16 Fluent
16 Fluent
16 Fluent
Journal of Electrostatics
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/elstat
Keywords: The electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flows in wire-plate electrostatic precipitators (ESP) of five shaped collecting
Electrohydrodynamics electrodes are simulated by employing the CFD code FLUENT with the aid of a user defined function (UDF). The
Secondary flow results show that the EHD flow patterns are different in the five configurations. Bending of the collecting plate
Vortex structure can easily lead to the peak of the electric field intensity near the collecting surface. The space charge density near
Zigzag type plate
the W-type collecting surface is more uniform than those of the other four types. The flow induced by ionic wind
C-type plate
in the C-type plate is strongest among the five channels.
1. Introduction not solely influenced by the flow field, but by the electric field also.
Moreover, the space charge distribution in the channel can be changed
Environmental protection, especially air pollution control, has be- by the charged tracer particle. Therefore, numerical analysis has been
come a crucial problem of public concern in China, because energy widely used to calculate the electric field, EHD flow and particle col-
consumption as well as the emission of environmental pollutants has lection in ESPs since the 1970s. For example, McDonald et al. [6] nu-
grown dramatically with rapid economic development [1–4]. As one of merically predicted the electric field by the finite difference method in
the effective and reliable particulate control devices, the electrostatic the wire-plate ESP. The interaction of the electric wind and the inlet
precipitator (ESP) has been widely used for industrial gas cleaning with velocity in wire-plate precipitators was theoretically and experimen-
high dust removal efficiency. In the ESP channel, the electrode con- tally investigated by Yamamoto et al. [7,8], who demonstrated that the
figuration and arrangement, producing the electrical characteristics and electric wind induced flow was suppressed by the inlet flow. Angnos-
the features of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow in the channel, are topoulos and Bergeles [9] present the electrical characteristics and flow
the most essential and important factors influencing particle collection features of a single electrode in the wire-plate ESP by the finite volume
efficiency. When corona discharge takes place in the EPS, the fluid flow method. Kallio and Stock [10,11] analyzed the characteristics of un-
interaction occurs between the primary flow and the secondary flow even anisotropic turbulence caused by primary flow and secondary
(sometimes also referred to as corona wind, electric wind, or ionic flow, numerically solved the electric field by a combination of the finite
wind) caused by the high-speed electrical ions, which leads to a com- volume method and the finite difference method, and simulated the
plicated turbulent flow, i.e., the EHD flow, and therefore influences the turbulent EHD flow in the wire-plate ESP by the standard k-ε turbulence
dynamic behavior of the charged particles. model. More details of previous studies on this subject have been re-
Numerous experimental and numerical studies have been carried viewed by Adamiak [12], Feng [13] and Arif [14] et al.
out on the electrical characteristics and EHD flow in the ESP over the However, most of the above studies are limited to simple geometry
past few decades. In fact, it is difficult to exactly measure both the flow of flat-plate-type collecting electrodes, only a few studies about EHD
field and the electrical field in the channel, by either direct or indirect flow in ESP composed of shaped plates have been addressed. For in-
testing, when the ESP is operating [5]. On the one hand, direct mea- stance, Lami et al. [15] numerically studied the electrical character-
suring techniques using probes, such as hot-wire probes, distort not istics of C-type collecting electrodes by using the finite difference
only the electric field, but also the gas flow pattern. On the other hand, method. Bernstein et al. [16,17] analyzed the influences of the state-of-
most non-intrusive optical techniques, e.g., LDV (Laser Doppler Velo- art electrode and Wavy electrode on the electrical characteristics and
cimeter) and PIV (Particle Image Velocimeter), depend on what kind of flow features without considering the effect of space charge on the
tracer particle is used for the test, and the transportation of particles is electric field. Park et al. [18,19] studied the EHD flow characteristics in
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Kang).
Received 29 April 2018; Received in revised form 9 August 2018; Accepted 11 August 2018
0304-3886/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Shen et al. Journal of Electrostatics 95 (2018) 61–70
a model ESP of simple geometry composed of a single wire with a cavity (or called zigzag type, Fig. 1(c)), c is the height of the C-type cavity
by experiments and numerical calculations. Fujishima et al. [20] con- (Fig. 1(d)), d is the edge length of the angle (Fig. 1(e)), r is the radius of
ducted a simulation to understand the EHD flow in a typical industrial the discharge wire, kion is the ion mobility coefficient, De is the ion
ESP geometry, i.e. the spiked-type discharge electrode and convex- diffusivity coefficient, U0 is the applied electric potential at the dis-
concave-type collecting plate. The results show that the concave zone of charge electrode, Jt is the average current density on the collecting
collecting electrode is beneficial to particle capture because the flow in electrode, i/l is the specific current.
the concave zone is relatively stagnant, and the convex zone does not For the sake of simplicity, cylindrical wire is considered as the
influence the primary flow. Neimarlija et al. [21] used the finite volume discharge electrode. In much previous work for modeling the EHD flow
method to investigate the characteristics of electric and flow fields in in wire-plate ESPs, the geometry of the channel was usually simplified
the C-type plate ESP. to a single wire configuration [17–19]. Because a single wire model
Although previous studies have resulted in better understanding of might not capture properly the flow and particle collecting behaviors in
the coupling flow in the ESP, few of them could exactly model the EHD a real ESP channel, multi-wire configurations have been taken into
flow phenomena in the channel with different shapes of collecting consideration in the past two decades [13]. Therefore, three discharge
plates. It is difficult to comprehensively evaluate the characteristics of electrodes are used to investigate the effect of inlet and outlet on the
electric field, gas flow and particle capture in real ESP channels based flow as well as avoid the distortion of numerical results. The EHD
on existing results. turbulent flow in the channel is assumed to be fully developed isotropic
In the present study, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) techniques turbulence with normal temperature. Due to the symmetry of the
are employed to simulate the flow characteristics in ESP channels with channel, the computational domain is reduced to only the upper half of
the influences of ionic wind. Five geometrical configurations of col- the electrostatic precipitator channel between the collecting electrodes
lecting electrodes are considered for the simulations. The finite volume and discharge electrodes, as shown in Fig. 1.
method is used to solve the governing equations for determining the
electric fields and space charge densities in the channel. The RNG k-ε
model (Renormalization-group k-ε model) of EHD turbulent flow in- 3. Numerical model
cluding electrical body force due to ion flow was used to evaluate gas
velocity distribution. 3.1. Governing equations
Fig. 1. Geometrical configurations of the ESP channel with five shaped collecting electrode systems (dimensions in mm).
H. Shen et al. Journal of Electrostatics 95 (2018) 61–70
Table 1
Values of the main parameters of the ESP channel for simulation.
Sx (m) Sy (m) a (m) b (m) c (m) d (m) r (mm) kion (m2·(V⋅s)−1) De U0 (kV) Jt (A·m2)
0.24 0.125 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.05 2.5 1.8 × 10−4 0.01 60 6 × 10−4
Table 2 density and electric field intensity are obtained from the numerical
Terms of the scalar transport equation. solution of the Poisson's equation and the current continuity equation
Equation ϕ Fi Γk Sϕ
by employing a finite volume method in this study. The User Defined
Functions (UDFs) are programmed and used for linking the solution of
Electric potential φ 0 1 ρion/ε0 the electric field with the FLUENT code, i.e., Eqs. (3) and (4) are
Charge density ρion ρ (kionEk + uk) ρDe 0 transformed into the standard scalar transport equation format of
FLUENT, and cast in a general form [32]:
∂ ⎛ ∂u ∂p ∂ (ρϕ)
ρui uk − (μ + μt ) i ⎞ = −
⎜ ⎟ + ρion Ei + ∇ (Fi ϕ) = ∇ (Γk ∇ϕ) + Sϕ
∂xk ⎝ ∂xk ⎠ ∂xk (2) ∂t
Ignoring the effect of the charged particle on the electric field, the where is the scalar of interest, Fi is the convective flux, Γk is diffusion
ion charge density and electric field strength are highly non-uniform coefficient, and Sϕ is the source term. These terms are given in detail in
and are described by the following equations: Table 2.
Poisson's equation
3.2. Grids and boundary conditions
∇2 φ = −ρion / ε0 (3)
Current continuity equation Due to the symmetry of the channels, a two-dimensional computa-
tional domain was considered for all the five cases and the sketch of the
∂ ∂2ρion grid meshes was depicted in Fig. 2. The domain was meshed with tri-
(ρ (kion Ek + uk )) = De
∂xk ion ∂xk2 (4) angle elements, using the GAMBIT code, and carefully refined for the
areas near the collecting plates and the discharge wires, from where the
where ρ is the mass density of the gas, uk is the gas velocity component
grids then started to become coarser away. The maximum expansion
in the xk direction, μ is gas dynamic viscosity, μt is turbulent dynamic
rate between two consecutive cells was set less than 1.08.
viscosity, p is gas pressure, E is the strength of the electric field, φ is
Grid sensitivity analysis has been performed for each case in our
electric potential, ρion is the ion charge density, ρionEi is the momentum
pre-simulations to ensure the accuracy of the numerical results. A set of
term, which expresses the ionic wind effect on the gas flow, and ε0 is the
pre-simulations were conducted by calculating the same case with
permittivity of free space.
different grid numbers. Quantitative grid convergence was estimated by
The standard k-ε model [25–27] and the RNG k-ε model
using the Grid Convergence Index (GCI) proposed by Roache [33]. The
[18,19,28,29] have been widely employed for the simulation of EHD
relevant parameters of the test as well as the testing process can be
flow in ESPs. Feng et al. [25] used six turbulence models to simulate the
described as follows:
EHD turbulence flow in the ESP with cavity walls and a single corona
wire, and the results were compared with the experimental data of Park
1) Define the representative mesh size, h:
et al. [18,19]. It was found that for the time-averaged velocity, the RSM
model is the most accurate, and the standard k-ε model has a similar ⎛1
accuracy level. In addition, the standard k-ε model performs slightly h=⎜
∑ Δsi ⎞⎟
better than the realizable RNG k-ε model in predicting the time-aver- ⎝ i=1 ⎠ (6)
aged velocity field. For the turbulent velocity, the realizable RNG k-ε where N is the total number of the cells in the computational domain,
model provides the best results. On the other hand, Choi et al. [29] and si is the area of the ith cell. It is suggested that the grid refinement
compared various turbulence models from the computational cost and factor, i.e., rc = hcourse/hfine, should be greater than 1.3 [34]. To check
accuracy. Because the Reynolds number (based on the half width of the the grid convergence in CFD, three sets of grid (N1, N2, N3, where the
precipitator channel) ranges between 5 × 103 and 2.5 × 104, the wall subscript 1, 2, and 3 stands for the fine, medium and coarse mesh, re-
boundary layers occupy a significant part of the flow domain. As a spectively) were tested for simulating the electrohydrodynamic flow.
result, the low-Reynolds number effects are important in characterizing Thus, we have h1 < h2 < h3, h2/h1 = h3/h2 = 1.3.
the turbulent flow field, and the RNG k-ε model is considered to be
reasonable in the EHD flow modeling. Moreover, based on the works of 2) Run the simulations to calculate the values of key variables (ϕ ) for
Yakhot et al. [30,31], i.e., compared with the standard k-ε model, the meshing conditions. The velocity of electrohydrodynamic flow was
RNG k-ε model gives remarkable improvements in the treatment of employed as one of the indicators in the present study.
massive flow separation and anisotropic turbulence, Park et al. [18,19] 3) Calculate the relative error measure (ε21
i ) of the variables [34]:
compared the simulation results by the RNG k-ε model with the ex-
perimental data, and also showed that the RNG k-ε model is suitable for ϕi,1 − ϕi,2
εi21 = × 100%
simulating the EHD flow in the ESP with various complicated shapes of ϕi,2 (7)
collecting electrode.
where ϕi.1 and ϕi,2 , separately, represents the variable value obtained at
Therefore, the RNG k-ε model is employed in the present study to
point i with the total number of cells N1 and N2.
calculate the turbulent flow with the ionic wind and run the commer-
cial CFD code (standard version of ANSYS FLUENT 6.3.26) to complete
4) Figure out the root-mean-square of the relative error (ε21
rms) of the
the solution. However, equations (3) and (4), as well as the momentum
sample points [33,34]:
equation including the electric coupling term are not contained in the
model in the FLUENT code. Consequently, the distribution of ion charge
H. Shen et al. Journal of Electrostatics 95 (2018) 61–70
Fig. 2. Computational mesh of the Flat-plate type (a) and W-type (b) electrostatic precipitator channel.
n 21 2 1/2
⎛ ∑ (εi ) ⎞
εrms = ⎜ i=1 ⎟
Table 4
⎝ n ⎠ (8) Summary of boundary conditions.
where n is the number of the sample points. These points are located Equation Inlet Outlet Collecting Discharge
electrode electrode
along three vertical lines within the channel, namely, x = -Sx, x = 0
and x = Sx. Gas velocity Velocity-inlet Pressure-outlet Wall Wall
Electric ∂φ/∂n = 0 ∂φ/∂n = 0 70 kV 0 kV
5) Calculate the grid convergence index [33,34]: potential
Charge ∂ρion/∂n = 0 ∂ρion/∂n = 0 Peek's ∂ρion/∂n = 0
3ε 21 density formula
GCI = m rms
rc − 1 (9)
where m is the order of the discretization method. In the current work, 176,380 and 171,450, respectively.
all transport equations were discretized by second-order upwind The boundary conditions of the ESP channel used for the simula-
schemes, i.e., m = 2. The values of ε32
rms and GCI
were calculated in the tions are summarized in Table 4. Except the surfaces of the electrodes,
same way and the testing results can be summarized in Table 3. the inlet and outlet sections, the remaining boundary surfaces are
In this study, the εrms values less than 1% was used as the criterion treated as symmetry planes, also including gaps between collecting
for grid convergence. The equivalent GCI value is 4.35% when r = 1.3. electrodes. The inlet of the channel is set as velocity inlet, the outlet is
It can be observed from Table 3 that both the GCI21 and ε21 rms are lower set as pressure outlet, and the wall boundary conditions are set to solid-
than the criteria values. It is suggested that the variables are not in- wall conditions at the discharge electrodes and the collecting elec-
fluenced by the grid density and consequently, the grid convergence has trodes.
been achieved. Therefore, the final mesh numbers of the five config- Despite the fundamental importance of corona discharge's model-
urations for all simulations are set at 170,400, 173,860, 172,970, ling, the ionization processes tend to be very complex and difficult to be
Table 3
Grid convergence index (GCI) calculations.
collecting electrodes N1 N2 N3 ε21
rms (%) GCI21 (%) ε32
rms (%) GCI32 (%)
H. Shen et al. Journal of Electrostatics 95 (2018) 61–70
theoretically predicted, even if simulating ionized electric field by nu- precipitator is conducted and the results are compared with a set of
merical techniques. However, the electric field at the surface of all wire classical experimental data by Penney and Matick [38]. The electric
electrodes presented the same strength satisfying Peek's formula potential distributions of numerical results and Penney's experimental
[29,35]. Ion charge density at the wire was adjusted by the iterative data at different values of y along x direction are plotted in Fig. 4. The
process until the calculated electric field became consistent with the model of electric field accurately reproduces the experimental results of
value calculated from Peek's formula [29,35]. Penney and Matick [38], which means that the present model is able to
The solution of the electric field and space charge density is the give excellent predictions of electric field and space charge density.
prerequisite for the coupling calculation of the EHD flow in the ESP To verify the rationality of the turbulence model used to simulate
channel. The empirical formulas and the convergence criterion used in the gas flow coupled with electric wind, Fig. 5 shows comparisons of
the numerical calculation can be described as follows [36,37]: the average velocity distributions between the numerical results and
SX jt laser-anemometry results of Leonard et al. [39] for the ionic wind in-
ρw = × 10−5 duced turbulent flows in the channel with u0 = 1 m/s.
πkion rf0 (30δ + 0.9(δ / r )1/2) (10) Fig. 5 shows that the calculated velocity distribution at x = 0 along
the y direction of the present model agrees reasonably with the ex-
Epeek = 3.1 × 106mδ (1 + 0.03/ δr ) (11)
perimental data by Leonard et al. [39]. It can be seen that the increase
(E (n) − Epeek )/ Epeek < 1 × 10−5 of the velocity at the center of the channel and vortexes induced by
electric wind near the wall become evident with increasing electric
where ρw is the space charge density of discharge electrode surface. E(n) current. Compared with the experimental results, the present model can
is the average value of the electric field intensity of n-th iteration on the give detailed information of the EHD flow near the wall. Therefore, the
discharge electrode, n indicates the iteration number, EPeek is the numerical model used in this study is appropriate for the simulation of
electric field intensity of Peek's semi-empirical formula [37], f0 is the the EHD flow in the ESP channel.
surface roughness coefficient of the discharge electrodes, having the
range 0.7–1.0, and δ is the relative density of gas with respect to the
normal conditions, with this value set to 1 at 0.1 MPa. 4. Results and discussion
The space charge density of the discharge surface ρw is calculated by
the Kaptzov's approximation [36], i.e., Eq. (10), and it is taken as the 4.1. Electrical characteristics in the ESP channel
initial value of the discharge electrode boundary condition. After many
trials of the present study, it was found that the solution procedure of The electrical characteristics and the gas flow patterns in the ESP
ionized electric field and EHD turbulence flow can be described in the are simulated by the present model for the five shaped collecting
following sequence [29,35]: electrodes. In order to eliminate the influence of the inlet and outlet
boundary conditions on the numerical results, the distances between
1) Provide an initial guess of ρw (calculated by Kaptzov's approxima- both the first corona wire and the inlet and the third wire and the outlet
tion, i.e., Eq. (10)) for space charge density at the surface of the of the calculation domain are set to be 0.12 m. Numerical results of
discharge wire. electrical characteristics in the ESP channel of five shaped collecting
2) Combine and solve Eq. (3) to Eq. (4) for the electric potential and electrodes are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.
space-charge density. From Figs. 6 and 7 it is found that, for all the five electrode systems,
3) Repeat Step 2) until a converged solution of Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) is the electric field intensity and space charge density in the vicinity of the
obtained. discharge wire are not affected by the shape of collecting electrode, but
4) Calculate electric field near the discharge surface and compare the ⇀
the values of E and ρion decrease gradually along the direction from the
result with the value calculated from Peek's semi-empirical formula, discharge wires to the collecting electrodes. Fig. 6 shows that there are
i.e. Eq. (11). some differences between the five electric field distributions. The uni-
5) Adjust boundary conditions for ρw on the discharge electrode if the formities of the electric intensity near the collecting plates are similar
electric field intensity E(n) of the electrode surface does not fit the for Flat-plate, Rod-curtain, and Opzel-types, see Fig. 6(a) and (b) and
requirement of Eq. (12). 6(e). Although the averaged electric intensity near the zigzag plate, i.e.,
6) Return to Step 2) and repeat Steps 2) to 5). Fig. 6(c), is relatively high compared to the other four types, there
7) Solve flow Eq. (1) to Eq. (2) with momentum term ρionEi and RNG k- exists a weak intensity region near the collecting surface (the bottom of
ε model. the plate) directly opposite the corona wire. For the C-type, see
8) Return to Step 2) until the calculation of Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) con- Fig. 6(d), the concave corners of the plate are shielding zones of the
verged. discharge process, where neither the electric field nor the space charge
density is very weak.
Fig. 3 gives the flow chart of the FLUENT solution process for the The field strength and space charge density midway between two
ESP simulation. neighboring discharge electrodes are low because of the corona sup-
To make the calculation more accurate, the meshes around the pression effect, as shown in Fig. 7. Comparing the results from Fig. 7(a)
discharge electrode and the collecting electrode are refined. Because of and 7(e), if ρion < 0.1 ρion,max as the threshold of weak region, in which
the simultaneous simulation of the turbulent flow field and electric field ρion,max is the maxmum value of ρion in the channel, it is found that, in
easily diverges, and when the simulation does converge, it converges descending order, the widths of the low-value region are: Flat-plate,
slowly. Thus, the electric field is calculated to convergence first, and the Opzel-type, Rod-curtain, C-type, and finally W-type, meaning that
flow field is calculated to convergence second. Finally all equations are particles are not charged efficiently when passing through this region.
calculated to convergence simultaneously. If the monitoring parameters The distribution of electric field intensity and space charge density
of the numerical calculation no longer fluctuate, the field is considered near the surface of the collecting plate have a great influence on the
converged. charging and trapping of the particles [13,14,19–21]. For further
comparison of the differences of the electric field and the space charge
3.3. Model validation distributions between the five shaped collecting channels, Fig. 8 and
Fig. 9 depict the variations of the electric field intensity and space
In order to validate the accuracy of the numerical model, the cal- charge density along the x direction near the surface of the collecting
culation of the electric potential in a wire-flat-plate-type electrostatic electrode facing to the second corona wire. The distances between the
H. Shen et al. Journal of Electrostatics 95 (2018) 61–70
Fig. 3. Flow chart of the FLUENT solution process for the ESP simulation.
numerical sampling points and the plate surfaces is 0.5 mm. The Roman Although the overall trends are similar, Fig. 8 shows that the shape
letters, I, II, III, IV and V, denote the channels of Flat-plate, Rod-curtain, of the collecting electrode has a strong effect on the distribution of
W-type, C-type and Opzel-type, respectively, and AVG and RSD in the space charge density near the surface of the collecting plate, i.e., the
tables contained in Figs. 8 and 9 are the averaged values of ρion and E, space charge density decreases along both sides of the point x = 0 (the
and relative standard deviations, respectively. peak value of Rod-curtain type decreases with periodic variation). The
H. Shen et al. Journal of Electrostatics 95 (2018) 61–70
The EHD turbulent flow in an ESP channel plays a crucial role in the
Fig. 4. Comparision of electrical potential distributions in a wire-plate ESP improvement of particle collecting efficiency, which not only affects the
between numerical results and experimental test [38] (r = 0.3 mm, charged particle trajectories and capture, but also causes the escape of
Sy = 114.3 mm, Sx = 152.4 mm, U0 = 43.5 kV). particles from the collecting plate, especially the back-mixing of PM2.5-
based small particles. Therefore, numerical computations of the EHD
flow induced by the corona wind were performed for three different
inlet gas velocities. Fig. 10 to Fig. 12 show the flow velocity distribu-
tions and flow streamlines in the ESP channel of the five configurations,
where ue is the local velocity of the coupled EHD flow.
It can be seen from Fig. 10 that in the ESP channel without the cross
flow, i.e., u0 = 0 m/s, the electric wind develops and creates a series of
vortical flow structure between discharge electrodes and collecting
plates. The intensity of vortices induced by secondary flow in the ESP of
the C-type collecting plate is the highest (Fig. 10(d)), then the Flat-plate
type (Fig. 10(a)) and the Opzel-type (Fig. 10(e), and the weakest is the
W-type plate (see Fig. 10(c). The secondary flow velocity near the
surface of the C-type collecting plate is 1.5 times that of the W-type
plate. In addition, there is a vortex with low velocity between two tubes
of the Rod-curtain type, and these two tubes located at the middle of
two neighboring corona wires, as shown in the enlarge view of
Fig. 11(b).
For u0 = 0.5 m/s, the secondary flow induced vortex only exists in
the region near the collecting plate, which can be seen from Fig. 11. The
Fig. 5. Comparison between the numerical results of this study and experi-
W-type collecting plate offers the widest secondary flow induced vortex
mental data in wire-plate ESPs [39] (u0 = 1 m/s, r = 0.1 mm, Sy = 30 mm).
region, the strongest rotation intensity and the maximum velocity
around the discharge electrode. The C-type collecting plate is next, and
concave-convex of the W-type collecting plate leads to the changes of then the other plate types. Comparison of areas directly scoured by the
space charge density distribution, therefore, the best uniformity of primary flow shows that the Flat-plate type has the largest area, the
space charge density near the collecting surface is from the W-type Rod-curtain type plate is next, and the C-type plate has the smallest
electrode, which takes the smallest peak value. The fluctuation of space area. Consequently, at u0 = 0.5 m/s, the Flat-plate type has the most
charge density near the Rod-curtain collecting surface is largest, which serious back-mixing, the Rod-curtain type takes second place, the W-
has the maximum peak among the five. Moreover, there is a peak value type is similar to the Opzel-type, and the C-type has the weakest back-
of space charge density near each collecting tube of the Rod-curtain mixing.
type. On the other hand, for the same parameters, i.e., Sx, Sy, r and U0, When the mean velocity increases to u0 = 1.0 m/s, as shown in
Fig. 6. Electric field intensity distributions in the ESP channel of five shaped collecting electrodes.
H. Shen et al. Journal of Electrostatics 95 (2018) 61–70
Fig. 7. Space charge density distributions in the ESP channel of five shaped collecting electrodes.
is able to accelerate the main flow, while the local velocity near the
collecting plate is much lower than that in the main stream. The
strongest acceleration effect from the electric wind occurs in the
channel with the C-type collecting plate, with the Opzel-type plate next,
and then the others.
In general, the particle trapping can be qualitatively estimated from
the following two aspects. For one thing, the lower velocity near the
collecting plate could result in the easier deposition of particles
[7,10,16,22]; nevertheless, the migration velocity of the charged par-
ticles is also one of the main factors affecting particle deposition
[18,19,21]. Therefore, comparing to the low velocity areas of the re-
circulation region near the collecting plates between the five config-
urations, the C-type collecting plate at u0 = 0.5 m/s in Fig. 10 and the
W-type collecting plate at u0 = 1.0 m/s in Fig. 11 seem to be ad-
vantageous for the charged particle collection.
5. Conclusions
Fig. 8. Comparison of space charge density distributions at collecting surface
A numerical model is developed to predict the EHD flow interaction
for the five electrode systems.
between the primary flow and the electric wind in five differently
shaped plate type ESPs. The main results are summarized as follows:
H. Shen et al. Journal of Electrostatics 95 (2018) 61–70
Fig. 10. Comparison of ionic wind induced flows between the five collecting plate systems (u0 = 0 m/s).
Fig. 11. Comparison of the coupling flows between the five collecting plate systems (u0 = 0.5 m/s).
Fig. 12. Comparison of the flow patterns between the five collecting plate systems (u0 = 1.0 m/s).
H. Shen et al. Journal of Electrostatics 95 (2018) 61–70
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