6th Sem Electrical Syllabus 2023-24
6th Sem Electrical Syllabus 2023-24
6th Sem Electrical Syllabus 2023-24
Electrical Engineering
VI Semester
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, IA: Internal Assessment, ETE: End Term Exam, Cr: Credits
DC: Departmental Core DE: Departmental Elective UC:
University Independent University General
Elective Elective
S. hrs./week
Code Course Title Cr
No. Exam
L T P IA ETE Total
1 DC 6EE4-01 Power Electronics 3 0 0 3 30 70 100 3
Modern Control
2 DC 6EE4-02 3 0 0 3 30 70 100 3
3 DC 6EE4-03 Power System-II 3 0 0 3 30 70 100 3
Switchgear and
4 DC 6EE4-04 Protection of Power 3 0 0 3 30 70 100 3
5 DC 6EE4-05 Signals and Systems 3 0 0 3 30 70 100 3
Field Theory
Neural Network and
6 DE-3 6EE5-12 2 0 0 2 30 70 100 2
Fuzzy Logic Control
Digital Control
Sub Total 17 0 0 180 420 600 17
B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)
III Year VI Semester
6EE4-01: Power Electronics
Credit: 3 Max Marks: 100 (IA: 30, ETE: 70)
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: Understand the operation, characteristics and applications of Power Diode, Power
Transistor, Power MOSFET, IGBT, TRIAC, DIAC and MCT.
CO-2: Know the characteristics, specification, ratings, interconnections, protection and turning-
on/off methods of SCR.
CO-3: Analyze the single-phase and three-phase converters with different loads.
CO-4: Evaluate the performance of choppers with their operating principal and control strategies.
CO-5: Analyze the operation of inverter and harmonic elimination techniques in PWM Inverters.
S.No. Contents Hours
1. Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2. Power Semiconductor Devices: Construction, operation, characteristics and
applications of Power Diode, Power Transistor, Power MOSFET, IGBT, MCT, 3
TRIAC and DIAC, pulse transformer, optical isolators.
3. Thyristor: Construction, characteristics, specification and ratings of SCR,
methods of turn on, Protection of SCR against over voltage, over current, dv/dt, 3
di/dt, Gate protection.
4. Single-Phase & Three-Phase rectifiers: Single-phase half and full-wave
converters with RL and RLE load, Conduction angle, Extinction angle, Single-
phase semi converters, Three phase half-wave converters. Three phase full
converters with RL and RLE load. Three-phase semi converters with RL and
RLE load Effect of load and source impedance on the performance of
5. DC-DC Converters (Choppers): Introduction, Classification, Principle and
Operation, Control strategies, Chopper configurations, Thyristor chopper
commutation circuits, Switched Mode Power Supply, Buck, Boost and Buck-
Boost converters, Cuk converter.
6. DC-AC Converters (Inverters): Introduction, Classification, Single phase
half and full bridge VSI, Three phase VSI: 120 and 180 degree conduction
mode. Performance Parameters of Inverter, Voltage control of single phase and
three phase Inverter.
7. PWM Inverters: Principle of PWM control, PWM techniques classifications,
Unipolar and Bipolar PWM, Sinusoidal PWM, Hysteresis band current control
PWM, Comparison of PWM techniques, Voltage and frequency control of
single phase and three-phase inverters, Harmonic Cancellation techniques.
Total 40
Suggested Books:
1. P. S. Bimbhra: Power Electronics, Khanna Publishers.
2. M. D. Singh and K. B. Khanchandani: Power Electronics,McGraw Hill Education.
3. M. H. Rashid: Power Electronics, Circuits Devices and Applications, Pearson.
4. Ned Mohan: Power Electronics, John Wiley.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: Define the state, state space, state vector and find the state model equations of electrical
and mechanical systems.
CO-2: Represent a system by Physical form, Phase variables form, Canonical form & companion
form and inter-convert them.
CO-3: Solve the state equations using state transition matrix. Also evaluate the controllability and
observability of the given system.
CO-4: Know about the digital control systems, stability analysis in state space through Jury
stability criterion and Routh-Hurwitz criterion.
Contents Hours
1. Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2. State Space Approach of Control System: Modern versus conventional control
theory, Concept of state, State variable, State vector, State space, State space
equations, Writing state space equations of mechanical and electrical systems,
Analogous systems.
3. State Space Representation: Physical form, Phase variables form, Canonical
form and companion form of system representation. Block diagram
representation of state model, Signal flow graph representation, State space 6
representation using canonical variables. Diagonal matrix. Jordan canonical
form, Derivation of transfer functions from state-model.
4. Solution of State Equations: Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Matrix,
Exponential, State transition matrix, Properties of state transition matrix,
Computation of State transition matrix, Concepts of controllability and
observability, Pole placement by state feedback.
5. Digital Control Systems: Introduction, sampled data control systems, signal
reconstruction, difference equations, Z-transform, Z-transfer Function, Block 6
diagram analysis of sampled data systems, z and s domain relationship.
6. Stability Analysis in State Space: Modeling of sample-hold circuit, steady state
accuracy, stability in z-plane and Jury stability criterion, bilinear transformation, 6
Routh-Hurwitz criterion on s-planes, Digital PID controllers.
7. Introduction to advanced control techniques: - Introduction to Robust Control,
adaptive control and sliding mode control. Determination of describing function 6
of nonlinearities for relay, dead zone and saturation.
Total 41
Suggested Books:
1. I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal: Control Systems Engineering, 3rd Ed, New AgePublication.
2. B. C. Kuo: Digital Control System, Oxford.
3. M. Gopal: Digital Control and State Variable Methods, MGH.
4. D. Roy, Choudhary: Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall of India.
5. Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop: Modern Control Systems, Prentice-Hall.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: Create the admittance and impendence model which are further used in the power system
CO-2: Solve a power flow problem using Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphosn, Decoupled and fast
decoupled methods.
CO-3: Analyze the symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults.
CO-4: Understand the concept of frequency and voltage control using active and reactive power
control respectively and automatic generation control.
Contents Hours
1. Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2. Admittance and Impendence Model: Percent and per unit quantities. Single
line diagram for a balanced 3-phase system, Branch and node admittances,
Equivalent admittance network and calculation of Y bus, Modification of an 8
existing Y bus, Bus admittance and impedance matrices. Thevenin’s theorem and
Z bus. Direct determination of Z bus. Modification of an existing bus.
3. Load Flow Analysis: Load flow problem, development of load flow equations,
Classification of buses, Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphosn, Decoupled and fast 9
decoupled methods for load flow analysis. Comparison of load flow methods.
4. Fault Analysis: Fortescue theorem, symmetrical component transformation.
Sequence Impedances of transmission lines, Synchronous Machine and
Transformers, zero sequence network of transformers and transmission lines.
Construction of sequence networks of power system, Analysis of single line to 8
ground faults using symmetrical components, connection of sequence networks
under the fault condition, Analysis of line-to-line and double line to ground faults
using symmetrical components.
5. Power System Analysis: Swing Equations of a synchronous machine connected
to an infinite bus, Power angle curve, Phenomena of loss of synchronism in a
single-machine infinite bus (SMIB) system, Analysis using numerical integration 7
of swing equations using Forward Euler and Runge-Kutta method, Equal Area
Criterion. Impact of stability constraints on Power System Operation.
6. Control of Frequency and Voltage: Turbines and Speed-Governors, Frequency
dependence of loads, Droop Control and Power Sharing. Automatic Generation
Control. Generation and absorption of reactive power by various components of 8
a Power System. Excitation System Control in synchronous generators,
Automatic Voltage Regulators.
Total 41
Suggested Books:
1. C. L. Wadhwa: Electrical Power Systems, New age international Ltd. Third Edition.
2. D. P. Kothari & I. J. Nagrath: Modern Power System Analysis, MGH.
3. P. Kundur: Power System Stability and Control, MGH.
4. W. D. Stevenson: Element of Power System Analysis, MGH.
5. O. I. Elgerd: Electric Energy System Theory, MGH. 1983
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: Understand the preliminaries about protective relays used in power systems.
CO-2: Know about the power line carrier system, directional comparison and phase comparison
carrier protection of transmission lines.
CO-3: Learn about the protection of generator transformer unit. Also study the effect of
magnetizing inrush currents and methods to minimize the effects.
CO-4: Analyze the protection provided by different types of circuit breakers. Also learn about the
digital protection used in power systems.
S. Contents Hours
1. Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2. Protective relays: Functional characteristics of relays, Primary and backup
protection, Classification of relays, Operation and characteristics of over current
relays, Directional over current relays, Differential relays, Percentage differential 9
relays and Distance relays, Connection of distance relays for line and earth fault
3. Protection of Transmission Line: Over current protection of radial feeder,
parallel feeder and ring mains using time and current grading, Distance
protection, Effect of arcing and power swings on the performance different
distance relays, Carrier Current Protection of Transmission Lines: Basic
apparatus used for power line carrier system, Principle operation of directional
comparison and phase comparison carrier protection.
4. Protection of Synchronous Generators and Transformers: Faults in stator
winding of alternators, Single and multiple ground faults on the rotor protection
against excitation failure and prime-mover failure, Negative sequence protection,
Differential protection of generator transformer unit, Differential protection of 3-
phase transformers, Effect of magnetizing inrush currents and methods for
minimizing the effects.
5. Circuit Breakers: Classification of switchgears, Arc quenching in circuit
breakers, Arc interruption theories– recovery rate theory and energy balance
theory. Oil circuit breakers-bulk oil and minimum oil circuit breakers, Air circuit 8
breakers, Construction and operation of Air blast, SF6 and Vacuum circuit
breakers. Selection of circuit breakers.
6. Digital Protection: Introduction to digital protection, Brief description of block
diagram of digital relay, Introduction to digital over-current, transformer 6
differential and transmission line distance protection.
Total 41
Suggested Books:
1. B. Ravindranath and M. Chander: Power system Protection and Switchgear, Wiley.
2. B. Ram and D. N. Vishwakarma: Power System Protection and Switchgear, McGraw Hill
3. S. S. Rao: Switchgear and Protection, Khanna Publishers.
4. Bhuvanesh A. Oza and Nair: Power System Protection and Switchgear, McGraw Hill
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: Develop input output relationship for linear shift invariant system.
CO-2: Understand the convolution operator for continuous and discrete time system.
CO-3: Understand and resolve the signals in frequency domain using Fourier series and Fourier
CO-4: Understand the Relation between continuous and discrete time systems.
Contents Hours
1. Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2. Introduction to Signals and Systems: Signals and systems as seen in everyday
life, and in various branches of engineering and science. Signal properties:
periodicity, absolute integrability, determinism and stochastic character. Some
special signals of importance: the unit step, the unit impulse, the sinusoid, the
complex exponential, some special time-limited signals; continuous and discrete
time signals, continuous and discrete amplitude signals. System properties:
linearity: additivity and homogeneity, shift-invariance, causality, stability,
3. Behavior of continuous and discrete-time LTI systems: Impulse response and
step response, convolution, input-output behavior with aperiodic convergent
inputs, cascade interconnections. Characterization of causality and stability of
LTI systems. System representation through differential equations and difference
equations. State-space Representation of systems. State-Space Analysis, Multi-
input, multi-output representation. State Transition Matrix and its Role. Periodic
inputs to an LTI system, the notion of a frequency response and its relation to the
impulse response.
4. Fourier, Laplace: Fourier series representation of periodic signals, Waveform
Symmetries, Calculation of Fourier Coefficients. Fourier Transform,
convolution/multiplication and their effect in the frequency domain, magnitude
and phase response, Fourier domain duality. The Discrete Time Fourier
Transform (DTFT) and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Parseval's
Theorem. Review of the Laplace Transform for continuous time signals and
systems, system functions, poles and zeros of system functions and signals,
Laplace domain analysis, solution to differential equations and system behavior.
5. Z- Transforms: The z-Transform for discrete time signals and systems, system
functions, poles and zeros of systems and sequences, z-domain analysis. 7
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: Understand the different forms of vector relations and gradients used in field theory.
CO-2: Learn about the electric filed intensity, Gauss law and Electrostatic Energy.
CO-3: Learn about the magnetic field intensity, flux density, polarization and magnetization. Also
learn about their boundary conditions.
CO-4: Know the displacement current and equation of continuity, pointing vector and power
Contents Hours
1. Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2. Vector Relation and Gradient: Vector relation in Rectangular, cylindrical,
spherical and general curvilinear coordinate system. Concept and physical
interpretation of gradient, Divergence and curl, Green’s Stoke’s and Helmholz
3. Electrostatics: Electric field due to various charge configurations, Electric field
vectors: Electric field intensity, flux density and polarization, Electric potential
and displacement vector, Gauss's law, Poisson’s and Laplace's equation and their 6
solution, Uniqueness theorem, Continuity equation, Electrostatic energy, Field
determination by method of images, Boundary conditions.
4. Magnetostatics: Magnetic field vector: Magnetic field intensity, flux density
and magnetization, Biot-Savart’s law, Ampere's law, Magnetic vector potential,
Energy stored in magnetic field, Interaction of moving charge and current with 8
magnetic field, Boundary conditions, Analogy between electric and magnetic
5. Time Varying Fields: Faraday’s law, Displacement current and equation of
continuity, Maxwell's equations, Uniform plane wave in free space, Dielectrics
and conductors, Skin effect, Reflection of a plane wave at normal incidence,
Standing wave ratio, Pointing vector and power considerations.
Total 29
Suggested Books:
1. G. S. N. Raju: Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines, Pearson.
2. V.V. Sarwate: Electromagnetic Field and Waves, Willey Eastern Ltd.
3. Hayt: Engineering Electromagnetics, McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Matthew N. O. Sadiku: Principles of Electromagnetics, Oxford.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: Learn concepts, architecture and working of artificial neural networks.
CO-2: Understand supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.
CO-3: Understand Fuzzy set theory and operations, Fuzzy Relations and inference system.
CO-4: Design Fuzzy logic controller for industrial applications.
Contents Hours
1. Introduction: Objective, Scope and Outcome of the course. 1
2. Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks: Artificial neural network and their 6
biological motivation, Terminology, Introduction to ANN Architecture, Models
of neuron, Topology, Characteristics of artificial neural networks, Types of
activation functions.
3. Learning Methods: Error correction learning, Hebbian learning, Perceptron, 5
XOR Problem, Perceptron learning rule, Convergence theorem, Adeline.
4. Supervised and Unsupervised Learning: Multilayer Perceptron, Back 5
propagation learning algorithm, Momentum factor, Radial basis function
5. Fundamentals of Fuzzy Logic: Introduction to classical sets - Properties, 7
operations and relations; Fuzzy sets, Uncertainty, Operations, properties,
cardinalities, membership functions. Fuzzy relations: Fuzzy Cartesian product,
Composition-Max min and Max-product composition, Tolerance and
Equivalence relations.
6. Fuzzy Inference Systems and Control: Fuzzification, Membership value 7
assignment, Defuzzification to crisp sets, Defuzzification methods, Natural
language, Linguistic hedges, and Fuzzy rule base system, Graphical techniques
of inference, Basic architecture of Fuzzy logic controller, Fuzzy Engineering
process control.
Total 31
Suggested Books:
1. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, John Wiley and sons, 2010.
2. Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms: synthesis and applications by
Rajasekharan and Rai – PHI Publication.
3. Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB 6.0 - S.N. Sivanandam, S. Sumathi, S.N.
Deepa, TMH, 2006
4. S. Haykin, “Neural Networks, A Comprehensive Foundation”, Pearson, 2008.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: Describe the various control blocks and components of digital control systems for
CO-2: Analyze sampled data systems in z-domain.
CO-3: Design a digital controller/ compensator in frequency domain.
CO-4: Apply state variable concepts to design controller for linear discrete time system.
S. Contents
1. Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2. Discrete Representation of Continuous Systems: Basics of Digital Control
Systems. Discrete representation of continuous systems. Sample and hold circuit.
Mathematical Modeling of sample and hold circuit. Effects of Sampling and
Quantization. Choice of sampling frequency. ZOH equivalent.
3. Discrete System and it’s stability analysis: Z-Transform and Inverse Z
Transform for analyzing discrete time systems. Pulse Transfer function. Pulse
transfer function of closed loop systems. Mapping from s-plane to z plane. 5
Solution of Discrete time systems. Time response of discrete time system.
Stability analysis by Jury test. Stability analysis using bilinear transformation.
4. State Space Approach for discrete time systems: State space models of
discrete systems, State space analysis. Lyapunov Stability. Controllability,
reach-ability, Reconstructibility and observability analysis. Effect of pole zero
cancellation on the controllability & observability.
5. Design of Digital Control System: Design of Discrete PID Controller, Design
of discrete state feedback controller. Design of set point tracker. Design of
Discrete Observer for LTI System. Design of Discrete compensator. Design of 7
discrete output feedback control.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: To plot and study characteristics of devices SCR, MOSFET, IGBT and their switching
CO-2: To convert fixed dc to variable dc using dc-dc converter circuits.
CO-3: Study operation of semi controlled and full controlled operation of 1-phase & 3-phase rectifier.
CO-4: Study operation three -phase bridge inverter and obtain harmonic profile.
List of Experiments Hours
1. Determine V-I characteristics of SCR and measure forward breakdown voltage,
latching and holding currents.
2. Find output and transfer characteristics of MOSFET and IGBT. 3
3. Study the Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost converter circuit and obtain output
4. Study the natural, forced, auxiliary and resonant commutation circuits.
5. Study and obtain waveforms of single-phase half wave controlled rectifier with
and without filters.
6. Study and obtain waveforms of single-phase full controlled bridge converter with
R and RL loads.
7. Study and obtain waveforms of Three-phase full controlled bridge converter with
R and RL loads.
8. Study the operation of single-phase bridge inverter with sinusoidal pulse width
modulation method.
9. Study and perform an experiment on the operation of single-phase bridge inverter
with sinusoidal pulse width modulation method.
10. Control the speed of a DC motor using single-phase half -controlled rectifier.
Plot armature voltage versus speed characteristics.
Total 30
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
CO-1: Create the MATLAB Simulink model of Swing Equation, synchronous and induction
CO-2: Draw the responses of the synchronous machine with the PSS and excitation system.
CO-3: Demonstrate the Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system by writing a script in
CO-4: Simulate models of wind power system and solar PV system.
List of Experiments Hours
1. Simulate Swing Equation in MATLAB Simulink and get its responses under 3
different disturbance conditions.
2. Model and simulate the Synchronous Machine and draw its outputs. 3
3. Model and simulate the Induction Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) and
obtain its outputs.
4. Modeling and simulation of Synchronous Machine with PSS. 3
5. Modeling and simulation of Synchronous Machine with excitation system. 3
6. Write a script in MATLAB to simulate the Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB)
7. Write a script in MATLAB to simulate the wind power generation system. 3
8. Model and simulate the solar PV system. Verify the responses by writing a script
9. Study the operation of micro-controller based over current relay in DMT type
and IDMT type.
10. Study the micro-controller based under voltage relay and Over Voltage Relay. 3
Total 30