The Game Master's Book of Legendary Dragons - Epic New - Jeff Ashworth - The Game Master's Books, 1, 1, 2022 - Game Master Series - 9781956403053 - Anna's Archive

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Epic new dragons, dragon-kin and monsters, plus Cult, Class,

Combat and magic Options for 5th Edition RPG adventures
dillon haeck hÜbrich
lewis pinto
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04 06
Foreword | Introduction Jörmungand,
The World Serpent
pg. 50

Karnaggonn, The Morning Star pg. 54
Legendary Dragons
Kiennavalyriss, pg. 58
Anoth-Zuul, Mummified pg. 12 The Keeper of Secrets
Dragon Queen

Kundal, The Rainbow Dragon pg. 62

Aufgeben, The Dark Cloud pg. 16

Balaur, Beast of War pg. 20 Kur, The Dragon of the Void pg. 66

Kut-Echinae, pg. 70
Balleg, The Ravaged Wyrm pg. 24 Mother of Monstrosities

Fury, Dragon Queen of Hell pg. 28 Naghi, The Stone Dragon pg. 74

Gallomarg, Disease-Ridden pg. 33 Pellix, The Stalker pg. 78

Serpent of the Maw

Salathiir, Suffering Made Flesh pg. 82

Glitz, The Rapscallion pg. 37

Tyrnin, The Two-Headed pg. 86

Ilizinnii, The Heart Eater pg. 42 Dragon

Immryg-Umryss, The Snatcher pg. 46 Umunairu, Shepherd of Storms pg. 90

Vanadon-Necroth, The Scaled pg. 94 120
Book of the Dead
A Realm of Dragons
pg. 98 Dragon Riders pg. 122
Volthaarius, The Traveler in
Silver Mist Drakes pg. 132
Puggons pg. 134
Dragonants pg. 135
Vyraetra, The Wretched Wyrm pg. 103
Hand of the Dragon pg. 138
Dräken pg. 144
Xavour, The Plague Bringer pg. 107 Dragon Cults pg. 152
Dragon Hunting pg. 156
Xylaarion, The Shackled Queen pg. 112 Dragon Parts Economy pg. 159
Enhanced Spells pg. 163
Zuth, The Eternal pg. 116 Aerial Combat pg. 170
Magic Items pg. 176

One-Shot Adventures
Hold My Beer pg. 184
Dragon Hunt pg. 198
Hell Hath Fury pg. 222

“If you’re a casual gamer, Game Master or full-time RPG enthusiast, this
book is for you. It presents an exciting, mythical and fantastical world of
dragons designed to enhance your gaming experience in ways you never
—Chris Seaman
dungeons & dragons and magic: the gathering artist

All inhabited continents include some form of these beasts in their folklore, from Europe to the Far
East. The idea of massive reptilian creatures inhabiting the edge of civilization crosses cultures and
is one of the threads that binds us together as human beings. Our literary history is replete with
dragons serving as the archetypal foe that opposes the hero from the Argonautica in antiquity to
the tales of Beowulf and King Arthur. And dragons grew in popularity in the 20th century in the stories of authors
such as C.S. Lewis, Ursula K. Le Guin, Robert A. Heinlein and famously the evil red dragon Smaug from my favorite
childhood book, The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Given all of these factors, it is no surprise that when my father, Gary Gygax, created the fantasy role-playing genre, he
chose to name that revolutionary new game Dungeons & Dragons. Dragons are the stuff of legends, so this tome could
not be more aptly named than it is: The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons.

Let’s face it, if you love fantasy role-playing gaming like me (and since you’re reading this foreword the chances are that
you do share my passion for gaming), you are fascinated with dragons. And why shouldn’t you be? When I think of my
favorite fantasy artwork, it includes dragons. Larry Elmore’s rendering of the red dragon on the iconic Basic D&D red
box, Clyde Caldwell’s Tiamat, Erol Otus’s Basic D&D cover—or a personal favorite that I commissioned from Jeff Easley
for Gary Con VI, “An Aerial Duel,” depicting a flying wizard battling a dragon. Something about these mystical beings
touches our souls, ignites our sense of adventure and sends our imagination soaring on massive bat-like wings.

Some of my earliest memories around the gaming table are of listening to the likes of Rob Kuntz and my dad talking
about their adventures in the World of Greyhawk. Each one of them had gone searching through dangerous territory in
the wilderness to find and subdue a dragon. Rob played the evil hero, Lord Robilar, who overcame a green dragon and
forced it into his service. Mordenkainen, a powerful archmage played by my father, gained control of a pair of ancient red
dragons. It was a mark of prestige to be able to conquer and control a being of such raw power.

Don’t you want to have one of these magical beasts at your beck and call?

It’s clear that the people who put together this resource are fascinated with dragons too. It’s packed with information
and ideas that will bring dragons to the forefront of your favorite fantasy role-playing game. Inside, you’ll find a
selection of ancient wyrms with colorful stories that bring their personalities to life and make it easier for the Game
Master to understand and play them. From the fearsome Balaur and Balleg, both left twisted and filled with rage
at the wizards that cruelly subjected them to tortures to gain power, to the intriguing and compelling Fury, Dragon
Queen of Hell, and the wise Kiennavalris whom you can use to add layers of story to your campaign. In addition to
the more than two dozen of these Legendary Dragons, the book includes a new character class, spell enhancements,
the dräken race, information about hunting dragons, dragon cults, new magic items and even rules to manage aerial

Dragons have a special place in our folklore, mythology and fantasy gaming. I encourage you to have fun using
this book to reinvigorate the role that dragons play in your campaign and watch how much fun your players have
interacting with them.

Luke Gygax
Founder of Gary Con

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 5

come not
the dragon
and his wrath.
–William Shakespeare

Welcome to
The Game Master’s Book
of Legendary Dragons...

e’ve all been there. You pore over monster manuals, searching
for a compelling creature with which to test, taunt and otherwise
terrify your players. You gauge stat blocks and customize your
creation, even practicing your sinister snarl in the mirror so
you can bring it to life at your table. But as you look at your
reflection, embodying an ancient draconic menace with a subtle lip curl and a
Rasputin-like accent, it begins to dawn on you that you have no idea who this
dragon is. What he wants from your party. Why he would even exist in your world.
As a GM, you know what the dragon can do—but you’re plagued by the question
that hangs over any quality actor: “What’s my motivation?”

Now, thanks to The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons, you’ll have the
answers to this and many other questions about dragons and the impact they have
on the world around them.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 7

What This Book Is What This Book Is Not
The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons is The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons is not
meant to provide information on more than two dozen just a big book of dragons with stats or variations of the
unique dragons, with rich histories, motivations and same dragons found in other 5th Edition sourcebooks.
strategies that anyone can add to any sandbox. Your Our approach with this book was to go much deeper
players will also find ways to boost spells with harvested with lore to give you inspiration. Entire campaigns can
dragon scales or organs and even play a new dragon- be built around a single Legendary Dragon’s own rich,
related race. Perhaps a player wants to become a dragon detailed history, but you can also lay the foundation for
rider or join a dragon-hunting faction that uses airships a one-shot encounter with one of these creatures if your
to track down and destroy evil dragons. The content party is simply spoiling for an unforgettable fight.
contained within this book can provide mechanics for None of the dragons within are variations of the
both, offering a staggering number of options for anyone more common and familiar types of dragons in 5th
who loves dragons as much as we do. Edition. These dragons have proper names, histories
This book is a resource meant to inspire. There is so and motivations that transcend metallic or chromatic
much more to a dragon than the overwhelming power of stereotypes. While many traditional and familiar 5e
their breath weapon or the color of their scales. Dragons dragons are already quite formidable, Legendary
are not ordinary creatures. They are highly intelligent, Dragons are one-of-kind and well-deserving of their
equally charismatic and in most cases long-lived. They epic status. That said, most basic dragons are not
have unique goals, a plethora of personalities and are suitable for encounters with lower level players, and
steeped in lore and allure built up over their centuries of in that way, the Legendary Dragons featured in this
roaming the realm. They are more than a stat block. This book do align with their more generic cousins. These
was one of the primary reasons for the development of creatures could kill a low-level party with a single breath
this book. We wanted to elevate dragons to the level they (weapon), so use them at your discretion.
deserve and provide a deep understanding of what makes This is not railroad information. Each dragon entry
each dragon unique, special, even awe-inspiring. With provides the “Goldilocks zone” of intel so you can have
each dragon comes their backstory, details related to enough information to run them well while still leaving
their lair as well as encounter conditions and tactics. This room for your unique interpretation.
information is intended to serve as a tool for you to craft
your own stories as opposed to the story in total. In short: How to Use This Book
These creatures are still your characters, and you should The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons
take them wherever you and your party decide they need was created using the System Resource Document for
to go. Like all legends, they change a bit based on who is the 5th Edition of the world’s most popular tabletop
presenting the tale. roleplaying game. The lore within could undoubtedly
Each Legendary Dragon featured is distinct, and be used for other well-known games, but the stats are
you are encouraged to choose one that’s appropriate for optimized for 5e. The license for the SRD is printed
your current campaign. Even a new campaign can feature for your convenience on pg. 234. Passing references
one or several dragons as a major antagonist in your to material from this resource have been marked in
game’s storyline. Need a dragon of war? Go with Balaur. bold (monsters or NPCs), are in italics (spells) or both
Want a dragon that is a step beyond the fabled and fierce (magic items). All other content is new and created
tarrasque? Select Zuth. Need to save the princess, but specifically for this book.
with a twist? Choose Immryg-Umryss. There is a good It is encouraged that new GMs explore the SRD so
chance a Legendary Dragon in this book will suit your they can best understand the basic rules of the game.
desire to tell any number of stories, ensuring you’re giving With that foundation of knowledge, you can more
all your players a memorable experience. readily translate the specifics of each dragon presented
to your world. As you weave your own narrative,
consider the impact any one of these creatures may have
on a kingdom’s economy (pg. 159), travel (pg. 170) or on
the land itself (Gallomarg [pg. 33], Kut-Echinae [pg.
70] and Zuth [pg. 116] are great examples of this).
When you use this book, you’ll be able to choose
from several of the Legendary Dragons featured within.
Do you need a unique dragon for a particular part of
your world? A large city, forest, mining town or seaside
village? Chances are good you will find a dragon that
fits your needs. Do you require a powerful NPC to guide
your group or thwart their best-laid plans?
A shapeshifting Legendary Dragon may just fit the bill. magic affects different characters in many divergent ways.
Most of these dragons would function well as a powerful The roll tables associated with draconic mutations are
“end of the campaign” finale. so diverse and numerous that the possible outcomes will
Dragons are smart. Perhaps smarter than you. That’s ensure a one-of-a-kind character players can bring to life
OK—you’re only human. In order to more effectively at your table.
challenge your players, plan a little strategy ahead of A player can also become a dragon rider that
time. Dragons know the look of a healing spell, the utilizes a dragon companion as a loyal mount and
tell-tale signs of a powerful warrior or trappings of a sidekick by rolling up a PC using the Dragon Rider class
would-be wizard. They can discern who the strong, exclusive to this book. As the player character progresses
skilled or spellcasting are with a simple considered gaze, into higher and higher levels, so does their draconic
and they’re not above ripping a cleric apart, fairness companion, and the bond that forms between dragon
or honor be damned. Legendary Dragons have lived a and rider is strong enough to sunder an entire kingdom
long time, and they didn’t do so by fighting to the bitter (though you may be inclined to balance it at your own
end. They will flee as necessary, forcing your party to table if you feel other PCs are getting a little jealous).
give chase, perhaps over several months, if that’s what’s Your party can choose to go professional and
required to bring in a bounty. become fearsome dragon hunters. Be sure to encourage
A Legendary Dragon is rarely caught flat-footed. them to keep it a secret, though. Dragons loathe the
Several tactics are provided within these pages to help practice (for a good reason!) and have exacted revenge
run them to their maximum potential, and each dragon upon dragon hunters and their communities many,
features unique abilities, lairs and legendary actions. many times before. They can learn from veteran hunters
Some have minions or companions to tip them off of who have the fortitude to take on these fabled beasts or
any PC activity that threatens a dragon’s plans or if they play as those archetypes themselves. Dragon hunters are
encroach upon its lair, and others have regional effects seasoned adventurers, and those who still remain are
that will make things even harder on your party. If your likely to share invaluable knowledge on how to take on
players have fought dragons before, they may be in for a an ancient leviathan like Anoth-Zuul.
big shock. Or take to the skies! This book includes mechanics
And look, we see what you’re thinking. “But these that enable players to take to the air and navigate an
dragons are so powerful. My players won’t stand a airship in order to more doggedly pursue their quarry.
chance!” Perhaps. In some cases, assuredly. But... Additionally, after the players master the ability to
You can always start small. If a Legendary Dragon hunt dragons, they can be rewarded by selling valuable
is introduced to an adventuring party early into their harvested dragon parts or enhancing spells with the
careers, it should be set up for a future encounter. It dragon components. It’s nice to know there’s a payoff
can become a memorable part of the grand story. A when a dragon is defeated. But be sure to keep it
dragon (or several dragons) can weave in and out of confidential, as this trade is highly illegal in many areas
the adventurers’ lives over several months or years. of the world. Buying and selling dragon parts is a black
Imagine the Legendary Dragon as a slow drumbeat—a market venture (at least unless you decide it isn’t), but
steady pulse in the background that is always there, if your party is crafty and intelligent, there is plenty of
guiding your group to glory or attempting to subvert coin to be had.
them at every turn. Not every Legendary Dragon needs We invite you to enjoy the contents of The Game
to be tangled with. In fact, several dragons could be Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons. We hope you find
very helpful to an adventuring party just starting their the Legendary Dragons within to be an inspiration to
journey. Glitz, Jörmungand, Kiennavalyriss, Kundal, you and your players for many years to come. Or at least
Naghi, Umunairu, Vanadon-Necroth, Volthaarius, until the first TPK.
Vyraetra and Zuth are all neutral or even good-aligned.
That’s not to say there won’t be a conflict with any of Happy adventuring!
these Legendary Dragons. Still, the dragon’s demeanor
or outlook may give the party a chance to be creative in
how they interact. Some Legendary Dragons might even
request help from adventurers.
The writers of this book haven’t forgotten about
players, either. Imagine creating a character directly
tied to a dragonʼs regional magic. As the character
matures, this proximity of birth manifests unusual and
exceptional powers. Your players can become a dräken
with a combination of abilities unique to them and them
alone. No two dräken are alike, as each regionʼs draconic

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 9

A staggering collection of
cunning and charismatic chromatic
(and metallic and in some cases
completely undead) dragons.
12 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

Mummified Dragon Queen

n the lands of Graal, the name Anoth-Zuul strikes Nemoz was ultimately slain by his own daughter—
terror into souls both young and old. It is not the Revora—who granted herself the rank of high priestess
great dragon queen they fear so much, however, as of the cult of Anoth-Zuul and spread her message far
the zealous cultists who worship her mummified remains. and wide through the darker corners of the land. Those
With her dual heart in an unholy clay jar and her body who were powerless in their regular lives turned to
wrapped in clinging magical rags, the great dragon queen the cult for the strength to slay their husbands, jailers,
is a source of power that fuels the foul rituals of Anoth- lords, masters and anyone else who would exploit them.
Zuul’s deranged supplicants. This is, however, not a fate Rumors of the cult spread throughout Graal, and terror
the mighty dragon would have chosen for herself, and consumed those who refused to submit to it. The cult’s
should she ever rise again, she will be more powerful than servants were called harridans (regardless of gender)
any thought possible. and people feared the cultists could be living anywhere
As the story goes, Anoth-Zuul was betrayed by a rebellious behavior was present. Anoth-Zuul slept.
loyal retainer—Nemoz—who tended to her during Unbeknownst to the cult, Anoth-Zuul grew in power
her hibernation. As her two hearts still beat, Nemoz in her undeath. Nemoz had thought he was draining
tenderly carved them from her breast over the course the great dragon while channeling magic through her.
of several weeks and placed portions of each into a But her age and wisdom served her even in death. She
desecrated clay vessel. A ritual was performed to ensure stored some vile magic inside her form, granting her
she would remain in perpetual sleep for at least 101 powers beyond the reach of dragons or mummies. And
years. Only then would she fully regain consciousness, though she has not yet fully woken from her slumber,
an unholy specter of her powerful form. something stirs within. It is in this limbo-like state that
Only that’s not exactly what happened. Anoth-Zuul has become a weapon of the cult.
Nemoz’s original plans were to use the mummified As high priestess, Revora possesses the vessel. She
dragon as a sepulchre of magic and make himself has the power to wake Anoth-Zuul from time to time to
immortal, placing his faith in the ritual he had paid enact painful acts of violence against those who are too
so dearly for. But an unpredictable result of the ritual powerful for the cultists alone. And with this power, she
allowed Nemoz to use Anoth-Zuul’s body to channel keeps the dragon under her control.
unholy magic from the negative material plane and While under the cult’s power, Anoth-Zuul cannot rain
fuel his own diabolic machinations. Decades passed. death upon the cultists. At least not yet. She remains a
Nemoz grew in strength, and his body barely aged. tool of the cult, serving the high priestess and destroying
From his power, a cult celebrating the power of the her enemies wherever she demands. But this could
dragon as well as unlife was born. While Anoth-Zuul change. Once the clay vessel storing portions of her dual
slept, Nemoz extended his own life—and the lives of his heart is broken, she will be free of the prison Revora
servants—through the use of this vile magic. The great keeps her in. Perhaps then, the dragon queen will have
dragon queen lay in agony, trapped in lasting torpor as a her vengeance on Revora. And the cult. And every other
mummified tool of the cult, biding her time. living thing.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 13


Hook enough. The wall ensures the party won’t bother her for a
while, as she flanks her enemies from another direction.
Revora and the cult use the myth of Anoth-Zuul to great
effect. Often they attack in the dead of night and slay Depending on the encounter the game master
someone of importance—a guild leader for instance—to creates for Anoth-Zuul, Revora and the cultists may be
send word to abusers that they will not tolerate the mis- present. They would certainly be a thorn in the party’s
use of power. But sometimes they get it wrong and kill collective sides during a fight, picking off anyone who is
someone who doesn’t deserve to die. Fear of their power undefended or distracting the most powerful warriors
spreads nonetheless, and inside the land of Graal, the using ad hoc weapons and commando tactics (developed
cult is a terrifying force. from years of their raids).
Any number of horrifying tales can drag the party into a
story about Anoth-Zuul and the cult. Such a story should Treasure
be a lengthy adventure involving numerous victims, Anoth-Zuul herself is unlikely to have any treasure, but the
witnesses and trails of blood. If the party gets too close, cult is wealthy enough for a thousand peasants. Over the
loyal cultists would be dispatched. And when that doesn’t years, they have collected countless small treasures from
work, Anoth-Zuul would be summoned to finish them off. their victims. Gems, coffers, coins, relics, heirlooms and
even the occasional magic item have all found their way
Encounter Conditions into the cult’s hoard. Journals of misdeeds are also kept, as
well as maps of dozens of people’s homes—targets for the
A confrontation with Anoth-Zuul is nearly always at night
and always against those the cult believes have it coming. cult’s unyielding vengeance.
Revora is power-hungry. While her aim is to balance the These treasures are secured across the city in makeshift
scales of power by harming abusers, she now has a taste for vaults and storage centers, all controlled or manipulated
it and takes up arms against whomever she pleases. Graal by the cult. The party might get a glimpse of these storage
has become a nightmare of a place where any person could centers, providing another opportunity for adventure and
be next. And while people do not know who is behind the investigation.
cult, they know the name and some have seen the great
dragon when it comes to dispense “justice.” Anoth-Zuul’s Dual Heart
The land has become bleak, and hope for a better The dual-heart vessel used to control Anoth-Zuul functions
tomorrow is gone. as a lair for her. It weighs 100 lbs, has an AC of 20, 100 hit
An entire campaign can be built around the party points and is enchanted to withstand area of effect damage
residing in Graal, living in constant fear and growing up from natural or arcane effects. If the vessel of hearts were
to vanquish the cult. Or they can stumble upon the story destroyed, the magic associated with controlling Anoth-
like any other traditional encounter. In many ways, the Zuul would dissipate and she would be free.
cult drives Anoth-Zuul’s actions, unless she shakes the When fighting within 120 feet of the dual-heart
shackles of the dual-heart vessel. vessel, provided it is intact, Anoth-Zuul can utilize its
The cult’s activities should draw the party into the ambient magic to take lair actions.
story and her appearance should shock and terrify them. Lair Actions
If Revora (use archmage stats with a lich spell list) On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Anoth-
sends her to kill the party, she will present a formidable Zuul can take one lair action to cause one of the
challenge. If the party attempts to engage Anoth-Zuul following effects:
when she is within 120 feet of the dual-heart vessel, they
will understand the full breadth of the power wielded by • A mummy bursts through the ground and attacks
the cult. any enemy it can see. It acts on initiative 20.
• Until initiative count 20 on the next round, any non-
Tactics undead creature that tries to cast a spell of 6th level
When Revora sends Anoth-Zuul to enact her will, she or lower in Anoth-Zuul’s lair is wracked with pain.
does so without much consideration of tactics. Anoth- The creature can choose another action, but if it tries
Zuul is a giant, monstrous flamethrower of a weapon to to cast the spell, it must make a DC 16 Constitution
be hurled indiscriminately at her enemies. Revora has saving throw. On a failed save, it takes (1d6) necrotic
never seen resistance to her methods and has therefore damage per level of the spell, and the spell has no
never had to learn a better way. But while Anoth-Zuul is effect and is wasted.
nearly mindless, she is not foolish. Even though Revora • An invisible wall of force springs into existence at a
controls her, Anoth-Zuul does not behave in a way that point of Anoth-Zuul’s choice within range.
exposes her weaknesses (if this can be avoided).
Those who would do her the most harm are her first Anoth-Zuul can’t repeat an effect until they have all
targets. Trapping enemies behind a wall of force is a been used, and she can’t use the same effect two rounds
favorite tactic of Anoth-Zuul, if the clay vessel is close in a row.
Anoth-Zuul, cone must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
it takes 49 (14d6) necrotic damage or half as much damage on a
Mummified Dragon Queen success. The damage can’t reduce the target’s hit points below 1. If
Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil, undead the target fails the saving throw, its hit point maximum is reduced
for one hour by an amount equal to the necrotic damage it took.
Any effect that removes a disease allows a creature’s hit point
Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
maximum to return to normal before that time passes.
Hit Points 492 (24d20 + 240)
Rotten Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft.
target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16
Constitution saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot. The
28 (+9) 11 (+0) 30 (+10) 24 (+7) 24 (+7) 16 (+3) cursed target can’t regain hit points, and its hit point maximum
decreases by 10 (3d6) for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +17, Wis +14, Cha +10 reduces the target’s hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and
Skills Arcana +21 its body turns to dust. The curse lasts until removed by the spell or
Damage Resistances fire other magic.
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from Rotten Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
nonmagical attacks, necrotic, poison one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) necrotic damage. If the target is a
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw
paralyzed, poisoned or be cursed with mummy rot. The cursed target can’t regain hit
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 (3d6) for every
Languages Common, Draconic 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target’s hit point
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turns to dust. The
curse lasts until removed by the spell or other magic.
Frightful Presence. Any creature within 120 feet of Anoth-Zuul
Fire Resistance. Anoth-Zuul is protected from fire. All fire
and aware of her presence must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom
damage she receives is reduced by half.
saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature
Innate Spellcasting. Anoth-Zuul can cast the following spells
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
without need for components. Her spellcasting modifier is
the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is
Wisdom (+13, DC 21).
successful or the effect ends, the creature is immune to Anoth-
At will: chill touch (17th level)
Zuul’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
1/Long rest: animate dead (5th level)
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
2/Long rest: finger of death, vampiric touch (8th level)
Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Aura of Exultation. The cultists and undead who worship Anoth-
Zuul are empowered by her presence. Any cultist or undead that
starts their turn within 60 feet of Anoth-Zuul gains 10 temporary
Legendary Actions
Anoth-Zuul can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
hit points at the start of their turn and while in this aura makes all
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
attacks with advantage.
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Anoth-Zuul
Legendary Resistance (3/Long rest). If Anoth-Zuul fails a saving
regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
Detect. Anoth-Zuul makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Magic Resistance. Anoth-Zuul has advantage on saving throws
Glare of the Ancients. Anoth-Zuul targets one creature she can see
against spells and other magical effects.
within 60 feet. If the target can see Anoth-Zuul, it must succeed
Rejuvenation. If killed or destroyed, Anoth-Zuul gains a new body
on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become
in 24 hours if her dual heart is intact, regaining all her hit points
stunned until the end of Anoth-Zuul’s next turn. If the target fails
and becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of
the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also paralyzed for the same
her dual heart.
duration. A target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune
Vessel of Hearts. Anoth-Zuul’s dual heart is contained within a
to this glare as well as the Dreadful Glare of all mummies and
large urn. Those in possession of this urn can control Anoth-Zuul’s
mummy lords for the next 24 hours.
actions. If the urn and dual heart are destroyed, Anoth-Zuul’s hit
Tail Attack. Anoth-Zuul makes a tail attack.
points are reduced by half. The urn has an AC of 20 and 40 hp.
Wingstorm (Costs 2 Actions). Anoth-Zuul beats her massive
Actions wings as blinding dust and sand swirls magically around her.
Each creature within 15 feet of Anoth-Zuul must succeed on a DC
Multiattack. Anoth-Zuul can use her Frightful Presence. She then
16 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of the
makes three attacks: one with her bite and two with her claws.
creature’s next turn. Anoth-Zuul can then move up to her fly speed
Breath of Harm (Recharge 5-6). Anoth-Zuul unleashes a torrent
without provoking opportunity attacks.
of plague-bringing breath in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 15

16 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Dark Cloud

ufgeben is a grotesque undead abomination. manifests into a terrifying physical form that longs to
Unlike other dragonkin, he is not a hunter, a feast on their bodies once they fall victim to an invading
predator or an apex beast but a scavenger who force. As he feeds, he grows stronger, spreading fear and
consumes rotten flesh, empowered by fear and death. disaster in equal measure.
Immune to all diseases, he smells of rot and is almost Few people have witnessed Aufgeben and stories of
always preceded by a hail of buzzing flies and vermin as him are rare. Those who have come in contact with the
well as rumors of defeat. beast rarely survive. Victims’ corpses are never found,
In many ways, Aufgeben is an omen. He is the their deaths attributed to fey, ghosts, swamp creatures,
manifestation of fear among a gathered army—he undead or the other horrors that stalk the battle-torn lands
grows stronger when its odds of victory are bleak. As between encamped forces. Aufgeben is a timeless beast
the individual fears of each soldier grow Aufgeben and his ruin has been felt around the world, whether or not
people know his name. Should anyone have a story about
the Dark Cloud—a bard or bartender, for instance—it is
tion of
Aufgeben is the manifesta ought forth
often told through parable and myth, as though the story
was born of a child’s fantasies and fears.
sorrow at the end of life, br y accursed Each time the tale is recounted, the details vary,

into horrible form by so man

but one superstitious aspect is consistent. All good
generals know fear of losing a battle can manifest into
ould not
gods. If there is a fate I wes, it would be the swarming body of Aufgeben in an instant. A great

bestow on the lowliest of fo

many field marshals arrive to battle with hairs on their
necks standing upright, unable to push down the fear
Aufgeben. that they will lose the day. Acknowledging such a fear
to their soldiers is enough to summon Aufgeben to the
fight, his sole purpose to feed on ensuing failure, to
—Cyrus the Elder, relish the taste of defeat.
Sage of Galewind Tower The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 17

Hook cannot kill easily or that is not already dead. Fighting toe-
to-toe with the party is not his style and he keeps them
Aufgeben exists wherever there is death—battlefields,
graveyards, plague-riddled lands and the like. As such, at bay with numerous ranged attacks or by dispersing
the beast is likely to be spotted by peasants and travelers, into smaller forms and flying away. Since he is rarely—if
with rumors of his location quick to follow. Though ever—encountered underground, Aufgeben flees at the
heroes are unlikely to have encountered Aufgeben face to sight of a strong force and only attacks with his breath
face, anyone with a soldier’s background would at least weapon at a distance. He will never stand toe-to-toe with
have heard the rumors of a decaying dragon that moves fighter types.
like a murmuration, eating the dead like a carrion beast— Even while airborne, Aufgeben can use his lair actions
and it sounds like something similar is heading for the on the party on the ground. When the party approaches a
frontlines. If not, the great dragon can always eat the body pile that the dragon is near, Aufgeben immediately
dead from a sacred cemetery, which will certainly draw takes flight and targets the party from the air, leaving
the ire of any who fight to cleanse the world of evil. Other them to deal with the effect of his presence.
hooks could include: Given that there may be several body pile lairs within
a few miles of each other, some lairs may be empty or
• The party are messengers sent out to tell a general to inactive. This is a prime opportunity for some body piles
stand down his army, but they’ll need to get there to be decoys. Game masters can surprise the party with a
before Aufgeben does. lair action or two to spring as a trap.
• The party stumble upon the two-day-old remnants
of a battlefield. The stench is unbearable, but the Treasure
spoils of war have been left behind. Armor, swords Aufgeben has no use for treasure. His stomach
and the like lie in puddles of gore, free for the taking. consumes everything he eats, and only the strongest
The buzzing of flies that heralds a rotting dragon is of magic could survive his psuedo-intestines. The true
heard in the distance. prize of defeating Aufgeben is his decaying flesh, which
• The party are part of a large army that remains a could be studied by a powerful wizard, should they
little too long after the fight, only to witness Aufgeben reach the corpse in time.
land among the carnage and begin feasting on friend
and foe alike. In their weakened state, the party are Aufgeben’s Lair
not a threat to the dragon, who has already deemed Aufgeben is likely nesting somewhere near a recent
the dead its spoils of war… and cataclysmic battle, his lair a mound of corpses he
collected over several weeks. Aufgeben may have several
Encounter Conditions lairs spread out across the lands.
The smell of decay abounds. Aufgeben is most often Lair Actions
found in abattoirs, battlefields and graveyards. He has On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Aufgeben can
no true lair. He nests wherever there are dead bodies, take one lair action to cause one of the following effects:
piles of bones and rotting carcasses.
• A pocket of rotten flesh gives way beneath one
Encounter creature of Aufgeben’s choosing. That creature must
Encounters with Aufgeben are bound to be lengthy. In the succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or suffer
open—on a battlefield for instance—he will see the party 21 (6d6) acid damage as they slip into a pool of
coming a long way off. He will have time to prepare and to collected stomach acid and fetid blood.
fly away if necessary. Being undead, he does not sleep, so • The rotten corpses piled about in this lair shift in
attacking at him at night is unlikely. If possible, Aufgeben a 15-foot area of Aufgeben’s choice. Any creature in
would be found atop a pile of bones and corpses to give this area must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving
himself a better view of the surrounding area. throw or become buried in corpses. Escaping requires
a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) saving throw.
Tactics • Maggots writhing in the corpses in this area surge
Aufgeben is a scavenger and knows the value of killing upward at Aufgeben’s command. The ground in a
the weakest thing first, like a vulture waiting for a lamb to 20-foot radius centered on a point of Aufgeben’s
die in the hot sun. Whenever possible, Aufgeben uses his choosing becomes difficult terrain for the next round.
Consume Corpse legendary action. Beyond that, he makes When a creature moves into or within the area, it
sure to use his lair actions in whatever manner will harm takes 5 (2d4) piercing damage for every 5 feet it
the (perceivably) weakest enemy. travels, as the maggots gnaw at the creature’s flesh.
Despite being impervious to many attacks, Aufgeben
does not think like a traditional dragon. He is a scavenger Aufgeben can’t repeat an effect until they have all been
and eater of the dead. He does not approach anything he used, and he can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
Aufgeben, The Dark Cloud Actions
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil, undead Multiattack. Aufgeben can use his Frightful Presence. He then
makes three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws.
Armor Class 24 (natural armor) Bite (single form). Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
Hit Points 471 (23d20 + 230) one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) poison
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., burrow 40 ft. damage. The target must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving
throw or become poisoned.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Claw (single form). Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage. If the
27 (+8) 18 (+4) 30 (+10) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) target is a creature other than undead, it must succeed on a
DC 21 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for one minute.
Saving Throws Str +15, Dex +11, Con +17, Wis +10, Cha +6 The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn,
Skills Investigation +16, Nature +16, Perception +17, Stealth +11 ending the effect on itself on a success.
Damage Resistances cold, fire, bludgeoning, piercing and Rotten Breath (Recharge 5–6). Aufgeben exhales acid and rotten
slashing from nonmagical attacks flesh in a 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison line must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 67 (15d8)
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, acid damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a success.
frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone Additionally, each creature in the area of effect must succeed on a
Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., tremorsense 30 ft., DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of
passive Perception 27 their next turn.
Languages Common, Draconic Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft ., one target.
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Aufgeben’s choice within
Dark Cloud. Any defending army aware of the presence of 120 feet of Aufgeben and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19
Aufgeben within 100 miles of a battlefield, at GM discretion, is Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A
demoralized. A DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check is required to creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
convince 1d100 percent of the force from deserting. ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
Divide and Devour (1/day). Aufgeben can choose to exist as a is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
fully formed dragon or as multiple smaller versions of himself on Aufgeben’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
a whim. As an action, Aufgeben can disperse into six individual
creatures for one minute. These creatures have the statistics of a Legendary Actions
young black dragon but divide Aufgeben’s hit points at the time Aufgeben can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
of dispersal equally among them. When the separated creatures options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
lose half their hit points, they reform into one collective creature a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Aufgeben
and regenerate 22 (4d10) hit points. regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Flyby. Aufgeben doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when he Detect. Aufgeben makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
flies out of an enemy’s reach. Bite Attack. Aufgeben makes a bite attack.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Aufgeben fails a saving throw, Consume corpse (Costs 3 Actions). Aufgeben devours a dead body,
he can choose to succeed instead. swallowing it whole. Aufgeben can roll hit dice as if taking a short
Turn Defiance (3/day). Aufgeben and any undead within 60 feet rest, and his breath weapon is automatically recharged.
of him are immune to the effects of turn undead. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Aufgeben beats his wings. Each
Stench of Death. Aufgeben reeks of the rotten corpses upon creature within 15 feet of Aufgeben must succeed on a DC 23
which he feeds. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and
of Aufgeben must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw be knocked prone. Aufgeben can then fly up to half his flying speed.
or be poisoned until the start of the creature’s next turn. On a
successful saving throw, the creature is immune to Aufgeben’s
stench of death until the end of its next turn.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 19

20 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

Beast of War

alaur was once a proud dragon. He soared over tower. As luck would have it, this tower had long been
a vast woodland territory filled with a multitude coveted by a band of duergar marauders. Without the
of creatures that cowered before him. Then came wizard’s magic to protect it, these duergar finally captured
the adventurers. For their wizard, it was not enough the fortification, only to discover a dragon kept within.
to just defeat a dragon. Balaur was captured alive and Balaur had been stripped of all his scales by the time
became the subject of this wizard’s dark fascination. the duergar found him. His hide was scarred beyond
Like many proud wizards before him, Balaur’s captor all comprehension; he hardly looked like a dragon.
became increasingly obsessed with expanding his The duergar could have killed him, but instead saw
knowledge. Eventually, this growing curiosity drove an opportunity—though it may have been Balaur that
the wizard to madness, and he began to vivisect Balaur, planted the seeds of this idea. The duergar offered to
prying arcane secrets from the dragon at the ends of rehabilitate him, forge a new set of scales for him and in
cruel implements. Finally, the dragon snapped. return, he would march with their army and bring down
Though the wizard was dead and Balaur’s belly full, the the walls of their enemies.
dragon was still imprisoned within the bowels of a remote An alliance was formed, towns were plundered and
thus the Sunless Horde were born. The dragon-backed
duergar march with a deliberate pace; the drums
e thrum—
Hear the drums and feel thee.
that herald their arrival beat in sync with the almost
mechanical steps of their weapon of war. The first
the dragon comes for th e sacked cities had enough time to send messages to allies
And if you have a lick-a .
beyond their borders, but the warnings were of little use.
One by one, every settlement in the path of this growing
you’ll yield yer territree ate army and their seemingly unstoppable siege weapon fell
His hide is formed of fineste. to its overwhelming might or surrendered before the
mighty dragon bellowed their buildings into cinders.
his breath a wicked flam r on!’” The march continues, ever onward, the Horde’s desire
“On Balaur, Balaur, Bal for more riches driving them to march a bit farther each

for Balaur is his name.

day. Balaur understands his role, and is grateful for this
second chance at life. But he tires of toppling capitals and
crushing the weak. There’s no challenge. No spark. No
—From “On Balaur,” a 39-
worthy warriors willing to stare him down and test his
mettle (and, of course, his metal). As the Sunless Horde
r of the
poem by Shade Slateslicke marches ever onward, perhaps this fact will change.

Sunless Horde The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 21


Hook Their spells complement his brutality and sometimes

they assist him with healing or protection. Balaur’s
Balaur is a credible threat to almost any kingdom or
nation. In campaigns looking to blend armed conflict confidence in the durability of his armor is perhaps his
with the intrigues of national politics, Balaur unifies only vulnerability. Taking away that advantage makes
those styles. The party will likely be asked to assist one him much easier to vanquish.
or more nations as they prepare for the coming conflict
with the duergar force. Skirmishes with this advancing Wealth for War
army will be frequent. Balaur’s only love is the din of battle. His treasure hoard
Perhaps the duergar are just beginning to assemble is full of the implements with which creatures wage war.
their armies. Should Balaur, the weapon that their clans Such things require tremendous resources to create and
have rallied behind, be slain, the cohesion among their maintain, as does the massive suit of adamantine armor
ranks will crumble and they’ll likely disband. he wears. His hoard therefore also contains immense
Maybe Balaur has already crippled a kingdom. With wealth—not just gold and jewels, but caches of iron ore
the first castle fallen, nearby rulers are in a panic. and rare timber.
Or, it could be that Balaur has begun to balk at the
commands of his latest captors. He has already started Balaur’s Lair
to look for opportunities to regain his freedom. Balaur’s lair is not a permanent structure. Instead, his lair
However he is introduced, Balaur works exceptionally is amid the Sunless Horde, an army of duergar that support
well in campaigns that involve the continual drama him and keep him captive. Dozens of armed duergar and
of war. It might only be a threat, at least at first, but a the cooks, blacksmiths and servants that assist them follow
mighty dragon aiding the duergar presents the potential Balaur like a shadow. Sometimes commanders give him
to reshape nations that are not strong or resourceful orders and other times he makes requests of them.
enough to stand against such a mighty enemy. The Sunless Horde travels old routes in the world
below, avoiding the painful glare of the sun. The few
Encounter Conditions dwarven settlements deep beneath the surface fell to the
duergar long ago and are used by the Sunless Horde to
On a battlefield amongst the Sunless Horde, an army of
duergar. conceal Balaur from their enemies.

Lair Actions
Encounter On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Balaur takes
Balaur is not permitted to move without the Sunless a lair action to cause one of the following effects. He can’t
Horde following. This force of duergar warriors also use the same effect two rounds in a row.
contains numerous arcanists and priests of dark gods.
They soften up targets before Balaur wades into battle. • Balaur chooses up to six allies or siege weapons that
It is his task to penetrate more fortified defenses, he can see within 100 feet of him. These targets can
namely city or castle walls. move up to their speed as a reaction.
Confronting Balaur directly often requires raising an • Balaur chooses one siege weapon he can see within
army to oppose the duergar that protect him. On the 60 feet. That siege weapon can make an attack against
battlefield, the lower-ranking duergar take orders from an object as a reaction. If this attack hits, it deals an
Balaur, and he uses them to keep enemies at bay. He will additional 20 points of damage.
eagerly send these troops against his foes, sometimes • Balaur’s presence grants advantage to any of its allies
to the detriment of the greater conflict. These lives are and siege weapons in the area for one round.
little more than currency to spend to ensure his survival.
Regional Effects
Tactics Balaur’s draconic presence amplifies the impact that the
Balaur does not fight without cause and never without duergar army has upon the world, which often creates one
a legion of duergar at his back. Before conflict has a or more of the following effects:
chance to deplete their numbers, they are his most
impressive attack. With a terrible roar, he can call down • Fires within 6 miles of the lair burn brighter and
a rain of javelins and crossbow bolts. While his armor hotter than usual and give off a thick, black smoke that
weighs him down enough to slow his flight, he remains has a vaguely metallic scent.
quite agile on the ground. Should he need to retreat, he • Creatures within 1 mile of the lair feel a lingering
often uses his fiery breath to ignite obstacles and feels unease. Birds remain silent, horses spook and most of
no remorse in allowing the duergar to stand in the way the common folk suffer from poor nights of sleep.
of his pursuers as well.
In extreme circumstances, Balaur might permit If Balaur dies, conditions of the area surrounding the
a duergar mage or warpriest to ride upon his back. lair return to normal over 1d10 days.
Balaur, Beast of War Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.
Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class 24 (adamantine plate armor) Battle Roar. Any allied creatures that can see and hear Balaur can
Hit Points 507 (26d20 + 234) use their reaction to make a weapon attack. Each creature within
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (fly 30 ft. with adamantine armor) 60 feet of Balaur must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or
become deafened until the end of their next turn.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Balaur’s choice that is within
30 (+10) 10 (+0) 29 (+9) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 120 feet of him and aware of him must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom
saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +16, Wis +11, Cha +13 repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Skills Athletics +17, Perception +11, Stealth +7 effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful
Damage Immunities none, special (see abilities) or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Balaur’s Frightful
Condition Immunities charmed Presence for the next 24 hours.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21 Burning Breath (Recharge 5–6). Balaur exhales fire in a 90-foot
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24 Dexterity
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) saving throw, taking 91 (26d6) fire damage on a failed save or half as
much damage on a successful one. Objects in the area take the full
damage, and flammable objects that aren’t being worn or carried
Adamantine Armor. Balaur wears a suit of adamantine armor that
are ignited.
provides resistance to damage from any attack and grants advantage
on saving throws against spells. The armor has a Damage Threshold
of 15 and is immune to fire, poison and psychic damage.
Legendary Actions
Balaur can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
While wearing this armor, Balaur’s flying speed is reduced to 30
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
feet, and he must end his movement on a solid surface, or he will fall.
only at the end of another creature’s turn. Balaur regains spent
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Balaur fails a saving throw, he
legendary actions at the start of his turn.
can choose to succeed instead.
Detect. Balaur makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Pounce. If Balaur moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target
Tail Attack. Balaur makes a tail attack.
and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, the target takes
Overrun (Costs 2 Actions). Balaur moves up to his speed. During
an extra 9 (2d8) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must
this movement, he can move through the spaces of any Large or
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
smaller creatures. When he moves through a space occupied by a
If the target is prone, Balaur can make a bite attack against it as a
creature, that creature must make a DC 22 Strength saving throw or
bonus action.
be knocked prone.
Siege Monster. Balaur deals double damage to objects and
Siege Support (Costs 2 Actions). Balaur chooses two siege weapons
that he can see and directs them to make attacks against his choice
Actions of target. The siege weapons have advantage on this attack.
Multiattack. Balaur can use his Frightful Presence. He then makes
three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit:
21 (2d10 + 10) piercing + 13 (3d8) fire damage.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 23


The Ravaged Wyrm

o one utters Balleg’s name lightly. Children who And as unbelievable as it sounds, Balleg somehow
use it as a curse word are disciplined, quickly became even worse.
and severely. It is not a name used in jest or For two decades, Balleg was the subject of every cruel
spoken without some understanding of why you said it. experiment Gjorn could fathom. Using Balleg’s body as
Some believe simply whispering its name can a magical focus, Gjorn carved away at the dragon’s flesh,
summon Balleg. utilizing every piece he could to study the extremities of
There are many dragons in the world. No one knows magic. The experiments were excruciating, and Balleg’s
for sure how many. But those who live here understand body was ripped apart.
there’s a routine, a balance, and that reality carries with Gjorn realized Balleg would not survive at that rate of
it a few expectations. Red dragons are bad news, but experimentation pace. And since the magic expended
you know what you’re in for. Gold dragons are generally summoning Balleg was far too great to attempt again,
good, and they wear their heart on their scales. he knew this was the only living subject he’d ever have.
But Balleg…Balleg is another story entirely. Balleg Gjorn turned his attention to extending Balleg’s “life.”
redefined evil. Born with tattered wings and plucked His plan was simple: turn the dragon undead.
from the Void—where all magic is born—Balleg was Using a complicated ritual, Gjorn placed Balleg into
summoned by a powerful necromancer, Gjorn the a force cage and scorched its body with magic. Hours
Illborn. Looking to avoid detection from any and all turned to days, as the necromancer summoned every
powerful things, the wizard squeezed the newborn ounce of magic he knew to transform the dragon into
dragon through the tiniest pinhole in the Void. Upon this unliving flesh. But Gjorn failed to understand the Void. It
“birth,” Balleg was thrust into this world and imprisoned does not obey the laws of magic the way other elements
by Gjorn. do. Instead of weakening, Balleg grew in power. The
dragon became something otherworldly.
The necro-dragon’s flesh is half-missing. In its place
h continues to is a spectral image of what Balleg believes it should look
Impossibly, the beast’s fles ty in spite of like. In this form, Balleg is half-dragon and half-ethereal

surge with arcane possibili reach further

beast, but all undead. Its flesh is just a tool for navigating
the physical world, its shape, an apparatus for striking
its necrotic state. I intend tois dragon will fear into the weak-willed and superstitious masses. Balleg
into the Void tomorrow. Th r life and is not subtle. Balleg is walking destruction.
Balleg wants the world to pay for what has happened
serve as my portal to foreve awaits! to it. Now that nothing remains of the necromancer who
unlimited power. Lichhood brought this state upon it, Balleg’s vengeance knows no
specific target.
Despite the destruction it has brought to these lands,
—Gjorn the Illborn, r, Vol. 39
none will speak its name.

Notes From a Necromance

Their fear is justified.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 25


Hook Wealth for War

Balleg’s story belongs in any campaign. GMs are Balleg’s previous master owned powerful magic items
encouraged to write rumors of a twisted, malevolent half- that survived the dragon’s wrath. Spellbooks, necromantic
dragon into their campaigns long before the party ever theory and a map to the largest hidden graveyard in the
encounters Balleg. When they do, it should already have world make up the lion’s share of the treasure. Balleg’s
entire regions of the world under its thumb. Balleg easily tormentor also left behind an indestructible iron coffin. Its
has the power to control a town or small city. Or even a true purpose is unknown.
shire. The stories leading up to its control are up to the
GM to devise. But just looking at Balleg should be enough Balleg’s Lair
to convince players the average footman is no match Balleg’s lair is claustrophobic and cramped. The route to
against a flying dragon that is only visible half the time. Balleg’s final lair is constrained, while the final resting
place is just big enough for Balleg to rest in.
Balleg lacks subtlety. Balleg seeks out those that wish Lair Actions
it harm and destroys everything in its path to reach On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Balleg
them. There, Balleg will use its power to dismantle the takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects.
offending hero. For those Balleg does not know, it will Balleg can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
simply break them and throw the remains to the wolves.
• Four wights rise, appearing in unoccupied spaces
Tactics that Balleg can see within 100 feet. They act
Balleg is especially hateful of spellcasters. Its first immediately and on initiative count 20 in subsequent
action is to burn them to the ground, regardless of who rounds and obey Balleg’s telepathic commands. They
else is there. Its tactics are not dim or wild, but they remain until Balleg uses this action again. If Balleg
aren’t precise or smart like a field marshal, either. If an dies, the wights become free-willed creatures.
opportunity presents itself, even if an average person • A wall of moaning, thrashing corpses springs into
would know it’s a trap, Balleg strikes. existence on a solid surface within 120 feet of Balleg.
Balleg does not give hardy-looking adventurers The wall is up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high and 5 feet
the chance to surprise it or catch it in a cave like a thick, and it blocks the line of sight. When the wall
hibernating bear. It can also keep its distance from the appears, each creature in its area must make a DC 15
party, using Enervating Breath on spellcasters. Balleg Dexterity saving throw. A creature that fails the save
uses Legendary Resistance wisely. It is well aware of takes 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage and is pushed 5 feet
what constitutes powerful magic and reserves this out of the wall’s space, appearing on whichever side of
ability for top tier spells. the wall it wants. A creature that ends its turn within
Outdoors, Balleg attacks the party from a distance, 5 feet of the wall must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
keeping them guessing with aerial moves and magical throw or take 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage on a failed
spells—earthquake (500-foot range) and chain lightning save or half as much damage on a successful one.
(150-foot range) are used early, while its Incorporeal Each 10-foot section of wall has AC 5, 15 hit points,
Movement and black tentacles (90 feet) are used as a resistance to piercing and bludgeoning damage and
surprise attack against an unwitting foe (a spellcaster immunity to necrotic, poison and psychic damage. The
perhaps) after several rounds of fighting. If a wizard gets wall sinks back into the ground when Balleg uses this
within 60 feet of Balleg, it casts telekinesis immediately, lair action again or when Balleg dies.
lifting the wizard in the air and keeping them in its grip.
Underground, Balleg fights tooth and nail. While Regional Effects
surrounded, it uses its Ghostly Surge. It alternates The region containing Balleg’s lair is warped by its magic,
its lair actions to summon more minions to its aid. which creates one or more of the following effects:
Balleg uses its Incorporeal Movement to get behind the
enemies or maneuver when surrounded. It fights like • Thick clouds shroud the area within 1 mile of the lair.
a caged animal, but it has the mind of a wizard, which Storms are common, and even during the day the
means it’s not going to let anyone get the best of it. ambient light is dim at best.
Just when the party thinks they have the advantage, it • Scavengers and carrion birds are common and
uses a Legendary Action or its Incorporeal Movement to aggressive toward creatures within 5 miles of the lair.
get away. Or it taps into power they didn’t know it had. • Creatures who take a long rest within 1 mile of the lair
Regardless of where Balleg encounters the party, it must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or
knows the advantage of keeping itself at a distance from suffer madness at GM discretion.
adventurers. It has plenty of minions to throw at the
party to occupy them until it can get in close. If Balleg dies, these effects end in 1d10 days.
Balleg, The Ravaged Wyrm Actions
Huge undead dragon, chaotic evil Multiattack. Balleg uses its Frightful Presence. It then makes three
attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
Hit Points 272 (32d12 + 64)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (hover)
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
19 (+4) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Balleg’s Frightful Presence. Each creature of Balleg’s choice that
Saving Throws Dex +11, Con +8, Wis +10, Cha +8 is within 120 feet of Balleg and aware of it must succeed on a DC
Skills Arcana +11, Perception +10, Stealth +11 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Balleg’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. A creature has
paralyzed, poisoned disadvantage on saving throws made against this ability.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20 Enervating Breath (Recharge 5–6). Balleg exhales waves of
Languages Common, Draconic necrotic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 49 (14d6) necrotic
damage, and is weakened for one minute, suffering disadvantage on
Incorporeal Movement. Balleg can move through other creatures attack rolls, ability checks and saving throws based on Strength on
and objects as if they are difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force a failed save. On a success, it suffers half as much damage and isn’t
damage if it ends its turn inside an object. weakened. A weakened creature can repeat the save at the end of its
Innate Spellcasting. Balleg’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell turn, ending the effect on itself on a success. Lesser restoration or
save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). Balleg can innately cast the similar magic also removes the weakness at GM discretion.
following spells, requiring no material components:
Legendary Actions
Inside lair (1/day each): blight, cloudkill, finger of Balleg can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
death, vampiric touch below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
Outside lair (1/day each): black tentacles, chain lightning, only at the end of another creature’s turn. Balleg regains spent
earthquake, telekinesis legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Death Sight (Costs 3 Actions). Balleg targets a single creature that
Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If Balleg fails a saving throw, it it can see. The targeted creature must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity
can choose to succeed instead. saving throw or take 30 (6d10) necrotic damage. The target dies if
Turning Defiance. Balleg and any other undead within 30 feet of this damage reduces it to 0 hit points.
Balleg have advantage on saving throws against any effect that Ghostly Surge (Costs 2 Actions). Balleg releases a surge of necrotic
turns undead. energy. Each creature within 10 feet of Balleg must succeed on a DC
Undead Nature. Balleg doesn’t require air, food, drink or sleep. 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 12 (2d6 + 5) necrotic damage and
be knocked prone. Balleg can then fly up to half its flying speed.
Tail Attack. Balleg makes a tail attack.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 27

28 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

Fury, Dragon
Queen of Hell

omewhere in hell’s great lake of fire is a hidden stuffed with false humility, she was flattered despite her
island made of pure gold. An ever-growing better judgment and accepted. She took the pleasing shape
mountain of gold coins, chalices, idols and other of one of hell’s greatest warriors, the mighty erinyes, and
glimmering finery rises from the flames and at its top wedded Asmodeus in his great citadel. She vowed silently
is a majestic golden throne. Atop that throne rests a to match her treacherous new husband scheme for scheme
dragon—but although Feth’razaal is known as Fury, and wrest power from him just as he sought to undo hers.
the Dragon Queen of Hell, she rarely assumes draconic But the game grew wearisome after centuries of
shape. Those who dare to gaze upon her majesty see a play. The artifice of love and loyalty wore thin for both
woman of unbelievable strength and beauty. Seven feet Asmodeus and his queen. Feth’razaal’s disgust for the
tall, she is draped in an ash-black dress that crackles selfish, arrogant and oft-distant King of Hell grew
with tiny flames like smoldering coals. Her skin is tanned boundless, and one day she confronted him on his iron
and patches of golden scales burst seemingly at random throne. She took his ring from her talon, popped it in her
across her face, arms and slender, powerful legs. An mouth like a sweet and spat the molten gold—melted by
unruly mane of crimson hair cascades down her back, her dragonflame—in Asmodeus’s face, then departed,
a pair of onyx horns curl from her brow and wings of vowing one day to claim hell as her own and rule it as its
smoke and flame emerge from her back. rightful queen. Asmodeus was stunned for only an instant
The King of Hell, Asmodeus, admired Feth’razaal’s vast before he rose in fury and demanded his wife’s head
bounty of souls and sought her hand in marriage, kneeling on a platter, but in that instant, Feth’razaal had already
and offering her a band of hell-forged gold. Although gathered her numerous allies within the courts of hell and
Feth’razaal knew that the King of Hell could not be trusted flown from her old palace.
and that his proposal was a selfish gesture prodigiously Feth’razaal discarded her old name—one that had been
tainted by centuries of false love—when she broke her
vow with the King of Hell and took on a new title that
e Ninth was
Her love for the Lord of thst for power.
encompassed her boundless ambition and wrath: Fury. In
the intervening eons, Fury carved out a mighty domain
almost as strong as her lu soon, after within the inferno and named herself an archdevil. Many

Almost, but not quite. And s side, she

of the souls she claimed as a mortal dragon millennia ago
now loyally serve her as fiendish warriors, preferring the
spending full centuries at hi ing her devil they know over the tyrannical rule of Asmodeus.

expressed her desires by makss than the

Others take mortal form and venture into the world of
the living to steal and pillage gold or souls to deliver as
intentions clear: Nothing ler. tribute to their queen—just as they did in life. Someday,

ultimate crown will sate he Fury knows she and her armies will grow powerful
enough to dethrone Asmodeus once and for all. Until
then, she is content to bide her time and live in luxury as
ils, ch. 9:
—An Accounting of Dev ueen” Fury, Dragon Queen of Hell.

“Desires of the Dragon Q The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 29


Hook Tactics
The party may first learn of Fury’s plot to overthrow Fury’s arrogance may be her undoing. Even as a mortal
Asmodeus from a patron, possibly a celestial or even a dragon, she saw humanoid beings as little more than
deity seeking to capitalize on an infernal coup d’état. They insects. Now, as an archdevil, Fury’s hubris has only
are encouraged to investigate. Of course, by the time grown. She begins all combat in her fiendish form unless
the characters are strong enough to journey into hell on circumstances require her to fight into a dragon.
a whim, they may have already made allies or enemies At the beginning of combat, Fury spreads damage as
within the infernal hierarchy. The characters may be widely as she can, demonstrating her power to as many
approached by an emissary of an archdevil they have aided creatures as possible. If she is forced to assume draconic
or opposed in the past who then offers them a mighty form, Fury realizes that her opponents are not as weak as
bounty if they save their king from a potential usurper—or she suspected and focuses her fire on a single creature to
they may secretly wish to see the King of Hell deposed, kill it as fast as possible, then raise its soul as a devil using
and provide the characters an excellent reward if they aid her Lair Action. Even in this state, she fights without care,
Fury’s cause. for she knows she will soon be reborn in hell if she is killed
outside the inferno. If she finds herself in any danger of
Encounter Conditions defeat within hell’s borders, Fury plane shifts away to her
Fury may be encountered scheming within her lair in hell’s old lair on the Material Plane to recuperate. She seethes
deepest fiery circle or elsewhere in the Multiverse as she with anger at not just her wounded pride, but also the loss
hunts for allies in her battle against Asmodeus. of her mighty treasure and of such a critical disruption in
Outside of her lair, Fury rarely picks a fight herself. her war against Asmodeus. Any adventurers who force
Centuries of navigating the courts of hell have taught her Fury to retreat in such an undignified manner rise to the
that lies, subterfuge and charm are her greatest assets. She top of her list of nemeses.
maintains her attractive fiendish form at all times when Fury has sworn to dethrone Asmodeus and has chosen
outside of hell, except when she is forced to fight for her life weapons and developed a breath weapon specifically
or when she must assume draconic form to fly from plane designed to destroy fiends—and to slaughter celestials—
to plane. in case the gods of the upper planes decide that her quest
to kill the King of Hell is a threat to the cosmic balance.
Encounter Curiously, the magic Asmodeus used to transform
Fury plays the long game. She aims to make allies of all Feth’razaal into a devil still lingers in Fury’s draconic
beings that could aid her in her quest to destroy Asmodeus, form, and any creature that she bites may begin to turn
and even those who refuse to serve her are often simply into a devil itself. This suits Fury well enough, as it
cast aside unharmed. But Fury remembers every soul that lets her tear through mortal opponents as if they were
denied her, and when she decides to take vengeance, her Asmodeus’s servants.
retribution is swift. Whenever she needs souls to bolster
her army of devils, she appears from thin air—in fiendish Wealth
form if her targets are within civilization or in draconic Fury rests upon a treasure hoard befitting an archdevil.
form if they are not—and attacks without pretense. The vast bulk of the hoard is an island made entirely
If approached within her infernal lair, Fury heaps on of coins from across the millennia, including 10d10 ×
praise for the party’s resourcefulness and skill for reaching 100,000 pp, 20d10 × 200,000 gp, 30d10 × 300,000 sp
the hottest depths of hell. She aims to keep their aggression and 50d10 × 500,000 cp. Atop this island of coins are
at bay until she can ascertain their opinion toward chalices, statues and other objets d’art worth a total of 5d10
Asmodeus and their willingness to join her in her quest. If × 200 gp.
she thinks they could be worthy allies, she politely requests Also hidden amid the treasure are six wondrous
their allegiance. If they refuse, or if she determines they items, which a character can find by spending 10
are of no use to her, she attacks without warning, declaring minutes searching and then making a successful DC 18
that if they cannot serve her in life, their souls will serve Intelligence (Investigation) check. These magic items are:
her for eternity. When encountered in her lair, Fury is a mithral plate of fire resistance, a nine lives stealer,
joined by an honor guard of two pit fiends. a rod of rulership, a staff of striking, an Ioun stone of
mastery and a portable hole. The portable hole appears
to be a piece of heavy black fabric tied into a knot.
Untying it and shaking it out causes an additional 5d10 ×
1,000 gp to fall out.
Fury’s wealth is practically beyond measure, but
adventurers who defeat her must then figure out how to
return it safely to their home.
Fury, Dragon Queen of Hell Actions
Medium fiend (shapeshifter), lawful evil Multiattack. In her humanoid form, Fury makes three attacks. In
her draconic form, Fury can use her Damning Presence and then
Armor Class 18 fiendish form (natural armor), 22 draconic form makes one attack with her bite and two with her claws.
Hit Points 405 (30d8 + 270) Longsword of Planar Disruption (Fiendish Form only). Melee
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. in fiendish form, fly 80 ft. in dragon form, Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (1d8 + 10)
swim 40 ft. in draconic form slashing damage plus 33 (6d10) force damage if the target is on its
home plane.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Cords of Hellish Restraint (Fiendish Form only). Melee Weapon
Attack: +18 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d4 + 10) slashing
21 (+5) 28 (+9) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 30 (+10)
damage and the target is restrained. A creature restrained by the
cords is considered to be on its home plane and takes 11 (2d10) force
Saving Throws Dex +13, Con +17, Wis +11, Cha +17 damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can make a DC
Skills Insight +11, Intimidation +17, Perception +19, 22 Dexterity saving throw at the end of each of its turns, breaking
Persuasion +17 free and ending the effect on a success. Fiends and celestials have
Damage Immunities acid, cold, lightning disadvantage on this saving throw.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Longbow of Planar Recall (Fiendish Form only). Ranged Weapon
frightened, poisoned Attack: +13 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5)
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 29 piercing damage plus 33 (6d10) force damage if the target is not on
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. its home plane. If this attack reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it is
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) banished to its home plane.
Bite (Draconic Form only). Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach
Change Form. Fury can use her action to magically polymorph into 15 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage. If the target
her true draconic form. In this form, she is considered a dragon as is a living creature, it must succeed on a DC 22 Charisma saving
well as a fiend, and she can use her action to transform back into throw or take 22 (4d10) radiant damage and gain the fiend type in
her fiendish form. Her statistics are the same in each form, except addition to its original type.
as listed, and except for her size, which increases to Gargantuan in Claw (Draconic Form only). Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit,
draconic form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying when she reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) slashing damage plus 22
transforms is absorbed or borne by her new form. (4d10) necrotic damage if the target is a fiend or celestial.
If Fury transforms while grappled by another creature, she can Tail (Draconic Form only). Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach
attempt to escape the grapple as a reaction. She has advantage on 20 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made in Damning Presence (Draconic Form only). Each humanoid
this way. creature of Fury’s choice that is within 120 feet of her and is aware
While Fury is in her fiendish form and she is reduced to half her of her must succeed on a DC 22 Charisma saving throw or be
maximum hit points or takes damage while below her maximum charmed by her for one minute. All creatures charmed in this way
hit points, she can choose to instantly polymorph into her draconic gain the fiend type in addition to their original type. An affected
form and gain 150 temporary hit points. After doing so, she cannot creature must repeat this save at the end of each of its turns,
transform back into a fiend until she completes a long rest. ending the effect on itself on a success. If the creature is reduced
Cord of Hellish Restraint. Fury possesses a rope of entanglement to 0 hit points while charmed in this way, or if it fails this save
that gains additional power while she is attuned to it. Only Fury can three times before succeeding once, it is permanently transformed
attune to this magic item. The DC of the cord’s effects is increased into a lemure under Fury’s control. The creature can no longer be
to 22, its AC is increased to 25 and its hit points are increased to 50. resurrected until the devil it was transformed into is killed and its
If the cord is destroyed by an attack that is not silvered, it instantly soul is repaired by a wish. If a creature’s saving throw is successful
reforms in Fury’s hand with full hit points at the start of her next or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Fury’s Damning
turn. Fiends and celestials have disadvantage on ability checks and Presence for the next 24 hours.
saving throws against the cord’s power. Breath of Vengeance (Recharge 5–6; Draconic Form only). Fury
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Fury fails a saving throw, she exhales prismatic fire in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that
can choose to succeed instead. area must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 44 (8d10)
Magic Resistance. Fury has advantage on saving throws against radiant damage and 44 (8d10) necrotic damage on a failed save
spells and other magical effects. or half as much damage on a success. Fiends and celestials have
Magic Weapons. Fury’s weapon attacks in both fiendish and disadvantage on this saving throw.
draconic forms are magical.
Plane Shift. If she flies 80 feet in a straight line in a single turn, Legendary Actions
Fury can cast plane shift as an action before the end of that turn. Fury can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Fury regains spent
legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Detect. Fury makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Attack. Fury makes an attack with her tail or her longsword of
planar disruption.
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Fury beats her wings. Each creature
within 15 feet of her must succeed on a DC 23 Dexterity saving
throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage and be knocked
prone. Fury can then fly up to half her flying speed.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 31


Fury’s Lair Regional Effects

Fury may be encountered scheming within her lair in hell’s Fury’s lair is within the hells, and any party interested
deepest fiery circle, or elsewhere in the multiverse as she in facing her there does so at their peril. Should Fury
hunts for allies in her battle against Asmodeus. choose to leave her lair within the hells and take refuge
Outside of her lair, Fury rarely picks a fight herself. somewhere on the prime material plane (or another
Centuries of navigating the courts of the lower planes location at GM discretion) for an extended period,
have taught her that lies, subterfuge and charm are her the power she commands would inevitably shift the
greatest assets. She maintains her attractive, fiendish landscape around her through proximity. The regional
form at all times when outside of hell, except when she effects below presume Fury has built a lair beyond the
is forced to fight for her life, or when she must assume hells in the prime material. Adjust at your discretion.
draconic form to fly from plane to plane.
Within her lair, Fury lounges in her fiendish form upon • Any flammable material within 10 miles of the
her burning throne. This seat of fiery gold stands atop a lair would erupt in flame and burn to cinders without
mountain of treasure that forms an island with a 120-foot arcane intervention. The resulting blaze would leave
radius in an infernal sea of crackling flames. A creature behind an ashen, smoldering landscape that deals 1d6
takes 5 (1d10) fire damage if it begins its turn on this fire damage to any creature that ends its turn in
island of red-hot metal. contact with it.
• Arcane flame is more powerful within 5 miles of Fury’s
Lair Actions lair. Any creature that casts a spell that deals fire damage
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Fury can add an extra damage dice when calculating damage.
takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects. • Any fiends within 10 miles of the lair feel the pull of
Fury can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row. Fury’s presence. They must succeed on a DC 22
Wisdom saving throw or fall under her sway, making
• Fury causes a jet of molten gold to burst from the their way to her lair to be pacted into her service
ground at a point she can see within 120 feet of her. on this plane. A creature can repeat this saving throw
The gold fills a cylinder that is 50 feet tall with a 10-foot following a long rest. If a creature enters into a pact
radius, centered on that point. Each creature in that with Fury, this saving throw is no longer necessary—
area must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, they will serve her whether they want to or not.
taking 28 (8d6) fire damage on a failed save or half
as much damage on a successful one. On a failed save, If Fury dies, conditions of the area surrounding the
a creature is also encased in solid gold, granting it total lair return to normal after 1d10 days.
cover, and is restrained until the casing is broken. The
casing has AC 18, 50 hp and is immune to poison and
psychic damage. The casing shatters when Fury uses
another lair action.
• Fury’s eyes flash gold, and all creatures that can see
her must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or
be charmed by her until she uses another lair action.
An affected creature can repeat this save at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
• Fury chooses the corpse of a creature that she can see
who died within the last minute. Its soul materializes as
a lemure; at this point, the creature cannot be
resurrected until the devil it was transformed into is
killed and its soul is repaired by a wish.
• Fury promotes a lemure she can see into a more
powerful devil. Roll 1d6 on the table below to
see what kind of devil the lemure transforms into:

1d6 Devil
1 an imp
2 a spined devil
3 a bearded devil
4 a barbed devil
5 a chain devil
6 a bone devil

Serpent of the Maw

overed in sores and pox-riddled pustules that to have lived for centuries with this accursed affliction.
crack and ooze, Gallomarg is cursed by a great Other creatures, particularly humans, who are exposed
many diseases, none of which seem to affect it, to walking pestilence never gain the regenerative powers
but instead plague those around it. It lives in a state that Gallomarg possesses and instead wither into husks
of perpetual agony yet never dies from its own canvas of their former selves before rotting away, their bodies
of pain. If it could, it would die, but the great beast a sea of sores and seeping wounds that follow their vein
continues to lumber on in continual misery, restored by lines as if their blood is boiling.
the wasting disease that exponentially replicates within Gallomarg lives in solitude at the edge of a chasm
its host. where a hot sulfur spring disguises its putrid, decaying
Gallomarg’s unique disease, something the locals have scent and keeps it safe from those who would do it
started to call “walking pestilence,” works in concord harm. Gallomarg feeds on whatever it can find among
with the dragon while most likely controlling a small part the rubble and detritus of its lair, leaving only when
of its instincts. The virus cannot survive if the host dies, necessary for livestock and easy prey. Devoid of kinship
and Gallomarg seems the only creature hardy enough with other dragons, it has begun to devolve into an
almost feral state, though shades of the charismatic
creature that it was for so long occasionally pierce
through the feverish snarls. While Gallomarg wants
ur entire
Our children are dying. O Even as I an escape from its unending torment, dying at the

council is rife with disease. p from sores

hands of humans seems too great an indignity to bear.
Yet, paradoxically, the beast’s chosen solitude helps
write to you, my fingers weedon’t think prevent spreading its disease to humanity, suggesting an

forming in between them. I nd I can’t let

altruistic streak in spite of its pride.
But the strain that continues to corrupt the host has
our hamlet can hold out. A s cursed us. other aims, if not ideas, and has continued to iterate and

anyone leave. Something ha

evolve, adapting to this altogether uninhabitable cavern.
It may have already found a way to spread itself through
the water. Or the earth. Or the air.

—Hatcher Halloway,
It may not need its host much longer.

Oathmaker of Keen Ridge The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 33


Hook damages everything around Gallomarg. Its breath weap-

on is another source of disease that cannot be dismissed.
Gallomarg is best left alone. But some adventurers
can’t take a hint, and surely Gallomarg’s head or scales If encountered in its lair, Gallomarg keeps everyone
would make an excellent trophy. Or something to be at a distance, using ranged attacks before resorting to
studied. Gallomarg is best used as a unique dragon in its claws as a last resort in an effort to keep the disease
a short campaign, mentioned for several sessions in within it from spreading. But the walking pestilence
the background as something that eventually needs to has other ideas and might force Gallomarg to engage
be dealt with. Talk of “walking pestilence” and “a great any hosts who seem hearty enough to carry the disease
plague” begin to reach the party’s ears, though no one beyond this cave.
knows the source of this cursed illness. A great dragon Gallomarg’s ability to impart fever dreams is a side
with horrible sores is known to live in the mountains effect of the numerous diseases that emanate from its
above the valley near a small farming village, but scales and sores. When a party member gets too close
no one is brave enough to fight it and low-level to Gallomarg, consider using this power reflexively, as
adventurers should know they will die facing it. As the though Gallomarg has no control over it.
campaign continues, things grow worse. Local waters Gallomarg is not afraid of death, but it is still an animal
turn putrid and undrinkable. Crops have started to with a survival instinct. Nine times out of 10, it will
fail and walking pestilence is rampant. People develop attempt to flee when things turn against it. But should
an advanced and more painful version of the initial the party near a killing blow against Gallomarg—and it is
illness. They become riddled with pus and sores grow aware enough of its impending doom to appreciate this
on the insides of their mouths. Their skin turns blotchy fate—it stops putting up a fight, allowing a worthy foe to
and red. Death will be imminent and the rest of the deliver a coup de grâce.
kingdom will share this fate if something isn’t done. Whether it remains dead is another question entirely.
A wild-eyed alchemist is certain the disease is being
caused by the water supply, and the waters all flow Treasure
from the mountains in the distance. Gallomarg’s lair is littered with items that can survive
the scalding heat of the chasm. Metal weapons warp and
Encounter gold melts. But Gallomarg does not collect these items:
These are all that remains of previous adventurers who
Gallomarg wants to be left alone, and should any party
come looking for it, it will take to higher ground. Its last came to claim its head as a prize.
refuge is to retreat to the sulfur-like conditions of the
chasm it calls home. Gallomarg’s Lair
Gallomarg is neither foolish nor brave. It does not put Gallomarg has taken refuge in a sulfurous chasm
itself in harm’s way and would not engage anything it marked by hot springs, which have now been corrupted
doesn’t need to. Its solitude has taught it that survival is by the disease Gallomarg carries.
predicated on never being cornered. Lair Actions
Although mostly passive, the beast fights like a demon When fighting inside its lair, on initiative count 20
when enemies approach, delivering scalding attacks on (losing initiative ties), Gallomarg can take one lair
those too stupid to leave it alone, more akin to a badger in action to cause one of the following effects:
this regard.
In its lair, the temperature is nearly unbearable for • An area of ground infected by Gallomarg erupts
creatures unprepared for such intense heat. Sulfur fills and becomes covered with infected waste. The area
the air, and the beast’s own body smells of decay. Even can be up to 10 feet on a side. The pus grease remains
high-level parties would struggle to stay inside a cavern for one hour or until it is burned away with fire. When
alongside Gallomarg for too long. the pus appears, each creature on it must succeed on
Clever game masters may want to flip the script on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone and slide
this encounter, making it more metaphysical than real. 10 feet in a random direction determined by a d8 roll.
Instead of fighting Gallomarg, the party must overcome When a creature enters the area for the first time on a
the disease that fuels it. In such an encounter, they are turn or ends its turn there, that creature must make
dealing with an unseen enemy that can’t be negotiated, the same save. If the pus is set on fire, it burns away
reasoned or bargained with. after one round. Any creature that starts its turn in
the burning pus takes 22 (4d10) fire damage.
Tactics • A creature within 60 feet of Gallomarg’s lair suddenly
Every square foot of Gallomarg’s frame is covered in feels feverish, their mind a wreck as they fight off
weeping sores and pustules. No other creature in the infection. The creature must succeed on a DC 18
known world is capable of delivering so much disease Wisdom saving throw or fall under the virus’s control,
at once. These scabs can explode in a fury of acid that as in the dominate person spell. The virus will do

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 35

Gallomarg, Disease-Ridden damage. A creature can only be affected by walking pestilence

Serpent of the Maw once per day.

Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral Actions

Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then
Armor Class 26 (natural armor) makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
Hit Points 451 (22d20 + 220) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage. On a hit, the target is infected
30 (+10) 22 (+6) 30 (+10) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 9 (-1) with walking pestilence. The disease will present itself in 24 hours, at
which point the infected’s maximum hit points are reduced by half.
Saving Throws Dex +13, Con +17, Wis +10, Cha +6 Any creature they touch suffers 11 (2d10) necrotic damage and is also
Skills Insight +17, Nature +11, Perception +17, Survival +17 infected with walking pestilence, which will present in 24 hours.
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning Feverish Breath (Recharge 5–6). Gallomarg exhales a fiery,
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing and slashing vomitous blast in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must
from nonmagical attacks make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) fire damage
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, and 36 (8d8) acid damage on a failed save or half as much damage
paralyzed, poisoned on a successful one.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., tremorsense 30 ft., passive Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Perception 27 Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Languages Common, Draconic, Primordial Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a
DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute.
Keen Sight. Gallomarg has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
checks that rely on sight. turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Gallomarg fails a saving throw, throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune
it can choose to succeed instead. to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Spider Climb. Gallomarg can climb difficult surfaces, including
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability Legendary Actions
check. The dragon can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Gallomarg has options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
disadvantage on attack rolls as well as on Wisdom (Perception) a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The dragon
checks that rely on sight. regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Supported Host. Gallomarg is the source carrier for a horrific Bite Attack. Gallomarg makes a bite attack.
wasting disease that sustains its life in hopes of replicating itself Detect. Gallomarg makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
further. Provided it is conscious, Gallomarg regains 26 (4d12) hit Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Gallomarg beats its wings. Each
points at the start of each of its turns. creature within 15 feet of Gallomarg must succeed on a DC 23
Walking Pestilence. Gallomarg is covered in weeping sores and Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage
bilious gashes. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of and be knocked prone. Gallomarg can then fly up to half its flying
Gallomarg takes 22 (4d10) necrotic damage and 7 (2d6) acid speed.

anything it can to ensure it continues to replicate

within Gallomarg.
• A portion of earth harboring Gallomarg’s own
viral wasting disease erupts and takes an ooze-like
shape. This virulent mass takes on the manner, shape
and statistics of a gray ooze, but its attacks carry the
ability to pass on walking pestilence as outlined
within Gallomarg’s stat block.

Gallomarg can’t repeat an effect until they have all

been used, and it can’t use the same effect two rounds in
a row.
The Rapscallion

he true origins of Glitz the Rapscallion, Purveyor the unknown reason for all this wonder.
of Ale, have been shrouded by time. The most Occasionally, Glitz would take on the form of different
recently recorded tale takes place outside a humanoid creatures to check in on the world above. He
small farming village several miles south of an extensive enjoyed mingling with the denizens of the community;
mountain range. On this hot summer day, a young elven they held a special place in his heart. These mortals
girl witnessed a massive bronze dragon land on a large provided centuries of personal fulfillment for Glitz and he
rock formation overlooking her farm. However menacing came to view them all as his children.
he was, the girl was not frightened. She moved toward At some point, Glitz became enamored with the various
this magnificent wonder, and as she did so, the bronze types of drinks created by these mortals, especially ale.
dragon bowed his head approvingly toward her. Then, His curiosity turned into an obsession, which finally
with a mighty beat of his wings, he flew off into the became his master craft.
sky, disappearing into the clouds above the mountains. Late one night during early winter, while enjoying an
Excited by the encounter, the young farm girl returned ale in one of his disguises at a local tavern, a beautiful
home to share her story. elven woman named Var’Alyn strolled into his life.
The tale of the bronze dragon became one of Enthralled by her beauty, Glitz found himself pulled into
prophecy and good omen. The young elven farm girl conversation with her for several hours. Var’Alyn told him
named him Glitz. of a tale from her childhood about a bronze dragon that
Over the next several decades, the village grew more had perched on a nearby rock formation overlooking her
prosperous, as people from all over the region flocked farm. From this moment on, their relationship developed
to this small village due to the rumors of its prosperity. into something more. For a long time, Glitz kept his true
The temperate climate and regular flooding of the nature secret, never allowing Var’Alyn to discover who he
nearby river created extremely fertile farmland and truly was.
provided an endless supply of fish. Business owners Finally, one day, overcome with a sense of guilt, Glitz
experienced increased profits. Inventors, scholars, showed her his brewery, using the opportunity to reveal
sages and arcane masters were able to learn and his true self. Like the little girl from all those years ago,
develop new and wondrous creations, adding wealth to Var’Alyn, unafraid, showed Glitz compassion, love and
the beautiful community. friendship. From this moment forward, they began their
The village transformed into a bustling metropolis. business and unique relationship.
Regional conditions remained the same while the general Glitz now had two loves in his life: Var’Alyn and
well-being and prosperity of the people never diminished. brewing ale.
The cause of this phenomenon perplexed scholars, In time, Var’Alyn became responsible for most of their
sages and arcanists alike. Their attempt at figuring out business transactions within the city. They began by
this strange regional occurrence became a driving factor purchasing land for crops to support ingredients for ales,
for the community’s growth, and their research also led to wines and liquors. Eventually, they decided to open an
increases in their magical abilities. inn and tavern. They named it The Dragon’s Inn. Here,
The investigators concluded that this region of the they could focus their energy and use it as the hub for all
world was at the apex of a randomly occurring conflux of their other business ventures.
arcane energy. With multiple businesses scattered through the city,
As time passed, the community enjoyed its seemingly Glitz and Var’Alyn decided to create a business council that
unending prosperity. All the while—beneath the city—a would properly watch over each aspect of their operation,
strange, exuberant and hardworking dragon remained which is currently running smoothly to this day.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 37


Glitz’s Businesses Hook

The Brewer’s Guild An organization of shopkeepers, The hooks below are meant to introduce Glitz to the
merchants and purveyors of brewing within the party. You are free to modify them as you see fit. Each
community. The Brewer’s Guild does not regulate, tax hook is a broad adventure concept leaving you as much
or enforce anything regarding ale, wine or liquor within space as possible to make it your own.
the community. Rather, the purpose of the Brewer’s Competing Interests Var’Alynn approaches the party
Guild is to gather together all those who love the art to investigate a recent robbery at Coralyn’s Hops & Barley.
of crafting alcoholic beverages. Once a month, guild Apparently, a secret recipe was stolen, and she requests
members gather together at the Guild’s office to plan the their aid and will offer a suitable magic item as a reward.
Brewer’s Festival, which takes place in the fall. She asks that they eliminate the threat and return
Brewer’s Festival This is a time of celebration. All those the recipe.
who love crafting alcoholic beverages, meats, pastries and This quest takes the party into a local warehouse
any other type of food associated with ales, wines and occupied by two devil sisters and their minions, who are
liquors gather to sell, trade or give away their products. looking to disrupt the good nature of the community
The Dragon Inn & Tavern Var’Alyn is Glitz’s by altering the recipe and corrupting it before its
“Associate” and the individual who runs the Inn & distribution at the Harvest Festival.
Tavern. This three-story building consists of a large The type of devil you choose should be of equal
ground floor that holds the tavern and two upper floors difficulty level to the party to make it a challenging
where patrons can rent rooms. The kitchen is situated in encounter. You could allow for the party to role-play the
the basement and within is a secret door to Glitz’s lair. situation if they desire, striking a deal with the sisters in
The secret door is protected by mechanical and arcane exchange for the recipe and them leaving town.
locks and shrouded by powerful divination magic to Gaining Favor The love of his life has been abducted,
keep it hidden from prying eyes. Var’Alyn carries a key and Glitz needs your help!
and knows the magical password to access the door. Belamont Softshoe approaches the party and begs
Var’Alyn is a beautiful wood elf with shoulder-length their help to find his boss, Var’Alyn. He explains to
straw-colored hair, fair skin and piercing green eyes. the party that she has been missing for two days and
Her attire consists of earth tone colors, suggesting has not shown up to work, which is extremely rare for
she prefers comfort over finery. Upon entering the her. Belamont tells the party that when he arrived at
inn and tavern, everyone is greeted with a nod and The Dragon’s Inn early one morning, the door was ajar
smile beckoning them to take place in the bustling and the main room was “tossed about.” He searched
establishment. everywhere and discovered the back door broken open.
The inn has several of Glitz’s concoctions on offer, When the party investigates the room, they discover a
including Winter Spice, Frosted Froth, Winter’s Eve and trail leading into the nearby forest. Var’Alyn is being held
A Warm Heart. by a coven of hags in a hidden forest grove corrupted by
Andron’s Farm Bozlon Andron runs a farm on the dark magic. The hags are torturing her in an attempt to
outskirts of the community that is responsible for the discover the location of Glitz. If the party rescues Var’Alyn
production of many ingredients for producing the ales and defeats the coven, Var’Alyn will introduce them to
sold at The Dragon Inn and Coralyn’s Hops & Barley. Glitz, who will offer them a favor of their choosing.
Bozlon Andron is a gruff halfling with floppy
brown hair and long sideburns, a grand smile and an Encounter Conditions
ear for a good tale. He is always happy to give a tour of Glitz is a very kind and humble creature, showing
his magnificent farm, as there is a vast array of unique respect to everyone. However, sometimes his age,
ornamentations scattered throughout the property. wisdom and intellect get the better of him, manifesting
Coralyn’s Hops & Barley Coralyn Bonnamere has in the form of sarcastic arrogance.
a two-story brewery and bakery in a busy part of the Glitz can sometimes be found in humanoid form
community. Many of the products produced by Glitz roaming the streets in search of anyone willing to share
and his team are sold here and at The Dragon Inn. their heroic tales of adventure, many times offering
Coralyn is the average height for a dwarf, with long payment in exchange for their story.
reddish brown hair braided behind her head, draped
down over her left shoulder. She is very personable, loves Encounter
talking about her newest brew and greets everyone with a Glitz and friends are meant to be sociable individuals
warm smile, offering them a free pastry upon their entry within your campaign; however, this does not mean your
into her establishment. Coralyn is one of the top brewers players cannot infiltrate or conduct nefarious deeds in
in the community, aside from Glitz. Glitz’s lairs or businesses! Glitz is a good-aligned dragon
with some unpredictable tendencies. He has many ties to
the world above: his businesses, the woman of his dreams,

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 39


Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Glitz, The Rapscallion Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
Large dragon, chaotic good Intoxicating Presence. Glitz unleashes a wave of alcoholic mist
filling the area around him within 60 feet. Each creature within
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) the affected area must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving
Hit Points 425 (34d10 + 238) throw. On a failure, the creature becomes poisoned and their vision
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., fly 80 ft. is obscured to a range of 15 feet. A creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of their turns. If a creature’s saving throw is
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Glitz’s
25 (+7) 15 (+2) 25 (+7) 30 (+10) 27 (+8) 30 (+10) Intoxicating Presence for the next 24 hours.
Aura of Overwhelming Magnificence (Recharge 5–6). A wave
of prismatic energy erupts outward from Glitz and envelops every
Saving Throws Dex +10, Con +15, Cha +18, Wis +16 creature within 90 feet. Each creature within the affected area must
Skills Arcana +18, Deception +18, History +18, Insight +16, make a DC 22 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature
Perception +16, Persuasion +18 falls under the influence of one of the following effects:
Damage Immunities fire
Condition Immunities poisoned 1: The creature falls unconscious.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 26 2-5: The creature takes 42 (12d6) psychic damage and becomes
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish, paralyzed until the end of Glitz’s next turn.
Halfling 6-10: The creature takes 35 (10d6) psychic damage and becomes
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) stunned until the end of Glitz’s next turn.
11-15: The creature takes 28 (8d6) psychic damage and becomes
Amphibious. Glitz can breathe air and water. incapacitated until the end of Glitz’s next turn.
Legendary Resistances (3/Day). If Glitz fails a saving throw, he can 16-21: The creature takes 21 (6d6) psychic damage and becomes
choose to succeed instead. deafened and blinded until the end of Glitz’s next turn.
Magic Resistance. Glitz has advantage on saving throws against
spells and other magical effects. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw take half damage and
Magic Weapons. Glitz’s weapon attacks in all forms are magical. suffer no additional effect.
Innate Spellcasting. Glitz is an 18th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 25, +18 to hit with spell Change Shape. Glitz magically polymorphs into a humanoid
attacks). Glitz has the following spells prepared: or metallic dragon that has a challenge rating no higher than his
own. He reverts to his true form if he dies (a small colorful bird-like
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, mending, prestidigitation, dragon). Any equipment he is wearing or carrying is absorbed or
shocking grasp borne by the new form (Glitz’s choice). In a new form, Glitz retains
1st level (4 slots): charm person, magic missile, detect magic, his alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies,
hideous laughter Legendary Resistance, lair actions and Intelligence, Wisdom and
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, suggestion, arcane lock, Charisma scores, as well as his action. His statistics and capabilities
arcanist’s magic aura are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, except any class
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, counterspell, slow, hypnotic features or legendary actions of that form.
pattern, sending
4th level (3 slots): fire shield, greater invisibility, arcane eye
5th level (3 slots): dominate person, arcane hand, modify
Legendary Actions
Glitz can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
memory below. Only one option can be used at a time and only at the end of
6th level (1 slot): mass suggestion, irresistible dance another creature’s turn. Glitz regains spent legendary actions at the
7th level (1 slot): prismatic spray, sequester start of his turn.
8th level (1 slot): maze, mind blank Detect. Glitz makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
9th level (1 slot): weird Wand. Glitz can use his wand of fireballs or the rod of

Actions absorption.
Attack. Glitz can make a melee attack against one target within
Multiattack. Glitz can use his Intoxicating Presence. He then reach.
makes three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws. Drunken Belch (Costs 2 Actions). Glitz belches an alcoholic
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. substance. Each creature within a 30-foot cone must succeed on a
Hit: +18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage. DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (4d6) poison damage and
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. become poisoned. On a successful saving throw, the creature
Hit: +14 (2d6 + 7) piercing damage. takes half damage and is not poisoned.
Var’Alyn, and the general well-being of the community. through gold-rimmed spectacles that rest comfortably
These attachments open up many opportunities for on his nose. A deep blue vest covers his silky long sleeve
adventure. Each of Glitz’s businesses details an NPC white shirt, which is tucked into dark blue pantaloons
that can be utilized as a quest giver to further a story pulled tightly around his soft black leather boots.
within your campaign setting. Glitz is a Legendary Dragon that may take the form
of any metallic type dragon. However, he has chosen the
Tactics Bronze Dragon form for centuries. He is very fond of it, in
If Glitz knows he is going to be attacked or raided, he part because it hides some of his noticeable girth.
begins combat polymorphed as a young dwarven child
who is cleaning the brewery, or he will act like a scared
elderly man and pretend to be hiding—yet visible to
Glitz’s Lair
Glitz can be encountered in his vast brew-making lair
those entering his lair. under The Dragon’s Tavern.
Once combat begins, Glitz will use his Aura of The lair can be mistaken for a massive alchemist’s
Overwhelming Magnificence followed up by a spell or hall, built with care and details that only a dwarf can
multiattack on the weakest-looking combatant. Glitz is appreciate. Upon closer examination, it becomes
no fool. He understands spellcasters and the differences clear that all the equipment and areas are filled with
between armored foes. dedicated brewing kettles, burners, large spoons, mash
containers, clamps, etc. Everything is meticulously
Wealth maintained and organized. The entire space is well lit,
Glitz’s lair is filled with many tools and objects used to
and the aromas of various brews fill the air.
create potions, ales, etc. An adventurer can find multiple
tool sets for brewers, blacksmiths and even thieves. Lair Actions
In addition to the tools, his lair has a vast wealth of On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Glitz takes a
platinum, gold, silver and copper. There are also gems of lair action to cause one of the following effects. Glitz can’t
varying worth scattered throughout his chamber. use the same effect two rounds in a row.
Glitz has a ring of spell storing, rod of absorption,
and a wand of fireballs on him. His lair also has the • Thick steam fills the lair in a 60-foot radius around
following magical items: a suit of mithril armor, a pearl Glitz. Other than Glitz or his allies, each creature
of power, an immovable rod and a robe of useful items. starting their turn in the steam must succeed on a DC
15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded. Creatures
Role-Playing Glitz that succeed on their saving throw experience a mild
Glitz is a Legendary Dragon that may take the form of alcoholic buzz. The steam lasts for two rounds
any metallic type dragon. However, he has chosen the and then fades away. This action may not be used
Bronze Dragon form for centuries. He is very fond of it, in again until the steam dissipates.
part because it hides some of his noticeable girth. • Hot liquid begins to pour from kettles, filling the
Glitz has taken on many forms throughout his life. area with boiling hot water. Each creature within
However, he has cultivated several humanoid personas a 30-foot radius of Glitz must succeed on a DC 15
throughout that time. The characters below are his Dexterity check, taking 10 (3d6) of damage. Creatures
favorites. that succeed take half damage.
Belamont Softshoe A halfling male of average age
and height with floppy, disheveled brown hair, tan skin Regional Effects
and brown eyes. He generally wears dark brown or The region containing Glitz’s lair is blessed with good
black clothing. fortune, creating one or more of the following effects:
Dorn Stronghammer An elderly dwarven male
slightly shorter than average and rounder at the waist. • Farmers within 10 miles of the lair receive
His bald head gleams with sweat, and a long, braided double the average crop yields.
salt and pepper beard hangs over his plump belly. His • Vendors who sell locally grown fruits and vegetables
piercing blue eyes suggest a young, intelligent mind lurks receive 25 percent more revenue compared to
beneath his aging features. other towns.
Avalyn Mesiure A young elven female with an athletic • Citizens who reside within 10 miles of the lair for
build and long platinum hair with strands of black, which more than a week live 2d6 years longer than if living
hangs loosely over her shoulders. Her pale skin contrasts in comparable lands and also benefit from a +1 bonus
with her bright blue and yellow clothing. Various types of to their Charisma and Constitution stats, provided
jewelry adorn her neck, wrists and fingers. they stay within 10 miles of Glitz’s lair.
Marland Baertor A middle-aged half-elven male with
a muscular build. Short cropped dirty blonde hair is If Glitz dies, conditions of the area surrounding the
combed tightly against his head. Dark brown eyes peer lair return to normal after 1d10 days.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 41

42 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Heart Eater

f you ever find yourself traveling in the Jurgalanaan on, not allowing either to concede the tower and its
Desert, whether in Gruhili, Ortalr or anywhere in assortment of collected baubles to the other.
between, you might hear the colloquial greeting of Ultimately, Ilizinnii triumphed—but not without a
“Ba heash bru stasa!” from the native peoples. If you terrible cost—her sight. Nephalal blighted the wyrm’s
were to translate this to the common tongue, it means, eyes, and since that day, Ilizinnii has lived in pure
roughly, “Your stars are bright.” This, of course, would darkness, an unforgivable sin committed against her by
seem perfectly innocent to an outsider, but in truth, the necromancer. In a fit of literal blind rage, Ilizinnii
this saying could more accurately be translated to “Your demolished the tower, wiping out any remnants of
stars stay bright,” which has a much grimmer context Nephalal’s legacy before retreating underground to an
and meaning to the locals. enormous limestone cavern.
People in Jurgalanaan are taught to keep one eye Rage-induced wails reverberated across the dunes
on the sky at night for any stars that seem to ripple of the arid desert for weeks on end, echoing from deep
with darkness, blinking off and back on suddenly. This within the subterranean lair as the dragon mourned
is the first warning sign of their immediate danger, her loss. As time passed, her disdain for the treacherous
and in most cases is a death omen if they cannot hide magic that stole her sight consumed every passing
quickly enough. Next comes the “Veratinda ga dylosii” moment. With only her twisted desire to inflict pain
or “thunder of death,” as a wave of sound like a strange left to comfort her, the dragon sank into both real and
thunderous rain washes over the ground—and those metaphysical darkness.
who find themselves caught out in the open will learn Ever strong of will and forced to accept her lack
it’s already too late. of vision, she soon discovered that by bristling her
The Heart Eater has found her next meal. enormous scales and slamming them back down in
Ilizinnii is driven by pure, simple, overwhelming a constant wave of clacks, she could detect objects
greed. It was this greed that initially called her to the and movement near to her by listening to the
tower that Nephalal, an elven necromancer, erected reverberations. And eventually, Ilizinnii’s hearing
in the vast Jurgalanaan Desert to practice his dark became so acute that the sound of a beating heart
magic far from prying eyes. While not quite the grand would be enough to wake her from a deep slumber—
and imposing wyrm she is today, Ilizinnii was still a something more than a few foolish wanderers and
powerful and dangerous adversary for the wizard, with adventurers have discovered as they suffered their
spells and magics of her own. Their battle was a fierce unfortunate fates.
one, with each foe’s greed and hubris driving them As will any who underestimate her.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 43


Roleplaying and Tactics darkness, which helps Ilizinnii turn her greatest
weakness into a prodigious strength.
Ilizinnii is a raging tyrant—quick tempered and
completely unchallenged by anything within her Perhaps the most magnificent artifact Ilizinnii has ever
territory. She lives primarily in solitude. However, she claimed for her own is a small obsidian antimagic stone.
allows certain tribes to approach very near to her home Realizing what it was upon returning to her lair with
with the intent of lowering human sacrifices down into it, she has since put it to use above the entrance to her
the enormous main entrance shaft of the cave. She will hoard room, embedded in one of the many stalactites.
usually wait for night to cover the entirety of the cave With the stone’s reach extending through much of the
in darkness before her hunt—though, in truth, it hardly room, it is the perfect defense against magic. A number of
gives Ilizinnii the pleasure of a real hunt—unless the unsuspecting wizards have entered her chamber only to
victims decide to wander into one of the many lightless have their magical lights snuffed out...and have protective
tunnels away from the scorching heat beating down enchantments dispelled at the worst possible time. With
on the pit’s entrance. Ilizinnii does this not for any a pool of water that must be crossed before reaching her
additional psychological torture to her victim—though hoard room, most threats will find themselves without a
that’s certainly a bonus—but to absolutely protect torch or magical means of sight when facing off with the
herself from any prying eyes from above that might pose completely blind yet-still-capable dragon. And for many,
a threat in the sunlight. the only light they will see is the fleeting soft red glow
Ilizinnii has faced a foe that almost killed her, from Ilizinnii’s maw before she unleashes a molten hot
something most dragons, in their arrogance, tucked spew of flame all over them.
away in their caves and lairs, wouldn’t even believe is
a possibility. But for Ilizinnii it was a harsh moment of Ilizinnii’s Lair
revelation: She is not as invincible as she thought. Now Ilizinnii’s Lair is within a vast cave system. Some areas
with the loss of her sight, she has spent much of her life appear to be bottomless, but the area she resides in is large
since that moment in preparation and paranoia. While enough for her to fly, taking advantage of different views
she is not afraid to leave her cave at night to prowl the from various cliff edges.
desert dunes with malicious intent, she is still a cautious Lair Actions
combatant. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Ilizinnii takes
No stranger to the use of magic and the devastating a lair action to cause one of the following effects. Ilizinnii
effects it can wreak, she will almost assuredly attempt to can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
utterly destroy anyone she perceives as using magic or
casting spells while engaged with her. If her opponent • 1d4 + 2 motionless ropers (disguised as stalactites
seems even remotely capable as a mage, her sense of and stalagmites) spring into action and attack. They
urgency to gravely wound or outright annihilate them is act immediately and on initiative count 20 in
only slightly outweighed by her sense of self-preservation. subsequent rounds and obey Ilizinnii’s commands.
She will likely retreat to her lair, where she has several They remain until Ilizinnii uses this action again. If
safeguards in place, before pressing her luck. Ilizinnii dies, the ropers become free-willed creatures.
• 1d4 + 2 water elementals attack from a large pool of
Encounter Conditions water located near Ilizinnii’s hoard. They act
Ilizinnii’s lair is one any dragon would be envious of, immediately and on initiative count 20 in subsequent
and it serves as a significant advantage to the great rounds and obey Ilizinnii’s commands. They remain
wyrm against any potential threat to her and her hoard. until Ilizinnii uses this action again. If Ilizinnii dies, the
When first discovering the cave, it appears more water elementals become free-willed creatures.
like a sinkhole than a true limestone cave, with a vast • A nonmagical wall of stone springs into existence
opening in the desert floor serving as its entrance. But within 120 feet of Ilizinnii. The effects are the same
beyond the previously worked, column-like entrance to as the wall of stone spell; however, the wall becomes
the 120-foot drop to the bottom, the cave expands into permanent and requires no concentration.
several large tunnels leading in different directions—
all of which are able to accommodate Ilizinnii’s girth
thanks to whomever originally expanded them in the
centuries before Ilizinnii made it her home.
For the dragon, it’s perfect. Both defensible and
comfortable, complete with its own source of water and
a few additional surprises for anyone foolhardy enough
to think they might claim her mountain of treasures for
themselves, the dragon is far more dangerous within
its walls. This is primarily due to its inconceivable
Ilizinnii, The Heart Eater Actions
Gargantuan dragon, neutral evil Multiattack. Ilizinnii can use her Frightful Presence. She then
makes three attacks: one with her bite and two with her claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) fire damage.
Hit Points 444 (24d20 + 192)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
25 (+7) 12 (+1) 27 (+8) 22 (+6) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) Frightful Presence. Each creature of Ilizinnii’s choice that is within
120 feet of her and aware of her must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +15, Int +13, Wis +10, Cha +12 saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can
Skills Insight +10, Intimidation +19, Perception +17, Stealth +3 repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Damage Immunities cold, fire effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Ilizinnii’s
frightened, paralyzed, stunned Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Senses blindsight 200 ft., tremorsense 120 ft., passive Fire Breath (Recharge 5–6). Ilizinnii exhales fire in a 90-foot cone.
Perception 34 (sound) Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish throw, taking 91 (26d6) fire damage on a failed save or half as much
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) damage on a successful one.

Echolocation. Ilizinnii can’t use her blindsight while deafened. Legendary Actions
Keen Hearing. Ilizinnii has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) Ilizinnii can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
checks that rely on hearing. below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Ilizinnii fails a saving throw, she only at the end of another creature’s turn. Ilizinnii regains spent
can choose to succeed instead. legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Innate Spellcasting. Ilizinnii’s spellcasting ability is Charisma Detect. Ilizinnii makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
(spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks). She can innately Tail Attack. Ilizinnii makes a tail attack.
cast the following spells, requiring no material components: Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Ilizinnii beats her wings. Each
creature within 15 feet of Ilizinnii must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity
At will: control flames (extinguish only, no sight required) saving throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage and be
4/day each: alarm knocked prone. Ilizinnii can then fly up to half her flying speed.
3/day each: darkness (45-foot radius), create or destroy water Cacophonous Boom (Costs 2 Actions). Ilizinnii slams down her
2/day each: wind wall, counterspell scales in a deafening wave of sound. Each creature within 120 feet
must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or become
deafened for one minute. If this attack is made within an enclosed
structure, they have disadvantage. Additionally, if this attack is
within an enclosed structure, Ilizinnii must make this saving throw
as well, though she does so normally.

Regional Effects
The region containing Ilizinnii’s lair is warped by her GM NOTE: ANTIMAGIC STONE
magic, which creates one or more of the following effects: Wondrous item, legendary
This small obsidian stone creates a 30-foot
• Desert storms shroud the area within 1 mile of her antimagic sphere, as per the antimagic field spell.
subterranean lair. The storms are common, and even The magic automatically works in darkness. If
during the day, the ambient light is dim at best. natural sunlight shines upon the stone, it cracks,
• Bats are common and aggressive to creatures within turns to dust and is destroyed.
5 miles of the lair.
• Creatures who sleep during a long rest within 1
mile of the lair must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom
saving throw or be unable to see when they awaken.
They are blinded for 1d4 hours.

If Ilizinnii dies, conditions of the area surrounding the lair

return to normal over the course of 1d10 days.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 45

46 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Snatcher

orn from the sinister crossbreeding of an ogre a magical creature, with none of the preternatural
mage and a wyvern, Immryg-Umryss is not the aspects of normal dragons. It lacks all of a dragon’s
prototypical dragon. While it looks everything like a typical instincts and has had to learn on its own how to
dragon should, the veneer is where its similarity with other deal with outsiders. It does not hoard gold. It does not
dragons ends. Immryg-Umryss is a twisted and malevolent burn villages to the ground with fire. It does not gather
force at times and a complex and kind being at others. This minions around it to inflate its ego. In fact, Immryg-
confluence leads to problems, again and again. Umryss has lived outside the ordinary world of dragons
Immryg-Umryss (a name composed of the words for more than 300 years. Alone, aloof and awkward,
for ogre and wyvern in a mad wizard’s language) is the great dragon is an outsider in a world of tyrannical
beasts. As such, it is very lonely. But it has a solution.
Immryg-Umryss has taken many hostages over the
r, years. It took a bit of trial and error to learn humans
Sweet Mother and Fathe d for me has are soft and cannot be handled in a rough manner. It
Everything you have hope well-fed took even longer to learn that young humans live longer

Now come to fruition. I amr anything.

and make lasting companions. Each hostage served as
another learning step in its development. Everything it
Daily and rarely want fo understands about the world has come through learning
from others or through repetitive failure.
odbye, know There is no happy middle for Immryg-Umryss.
Had I been able to say goanted to. But While it is terrifying for anyone to be taken prisoner

Everything in my being wch day, and I

by a dragon, Immryg-Umryss is a great host to those
who do not attempt to escape. It provides everything a
Love for my host grows ea and well. person could need, without exception. Immryg-Umryss

Pray you know I am alive is inquisitive and philosophical, the perfect companion to
those with open minds. The hostages have even learned a
great deal living with Immryg-Umryss, though only a few
—Anne Underfoot, mryg-Umryss
have been able to use this knowledge in the outside world

Twenty-Year Guest of Im
as those held captive are not permitted to leave.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 47


Hook Immryg-Umryss’s Lair

A friend of the party (or a party member who can’t make Immryg-Umryss’s lair is located at the top of a cliff
this week’s session) is kidnapped, and the characters edge and within an abandoned dwarven mine that was
have only a few days to save them. The character is, in once connected to a vast cave system.
fact, unharmed. But being taken by a dragon should give
them pause. Feel free to drop hints and rumors that this Lair Actions
dragon does horrible things to its victims (though this On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Immryg-
may be accidental). Umryss takes a lair action to cause one of the following
effects. Immryg-Umryss can’t use the same effect two
Encounter rounds in a row.
Immryg-Umryss has made a home for itself in an old
abandoned dwarven mine. This is not its first nest, but • A swarm of bats or a swarm of insects is summoned.
since taking over the empty mine, other creatures have They act immediately and on initiative count 20
left Immryg-Umryss alone. There’s no gold here. in subsequent rounds and obey Immryg-Umryss’s
Immryg-Umryss is never encountered outside its lair commands. They remain until Immryg-Umryss uses
unless it is in the process of taking someone hostage this action again. If Immryg-Umryss dies, the swarm
(which is rare). become free-willed creatures.
• 2d6 + 2 giant spiders emerge from gaps in the cave
Tactics walls. They act immediately and on initiative count
Immryg-Umryss is alone and paranoid. It has spent most 20 in subsequent rounds and obey Immryg-Umryss’s
of its life without contact with others, except those it has commands. They remain until Immryg-Umryss uses
kidnapped. It has built a lair for itself that is hard for other this action again. If Immryg-Umryss dies, the giant
creatures to get in and out of. Its lair rests on a ledge that spiders become free-willed creatures.
can only be reached with chains and pulleys or by magic. • The walls of the lair begin to reverberate, creating a
Once upon this shelf, the party can stare directly into a harmonic tone. All creatures within 30 feet of the
massive chamber where Immryg-Umryss waits for them. lair that can hear it must make a DC 13 Constitution
If a fight starts, it becomes a different creature saving throw. On a failure, a creature becomes
entirely. The kind and gentle host turns into a horrid Charmed by Immryg-Umryss. On a success, a creature
beast of power and magic, capable of sundering small takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage. A creature can repeat
armies. It mixes fire-breathing, magic and pure strength the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
to overcome any adversary. Emphasis on “any.” the Charmed condition on itself on a success.
Immryg-Umryss’s lair is perfectly formed to match
its fighting style. The ledge and lair are too small for Regional Effects
anyone to hide or make a getaway (without plummeting The region containing Immryg-Umryss’s lair is
hundreds of feet). Its fire-breathing weapon balloons warped by its magic, which creates one or more of the
out to fill most of the lair, ensuring everyone fighting is following effects:
burned to a crisp. If no one is where they need to be for
its breath weapon to be effective, Immryg-Umryss casts • High winds batter the cliffside, making any climb to
controlled teleport to put them all in one place. the lair treacherous. Large or smaller creatures must
Preferably just outside—at the edge of the lair. make a DC 15 Dexterity check every 50 feet. If a
Immryg-Umryss is not above using its captive(s) as creature fails a check, they fall.
a shield. In fact, once a fight starts, it is unlikely any • Stinging insects are common and aggressive toward
hostage will survive. creatures within 5 miles of the lair.
During round three or four, Immryg-Umryss • Creatures within 1 mile of the lair suffer two levels
summons bats and insects to itself with its Lair Action. of exhaustion.
When the great beast is below half its starting hit
points, it uses its Wail of Sadness to plunge its enemies If Immryg-Umryss dies, conditions of the area
into maddening sorrow. surrounding the lair return to normal over the course of
1d10 days.
If there is anything of value in Immryg-Umryss’s home,
the dragon is not aware of it. Some scraps of raw gold and
gold powder may exist somewhere, but Immryg-Umryss
does not rest on a pile of gold coins. Any treasure comes
in the form of leftover clothing, trinkets and perhaps a
spell book from those who died in Immryg-Umryss’s care.
Immryg-Umryss, The Snatcher Actions
Huge dragon, neutral evil Multiattack. Immryg-Umryss can use its Frightful Presence. It
then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws—
or one with its bite, one with a claw and one with a stinger.
Armor Class 24 (natural armor)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit Points 567 (42d12 + 294)
Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) fire damage.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.
Tail Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
25 (+7) 15 (+2) 25 (+7) 25 (+7) 15 (+2) 21 (+5)
target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) piercing damage. The target must make a
DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +14, Int +14, Wis +9, Cha +12 a failed save or half as much on a successful one.
Skills Arcana +14, Intimidation +19, Perception +16, Stealth +9 Frightful Presence. Each creature of Immryg-Umryss’s choice
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison that is within 120 feet of it and aware of it must succeed on a DC
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A
poisoned, stunned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 26 ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Dwarvish is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) Immryg-Umryss’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Fire Breath (Recharge 5–6). Immryg-Umryss exhales fire in a 90-
Innate Spellcasting. Immryg-Umryss’s spellcasting ability is foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Dexterity
Charisma (spell save DC 20 + 12 to hit with spell attacks). It saving throw, taking 91 (26d6) fire damage on a failed save or half as
can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material much damage on a successful one.

At will: acid splash (4d6), fire bolt (4d10), mage hand

Legendary Actions
Immryg-Umryss can take three legendary actions, choosing from
4/day each: darkness, gust of wind, magic missile, the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
scorching ray at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Immryg-
3/day each: counterspell, lightning bolt, major image Umryss regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
2/day each: banishment, controlled teleport Detect. Immryg-Umryss makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
1/day each: fire storm, globe of invulnerability Tail Stinger. Immryg-Umryss makes a tail stinger attack.
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Immryg-Umryss beats its wings.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Immryg-Umryss fails a saving Each creature within 15 feet of Immryg-Umryss must succeed on
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning
Regeneration. Immryg-Umryss regains 20 hit points at the start of damage and be knocked prone. Immryg-Umryss can then fly up to
its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. half its flying speed.
Wail of Sadness (1/day). Immryg-Umryss releases a mournful Memory Sting (Costs 2 Actions). Immryg-Umryss emits psychic
wail. This wail has no effect on constructs and undead. All other energy in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed
creatures within 30 feet of it that can hear it must make a DC 13 on a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw or take 28 (5d8 + 6) psychic
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature drops to 0 hit damage and be stunned for 1 minute. Creatures that save take no
points. On a success, a creature takes 21 (6d6) psychic damage. damage. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the stunned condition on itself on a success. If a
creature fails the Memory Sting save twice in a row, it suffers three
levels of exhaustion. All three levels are removed following a long rest.


Controlled Teleport
6th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft.
Components: V, S, M (pieces of eggshell from 2
different creature types)
Select up to five creatures of your choice you can
see within range. Unwilling creatures must succeed
on a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, you
teleport each affected creature to an unoccupied
space that you can see within 90 feet of you. The
space must be on the floor or ground.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 49


The World Serpent

esiding in the deepest areas of the vast oceans world. Jörmungand’s body typically remains coiled
is Jörmungand, the World Serpent, a dragon so and within a 10-mile radius of his head, depending on
large it’s said he can encircle the entire world if the depth of the water. He may also choose to Earth
he chooses. Legend has it that the serpent was cast out Glide, which affords him more room if need be. While
by the gods and into the bottomless abyss of the ocean stretched around the globe, Jörmungand can even grasp
where he grew to an unimaginable size and strength, his own tail if he wishes to do so. It is foretold that if
emerging when the mood strikes. Jörmungand grasps his tail and releases, it will bring
Jörmungand’s head is easily 50 feet wide and his about the beginning of the end of the world.
body equally as gargantuan. This dragon has no wings Hoping for safe passage, sailors make a sacrifice to the
but instead has a body so vast it can encircle the entire Serpent by tossing precious metals and items of magic
into the darkest depths of the ocean. One can only
speculate at the amount of treasure that may rest at the
bottom of these areas, leagues deep and far away from
the depths
All us sea dogs tell tales ofat charged any would-be adventurers. There has never been a time

beyond: the great whale thd, the kraken

when the tale of Jörmungand was not told, as offerings
have been given to him for longer than recorded history.
us when we ran out of win dies beneath Some have returned from their sea travels with stories

that stole my sweetie, the laeyes and

of Jörmungand. They describe a massive head breaching
the water’s surface to reveal vibrant colored scales,
the surface with whirlpool s we keep to ranging from deep blues to piercing emerald green. As

eel ’s tails. But some storie ring an ounce

the ocean waters pour off him, more of his face can be
seen. His eyes are vibrant orange—as bright and fierce
ourselves, knowing that utte ire sacrificing as the heart of the sun—and his maw is as large as the

of what we saw would requ sturdiest seafaring vessels. Only those who have made
an offering lived to tell these tales—many come back
even more of our sanity. with fear in their eyes, forever changed, having barely
survived the encounter. They are the ones the serpent
—First Mate Jackson Ta man Disaster
has allowed to live, and they help spread the word that
Jörmungand is more than a legend. He’s real.
Lone Survivor of the Hunts The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 51

Hook There, he immediately transforms, unfurling his

The most common encounter with Jörmungand is massive body, his tail crashing straight into the water
when he takes the form of a large black house cat. He that stretches far off into the horizon, leaving only the
sometimes finds adventurers interesting as they enter head and upper body for the party to attack from land.
a village or city. The party may notice the cat following The only real hope of defeating Jörmungand is to
them using a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check. attack his head and inflict more than 300 hit points of
The party may be in town to investigate another damage in a single round. Jörmungand knows he will
matter and might draw the attention of the cat form of manifest again if he is ever defeated, but he still fights
Jörmungand. He will find it particularly interesting if the enemies with an unrivaled intensity. He will devour any
party purchases an ox to serve as bait when fishing the creature in his path without mercy.
deep oceans, as the head of an ox generally is used to lure
the massive world serpent to the surface. Another tall Wealth
tale used by merchants? Perhaps. Nonetheless, it shows Jörmungand’s wealth is at the bottom of the deepest
Jörmungand they are seeking an audience with him. oceans. Sailors may know of the specific locations, but
the real challenge is traveling to the depths where it
Encounter lies. If a party member manages to make it there by
Jörmungand loves games and has made it known magical or other creative means, they will find an almost
to the town leaders that he offers himself as a test of infinite number of coins, baubles and family heirlooms.
strength and virtue. The elders do not know of the cat’s Disturbing the treasures at the bottom may attract the
exact origin, but once every few years he will test an angry attention of Jörmungand miles below the surface.
adventuring group that he deems worthy. The townsfolk The real wealth is gained by how they treat the cat
adore the cat, as it is a boon for the businesses that serve form of Jörmungand. He may choose to grant a wish,
the townsfolk attending the testing of strength event. a useful magic item or a boon, depending on how the
The black cat form of Jörmungand will observe the party interacted during the celebration—even if they
party. If they appear to be of sound mind and spirit, a failed to lift him.
spectacle is made in the center of town. It takes days to
set the scene and spread the news that the game will be Jörmungand’s Lair
played once more. There, the cat willingly makes its way Jörmungand lair is effectively the entire ocean, and
to the stage, the crowd parting to give it access. This is his ability to shape the sea itself makes encounters
clearly a revered and old tradition within the town. with him even more perilous. These actions can be
The test is simple: One being attempts to lift the cat incorporated whenever Jörmungand is encountered at
off the ground. However, it should be noted that no least 1 mile off shore.
one has ever succeeded before. Every mighty hero who
has tried has failed to lift the curious beast, which is Lair Actions
disguised by powerful magic. Its immense weight is only On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties),
overcome with a Strength score of 25 or higher, and Jörmungand takes a lair action to cause one of the
even that only achieves the lifting of a paw. following effects. Jörmungand can’t use the same effect
If any of the party manage to lift only one paw, two rounds in a row.
the crowd gasps and erupts into applause. The
cat immediately runs away and hides. If followed, • Jörmungand can cast control water without
it communicates telepathically to the winner, requiring concentration.
congratulating them and informing them that they will • Jörmungand can cast control weather without
be granted a wish. Once the wish is granted, the cat requiring concentration.
disappears, its eyes flashing bright orange. • Jörmungand can cast wind wall without requiring
During the test of strength—leading up to and after— Regional Effects
the party’s intentions will likely become more apparent, If Jörmungand chooses, he can impact the region
and this determines how Jörmungand chooses to around his head.
interact with them.
If the party were genuine and kind to the cat as well as • An isolated thunderstorm causes choppy, violent seas.
the spectators and townsfolk over the days spent there, • The wind in a 15-mile radius triples in intensity or
they are rewarded. However, if they are vicious, selfish stalls completely, stranding any vessels with sails.
or unkind, leveraging their power for personal gain—the • Whirlpools that drag vessels to the depths appear, at
cat lures them closer to the seaside, away from the town, GM discretion.
and dives into the water.
If Jörmungand dies, these conditions end immediately.
Regeneration. Jörmungand’s head regains all hit points at the start
Jörmungand, of his next turn. If Jörmungand takes more than 60 hit points of
The World Serpent radiant damage, this trait doesn’t function at the start of his next turn.
Additionally, Jörmungand’s body regains 30 hit points at the start of
Titanic dragon (shapeshifter), neutral
his next turn. If Jörmungand takes radiant damage on his body, this
trait doesn’t function at the start of his next turn. Jörmungand dies
Armor Class 26 (natural armor) only if he starts his turn with 0 head hit points and doesn’t regenerate.
Hit Points head 369 (18d20 + 180), body 615 (30d20 + 300) Poison Body. Any melee attack on Jörmungand’s body opens a
Speed 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., swim 90 ft. gaping wound that releases poisonous gas in a 30-foot cone. Each
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw,
taking 77 (22d6) poison damage on a failed save or half as much on
30 (+10) 25 (+7) 30 (+10) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 28 (+9)
a successful one.
Discorporation. If Jörmungand’s head drops to 0 hit points and
Saving Throws Dex +16, Con +19, Int +12, Wis +12, Cha +18 does not regenerate, his body is destroyed, and he is unable to take
Skills Insight +12, Intimidation +27, Perception +21 physical form for a time.
Damage Resistances cold, fire
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing and Actions
slashing damage from nonmagical attack Multiattack. Jörmungand can use his Frightful Presence. He then
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, makes three attacks. In his draconic form, Jörmungand can use his
frightened, paralyzed, stunned claw, and then makes two attacks with his bite. He does not attack
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 31 in his cat form.
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 50 ft., one target.
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) Hit: 29 (3d12 + 10) piercing damage. If the target is a living
creature, they must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw
Amphibious. Jörmungand can breathe air or water. or take 22 (4d10) poison damage.
Change Form. Jörmungand can change into the form of an Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
abnormally large black house cat. If he speaks, it is done so Hit: 17 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.
telepathically. In cat form, he is immensely heavy and strong with Tail/Body. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 30 ft., one
a Strength of 30. Only a single creature with a Strength of 25 or target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
higher can attempt to lift him enough to bring one paw off the Frightful Presence. Each creature of Jörmungand’s choice that
ground. If a party member is able to achieve this test of Strength, is within 120 feet of him and aware of him must succeed on a DC
once per day they receive advantage on all rolls for 1d4 rounds and 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A
are granted a single wish. creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Jörmungand does not change into dragon form unless he is ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
within 100 feet of a large body of water. When this occurs, all is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
creatures within 20 feet of the cat must make a DC 18 Dexterity Jörmungand’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed Poison Breath (Recharge 3–6). Jörmungand exhales poisonous
save or half as much on a successful one. Creatures who fail are also gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC
knocked prone. As Jörmungand’s body forms, he targets the water 22 Constitution saving throw, taking 91 (26d6) poison damage on a
and is seen unfurling into it as far as the horizon. failed save or half as much on a successful one.

Legendary Actions
Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If Jörmungand fails a saving
throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. Jörmungand has advantage on saving throws Jörmungand can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
against spells and other magical effects. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
Magic Weapons. Jörmungand’s weapon attacks are magical. time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Jörmungand
Earth Glide. Jörmungand can burrow through nonmagical, regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
unworked earth and stone. While doing so, Jörmungand does not Detect. Jörmungand makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
disturb the material it moves through. Bite. Jörmungand makes a Bite attack.
Siege Monster. Jörmungand deals double damage to objects and Tail/Body Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Jörmungand makes a Tail/
structures. Body attack.
Reflective Body. If Jörmungand is targeted by a magic missile Tail Bite (Costs 3 Actions). Jörmungand bites and releases the
spell, a line spell or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a tip of his tail. His body is not currently wrapped around the world
d4. On a 1 to 3, Jörmungand is unaffected. On a 4, Jörmungand is (causing it to end) in this instance, but the effect is spectacular
unaffected and the effect is reflected back at the caster as though it nonetheless. An antimagic field (as per the spell) bursts out in a
originated from Jörmungand, turning the caster into the target. sphere with a 100-foot radius, lasting 1d4 rounds and requiring no
concentration. Additionally, each creature within 100 feet of the
burst takes 36 (8d8) thunder damage.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 53

54 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Morning Star

rguably the most powerful dragon in the Here, they’ll spend centuries in penance, striving to
multiverse, Karnaggonn is a spiritual creature understand their missteps and hoping to transition back
eternally tasked with carrying the souls of the to the world they came from in a new body to restart
judged across the sky. It is completely impartial in this their spiritual journey. Some never leave.
task and has been fulfilling its duty since the dawn Those determined to have suffered enough for their
of creation. By this measure, it cannot, in any sense, transgressions are returned to their homes on the back
truly die. It has always returned to this task, collecting of a great turtle named Ghavadra. Ghavadra is tasked
scattered souls on behalf of the gods. It always will. It is with a similar role as Karnaggonn, flying across the
a cosmic force, an inevitability. cosmos to deliver the souls to the starting point of their
Even to other dragons, Karnaggonn is more akin to new journeys. Though they serve similar purposes, these
a celestial—a comet that circles the heavens. It travels colossal creatures have never met.
continuously, navigating the cosmos over the course of a In order to complete its sacred task, Karnaggonn
full year of its time, carrying the souls of the judged in its has the ability to switch between realms at will. Those
wake. Until it reaches its destination, the souls lie in rest, willing to assist it can be brought into the ethereal plane
waiting for Karnaggonn to collect and guide them across with a thought from the great dragon. When threatened,
the sky. Should something derail its course, it will always Karnaggonn calls upon restless souls, bringing them
correct it, returning to its duty and starting a new cycle. forth from purgatory to help it fend off aggressors.
Each soul spends a different amount of time in the Should they fail, Karnaggonn has another card to play.
wake of the great dragon, but eventually all of the It can summon up the voices of the deceased who have
judged are deposited into the plane of purgatory. passed from the lives of its attackers. The voices calm
and mollify ill intentions and soothe even the most
ferocious anger.
r. He moves If someone is favored by Karnaggonn, Karnaggonn
A collector, but also a givece, traversing can similarly confer an opportunity for them to speak
in the night and day at on his duty. with the departed.
Some cultures worship Karnaggonn the way one
the very idea of time to do whom, only might worship Apollo’s chariot hurtling across the sky.
Judgment. We know not by ered by the These cultures build their morals and values around

that when your soul is gath yourself

Karnaggonn and the balance it brings to the cosmos. In
effect, their alignment matrix is shifted further toward
great dragon, you will find law than other cultures, honoring the edict that life is

transported to your fate.

precious and doing things that would lead to divine
judgment has significant consequences. No one wants
to see Karnaggonn collect the soul of a cousin or a
—Elder T’alla Deepwater clansman. Step kindly, as they say.

Night Mage of Mojnil The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 55


Hook Lair Actions

Karnaggonn has collected the soul of someone the party Karnaggonn can invoke ambient magic generated by
does not consider to be appropriately judged. They must its purpose to take lair actions. The lair is active when
find a way to meet with the great ethereal dragon and Karnaggonn is in flight, moving with Karnaggonn and
convince it to spare the soul in question. Conversely, with a range of 300 feet. On initiative count 20 (losing
the party finds themselves collected by Karnaggonn. initiative ties), Karnaggonn can take one lair action to
They have some time before it arrives in purgatory and cause one of the following effects:
perhaps a few months in its wake to plead a case for
their freedom. • One creature of Karnaggonn’s choice must succeed
on a DC 26 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
Tactics the creature is sent to the ethereal plane for one
Fighting Karnaggonn is likely fruitless. It will not minute. A willing creature can choose to fail this save
attack unless provoked and most attacks cannot harm on purpose.
it. It will most likely subdue the party—or send them • A group of souls steps out of the ethereal plane to aid
to the ethereal plane—rather than kill them in order Karnaggonn, dealing 13 (2d12) necrotic damage
to continue on its journey. Killing someone who isn’t and 14 (4d6) cold damage, divided among up to five
already marked for judgment by the cosmos or damned creatures Karnaggonn can see. The souls return to the
to eternity is against the ethos of Karnaggonn. ethereal plane immediately after they attack.
Should the party insist on attacking Karnaggonn, • Karnaggonn connects one creature of its choice
leverage the moving Lair Actions that surround to a voice from that creature’s past. If the creature
Karnaggonn whenever it is in flight. Karnaggonn rarely, is hostile toward Karnaggonn, the voice from the past
if ever, lands. It can shift a pesky target to the ethereal would attempt to persuade the creature to stand
plane, or summon spirits from that plane to attack. down, as in the calm emotions spell (DC 26). If
the creature is friendly toward Karnaggonn, this
Karnaggonn’s Lair connection would last for one minute and functions as
This gargantuan creature as old as the universe itself the speak with dead spell, at GM discretion.
does not dwell in a conventional lair. Always on the
move as part of its fated traversal of the multiverse, Karnaggonn can’t repeat an effect until they have all
Karnaggonn’s presence creates something akin to a lair been used, and it can’t use the same effect two rounds in
in the area around it. a row.
Karnaggonn, Once per long rest, Karnaggonn can summon these souls to its aid.
As a bonus action, 5d4 + 5 spectral berserkers appear and protect
The Morning Star Karnaggonn to the best of their ability. They possess a fly speed
equal to their movement and are ethereal and therefore resistant
Gargantuan dragon, lawful neutral
to all damage from weapons that aren’t silvered or magical.

Armor Class 25 (natural armor)

Hit Points 676 (33d20 + 330)
Multiattack. Karnaggonn can use its Frightful Presence. It then
Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft. makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage.
30 (+10) 20 (+5) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 30 (+10)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.
Saving Throws Str +19, Dex +14, Con +19, Int +19, Wis +19, Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Cha +19 Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
Skills Arcana +28, History +28, Insight +28, Perception +28, Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6). Karnaggonn uses one of the
Persuasion +19, Religion +28 following breath weapons:
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison, psychic, radiant; Cold Breath. Karnaggonn exhales cold in a 90-foot line that
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 24
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened, Dexterity saving throw, taking 71 (13d10) cold damage on a
grappled, invisible, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, failed save or half as much on a successful one.
stunned, unconscious Sleep Breath. Karnaggonn exhales sleep gas in a 90-foot
Senses blindsight 120 ft., darkvision 120 ft., truesight 120 ft., cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 24
passive Perception 38 Constitution saving throw or fall prone for 10 minutes. This
Languages telepathy 120 ft. effect ends for a creature if the creature takes damage or
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) someone uses an action to wake it.
Etherealness. Karnaggonn magically enters the Ethereal Plane
Discorporation. When Karnaggonn drops to 0 hit points, its body from the Material Plane, or vice versa.
is destroyed, and it is unable to take physical form for a time. It Frightful Presence. Each creature of Karnaggonn’s choice that is
will reform itself in 1d100 days. within 120 feet of Karnaggonn and aware of it must succeed on a
Inscrutable. Karnaggonn is immune to any effect that would DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute.
sense its emotions or read its thoughts, as well as any divination A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
spell that it refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving
Karnaggonn’s intentions or sincerity have disadvantage. throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune
Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If Karnaggonn fails a saving to Karnaggonn’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Spellcasting. Karnaggonn is a 14th-level spellcaster. Its Legendary Actions
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 26, +18 to hit with Karnaggonn can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
spell attacks). It requires no material components to cast its spells. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
Karnaggonn has the following cleric spells prepared: time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Karnaggonn
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Cantrips (at will): sacred flame, spare the dying, Detect. Karnaggonn makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
thaumaturgy Ethereal Jaunt (Costs 2 Actions). Karnaggonn shifts to or from
1st level (4 slots): command, detect evil and good, the ethereal plane.
detect magic Spellcasting (Costs 1–3 Actions). Karnaggonn can cast a spell of
2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, zone of truth level 3 or lower. The number of actions spent is equal to the level
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, tongues of the spell.
4th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of movement Tail Attack. Karnaggonn makes a tail attack.
5th level (2 slots): flame strike, greater restoration Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Karnaggonn beats its wings. Each
6th level (1 slot): heroes’ feast creature within 15 feet of Karnaggonn must succeed on a DC 26
7th level (1 slot): resurrection Dexterity saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage
and be knocked prone. Karnaggonn can then fly up to half its
Soul Shepherd. Karnaggonn serves as an instrument of judgment, flying speed.
shifting souls from the prime material pass on to the netherplanes.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 57

58 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Keeper of Secrets

here are some dragons who hoard gold, some to herself, for herself (or those she deems worthy of
who collect souls and many over whom the learning what she knows).
artifacts of antiquity hold a particular sway. Those who have survived an audience with
Kiennavalyriss would not count herself among these Kiennavalyriss report that she is elegant and imposing.
draconic entities. She is instead concerned with The scintillating pattern of her opalescent scales is
ensuring the safe-keeping of an archive of archives, the magnified by the intense illumination in the Alabaster
vast Alabaster Halls, a library of forgotten knowledge. Halls, and she bears a celestial heritage that shines
Some of the information Kiennavalriyss guards has in her eyes. Her mother, the Shimmering Queen, is
been otherwise lost to time, while numerous tomes enshrined in myth as the servant and romantic partner
and scrolls hidden away in various corners of the halls of a now-forgotten exarch of the God of Knowledge.
are the stuff of whispered legend, unproven hearsay When her mother was cruelly slain by a band of
or the stuttered ramblings of spell-soaked wizards on malfeasant rat-catchers, the duty of safeguarding the
their deathbeds. Kiennavalyriss keeps all this and more lore of the library fell to Kiennavalyriss.
The divine blood that burns within Kiennavalyriss is
slowly consuming her mortal form. Her hearing is not
what it used to be, and the shine is starting to leave the
e it. Walls
I’ve never seen anything lik in an almost
scales along her sides. On the rare occasions that she
allows anyone to speak with her, she holds her massive
and walls of shelves bathedng tall among wings over the faded patches on her sides and pushes

heavenly glow, and standi the entirety of

uncomfortably close to the faces of her audience as they
converse with one another.
them—blocking my view of oud, stately As these signs of her mortality have crept upon her,

these alabaster halls—a pr to see me, but

she has grown more zealous in her mission. She views
the library now as her legacy and a potential tool that
dragon. She seemed happy be leaving. she is sorely tempted to use to prolong her dwindling

happier that I would soon lifespan. In the last few years, she has created a network
of scholars and archaeologists that collect new pieces for
her library. Chief among her requests: dark tomes that
—Archmage Seamus Sha reference the transition to dracolichdom. Few of these

Right Wand of the King

agents know the true nature of their patron, and she
goes to great lengths to maintain her ruse.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 59


Hook perched upon her shoulder with an inky quill gripped in its
Kiennavalyriss is both a potential ally and a possible prehensile tail, furiously transcribing the conversation.
antagonist. All manner of secret knowledge has been Kiennavalyriss seldom ventures outside of her library,
collected within her expansive library, but she jealously though she maintains a relationship with a few orders of
guards it. Much of it she believes too dangerous to be priests and wizards from whom she sometimes acquires
anywhere other than locked away in her archives. When new books. Within her library, Kiennavalyriss is attuned
convinced of a true need, the lore within her halls could to many warding spells that alert her to intruders and
be used to solve nearly any quandary facing the party. allow her to lock any door she wishes. She also can
She has a dim view of adventurers, having crossed paths create areas of supernatural silence any time she desires.
with many who unearthed forgotten tomes that were
better off in her library. It is likely that the party will Tactics
first encounter her in such a situation, perhaps as they Kiennavalyriss knows that her partial deafness is her
quest to recover a lost book containing the true name of greatest liability. Within her lair, she has taken many
a demon that has been relentless in harassing them. precautions to reduce the impact of this reality. The
Or maybe she contacts the party to send them to rooms and hallways in her library are cramped and
recover a codex that recorded the dreams of a mad mage narrow to make it more difficult for adventurers and
that had survived contact with elder god. other would-be plunderers from sneaking past her. The
Perhaps one of her agents discovers the significance of entrance to the library, as well as her personal chambers,
a book they are sent to recover. Suspecting the duplicity are warded with a silent alarm that alerts her to visitors
of the one that hired them, they ask the party for aid in and intruders alike. Finally, the library is brightly lit by
unraveling the mystery of Kiennavalyriss’s identity. shimmering motes of arcane energy.
It might even be possible that the party finds a tome Though loath to engage in a fight, she is prepared to
of dread spellcraft that was stolen from her collection. defend the potentially dangerous lore that exists within
When Kiennavalyriss discovers it in their possession, she her library. With the knowledge at her disposal, she is a
assumes this implicates them in the theft of her property. formidable spellcaster. She uses her lair actions to seal
Regardless of how the party first meet Kiennavalyriss, exits, separating her opponents from each other or forcing
their interaction with her is most interesting when them into smaller spaces where she can catch more of
there is a tension between their search for information them in the area of a single spell. She uses her remaining
and her desire to keep the secrets of her library from spells to thwart attempts to plunge her surroundings into
being used by those with ill intent. In the best of darkness and to dispel the magic of her enemies.
circumstances, she will coldly refuse the inquiries of the If the potential threat posed by losing a small number
party until they have proven their worth to her. At her of titles from her collection is not significant or if she
worst, she will turn against them to recover secrets she feels that she might easily recover them, Kiennavalyriss
believes they should not have. will flee if her foes begin to get the better of her. Her
command of the doors within the library provides an
Encounter easy and expedient escape. Only when the lore at stake
Kiennavalyriss makes her home in an expansive library is of grave import will she battle to her last breath.
known only to a few. Referred to by those who know
of its existence as the Alabaster Halls, this library is a Wealth
labyrinthine complex. Every wall of its vast interior is Unlike many other dragons, Kiennavalyriss does not
filled with shelving that holds untold volumes of books, hoard wealth. Her treasured possessions are the books,
scrolls and various other mediums upon which someone scrolls, clay tablets and other assorted writings that she
has written some precious knowledge. has recovered and collected over her many decades. The
Designed to suit her unique needs, the rooms and secret histories of countless mortal races are written
corridors of this place are surprisingly narrow given that upon them. There are ancient spells, dead languages
a dragon dwells within. These close quarters are intended and the true names of gods hidden upon the shelves of
to prevent outsiders from slipping past unnoticed and her vast library. This collection also includes written
puts them face-to-face with Kiennavalyriss so that she copies of every conversation that Kiennavalyriss has had
might study their face, scrutinizing their hidden intent with visitors to her library.
and reading the words that fall from their lips.
The cramped quarters and full shelves also help dampen Kiennavalyriss’s Lair
ambient sound within the library, giving it an unsettling The exact whereabouts of the Alabaster Halls is not
silence most of the time. Kiennavalyriss prefers the lack widely known. It is rumored the library is a demiplane
of distracting noises and insists that groups of visitors of sorts, its entrance meandering through the cosmos.
speak clearly and without interrupting one another.
During meetings like this, a small rodent-like creature that Lair Actions
Kiennavalyriss refers to only as “The Scribe” is present— On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties),
Kiennavalyriss, Actions
The Keeper of Secrets Multiattack. Kiennavalyriss can use her Frightful Presence. She
then makes three attacks: one with her bite and two with her claws.
Huge dragon (celestial), lawful neutral Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 18 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit Points 243 (18d12 + 126) Hit: 14 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 16 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Kiennavalyriss’s choice that
25 (+7) 15 (+2) 25 (+7) 25 (+7) 15 (+2) 21 (+5) is within 120 feet of her and aware of her must succeed on a DC
18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +14, Int +14, Wis +9, Cha +12 creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Skills Arcana +14, Intimidation +19, Perception +16, Stealth +9 ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to her
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
posioned, stunned Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). Kiennavalyriss uses one of the
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 26 following breath weapons:
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish, Dwarvish Blinding Light. Kiennavalyriss exhales a flash of light in a
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18
Constitution saving throw, taking 58 (13d8) radiant damage, and
Spellcasting. Kiennavalyriss is a 17th-level spellcaster. Her spell- is blinded until the end of their next turn on a failed save or half
casting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 22, +14 to hit with spell as much without being blinded on a successful one.
attacks). She has the following wizard spells prepared: Fire Breath. Kiennavalyriss exhales a fiery blast in a 60-foot
cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 18
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, minor illusion, ray of frost Dexterity saving throw, taking 63 (14d8) fire damage on a failed
1st level (4 slots): chromatic orb, color spray, magic missile, sleep save or half as much on a successful one.
2nd level (3 slots): phantasmal force, ray of enfeeblement,
scorching ray, shatter Legendary Actions
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, haste, vampiric touch Kiennavalyriss can take three legendary actions, choosing from
4th level (3 slots): banishment, black tentacles, the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
hallucinatory terrain a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. She regains
5th level (2 slots): cloudkill, gas, wall of force spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
6th level (1 slot): chain lightning, sunbeam Detect Thoughts. Kiennavalyriss casts detect thoughts without
7th level (1 slot): reverse gravity expending a spell slot.
8th level (1 slot): sunburst Tail Attack. Kiennavalyriss makes a tail attack.
9th level (1 slot): time stop Cast a Spell (Costs 1–3 Actions). Kiennavalyriss uses a spell slot
to cast a 1st, 2nd or 3rd-level spell that she has prepared. Doing so
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Kiennavalyriss fails a saving costs one legendary action per level of the spell.
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Kiennavalyriss beats her wings.
Silent Spells. Kiennavalyriss can ignore the verbal requirements of Each creature within 15 feet of her must succeed on a DC 21
any spell she casts when she is within an area of magical silence that Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage
she has created. and be knocked prone. She can then fly up to half her flying speed.

Kiennavalyriss takes a lair action to cause one of the Regional Effects

following effects. She can’t use the same effect two The region surrounding Kiennavalyriss’s lair is altered
rounds in a row. by magic, creating one or more of the following effects:

• Kiennavalyriss casts silence, without requiring • Books within 6 miles of the lair are difficult to open.
concentration. The area is quiet until initiative count Their pages stick together, their covers sometimes feel
20 on the next round. impossibly heavy and occasional gusts of wind slam
• Kiennavalyriss chooses one door she can see within them shut. Keeping a book open requires a successful
100 feet of her. If the door is shut, it immediately opens Strength or Dexterity ability check against a DC of 10.
even if it had been locked or magically sealed. If the • The area within 6 miles of the lair is unnaturally
door is open, it slams shut and is sealed as if she had quiet. The DC of any ability check made to listen to or
cast arcane lock. A door closed this way remains hear anything is increased by 5.
locked for one hour. • Divination spells cast within 1 mile of the lair
• Kiennavalyriss dispels one area of magical darkness either fail or redirect to the nearest book or
within 100 feet of her. This only dispels darkness that parchment containing some form of written
was created by a spell of 5th level or lower. communication.

If Kiennavalyriss dies, conditions return to normal.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 61

62 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Rainbow Dragon

ome dragons bring good fortune and blessings. tattooed along their spine. Acquiring such a mark
Some only drink from the sea, linking the world requires a process that is painful but reveals one’s
to heaven. Hundreds of stories from history books commitment to the great serpent.
and mythological tales tell of golden and fortunate Kundal lives in an unfathomable cycle that defies
dragons that bless humanity with their presence, our understanding of time. He does not move through
providing a gateway to heaven. the ages the way humans do and therefore the nature
But Kundal, the Rainbow Dragon, is much more. of his existence cannot be explained to mortals: These
Choosing never to ascend, Kundal has remained among cycles must be experienced. The rainbow dragon’s task,
mortals for millennia, serving the great goddess Mazu therefore, is to find one human every cycle to whom he
and guiding those who seek her wisdom. Kundal is the will grant enlightenment. This chosen mortal learns
ultimate symbol of wisdom and balance within one’s everything Kundal can teach through symbols and
self. Those who serve or worship the great dragon show visions beyond the linear limitations of living kind.
their dedication through a spindle-shaped dragon He or she is then returned to the land of mortals to
spread the dragon’s message across the earth. When this
happens, the cycle ends for a short period while Kundal
t of this plane takes a meaningful rest.
The Rainbow Dragon is nonce of existence, These cycles reliably occur, but do not follow any
or any other. He is the esse exist. predictable pattern.
The rainbow dragon is sometimes found with Mazu.
and yet could be said not to u’s mount The goddess rides Kundal as a mount, and some stories
Kundal serves as Maz agon is the indicate it was Kundal who brought her the wisdom with
because riding the rainbowany element of
which she rules. Kundal is the master of all primordial
forces: movement, stasis and the beat of time. He is the
only thing that can bring source of nearly all alchemical and thaumaturgic theory,

surprise to the omniscient.

bridging the gap between this world and all of the places
magic comes from.
To gaze upon his face is to look past your own
understanding of the world. To cross him is to admit you
—Se Hyun, do not value your life.
Winking Monk of Mazu
The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 63

Hook Wealth
An elder has been selected by Kundal to be the next Kundal’s treasures are usually spiritual in nature. The
enlightened one, and the party has been asked to blessings of Kundal may vary, but they translate to an
escort her to the top of a tall mountain. She cannot increase in Wisdom, boons that will make a character
make the journey alone. The journey to meet Kundal is more enlightened or provide a new perspective on the
fraught with peril, as would be a face-to-face encounter. world. Or he may gift magical powers no one has never
Particularly if the elder does not wish to be enlightened. seen before.
If Kundal’s treasure is ever physical in nature, it is
Encounter Conditions hidden inside a box within another box with numerous
Kundal lives at the gateway between the mortal locks, keys, puzzle combinations and dead ends to
world and heaven. He is sometimes encountered in find the true treasure at the heart of it all. Each box is
ethereal spirit space, or in the real world, or in the unique, as is each treasure.
places between. Where Kundal is located dictates the
conditions of the encounter. The further removed from Kundal’s Summit
the mortal realm, the more powerful Kundal becomes. In lieu of a lair, Kundal would meet the to-be-enlightened
at the top of a tall peak. This apex is shrouded in the clouds
Encounter and benefits from the following area effects:
Kundal lives atop a mountain spire above the clouds. Lair Effects
Those who seek his wisdom must travel hundreds—if One of the following occurs on initiative count 20. The
not thousands—of miles to find the great dragon. same event cannot occur twice in a row, and all three
The journey to reach him should not be easy. But it is effects must be triggered before an effect can be repeated.
not a traditional series of violent encounters: Instead of
spirit guardians and mystical warriors blocking gates, • A 120-foot cloud of calming energy settles on an area
the barriers along the way are metaphysical. Those within Kundal’s line of sight. Each creature within
unworthy to pass simply do not. Each “test” reflects this cloud is under the effects of the calm emotions
another part of a person’s soul and whether they merit a spell unless they succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving
visitation with Kundal. throw.
Whomever is determined worthy—not an easy task— • Any creatures hostile to Kundal must succeed on a
becomes immortal, passing from this realm into the DC 24 Wisdom saving throw before attempting an
next and leaving everything behind. attack on Kundal, as if they are under the effect of the
sanctuary spell.
Tactics • One creature within 60 feet of Kundal is granted
Kundal is not a dragon the party would ever fight. His access to a stunning truth about the nature of the
power is to calm and subdue those who would threaten cosmos. This information is life-affirming, but also
him with his mind-awakening gifts. Those who would world-shattering, and the creature must succeed on a
attack the great rainbow dragon do so at the peril of DC 24 Intelligence saving throw or be paralyzed for one
their own souls. minute.
Should Kundal judge the heroes as unworthy,
however, they are likely to be banished, teleported away
or reduced to ash. In addition to Kundal’s numerous
powers, the very heavens would join forces to aid him in
destroying the party.
Kundal, Breath Weapons (recharge 5–6). The Rainbow Dragon uses
one of the following breath weapons:
The Rainbow Dragon Acid Breath. The Rainbow Dragon exhales acid in a 60-foot line
Gargantuan ancient polychromatic dragon, lawful good that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 18
Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) acid damage or half as
much on a successful one.
Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
Fire Breath. Kundal exhales fire in a 90-foot cone. Each creature
Hit Points 546 (28d20 + 252)
in the area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking
Speed 40 ft. (human form), fly 80 ft., swim 50 ft.
71 (13d10) fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA successful one.
30 (+10) 14 (+2) 28 (+9) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 28 (+9) Lightning Breath. Kundal exhales lightning in a 120-foot line
that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 24
Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) lightning damage on a
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +16, Wis +10, Cha +16 failed save or half as much on a successful one.
Skills Insight +10, Perception +10, Persuasion +16 Repulsion Breath. The Rainbow Dragon exhales repulsion
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed
Damage Immunities acid, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing on a DC 24 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
damage from nonmagical weapons is pushed 30 feet away from the dragon.
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, exhaustion, Sleep Breath. Kundal exhales sleep gas in a 90-foot cone. Each
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned creature in that area must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20 throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. This effect ends for a
Languages Common, Draconic, Celestial creature if the creature takes damage or someone uses an action
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) to wake him.
Slowing Breath. The Rainbow Dragon exhales magical gas in
Discorporation. When the Rainbow Dragon drops to 0 hit points a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC
or dies, his body is destroyed, and he is unable to take physical form 24 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature can’t
for a time. use reactions, its speed is halved and it can’t make more than one
Amphibious. The Rainbow Dragon can breathe both air and water. attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can use either an
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Kundal fails a saving throw, he action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both. These effects
can choose to succeed instead. last for one minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw
Magic Weapons. All attacks by the Rainbow Dragon are at the end of each of its turns, taking 63 (14d8) cold damage on a
considered magical. failed save or half as much on a successful one.

Actions Legendary Actions

Multiattack. The Rainbow Dragon can use his Frightful The Rainbow Dragon can take three Legendary actions, choosing
Presence. He then makes three attacks: one with his bite and from the options below. Only one legendary action can be
two with his claws. If his breath weapon is available, he may used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
attack with it as well. The Rainbow Dragon regains spent legendary actions at the
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. start of his turn.
Hit: 21 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage Detect. The Rainbow Dragon makes a Wisdom(Perception) check.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Tail Attack. Kundal makes a tail attack.
Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage. Move. The Rainbow Dragon can make a move action without
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. provoking an attack of opportunity.
Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage. Charm Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The Rainbow Dragon uses
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the Rainbow Dragon’s magical eye rays on a single target he can see within 120 feet. The
choice that is within 120 feet and aware of him must succeed on targeted creature must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw
a DC 24 Wisdom savings throw or become frightened for one or be charmed by the Rainbow Dragon for one hour or until the
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each Rainbow Dragon harms the creature.
of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If a creature’s saving
throw is successful, or the effect ends, the creature is immune
Kundal’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Limited Magic Immunity. As a reaction, Kundal
may choose to be immune to any spell of level 3 or below. The
Rainbow Dragon has advantage on saving throws against all
other spells and magical effects.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 65

66 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Dragon of the Void

umans always find a way to upend the truth. Ishtar, and the ransom was the return of his immortal
Before humanity, powerful, ancient, immortal status. Ishtar agreed to Kur’s price, but once she made
beasts roamed the world. But with humans him immortal, she cast him into the void for eternity.
came gods. And with gods came the desire to push these Knowing the goddess could not be trusted, Kur had
ancient beasts underground. The rolls of history are expected some form of duplicity. As a contingency, Kur
filled with tales of these creatures, forced underground left a tiny piece of his flesh behind. This flesh would
by “better thinking” gods. never decay, and it ensured Kur could leave the void in
No story of this behavior is better known than Kur’s. time and once again return to the land of mortals, using
Eons ago, Kur, who some call the First Dragon, his own body as an anchor to the mortal realm.
emerged from a ceaseless void and freely roamed the This flesh, powerful in its own right, has remained
planes as a dark and terrible beast. When the gods were hidden. Numerous cults serving the dragon, wizards
granted immortality through humanity’s worship, these seeking to possess the great beast (or worse) and heroes
deities deemed Kur unworthy of the gift they’d been dedicated to the conquest of all evil have sought Kur’s
granted, and made him a mortal being. Out of spite or flesh. Thankfully none have succeeded. The small
desperation, the great dragon kidnapped the goddess fragment of the dragon’s immortal body remains hidden
somewhere in the world, perhaps even buried deep
beneath its mantle. Should the flesh ever be found, it
could undo creation, to say nothing of summoning Kur
e armies that
Our undoing will not be thspies within back from the void.

march on our gates or the ourselves, and

For her part, Ishtar, the goddess of life and death, is
locked in perpetual battle with Kur in the void between the
our midst. We will destroyrequire is a bit land of the living and the land of the dead. In fact, all of

the world with us. All we

Ishtar’s contemporaries fight Kur, though none can defeat
him—he is immortal by their hand, and will continue the
of flesh. struggle for freedom from his eternal prison. While the full
story of Kur has been lost to time, numerous churches and
ck Sage, cults have emerged to venerate the great dragon, who is
—Malchior Vee, the Bla m “like unto them a god.”
Herald of the Coming Doo The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 67

Hook has all the time in the world to plan his next move, and
Kur waits for someone to find the piece of his undying though he could generally lay waste to an entire army
flesh. He is a world-ending adversary. If the game master on his own, he could also consider an approach that
truly intends to sunder the world with his presence, leverages subterfuge and careful plotting rather than
it is best to sprinkle details about Kur throughout the muscular plodding. Whatever fight the party thinks
campaign. Ancient lore appears from time to time, they are in for, switch it up and deliver something they’d
hinting at a great power from beyond time and reason. never expect. Make sure to include lots of pain. Miles of
Perhaps the party stumbles upon an ancient language suffering. Ages of agony. You know, bad news.
no one understands. Or they battle a cult, only to learn its
members were devoted to the worship of some great beast Wealth
no one else has heard of. They might even learn of a cabal Kur possesses powers beyond imagination. The
of wizards trying to find a piece of a great dragon’s flesh treasure he is found with is based on many factors. It is
that never withers. Such a rumor would certainly worry impossible to calculate what the party might find—and
brave adventurers hell-bent on saving the world. therefore this aspect of his existence is at GM discretion.
Since Kur waits inside the great void for someone Perhaps he has nothing at all, as he would in the void.
to find a piece of his undying flesh, he remains On the other hand, his avatar could possess a hoard, like
trapped until his circumstances change. If the party any dragon. Most assuredly, he possesses the power of
inadvertently awakens him, the battle—and all they care the void in some form or another. A magical void egg
for—is surely theirs to lose. would certainly cancel wizard spells (and the like), or
If Kur’s flesh is ever discovered and used to summon could amplify their power to staggering degrees.
him, the beast will want to exact vengeance on the
goddess who trapped him. If the party gets in his way, he’ll Kur’s Lair
slaughter them along his path of destruction. If he fails and Within the void, the immortal Kur can call upon his
escapes, he can exact his vengeance in hundreds of ways. ancient power to cast wish twice per long rest. For this
reason, any group of adventurers hoping to topple him
Encounter there will almost assuredly fail. His avatar, if utilized to
Any encounter with Kur is based on how and where the roam the mortal plane, is a slightly less deadly foe, but
party finds him. If they are foolish enough to travel into if the avatar has established a lair in the mortal realm,
the void to search for him, the encounter is swift and destroying him there is nearly as difficult.
brutal. Kur is an immortal with semi-omnipotence that
only has one limit: he cannot roam freely on the mortal Lair Actions
plane. Even the god of death cannot destroy him. But an On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Kur takes
avatar of his former form can travel to the mortal plane a lair action to cause one of the following effects. He
if the circumstances are favorable. cannot use the same effect two rounds in a row.
Note: The information presented in the stat block on
the next page represents Kur’s avatar. Even if the avatar • Kur casts time stop.
is defeated, it is not permanent, as nothing could ever • A void blade surges outward from a point within 120
completely destroy him. Were Kur to be encountered feet of Kur in a 120-foot line. The blade then shifts
inside the void in some attempt to render him mortal, left or right, slashing every creature in its path for 300
or prevent his avatar from appearing, the ferocity with feet. Each creature must succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity
which he would attack and the pain he would generate saving throw or suffer 28 (8d6) necrotic damage, or
would be incalculable. half as much on a successful save.
The most practical encounter is for the party to fight • A creature of void energy, a shadow demon,
Kur’s avatar, instead of the true dragon. Perhaps this emerges from an area within 300 feet of Kur. It rolls
plane is one Kur must travel through in order to reach its own initiative, and serves Kur’s aims to the best of
Ishtar in the underworld. This plane, essentially, acts as its ability.
a buffer between realms. It is Kur’s way of reaching the
hells and therefore a necessary step of destruction he Kur can’t repeat an effect until they have all been
must undergo to get what he’s after. used, and can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.

Kur is a dragon’s dragon, a beast of rage and magic. He
cannot be reasoned with. There is no logical path to
his destruction. He revels in his immortality and fears
nothing. Whatever does the most damage is his first
combat option. But his ageless intelligence can also
be brought to bear on a group of would-be heroes. He
Kur, Actions
The Dragon of the Void Multiattack. Kur can use his Frightful Presence. He then makes
three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws.
Gargantuan ancient black dragon, chaotic evil Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage + 9 (2d8) acid damage.
Armor Class 27 (natural armor) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit Points 735 (42d20 + 294) Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.
Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft., swim 50 ft. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Kur’s choice that is within 120
30 (+10) 24 (+7) 25 (+7) 24 (+7) 24 (+6) 27 (+8) feet and aware of him, must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving
throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can repeat
Saving Throws Con +16, Dex +16, Wis +15 the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
Skills Perception +15, Stealth +16 on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect
Damage Resistances necrotic ends, the creature is immune Kur’s Frightful Presence for the next
Damage Immunities acid, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing 24 hours.
damage from nonmagical weapons Acid Breath (recharge on 3-6). Kur exhales acid in a 120-foot line
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, exhaustion, that is 20 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 24
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) acid damage on a failed
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 25 save or half as much damage on a successful one.
Languages Common, Draconic, Celestial
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) Legendary Actions
Kur can take four legendary actions, choosing from the options
Amphibious. Kur can breathe both air and water. below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and
Discorporation. When Kur drops to 0 hit points and dies, his only at the end of another creature’s turn. Kur regains spent
body is destroyed, and he is unable to take physical form for legendary actions at the start of his turn.
a time. Detect. Kur makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Innate Spellcasting (6/day). Kur may cast fire storm. Spell save Bite. Kur makes a bite attack.
DC 24. Spell attack modifier +16. Tail Attack. Kur makes a tail attack.
Legendary Resistance (6/Day). If Kur fails a saving throw, he Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Kur beats his wings. Each
can choose to succeed instead. creature within 20 feet of Kur must succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity
Limited Magic Immunity. As a reaction, Kur may choose to be saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage and be
immune to any spell of level 4 or below. Kur has advantage on knocked prone. Kur can then fly up to half his flying speed.
saving throws against all other spells and magical effects. Channel the Void (Costs 2 Actions). Kur magically unleashes
Magic Weapons. All attacks by Kur are considered magical. void energy. A pulsating wave of negative energy washes over
Regeneration. Kur regains 31 (2d10 + 20) hit points at the start of everything within range. Creatures within 60 feet of Kur,
each of his turns unless he has suffered radiant damage the previous including those behind any type of barrier and around corners,
turn. cannot regain any hit points until the end of Kur’s next turn.
Teleportation. Kur can magically teleport himself, or anyone that
he can see, along with any equipment being worn or carried, to an
unoccupied space within sight.

Regional Effects
The area around the lair created by Kur’s avatar would
immediately be influenced by his void energy, creating
the following effects within 5 miles of the lair:

• Wind rips through the region and sounds like a

maddening roar. A creature who can hear this wind
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
suffer one level of madness at GM discretion.
• Beasts near the lair are all subjugated to Kur’s will
and they carry the stain of the void. Their attacks deal
an extra 7 (2d6) psychic damage in addition to their
typical damage.
• Spells cast within 5 miles of the lair have a 10
percent chance of failure. When a creature casts a
spell, roll 1d10. On a 1, the spell is cast and the spell
slot is wasted, but the spell has no effect.

If Kur’s avatar is defeated, these effects immediately


The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 69

70 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

Mother of Monstrosities

strange hybrid of a dragon and chasme, Kut- but also wholly distinct from those baseline monstrous
Echinae is unique among draconic creatures. classifications.
Barely classified as a dragon, the insectoid Kut- Kut-Echinae nests in dank, moist places where
Echinae is the mother of a number of strange and esoteric her cocoons, eggs and “honeycombs” can grow and
monstrous hybrids. While not the primary producer of all pupate without her presence. This allows her to travel
the realm’s monsters, one would be forgiven for making from region to region, planting her grotesque brood
the assumption, as she creates unimaginable horrors in any area that seems habitable. Like a queen bee,
from eggs, larvae and even her own vomit. A biological Kut-Echinae builds a nest around herself, leaving her
anomaly herself, each creature that hatches from one of children only when she is certain the hive can thrive
her clutches is effectively a new species, akin to ankhegs, without her. As she seeks out a new place to nest and
basilisks, behir, ettercaps, remorhazes or rust monsters begin the cycle again, her brood work their way to the
surface, in many cases disrupting the balance of the
ecosystem and in each instance wreaking havoc on the
These are no mere monsters—
population—particularly among humanoids.
edes that can She is more animalistic and less clever than most
off about them. Seen centip that won’t dragons, but that doesn’t mean she’s a pushover. She

conjure flame, and basilisks ll freeze you

will furiously protect her hatchlings, and they, in turn,
will die to ensure she survives. Her territory constantly
just turn you to stone...they’e. It’s baffling. changes and like a yellowjacket, she never returns to

to death if you get too clos se.

the same lair twice. Each spring, she seeks 10 to 20
nesting sites in which to deposit her offspring. It is not
And I fear it’s getting wor uncommon for Kut-Echinae to burrow deep into the
earth and lay eggs inside a crypt, where her young can
feed on the dead until they are strong enough to survive
—Hallison Ulnar, the Four Isles
the world above.
Roaming Swarmkeeper of The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 71

Hook Kut-Echinae’s Lair

Kut-Echinae is an advanced state of fecundity. Her body A warm, often secluded space in which she can safely
molts and lays eggs, and she builds nests all over the lay her eggs, Kut-Echinae’s lair is damp, sticky and
world, in what seems like a straight line. Everywhere swarming with her brood. Any creature attempting to
she goes, the nests get larger and her brood hibernates slay her there is in for the fight of their lives.
longer, producing more powerful offspring. The first of
these clutches is discovered in a nearby chasm, erupting Lair Actions
into a modest threat to the nearby human population. When fighting inside her lair, Kut-Echinae can invoke
As the party learns more about these creatures and the the ambient magic to take lair actions. On initiative
threat they pose they would be drawn closer toward count 20 (losing initiative ties), Kut-Echinae can take
Kut-Echinae’s final nest. one lair action to cause one of the following effects:

Encounter • 1d4 ankhegs rise from the ground, aiming to protect

Kut-Echinae is like an insect in many ways. She looks their queen.
for cool, dry places to lay some of her eggs, and moist • Each creature in a 20-foot cube becomes affected by
places for others. Cave systems, canyons, gullies and the faerie fire spell (DC 18) as Kut-Echinae’s
forests are perfect places to build a nest, lay her eggs glowworm supplicants attach themselves to other
and move on. Each nest takes on a unique shape, creatures in the area.
built around the local terrain, and each nest sprouts • An area in a 20-foot cube becomes affected by a
unique monsters with special powers. Ankhegs with nectar-based version of the web spell (DC 18).
regenerative properties, ettercaps that can see into
the spirit world or chimeric beasts that grow from Kut-Echinae can’t repeat an effect until they have all
a tenebrious womb with four heads and multiple been used, and can’t use the same effect two rounds in a
segmented forms, to name a few. row.
Kut-Echinae might be the ultimate focus of an entire
campaign for the party, giving them an unpredictable Regional Effects
villain, who produces unpredictable offspring. Kut-Echinae’s ambient magic and chaotic energy
directly influence the creatures that are born from her
Tactics nests, creating strange hybrids that defy logic. Roll twice
Kut-Echinae is most likely to be encountered in one on the table below (rerolling duplicates) to determine
of her nests and is always surrounded by members of which creatures are affecting the nest in the party’s area,
her offspring. Some are mindless or subservient while as well as the bonus effects granted by her essence.
others are predators that know not to fight to the death.
Regardless, each has unique powers the party should 1d6 Creature Effect
not expect—ex: an ankheg that breathes lighting or
1 ankhegs... ...that cast fireball
fire (or both). Kut-Echinae is designed to be part of a
twice per short rest.
draining series of encounters.
Kut-Echinae is powerful on her own, but with her 2 giant hornets... ...that can cast misty
brood surrounding her, she grows exponentially as step at will.
...that have a 100 feet
a threat. The brood does everything it can to protect 3 giant fire beetles...
burrow speed.
her in fight, and vice versa. Consider deploying Kut-
...that are resistant to
Echinae’s brood to give her a distinct action economy
4 basilisks... all damage except for
advantage early on. While her brood keeps the party’s
strikers occupied, the mighty dragon uses her Feeding
...that automatically
Nectar and Droning Wings to dispatch any who would
grapple a target on a
dare disturb her nest. 5 war drakes (pg. 132)...
successful melee attack
Her powerful exoskeleton makes her nearly
(DC 16).
invulnerable to both melee and spell attacks, and she’ll
...that can cast
retreat into a chitinous ball as a way of exhausting her displacer drakes
6 greater invisibility once
opponents while she replenishes her breath weapon. (pg. 133)...
per short rest.
Kut-Echinae, effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified until freed by the
greater restoration spell or other magic.
Mother of Monstrosities A creature that isn’t surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can’t see
Kut-Echinae until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its
eyes again. If it looks at Kut-Echinae in the meantime, it must
Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
immediately make the save.
Hit Points 507 (26d20 + 234)
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., fly 90 ft., swim 40 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. Kut-Echinae can use her Frightful Presence. She then
makes three attacks: one with her bite and two with her claws.
27 (+8) 17 (+3) 28 (+9) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 19 (+4)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+ 15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage.
Saving Throws Str +16, Dex +11, Con +17, Wis +13, Cha +12 Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Skills Insight +21, Nature +19, Perception +21, Stealth +19, Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.
Survival +21 Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Damage Resistances fire; bludgeoning, piercing and Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) piercing damage. The target must make a DC 15
slashing from nonmagical attacks Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a
Damage Immunities acid, lightning failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, Feeding Nectar (Recharge 5-6). Kut-Echinae expels a thick,
paralyzed, poisoned nourishing nectar that also breaks down proteins for her growing
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., brood. The queen exhales lightning-infused nectar in a 120-foot
passive Perception 31 line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a
Languages Common, Draconic, Primordial, Terran, DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) lightning damage
telepathy 30 ft. on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Any
Challenge 26 (90,000 XP) creature that fails this saving throw is grappled by Kut-Echinae’s
nectar, and can use its action to escape with a successful DC 18
Chitinous Form. As an action, Kut-Echinae can roll up into a Strength (Athletics) saving throw.
large, chitinous ball. When in this form Kut-Echinae has an AC Additionally, any ally in the area of effect of the nectar is immune
of 26 and is immune to non-magical bludgeoning, slashing and to its damage and is instead healed 12 (2d6 + 5) hit points.
piercing damage. When Kut-Echinae’s chitinous form is targeted Frightful Presence. Each creature of Kut-Echinae’s choice that
by a line spell or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a is within 120 feet of Kut-Echinae and aware of her must succeed
d6. On a 1 to 5, Kut-Echinae is unaffected. On a 6, Kut-Echinae on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one
is unaffected, and the effect is reflected back at the caster as minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
though it originated from Kut-Echinae, turning the caster into of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
the target. saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
Droning Wings. Kut-Echinae’s wings produce a hypnotizing immune to Kut-Echinae’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
droning sound to which her brood is immune. Any other creature
that starts its turn within 30 feet of Kut-Echinae must succeed Legendary Actions
on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 Kut-Echinae can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
minutes. A creature that can’t hear automatically succeeds on options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
the save. The effect on the creature ends if it takes damage. If a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Kut-Echinae
creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, it is regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
immune to the drone for the next 24 hours. Detect. Kut-Echinae makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Kut-Echinae fails a saving Tail Attack. Kut-Echinae makes a tail attack.
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Kut-Echinae beats her wings.
Petrifying Gaze. If a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of Each creature within 15 feet of Kut-Echinae must succeed on a
Kut-Echinae and the two of them can see each other, Kut-Echinae DC 23 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning
can force the creature to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw damage and be knocked prone. Kut-Echinae can then fly up to half
(if Kut-Echinae isn’t incapacitated). On a failed save, the creature its flying speed.
magically begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat Chitinous Form (Costs 3 Actions). Kut-Echinae can fold into her
the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the chitinous form.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 73

74 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Stone Dragon

enturies ago, Naghi was wounded in a fight with In his meditations and explorations, he began to
a temperamental basilisk. Though he was able to push past the limitations brought on by his slow-
kill the beast, his injury festered and what little moving petrification as he mastered the power of his
magic he knew was not enough to staunch the petrification mind. Though he could not stop the progression of the
that began to slowly radiate outward from his wound. infection that was slowly turning him to stone, he was
Eventually, his back left leg went numb and then still. able to uncover the secret to projecting his spirit into
Dragons are smart, but also vain, and in this regard, the astral plane. He discovered that as he wandered
Naghi’s pride was his undoing. Rather than gnaw the this plane, time stood still for his body—and also his
limb completely off, Naghi held out hope that he would increasingly severe ailment.
be able to find a cure for his ailment. In this way he has preserved his life for several
As his mobility began to suffer, Naghi took to more centuries, spending increasingly greater lengths of time
contemplative studies, exploring the arcane as well as wandering the astral plane to delay the inevitable. To
the metaphysical, delving into ways the mind can live on protect his corporeal form, Naghi relies upon a network
with or without the body. of informants he has recruited to infiltrate the halls of
scribes and sages across the realm. Most are unaware of
his affliction. He meets with them as an illusory version
m I served of himself and remains in contact through their dreams.
He said, “If I told you whod I wouldn’t Should the need arise, he can erase their memories to
you wouldn’t believe me, an wish to maintain his secrets.

tell you anyway, because I ice. Let’s just

Naghi has sought sages, met with mages and
conferred with clerics about his coming end.
continue working in his serv e it at that. He found their solutions to his affliction wanting,

say I had a vision and leav onds.”

and they found his stone exterior resistant to the typical
applications of spells like greater restoration. Naghi is
Now give me all your diam hopeful that with further research, a larger ring of spies
and a deeper knowledge of the weave, he can sustain his
lington, existence forever.
—Testimony of Carla Dar Gemworks
President of Dwarvencore The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 75

Hook turn them against each other. This psychic power is so

Naghi is driven to act mostly out of paranoia. As his strong that he can manifest it corporeally, creating a
affliction has spread, he has lost the use of his back legs, mental projection of his psyche, which appears as an
and the rigid muscles in his back prevent him from adult silver dragon (see Psychic Projection in Naghi’s
using his now-withered wings. He will go to any length stat block for details).
to make sure that none learn of his lair, using magic to This psychic entity is a valuable tactical ally for Naghi
remove the memories of those that have stumbled upon during combat. He controls this duplicate completely,
it. When this tactic is not enough, he will bend them to and the two are fully coordinated during a fight. The
his will or break their minds. It is likely through one of projection is as agile as any dragon and Naghi uses it to
his informants, or through mere happenstance, that the attack enemies that are resistant to his ability to occlude
party will first encounter this reclusive dragon. their minds.
Or perhaps the party encounters many individuals in
a single borough with no recollection of the time they Valuable Spies
spent exploring the local caverns. Naghi collects informants the way other dragons gather
Or maybe Naghi reaches out to recruit the party into gold and jewels. None of these individuals are present
his network of spies and informants, ultimately giving within his lair—they are connected to him through one
them a choice to permit him to erase their memories of another and through Naghi’s ability to visit them in their
his sanctum or face his wrath. dreams. They have the practical effect of connecting him
Or it might happen that Naghi is witnessed in the to a world that he cannot wander on his own and serve
distance during a brief trip to the astral plane. as a means of warning him of intruders. It is unknown
Regardless of how they first encounter Naghi, he does what other purposes he has bent them to in the past and
everything within his power to avoid confronting them. what actions he would consider having them undertake
He might offer information or attempt to coerce them in the future.
into serving him. It is also possible that he is the object
of a quest to help a party member or their ally to rid Naghi’s Lair
themselves of a painful memory. Naghi’s cavern is deep below ground, part of a network of
old magma tunnels from a long-dormant volcano. Strange
Encounter Conditions crystalline deposits litter the caverns. Naghi wanders these
His lair, the Caves of Contemplation. Caves of Contemplation as an illusion—his true form
sequestered deeper within the recesses of the earth.
With part of his body petrified, Naghi does not travel Lair Actions
often. Encounters with him will occur randomly within On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Naghi
the astral plane, or they will happen at his discretion takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects.
within his lair. Traveling in the astral plane via the astral He can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
projection spell, Naghi is not limited by his affliction and
makes for a fearsome foe. Confronted elsewhere, he is • Each creature in the lair must make a DC 15
usually aware of the impending conflict and can make Charisma saving throw or become unable to
preparations. knowingly tell a lie, as if under the effects of the zone
Naghi’s private sanctum is within the hollow of a of truth spell.
massive volcanic geode at the bottom of a deep cavern. • One creature Naghi can see must make a DC 15
Through the use of the project image spell, he can Intelligence saving throw or become stunned. While
keep tabs on his lair and portions of the surrounding stunned, the creature stands mouth agape, drooling. A
environs. It is through this spell that he most often creature has disadvantage on this saving throw if it
meets with those that desire an audience with him. has taken psychic damage during the previous round.
• One creature Naghi can see must make a DC 15
Tactics Wisdom saving throw or succumb to myriad visions
Naghi’s primary defense is to never let his enemies that cloud its mind, causing it to behave erratically as
know where to find him. His spells allow him to if under the effects of the confusion spell.
wander the tunnels of his cavern as an illusion and to
contact his agents while they sleep. Almost no one has
actually seen him.
Most of those that have had the misfortune of
stumbling into his inmost sanctum have perished under
the full ferocity of his intellect. His psionic might is
impressive, and he uses it to disorient his enemies and
Naghi, The Stone Dragon Frightful Presence. Each creature of Naghi’s choice that is within
120 feet of him and aware of him must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom
Huge dragon, neutral saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Armor Class 24 (natural armor) effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful
Hit Points 589 (38d12 + 342) or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Naghi’s Frightful
Speed 20 ft. (special, see immobile) Presence for the next 24 hours.
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5–6). Naghi exhales lightning in a 120-­
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a
26 (+8) 10 (+0) 28 (+9) 30 (+10) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) lightning damage on
a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +16, Int +17, Cha +11 Rend Thoughts (Recharge 5–6). Naghi magically tears into the
Skills Arcana +17, Perception +11 mind of a creature using psychic energy. One creature of his choice
Damage Resistances psychic, bludgeoning, piercing and within 120 feet that he can see must make a DC 20 Intelligence
slashing from nonmagical attacks saving throw or take 54 (8d10 + 10) psychic damage and become
Condition Immunities charmed, petrified dazed. A creature that is dazed by this ability can either move or
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21 use an action, but not both. While dazed, a creature cannot use
Languages common, draconic, telepathy 120 ft. bonus actions or reactions and has disadvantage on Dexterity saving
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) throws. At the end of each of its turns, a dazed creature can repeat its
Intelligence save, ending the effect of this ability on a successful save.
Psychic Projection. Naghi manifests a duplicate from psionic
Immobile. Naghi’s back legs are petrified, leaving him unable to
energy. This psychic projection has the stats of an adult silver
move at normal speed. As an action, he can use his forelegs to drag
dragon but does not have a breath weapon or the legendary
himself up to his speed. He has disadvantage on Dexterity saving
resistance trait. It shares Naghi’s resistances and immunities. When
throws, but cannot be moved or knocked prone.
created, the psychic projection rolls initiative and takes actions
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). Naghi’s innate spellcasting ability
on its own turn. The projection is dismissed when it reaches 0 hit
is Intelligence (spell save DC 20). He can innately cast the following
points or if Naghi is unconscious or reduced to 0 hit points.
spells, requiring no material components:

At will: astral projection (only while within his lair),

Legendary Actions
Naghi can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
detect thoughts, project image, telekinesis
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
3/day each: dominate person, phantasmal killer, wall of force
only at the end of another creature’s turn. Naghi regains spent
1/day each: dream, hypnotic pattern, reverse gravity,
legendary actions at the start of his turn.
telepathic bond
Detect. Naghi makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Focus. Naghi dismisses his psychic projection and recharges his
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Naghi fails a saving throw,
rend thoughts ability.
he can choose to succeed instead.
Coordinated Assault (Costs 2 Actions). Naghi makes a bite or claw
Actions attack. His psychic projection can then move up to its speed and
make a bite, claw or tail attack.
Multiattack. Naghi can use his Frightful Presence. He then makes
Psychic Backlash. Naghi lashes out with the power of his mind.
three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws.
One creature within 15 feet of him must succeed on a DC 20
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Intelligence saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) psychic damage. This
Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage, plus 13 (3d8) force damage.
damage increases to 24 (4d6 + 10) if the target has attacked Naghi
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
during this round.
Hit: 17 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.

Regional Effects • Rocks within 6 miles of the lair, from pebbles to

The region containing Naghi’s lair is warped by his boulders, become geodes. Areas of exposed rock begin
powerful psychic presence, which creates one or more of to grow clusters of turquoise-colored crystal. Geode
the following effects: and crystal alike carry a slight static charge that
causes hair to stand on end when touched.
• In the hour just before dawn and right after sunset, • Within 1 mile of the lair, mundane beasts sometimes
creatures within 6 miles of the lair can hear constant, spontaneously develop sentience as though affected by
soft whispers when standing within 10 feet of another the spell awaken.
creature. These sounds are caused by the thoughts
of living creatures being amplified by Naghi’s psychic If Naghi dies, conditions of the area surrounding the lair
presence. The contents of thoughts heard in this way return to normal after 1d10 days.
are unintelligible.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 77

78 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Stalker

n old, fierce and white-scaled dragon, Pellix the represents the culmination of their aims, and now that
Stalker hunts down dragonborn and those with he has been set loose on the dragonborn of the realm,
draconic ancestry in an attempt to return the the council’s plans are finally coming to fruition. He
“stolen blood” to the progenitor. He serves the Council of is methodical, cunning and strikes without warning.
Draconic Truth, a collection of dragons that believe all He’s already decimated one-eighth of the dragonborn
draconic races to be abominable parasites unworthy of population, working across the realm in a way that hasn’t
the blood that courses through their veins. The council yet aroused suspicion.
believes the destruction of the draconic races is an Pellix is in every way a paladin to this cause. He sees
absolute necessity for the future of dragonkind. Pellix himself as a true lawful good champion of draconic
values. Those who stand in opposition to his beliefs are
the villains. Anyone who stands on the side of dragonborn
clearly does not understand the role of dragons—as apex
to our kind.
Abominations. An insult d the name predators and overlords—in this world, and they too will

Dragonborn have perverte long. The

find their way onto his growing list.
Cults associated with the worship of dragons also
of true dragons for far too ion will be an draw Pellix’s ire. If it were up to Pellix, all links between

instrument of their destructl as its wings.

dragons and humanity would be severed, though
that aspect of his crusade will have to wait. His list
arm of this council, as welborn down lengthens by the day. For now, his task is to destroy

He will hunt each dragon ble memory.

the abominations that stand as a mockery of draconic
nobility. Most dragonborn do not know of Pellix’s
until they are an unuttera who would existence. He would not be good at his job if they did.

To all dragonborn and anyyour name. Recently, however, as the number of Pellix’s victims
grows, a horrible rumor has spread among the draconic
protect them: Pellix knows races. These tales told in whispered tones speak of a
powerful winged beast that strikes from the clouds and
—Takreus the Nightbringeead of
snatches dragonborn into the sky, rending them apart in
mere seconds. No dragonborn would ever guess or know
Ancient Blue Dragon, H uth that this great stalker is a dragon itself.

the Council of Draconic Tr The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 79


Hook Pellix’s Lair

A trail of destruction is discovered over the course of Never in the same place twice and always in a fortified
several days: tattered gear, a single boot, a blood-soaked position nearly impossible to track down, Pellix lairs up
shield bearing the sigil of a notable dragonborn family. when he needs time to plan his next move or rehabilitate
These small signs grow more overt, as the shredded in the rare event an attack didn’t immediately go his
bodies of dragonborn, kobolds, half dragons and other way. Only a fool would attempt to fight Pellix on his
draconic races are encountered in several nearby areas home turf. Some people are fools.
over the coming few months. Investigating these clues
would lead the party to a noble dragonborn family Lair Actions
who are growing concerned about the deaths of several When fighting inside his lair, Pellix can invoke the
members of their race across the realm. While Pellix is ambient magic to take lair actions. On initiative count
not an immediate threat to the party, he soon will be. It’s 20 (losing initiative ties), Pellix can take one lair action
only a matter of time before a draconic member of the to cause one of the following effects:
party or one of their dragonborn allies finds their name
at the top of Pellix’s list. • A creature of Pellix’s choice is marked by his lair and
affected by hunter’s mark. This effect stacks with
Encounter Conditions Pellix’s ability to cast the spell.
Harangued. The dragonborn being hunted is certain to • Pellix’s roar echoes off the walls of his lair. Each
feel trapped and exhausted before the final battle. hostile creature that can hear Pellix must succeed on
a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or use their reaction
Tactics to move 10 feet away from Pellix. Creatures who fail
Pellix is the ultimate hunter. He is never caught this save have disadvantage on all attacks for one
off guard and knows exactly where to find the next round. Creatures that are immune to the frightened
dragonborn to be eliminated. He uses his ability to effect are not immune to the echoing roar.
shapeshift and silently observe his prey, attacking only • A creature of Pellix’s choice must succeed on a DC
when it is most beneficial to him. He would never be 18 Charisma saving throw or become charmed by
caught in the open, or flat-footed, or unaware of his Pellix. They must spend their next turn moving as
opponents’ strengths. He studies his prey for days close as they can to Pellix, then bow in supplication
or weeks before striking, knowing everything they to him, falling prone. The creature can regain their
could bring to the fight. This goes for those who walk composure at the start of their next turn.
alongside the dragonborn as well. Pellix knows every
weapon of the dwarven fighter or spells of the elven Pellix can’t repeat an effect until they have all been used,
wizard who stand with the dragonborn scum. and he can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
In combat, Pellix targets any dragonborn in a party
first, only stopping to harm others who would protect the Regional Effects
abomination. Once the dragonborn has been destroyed, The region containing Pellix’s lair is warped by the
he sees no further need for combat and flies away. creature’s presence, which creates one or more of the
Pellix carries with him an array of magical powers following effects:
that he can bring to the fore. He can turn himself
invisible and throw opponents into the sky with his • Any draconic creature within 5 miles of Pellix’s
mind (telekinesis). In the unlikely event he is ever lair suffers one level of exhaustion. If a draconic
cornered, he can cast entangle on his foes and invoke creature stays for more than one day within that
the powers of his lair. radius they will suffer another level of exhaustion
each day following. In addition, Pellix becomes aware
of any draconic creatures within this range and can
locate them within one minute.

If Pellix dies, the effects fade over the course

of 3d10 days.
Pellix, The Stalker Actions
Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil Multiattack. Pellix can use his Frightful Presence. He then makes
three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws.
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit Points 615 (30d20 + 300) Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) cold damage.
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., fly 90 ft., swim 40 ft. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
30 (+10) 14 (+2) 30 (+10) 20 (+5) 21 (+5) 22 (+6) Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5–6). Pellix uses one of the following
Saving Throws Str +18, Dex +10, Con +18, Int +13, Wis +13, breath weapons:
Cha +14 Acid Breath. Pellix exhales acid in a 90-foot line that is 10 feet
Skills Deception +22, Insight +21, Nature +21, Perception +21, wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 22 Dexterity
Stealth +18 saving throw, taking 72 (16d8) acid damage on a failed save or
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire; bludgeoning, piercing half as much on a successful one.
and slashing from nonmagical attacks Cold Breath. Pellix exhales an icy blast in a 90-foot cone. Each
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, petrified, creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution saving
poisoned, prone throw, taking 72 (16d8) cold damage on a failed save or half as
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 31 much on a successful one.
Languages Common, Draconic, Elvish Fire Breath. Pellix exhales a fiery blast in a 90-foot cone. Each
Challenge 28 (120,000 XP) creature in that area must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 72 (16d8) fire damage on a failed save or half as
much on a successful one.
Amphibious. Pellix can breathe air and water.
Lightning Breath. Pellix exhales lightning in a 90-foot line
Blood Hunter. Pellix can sense the presence of dragon blood in
that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC
any creature within 5 miles.
22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 72 (16d8) lightning damage
Change Shape. Pellix magically polymorphs into a humanoid
on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.
or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than his own, or
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Pellix’s choice that is within
back into his true form. He reverts to his true form if he dies. Any
120 feet of Pellix and aware of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
equipment he is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the
saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature
new form of Pellix’s choice.
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
In a new form, Pellix retains his alignment, hit points, Hit
the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is
Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistances, lair
successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
actions and Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores, as well as
Pellix’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
this action. His statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced
by those of the new form, except any class features or legendary
actions of that form.
Legendary Actions
Pellix can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
Innate Spellcasting. Pellix can cast spells without the need for
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
material components. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (DC
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Pellix regains spent
26). He can innately cast the following spells:
legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Detect. Pellix makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
3/Day: entangle, pass without trace
Hunter’s Mark. Pellix can cast hunter’s mark (at will) on a
1/Day: telekinesis
creature of his choice.
Tail Attack. Pellix makes a tail attack.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Pellix fails a saving throw, he
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Pellix beats his wings. Each
can choose to succeed instead.
creature within 15 feet of Pellix must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity
Ruthless Reputation. Any creature of draconic origin makes
saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be
attack rolls and saving throws against Pellix with disadvantage,
knocked prone. Pellix can then fly up to half his flying speed.
unless immune to the fear condition.
Bloodbath (Costs 2 Actions). Pellix uses the power of recovered
Stalker’s Breath. Pellix can choose from the following breath
dragonborn blood, consuming it to recharge his breath
weapons whenever he uses his breath attack: Acid, Cold, Fire or
weapon and use Hit Dice as if benefitting from a short rest.
After consuming the blood, Pellix can attack dragonborn with
Stalker’s Stride. Pellix can move across or climb any surface
advantage. Hit points taken from dragonborn following a
without needing to make an ability check. Additionally, difficult
Bloodbath transfer to Pellix at the end of his turn.
terrain doesn’t cost him extra movement.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 81

82 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

Suffering Made Flesh

lood thick with pain trickles through the cracks border between the cosmic realms of chaos and the rest
of the multiverse, draining into its darkest and of the planar cosmos. Aurathiir was a benevolent being,
most wretched fissures. The hatred and suffering often blessing heroes with weapons and armor forged
of the multiverse pools in the depths of the Abyss, and from shards of his fangs or his massive scales. But even
there it boils and churns like the primordial draught heroic dragons are not immune to suffering.
that first created mortal life. While flying along the edge of the chaotic planes,
For eons, a particular type of demon has been spawned Aurathiir saw a black cloud looming on the cosmic
from that malefic brew. Salthezau—also known as Torment horizon. Curious, he investigated, only to learn too late that
Demons—spring fully grown from this pool of twisted the cloud was a mass of living beings: a swarm of salthezau
emotions and fly across the planes in hopes of filling the larger than anything he had ever seen before. Aurathiir
cosmos with suffering, thus continuing their wretched fought bravely against the swarm, but even though
species. These tiny demons are the size of large bats and hundreds of demons smashed futilely against his scales,
have three pairs of flapping wings surrounding a spherical thousands more found purchase on his flesh beneath. They
body dominated by a large, toothy mouth. They are latched onto him and weighed him down until he could no
sightless but can sense the emotions of living creatures. longer summon the strength to flap his wings.
Salthezau are easily overcome alone, but become And so he fell.
nightmarish, inescapable terrors when encountered in Aurathiir and the swarm of salthezau tumbled for
swarms. When a swarm of salthezau hunt, they can doom what felt like years into the heart of the Abyss and
even the mightiest of creatures. Such was the case for the beyond, until the dragon crashed into the pools of
dragon Aurathiir, a guardian of order and justice at the primordial torment which spawned the demons that
slew him. There, Aurathiir died.
And centuries later, there in the Abyss, he was reborn
despair, a
A swarm of unimaginableling toil—I
as Salathiir, the Demon Dragon—suffering made flesh. It
is said that during every mortal generation, it rises from
plague of torment and swir t of committing its lightless home in the Abyss to urge mortal beings to

grow weaker at the though coming. It

give in to their darkest instincts and fill the world with
pain, hatred and loss. It is the bane of civilization, the
its name to parchment. It is end things scourge of peace and the devourer of hope. And when it

will consume us all. Best todbye, my love. has gorged itself on torment, it returns to the pools from
whence it came and rests until its wounds are healed and
here before it arrives. Goo it can once more wreak devastation upon the world.
So long as evil lurks in the hearts of mortal creatures,
the Demon Dragon shall never die.
—Able Margaster, ost Fortune
Last Known Heir of the L The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 83

Hook If the Demon Dragon is encountered within the Abyss,

The Demon Dragon is spoken of in legends. Many it lurks within the pool of primordial suffering that
power-hungry monarchs and overzealous occultists have spawned it. This lightless void is a 1,000-foot-wide cavern
attempted to harness its destructive nature for their own of roughly spherical shape, save for a gaping opening at
ends. The Demon Dragon is chaos given form, and the its top. Its bottom half is filled with viscous liquid that
suffering it wreaks upon its masters’ enemies is only a shimmers with oily, spectral colors. This defiling lake has
prelude to its inevitable betrayal as Salathiir casts death no shores, and a living creature that is not a fiend that
indiscriminately upon all—especially the beings that touches the liquid or starts its turn touching it must make
dared to call themselves the Demon Dragon’s master. a DC 21 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature
Only one being has ever been able to harness the is affected by the confusion spell. If a creature fails this
Demon Dragon’s power without losing control. What saving throw again while confused, it gains a form of
myths remain suggest the Demon Dragon’s master was short-term madness. If it fails this save again while
a plane-walking sorcerer who managed to weave a spell affected by short-term madness, it gains a form of long-
binding Salathiir’s will so tightly it could not escape. The term madness. On a failure while affected by long-term
sorcerer’s reign of terror lasted decades, threatening the madness, it gains a form of indefinite madness.
multiverse until both sorcerer and Salathiir were slain Each time a creature fails this saving throw, its form
by a group of heroes. The power of the sorcerer’s spell warps to become similar to Salathiir. First, its eyes turn
faded with their death. Many would-be tyrants seek the crimson, then jet black scales cover its flesh, then its
secret of the spell (known as Salathiir’s perfect binding) head becomes perfectly spherical and dominated by a
and many more have died seeking it. gaping mouth of sharp teeth as dozens of flapping bat
wings burst from its flesh. These transformations can
Encounter Conditions be cured individually by a greater restoration spell. If
If Salathiir is encountered outside of the Abyss, it is the creature fails this save while affected by indefinite
because its destructive power has been harnessed by a madness, it is transformed into a salthezau. Its soul
prideful warlord through a spell such as planar binding. cannot be recovered until the demon is killed and the
In these circumstances, Salathiir destroys all in its path creature is returned to life by a wish.
until it manages to break free of its arcane shackles. On initiative count 20, two salthezau demons spawn
from the surface of this pool and attack the closest
creature. These winged monsters try to drag Salathiir’s
enemies into the pool of suffering, just as they once
Salthezau corrupted Aurathiir.
Tiny fiend (demon), chaotic evil

Armor Class 12
Salathiir seeks only to destroy and defile. In combat,
Hit Points 5 (2d4)
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. it uses Frightful Presence and its Gaze of Suffering to
turn its enemies against one another. Salathiir roars
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and gnashes its hundreds of teeth in combat, but rarely
14 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) speaks intelligibly. Only when it is killed does some
semblance of its sanity break through the millennia
Skills Acrobatics +4 of corruption. The mind of Aurathiir rasps out the
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning,
piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks
following words in its dying breath, “You have won a
Damage Immunities poison brief reprieve, but so long as evil lurks in mortals’ hearts,
Condition Immunities poisoned the Demon Dragon will be reborn anew.”
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 8 Salathiir can only be killed permanently if it is killed in
Languages Salthezau understands Abyssal but can’t speak it the heart of the Abyss where it was born, and a wish spell
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
is used to destroy Aurathiir’s body and soul, freeing him
Pack Tactics. The salthezau have advantage on an attack roll from his eternal suffering. If Salathiir is killed but not
against a creature if at least one of its allies is within 5 feet of the permanently destroyed, even in the Abyss, it reforms in
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. its birthplace after 25 years of agonizing rebirth.
Actions Tactics
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and the salthezau attaches to the Salathiir’s tactics are simple: it follows whatever
target. While a salthezau is attached to a creature, it takes 2 (1d4) course of action would cause the most suffering in the
necrotic damage per attached salthezau at the start of each of its world. When the Demon Dragon is bound to the will
turns. While attached, the salthezau doesn’t attack, but the target’s
of an evil mortal, it is often forced to create pain by
speed is reduced by 10 feet. A creature is paralyzed if its speed is 0
while at least one salthezau is attached to it. destroying blindly, rending armies and cities asunder,
indiscriminate of warrior or civilian, friend or foe.
Salathiir, Actions
Suffering Made Flesh Multiattack. Salathiir can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes
three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.
Colossal dragon fiend, chaotic evil Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) necrotic damage.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit Points 407 (22d20 + 176) Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.
Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 17 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Salathiir’s choice that is
30 (+10) 13 (+1) 27 (+8) 21 (+5) 22 (+6) 15 (+2) within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC
17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +15, Wis +13 creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Skills Athletics +15, Intimidation +16, Perception +20 ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing Salathiir’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
and slashing that is nonmagical Gaze of Suffering (Recharge 5–6). Salathiir’s eyes flash, and
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, all creatures it can see in a 120-foot cone must make a DC 21
poisoned Constitution saving throw, taking 77 (14d10) necrotic damage
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 30 on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. After this, if
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. the creature has fewer than 100 hit points, the creature’s mind is
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) overwhelmed by pain. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Agonizing Spellcasting. Salathiir’s spellcasting ability is Wisdom While in pain, the creature’s speed is reduced to 0 and it has
(spell save DC 21). Whenever a creature makes a saving throw disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks and all saving throws
against one of Salathiir’s agonizing spells, it takes 11 (2d10) necrotic except saves to resist this ability. Additionally, the creature must
damage, even if it succeeds on the saving throw. Salathiir can in- succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw whenever it tries to
nately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: cast a spell. On a failure, the spell slot is consumed, but the spell fails.

At will: bestow curse, fear Legendary Actions

3/day each: confusion, contagion, counterspell, harm, hold monster Salathiir can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
1/day each: teleport, plane shift, power word stun options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Salathiir regains
Aura of Suffering. Whenever a creature starts its turn within spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
60 feet of Salathiir, it takes 16 (3d10) necrotic damage and must Tail Attack. Salathiir makes a tail attack.
succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or have its movement Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Salathiir beats its wings. Each
reduced to 0 until the end of its turn. creature within 15 feet of Salathiir must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Salathiir fails a saving throw, it saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage and be
can choose to succeed instead. knocked prone. Salathiir can then fly up to half its flying speed.
Magic Resistance. Salathiir has advantage on saving throws Tenebrous Blink (Costs 3 Actions). Salathiir blinks its eyes. A 60-
against spells and other magical effects. foot radius sphere of magical darkness surrounds it until the start of
Magic Weapons. Salathiir’s weapon attacks are magical. its next turn. Additionally, Salathiir’s Gaze of Suffering recharges.

GM NOTE: SALATHIIR’S PERFECT BINDING Despite this, only fools believe the Demon Dragon
to be a mindless beast. In truth, Salathiir is cold and
The spell Salathiir’s perfect binding has been calculating when left to its own devices, often passing up
forgotten by all and can only be discovered by causing temporary pain in the name of causing greater
completing a long and arduous quest, at the GM’s suffering in the future. Even when bound to a mortal,
discretion. The spell is identical to the spell Salathiir is accompanied by a cloud of 2d20 salthezau
planar binding, with the following modifications: demons that buzz about him like flies about a corpse.
• The spell is 9th level.
• Its duration is “until dispelled.”
• This spell only affects Salathiir.
Salathiir does not hoard wealth, but its scales are
• Salathiir has disadvantage on the saving throw made of a supernaturally powerful material that can
to resist this spell, and cannot use its Legendary only be worked by the most skilled armorers. When
Resistance to resist the effects of this spell. destroyed, 3d100 of these scales clatter to the ground,
• Its material component is a perfect 1-foot- and each is worth 1,000 gp to a master blacksmith. A
diameter sphere of meteoric iron laced with weapon or piece of armor made from these scales is a +3
arcane runes, worth 100,000 gp, which the adamantine weapon, armor or shield.
spell consumes.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 85

86 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Two-Headed Dragon

here are legends of all kinds about dragons. dragons believe the brood inside will be evil. In Tyrnin’s
Eggs that never open, but the hatchling still case, a two-headed dragon was growing inside the dysik
communicates through magical spells. Dragons egg. His parents, knowing full well what kind of evil this
that never grow wings but still fly. Gold dragons born was, abandoned the nest to the elements in hopes that
evil, that must be put down by a wailing mother. the hatchling would freeze to death.
Serpentine dragons born from black eggs, sharing But this would never happen.
nothing in common with mother or father. The list of Although he was never expected to live, Tyrnin was
abnormalities is endless. born strong and hungry, ready to devour everything
But there is one legend that defies them all. Mostly he could find. To further exacerbate the problem of a
because it is true. young dragon born without parents, Tyrnin was born
Among dragons, there is a well-known curse known as evil. And with two heads. One, black as night. The other,
a dysik egg. When two eggs merge and never separate, silver and sleek. Both of them diabolical and capable
of destruction undreamt. Tyrnin aged quickly, as well,
growing into a powerful beast in half the time of a
dead lier
“Here’s an old joke. What’s.
typical dragon.
But growing twice as strong, twice as fast meant
than a dragon?” Ogre sigh s?” asked eating twice as much. Tyrnin knew nothing of territories

“A dragon with two head

or control. He ate everything he could find, terrorizing
human communities, wiping out livestock and driving
Derk, his eyes wide. mox! ”
some cultures and species into extinction. Quickly.

“No...two dragons, you lumith two

To make matters worse, Tyrnin fought like a savage
beast half the time and was a cold and calculating
snapped Ogre. “A dragon all. That’s a tactician the other. No other dragons his size could

heads? That’s not funny at

stand up to him. The beast quickly found himself alone,
keeping company with his own conjoined head.
nightmare.” It has been hundreds of years now, and the dragon
keeps his own council, living on the edge of the mapped
e and Derk territories and feeding on any brave enough to venture
—From The Travels of Ogr beyond the frontier.
by Johan Rolo Regal The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 87

Hook Wealth
Tyrnin is a bully and a fiendish beast. He is beyond Tyrnin has hidden caches of gold and trinkets all over
reasoning. He is always looking for a fight (that he the hills and mountains he considers his domain. None
can win) and loves nothing more than throwing his of it matters to him. He lacks the wherewithal to hoard
weight around with average humans, orcs and the like. like a typical dragon. There always seems to be two of
Eventually, his actions will go too far and the people he any item, however—never matching in style or color, as
terrorizes will hire adventurers to save them. though Tyrnin was competing with himself.
Sometimes Tyrnin’s ability to plan and strategize takes
over and the thoughtless beast begins to act rationally. Tyrnin’s Lair
A cleverly planned ambush (if such a thing is possible The two-headed monstrosity has no need of sleep, but
for a dragon) would seem out of character for a dragon does need to rest his wings from time to time. His lair is
known for being a bully. Drawing the party into a fight— less a fortress and more like a makeshift camp in a cavern,
either through false drama or a carefully planned series though his more cunning half has still fortified it against
of events—would place him in the driver’s seat of any intrusion.
fight worth having.
Lair Actions
Encounter Conditions On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Tyrnin
Outdoors and overcast. takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects;
Tyrnin can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
Tyrnin does not have a conventional lair. He sleeps • Tyrnin triggers one of his traps and a cave-in occurs,
where he wants and never hibernates. One head is dropping heavy rubble on an area with a 15-foot radius.
always awake. He always comes for the party under Any creature within this area must succeed on a DC 17
the perfect conditions—when it is dark and he is Dexterity saving throw or suffer 18 (4d8) bludgeoning
harder to see. damage and be knocked prone. The area becomes
The party can hunt him all they want, but he remains difficult terrain for the remainder of the encounter.
out of range until he wants to be found. Or he taunts • A roar from Tyrnin’s more bestial maw echoes off
them by flying in the clouds just out of reach. the walls of this lair. Any creature that can hear this
roar must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw
Tactics or become paralyzed until the end of their next
Tynin’s instincts vacillate from madness to sanity; it turn. A creature frightened of Tyrnin automatically
turns on and off almost instantly and it is never clear fails this save.
which brain drives the engine. In a fight, he sometimes • Tyrnin benefits from a cache of supplies stored
acts like a hungry, savage animal and other times like an in case of emergency, rolling up to four of his hit dice
apex predator. to heal.
In either mindset, Tyrnin is aware of his natural
weapons and breath weapon. And his magic acts Regional Effects
randomly, so when he casts a spell, it is never with The duality of Tyrnin’s personality causes disruptions in
an intended purpose. He just wants to hurt as many the area around his lair:
creatures as possible.
Because Tyrnin has six breath weapons that recharge at • A drought impacts the area within 10 miles of the lair
various rates, he is almost always breathing fire (or gas, or despite constant hail storms.
whatever) at the nearest unless flying out of range. • Predatory beasts within 50 miles of the lair refuse to
When he is acting strategically, Tyrnin keeps his hunt or devour prey in the region, eating only carrion
distance, attacks spellcasters relentlessly until they or vegetation, perhaps out of fear of offending the apex
are dead and then picks off the rest with ease. Fighter predator in their midst.
types without ranged attacks are easy prey to a • Creatures of the sky fly no higher than 20 feet off the
mentally stable Tyrnin. ground within 50 miles of the lair out of deference for
Tyrnin should not be an easy fight. A party used to the two-headed monster that rules the region.
combat ending after five to 10 rounds should expect this
fight to take twice as long. Tyrnin will not be easy or If Tyrnin dies, the area surrounding the lair returns to
even predictable. His array of offensive options are sure normal over the course of 1d10 days.
to keep them guessing.
Note to GMs: If you wish to make the encounter with
Tyrnin more difficult, consider giving him an additional
action each round.
Tyrnin, Cold Breath. Tyrnin exhales an icy blast in a 90-foot cone. Each
creature in that area must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving
The Two-Headed Dragon throw, taking 72 (16d8) cold damage on a failed save or half as
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil much on a successful one.
Fire Breath. Tyrnin exhales fire in a 90-foot cone. Each creature
in that area must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking
Armor Class 19 (Natural Armor)
91 (26d6) fire damage on a failed save or half as much damage on
Hit Points 518 (28d20 + 224)
a successful one.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
Paralyzing Breath. Tyrnin exhales paralyzing gas in a 90-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 24
Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for one minute. A
27 (+8) 14 (+2) 27 (+8) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 24 (+7)
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success.
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +15, Int +12, Wis +13, Cha +14 Poison Breath. Tyrnin exhales poisonous gas in a 90-foot cone.
Skills Insight +13, Intimidation +21, Perception +20, Stealth +9 Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution
Damage Immunities bludgeoning saving throw, taking 77 (22d6) poison damage on a failed save, or
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, half as much on a successful one.
frightened, paralyzed, stunned Polymorph Breath (Recharge 6). Tyrnin exhales magical energy
Senses passive Perception 30 (34 for sound) in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or be changed into a nonmagical
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) object of Tyrnin’s choice. If the creature succeeds on their save, it is
not affected. The affected creature transforms, along with whatever
Two Heads Are Better Than One. Tyrnin has advantage on it is wearing and carrying, into that form. The creature’s statistics
Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving throws against any become those of the object, and the creature has no memory of
condition he is not already immune to. This includes deafened, time spent in this form. After the effect ends, it returns to its
fatigued, grappled, incapacitated, invisible, petrified, poisoned, normal form. A creature can repeat their saving throw at the end of
prone, restrained and unconscious. each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Tyrnin fails a saving throw,
he can choose to succeed instead. Legendary Actions
Magic Resistance. Tyrnin has advantage on saving throws against Tyrnin can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
spells and other magical effects. below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
Magic Weapons. Tyrnin’s weapon attacks are magical. only at the end of another creature’s turn. Tyrnin regains spent

legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Detect. Tyrnin makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Multiattack. Tyrnin can use his Frightful Presence. He then makes Tail Attack. Tyrnin makes a tail attack.
three attacks: two with his bite and one with his claws, or two with Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Tyrnin beats his wings. Each
his bite and one with his tail. creature within 15 feet of Tyrnin must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be
Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) poison damage. knocked prone. Tyrnin can then fly up to half his flying speed.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Breath Weapon (Costs 2 Actions). Tyrnin may use one of his
Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage. breath weapons as long as it is charged.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Random Spell (Costs 3 Actions). Tyrnin can cast one spell from
Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage. each head. Tyrnin’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Tyrnin’s choice that is within save DC 22, +14 to hit with spell attacks). He can cast the following
120 feet and aware of him must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving spells, requiring no material components. Each random spell is
throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can repeat the determined by rolling 1d10 on the following chart:
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect 1) black tentacles 6) insect plague
ends for it, the creature is immune to Tyrnin’s Frightful Presence for 2​) confusion 7​) greater invisibility
the next 24 hours. 3​) conjure elemental 8) reverse gravity
Breath Weapon (Recharge 4–6, see Polymorph Breath). Tyrnin 4​) disintegrate 9) sequester
may choose one of the following breath weapons as an Action: 5) eyebite 10) teleport

Acid Breath. Tyrnin exhales acid in a 90-foot line that is 10 feet

wide. Each creature in that line must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 67 (15d8) acid damage on a failed save or half
as much on a successful one.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 89

90 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

Shepherd of Storms

munairu is a dragon of storm and sky. Her realm, and their existence was a true gift to humanity.
slender serpentine form swims through the The couatl were imbued with a fragment of Umunairu’s
heavens, borne aloft on delicate wings. Lustrous draconic might and appearance and Umunairu received
feathers cover her body, reflecting and refracting the a gift in return. As long as even one couatl lives, she will
light around her. Those who have seen her describe her never know a natural death.
as a force of nature—like a flash of lightning in the night This boon is not without drawbacks. Over the
sky, the setting sun before a storm, a dancing aurora or intervening millennia, the population of couatl has
a fading rainbow. begun to dwindle. Most do not recall the reason for their
When the World Serpent needed an army of celestial existence or the nature of their origin. The couatl still
champions, Umunairu willingly sacrificed her spirit serve a sense of divine order, but now do so with less
to birth the couatl. The couatl flourished in the mortal specificity than in their prime, and those that remain
often wander the realm in search of a noble purpose. The
quests they undertake are dangerous, and those who do
this realm, not ally themselves with powerful adventurers typically
Her children will all save d spread. perish in their efforts.
her joy will shine an A portion of Umunairu’s memory is lost each time
the way
The path they lay will light
one of her children passes from the mortal world, and
as time marches slowly forward, the resulting emotions
upon the road ahead. associated with the loss have become more turbulent.
e then,
So say we now, and say w ach the end.
When such a death occurs, all Umunairu has is the
stinging ache of the absence without a sense of why. The
and say we ’til we re confusion this causes coupled with the sorrow and rage
she experiences with the realization of each new loss has
left her rash and temperamental. The storms around her
—“A Song for Umunairu” r Unknown reflect this inner turmoil, making much of the landscape

Ancient Folk Tune, Autho

surrounding her lair an inhospitable place.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 91


Hook Tactics
Umunairu is not a common adversary. Perched high Umunairu fights like a force of nature. She bears down
above civilization, she is content to remain apart. Her upon her enemies relentlessly, holding nothing back
interests rarely intersect with the world in such a way when the time for conflict arises. The raging storms
that she harms it. The party are most likely to meet her surrounding her lair provide a significant advantage in
after an encounter with the couatl. She watches as many battle. She can call down thunderous bolts of lightning
of her children as she can. When they are threatened, to devastate her foes or command the wind to scatter
she views this as a personal affront, visiting unrelenting them. Once isolated, Umunairu crushes the life out
retaliation against those that draw her ire. of weaker opponents and attempts to pull stronger
Or maybe she needs the help of brave adventurers enemies into the sky so that she might shatter them
to save her children. She offers riches from her upon the jagged peaks beneath her home.
gemstone hoard to entice reluctant heroes into acting When faced with an overwhelming invasion,
in her interests. Umunairu will choose to flee. Her lair atop the
Or maybe she has discovered some great secret of Stormcrags is not the first she has claimed and is
the World Serpent and wishes now to undo his work, unlikely to be her last. She can take to the skies easily,
knowing that her own life will be forfeit should the hiding in the dark storm clouds gathered about her
couatl be destroyed. home. The height of the mountain makes it unlikely that
Or maybe Umunairu’s mood has soured, and the any pursuers will be able to keep up with her retreat.
storms around her home have grown considerably.
They unleash torrential rainfall and damaging winds Vibrant Baubles
in the area and locals demand a solution for these Umunairu collects colorful things including flowers,
supernatural disasters. dyed garments and even a few coins. Her favorite,
However she is introduced, Umunairu’s presence in though, is gemstones. Rubies, emeralds, sapphires,
a campaign is marked by complex or unclear motives. diamonds and cut stones of every other hue glitter
Working with or against her almost always involves within the dimly lit recesses of her lair.
untangling a dense web of conflicting emotions and
delicate perspectives. To this end, the study of the Umunairu’s Lair
storms that surround her lair can help provide context Beneath magnificent storm clouds is a barren mountain
or clues to the contents of her heart and mind. peak, pockmarked with lightning-scorched stone.
Umunairu spends much of her time lounging on a flat
Encounter Conditions expanse just outside the cave hiding her hoard. She
Summit of the Stormcrags, a massive mountain range. communes with the storm here, shaping the weather to
her whims, without fear of discovery.
Encounter Lair Actions
Umunairu is protected by the incredible height of On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Umunairu
the peak where she makes her home. Ascending the takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects.
steep crags to reach the mountaintop is an incredible She can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
challenge. Deadly falls, harsh weather and hungry
predators make travel to the summit almost impossible • Umunairu causes a line of strong, buffeting wind
even without the intervention of the dragon’s magic. 60 feet long and 10 feet wide to blow in any direction
It can take several days to reach the summit of the of her choice, originating from a point anywhere in
Stormcrags. Only the foolhardy and desperate dare to her lair. Each creature that starts its turn in the line
brave the climb. The fierce winds there send oblivious must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving throw or
climbers tumbling down to their deaths. A tribe of be pushed 15 feet in a direction following the line. Any
strange ape-like creatures lives along the snow line of creature in the line must spend 2 feet of movement for
the crags, and starving ghosts haunt the site where a every 1 feet it moves when moving along the line. The
previous expedition made its final encampment. These gust disperses gas or vapor, and it extinguishes
are but a few of the myriad dangers that await those candles, torches and similar unprotected flames in
who seek to confront the dragon. the area. It causes protected flames, such as those of
lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50 percent chance
to extinguish them. The wind ends at the start of
Umunairu’s next turn.
• Umunairu chooses a point she can see within 100
feet of her in the lair. A booming thunderclap rocks
the area, and any creature within 20 feet of that point
must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw
Umunairu, Constrict. Umunairu crushes a creature that she has grabbed. The
creature must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or take 30
Shepherd of Storms (6d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage.
Colossal dragon, lawful neutral Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled
(escape DC 19). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained.
Armor Class 22 (natural armor)
Frightful Presence (Recharge 5–6). Each creature of Umunairu’s
Hit Points 418 (27d20 + 135)
choice that is within 120 feet of her and aware of her must succeed
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.
on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving
29 (+9) 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 27 (+8) throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Umunairu’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +12, Wis +10, Cha +15 Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). Umunairu uses one of the
Skills Insight +10, Perception +10, Stealth +7 following breath weapons:
Damage Immunities lightning, thunder
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, stunned Lightning Breath. Umunairu exhales lightning in a 120-foot line
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20 that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 23
Languages Common, Draconic Dexterity saving throw, taking 88 (16d10) lightning damage on a
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.
Tempest Breath. Umunairu exhales blustery winds in a 60-foot
Innate Spellcasting. Umunairu’s innate spellcasting ability is cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 23 Strength
Charisma (spell save DC 23, +15 to hit with spell attacks). On her saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone and
turn she can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material pushed up to 60 feet away.
Legendary Actions
At will: color spray, dancing lights, thunderwave Umunairu can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
1/day each: control weather, lightning bolt, sleet storm options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
3/day: call lightning, control water, wind wall a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Umunairu
regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Umunairu fails a saving throw, Detect. Umunairu makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
she can choose to succeed instead. Tail Attack. Umunairu makes a tail attack.
Constrict (Costs 2 Actions). Umunairu uses her constrict ability
Actions against a creature that it has grappled.
Multiattack. Umunairu can use her Frightful Presence. She then Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Umunairu beats her wings. Each
makes three attacks, one with her tail and two with her bite, or three creature within 15 feet of her must succeed on a DC 24 Dexterity
bite attacks. saving throw or take 16 (2d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage and be
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. knocked prone. She can then fly up to half her flying speed.
Hit: 30 (2d10 + 9) piercing damage.

or take 12 (2d8 + 3) thunder damage and be deafened trees and illuminates the sky like daytime and
until the end of its next turn. thunder is loud enough to knock over unsecured
• Umunairu calls down a bolt of lightning, choosing a objects and deafen creatures standing out in the open.
point on the ground anywhere in her lair. Each • Within 1 mile of the lair, storm clouds darken the
creature within 5 feet of that point must make a DC skies night and day. Brilliant flashes of lightning and
20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) lightning peals of thunder are constant. On sunny days,
damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a rainbows ring the outer edges of these storms.
successful one.
If Umunairu dies, conditions of the area surrounding
Regional Effects the lair return to normal over the course of 1d10 days.
The region containing Umunairu’s lair is warped by her
tempestuous magic, which creates one or more of the
following effects:

• Auroras, rainbows, sunsets and other colorful

natural occurrences are twice as bright and
remarkably vibrant within 5 miles of the lair. These
lights also tend to twist and distort, bearing a striking
resemblance to the visage of Umunairu.
• Storms within 6 miles of the lair are uncommonly
strong. Winds scream and roar, lightning blows apart

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 93

94 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Scaled Book of the Dead

n ancient times, the dragon scribe Vanadon served in endlessly shifting patterns of black scrawling,
the goddess of the dead and protected her endless he became known as Vanadon-Necroth, the Scaled
Book of the Dead, a massive tome which, thanks Book of the Dead. Despite the fury of the queen of
to his diligence, bore the names and final words of all the dead, Vanadon-Necroth built his lair atop a hill
creatures who ever have died, and who ever will die. in the gardens of Elysium and became beloved by the
Vanadon served his goddess dutifully for centuries, but undying gardens’ heroic inhabitants as a keeper of the
even the servants of the dark lady of death are mortal, memories of the dead.
and their lives end in time. Unwilling to face the end, Though the loremaster Vanadon once kept his library
Vanadon simply refused to perish. He consumed the open to all creatures, he has grown paranoid in recent
endless Book of the Dead and took its power into his centuries. His archive-lair was once a majestic castle
own body, transforming himself into the Living Book of that towered over the eternal gardens of Elysium, but
the Dead. no more than five decades past, Vanadon-Necroth
The queen of death, furious at her rebellious servant, transported his entire archive-lair elsewhere in the
banished Vanadon from her domain, and he hid in planes, leaving only the crumbling, gutted structure of
shameful isolation for several centuries in a forgotten his once-magnificent castle in its wake. The charms that
corner of Elysium, the hallowed fields of the honored keep Vanadon-Necroth eternally alive also grant him
dead. Throughout this time, the names and last words the power of perfect recollection and all information he
of the dead inscribed themselves upon his milky- adds to his infallible intellect is instantly inscribed upon
white scales. When he emerged, with scales covered his ivory scales.
Now, the Archives of the Dead drift on the waves
of the endless astral plane, tethered to the bones of a
, albeit briefly,
To gaze upon him is to lookof the universe.
dead god of memory, whose name is forgotten to all
but Vanadon-Necroth himself. Within this arcane
on the collected knowledge sharpest teeth fortress, Vanadon-Necroth stores and maintains all of

A living archive with the

the physical tomes and scrolls he collected in his many
centuries of life—and has since inscribed the details of
you’ve ever seen. countless spells from all disciplines of magic upon his
scales. Though he no longer needs physical records of
his accrued knowledge, he takes pleasure in reading and
—Garthon the Meanderin re-reading his favorite scrolls.

Arcane Storyweaver The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 95


Hook contained on his scales. A creature that studies Vanadon-

Vanadon-Necroth prefers to be left alone to guard the Necroth’s scales finds that they are milky white, but
records of the dead in peace, but every few generations covered with black text, like the pages of a book. A
he welcomes powerful mortal travelers to his home. creature can find any spell on Vanadon-Necroth’s scales
Some come for simple reasons, such as to learn the final by spending one hour in study and making a successful
words of an ancient ancestor—possibly revealing the Intelligence (Investigation) check with a DC equal to 10+
location of a hidden treasure or an arcane secret. Others the level of the spell the creature is searching for.
come seeking the names of ancient heroes who have
been lost to time so that they might be resurrected to aid Vanadon-Necroth’s Lair
them in their quests. The archive-lair of Vanadon-Necroth floats amidst the
Vanadon-Necroth’s archives are a dungeon of islands of planar detritus adrift in the cosmic oceans
twisting passages, filled with traps, undead and of the Astral Plane. Its crumbling stone structure is
construct servitors and arcane wards made to deter perched atop the skull of a dead god.
all but the most determined knowledge-seekers from The remains of Vanadon’s castle are labyrinthine and
reaching his sanctum. laden with magical traps, but the dragon himself rarely
leaves the archive’s heart. This central library is a massive
Encounter circular chamber, nearly 1,000 feet in diameter and
Vanadon-Necroth is a reclusive and scholarly dragon rising over 500 feet up. Its walls are covered from floor
that rarely courts conflict. More often, conflict comes to ceiling with bookshelves, each one crammed full of
to him as powerful planar travelers seek him out to arcane and esoteric texts and relics of bygone ages.
abuse his eons of collected knowledge or to pluck the Dozens of galleries curl around the outer walls, each
spell-inscribed scales from his very hide. When beings 15 feet above the other, and floating staircases drift idly
with noble intentions visit him and seek a particularly throughout the library, connecting the different levels of
powerful piece of knowledge, such as an earth-shaking the archive together on a whim. Some stairs spin lazily
spell or the secrets of a legendary warrior, he challenges in midair as if to encourage visitors to defy gravity and
them to a duel to test their ability to wield such power. climb them upside-down or at an angle perpendicular to
In these cases, he does not kill his opponents; he merely the ground.
knocks them unconscious when they are reduced to 0 Vanadon-Necroth has not left his astral domain in the
hit points. five centuries since he first settled there. He spends his
endless days in meditation at the center of his archive.
Vanadon-Necroth values his own survival over Lair Actions
all other things. While his hoard of priceless and On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Vanadon-
irreplaceable treasures means the world to him, all Necroth takes a lair action to cause one of the following
the knowledge that he has gleaned from them live on effects. Vanadon-Necroth can’t use the same effect two
within his mind and written across his scales. These rounds in a row.
things cannot be replaced.
He uses time stop or wish as soon as possible to • Vanadon-Necroth regains a spell slot of 8th level or
prevent harm from befalling him. While using time lower. Roll a d8 to determine the level of the spell slot
stop, Vanadon-Necroth has up to five turns to act with regained. If he has no spent slots of a level equal to or
impunity. He tends to first create a forcecage around lower than the result of the roll, nothing happens.
one dangerous target. Then he casts greater invisibility • Vanadon-Necroth randomly casts a spell from the
upon himself. Then, after making any final preparations, 20 spells he has prepared. Roll 1d20 and count up
he casts prismatic spray upon as many of the intruders from the lowest-level spell he currently has prepared
as possible. with his Spellcasting feature (starting with his
From here, he uses his invisibility and powers of flight 4th-level spells). Once a spell has been selected
to stay as far from his enemies as possible while still he chooses its target or where the spell’s area affects.
raining death down upon them. Casting a spell in this way does not consume a
spell slot.
Wealth • Vanadon-Necroth chooses a bookcase or floating
The undead dragon scribe’s wealth is made up entirely staircase within his lair and telekinetically hurls it at a
of art objects, historically significant jewelry, ancient creature that he can see within 120 feet of him,
books and scrolls and a few rare coins collected from making a ranged weapon attack with a +12 bonus to
across the eons. hit. On a hit, the creature takes 35 (10d6) bludgeoning
Taken together, Vanadon-Necroth’s entire wealth is damage and must succeed on a DC 25 Strength saving
equivalent to double the value of a challenge 17+ treasure throw or fall prone.
hoard. However, his true wealth is the knowledge
Vanadon-Necroth, Actions
The Scaled Book of the Dead Multiattack. Vanadon-Necroth can use his Frightful Presence. He
then makes three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws.
Gargantuan undead dragon, lawful neutral Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit Points 315 (18d20 + 126) Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Frightful Presence. Each creature of Vanadon-Necroth’s choice that
24 (+7) 9 (-1) 24 (+7) 30 (+10) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a
DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +14, Wis +10, Cha +12 A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Skills Arcana +17, History +17, Nature +17, Perception +10, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
Religion +17, Stealth +6 is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
piercing and slashing that is nonmagical Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). Vanadon-Necroth uses one of the
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, following breath weapons:
paralyzed, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20 Desiccating Breath. Vanadon-Necroth exhales a blast of super
Languages all dry air in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 58 (13d8) necrotic damage
on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. If this
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Vanadon-Necroth fails a saving damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it must succeed on a
throw, he can choose to succeed instead. DC 20 saving throw or be disintegrated. A disintegrated creature
Magic Resistance. Vanadon-Necroth has advantage on saving and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are
throws against spells or other magical effects. reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. The creature can be restored to
Magic Weapons. Vanadon-Necroth’s weapon attacks are magical. life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
Signature Spellcasting. Vanadon-Necroth is a 20th-level Paralyzing Breath. Vanadon-Necroth exhales paralyzing gas in
spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save 25, +17 a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 20
to hit with spell attacks). Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for one minute. A
He always has the following 1st, 2nd and 3rd-level spells creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
prepared and can cast them at will without expending a spell slot: ending the effect on itself on a success.
Change Shape. Vanadon-Necroth magically polymorphs into a
1st level (at will): identify, illusory script, magic missile, shield humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating no higher than his
2nd level (at will): blur, ray of enfeeblement, see invisibility own or back into his true form. He reverts to his true form if he
3rd level (at will): clairvoyance, counterspell, dispel magic dies. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne
by the new form (his choice).
Spellcasting. In addition to the above, Vanadon-Necroth has the
following wizard spells prepared: Legendary Actions
Vanadon-Necroth can take three legendary actions, choosing from
4th level (3 slots): arcane eye, banishment, black tentacles, the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used
blight, greater invisibility, polymorph at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. He regains
5th level (3 slots): animate objects, arcane hand, dominate spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
person, legend lore, mislead, modify memory Tail Attack. Vanadon-Necroth makes a tail attack.
6th level (2 slots): chain lightning, flesh to stone, Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Vanadon-Necroth beats his wings.
globe of invulnerability Each creature within 15 feet of him must succeed on a DC 20
7th level (2 slots): forcecage, prismatic spray Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage
8th level (1 slot): feeblemind and be knocked prone. He can then fly up to half his flying speed.
9th level (1 slot): time stop, wish Unwind Death (Costs 3 Actions). Vanadon-Necroth chooses a
creature that died within the last minute that he can see. That
creature returns to life, regains 100 hit points and is charmed
by Vanadon-Necroth. While charmed in this way, it must obey
Vanadon-Necroth’s commands to the best of its ability. It can make
a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the charm on itself on a success.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 97

98 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Traveler in Silver Mist

olthaarius soars through the realm of thought and searching for truths beyond the material plane and the
dreams, borne upon wings of silver and swirling mortals who dwell there. It was during this obsessive
light. A great, sleek form glimpsed in the last quest that Volthaarius became one with that which he
hint of twilight above a celestial forest and a deep echoing sought. He has a name–or had one–at the very least.
call above a fiendish battlefield in the lower planes. Few Volthaarius is sure of that much. Whatever his name
have seen the great dragon that slips between the folds might have been eludes him now. Whispering to him
of the multiverse, and fewer still know his name, but for from trinkets and scraps of lore at first, the presence grew
those who learn of his existence, the secrets of all creation louder and more insistent the more he collected. The
await. A few monikers for the planar dragon circulate in whisper became a voice both asking and offering. The
occult halls of learning: The Traveler in Silver Mist, The statues were the final turn of the key that opened the lock.
Silver Pilgrim, The Rainbow Sage. In the most secluded A consciousness vast beyond imagining from beyond the
of wizards’ towers and temple scriptoriums, a few tomes most distant stars slipped into the world, and offered the
whisper the dragon’s name in fading ink—Volthaarius. then-ancient miserly dragon the means to go anywhere,
To the diligent or obsessed researchers who learn and collect anything if only Volthaarius would agree to
about Volthaarius, the planar dragon, he is a symbol of bring it along. How could the obsessive old dragon refuse?
both knowledge and freedom. The boundaries between This is when the silver dragon fully changed. His
worlds are no barrier to his wandering, and he appears body stretched. His mind expanded. His nature became
without seeming pattern or warning, in any corner of more obscured. His reach clawed between the planes
creation. When observed, he rarely stays long. Always themselves. He slipped into the murky expanse of the
on the move, the great silver and multi-hued wyrm astral plane, and there Volthaarius and the presence
is continuously searching. Ancient beyond record, he carried within his soul became one. They became
Volthaarius’s origins are lost to all but his own memory. something unique.
He was once a silver dragon much like any other found Centuries passed as the planar dragon soared
in the myriad worlds of the material plane. through the astral plane, gathering the silver winds
Like his kin, Volthaarius adored all things historical. into his soul, moving through color pools to the outer
And in his wandering youth, he amassed a vast hoard of planes and back again. Volthaarius stretched forth his
treasure and knowledge. He collected the histories and will into the astral plane and re-wove a portion of it
trappings of empires and hid them away in his lair deep deep within the silver clouds for his own use. A single
in the heart of a mountain. Unlike most silver dragons, point of space folded on itself again, and again, and
however, he began to grow selfish. Never cruel, he merely formed a realm the dragon now calls Refuge. Within
lost his care for the mortals and gods whose stories he Refuge, Volthaarius can shape substance out of the
collected; instead he dedicated his great lifespan to the sky to his whim and needs. All the collected wealth
collection itself. As the years rolled on, the more relics and hoarded knowledge of his previous life now reside
he gathered and the more esoteric and strange his tastes in an enormous central spire, carefully cataloged in a
became. He then turned his sights outward and began manner incomprehensible to any outside observer.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 99


Hook The dragon can become quite obsessive, however,

Adventurers uncover the truth of a tremendous threat and sometimes loses sight of the fact that mortals
beyond anything they’ve ever known. The remnant of interact with time differently than he does. Mortals
an ancient civilization long destroyed or even forces with fascinating perspectives on a topic might find
from a world far removed from their own compel themselves effectively kept prisoner within Refuge.
the characters to desperately seek stranger and more If Volthaarius suspects that visitors are there to
forgotten lore in search of a solution. Eventually, a steal or damage any part of his hoard, may the gods
mad scholar has a few scraps of truth that point to the be with them.
existence of the planar dragon, and his legendary access
to that which is hidden. Tactics
It might be possible to get the drop on Volthaarius by
Encounter Conditions offering some bit of lore or an artifact he desires, but
Chance encounters with the planar dragon can happen that’s a risky proposition at best.
absolutely anywhere. He might suddenly appear in a When accosted outside his lair, Volthaarius usually
swirling rift of bright color in the sky and lazily soar only feels the need to subdue attackers within a
toward the horizon. forcecage or behind a wall of force or to bind them in his
Volthaarius is content to leave lesser creatures be, dimensional breath. If a single exhalation, spell or even
perhaps giving them the slightest bit of attention in snatching a foe in his claws and teleporting with them
passing without changing course or slowing his travel. hundreds of feet into the air to impress upon them the
Creatures who attack the planar dragon can expect a gravity of their situation can defuse a battle, Volthaarius
sudden, powerful lashing out of claws, teeth and tail—or is content to injure or kill as few foolish creatures as
if they’re fortunate, a swift magical prison as the dragon possible before going on his way.
merely continues on his way. If the creatures persist—or worse, threaten his
Sometimes, the dragon finds himself drawn to hoard—Volthaarius attacks without mercy. He makes
other creatures, particularly mortals. The party could full use of his superior mobility to remain out of reach
experience a chance meeting with a traveler who of any potential threats while separating them using
happens to be in the same region, and Volthaarius his force magic. Before moving into melee, he prefers
might pause to converse, trying to learn all he can of to blanket a group of foes with Dimensional Binding
the individual’s history. Or, more rarely, the dragon feels Breath to tip the scales even further in his favor.
drawn to a particular place. He doesn’t know where If his foes show no ability to fly, he uses his Force
exactly, but he knows the way, and travels through the Breath to disintegrate the terrain beneath his enemies,
planes until he finds the creature somehow calling to especially if he can cause them to fall. Any creature
him across the multiverse. that steals from or threatens Volthaarius’s hoard earns
In any case, Volthaarius might impart a tiny his full attention, and he is relentless until he recovers
measure of his power to a mortal. Such pacts of power the stolen loot or slays a hapless vandal. Volthaarius
are exceedingly rare, but by virtue of his strange is usually willing to accept a surrender, or to allow
otherworldly essence, the planar dragon can create broken enemies to flee, so long as they leave his precious
warlocks through such an investiture. collections behind.

Encounter Wealth
Volthaarius is inquisitive and surprisingly soft-spoken. The hoard contained in the Refuge Spire puts entire
He prefers to engage in normal speech if possible, and empires to shame. While the majority of the cache takes
only uses telepathy if the creatures that have caught his the form of collected knowledge, there is substantial
interest don’t share any common languages with him. physical wealth gathered from across the breadth of the
His singular drive is to gather knowledge and artifacts. multiverse. The total value of coins, gems, jewelry and
He might even be willing to trade rather than take assorted objects of art and cultural artifacts exceeds
anything a creature has. 20 million gp. In addition to monetary and artistic
If somehow approached while in his lair, Volthaarius treasures, the trove of lost knowledge is the object of
is much more wary. The portals to and from Refuge are even some lesser deities’ envy. Searching and cataloging
hardly common knowledge, so the planar dragon takes the knowledge takes years if the scholar is lucky and
all such visitors to his home seriously, and evaluates skilled, or decades if a novice. The sprawling complex
them for any sort of threat they might pose in the course within the Spire defies mortal understanding of space,
of a cordial greeting and conversation. If the visitors and there is no central index to help plunderers or
seem frivolous, he politely, but firmly, asks they leave visitors navigate without Volthaarius’s help.
his home. Creatures that intrigue him or prove to have The collected tablets, tomes, scrolls and other more
interesting or new knowledge can expect his hospitality exotic means of recording information cover every
and shrewd negotiations for an exchange of knowledge. conceivable topic obtained from multiple planets on the
prime material and all of the planes of the multiverse. (2d10) necrotic damage and gains one level of
If a character can find the correct section, spending exhaustion. A creature’s exhaustion levels can’t be
1d4 days in research affords advantage and a +10 bonus increased above 3 by this action.
on Intelligence checks to learn facts about the covered • Volthaarius forms a wall out of silvery mist within
topic. A single creature can gain these benefits about 100 feet of him. The wall is 20 feet high, 60 feet long,
one topic per week due to the amount of work required and 2 feet thick and has AC 17 and 20 hit points per
to access specific subjects. In addition to roll benefits, 5-foot section. The wall is immune to force, psychic
the collection contains many specific secrets relevant to and poison damage. A creature in the wall’s space
events, locations and creatures in the multiverse. Use when it appears is pushed to one side of its choice.
this as a means to provide plot-critical discoveries or The wall lasts until Volthaarius uses this action again,
hooks for large scale story arcs. or dies.
Tucked away amongst this knowledge are written
versions of every wizard spell, dozens of scrolls with Regional Effects
a variety of spells, two each of every type of scroll of Volthaarius can create stable gateways from his lair
protection and a collection of magical tomes. The to other planes. It takes Volthaarius eight hours of
magical tomes include one each of the manual of concentration while within his lair to create a gateway,
bodily health, manual of gainful exercise, manual of and he can maintain up to nine gates at a time. If he
quickness in action, tome of clear thought, tome of creates a 10th gate, the oldest gate collapses. Gates
leadership and influence and tome of understanding. are swirling discs of color that range from 5 to 20 feet
across. A creature that moves into one side of the gate
Volthaarius’s Lair appears at the other immediately.
Volthaarius’s lair is an expansive demiplane called Refuge, The demiplane of Refuge is linked through the astral
nestled within the silver clouds of the Astral Plane. The plane to every corner of the multiverse. A creature in the
lair is a sprawling space with an all-around sky of purple, lair is considered to be on the same plane as any other
red, blue and pink, dotted with glittering golden stars in creature or object in existence. Sending spells cast while
continually changing constellations. Silvery clouds drift within the lair have no chance of failing, a succubus can
through the demiplane and solidify into floating silver communicate telepathically with a charmed thrall on
islands and mountains. Time doesn’t pass for creatures in any other plane, etc.
the demiplane, age doesn’t touch them and hunger and
thirst are distant memories. The region containing Volthaarius’s lair is warped by
Volthaarius’s home proper is in a spire of silver and the dragon’s magic, which creates one or more of the
stone in the “center” of the demiplane. The spire hovers following effects:
in space like a great spindle. The interior holds chambers
and tunnels so vast they couldn’t possibly fit into the outer • Creatures in the lair don’t age or require food
dimensions of the spire. or drink.
• A creature in the lair can move by thought,
Lair Actions essentially hovering in any direction with a speed
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Volthaarius equal to three times its Intelligence score.
takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects.
Volthaarius can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row. If Volthaarius dies, the demiplane collapses in 1d4
hours. Any creatures or objects still in the demiplane
• Volthaarius creates a magical Scything Blade Of at that time are ejected into random locations on
Silvery Mist at a point within 100 feet The blade lasts the Astral Plane. If Volthaarius returns to life, a new
for one round. Each creature within 15 feet of that demiplane forms in 1d10 days.
point must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw
or take 13 (3d8) slashing damage and take 7 (2d6)
necrotic damage at the start of its turn from bleeding
essence. Any creature can take an action to staunch
the wound with a successful DC 15 Wisdom
(Medicine) check. The wound also closes if the target
receives magical healing.
• Volthaarius suddenly, but momentarily, reinstates
the flow of time in a 30-foot cube he can see. Each
creature in the area suffers disadvantage on attack
rolls until initiative count 20 on the following round
from disorientation and must make a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 11

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 101


Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Volthaarius, The Traveler Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
in Silver Mist Frightful Presence. Each creature of Volthaarius’s choice that is
within 120 feet of him and aware of him must succeed on a DC
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral
25 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Armor Class 23 (natural armor) ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
Hit Points 585 (30d20 + 270) is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (hover) Volthaarius’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). Volthaarius uses one of the
following breath weapons:
30 (+10) 14 (+2) 29 (+9) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 28 (+9)
Force Breath. Volthaarius exhales a 90-foot line of crackling,
Saving Throws Dex +10, Con +17, Wis +12, Cha +17 multicolored light. Each creature in that line must make a
Skills Arcana +12, History +12, Insight +12, Perception +12, DC 25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) force damage
Persuasion +17, Stealth +10 on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Large or
Damage Immunities cold, fire smaller nonmagical objects that aren’t being worn or carried are
Condition Immunities exhaustion automatically reduced to dust. Huge or larger objects have a
Senses blindsight 60 ft, darkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 22 10-foot-by-10-foot space destroyed around the line where the line
Languages Celestial, Common, Deep Speech, Draconic, telepathy passes through them. Creations of magical force, such as the wall
120 ft. created by wall of force or a forcecage, are destroyed.
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) Dimensional Binding Breath. Volthaarius exhales silvery
fog in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 25
Innate Spellcasting. Volthaarius’s innate spellcasting ability Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, wisps of mist that thicken
is Charisma (spell save DC 25, + 17 to hit with spell attacks). the fabric of the planes bind the creature. A bound creature is
He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material reduced to half speed and has disadvantage on attack rolls. If a
components: bound creature tries to teleport or travel to another plane, it must
succeed on a DC 25 Charisma saving throw or fail. A creature can
At will: plane shift (willing creatures only), sending, wall of force repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
1/day each: forcecage, legend lore effect on itself on a success.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Volthaarius fails a saving throw, Teleport. Volthaarius magically teleports, along with any equipment
he can choose to succeed instead. he is wearing or carrying and any creatures he is grappling, up to
Magic Weapons. Volthaarius’s weapon attacks are magical. 120 feet to an unoccupied space he can see.
Sever Silver Cord. If Volthaarius scores a critical hit against a
creature traveling through the Astral Plane by means of the astral Legendary Actions
projection spell, he can cut the target’s silver cord instead of dealing Volthaarius can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
damage. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Timeless Nature. Volthaarius doesn’t require food, drink or sleep. a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Volthaarius
regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Actions Detect. Volthaarius makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Tail Attack. Volthaarius makes a tail attack.
Multiattack. Volthaarius can use his Frightful Presence. He then
makes three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws. Planar Slip (Costs 2 Actions). Each creature within 15 feet of
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Volthaarius must succeed on a DC 26 Dexterity saving throw or take
Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) force damage. 10 (3d6) force damage and be knocked prone. Volthaarius then uses
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. his Teleport action.
Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.

The Wretched Wyrm

farmer pauses in revolted fascination to stare at Accounts that appear to describe Vyraetra and its
a blackened stalk of corn—putrid ooze seeping actions seem to stretch back centuries—though some
out from beneath a writhing mass of maggots. scholars have argued that stories of the dragon took on
A young child watches in horror as his sister slowly elements of older allegories. The similarities shared with
turns to stone inside the hen house as a lizard-like bird the oldest legends are poor evidence for the supposedly
skitters between her feet. A trader on the way to town unnatural lifespan of this vile beast.
notices a growing buzzing sound only moments before a If any of these accounts are to be believed, it’s that
swarm of biting flies descends upon him. Vyraetra is unable to sire draconic offspring. On one
Vyraetra has come to this land. occasion, an adventuring group that encountered this
It might have started with a slain godling. It could have wretched dragon discovered a brood of cockatrice
been unspeakable treachery or lies that spread discord eggs within its lair. Others describe Vyraetra as being
among beloved brothers. It may have even been the theft something other than simply male or female. The few
of mortal souls. Vyraetra does not speak of the act that reputable sightings of the dragon lack any description
began the curse nor of how long it has been cursed to of attributes that dragon hunters use to differentiate the
wander the mortal world. Instead, Vyraetra rails against gender of dragons.
the egotistical gods and their vainglorious supplicants. Instead, they tell of a dragon with dozens of pairs of
Where Vyraetra goes, a great curse follows—rotting shortened legs, like some kind of behemoth behir. Vyraetra
the land even as it rots Vyraetra’s heart. has wings, but they are said to be noticeably smaller than
Any details of the vile act that earned Vyraetra those of other dragons. Almost too atrophied to support
divine punishment have long since been lost to history. the dragon’s weight. Rather than prowl the skies, Vyraetra
burrows beneath the earth, spreading its poison across the
landscape. It is also said that Vyraetra’s maw is deformed,
ers to our
I asked you to uncover answl you can
hinged in too many places and filled with entirely too
many teeth. This detail might be an embellishment that
current predicament and al dragon? arises from the dragon’s ability to burrow faster than even

offer are stories of a cursed etermine a

the oldest purple worms—but it might also be real.
Vyraetra tends not to remain in any one place for very
Our people are starving. Dr eat your long. Stories claim that the nature of its curse is such

way to end this famine. O

that it rots the lands around any area where Vyraetra
seeks refuge. As crops spoil and water turns foul, most
last meal. mortals flee. Drawn by the curse, monsters flock to the
ruins left in the wake of such an exodus. Eventually
lower, Vyraetra tires of the nuisance caused by these creatures
—Lady Calloway Dawnb s and sets out to claim yet another lair.
Queen of the Arbor Realm The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 103

Hook Wealth of Fallen Empires

The spreading taint infecting the lands around Vyraetra’s Vyraetra wants only an end to the suffering inflicted
lair makes this dragon an excellent focal point for a upon it by the gods and has almost no use for any
campaign. Dealing with the monsters lingering near an treasure. It does keep a collection of religious artifacts —
area Vyraetra has abandoned can provide hints at the most desecrated and worthless. Many bear iconography
nature of this cursed dragon. When similar phenomena that does not appear to belong to any of the known
begin to spread in another location, the players might gods. They are trophies Vyraetra keeps as a reminder
make the connection and be able to confront the dragon of its slowly unfolding vengeance. In addition to these
armed with some idea of what may happen. minor trinkets, its hoard also often contains whatever
Or, Vyraetra’s presence might come as a surprise when valuables were abandoned when the original denizens
the players are sent to cleanse the land of the terrible curse of the Lost City fled. Some of these are works of magical
that has befallen the kingdom. artifice that haven’t been witnessed in lifetimes.
It is also likely that the ruins Vyraetra currently inhabits
hold a relic that the players need to address some other Vyraetra’s Lair
impending calamity. Vyraetra claims the ruins of a fallen kingdom as its
Maybe one or more of the PCs serve one of the gods home. Once beautiful lands have withered under the
that cursed Vyraetra and become a target of the dragon’s weight of the curse that Vyraetra carries. Blighted crops
malicious vengeance. feed no one and the capital of this forgotten kingdom
Regardless of how they happen upon Vyraetra, quickly collapsed. The empty, crumbling city is now
approaching this dragon is anything but predictable. home to Vyraetra and its brood.
Numerous and unrelated groups of creatures are present Unlike many other ruined cities, the forest has not
as obstacles the players must overcome should they want reclaimed this one. Vyraetra’s curse holds back the
to confront the dragon. Even the land itself works against encroaching flora. The stone facades of buildings still
the players, becoming progressively more tainted and crumble, however, and wood rots quickly. Most structures
challenging to navigate the closer they come to whatever left standing in the open are veritable death traps within.
ruins Vyraetra has made a lair within. Floors collapse underfoot and stone ceilings fall when the
supports are examined. Vyraetra tunnels between such
Encounter Conditions structures, using them as naturally occurring defenses for
The Lost City was once the capital of a grand empire. the den in which they dwell.
Like countless other cities that have fallen from
the taint that Vyraetra’s curse brings, it is empty of Lair Actions
any civilized creatures. Instead, gnolls, lizardfolk On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Vyraetra
and various other monstrous humanoids have built takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects. It
encampments in the lands around the lair. Some even can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
inhabit the stone husks of ancient buildings that lay
closer to the dragon’s lair. • A tremor shakes the lair in a 60-foot radius around
Vyraetra. Each creature other than Vyraetra on the
Encounter ground must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
Approaching Vyraetra’s lair is no easy feat. The entire area throw or be knocked prone.
is teeming with aggressive, monstrous humanoids. These • Vyraetra causes biting insects to temporarily swarm
creatures rarely owe any sort of loyalty or allegiance to at a point within 100 feet of it, casting insect
Vyraetra, but the influence of the curse changes them and plague as a 5th level spell with a DC of 18. Vyraetra
makes their behavior more dangerous and unpredictable. does not need to provide material components to cast
this spell. The insects disperse at the end of the round.
Vyraetra is fierce, but cowardly. It will not engage in a
fair fight. Instead, Vyraetra uses its incredible burrowing
speed to strike without warning and retreat to safety
without reprisal. It is also keenly aware of the location
of nearby monstrous inhabitants and will lead pursuers
toward these places as a distraction.
When a fight to the death appears inevitable, Vyraetra
aggressively employs underhanded tactics. It burrows
beneath its enemies as often as possible, emerging only
to strike out against them and retreat to safety once more.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 105

Vyraetra, Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage, plus 9 (2d8) poison damage.
The Wretched Wyrm Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral Hit: 11 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points 367 (21d20 + 147) Frightful Presence (Recharge 5–6). Each creature of Vyraetra’s
Speed 50 ft., fly 40 ft, burrow 80 ft. choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must
succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
27 (+8) 14 (+2) 25 (+7) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)
saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +14, Wis +9, Cha +10 Putrid Breath (Recharge 5–6). Vyraetra exhales a cloud of vile ichor
Skills Perception +16, Stealth +9 in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22
Damage Immunities force Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage and 18
Condition Immunities charmed (4d8) necrotic damage or half as much on a successful one.
Senses tremorsense 160 ft., darkvision 120 ft., If a creature fails its save against this ability a second time, it
passive Perception 26 contracts a disease as if it were affected by the contagion spell.
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Legendary Actions
Vyraetra can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
it can choose to succeed instead. time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Vyraetra regains
Magic Resistance. Vyraetra has advantage on saving throws against spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
spells or other magical effects. Detect. Vyraetra makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Magic Weapons. Vyraetra’s weapon attacks are magical. Tail Attack. Vyraetra makes a tail attack.
Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of Vyraetra Burrow. Vyraetra tunnels into the ground and moves up to half its
must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned speed.
until the start of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the Burst (Costs 2 Actions). Vyraetra moves up to half its speed and
creature is immune to Vyraetra’s stench for 24 hours. then bursts from beneath the ground and makes up to four claw
Tunneler. Vyraetra can burrow through solid rock at half its burrow attacks against adjacent creatures. If the space Vyraetra emerges
speed and leaves a 10-foot-diameter tunnel in its wake. into is occupied by a creature of large or smaller size, the creature
must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity save or fall prone in an empty
Actions adjacent space. Vyraetra cannot enter the space a creature of Huge
Multiattack. Vyraetra can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes size or larger.
five attacks: one with its bite and four with its claws.

Regional Effects
The region containing Vyraetra’s lair is plagued by the
effects of the curse that follows this wretched dragon,
creating one or more of the following effects:

• Chickens, and any other local fowl, lay eggs that

hatch only cockatrices.
• The area within 10 miles of the lair stinks of rotting
vegetation. Crops that once grew in this area remain
as blackened, moldy stalks and no new vegetation grows
here. Swarms of biting insects gather in shadedplaces.
• Violent tremors occur sporadically within 6 miles
of the lair. These earthquakes happen at random,
sometimes as often as five times within a single day.

If Vyraetra dies, conditions of the area surrounding the

lair return to normal after 1d10 days.

The Plague Bringer

enturies have passed since the first telling of his During one of their harvest festivals, his tribe began
story, which is one of myth and legend passed down to pay homage to him rather than their deity. Their
through the generations by song and tale. Even admiration of him instead of their gods caused Zakambi
though this is an ancient proverb, it is still told among to become arrogant, lazy and wicked. His cruelty grew
small tribes of humans who live far from any civilization, along with his arrogance, sacrificing those who “misspoke”
deep in the wilderness. This is a tale told to young children, or questioned him—shrouding his anger and cruelty as
teaching them about arrogance, humility and how to “divine guidance” and the “will of the gods.”
properly worship their divine creators. This tale of morality One day, while performing a routine healing ritual upon
also illustrates the consequences of their actions. This tale one of the tribal elders, Zakambi’s powers vanished and
is known as the legend of Xavour, the Plague Bringer. the elder died. This brought great shame upon him and
Long ago, a young half-orc boy was born to unfortunate caused his people to doubt his ability. His failed ritual was
circumstances—his human mother found herself at the seen as a sign. He was no longer fit to lead his people. He
mercy of an orc raider. Though she was battered and was shunned, and later banished from his village.
beaten, she remained proud, showing her people that she Orphaned yet again.
could overcome extreme adversity. A trait of her people. Cast out, Zakambi made his way into the world beyond,
Several months later, she realized she was carrying forced to wander the dangerous lands surrounding his
a child. She was determined to keep it, even though it home. While wandering, Zakambi pleaded, prayed and
was the result of her unfortunate encounter. Ta’Kambi begged for his powers to return. Yet there was no answer—
was driven to raise her child into something wonderful, no divine response. Only silence.
beautiful and strong. She would turn her tragedy into a Powerless, broken and disgraced, Zakambi blamed his
blessing. Unfortunately, during the birth of her son, she people for turning him away. He also blamed his deity for
suffered greatly, succumbing to the trauma, but not before abandoning him at such a crucial moment. Months would
naming her boy Zakambi. pass. His sorrow and despair turned into anger and rage,
Now the orphan and outcast was to be cared for by his followed by madness and delusion.
people, who would not dishonor their beliefs and abandon Zakambi whispered into the night, talking to himself—
this child to the world. and something else.
As Zakambi grew older, many of his people accepted One night, while resting near a campfire on the open
him for who he was: a dedicated and caring individual. plains, he cried out in anguish, begging for someone
Others saw him as “a half breed,” “a plague” or “a black to answer. Several hours passed. The quiet night and
blood.” whispering discordant voices answered his cry for help.
During his youth, the elders noticed his gift for healing A shadowy figure emerged from the darkness. The
and medicine, so they cultivated his talents, guiding him in cacophony of indecipherable words diminished, forming a
the proper direction. Zakambi would continue his tutelage singular voice. They spoke in a deep, raspy, malicious tone:
as apprentice to the tribe’s shaman. For many years, he “My son, now you can become what I meant you to be.”
followed the teachings of his elders, learning the ways of The figure stepped into the dim light of the campfire,
their healing rituals. Soon, his apprenticeship ended and shrouded in a long cloak of shadow that clung to its form
he ascended to become the tribe’s shaman. A leader among like waves of roiling smoke. He sat beside Zakambi,
his people. and whispered into his ear, offering him a chance at
As the tribe’s shaman, he was responsible for their rituals redemption—revenge—and the means to reclaim what
regarding the gods, healing and sacrifice and their seasonal was stolen from him. The figure said, “I am Batara Kala. I
rituals and celebrations. am the one who made you.”
Zakambi grew to prominence, garnering a level of Starving, dehydrated and delusional, Zakambi was
worship among his people. Using the gifts bestowed upon oblivious to who this figure actually was, thinking it was a
him by their deities, he saved many lives and brought the figment of his broken mind. Regardless, Zakambi accepted
tribe years of prosperity and good fortune. the gifts, giving in to his anger and hatred.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 107

108 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

He rose the next morning with renewed physical and making it their place of worship. These priests have been
mental strength. His mind was clear. The fog of madness seen walking the streets late at night, blessing the area,
that plagued him had vanished. Yet something was attempting to “aid” the citizens with their ailments. They
gnawing at him. He decided to travel home to confront would share what they know of Xavour and explain he is
those who had cast him out so long ago. There was a the likely cause of this torment.
hunger within him. However, he had no desire to eat.
His travels became a blur of emotional rage, fueled A Noble Cause
by his desire for retribution. The dark powers growing A close friend of the party (a noble or political figure)
within became a driving force for destruction. Power and has started to keep odd hours, miss important meetings,
savageness drove him every passing day. With each act of and experience a change in personality. This individual
violence, he only wanted to commit more atrocities. seems to be pale, exhausted and constantly irritated with
The continued cycle of violence propelled a greater everyone around them.
use of his new powers. It began to twist his spirit even If the party investigates, they find that their friend has
further into an emotional abyss. As he grew dark and recently discovered an old manuscript written by a long-
more aberrant, his physical form began to morph as dead priest from the Disciples of Decay. This text speaks of
well. Zakambi’s quest of vengeance caused his limbs to the teachings of Xavour called the Three Pillars of Decay.
elongate, stretching both flesh and bone and his tolerance If the party are able to get their hands on the text, they
for pain. Razor sharp claws grew from his hands and feet. find that many of the pages are filled with scrawlings of
His skin became gray and scaled. His torso tore away madness and delusion. Among these are vague references
from his body, and formed into wings of thick leathery of where to find Xavour and how to contact the remaining
flesh—exposing his ribcage to the elements as a swarm of Disciples of Decay, Xavour’s cult of death clerics.
deadly insects exploded from within. The endless hunger
for revenge enlarged his jaw and filled his mouth with With Great Power
large razor-sharp teeth. The party has heard rumors of townsfolk going on
Over time, this new power and his madness became all a pilgrimage into a section of land that is extremely
he knew. Eventually, he learned the ability to change into dangerous.
whatever form he desired. Wild rumors of salvation, power, forgiveness and even
Zakambi returned to his village, causing a great deal immortality have spread throughout the town. Families
of panic among everyone. As they gathered around, have lost husbands, wives, sons and daughters. The town is
questioning the purpose of his return, he unleashed the full experiencing official problems as well. Figures in positions
fury of his new form upon them. He slaughtered everyone of power have also left or have gone missing entirely.
in a fit of rage, leaving a path of gore in his wake. In this If the party investigates the matter further, they
act of violence, Zakambi became enthralled with the scent discover that a small chapter of the Disciples of Decay has
of blood and flesh, devouring both as he went from one infiltrated a local priesthood in town. These priests have
soul to the next—drenching himself in the destruction of been instructing individuals that if they travel through the
innocence. Those he did not consume were flayed, staked poisonous swampland (near Xavour’s lair) they will find
and left as sacrifices to his real father. ultimate salvation.
This display of horrific violence corrupted the ground
for miles around. All life began to wither and fade. Unwanted Attention
Trees rotted and petrified. Animals died or became The party has risen in status over their time as adventurers,
abominations of their former selves. What did not flee attracting the attention of many deadly adversaries. One of
changed with the land. them just so happens to be Xavour and he has turned his
His old home was reclaimed. Revenge was his and his full attention on them!
reign began. Zakambi threw off the shackles of his former Xavour plans to extinguish the growing power of the
life, calling himself Xavour. He may be an abomination, party as he views them as a challenge to his reign. Utilizing
but he is no longer alone. The voice still speaks. the many resources of the Disciples of Decay, Xavour has a
disciple dispatch several degenerates into the town where
Hooks the party resides to stir up trouble.
Relative Safety When the local authorities seem to have the situation
A major populated area near where the party has a base under control, violent and destructive forces will enter
of operations or spends most of their time is experiencing the town again. Meanwhile, a few of Xavour’s priests
some odd circumstances. spend their nights plaguing the dreams of the sleeping
Recently, the denizens of this locale have been citizenry. They wake in violent fits of rage and madness
experiencing vivid dreams resulting in violent outbursts, and overwhelm the local authorities. Once the town has
daytime nightmares and extreme bouts of madness. Upon suffered enough, the party receives a message stating that
further investigation, the party discovers a small group if they wish to see the town’s problems end, they must face
of priests has recently moved into an old warehouse, Xavour within his corrupted village, deep in the wilds.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 109


Weapon of Power Xavour’s Lair

The party learns that Xavour has a dangerous and A wretched swamp teeming with undead and biting
powerful weapon in his possession. flies, Xavour’s lair is centered near his ancestral home,
Through research or word of mouth, the party discovers not far from where his birth mother was buried. At GM
that a powerful entity living in a hazardous region of discretion, the area within 300 feet of the lair is difficult
the world is utilizing a great weapon of power that has terrain, as outlined in Regional Effects.
been devastating the lands surrounding him, slowly
turning the area into wretched swampland. Upon further Lair Actions
investigation, the party finds information that leads them On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Xavour
to Xavour’s lair. takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects.
He can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
Encounter Conditions
Xavour’s original village has become his current home. It is • The thick mud around the lair seizes in a region with
deep within a wilderness that is corrupted and has almost a 30-foot radius. Any creature within this region must
withered away into a swamp of rot and decay. Swarms of succeed on a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check at the
insects buzz around the dank terrain. Every creature found start of its turn or is considered grappled. A creature
wandering here is an undead version of its prior form. that fails this check can reattempt it as an
action at the start of subsequent turns. This effect
Tactics fades when this lair action is used again.
Xavour calls to his followers to attack and destroy villages • The flies that swarm this lair create a thick cloud
prior to his arrival. Accompanying his priests are undead that’s difficult to see through centered on a point of
minions that swarm villagers and animals as the priests Xavour’s choosing. Any creature within 20 feet of the
take prisoners for sacrifice. cloud’s center is blinded until the cloud is dispersed.
Once a town is secured by his followers, Xavour moves The cloud of flies dissipates when this lair action is
in. He sometimes transforms into his original half-orc used again.
form or chooses to remain in dragon form. If there is • An undead owlbear rises from the muddy earth at a
resistance, he transforms into his dragonform. point of Xavour’s choosing.
Xavour will cast dominate person, instructing victims to
kill other members of their village. Once there is enough Regional Effects
chaos and destruction, he will move in and join the fray. The region containing Xavour’s lair is steeped in evil
and corrupts the life around it, delivering the following
Wealth effects at GM discretion:
Xavour wields his magical Morningstar of Malady.
Treasure may be scattered throughout the lair. It may only • The area within 5 miles of the lair is dense, thick
take time to find it. Whatever treasure you wish to put into mud and is difficult terrain.
Xavour’s lair is your choice. It could be magical loot from • No trees or other plants are alive within 10 miles
past adventurers, mundane items, coins or gems. of the lair, and any beast that can be found within this
range is undead.
The Cult of Decay • Any creature that takes a long rest within 10 miles of
Xavour has built up a following of supplicants eager to the lair must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving
exploit the trappings of power wielded in the name of throw. On a failed save, the creature does not benefit
violence. They call themselves the Cult of Decay, and their from a long rest, as their sleep is disrupted by horrific
aims are simple: to stoke horror and serve their master. To nightmares.
learn more about the Cult of Decay, turn to pg. 152.
If Xavour dies, conditions of the area surrounding the
lair return to normal after 1d10 days.
Xavour, languages, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance and lair actions and
his ability scores remain the same. His damage resistances remain
The Plague Bringer unchanged. His statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by
Gargantuan undead dragon, chaotic evil those of the new form, except any class features or legendary actions
of his new form.
Aura of Putrescence. Any creature within 15 feet of Xavour is
Armor Class 21 (natural armor)
suddenly overwhelmed with the smell of decay and rotting flesh.
Hit Points 492 (24d20 + 240)
The creature must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a
Speed 45 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
failure, the creature takes 11 (3d6) poison damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA If the creature’s saving throw is 10 or below they become
25 (+7) 18 (+4) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) poisoned, and for the next week, the creature has disadvantage on
all Wisdom (Perception) checks requiring smell, as the smell of
rotting flesh remains with them.
Saving Throws Str +14, Con +17, Wis +12, Int +17 If a creature’s saving throw is successful, the creature is immune
Skills Arcana +17, History +17, Insight +12, Perception +12 to the effects of Xavour’s Aura of Putrescence for the next 24 hours.
Damage Resistances cold, slashing, piercing and bludgeoning A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
damage from nonmagical weapons. turns, ending the poisoned effect on a success. However, the smell
Damage Immunities poison, necrotic remains.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, grappled (while in dragon form), paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, prone
Multiattack. Xavour can make three attacks in his humanoid form
Sense Blindsight 120 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., with the Morningstar of Malady. In his dragon form, he can make two
passive Perception 22 claw attacks and one with his bite or tail.
Languages Common, Draconic, Abyssal, Orcish Bite (dragon form only). Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) 15 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage, plus 10 (3d6)
poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution
Aura of Dread (dragon form only). Each creature that is within saving throw or become poisoned.
120 feet of Xavour and aware of him must succeed on a DC 21 Wis- Claw (dragon form only). Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
dom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (4d6 + 7) slashing damage, plus 14 (4d6)
who rolls a 10 or below becomes paralyzed until the end of Xavour’s necrotic damage.
next turn. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of Morningstar of Malady (half-orc form only). Melee Weapon
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d8 +7) bludgeoning
throw is successful, the creature is immune to Xavour’s Aura of Dread damage, plus 10 (3d6) poison damage. The target must make a DC 18
for the next 24 hours. Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target’s flesh begins
Innate Spellcasting. Xavour’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence to wither and rot. The target becomes vulnerable to bludgeoning
(spell save DC 25, +17 to hit with spell attacks). Xavour can innately damage and is afflicted with the effects of the contagion spell.
cast the following spells, requiring no material components: Plague Swarm (Recharge 5-6; dragon form only). A swarm of
undead biting insects bursts from within his ribcage. Each creature
At will: chill touch, friends, shocking grasp, mage hand, within 15 feet of Xavour must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution saving
true strike throw, taking 63 (18d6) necrotic damage on a failed save or half as
4/day each: charm person, detect magic, magic missile, shield much on successful one.
3/day each: animate dead, blight, blur, cloudkill, counterspell, Spiked Tail (dragon form only). Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
crown of madness, detect thoughts, dispel magic, dominate reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) piercing and bludgeoning
person, greater invisibility, slow, suggestion, vampiric touch damage, plus 14 (4d6) poison damage.
1/day each: antipathy/sympathy, circle of death, create undead,
feeblemind, finger of death, rot (pg. 179), power word kill Legendary Actions
Xavour can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
Legendary Resistances (3/Day). If Xavour fails a saving throw, he below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
may choose to succeed instead. only at the end of another creature’s turn. Xavour regains spent
Magic Resistance. Xavour has advantage on saving throws against legendary actions at the start of his turn.
spells and other magical effects. Melee Attack. Xavour makes a tail, claw or bite attack.
Magic Weapons. Xavour’s weapon attacks in all forms are magical. Cast Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Xavour may cast one spell, even if the
Shape Change. Xavour can spend his action to change into his daily usage of that spell has been expended.
original half-orc form. He can revert back to his dragon by spending Shape Change (Costs 2 Actions). Xavour may shape change to his
his action again. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying is absorbed dragon or half-orc form.
by the new form (Xavour’s choice). Plague Swarm (Costs 3 Actions). Xavour may use his Plague
In his humanoid form, Xavour retains all of his spell-casting Swarm ability, even if it has not recharged.
abilities, alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak in his known

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 111

112 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Shackled Queen

ake a moment and imagine the world’s most Before there was light, there was Xylaarion. Before
terrifying dragons. Red dragons. Black dragons. there was even a void, there was Xylaarion. She is alpha
Demonic beings from ancient myths have come and omega. The great divide between hope and eternity.
and gone…and yet the dragons remain. Take them all She can shatter mountains and undo all living things
together and fold them into a single beast. Imagine with a thought. She is so powerful, in fact, that she was
that dragon, filled with anger and spite and rage and once worshipped by the titans themselves. The stories of
a mother’s unquenchable guilt. Imagine a dragon so her power are countless and span all cultures.
terrifying she birthed all other dragons, was punished Or they used to.
for it, shackled into a realm of titans and erased from all For millennia, Xylaarion ruled the known planes. All
histories. of them. Even while she rested, she remained the Queen
Every single one. of Eternity and the Empress of Fate. Her reign of terror
Xylaarion is the Shackled Queen and the godmother was so great, even when she slept, the stars trembled
of all evil that has ever been willed into the world. Other from the sound of her breath.
goddesses may claim they invented evil or control evil or Then came the “Day of the Collar,” when Xylaarion
lord over the realms of evil. But those deities are lying. slept and the titans gathered en masse around her body.
Or confused. Unable to kill the Queen, the titans did the only thing
Or just plain wrong. they could. Having fashioned a great and unbreakable
Xylaarion is the first and only evil the world ever collar and a series of magical shackles, the titans held
knew. When someone prays to an evil god, they are her down and quickly imprisoned the great dragon.
actually worshipping Xylaarion. Xylaarion struggled, and many titans perished, but
the collar was on her. It rendered her voice incapable
of speech so no one would hear her bellows, and the
such a
Before the words to describeere. Though
shackles cut off her rage so no more would suffer her
might. Her soul and body were thus transported to the
creature existed, she was th describe realm of Tartarus, imprisoned for eternity.

why anyone would want to of all evil is

Afterward, the titans began the arduous work of
removing her name from history, breaking the languages
the essence—nay, mother— . apart so the name Xylaarion could not be pronounced, or

beyond me. Beyond all of us

memorized…or even remembered. The world went from
a single-faith monoculture to the hundred-fold nations
we now know. All to remove Xylaarion’s name from their

—Garth the Guiltless, p tongues. Should the shackles ever come off, Xylaarion
cannot be destroyed—only once again subdued.
Alemaster of the Silver Ta
The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 113

Hook Wealth
Building encounters around Xylaarion is not easy. Xylaarion possesses no wealth. Nothing of value to
She is not meant to be known or found. She is meant anyone. She is a prisoner and as such the only thing she
to build legends and campaigns around, as cultists possesses are her shackles, made from an indestructible
still whisper her name, and ancient texts mention an material no human has ever encountered.
unpronounceable goddess of fire and destruction no one
should ever unchain. She could end every world and Xylaarion’s Lair
plane, so certainly a creature to be handled with care. It’s possible that with all the time she’s spent in
Tarturus, Xylaarion has subverted the power of the
Encounter Conditions collar that binds her to make herself feel more at home.
Within Tarturus, a hellish prison of fire and oppression. If you feel your party needs even more of a challenge,
The Shackled Queen cannot be found through the lair actions and regional effects listed could be
ordinary means. She exists inside the void, at the end of utilized as part of an encounter in Tarturus.
an eternal plane of torment and imprisonment, buried
under a mountain and surrounded by titans. Here she Lair Actions
has languished, for millenia. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Xylaarion
But there are those cults and esoteric and hermetic takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects.
wizards who have learned the name Xylaarion, through She can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
some ill-fortunate means. Some wish to summon her to
this world. Some wish to join her in oblivion. • Xylaarion summons spikes from out of the darkness.
Xylaarion’s prison cannot be understood or fathomed by Each creature must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity
mortal minds. To enter her domain is folly. To witness her saving throw or be spiked to the floor, suffering 35
is to look into the eyes of eternal evil. If any should survive (10d6) piercing damage. A spiked creature has
this moment of trespass, then madness surely follows. a movement of 0. As an action, a creature can make a
But for intrepid adventurers, this is just the DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to free itself, causing
beginning… 2d6 additional piercing damage. The metal spikes are
forged in Tartarus and are considered magical
Tactics weapons. They have an AC 18 with 60 hit points and
Note: If Xylaarion were unshackled, she could kill one are immune to psychic and poison damage. The spikes
creature per round with a thought. The following tactics last until Xylaarion uses this lair action again or until
are for the shackled version of Xylaarion. she dies, after which they turn to dust.
Each round, Xylaarion uses her lair action to summon • Xylaarion chooses a point she can see within 100
spikes or fill the air with the sound of wailing voices. feet of her in the lair. The area within 30 feet of that
Xylaarion almost always uses her breath weapons point fills with the sound of a thousand voices wailing
first, before anything else. Breath of Despair ensures the in despair. Each creature other than Xylaarion in the
PCs will fail most of their die rolls for the foreseeable area must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw
future while Disrupting Force pushes everyone away or lose one adventuring level and suffer a level of
from her. Disrupting Force is best in the first round, as exhaustion. Xylaarion can repeat this action when it is
she follows up with No Friend Of Mine. available, causing the party to lose additional levels
On the second round of combat, Xylaarion uses No and suffer another level of exhaustion.
Friend Of Mine to direct the most towering warrior to
attack the smallest spell-caster (whenever possible),
often with malicious results.
She uses forcecage, resilient sphere and wall of force
to impose her will on others (and torment them as
she has been tormented), especially magic-users.
She uses confusion and maze on the stupidest foes
she encounters. Those who get too close suffer from
disintegrate, feeblemind, reverse gravity and telekinesis.
And if that does not send the message to leave her alone,
Xylaarion uses her breath weapons again.
If, for some reason, the PCs are able to withstand the
fight against Xylaarion, she resorts to fighting hand to
hand, which is a deadly multiattack onslaught.
Xylaarion, Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage, plus 13 (3d8) force damage.
The Shackled Queen Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Gargantuan dragon (titan), neutral evil Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class 24 (natural armor)
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Xylaarion’s choice that is within
Hit Points 546 (28d20 + 252)
120 feet of her and aware of her must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (chains limit movement to 100 ft.)
saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or
30 (+10) 10 (+0) 29 (+9) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Xylaarion’s Frightful
Presence for the next 24 hours.
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +17, Wis +12, Cha +14 Breath Weapons (Recharge 4–6). Xylaarion uses one of the
Skills Perception +12, Stealth +8 following breath weapons:
Damage Immunities force
Condition Immunities charmed Disrupting Force. Xylaarion exhales disruptive force in a 90-foot
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 28 line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 63 (14d8) force damage,
Challenge 24 (62,000 XP) and is pushed 15 feet away from her and knocked prone on a failed
save or receives half as much damage and isn’t pushed or prone on
Discorporation. When Xylaarion drops to 0 hit points or dies, her a successful one.
body is destroyed, and she is unable to take physical form for a time. Breath of Despair. Xylaarion exhales gas in a 90-foot cone. Each
When she reappears, she remains shackled. creature in that area must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving
Innate Spellcasting. Xylaarion’s innate spellcasting ability is throw or have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks and
Charisma (spell save DC 22, +14 to hit with spell attacks). She saving throws for one minute. A creature can repeat the saving
can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
components: success. A creature that can’t be charmed is immune to this effect.

3/day each: arcane hand (appears as spectral chains), confusion, Legendary Actions
disintegrate, earthquake, eyebite, feeblemind, forcecage, globe Xylaarion can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
of invulnerability, hold monster, maze, resilient sphere, reverse options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
gravity, telekinesis, wall of fire, wall of force, wall of stone. a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Xylaarion
regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Xylaarion fails a saving throw, Detect. Xylaarion makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
she can choose to succeed instead. Tail Attack. Xylaarion makes a tail attack.
No Friend of Mine. Xylaarion chooses a single target she can see. Snatch (Costs 2 Actions). Xylaarion makes a claw attack. If
A character must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or be the attack hits a creature that is Large or smaller, the creature
compelled to attack the closest ally. A creature can repeat the saving is grappled (escape DC 25). Until this grapple ends the target is
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a restrained. Xylaarion has two claws, each of which can grapple only
success. one target.
Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Xylaarion beats her wings. Each
Actions creature within 15 feet of her must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity
Multiattack. Xylaarion can use her Frightful Presence. She then saving throw or take 17 (2d6 + 10) bludgeoning damage and be
makes three attacks: one with her bite and two with her claws. knocked prone. She can then fly up to half her flying speed.

Regional Effects • Creatures within 1 mile of the lair that are bound,
The region containing Xylaarion’s lair is warped by restrained or caged suffer without end. Such
her magic, which creates one or more of the following creatures age slowly, physically aging one year for
effects: every 10 years that pass. Additionally, creatures in the
area with four or more levels of exhaustion no longer
• All creatures within 1 mile of Xylaarion’s lair suffer require food or drink.
Level 1 exhaustion.
• The area within 6 miles of the lair is full of damp, If Xylaarion dies, conditions of the area surrounding the
dreary mist. The area within the mist is lightly lair return to normal—as “normal” as Tartarus can be—
obscured. over the course of 1d10 days.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 115

116 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

The Eternal

risp evening descends as a furtive group of druids to restore symmetry between all dragons: good or evil,
converges upon a weathered stone dais. As the gold or black, fire or ice.
druids chant in unison, a quarreling flock of birds If there are too many green dragons in the world,
falls silent and takes to the sky, fleeing a terrible threat Zuth corrects this dysfunction. If there’s a surplus of
yet unseen. An expectant hush builds as if the forest itself bronze dragons, Zuth restores the average.
holds its breath until a deep and vibrant thrumming Zuth is forever. Even if destroyed, it is always birthed
beats from the heart of the earth. A tumultuous crash again in time. When Zuth sheds one of its scales, that
rattles the boiling sky and screaming lightning rips an scale works its way deep into the earth like an oak seed.
ancient tree in twane. Nearby, an inert hill heaves with There, within a cradle of dirt and stone and throughout
life as a sleeping giant wakes and rises towards the angry several centuries, the scale forms an exact duplicate of
clouds above and rooted trees cling as if desperate to Zuth. Therefore, even if one version of Zuth is defeated,
hang onto its broad back. It lets out a thunderous roar another will always return to take its place in order to
that’s heard for leagues. Earth and stone, mud and gravel, restore nature’s order.
moss and silt slough from the giant in massive slopping Zuth possesses non-verbal intelligence. It thinks only
heaps while it moves forth with languid ease. Lumbering in images and only has the base emotions of an animal.
and heavy, its height seemingly unlimited, and the earth Its communication is telepathic, expressing its will with
itself sighs while cracking beneath its weight. imagery and emotional impressions. Often it is difficult
And now the maddened and feverish worshipers to determine its exact motives and aims, as the images
exclaim, “Arise, Zuth, arise!” often have no context, leaving the guesswork entirely in
Laws of nature are unavoidable, absolute and eternal. the hands of those who receive the impressions.
What is born surely dies. For every balmy, warm summer, The presence of Zuth has fueled many speculations as
there is a chilling, cruel winter. Day invariably gives way to why it exists in the world, and some druids have come
to night. Just as above has below and black has white, all to revere this mighty creature, lending to it a status of a
that is good has an opposite and equal reflection in evil. demi-god or a potent spirit of nature itself.
In short, each thing that exists has its direct counterpoint, Zuth awakens when the stars align in a particular
a reversed mirror image that balances its place, and formation once in a century. Additionally, once every
indeed its meaning, in the whole of existence. thousand years, a purge occurs. In this purge, Zuth rises
All natural things have their respective opposites, to destroy dragons indiscriminately. Other dragons of
except Zuth. Zuth is the personification of this all types seem to sense each upcoming cleansing. The
harmonious force of balance and opposites. Zuth is world sees far more dragon activity as they collectively
ancient; it is enormous and it is the ultimate expression panic in the months before a forthcoming purge. Zuth
of nature’s absolute and impersonal will. destroys all the unlucky dragons that are in its path.
Legend tells that Zuth was created from all elements. During such purging events, the dragon population is
The supra-personal Will of Nature drew from itself culled without any logical pattern, and the events last
a powerful being to act as a counter to the presence until Zuth is destroyed.
of dragons. After all, being that they are creatures of A great mystery lies in Zuth’s designless cullings. How
magic, dragons are outside the bounds of natural order. can there be any balance in absolute destruction? It is a
Zuth rises from its deep slumber when it senses the call question that none but nature itself can answer.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 117


Hook Zuth’s Lair

The party is approached by a gold dragon who has been Because Zuth lies dormant until summoned, it does not
pursued by Zuth for many weeks. They are encouraged to have a conventional lair. It can, however, bring its will
assist the dragon upon the promise of riches, prestige or to bear on its immediate environment. If seeking an
for future aid from the dragon. Upon their investigation, additional challenge, use the following Lair Actions in
the group discovers a druidic cult that has grown up area within 300 feet of Zuth.
around the stories of Zuth. Its members will interfere with
the party’s plans and try to thwart them at all passes. If Lair Actions
the group gets too close to Zuth, the cult will assemble in On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Zuth takes
full force and attack. Should the group prevail, the final a lair action to cause one of the following effects. Zuth
encounter with Zuth is imminent. If successful, the gold can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row.
dragon will reward the group appropriately.
• A tremor shakes the area in a 60-foot radius around
Encounter Conditions Zuth. Each creature on the ground must succeed on a
Tracking or following Zuth is relatively easy, given the DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
potential trail of destruction it may leave. However, if Zuth • Zuth summons 1d4 treants to his aid. These
is below ground, the only indicator of its movement are creatures act on their own initiative according to
the occasional tremors of the earth. Zuth is fully capable of Zuth’s will but become free creatures in the event
emerging anywhere on the planet. Consider utilizing the of his death.
vast scope of Zuth’s domain when determining where to • Any creature with a direct tie to the natural order
create your encounter—the edge of a dense forest or within at GM discretion (nature clerics, oath of the ancients
the ridges and canyons of a mighty mountain range. paladins or druids in general) must succeed on a DC
20 Wisdom saving throw or fall under Zuth’s sway
Tactics until the start of the next round per initiative. Their
Zuth’s main tactic is surprise, leveraging its ability to actions are at GM discretion and must serve the larger
Earth Glide 120 feet. It will use this to his advantage when purpose Zuth was summoned to pursue.
stalking any prey, and it usually ambushes dragons within
their lairs. If any encounter starts to become a challenge,
Zuth will simply burrow down and emerge at a more
strategic location. Essentially, rather than soaring the skies,
Zuth “flies” underground.

Tracking Zuth reveals precious metals, gems and random
items that may have stuck to its body over time. Such
items were picked up as it burrowed through veins of
gold and ancient geode pockets deep within the earth.
The finds are quite random, but PCs may collect the
equivalent of a small goldmine’s worth of treasure by
following its trail above the surface and picking up what
has fallen off its body.
Zuth, Actions
The Eternal Multiattack. Zuth can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three
attacks. Zuth can use its bite, then makes two attacks with its claws.
Titanic dragon, neutral Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 50 ft., one target.
Hit: 29 (3d12 + 10) piercing damage. If the target is a living creature,
Armor Class 27 (natural armor) it must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or take 22
Hit Points 738 (36d20 +360) (4d10) poison damage.
Speed 40 ft., burrow 120 ft., swim 40 ft. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 17 (2d6 + 10) slashing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target.
30 (+10) 18 (+4) 30 (+10) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Hit: 17 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one
Saving Throws Dex +13, Con +19, Int +9, Wis +9, Cha +9 target. Hit: 36 (4d12 +10) bludgeoning damage.
Skills Insight +10, Intimidation +18, Perception +18 Frightful Presence. Each creature of Zuth’s choice that is within 120
Damage Resistances cold, fire feet of it and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature can repeat the
damage from nonmagical attacks saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, exhaustion, on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect
frightened, paralyzed, stunned ends for it, the creature is immune to Zuth’s Frightful Presence for the
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 28 next 24 hours.
Languages draconic, telepathy 120 ft. Poison Breath (Recharge 3–6). Zuth exhales poisonous gas in a 90-
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Constitution
saving throw, taking 91 (26d6) poison damage on a failed save or half
as much on a successful one.
Amphibious. Zuth can breathe air or water.
If the creature is a dragon, Zuth’s poison breath bypasses any
Discorporation. When Zuth drops to 0 hit points, its body is
natural or magical poison resistances and immunities. A dragon must
destroyed, and it is unable to take physical form for a time.
first save against the poison breath. A dragon must then make a DC
Dragon Sense. Zuth may use the scrying spell as a natural ability.
22 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it takes an additional
Zuth uses this ability to target dragons only.
75 (10d6 + 40) force damage or half as much on a successful one. If
Earth Glide. Zuth can burrow through nonmagical, unworked
the damage reduces the dragon to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated.
earth and stone. While doing so, Zuth does not disturb the material
A disintegrated dragon and everything it is wearing and carrying,
it moves through.
except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. The
False Appearance. While Zuth remains motionless, it is
dragon can be restored to life only by means of a true resurrection
indistinguishable from a hillside or mountainside.
or a wish spell.
Legendary Resistance (6/Day). If Zuth fails a saving throw, it can
choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. Zuth has advantage on saving throws against
Legendary Actions
Zuth can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options
spells and other magical effects.
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
Magic Weapons. Zuth’s weapon attacks are magical.
and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Zuth regains spent
Reflective Body. If Zuth is targeted by a magic missile spell, a line
legendary actions at the start of his turn.
spell, a spell that requires a ranged attack roll or any breath weapon,
Bite. Zuth makes a Bite attack.
roll a d4. On a 1 to 3, Zuth is unaffected. On a 4, Zuth is unaffected
Burrow. Zuth is able to move, burrowing into the earth, without
and the magic effect or breath weapon is reflected and targets the
provoking an attack of opportunity.
caster as though the spell or effect originated from Zuth.
Detect. Zuth makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Regeneration. Zuth regains 30 hit points at the start of its turn. If
Rock. Zuth makes a Rock attack.
Zuth takes radiant damage on its body, this trait doesn’t function at
Tail Attack. Zuth makes a tail attack.
the start of its next turn. Zuth dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit
Summon Lightning (Costs 2 Actions). Zuth summons lightning
points and doesn’t regenerate.
from a nearby storm cloud. The point of origin is within 500 feet of
Siege Monster. Zuth deals double damage to objects and structures.
Zuth. The bolt strikes a 10-foot area that Zuth can see. Any creature
within 10 feet of that point must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 54 (12d8) lightning damage on a failed save or half as much on
a successful one. Any lightning immunity becomes a resistance instead.
Any resistances to lighting is considered full damage.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 119

Draconic creatures have a
wide-ranging impact on the
world around them, shaping
economies, fostering cults
and shifting the arcane.
Dragon Riders

A playable class for 5e adventures

he bond formed between rider and mount has
long been viewed as something which transcends
the common bond between beast and humanoid.
Trust must be developed; a relationship built. It is
incredibly difficult for a rider to form a relationship with
a beast whose intelligence and power may surpass even
their own, yet the Dragon Riders of Mésanffor broke
this boundary long ago. Their tradition spread, their
techniques adopted and adapted in small corners of the
realm by brave warriors with the will to fight and the
courage to fly. The bond between dragon and rider is
unique to their pairing, meaning that though riders may
share similar styles in various parts of the realm, the
execution is as diverse as dragons themselves.

122 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

Dragon Riders

Isolated Tradition spiritual level. Their minds linked, and as they both grew,
this bond would begin to show arcane promise.
The method of breeding and domesticating dragons
began in a city isolated by the elements. Flanked on This fact became the centerpiece of the methods
one side by a wide, rushing river and steep, treacherous and techniques developed by the early dragon riders.
mountains on the other, the Elven city of Sinfarel was Together, the Dragon Rider and Dragon Companion
naturally sheltered from outside interference. The could become an unbreakable unit with strategies and
mountain range, the Tenggers, was also a breeding maneuvers unique to their partnership. The path of the
ground for drakes of all colors, shapes and sizes. Dragon Rider is solitary, but the rider is never alone.
Wyverns and dragons were a regular sight in the air
over Sinfarel, and reports of wyrms just outside the city Creating a Dragon Rider
limits were commonplace. Needless to say, this did not When creating a Dragon Rider character, consider
create a welcoming atmosphere for outsiders. the relationship with their Dragon Companion as an
For many years, skilled citizens of Sinfarel began integral part of their story. Have they always wanted to
taking advantage of their precarious situation and be a Dragon Rider, or was this something thrust upon
formulated a method of domesticating the dragons of them unexpectedly? What was the process of receiving
the Tengger Mountains. Traditions of training alongside or choosing the Companion? Discuss with your GM the
their dragon companions, once a necessity born of role Dragon Riders play in the world; how common they
proximity, became the focus of their practice. Rather are, what organizations they may be a part of, etc. Refer
than preparing themselves to fight these creatures, they to the Dragon Companion section for more information
began to fight alongside them, endearing themselves to on choosing your Rider’s Companion.
the dragons in their midst.
Quick Build
A Powerful Bond You may make a Dragon Rider quickly using these
The most curious and—at the same time—crucial aspect suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in either
of dragon riding was found to be the bond formed Strength or Dexterity depending on the weapon(s) you
between the rider and their companion. From a very plan to use. Put your next highest score in Constitution.
young age, the dragons would connect to their rider on a Second, choose the Folk Hero background.

Dragon Rider
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Maneuvers Known Maneuver Points
1st +2 Novice Rider, Draconic Vein – –
2nd +2 Fighting Style – –
Dragon Trainee, Dragon Maneuvers,
3rd +2 3 3
Draconic Vein Feature
4th +2 Ability Score Increase 3 4
5th +3 Extra Attack 3 5
6th +3 Adept Rider 4 6
7th +3 Draconic Vein Feature 4 7
8th +3 Ability Score Increase 4 8
9th +4 Draconic Awareness 4 9
10th +4 Improved Saddle, Signature Maneuver 5 10
11th +4 Draconic Vein Feature 5 11
12th +4 Ability Score Increase 5 12
13th +5 Bond of Scales 5 13
14th +5 Expert Rider 6 14
15th +5 Draconic Vein Feature 6 15
16th +5 Ability Score Increase 6 16
17th +6 Isolated Prey 6 17
18th +6 Perfected Maneuvers 7 18
19th +6 Draconic Vein Feature, Ability Score Increase 7 19
20th +6 Master Rider 7 20
Class Features to damage rolls with that weapon.
Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-
As a Dragon Rider, you gain the following class features. weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to
the damage of the second attack.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Dragon Rider level
Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Dragon Trainee
Hit Points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) plus your At 3rd level, you have begun to train extensively with
Constitution modifier per level after 1st your dragon. You can buy or use 10 gp worth of leather
and spend eight hours creating a saddle for your dragon
Proficiencies companion, and gain the ability to ride the dragon while
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields it is walking.
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Leatherworker’s tools Dragon Maneuvers
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom Starting at 3rd level, you gain three Maneuver Points
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, and may choose three Dragon Maneuvers from the
Nature, Animal Handling, Perception and Intimidation Dragon Maneuvers section. If the Maneuver requires
a target creature to make a saving throw, the DC
Dragon Rider Equipment equals 8 + your companion’s Strength Modifier + your
You may start with the following equipment plus any proficiency bonus, unless specified otherwise. You learn
equipment granted by your background: an additional maneuver at 6th level and again at 10th,
14th and 18th level. You gain one additional Maneuver
• One martial weapon point each time you gain another level of Dragon Rider.
• Any two simple weapons These Maneuver points recharge after a short or long rest.
• (a) Leather armor or (b) scale mail
• Leatherworker’s tools and an explorer’s pack Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level—and again at 8th, 12th, 16th
If you forgo this equipment, you start with 5d4 x 10 gp and 19th level—you can increase one ability score of
to buy your equipment. your choice by 2, or two ability scores of your choice by
1, up to a maximum of 20.
Novice Rider Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this
At 1st level, you are granted a Dragon Companion. The feature to take a feat of your choice instead.
stats, abilities and rules for this Companion are in the
Dragon Companion section. You may communicate
telepathically with your Companion while they are
Extra Attack
At 5th level, you may attack twice when taking the
within 1 mile of you.
attack action.

Draconic Veins Adept Rider

Also at 1st level, you choose one of two Draconic Veins:
At 6th Level, you have become extremely comfortable
Dragon Knight or Dragon Outrider.
on the back of your Dragon Companion and may now
ride it while it flies. In addition, each of your attacks
Fighting Style deals +1 damage while mounted.
At 2nd level, you adopt a fighting style as your specialty.
Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Draconic Awareness
fighting style more than once, even if you later get to At 9th level, you gain advantage on Initiative checks.
choose again.
Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made Improved Saddle
with a ranged weapon. At 10th level, you may spend 8 hours and 25 gp worth of
Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on leather to craft an improved saddle. With this saddle, it
a damage die for an attack you make with a melee only costs 5 feet of movement to mount and dismount,
weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can and you can no longer be involuntarily dismounted.
reroll the die and must use the new roll—even if the
new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two- Signature Maneuver
handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. Also at 10th level, you may choose one Tier 1 Dragon
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in Maneuver you have already learned to be your Signature
one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus Maneuver. The Signature Maneuver may be performed

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 125

Dragon Riders

once between a short or long rest without expending any

Maneuver points. The Dragon Maneuver you learn at Draconic Veins
10th level may be selected as your Signature Maneuver. Dragon Riders may choose one of two Veins with
their companions at 1st level. You may bolster your
Bond of Scale defenses and physical prowess as a Dragon Knight or flit
At 13th level, you may use a short rest to mend the effortlessly through the sky as a Dragon Outrider.
wounds of your Dragon Companion. Any Hit Dice you
expend during a Short Rest also heal the dragon for that Dragon Knight
same amount. If you choose Dragon Knight at 1st level, your bond
with your Companion bolsters your fortitude. You gain
proficiency in Heavy Armor.
Expert Rider
At 14th level, you have nearly perfected aerial combat. Scaled Hide
While mounted, each of your attacks deals +3 additional At 3rd level, you gain +3 Max hp and +1 additional
damage, and you score a critical hit on a 19 or higher Max hp for each level you gain in Dragon Rider.
d20 attack roll.
Tooth and Claw
Isolated Prey At 7th level, when you deal damage to a creature, you
At 17th level, you may use a bonus action to target a may deal additional damage equal to your Dragon
creature you can see, and your Dragon Companion Rider level. Tooth and Claw recharges at a short or
becomes fixated on that target. While a creature is long rest.
targeted in this way, all attacks made by you and your
Companion have advantage and deal an additional Draconic Ability
weapon die damage. In addition, opportunity attacks At 11th level, your bond with your Companion
against the creature no longer require a reaction but are enhances your fortitude beyond natural capabilities.
still limited to only one attack. Isolated Prey lasts for Choose either Strength or Constitution. That ability’s
one minute or until the creature is killed. maximum is increased to 22.

Perfected Maneuvers Strength of Scale

At 18th level, your previously chosen Signature Maneuver At 15th level, whenever you roll a Strength check or
is perfected and no longer costs Maneuver points. In Strength saving throw, you may add a d6 to the total.
addition, you select a maneuver from any tier to be
your second Signature Maneuver, including the Dragon Aura of Dominance
Maneuver gained at this level. At 19th level, you become a bulwark of Draconic power.
You may use an action to gain resistance to all types of
Master Rider damage for one minute. During that time, all of your
weapon attacks deal an additional weapon die of the
At 20th level, your bond with your Companion becomes
unbreakable. While mounted, you and your Companion damage type appropriate to your dragon companion.
have advantage on all saving throws. Your telepathic bond Aura of Dominance recharges after a short rest.
persists as long as you are on the same plane. In addition,
if you have 0 Maneuver points upon rolling initiative, you
start your turn with 5. Dragon Outrider
If you choose Dragon Outrider at 1st level, your bond
with your Companion sharpens your senses. You gain
ADDITIONAL DRAGON MANEUVERS proficiency in Perception. If you already have proficiency
Consult with your GM to create and balance your in Perception, you gain expertise.
own personalized Maneuvers. Every Dragon
Rider should feel distinct and have their own Moonlight Hunter
strengths and weaknesses. When creating Dragon At 3rd level, you and your Companion gain darkvision
Maneuvers, think of the risks involved and how out to a range of 120 feet.
big the pay-off for taking that risk. The higher the
risk—the higher the reward. Supple Wings
At 7th level, your Companion gains the ability to Dash
as a bonus action, and any stealth checks made while
mounted gain advantage.
Draconic Ability Rider who connects them to a trainer. They may also
At 11th level, your bond with your companion have stumbled upon a young dragon and instantly felt
enhances your scouting abilities beyond natural a connection form between them. A true Dragon Rider
capacity. Choose either Dexterity or Wisdom. That is a rarity and requires either the strength or agility
ability’s maximum is increased to 22. to maintain control while your companion performs
dangerous maneuvers through the air.
Take Aim
At 15th level, your bond with your companion Dragon Companion
enhances your accuracy. Once per turn, the Dragon At 1st level, you choose a Dragon Companion (pg.
Outrider may choose to reroll one attack that misses. 128) to grow, level, explore and fight by your side. This
dragon grows like any other, but shares your alignment.
Aura of Agility Its growth is stunted by the process of domestication.
At 19th level, you may use an action to massively Your Companion operates on your initiative and
enhance your quickness and accuracy. For one minute, shares your action. On your turn, you may command
the movement speed of you and your companion is them to move, take the Dash, Dodge or Disengage
doubled and you may make an additional attack per actions without sacrificing any movement or action
attack action. Aura of Agility may be used once per of your own. For your Companion to attack, you must
long rest. sacrifice one of your attacks for each attack they take.
Your Companion may be knocked unconscious, but
their magical bond with you prevents them from
Multiclassing being permanently killed unless you are also killed.
Your Companion regains health as usual. The Dragon
Multiclassing Prerequisite Companion Chart dictates what Proficiency Bonuses
• Dragon Rider: Strength 13 or Dexterity 13 and additional Hit Dice your Companion gains upon
leveling up. Dragon types available to serve as your
When choosing Dragon Rider as a multiclass option, Companion are presented on the following page.
consider how your character may have been introduced
to this rare lifestyle. Perhaps they met another Dragon

Dragon Companion
Level Proficiency Bonus Hit Dice Features
1st +2 1d12 Darkvision
2nd +2 2d12 Breath Attack
3rd +2 3d12 Size Increase, Natural Armor
4th +2 3d12 Ability Score Increase
5th +3 4d12 Shape Change
6th +3 5d12 Fly Speed Increase, Breath Attack Range Increase
7th +3 6d12 Natural Armor
8th +3 6d12 Ability Score Increase
9th +4 7d12 Advanced Darkvision
10th +4 8d12 Breath Attack Range Increase
11th +4 9d12 Fly Speed Increase
12th +4 9d12 Ability Score Increase
13th +5 10d12 Natural Armor
14th +5 11d12 Breath Attack Range Increase
15th +5 12d12 Size Increase
16th +5 12d12 Ability Score Increase
17th +6 13d12 Natural Armor
18th +6 14d12 Breath Attack Range Increase
19th +6 15d12 Fly Speed Increase
20th +6 15d12 Ability Score Increase 7

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 127

Dragon Riders

Ruby Dragon failure, they take 2d6 damage of the appropriate type
This dragon’s scales are a bright red color at a young or half on a success. This damage increases by a 1d6
age, eventually progressing towards a darker crimson each level after the 2nd. The dragon’s breath attack
later in life. Their breath is released in a fiery cone of recharges during a short or a long rest. Ruby, emerald
intense heat, easily incinerating anything in its path. and opal dragons’ breath attacks begin as a 15-foot
The ruby dragon’s breath attack requires a Dexterity cone. Sapphire and obsidian dragons’ breath attacks
saving throw. begin as a 30-foot line.

Sapphire Dragon Size Increase

This dragon’s scales begin as the color of the sky; soft At 3rd level, the Dragon’s size increases from Medium
blue, with flecks of cloudy white. As they age, the to Large, its walking speed increases by 5 feet and its
scales shift into a deep oceanic blue. Their breath fly speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, the damage
manifests as a line of electrical energy, eventually die for its Bite, Tail and Claw attacks increase by one
gaining enough power to stop the heart of any living die size (d4 to d6, d6 to d8, etc.). At 15th level, its size
creature caught in its fury. The sapphire dragon’s increases from Large to Huge and it gains the same
breath attack requires a Dexterity saving throw. additions to its walk and fly speed, and its damage die
increase an additional size.
Emerald Dragon
This dragon’s scales begin as a light, grassy green, Natural Armor
then age into the verdant green color of an untouched Also at 3rd level, the Dragon Companion’s AC
forest. Their breath is released in a toxic cone of increases by 1 point. This increase happens again at
poisonous gas, poisonous enough to leave even the 7th, 11th and 17th level.
most potent enemies retching and gasping for air. The
emerald dragon’s breath attack requires a Constitution
saving throw.

Opal Dragon
This dragon’s scales begin as a gleaming white, Hatchling Dragon Companion
sometimes having phosphorescent flecks of light Medium dragon, same alignment as rider
reds and greens. As they age, those phosphorescent
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
flecks disappear and are replaced with gray, ashy
Hit Points 14 (1d12+2)
undertones. The opal dragon’s breath is a cone of Speed 20 ft., fly 20 ft.
ice so frigid that it freezes the very air inside it, and
any living thing in the area may shatter from the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
sheer cold. The opal dragon’s breath attack requires a 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (-0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
Constitution saving throw.
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +2
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +3
Obsidian Dragon Damage Resistances (Breath Attack damage type)
This dragon’s scales appear almost dark gray at birth, Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12
eventually growing into scales as black as night. The Languages Common, Draconic
obsidian dragon’s breath is a heaving line of virulent
acid, destructive enough at young ages to melt flesh Actions
Multiattack. Once the Rider has gained access to Extra Attack,
and bone. At older ages, this acid is rumored to be
the Dragon Companion may use any of the following attacks once
able to melt stone, even metal. The obsidian dragon’s per turn, following the rules of attacking as a Dragon Companion.
breath attack requires a Dexterity saving throw. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, one target.
Hit: 7(1d6+3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d4) damage of the
Darkvision appropriate type.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, one target.
At 1st level, the Dragon Companion gains Darkvision
Hit: 8(1d8+3) bludgeoning damage.
out to a range of 60 feet. At 9th level, this range Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, one target.
increases to 90 feet. Hit: 6 (1d4+3) slashing damage.
Breath Attack (1/rest). The Dragon releases its breath in a 15/30-
Breath Attack ft. cone/line. Each creature caught in its range must succeed on a
DC 12 saving throw appropriate to the Dragon’s type or take 2d6
At 2nd level, you may use an Action to command your
damage of the appropriate type or half on a success.
Dragon Companion to expel its Breath Attack. Any Dragon Maneuvers. If the target of a Dragon Maneuver is forced
creature caught in its range must succeed on a Saving to make a saving throw against the Dragon’s Save DC, the DC is 8
throw (DC 8 + proficiency + Dragon’s Constitution + Dragon’s Strength Modifier + Dragon’s Proficiency.
Modifier) appropriate to the type of dragon. On a
Ability Score Increase Dragon Maneuvers
At 4th level and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, At 3rd level, you may choose three Dragon Maneuvers
the player may choose to increase one of the Dragon’s from the following list, if you fulfill the prerequisites.
ability scores by 2, or two of the Dragon’s ability scores
by 1, to a maximum of 20. Tier 1 (1 point)
Shape Change Charging Strike (Dragon Form Only)
At 5th level, the Dragon Companion gains the ability As an action and while mounted, your Dragon
to change its form into a medium humanoid as an Companion charges forward, and you make a Melee
action. The player chooses this form, and the Dragon weapon attack. If the Dragon moves at least 10 feet
may only assume this same form each time. In this in a straight line towards a target and the attack hits,
form your companion may use its Claw and Breath the strike does an additional 2d8 damage. If it hits,
attack, loses its fly speed, and its walking speed is 30 that creature must also make a Strength saving throw
feet. Its stats otherwise remain the same. against the Dragon’s save DC or fall prone.

Fly Speed Increase Coordinated Flank

At 6th level, the Dragon Companion’s flying speed As a bonus action while unmounted, you and your
increases by 10 feet. This increase happens again at dragon flank a single opponent. If you and your Dragon
11th and 19th level. are within 5 feet of the same creature, all of your attacks
on that creature have advantage until the beginning of
Breath Attack Range Increase your next turn.
Also at 6th level, the range of the Dragon’s Breath
Attack increases by 10 feet. This increase happens Swipe the Leg (Dragon Form Only)
again at 10th, 14th and 18th level. As a bonus action, you may command your Dragon
Companion to make a tail attack against a large or
smaller creature. If it hits, the creature takes damage
from the tail attack and must make a Strength Save
against the Dragon’s save DC. On a failure, they are
knocked prone.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 129

Dragon Riders

Take the Hit Tier 2 (2 points,

As a reaction when hit by an attack, you can command requires level 5)
your Dragon to take the hit for you, or you can take
the hit for your Companion instead. Your Dragon Drag ’n’ Drop (Dragon Form Only)
Companion must be within 5 feet of you to use this If your Companion makes a bite attack against a
Maneuver. medium or smaller creature and the attack hits, you
may use Drag ’n’ Drop to attempt to trap the creature in
Evasive Maneuvers (Dragon Form Only) your Companion’s mouth. The creature must succeed on
As a Bonus Action and while riding your Dragon, you a Strength saving throw against the Dragon’s Save DC
may take the Dodge action. This applies to both you and or it is grappled and restrained. The Dragon may move
your Dragon Companion. at half movement speed with the creature in its mouth
and may use a bonus action to release it. The grappled
Create an Opening (Dragon Form Only) creature must use an Action and succeed on a Strength
You may create an opening for your allies to escape by saving throw to free itself.
commanding your Companion to create a massive gust
of wind with their wings. Using your reaction, Create Channeled Breath
an Opening allows allies within 20 feet of your Dragon Your connection to your Dragon companion allows them
Companion to move away from an enemy without to channel their breath attack through your weapon. As
incurring attacks of opportunity. an action, you may make all creatures in a 15-foot cone in
front of you make a saving throw against your Dragon’s
Bolstered Defense (Knight only) breath attack. On a failure, they take 4d8 damage of
Your bond with your Companion enhances your natural that type or half damage on a success. You may spend
defenses. As a bonus action, you may bolster your additional maneuver points to increase this damage by an
defenses, increasing your AC by an amount equal to additional 1d8 per 2 Maneuver Points spent.
your Dragon’s Constitution modifier until the beginning
of your next turn. Fury Strikes (Dragon Form Only)
As an action, your Dragon Companion unleashes a bite
Scan the Perimeter (Outrider only) and two claw attacks in a flurry. If all three attacks hit,
You may use a bonus action to scan the area. Any regain one Maneuver point.
invisible or hidden creatures within 60 feet are revealed
only to you until the beginning of your next turn.
Diving Strike (Dragon Form Only) Tier 3 (5 points,
As an action, you may dismount your companion requires level 10)
midair and make an attack with advantage against an
opponent in your path to the ground. If the attack hits, Ravage (Dragon Form Only)
it deals normal damage and an additional amount of If your companion makes a Bite attack at a creature
damage equal to the fall damage you would typically and the attack hits, you may use Ravage to force the
take from the fall (1d6 bludgeoning damage for every creature to make a Strength saving throw against your
10 feet, maximum of 20d6). When you land, you must Companion’s Save DC. On a failure, they take the Bite
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, you take damage and an additional 10d6 slashing damage as your
no damage from the fall. On a failure, you take half Companion spins viciously and tears flesh from bone.
damage. Save DC 15, increases +1 for every 10 feet above
50 feet. Recharge
You may use an action to funnel energy into your
Manifestation (Knight Only) Companion to immediately recharge their Breath
Your draconic connection allows you to manifest the Attack.
physical form of the dragon on your body. As a bonus
action, you may strike out with the manifestation of a Unleash
draconic claw, dealing 1d10 + your Strength modifier As an Action, you release the bond which connects you
slashing damage and an additional 1d8 of your Dragon to your Dragon Companion, causing your Companion
Companion’s respective elemental damage. You may to enter a primal draconic fury. Roll a new initiative
spend additional Maneuver Points to increase the for your Companion. For one minute, the Companion
elemental damage dealt by an additional 1d8 per 2 operates on that initiative and may make two attacks
maneuver points spent. per attack action. In addition, your Companion’s attacks
deal an additional weapon die of damage. For the
Manifestation (Outrider Only) duration, the Companion’s Breath Attack recharges
Your draconic connection allows you to manifest the on a 5 or higher d6 roll. At the end of the minute, the
physical form of the dragon on your own body. As a Companion’s Breath Attack may not be used again until
bonus action, draconic wings burst from your back. You a short or long rest, and you must make a DC 12 Animal
gain a fly speed equal to that of your Companion for one Handling check. On a failure, the Companion becomes
minute. hostile towards you and your allies until you use an
action to succeed on the Animal Handling check.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 131


War Drake War Drake

Large dragon, unaligned
War drakes are bred for conflict and often used on the front
lines for significant battles. War drakes can be dispatched Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
in combat or serve as mounts. They are distinctive from Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48)
other drakes due to their size, musculature and large horns. Speed 40 ft.
A favored mount by hobgoblins and orcs, war drakes STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
strike fear in enemies due to their unusual size and 19 (+4) 14 (+1) 18 (+3) 6 (-2) 9 (+0) 8 (-1)
strength. They also are found protecting the lairs of
dragons. Five or more war drakes are more than enough Skills Perception +2
to protect most lairs. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
A war drake’s primary motivation is based around Languages understands Draconic but can’t speak it
its belly. They become very loyal when they are cared Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
for. These drakes will never be found in the wild and
Siege Monster. The war drake deals double damage to objects and
are highly sought after, with values reflecting how structures.
specialized they have become in war and as superior Keen Senses. The drake has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
guardians. When conflicts happen, their benefits increase checks that rely on sight or smell.
exponentially. Charge. If the drake moves at least 10 feet straight toward a target
and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target

Tactics takes an extra 9 (2d8) piercing damage. If the target is a creature,

it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be pushed up
While it lacks a breath weapon, in combat, the war to 10 feet away and be knocked prone.
drake’s gore and charge ability certainly make up for it.
Their primary purpose is serving as mounts for the Actions
Multiattack. The drake attacks twice, once with its bite and once
leaders of armies, but make no mistake: this is an up- with its tail, or once with gore and once with bite.
close and personal attacker that can take a hit. On their Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
own, the drake may be considered reckless, with little Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
planning or strategy. But, as a mount, they thrive, serving Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
their riders with gory efficiency. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Generals utilizing war drakes know that to attack at Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
night will give the drake an advantage, leveraging their
darkvision of 60 feet and postponing an attack until an
enemy can be charged effectively. When multiple war
drakes are utilized, they attack from the sides as well as
the frontlines.
A war drake is fierce and will lock
on to a single target until it is defeated.
Only when a war drake is reduced to
near death will it break its focus and
flee for survival.

132 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

Drake of Drake of Displacement
(Fey Drake)
Displacement Medium dragon, unaligned

Fey drakes were brought back from the Feywild to serve Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
as guardians. Their unique defensive abilities make them Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
a formidable obstacle for any creatures choosing to force Speed 40 ft.
their way past. They can be trained and are loyal if they STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
are cared for and well fed with a steady supply of meat. 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
The drake’s unique ability to displace light gives it
the illusion of being in two places at the same time, Skills Perception +2
causing confusion in its enemies and making it more Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
difficult to attack. Languages understands Draconic but can’t speak it
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Similar in appearance to normal drakes, what sets
a drake of displacement apart are the unusual, curved
Avoidance. If the drake is subjected to an effect that allows it to
tentacled limbs that sprout from its back. Each tentacle make a saving throw to take half damage, it instead takes no damage
ends with cup-like pads that have spikes within. if it succeeds on the saving throw and only half damage if it fails.
These unique drakes serve masters ranging from Displacement. The drake projects a magical illusion that makes it
humanoids to ancient dragons. Their ability to frustrate appear to be standing near its actual location, causing attack rolls
against it to have disadvantage. If it is hit by an attack, this trait is
any would-be treasure seeker is their primary task. The
disrupted until the end of its next turn. This trait is also disrupted
drake’s ability to use its repulsion breath weapon can while the drake is incapacitated or has a speed of 0.
push an enemy away from an entrance or give it space to
use its tentacle attack. Actions
Multiattack. The drake makes three attacks, one with its bite, one

Tactics with its tail and one with its tentacles.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
The drake’s repulsion breath (when available) can Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
provide it space to move. Skilled tacticians take Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
advantage of the drake’s tentacle reach of 10 feet. A Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
drake of displacement will seek out the smallest, or
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) piercing
“weakest” opponent first—and if any are isolated, even damage.
better. Repulsion Breath (Recharge 5-6). The drake exhales repulsion
If its enemies are able to hit and disrupt the energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed
displacement, it will disengage so it can move out on a DC 12 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
pushed 15 feet away from the drake.
of range until the end of its next turn. The drake’s
reach and ability to
cause attacks to have
disadvantage on it make
it a more mobile threat.

It is an inarguable fact that the Elves of Sinfarel are master
dragon breeders. Not only have they created various
dragonoids with which they can bond and ride upon, but
they have also created many different breeds of dragons—
including the puggon. First conceived as companions to
children, these adorable creatures soon became highly
sought-out status symbols in the rest of the realm.
Eventually, some puggons made their way into
the world outside Sinfarel by trade and even
through theft. Once loosed upon the outside
world, animal breeders soon created their
own versions of this unique dragon. They
bred new types of puggons, many times
smaller and more charming than their
original counterparts. Soon, they were
sold as pets to the wealthy and as lifetime
companions to noble children.
Generally, wealthy females often keep
puggons as pets or status symbols, for
they are as exotic as they are cuddly.
They are a fashionable accessory as
much as they are a companion, often
carried beneath an arm or in a special
box with a shoulder strap.
The bearer of a puggon receives a bonus
to their Charisma, as the critters are quite
appealing to any who behold them. Usually
when a person sets eyes upon this cute and
cuddly dragon, they will have a hard time
resisting the urge to pet it.

Small dragon, same alignment as owner

Armor Class 11 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 5 (1d8 +1)
Speed 30 ft., fly 10 ft.


10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages understands basic common but can’t speak it.
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Adorable. If a puggon is within 10 feet of its owner, it provides

them with +2 bonus to Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
Compelled Petting. Any non-evil humanoid with an Intelligence
of 5 or more that is within 20 feet of a puggon and can see it, must
make a DC 13 Wisdom save or be compelled to pet it.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, one target.
Hit: 2 (1d4+ 1) piercing damage.

134 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons


Small dragon, unaligned

Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 8 (2d6 +2)
Speed 15 ft., fly 60 ft.


15 (+3) 18 (+4) 12(+1) 3 (-4) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)

Senses Darkvision 60 feet, passive Perception 10

Languages --
Challenge 2

Gold Sense. A dragonant can smell gold, precious metals and
gems within 60 feet. Only valuables that are buried 5 feet deep
or more or stored within a magical container are immune to the
dragonant’s Gold Sense. Once a dragonant discovers a cache of
valuables, it telepathically communicates the location to other Ask any venerable dwarven miner about the pesky
dragonants within range. creatures called dragonants, or ask a town’s elder,
Hivemind. A dragonant communicates telepathically with others whose domicile lies in the shadows of any high, jagged
of its hive within a 10-mile radius. This is a natural ability. If
a dragonant is harmed or attacked, it will summon the rest of
mountains and you will be told the same story: the
its hive. A large swarm forms in 4d4 minutes. When a swarm dragonant is more than a menace. It’s a formidable,
manifests, it gains a breath weapon as a legendary action. fearsome curse. Great care must be taken with the
handling of precious metals and gemstones when there is
Actions a hive of these greedy pests nearby, for their sole purpose
The dragonant may attack once per round. Use one of the
following actions:
is the mindless hoarding of any treasures they find.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Their hand-shaped hives can be found high upon the
Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage. windswept peaks of any jagged mountain chain. Every
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. single “finger” of this hive rivals the length and breadth
Hit: 11 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage. of a great wyrm’s mighty tail. Upon closer observation,
Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage. The target must make a DC 10
innumerous, minuscule beasts zip in and out of long mud
Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a structures that resemble the nests of wasps. Each creature
failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. carries in a single small gem or coin or any trinket of value
the size and weight of an apple or smaller. They work day
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
Dragonant Swarm ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
Large dragon, unaligned is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the
dragonant’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor + swarm bonus)
Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45) Actions
Speed fly 60 ft. Multiattack. The dragonant swarm makes three attacks: one with
its bite and two with its claws, or one with its stinger and twice
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA with its claws.
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +5, Wis +3, Cha +2 Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6 Hive Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Damage Immunities acid creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. The target must make
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15 a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage
Languages -- on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Challenge 8 (3,900 xp) Smother. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., medium or
smaller creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Gold Sense. A dragonant swarm can smell gold, precious metals, On a hit, The creature is grappled by numerous dragonants (escape
and gems within 90 feet. Only valuables that are buried 5 feet DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, blinded,
deep or more or stored within a magical container are immune to and at risk of suffocating, and the dragonants can’t smother another
the dragonant’s gold sense. target. At the start of each of the target’s turns while smothered, the
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and target takes 15 (3d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large
enough for a small creature. The swarm can’t regain hit points or
gain temporary hit points. When the swarm is reduced to half its
Legendary Actions
The dragonant swarm can take one legendary action, choosing
hit points, it dissipates and will not reform until 1d4 hours have from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
passed. used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
Hive Power. The dragonant swarm distorts itself and moves dragonant swarm regains spent legendary actions at the start of
together to form a single dragon-like shape. It is ever moving, their turn.
making it difficult to target. The swarm receives bonuses to its Detect. The swarm makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
Armor Class and stats when compared to a single drone. Unlike Smother Attack. The swarm makes a smother attack.
a single dragonant, the hivemind of the swarm can strategize, Acid Breath (Recharge 5-6). The swarm exhales acid in a 30-foot
thinking as one, and respond to threats effectively—even choosing cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 14 Dexterity
targets when using Frightful Presence. saving throw, taking 49 (11d8) acid damage on a failed save or half
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the swarm’s choice that is as much on a successful one.
within 120 feet of it and aware of it must succeed on a DC 14
Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A

136 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

or night while depositing these valuables into their nest,
and when one pipe is filled to the brim, they seal it off and Tactics
begin anew on filling another, endlessly, until the side of a Dragonants are not particularly bright, but their sense
mountain collapses from the sheer weight of their greed, or of self-preservation is strong, and they know they are
the swarm is destroyed and the valuables recovered. more powerful in a swarm than they would be on their
Miners have often encountered them in singles or own. If encountering a situation where it feels its life is
pairs, and they always warn of disturbing these sour in danger, a lone dragonant would signal to others of its
beings. They appear to have a hive mind, no matter kind, then hide and wait for the swarm to form. Though
the distance, and they communicate with the swarm they can bite, claw and sting potential threats (and will,
seemingly instantly. If a single dragonant is disturbed or if cornered) they know they’re better off waiting for
killed while it investigates an area containing valuables, reinforcements. And when the swarm arrives, it’s usually
the rest of the hive will attack within minutes. While the angry and aggressive. It can be an overwhelming force, and
hive is on full attack, it will leave a few soldiers behind should be approached with caution. Because dragonants
to protect the nest. Once provoked, the dragonant innately understand the power of strength in numbers,
swarm attacks mercilessly until the offending targets their strategy in a fight or flight situation is to divide and
are killed. There is no reasoning with these creatures, conquer—especially if the smell of riches is in the air. The
as they run on pure instinct. Many seasoned veterans swarm’s breath weapon can blast an entire area, after
of the wilds will say to give one a single coin should which the gathered cloud of dragonants would swoop in to
you encounter it, but be gone from the area with haste, overwhelm a lone target with its Smother or Hive Sting.
mainly when a large amount of valuables is in one place. The swarm would also have the collective experience
Sometimes, a single dragonant drone can be found in required to know that some creatures possess the ability
a town, searching and sniffing out prized assets. If they to target numerous foes at once, and as such would direct
should sniff out anything of value that is any precious their attacks at spellcasters the moment they are revealed
metal or gemstone, they will seek it out doggedly, to the swarm. They are relentless creatures who will give
determined to take it back to their nest. Once a drone everything to protect the swarm, but should it seem as
encounters a larger store of valuable items (200 gp total though their numbers are rapidly dwindling during a
value or higher), the drone will signal its hive. Within combat encounter, they are also sensible enough to retreat.
1d4 hours, the town or mine becomes overrun with a Should a swarm suffer losses that take its size down to a
whole swarm of them, numbering into the thousands. third of where it started (having taken by roughly 95 hit
They investigate every crack and fissure, and the only points) it will consider its options and work to gather the
real solution to keeping valuables safe is to bury them valuables it can before departing swiftly for the hive.
at least 5 feet beneath the ground or evacuate them
from the area before the swarm’s arrival. Once found,
valuables are picked clean from a town or mine in a
matter of hours, as they leave no corner unexplored,
scouring the area for anything precious. If the group
moves their valuables more than a mile away before the
hive arrives, the swarm cannot find them.
Hand of the Dragon
Origins & Creation responsible for infusing the eggs with powerful magic
Deep in the ground, where kobolds build their lairs, specific to their assigned roles, each of which were
among their vast network of dens and caverns there are designated by the Overseer.
large hatcheries filled with kobold eggs. In a few of these
kobold lairs lie individual chambers set aside to create The Hatcheries
more powerful kobolds. These specific hatcheries are The first hatchery is known as the Hatchery of
used for breeding kobolds chosen to become members Scoundrels. These kobolds are infused with magic that
of the Hand of the Dragon, an elite infiltration team increases their nimbleness, creating a more dexterous
tasked with various missions on behalf of their patron. creature both in and out of combat. These kobolds have
This is the highest honor any kobold can be chosen for. the ability to move through darkness without making a
Long before they hatch, some of the eggs are sound, making them excellent assassins.
separated from the general population and brought The second hatchery is known as the Hatchery
to the Hatchery of Sorting, where they are inspected of Schemers. Here, kobolds are infused with magic
by an individual known as the Overseer who, decides that grants the ability to wield arcane power and use
which eggs will be placed. Once an egg is selected wondrous enchanted items. Their overall intellect
for placement, it is brought into one of three other and wisdom is enhanced as well so that their ability to
hatcheries. Each of these hatcheries has its own team retain important information; make quick, intelligent
who watch over, protect and maintain the general decisions; and lead missions for their patron have a
treatment of the hatchery. There is one individual higher chance of success.
among each team, bearing the title of Curator, who is The third and final hatchery is the Hatchery of

138 The Game Master’s Book of Dragons

Brutality. These kobolds are infused with magic
that increases their strength, endurance, combat Team Makeup
prowess and reflexes. Once hatched and trained, their The Warden ensures the creation of a seamless unit with
duties are to protect their team members at all costs, a balance of skills, typically comprising one Schemer,
ensuring everyone survives and that mission routes two Brutes and two Scoundrels. This five-member
are adequately secured. The kobolds that survive this team is referred to as a Hand. A Hand never exceeds
process are hearty with muscular builds, capable of more than five members but is not limited to a specific
delivering or taking punches that would likely fell their makeup (as an example, a Hand comprising a Schemer
uninfluenced kin. and four Brutes is called a Fist). There is never more
Once these magically infused kobolds hatch, they are than one Schemer per Hand, though Schemers from
placed into another wing of their respective hatcheries separate teams occasionally compare strategies on a
where their training truly begins. All three hatcheries combined mission. The smallest strike teams allowed
focus on combat and physical fitness. Once their by the Warden is a team of three—a Schemer, Brute and
training is complete, they move on to drills and routines Scoundrel—and is called a Probe, typically only utilized
specific to their roles. Scoundrels focus on the intricate for intelligence gathering missions.
workings of traps, locks, stealth techniques and quick,
deadly combat maneuvers. Schemers focus on the
manipulation of arcane, planning missions and team- Campaign &
leading exercises. Brutes focus on mission security, Story Advice
enhanced combat training with various weapons and A Hand of the Dragon team is used to infiltrate various
route planning. types of settlements; everything from small camps of
Once each team member has completed their bandits to sprawling urban environments. Their mission
rigorous programming, they are assigned teams and approach to achieving it are heavily contingent on
and begin training together. They are given practice the context of the mission itself, and is at GM discretion.
missions to complete and participate in sparring The team’s skills cover a wide range, from assassination to
matches against other teams. Finally, when an entity arson, kidnapping or sabotage—the list is as long as your
known only as the Warden decides they are ready for imagination.
their first mission, they graduate, enjoy a massive feast
and are handed their first mission. Some ship out for
duty the same night. Team Mentality
Once a Hand is tasked with a goal, they meet up to discuss
their mission. The Schemer lays out the overall basic
GM NOTE: KOBOLD ABOMINATIONS concepts of the plan as well as the direct orders given to
Infusing kobolds with powerful magic them by their patron; the Schemer expects each team
does not always work out as the Curators member to handle their own responsibilities. The Brute is
planned; occasionally, some of them hatch responsible for the safety and security of the team, before,
as Abominations and are seen as disgusting during and after the mission. The Scoundrel is accountable
wretches tossed aside for lesser purposes. These for any of the more covert aspects of the mission and is
kobolds are generally used as frontline fodder in often the only team member that may attempt aspects of a
direct assaults or are unleashed into the taller given assignment alone.
humanoid populations to act as a diversion for
Infiltrator teams or (in rare cases) for general
chaotic enjoyment. Until the need arises, these Fighting Tactics
cast-outs are kept in a separate Hatchery wing— When the Hand of the Dragon actually engages in
the Crypt—a large, lightless cavern where they combat, which they generally try to avoid, they work as
are fed by metal chutes and trap doors used to a close quarters fighting team. Their general approach
drop in whatever food is available. is baiting their enemy by feigning weakness so other
members of the team (usually Scoundrels) can gain a
tactical advantage.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 139

Hand of the Dragon

Specific Team Member Duties

The Brute. The enforcer of the team, the Brute brings Kobold Brute
the strength and combat prowess necessary for a small Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil
group to operate in dicey situations. The Brute is
responsible for the security of the team, ensuring it can Armor Class 17 (chain shirt, shield)
Hit Points 52 (8d6 +24)
handle any dangerous encounters before, during or after Speed 30 ft.
their mission.
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (-0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Skills Athletics +6, Perception +3, Stealth +6, Survival +3

Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Draconic, Thieves’ Cant
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Magic Resistance. The Brute has advantage on saving throws

against spells and other magical effects.
Pack Tactics. The Brute has advantage on an attack roll against a
creature if at least one of its allies is within 5 feet of the creature
and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Brute has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

Multiattack. The Brute makes two attacks: one with its mallet
and one with its shield.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Mallet of Repeated Offense (pg. 177). Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the attack roll
critically hits, the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw or become stunned until the end of the Brute’s next turn.
The Schemer. The Schemer is the leader of the group.
They communicate directly or indirectly with their
patron and are held accountable when things do not
go as planned. The Schemer is also responsible for
designing the plans, their overall tactics and anything
else necessary for achieving their goals. After receiving
orders, they gather the required team members and
put the plan into motion. It’s also possible they are too
smart for their own good. Because all members of the
Hand of the Dragon are bred for success in their specific
field, Schemers are the only Hatchery sect that possess
the sense of autonomy required to change or defy
orders, leading to conflict with their patrons when they
don’t succeed.

Kobold Schemer
Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil

Armor Class 12 (mage armor 16)

Hit Points 14 (4d6)
Speed 30 ft.
7 (-2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 8 (-1)

Skills Arcana +6, Investigation +6, Perception +6, Stealth +6

Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Draconic, Thieves’ Cant
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Equipment. The Schemer carries the following equipment at all

times: burglar’s pack, chime of opening, potion of healing,
wand of secrets
Magic Resistance. The Schemer has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Pack Tactics. The Schemer has advantage on an attack roll against
a creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is within 5 feet of the
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Spellcasting. The Schemer is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit
with spell attacks). The Schemer has the following wizard spells

Cantrips (at will): light, friends, message, mage hand

1st level (4 slots): magic missile, mage armor, detect magic,
expeditious retreat
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, locate object
3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, gaseous form

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Schemer has

disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1 (1d4 - 2) piercing damage.
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

Direct. The Schemer can use its reaction to give one team member
another action on that team member’s turn.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 141

Hand of the Dragon

The Scoundrel. Thief, pickpocket and general

Kobold Scoundrel cutthroat, this wily kobold uses their capabilities to
Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil guide the team in and out of the area without being
noticed. The Scoundrel works with the Brute on their
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) points of entry and exit, ensuring everything is in place.
Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5) They are also responsible for finding and disarming
Speed 30 ft.
traps, opening locked doors, as well as finding hidden
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA compartments, entrances and more.
7 (-2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 8 (-1)

Skills Investigation +9, Perception +6, Sleight of

Hand +6, Stealth +9
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Draconic, Thieves’ Cant
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the Scoundrel can use a

bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action.
Equipment. potion of healing, burglar’s pack, Thieves’ tools,
lock picks of thievery (pg. 177)
Magic Resistance. The Scoundrel has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Pack Tactics. The Scoundrel has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is within 5
feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Shroud (3/Day). The Scoundrel can call upon the shadows to
envelop him and those within a 10-foot. radius. If activated during
the day, it creates shadows as if it were dim light. If activated at
night, it is considered nonmagical darkness. Creatures shrouded
by this effect have advantage on Dexterity (stealth) checks and
Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see through the shrouded
area have disadvantage.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The Scoundrel deals an extra 7 (2d6)
damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has
advantage on the attack roll or when the target is within 5 feet of
an ally of the Scoundrel that isn’t incapacitated and doesn’t have
disadvantage on the attack roll.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Scoundrel has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

Multiattack. The Scoundrel makes two attacks: one with its
shortsword and one with its dagger.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Encounter Possibilities
Kobold Abomination A strike force from the Hand of the Dragon is an elite
Medium aberration (kobold), lawful evil team that should not be underestimated, and when
utilized in a way that plays to their strengths, can
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) cause all sorts of problems for adventurers who are
Hit Points 60 (8d8 +24)
Speed 40 ft.
aligned against them. Below are just a few ideas for
incorporating the Hand of the Dragon into your ongoing
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA campaign. Change any of the details to account for party
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 7 (-2) 5 (-3) composition or specifics within your campaign at GM

Saving Throws Str + 6, Con +6

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, piercing and slashing 1d6 The party encounters...
damage from nonmagical weapons ...a Hand strike force (1 Schemer, 2 Scoundrels
Damage Immunities poison and 2 Brutes) attempting to break into a tavern
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned, exhaustion
Senses Blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 8
1 well after hours. Beneath the tavern’s floor is a
Languages Common and Draconic, but cannot speak hidden vault hiding an artifact belonging to a
Challenge 2 (450XP) rival dragon cult.
...a Fist (1 Schemer, 4 Brutes) interfering with a
Charge. If the Abomination moves at least 10 feet straight forward merchant’s wagon. The brutes have flipped the
toward a target and then hits with its headbutt attack on the same
2 wagon on its side and are battering their way
turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. If the
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw through the undercarriage where the Schemer
or be knocked prone. If the target fails its saving throw, the kobold knows the driver keeps his cache of gold.
abomination can use its bonus action to make a headbutt attack. ...a Hand strike force (1 Schemer, 2 Scoundrels
Pack Tactics. The Abomination has advantage on an attack roll and 2 Brutes) that have been tracking the
against a creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is within 5
party for weeks, having been hired to infiltrate
feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. 3
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Abomination has the party’s camp when they are at their most
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) vulnerable and kidnap one of them for a forced
checks that rely on sight. face-to-face with their patron.
...a pair of Abominations that has been let
Actions loose in a town nearby. A Probe (1 Schemer, 1
Multiattack. The Abomination makes two slam attacks and one
Scoundrel and 1 Brute) have been tasked with
headbutt. 4
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: observing them from afar to see how many
10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. members of this town are willing to fight to
Headbutt. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. protect themselves.
Hit: 6 (1d6 +3) bludgeoning damage. ...rumors of an ailing dragon in the nearby hills.
If they attempt to slay this dragon, they will
find the lair is empty, part of a word-of-mouth
5 trap set by two Hand strike forces (2 Schemers,
4 Scoundrels and 4 Brutes) on a mission to
eradicate any would-be dragon slayers from the
...a Fist (1 Schemer, 4 Brutes) hunting down a
rogue Schemer, currently on the run following
a disagreement with her patron about the best
way to topple a siege tower.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 143

Dräken the region, it may have a significant impact upon the
outlook of a dräken.
Size. Dräkens are usually 10–20 percent taller and
A playable race for the 5e system.
more muscular than most humanoids, but it can vary,
Born With depending on the level of mutation from the dragon that
affected the area.
Dragon Magic Speed. A dräken’s base speed is 30 feet.
Some great dragons affect the region around them so Draconic Magic. A dräken has draconic magic
much that many children in the womb are altered by flowing through their veins. Choose the powers that
their magic and take on characteristics of whichever manifest from the mutation tables that follow. There are
dragon was near. Sometimes these regional effects 4 levels of mutations, ranging from cosmetic to draconic
linger for decades, even after a dragon is no longer powers.
present. Breath Weapon. Consult the mutation table to see
Random dragon-like mutations can appear in if a breath weapon becomes a mutation. If so, use the
children. In some cases it’s clear a child is affected when table at right.
they are born, with easily identifiable eyes, horns or skin
that are similar to dragons. Some children do not show
any variance from their own race until they mature into
adulthood. The effects are not limited to certain races;
any within the affected area could be mutated by the
dragon’s regional magic.

Dräken Traits
The dragon’s magical traits will manifest in numerous
ways. No two dräkens are alike. Some show very little
physical change, while others are incredibly exotic —
even demonstrating amazing dragon-like abilities.

Ability Score Increase. Pick a dragon type and adjust

the character’s ability scores on the mutation tables
below. Other dragon types and their associated Ability
Score increases are at GM discretion.

Black Dragon: Str +1, Con +1, Cha +1
Blue Dragon: Str +1, Con +1
Green Dragon: Str +1, Con +1
Red Dragon: Str +2, Con +1
White Dragon: Str +1, Con +1, Int +1
Brass Dragon: Str +1, Con +1
Bronze Dragon: Str +1, Con +1
Copper Dragon: Str +1, Con +1
Gold Dragon: Str +1, Con +1, Cha +1
Silver Dragon: Str +1, Con +1, Cha +1

Age. A dräken can start to enter adulthood faster than

a normal human, elf, orc, etc.—typically a year or two
faster, as the magic that builds within begins to manifest
at an increasing rate. Most live 50 percent longer than
what is usual for their base race.
Alignment. Dräkens are as varied as their natural
race is. Most dräkens lean towards neutral to good but
depending on the alignment of the dragon that affected
Dragon Type Damage Type Breath Weapon
Black Dragon Acid 5 x 30-ft. line (Dex save)
Blue Dragon Lightning 5 x 30-ft. line (Dex save)
Green Dragon Poison 15-ft. cone (Con save)
Red Dragon Fire 15-ft. cone (Dex save)
White Dragon Cold 15-ft. cone (Dex save)
Brass Dragon Fire 15-ft. cone (Dex save)
Bronze Dragon Lightning 5 x 30-ft. line (Dex save)
Copper Dragon Acid 5 x 30-ft. line (Dex save)
Gold Dragon Fire 15-ft. cone (Dex save)
Silver Dragon Cold 15-ft. cone (Dex save)

A dräken with a breath weapon mutation may use

their breath weapon as an action. Each creature in
Bronze Dragon. Observant, strategic, interested in
the area must make a saving throw. The DC for the
warfare and water vessels. Attracted to coastal areas
saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier +
and books of military history.
your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage
Copper Dragon. Jokers, humorous, enjoy riddles,
on a failed save and half as much on a successful one.
tend to be thrifty/conservative. Attracted to hilltops
Damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level
and metal treasures.
and 5d6 at 16th level.
Gold Dragon. Majestic, wise, reserved, private.
After you use your breath weapon, it cannot be used
Attracted to beautiful locations such as rivers, lakes
again until you’ve completed a short or long rest.
and waterfalls. Favors pearls and gemstones.
Damage Resistances. You have resistances based on
Silver Dragon. Friendly and social. Morally driven,
the dragon type that affected the region. This may vary,
with an emphasis on good deeds. Attracted to high
depending on the mutation.
mountain peaks that are secluded and the occasional
Languages. You speak, read and write Common. You
abandoned citadel located high among the clouds.
understand Draconic as you come of age, but must train
to speak it and write it. Dräkens in the World
Dräkens are rare. Most PCs would be meeting a dräken
Traits Based on for the first time. While accepted in most areas of the
Dragon Type world, their widely varying mutations and personality
oftentimes give others pause. (“What ‘kind’ of dräken
Chromatic Dragons are you?”) When dräkens meet new people, they are
Black Dragon. Bad temper, cruelty, disdain for usually met with comments on their unique appearance
weakness, cruel, sense of entitlement. Attracted to and hesitancy about their intentions—not unlike
swamplands and ruins. meeting new people of any race in some respects.
Blue Dragon. Vain, easily insulted, arrogant, Dräkens are not limited in any way when it comes to
territorial. Attracted to desert regions and shiny gems. exploring the world. They are as varied as the humanoid
Green Dragon. Tricksters, bad-tempered, aggressive, beings who birthed them. Their connection to their
power hungry. Attracted to forests, manipulating draconic cousins makes them fascinating to some
humanoids. and an abomination to others. They are humanoid
Red Dragon. Exceptionally vain and arrogant, representations of the magical powers of dragons and
greedy, quick to rage, isolationist, competitive. will be treated very differently depending on where they
Attracted to mountainous regions, plus any wealth are in the world and who they are dealing with.
and the documenting of it.
White Dragon. Animalistic, cruel, greedy, vicious, Dräken Mutations
relying more on survival instincts, easily offended. At 1st level, roll 1d4 to see how many mutations a dräken
Attracted to cold regions and ivory. has. Re-roll duplicate mutations. To determine which
mutation chart to use, take the number (1-4) rolled and
Metallic Dragons make as many percentile rolls (1-100). On a roll of 1-50,
Brass Dragon. Conversational, jovial, talkative, use the Level 1 chart; 51-85, use the Level 2 chart; 86-94,
demanding attention. Attracted to hot/dry climates use the level 3 chart; 95-100, use the level 4 chart.
and magic items that would make for a stimulating Roll mutations again at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th and 20th
conversation. level.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 145


Dräken Mutation Chart

Level 1: Cosmetic
Roll percentile (1-100)

Roll Mutation
1 Arms: muscular and sinewy 43 Head: draconic features
2 Arms: extra long 44 Head: deep-set eyes
3 Arms: forearms have small winglets 45 Head: elongated shape
4 Arms: scaled forearms 46 Legs: clawed feet
5 Arms: bat wing-like skin 47 Legs: extra long
6 Build: always slender 48 Legs: chromatic dragon-colored shins
7 Build: beautiful proportions 49 Legs: metallic dragon-colored shins
8 Build: graceful 50 Legs: unnaturally long feet
9 Build: unusually light
51 Your shadow animates on its own
10 Build: muscular
52 Your shadow has a tail
11 Digits: long
53 Your shadow is dark and metallic
12 Digits: metallic nails
54 Your shadow is prismatic
13 Digits: one more or one fewer
55 Your shadow has wings
14 Digits: shining talons
56 Ashen-colored skin
15 Digits: colorful nails 57 Scaled skin
16 Dragon-colored ears 58 Chromatic dragon-colored skin
17 Scaled ears 59 Metallic dragon-colored skin
18 Pointed ears 60 Glowing skin
19 Ears can pivot 61 Iridescent skin
20 No ears 62 Shadowy skin
21 Dragon/catlike eyes 63 Metallic sheen skin
22 Glowing eyes 64 Prismatic scaled skin
23 Iridescent eyes 65 Shimmering hue skin
24 Jewel-like eyes 66 Voice has no echo
25 Multicolored eyes 67 Voice has a musical quality
26 Face never ages and is youthful 68 Voice is unusually high
27 Metallic dragon-colored lips 69 Voice is unusually low
28 Perfect facial symmetry 70 Draconic whispers heard within 100 feet
29 Beautiful facial features 71 Wings: leathery
30 Metallic facial scar 72 Wings: small, decorative on back
31 Hair always moves 73 Wings: light
32 Hair colored like exotic bird feathers 74 Wings: large chromatic dragon-colored
33 Hair is short and very fine 75 Wings: prismatic
34 Hair is metallic-colored 76 Always looks clean
35 Hands always cool to the touch 77 Always well-lit
36 Hands always warm to the touch 78 Androgynous
37 Scaled hands 79 Breathing sounds deep
38 Palms have scales 80 Clothing billows with no wind
39 Hands slightly blur when moved 81 Chromatic dragon-colored freckles
40 No fingerprints 82 Does not sweat
41 Head: aggressive features 83 Metallic-scented breath
42 Head: bald 84 Dragon tail
85 Melodic laugh You have advantage on
86 Tears are metallic dragon-colored Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
87 Wind whips up when entering room 17 3/long rest, as an action you may use breath
88 Smooth skin/no body hair weapon (pg. 145) as a spell-like ability.
You have advantage on saving
89 Sharp teeth 18
throws against poison.
90 All birds become quiet within 50 feet As an adult, you do not physically
91 Dragon-related birthmark 19 age. However, you live as long as
92 Steamy breath your base race + 50 percent.
93 Body has metallic scent 20 Add +2 to Dexterity score.
94 Food and drink all taste sweet Any armor you wear appears as
21 silver or gold. This illusion applies
95 Lucid sleeping
as long as you wear any armor.
96 Horns You have advantage on any
97 Footprints are dragon-like 22
Wisdom (Insight) saving throws.
98 Body temperature of 99 or higher 3/long rest, as an action, you can cast
99 Roll twice, ignore result 99 or higher create water as a spell-like ability.
100 Roll 3 times, ignore result 99 or higher 24 You have resistance to thunder damage.
You have resistance to damage
from attacks of opportunity.
1/long rest you have a burst of speed for one
Level 2: Abilities minute. Your speed is doubled. You gain a +2
Roll percentile (1-100) bonus to AC. You have advantage on Dexterity
Roll Mutation saving throws, and you gain an additional
3/long rest, as an action, you can heal 1d6 hit action on each of your turns. That action can
1 be used only to take an Attack (one weapon
As an action, use cure wounds Attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide,
2 or Use an Object action.
3/long rest as a spell-like ability.
As an action, you can cast light 1/long rest you may use the spell identify
3 27
as a spell-like ability. as a spell-like ability.
Once per day, you can drink a flask 1/long rest you may use the spell tongues
4 of water containing 1 gp of gold 28
as a spell-like ability.
dust to heal 1d6 hit points. 2/long rest you have advantage on initiative
You gain advantage on 29
5 rolls.
Wisdom (Survival) checks. 1/long rest you have advantage on grappling
You possess taloned fingers that act 30
as natural weapons. They deal 1d4 You have advantage against enchantment
6 31
points of damage on a successful hit spells
and are considered magical weapons.
32 1/long rest you can cast shield as a spell-like
You gain advantage on
7 ability.
Wisdom (Insight) checks.
Coins become clean and shiny if you
Use Charisma instead of Constitution 33
handle them. Values increase by 10 percent.
to determine how many minutes you
8 1/long rest, you gain +2 to AC for one
can hold your breath. 1 + your Charisma 34
minute when you take the Dodge action.
modifier (minimum of 30 seconds).
9 Add +2 to Strength score. 35 1/long rest you can cast aid as a spell-like
10 You may live entirely on a meat diet. You have immunity to non-magical
11 You do not suffer from altitude sickness. 36
insect bites or stings.
12 Your swim speed is naturally 20 feet. 2/long rest you gain advantage on
You have advantage on attacks any Charisma check.
on good-aligned creatures 1/long rest, you emanate a 10-foot healing
As an action, you can cast animal friendship aura as a spell-like ability. The aura lasts for one
as a spell-like ability once per day. minute. While the aura is active, any creature
1/long rest: If you reach 0 hit points, you choose within the aura that drops to 0 hit
15 you may take one more round of points regains 1 hp at the start of their next turn.
actions before falling unconscious. A creature can only benefit from this aura once.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 147


39 You can mimic the sound of any animal. Frightful Presence. 1/day, each creature of
40 Add +2 to Intelligence. your choice within 20 feet and aware of you
1/long rest any willing creature within 10 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
41 of you is immune to the effects of the scrying throw or become frightened for three rounds.
spell. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
1/long rest you may grant one extra bonus end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
action to a single friendly creature within 20 itself on a success. If successful, a creature is
42 immune to your Frightful Presence for 24 hours.
feet. This includes an offhand attack,
casting a spell or a class feature. 1/year, summon a pseudodragon.
You have advantage on any A telepathic bond exists as long as the
43 65 pseudodragon is within 1 mile. If the
saves against fear effects.
pseudodragon is within 10 feet, the bonded
If you are within 300 feet of a dragon
pair share its Magic Resistance trait.
44 in the area, you can meditate
for 10 minutes to learn its name. 66 You gain advantage on attacks against undead.
If a creature is within 10 feet, you always
You have exceptional hearing and 67
know if they are speaking the truth or lying.
45 advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
1/long rest, as an action, you may cast
involving hearing. 68
gust of wind as a spell-like ability.
Breath weapon. As an action you can use your
1/long rest, as an action, you may cast mass
46 breath weapon based on the dragon traits 69
cure wounds as a spell-like ability.
detailed on pg. 145.
You have immunity to a dragon’s 70 +2 added to Constitution.
47 3/long rest, holding 5 gp or more for
Frightful Presence. 71
3/long rest, as an action, you can cast 10 minutes heals 2d8 hp of damage.
spiritual weapon as a spell-like ability. 1/long rest you are resistant to 3rd-
48 72
The spell takes the shape of a small level spells or below.
spectral dragon with sharp claws. If your dead body is laid upon a treasure hoard
49 You gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws. or pile of gold valued at 10,000 gp or more, you
are returned to life as if by the raise dead spell.
50 Add +2 to Wisdom.
This ability works 1d4 times in your lifetime.
1/long rest 50 gp can be turned into a 1/long rest you may touch any willing creature
51 wholesome meal that heals 1d4 creatures to to reduce their level of exhaustion down to 1.
full health. This is considered a short rest. You know the alignment of any creature
1/long rest, as an action, you can cast within 10 feet.
comprehend languages as a spell-like ability. 1/week, as an action, you may cast remove
53 +2 added to Charisma. curse as a spell-like ability.
You gain advantage to attacks 1/year, as an action, you may cast contact
54 77
against evil-aligned creatures. other plane as a spell-like ability.
1/long rest, as an action, you can cast 1/day, you may determine the value of
55 78
augury as a spell-like ability. any item.
1/long rest, as an action, you can cast You know the positions of the stars and can
56 79
zone of truth as a spell-like ability. navigate anywhere without getting lost.
57 You gain advantage on Death saving throws. 80 You have resistance to fire.
Any creature that causes harm to you Any willing creature within 10 feet of you
58 must roll a DC14 Constitution save, 81 heals 1d6 additional Hit Points when
or suffer 1d4 points of acid damage. taking a short rest.
59 Choose any ability score and increase it by 2. 1/long rest, as an action, you may cast
mending as a spell-like ability.
60 You always know where true north is.
You have advantage on all ability checks if you
61 When rolling a d20, treat a 19 as a 20. 83
are within 100 feet of an evil-aligned dragon.
Regeneration. You regain 1 hit point 84 You have resistance to cold.
each round. Fire or acid damage disrupts
85 Any healing effects upon you are doubled.
62 regeneration, requiring normal or magical
You and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you
healing. Once fully healed, the 86
can’t be Frightened while you are conscious.
regeneration resets.
You gain advantage on Wisdom
+3 AC bonus against any creature 87
63 (Animal Handling) checks.
that has a charge attack.
88 All weapon attacks are magical.
89 You have immunity against disease. 1/week you can shapechange as a spell-like
90 You have resistance to acid. 11 ability. If outside, the new form attracts unwanted
1/long rest you can fly for 2d4 rounds attention from insects, obscuring the area for 10
91 minutes.
at a speed of 40 feet.
3/long rest you can choose to go first on 1/long rest you can cast haste upon yourself as
initiative. 12 a spell-like ability. However, no other spell-like
1/long rest, as an action, you can cast enlarge/ abilities can be used until you take a short rest.
reduce as a spell-like ability. Gain +1 to any ability score. Your skin becomes
1/week, as an action, you can pearlescent white and you have sunlight sensitivity.
94 2/long rest you may roll an extra d6 on an
shapechange as a spell-like ability.
You gain advantage on 14 attack damage roll, but reduce your maximum hp
Charisma (Persuasion) checks. by 1d4 until you take a long rest.
96 3/long rest you can re-roll a 1. 1/long rest if you fail a saving throw, you can
1/long rest if you fail a saving throw, 15 choose to succeed instead. The effect causes you to
97 be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
you can choose to succeed instead.
1/long rest you have resistance to 1/long rest you cannot be surprised. However, you
98 16
any dragon breath weapon. are forced to go last on initiative.
99 You cannot be surprised. 1/long rest any gold you spend is considered
17 double its value, but your Wisdom score is reduced
100 Roll on this table twice, ignoring rolls of 100.
by 2 points until you take a short rest.
2/long rest, for one minute, you have advantage
Level 3: Abilities and Drawbacks to attacks against evil-aligned creatures. However,
good-aligned creatures have advantage against
Roll a d20 (1-20) you until the end of your next turn.
Roll Mutation You have advantage on all ability checks if you
2/long rest, for 1 minute, you have advantage on are within 100 feet of a dragon. However, the
attacks against good-aligned creatures. However, dragon becomes keenly aware of your location as
1 19
evil-aligned creatures have advantage against you if using the scrying spell, with the equivalent
until the end of your next turn. knowledge of a body part, lock of hair, bit of nail
Add +2 to Strength score. Subtract or the like.
1 from Intelligence score. Add +2 to your AC as natural armor. Choose one
2/long rest, for one minute, you gain advantage on 20
ability score and reduce the number by 1.
3 any Charisma check, but have disadvantage
on all Dexterity checks.
2/long rest you may choose to go first on initiative,
but gain 1 level of exhaustion.
3/long rest you have advantage on a saving throw,
5 but take 1d6 psychic damage for each
unsuccessful save.
1/long rest, as an action, you cast lightning bolt
6 as a spell-like ability. The spell shocks you
as well and you take 1d4 lighting damage.
3/long rest you gain advantage on a melee attack.
7 However, a single enemy within range takes
an attack of opportunity against you.
Any willing creature within 10 feet of you
heals 2d6 additional hit points when taking a
short rest. However, you take 1d6 points of
necrotic damage.
Add +2 to Intelligence score. Subtract 1 from
Charisma score.
You have resistance to fire, but have
vulnerability to cold damage.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 149


Level 4: Drawbacks
Roll a d20 (1-20)
Roll Mutation
Your eyes are blighted and you have
sunlight sensitivity.
2 -1 to Strength score.
3 -1 to Dexterity score.
4 -1 to Constitution score.
You must eat twice as much as a normal creature.
5 Each day that passes without eating five meals will
result in a level of exhaustion.
You extinguish any natural light source
within 10 feet.
Any friendly creature you touch is slowed for 1d4
rounds per initiative. An affected creature’s speed
is halved, it takes a −2 penalty to AC and Dexterity
saving throws, and it can’t use reactions.
You are obsessed with collecting gold and
8 valuables and have disadvantage when negotiating
the price of anything of value.
When talking, there is a one in four chance of
9 only speaking draconic. Roll 1d4. On roll of 1, the
condition occurs and lasts one minute.
10 Dogs within 20 feet that can see you begin barking.
You are wracked with paranoia in a city. Any
11 Charisma checks are at a disadvantage in towns,
villages or cities.
When speaking to any commoner, roll a d10. If the
12 result is a 1, the commoner must succeed on a DC
15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened.
In moonlight, all ability scores under 13 are
reduced to 8.
Spell-like abilities have a 1 in 10 chance of failure
(1 on d10).
If you roll a 1 on any Death saving throw, you
automatically die.
16 You always go last on initiative.
17 -1 Intelligence score.
18 -1 Wisdom score.
19 -1 Charisma score.
You have thunder susceptibility. Take 1d4 extra
20 bludgeoning damage on every thunder-based
attack against you.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 151

Dragon Cults

Dragon Cults weak, infirmed and depressed, offering them a chance

at power, redemption and greatness. Most of the time,
these unfortunate people are used in the cult’s sacrificial
When you’ve lived as long as some of the dragons in this
book, you’re going to attract a bit of attention. May as rituals. Some are found worthy of being accepted into
well turn it into something useful—like a small army the ranks of the Degenerates.
that will follow your every command. Tactics: In the more civilized areas of the world, the
Disciples of Decay use scrolls of magical power to cause
The Disciples of Decay chaos within cities, spurring interest in their teachings.
They whisper into the dreams of sleeping victims and
Hierarchy: Vicar of Decay, Lifeless, Degenerates cause nightmares. They create panic with disease,
Racial Makeup: The Disciples of Decay cult worships blindness and madness.
Xavour, the Plague Bringer, and is mainly comprised of When they have caused enough desperation within a
half-orcs, orcs and humans. Half-orcs account for most town, they enter and offer a solution to the problem they
of the cult members, however, as Xavour was a half-orc created. They accept the panicked citizens into their
prior to his transformation into a dragon. The belief ranks, with most of them earmarked to be sacrificed in
is that since half-orcs are closer to his original form, the name of a patron that most likely does not care.
Xavour will bestow greater favors upon those followers. The world is an unforgiving place. So are the Disciples
Origin Story and Organization: The Disciples of of Decay. They keep a long list of enemies in their Book
Decay initially formed shortly after Xavour’s rise to of Heretics. The cult members populate the book with
prominence. When Xavour traveled the land and left a the names of people they interact with during their time
wake of desolation, certain persons were attracted to his in “civilized” cultures. This book is used for all manner
power. These individuals sought him out and begged to of evil purposes, from blackmail to murder.
follow him, and Xavour allowed their worship. Xavour
is by no means a patron that actually bestows magical
powers upon those who worship him. However, there
is one half-orc whom he has chosen to lead this ragtag
group: Ja-ah’Or. This individual is known as the Vicar of Ja-ah’Or, the Vicar of Decay
Decay, and he is the only one who has received magical Large half-orc, lawful evil
assistance from Xavour. Ja-ah’Or (Ja-a-oar) was the
Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)
strongest and first to offer his life up to Xavour. Ja-
Hit Points 88 (13d8 + 30)
ah’Or uses his abilities to gather others to the cause of Speed 30 ft.
sacrifice, consumption and death. These are the Three
Pillars of Decay, and each one symbolizes an important STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
aspect of their beliefs. 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)
As the cult grew, Ja-ah’Or came to require
Skills Intimidation +6, Medicine +8, Religion +6
subordinates to manage its followers. To that end, he
Senses passive Perception 14
created a leadership class known as the Lifeless, upon Languages Common, Draconic
whose members he bestowed magical abilities. Their job Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
is to break down the cult’s vast following into smaller,
more manageable groups, direct day-to-day operations Dark Favor. As a bonus action, Ja-ah’Or can expend a spell slot to
cause his melee weapon attacks to deal an extra 10 (3d6) necrotic
and oversee recruitment efforts. Those responsible for
damage to a target on a hit. This benefit lasts until the end of the
performing these tasks are known as Degenerates, the turn. If Ja-ah’Or expends a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the
lowest in the cult and the most plentiful. extra damage increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
Recruitment, Mission & Goals: The Disciples of Spellcasting. Ja-ah’Or is a 13th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
Decay seek to spread Xavour’s teachings. They use ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks).
He has the following cleric spells prepared:
the Three Pillars of Decay to guide themselves in their
practices, rituals and recruitment. When the Lifeless, Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): inflict wounds, guiding bolt, sanctuary
often followed by a company of Degenerates, travel to
2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon
populated areas, they disguise who they are and speak 3rd level (3 slots): spirit guardians, vampiric touch
kindly to strangers. Their one identifying mark is a 4th level (2 slots): blight, death ward
tattoo of an X in a circle clutched by a dragon’s claw. 5th level (1 slot): cloudkill
Though this tattoo is most often found upon a cult
member’s left forearm, it sometimes appears in the form Actions
Mage’s Multiattack. Ja-ah’Or can make two attacks with his
of a talisman hanging around their neck. Heavy Mace or make one attack and cast a spell.
The Disciples of Decay seek out the homeless and the Heavy Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
outcast. They spend their time in seedy inns, rough- target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
and-tumble taverns and dimly lit alleys corrupting the
Adventure Hooks
Lifeless Cult Fanatic
1. A small village is experiencing a widespread onset of
Medium humanoid (any race), lawful evil
nightmares. Residents of all ages claim a great calamity
is going to strike their town. Some have vanished in the Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
night. The locals believe they have fled, yet none of their Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
belongings were taken. Their homes are just empty. Speed 30 ft.
2. Recently, children of a town have started to go blind.
Their parents have brought them to the local priest, who
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
heals the children, only for them to return the next day,
blind again. Either these priests are innocent to the cause, Skills Deception +4, Persuasion +4, Religion +2
or they are Disciples of Decay who have taken the place of Senses passive Perception 11
resident priests and are waiting for the right time to strike. Languages Common, Draconic
3. The local taverns have started to lose their regulars. At Challenge 2 (450 XP)
first, some thought these folks had found another watering
Dark Devotion. The Lifeless has advantage on saving throws
hole. But one day, a local huntsman was out looking against being charmed or frightened.
for game and came upon a gruesome scene: a shrine Sickening Death. When the Lifeless dies, its body explodes,
constructed with the bloodless, dismembered bodies of the spreading poisonous bile. Any creature within 30 feet of the
missing regulars. Lifeless when it dies must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or suffer 14 (4d6) poison damage.
Spellcasting. The Lifeless is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks). It
has the following cleric spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy

1st level (4 slots): command, inflict wounds, shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon

Multiattack. The Lifeless makes two melee attacks.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good alignment

Armor Class 13 (leather armor)

Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Deception +2, Religion +2

Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Dark Devotion. The Degenerate has advantage on saving throws

against being charmed or frightened.
Brutal Efficiency. If the Degenerate succeeds on a melee attack, it
can make two additional attacks as a bonus action.

Long Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Long Spear. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 20/60 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 153

Dragon Cults

The Cult of Zuth gaslighting, mystical manipulation and various magical

mind control techniques to grasp and maintain power.
Hierarchy: High Priest, Diviner, Acolyte Erdonan began his cult membership as an honest and
Racial Makeup: The cult is mainly made up of devoted disciple. However, in his travels and adventures,
humans, half-elves and a smattering of elves. he came across an amulet that granted him power over
Background: These druidic worshipers revere the minds of others. This power had a price, and that was
the great dragon Zuth, honoring the beast as a paid in full with his sanity. An evil spirit resides within
living, breathing deity. The druids see in Zuth all this amulet, placed there by a mad warlock long since
the contradictory principles of harmony and chaos dead. This evil spirit has transformed the once honest
expressed in a single being. Erdonan into a tool for its domination of life. Erdonan
The cult of Zuth exists to predict and document Zuth’s himself is unaware of the changes in his personality,
arrivals, to give warning to those in its path and to obstruct as they have taken place over years and years. Those
all efforts to prevent Zuth’s rampages of destruction. immune to the forces of the evil spirit have seen this
They are well aware of the contradictions in their stated change in the once mild-mannered cult member and
purposes, but they are contradictions that imitate the secretly work to usurp him.
being they worship. In their minds, Zuth is a necessary
component of Nature, and Nature is a force beyond all Adventure Hooks
mortal comprehension. They take this dichotomy at face 1. Several skeptical members of the cult approach the
value, and their convictions are firmly grounded in Zuth party and request assistance with removing Erdonan
being an unyielding truth of the universe. from the cult’s leadership. They are quite distraught,
The cult has utilized the arts of astronomy and having seen their fellow members succumb to such
divination to predict each of Zuth’s arrivals for thousands obvious trickery. They are definitely in the minority,
of years. Their history states that they have made all however, hence their desperate plea of help to an outside
predictions of Zuth’s appearances without flaw. Each time group. They have gathered a meager fortune as a reward.
Zuth appears, they record the event with great diligence, 2. Have a zealot influence a nearby town, resulting in
tallying the fatalities of dragons and coldly documenting the cult’s influence growing to the point where most are
the collateral damage that results from Zuth’s hunts. converted. As above, a small minority within the town
Their indifference to suffering has caused many to hate appeals to the traveling group for help with expunging
the cult, driving them beyond the edges of civilization. the evil influence, as lately there have been human
As a result, the cult’s numbers have dwindled over the sacrifices to bring about Zuth’s next arrival. This is,
centuries, from thousands to barely a hundred. It is the in fact, a lie spread by Erdonan. The evil spirit that
opinion of the cult’s members that their motives are sorely possesses him craves blood, misery and suffering, and
misunderstood; their intentions are to help not harm, and so it uses Erdonan as a vessel to achieve these ends. The
to keep others from interfering in Zuth’s necessary work. group may also try to thwart one of these sacrifices and
Many people reject this narrative, and some nations have find themselves amid an angry crowd and have to escape,
outright banned the practice of worshiping Zuth. Others only to find that the execution went on as scheduled as
kill cult members on sight, seeing them as protectors of a soon as they were driven away. If the group manages
brutal force that begets great suffering. to kill Erdonan or remove his amulet, the townspeople
Regardless of the perils, cultists will often arrive will awake from their hypnotic trance in horror. Their
months or even years before a Great Purge to warn the attitude will be grateful yet mournful of a bittersweet end
realm of its arrival. Some listen, but this is rare. Zuth to their captivity. Reward the group as appropriate to
only comes around every hundred years—and thousands their level with a moderate cache of gems, silver and gold.
of years pass between Great Purges—so Zuth’s existence Once the elders of the town discover the amulet was the
is usually in question by cult outsiders. Most mortal source of their misery, they will demand its destruction.
beings regard the stories of Zuth as complete fiction
concocted by fanatics.

A New Vision
Recently, a charismatic human member of the cult,
Erdonan Haverth, has risen up through the ranks
to sit at the head of the cult. By careful and clever
manipulations and assistance from a powerful magic
artifact, he has charmed the members into believing
that he is the personification of Zuth and that he should
be worshiped as such. At first, the cult was skeptical,
but Erdonan persevered in his clever deceptions,
using tactics like information control (milieu control),
Erdonan, Archdruid of Zuth Purge Cultists
Medium human, chaotic evil Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 16 (hide armor, shield) Armor Class 14 (hide armor)

Hit Points 93 (17d8 + 17) Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +9 Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +6, Wis +8
Skills Nature +5, Perception +9, Persuasion +8 Skills Animal Handling +8 Nature +3, Perception +8
Senses passive Perception 19 Senses passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Draconic, Druidic Languages Common, Druidic
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Amulet of Amongar. This amulet contains the spirit of Amongar, Beast Wardens. Any beast controlled or commanded by the Purge
a dark presence working to corrupt the mortal plane. Any Cultist rolls twice the usual damage dice when rolling for damage.
creature wearing the amulet must succeed on a DC 30 Wisdom Spellcasting. The purge cultist is a 7th-level spellcaster. Its
saving throw at the start of each dawn or must spend the day spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with
doing Amongar’s bidding. spell attacks). It has the following druid spells prepared:
Spellcasting. Erdonan is a 13th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, produce flame, resistance,
He has the following druid spells prepared: thorn whip
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, faerie fire, thunderwave
Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, mending, poison spray, 2nd level (3 slots): beast sense, flame blade, pass without trace
produce flame 3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, plant growth
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, faerie fire, 4th level (1 slot): dominate beast
peak with animals
2nd level (3 slots): animal messenger, beast sense, hold person
3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, meld into stone,
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
water breathing target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage or 4 (1d8) bludgeoning
4th level (3 slots): dominate beast, locate creature, stoneskin, damage if used with two hands.
wall of fire
5th level (3 slots): commune with nature, mass cure wounds,
tree stride
6th level (1 slot): heal, heroes’ feast, sunbeam
7th level (1 slot): fire storm

Shillelagh. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Change Shape (2/Day). Erdonan magically polymorphs into
a beast or elemental with a challenge rating of 6 or less and
can remain in this form for up to 9 hours. Erdonan can choose
whether his equipment falls to the ground, melds with his new
form or is worn by the new form. Erdonan reverts to his true form
if he dies or falls unconscious. Erdonan can revert to his true form
using a bonus action on his turn.
While in a new form, Erdonan retains his game statistics and
ability to speak, but his AC, movement modes, Strength and
Dexterity are replaced by those of the new form, and he gains any
special senses, proficiencies, traits, actions and reactions (except
class features, legendary actions, and lair actions) that the new
form has but that he lacks. He can cast his spells with verbal or
somatic components in his new form.
The new form’s attacks count as magical for the purpose of
overcoming resistances and immunity to nonmagical attacks.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 155

Dragon Hunting
The formal practice of hunting and killing dragons
specifically for resources harvested from their corpses
dragon hunting today
Recently, a book of magic was discovered (ironically
was declared illegal more than 250 years ago. The found in a long-abandoned dragon hoard) that
practice was banned due to the many dangers involved could put the 250 years of peace with dragonkind at
with hunting dragons—the most important being the risk. Inside, it is rumored that there are many spells
destruction hunted dragons often wrought upon society. specifically designed to utilize the organs from dragons.
Towns and communities that prospered for a time, These spells were lost to history, but have since
their growth spurred by the wealth trade in dragon parts resurfaced, as the book’s contents have been copied and
could foster, faced the wrath of dragons who sought shared in mage’s circles throughout the realm. While
vengeance for their kin, laying waste to the cities that this spellbook and its copies are not widely available, it
profited from the slaughter and harvesting of their brings attention (many would say unwanted attention)
dragonkind. Dragons took special care to destroy towns back to dragon hunting and to the black market
that hosted dragon hunters. So thorough was their quest economy that exists around it. Whatever small market
for vengeance that mere rumors of a dragon hunter there may have been for dragon-related trophies, this
having passed through made a community a target. discovery has since driven prices up, as the harvested
In a rare time of solidarity, leaders across the lands organs, scales and bones are now considered a rare
made it known that dragon hunting was an offense commodity.
punishable by death. All flying ships were grounded Worse still for the market (though some may argue
and dismantled. Harvesting dragon organs was never it’s a positive), the effectiveness of these spells helps
allowed again. push back the ever-increasing rise of monstrous activity.
This, of course, was a problem for those who profited For decades, there has been an increase in violence
from hunting dragons. Many dragon hunters went toward peaceful communities from nearby orc tribes,
underground, and their trade is only whispered of today. goblin hordes and various other monsters that would
There is a black market for buying and selling dragon claim the world as their own. Whether the humans,
organs away from any villages or towns. Community elves, dwarves and halflings would admit it, the magic
leaders dare not take the risk of hosting dragon hunters, generated from using dragon-enhanced spells is actually
no matter how profitable it may be. beneficial. As such, the black market for dragon parts
has grown considerably. Dragon hunters remain in
Dragon Hunters demand, despite their outlaw status. Some leaders,
in Society including royalty, employ dragon hunters in off-the-
books arrangements as part of their territory’s arcane
Most dragon hunters encountered today are considered
defense programs.
boisterous and lower class, lacking any self-awareness or
knowledge of history. Entire villages were destroyed and
families wiped out as the dragons took their vengeance. a dwarf remembers
Anyone claiming to have a romantic or sympathetic Only the oldest dwarves and elves (who choose to
idea about dragon hunting is usually considered acknowledge it) recall the times that dragon hunting
controversial. Those that claim the title of “dragon was an open profession. One dwarf in particular speaks
hunter” are often looked at with disgust—or at the very fondly of his days as the captain of a dragon hunting
least, suspicion—as it is usually only associated with ship called the Golden Talon—a heavily armored, 20-
bringing destruction to otherwise peaceful communities. ton airship that saw 58 documented air battles. Rynden
Some dragon hunters see themselves as logical or Aethedorn was the last airship captain to struggle for
rational business types, supplying what the market air supremacy at the young (by dwarven standards) age
needs. Others see themselves as heroes, ridding the of 65. He hasn’t forgotten the thrill of the hunt or the
world of dragons and various monsters that have no danger it carries alongside it.
regard for the lives of most humanoids. Whatever the Rynden Aethedorn has been openly critical of the
reason, the trade of dragon-related goods remains politics that have been in place for 200+ years. It’s
incredibly profitable, but comes with a hefty price: It’s abundantly clear he yearns to once again do battle
easily the most dangerous job in the realm. with the most fearsome creatures of the sky. He is
as passionate as he is possessed, with a dangerous
look every time he speaks—enough to penetrate
any soul. It’s obvious why anyone would follow him
onto his ship, as his tales of conquest over deadly
draconic beasts could stir even the most conservative members to join his band of dragon hunters. He can sniff
adventurer’s heart. Clearly, he knows what he’s doing, out a snitch and would know a genuine interest when it
despite there being a touch of madness associated with presents itself. The life of a dragon hunter is not easy by
his passion and charisma. any stretch, but it could prove immensely profitable, or at
Rynden is beyond wealthy, having obtained all his least rewarding. It could also land them in prison.
riches hunting dragons centuries ago. Yet, he is not
driven by the pursuit of wealth. That is a foolish reason to Becoming a Dragon Hunter
him (“Only a fool chases coin”). He is driven only by the Any PC may become a dragon hunter, provided they
hunt and the reward of keeping the world safe — ­ despite meet the following prerequisites:
never receiving credit for it. He has no love for politicians
that seek to vilify him for being “out of touch” and for • Strength 13, Wisdom 15, Charisma 15
being a fossil of a time long past. While he admires • No outstanding warrants or bounties
dragons (a few have left their permanent scars upon
him), they are simply an objective to overcome. A means Half of all wealth obtained is dedicated to a chosen
to an end. A commodity that is...necessary for progress. dragon hunting faction. A PC who fails to pay them is
If the party were to seek him out, Rynden would stripped of all their benefits. A PC declares themselves
prove he walks the walk even as he talks by furiously to a faction, and it is a well-guarded secret. At GM
pointing to any area of a map and stating with a mad discretion, the practice of dragon hunting is illegal.
look in his eye, “The world needs me. Though they Therefore, it is never discussed openly.
won’t know it until their city is overrun with orcs. After a declaration ceremony to their faction, a PC
They might not like it, but what I do is necessary for gains the following benefits:
survival. I’ve seen the slow creep of filth edging our
borders. You humans don’t see it because your flame • Advantage on Frightful Presence saving throws.
burns out quickly. Time is your enemy. I see it with • Advantage on Breath Weapon saving throws.
my ancient eyes, I do. It’s happening, and I’ll die • At 10th level, a PC can choose to be resistant to
before we get overrun by those damned monsters. one damage type: Acid, Cold, Lightning or Fire. These
Where did the real heroes go? It’s time we turn the resistances do not stack with any other similar effects.
tide again.” • At 11th level, once per long rest, a dragon hunter
He would then turn to face the group with a smile, may cast true strike as a bonus action.
“What’s the worst that will happen? Death? Hahaha! • Immediate attunement to dragon tools (pg. 177).
Life is the hunt. Life is the reward you get by hunting the
beast in the sky. That is when you know you are alive!”
If they are interested, Rynden would invite any party

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 157

Dragon Hunting

Dragon Hunting The Lights of Golden Triumph

Nearly forgotten, and perhaps only remaining in
Factions stories, the Lights of Golden Triumph were the last
All dragon hunting factions are underground documented faction to hunt dragons openly—some
operations. There are several layers of protection in would say defiantly. Their members were all arrested
place to ensure only those worthy of hiring dragon after continuing the practice. Most were executed as a
hunters can do so. Speaking openly about dragon harsh reminder of the devastation the practice of dragon
hunting may land the party in jail, depending on what hunting brought upon local villages.
a town’s history with dragons may be. As such, these Rumors suggest some members still meet in secret,
factions are more likely to seek the party out rather than but it is unclear if the faction truly functions now. In its
be discovered at random. day, they wore fine garments of black and gold with a
sigil of a severed dragon claw.
The Dragon Swords
The Dragon Swords is the oldest and most infamous of The Green Swords
the dragon hunting factions. A clandestine operation, its The Green Swords is a spin-off and a rival faction of the
name is spoken only in hushed tones. This faction often Dragon Swords. Rynden Aethedorn and an elf called
has members spread out into various cities, hidden Bellanus Yanorin argued over how to run the faction
in plain sight. Their well-constructed buildings rarely “properly” centuries ago. This led to the creation of
show activity, but they remain standing to this day. the Green Swords, but due to the outlawed practice of
Any symbolism on the outside has been removed and dragon hunting, this splinter group went underground,
replaced with city sigils and iconography. Its current deep within the forests. It is unclear if the faction still
leader is a dwarf named Rynden Aethedorn. meets or has members, but in its time, due to the skill
It is rumored that the Dragon Swords (members call of their crews and the wealth they created, the Green
themselves the Swords) have one of the last remaining Swords were considered the greatest dragon hunting
dragon hunting ships in the world. If true, no one has faction the world had ever known.
seen it fly in hundreds of years.
Dragon Parts Economy
Everything, allegedly, has a price. Dragon parts are no
different. What follows is a list of dragon organs and
Understanding the Table
Part. The useful dragon part that may be harvested.
price associated for each dragon type, as well as how
Usage. Typical usage of the part. These may be
those parts can be utilized in spellcasting. Specific
components for magic spells, adornments for armor or
dragon organs are used for magic item creation, healing
improvements to arms or simply trophies for collectors.
and rituals. Others are explicitly used for spell casting.
GP Value. The typical market value of a part sold.
Unique dragons that are harvested may provide more
Merchants will offer 50-75 percent of the GP Value
rare ingredients and their effects at GM discretion.
when buying dragon parts.
Determine which dragon parts will be useful after a
DC. The difficulty level of handling or field dressing any
dragon is killed. A fierce battle may render many of the
dragon part. A creature must roll a Wisdom (Survival)
parts listed below as damaged or useless. Depending on
check against this DC to properly handle a dragon part.
how the battle went, you may determine whether or not
Failure by 5 or more results in a damaged and useless
harvesting a particular part is more challenging.
part that has no value.
DC Fail Result. The result of a failed DC check.
Dragon Sizes Spoilage. How many days a dragon part will last before
A dragon’s body will typically last up to three days spoiling.
before completely spoiling. Depending on the size of
the dragon, consider how it will be transported. Field
dressing a dragon body may be the best or only option. • What is a Draconis Fundamentum?
An organ found only inside dragons relating
Size Length Weight to the dragon’s breath weapon, the draconis
Wyrmling 4-8 ft. 20-40 lb fundamentum is a gland that helps metabolize
Young 16-30 ft. 320-2000 lb and transform whatever the dragon eats into fuel
Adult 30-55 ft . 2000-20,000 lb for its breath weapon.
Ancient 55-85 ft. 20,000-160,000 lb
Great Wyrm 85-120 ft. 160,000-1,250,000 lb

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 159

Dragon Parts Economy

Dragon Parts Economy: Wyrmling and Young

Dragon Age Part Usage GP Value DC DC Fail Result Spoilage
Wyrmling Blood (10 vials) Component 175 15 – .5
Wyrmling Claws (each) Component 100 5 – –
2d10 breath weapon
Wyrmling Draconis Fundamentum Component 1,000 20 3
Wyrmling Egg – – – – –
Wyrmling Eyes Component 100 10 – 2
Wyrmling Gizzard Component 80 18 2d6 breath weapon damage* 3
Wyrmling Heart Component 2,000 15 – 2
Wyrmling Horn/Bones 500 5 – –
Wyrmling Liver Component 100 10 – 2
Wyrmling Scales (each) 10 15 – –
Wyrmling Skull Trophy/Armor 1,000 5 – –
Wyrmling Tooth Component/Trophy 50 5 – –
Wyrmling Tongue Component 50 5 – 3
Wyrmling Wings Component 2,000 10 – –

Young Blood (10 vials) Component 200 15 – .5

Young Claws (each) Component 150 5 – –
3d10 breath weapon
Young Draconis Fundamentum Component 1,500 20 3
Young Egg – – – – –
Young Eyes Component 150 10 – 2
Young Gizzard Component 100 18 3d6 breath weapon damage* 3
Young Heart Component 3,000 15 – 2
Young Horn/Bones 600 5 – –
Young Liver Component 200 10 – 2
Young Scales (each) 15 15 – –
Young Skull Trophy/Armor 1,500 5 – –
Young Tooth Component/Trophy 75 5 – –
Young Tongue Component 75 5 – 3
Young Wings Component 2,000 10 – –

*Breath weapon damages are: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning and Poison. Damage
depends on the type of dragon being harvested. Proceed with caution!
Dragon Parts Economy: Adult and Ancient
Dragon Age Part Usage GP Value DC DC Fail Result Spoilage
Adult Blood (10 vials) Component 250 15 – .5
Adult Claws (each) Component 200 5 – –
4d10 breath weapon
Adult Draconis Fundamentum Component 2,000 20 3
Adult Egg Component/Trophy 10,000 20 – –
Adult Eyes Component 200 10 – 2
Adult Gizzard Component 120 18 4d6 breath weapon damage* 3
Adult Heart Component 4,000 15 – 2
Adult Horn/Bones 1,000 5 – –
Adult Liver Component 500 10 – 2
Adult Scales (each) 30 15 – –
Adult Skull Trophy/Armor 2,000 5 – –
Adult Tooth Component/Trophy 100 5 – –
Adult Tongue Component 100 5 – 3
Adult Wings Component 3,000 10 – –

Ancient Blood (10 vials) Component 500 15 – .5

Ancient Claws (each) Component 200 5 – –
6d10 breath weapon
Ancient Draconis Fundamentum Component 2,000 20 3
Ancient Egg Component/Trophy 20,000 – – –
Ancient Eyes Component 400 10 – 2
Ancient Gizzard Component 240 18 6d6 breath weapon damage* 3
Ancient Heart Component 8,000 15 – 2
Ancient Horn/Bones 1,500 5 – –
Ancient Liver Component 700 10 – 2
Ancient Scales (each) 50 15 – –
Ancient Skull Trophy/Armor 3,000 5 – –
Ancient Tooth Component/Trophy 125 5 – –
Ancient Tongue Component 200 5 – 3
Ancient Wings Component 6,000 10 – –

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 161

Dragon Parts Economy

Dragon Part Weights

Part Age Weight Part Age Weight
Claws Wyrmling 30 lb Claws Adult 80 lb
Draconis Fundamentum Wyrmling 80 lb Draconis Fundamentum Adult 150 lb
Egg Wyrmling – Egg Adult 50 lb
Eyes Wyrmling 5 lb Eyes Adult 20 lb
Gizzard Wyrmling 80 lb Gizzard Adult 150 lb
Heart Wyrmling 200 lb Heart Adult 500 lb
Horn/Bones Wyrmling 5-10 lb Horn/Bones Adult 20-30 lb
Liver Wyrmling 50 lb Liver Adult 100 lb
Scales Wyrmling – Scales Adult –
Skull Wyrmling 200 lb Skull Adult 700 lb
Tooth Wyrmling .5 lb Tooth Adult 1 lb
Tongue Wyrmling 30 lb Tongue Adult 80 lb
Wings Wyrmling 100 lb Wings Adult 500 lb

Part Age Weight Part Age Weight

Claws Young 60 lb Claws Ancient 100 lb
Draconis Fundamentum Young 125 lb Draconis Fundamentum Ancient 200 lb
Egg Young – Egg Ancient 50 lb
Eyes Young 10 lb Eyes Ancient 25 lb
Gizzard Young 125 lb Gizzard Ancient 200 lb
Heart Young 400 lb Heart Ancient 600 lb
Horn/Bones Young 10-20 lb Horn/Bones Ancient 30-40 lb
Liver Young 80 lb Liver Ancient 150 lb
Scales Young – Scales Ancient –
Skull Young 500 lb Skull Ancient 800 lb
Tooth Young 1 lb Tooth Ancient 1 lb
Tongue Young 60 lb Tongue Ancient 100 lb
Wings Young 250 lb Wings Ancient 1000 lb

Miscellaneous dragon part uses: Work with

your players to imagine useful and creative ways to
implement dragon parts into your game. Dragons
are very magical creatures, so the possibilities are
endless. Examples include.
• Dragon horn shards: Used for healing, adding
resistances, overall general health and stamina.
• Armor upgrades using scales and bones.
• Dragon blood: Potions of Strength or
Constitution, vitality, cures, etc.
• Weapon upgrades created by using portions of the
draconis fundamentum in a forge.
• Some areas of the world may value dragon parts
more than precious metals. The exchange rate may
be well worth traveling to these regions.
Enhanced Spells
Using Dragon Components
Listed below are spells that use material components. Each of them have been enhanced by the addition of parts
harvested from dragons. Their magical nature can increase the potency or allow for added effects to occur.

Spell Name Level Material Component Components Consumed?

Powdered rhubarb leaf and an adder’s stomach
Acid Arrow 2 No
Black dragon horn shavings: damage increase of 1d4
A tiny strip of white cloth
Aid 2 No
Silver dragon tooth: add an additional target
A tiny bell and a piece of fine silver wire
Alarm 1 No
Silver dragon scales: range increase of 10 feet
A morsel of food
Animal Friendship 1 Yes
Gold dragon scale: imposes disadvantage on the save
Animal Messenger 2 A morsel of food Yes
Brass dragon tooth: grants the beast resistance to all damage
Drop of blood, piece of flesh and pinch of bone dust
Animate Dead 3 Yes
Piece of dragon liver: 1 additional undead
Pinch of powdered iron or iron filings
Antimagic Field 8 Yes
Metallic dragon horn shavings: range increase of 10 feet
Lump of alum soaked in vinegar for antipathy effect,
Antipathy/Sympathy 8 or a drop of honey for the sympathy effect No
3 different dragon scales: duration of 5 additional days
A bit of bat fur
Arcane Eye 4 No
Dragon scales: range increase of 10 feet
Arcane Hand 5 Eggshell and a snakeskin glove No
Dragon claw: the hand gains resistance to non-magical damage
Gold dust worth at least 25 gp
Arcane Lock 2 Yes
Dragon egg shell: the DC increases by 5 (15 total)
Miniature platinum sword with a grip and pommel of copper
Arcane Sword 7 and zinc, worth 250 gp No
Dragon tooth: add 1d10 force damage
Arcanist’s Magic Small square of silk
2 No
Aura Dragon tongue: the aura cannot be dispelled
One jacinth (gemstone) for each creature affected. Each must
have a worth 1,000 gp. Also 1 ornately carved bar of silver
Astral Projection 9 Yes
worth 100 gp
4 silver dragon scales: the silvery cord is immune to damage
Specially marked sticks, bones or similar tokens
Augury 2 worth at least 25 gp No
Dragon eye: one additional question
An agate worth at least 1,000 gp
Awaken 5 Yes
Dragon claw: reduces casting time by 4 hours
A drop of blood
Bane 1 No
Portion of a dragon heart: target one additional creature
An item distasteful to the target
Banishment 4 No
Dragon tooth: target 1 additional creature
A handful of oak bark
Barkskin 2 No
2 different dragon scales: target’s AC is not less than 17
A piece of tentacle from a giant octopus or
Black Tentacles 4 a giant squid No
Portion of a dragon tongue: add 1d6 bludgeoning damage
A sprinkling of holy water
Bless 1 No
A brass dragon’s eggshell: die becomes 1d6

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 163

Enhanced Spells

Spell Name Level Material Component Components Consumed?

Diamond worth 1,000 gp and at least 1 cubic inch of flesh
of the creature to be cloned. Vessel worth at least 2,000
gp that has a sealable lid and large enough to hold a
Clone 8 No
Medium-sized creature (urn, coffin, mud-filled cyst in the
ground or crystal container filled with salt water)
Dragon liver: reduces casting time by half
Pinch of powder or sand that is colored red,
Color Spray 1 yellow and blue No
Dragon’s tooth: double the total hit points rolled
Commune 5 Incense and a vial of holy or unholy water No
Dragon skull shard: ask an additional question
Pinch of soot and salt
Comprehend Languages 1 No
Dragon tongue: additional target can benefit from casting
Small crystal or glass cone
Cone of Cold 5 No
White dragon scale: additional damage die
3 nutshells
Confusion 4 No
Dragon bone shard: save is made with disadvantage
Burning incense for air, soft clay for earth, sulfur and
phosphorus for fire or water and sand for water
Conjure Elemental 3 No
Portion of a dragon gizzard: increase challenge
rating by 1
Conjure Woodland Being 6 1 holly berry per creature summoned Yes
Dragon scale: increase challege rating by 1
Statuette of yourself carved from ivory and decorated
Contingency 6 with gems worth at least 1,500 gp No
Dragon eye: raises contingent spell limit to level 6
Ruby dust worth 50 gp
Continual Flame 2 Red dragon claw piece (5 lbs): flame creates heat and deals Yes
1d6 fire damage until dispelled
Drop of water and a pinch of dust
Control Water 4 No
Dragon bone focus: spell doesn’t require concentration
Burning incense and bits of earth and wood
Control Weather 8 mixed in water No
Dragon skull: increases duration of spell to 24 hours
Drop of water if creating water or a few grains of sand if
Create or Destroy Water 1 destroying it No
Portion of a dragon heart: additional 10 gallons of water
1 clay pot filled with grave dirt, 1 clay pot
filled with brackish water and a 150 gp black onyx stone
Create Undead 6 No
for each corpse
Blue dragon eye: undead rise with 10 temporary hit points
Tiny piece of matter of the same type of the item
Creation 5 you plan to create No
Green dragon scale: double the duration of item created
Darkness 2 Bat fur and a drop of pitch, or piece of coal No
Ancient red dragon eye: caster can see through darkness
Either a pinch of dried carrot or an agate
Darkvision 2 (ornamental stone) No
Portion of a dragon eye: effect lasts until after a long rest
Tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur
Delayed Blast Fireball 7 No
Red dragon scales: add additional 2d6 fire damage
A yew leaf
Detect Poison and Disease 1 No
Dragon heart portion: doubles spell’s range to 60 feet
A copper piece
Detect Thoughts 2 Brass dragon skull sliver: saving throw is made at No

164 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

Spell Name Level Material Component Components Consumed?
A lodestone and a pinch of dust
Disintegrate 6 Portion of a draconis fundamentum: No
add additional 3d6 force damage
Holy water or powdered silver and iron
Dispel Evil and Good 5 No
Gold dragon’s tooth: the spell doesn’t require concentration
Incense and a sacrificial offering appropriate to your religion,
Divination 4 together worth at least 25 gp No
Metallic dragon scale: the event divined can fall within 14 days
A handful of sand, a dab of ink and a writing quill
Dream 5 plucked from a sleeping bird Yes
Chromatic dragon scales (2): any psychic damage is doubled
Pinch of dirt, piece of rock and lump of clay
Earthquake 8 A blue dragon’s toe: the caster gains a burrow speed equal to No
their walking speed for the duration of the spell
Fur or feather from a beast
Enhance Ability 2 No
Dragon scales: target 1 additional creature
Pinch of powdered iron
Enlarge/Reduce 2 No
Dragon horn: range increased to 50 feet
A tiny silver whistle, a piece of bone and a thread
Faithful Hound 4 No
Two dragon’s teeth: attack deals additional 2d8 piercing damage
Small amount of alcohol or distilled spirits
False Life 1 Two different dragons’ scales: 10 additional temporary No
hit points
A white feather or the heart of a hen
Fear 3 No
Portion of a dragon skull: range is a 50-foot cone
A small feather or a piece of down
Feather Fall 1 No
Sliver of dragon wing: the caster can levitate for 2d4 rounds
Feeblemind 8 Handful of clay, crystal, glass or mineral spheres No
A bit of dragon brain matter: heal no longer reverses this spell
10 gp worth of charcoal, incense and herbs that must be
Find Familiar 1 consumed by fire in a brass brazier Yes
The eye of a red dragon: the familiar is a psuedodragon
Set of divinatory tools—such as bones, ivory sticks, cards,
teeth or carved runes—worth 100 gp and an object from the
Find the Path 6 No
location you wish to find
Dragon bone shard: path will lead you through nearby riches
Tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur
Fireball 3 No
Red dragon scales: add additional 3d6 fire damage
A bit of phosphorous or a firefly
Fire Shield 4 No
Red dragon and white dragon scales: additional 1d8 damage
Leaf of sumac
Flame Blade 2 No
Portion of a red dragon liver: add additional 1d6 fire damage
Pinch of sulfur
Flame Strike 5 No
Portion of a red dragon liver: add additional 2d6 fire damage
A bit of tallow (rendered form of beef or mutton fat), a pinch of
Flaming Sphere 2 brimstone and a dusting of powdered iron No
Portion of a red dragon liver: add additional 1d6 fire damage
Pinch of lime, water and earth
Flesh to Stone 6 No
A black dragon’s tooth: spell can target an additional creature
Floating Disk 1 A drop of mercury No
Dragon bone shard: the disc can support 1,000 lbs
A wing feather from any bird;
Fly 3 No
Portion of a dragon heart: target 1 additional creature
Diamond worth at least 5,000 gp
Gate 9 No
Dragon skull: the spell no longer requires concentration
A pinch of salt and 1 copper piece placed on each of the
Gentle Response 2 corpse’s eyes, which must remain for the duration No
Four unique dragons’ scales: the spell’s duration doubles
Enhanced Spells

Spell Name Level Material Component Components Consumed?

A pinch of salt and 1 copper piece placed on each of the
Gentle Response 2 corpse’s eyes, which must remain for the duration No
Four unique dragons’ scales: the spell’s duration doubles
Glass or crystal bead that shatters when the spell ends
Globe of Invulnerability 6 Yes
Piece of dragon bone: the globe extends to a 15-foot radius
Incense and powdered diamond worth
Glyph of Warding 3 at least 200 gp Yes
Dragon tooth: the DC to discover the glyph increases by 1
Sprig of mistletoe
Goodberry 1 No
2 dragon scales: add additional 1d6 berries
Bit of pork rind or butter
Grease 1 No
Sliver of dragon liver: the square increases to 20 feet
Diamond dust worth at least 100 gp
Greater Restoration 5 Yes
A dragon’s eyelid: the target gains 20 temporary hit points
Burning incense, a small measure of brimstone and oil, a
knotted string, a small amount of blood from a dark-dwelling
Guards and Wards 6 No
monstrosity and a small silver rod worth at least 10 gp
A dragon’s claw: reduces casting time to 1 minute
Legume seed
Gust of Wind 2 No
A piece of dragon’s wing: extends gust to 90 feet
Herbs, oils and incense worth at least 1,000 gp
Hallow 5 Yes
A pound of dragon flesh: extends area of effect to 120 feet
A stone, a twig and a bit of green plant
Hallucinatory Terrain 4 No
A green dragon’s eye: area of effect is a 300-foot cube
Shaving of licorice root
Haste 3 Portion of a dragon heart No
Side effects removed after spell ends
Piece of iron and a flame
Heat Metal 2 No
Red dragon scales: add additional 1d8 fire damage
A gem-encrusted bowl worth at least 1,000 gp
Heroes’ Feast 6 Yes
A gold dargon scale: hit point increase becomes 4d10
Tiny tarts and a feather that is waved in the air
Hideous Laughter 1 No
Dragon’s toenail: following a save, deals 1d10 fire damage
A small, straight piece of iron
Hold Monster 5 No
Dragon bone fragment: target 1 additional creature
A small, straight piece of iron
Hold Person 2 No
Dragon bone fragment: target 1 additional humanoid
A tiny reliquary worth at least 1,000 gp containing a sacred
relic, such as a scrap of cloth from a saint’s robe or a piece of
Holy Aura 8 No
parchment from a religious text
Dragon gizzard: aura creates a fear effect, as in the fear spell
A glowing stick of incense or a crystal filled
Hypnotic Pattern 3 with phosphorus material No
A gold dragon’s eye: save is made at disadvantage
A pinch of dust and a few drops of water
Ice Storm 4 No
White dragon horn: additional 4d6 cold damage
A pearl worth at least 100 gp and an owl feather
Identify 1 No
A dragon’s tongue: ritual casting time reduced to 1 minute
A lead-based ink worth at least 10 gp
Illusory Script 1 No
A drop of dragon’s blood: requires a level 5 spell to dispel
A vellum depiction or a carved statuette in the likeness
of the target and a special component that varies according
Imprisonment 9 to the version of the spell you choose, worth at least 500 gp Yes
per Hit Die of target
A dragon’s claw: a successful save does not grant immunity
A few grains of sugar, some kernels of grain and a smear of fat
Insect Plague 5 No
Dragon tooth: additional 2d10 piercing damage
Spell Name Level Material Component Components Consumed?
A bit of fur from a bloodhound
Locate Animals or Plants 2 No
A green dragon’s eye: spell extends to 10 miles
A bit of fur from a bloodhound
Locate Creature 4 No
A blue dragon’s eye: spell extends to 2,000 feet
A forked twig
Locate Object 2 No
A red dragon’s eye: spell extends to 2,000 feet
A pinch of dirt
Longstrider 1 No
Portion of dragon liver: 1 additional target
A piece of cured leather
Mage Armor 1 3 different dragon scales: target’s base AC becomes 16+ its No
Dexterity modifier
Holy water or powdered silver and iron worth
Magic Circle 3 at least 100 gp Yes
A gold dragon’s claw: spell radius becomes 30 feet
A gem, crystal, reliquary or some other ornamental
Magic Jar 6 container worth at least 500 gp No
A black dragon heart: spell extends to monstrosities
A small bit of honeycomb and jade dust worth at least 10 gp
Magic Mouth 2 Yes
One pound of dragon tongue: message can be 50 words
A miniature portal carved from ivory, a small piece of
polished marble and a tiny silver spoon, each worth at
Magnificent Mansion 7 No
least 5 gp
A bronze dragon’s scales: duration is 48 hours
A bit of fleece
Major Image 3 No
4 scales from 4 metallic dragons: duration is 1 hour
A snake’s tongue and either a bit of honeycomb or
Mass Suggestion 6 a drop of sweet oil No
A dragon tongue: save is made at disadvantage
Several seeds of any moonseed plant and a piece of
Moonbeam 2 opalescent feldspar No
Metallic dragon scales: additional 1d10 of radiant damage
An iron blade and a small bag containing a mixture of
Move Earth 6 soils: clay, loam and sand No
A dragon’s claw: caster gains a burrow speed of 30 feet
A pinch of diamond dust worth 25 gp sprinkled over the
Nondetection 3 target Yes
Three metallic dragon’s teeth: spell duration is 12 hours
Ashes from a burned leaf of mistletoe and a sprig of
Pass Without Trace 2 spruce No
A portion of dragon’s wing: stealth rolls have advantage
A pinch of sesame seeds
Passwall 5 A Draconis Fundamentum: when the spell ends it creates a No
level 3 fireball in its place
A jewel worth at least 1,000 gp
Planar Binding 5 Yes
A dragon’s skull: the save is made at disadvantage
A forked metal rod worth at least 250 gp, attuned to a
particular plane of existence
Plane Shift 7 No
A silver dragon’s scale: can transport an additional 4
creatures if traveling to a different plane
A caterpillar cocoon
Polymorph 4 A dragon’s claw: the polymorphed creature can make a No
melee attack as a bonus action (2d6 slashing) damage
A thin sheet of lead, a piece of opaque glass, a wad of
cotton and powdered chrysolite
Private Sanctum 4 No
12 ounces of dragon bone dust: spell becomes permanent
in half the time if cast with dragon bone dust each time

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 167

Enhanced Spells

Spell Name Level Material Component Components Consumed?

A bit of fleece and jade dust worth at least 25 gp
Programmed Illusion 6 No
A dragon eye: checks to investigate are at disadvantage
A small replica of you made from materials worth
Project Image 7 at least 5 gp No
A dragon eye: checks to investigate are at disadvantage
A powdered corn extract and a twisted loop of parchment
Rope Trick 2 A dragon scale: space can hold up to 12 Medium or smaller No
A bit of fleece
Silent Image 1 No
A dragon eye: checks to investigate are at disadvantage
Enough snow or ice to make a life-sized copy of the
duplicated creature; hair, fingernails or other pieces of
the creature’s body placed inside; and powdered ruby
Simulacrum 7 Yes
worth 1,500 gp, sprinkled over the duplicate
A crushed dragon tooth: if damaged, duplicate regains 5
hit points per long rest
A pinch of fine sand, rose petals or a cricket
Sleep 1 No
A dragon skull shard: add additional 1d8
A pinch of dust and a few drops of water
Sleet Storm 3 No
White dragon scale: area of effect has a 60-foot radius
A drop of molasses
Slow 3 No
A bronze dragon scale: target an additional creature
Burning incense
Speak With Dead 3 No
A portion of dragon’s tongue: ask additional question
A drop of bitumen (oil sand) and a spider
Spider Climb 2 2 different chromatic dragon scales: No
no concentration needed
7 sharp thorns or small twigs, each
Spike Growth 2 sharpened to a point No
A dragon’s tooth: deals additional 1d4 damage
Holy symbol
Spirit Guardians 3 At least 1 chromatic dragon scale for evil or 1 metallic No
dragon scale for good/neutral: damage increase by 2d8
Rotten egg or several skunk cabbage leaves
Stinking Cloud 3 No
A pound of dragon flesh: radius becomes 30 feet
Soft clay, which must be worked into roughly the
Stone Shape 4 desired shape of the stone object No
A dragon scale: can affect up to 10 feet of stone
Diamond dust worth at least 100 gp
Stoneskin 4 1 chromatic dragon scale and 1 metallic dragon scale: no Yes
concentration needed
A snake’s tongue and either a bit of honeycomb
Suggestion 2 or a drop of sweet oil No
A portion of dragon’s tongue: save is at disadvantage
Magnifying glass
Sunbeam 6 Portion of a dragon heart: additional 3d8 radiant No
Fire and a piece of sunstone
Sunburst 8 A Draconis Fundamentum: spell causes a fear effect as in No
the fear spell
Mercury, phosphorus, powdered diamond and opal
with a total value of at least 1,000 gp
Symbol 7 Yes
A portion of dragon heart: moving the object the glyph is
placed on does not cause the spell to fail
Pieces of eggshell from 2 different kinds of creatures
Telepathic Bond 5 No
A dragon scale: target an additional four creatures
Spell Name Level Material Component Components Consumed?
Rare chalks and inks infused with precious gems worth at
least 50 gp
5 12 ounces of dragon bone dust: casting the spell with dragon Yes
bone every day decreases the time required to make the spell
permanent by half
Small crystal bead
Tiny Hut 3 No
A portion of dragon heart: radius of hut is 15 feet
Small clay model of a ziggurat
Tongues 3 No
A dragon’s tongue: the target learns draconic permanently
A drop of mercury, a dollop of gum arabic and a wisp of
True Polymorph 9 smoke No
Portion of a dragon liver: no concentration needed
A sprinkle of holy water and diamonds with
True Resurrection 9 at least 25,000 gp Yes
12 silver dragon scales: reduces diamond cost by half
An ointment for the eyes that costs 25 gp, is made from
True Seeing 6 mushroom powder, saffron and fat Yes
Portion of a dragon eye: duration becomes 2 hours
A piece of string and a bit of wood
Unseen Servant 1 A dragon’s claw: servant can make a claw attack (2d6 No
slashing) as an action
A small piece of phosphorus
Wall of Fire 4 No
Red dragon scales: add additional 3d6 fire damage
A pinch of powder made by crushing a clear gemstone
Wall of Force 5 No
A bronze dragon tongue: panels need not be contiguous
A small piece of quartz
Wall of Ice 5 No
White dragon scales: add additional 4d6 cold damage
Small block of granite
Wall of Stone 5 No
Dragon bone dust: the wall’s AC is 17
Handful of thorns
Wall of Thorns 6 No
A dragon’s tooth: damage types increase by 1d4
Pair of platinum rings worth at least 50 gp each. You and the
Warding Bond 2 target must wear them for the duration. No
Dragon blood filigree: target’s AC increases by 2
A short reed or piece of straw
Water Breathing 3 No
4 black dragon scales: targets gain a swim speed of 20 feet
A piece of cork
Water Walk 3 No
A black dragon wing sliver: duration is two hours
A bit of spider web
Web 2 No
A vial of dragon blood: web can fill a 30-foot cube
Fire and holy water
Wind Walk 6 No
A silver dragon scale: time to shift forms is reduced by half
A tiny fan and an exotic feather
Wind Wall 3 A white dragon scale: wall deals cold damage instead of No

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 169

Aerial Combat &
Airship Options
t’s hard to know which came first, the dragon representing a controversial past. All dragon hunting
attacks or the dragon hunting, but it’s easy to state airships are outlawed worldwide, as their appearance
which side of the conflict had the advantage from typically provokes dragon attacks on nearby towns.
the outset. With their natural ability to fly (to say Airship launches must be done in remote areas,
nothing of their incredible strength and the devastation preferably under cover of night. Dragon hunting
they can conjure with a single bellowing breath), dragons airships manned by magic users who can disguise
always had the upper claw on creatures bound by gravity. the ship are much more effective in their pursuit
On the rare occasion a conflict wasn’t going its way, a of the most dangerous prey. Airships are extremely
dragon could simply take to the skies, soaring for miles rare and have attributes that set them apart from a
with no regard for difficult terrain or territorial borders standard seaworthy ship. Bound air elementals and fire
and causing general frustration for even the most skilled elementals are sometimes used to propel the vessel and
dragon hunters. But necessity is the mother of invention, eliminate the need for giant inflated balloons that are
and in this case, would-be hunters knew they’d need to extremely susceptible to damage from dragons or other
find a way to pursue their quarry into the air. Arcanists beasts blessed with the ability to fly.
and artificers attempted various means of granting Scrolls and tomes detailing the dragon hunters’
flight to the flightless, but the length of a typical dragon heyday cite the need for a well-rounded crew that
hunt (as well as the concentration required to maintain includes warriors operating high powered ballistas and
them) made simple fly spells impractical, and though mages who can cast offensive and defensive spells or
the sharpest minds were able to model machinery after quickly repair any catastrophic damages. And of course,
birds of the air as well as the dragons themselves, they a fearless captain—one who knows how to rally a crew
had a difficult time creating materials light enough to and convince them to fly directly toward certain death.
soar but still sturdy enough to withstand a dragon’s
breath weapon. When the breakthrough finally arrived,
its inspiration was not from the air, but the sea: with the GM NOTE: BOUND ELEMENTALS
proper arcane boosts, great vessels utilized in the pursuit Airships utilizing a bound elemental (or several)
of gargantuan aquatic beasts could serve as floating are fast and powerful, but theses boons come at a
fortresses. Within a few decades, this revelation led to the cost. Bound elementals experience a state of limbo
birth of an airborne armada. while being bound. They do not suffer damage
Today, airships utilized for dragon hunting have as or age or understand their surroundings. Their
much variety in size and shape as the dragons they freedom is jarring. If a bound elemental is set free,
pursue. Some are more equipped than others, and it may lash out at any creature within 100 feet of it.
many are centuries old, considered objects of antiquity
piloting the airship Example: If an airship is 100 feet long, it may turn
100 feet at a time at half speed. Once it is traveling in
Only a Captain has the ability to control bound
elementals. Captains are attuned to the magic of the the desired direction, speed returns to normal on the
airship or its elemental engine. following round.

Captain Maneuvers. Roll opposing Charisma checks airship obstacles

between the Captain and elementals whenever a ship High Winds and Storms. Inclement weather can
maneuver is made, such as taking off, landing, turning, prove problematic and poses disadvantage on Captain
increasing or decreasing speed, etc. Maneuvers. Airship speed is reduced by 15 feet.
Fire and air elementals are -2 on Charisma checks.
Ties go to the Captain. On a success, the airship obeys.
On a failure, the ship continues on the previous course
large weapons
Airship Cannon (firing iron balls). Ranged Weapon
or will slow to a stop and hover. The ship will obey on
Attack: Range 300/500 ft., one target. Hit: 44 (8d10)
the next successful Charisma check from the Captain. If
bludgeoning damage.
this check fails three times in a row, the elementals may
It takes one action to load a cannon, and one action to
start to escape their bindings, at GM discretion.
aim and fire.
If a Captain is knocked unconscious or dies, there will
be no way to control the elementals. The ship will either
Loading a Large Weapon. A creature must succeed on
continue its current course or eventually come to a stop
a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to insert an iron ball
and hover (movement 0) or, at GM discretion, begin to
into the cannon.
return to the ground.
Airship Ballista. Ranged Weapon Attack: Range
300/600 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing damage.
If the target is a creature who is Medium size or smaller,
Any spells or magic items provided by the crew or they must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw
other passengers (including the party) on the ship or be pushed back 10 feet. An airship ballista has
can help increase the Captain’s Charisma roll. advantage on attack rolls against a Medium or smaller
target within 100 feet.

turning It takes one action to load an airship ballista, and one

action to aim and fire.
An airship must reduce speed to half its normal
elemental engine speed to turn.
An airship will travel a minimum of the hull length
before it can fully turn left, right, up or down. Once it
has finished turning, it can resume normal speed or take
the Dash action on the next round.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 171

Aerial Combat & Airship Options

Loading a Large Weapon. A creature must succeed on Throwing a grapple requires a DC 15 Strength
a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to wind the ballista. (Athletics) check. A crew member or PC may attempt to
throw a grapple once per round.
(Optional) Airship Ballista With Alchemist Fire. Once grappled, a ship may be pulled closer, requiring
Ranged Weapon Attack: Range 150/300 ft., one target. a group Strength (Athletics) check of DC 55. On a
Hit: 14 (4d6) fire and bludgeoning damage. Any success, the ships are pulled 20 feet closer to one
creature within 10 feet of the target area must make a another.
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or catch on fire (wooden
objects automatically catch on fire). On a hit, the target Jumping. A crew member or PC may jump to the other
takes 2 (1d4) fire damage at the start of each of its turns. ship when they are close enough. A crew member or PC
A creature can end this damage by using its action to can jump a distance equal to their Strength score with a
make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. 10-foot running start. As part of this leap, the creature
The fire spreads around corners. It ignites flammable must succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to
objects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried. clear the opposing airship’s hull. Otherwise, they hit it,
Similar to incoming fire from a standard ballista, if the requiring a resolution on the following turn—a DC 10
target is a creature who is Medium size or smaller, they Strength (Athletics) check to climb over the hull. On a
must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be failed save, the creature falls from the side of the ship.
pushed back 10 feet. If a creature clears the hull they must succeed on a DC
An airship ballista has advantage on attack rolls 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to land on their feet. On
against a Medium or smaller target within 100 feet. a failed check, the creature falls prone.

Cover. Crew members or PCs attempting to grapple

ship to ship engagement or board another airship benefit from half rather than
Piercing Damage. Dragon hunting ships are resistant three-quarter cover.
to piercing damage.
Crew Members. Boarding another ship is a risky
Cover. Any crew member on a ship being attacked proposition. Each airship has a minimum crew
has three-quarter cover. During an incoming surprise requirement. If the boarding party’s absence reduces an
attack, the crew has half cover for the surprise round airship’s crew below this threshold, the airship can no
and three-quarter cover for subsequent rounds. longer benefit from its maneuvers and will simply hover
A target with half cover has a +2 bonus to AC and with a speed of 0. This fact holds true if a boarding party
Dexterity saving throws. A target has half cover if an manages to incapacitate enough members of the crew of
obstacle blocks at least half of its body. the ship they are attempting to board.
A target with three-quarter cover has a +5 bonus to
AC and Dexterity saving throws. A target has three- Grappled Speed. If a ship has grappled another airship,
quarter cover if roughly three-quarters of it is covered its speed is reduced to half the speed of the grappled
by an obstacle. airship. Once a ship is grappled, it may not take the
Dash action until it is free of the grapple.
Airships equipped with grappling hooks may attempt to Removing Grapples. The crew aboard any ship that is
board another airship. grappled may attempt to remove the grappling hooks
before (or during) a boarding attempt.
Boarding. Boarding may occur following a Ram A hempen rope has AC 15 and 2 hit points and
Legendary Action or 2d4 successful Captain maneuvers can be ripped apart with a successful DC 17 Strength
to position the airship within 30 feet of another airship. (Athletics) check. Some airship captains equip their
A Captain must declare a Boarding once they are airships with magical ropes that have AC 20 and 20 hit
within 100 feet of another airship. Once the Captain has points. These ropes regenerate 1 hit point every round as
made 2d4 successful Captain’s Maneuvers to position long as they have at least 1 hit point. These ropes cannot
the ship alongside the ship they are hoping to board, be damaged using a Strength check, and are resistant to
the airship will be in the proper position to grapple. Any all damage from nonmagical weapons.
failure or disruption of a Captain’s Maneuver will force
the Captain to start over.

Grappling Hooks. Once an airship is within 30 feet

of another ship, a crew member or PC may attempt
to throw grappling hooks. A minimum of two hooks
attached to a ship is required to attempt to board.
pc actions on an airship bound elementals
Because the party is unlikely to sit back as passive Bound elementals are summoned within a magical
passengers when danger arrives, the following containment device that propels an airship. The
guidelines are useful when determining their role (as device is generally constructed and attuned to the
well as their actions) aboard an airship. ship itself. An elemental is unaware of the fact that
• Treat PCs as Crew Members. it has been summoned and doesn’t know it is being
• When calculating movement, an airship is considered used to fly an airship—only becoming fully aware after
normal terrain. In high winds or dangerous storms, the the containment device fails or is damaged. A bound
surface is considered difficult terrain. elemental is not harmed while being contained, will not
• PCs can help fill roles usually held by crew members. age, and will not require food or water to survive. Some
One PC counts as one crew member, unless the PC’s elementals have been known to be bound for hundreds
background or proficiencies might offer a reason for of years, depending on the quality of materials used for
them acting as two crew members. As an example, an the containment device.
individual with the Sailor background who is proficient
in Navigator’s Tools could serve a dual role as a ballista-
firing navigator.
airship repair
Captains, PCs and crew members may repair an
• A PC may follow Captain commands to pilot the ship. airship. In many ways, an airship can be seen as a
They must be able to understand the Captain or they type of creature or construct. It varies from ship to
will be unable to utilize the airship helm controls. ship, but basic repairs can be done when the airship is
• Use a PC’s Dexterity score to position the ship controls hovering or even moving at normal speeds. Standard
properly. A Captain must make a Charisma check repairs restore 1d10 hp per day to an airship and can be
against the Elementals to make a maneuver, but if the completed under normal conditions. Spells that repair
Captain is away from the airship controls, a PC may take items, such as mending, can restore 1d6 + 2 hp at a time,
their place instead. even in combat.
The airship controls are DC 13 and must be made for
each maneuver. On a failure, the ship continues on the
previous course or will slow to a stop. The ship will obey
airship points of interest
Every ship is different, but most dragon hunting airships
on the next successful Dexterity check from the PC. feature the following:
• A PC may fire a Large Weapon (airship cannon or
ballista). These are treated as Ranged Weapon Attacks, • Topdeck
using the Weapon’s attack modifier. PCs roll to attack • Bound elemental engine
and to calculate roll damage. A Large Weapon may be • Captain controls
used once per round. • Crew quarters
• Captain quarters
high altitudes • Storage
Airships can travel at 50 feet (fire elemental) or 90 feet • Galley
(air elemental), depending on the type of elementals • Latrine
providing thrust, suffering no ill effects of high altitude.
The crew will need to spend five days or more
acclimating to the environment if the airship flies above
Much like sailors know they may end up in the drink
10,000 feet. PCs that have not acclimated to high altitudes while managing the duties their ship requires, any
will need to take double the amount of short rests per day member of an airship’s crew knows they could take a
for every eight hours they are subjected to high altitudes. tumble over the side of their vessel at any time—it’s a
If PCs are unable to take two short rests within eight hazard of the job. Only in the case of an airship, there’s
hours, they will suffer two levels of exhaustion. A long rest no water to catch their fall (well, there could be, but it’s
removes one level of exhaustion. usually a long way down). A creature falls roughly 500
feet per round, at GM discretion. If contacting a surface
without intervention, a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning
damage for every 10 feet it falls, to a maximum of
20d6. The creature lands prone, unless it avoids taking
damage from the fall.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 173

Aerial Combat & Airship Options

Creating Captains with gallows humor or does the fact that death could come
at any moment imbue them with a bit more solemnity? If
and Airships they are in it for the coin, perhaps they strut around in the
Much like crafting a custom monster or NPC for your finest trappings or maybe they are saving every copper they
adventures, the abilities and personalities of a dragon can in order to pay off an enormous debt. Because dragon
hunting captain and the capabilities of the ship at their hunting airships require crews of varying sizes, most
command are entirely at your discretion. As you seek captains carry themselves with a fair amount of charisma,
to build a memorable NPC and their ship, consider the but they are also generally intelligent and skilled enough
following: with martial weaponry to protect themselves in a scrap.
Not every captain is ruthless, but some are legendarily so.
Motivation. Given that dragon hunting is both illegal Not every captain insists on skinning a felled dragon with
and highly dangerous, why does your captain engage their own hands, but some do. Not every captain knows
in it? Perhaps they are driven by coin, or the thrill of their own weakness, but most have a few—some hide them
the hunt. Or maybe they are bent on revenge, barely better than others. Regardless of their differences, every
able to rest as they doggedly pursue the ancient winged dragon hunting captain has one thing in common: a love
creature that still haunts their dreams. Whatever their for their ship.
reasons for pursuing dragon hunting as a livelihood,
every captain has at least one. Determining what it is is Special Features. Like other humanoid NPCs, a captain
the fastest way to establish who they are. may have special abilities or arcane skills. Some have
acquired the most advanced airships money can buy
Personality. Once you know your captain’s motivation, while others have struggled to gather a modest crew.
think about how it might affect or inform their personality. Your captain’s station, wealth and personality should be
Do they embrace the inherent danger of their profession reflected in the ship and crew they command.

Sample Captain: Garth Montana

Garth Montana Magic Resistance. Garth has advantage on saving throws against
spells and other magical effects.
Small halfling, chaotic good Parry. Garth adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that would
hit him. To do so, the captain must see the attacker and be wielding
Armor Class 17 (magical blue dragon leather coat) a melee weapon.
Hit Points 144 (17d10 + 51) Lucky. Garth can reroll any 1 rolled on a D20, but must use the
Speed 30 ft. result of the second roll.
Blue Dragon Coat. Magical leather coat. Provides base AC of 17.
Ring of Dragon Armor (blue). This ring provides Garth with
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) damage reduction of 10 on any lightning breath weapon attack.
Ring of Flying. Garth can use this ring to cast fly on himself three
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +8 times per long rest.
Skills Acrobatics +7, Animal Handling +8, Perception +8,
Persuasion +10, Sleight of Hand +7 Actions
Resistances fire Multiattack. Garth makes two melee attacks or uses Motivational
Senses passive Perception 18 Speech.
Languages Common, Draconic, Halfling, Elvish Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage or 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage if
used with two hands.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
Brave. Garth has advantage on saving throws against being 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
frightened. Motivational Speech. Garth gives a rousing speech that imbues
Breath Weapon Absorption (2/Long Rest). If Garth fails a saving any creature of his choice that can hear him with the resolve to get
throw against a dragon’s breath weapon, he can absorb half the the job done. Affected creatures gain advantage on their next attack
damage and store it to be unleashed with his next melee attack. roll or saving throw and gain 1d10 + 5 temporary hit points.
Sample Airship: The Golden Talon
The Golden Talon, Movement: Elemental
Dragon Hunting Airship Engine (2)
Gargantuan Vehicle (120 ft. by 30 ft.) Armor Class 18
Hit Points 100 each (damage threshold 20); If reduced to 0 hit
Creature Capacity 8 crew minimum, 16 maximum points, the elemental containment is lost, and the elemental will
Travel Pace 12 miles per hour (230 miles per day) attack the nearest target within 100 feet. If both engines are reduced
to 0 hit points, the ship speed is reduced to 0 and it begins to fall.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA If one engine is reduced to 0, speed is halved until it is repaired.
24 (+7) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 0 (+0) 0 (+0) 0 (+0) Heavy or medium load A medium to heavy load is considered half
or more of the Carrying Capacity (Hull) weight (speed 45 with a
Damage Immunities poison, psychic heavy or medium load).
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, Locomotion (air) elemental power, speed 90 ft. Normal speed
frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, (Travel Pace) can be sustained indefinitely.
prone, stunned, unconscious
A ship can Dash and increase speed by using one of its three actions.
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the Captain of the airship fails A ship must be at normal speed to maneuver.
a saving throw, they may choose to succeed instead. The airship can Dash in a straight line and up to five rounds before
Magic Weapons. The airship’s weapon attacks are magical. suffering one level of exhaustion. The airship will slow to 0 and
Ship Damage Resistance. The ship has immunity to all damage hover once exhaustion reaches level 5. The airship may return to
equal to or less than 20 hit points. normal speed after finishing a short rest.

Actions Weapons: Airship Ballistas (3)

Multiattack. On its turn, the airship can take three actions. The Armor Class 15
airship acts on initiative count 20. The airship can make two Hit Points 50 each (damage threshold 20)
ranged attacks with its Airship Ballistas. These may be fired by Airship Ballista. Ranged Weapon Attack: Range 300/600 ft., one
the crew or by PCs. target. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature of
Crew. The airship crew takes their own actions. These are PC Medium size or smaller, it must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving
actions and not airship actions. throw or be pushed back 10 feet. An airship ballista has advantage
Move. The airship makes a maneuver. Requires a Captain on attack rolls against a Medium or smaller target within 100 feet.
Legendary Actions
Hull Due to the highly magical nature of the airship, it provides two
legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 500 (damage threshold 20) legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end
• WhatCapacity
Carrying is a Draconis
68,000 lb Fundamentum? It is an of another creature’s turn. The airship regains spent actions at
the end of its turn.
Ram Yes found only inside dragons relating to the
Ram (Recharge 5-6). The airship may ram another airship or
dragon’s breath weapon. Specifically, it is a gland
Control: Helm
that helps to metabolize and transform whatever
creature. The airship must be traveling in a straight line for 120
feet or more prior to attacking. The ship or creature takes 70
Armor Class 18
Hit dragon
Points eats into
75 (damage fuel for
threshold 20)its breath weapon. (12d10 + 10) bludgeoning damage on a successful ram hit. Any
The helm is where the captain uses Captain Maneuvers. If the creatures that are not secured aboard the rammed ship must
helm is reduced to 0 hit points, all Captain Maneuvers are made at make a successful dexterity check or be knocked prone.
disadvantage until it is repaired. Detect. The Captain of the airship may make a Wisdom
(Perception) check.
Airship Ballista. A crew member or PC can make an Airship
Ballista attack.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 175

Magic Items
Draconic Items
Artifacts and weaponry can be influenced by the
components utilized in their creation, and items
crafted from dragon parts are no exception—in fact,
they are often exceptional. The skill required to work
with components harvested from dragons is such that
it’s almost guaranteed the end result will be one of
high quality, as master craftsmen spend years refining
their skills before attempting to work with such rare
ingredients. These items are fine examples of the form,
and should inspire you to incorporate pieces of draconic
origin into your own custom creations.

cloak of the dragon

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
While wearing this cloak, you reduce the damage of any
dragon’s breath weapon attack by 10 hit points each
time you are hit. If you are reduced to 0 hit points by
a dragon’s breath weapon attack, you immediately
are brought to 1 hit point instead. This ability can
only be used once per long rest. In addition to these
features, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and all saving
throws as long as you are wearing this cloak.

death shroud
Robe, very rare (requires attunement)
This deep black hooded robe is tattered and worn and
generally resembles an ordinary traveler’s robe except
for the small wisps of shadow which emanate from its
edges during the night.
While attuned and wearing this robe, you have
resistance to necrotic damage. Additionally, when you
make a saving throw to avoid necrotic damage, you may
expend a Hit Die and add the number rolled to your
saving throw. You must decide to roll the Hit Die before
you roll your saving throw. You may do this a number of
times equal to your current usable Hit Dice.
dragon staff dragon tools
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) Tools, rare (requires proficiency in Survival)
This ornate staff features a floating dragon head with These tools are specifically designed to field dress a
its mouth open at the top. The head rotates to position dragon. Using these after a dragon is hunted and killed
a breath weapon attack. The staff has three charges. provides the user advantage on all Wisdom (Survival)
Expending a charge releases one of five breath weapon skill checks made to dress and portion the dragon.
type, caster’s choice. The type of save and the spread of
the weapon is determined by its type, detailed below. Included as a set are the following:
Expended charges reset following a long rest. bailer, blubber fork, blubber pike, boarding knife, bone
saw, bone spade, butcher’s glaive, carving blade, cutting
Acid. 45-foot line, 5 feet wide. DC 17 Dexterity saving spade, fire pike, gaff, head spade, hide hooks, mincing
throw for half damage. knife, skimmer, skinning knife, skinning pole, stirring
Cold. 45-foot cone. DC 17 Dexterity saving throw for pole.
half damage.
Fire. 45-foot cone. DC 17 Dexterity saving throw for In total, the tools weigh 100 pounds.
half damage.
Lightning. 60-foot line, 5 feet wide. lock picks of thievery
DC 17 Dexterity save for half damage. Tools, rare (requires attunement by someone
Poison. 45-foot cone. DC 17 Constitution saving proficient in Sleight of Hand)
throw for half damage.
These dull gray iron tools look old and worn to the
untrained eye. However, upon further examination
through magical means, it is discovered that there are
magical properties imbued upon them, as they were
crafted using a bit of dragon bone.
These lock picks have six charges. While holding
them, you can use an action to expend one charge to
gain advantage on a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check
when attempting to pick a lock.
The lock picks regain 1d4 expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the lock pick’s last charge the magic
fades from the lock picks and they become a mundane set
of tools.

mallet of repeated
Mace, rare (requires attunement)
This simple mallet crafted from a dragon’s tooth has
various holes and knots throughout its haft and head,
resembling a broken tree branch.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this mallet. When you roll a 15 or higher on your
attack roll with this weapon, you automatically make
another attack roll at disadvantage.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 177

Magic Items

morningstar of malady minor beneficial

Morningstar, artifact (requires attunement and properties
proficiency with Martial Melee Weapons) While attuned to this artifact, you have resistance
This weapon is made of one solid piece of black metal 01-20
to cold damage.
studded with dark bronze material on the head, While attuned to this artifact, you have resistance
lacquered in the blood of a felled bronze dragon. It was 21-30
to necrotic damage.
originally wielded by the chief elder of Xavour’s tribe. While attuned to this artifact, you can use an
After his return, he slew the elder, took his weapon and 31-40
action to cast the bane spell.
began his rampage of destruction. Once his village was While attuned to this artifact, you have resistance
decimated, he began venturing out into the surrounding to poison damage.
regions to seek revenge on others. While attuned to this artifact, you gain proficiency
Every life he took left a piece of their soul inside the 51-60 with the Deception skill. If you already have it, you
weapon, corrupting it, and eventually the morningstar gain expertise in it.
transformed into a perverted form of its original While attuned to this artifact, you cannot be
purpose. The golden weapon that used to be a holy frightened.
relic of his tribe became the twisted, abyssal weapon it While attuned to this artifact, you gain the ability
now is. Fully transformed into a weapon of destruction, to cast disguise self once per long rest.
its powers cause flesh and bone to rot upon contact, While attuned to this artifact, you cannot be
making his victims more vulnerable to his attacks. charmed.
Rumors of the weapon’s original powers are unknown, While attuned to this artifact, you gain a +1 bonus
but there is some speculation that if it causes this much to Armor Class.
destruction, maybe it could be cleansed and brought
back to its original nature—and be turned into a weapon major beneficial
for good.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon, plus 10 (3d6) poison damage. While attuned to this artifact, one of your ability
It scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. scores increases by 1, to a maximum of 25.
While attuned to this artifact, and you attack a While attuned to this artifact, your walking speed
creature with this weapon and deal damage, the increases by 10 feet.
creature must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. While attuned to this artifact, you gain advantage
On a failure, the target’s flesh begins to wither and rot. on saving throws against poison.
The target becomes vulnerable to bludgeoning damage 41-50 While attuned to this artifact, you can’t be blinded.
and is afflicted with the contagion spell. While attuned to this artifact, you can use an
action to cast the rot* spell.
Random Properties While attuned to this artifact, you gain an
A weapon of true chaos, the Morningstar of Malady has additional 3d10 + 10 hit points to your maximum.
the following random properties, which reset any time a While attuned to this artifact, you have advantage
creature attunes to it: on Constitution saving throws.
2 minor beneficial properties While attuned to this artifact, you gain darkvision
1 major beneficial property 81-90 out to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, your
2 minor detrimental properties vision extends to 90 feet.
1 major detrimental property 91-100 Roll twice. You cannot gain the same benefit twice.
minor detrimental major detrimental
properties properties
While attuned to this artifact, every time you take While attuned to this artifact, you have
a long rest, all plant and animal life within 10 feet disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks.
01-20 While attuned to this artifact, you become
of you begins to wither and rot. This effect lasts
for 1d6 + 2 days. paranoid by anyone who asks you more than two
While attuned to this artifact, your skin turns pale questions and become instantly hostile toward
21-30 and scaly. This effect lasts until you are no longer them.
attuned, then fades after 1d6 + 4 days. While attuned to this artifact, your paranoia
While attuned to this artifact, a slight odor of increases and you become hostile toward anyone
31-40 who seems untrustworthy toward you or your
death follows you. This effect lasts for 1d8 + 2 days. 31-40
While attuned to this artifact, your eyes turn a allies. To determine this, make a Wisdom
milky white with yellow pupils. This effect lasts (Insight) check with disadvantage. On a failure, the
41-50 target’s intentions seem untrustworthy.
until you are no longer attuned, then fades after
1d10 + 2 days. When you attune to this artifact, you take 33
While attuned to this artifact, your fingernails grow (6d10) necrotic damage.
long black and become razor sharp. They cause 1 While attuned to this artifact, you attract creatures
51-60 point of damage to any creature you “accidentally” with evil or malicious intentions. For example,
strike with them. This effect lasts until you are no criminals, demons, devils, etc. They seek you out
longer attuned, then fades after 1d4 + 2 days. for assistance with their evil plans. The type and
While attuned to this artifact, you gain another intention of this creature is to be determined by
flaw determined by the GM, which is amplified, the GM at any time during play.
61-70 When you first attune to this artifact, you age for
and can emerge during play at any time. This 61-70
effect is permanent. 2d10 + 10 years.
When you first attune to the artifact, you gain one When you first attune to this artifact, you gain an
of the following phobias for one month, 71-80 evil familiar with a CR equal to your Charisma
determined by the GM: Ablutophobia, Agliophobia, modifier. The familiar is determined by the DM.
71-80 While attuned to this artifact, and you reduce
Batophobia, Chionophobia, Decidophobia,
Eosophobia. This effect lasts until you are no a creature to 0 hit points, there is a 15 percent
longer attuned, then fades after 2d10 + 5 days. 81-90 chance (roll percentage) you become attracted to
When you first attune to this weapon, the magical the smell of flesh and begin eating the flesh of your
nature of the weapon drains you. Your Strength victim even if you are in the middle of combat.
81-90 Once attuned to this artifact, you attract the
ability score decreases by 2 for 1d4 days. You also
gain one level of exhaustion for 1d6 days. attention of a powerful god, who will send a
91-100 Roll again, and that effect becomes permanent. planetar to claim it from you. The arrival of this
angel of reckoning is at GM discretion.

GM NOTE: CUSTOM SPELL and takes 3d8 necrotic damage, causing the target’s
*Rot flesh to rot and become vulnerable. On successful
7th-level necromancy saving throw, the target takes half damage and is
Range 30 ft. not cursed.
Components V, S, C (1 piece of dried flesh, vial of A cursed creature must make a Constitution
fresh blood) saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it
Duration 1 minute successfully saves against the spell, the curse ends.
Your spell inflicts a wave of necrotic destruction Each time it fails, it takes 3d8 necrotic damage
upon your target, cursing them and causing their and becomes vulnerable to fire, cold, piercing,
flesh to rot. The creature must make a Constitution bludgeoning and slashing weapons. This spell has
saving throw. On a failed save, the target is cursed no effect on undead or constructs.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 179

Magic Items

necklace of
Wondrous item, rare
(requires attunement)
This necklace grants the wearer
protection from a dragon’s
Frightful Presence. While
wearing the necklace, they
are immune to the effect. The
necklace also grants advantage
to saves against a dragon’s
fearful presence to anyone
within 5 feet of the creature
attuned to this necklace.

ring of dragon armor

Ring, rare (requires attunement)
This ring, crafted from dragonscale, grants resistance
to the breath weapon of a dragon matching its scale
type. A red ring protects the wearer from a red dragon’s
fire breath, a white ring protects a wearer from a white
dragon’s cold breath and so on. Additionally, while
attuned to the ring, any time you take breath weapon
damage from any draconic creature, the damage is
reduced by 10.
tapestries of
Wondrous item, rare
These tapestries are usually found as a set of four,
combining to create a single tableau. Each tapestry is 4 feet
wide, 6 feet tall and weighs 4 pounds. The artwork on the
tapestry is usually dragon-related, depicting epic battles
and sometimes ancient airships. When the tapestries are
hung and activated, they fill the room with preservation
While the magic of the tapestries is activated, the room
stays at a consistent temperature that is comfortable to
most living creatures. They produce a radiance that can
bathe a 40 x 40 foot room in daylight. Food, drink and
dead creatures will not spoil provided they remain in the
light emitted by these tapestries.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 181

A series of single-session
showdowns with some of the
most engaging dragons in the
realm. Does your party have
what it takes to survive?
One-Shot Adventures

Hold My Beer
After the party encounters an enterprising alchemist at an area
ale festival, they are tasked with aiding in the transportation of a
wagon’s worth of ale on behalf of a brew-obsessed bronze dragon.
An Adventure Suitable for Levels 3-6
By James Floyd Kelly

Background Setting Up
Following the events of the area’s beer festival, the party Hold My Beer is a stand-alone adventure for three to six
is hired to escort a few wagons loaded with ale barrels level 4 characters, although the adventure can easily be
to the next town on behalf of a bronze dragon. On the dropped into an existing campaign with CRs and NPCs
journey, they’ll encounter a bit of trouble on the road updated to reflect higher- or lower-level characters.
as well as discover just how valuable the cargo they are Hold My Beer focuses on a long-standing rivalry
guarding could be—especially to the dangerous lich between a dragon and a lich (details on pg. 185), and the
that’s been tracking their every move. party could easily find themselves in the middle of the
feud. The party will be recruited as escorts for the winner
Adventure Location of an ale contest who needs to deliver his special recipe
Silver Waters is a small village that does business up and to Glitz, a legendary dragon. This ale, however, has some
down Harp River. About 50 families support the mer- unusual properties, and a vain wizard-turned-lich believes
chant boats that stop for food and water supplies at the the special brew could be the answer to her search for a
midway point between the port cities of Blue Shard and “cure” for her desiccated and horrific physical form.
Ocean’s Gate. But once a year, Ale Fest turns this sleepy How the party find themselves in the little port village
little village into a gathering of more than 5,000 visitors of Silver Waters can be easily answered by the GM using
(and growing) who come for the games, the songs and some of the Adventure Hooks (on pg. 186) or by changing
to witness the naming of the realm’s best ale, earning its the name of the village to match an existing one in an
creator the Brewer’s Prize. ongoing campaign. Ale Fest is well known in the area of
For the last 10 years, Ale Fest has become a significant Silver Waters and happens once a year; it’s talked about
celebration, with taverns sending representatives to find in all the taverns, so the party will likely have heard about
ales that will bolster their business. During its early years, it or could simply stumble upon it during a trek.
the village started hiring qualified guards to keep thieves How your party made it to Ale Fest is entirely at GM
away and quell the inevitable drunken brawls, and the discretion. If running this adventure as a stand-alone,
festival grounds have a “no weapons” policy. Families have each potential party member determine how they
come for the food, the tavern games and a chance to arrived at Ale Fest in Silver Waters to begin with. Perhaps
break the monotony of small town life, while adventurers they’re already a company of adventurers looking to relax,
from all over visit to compete in the games, enjoy a day’s or maybe they’ve all brought a brew of their own design
respite from the dangers of heroism-for-hire and (let’s to enter into the competition with hopes of claiming the
face it) raise a pint or three of well-deserved ale. Brewer’s Prize as their own. The general mood around
The event lasts for one week, with the winner of the the festival is one of fun and freewheeling, as the beer
Brewer’s Prize selected on the final day. The entire event flows as steady as the Harp River.
takes place in a roped-off grassy area to the immediate If the party has been journeying together as part of an
east of the village. Weapons must be checked at the ongoing campaign, you can easily drop Ale Fest into a
entrance, and any violation of this rule is swiftly dealt town or city they’re already adventuring around or utilize
with by the 70+ guards patrolling the commons area. one of hooks outlined on pg. 186 to pull them closer to
the action that’s about to unfold.
GM NOTES: THE DRAGON AND THE LICH It was just over 60 years ago that the Tangled
Understanding the relationship between Glitz Oak Forest received another powerful visitor
and Lady Divine is key to giving the players a looking to discover the secrets of the forest’s
true sense of the feud and the stakes of the job. offerings. Lady Divine, a powerful lich, had hired
Keep in mind that Glitz is “hiding” in the form a family of loggers to tear into the forest and take
of Trefley Stonetrod; any special information the everything it could offer up.
GM wishes to provide to the players can always The Yylsa elves, seeing a portion of their forest
be done through Trefley, who obviously knows the razed and the work continuing unabated, anxiously
dragon’s desires and motives. Likewise, remember awaited Glitz’s yearly arrival. They hoped the
that although Drake is a mercenary, he doesn’t kill dragon might be able to scare off the loggers and
for sport. He observes rules and laws and attempts end the damage being done to their home. When
to make a living without breaking laws that would Glitz finally arrived, he agreed to do what he could
send him to jail. (His men, on the other hand…only and approached the loggers in peace, hoping to
the GM knows their true intentions.) And because simply push them to another forest.
Ale Fest is weapon-free, this is a good opportunity The loggers, fearful of the lich who hired them,
to run a brawl without fear of death. (The rules say explained they were hired to log this specific forest
nothing about spells, however!) and could not stop their work. Glitz, understanding
There are a number of clues and story points that their fear, told them to inform their employer
can be used for future adventures or as jumping off that any further damage to the forest would be
points in an existing campaign. Ally’s necklace, for ill-advised and that the forest was now under his
example, is a MacGuffin that can easily be converted protection. Glitz flew off, but not before vowing to
into an artifact that might lead to further adventure. return in a week to verify the work had stopped.
And liches rarely die… their physical form just Three weeks without progress got the attention
gets destroyed and they return to their phylactery. of Lady Divine, who traveled to the forest and
Nothing keeps players on their toes like the killed the loggers for their lack of deliveries. With
knowledge that they have found a lich for a nemesis. her research stalled, she began her search for
And finally, Glitz the dragon can become an ally the Yylsa elves, believing them to hold the key to
who can provide not only new adventures and jobs, repairing the damage that lichdom had done to
but also a source of information when researching her body. Unable to locate them, she began to burn
or verifying rumors. Dragons know much, and they and destroy portions of the forest in an attempt to
don’t often like to be in debt to anyone. draw them out.
The elves remained hidden. The dragon did not.
A Rich History For weeks, the lich and the dragon did battle. The
The small elven village of Yylsa (“Charmed River”) lich used the forest to hide and heal, and the dragon
has remained hidden in the Tangled Oak Forest used the elves’ knowledge of the forest to find each
for centuries, long sought but never found. The of Lady Divine’s hiding places. After many more
elves there live quiet lives, hunting and foraging for weeks of being thwarted at every turn, Lady Divine
their needs, relying on the flora and fauna for their fled the forest and Glitz returned to his home.
magical components. Over the last 60 years, Lady Divine has
The special magic wielded by the Yylsa elves continued her research, and once or twice a decade
has been witnessed by outsiders over the years, she returns to the Tangled Oak Forest to try and
typically when an elf leaves the village to explore find new magical components. But the dragon
and adventure. At those times, an awareness of the always finds her and turns her away. Over the
special components they use in their magic spreads years, Lady Divine has grown in power, and now
among wizards who then search the Tangled Oak she is able to fight with Glitz more effectively.
Forest, hoping to luck upon the special plants that Both dragon and lich know that the forest’s
convey such power. But the Tangled Oak Forest continued survival is at stake. Lady Divine will
holds its secrets well, and few wizards have found hire the occasional wizard to go into the forest
what they go looking for… and collect for their individual aims, but it’s a
For the last century, Glitz has made trades with slow process.
the Yylsa elves, providing special brews that the elves Just over a year ago, word began to spread
enjoy in exchange for a mix of ingredients taken about a new ale being brewed using ingredients
from the forest. His desire to use these ingredients obtained from the Tangled Oak Forest. News of
in new brews has kept him returning year after year, this ale and its entry into Silver Waters’ Ale Fest
although his attempts at creating magical brews reached both dragon and lich, and both made
from these ingredients have thus far been fruitless. plans to attend.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 185

One-Shot Adventures

Adventure Hooks and NPCs Part 1: Ale Fest

The below story elements could be utilized to get your
party closer to Ale Fest and the characters who create the
inciting incidents of this adventure. The sounds of reverie and the smells of a dozen
different feasts greet you well before the glistening
• During a trek through any type of terrain, the party waters next to the port village of Silver Waters
encounters a handful of merchant wagons carrying catch your eye. A gigantic banner—GREETINGS
large numbers of ale casks and barrels. One of the and WELCOME to ALE FEST!—flutters in the breeze
wagons has a broken wheel that the merchants are between two large poles on the main road leading
attempting to repair. A DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) into town. Ships and small boats are moored at the
check would allow the players to offer assistance by dock, and the busy labors of the village mix with the
suggesting that two wagons be roped together to obvious celebrations happening in the east commons
keep the three-wheel wagon balanced and allow it area between the village and the nearby forest. But
to roll. A spellcaster may also have a spell that could your attention turns from the clamor and casual work
save the day. Information from the merchants during of the area laborers at the sight of a large dragon
the encounter will mention Ale Fest and the rumor curled up and resting just outside the temporary
that a living, breathing dragon will be there! fence line that has been erected around the festival.
• A childhood friend of a party member has gotten
word to the group that he or she will be attending
Ale Fest at Silver Waters. Silver Waters is only a This is Glitz the Rapscallion, legendary dragon and
day’s journey from their current location, and the protector of ale. Glitz has a special interest in this year’s
PC in question is owed a small debt of payment. The event and has kindly offered his services both as protector
letter also mentions that the event always features a of the festival and as a draw for travelers who wish to see
large collection of adventurers with news of the a live dragon.
world, wizards with knowledge to share and wealthy The festival requires all attendees entering the east
patrons with maps and details of long lost ruins who commons area to relinquish weapons. They can be checked
are looking to hire adventurers. in at a special tent and will be returned when an individual
• On the road to another adventure, the party leaves the area. Anyone causing trouble about the weapons
encounters a large group of families walking and rule will find themselves being glared at by a single open
riding in the direction of Ale Fest. They casually eye of the resting but still intimidating bronze dragon.
offer up a solid night’s meal and a small payment The village has also hired the services of 72 armed
to the adventurers in exchange for escort duty. One of soldiers wearing green sashes (over armor). The
the travelers asks if the party is on its way to Silver soldiers will do everything in their power to escort
Waters because of the rumors that a lich is allegedly troublemakers (and those deemed too inebriated) out of
skulking around the region. the commons area. Anyone producing a hidden weapon
will be automatically detained and placed in the village
This adventure features a few notable NPCs, including jail until the event ends. Fighting or other attempts at
Aloysius Skylantern, Drake Devonair and the Gasp causing trouble will be met with overwhelming force,
Gang, his band of mercenaries, and the lich Lady Divine. with those deemed unseemly removed from the event
Profiles and stat blocks for these characters begin on without warning.
pg. 196. Glitz the Rapscallion is also a major player in Glitz will only get involved if things look very bad.
this adventure, and his profile starts on pg. 37. Glitz will Otherwise, Glitz will nap until the contest begins. If the
spend some of this adventure in the guise of a halfling party wants to explore Ale Fest, they would find it’s a
named Trefley Stonetrod (pg. 196). celebration of all things beer.
The action of this adventure officially begins at the end A general Wisdom (Perception) check would reveal the
of Ale Fest, when the Brewer’s Prize is awarded, but a bit following:
of preamble has been included in Part 1 to help set the
scene. Use as much or as little as you feel is necessary. • Stalls selling ale, meats steamed in beer or both.
• Festival-goers wearing colors denoting their favorite
area taverns, and some (so-called “Barrel Heads”)
wearing large beer barrels and little else as clothing.
• Guards enforcing the “no weapons” policy.
• An area cordoned off for Ale Fest’s Tavern
Games—tests of skill meant to challenge the heartiest
of adventurers and a large draw for the festival.

186 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check would When you’re ready to move on to the next phase of this
also lead to recognition of a group of somewhat shifty- adventure, read the flavor text below:
looking individuals wearing light armor that bears a
flaming hourglass insignia and a suave-looking man who
keeps eyeing them. Anyone with a military or mercenary A great cheer can be heard from one specific section
background (or those succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence of the festival. Stacks of ale barrels make it easy for
[History] check) would know this insignia denotes you to see that there is an ale contest, and it appears
members of the Gasp Gang—mercenaries for hire. the contest is now over because the crowd is carrying
If the party wishes to explore what they’ve observed, one smiling individual, a nondescript man wearing
allow scenes to unfold at GM discretion. As they walk the apron of a bartender. The crowd chants his name:
about the grounds, the party may learn any of the “Al-ly! Al-ly! Al-ly!”
following at GM discretion:

• There’s a storm brewing on the horizon. Looks Aloysius Skylantern has been declared the winner of
like it could rain very hard this evening, which is sort Ale Fest! Aloysius (Ally to his friends) will be provided
of strange for this time of year. Luckily the weather with the trophy for this year’s win. Normally an auction
held for most of the festival! Cheers! is held for any barrels left over from the contest, but it
•Beer barrels aren’t particularly flattering and don’t should be announced that Glitz has made a significant
do a very good job of covering up things clothes offer to Aloysius for all the remaining barrels and
ought to. Most Barrel Heads don’t care. ownership of the recipe. After Aloysius accepts the offer,
• All the ale here is good, but folks have been raving Glitz nods to the brewer, thanks the judges and takes
about one beer in particular, from a brewer named flight. He disappears over the nearby hill amid the cheers
Aloysius Skylantern—a former alchemist. of the festival attendees. But not everyone is pleased with
• The suave but stern-looking man surrounded by the the results…
men in armor with hourglasses aflame is Drake You can allow the players to wander and mingle, and
Devonair, a local hotshot with ties to the criminal maybe even try some of the other vendors’ ales. During
underground. He is watching the party any time they their wanderings, however, it should become apparent
are watching him. He doesn’t want trouble. But he that some troublemakers are making their way toward
could easily cause some. Aloysius now that the dragon has left. Once the players

Optional: Tavern Games Barrel Race Entry Fee 5 silver pieces

If your party would like to participate in any of the tav- A pair of competitors must compete in this race, with
ern games at Ale Fest, these are on offer. one competitor (the roller) rolling a barrel from one
end of a field to another with their partner (the rollee)
Barrel Toss Entry Fee 5 silver pieces inside.
Players can join in to see who can toss an empty barrel The field is 100 feet from one end to another, meaning
the farthest. A simple Strength (Athletics) check can the rollers must travel a total of 200 feet. A roller can
allow a player to set the distance to beat, with the GM move their barrel with them at full speed and movement
rolling for a few NPCs who will attempt to beat the with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.
record. Winner receives 10 gp. Otherwise, they move at half speed. If the roller fails two
checks in a row, they lose control of their barrel and it
Barrel Balance Entry Fee 5 silver pieces tumbles down a nearby hill. Their race is over, and their
Players will stand on barrels (with heads removed) partner ill.
that are threaded over a long log that floats in a pit Once this first leg of the race is complete, the partner
filled with muddy water and, from the smell of it, stale in the barrel must get out of the barrel and consume a
beer. Players will hold on to a rope for balance until beer while standing on one leg. This requires a DC 15
the game begins. The rope is dropped and the log is Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to get out of the barrel, a DC
spun and shaken by a crew of sturdy-looking dwarves. 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to find the beer on a nearby
Last person remaining on their barrel is the winner. A table and a combined Constitution and Dexterity check
Dexterity check is made by the player(s) along with four to consume the beer on one leg without falling over (DC
or five rolls made by the GM to represent the other 4–5 25). While any number of teams of two can compete, a set
competitors—lowest roll falls off and then everyone rolls of local twins—Porter and Pud Podwick—will set the pace
again. Winner receives 10 gp. to beat for the area’s NPCs. It takes Porter a total of eight
rounds per initiative to roll the barrel from one end of the
field to the other and four rounds per initiative for Pud to
pop out and drink the ale on one leg. Winners split 20 gp.

One-Shot Adventures

have had an opportunity to look around, it’s time for

Ale Fest Main Stage Drake and his Gasp Gang mercenaries to start trouble.
Site of the Brewer’s Prize contest. This year’s contest is won
by Aloysius Skylantern. He is thrilled. A few local thugs are
not. The judges aren’t sure what to do—they’re just here Over the noises of the happy crowd, you can make out
for the free beer. the distinct sound of an angry voice. A slim, sharply
dressed individual is pointing his finger at Aloysius
Judges’ Table and gesturing towards the barrels that Ally is having
The main stage (1) features a judges’ table as well as several loaded into two wagons. “I don’t care!” shouts the
steins of half-drunk ale. The stage’s surface is 8 feet off the fancy-looking gentleman. “You don’t bring a winning
ground, and requires a DC 10 Strength or Dexterity check ale to the contest and then sell it all to a dragon! Give
to leap onto without using the hay bales as a boost. me two barrels. Now!”

A Gathered Crowd
Ally will find one of the player’s eyes and appeal for
As the most anticipated aspect of Ale Fest, the help with a hopeful look. If the players intervene, Drake
announcement of the Brewer’s Prize always piques the and four of his mercenaries will start a fight (unarmed)
interest of attendees in the area. At GM discretion, this with the players. If the players do not intervene, Drake
entire area could be considered difficult terrain, as throngs will catch one of the players watching and toss an insult
of common folk mill about, unsure of what to do once a (specific to either the race or class of the player). He’s
fight breaks out. looking for a fight and hoping the distraction will allow
two of his mercenaries to sneak away with a few barrels.
No Blades, No Bows If the party doesn’t start a fight, Drake would.
As this area is part of Ale Fest, no weapons are allowed. Guards would intervene at GM discretion or after four
Drake Devonair and his Gasp Gang mercenaries aren’t rounds of initiative. Drake is smart. He’ll find another
trying to get thrown in the clink, and would abide by the way to get what he wants.
rules against carrying arms in this part of town. But that Once Drake and his men are chased away, a halfling
doesn’t mean they’re against using some of the available (Trefley Stonetrod) will approach Ally and a discussion
items in the area as improvised weapons. will begin.

Hay Bales (2). There are stacks of hay in the area,

and each weighs roughly 20 pounds. A bale of hay As the fracas breaks up, you notice a stout-looking
can be used as an improvised ranged weapon (1d6 halfling approaching Ally, who bends down to hear what
bludgeoning). The attacker uses Strength to make the the halfling has to say. The halfling then motions you all
attack. If the attack hits, roll 1d4. On a 1, the bale breaks over to him and says, “You individuals look like you might
apart, kicking up dust in a 10-foot area, centered on the be able to assist me. My master, Glitz, has purchased
target. Vision is obscured in this area until the top of the these 10 barrels and needs them escorted to a rendezvous
next round. spot just outside of town. Given the trouble Ally just had
with those men, I was wondering if I might be able to hire
Tables and Benches (3). There are several wooden you for two days to escort Ally and his barrels? My master
benches as well as a few long tables that could be utilized pays well, and, let’s be honest…gaining the favor of a
as bludgeoning devices by able-bodied adventurers. dragon is never a bad thing, I can tell you.”
Benches and tables have a reach of 15 feet and a range
equal to twice creature’s Strength score. A creature
attempting to utilize a bench (1d10) or table (1d12) If the players take the job, Trefley will negotiate a fee
as a weapon must first succeed on a DC 15 Strength (25–50 gp for each barrel delivered, at GM discretion)
(Athletics) check to wield it. Given their awkward size, and provide them with directions to the rendezvous
attacks with a bench or table are made at disadvantage. spot—they will travel as far as possible tonight, camp and
then finish the trip in the morning.
Beer Barrels (4). There are several barrels in the area Trefley wants Ally and the barrels to hit the road and
that could be utilized as improvised weapons. Lifting a would give the party a few minutes to prepare. Trefley
barrel requires a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) suggests at least one party member ride along in each of
check. A barrel has a range equal to twice the wielder’s the wagons carrying barrels, though they have room for
Strength score. A barrel deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage two passengers apiece. A third wagon is available to carry
on a hit. Any time a barrel is thrown, roll 1d4. On a 1-2, Ally, any remaining party members and their equipment.
the barrel bursts and any creature within 10 feet of the Camping gear has been provided by Trefley along with
busted barrel must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving some food and drink for the night.
throw, or slip and fall in the puddle of booze.
The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 189
One-Shot Adventures

• Coming around a curve in the road, a large bear

After gathering in the wagons and leaving the and a pack of wolves are growling and posturing
commons area, you can see townsfolk waving to Ally around the carcass of a deer. The party caught both
and yourselves as you round a bend and head into the the bear and the wolves by surprise, and the animals
nearby forest. It will be dark soon, but you can get a few now see more food they can fight over. Combat
hours of travel in before you’ll need to make camp. can occur here, but there may be some roleplaying
and magical solutions that can help the party avoid it.
• The party members become aware at some point
that they are being watched from the woods. A half-
Part 2: On the Road elf ranger (Jesse Fee) has been following them (not
for nefarious reasons), hoping to gain some insight
into whether or not they can be trusted. If she deems
For the last few hours, you and your companions have the party to be safe, she will exit the forest and ask for
enjoyed the calm of your ride through the forest. assistance, hoping a cleric is in the party. The ranger’s
Aloysius, although shy, has shared a few things with ally, a half-orc fighter, has been injured in a fight with
your group regarding his ale and his surprise when a “horrible, foul-looking creature traveling in a horse-
Glitz extended an offer to buy his remaining barrels. drawn hearse.” If the party are willing to follow her
and heal her ally, the ranger and fighter may be
convinced to join the party for the rest of the trip;
both will easily spot the hearse later in the adventure
At GM discretion, Ally would reveal (or can now share) and be able to provide the party with more details
the following: on the lich. If the party lacks a cleric or other healer,
the ranger will ask if they can carry her ally in the
• Ally isn’t sure why Glitz was so eager to purchase wagon to the next town that has an apothecary; the
his ale or why Drake and his mercenaries were so half-orc will not be of help in any combat, but the
keen to acquire it. ranger is at full health and will assist as she can.
• He brewed the ale using a few special ingredients
he found in a glen not far from the fabled location Following the second encounter, read the following
of the Tangled Oak Forest, but (if he’s being honest) flavor text:
he’s not sure he could make more even if he had all
the ingredients…he sort of made the concoction up
as he went along, a variation on the recipe his mother As you gather yourselves and continue the journey
created. forward, the sun drops behind a pitch-black gathering
• He has, of course, sampled the ale. It’s very good. of clouds, and you can see the rain coming from miles
• A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception or Insight) check away. Aloysius nods in agreement that it’s time to
would reveal that Ally keeps touching a medallion make camp. It looks to be a cold and drizzly night.
around his neck. If asked about it, he would reveal
that it was given to him by his mother, the renowned
brewer Emilia Skylantern. Her proprietary recipe is
embossed on the back, a fact he may keep to himself. GM NOTE: FROM A DISTANCE
Unknown to Ally or the PCs, the party has been
As the party continues to journey along the road, followed by some of Drake’s mercenaries. It is
they would run into a bit of trouble. Choose two of the their intention to attack the party in the morning
encounters detailed below (and note the other for use in and take as many barrels as they can grab.
Part 4 of this adventure) and present them as happening They’ve also been instructed to take Aloysius
en route to a spot to make camp for the night: captive and bring him to Drake’s campsite
nearby. These mercenaries are using Drake’s
• A large oak tree has fallen into the center of the familiar, an invisible imp, to scout the party’s
road. The party can try to maneuver the wagons journey from an unobservable distance.
around it with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Animal
Handling) check, but failure will require that the tree
be removed with 30 minutes of labor. During this
work, a group of 1d4 + 2 bandits (who felled the tree)
will demand 10 gp for “safe passage.” The party can
pay up, parlay or put up a fight. The GM can adjust
the number of bandits to augment the encounter.
Part 3: Bedding Down suggest they get some rest. If one or more party members
volunteer for watch duty, make note of how many drinks
they had: zero, one or two.
As the party drops off to sleep, the ale’s aftereffect
After securing the horses and wagons and building
(severe drowsiness) begins to take hold. All who had a
a cozy fire, Aloysius breaks out the food provided by
drink will be unable to wake when Drake’s mercenaries
Trefley, before smiling wide. “Trefley told me we could
move in to kidnap Ally and take the wagons. Any who
break into one of the barrels on our journey as long as
had one ale must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
we didn’t drink it all!”
throw to stay awake while on watch. Any party member
who had two ales will make this save at disadvantage.
If any party members are awake, a DC 17 Wisdom
A slight breeze will kick up, and Aloysius will pour
(Perception) check—made at disadvantage due to the
mugs of ale for each member of the party, offering a toast
rainfall—would reveal a group of 10 mercenaries quietly
to his escorts and his dearly departed mum. Any party
slipping into camp at GM discretion. The mercenaries
members who choose to drink will discover that the ale’s
would try to subdue any party member still awake and
win was well deserved. It is an incredible brew that begs
would be careful not to wake any other party members.
for another drink, and Aloysius is willing to offer up a
If the mercenaries are successful in this endeavor, they
single refill.
would flee with Ally, the wagons and the barrels. If the
After a party member has a drink, make a roll on the
mercenaries fail, any left alive would reveal they were
Ally’s Ale Special Effects table and inform the player that
sent specifically to kidnap Ally and the ale on behalf of
something unusual is happening. If a player has a second
Drake and his mistress, the powerful lich Lady Divine.
mug, roll again. Effects will stack.
They would suggest any attempt to flee without Lady
Divine knowing would be impossible: her spies are
everywhere. Adjust the flavor text at the top of part 4 as
necessary based on the outcome of this part.
Any time a creature consumes a mug of Ally’s
ale, roll on this table to determine how they are Part 4: The Morning After
impacted. These effects last for 24 hours.

1d6 This mug of brew offers... As the sun begins to rise, you awaken to a disturbing
…enhanced hearing. Wolf-like hearing allows sight. The horses are gone. Two wagons are gone. The
the imbiber to hear the chant of a spellcaster ale? Gone. Aloysius is too. You feel well-rested, but
more than a mile away. The sound of a large pair something in that ale made you sleep so soundly you
of wings in the sky is also heard. never heard the noise of the horses and wagons riding
…enhanced vision. The imbiber is able to pick away. As you examine the campsite, you notice dozens
out movement and details of a hearse that is of boot impressions in the mud that the night’s rain
2 made. And there, in the mud as well, are two perfect
parked on a hilltop over a mile away. A dark
shadow is visible behind the clouds in the sky. sets of wagon tracks that lead back the way you came.
…enhanced speed. The imbiber gains 15 feet of
…enhanced strength. The imbiber adds +4 to If a party member was knocked out, that PC
4 can validate that the wagons were stolen and Ally
their Strength stat (to a max of 24).
…mind reading. The imbiber gains the ability kidnapped. If no PCs were able to stay awake, the
to cast detect thoughts at will. Using this ability only clue that Ally was kidnapped is the medallion he
on Ally would reveal that he is excited and also wore around his neck that is found in the fresh wagon
5 wheel impressions in the mud with a successful DC 15
somewhat shocked by the effects of the ale and
wishes he could accurately remember how to Intelligence (Investigation) check. An examination of
replicate the recipe. the medallion will reveal two bits of information:
…magic detection. The imbiber can cast detect
magic at will and senses a strong source of • On the back is inscribed the special recipe that
6 Ally uses for his ale (though without the ingredient
necromantic energy emanating from the hills
beyond. found in the Tangled Oak Forest).
• The chain is thick and unbroken. Ally would have
had to remove it himself, and he told the party he
As the party discovers the unusual properties of the never takes it off.
ale, the light drizzle from earlier becomes a full-blown
thunderstorm. When the meal is done, Aloysius will

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 191

One-Shot Adventures

If the party wishes to find Ally and retrieve the Barton’s Hill
barrels, they will have no problem following the
muddy tracks of the wagons. They’ll have to go on A slightly craggy outcropping named after Horace Barton,
foot, as the third wagon lacks horses. It’s possible that a nobleman who left the region after being snatched up
the PCs may have received the right effects from by harpies that once roosted here, Barton’s Hill is a known
the ale to discern the presence of a powerful meeting place for the transfer of stolen goods among the
spellcaster about a mile away and possibly a dragon area’s less reputable citizens. It’s a great spot for a fight as
in the sky. They may also make guesses that the well, if that’s what you’re into.
hearse and Ally’s disappearance are related.
If the party chooses to follow the tracks, they will find Hilltop
Ally, Drake and his men after two hours of travel.
A bare expanse elevated above the rest of this region, the
During these two hours, the third (of the three earlier
hilltop (1) offers advantage to those attacking from the
encounters from part 2) will occur. The forest will
high ground. Scrambling to its top, roughly 20 feet higher
protect the party from observation and the soft mud
than the surrounding area, costs twice as much movement.
will cover the sound of their movements.
If the party abandons Ally and the barrels, word
will get back to Glitz and the party will find they are Crags and Cover
unwelcome at many nearby towns as the dragon shares Barton’s Hill has plenty of places to hide (things or people).
their cowardice with the population. At GM discretion, the rocky outcroppings (2, of many)
Part 5: Dragon vs. Lich offer half to full cover depending on the height of the
combatant and angle of the attack. The trees and shrubs
(3, of many) in the area are also useful as a means of
protecting oneself. They constitute difficult terrain and
The muddy trail has led you back through the forest offer half cover.
and then onto a branching roadway that you passed
yesterday evening. The forest has grown thicker here, Hidey Hole (4). A portion of this rock features a large
blocking much of the sunlight. gap between its underside and the ground upon which it
sits, making it a quality hiding spot. A creature standing
within 5 feet of this rock would notice a bit of cloth
The party may or may not choose to scout ahead, but sticking out of it. Further investigation would reveal a
if they do, they would find Drake and his mercenaries at hidden magic item, determined by rolling on the table
the top of a steep hill, waiting for the arrival of the lich below. The owner of this item may come looking for it in
known as Lady Divine, the individual who hired Drake to the future, at GM discretion.
capture Ally and take the barrels of ale. Lady Divine will
be coming from the opposite direction in her hearse. The
party will most likely arrive ahead of Lady Divine and 1d6 This hole is hiding...
spot the mercenaries; their behavior and actions will hint …a necklace of weak fireballs. The necklace
that they are waiting on someone to arrive from the road has 1d4 beads. It functions as a necklace of
running down the other side of the hill. fireballs but each bead deals half the damage of
It is up to the party to determine a course of action, but a level 3 casting of the spell.
attacking Drake and his men before the lich arrives is the …a ring of spell storing. This ring currently
best move. If the party wait until the lich arrives, Glitz holds a level 4 fly spell. It has been tinkered with
will reveal himself as detailed later to ensure the party to offer immediate attunement to the first person
isn’t immediately wiped out. who slips it on.
If the players choose to attack Drake and the Gasp …a potion of greater healing. Potions come
Gang, they will have a difficult time approaching and potions go.
stealthily. The Gasp Gang (numbers at GM discretion) …a cape of the mountebank. This item was
will spot them and (assuming the kidnapping was pinched from Straightline March, the Left Wand
successful) gather in front of Ally, tied up alongside Drake of the Marble Spire. She will come looking for it
who will speak: once she’s finished nursing her hangover.
…a tan bag of tricks. The original owner of this
bag was devoured by feral goats. But the man
“You couldn’t just leave it alone, could you? I told my who was meant to claim it from this hidey hole
men to spare your lives as you slept, but now you’ve will certainly wonder where it went.
forced my hand. Kill them. Now.” …a potion of revivify. Not the worst thing to
have on hand when you’re an assassin who
shoots first and checks the description on the
bounty note later.
192 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

One-Shot Adventures

Drake will not attack with his men. The party may The mercs will now attack the players. As GM, you
feel outnumbered or overpowered, but after a few can control the danger to the players by allowing Glitz or
blows between the two groups, two things will occur to the lich (or both) to take opportunity attacks against the
interrupt the battle: players. The 10 mercenaries are skilled, and if they appear
to be winning, Glitz can always dive down and grab one
• A loud roar will be heard from the sky. in his mouth. Likewise, if the players are winning, the
• A horse-drawn hearse will appear around the Lady Divine may send a lightning strike down that will
bend. knock prone anyone within 25 feet of the strike.
The dragon and the lich will do battle in the sky. Lady
The mercenaries will retreat to Drake and await orders. Divine has teleport abilities and can control the weather.
If the players continue to fight the Gasp Gang, a lightning Her strikes against Glitz, however, will never be enough.
bolt will strike in the center of the fight and knock prone After two rounds per initiative, Glitz will release Lady
anyone within 25 feet of the strike. Divine; she will fall but cast a spell to teleport herself
The lid to the hearse will open. down to the ground. In her injured state, she is not going
to be able to assist the mercenaries as Glitz will continue
his attacks against her.
Wearing the dress of a noblewoman, a female form If the players attempt to attack the lich, she will
emerges from the hearse. Her skin is gray and stretched perform one of the following two diversions before
thin, revealing a grim rictus with teeth exposed, a look turning her attention back to Glitz:
typically reserved for the very, very dead. In her right
hand is a staff that glows green at its tip, and on her left • A lightning bolt will strike one of the wagons,
hand is a single ruby ring that catches the eye. “Drake, catching it on fire. The party will need to find a way
I was clear in my instructions that there would be no to extinguish the flames while also dealing with any
witnesses to this meeting…” A single lightning bolt will remaining mercenaries. While Divine wants the
strike Drake in the chest, and you watch him crackle barrels, she will satisfy herself with Ally and his
then burst into a pile of ash. “If you don’t want to join recipe if she can deny both to the dragon.
your leader, I suggest you dispatch these interlopers • The lich will focus on the least injured PC who is
immediately.” As the Gasp Gang turns to rush you, you not within 30 feet of Ally and cast fireball. If this
hear a voice booming from the rocks behind you. “Not spell is successfully cast, all mercenaries within range
today, Divine.” Trefley Stonetrod, the halfling who hired of the spell will be killed. Glitz will re-engage with
you, emerges from the woods with a smile on his face. the lich.
“I had a suspicion you’d be interested in the ale.”
After four rounds per initiative, read the following
flavor text:
The party may choose to rush the mercs or stand and
wait to see what happens, but the mercs are confused and
will stand their ground and wait for instructions from The sky crackles with energy that suddenly surges
Lady Divine. against the massive dragon, and you watch as Glitz
Lady Divine will begin walking towards Trefley (who tumbles hard into the ground ahead of you. “Get Ally
shows no fear). out of here,” he growls, as the lich hovers overhead.
The lich will give the party a few looks that should
make them nervous, but ultimately she is interested in
Trefley. Lady Divine would cast fireball on the area near the
wagons, setting them ablaze to spite Glitz, before turning
her attention to him.
The lich glares at Trefley. “I told you that the next time
we met, one of us wasn’t going to walk away.” Trefley • Glitz will continue to ask the party to protect Ally
bellows “Well, then…let’s see who that will be,” as he and check him for any injuries.
spreads his arms and his form shifts—scales cover • Glitz will request the party try to move the wagons
his skin and his head and neck extend as the halfling and Ally out of range of the battle above them.
changes form into a massive bronze dragon. You smell
hops and malted barley in the breeze as he flaps his The mercenaries will fight to prevent the party from
wings, surging toward the lich, grabbing her in his rescuing Ally and putting out the flames around the
claws and soaring into the sky. wagons, which will consume one barrel of ale per round
starting at the top of round 6.
If the party is victorious against the mercenaries, Glitz
will finish off the physical body of the lich with a burst of
his powerful breath weapon, before diving to crush her
hearse. This isn’t the end of the lich, but it does end the
immediate threat.
If Aloysius is alert, he can be released from his bonds
and will complete his bargain with Glitz (who would help
bring him back from death using revivify if necessary).
After things settle down, Glitz would thank the party.

“Greetings, my friends. And thank you! You have

brought me the prized ale I have so looked forward to
having in my collection. I just wanted to say thank you
for your aid in securing these ales. And if you ever find
yourselves in need of a favor, I’m only a pub crawl away.”

Part 6: Last Call

Glitz would pay the party the agreed upon amount per
barrel saved.
If Ally’s medallion is returned (and he will insist on it),
the party will have access to an ally with access to unusual
magical components in the future. Ally may also be able
to occasionally provide unusual potions for testing.
Lady Divine will not forget this event; the party will
have gained a powerful nemesis who can appear at
various times in future adventures.
Ally will reach out to the party in one year to request
escort services to Ale Fest (if the party is available). It
is also possible that Glitz may hire the party again in
six months’ time to meet with Ally for a delivery of 20
barrels. This will be known to Lady Divine, who may use
the opportunity for revenge.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 195

One-Shot Adventures

NPCs Aloysius Skylantern

The following NPCs make appearances as
Medium humanoid (Human), lawful good
part of this adventure.
Armor Class 10
Glitz, the Rapscallion, Purveyor of Ale Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.
This legendary dragon is well known from the many
songs and tales told across the world about the dragon STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
that brews ale. It is widely known that Glitz owns shares 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
in many taverns near and far, and his own brewery keeps Senses passive Perception 10
several beer halls filled with visitors looking to taste the Languages Common
dragon’s special brews. It’s not uncommon for Glitz’s Challenge 0 (10 XP)
customers to forget that they are dealing with a dragon,
and the tales told of Glitz’s hospitality are matched in
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
number by those of thieves who chose to rob the wrong one target. Hit: (1) bludgeoning damage. (Aloysius is unarmed)
tavern or the wrong merchant caravan carrying Glitz’s
special ales. More details as well as stats for Glitz are
available on pg. 37.
Drake Devonair
Trefley Stonetrod Medium humanoid (Human), neutral good
This smiling halfling purports to work as Glitz’s hireling,
but the truth is they are one and the same. When Glitz Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
desires to interact with the world, he often chooses to Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft.
change form and become Trefley Stonetrod. Trefley is
known near and far as a fair person to deal with, and he STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
pays well, too. His infectious laugh is enjoyed by all he 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
meets (though many think it has a bit of a charm spell
Saving Throws Dex +6, Cha +7
applied), and his appetite in the taverns for food and ale Skills Acrobatics +6, Deception +7
is legendary. Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Abyssal
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Aloysius Skylantern
Aloysius (or Ally to his friends) is an alchemist from Charismatic Attacker. Drake uses his Charisma modifier for
a long line of brewers. Although his ales have always his melee attacks.
been noteworthy, it is his latest brew that he brings to Devilish Smile. Drake makes Charisma (Deception and
Persuasion) checks at advantage.
Ale Fest that has everyone talking. A secret recipe he Pact Familiar. Drake can summon a familiar, an imp named
has developed has won the Brewer’s Prize, but there’s Quizbit, to do his bidding as in the find familiar spell.
something else in this ale that seems to have a minor
effect on adventurers who have seen combat and Actions
experienced magic up close. Aloysius is unaware that an Multiattack. Drake makes two melee attacks, one of which can
be Eldritch Pass.
ingredient he added to the brew has been used by both
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Glitz and Lady Divine in their own experiments (with no Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
luck); for this reason, his knowledge and barrels of his ale Eldritch Pass. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
have become valuable to both parties. creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage. On a hit, Drake
gains 15 feet of movement and can move away from the target
Drake Devonair without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Hired by Lady Divine to kidnap Aloysius and to take his
remaining barrels, this warlock mercenary was picked Reactions
Parry. Drake adds 3 to his AC against one melee attack that
for his skill with the sword as well as his discretion. would hit him. To do so, Drake must see the attacker and be
Drake, however, isn’t so wise when it comes to picking wielding a melee weapon.
henchmen to assist. Drake desires nothing more than
his reward from Lady Divine (a magical blade she has
promised to trade for Ally and the barrels), but he does
not want to grab the attention of any militias or sheriffs in
his travels as he’s spent enough time in a handful of jails
to know he wishes to avoid them. For this reason, Drake
is hesitant to kill even with Lady Divine’s instructions to
leave no witnesses.

196 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

The Gasp Gang Shersha “Lady Divine” Darkfist
A group of mercenaries for hire, these ne’er-do-wells No one knows how long Shersha Darkfist lived as a
are dumb, but effective. And dumb. They wear armor wizard, but most agree it must have been to a ripe
featuring an hourglass aflame, meant to suggest that old age as few wizards have the knowledge or skill
their enemies’ time is running out (and also in homage to become a lich upon death. Lady Divine, so named
to their founder, Klaus, who accidentally burned down by those who knew of her exceeding beauty in life,
their first fortress when he was roasting a boar and succeeded in her attempt at lichdom. But the horrific
didn’t check the timer). changes to her lich body were unacceptable, and
she now spends a significant portion of her undead
life researching methods for reversing the physical
Gasp Gang Mercenary effects she chose so long ago. Lady Divine possesses
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
the abilities of a lich, but for the purposes of this
Armor Class 17 (Splint) adventure, she should exist more as an existential threat
Hit Points 58 (9d8+18) than an immediate one (as she could easily dispatch
Speed 30 ft. a low-level party with a flick of her wrist). The party
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA should understand dealing with Lady Divine is at their
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) discretion, and if their discretion suggests they should
attack, then they ought to get their heads examined.
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Multiattack. The mercenary makes two longsword attacks. If
the mercenary has a shortsword drawn, they can also make a
shortsword attack.
Longsword (Two-handed). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 3) slashing damage.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: (1d8 + 3) slashing damage. one handed
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
One-Shot Adventures

Dragon Hunt
The party must organize a heist, then take to the skies to help
a retired dragon hunter take down a risen elemental evil.
An Adventure Suitable for Levels 8–12
by Celeste Conowitch

Background from below and above as they draw nearer to the

A mighty dragon is reborn, and two dragon hunters dragon.
have set their sights on defeating their past nemesis • Part 6: Last Stand (90 mins)
once again. The party reaches their final destination, only to run
A red dragon named Cenere has been resurrected into the angered Dragon Swords. Between dragons
by its loyal kobold minions. Forging itself a new body and rivals, the situation is an all-out brawl.
surging with elemental flame, Cenere has taken on a new
moniker, Thrice-Born, and set its sights on reshaping the Adventure Hooks
world in fire and blood. When Cenere last stalked the Dragon hunting is highly illegal in most civilized soci-
Earth, two legendary dragon hunters, Bellanus Yanorin eties, unless of course that’s not true in the world you’ve
and Rynden Aethedorn, slew the vicious creature. Now created. If your party has been adventuring together for
that Cenere has been brought back to life, these hunters some time, any of the below scenarios can be incorpo-
are committed to taking up arms once again to stop the rated into the storylines you have in place:
dragon before its reign of terror descends.
Successful partners when they faced Cenere more • Rumors of violent dragon attacks have started to
than 100 years ago, the dragon hunters have since circulate. Hundreds of people will continue to lose
splintered into rival factions. Now separated, each needs their lives and homes if the dragon responsible isn’t
to find assistance from adventurers brave enough to defy stopped, and word that the party is interested in
both a creature of legend as well as the laws that forbid putting a stop to it has reached the ears of a talented
dragon hunting. (if somewhat retired) dragon hunter.
• Local clerics and soothsayers have begun to speak
Overview of dark magic brewing nearby: Something has been
The adventure’s story is spread over four parts and brought back from death, and it is no paltry thing.
takes approximately five hours to play. This adventure Whatever it is, the gods want it stopped, which is why
is designed for three to seven 8th-to-12th-level charac- they communed with the retired dragon hunter who
ters and is optimized for five characters with an average will make contact with the party.
party level of 10. • A mage college reports a red dragon’s burning
heart has been stolen from their collection. They hire
• Part 1: Dangerous Game (15 mins) an adventuring party to retrieve it (or at least
The party receives a mysterious message that leads apprehend the thief), but want insurance on their
to a rendezvous with dragon hunter Bellanus Yanorin. investment, so they’ve hired a dragon hunter to go
Bellanus recruits the party for a dangerous mission. along for the ride.
• Part 2: The Dragon Vault (90 mins) • A local official hires the party to use whatever
The party must break into the vaults of Rynden means necessary to take down the dragon ravaging
Aethedorn and his followers, The Dragons Swords, their lands (even if that means resorting to illegal
to retrieve a prototype, an elemental engine, from means, i.e., involving some dragon hunters off the
Rynden’s workshop. books). The official knows two dragon hunters
• Part 3-5: Getting Warmer, Double Trouble, Get a reportedly have been seen in the backwoods town of
Clue (120 mins) Pontybridge and recommends the group starts there.
With the elemental engine in tow, the crew sets off on
the trail of their quarry. Threats try to impede them If running this adventure for a new party or as a one-
shot, any of the previously mentioned would do, or you At GM discretion, help your party make their way to
can have the party agree to meet the dragon hunter the town of Pontybridge, a small town so exceedingly
Bellanus in a town called Pontybridge at the Jaded Rose. uneventful that the militia was once dispatched when
If the party members don’t know one another, they will a bushel of pears went missing from the general store
have been contacted individually by the dragon hunter, (turns out they were there the whole time—someone
who knows the appearance of Cenere is a horrible turn just moved them to the other side of the shop. Whoop-
of events that cannot be left unchallenged. sie!). The Jaded Rose is the nicest of the pubs in town,
but that’s only because they have one extra stool. When
Part 1: Dangerous Game the players enter the Jaded Rose, read the following:

The shriek of a falcon rings through the air as the bird Red-stained tables and chairs crowd this rustic tavern.
swoops to land just before you. The creature opens its A few patrons buzz about the space, but an elven
beak, but instead of a squawk or screech you hear a woman in a royal blue frock coat is the most striking
smooth feminine voice say: among them. She looks up from her mug directly at
you, a smile on her face. She winks, then raises her
“My name is Bellanus Yanorin, and I need skilled glass your way before introducing herself.
adventurers. If you are interested in gold and glory,
meet me at the Jaded Rose in Pontybridge.”
The elf dressed in blue is Bellanus Yanorin. She recog-
As the message finishes, the falcon shakes its head nizes the party by description and cheerily introduces
and takes off into the air. herself. She’d buy a round of drinks then direct them to
a private room to chat about the job. Once out of earshot
of the other patrons, Bellanus lays out her proposition.
The message is from Bellanus Yanorin, leader of The
Green Swords faction of dragon hunters. She has used
the animal messenger spell to reach out to the party after “Glad you had the mettle to hear my offer! Here’s
hearing rumors of an adventuring band in the area. Any the job: I have a dragon to hunt. Cenere...nasty red
characters who succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (History) dragon. Put him down once before but now it seems
check to recognize the name would know the information he’s been...reborn. I don’t know how to express just
given in the Roleplaying Bellanus sidebar (pg. 200). how devastating the very notion of that is. The fact
that it’s a reality, well. I need capable people to help
When the party receives this message, they should be no me take him down. It’s going to be dangerous, it’s
more than a day’s journey away from the town of Ponty- going to be illegal and it’s going to involve stealing
bridge, where The Green Swords are currently waiting. from my old partner. If you can’t agree to that, well...
there’s the door.”


Pontybridge is a quiet little town, easily dropped If the party wants to hear more, Bellanus would lay out
into any campaign setting. Unremarkable in the following information at GM discretion:
nearly every way, it’s the perfect place to hide a
dragon-hunting base. • The leader of a group called The Dragon Swords is
a dwarf named Rynden Aethedorn. They have a
Population: Around 1,000. hidden base in town.
Government: A democratically elected • Bellanus wants to hire the party to sneak into this
town council handles decisions concerning base, find the vaults contained within and steal a
Pontybridge. The council reports to the lord of magical prototype called an elemental engine.
the region for more important matters. • Once the party has the engine, they have to get it
Defenses: Pontybridge does not have out of the base without attracting the locals’
any traditional defenses. If trouble arises, attention.
Pontybridge can rally a small militia of 50 • Bellanus knows that Rynden is currently away on
capable fighters. business, so she needs the party to steal the engine as
Inns and Taverns: The Jaded Rose Tavern, The soon as possible or they risk interference from the
Pleasant Pheasant Inn, Shining Span Meadery. dwarf.
Other Notable Locations: Ponty’s Bridge,
Foundations (a general store), plenty of pear If the characters have additional questions for Bellanus,
orchards. here is what she knows:

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 199

One-Shot Adventures

• The base is inside an old boarding house that

Rynden rents. As far as the town is concerned, the The boarding house is a rectangular wooden structure
boarding house is permanently closed for business. close to the edge of town. Its two-story frame of
• Rynden lives in the boarding house alone but mortared stone is set with boarded-up windows. There
occasionally meets there with other members of are two sets of wooden entry doors and an open-air bell
The Dragon Swords. There likely won’t be people, tower that appears to be an easy entry point.
but Bellanus is sure the wily dwarf will have some
magical protections in place.
• The elemental engine is some kind of prototype the There are several ways to get inside the boarding house.
dwarf has been building. It’s rumored to be more Both sets of doors on the ground level are locked but can
potent than the airship engines of old. be picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’
• The town has no regular guard, so as long as the Tools) check. The bell tower is 20 feet tall and can be
party doesn’t make too much noise, they should be climbed with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
able to get in and out of the building without rousing check to reach an unlocked trap door. Alternatively, a
suspicion. Small or Tiny creature could crawl through the ground
floor windows after prying off the boards.
Bellanus answers whatever questions she can before As long as the party doesn’t draw attention to
suggesting the characters get ready to break into the themselves with loud noises or flashy spells, at GM
boarding house as soon as possible. She instructs them discretion, no townsfolk come to investigate. If the party
to take the engine to a rendezvous point in the forest does cause a stir, 2d6 militia members (use veteran stat
just outside of Pontybridge, where her crew will be block) arrive at the scene and wait to apprehend the
waiting to leave town. characters when they leave the boarding house.
Once the party is inside the boarding house, proceed to
Part 2.
Bellanus Yanorin is a thrill seeker who found her Part 2: The Dragon Vault
calling battling the most dangerous dragons the The Dragon Swords’ secret hideout is harder to infiltrate
world has ever seen. She is a charismatic and than its boarding house facade. The party must contend
capable leader who inspires others by laughing in with the vault’s magical defenses to reach Rynden’s
the face of adversity. Bellanus created the dragon workshop. Once arrived, they must assemble the engine
hunting faction known as The Green Swords parts and deliver them to Bellanus.
when she got fed up with the stuffy policies
Rynden Aethedorn employed while leading The Vault Layout
Dragon Swords. Through daring ventures and Rynden keeps the top floor of the building empty and
morally ambiguous decisions, Bellanus made The hasn’t changed much about the layout. The dwarf has
Green Swords the richest dragon hunting faction maintained the dusty and empty floor to discourage
in the business. She has no qualms mentioning any would-be thieves from hunting for valuables. The
this fact to anyone at any time, whether she’s told bottom floor contains several magic defenses to protect
them already or not. The Dragon Swords’ stored secrets.

Vault Locations
When dragon-hunting was officially outlawed, Bellanus The following locations are shown on the Vault map
experienced a long melancholic period as The Green (pg. 201–202). Flavor text is presented as if a creature
Swords were forced to step into the shadows. She sees is entering the space for the first time through its main
this new hunt as the first real opportunity to show the entryway. Adjust at GM discretion.
world that dragon hunters need to be put back on the
map. As such, she is focused on taking down Cenere, 1. Common Area
almost to the point of obsession.

Casing the Joint This musty common room hasn’t seen use in quite
At GM discretion, after taking the job from Bellanus, some time. Long wooden dining tables and chairs
the party may wish to investigate the boarding house neatly line the floor, ready to seat dozens. Many closed
before sneaking in. When the players scope out the doors line the walls.
boarding house for the first time, read or paraphrase the

200 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

Vault (Upper Level)


The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 15

Vault (Lower Level)



9.3 9.2 9.1

One-Shot Adventures

This room is a common area designed for the boarders on the rug. If the party looks underneath the rug, they
to relax and take their meals. There is nothing of value find an unlocked trap door leading to the cellar.
in this room, and Rynden takes great care not to leave
any footprints in the dust when he comes and goes. 6. Cellar
2. Bell Tower
A wooden spiral staircase fills this simple tower made A set of stone steps leads down into a large cellar filled
of stone. The tower’s top is flat and set with a trap door with wooden racks supporting several enormous
housed by a rustic belfry, though the bell has long since barrels. The whole room reeks of sour wine.
been removed. Before Pontybridge expanded, this tower
alerted the workers when dinner was ready. Rynden
doesn’t bother to keep the trap door at the top of the tow- This cellar once housed wine and other goods that
er locked. He figures anyone eager enough to break into needed cold storage. It now serves as the decoy entryway
the boarding house should do so, then be disappointed by to the vaults. All of the barrels in this room are empty,
the empty first floor. but one hides a secret door into the vaults. Anyone
searching the room for secret doors and succeeding on a
3. Bedrooms DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check discovers the doorway
hidden behind one of the barrels.
A glyph of warding spell is cast on this secret entrance.
This simple room is equipped with a carved bed frame, The glyph triggers a cloudkill spell (save DC 15) when any
a wooden chest and a stone washbasin. A fine layer of creature other than Rynden opens the door to Area 7.
dust covers the furniture. There appear to be six more
boarding rooms similar to this one. 7. Entryway
This square room is built of intricate stonework with
vaulted ceilings. Magnificent suits of dwarven armor
These seven bedrooms are identical. They once were decorate the corners, but they are overshadowed by an
rented to boarders but have not seen use in years. There impressive statue of a dwarf holding a harpoon. Two
is nothing of real value in these rooms, at GM discretion. doors lead out of this room. One has a red woven door-
mat, and the other doesn’t appear to have any handles.
4. Kitchen This room is the beginning of the vault proper, which
Rynden dug out and built for The Dragon Swords. It
is filled with myriad dangers designed to protect the
This industrial kitchen is equipped to make large vault’s treasure.
amounts of food. The cabinets, jars and shelves lining
the walls all appear to be empty. • Northern Door. The door in the Northern wall is
locked by conventional means and can be picked
with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)
This kitchen has not seen use since before Rynden check. A spare key to this door is hidden under the
bought the place. Any visiting members of The Dragon red mat (Rynden left it there for his last guests and
Swords eat in the Trophy Room on the lower floor. forgot to remove it). These doors lead into the Trophy
There is a stone door in the northern wall that leads to Room.
the pantry. • Southern Door. The western door is magically
sealed and can only be opened using the key
5. Pantry obtained in the Trophy Room.
• Guardians. Both the statue and the suits of armor
are guardians created by Rynden to dispatch
This small pantry reeks of garlic, though the shelves are trespassers. If a creature spends more than one
empty. A moldy rug covers the floor. minute in the room without saying a specific
passphrase, the stone golem statue and two suits
of animated armor attack. These constructs only
This pantry has not been used to store food in quite fight within the confines of this room. Notes for how
some time, but Rynden keeps the rug in place to hide any to adjust this encounter are on pg. 204.
A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check in this room
would reveal a small trap door-shaped square imprinted

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 203

One-Shot Adventures


8. Trophy Room
• If your party is weaker than the recommended
five-person party at 10th level, consider removing As you enter the room, you see a stylish lounge, its
one or both animated armor constructs from this walls and furniture made of rich red wood, with one
encounter. corner hosting a long table carved from a single piece
• If the party is stronger than the recommended of spruce. Overstuffed chairs, dart boards and plush
five-person party at 10th level, consider adding rugs make the space feel cozy, if a little butch. Hanging
one or more animated armor constructs to the on the walls are various marvels, including intricately
fight. woven tapestries and three mounted dragon heads
hung conspicuously above the fireplace.

The Dragon Head Song Once someone puts forward a qualified verse, the
Once one of the dragon head names is spoken aloud, all dragons all let out a merry cheer, and the green dragon
three heads come to life and present their challenge. head spits out a key that can open the door in area 7.
If your party is struggling to figure out the solution to
the dragon head puzzle, here are some ways to help move
The mounted heads suddenly begin to twitch, moving things along:
their jaws and blinking their eyes as if awakening. The
white dragon in the center speaks in a slurred tone: • If the party has no idea how to solve the riddle.
“Eh, what’s this? More visitors, aye. Well, you know the The black dragon head helpfully whispers: “You’ve
game. Finish the song, and we’ll show ye the way.” got to make up a verse, laddie. And it’s got to rhyme.”
• If the party refuses to be creative, or panics, you
The three heads all begin to sing together: can allow them to make a check to see if their
“Oh, once I was a drunken lout characters would be able to finish the verse. A
So me mum she threw me out successful DC 15 Charisma (Performance) check
And so I set to wander that day allows them to make up the example verse below. A
And what did I find on the way?” successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) check allows
them to recall the next verse in this popular Dwarven
The dragons then pause and look expectantly at all of drinking song.
Near and far I wandered around
Until I heard a lovely sound
Some Dwarven friends of Rynden’s enchanted these So I stumbled over the hill
dragon heads to be entertainment for visiting guests. And thar she was with looks to kill
Rynden has since decided they make excellent stewards
of the key to the sealed southern door in area 7. • If the situation is truly dire, consider allowing the
To solve this puzzle, the party must make up a verse party to find the key by destroying the heads. In the
that follows the first verse’s rhyme scheme. The dragons ruined stuffed remains of the green head, they can
are not picky about the content of the lines (as many of find the key.
Rynden’s guests are deeply inebriated when they play this
game). The verse simply must be four lines, composed
of two rhyming couplets. The last words of the line must
rhyme with each other in this pattern:

This room is the regular meeting place for The Dragon Vault 9.3. This vault serves as a small armory. Well-
Swords. The trophy room is kept comfortable, stocked made weapons of every variety are stored here in wooden
with food, drink and board games and hides the key to racks. None of the weapons are magical, but if a character
access the vaults. searches for a specific simple, martial or more exotic
weapon, they can find it here.
• Tapestries. The tapestries on the walls are tapestries
of preservation woven to depict epic battles with Vault 9.4. This vault has 20 safe deposit boxes set into
dragons. They keep the atmosphere of the trophy the wall. Eight of the boxes have a circular indentation,
room eternally pleasant. each with a different symbol carved into its recesses.
• Talking Heads. The three stuffed dragon heads The boxes are each sealed with a different arcane
are enchanted to speak when spoken to, and they lock spell. They can be dispelled or opened with the
hold the clue to the location of the vault key. Each signet ring corresponding to each box (members of The
dragon head is mounted on a carved board that has Dragon Swords wear such rings). A successful DC 20
its name carved into a brass plaque. On the right is Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check made with a forgery
the head of a black dragon named Vegha, in the kit allows a character to make a seal close enough to a
center is the head of a white dragon named Wyrith signet ring to open one of the boxes.
and on the left is the head of a green dragon named For every box the party manages to open, roll on the
Cryn. If any of the names are spoken aloud, the table to determine what they find. Reroll any duplicate
heads animate and present their song (pg. 204). roll results.

9. Vaults Safety Deposit Boxes

D8 Contents
A half-finished manuscript of a romance title called
A narrow, unlit hallway stretches before you, eventually 1
Copper Embrace
disappearing around a bend. Many identical doors line A memory box containing interesting but worthless
the walls. 2
3 A bag of 100 platinum pieces
4 Three large amethysts (worth 100 gp each)
This is the vault proper, with almost every door leading
into a small storage room. The door on the northern wall 5 A black opal (worth 1,000 gp)
leads to the workshop. 6 Two arrows of dragon slaying
Each of the storage room doors is locked with a 7 A necklace of fearlessness
mundane key (Rynden himself has the only key ring) and A sack of 30 platinum pieces. A DC 15 Intelligence
requires a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) 8
(Investigation) check would reveal they are counterfeit.
check. If the characters investigate each vault, they find
numerous treasures and oddities, at GM discretion. 10. Workshop (pg. 206)
Vault 9.1. This vault is kept just above freezing by
inlaid enchantments. It contains shelves and racks of An impressive workshop stretches out before you.
preserved dragon parts. A cursory search of the room Long stone counters wind around the room along with
reveals scales and blood of an adult blue dragon, the worktables, bookcases and racks crammed with all
tongue and wings of a young red dragon and the skull manner of treasures, both biological and mechanical.
and blood of an ancient black dragon. The moment Suspended from the ceiling are the bleached bones of
any of these components leave the vault, the spoilage a dragon posed in flight. A low humming fills the room,
countdown begins (see “Dragon Hunting Economies” in coming from a monolithic metal contraption, a 30 feet
Legendary Dragons). tall metal shaft, resting in the middle of an arcane circle.

Vault 9.2. This vault is kept magically dry and has no

light or moving air. It contains racks of textiles and four This is Rynden’s workshop, where he tinkers away
magnificent tapestries on the walls. The fabrics are bolts perfecting weapons, armor and other curiosities he
of leather, silk and other valuable padding used to make has utilized in his long career as a dragon hunter. The
armor. A successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) workshop is very unorganized, but anyone who takes
check allows a character to identify one of the cloaks the time to search it finds various spell components,
hanging in this room as magical. Spells like detect magic alchemical ingredients and two full sets of dragon tools
would also allow a character to find the cloak of the (see “Magic Items” pg. 177). More detail for Rynden’s
dragon (pg. 176) hanging on a wall peg amongst other workshop, as well as what the party ought to do now that
mundane items. they’re inside, is provided on pg. 207.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 205


One-Shot Adventures

Rynden’s Workshop Activating the Engine

When the party arrives in the workshop, the elemental
Though the party has made it through most of Rynden’s
engine is not in a usable state. Before the engine can be
exterior defenses at this stage, his workshop is not without
used, the elemental creatures that fuel it must be bound
dangers of its own.
to the device. Rynden has ringed the engine in a more
advanced version of magic circle and left the conjured
Special Features elementals to bind to the device slowly over time.
Elemental Engine. The device in the center of this
To get the engine in working order and back to
room, a metal shaft about 8 feet long with a 4 feet square
Bellanus quickly, the party must speed up the process by
base, is the elemental engine Bellanus hired the party to
weakening the elementals designed to power the engine.
steal from the workshop. An air elemental and two fire
The magic circle surrounding the engine is a 30-foot-
elementals swirl and dance around it, almost as if they
radius, 30-foot-tall cylinder. The elemental engine sits in
are being drawn into it. A DC 14 Wisdom (Perception)
the exact middle of the cylinder. Characters can physically
check would reveal these creatures to be non-hostile (at
pass through the circle, but magical effects (such as a
present) and would also suggest that they are seemingly
spell cast from outside the circle to a target inside) do not
bound to the object in some way.
pass through the barrier.
When a character enters the circle, two fire elementals
Magic Circle. A creature who succeeds on a DC 14
and one air elemental emerge from the engine. The
Intelligence (Arcana) check understands the arcane
elementals are agitated by being trapped in the circle and
circle around the engine is meant to keep elemental
attack relentlessly.
creatures inside. A creature who succeeds on a DC 14
The elementals cannot leave the confines of the
Wisdom (Perception) check can see that the elemental
circle and cannot attack targets beyond the circle. If an
engine does not look finished in the way Bellanus
elemental’s hit points drop to 20 or fewer, it is instantly
described it would be.
teleported inside the engine and then bound, where it is
A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to search
no longer a threat. The engine becomes active (and ready
the workshop for clues about the circle or the engine
to deliver to Bellanus) once all three elementals have
reveals schematics and logbooks explaining how Rynden
been bound to the device.
is currently activating the machine (and how to speed up
the process: “The elementals could be subdued, forcing
Leaving the Vaults
their matter to flow more readily into the device, but the
Once the elementals have been bound to the engine, the
circle and engine will work their magic in time, no need
party can successfully remove the elemental engine. The
to singe my knuckles swinging at living flame”).
machine itself is bulky like a large chest, but surprisingly
light (as the air elementals add a bit of buoyancy).
Dragon Skeleton. The dragon skeleton hanging from the
As long as the party didn’t cause a stir entering the
ceiling can be harvested and sold for components, but the
building (see “Casing the Joint”), they have no trouble
process of taking it down and carrying it out will require
exiting the boarding house and meeting Bellanus at the
several hours of work.
rendezvous point. Once the party has made it to the
outskirts of Pontybridge, proceed to Part 3.
Arcane Wards. Rynden is no fool and at GM discretion
would have worked to protect his interests within his
workshop from intruders. These wards are detailed
below and can be dismissed with a successful casting of
dispel magic (level 4) or by flicking a switch hidden in the • If your party is weaker than the recommended
fireplace found with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) five-person party at 10th level, consider removing
check. the second fire elemental from this encounter.
• If the party is stronger than the recommended
Workshop Wards five-person party at 10th level, consider adding
one air elemental to the fight.
If the party attempts to disrupt the elemental engine, they
would set off the wards protecting it. On initiative count
20, choose one of the wards below. These wards continue
to impact the space until dismissed.

Skeletal claw. The dragon skeleton sweeps a claw at a

creature within the magic circle, dealing 10 (2d6 + 3)
slashing damage on a failed DC 15 Dexterity saving throw.
Bludgeoning books. A book flies off the shelf and makes a
+5 ranged attack against a creature in the workshop. On a
hit, the target suffers 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage.
The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 207
One-Shot Adventures

Part 3: Getting Warmer Resting in the clearing ahead is a sleek vessel encased
Once the party reaches the rendezvous point with the
activated elemental engine, they are met by a thrilled in burnished green metal. Decorative sails resembling
Bellanus who introduces them to her first mate, a delicate moth’s wings are currently battened down,
grizzled half-orc veteran named Cambria Felix (Bellanus and the whole affair is crowned by a figurehead of an
just calls him Felix). elven maiden spun from green glass. The impressive
The two are waiting with a covered wagon ready to ship could easily host 15 crew members.
transport the engine to the waiting ship. Bellanus has
hidden the airship in a forest clearing about an hour’s
ride away from Pontybridge. When the characters first Since dragon hunting is both incredibly dangerous
see the airship, read the following: and highly illegal, Bellanus has managed to secure
just three crew members (which is why she needed the
assistance of capable adventurers). She would introduce
the crew at GM discretion:

Since the crew aboard the Maiden is
so small, the party is likely to have a
great deal of interaction with them.
Here are some general suggestions for
roleplaying each crew member.
• Arnarra Yanorin is much younger
than her sister Bellanus and has only
recently completed her arcane studies.
She is apathetic about most things in
life since she graduated. While she
and Bellanus have never been close,
Arnarra has agreed to assist her sister
in hopes of finally doing something
• Cambria Felix was trained as a
gladiator from a young age. When he
aged past his prime, he suddenly found
himself out of work and struggling
to get by. After a chance encounter
with Bellanus, Felix has stuck by her
side through many of the odd jobs the
captain has pulled since her dragon
hunting career was cut short. He is
desperately loyal to Bellanus and highly
suspicious of anyone else.
• Randal Smith is the newest
addition to Bellanus’s crew and keeps
his personal history close to his
chest. Despite his shady past, he is
exceptionally skilled in the subtle arts
and remains loyal as long as the captain
pays him well. Randal is charming to
newcomers but intentionally torments
Felix, who dislikes him immensely.
• Arnarra Yanorin, an apathetic elven mage who is GM NOTE: AIRSHIP MECHANICS
Bellanus’s younger half-sister. The party will likely find themselves in a combat
• Cambria Felix, a grizzled half-orc gladiator who has encounter as part of their journey aboard the
loyally served Bellanus on several missions through Emerald Maiden. While you’re welcome to wing it
the years. all as problems arise, for more in-depth coverage
• Randal Smith, a charismatic human assassin newly of the ups and downs of airship combat, including
hired by Bellanus. boarding mechanics, specifics related to the ship’s
overall hit points and more, turn to pg. 171.
Once introductions are made, Bellanus gets to work
installing the engine. She allows the characters to look
around her airship, the Emerald Maiden (pg. 210). Third Leg (Optional)
During the third night of travel, roll once on the “Aerial
With the crew assembled and the engine installed, the Encounter” table to determine if an encounter occurs.
airship can begin its journey. When the party is ready to Reroll any duplicates.
fly, the captain gathers the crew to explain her plan: Whether or not a random encounter is rolled, Part 4:
Double Trouble (pg. 215) would take place toward the
end of the third night.
“All right, me hearties, we’re clear to fly this old girl, so
here’s our plan. First things first, we have to find where Aerial Encounters
Cenere is hiding. To do that, we’re going to head to the 1d20 Contents
site of his last attack and hope we find a clue. We’ll take 1–15 No encounter occurs
off now and put as much distance as possible between
16 Freedom Fighter
us and this town before the sun comes up, then we’ll
land and fly again at night. Pray it stays dark. Once 17 Air Patrol
we’re sighted, we’re likely in for a fight. 18 Engine Trouble
It’s two days’ flight to Amiens, so mind your stations 19 Rough Weather
and let’s get flying.” 20 Misty Night

Land Encounters
Bellanus’s destination is the Duchy of Amiens (or 1d20 Contents
another location at GM discretion), the region reporting
1–14 No encounter occurs
recent attacks by a red dragon. As the captain predicted,
it takes the remainder of the first night and two 15 Local Officials
additional nights of travel to reach the destination (with 16 Ship for Sale
the ship parked from dawn to dusk). Because this aspect 17 Now You See Me
of the adventure is randomized, it’s difficult to judge 18 Bite-Sized
exactly how long each encounter could last. If short on 19 Sympathetic Parties
time, the party could experience safe passage for their
20 Perfect Cover
entire journey to Cenere’s last known whereabouts, in
which case you should jump to Part 5. Air Patrol
First Leg (Optional)
During the partial first night of travel, roll once on the Three winged, lion-like creatures with knights in armor
“Aerial Encounter” table to determine if an encounter mounted on their backs burst from the cloud line,
occurs. While the ship docks during the day, roll twice soaring toward the ship. One of the knights raises a
on the “Land Encounter” table to determine if an en- white flag, waving it toward you.
counter occurs. Reroll any duplicates that occur.

Second Leg (Optional) A band of three knights riding griffon mounts flies to
During the second night of travel, roll three times on the meet the airship. One of the knights flies a white banner
“Aerial Encounter” table to determine if an encounter hoping to speak with the captain. The griffon riders
occurs. work for a local lord and are tasked with demanding the
While the ship docks during the day, roll four times to airship leave the area before it attracts the attention of
determine if an encounter occurs. Reroll any duplicates the dragon (lest it cause trouble in the area).
that occur. See text following the tables for roll result The Emerald Maiden could outrace the knights to
descriptions. avoid a confrontation. If the party chooses to do so, the

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 209

One-Shot Adventures

griffon riders would attempt to inflict whatever damage

they could before being outpaced. The Emerald Maiden
If the party allows the griffon riders to board and speak A small but mighty vessel utilized for the hunting of
with the crew, the knights deliver their message but don’t dragons will also be where the party catches a few winks
cause any further trouble (as they would personally like to over the course of this adventure. The map provided here
see Cenere brought down). can be utilized for any of the encounters that involve the
airship (Part 3 onward) when it’s airborne. More detailed
Bite-Sized airship mechanics can be found on pg. 171, including
details on controlling the elemental engine and captain’s
features, but the below will serve you well if you’re looking
The Emerald Maiden suddenly rocks as the sound of to simplify those aspects in the name of brevity or ease of
grating metal comes from below decks. Something is use within your game.
crunching through the hull.
Above Deck
The rare metals the airship comprises have attracted the The area above deck features access to the steering
attention of a hungry xorn. The creature has burrowed mechanism as well as the airship’s two long range cannons.
inside the ship and bitten a large hole out of the stern. A hatch leading below deck is located toward the stern.
The munching xorn can be driven off with attacks or
bribed to stop eating the ship if given better treasure to Long Range Cannon. These cannons require a bonus
consume. action to load and an action to fire. Moving the cannon
The hole made by the xorn can be repaired with a few toward a new target requires 10 feet of movement or a
hours of work by any character proficient with mason’s successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. They have
tools, smith’s tools, or tinker’s tools. Until repaired, the a range of 150/300 feet, are +10 to hit and deal 22 (5d8)
hull has 50 points of damage. bludgeoning damage.

Engine Trouble Below Deck

The living quarters for the Emerald Maiden, such that
they are, can be found below deck. The crew sleeps in the
You hear a grinding, sputtering sound from the engine common area, which also features a few small tables for
compartment. Sparks fly and a gout of fire shoots chow and conversation. The captain’s quarters is little
from the hatch, tossing flames at the ship’s wooden more than an elevated bedroll and a few walls, but is also
elements. A flickering fire elemental rises from the home to a small chest that protects any meaningful loot
elemental engine. uncovered during various adventures.

Elemental Engine
While Rynden’s elemental engine prototype is generally The elementals that power the airship are mostly
superior, it possesses several small flaws. One of the fire contained and subdued within the elemental engine,
elementals has broken out of its confinement to destroy encased in a housing at the ship’s stern, and accessible via
the ship in its rage. If the elemental is reduced to 20 hit a small topside hatch. The captain steers their combined
points or fewer, it is pulled back into the engine. For power utilizing a small headset that requires an unclouded
each round that the fire elemental is active, the Emerald mind to use effectively.
Maiden takes 10 points of damage. Roll to randomly If the engine is damaged, or if the ship takes more
determine which part of the ship is damaged, at GM than 50 damage in one round, the captain must make
discretion. a Wisdom saving throw to maintain control of the
Ship Damage
1d4 Area DC The elementals...
1 Hull 16 ...remain under the captain’s control.
2 Helm ...begin to break free of the engine. The next
3 Elemental Engine 12 check to maintain control over the elemental
4 Airship Cannon engine is made at disadvantage.
...break free of the engine. The ship will
begin a free fall from its current height if
8 the elementals are not forced back into the
engine. The elementals will recede back into
the engine if they suffer 15 damage in one turn.

210 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

One-Shot Adventures

Freedom Fighter The two kobold scoundrels are hiding when the fight
begins. They wait to take their turn in initiative until it is
most advantageous for them to make a surprise attack.
The Emerald Maiden is knocked off course by a blast of Once combat begins, the kobold schemers use their
wind. The airship struggles against a series of gales as actions to reach an advantageous position out of melee
a blue-skinned figure flies into view and calls out in a range. Ideally, they escape to a spot where they can fire
voice that booms like thunder: spells but still be in at least partial cover.
“You enslave my kind to power this hideous vessel? It If the fight starts to go poorly for the party, The Hand
is time you pay for your hubris.” only drops characters until they are unconscious. They
then destroy the elemental engine and run away.
If this happens, it takes the crew an entire day to repair
The blue-skinned figure is a djinni who has sensed the the ship, which cannot fly without the engine. While
trapped elementals’ presence in the engine and come to repairs are taking place, roll on the Land Encounters
investigate. The djinni does not particularly care for the table four times to represent the extra attention the
well-being of the elementals but resents any who would airship draws.
imprison them.
The djinni fights until it has 40 or fewer hit points
remaining, then it uses plane shift to escape. GM NOTE: ADJUSTING THE ENCOUNTER
• If your party is weaker than the recommended
Kobold Surprise five-person party at 10th level, consider removing
(optional encounter) the schemer from the fight (they watch the attack
After securing the lead that points them towards the but don’t engage).
volcanic islands, the party is welcome to spend the day • If the party is much weaker than the
helping the villagers. Whenever they return that night to recommended five-person party at 10th level,
the ship, they walk into an ambush: consider removing one brute and one scoundrel
from the fight.

The top deck is alight with action as you see a

wounded Felix clashing weapons with two small Local Officials
lizard-like creatures. Looking down from the helm
is a third red-scaled figure standing over Arnarra’s
crumpled form. Thundering hoof beats come from the area around
the ship as six armor-clad riders gallop into view.
All are astride horses, and one waves a white flag
A kobold organization known as the Hand of the Dragon towards your vessel.
(pg. 138) has caught word of the dragon hunting ship and
sent an elite team to dispose of the crew. The Hand of the
Dragon is the group responsible for resurrecting Cenere A band of six knights riding horses approaches the
and is determined to slaughter any threats to their master parked airship. One of the knights flies a white banner
before he is able to recover his full power. Two kobold hoping to speak with the captain. The knights work for a
brutes (pg. 140) are currently engaged in fighting Felix, nearby lord and are tasked with demanding the airship
while a spell-slinging schemer (pg. 141) stands over an leave the area before it attracts the ire of Cenere.
unconscious Arnarra. Two scoundrels (pg. 142) are hidden The Emerald Maiden could outrace the knights to
on deck, waiting to surprise attack new arrivals. avoid a conversation, but the knights attempt to do as
much damage as they can before being outpaced.
If the party allows the knights to board and speak
GM NOTE: RUNNING THE FIGHT with the crew, they deliver their message but don’t cause
This fight is challenging and can easily lead to any further trouble (they would personally like to see
death if not run judiciously. First ensure both Cenere brought down). If the crew agrees to land the
Bellanus Yanorin, Randal Smith (use assassin ship somewhere else, you must roll twice on the Aerial
statistics) and Cambria Felix (use gladiator Encounters table to represent the extra attention caused
statistics) help the party during the fight. by flying in daylight.
Consider allowing one of your players to control
these NPCs so that you can focus your efforts on
managing the threats on the board.
Misty Night Ship for Sale

Thick fog forms an obscuring layer beneath the Maiden. A shrill battle cry carries through the air as 20 goblins
Bellanus calls out from the helm: “All right, you can put spring from behind the brush and rocks. A goblin
your boots up. Should be a safe night if this keeps up.” wearing a coonskin cap calls out to you:
“Pirates, the Black Stripe clan offers to buy your
vessel. We have three crystals of power to trade.”
The night grows thick with clouds, granting the airship As the first goblin finishes speaking, a second voice
full cover. No further encounter rolls must be made for comes from the opposite side of the clearing. Twenty
the rest of the night. more goblins emerge from hiding, and one wearing
feathered headdress calls, “Do not trade with the
Now You See Me traitorous Black Stripes! The Tail Feather clan offers
you FOUR crystals of power for your ship.”

A blue blurred shape flashes along the ground while

another quickly follows suit on the other side of the Both sides begin jeering at one another, and it looks
ship. Whatever is moving out there, they’re fast. like a fight is brewing.
Bellanus has landed the ship in the middle of disputed
goblin territory. The Black Stripe and the Tail Feather
Four drakes of displacement (pg. 133) loyal to Cenere clans are bitter rivals who squabble over all the region’s
were sent to locate the airship and have finally caught resources. Each clan is composed of 20 goblins.
up. The creatures burst from the tree line and use their If the players do absolutely nothing, the two goblins
breath abilities to try and separate the crew in order to clans ignore the crew and fight each other. If this fight
attack them one by one. breaks out, the airship takes 16 (3d10) points of collateral
damage as the brawl commences around, on and beside
Perfect Cover the ship.
Roll to randomly determine which part of the ship is
The ship tilts as it suddenly descends. Bellanus calls out
from the helm: “Finally! A decent spot to land. Not even Ship Damage
a dragon could spot us down there.” 1d4 Area
1 Hull
2 Helm
Bellanus finds a perfectly sized ravine in which to hide
the airship. No further encounter rolls must be made for 3 Elemental Engine
the rest of the day. 4 Airship Cannon

Rough Weather This damage can be avoided if the ship takes off, but
you must roll twice on the Aerial Encounters table to
represent the extra attention caused by flying in daylight.
Crashing thunder roars through the air and lightning If the party manages to calm things down with the
streaks the gray clouds quickly rolling in. Crew members goblins through magic or diplomacy, at GM discretion,
race to their stations as Bellanus calls out over the rising the clans continue their attempts at purchasing the ship.
wind, “ALL HANDS ON DECK! STORM COMING!” Bellanus refuses any such offers, and if the goblins feel
insulted, both sides team up to attack the crew.

The Emerald Maiden has encountered a storm. Review Sympathetic Parties

the rules for flying an airship in a storm (see “PC Actions
on An Airship,” pg. 173).
Three successful Captain maneuvers must be A puff of purple smoke suddenly appears on the deck,
completed or Bellanus will be forced to land the ship. swirling around a figure swathed in black robes. The
Upon landing, roll on the Land Encounters table. figure holds out a hand and rasps, “Do not fear. I have
come to help.”

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 213

One-Shot Adventures

Scarred Landing The mage does not reveal his name and keeps his
face hidden by his robes. He claims he was sent by a
The area outside Amiens where the Emerald Maiden party interested in seeing the dragon brought down,
is currently docked is pocked with scars created by no questions asked. If the party is not hostile, the
the powerful claws of a dragon matching Cenere’s figure hands over two potions of resistance ( fire)
description. It’s also the perfect spot for an ambush. and a dragon slayer longsword. After he hands off
these gifts, the figure disappears once again in a puff of
Finding Cover smoke. If the party is hostile to the figure, he disappears
without bestowing any gifts.
The natural landscape here offers plenty of locations to
hide or take cover. Part 4: Double Trouble
As the third night of travel is about to end and the final
Forest Trees. These trees offer half cover to any creatures destination is only an hour away, a dragon attacks the
attempting to avoid melee damage and three-quarter cover Emerald Maiden:
from ranged attacks. Creatures attempting to hide in these
trees gain +2 to Stealth for the duration.
The crew has gathered on the top deck, preparing to
Flaming Trees. These trees are suitable for half cover from land as the first rays of dawn appear. Randal shouts as
melee and ranged attacks, but a creature that starts its turn he points towards the forests on the horizon. A flash
within 5 feet of these trees suffers 3 (1d6) fire damage. A of green scales shines in the light as a pair of dragons
creature that suffers this damage twice in a row will start to soar toward the ship.
notice any flammable items on their person are on fire. If
they do not spend an action to drop prone and roll around
to put out the flames they will suffer 6 (2d6) fire damage A pair of young green dragons who previously warred
at the start of each of their turns as long as their items over the area’s thick forest have formed an unlikely alliance
continue to burn. in the wake of Cenere’s attacks. These dragons, Eitur and
Nimhe, were already patrolling the region when they
Carved Ruts. The claw marks created by a mighty dragon spotted the Emerald Maiden. Outraged by the sight of a
are difficult terrain. A creature that is prone in these ruts dragon hunting airship, the pair immediately attack.
gains three-quarter cover from ranged attacks. Before this fight begins, make sure the players have
access to the rules for controlling an airship (see “Aerial
Taking Off (Optional) Combat and Airship Options,” pg. 170).
If one of the dragons is felled, the other attempts to flee.
At GM discretion, getting the airship off the ground
from this location could also prove a difficult task. Once
the encounter ends, roll on the Mild Complications table GM NOTE: ADJUSTING THE ENCOUNTER
below to determine the challenge facing the party.
• If your party is weaker than the recommended
five-person party at 10th level, consider having
Mild Complications the dragons flee after losing 70 hit points.
1d4 The party discovers... • If the party is stronger than the recommended
...the airship has sunk into the ground and will five-person party at 10th level, consider having
1 both dragons fight to the death.
need to be dug out.
...a pair of owlbear cubs has managed to crawl
inside the elemental engine to get warm. Firing
it up with them still inside would be bad for the
cubs and the engine.
...two treants hidden among the grove refuse to
3 budge, meaning the ship will need to take off in
reverse if the treants can’t be reasoned with.
...during the fight it seems one of the fire
elementals got loose and is now floating around
4 below deck, burning all the good bedrolls. The
ship will fly at half speed until the elemental is
returned to the engine.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 215

One-Shot Adventures

Part 5: Get a Clue Part 6: Last Stand

With the trials of the journey now past, the party can Once The Hand is dealt with, or at GM discretion, the
land in the ruined area of Amiens: party can fly the ship toward the volcanic islands where
Cenere is hiding. Felix has several sea charts of the area
and can determine which of the islands is big enough to
As the Emerald Maiden soars overhead, the massive house a dragon.
tracts of devastation look like a lattice of black scars. As the Emerald Maiden approaches Cenere’s island, read
Lines of scorched earth cross the rolling green hills with or paraphrase the following:
the remains of structures and farmland still smoldering.

Only a few hundred feet away, an island of black rock

The devastation of Amiens was the work of Cenere, rises from the crystal water. Thin trails of magma
who has been flexing his abilities since he awakened. slowly drip down its surface, which is dotted with
This is just the latest in a series of attacks made by the crevices and caves.
vicious red dragon. As your ship draws near, the air off your starboard
To determine where to head next in the search for side begins to shimmer, revealing a gargantuan
Cenere, the party must gather clues from the area. There golden airship on course to collide with your own!
are many groups of survivors in these parts. It is not
difficult to find these people in their makeshift camps or
combing through ruins of their homes. The second airship is the Golden Talon, which belongs
While most civilized folk scorn talking to dragon to none other than captain Rynden Aethedorn. After
hunters, the people of Amiens have very little left to lose returning from his fact-finding mission to discover
by doing so. Kind words and offers of food, medical aid his prototype missing—and his vaults ransacked—he
or coin can convince the locals to divulge the following assembled a crew and raced to confront Bellanus.
information at GM discretion: The Golden Talon is a larger vessel than the Emerald
Maiden. It has the benefits of several advanced pieces of
• The dragon flew in from the southwest, and it magic technology (including the ability to cloak the ship
headed back in the same direction after the attack. with invisibility).
• There are several volcanic islands off the western Rynden intends to take over the Emerald Maiden,
coast of Amiens. Even though no one lives out there, lock Bellanus in the Talon’s brig, then deal with Cenere
they are big enough to hide a dragon. This is the himself. The damage done to both Rynden’s vaults
primary clue. and pride have pushed him past the point of finding a
• The dragon didn’t look like a typical red dragon. diplomatic solution.
Parts of its body seemed to be made of fire.
• The dragon didn’t take any people or livestock.
Maybe it wasn’t hungry. GM NOTE: RYNDEN’S TACTICS
When Rynden attacks the Emerald Maiden, his
After learning this info, the party should return to the ship. goal is to take over the ship rather than destroy
it. His first goal is to get in a position where
his crew can board the Maiden (see “Boarding”
[pg. 172] for rules on how this works) then take
out Bellanus, the party and the other NPC crew

Once boarding conditions are met, three of Rynden’s

hired toughs (use gladiator statistics) attempt to get
on the Emerald Maiden while the dwarf provides
covering fire.

216 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

Bigger Problems Further Adventures
Once this inter-ship combat reaches the beginning of If your party would like to continue their Dragon
the third round per initiative, Cenere makes his en- -Hunting adventures, here are a few suggestions:
• The Hand of the Dragon failed to make Cenere
ruler of all things, so they will have to try again.
A rumble comes from below as the rocky island The party could hear rumors of more dangerous
begins to shake violently. A large shape emerges kobold activity or even try to take down the
from the exploding volcano, and from the organization at its source.
mushroom of ash comes a red dragon whose wings • If Bellanus or Rynden survive the adventure, either
are formed from flame. one might call on the party again when another evil
dragon causes trouble. Check out the rest of The
Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons to get
Cenere’s kobold guardians have alerted the dragon to ideas about potential draconic villains.
the fight, and he has decided to take this opportunity to • The party has engaged in officially illegal dragon
attack while the captains tear each other apart. Cenere hunting activities, despite their objectively good
joins the initiative for the third round of combat. intentions. A local lord or other faction might hunt
If both captains are alive, both airships can battle them down to bring them to justice.
Cenere during this fight. To make things easier on • If one of the green dragons managed to escape,
yourself, consider handing off control of the second they swear vengeance upon the party. The green
airship to your players while you run Cenere. dragon collects a band of vicious monsters and plans
If either of the captains still lives, they both order their to take down the party when they least expect it.
respective crews to stand down. Bellanus and Rynden are • This bold victory inspires either The Dragon
not foolish enough to continue their squabbling when Swords or The Green Swords to start building their
there is a dragon to fight. For this fight, at least, they operations once again (although in secret). These
begrudgingly work together. factions might need help acquiring the materials
to build another ship, and that ship will need a
Aftermath new crew…
If Cenere is defeated, read or paraphrase the following:

As Cenere’s body explodes into a wave of fire, a single

smoking ember plummets into the sea below. The
sulfurous volcanic smoke dissipates, and the island
falls quiet once again.

Unless the characters take action, Cenere’s heart ember

sinks to the ocean depths where it continues to burn until
discovered. Until then, the elemental dragon is no longer
a threat.
If either captain is still alive, they agree to extend their
truce until the airships are safely back on the mainland
and their crews have recovered. With their mission
accomplished, the party can collect their payment and
ride off into the sunset, knowing at least (for now) there
is one less murderous dragon in the world.
One-Shot Adventures

These stat blocks will prove useful when
running this adventure.

Bellanus Yanorin
Medium high elf, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 19 (studded leather)

Hit Points 123 (19d8 + 38)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (when her boots are active)
12 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +9, Int +8

Skills Acrobatics +9, Deception +8, Perception +7,
Sleight of Hand +9
Senses passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Draconic
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Brave. Bellanus has advantage on saving throws against being

Breath Weapon Avoidance. Bellanus has advantage on saving
throws against breath weapon attacks.
Evasion. If Bellanus is subjected to an effect that allows her
to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
Bellanus instead takes no damage if she succeeds on the saving
throw and only half damage if she fails. She can’t use this trait if
she’s incapacitated.
Fey Ancestry. Bellanus has advantage on saving throws against
being charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
Indomitable (3/day). Bellanus can reroll a saving throw she
fails. She must use the new roll.
True Strike. Once per day, as a bonus action, Bellanus may use
true strike.
Winged Boots. While Bellanus wears these boots, she gains a
flying speed equal to her walking speed.

Multiattack. Bellanus makes two weapon attacks.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.
Longbow, +3. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 150/600
ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d8 + 8) piercing damage.
Rally (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For one minute,
Bellanus can radiate a commanding presence that gives all
allies that can see her advantage on saving throws against being
frightened or charmed. If a creature is frightened or charmed
already, the condition ends when Bellanus activates this ability.
This effect ends if Bellanus is incapacitated.

218 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons

Rynden Aethedorn
Medium dwarf, chaotic good

Armor Class 20 (magical red dragon leather coat)

Hit Points 144 (17d10 + 51)
Speed 30 ft.
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Strength, Constitution

Skills Animal Handling +8, Athletics +7, Intimidation +10,
Perception +8
Resistances fire
Senses passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Draconic (limited to insults only),
Dwarvish, Elvish
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)

Brave. Rynden has advantage on saving throws against

being frightened.
Breath Weapon Avoidance. Rynden has advantage
on saving throws against breath weapon attacks.
Magic Resistance. Rynden has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Parry. As a reaction, Rynden adds 2 to his AC against one
melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the captain must
see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
True Strike. As a bonus action, Rynden may cast
true strike once per day.
Red Dragon Coat. Magical leather coat. Provides
base AC of 17.
Ring of Dragon Armor (Red). This ring provides
Rynden with damage reduction of 10 on any fire
breath weapon attack.
Rynden’s Ring of Feather Falling. Rynden’s rate of
descent slows to 60 feet per round for up to one hour.
If Rynden lands before an hour, he takes no falling
damage and can land on his feet.

Multiattack. Rynden makes two melee attacks or
uses his Leadership action.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage or
7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage if used with two hands.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage.
Leadership (Recharge 6). For one minute, Rynden can utter
a special command or warning whenever a friendly creature
makes an attack roll or saving throw. The creature must be
within 30 feet and able to see and hear Rynden. The creature
can add 1d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand him.
A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time.
This effect ends if Rynden is incapacitated.
One-Shot Adventures

Cenere, Thrice-Born Actions

Huge elemental dragon, chaotic evil Multiattack. Cenere can use his Frightful Presence. He then
makes three attacks: one with his bite and two with his claws.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit Points 218 (17d12 + 108) Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
13 (+1) Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 23 (+6) 16 (+3) 19 (+4)
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Cenere’s choice that is within
120 feet and aware of him must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +11, Wis +7, Cha +9 saving throw or become frightened for one minute. A creature
Skills Perception +12, Stealth +5 can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is
nonmagical attacks successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Damage Immunities fire, poison Cenere’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 23 Fire Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales fire in a 60-foot
Languages Common, Draconic, Ignan cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 19 Dexterity
Challenge 16 (13,000 XP) saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) fire damage on a failed save or half
Partial Elemental. Cenere doesn’t require air, food, drink or sleep. as much on a successful one.
Eternal Ember. When Cenere dies, he explodes. Each creature
within 60 feet of him must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw, Legendary Actions
taking 22 (4d10) fire damage on a failed save or half as much on a Cenere can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
successful one. The fire ignites flammable objects in the area that options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
aren’t worn or carried. and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Cenere regains
The explosion destroys Cenere’s body but leaves behind his spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
heart, which is a smoldering ember weighing 5 pounds. The ember Detect. Cenere makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
is immune to all damage, and with the proper rituals, it can be Tail Attack. Cenere makes a tail attack.
used to resurrect Cenere once again. Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Cenere beats his wings. Each
Flame Aura. At the start of each of Cenere’s turns, each creature creature within 10 feet of him must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity
within 10 feet of him takes 10 (2d10) fire damage, and flammable saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) fire damage and be knocked
objects in the aura that aren’t being worn or carried ignite. A prone. Cenere can then fly up to half his flying speed.
creature also takes 10 (2d10) fire damage if it touches Cenere or Living Furnace (Costs 3 Actions). Cenere radiates a wave of heat
hits him with a melee attack while within 10 feet of him. within 150 feet of himself. Each creature in the area in physical
Illumination. Cenere sheds bright light in a 60-foot radius and contact with metal objects (like carrying metal weapons or
dim light for an additional 60 feet. wearing metal armor) takes 6 (2d6) fire damage. Each creature in
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Cenere fails a saving throw, he the area that isn’t resistant or immune to fire damage must make a
can choose to succeed instead. DC 19 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.

Red Dragon
220 The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons
One-Shot Adventures

Hell Hath Fury

When the party descends into the lower planes
on a rescue mission, they come face to face with
one of the hells’ most dangerous predators.
An Adventure Suitable for Levels 17-20
by Lysa Penrose

wealthy benefactor secures the party’s services (and plane): hell. Determining how your party heard
to bring her son, Canti Loyola, home safe. of the job being offered by Loveday Loyola is the first
There’s just one caveat—he’s trapped in the nine step in setting up this adventure. But since the starting
hells. Following a dangerous teleportation ritual that location has little to do with the bulk of the adventure,
takes them straight to the gates of Canti’s captor’s home, if there’s no convenient way to get your party to Vaulteer
the party quickly discovers he’s being held prisoner by or a similar city, Loyola would happily find a way to
none other than Fury, the Dragon Queen of Hell. They connect with the party wherever they are, presuming
also learn that Canti knows more than his mother let on they are for hire, through mutual acquaintances at GM
(for starters, she’s not his mother), and the information discretion, offering transport to her estate overlooking
he possesses could upset the balance of power in the the city.
lower planes. That is, if Fury lets him live.
Setting Up
Adventure Location The party has been approached by Loveday Loyola
This adventure begins in a metropolitan city where through a mutual friend. Perhaps they are told that
riches are plentiful and the nobility know how to grease one of the wealthiest families in the city seeks to hire
a few palms in order to maintain or expand their wealth. exceptionally daring and skilled adventuring types, but
Hiring thrill-seekers or proven adventurers to do their everyone interviewed thus far has been rejected for the
dirty work is not uncommon, and the rates are always mission (which promises riches beyond belief ). Or, if a
fair (if often uncollected, given the danger associated party member comes from a noble background, a
with the gigs). If running this adventure as part of an newly discovered distant relative reaches out with an
ongoing campaign, it’s entirely likely such a city already urgent plea for help. However they get the message, it
exists in your world. If not, or if you’re running this should be clear that the rewards are significant, but the
adventure as a one-shot for a new party, the city is called job is dangerous.
Vaulteer. The city’s wealth is immeasurable, its defenses The job features a few primary NPCs: Loveday Loyola/
impregnable and its citizenry as happy as any in the Joy Hultmark and Canti Loyola (pg. 231) and Fury, the
realm. But peace comes with a price, and in this case, a Dragon Queen of Hell (pg. 28). Once the party journeys
member of the nobility, Loveday Loyola, seeks to hire a into the underplanes, they will encounter a collection
group of able-bodied adventurers to rescue her son from of devils and other fiendish foes, with stat blocks at GM
the nine hells as part of keeping that peace (it’s a long discretion.
story). Following initial introductions in the city, the The adventure begins in a quiet room in an estate
party is transported to the lower planes to fulfill their owned by Loveday Loyola or another location at GM
mission. Therefore, it’s more accurate to say that while discretion.
the adventure begins in a city like Vaulteer, the majority
of the action takes place in an entirely different place
stifled sobs as she shares the following information at GM
GM NOTE: VIRTUE’S FIST discretion:
Unbeknownst to the adventurers, a secret order
called Virtue’s Fist plots to defeat the King of • Her son, Canti, is a foolish young man with a
Hell himself: Asmodeus. Some fair-minded gambling habit, tempted by anything that might give
scholars might worry about how an event him an advantage. Unfortunately, one such
like this could upset the power balance of the temptation was a deal with a devil, and now Canti’s
universe, understanding that a “devil we don’t soul is in hell.
know” could fill the ensuing void. But Virtue’s • Canti is a good boy who doesn’t deserve this fate
Fist is single-minded in its hunt for justice. An for one silly mistake. Doesn’t everyone deserve a
agent of the Fist, a paladin named Canti Loyola, second chance? Or fifth?
sacrificed portions of his soul making deals with • The Loyola family is extremely wealthy (old money)
devils until he learned the whispered secret of but they also traffic in favors. Loveday was able
Asmodeus’s weakness, but before he could return to acquire a single scale from “some hellish dragon
with this information, the totality of his soul by queen” and hired a wizard to create a ritual to
Fury, the Dragon Queen of Hell. transport adventurers to its infernal source: hell.
To extract Canti’s soul and save him from • Do the adventurers require gold? She can supply it.
captivity, Virtue’s Fist has acquired the means Magic items? She can pull some strings. But all
of a ritual to travel directly into range of Fury’s of it pales in comparison to the riches hell holds. The
lair. Under the guise of a heartbroken, well-to-do adventurers can keep whatever they find in the home
benefactor—Loveday Loyola—an agent of the of the devil keeping her son captive. Loveday just
Fist named Joy Hultmark has reached out to the wants Canti.
adventurers in order to hire them to “save the
soul of a loved one.” Hultmark wants to ensure
Canti is spared, of course, but the information GM NOTE: THE REAL LOVEDAY
he’s secured is far more valuable to her cause. Loveday Loyola is Canti’s mother’s name, but this
At GM discretion, if a member of the Loveday is an agent of Virtue’s Fist named Joy
party seems to be aligned with the thinking of Hultmark, disguised as Canti’s dear mum. Joy’s true
Virtue’s Fist (which is to say “anti-Asmodeus”), personality is distinguished by a blasé attitude and
Hultmark could reveal herself as a member of monotone voice. She cares only about completing
this oathsworn order if she thinks it will further her mission, which is to convince adventurers to
her cause. take the dangerous trip to hell to return Canti. She’s
willing to say anything to accomplish this, including
telling the truth if all else fails.
Part 1: No Price Too For clarity, throughout this adventure, Joy
High for Love Hultmark will be referred to as Loveday Loyola.
If her identity is uncovered by the party, change
Answering a mysterious call for help, the adventurers
begin in a noble family’s townhouse, where they meet her characterizations throughout the remainder
Loveday Loyola, the elderly matron of the household. of the adventure at GM discretion.

An elderly woman, visibly distraught, looks out the If the party suspects Loveday isn’t being forthcoming with
window as she collects herself. Turning to face you, the truth, a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check
her powdered face and heavily rouged cheeks do little would reveal she is hiding something, while a successful
to hide her puffy eyes and only accentuate the trails DC 25 Wisdom (Insight) check would reveal she is also
of tears emanating from them. “I...I’m so glad you’ve concealing her true identity. If the party presses her for
come. I’ve heard you’re the best adventurers money “the truth” or “the truth about her identity” respectfully,
can buy, and, well, I have money. I need the job done. Loveday would reveal the following at GM discretion:
But I need to know that you’re up for it. Tell me. What
are your credentials?” • Loveday is actually Joy Hultmark, a sworn paladin
of Virtue’s Fist. She wants to see the fiend Asmodeus
removed from power.
Loveday Loyola would interview the party to determine • Canti is very much captured in hell, but the
their skill sets. She might ask a wizard their most complex reason for the urgency regarding the rescue is
spell or a fighter their most daring deed. Ultimately, she that he was sent to hell to uncover Asmodeus’s secret
decides this is the party up to the task. She would then weakness and apparently struck paydirt.
alternate between strained stoicism and exaggerated Unfortunately, he was ensnared by another fiend

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 223

One-Shot Adventures

before he could return. Attempts to communicate

with him directly via arcane means have proved “First, we need to form a perfect circle out of this
fruitless. powdered dragon scale. My hands are shaking just
• Virtue’s Fist has reason to believe Canti is being thinking about it! Someone else better take the
held prisoner by Fury, Dragon Queen of Hell and lead…”
Asmodeus’s former bride. Things could be worse, but
not by much.
• Given this news, the benefactors associated with The chosen party member must succeed on a DC 15
this mission are willing to double their rate. Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to create the circle.

If the party agrees to take the job, Loveday would Next, one character of arcane might must improvise an
inform them that the next step is a simple (though incantation. Loveday, unfortunately, has smudged that
somewhat complicated) ritual that will allow them to part of the scroll!
travel directly to the place where Canti is allegedly being
held captive. She would then hurry them toward the
cellar of the estate, where a space has been prepared for “Oh no—the scroll...the’s smudged.
the ritual. Do any of you know magic? I know we’re supposed to
state the goal of our ritual and include at least one
Part 2: Say It With Soul rhyming pair. Like ‘to hell, that’s swell,’...but you know,
with more arm movement.”

You journey down a set of spotless stone steps in this

immaculate estate into a cellar that smells of musty To perform this aspect of the ritual, the chosen party
earth and a bit of damp. Furniture has been pushed member must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence-,
against the walls to leave a wide, open space with Wisdom- or Charisma-based (Arcana) check, depending
smooth stone floors. Wearing octagonal spectacles on their spellcasting ability. They do so with advantage
with thick lenses, Loveday reveals a neatly penned if they fulfilled the incantation’s requirements.
scroll with instructions to complete the ritual.
The final part of the ritual is a little more complicated:

To complete this ritual, Loveday requires the

adventurers’ help. Their success with each step of the “So, there is just one more part of the ritual...and I
ritual will help or hinder them later in their mission. suppose I should have mentioned this up front. But,
well...someone needs to give up their soul…. Not the
whole thing, obviously, haha—just 1/128th of their soul!”
For each of the ability checks associated with
the ritual, if the result exceeds 20, mark a note A chosen party member must willingly sacrifice the
in the party’s favor. If the result is less than 20, memory of their happiest moment. To perform this
mark a note in Fury’s favor. If the result is less aspect of the ritual, the chosen party member describes
than 15, the party member performing this aspect the memory to the group. The character must roll
of the ritual suffers 28 (8d6) psychic damage. a Charisma (Performance) check; they do so with
This aspect of the ritual must be performed advantage at your discretion based on their storytelling.
again. If the party fails in this way more than If the check is below DC 15, this aspect of the ritual fails
twice, Loveday would consider shutting down and, upon finishing their story, they have no recollection
the operation entirely as these adventurers of sharing the memory or of experiencing it. Only a wish
clearly aren’t up for the task. A successful DC 20 spell can help them recover the memory of this moment.
Charisma (Persuasion) check would be required At GM discretion, any time someone attempts to share
to get her to reconsider. this memory with the party member who sacrificed it,
all the original memory holder will hear for the duration
is depressing opera music.
The ritual has three phases, as outlined below.
Moments after the memory fades, the ritual is complete.
First, one character with a steady hand must sprinkle At GM discretion, read the flavor text that follows:
the powdered dragon scale in a perfect circle, in which
the party will stand.
The powdered dragon scale bursts into a searing blue
Part 3: Fury’s Fortress
The adventurers are in one of Fury’s underground
flame that licks toward the ceiling, forming a fiery
fortresses with walls of obsidian stone barely translucent
tornado around all of you. Through the inferno, you
enough to reveal dark shapes and shadows just below
hear Loveday shouting, “You only have one hour before
the glassy surface. At GM discretion, the party should
the ritual returns you to the material plane! Make the
feel as if they are trespassing and that any creature they
most of it! And do try to hang on to your souls!” As the
encounter could blow their cover. The next portion of
flames tower higher, the rich blue shifts into a blood
this adventure can be as long or as short as you like,
red, followed by pitch black—a magical darkness. Then,
offering opportunities for the party to explore in their
immediately, there is a shift in the air. It’s hot. Very hot.
search for Canti.
And you’re no longer in a gray stone cellar but within a
As characters navigate the twists and turns of
massive obsidian fortress. Every few feet, molten gold
Fury’s fortress, choose two options from the random
cascades down the walls in slow-moving flows, filling
environmental encounters below and/or combat
the halls and rooms with a ubiquitous warm glow
encounters presented on the next page or roll on each
before dripping between cracks in the floor.
table at your discretion. On a repeat, roll again.

Random Environmental Encounters

1d6 The party enters...
...Fury’s Archival Nest. A room draped in velvet, with scrolls organized in several shelves throughout. A single
desk sits in the center. Touching a scroll without first dispelling the glyph that protects it requires a DC 18 Dexterity
saving throw. On a failed save, the target suffers 22 (5d8) necrotic damage. The scrolls are not spell scrolls but
rather historical documents detailing the nature of the hells as well as the power held over the realm by Asmodeus.
A successful DC 25 Intelligence (Investigation or History) check of these scrolls would reveal aspects of them have
been altered, placing Fury, the Dragon Queen of Hell, on the throne as if part of a promised prophecy.
...the Vault of Riches. This entire chamber is full of treasure, piled high throughout the room. It represents more
monetary value than any member of the party has ever seen. The treasure is cursed. Any creature who removes
2 treasure from this horde, at GM discretion, will have their soul forfeited to Fury in 2d10 days, a fact that will wash
over them the moment they walk through the chamber doors with the treasure in their hands. This curse can only be
broken by a wish spell.
...a Museum of Souls. Fury’s vast collection of souls is highly coveted among other fiends in the hells, and it is here
where she displays some of her favorites to foster further jealousy. At GM discretion, if being included as part of an
3 ongoing campaign, this chamber could also contain the souls of some of the party’s favorite foes (or friends). The souls are
presented as if displayed at a museum. They can speak, but only a few words at a time, but could reveal Fury is holding
Canti, a soul she recently acquired, in her inner sanctum and is trying to determine what to do with it.
...a Torturous Chamber. This room features several fountains, the water within them glowing gold as it reflects the
flowing light off the walls. Any creature who gazes at their reflection in these pools must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failed save, they are confronted by their greatest fear, suffering 55 (10d10) psychic damage. They are
paralyzed unless they are immune to the frightened condition. This paralysis can only be removed by greater restoration
4 or a similar spell, at GM discretion.
A creature that succeeds on this saving throw would not see their own fears reflected in this fountain but rather
one of Fury’s. It is her wedding day, with Asmodeus by her side. She seems happy. A successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Insight) check made after viewing this scene would help a creature comprehend that Fury must use this room to
torture herself from time to time with visions of her past life—and love.
...a Blazing Inferno. This entire chamber, a corridor 10 feet wide and 100 feet long, is a roiling, swirling flame, as in
the firestorm spell. Crossing it will require careful planning, the ability to dispel magic (7th level) or immunity to fire.
...a Luxurious Lounge. A four-person group of bards plays to an empty hall. This is Styx and Stones, which made a
deal with Fury in another age in order to find musical success in the mortal realm and is now obligated to entertain Fury’s
6 guests. All day. And all night. For eternity. If the party agrees to cover for them for just one song (so they can take a quick
smoke break) the bards would be willing to aid them in any way they can (they know the truth about Canti’s whereabouts
as well as the fact that he’s been cursed). A successful DC 20 group performance check is required to not kill the vibe.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 225

One-Shot Adventures

Variant Combat Chamber Part 4: Canti Can’t, Can He?

This map is meant to aid you as you present a location for
one of the random combat encounters below.
The lava flows from a height of 50 feet before spilling out The next chamber you enter is open, vast, as if it were
into a flowing stream roughly 50 feet wide in most places. an aviary for a massive bird of prey. Your footsteps seem
When a creature makes contact with lava or starts its turn to echo even though you’re stepping lightly. There is a
in it, they suffer 55 (10d10) fire damage. throne of flame framed by what appear to be massive
dragon’s wings. Not far from this throne, within a 25-
foot cube formed from shards that seem molded from
1d4 Random Combat Encounter the floor, is a man in ragged clothes. He is a bit run-
Mean Erinyes down, but in relatively good spirits despite his situation.
The party encounters a group of erinyes
equal in number to the adventurers. Each
erinyes happens to be similar to one of Canti Loyola is currently trapped within a somewhat
1 the adventurers; this might be a physical sentient cell, its features presented under Fury’s Throne
similarity (i.e., a signature piece of clothing) Room on pg. 229. Should the party try to free him (as
or a personality similarity (i.e., a nervous they’ve been asked to do, after all) they will need to
mannerism). Each erinyes attacks their overcome this cell’s defenses. Canti would hope for the
matching adventurer. best, but has resigned himself to the worst. He is in hell,
Opposites Attract Tension after all. Canti did not get the memo that his devil deals
The adventurers stumble across two arguing to reveal Asmodeus’s weakness were a secret mission.
pit fiends. One of the pit fiends always tells Once free, Canti would smile wide and share all he
the truth. The other always tells lies. Their knows with the party. There’s just one problem, which
conflicting communication styles are a major will soon become apparent:
pain point. They attack the adventurers—at
least they can both agree work comes first—but
argue all the while. Canti smiles broadly, as if he knows exposing his
Ice Devil, Ice Devil, Baby
teeth will bring you great pleasure and doing so is the
Two bored ice devils have discovered
most meaningful gift. “Thanks for saving me, chums!
a devilishly adorable baby rat. They are
Quickly, back to the mortal plane, for I have learned
unconcerned about the adventurers but very
Asmodeus’s sole weakness. If you lean in close I shall
concerned about who gets to keep the rat as
share it as a whisper, for there are prying eyes and
a pet, pleading their cases to the party (and
ears here. Asmodeus. King of hell. His secret is that he.
putting the law in lawful evil). If the party
3 That. Heeeee. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haawwww.”
decides neither ice devil gets the rat, they both
attack immediately. Otherwise, the losing ice
devil secretly follows the party, attacking when
At GM discretion, reveal the following:
least expected. Unfortunately for both devils,
the rat is a transformed imp who started the
• Canti is very proud of the information he’s learned
day pulling a prank and ended up getting in
about Asmodeus and foolishly wishes to share
way over its head.
his secret mission to bask in the adventurers’ praise.
Lemure, I Choose You
However, his many devil deals have left him…very
Four horned devils encircle four lemures.
cursed. Whenever Canti tries to speak about his
The lemures reluctantly shove and punch
secret mission, he starts to bray like a donkey. If a
each other as the horned devils bet on the
character casts a spell such as remove curse to help
results. If uninterrupted, they pay no mind
Canti, the current curse would be replaced by
to the adventurers. If the adventurers attack
something new (a watermelon head, a tongue the
4 the horned devils but spare the lemures,
size of his body, a sudden loss of language) that
the lemures lead them to Canti Loyola, who
prevents him from sharing his secrets. This includes
is being held in Fury’s throne room. Even
the written word, sign language or features that allow
imprisoned, this betting man has managed
for telepathic communication.
to get in on the lemure fighting action. If the
• Loveday’s story was a cover, but there is some
party spares the lemures, this encounter leads
truth! Canti does have a gambling habit—part
directly to the start of Part 4.
of why he dared to take on devil deals. He would be
surprised and embarrassed if the adventurers
mention his weakness.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 227


One-Shot Adventures

Fury’s Throne Room • Canti thinks of himself as a hero, and although he

Illuminated by deep lava flows that ring a central surface, is outmatched by most of the threats in Fury’s
the open, aviary-like throne room of Fury, Dragon Queen fortress, that doesn’t stop him from rushing into
of Hell is carved from onyx and dense with heat. This space danger. Because of the nature of Canti’s arrival
is presented for your convenience should you choose to in hell—“I think I might be dead, which makes my
create a more formal combat encounter within it once Fury continued existence even more unimaginably heroic,
and her accompanying army arrives. Otherwise, use the don’t you think?”—when Canti dies, he returns to
chase rules presented on pg. 230. “life” inside the obsidian cage after one minute.

Living Cage (1) As the party engages with Canti, his braying echoes off
This cage is the current home of Canti Loyola, and its bars the walls in this chamber. The hees and haws are soon
present as a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. The cage has overwhelmed by a rush of wind and flame that surges
been charged with keeping Canti alive, but trapped, and around the party, heralding the arrival of Fury, the
will lash out against any creatures who attempt to help Dragon Queen of Hell.
him escape. Any creature that moves within 10 feet of the
shards must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw
or take 28 (8d6) piercing damage and be grappled, pinned Part 5: A Furious Escape
to the floor by the shards. On a success, a character takes After Canti’s rescue, his absence from the obsidian cage
half damage and is not grappled. To escape the grapple, a is noticed by Fury herself. Fury has kept Canti around
character must succeed a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. until she can figure out how to extract the information
Freeing Canti requires three consecutive DC 18 that he has about defeating Asmodeus. Unfortunately,
Strength (Athletics) checks, which bunches these shards removing the curses are beyond her power. Fury appears
together, allowing Canti room to escape. Any time a before the adventurers with a guard of six erinyes.
creature attempts this check they immediately suffer 14
(4d6) slashing damage.
A rush of flame and wind surges around you then
Lava Flow (2) shifts into a central spot near the throne, as an
The lava that flows throughout Fury’s lair creates a alluring woman appears, her skin slightly scaled, her
hazard for any creature that isn’t immune to fire damage. hair red as a burning ember. She is flanked on either
Any time a creature makes contact with the lava or starts side by a total of six winged beauties, each carrying a
its turn there, they suffer 55 (10d10) fire damage. length of rope. “What, pray tell, are you all doing in my
home? Don’t you know it’s rude to speak to someone
Fury’s Throne (3) else’s food without permission?”
When in her erinyes form, Fury will occasionally sit on this
throne to consider ways through which she can subvert
Asmodeus’s aims. The throne has a pull to it, and any Fury is curious how the adventurers got into her
creature that desires power (at GM discretion) would feel fortress and for whom they’re working, but once she has
an almost physical tug toward the throne. Any creature this information—or loses patience trying to acquire
that feels this pull must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom it—she would drop her somewhat charming persona
saving throw or must use their reaction to move as close to and attack.
the throne as they can. Any creature (other than Fury) who
attempts to sit on this throne must succeed on a DC 18
Dexterity saving throw or suffer 36 (8d8) psychic damage, GM NOTE: POINTS IN FAVOR
as the lure of power corrodes their sense of self. They are Remember those points from the ritual in Part
blinded for one minute, the searing pain in their mind 2? For each point marked in the party’s favor,
preventing them from opening their eyes. the party gains a point of inspiration that can be
used by any of the adventurers during this battle.
For each note marked in Fury’s favor, the game
master gains a point of inspiration.

If the adventurers decide to flee (and they likely

should) Fury pursues with an army of devils. The party
must survive five total rounds before Loveday’s ritual
ends and helps them escape. Use the table on the
following page for a more cinematic experience.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 229

One-Shot Adventures

Each round, the adventurers battle their way through

a mob (see chart below) of Fury’s army while pursued You see blue flame erupt around [insert party
by Fury herself. Each adventurer can attack Fury or the member name]. There is a flicker of recognition
mob. Keep track of the damage dealt to the mob each among each of you. You have about 12 seconds to
round; by hitting thresholds of damage as a group, the enter these flames in order to be transported back to
adventurers can reduce or avoid damage or gain a boon. Loveday Loyola’s estate.

Round Mob
An unearthly clattering of chains fills the air After two rounds per initiative, or at GM discretion,
as 50 chain devils (AC 16) surround the party. the ritual spell that transported the party here would
At the end of the round, characters must send them back. The party member that sacrificed their
succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or memory would recognize they have the power to offer
get tangled in the chains. Tangled adventurers teleportation to at least one other creature, possibly
make their next roll at disadvantage. more, meaning they could extend a trip out of this plane
1 to Canti as well. The creature must be willing to take
If the party deals 100 damage, the DC is
reduced by 2. this journey. Most fiends or devils would not be willing,
If the party deals 200 damage, the DC is though this fact is at GM discretion.
reduced by 4.
If the party deals 300 damage, every Part 6: Mission
adventurer’s next roll is made with advantage.
A flock of 100 erinyes (AC 18) descend upon
At the end of five rounds per initiative, all surviving
the party, a cloud of wings and steel. At the
members of the party who were able to make it to the
end of the round, each PC must succeed on
swirling blue flames would be transported back to the
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 50
Loyolas’ townhouse. Loveday greets a confused Canti
slashing damage and 50 poison damage.
2 who floats ethereally, his soul detached from a physical
If the party deals 150 damage, this damage
form, as a doting mother would—or if Joy’s true identity
is reduced by half.
was revealed, she gives the party a brief back-handed
If the party deals 300 damage, this damage
compliment and payment.
is reduced to 0.
If the party deals 500 damage, every
Canti, for his part, would thank the party:
adventurer’s next roll is made with advantage.
Ten pit fiends (AC 19) form a foreboding
barrier as the party flees. At the end of the “Such a shame we won’t be able to go adventuring
round, characters must succeed on a DC again, my friends, but I suppose I have now seen it all,
20 Dexterity saving throw or take 100 fire and must therefore hang up my sword and my shield
damage. and my scabbard and my breastplate and my helm
If the party deals 200 damage, this damage and my other sword and bid you all a fond farewell,
3 is reduced by half. for no adventure within the realm of my imagination
If the party deals 400 damage, this damage could top the victory I snatched from the dragon’s
is reduced to 0. teeth this day.” Canti smiles widely at you once more,
If the party deals 600 damage, every as if awaiting applause. He leans forward, as if trying
adventurer has an epic tale to tell. They make to share another secret, but once again finds his
Charisma (Persuasion) checks with advantage tongue is stilled. “I...hmm. Well. I know something.
while in taverns for the next 10 days. Special. And I’ll need to. Spend time. Trying to figure
out how to share it. And perhaps find a body I can
After three rounds per initiative, there is a rush of blue
borrow. Farewell.”
flame that surrounds the party member who sacrificed
their memory for the ritual, at GM discretion. If this
creature is unconscious, the flames would still surround
their body. If the creature is dead, these flames would
surround another member of the party, at GM discretion.
The following NPCs may prove useful
during the course of this adventure.

Loveday Loyola/Joy Hultmark Canti Loyola

An elderly woman with deep pockets and a flair for the dramatic, A confident champion of Virtue’s Fist who has sold his soul up the
Loveday Loyola is also wearing a disguise: she is, in reality, Joy fiend-chain in order to learn the secret weakness of Asmodeus,
Hultmark, an agent of Virtue’s Fist. Canti Loyola is as self-assured as he is easily distracted.

Armor Class 17 (studded leather) Armor Class 20 (heavy plate, shield)

Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32) Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45)
Speed 35 ft. Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +9, Int +6, Wis +7 Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +5, Con +6
Skills Acrobatics +10, Deception +11, Insight +7, Perception +11, Skills Athletics +10, Intimidation +5
Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +13 Senses Passive Perception 11
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 21 Languages Common
Languages Common, Elvish, Celestial, Thieves’ Cant Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
Brave. Canti has advantage on saving throws against being
Assassinate. During her first turn, Loveday has advantage on frightened.
attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t yet acted in combat. Brute. Canti deals one extra die of damage when he hits with it
Any hit Loveday scores against a surprised creature counts as a (included in the attack).
critical hit. Virtue’s Smite. Canti’s attacks are infused with holy flame and
Cunning Action. On each of her turns, Loveday can use a bonus deal an extra 4d8 radiant damage (included in the attack).
action to take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action.
Evasion. If Loveday is subjected to an effect that allows her to
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, she
Multiattack. Canti makes three attacks, two with his longsword
instead takes no damage if she succeeds on the saving throw and one with his shield.
and only half damage if it fails. Longsword. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
Virtue’s Smite. Loveday’s rapier attacks are infused with holy flame 5 ft. and range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing
and deal an extra 4d8 radiant damage (included in the attack). damage and 18 (4d8) radiant damage.
Unrivaled Impersonator. Loveday has advantage on any Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Intelligence ability check to disguise herself and advantage on creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target
any Deception checks made while in a disguise. is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 15
Sneak Attack (1/turn). Once per turn, Loveday deals an extra Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
31 (9d6) damage when she hits a target with a weapon attack
and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is
within 5 feet of an ally of her and she doesn’t have disadvantage
Parry. Canti adds 3 to his AC against one melee attack that
on the attack roll.
would hit him. To do so, Canti must see the attacker and be
Actions wielding a melee weapon.
Multiattack. Loyola makes two rapier attacks or two dagger
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft. or fury , dragon queen of hell
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage. A powerful, fiendish dragon and hoarder of souls, Fury
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage and 18 (4d8) radiant damage.
seeks to topple and replace Asmodeus as ruler of the
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range hells and has come into the possession of a valuable
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage. piece of information about his weakness. She just has
to figure out how to get it out of a cursed Canti. Fury’s
backstory and stat block are presented on pg. 28.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 231


serving as a dangerous cult’s ultimate weapon; a vulture-like swarm of shadow
and teeth that swoops into battlefields as a flock of terror and whose very name
means surrender; a dragon covered in adamantine plate, its entire body serving
as a siege weapon laying waste to walls and warriors in its path. Those are just
the first three creatures presented in The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons, and already
a campaign in a war-torn countryside overrun with zealotry and fear begins to take shape.

Not only did the team at Jetpack7 conceive of a host of horrific and awe-inspiring dragons, but
they’ve been fully realized with breathtaking artwork meant to help you paint the picture at your
table. As you undoubtedly know by now, each entry in this book could launch a dozen campaign
hooks, and the lore, tactics and encounter conditions presented alongside each dragon are all the
tools you’ll need to build months of material for your party to dive into. Dragons are such an iconic
part of fantasy lore (Dungeons & Dryads just doesn’t have the same ring to it), and though there are
numerous resources you can utilize to educate yourself on what dragons can be, most of them only
offer a zoological breakdown. Legendary Dragons was created to establish psychological, historical,
geographical and even economic considerations for each of these memorable monstrosities, granting
you access to backstory fodder and tactical strategies for you to use in your game.

As a GM, you control the narrative of an ongoing story, and the most important character you bring
to life each session is the setting of your world. That’s why it’s so refreshing to see a book in which
the authors didn’t just imagine how cool it would be to populate a region of the world with a dragon
that spawns horrific creature hybrids each time it lays eggs, or a pus-dripping monstrosity that’s
gone into isolation because it knows it’s the carrier of a deadly disease, or a dragon that methodically
hunts dragonborn as part of a quest to rid the realm of all draconic races—they considered how each
of these individual creatures would impact the world around them. Because the authors have done
that work on your behalf, you can more readily include details for your players to sink their teeth
into even as you prepare for your dragon to swoop in and deliver a few bites of its own. There is
detail on how dragon parts can be used to improve or overwrite the entries in a wizard’s spellbook, a
race created when the powerful magical aura infused in dragonscale influences the unborn children
in nearby towns and a playable class built around the ancient tradition of riding these great beasts.
It’s a horde of riches worth plundering.

But regardless of the work the authors did to help you at your table, the rest is up to you. You must
decide which creature (or, if you’re feeling feisty, creatures) you’ll use to challenge your players. You
must determine when to provide word of their existence. How to keep your players engaged. When
to strike, or when to strike back. That’s what makes you the Game Master. And with these dragons
in your tool kit, your legend will continue to grow.

Jeff Ashworth
Author of The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, LLC.

System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016,

Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R.
Cordell, Chris Sims and Steve Townshend, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons,

Copyright 2022, Topix Media Lab. Authors:
David Adams, Rhys Boatwright, Daniel Colby, Celeste
Conowitch, Dan Dillon, James J. Haeck, Sara Hübrich,
Aaron Hübrich, James Floyd Kelly, Cody C. Lewis, Lysa
Penrose, and Jim Pinto

Product Identity: The following items are hereby

identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open
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Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks,
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(Elements that have previously been designated as Open
Game Content are not included in this declaration.)

The Game Master’s Book of Legendary Dragons 235

Lead Designer, Creative Director, Art Director Supplemental Illustrations
Aaron Hübrich Javier Charro: Dragonants, Drakes, Draken, Dragon Rider,
Hand of the Dragon and Rynden Aethedorn; Arif Restu: Dragon
Writing and Design Hunting Crew; Jefrey Yonathan: Bellanus—Female Elf Captain
David Adams (Balaur, Kiennavalyriss, Naghi, Umunairu,
Vyraetra), Rhys Boatwright, Daniel Colby (Glitz, Xavour), Dan All others Shutterstock
Dillon (Volthaarius), James J. Haeck (Fury, Salathiir, Vanadon-
Necroth), Sara Hübrich (Zuth), Aaron Hübrich (Jörmungand), Conceptopolis, LLC, Artwork
Cody C. Lewis (Ilizinnii) and Jim Pinto (Anoth-Zuul, Aufgeben, Major art contributions to Hasbro, Mattel, Marvel, DC, Wizards
Balleg, Gallomarg, Immryg-Umryss, Karnaggonn, Kundal, Kur, of the Coast, Lego, Sony, Square Enix, among others.
Kut-Echinae, Pellix, Tyrnin, Xylaarion)
How to contact us
One-Shot Adventures
James Floyd Kelly, “Hold My Beer”
Celeste Conowitch, “Dragon Hunt” Twitter: @Jetpack_7
Lysa Penrose, “Hell Hath Fury”
Parts of this book were originally published in Legendary
Editing and Proofreading Dragons by Jetpack7.
Sara Hübrich, Aaron Hübrich, James Floyd Kelly
Jetpack7 is a division of
Map Illustrations Darryl T. Jones Conceptopolis, LLC
8459F US Hwy 42
Special Thanks Luke Gygax Suite 121
Florence, KY 41042
Dragon Illustrations
Asep Ariyanto Agri Karuniawan
Vanadon-Necroth Salathiir

Leo Avero Romain Kurdi

Kiennavalyriss Karnaggonn

Tom Babbey Raph Lomotan

Tyrnin Zuth, Vyraetra

Brolken Pius Pranoto

Naghi, Xavour Ilizinnii, Umunairu

Milica Čeliković Kevin Sidharta

Glitz Kundal

Matheus Graef Rudy Siswanto

Gallomarg, Pellix Kur

Antti Hakosari John Tedrick

Anoth-Zuul Balleg

Maerel Hibadita Allison Theus

Immryg-Umryss, Jörmungand Volthaarius

Nathaniel Himawan Arif Wijaya

Balaur, Fury Xylaarion

Nino Is
Aufgeben, Kut-Echinae
Media Lab Books
For inquiries, call 646-449-8614
Copyright 2022 Jetpack7

Published by Topix Media Lab

14 Wall Street, Suite 3C
New York, NY 10005

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
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CEO Tony Romando

Vice President & Publisher Phil Sexton Chief Content Officer Jeff Ashworth
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Assistant Photo Editor Jenna Addesso

Cover: Ilizinnii by Pius Pranoto

Additional artwork: Shutterstock: Cover, 10, 120, 129, 130, 157, 162, 169, 182, 232
Clockwise from
top, concept art for
Vyraetra (pg. 103),
Salathiir (pg. 82),
Anoth-Zuul (pg. 12)
and Zuth (pg. 116)
Your GMs
AARON HÜBRICH: Writer/Artist/Designer. DAVID GENE ADAMS: Writer. Has been
Publisher at Jetpack7. Creative director at pestering Dungeons & Dragons publishers for the
Conceptopolis, a company that contributed past 12 years and managed to collect a myriad of
hundreds of art pieces for the Dungeons & Dragons credits in that time. He has had the good fortune of
5th Edition core books. Aaron has been playing seeing his content published by the likes of Kobold
Dungeons & Dragons since there were yellow Press and Wizards of the Coast in addition to other
character sheets that didn’t take to erasers very recognizable companies. David started playing D&D
well...and has fond memories of THAC0. when he was 16, and the game has been an amazing
outlet for creativity as well as a fascinating space to
explore complex social issues while simultaneously
JAMES J. HAECK: Lead Writer at D&D Beyond. slaying dragons in epic combat. Catch his stuff on the
Co-author Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and Critical DMsGuild and Jetpack7’s blog.
Role Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting/Darrington Press.
DM of @WorldsApartShow.
DANIEL COLBY: Writer. Daniel Colby has been
an adventurer for over 20 years. As a Game Master,
DAN DILLON: Writer, Tome of Beasts and he hopes to bring some of his crazy machinations
Creature Codex from Kobold Press, Dungeons & to the world of heroes and villains so they too can
Dragons Adventurers League, Rogue Genius Games, share his reality. Dungeon Master by day, mad
Legendary Games, Rite Publishing. Dungeons & illusionist by night! Blogger and design contributor
Dragons Designer at Wizards of the Coast. to Jetpack7, Kobold Press and DMs Guild.

CODY LEWIS: YouTube creator. D&D Twitch CELESTE CONOWITCH: A game designer based
streamer. Dungeon Master. out of Seattle, she is the producer, DM and editor
Mad mind behind Save or Dice. of the actual play podcast Venture Maidens. When
not plotting behind the screen, you can see her
championing femme lead shows as co-founder of the
JIM PINTO: Writer: Legend of the Five Rings, Penwitch Studio podcast network.
Warlord, Protocol, Praxis, The Carcass, George’s
Children, World’s Largest Dungeon, Gods and
Goddesses and Masters and Minions from Jetpack7. RHYS BOATWRIGHT: Designer and YouTube
content creator at Jetpack7.

JAMES FLOYD KELLY: Staff Writer, creator of

The Tabletop Engineer Youtube channel, member LUKE GYGAX: Writer, filmmaker and son of
of The Tabletop Crafters Guild, former author at Dungeons & Dragons creator Gary Gygax, Luke
Geek Dad, writer at Goodman Games, publisher of is the founder of Gary Con, as well as the Head of
Bexim’s Bazaar RPG & Wargaming Magazine. Wizards of the Coast’s Founders and Legends.
First off, thank you to the quite demanding kid in sixth grade who slapped his character sheet onto my
school desk and told me to draw his elf fighter. “What’s this for? A game?” I asked. The kid seemed a little
perplexed and told me, “Yeah, it’s for a game called D&D.” I immediately recalled the cartoon and even
the toy line, never knowing there was an actual game, and instantly became intrigued. A half hour later, I
completed his sketch and he walked away satisfied. No “thank you,” but I knew he was happy, which was
fine with me. That was my “official” intro to the game of D&D, and it wasn’t long after that initial intro that I
started getting books for Christmas and playing the game with my friends.

Of course, my parents were extremely supportive and they were excited to see the game expand my already
vivid imagination. They helped cultivate that and I can’t thank them enough.

Many years later I met my wife playing this amazing game. She is the backbone of Conceptopolis and
Jetpack7, wearing any hat necessary to ensure our success. Without Sara, these creations do not come into
existence and those ideas would still be swimming around in my head.

Of course, all the friends I met and gamed with over the years were also highly influential. I can recall many
ideas from high school and beyond that have made it into several books we’ve published. From NPCs to
epic battles, I always look back on those moments and recall how it was so fun—and use those times as a
foundation in which to express within the products we make. When I ask myself as a designer, “Is this fun?” I
think back to the days when we’d play every weekend—and if the answer is “yes,” it usually stays.

During those early years, I became fascinated with the art for D&D, and this kid from Kentucky quickly
learned several artists working for TSR were also from Kentucky. Jeff Easley, Larry Elmore and Fred Fields
all worked for TSR when I was in high school and were a massive influence on me. I made it a mission to
become the “next great D&D artist.” That dream would become a reality decades later (albeit along a slightly
different path) when we visited Wizards of the Coast around 2012, where Jon Schindehette gave us the
opportunity of a lifetime. We had carved out some success working with Hasbro and their GI Joe line of toys
a few years before and had expanded into game art. My studio (Conceptopolis) was hired to create the “art
bible” for what would eventually become the next edition of D&D (5th Edition), and everything changed
after that. I can’t thank Jon enough for that opportunity, as it set in motion everything that makes us what
we are today.

Of course, there are numerous people who are not accounted for here, but know that I thank everyone who
helped us along the way. You know who you are.

Finally, I want to especially thank the Kickstarter backers who took a chance on Jetpack7, a tiny, unknown
publishing company near Cincinnati that wanted to make books for 5e. Without you, I would not be writing
this now. Thank you so much. We can’t wait to show you what’s coming out in the future. This community is
amazing and it is an honor to be a part of it.

Aaron Hübrich
Creative Director at Conceptopolis and Publisher at Jetpack7

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