The supporters of sociological theory say the A. Social process is not static.
entrepreneurial activities is affected from social
status hierarchy and values. Individuals position, B. Sufficient employment pattern is
tradition, cultural values, mobility and social status available.
etc., are thoroughly affected to entrepreneurship
development. C. Encourage to entrepreneurs for
personality development.
The main sociological theories are as follows:
Hoselitz says, “Culturally marginal
i. Frank W. Young Theory groups play an important role in
encouraging the economic development
ii. B.F Hoselitz Theory of any nation.”
iii. Max Weber Theory He think that the marginal persons are
more able in making creative
iv. Cochran Theory adjustment in charged situations and
during the adjustment process they
Frank W. young make efforts in bringing real
innovations in social behavior.
Is not the supporter of rule of individual
in entrepreneurship development. They
think that only group entrepreneurs
have the capacity of extension of Max Weber Theory
entrepreneurial activities due to the
character of capacity to react. He According to Weber, “A person who
believes on the concept of changeable lives in which community, religion and
society. follows the conventions and religious
All these things completely affect by Overall entrepreneurship development is
their professional life, energy, associated with social environment.
livelihood and enthusiasm.
We conclude that all the authors i.e.,
In other words, Max Weber is
Frank Young, B.F. Hoselitz, Max Weber,
connected with the emergence and
success of entrepreneurs with social Cochran has given their own opinion on the
ethical values systems. He also concept of sociological theory. All the
associated the entrepreneurship theories depend upon the social factors.
development with protestants and other
non-convents. Frank Young’s theory says about the
concept of changeable society. Reactive
According to him, non-convents group status transforms the group into an
are those who gives pressure on
capitalism, money rationality and
thinking. They were almost successful
in creating entrepreneurs, wealth B.F Hoselitz has given the importance to
collection, technology, capital social factor. Under this theory, the
formation and economic development. marginal persons are more able in making
creative adjustment in changed situations.
Types of Resources
*Develop and launch their ventures. Crop production is crucial for several reasons:
FOOD SECURITY - ensures a stable food CROP GROWTH AND
supply, meeting the dietary needs of FERTILIZATION - after the seeds have
humans and animals. It prevents food sprouted, monitoring is needed of the
shortage and help in mitigating hunger and moisture content in the soil so as to prevent
malnutrition. any water stress in the plants. Once water
stressed plants become highly
ECONOMIC IMPACT -is a significant unproductive. Fertilizer need to be applied
contributor to the economy. It provides as per the need of the crop.
employment opportunities, income
generation for farmers and support related HARVESTING, STORAGE AND
industries such as food processing and MARKETING - it is the end of the labor
distribution. of a farmers and to realize the worth of his
crop. Mechanical and manual methods of
ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS - crop harvest are utilized depending on the
production practices can have positive resources at the command of the farmer and
effects on the environment such as soil from country to country and place to place.
conservation, biodiversity conservation and Marketing is normally done through central
carbon sequestration when implemented government or private agency.
*Personal Development
*Life Skills
Agricultural economics is an applied field
of economics concerned with the
These component aim to equip students
application of economic theory in
with practical knowledge and *
optimizing the production and distribution Involves the transformation of experience
of food and fiber. including our thoughts emotion and
environment impact the learning process.
2. Retention:
Reporter: Banico Individuals need to encode and store
the observed information in their memory
to access it later.
3. Reproduction: audience. This ensures that the content is
Learners must have the ability to more likely to be noticed and retained.
reproduce or imitate the behavior they
observed. 3. Encourage User-Generated Content:
Social Learning Theory highlights the
4. Motivation: power of observational learning, and one
A key component of Bandura’s theory is effective way to tap into this is by
the concept of reinforcement, which encouraging user-generated content.
suggests that the expectation of rewards Encouraging satisfied customers to share
or punishments influences the likelihood of their experiences through reviews,
someone imitating a behavior. testimonials, or social media posts can
influence others to engage with the brand.