• Fuzzy Controller and its Applications.
• Fuzzy Neural Architecture.

Detailed syllabus:

Unit-I: Neural Networks-1(Introduction & Architecture) (4 hours):

Neuron- Nerve structure and synapse- Artificial Neuron and its model- activation functions- Neural
network architecture: single layer and multilayer feed forward networks- recurrent networks. Various
learning techniques; perception and convergence rule- Auto-associative and hetro- associative memory.

Unit-II: Neural Networks-II (Back propogation networks) (4 hours):

Architecture: perceptron model- solution- single layer artificial neural network- multilayer
perceptionmodel; back propogation learning methods- effect of learning rule co-efficient
;back propagation algorithm- factors affecting back propagation training- applications.

Unit-III: Fuzzy Logic-I (Introduction) (4 hours):

Basic concepts of fuzzy logic- Fuzzy sets and Crisp sets- Fuzzy set theory and operations-
Properties of fuzzy sets- Fuzzy and Crisp relations- Fuzzy to Crisp conversion.

Unit-IV: Fuzzy Logic –II (Fuzzy Membership- Rules) (6 hours):

Membership functions- interference in fuzzy logic- fuzzy if-then rules- Fuzzy implications
and Fuzzy algorithms- Fuzzyfications & Defuzzificataions- Fuzzy Controller- Industrial applications.

Unit-V: Fuzzy Neural Networks(4 hours):

L-R Type fuzzy numbers- fuzzy neutron- fuzzy back propogation (BP)- architecture- learning in fuzzy BP-
inference by fuzzy BP- applications.

Text Books:
1. Kumar Satish- “Neural Networks” Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. S.Rajsekaran &G.A.Vijayalakshmi Pai- “Neural Networks- Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
Algorithm: Synthesis and Applications” Prentice Hall of India.

Reference Books:
1. Siman Haykin- “Neural Netowrks” Prentice Hall of India
2. Timothy J. Ross- “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications” Wiley India
Power System Dynamics and Control 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course- students will demonstrate the ability to
• Understand the problem of power system stability and its impact on the system.
• Analyse linear dynamical systems and use of numerical integration methods.
• Model different power system components for the study of stability.
• Understand the methods to improve stability.

Unit 1: Introduction to Power System Operations (3 hours)

Introduction to power system stability. Power System Operations and Control. Stability problems in
Power System. Impact on Power System Operations and control.

Unit 2 : Analysis of Linear Dynamical System and Numerical Methods (5 hours) Analysis of
dynamical System- Concept of Equilibrium- Small and Large Disturbance Stability. Modal
Analysis of Linear System. Analysisusing Numerical Integration
Techniques. Issues in Modeling: Slow and Fast Transients- Stiff System.

Unit 3 : Modeling of Synchronous Machines and Associated Controllers (12 hours)

Modeling of synchronous machine: Physical Characteristics. Rotor position dependent model. D-Q
Transformation. Model with Standard Parameters. Steady State Analysis of Synchronous Machine. Short
Circuit Transient Analysis of a Synchronous Machine. Synchronization of Synchronous Machine to an
Infinite Bus. Modeling of Excitation and Prime Mover Systems. Physical Characteristics and Models.
Excitation System Control. Automatic Voltage Regulator. Prime Mover Control Systems. Speed

Unit 4 : Modeling of other Power System Components (10 hours)

Modeling of Transmission Lines and Loads. Transmission Line Physical Characteristics. Transmission
Line Modeling. Load Models - induction machine model. Frequency and Voltage Dependence of Loads.
Other Subsystems – HVDC and FACTS controllers- Wind Energy Systems.

Unit 5 : Stability Analysis (11 hours)

Angular stability analysis in Single Machine Infinite Bus System. Angular Stability in multi- machine
systems – Intra-plant- Local and Inter-area modes. Frequency Stability: Centre of Inertia Motion. Load
Sharing: Governordroop. Single Machine Load Bus System: Voltage Stability. Introduction to Torsional
Oscillations and the SSR phenomenon. Stability Analysis Tools:Transient Stability Programs- Small
Signal Analysis Programs.
Planning Measures. Stabilizing Controllers (Power System Stabilizers). Operational Measures-Preventive
Control. Emergency Control.
1. K.R.Padiyar- Power System Dynamics- Stability & Control- 2nd Edition- B.S. Publications- Hyderabad- 2002.
2. P.Kundur- Power System Stability and Control- McGraw Hill Inc- New York- 1995.
3. P.Sauer & M.A.Pai- Power System Dynamics & Stability- Prentice Hall- 1997.
BEET-073 HVDC Transmission Systems 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course- students will demonstrate the ability to
• Understand the advantages of dc transmission over ac transmission.
• Understand the operation of Line Commutated Converters and Voltage Source
• Understand the control strategies used in HVdc transmission system.
• Understand the improvement of power system stability using an HVdc system.

Unit 1:Dc Transmission Technology (4 hours)

Comparison of AC and dc Transmission (Economics- Technical Performance and Reliability).
Application of DC Transmission. Types of HVdc Systems. Components of a HVdc system. Line
Commutated Converter and Voltage Source Converter based systems.

Unit 2: Analysis of Line Commutated and Voltage Source Converters (10 hours) Line
Commutated Converters (LCCs): Six pulse converter- Analysis neglecting commutation overlap-
harmonics- Twelve Pulse Converters. Inverter Operation. Effect of Commutation Overlap.
Expressions for average dc voltage- AC current and reactive power absorbed by the converters.
Effect of Commutation Failure- Misfire and Current Extinction in LCC links.
Voltage Source Converters (VSCs): Two and Three-level VSCs. PWM schemes: Selective
Harmonic Elimination- Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation. Analysis of a six pulse converter.
Equations in the rotating frame. Real and Reactive power control using a VSC.

Unit 3:Control of HVdc Converters: (10 hours)

Principles of Link Control in a LCCHVdc system. Control Hierarchy- Firing Angle Controls
– Phase-Locked Loop- Current and Extinction Angle Control- Starting and Stopping
of a Link. Higher level Controllers Power control- Frequency Control- Stability
Controllers. Reactive Power Control. Principles of Link Control in a VSC HVdc system:
Power flow and dc Voltage Control. Reactive Power Control/AC voltage regulation.

Unit 4:Components of HVdc systems: (8 hours)

Smoothing Reactors- Reactive Power Sources and Filters in LCC HVdc systems DC line: Corona
Effects. Insulators- Transient Over-voltages. dc line faults in LCC systems. dc line faults in VSC
systems. dc breakers. Monopolar Operation. Ground Electrodes.

Unit 5:MTdc Links (4 hours)

Multi-Terminal and Multi-Infeed Systems. Series and Parallel MTdc systems using LCCs. MTdc
systems using VSCs. Modern Trends in HVdcTechnology. Introduction to Modular Multi-level


1.K. R. Padiyar- “ HVDC Power Transmission Systems”- New Age International

Publishers- 2011.
2. J. Arrillaga- “ High Voltage Direct Current Transmission”- Peter Peregrinus Ltd.- 1983.
3. E. W. Kimbark- “ Direct Current Transmission”- Vol.1- Wiley-Interscience- 1971.
BEET-074 Wind and Solar Energy Systems 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course- students will demonstrate the ability to
• Understand the energy scenario and the consequent growth of the power generation from renewable
energy sources.
• Understand the basic physics of wind and solar power generation.
• Understand the power electronic interfaces for wind and solar generation.
• Understand the issues related to the grid-integration of solar and wind energy systems.

Unit 1: Physics of Wind Power: (5 Hours)

History of wind power- Indian and Global statistics- Wind physics- Betz limit- Tip speed ratio- stall and
pitch control- Wind speed statistics-probability distributions- Wind speed and power-cumulative
distribution functions.

Unit 2: Wind generator topologies: (12 Hours)

Review of modern wind turbine technologies-Fixed and Variable speed wind turbines- Induction
Generators- Doubly-Fed Induction Generators and their characteristics- Permanent- Magnet Synchronous
Generators- Power electronics converters. Generator-Converter configurations- Converter Control.

Unit 3: The Solar Resource: (3 Hours)

Introduction- solar radiation spectra- solar geometry- Earth Sun angles- observer Sun angles- solar day
length- Estimation of solar energy availability.

Unit 4: Solar photovoltaic: (8 Hours)

Technologies-Amorphous- monocrystalline- polycrystalline; V-I characteristics of a PV cell- PV Unit-
array- Power Electronic Converters for Solar Systems- Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
algorithms.Converter Control.

Unit 5: Network Integration Issues: (8 Hours)

Overview of grid code technical requirements. Fault ride-through for wind farms - real and reactive power
regulation- voltage and frequency operating limits- solar PV and wind farm behavior during grid
disturbances. Power quality issues. Power system interconnection experiences in the world. Hybrid and
isolated operations of solar PV and wind systems.

Text / References:
1. T. Ackermann- “ Wind Power in Power Systems” - John Wiley and Sons Ltd.- 2005.
2. G. M. Masters- “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”- John Wiley and Sons- 2004.
3. S. P. Sukhatme- “ Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage”- McGraw Hill- 1984.
4. H. Siegfried and R. Waddington- “ Grid integration of wind energy conversion systems” John Wiley and Sons
Ltd.- 2006.
5. G. N. Tiwari and M. K. Ghosal- “ Renewable Energy Applications” - Narosa Publications- 2004.
6. J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman- “ Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes”- John Wiley & Sons- 1991.

BEET-075 Computational Electromagnetics 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course- students will demonstrate the ability to
• Understand the basic concepts of electromagnetics.
• Understand computational techniques for computing fields.
• Apply the techniques to simple real-life problems.

UNIT 1: Introduction(4 Hours)

Conventional design methodology- Computer aided design aspects – Advantages. Review of basic
fundamentals of Electrostatics and Electromagnetics. Development of Helmhotz equation- energy
transformer vectors- Poynting and Slepian- magnetic Diffusion-transients and time-harmonic.

UNIT 2: Analytical Methods (6 Hours)

Analytical methods of solving field equations- method of separation of variables- Roth’s method- integral
methods- Green’s function- method of images.

UNIT 3: Finite Difference Method (FDM) (6 Hours)

Finite Difference schemes- treatment of irregular boundaries- accuracy and stability of FD solutions-
Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method- Uniqueness and convergence.

UNIT 4: Finite Element Method (FEM) (6 Hours)

Overview of FEM- Variational and Galerkin Methods- shape functions- lower and higher order elements-
vector elements- 2D and 3D finite elements- efficient finite element computations.

UNIT 5: Special Topics(8 Hours)

{Background of experimental methods-electrolytic tank- R-C network solution- Field plotting (graphical
method)}- hybrid methods- coupled circuit - field computations- electromagnetic - thermal and
electromagnetic - structural coupled computations- solution of equations- method of moments- Poisson’s
Low frequency electrical devices- static / time-harmonic / transient problems in transformers- rotating
machines- actuators. CAD packages.

Text/Reference Books
1. P. P. Silvester and R. L. Ferrari “ Finite Element for Electrical Engineers” - Cambridge
University press- 1996.
2. M. N. O. Sadiku- “ Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics”- CRC press- 2001.
BEET-076 Electrical Machine Design 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course- students will demonstrate the ability to
• Understand the constructionand performance characteristics of electrical machines.
• Understand the various factors which influence the design: electrical- magnetic and thermal loading of
electrical machines
• Understand the principles of electrical machine design and carry out a basic design of an ac machine.
Use software tools to do design calculations
Detailed syllabus:

Basic Considerations: Basic concept of design- limitation in design- standardization- modern trends in
design and manufacturing techniques- Classification of insulating materials. Calculation of total mmf and
magnetizing current.

Transformer Design: Output equation- design of core- yoke and windings- overall dimensions-
Computation of no load current to voltage regulation- efficiency and cooling system designs.

Design of rotating machines – I: Output equations of rotating machines- specific electric and magnetic
loadings- factors affecting size of rotating machines- separation of main dimensions- election of frame
size- Core and armature design of dc and 3-phase ac machines.

Design of rotating machines – II: Rotor design of three phase induction motors- Design of field system of
DC machine and synchronous machines. Estimation of performance from design data.

Computer Aided Design: Philosophy of computer aided design- advantages and limitations.
Computer aided design approaches analysis- synthesis and hybrid methods. Concept of optimization and
its general procedure. Flow charts and ‘c’ based computer programs for the design of transformer- dc
machine- three phase induction and synchronous machines

Text Books:
1. K. Sawhney- “A Course in Electrical Machine Design” Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. K.G. Upadhyay-“ Conventional and Computer Aided Design of Electrical
Machines” Galgotia Publications.
Reference Books:
3. M.G. Say- “The Performance and Design of AC Machines” Pitman & Sons.
4. A.E. Clayton and N.N. Hancock- “The Performance and Design of
D.C.Machines” Pitman & Sons.
5. S.K. Sen- “Principle of Electrical Machine Design with Computer
Programming” Oxford and IBM Publications.
BEET-001 Computer Networks 3L:0T: 0P 3 Credits

Course Outcomes
• To develop an understanding of modern network architectures from a design and performance
• To introduce the student to the major concepts involved in wide-area networks (WANs)- local
area networks (LANs) and Wireless LANs (WLANs).
• To provide an opportunity to do network programming
• To provide a WLAN measurement ideas.

Detailed contents

Data communication Components: Representation of data and its flow Networks - Various Connection
Topology- Protocols and Standards- OSI model- Transmission Media- LAN: Wired LAN- Wireless
LANs- Connecting LAN and Virtual LAN- Techniques for Bandwidth utilization: Multiplexing -
Frequency division- Time division and Wave division- Concepts on spread spectrum.

Data Link Layer and Medium Access Sub Layer: Error Detection and Error Correction - Fundamentals-
Block coding- Hamming Distance- CRC; Flow Control and Error control protocols - Stop and Wait- Go
back – N ARQ- Selective Repeat ARQ- Sliding Window- Piggybacking- Random Access- Multiple
access protocols -Pure ALOHA- Slotted ALOHA- CSMA/CD-CDMA/CA

Network Layer: Switching- Logical addressing – IPV4- IPV6; Address mapping – ARP- RARP-
BOOTP and DHCP–Delivery- Forwarding and Unicast Routing protocols.

Transport Layer: Process to Process Communication- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)- Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP)- SCTP Congestion Control; Quality of Service- QoS improving techniques: Leaky
Bucket and Token Bucket algorithm.

Application Layer: Domain Name Space (DNS)- DDNS- TELNET- EMAIL- File Transfer Protocol
(FTP)- WWW- HTTP- SNMP- Bluetooth- Firewalls- Basic concepts of Cryptography

Suggested books
1. Data Communication and Networking- 4th Edition- Behrouz A. Forouzan- McGraw- Hill.
2. Data and Computer Communication- 8th Edition- William Stallings- Pearson Prentice Hall India.
BEET-002 Utilization of Electrical 3L:0T: 0P 3 Credits
energy & Traction

Unit-I: Electric Heating:

Advantages and methods of electric heating- Resistance heating- Electric arc heating- Induction heating-
Dielectric heating
Unit-II: Electric Welding:
Electric Arc Welding Electric Resistance Welding Electronic welding control Electrolyte Process: Principles
of electro deposition- Laws of electrolysis- applications of electrolysis

Unit-III: Illumination:
Various definitions- Laws of illumination- requirements of good lighting Design of indoor lighting and
outdoor lighting systems Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: Refrigeration systems- domestic refrigerator-
water cooler Types of air conditioning- Window air conditioner

Unit-IV: Electric Traction - I

Types of electric traction- systems of track electrification Traction mechanics- types of services- speed time
curve and its simplification- average and schedule speeds Tractive effort- specific energy consumption-
mechanics of train movement- coefficient of adhesion and its influence
Unit-V: Electric Traction – II
Salient features of traction drives Series – parallel control of dc traction drives (bridge transition) and energy
saving Power Electronic control of dc and ac traction drives Diesel electric traction.

Text Books:
1. H. Partab- “Art and Science of Electrical Energy” Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. G.K. Dubey- “Fundamentals of Electric Drives” Narosa Publishing House
Reference Books:
3. H. Partab- “ Modern Electric Traction” Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
4. C.L. Wadhwa- “ Generation- Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy” New Age International Publications.
BEET-003 Internet of Things 3L:0T: 0P 3 Credits

Course Objective:
• To understand Smart Objects and loT Architectures
• To learn about various lOT-related protocols
• To build simple IoT Systems using Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
• To understand data analytics and cloud in the context of IoT
• To develop IoT infrastructure for popular applications.

Unit I
Definitions and Functional Requirements -Motivation – Architecture - Web 3.0 View of IoT-Ubiquitous
IoT Applications – Four Pillars of IoT – DNA of IoT - The Toolkit Approach for End-user Participation in
the Internet of Things. Middleware for IoT: Overview – Communication middleware for IoT –IoT
Information Security

Unit II

Iot Protocols
IoT Access Technologies: Physical and MAC layers- topology and Security of IEEE 802.15.4- 802.15.4g-
802.15.4e- 1901.2a- 802.11ah and LoRaWAN – Network Layer: IP versions- Constrained Nodes and
Constrained Networks – Optimizing IP for IoT: From 6LoWPAN to 6Lo- Routing over Low Power and
Lossy Networks – Application Transport Methods: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition –
Application Layer Protocols: CoAP and MQTT

Unit III

Design and Development

Design Methodology – Embedded computing logic – Microcontroller- System on Chips – IoT system
building blocks – Arduino – Board details- IDE programming – Raspberry Pi – Interfaces and Raspberry Pi
with Python Programming.

Unit IV

Case Studies
Cisco loT system – IBM Watson loT platform – Manufacturing – Converged Plantwide Ethernet Model
(CPwE) – Power Utility Industry – GridBlocks Reference Model – Smart and Connected Cities: Layered
architecture- Smart Lighting- Smart Parking Architecture and Smart Traffic Control.

Unit V

Industrial Applications

Smart Lighting, Smart Parking Architecture and Smart Traffic Control.

Text Books:
1. David Hanes- Gonzalo Salgueiro- Patrick Grossetete- Rob Barton and Jerome Henry- IoT Fundamentals:
Networking Technologies- Protocols and Use Cases for Internet of Things- Cisco Press- 2017

1. Arshdeep Bahga- Vijay Madisetti- Internet of Things – A hands-on approach- Universities Press- 2015
2. Olivier Hersent- David Boswarthick- Omar Elloumi - The Internet of Things – Key applications and
Protocols- Wiley- 2012 (for Unit 2).
3. Jan Ho” ller- Vlasios Tsiatsis - Catherine Mulligan- Stamatis - Karnouskos- Stefan Avesand. David Boyle-
“From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things – Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence”-
Elsevier- 2014.
4. Dieter Uckelmann- Mark Harrison- Michahelles- Florian (Eds)- Architecting the Internet of Things-
Springer- 2011.
5. Michael Margolis- Arduino Cookbook- Recipes to Begin- Expand- and Enhance Your Projects- 2nd Edition-
O-Reilly_Media-_2011. smarterplanet.
BEEP-701 FACTS Lab using MATLAB 3L:0T: 0P 3 Credits

Note: - A student must perform at least minimum 10 experiments out of the following list
1. Simulation for performance of uncompensated transmission line
2. Simulations for performance of mid -point shunt compensated transmission line
3. Simulation for performance of series compensated transmission line
4. Simulation of a transmission line with a FC-TCR at receiving end with firing control
5. Simulation of transmission line with a SVC at receiving end with firing control
6. Simulation of transmission line with a TCSC with firing control scheme
7. Simulation of PWM voltage source inverter.
8. Simulation of transmission line with a UPFC controller
9. Simulation of transmission line with a Interline Power flow controller
10. System stability analysis for 3 bus system using both TCR and TSC
11. Comparison in performance of TSSC and SSSC used for series compensation of transmission
of line
12. Comparison between TCR and TCS used for shunt compensation of transmission of line
13. Simulation of TCPAR used for phase angle and voltage control in case of a transmission line.

BEET-801 Power System Protection 3L:0T: 3 Credits

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course- students will demonstrate the ability to
• Understand the different components of a protection system.
• Evaluate fault current due to different types of fault in a network.
• Understand the protection schemes for different power system components.
• Understand the basic principles of digital protection.
• Understand system protection schemes- and the use of wide-area measurements.

Unit I: Introduction to Protection System:

Introduction to protection system and its elements- functions of protective relaying- protective zones-
primary and backup protection- desirable qualities of protective relaying- basic terminology.

Relays: Electromagnetic- attracted and induction type relays- thermal relay- gas actuated relay- design
considerations of electromagnetic relay.

Unit-II: Relay Application and Characteristics:

Amplitude and phase comparators- over current relays- directional relays- distance relays- differential relay

Static Relays: Comparison with electromagnetic relay- classification and their description- over current
relays- directional relay- distance relays- differential relay.

Unit-III: Protection of Transmission Line:

Over current protection- distance protection- pilot wire protection- carrier current protection- protection of
bus- auto re-closing.

Unit-IV: Circuit Breaking:

Properties of arc- arc extinction theories- re-striking voltage transient- current chopping- resistance switching-
capacitive current interruption- short line interruption- circuit breaker ratings.

Testing of Circuit Breaker: Classification- testing station and equipment- testing procedure- direct and
indirect testing.

Unit-V: Apparatus Protection:

Protection of Transformer- generator and motor.

Circuit Breaker: Operating modes- selection of circuit breakers- constructional features and operation of Bulk
Oil- Minimum Oil- Air Blast- SF6- Vacuum and d. c. circuit breakers.
Text Books:
1. S. S. Rao- “Switchgear and Protection”- Khanna Publishers.
2. B. Ravindranath and M. Chander- Power system Protection and Switchgear- Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. B. Ram and D. N. Vishwakarma- “Power System Protection and Switchgear”- Mc. Graw Hill

Reference Books:
1. Y. G. Paithankar and S R Bhide- “Fundamentals of Power System Protection”- Prentice Hall of India.
2. T.S.M Rao- “Power System Protection: Static Relays with Microprocessor Applications” Tata Mcgraw
3. A.R. Van C. Warrington-“Protective Relays- Their Theory and Practice- Vol. I & II” John Willey & Sons.
BEET-004 Special Electrical Machines 3L:0T: 0P 3 Credits

v Course Outcomes:
a Upon the completion of the course- the student will be able to:
i • Describe the working principle- Constructional Features of different types of
o • electrical machines including the fractional kilowatt machines.
u • Analyse torque- speed characteristics of different electrical machines and interpret
s • their performance and identify the suitable machine for an operation.
• Study different types of control techniques for a machine and identify the best
f • control strategy based upon different constraints.
• Illustrate the use of stepper- BLDCs- SRM- and other special machines in the area of the various industrial and
c domestic as well as commercial applications of machines.

Detailed Syllabus:

Unit-I: Induction Machines: Concept of constant torque and constant power controls- SEIG- DFIG: Operating
Principle- Equivalent Circuit- Characteristics- Applications- Linear Induction Motors. Construction- principle of
operation- Linear force- and applications.

Two Phase AC Servomotors: Construction- torque-speed characteristics- performance and applications.

Unit-II: Stepper Motors: Constructional features- Principle of operation- Variable reluctance motor- Hybrid
motor- Single and multistack configurations- Torque equations- Characteristics- Drive circuits- Microprocessor
control of stepper motors- Closed loop control- Applications.

Unit-III: Switched Reluctance Motors: Constructional features- Rotary and Linear SRM- Principle of operation-
Torque production- performance characteristics- Methods of Rotor position sensing- Sensor less operation- Closed
loop control and Applications

UNIT-IV Permanent Magnet Machines: Permanent Magnet synchronous generator Operating Principle-
Equivalent Circuit- Characteristics- Permanent magnet DC motors- sinusoidal PMAC motors- their important
features and applications- PCB motors-

Permanent Magnet Brushless D.C. Motors: Principle of operation- Types- Magnetic circuit analysis- EMF and
torque equations- Commutation- Motor characteristics and control- Applications.

UNIT-V: Single phase synchronous motor; construction- operating principle and characteristics of reluctance and
hysteresis motors;

Single Phase Commutator Motors: Construction- principle of operation- characteristics of universal and
repulsion motors;

1. K.Venkataratnam- ‘Special Electrical Machines’- Universities Press (India) Private Limited- 2008.
2. T.J.E Miller- ‘Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives’- Clarendon Press- Oxford- 1989.
3. P.S. Bimbhra "Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines" Khanna Publishers.

Reference Books:

1. T. Kenjo- ‘Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls’- Clarendon Press London- 1984.
M.G. Say "Alternating current Machines" Pitman & Sons.
BEET-005 Electrical Energy Conservation and 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course- students will demonstrate the ability to
• Understand the current energy scenario and importance of energy conservation.
• Understand the concepts of energy management.
• Understand the methods of improving energy efficiency in different electrical
• Understand the concepts of different energy efficient devices.

Unit 1: Energy Scenario (6 Hours)

Commercial and Non-commercial energy- primary energy resources- commercial energy
production- final energy consumption- energy needs of growing economy- long term energy
scenario- energy pricing- energy sector reforms- energy and environment- energy security- energy
conservation and its importance- restructuring of the energy supply sector- energy strategy for the
future- air pollution- climate change. Energy Conservation Act-2001 and its features.

Unit 2: Basics of Energy and its various forms (7 Hours)

Electricity tariff- load management and maximum demand control- power factor improvement-
selection & location of capacitors- Thermal Basics-fuels- thermal energy contents of fuel-
temperature & pressure- heat capacity- sensible and latent heat- evaporation- condensation- steam-
moist air and humidity & heat transfer- units and conversion.

Unit 3: Energy Management & Audit (6 Hours)

Definition- energy audit- need- types of energy audit. Energy management (audit) approach-
understanding energy costs- bench marking- energy performance- matching energy use to
requirement- maximizing system efficiencies- optimizing the input energy requirements- fuel &
energy substitution- energy audit instruments. Material and Energy balance: Facility as an energy
system- methods for preparing process flow- material and energy balance diagrams.

Unit 4: Energy Efficiency in Electrical Systems (7 Hours)

Electrical system: Electricity billing- electrical load management and maximum demand control-
power factor improvement and its benefit- selection and location of capacitors- performance
assessment of PF capacitors- distribution and transformer losses. Electric motors: Types- losses in
induction motors- motor efficiency- factors affecting motor performance- rewinding and motor
replacement issues- energy saving opportunities with energy efficient motors.

Unit 5: Energy Efficiency in Industrial Systems (8 Hours)

Compressed Air System: Types of air compressors- compressor efficiency- efficient compressor
operation- Compressed air system components- capacity assessment- leakage test- factors affecting
the performance and savings opportunities in HVAC- Fans and blowers: Types- performance
evaluation- efficient system operation- flow control strategies and energy conservation
opportunities. Pumps and Pumping System: Types- performance evaluation- efficient system
operation- flow control strategies and energy conservation opportunities.
Cooling Tower: Types and performance evaluation- efficient system operation- flow control strategies
and energy saving opportunities- assessment of cooling towers.

Text/Reference Books
1. Guide books for National Certification Examination for Energy Manager / Energy Auditors
Book-1- General Aspects (available online)
2. Guide books for National Certification Examination for Energy Manager / Energy Auditors
Book-3- Electrical Utilities (available online)
3. S. C. Tripathy- “ Utilization of Electrical Energy and Conservation” - McGraw Hill- 1991.
4. Success stories of Energy Conservation by BEE- New Delhi (

BEET-006 Industrial Electrical Systems 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course- students will demonstrate the ability to

• Understand the electrical wiring systems for residential- commercial and industrial
consumers- representing the systems with standard symbols and drawings- SLD.
• Understand various components of industrial electrical systems.
• Analyze and selectthe proper size of various electrical system components.
Module 1: Electrical System Components (8 Hours)
LT system wiring components- selection of cables- wires- switches- distribution box- metering
system- Tariff structure- protection components- Fuse- MCB- MCCB- ELCB- inverse current
characteristics- symbols- single line diagram (SLD) of a wiring system- Contactor- Isolator-
Relays- MPCB- Electric shock and Electrical safety practices

Module 2: Residential and Commercial Electrical Systems (8 Hours)

Types of residential and commercial wiring systems- general rules and guidelines for installation-
load calculation and sizing of wire- rating of main switch- distribution board and protection
devices- earthing system calculations- requirements of commercial installation- BEETiding
lighting scheme and number of lamps- earthing of commercial installation- selection and sizing of

Module 3: Illumination Systems (6 Hours)

Understanding various terms regarding light- lumen- intensity- candle power- lamp efficiency-
specific consumption- glare- space to height ratio- waste light factor- depreciation factor- various
illumination schemes- Incandescent lamps and modern luminaries like CFL- LED and their
operation- energy saving in illumination systems- design of a lighting scheme for a residential and
commercial premises- flood lighting.

Module 4: Industrial Electrical Systems I (8 Hours)

HT connection- industrial substation- Transformer selection- Industrial loads- motors- starting of
motors- SLD- Cable and Switchgear selection- Lightning Protection- Earthing design- Power
factor correction – kVAR calculations- type of compensation- Introduction to PCC- MCC panels.
Specifications of LT Breakers- MCB and other LT panel components.

Module 5: Industrial Electrical Systems II (6 Hours)

DG Systems- UPS System- Electrical Systems for the elevators- Battery banks- Sizing the DG-
UPS and Battery Banks- Selection of UPS and Battery Banks.

Study of basic PLC- Role of in automation- advantages of process automation- PLC based control
system design- Panel Metering and Introduction to SCADA system for distribution automation.
Text/Reference Books
2. S. L. Uppal and G. C. Garg- “ Electrical Wiring- Estimating & Costing”- Khanna
publishers- 2008.
3. K. B. Raina- “ Electrical Design- Estimating & Costing”- New age International- 2007.
4. S. Singh and R. D. Singh- “Electrical estimating and costing”- Dhanpat Rai and Co.-
5. Web site for IS Standards.
6. H. Joshi- “ Residential Commercial and Industrial Systems”- McGraw Hill Education-
Advanced high power converters 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of the course- the student will be able to:
• Evaluate different dc-dc voltage regulators
• Simulate and analyze resonant converters
• Select appropriate phase shifting converter for a multi-pulse converter
• Evaluate various multi-level inverter configurations
• Converters in HVDC Transmission.

Unit 1: Switching Voltage Regulators

Introduction to Linear power supply (voltage regulators); Switching voltage regulators; Review of basic dc-dc
voltage regulator configurations -Buck- Boost- Buck-Boost converters and their analysis for continuous and
discontinuous mode; Other converter configurations like Flyback converter- Forward converter- Half bridge-
Full bridge configurations- Push-pull converter- Cuk converter- Sepic Converter; Design criteria for SMPS;
Multi-output switch mode regulators.

Unit 2:Resonant Converters

Introduction- Need of resonant converters- Classification of resonant converters- Load resonant converters-
Resonant switch converters- zerovoltage switching dc-dc converters- zero current switching dc-dc converters-
clamped voltage topologies.

Unit 3 : Multi-level converters Need for multi-level inverters- Concept of multi-level- Topologies for multi-
level: Diode Clamped- Flying capacitor and Cascaded H-bridge multilevel Converters configurations; Features
and relative comparison of these configurations applications- Introduction to carrier based PWM technique for
multi-level converters

Unit 4: Multipulse Converters

Concept of multi-pulse- Configurations for m-pulse (m=12-18-24 ….) converters- Different phase shifting
transformer (Y-Δ1- Y-Δ2- Y-Z1 and Y-Z2) configurations for multi-pulse converters- Applications.

Unit 5: HVDC Transmission

Introduction- Operation of 12-pulse converter as receiving and sending terminals of HVDC system- Equipment
required for HVDC System and their significance- Comparison of AC and DC transmission- Control of HVDC

Reference Books:
1. Ned Mohan- Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins- “Power Electronics – Converters- Applications and
Design”- John Willey & sons- Inc.- 3rd ed.- 2003.
2. Muhammad H. Rashid- “Power Electronics - Circuits- Devices and Applications”- Prentice Hall of India- 3rd
ed.- 2009.
3. Bin Wu- “High Power Converters and AC Drives”- John Willey & sons- Inc.- 2006.
4. Derek A. Paice “Power Electronic Converter Harmonics – Multipulse Methods for Clean Power”- IEEE
Press- 1996.
5. Muhammad H. Rashid - “Power Electronics Handbook”- Elsevier- 3rd ed.- 2011.
6. P.C.Sen- “Modern Power Electronics ”- S. Chand and Co. Ltd.- New Delhi- 2000.
7. Vijay K. Sood- “HVDC and FACTS Controllers Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems”-
Kluwer Academic Publishers- Boston- 2004.
8. L. Umanand- “Power Electronics Essentials and Applications”- Wiley India Ltd.- 2009
9. Recent Literature
BEET-008 High Voltage Engineering 3L:0T:0P 3 credits

Course outcomes:
At the end of the course- the student will demonstrate
• Understand the basic physics related to various breakdown processes in solid- liquid and
gaseous insulating materials.
• Knowledge of generation and measurement of D. C.- A.C.- & Impulse voltages.
• Knowledge of tests on H. V. equipment and on insulating materials- as per the
• Knowledge of how over-voltages arise in a power system- and protection against
these over-voltages.
UNIT 1: Breakdown in Gases
Ionization processes and de-ionization processes- Types of Discharge- Gases as insulating
materials- Breakdown in Uniform gap- non-uniform gaps- Townsend’s theory- Streamer
mechanism- Corona discharge

UNIT 2: Breakdown in liquid and solid Insulating materials

Breakdown in pure and commercial liquids- Solid dielectrics and composite dielectrics- intrinsic
breakdown- electromechanical breakdown and thermal breakdown- Partial discharge- applications
of insulating materials.

UNIT 3: Generation of High Voltages

Generation of high voltages- generation of high D. C. and A.C. voltages- generation of impulse
voltages- generation of impulse currents- tripping and control of impulse generators.

UNIT 4: Measurements of High Voltages and Currents

Peak voltage- impulse voltage and high direct current measurement method- cathode ray
oscillographs for impulse voltage and current measurement- measurement of dielectric constant
and loss factor- partial discharge measurements.

UNIT 5: Lightning and Switching Over-voltages

Charge formation in clouds- Stepped leader- Dart leader- Lightning Surges. Switching over-
voltages- Protection against over-voltages- Surge diverters- Surge modifiers.
High Voltage Testing of Electrical Apparatus and High Voltage Laboratories
Various standards for HV Testing of electrical apparatus- IS- IEC standards- Testing of insulators
and bushings- testing of isolators and circuit breakers- testing of cables- power transformers and
some high voltage equipment- High voltage laboratory layout- indoor and outdoor laboratories-
testing facility requirements- safety precautions in H. V. Labs.
Text/Reference Books
1. M. S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju- “ High Voltage Engineering”- McGraw Hill Education-
2. C. L. Wadhwa- “ High Voltage Engineering” - New Age International Publishers- 2007.
3. D. V. Razevig (Translated by Dr. M. P. Chourasia)- “ High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals”-
Khanna Publishers- 1993.
4. E. Kuffel- W. S. Zaengl and J. Kuffel- “ High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals”- Newnes
Publication- 2000
5. R. Arora and W. Mosch “ High Voltage and Electrical Insulation Engineering”- John Wiley & Sons-
BEET-009 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 3L:0T 3 credits
Pre-requisites of course: Electrical Machines- Power Electronics

Course Outcomes:
Upon the completion of the course- the student will be able to:
• Choose a suitable drive scheme for developing an electric hybrid vehicle depending
• on resources

• Design and develop basic schemes of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.

• Choose proper energy storage systems for vehicle applications

• Identify various communication protocols and technologies used in vehicle


Detailed Syllabus:

Introduction to Hybrid Electric Vehicles: History of hybrid and electric vehicles- social and environmental
importance of hybrid and electric vehicles.
Conventional Vehicles: Basics of vehicle performance- vehicle power source characterization- transmission
characteristics- mathematical models to describe vehicle performance.
Hybrid Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of hybrid traction- introduction to various hybrid drive-
train topologies- power flow control in hybrid drive-train topologies- fuel efficiency analysis.
Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of electric traction- introduction to various electric drive-train
topologies- power flow control in electric drive-train topologies- fuel efficiency analysis.

Unit2: Electric Propulsion unit: Introduction to electric components used in hybrid and electric vehicles-
Configuration and control of DC Motor drives- Configuration and control of Induction Motor drives-
configuration and control of Permanent Magnet Motor drives- Configuration and control of Switch
Reluctance Motor drives- drive system efficiency.

Unit3: Energy Storage:

Introduction to Energy Storage Requirements in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles- Battery based energy
storage and its analysis- Fuel Cell based energy storage and its analysis- Super Capacitor based energy
storage and its analysis- Flywheel based energy storage and its analysis- Hybridization of different energy
storage devices.
Unit4: Sizing the drive system:
Matching the electric machine and the internal combustion engine (ICE)- Sizing the propulsion motor-
sizing the power electronics- selecting the energy storage technology- Communications- supporting
Unit5: Energy Management Strategies:
Introduction to energy management strategies used in hybrid and electric vehicles- classification of
different energy management strategies- comparison of different energy management strategies-
implementation issues of energy management strategies.

Text Books:
1. Iqbal Hussein- Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals- CRC Press- 2003

Reference Books:
1. James Larminie- John Lowry- Electric Vehicle Technology Explained- Wiley- 2003
2. Mehrdad Ehsani- YimiGao- Sebastian E. Gay- Ali Emadi- Modern Electric- Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell
Vehicles: Fundamentals- Theory and Design- CRC Press- 2004.

Pre-requisites of course: Power System-I Lab

Course Outcomes:

Upon the completion of the course- the student will be able to:
• Test various relays for different characteristics and compare with the performance characteristics
provided by manufacturers.
• Select the power system data for load-flow and fault studies and to develop a
• program to solve power flow problem using NR and GS methods
• Analyze various types of short circuit faults
• Demonstrate different numerical integration methods and factors influencing transient
• Determine the effect of load in long transmission line

Note: - Minimum 10 experiments are to be performed from the following list:

(A) Hardware Based Experiments:

1. To determine fault current for L-G- L-L- L-L-G and L-L-L faults at the terminals of an alternator
at very low excitation.
2. To Study the over-current relay and the effect of PSM and TSM.
3. To study percentage differential relay.
4. To study Impedance- MHO and Reactance type distance relays and zones of protection.
5. To study Ferranti effect of a transmission line/cable.
6. To measure the dielectric Strength of transformer oil.
7. To study the Synchronization of alternator with infinite bus bar.
8. To Study the effect of different shape of electrodes on dielectric (air) breakdown.
9. To Study the gas actuated Buchholz relay for oil filled transformer.
10. To study the IDMT over current relay and determine the time current characteristics.
11. To study percentage differential relay.
12. To determine location of fault in a cable using cable fault locator.
13. To study operation of oil testing set.

Simulation Based Experiments (using MATLAB or any other software)

1. To determine transmission line performance.
2. To obtain steady state, transient and sub-transient short circuit currents in an alternator
3. To obtain formation of Y-bus and perform load flow analysis
4. To perform symmetrical fault analysis in a power system
5. To perform unsymmetrical fault analysis in a power system
* The available Experiments from above list may be performed on virtual lab on following virtual lab
Text Books: -
1. Haadi Sadat- “Power System Analysis” Tata McGraw Hill.
2. T.K. Nagsarskar & M.S. Sukhija- Power System Analysis’ Oxford University Press.
3. K. Umarao- “Computer Techniques and Models in Power System”- Wiley

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