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whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent

REVIEWER IN EPP on what we do (internal control orientation) or on

events outside our personal control (external
ELE 10 controlorientation)

Internally oriented individuals believe they

have control over their lives and outcomes,
attributing success or failure to their own actions.
Externally oriented individuals, on the other hand,
Reporter: NOBLEFRANCA attribute events to external factors like luck or fate,
feeling less control over their circumstances. This
Topic: Psychology Theory theory has implications for understanding how
individuals approach entrepreneurship and handle
Psychology Theory of Entrepreneurship challenges in business.
Focus on the individual and mental or
emotional elements that drive Need for Achievement theory.
entrepreneural individuals. McClelland (1961) explained that human beings
have aneed to succeed, accomplish, excel or
"PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES UNDER achieve. Entrepreneurs are driven by this need to
ENTREPRENEURSHIP" achieveand excel. Achievement motivation may be
the only convincing person logical factor related to
• Personality Traits Theory new venturecreation (Shaver & Scott, 1991)

• Locus of Control The Need for Achievement (nAch) theory

is relevant to entrepreneurship as it emphasizes an
• Need for Achievement Theory individual's desire for challenging tasks, personal
accomplishment, and a drive to excel.
Entrepreneurs with high nAch are often motivated
to set and accomplish challenging goals, which can
Personality Traits Theory Coon (2004) fuel their persistence in the face of obstacles. This
defines personality traits as “stable qualities that a theory suggests that a strong need for achievement
person shows in most situations”. To the trait can propel individuals toward entrepreneurial
theorists there are enduring inborn qualities or endeavors, as they seek personal accomplishment
potentials of the individual that naturally make and success in their ventures.
him an entrepreneur.

The theory of entrepreneurial personality

traits suggests that successful entrepreneurs often Reporter: VILLAMAYOR
exhibit characteristics such as risk-taking
propensity, resilience, innovation, adaptability, and
a high tolerance for uncertainty. These traits Topic: Cognitivism theory
contribute to their ability to navigate challenges
and capitalize on opportunities in the dynamic Cognitivism theory in
business environment. entrepreneurship focuses on
understanding how entrepreneurs think,
Locus of Control is an important aspect of process information and make decisions. It
personality. The concept was first introducedby highlight the importance of flexibility
Julian Rotter in the 1950s. Rotter (1966) refers in navigating dynamic market
to Locus of Control as an conditions and seizing opportunities. It also
individual’sperception about the underlying main emphasize the role of mental process in
causes of events in his/her life. In other words, a learning entrepreneurial concepts and skills
locus of control orientation is a belief about based on how entrepreneurs interpret and
respond to uncertainties and complexities
inherent in the business
environment.. Reporter: SECO
Two types of entrepreneurial cognition:
Topic: Behaviorism Theory
1. Analytic - It's how entrepreneurs think
critically and creatively to identify and Behaviorism focuses on the study of
capitalize on business opportunities while observable and measurable behavior.
managing potential obstacles.

2. Intuitive - It's about trusting one's

instincts and intuition to navigate Behaviorism can be applied to
uncertainties and make quick entrepreneurship in various ways:
decisions in entrepreneurship.
* Skill Development Through Practice

Behaviorism emphasizes learning through

Three types of entrepreneurial mindset : practical experience. Students can learn
entrepreneurial skills such as budgeting,
1. Creative mind - An entrepreneurial marketing and product development
mindset with a creative mind means through hands-on activities like creating
thinking outside the box, being open
and selling products or managing small
to new ideas, and having the courage to
take risks in the business world. It business within the school.
involves being innovative, adaptable, and
proactive in solving problems and seizing *Reinforcement
opportunities to create value and achieve
success. Behaviorism suggest that positive outcomes
reinforce behavior. Teacher can use
2. Technical mind - An entrepreneurial positive reinforcement, such as praise or
mindset with a technical mind involves rewards to encourage students engage in
using practical skills, knowledge, and entrepreneurial activities and take initiative
expertise to identify and solve problems in in their learning.
the business world. It means being
analytical, detail-oriented, and proficient in *Modeling Observational Learning
understanding and leveraging technical
aspects relevant to the industry or business Behaviorism highlights the role of
venture. modeling and observation in learning.
Students can learn from successful
3. Business mind - An entrepreneurial entrepreneurs through case studies, guest
mindset with a business mind focuses on lecture, or field trips to local businesses,
understanding market dynamics, identifying which can inspire and motivate them to
opportunities, and developing strategies to pursue.
create and grow successful ventures. It
involves being goal-oriented, strategic, and *Habit Formation
savvy about business operations, finances,
and customer needs in order to drive
growth and profitability.
Behaviorism that suggests that repeated production and distribution of goods in a
behaviors can become habits. In competitive marketplace.Some remarkable
entrepreneurship, consistent practices such classical theories of entrepreneurship are as
as networking costumer service, or product follows:
innovation can become ingrained habits
that contribute to business success. RICHARD CANTILLON’S

*Feedback And Reflection Richard cantillon provided one of the earliest

contribution regarding the economic strand of
Behaviorism emphasizes the importance of thought about entrepreneurship.Richard described
feedback in learning. Teachers can provide an entrepreneur as speculator who conducts all
feedback to students on their exchanges,and bears risks a result of buying at
entrepreneurial activities, helping them certain prices and further selling them at uncertain
identify strengths and areas for prices.
improvement, and encourage reflection on
their experience. NEO- CLASSICAL THEORY

By integrating behaviorism theory in EPP The neo-classical theories emerged as a

with an entrepreneurship focus, educators result of the critism levelled against the classical
can enhance student’s entrepreneurial theories. The neoclassical theories maintains the
skills, knowledge, and mindset, preparing impact od diminishing marginal utility and
them for future success in entrepreneurship entrepreneurial response to them as another major
and livelihood activities. aspect which was missing in the classical works.


The study of entrepreneurs is far fr new. In

Reporter: ESCLEO the year 1755, Cantillon describec entrepreneurs as
agents who undertake risks for profits. Early
Topic: Economics Theory theorist Adam Smith presented the concept of
entrepreneurship which was not differen from a
ECONOMICS THEORY company owner.Alfred Marshal in his work
combined bot concepts and presented the
Economic theories help in examining and entrepreneur as an individual who is both, a
exploring economic factors that affect or enable risktaker and an administrator. He identified
entrepreneurial behaviour. entrepreneurs who are responsible for ensuring
production function in a company, identifying
Economic theories of enterpreneurship can be opportunities, reducing costs and increasing
divided into three different time period: profits. Marshall further in his theory classified
entrepreneurs .
The Austrian market process theories were
3.Austrian market process proposed in order to provide answers to questions
that remained unanswered in the neo-classical
CLASSICAL THEORY school o thought regarding entrepreneurship. These
theories mainly focus on human actions based on
Classical theories of entrepreneurship their knowledge regarding the economy.
majorly focused on the virtues of free trade,
competition and specialization. These theories SHACKLE’S THEORY
defined the role of an entrepreneur in terms of the
According to Shackle's theory, A group comes in reactive status when
entrepreneurs are creative and imaginative in their the following circumstances happen at
work. It states that entrepreneurs imagine one attempt.
opportunities and have the creative ability to make
choices. Furthermore, according to this theory, A. When group experiences minority
uncertainty and imperfect information play an situation in society.
important role because it is the presence of both
these aspects that gives rise to opportunities for B. When group do not make approach
individuals. This act of imagination helps up to effective social machinery.
entrepreneurs ir the identification of potential
market opportunities. This, when compared with C. When group is having sound and
the resources available, can lead to effective more institutional resources rather than
decision-making. other groups.

Reporter: DANCALAN B.F Hoselitz theory

According to Hoselitz, “The

Topic: Sociological Theory development of industrial entrepreneur
is based on only which type of society
Sociological Theory are there.”

The supporters of sociological theory say the A. Social process is not static.
entrepreneurial activities is affected from social
status hierarchy and values. Individuals position, B. Sufficient employment pattern is
tradition, cultural values, mobility and social status available.
etc., are thoroughly affected to entrepreneurship
development. C. Encourage to entrepreneurs for
personality development.
The main sociological theories are as follows:
Hoselitz says, “Culturally marginal
i. Frank W. Young Theory groups play an important role in
encouraging the economic development
ii. B.F Hoselitz Theory of any nation.”

iii. Max Weber Theory He think that the marginal persons are
more able in making creative
iv. Cochran Theory adjustment in charged situations and
during the adjustment process they
Frank W. young make efforts in bringing real
innovations in social behavior.
Is not the supporter of rule of individual
in entrepreneurship development. They
think that only group entrepreneurs
have the capacity of extension of Max Weber Theory
entrepreneurial activities due to the
character of capacity to react. He According to Weber, “A person who
believes on the concept of changeable lives in which community, religion and
society. follows the conventions and religious
All these things completely affect by Overall entrepreneurship development is
their professional life, energy, associated with social environment.
livelihood and enthusiasm.
We conclude that all the authors i.e.,
In other words, Max Weber is
Frank Young, B.F. Hoselitz, Max Weber,
connected with the emergence and
success of entrepreneurs with social Cochran has given their own opinion on the
ethical values systems. He also concept of sociological theory. All the
associated the entrepreneurship theories depend upon the social factors.
development with protestants and other
non-convents. Frank Young’s theory says about the
concept of changeable society. Reactive
According to him, non-convents group status transforms the group into an
are those who gives pressure on
capitalism, money rationality and
thinking. They were almost successful
in creating entrepreneurs, wealth B.F Hoselitz has given the importance to
collection, technology, capital social factor. Under this theory, the
formation and economic development. marginal persons are more able in making
creative adjustment in changed situations.

Max Weber theory says that those persons

Cochran theory who are related with religious, community
etc., follow the rules and regulations of that
According to Cochran’s, ‘cultural
values, role expectation and social community only.
acceptance plays prominent role in
entrepreneurship development and Cochran theory says that the
entrepreneurship development and entrepreneurship is the model personality of
entrepreneur is a model of personality. the society.

The success of an entrepreneur is

basically affected from the following
Reporter: BARREDA
*The social attitude of the person towards
his occupation. Topic: Opportunity Based Theory

*The role expectations of the sanctioning

*The operational requirements of the job. THEORY ?

- This Theory is anchored by names such as Peter

Drucker and Howard Stevenson
Thus, the social attitude of the - It rfers to starting a business or venture based on
person and the role expectations are identifying and seizing opportunities in the market
determined by the society’s values as well or environment rather than out of necessity .
as sanctioning groups that determine the
success and failure of entrepreneurship.
- It involves recognizing gaps or unmet needs in - opportunity is like a home.
the market and creating innovative solutions or
products to address them . 5. Opportunity Elevates People and
-This type of entrepreneurship is often driven by a
desire to pursue a specific vision or capitalize on a - Abioye (1996) observed that opportunity does
promising opportunity rather than simply to make a not reduced people rather it increases them .
living .
6. Opportunities have companions
- It features companionship
An opportunity is all of these things and
more . An opportunity must encompass innovative - an enveloped in challenges
new products and services as well as innovative
new business models , innovative new 7. Opportunity involves risk taking
manufacturing processes and innovative new
business processes. - Risk in this sense relates to deliberate
departure from The known to unknown. The
ELEMENTS OF OPPORTUNITIES individual forsakes what hé / she has in The hope
of getting a better one that awaits him or her
1. Opportunities are often tied to specific ( Schumpeter 1934) .

People have to meet certain individual ,

read book , listen to radio or tapes and do several
things given location .

There is a specific purposes for every

Reporter: Soriano
opportunity and in a given location .
Topic: Industrial Arts
2. Opportunities are endless
- Just like The waves of The sea ,life is a
succession of opportunities. -Industrial Arts has an
important role to play as part of general
-The opportunities that come on individual's or education in our modern world society.
organizations way may determine The rate of his / Each day our worlds become more
it's growth progress. mechanized technical with the invention
and the production of more labor-saving
3. Greatness or Success is a product of devices. Many tradesmen and
Opportunity. technician are needed to install, operate
and service these modern pieces of
Abioye ( 1996) noted that every greatness is a equipment. Industrial arts offer the
product of Opportunity . student an opportunity to acquire some
insights into various technical and trade
4. Opportunity opens up to another areas.

- an opportunity that is well utilized opens up to -Industrial arts class

another . experience will have carry-over in later
life and job situation, in consumer
- it is bade in sizes and phases knowledge or possibly in home
maintenance. Vocational Building
Trades provides students an opportunity METAL WORKS
to explore twenty areas of pre-
apprenticeship for those that are -is the process of shaping and
considering a construction as a career. reshaping metals to create useful
objects, parts, assemblies, and large-
scale structure. As a term it covers a
wide and diverse range of process,
Components of IA: skills, and tools for producing objects
one every scale: from huge ships,
CARPENTRY building, and bridge down to precise
engine parts and delicate jewelry.
-is a skilled trade and a craft
in which the primary performed is the ELECTRICAL
cutting, shaping and installation of
building materials during the construct -is defined something as
of buildings, ships, timber bridge, related to electricity, which is energy
concrete formwork etc. Carpenters resulting from charged particles. When
tradionally worked with natural wood a wire carries electric current to your
and did the rougher work such as television or refrigerator. This is an
framing, but today many other materials example of an electrical wire.
are also used and sometimes the finer
trades of cabinet making, and furniture ORTHOGRAPHIC
building are considered carpentry. DRAWING/CAD

PLUMBING -are a very common style of

drawing and are easily created with
-may be defined as a practice, AutoCAD.
materials and fixtures used in installing
maintaining and altering piping, fixtures
and appliances and appurtenances in
connection with sanitary or storm
drainage facilities, a vending system
and a public or private water supply Reporter: Vargas
system. Plumbing does not include
drilling water wells; installing water
softening equipment; or manufacturing Topic: Resource Based inquiry
or selling plumbing fixtures, appliances,
equipment, or hardware. A plumbing What is Resource - Based Inquiry?
system consists of three parts: an
adequate potable water supply system: a Resource - based inquiry refers to the
safe adequate drainage system: and examination of how entrepreneurs identify,
ample fixtures and equipment. acquire, and leverage resources.

ELECTRONICS Resource - based inquiry is particularly

relevant to the study of entrepreneurship, as
-is study of how to control the entrepreneurs often operate with limited
flow of electrons. It deals with circuits resources and need to be creative and
that are made with parts called resourceful in order to succeed.
components and connecting wires that
control the f;ow of electricity and direct
it to do useful things.
What are the resources?
Resources are assets that entrepreneurs can *Overcome challenges and obstacles.
draw upon to achieve their goals.
*Gain a competitive advantage
They can be tangible (physical assets) or
intangible (knowledge, skills). *Achieve sustainable growth.

Resources are essential for starting,

operating, and growing a business.

Types of Resources

Tangible resources - physical assets such

as land, buildings, equipment, and

Intangible resources - Non - physical

assets such as iintellectual property, brand, Reporter: Estrada
reputation, and organizational culture.
Topic: Crop Production
Human resources - The skills, knowledge
and experience of the people involved in WHAT IS CROP PRODUCTION?
the venture.
a branch of agriculture which includes the
Financial resources - These resources are cultivation of crop field, vegetables
the financial assets that firm has available, growing, fruit growing etc.
such as cash, credit, investment.

How Entrepreneurs Can Leverage Rice

*Identifying opportunities: Entrepreneurs
can use their resources to and exploit Sugarcane
oppurtunities in the marketplace.
*Creating value: Entrepreneurs can use
their resources to create value for their Banana
*Sustaining competitive advantage:
Entrepreneurs can use their resources to Pineapple
create and sustain a competitive advantage
in the marketplace. Cassava

Why are the resources important? Coffee

*Identify and seize opportunity. Sweet potato

*Develop and launch their ventures. Crop production is crucial for several reasons:
FOOD SECURITY - ensures a stable food CROP GROWTH AND
supply, meeting the dietary needs of FERTILIZATION - after the seeds have
humans and animals. It prevents food sprouted, monitoring is needed of the
shortage and help in mitigating hunger and moisture content in the soil so as to prevent
malnutrition. any water stress in the plants. Once water
stressed plants become highly
ECONOMIC IMPACT -is a significant unproductive. Fertilizer need to be applied
contributor to the economy. It provides as per the need of the crop.
employment opportunities, income
generation for farmers and support related HARVESTING, STORAGE AND
industries such as food processing and MARKETING - it is the end of the labor
distribution. of a farmers and to realize the worth of his
crop. Mechanical and manual methods of
ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS - crop harvest are utilized depending on the
production practices can have positive resources at the command of the farmer and
effects on the environment such as soil from country to country and place to place.
conservation, biodiversity conservation and Marketing is normally done through central
carbon sequestration when implemented government or private agency.


IMPORTANCE - many societies have
deep cultural connection to certain crops
and agriculture often plays a central role in
traditional practices, ceremonies and



deciding about the crop to be grown and it
could be grains, millet, fruits and etc. the
farmers should consider the total revenue
model. What crop at that time of sowing
would give him the best market price when
harvested? What is the potential market
demand for the crop? Is the crop suitable
for the climate and land?


cultivation and crop growing are to be
considered as one entity. Good land
preparation enables good crop. Since
mankind discovered agriculture, farmers
have been carrying out land preparation.


seedling in the planting hole at the same
depth that it was growing in the pot. You
should be able to cover the seedlings with
about 1/4 inch in soil. A farmers pours the
seeds with the proper distance
Repoter: Catapia







*Family and Consumer Science

*Food and Nutrition

*Textiles and Clothing

*Home Management and Design

*Personal Development

*Life Skills


This component covers a broad range of competencies needed for personal well-
topics related to family and consumer being, managing a household, and
studies. It may include family dynamics. preparing for future roles as independent
interpersonal relationships, child adults.
development, and parenting skills.
Additionally, it may cover consumer CONCLUSION
education, financial management, and
This component focuses on the principles DEVELOPMENT, AND FAMILY WELL-BEING.
of nutrition, food preparation, meal THEY AIM TO EQUIP STUDENTS WITH THE
planning, and dietary guidelines. Students NECESSARY SKILLS TO LEAD HEALTHY,
may learn about food safety, cooking INDEPENDENT, AND FULFILLING LIVES AND
techniques, and the impact of nutrition on TO PREPARE THEM FOR FUTURE ROLES AS
overall health and well-being. RESPONSIBLE MEMBERS OF THEIR

This component may cover topics such as

textiles, sewing, clothing construction, Reporter: Tarroza
fashion design, and personal style.
Students may learn about fabric selection,
garment construction, and the social and
Topic: Agriculture
cultural aspects of clothing.


This component may include topics related
the science, art, or practice of cultivating
to interior design, home organization,
the soil, producing crops, and raising
housing management, and resource
livestock and in varying degrees the
management. Students may learn about
preparation and marketing of the resulting
space planning, interior decorating, and
sustainable living practices.
is commonly clefined as domesticated
This component focuses on personal
animals raised in an agricultural setting to
growth and development. It may cover
produce labor and commodities such as
topics such as personal grooming,
meat, eggs, milk, fur, leather, and wool.
etiquette, time management, goal setting,
and decision- making skills.

Agricultural economics is an applied field
of economics concerned with the
These component aim to equip students
application of economic theory in
with practical knowledge and *
optimizing the production and distribution Involves the transformation of experience
of food and fiber. including our thoughts emotion and
environment impact the learning process.

Imigated farm areas mainly grow rice and

sugarcane whereas rained areas are 4 STAGE PROCESS (OR CYCLE)
planted with coconut, corn arid cassava.
The Philippines major agricultural products *Concrete experience (feeling).
include rice, coconuts, com, sugarcane,
bananas, pineapples, and mangoes Entreprenuers engage in hand on
experience and real word situation related
MODERN AGRICULTURE their venture, such as lauching a product or
on Interacting with customers.
Is a term used to describe the wide type of
production practices employed by *Reflective observation (observing)
American farmers it makes use of hybrid involves critical analyzing experiences
seeds of selected variety of single crop action and outcome to gain insight and
technologically learning its about assing the past decision
and their impact identifying the strengths
and weaknesses,

*abstract conceptualization (thinking)

Entreprenuers draw the conclusion from
Reporter: Alicando their reflection and experience, forming
theories or concepts about how to improve
their venture or approach future challege.
Topic: Experiential learning
*Active Experiementation (doing)
Entreprenuers apply their new concept and
theories in practical situation,
Experiential learning
experimenting with different strategies and
action to enhance their venture's success.
Kolb's theory explain that concrete
experience, reflective observation, abstract
conceptualization and active
experimention form a four stage process
(or cycle) transfomed into effective
learning applying kolbs theory student *DIVERGING (feeling and watching)
educators and employers. has benefits for
In this learning style learning focus
concrete experience and reflective
observation, they prepare watch and
Kolbs theory was influenced by the work
reflect on what they observed before
of education theorist, including jean
jumping in.
piagets, john dewey, and kurt lewen. Kolb
was numerous book book chapter and Example: entreprenuer with this style tend
journal articles, he was bestowed four to be imaginative and creative.
honory degrees and won several awards.
*ASSIMILATING (Watching and thinking)
This learning style incorporates learner Topic: Social Learning Theory In
who favour abstract conceptualisation and
reflective observation they like using Entrepreneurship
analytical model to explore and prefer
concept and abstract observation SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY IN
*CONVERGING (doing and thinking)
Social Learning Theory, proposed by Albert
I learner using this style focus on abstract Bandura, suggests that individuals learn
conceptualisation and activel from observing, imitating, and modeling
experimentation they like to solve the the behavior of others within their social
problem and enjoy applying learning environment. In entrepreneurship, this
practical issues. theory implies that aspiring entrepreneurs
can learn skills, strategies, and behaviors
by observing successful entrepreneurs,
mentors, and peers.

Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory,

which emphasizes the importance of
observation, imitation, and reinforcement
in the learning process. This theory can be
a powerful tool for entrepreneurs looking
to achieve their marketing objectives

Social Learning Theory, often referred to as

social-cognitive theory, posits that
individuals learn from observing and
imitating the behaviors of others.

Central to this theory is the idea that

people are not mere recipients of
information and knowledge but are active
participants in their learning process.

Bandura proposed that learning occurs

through four main processes:

1. Attention: Learners must pay attention

to the model they are observing. This
requires the information to be salient and

2. Retention:
Reporter: Banico Individuals need to encode and store
the observed information in their memory
to access it later.
3. Reproduction: audience. This ensures that the content is
Learners must have the ability to more likely to be noticed and retained.
reproduce or imitate the behavior they
observed. 3. Encourage User-Generated Content:
Social Learning Theory highlights the
4. Motivation: power of observational learning, and one
A key component of Bandura’s theory is effective way to tap into this is by
the concept of reinforcement, which encouraging user-generated content.
suggests that the expectation of rewards Encouraging satisfied customers to share
or punishments influences the likelihood of their experiences through reviews,
someone imitating a behavior. testimonials, or social media posts can
influence others to engage with the brand.

4. Use Social Proof and Testimonials:

Entrepreneurial marketers should
prominently feature social proof and
testimonials in their marketing materials.
Potential customers are more likely to be
motivated to take action if they see others
who have benefited from a product or
service. Sharing positive feedback and
experiences can reinforce the desirability
of your offering.

5. Employ Incentives and Rewards:

Motivation is a significant component
How to Apply Social Learning Theory to
of Social Learning Theory. Entrepreneurs
Achieve Your Business and Marketing
can use rewards, discounts, or exclusive
offers to motivate potential customers to
imitate desired behaviors, such as making
1. Identify and Leverage Role Models: a purchase, sharing content, or referring
Entrepreneurs can identify individuals friends. This taps into the reinforcement
or companies within their industry who mechanism described in the theory.
have successfully achieved the objectives
6. Engage with Influencers:
they aspire to attain. By studying these role
models, entrepreneurs can gain valuable
Collaborating with social media
insights into effective marketing strategies.
influencers or industry experts who have a
This may include examining their content
strong following can be a powerful way to
marketing, social media engagement, or
leverage Bandura’s theory. When these
branding techniques.
influencers endorse your product or
2. Create Compelling and Engaging service, their followers are more likely to
Content: imitate their behavior, leading to increased
To capture the attention of potential brand visibility and potential conversions.
customers, entrepreneurs should focus on
creating content that is not only
informative but also engaging. Utilise
• Entrepreneurs can harness the principles
storytelling, visuals, and relatable
of this theory to enhance their marketing
narratives that resonate with the target
efforts and achieve their business
objectives. This approach allows
entrepreneurs to tap into the power of
social learning to drive brand awareness,
engagement, and ultimately, business


Overall, Bandura's social learning theory

provides insights into how entrepreneurs
learn and develop, highlighting the role of
social influences, observational learning,
and self-efficacy in the entrepreneurial

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