Chemi 601 Q

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1. A student uses the apparatus to separate a mixture of three alkanes.

(a) Name apparatus A and B.

A .........................................................................................................................................

B ..........................................................................................................................................

(b) Identify two errors in the assembled apparatus shown in the diagram.

1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

The errors are corrected.

The mixture of alkanes is heated in the flask to start the separation.

The boiling points of the alkanes are shown.

alkane Boiling point/oC

octane 126
nonane 151
decane 174

(c) (i) State why the flask is not heated directly with the flame of a Bunsen burner.


(ii) State why the flask is not heated with a beaker of boiling water.

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Name a piece of apparatus that is suitable to heat the flask.

................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) Name the first alkane collected in the conical flask.

Explain your answer.

alkane .................................

explanation ...............................................................................................................................

[Total: 9]

2. A student investigated the reaction of aqueous potassium hydroxide with two different acids,
acid C and acid D.

Two experiments were carried out.

Experiment 1

By using a measuring cylinder, 40 cm3 of aqueous potassium hydroxide was poured into a
conical flask and the initial temperature of the solution was measured.

A burette was filled with acid C up to the 0.0 cm3 mark.

10 cm3 of acid C was added to the potassium hydroxide in the flask. The temperature of the
mixture was measured.

Further 10 cm3 portions of acid C were added to the mixture in the flask, stirring with the
thermometer until a total volume of 60 cm3 of acid C had been added. The temperatures after
each 10 cm3 portion had been added were measured.

(a) Use the thermometer diagrams to record the temperatures in the table of results.


Experiment 2

The burette was emptied and rinsed with water. Experiment 1 was repeated using acid D.

(b) Use the thermometer diagrams to record the temperatures in the table of results.


(c) Plot the results for Experiments 1 and 2 on the grid and draw two smooth lines graphs.
Clearly label your graphs.

(d) From your graph, deduce the temperature of the mixture when 6 cm3 of acid reacted with
potassium hydroxide in Experiment 1.

Show clearly on the graph how you worked out your answer.

…………………………oC [2]

(e) (i) Which experiment produced the larger temperature change?

……………………………………………………………………………………... [1]

(ii) Suggest why the temperature change is greater in this experiment.



…………………………………………………………………………………….... [2]

(f) why was the burette rinsed with water in Experiment 2?


……………………………………………………………………………………...... [1]

(g) Predict the temperature of the reaction mixture in Experiment 2 after 1 hour. Explain
your answer.


……………………………………………………………………………………...... [2]
[Total: 18]

3. A mixture of two solids, C and D was analysed. Solid C was lead nitrate, which is water-
soluble. Solid D was insoluble.

Test tests on C and D, and some of the observations, are in the following table.

Complete the observations in the table.

tests observations
Water was added to the mixture in a
boiling tube and shaken. The contents
of the tube were filtered.

tests on filtrate

(a) To about 1cm3 of the solution, a

few drops of dilute nitric acid and
about 1 cm3 of aqueous potassium
iodide was added. …………………………………….. [2]

(b) To about 1cm3 of the solution, …………………………………………

sodium hydroxide solution and
aluminium powder were added. …………………………………………
The mixture was heated. Any gases
given off were tested with damp pH …………………………………….. [3]
indicator paper.

tests on residue

(c) Dilute hydrochloric acid was added rapid effervescence

to the residue. The gas given off
was tested with limewater.

The solution was divided into two

equal portions.
(i) To the first portion, aqueous white precipitate, soluble in excess
sodium hydroxide was added a aqueous sodium hydroxide
little at a time until in excess.

(ii) To the second portion, aqueous white precipitate, soluble in excess

ammonia solution was added a aqueous ammonia solution
little at a time until in excess.

(d) Identify solid D.

…………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

[Total: 7]

4. Hydrogen peroxide solution decomposes to give water and oxygen gas.

The equation for this reaction is

2H2O2(aq) à 2H2O(l) + O2(g)

Three different solids are catalysts for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide solution.
A student is given hydrogen peroxide solution and a sample of each of the solid catalysts.

Plan an investigation to find out which of the three solids is the most effective catalyst for the
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide solution.

You have access to 3 types of solid catalysts, aqueous hydrogen peroxide and all normal
laboratory apparatus.









[Total: 6]

Prepared by : Lim Bee Lee Checked by : Lim Yee Hoong

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