Tales From The Shadows (Kobold Press)

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14 Dark Fantasy 5E Adventures

Designers: Celeste Conowitch, Tim Hitchcock, Additional Layout: Amber Seger
Victoria Jaczko, Jeff Lee, Sarah Madsen, Carlos Virtual Tabletop Conversions: Nic Bradley,
Ovalle & Holly Ovalle, Kelly Pawlik, Richard Pett, Linda Buth, and Clayton Thompson
Marc Radle, Jon Sawatsky, Mike Welham
Director of Digital Growth: Blaine McNutt
Editor: John Joseph Adams
Art Director: Marc Radle
Cover Artist: Eric Belisle
Editorial Director: Thomas M. Reid
Interior Artists: Matt Bulahao, Gustavo Dias,
Leesha Hannigan, Julian Hellwig, Michael Jaecks, Director of Operations: T. Alexander Stangroom
William O’Brien, Kiki Moch Rizki, Florian Stitz, Sales Manager: Kym Weiler
Bryan Syme
Community Manager: Victoria Rogers
Cartographer: Jon Pintar Twitch Producer: Chelsea “Dot” Steverson
Graphic Design & Layout: Marc Radle Publisher: Wolfgang Baur


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©2022 Open Design LLC. All rights reserved.
PO Box 2811 | Kirkland WA 98083
Printed in China
ISBN: 978-1-950789-34-4
Table of Contents
The Night Messengers................................................................... 4
An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 1st Level
By Victoria Jaczko

Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain................................................ 15

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 2nd Level
By Mike Welham

The Weeper in Shadow................................................................ 26

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 3rd Level
By Richard Pett

A Death Among the Pale Roses...................................................39

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 3rd–4th Level
By Jeff Lee

Reflections and Remembrance...................................................52

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 4th Level
By Kelly Pawlik

Big Briar’s Blessings................................................................... 64

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 4th–5th Level
By Richard Pett

The Lost Treasure of Paletree Rise........................................... 75

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 5th Level
By Jon Sawatsky

The Horn of Revels.......................................................................85

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 5th–6th Level
By Jeff Lee

The Sodality of Silent Rites...................................................... 96

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 6th Level
By Carlos Ovalle & Holly Ovalle

The House of Reciprocities.......................................................109

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 6th–7th Level
By Tim Hitchcock

Among the Shades and Shadows...............................................124

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 7th Level
By Sarah Madsen

2 Tales from the Shadows

The Time-Twister’sDaughter....................................................134
An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 7th Level
By Kelly Pawlik
Radiance Lost.............................................................................147
An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 7th–8th Level
By Celeste Conowitch

Shadows of the Dusk Queen......................................................162

An Adventure for 4–5 Characters of 8th Level
By Marc Radle

Appendix...................................................................................... 175

Creature Names in Tales from the Shadows

Creatures whose names appear in bold without a Creatures listed as “shadow-touched” are typical of that
book reference can be found in the System Reference species but with the Shadow-Touched trait from Book of
Document 5.1 or the core rule books. Similarly, spell and Ebon Tides applied. Numerous creatures included in these
magic item names that appear in italics without a page or adventures can be found in Creature Codex, Tome of Beasts,
book reference can be found in those sources. or Tome of Beasts 2. There is a table in the appendix that
lists appropriate substitutions from the core rules.

Tales from the Shadows 3

The Night Messengers

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND During her investigation, Erestee learned that

In the Shadow Realm, the roads and the politics are Lyrio believed the Shadow Grimoire was an intelligent
equally treacherous. Navigating the gray areas of tome driven to push its owner to become a master of
shadow magic. Realizing the extent of Lyrio’s work,
both are The Night Messengers, a loose organization
Erestee’s plans changed. Although she was working
of daring couriers. Comprised of all manner of
as a shadow enforcer, Erestee had discovered recently
backgrounds and alignments, the Messengers take
that she had a talent for magic and wished to gain
one cause as sacred: When they have a contract to
greater mastery of it herself. So, instead of reporting
deliver a message or package somewhere in the
back to the Court or taking Lyrio with her, she
Realms, they fulfill it. Identifiable by their distinctive
decided to kill him and follow the trail of his research
coats—from which they can summon shadowy
herself. Only she waited one day too long; after she
mounts that let them traverse the trails left by the
murdered him, she couldn’t find any notes about the
mysterious witchlights—Messengers live a life of
Shadow Grimoire anywhere, just an urgent note he’d
danger, but it’s one that affords them a certain amount
written to himself to summon a Night Messenger.
of prestige and neutrality even in the coldest of courts.
Erestee inquired around Wormwood and learned
The cadre of Night Messengers led by the bearfolk that a group of Night Messengers had left town
ranger Bhorhan Svorsson took a contract to deliver a heading south, into the Sable Forest. She followed
package from Wormwood to Corremel. The client, a but found little evidence of their passing on the main
frazzled scholar named Lyrio Felanthos, emphasized road. By luck, however, Erestee did find a raiding
repeatedly that the package must only reach his party of ghouls of the Twilight Empire (Book of Ebon
trusted colleague, a scholar of the shadow fey named Tides) returning (largely empty-handed) from an
Alluna. He has already sent ahead word to her about unsuccessful city raid. Erestee leveraged her Court
its impending arrival, as he fears this culmination connections with the company’s darakhul captains to
of his life’s research has drawn attention from persuade them to hunt down The Night Messengers
something in the shadows. on her behalf, convincing them that The Night
Lyrio wasn’t wrong. Within a day of giving the Messengers were smuggling a number of refugees
parcel to The Night Messengers, he was found dead— that the Court wanted captured or terminated. In
poisoned—his study ransacked, and the killer left no return, the ghouls would be allowed to take these
trace behind. “refugees” back to the Twilight Empire as plunder.
His killer was Erestee Loff, a shadow goblin With the help of the ghoul raiders, Erestee found
assassin in the employ of the Court of Night and the Messengers’ trail, and she and a contingent
Magic. The Court had sent her to Wormwood to of ghouls caught up with their quarry in the Sable
monitor Lyrio, discover the extent of his research Forest. Upon seeing the raiders approach, the four
into the legendary, long-vanished artifact known as Messengers scattered to try and split the enemy’s
the Shadow Grimoire, and bring back his findings. forces in an effort to give Bhorhan, who carried

4 Tales from the Shadows

The Night Messengers 5
the package, the opening he’d need to press on a road, a trail left by the mysterious witchlights (see
for Corremel. Erestee, however, seized on the appendix), or through a clearing (like areas C, E, and
opportunity of Bhorhan being alone, jumping onto G). Even on trails and clearings, consider all such
his back and stabbing him with a poisoned blade. areas to be lightly obscured from the thick foliage and
But she underestimated the hardy bearfolk, and the dim lighting.
ranger fought back fiercely, forcing her to retreat.
In the encounter with the Messengers, the ghoul 1. NIGHT MESSENGER IN PERIL
party lost both its darakhul captains, leaving it a A ghoul in tattered armor stands over a hunched bearfolk
rudderless horde of hungry undead chasing after the dressed in a floppy black hat and a long, well-tailored black
nearest promise of food: the Messengers. coat. Even on the ground, back leaning against a tree, he’s
After Erestee’s attack on Bhorhan, the bearfolk almost as tall as the ghoul leering over him. One of his large
ranger stumbled deeper into the woods to hide arms is wrapped around his stomach as he heaves for breath.
and recover, but some ghouls caught his scent and Two ghouls lie unmoving on the ground near him.
followed to make a meal of him. . . . “Sssso hungry!” The ghoul hisses around a long, slavering
ADVENTURE HOOKS tongue. “You firssst, bear-man . . . then them, then we find
your friendssss!”
If the PCs are already present in the Shadow Realm,
they may stumble upon this adventure after becoming Bhorhan (NG bearfolk druid [Book of Ebon Tides])
lost in the Sable Forest, or they could have been sent is heavily injured and poisoned. He looks weakly
by Alluna to ensure Lyrio’s message reaches her. around the shadowy forest and roars out, his voice
From there, they get drawn into the clash between the strained and filled with pain. “Sohana? Tertso? Is
ghouls and The Night Messengers. anyone there? Please, help me! This thing can’t take
If the PCs are in Midgard (or whatever world the—” The ghoul claws him before he can finish, and
your PCs call home), they may have gotten lost in he groans and slumps against the tree.
a shadowy forest where the boundary between the Creatures. If the PCs have not already intervened,
prime material plane and the Shadow Realm is thin. then the ghoul spots them and hisses, leaping to
Perhaps the insatiable hunger of the ghouls draws attack them for interrupting its meal.
their quarry across the veil, or Bhorhan’s urgent need Treasure. In all, the three ghoul bodies have 17 cp,
for aid drags our unsuspecting heroes into the fray. 28 sp, and 10 gp.

The Sable Forest Deputy Night Messengers

The Sable Forest is a thick, dark wood shadowed by Once the ghoul is dead, Bhorhan thanks the PCs
looming oaks and gloomy reflections of deciduous between labored breaths. He withdraws several
flora. The adventure begins in the thick of it, goodberries from his pack and eats some, reserving
approximately three miles from the road leading to enough to offer each PC one. He waves off any
Corremel. Strange noises emanate from the trees, attempts to use healing magic on him, as he suspects
sounding almost like normal forest creatures but just the PCs will need it themselves. He assures them
slightly not. he’ll recover in time . . . but time is in short supply
right now.
Moving through the trees is difficult terrain and
is heavily obscured unless the PCs are traveling on Bhorhan tells the PCs he is a Night Messenger, an
order of couriers sworn to deliver messages and items
of import across the Shadow Realm. It’s frequently
a dangerous job, he explains, but notes that this
package must be something someone wants very
badly indeed—badly enough to send the darakhul
Foraging in the Shadow Realm after them. While his companions attempted to
The Shadow Realm pushes its tendrils into places and draw off the raiding party, Bhorhan was attacked—
creatures it can reach. Foraging in the Shadow Realm “Stabbed, and poisoned,” he says, lifting his hand to
risks shadow corruption (Book of Ebon Tides). show the festering wound in his belly—by a shadow
goblin who tried to take the package from him. He

6 Tales from the Shadows

fought her off, but he suspects it’s only a matter of “Carrying out our duty in peril is the calling of The Night
time before she comes after it again. If the PCs ask, Messengers,” Bhorhan says and shrugs out of his coat. “And
he can provide a vague description, but he didn’t get a so I name you all honorary Messengers, a beacon of honor
good look at his attacker. and duty in a realm of shadow.”
Bhorhan believes it’s no coincidence the PCs came Bhorhan gives his night messenger’s coat (see
upon him when they did and urges them to carry appendix) to the PC that has engaged with him the
the package in his stead, as he can no longer make most favorably. The coat allows them to summon a
the journey to Corremel. He warns that they likely mount that is attuned to the Shadow Realm and—
will be beset by ghouls—and the shadow goblin, more importantly—allows them to see the trails left by
too, no doubt—and though the journey isn’t long, it the witchlights. Without the witchlights as guides, the
will be perilous. To PCs who balk at the duty before forest is sure to swallow them as quickly as a ghoul.
them, Bhorhan mentions Messenger contracts are
lucrative, and if they complete this delivery, they’ll be
entitled to his share of 200 gp.

The Night Messengers

The Night Messengers are a loose order of Shadow
Realm couriers. Not all things can be transported with
magic, and not all messages can be entrusted to a
The Messengers also help keep places connected.
They remain apolitical to protect their neutrality, but
Messengers are a welcome source of news and gossip in
many courts. Considered a source of relative purity and
order in the Shadow Realm, they swear oaths to uphold
their contracts with grim seriousness.
Their lore is mysterious and shifting, often including
bargains with the Shadow Realm and contracts with
witchlights. The truth is uncertain, but Messengers do
share a curious bond with the Shadow Realm, despite
being somewhat resistant to its corruption.
As part of their training, Night Messengers work in
groups, usually of three to five for safety, and learn a
coded speech they use to address one another. They are
trained to pinpoint safe havens and find uncorrupted
food and water, and likewise they learn to navigate the
shadow roads, survive, and swear their oaths to uphold
their contracts and to support each other. Trainees
receive a night messenger’s coat and are sent on their
first contract alongside veteran Messengers; if they
fulfil the contract and prove themselves worthy, they’re
officially inducted.
All major courts in the Shadow Realm have a Night
Messenger chapterhouse, usually located somewhere
unobtrusive, such as a room at an inn or the back room
of a tavern. They accept contracts for the locals and
locate the nearest or best-suited Messengers to make
each run on a case-by-case basis.

The Night Messengers 7

There is only one coat, however, so Bhorhan After that, read or paraphrase the following:
withdraws from his pack a black crystal bauble in the Bhorhan’s ears twitch beneath his floppy hat as a howling
shape of a horse. He breaks the bauble, granting each shriek echoes somewhere in the trees, distant, but answered
of the PCs a temporary boon, which allows them to by another shriek, another, and then many, drawing closer as
cast find steed (as a shadow-touched fey mount) at the sound reverberates in the shadowy trees.
will for 24 hours, or until the contract is complete, He struggles to his feet and points deeper in the forest. “Go!
whichever comes first. I’m afraid your ride begins now, Messengers, ready or not.
He advises them to begin summoning their mounts Run! For the things chasing you will show no mercy.”
immediately. It takes 10 minutes to summon with the
Charm of Night’s Steed, and there’s no telling when If the PCs are concerned for Bhorhan, he tells
another ghoul party will come upon them. them he knows these woods like the edge of his claws
While they do that, Bhorhan answers whatever and can camouflage himself to evade detection, but
questions he can about The Night Messengers, how they should not give his safety another thought; the
the coat functions, the contract, and the Shadow package is their only concern now.
Realm themselves. He will also tell them of his
companions—Sohana, Beatriz, and Tertso—who he
hopes are nearby and still living. If they’re located,
In Pursuit
they can help the PCs fulfill the contract, but to earn Ghouls, their zombie mastiffs (see appendix),
the trust of the other Messengers, Bhorhan instructs and Erestee are pursuing the PCs throughout this
the PCs to utter the following phrase: “Not fear, nor adventure. The intent is to apply urgent pressure on
hunger. Not gloom, nor darkness. Not ghoul, nor the PCs to keep moving, relying on their shadowy
shadow.” If the PCs cannot decipher his meaning, he mounts and the enigmatic witchlight trails to escape.
explains: “These are the things a Night Messenger The GM should aim to keep the tension high but take
must face on a daily basis that we cannot allow to care not to overwhelm the PCs with the unbeatable
deter us from our mission.” odds chasing them.
Once the PCs have summoned their steeds, The PCs and their magical mounts can stay ahead
Bhorhan gives them the package, a parcel sealed of the ghouls as long as they don’t stop for long.
with sheafs of paper inside it and a name, “Alluna,” The ghouls could catch up when the PCs pause for a
written on the front. specific amount of time, such as 10 minutes, or you
can have warning signs of the ghouls’ approach at any
time the PCs are tarrying or struggling with a decision.
Well before any attack, the PCs hear warning signs
in the form of the hungry shrieks of ghouls in the
distance, the sounds of creatures crashing through
the underbrush, or the slavering barks of the zombie
mastiffs. Once these noises begin, the PCs have three
rounds to resume their journey before 1d2 ghouls
Whence Comes the Witchlight? and 1d2+1 zombie mastiffs (use zombie stats, but its
Slam attack deals piercing instead of bludgeoning)
In other realms, witchlights exist as the magical servant
burst out of a dense copse of trees within 30 feet of
constructs of powerful wizards. In the Shadow Realm,
them. If the PCs dispatch one group, another patrol
however, masterless (or “free roaming”) witchlights
approaches shortly after. If the PCs don’t move
wander the wealds, and their purpose and origin is a
quickly, they are overwhelmed quickly.
mystery. Witchlights appear as a floating ball of flickering
light of varying colors, similar in overall appearance
There is a witchlight nearby (see path 3) that can
to a will-o’-wisp. They cannot speak, but they typically come to the PCs’ aid once during the adventure, if
understand Common, or sometimes other languages. they underestimate the ghoul threat or otherwise get
Sometimes a witchlight can spell words in the air by in over their heads. It emerges from the wood and
flying so quickly that its trail of light forms letters. This blasts the undead with light, repelling them back into
stunt requires the witchlight to make a successful DC 14 the forest and giving the PCs a moment to escape. The
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check per word. witchlight only risks this aid once and only does so if a
PC is wearing the night messenger’s coat.

8 Tales from the Shadows

2. THE FIRST FORK “Hey! You lot aren’t ghouls!”
The first fork in the road is about half a mile from If any of the PCs get caught in the nets, Tertso comes
where the journey started, and the noises of the down to cut them free. Tertso is a disheveled, sandy
pursuing ghouls continue as the PCs travel, although blonde-haired human with thin stubble, wearing a
it fades by the time they reach where the trail splits. night messenger’s coat and a long scarf. He stinks to
high heaven of something with a horrible musk.
3. THE DOOMSAND PATH (A successful DC 10 Intelligence [Nature] check
identifies the smell as boar urine.)
The left-hand path opens wider, the passage clearer of most
Tertso asks the PCs about Bhorhan. If they don’t use
trees and undergrowth.
the phrase Bhorhan gave them, it takes a successful
Hazards. This trail has multiple patches of DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince
doomsand (Book of Ebon Tides) as indicated on the Tertso of their sincerity. On a failure, he’s suspicious
map. The PCs can identify and circumvent any of and leaves the PCs there while he goes looking for
the patches of doomsand with a successful DC 10 Bhorhan himself. On a success (either via ability check
Intelligence (Nature) check. If any of the PCs get or by repeating the Night Messenger credo), Tertso is
stuck, they have 3 rounds to escape and get moving happy to hear Bhorhan’s still alive, though surprised
again before they hear their pursuers catching up. he handed over the parcel.
4. SHADOW WOLF HUNT “Guess he saw something in you! To trust you with his coat
and our contract like he did. My future pay is in your hands,
The right-hand path is narrow, a slender route winding then! If you lot need a breather, I can hide you from the
through the trees, but with less flourishing overgrowth. ghouls and their ugly dogs for a bit, but you probably won’t
A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check like it.”
looking down this path allows a PC to hear noise in After a beat, he explains:
the underbrush like creatures moving about.
“In order for me to hide you from them, you’re gonna have to
Creatures. This path is usually safe, but with the
smell like me.”
forest in turmoil, some of the wildlife is in an uproar.
This pack of four shadow-touched wolves is in an The PCs can take a short rest here. Tertso has enough
aggressive mood, lurking and waiting for unwitting boar urine to make a musk strong enough to dissuade
prey to come closer before they surround and attack. even the zombie mastiffs (“Hey, don’t ask! This is
a weird and dangerous job!”) and then hides them
5. TERTSO’S STAND securely in the trees.
At the end of the path is a small clearing, marked by a The witchlight trail continues to the south. Tertso
handful of tall, shadowy trees with gnarled branches sends the PCs ahead while he slowly backtracks to
spindling out in all directions. Laying on the ground find Bhorhan.
between two trees are two ghoul corpses with crossbow bolts
embedded in their backs.
Hazards. Tertso (NG human guard) is currently
hiding up a tree; he is spotted with a successful DC Witchlight Trails
15 Wisdom (Perception) check. He fended off a small The night messenger’s coat allows the wearer to sense
ghoul party and hastily deployed some nets and trip the trails a witchlight leaves behind long after one of the
wires in the foliage. enigmatic Shadow Realm entities has left the area. It can
Two falling net traps are set in the branches on also cause the tracks of multiple witchlights to coalesce
either side of the one Tertso is hiding in. Spotting into a singular, favored path that can guide one through
the trip wire stretched between the trees requires a hazardous areas.
successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. To the naked eye, these trails appear as bluish-gray,
If a trap goes off, is disarmed, or the PCs make smoky paths snaking along the ground, sparkling as if
noise near the tree Tertso is in, he stirs from his with faint starlight; they smell of a clean-burning fire and
dozing and leans out of the branches to investigate. emit a sound like faraway windchimes on the breeze.

The Night Messengers 9

Treasure. Tertso doesn’t have much to spare, but if initially suspicious, giving a narrow look at whoever
the PCs need it, he offers up a potion of healing and 10 is wearing Bhorhan’s night messenger’s coat. Changing
+1 crossbow bolts. her attitude requires a successful DC 13 Charisma
(Persuasion) check, made with advantage if the PCs
6. THE SECOND FORK remember to use the Night Messenger’s code phrase.
The witchlight trail south of where the PCs met If successful, Sohana begrudgingly concedes
Tertso (area 5) winds and twists among the trees for Bhorhan must have truly believed they could fulfill
another three-quarters of a mile before reaching the contract if he trusted them with the package. As
another fork in the road. such, she agrees to help them as far as the next fork
Erestee’s Surprise. While the PCs were with Tertso, before she turns back to look for Bhorhan. She leads
Erestee and a ghoul pack encountered Sohana while them down path 3 after using her night messenger’s coat
searching for the PCs’ trail. The Night Messenger to summon her own mount, a shadowy stag.
got away after fighting off and scattering most of the On a failure, Sohana lets the PCs pass, but is
pack. After Sohana flees, Erestee regroups near the determined to go find Bhorhan and make certain he’s
second fork; as she tends to her wounds, she detects alive—and whether the PCs are really on the up-and-
the PCs approaching and sets up an ambush. up; as they part ways, she assures them they don’t
Creatures. Two ghouls and a zombie mastiff hide want her catching up to them if she finds out they
in the underbrush near the second fork. Erestee is in were lying.
a tree 60 feet east of the ghouls (and 20 feet up). From When the PCs study the paths branching off here,
her vantage point, she has a very good line of sight read the following text:
into the area, and once the PCs enter, she targets Both paths are shaded and quiet, winding away into
them with a scroll of stinking cloud, placing the cloud darkness. Down each path, a faint, glimmering light floats
to encompass as many PCs as possible. The ghouls off and on in an irregular pattern.
and the zombie mastiff emerge from the bushes and
attack immediately afterward. Erestee watches how 7. THE WITCHLIGHT PATH
the combat proceeds, intending to wait until the
ghouls dispatch the PCs before moving in to fetch Traveling along the left path
Lyrio’s package. (path 3) is a witchlight
Spotting Erestee before she can use the scroll (Book of Ebon Tides);
requires darkvision and a successful DC 15 Wisdom it seems to be
(Perception) check. Noticing the ghouls and zombie monitoring the
mastiff ambush in the bushes requires a successful PCs’ progress
DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. If Erestee is along the trails.
spotted, she flees while the ghouls and mastiff engage. If the PCs trust
Sohana Intervenes. After the first round, the ranger it, it guides them
Sohana (NG sable elf [Book of Ebon Tides]) charges in to temporary
from the eastern trees with a sword and shield. She safety. Identifying
wears a long night messenger’s coat and has cropped red a witchlight requires
hair, a dour countenance, and a brow often furrowed a successful DC 15
in suspicion or irritation. She engages the nearest Intelligence (Arcana) check.
ghoul, striking for 8 slashing damage, then uses a If Sohana is helping the PCs, she takes them down
second attack at the same creature (or another enemy this path and explains the witchlights have been
within 5 feet) for the same damage. friendly to The Night Messengers for many years,
If she hasn’t fled already, Erestee leaves her tree and ever since their founder, Leja Ehjradel (NG wood elf
flees once Sohana enters the combat. veteran), made a bargain with them. Sohana doesn’t
Treasure. Among the ghoul bodies, the PCs find 32 know any of the details of the bargain.
cp and 14 gp. The witchlight flares brighter when the PCs
Sohana’s Suspicions. Sohana helps the PCs until approach and guides them along a rolling, gentle path.
all the ghouls are dispatched, then immediately It takes them by a small creek running clear. Sohana
asks them about Bhorhan and the package. She is encourages them to refill their water skins here.

10 Tales from the Shadows

8. THE DECEPTIVE PATH Treasure. Sohana’s cache includes two potions of
healing, a scroll of lesser restoration, a scroll of moonbeam,
Creatures. The right-hand path has an injured will-o’-
a dagger +1, plus two waterskins of pure water and
wisp (reduced to 11 hp) still stinging from an earlier
four days’ worth of uncorrupted rations for a single
encounter with Sohana; it is presently mimicking the
person. If Sohana is with the PCs, she gives them
nearby witchlight to draw in prey. Identifying it as a
most of it by way of thanks for their assistance, only
will-o’-wisp requires a successful DC 11 Intelligence
keeping one waterskin for herself.
(Arcana or Religion) check, made with disadvantage
due to the will-o’-wisp’s deception. 10. THE THIRD FORK
If the PCs follow the will-o’-wisp, it takes them to
If Sohana is helping the PCs, this is as far as she goes
a thick cluster of trees where two shadow-touched
before telling them she needs to go back to find the
panthers are dozing in the branches; the creatures
other Messengers and the shadow goblin’s trail. If
perk up at the scent of nearby prey.
they try to go with her to help, she says she can move
Spotting the shadow-touched panthers requires a
more quickly and quietly alone and insists delivering
successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check; failure
the package is the most important thing.
to spot the creatures results in them ambushing the
PCs by jumping down to attack while the will-o’- 11. THE BRIAR PATH
wisp turns invisible and attempts to get close to a
vulnerable PC to attack. Dark, ominous brambles have encroached on this trailhead,
and rows of thorns glisten in the hazy twilight all along the
9. SOHANA’S HOLLOW edges of the forked path that follows.
This lush hollow is surrounded by dense trees—so dense Hazards. This entire trail is lined by thick patches
there is almost zero visibility from the outside without of brambles that are difficult to avoid. The initial wall
the glimmering witchlight trail leading into the thicket. of brambles cannot be bypassed and must be cut
An ancient, mossy tree trunk stretches across the clearing, through, burned away, or otherwise cleared to avoid
propped up on one side by weathered boulders, creating a damage (AC 8, 20 hp).
small shelter underneath. Moving faster than half speed on the path requires
a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check
If the PCs arrive here with Sohana, she directs them
if mounted (or a DC 10 Dexterity [Acrobatics] check
to take cover under the tree where she can provide
if on foot) to avoid taking 5 (2d4) points of slashing
them with a protective ward against the ghouls for a
damage to their mount or themselves. After five
short time.
checks, regardless of success or failure, the PCs are
If the PCs wish to take a short rest, describe the
able to get clear of the brambles.
Creatures. Moving at half speed along the path
Sohana kneels in the center of the hollow, her blade before allows a patrol of three ghouls and two zombie
her, and summons up an energy that emanates outward mastiffs to catch up with them. The creatures throw
from her silvery form. Glowing runes manifest on her themselves through the brambles without concern
weapon then appear too on the grass, trees, and rocks. or hesitation in a desperate attempt to catch the PCs;
Once the spell ends, Sohana stands and sheathes her sword, this recklessness causes them to make their checks
a weariness settling onto her face, both too-young and against the brambles at disadvantage.
impossibly old. Clever PCs might think to continue through
“That will do for a while,” she sighs. “But none of this ends the brambles to let the thorns soften up the ghoul
until the job is done.” patrol. They must move faster than half speed to do
Sohana says the foliage of the hollow should protect so, forcing them to make their own checks or saving
them from being spotted while they rest, and the throws. The patrol follows them for up to 5 rounds
magic circle Sohana cast keeps their pursuers from before giving up.
entering the hollow itself if they are discovered. Treasure. There is a total of 54 cp, 14 sp, and 20 gp
If the PCs come to the hollow without Sohana, they among the ghoul bodies.
can’t take a short rest without encountering pursuit,
but they do find her pack nestled in the void between
two of the boulders.

The Night Messengers 11


The trees along the right-hand path are

tightly knit and cloaked in shadows that
twitch and beckon.
The witchlight trail on this path is
fainter than the others the PCs have
seen. In the not-too-distant past, a group
of humans from the Material Plane ended
up lost here. A witchlight attempted to
lead them to a road, but shadows found
them first. In the ensuing slaughter, the
humans turned into shadows themselves.
Witchlights have since stopped taking this trail,
but it’s still detectable to the magic of the night
messenger’s coat.
Creatures. Spotting the three shadows lurking
among the trees requires a successful DC 14 Wisdom
(Perception) check. They attempt to ambush the PCs
on the trail. If detected, they immediately attack.
Treasure. In total, there are six sets of skeletal Creatures. There are six stryxes (Tome of Beasts; or
human remains, mostly scavenged, half-buried along substitute giant owls with the changes noted below)
the trail. Much of their gear has been damaged beyond in the surrounding trees that have been harassing
repair or been lost in the undergrowth, but searching Beatriz. She and Deathbreath have kept them at bay,
the remains yields 23 cp, 10 sp, a hematite gemstone but it’s slowed her work to a crawl, and she’s worried
(worth 10 gp), and a potion of poison resistance. about the ghouls catching up with her.
The stryxes were placed here to watch over the
stones by a wizard centuries ago, but he never
This clearing in the woods is roughly 60 feet in diameter returned. They’ve since bred, and the subsequent
with a large, spreading oak in the center of a curious generations have forgotten why they’re here, but they
assembly of stones. There are twelve stones in all, the tallest continue to dutifully badger anyone meddling with
about four feet in height, well-weathered and marked with the stones.
small, chipped runes. They hoot at the PCs in odd, human-sounding
The stones here are etched with Elvish runes, which
Beatriz Bellamy, a frazzled, dark-haired rogue (CG “Don’t help the halfling! We don’t know what that rock does,
halfling spy) in a night messenger’s coat is frantically but we know you can’t do it! We’ll scratch you!”
decoding. She mutters to herself, glancing warily at Beatriz tells the PCs to ignore them:
the trees, while her shadow-touched mastiff mount,
Deathbreath, sits nearby and watches. He growls “They’re probably forgotten familiars put here ages ago and
when the PCs near the clearing, getting her attention. have gone batty. Er . . . owl-ly. Whatever.”
PCs with a passive Perception of 10 or higher notice If the PCs help Beatriz, the stryxes make fly-by
she has recent injuries from claw attacks. attacks on them, but they are fickle. A successful DC
10 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check is
“No, I taste horrible!” she says. “Oh—! You aren’t ghouls!”
enough to either make the stryxes too intimidated to
She squints at the PCs, particularly one wearing a do anything more than taunt their quarry from the
night messenger’s coat. “Well, you aren’t Sohana, but trees or else convince them they don’t need to guard
you’ll do! You’re Messengers? I’m a Messenger in something they can’t even remember.
need! Come on, we can help each other! Keep those Otherwise, killing three of the stryxes or reducing
damn birds off me while I get these wards up!” four of them to fewer than half their hit points is

12 Tales from the Shadows

enough to send them scattering and squawking Handling) check to initiate, as the stryxes were
amongst themselves: particularly addled after the earlier encounter. A
“The interlopers are mean! Where is the maker? We should successful check makes them receptive to bargaining.
tell him! Who? Tell who what? Fly away!” Treasure. Before the PCs part ways with Beatriz,
she empties out a bag on the ground that had a
Creature Change. If you use the statistics for a seemingly impossible number of items inside it.
giant owl in place of the stryx, add the ability to cast She tells them they can use some of the things she’s
comprehend languages 3 times/day acquired to help them with whatever gets between
Protection Circle. After five minutes of peace and them and Corremel. She offers them 2 potions of
quiet, Beatriz figures out how to activate the wards. healing, a scroll of magic missile, a scroll of faerie fire, and a
If a PC wishes to assist her with this task, they may flask of alchemist’s fire.
do so with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana)
check. With a success, Beatriz is able to activate the 14. ROAD TO CORREMEL
wards after only 1 minute elapses; on a failure, the The witchlight trail continues southeast out of area
only effect is the PC annoys Beatriz. 13 for almost a mile, before reaching the edge of the
“I thought you knew about arcane things! Just . . . just shut Sable Forest:
up! Let me think.” The trees begin to clear, thinning out, the shadows
Once the ward is activated, the area fills with a soft reluctantly pulling away like old cobwebs as the spaces
hum as the runes glow on the stones then fade. While grow between them. The undergrowth recedes and the forest
within the ring of stones, roughly beneath the boughs quiets, as the plane of a large, flat road becomes visible in the
of the oak, the PCs should be hidden from the ghouls distance, drawing closer with every step.
long enough for a short rest. Erestee does not intend to let the package get away so
Beatriz inquires after the other Messengers, as she easily, however. Just before the PCs reach the edge of
lost track of them when she fled from the ghouls. She the forest, she throws a dagger at a tree ahead of them
got injured in the scuffle, but she insists she’ll be fine and taunts them, invisibly, from the branches of a tree
with a little rest and refuses offers of healing, magical behind them:
or otherwise. If the PCs insist:
“Well, this has been a lovely chase, but here’s where it ends,
“I appreciate the offer, but I fear I’m not going to recover little messenger rabbits.”
from this until I see the healer back in Wormwood,” and she
reveals a festering wound on her arm that is clearly poisoned. Creatures. Hidden completely in the tree cover,
Erestee (see appendix) drinks a potion of invisibility
She compliments the PCs for making it this far and immediately after throwing her dagger. She attempts
says that she’d finish the rest of the trek but fears to use her Assassinate ability with a poisoned
her injuries would slow her down too much to keep crossbow bolt against whichever PC is wearing the
her ahead of the ghouls; she also feels compelled night messenger’s coat. She follows up that attack by
to go find her comrades, who were no doubt still targeting a heavily armored PC with ray of sickness and
dealing with the ghouls even as they speak. If the casts shield when she comes under fire. If forced out
PCs want to convince her to go tend to her injuries of the tree, Erestee drinks another potion of invisibility
instead of going after her comrades, they can do so by and goes for a sneak attack against a vulnerable PC.
succeeding on a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check. She keeps her distance with spells and her crossbow
Rest and Recovery. The PCs may take a short if she can, engaging in melee only if she must. If
rest within the warding circle if they choose. reduced to 10 hit points or fewer, or if she sees an
Additionally, the magic empowering the stone opportunity to grab the package, Erestee flees.
circle here is particularly rejuvenating. Each PC Treasure. If Erestee is killed, the PCs find: Two
may choose to recover an expended Hit Die or an doses of serpent venom, a potion of invisibility, a scroll
expended spell slot. of longstrider, a scroll of disguise self, a dagger, a light
Animal Companions. If the PCs did not kill any crossbow, and an onyx ring (worth 80 gp). The ring,
of the stryxes, they might attempt to entice one worn on her left thumb, is unadorned but, among
to become a familiar. This requires a successful their own, serves as a symbol of devotion to the Court
DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) or Wisdom (Animal of Night and Magic.

The Night Messengers 13

Concluding the Adventure Bhorhan tells the PCs they’ve proven themselves
as Messengers in spirit and are welcome to keep his
Once Erestee is defeated or run off, the PCs reach coat. He thinks he may take some time off to return
the main road to Corremel and finish their journey home and rest. Beatriz pipes up that this might mean
without further incident. Upon arriving in the the Messengers could use some new recruits, if the
city, they are directed to the Night Messenger PCs are interested.
chapterhouse, which operates out of a room at The
“You’ll have to take an oath,” Sohana warns. “And undergo
Horn Gate Inn. There, they find Alluna awaiting
Lyrio’s package with a veteran Night Messenger,
Velarrio Valdost (NG human veteran). “And sometimes it’s messy,” Tertso adds, shaking his coat
Velarrio is relieved to see the package reach its while Beatriz winces and recoils away from him at the smell.
intended recipient, but he is troubled that none of his
In addition to the invitation and the night messenger’s
people returned with it; as such, he’s suspicious that
coat, the PCs also receive 200 gp as Bhorhan’s share of
the PCs have not been completely honest with him.
the contract that he promised them.
He says:
“Thank you for your aide, but I must hold this contract in
abeyance until we can confirm the details of your account. Continuing the Adventure
It is not that I do not trust you, but we have had scoundrels The PCs have the potential (and opportunity) to join
tell us convincing stories before. As such, we have made it a The Night Messengers and embark on a career in
policy to refrain from paying out on a contract for a period the Shadow Realm, joining in the intrigue and many
of three days, either to allow our people time to return or to dangers within.
allow us to recover the bodies of the fallen or otherwise to Whether or not they do, they may follow up with
confirm the claimant’s story. I hope you can understand.” Alluna about the Shadow Grimoire and choose to
Velarrio offers the PCs the use of a bunkroom they seek it out. They may also wish to learn more about
have at the inn for the duration of their inquiry. Erestee’s past.
Fortunately, Bhorhan, Beatriz, Tertso, and Sohana Then again, having done their good deed, the PCs
arrive the next afternoon, clearing up Velarrio’s may simply wish to return home. But that may be an
doubts. The four all look worse for wear but intact. adventure in of itself. . . .
The ghouls have been scattered and dispersed, and
the rangers are certain they wouldn’t dare press an
attack near Corremel.

What’s in the Package?

Night Messenger packages are sealed with a unique Realm. He fears both her return and the danger of the
signet, determined by the chapter receiving the contract. Shadow Grimoire in her—or even more sinister—hands, and
Delivering a package with its seal broken voids the implores Alluna to follow up on his research. He predicts his
contract. Nonetheless, the PCs could open it if they wish own doom by the end of the letter.
to take the time. Alluna may be as forthcoming or cagey as you wish about
The letters contain Lyrio’s notes about the Shadow this information, if you’d like to guide further adventures in
Grimoire [See appendix). He believes the book was the direction of the Shadow Grimoire, or make gaining her
gifted to a powerful shadow fey sorceress more than trust into an adventure of its own.
a thousand years ago, but can’t find any record of her GM Secret. The shadow fey sorceress the letters refer
current whereabouts. He believes she and her tower may to is The Dusk Queen (See the Shadows of the Dusk Queen
have vanished as part of a magical calamity or curse, but adventure.) Don’t share this information with the players.
he thinks she may soon be able to return to the Shadow

14 Tales from the Shadows

Hunters of the
Tenebrous Plain

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Mery’s latest creation was her most powerful yet: a
Oma Rattenfanger gathers lost children who, through shadowy dog, which Mery named Sable, who left the
neglect and their sense of loneliness, slip through the child’s side when her attention turned to something
cracks in reality and tumble into the Tenebrous Plain. else. Its departure initially escaped Oma’s notice,
She then waits as the children’s forlornness transforms and she now seeks the creature’s return, especially
them into orphans of the black, swelling her minions’ as Mery herself has shown concern about Sable’s
ranks in gratitude for her “rescuing” them. One such disappearance, marking the first time the girl had
child, the ten-year‑old Mery, fell under her influence shown interest in any of her discarded creations.
after her parents abandoned her to an overcrowded ADVENTURE HOOKS
orphanage. The girl’s troublemaking coupled with
her overactive imagination forced the orphanage to The PCs have several avenues through which to
turn her out into the street, where she discovered a become involved in this mystery. Oma Rattenfanger
swirling dark mist in an alleyway. Her curiosity drew holds sway over the Tenebrous Plain, and if the party
her into the mist, and she then found herself in the needs a specific piece of information, they could
Tenebrous Plain. Oma quickly swept in and took be directed to her. Someone may hire the PCs to
custody of the girl, who amused the fey with tales of locate Mery for benign—or nefarious—purposes.
her imaginary friends. Or perhaps the PCs encountered one of the strange
shadow beasts created by Mery that have escaped into
When Mery began her inevitable transformation
the real world—where they wreaked havoc—and now
into an “orphan of the black,” Mery’s imaginary
seek to investigate where they came from.
friends physically manifested, first as hazy shadows
that dispersed within just a few seconds. But as time
went on, they grew more and more substantial,
becoming beings of solid shadowstuff. Initially,
The Keeper of the Plain
whenever the child grew bored with her no-longer If the PCs look for Oma Rattenfanger for
imaginary friends, the shadowstuff disintegrated. information, they discover they must travel to the
However, the more real they became, the less Tenebrous Plain (Book of Ebon Tides). If the PCs
likely they were to dissipate. Though Oma and her search specifically for Mery, they are directed to
orphans of the black have managed to wrangle most Oma Rattenfanger. A PC who succeeds on a DC
of these shadow friends, some have escaped onto 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check, or one who talks
the plain. As the so-called Keeper of the Plain, Oma to a Shadow Realm denizen and succeeds on a DC
has forestalled Mery’s final transformation into an 11 Charisma (Persuasion) check, knows or learns
orphan of the black so that she can study the girl out that Oma Rattenfanger is known as the Keeper of
of fear Mery will lose her remarkable ability after her the Tenebrous Plain, and that Oma can control the
transformation is complete. plain’s environment and the tributary of the River

Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain 15

Lethe flowing through it. The PC also knows/learns MEETING MERY
that Oma takes in all orphans who find themselves in The girl displays drastic contrasts between her left
the Shadow Realm, and that ungrateful visitors anger and right sides. On one side, her clothes are brightly
the fey. colored if a little worn, and her flesh has a slightly
Regardless of which method of information rosy countenance. On the other side, the colors are
gathering is employed, the PCs know or learn that muted, tending toward gray, and her clothes take on
there is no way to actually find Oma Rattenfanger, but a threadbare appearance. Mery acts shy until Oma
instead they’re told or know: “Once she knows you’re gives her soothing reassurance, after which the child
looking for her, she’ll find you.” chatters excitedly about the PCs finding her dog,
Once the PCs settle on a course of action regarding Sable. She also introduces them to a variety of unseen
Oma or Mery, the next time they travel anywhere, friends and reacts with delight or dejection depending
either together or separately, their journey begins as on the PCs’ reaction to these beings.
normal, but before they realize it, they find themselves
walking on a plain of tall grass. They initially don’t
notice; it somehow seems totally normal. They only
become aware that something strange is happening—
after what, in retrospect, turns out to be about a half
hour of walking—once they encounter two orphans
of the black (see appendix).
When the PCs arrive on the plain, Oma
Rattenfanger immediately becames aware of their
presence and starts keeping tabs on how they act
while there, eventually sending the two orphans of
the black to act as emissaries. Provided the PCs don’t
attack the orphans, they lead the PCs to Oma’s hut,
which appears anywhere on the Plain she desires.

Oma—who looks like a small, plump, motherly elf
with a kind smile and cold, wicked eyes—appraises
the party for several moments. If anyone speaks while
she looks them over, she loses the smile and says,
“Tut tut! Children must wait until they are spoken to
before they can speak.”
When Oma has finished assessing the party,
she says,
“Your arrival is most fortuitous, for I am
in need of brave folk to find a lost dog
belonging to one of my children.”
The PCs may negotiate for a
reward for this task, though
Oma Rattenfanger will mock any
requests for “shiny baubles” or
“crass material wealth.” She agrees
to a reward within reason, however.
Once the party and Oma have
settled on a bargain, she introduces
the party to Mery.

16 Tales from the Shadows

If a PC comments on Mery’s odd state, Oma to keep talking, allowing an additional question.
matter-of-factly says, Possible questions and answers are below.
“It is the way of the young lost souls who come here. They How will we recognize the dog?
become true denizens of the Shadow Realm; it’s the only “Well, you can call her name, ‘Sable.’ She also has a
place that will accept them.” collar with a tag on it. Plus, she likes mice, so she’ll
eat one if you give it to her.”
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Do you have any idea where she might have gone?
Oma answers any of the PCs’ questions. Responses to Mery flaps her arms in frustration. “No!” But after
typical questions are below. pouting a moment, her eyes light up. “Oh! Well, I
How long has Sable been missing? guess she could have gone to the Hedge Maze with
my other friends. It’s that way,” she says, pointing
“The creature seems to have gone missing just a few
to the west. If asked how far it is or for other
hours before you fortuitously arrived.”
guidance in finding it, Mery just sadly looks down
Can you offer us any protection on the Tenebrous Plain?
at her feet and shrugs her shoulders.
“Beside the fact you haven’t earned my favor yet,
Will the dog attack us?
I don’t want outsiders thinking they can act with
“Oh no, Sable is really friendly, so she won’t bite
impunity while traipsing about and destroying
you.” She pauses, giving a bit of consideration to the
my beautiful home. Yes, you can give me all your
question, and then resumes. “Just in case, here’s one
promises not to do anything naughty, but they carry
of my ribbons, so Sable will know I sent you.” Half
the weight of a mosquito’s wing.”
the ribbon is bright red, while the other half is gray
Can we take any of your orphans with us?
and fraying in a similar manner to her clothing.
“While they would do an excellent job keeping an
Why do your friends keep leaving?
eye on you, I don’t want your foolishness to bring
“I dunno. I got tired of them hanging around, I
harm to them. They wouldn’t be good traveling
guess, and they just leave. Lucky for them, I made a
companions, anyway, since they seem to create
home where they can play and sleep. I hope I can go
strife among mundane creatures like yourselves.”
there someday.”
What kind of danger awaits us on the plain?
“I find it unbelievable you don’t have plains where With their business concluded, Oma Rattenfanger
you come from, my dear child! I think it’s safe invites the PCs to spend the night under her
to presume the same threats you’d find in your protection, though a successful DC 10 Wisdom
mundane savannas make their presence known (Insight) check detects a tone that suggests maybe they
here. Other than that, the waters of the Lethe are should start their search immediately instead of sleeping
inherently dangerous without my leave, which I in a nice comfy bed while the poor child’s dog is missing.
shall temporarily grant to you.” If the PCs do spend the night, it passes without
What happens if we don’t return with the dog? incident, though any PCs who keep a watch or
otherwise are awake at night will notice the enduring
“The girl is accustomed to disappointment. How
dead-eyed stares from the orphans of the black who
else would she have ended up in my care? If you
apparently don’t require sleep. When what passes for
do your best to find Sable, I’m sure she will get
morning arrives, Oma and her hut have disappeared,
over the creature’s loss. She has a short enough
and the PCs awaken to morning on the Tenebrous
attention span that she will likely forget about
Sable, as she is constantly imagining new friends
and pets, anyway. Unfortunately, it will diminish SHADOW BEAST HUNT
the payment you seek.”
Sable left deep tracks when she left Mery’s care,
Mery will also try to answer the party’s questions giving the PCs a strong idea of the shadow dog’s trail,
about Sable and her imaginary friends, but she which indeed does lead in the direction of the hedge
quickly grows bored with the conversation, allowing maze. However, as they progress further, the tracks
time for only two questions, though a successful DC become fainter. During each day of the two‑day
13 Charisma (Persuasion) check can convince her trek to the hedge maze, the PCs can make a DC 13

Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain 17

Wisdom (Survival) check to follow the tracks. (The or stays within the radius of a silence spell for 1 full
DC rises to 15 on the second day.) On a failure, add a minute. Alternately, a PC who succeeds on a DC 11
number of hours equal to the difference between the Wisdom (Medicine) check can devise something to
DC and the result of the check. For each additional sufficiently plug the ears to block out the sound. A
hour, the PCs have a 10% chance to encounter a creature that completely plugs its ears for the night
hostile denizen of the plain, using the table below: avoids becoming distracted. On an unsuccessful
Wisdom (Medicine), the creature receiving these
d10 Encounter ministrations has advantage on its saving throw to
1–2 1d4 zombies avoid the chirrups’ effect instead. All creatures that
3–4 2 orphans of the black (Tome of Beasts 2) plug their ears in this manner have disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that involving hearing
5 1d4 violet fungi
for the duration.
6 1d4 awakened shrubs
7 1 awakened tree
8 1 swarm of insects The Hedge Maze
9 1d2 dark servants (Creature Codex) Mery’s imagination created this hideaway for
10 1d2 wirbeln fungi (Creature Codex) all her creations, so she wouldn’t feel guilty
about abandoning them as she herself had been
Each night the PCs spend in the Tenebrous Plain, abandoned. Because of her imposition to “play
they also have a 10% chance to have one of the nice,” the creatures rarely interact with each other
encounters above. and instead take occasional forays onto the nearby
Shadow Crickets. A colony of shadow crickets plain to terrorize prey.
also chirrups through the night. Each creature Gloom fills the maze, reducing the illumination to
who can hear the crickets must succeed on a DC 11 dim light. Mundane light sources and light created
Wisdom saving throw or become distracted by the by cantrips or 1st-level spells can’t increase the
constant echoing of chirps in their head. A distracted maze’s illumination.
creature has disadvantage on all Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks and the first
time they make an attack roll in any combat. This A half-eaten deer partially blocks the entrance to the maze.
effect lasts for 24 hours or until the creature receives Flies buzz as they alight on the corpse and then fly away.
magical intervention, such as a calm emotions spell,
Sable killed the deer and devoured part of the animal.
While she ate, she sensed the pursuing shadow
goblins and fled into the maze.
Creatures. A swarm of insects infests the corpse
while it consumes the remaining flesh. Non-
The Maze’s Defenses shadow-based prey intrigues them, so the swarm
While the trees seem sickly, they are stout and brambly. attacks when a living creature moves within 5 feet
A PC who succeeds on a DC 17 Strength check can of the deer. The swarm also attacks if the carcass
push through the trees to the other side but takes 10 takes damage or is otherwise disturbed. A PC who
(3d6) slashing damage as thorns and branches dig into examines the corpse from a distance and succeeds on
the PC’s skin. Each 5-foot section of the trees has AC a DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation or Nature) check
12 and 15 hit points. Reducing a 5-foot section to 0 hit recognizes the danger posed by the swarm.
points temporarily destroys it, but the destroyed section
grows back after 1 hour passes. Destruction of any part
of the maze provokes an adjacent section of the maze The plains’ scrub gives way to soil at the entrance to this
to animate to defend against its attackers. The branches hedge maze. The 10-foot-wide passage immediately splits to
that animate attack all creatures adjacent to them. They
the north and south. Globes radiating dim pastel colors that
have a +6 attack bonus and deal 10 (3d6) slashing
barely penetrate the gloom hang from the ceiling in a futile
damage on a successful hit.
attempt to cheer up the place.

18 Tales from the Shadows

The strong odors of rot (from the north) and sweat it enjoys safety despite Mery’s feelings about it. The
(from the south) become faint when the PCs reach death dog fights until it dies.
the maze’s opening. A PC who succeeds on a DC 10 Treasure. The death dog wears a shadowy collar with
Wisdom (Perception) check notices the smells and a tarnished tag engraved with the name, “Grouchy.”
which direction they’re coming from. The collar grants access to area 10 for one creature.


This portion of the maze bends around a wall of sickly trees. Visible at the southern end of this area are the remains of a
A rotten odor pervades this area, presumably emanating small fire. The air is pungent with the smell of char and sweat.
from the decaying humanoid corpse in the northwest corner. Creatures. Two human bandits trying to eke
The creature in this area has yet to discover the out a meager existence on the Tenebrous Plain—
bandits in area 4 and is beholden to Mery’s edict after going on the run from some shadow fey they
not to attack other inhabitants. Therefore, it hunts managed to rob—couldn’t believe their luck when
hapless travelers lost in the plain and brings their they found this place to hole up in. If they hear any
remains here to feed. commotion from the adjacent areas, they attempt to
Creatures. Mery’s first deliberate attempt to form Hide, fearful that the shadow fey have found them.
a shadow creature at Oma Rattenfanger’s request When they see the PCs, however, they overconfidently
resulted in a death dog. The girl immediately spurned assume they can beat up the newcomers and loot their
the creature, which made its way to the maze, where victims. In the face of strong resistance, the bandits

Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain 19

flee, either when one of them dies or takes more than Treasure. The giant spider isn’t intelligent enough
5 damage from a single attack. to determine an item’s worth, so items immediately
Treasure. The bandits have a pouch containing 20 visible to the PCs are without value. However, a PC
gp, which they stole from the shadow fey. who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation)
check finds Sable’s collar along with four rubies
5. CHARGING LANE (worth a total of 240 gp). Unlike the other collars
worn by Mery’s shadow creations, Sable’s collar
This section of the maze seems to be a hub with numerous
allows the entire party to pass through the secret
passages spiraling out from it.
entrance between areas 9 and 10. Burning the webs
Mery had never seen a pig before she translocated also reveals the treasure.
to the Shadow Realm, and when she met one for the
first time the creature fascinated her. Unfortunately, 7. WEIRD DOGGIE
she didn’t get time to become attached to the animal,
The maze forms an “L” here, one wing leading west and
as an orphan of the black slaughtered it for dinner.
the other leading south. Where the passage turns, the soil
Mery’s imagination later conjured up a stronger
changes to thick mud.
version, which inhabits this location.
Creatures. A shadow-touched giant boar patrols The mud pit sometimes fills with water to suit the
the center of this corridor. If a creature other than inhabitant’s desires.
one of Mery’s creations moves into the northern part Creatures. Mery’s fascination with dogs, mixed
of the corridor from area 3, the boar charges. with her imagination’s desire for the “dog” to
Treasure. The boar wears a collar with a tarnished swim and possess her version of a prehensile tail,
tag inscribed with the name, “Boris.” The collar produced an aquatic dog-like monstrosity known
grants access to area 10 for one creature. as an ahuizotl (Creature Codex; or use statistics
for a manticore with the changes noted below).
6. WEBBED RECESS Fortunately for the girl, the creature wandered off
Cobwebs hang from the top of the hedge maze as the gloom before it could give in to its desire for flesh. There
intensifies. Even with the lack of light, metallic glints are is a 20% chance the creature has recently feasted,
visible from deeper within this area. in which case it does not attack and instead merely
attempts to snatch something from a victim before
The illumination is reduced to darkness in this area. running away, though it defends itself if attacked.
However, spells can restore the illumination to dim
Creature Change. If you use the statistics for a
light. If a mundane item normally provides bright
manticore in place of the ahuizotl, change its size to
light, here they provide only dim light.
Small and change its fly speed to a swim speed.
Sticky Webs. The creature here has spun sheets of Treasure. The ahuizotl wears a shadowy collar with
translucent webs throughout its home. The webs fill a corroded tag engraved with the name “Andy.” The
the entire southernmost section. Anyone attempting collar allows access to area 10 for one creature. The
to move through the webs becomes restrained. As ahuizotl buried its ill-gotten gains beneath the mud’s
an action, any creature can free a restrained target surface. A PC who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence
by succeeding on a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) (Investigation) check or spends 10 minutes
check. A PC who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom excavating the mud finds a silver ring (worth 50 gp)
(Perception) check notices the webs. Creatures can and a tourmaline-studded necklace (worth 125 gp).
attack and destroy webbing in a 5-foot square (AC
10; 10 hp; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to 8. ODD SHRUBS
bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).
Creatures. A shadow-touched giant spider, borne Several frail shadowy shrubs dot the floor. One of the plants,
out of Mery’s nightmares, collects items it believes covered in purple leaves, moves of its own accord.
will lure prey to its lair. The spider clings to the ceiling The sudden appearance of the shadowy hedge maze
in the maze’s dark recesses (at the dead end of area drew a creature with no connection to Mery to it. The
6). It waits until a creature becomes restrained by the new inhabitant transplanted sickly plants from the
webs or two 5-foot squares of webbing are destroyed Tenebrous Plain to keep it company.
before it emerges from hiding to attack.

20 Tales from the Shadows

Creatures. When the razorleaf (see appendix) creation. When they hear commotion caused as the
returned from a recent hunt, it encountered Sable, PCs approach, they attempt to Hide in the walls of
which damaged and demoralized the plant creature in the maze opposite the secret passage so they can
combat. It returned here to recover from its wounds. spring an ambush. A successful DC 15 Wisdom
The razorleaf has half its hit points, has disadvantage (Perception) check (or a passive Perception of 15 or
on its attacks, and has used its Shower of Razors in its higher) spots the goblins. Otherwise, the goblins
fight with Sable (requiring it to succeed on a recharge launch their ambush once at least two PCs come
check to recover the action). A PC who succeeds on a within 5 feet of the secret passage.
DC 11 Wisdom (Insight) check realizes the creature Creature Change. Remove the scout’s Shortsword
wishes to avoid combat. The razorleaf expresses attack and replace it with the following Sickle and
gratitude with a jaunty shake of its leaves if it receives Hook and Trip attacks:
healing. If the PCs defeat the weakened Razorleaf— Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
or heal it—treat this as a CR 3 creature. target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage.
Treasure. The razorleaf has collected several Hook and Trip. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
baubles that caught its interest during its hunts reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: If the target is a creature, it
and buried them in the soil. Its treasure consists must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
of 4 opals (worth 30 gp each) and a periapt of wound knocked prone.
closure. A PC who succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence
(Investigation) check finds the mound of dirt hiding
the items. If the PCs heal the Razorleaf, it uncovers As you push through the secret passage, a maze within the
its hidden treasure and offers it to them. maze presents itself. The trees forming the interior walls are
sparser and greener, however, and this new maze proves to
be not much of a challenge. At the end of this small maze, a
The trees crowd together through here, providing only a dog bed and some chew toys sit in the southwestern corner.
narrow passage that ends at the maze’s outer edge. When Mery became upset about Sable’s
Sable slipped through an overgrown section of the disappearance, she subconsciously sequestered this
maze (marked S on the map); the gnarled trees here portion of the hedge maze for her (currently) favorite
will part and grant passage to a creature with a token shadow creation.
belonging to one of Mery’s menagerie. Sable’s collar
provided her entry to area 10, but it slipped off her as
she passed through the secret passage. Afterward, the
shadow spider from area 6 retrieved the collar to
add to its collection of lures.
Secret Passage. A PC who succeeds on
a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation)
check notices a gray discoloration
on the trees blocking the entrance
to area 10. The PCs can attempt
to force their way through (see
the “Maze’s Defenses” sidebar).
Alternatively, a PC who succeeds
on a DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana)
check realizes the trees grant
temporary access to creatures
bearing a token belonging to one
of Mery’s shadow creations.
Creatures. Two shadow goblin
scouts (with changes noted below),
disguised as farmers, have reached this
location in their search for Mery’s shadow

Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain 21

Creatures. The object of the party’s hunt has MERY TAKEN
wriggled into this hidden portion of the maze, losing A group of shadow goblins—currently a minor
the collar granting it access in the process. Sable dissident faction on the Tenebrous Plain—ultimately
(see appendix) is a fierce-looking canine, similar seeks to wrest control of the plain from Oma
in size and shape to a coyote, but with all-black fur Rattenfanger. The goblins realize they aren’t powerful
and with wisps of shadow perpetually drifting up enough to contest the Keeper of the Plain directly,
and away from her body. The dog bristles at the so their spies search for any signs of weakness they
party’s intrusion and prepares to attack. The PCs can exploit. When they spotted a slow migration of
have 1 round during which they can initiate their strange shadow creatures, they took notice, eventually
own attack or attempt to calm the shadow dog. A PC deciding to follow the latest, Sable, to its destination.
who succeeds on a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) or Subsequently, the goblins traced the shadow
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check calms Sable. If creatures’ origin to Mery, whose importance was
the PC mentions Mery’s name, they have advantage highlighted by the PCs’ presence. They formulated a
on the check. Alternatively, a PC can present Mery’s plot to kidnap the girl and force her to make shadow
ribbon, triggering Sable’s Contingent Docility trait; creatures to fight on their behalf and managed to
if she fails her saving throw, she willingly follows the spirit her away while the PCs journeyed to the hedge
party back to Mery’s location. maze and back to Oma’s hut (which, fortunately, is
once again back where they originally encountered it).
Other Hunters When the PCs arrive, Oma Rattenfanger greets
them with the news of Mery’s disappearance.
The return trip is blessedly free of shadow crickets, Nothing goes unnoticed by Oma Rattenfanger, but
but the party is subject to a possible random she amuses herself by letting the shadow goblins
encounter (as detailed in the “Shadow Beast Hunt” believe their village has escaped her attention. She
section) on the first night of travel. knows they took Mery, but she can’t spare the time to
On the second day of their return trip, the PCs go teach the child’s abductors a lesson. She tasks the
encounter Hubert Delacroix (LG human priest). He PCs with returning the girl home instead.
has undertaken a quest to destroy Mery’s shadow While she initially tries to convince the PCs to
creations, several of which have slipped out of rescue Mery as part of their original agreement—and
the Shadow Realm to terrorize people under his tries to downplay the girl’s significance—she allows
protection. Though he is unsure of the creatures’ the PCs to negotiate an additional reward for Mery’s
origins, he discovered Sable’s trail and has been safe return. This will not give the PCs leverage to claim
following it, leading to his run-in with the party. the child from Oma’s custody without owing her a
If Sable is with the PCs, Hubert prepares to attack. favor. After all, she doesn’t want Mery returned only
A PC who succeeds on a DC 11 Wisdom (Insight) to relinquish her immediately afterward. Oma knows
check realizes Hubert is focused solely on Sable and she could take direct action against the goblins, but
may not attack the PCs if they don’t intervene. The PC she considers them beneath her notice, even though
also realizes the priest has inherently good intentions she views their kidnapping scheme as an irritation.
and may respond to negotiation. A PC who provides
a compelling case to spare the shadow beast and Possible Allies and Antagonists
succeeds on a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check If the party made friends, or at least become grudging
convinces the priest to hold off his attacks. partners, of Hubert or Sable, each of them assists
If the PCs have killed Sable or otherwise left the the PCs when they assault the shadow goblin village
creature behind, the priest asks if they have seen to rescue Mery. Even if Hubert left the PCs on bad
the shadow beast. If someone reveals that Mery terms, he acts as an ally against the village’s creatures
conjured the creature, Hubert demands the PCs before turning on the party. Sable is protective of
allow him to accompany them back to the child Mery, so she attacks if any of the PCs threaten her.
so that he can confront her. A PC who mentions With a DC 13 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion)
that Mery is only a child and succeeds on a DC 11 check, the PCs may convince Oma Rattenfanger
Charisma (Persuasion) check quells the priest’s rage to send one of her orphans of the black with them.
against the responsible party. However, the orphan is likely to take offense at

22 Tales from the Shadows

someone ordering it around and may become a Creatures. When the PCs approach this area, four
liability in combat, using its Incite Violence feature giant rats belonging to the wererat stalking area 2
in retaliation. charge at the party. If two of the rats die, the other
rats attempt to flee and alert the wererat.

Shadow Goblin Village 2. “WINE” CELLAR AND STORAGE

The shadow goblin village is two days’ travel from The reek of vinegar wafts out of this building on the southern
where the goblins took Mery. Though Oma refuses side of the village, which you can see—through a left-open
to grant the party safe passage on their journey when door—contains several crates and a variety of tools useful for
asked, she does arrange for the group to remain day-to-day work.
unscathed while they make their way to the village.
The shadow goblins devised a wine press, which they
The PCs arrive from the west, along a well-trodden
use to transform the sickly fruits they collect into
path leading to area 1.
something they enjoy. Any creature other than a
1. WELCOMING COMMITTEE shadow goblin who drinks the liquid produced by the
press must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution save or
The path opens to a collection of garishly painted buildings become poisoned for 1 minute.
surrounding a village square featuring a prominent obelisk. The items stored here are worthless except as a
Trees that seemingly refuse to grow leaves or blooms dot the source of mundane replacement weapons, such as
village’s interior. sickles and clubs.
The buildings to the north and south of area 1 are Creatures. A wererat allied with the shadow goblins
living quarters for shadow goblins who are away from lurks between the buildings, waiting to attack passing
the village on a scouting mission. intruders. However, if one of his rats returns to

Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain 23

indicate trouble, he breaks his cover and goes berserk
against those who would dare harm his friends. As a
bonus action, he lets loose a whistle, summoning a
swarm of rats, which boil forth from the building.


Whereas most of the other buildings in the village have open

windows, this building is shuttered to the outside and is
slightly less ramshackle than the others.
The goblins have spent their time trying to
convince Mery they have her best interests at
heart and that Oma Rattenfanger will just use
and discard the child. Given a few more days, they
might have succeeded in turning
her to their side. However,
they have achieved their
goal of inducing Mery
to conjure a shadow
beast they hope to employ
against a suspected rescue attempt.
Locked Door. The only door leading into the
building is locked, which requires a successful DC
12 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to unlock or a
DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check to break down.
Trap. Opening the door cuts a trip wire that statistics for death dog) await those breaking into
unleashes four poisoned darts. Make a ranged the building. The goblins have successfully frightened
weapon attack for each dart with a +7 bonus to hit, Mery into siccing her shadow beast on intruders,
selecting random targets outside that are within 10 but a PC who uses an action to attempt to convince
feet of the door. A creature that is hit takes 3 (1d6) Mery to turn the beast against the goblins can do so
piercing damage and must succeed on a DC 13 if they succeed on a DC 14 Charisma (Intimidation
Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison or Persuasion) check. The goblins can likewise use an
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage action to attempt the same check to regain control of
on a successful one. Once triggered, the darts and the shadow beast.
tripwire must be reset to allow the trap to function
once more. 4. OBELISK
A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check
Indecipherable runes cover this obelisk, which radiates cold
notices the trip wire through a gap in the door. A
and casts a shadow in all four cardinal directions.
successful DC 13 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools
cuts the trip wire harmlessly. A PC without thieves’ The shadow goblins found the obelisk in a little-
tools can attempt this check with disadvantage using explored region of the Shadow Realm. They haven’t
an edged weapon or tool. On a failure, the wire hasn’t figured out the obelisk’s purpose, but they (correctly)
been cut sufficiently, permitting the trap to trigger reasoned the object is a source of great power, so they
when the door is opened. gave it a prominent place in the village. The strange
There is a 25% chance each round the PCs are column weighs 500 pounds and would be worth 750
inspecting the door that one of the goblins opens the gp to someone conversant with esoteric lore on the
door to trigger the trap. Material Plane should the party find the means to
Creatures. Two shadow goblin scouts; a shadow transport it.
goblin spy; Mery (use statistics for commoner); and Creatures. If a PC moves within 5 feet of the obelisk,
her most recent creation, another shadow dog (use two shadows pour out from the pillar and attack.

24 Tales from the Shadows

5. GRAYHOUSE to lose her gift. While she doesn’t seek the PCs’
counsel on the matter, a PC who succeeds on a DC 18
Open windows let in what light exists in the Tenebrous Intelligence (Arcana) check realizes Oma is correct in
Plain, shining on an assortment of drab plants that seem her supposition.
healthy despite the lack of sun. If the PCs decide to adopt Mery (at least
Shadow goblins grow vegetables, which miraculously temporarily) and seek Oma’s approval, a PC who
provide them sustenance. The plants are inedible to succeeds on a DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check
creatures that don’t reside in the Shadow Realm. convinces Oma to relinquish the girl to their
Creatures. The goblins befriended a shadow blight custody. However, she extracts a promise from the
(see appendix) that haunts the nursery. If the party party that requires them to aid her once—in any
investigates the building, it initiates an attack. capacity—when she calls on them. (If and when Oma
invokes this favor, treat this as if she had cast geas on
6. RESERVES each PC.) If the party absconds with Mery without
Oma’s knowledge, the fey patiently waits to gain her
Overgrown weeds abut the village’s easternmost buildings.
revenge on the kidnappers. This is also true if she
The shadow goblins have tried unsuccessfully to allows the PCs to take Mery and they subsequently
clear the weeds, but the plants grow prodigiously mistreat the child.
and return to their original state within an hour of Any surviving shadow goblins lick their
getting cut. wounds and rebuild before continuing with their
Creatures. Two shadow goblin scouts stand by in schemes. Should they wrest any power from Oma
hiding to aid their leader. They surreptitiously keep Rattenfanger, they try to take some measure of
watch on his home at area 3 and wait 2 rounds after revenge against the PCs.
spotting the party enter the building. Their focus
is so intent on their leader, they have disadvantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks to spot creatures
approaching from the east.

Concluding the Adventure

Mery is happy to be rescued and is especially
delighted to be reunited with Sable, if the creature
survived. If the PCs try to convince her to come
with them—which they can do with a successful
DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check—she makes
them promise not to abandon her like her parents
did. If the party finds caring adoptive parents and
visit Mery frequently, that fulfills her request.
Otherwise, she slips back into the Shadow Realm
and becomes a dedicated enemy to the party.
Depending on the outcome of various
events, the PCs either earn Oma
Rattenfanger’s favor or her wrath.
If Mery survives and the party
returns her to Oma, the fey grants
the PCs their agreed-upon reward
or helps them in her capacity as Keeper of
the Plain. Oma is undecided whether she
will permit Mery’s transformation to
an orphan of the black, suspecting
the change will cause the child

Hunters of the Tenebrous Plain 25

The Weeper in Shadow


The story goes that a long, long time ago, Womford Those who live near the wood know the signs of
was a normal place in the normal world (whatever that its waking and are afraid. Many villagers bar their
might be)—a thriving village with scattered farms, doors and keep their livestock within (or in very stout
fields, animals, and people. Then one night the wood enclosures). They’ve all noticed the horrible thorny
came from the shadows of the night and took it all growths infesting the wood’s edges and the horrible
away. The village and its surroundings were absorbed, cries coming within.
taken into the Shadow Realm—the screams of her The PCs may simply be passing through when
lost people echoing in the darkness. The wood— they hear the sorry tale of the Wombweald. Perhaps
which came to be known as the Wombweald—was they hear tale of the awakening wood and have their
alive, and it devoured them. curiosity piqued; or they’re asked to venture into the
Why is this entity, this living forest called wood and deal with whatever lurks at its heart once
Wombweald? Sometimes—the span of a human and for all; or a local has ventured into the woods to
lifetime, a score of years, once even in the blinking retrieve a child or beloved pet and the PCs are asked
of a child’s eye—the thing that lurks at its dark heart to help.
awakens and births terrible, terrible offspring. The
Weeper in Shadow some call it, but few know it by
any name at all; they just know to avoid it and its Running the Adventure
wood. The Weeper is a carnivorous, living plant, a This is a survival horror adventure set in a living
very dangerous foe, and it and the wood share an wood. The GM should play up the Shadow Realm
odd intimacy—when it awakens, so does the wood nature of the Wombweald—it is suddenly and terrible
and many of the terrors growing in it, and some of awake; odd noises stir up suddenly in the distance,
those terrors act as its eyes and ears—and claws, and then just as suddenly there is naught but appalling
teeth. The Weeper emits a peculiar, maddening song silence. The wood exists in a perpetual summer’s
throughout the wood, which awakens and draws any end—bloated blooms hang gorged from twisting
animal or beasts (and occasionally monsters) to it to briars, the air is thick and headily scented. Awakened
feed or protect it. Some that try to resist the call are trees shout or whisper “outsiders!” through mouths
taken by madness. not meant to speak. Eyes blink from the gloom, and
The Weeper lurks in the Great Midden—a mound odd creatures skitter about high in the trees. Peculiar,
of decay and rot that some say draws the dying to feed nauseating fungi abound; strange, phosphorescent
it. And there it lurks, until it is time to awaken and growths and lichens cloak branches and boughs,
birth once more. shedding an eerie ochre light that flickers in the
That time has come again. . . . pall of the swarms of insects dancing in the paltry

26 Tales from the Shadows

illumination. This gloom touches the twilight, CREATURES OF THE WOMBWEALD
illuminating the wood gloomily, yet never revealing Many creatures wander the Wombweald, and for
things as they truly are until the viewer comes very every 4 hours spent in it, there is a 50% chance a
close. Imagine a horrible wood from the darkest fairy random encounter occurs. If there is an encounter,
tale—this place is suddenly and horrible alive and roll on the “Wombweald Encounters” table to
aware—and it doesn’t like visitors, at least not until determine what it entails.
they are dead and feeding the Great Midden.
Traversing the Wood. Each hex on the map equals WOMBWEALD ENCOUNTERS
2 miles, and the woodland areas are difficult terrain; d20 Encounter
the PCs encounter deep pools of rotting leaves, 1–2 2 deranged awakened trees
twisting roots, and crowding, ancient trees. The
3–4 A wild giant boar
PCs can therefore cover 6 hexes per day at a usual
pace. However, this wood is alive, and as such is very 5 A phase spider
cunning when it comes to ensuring unwelcome 6 1d4 shadows
visitors become utterly lost. 7–8 1d3 swarms of insects
Uneasy Dreams. Time seems somewhat fluid here 9–10 2d2 awakened shrubs
and visitors initially find sleep extremely difficult.
11–12 2 will-o’-wisps
Resting characters have odd dreams and feel uneasy,
13–14 Wandering Animal (see below)
and the more people who enter the wood the more
this effect increases. After a certain amount of time in 15–16 Curious Event (see below)
the wood, rest becomes all but impossible; consider 17–18 Decayed Locale (see below)
requiring a DC 13 Constitution saving throw to 19–20 Lost Villager (see below)
succeed (with the DC rising by 1 for each day the PCs
remain in the wood). The PCs may even encounter Wandering Animal. A wandering animal is a
restless wanderers who have been awake so long they confused, awakened creature that has been drawn
have died without realizing it (see area 3). into the wood. It may be a domestic animal, like
Disorienting Terrain. The PCs must succeed on a a sheep or pig, or something bigger and more
DC 17 Wisdom (Survival) check or become lost in the dangerous, such as an angry bull (use warhorse). In
wood—unless they have a guide to assist them (see general, animals flee, but some may attack if desired.
“The Weeper’s Mad Song” sidebar). The PCs must Curious Events. Curious events can be the distant,
make such a check every 4 hours of travel. unsettling echoes bleating, a sudden collapse of a
Arboreal Animus. The Wombweald wants visitors tree, someone calling for help from far away (never
to die of exhaustion. The awakened trees and shrubs to be found) or other distant (or unsettlingly near)
within quietly and awkwardly stagger ahead of movement or sounds that have no explanation.
visitors, trying to trick them toward deadly dangers Decayed Locales. Decayed locales are remnants of
(and away from the Great Midden)—to die and, the old village and farmlands that once thrived here—
ultimately, to be fed to the midden, continuing the an old gateway, a signpost, or a bridge that crosses a
Wombweald’s cycle of birth and death. The wood can river no longer there.
effectively move and grow ahead of any visitors so Lost Villagers. A lost villager is a commoner in the
that it can, to anyone traversing it, actually be larger forest trying to retrieve a lost child or animal (e.g., a
than is depicted on the map. If the PCs become lost, prize pig, bull, or dog).
they move to a random adjacent hex, which could
potentially lead them a long way from the Great
Midden and even off the mapped area entirely. In
this way, the forest can extend itself several miles;
however, you may wish to set a limit of three hexes (6
miles) or less.

The Weeper in Shadow 27

ambush, or seek to avoid the encounter entirely, by
The Wild Hunt succeeding on a DC 13 Wisdom (Survival) check.
The Weeper in Shadow does not wish to be found; These mandrakes are strongly shadow-touched,
it simply wants to nurture its children until they are resembling odd-limbed twigs with bloated rotting
ready to leave the midden, then return to its slumber. heads of vegetation that make them appear similar
As soon as the PCs enter the Wombweald, a curious to rotting, infantile scarecrows. When they engage
whispering precedes them, and The Weeper instantly the PCs, they use their shriek attack first and prefer
becomes aware of them. to attack from the trees high above, which vary from
It sends some of its followers to seek out and 10–40 feet in height.
destroy these strangers. In all, it sends three
groups—each comprised of 2 shriekers and a
shambling mound.
These groups should be encountered at varying
times as the PCs’ venture through the Wombweald.
If the PCs are struggling, you might wish to avoid the
encounters entirely—or play them simply for horror
as passing sounds that vanish into the wood.
Consider having the PCs become aware that one
of these groups is coming for them. Have them hear
the mandrake’s lamb-like bleats and their squeals,
like delighted children, as they rush through the
boughs and canopies. The shambling mound staggers
through the wood, calling out in an inhuman voice
that tries to make words but fails.
The PCs can detect one of the groups approaching
if any of them succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom
(Perception) check (or have a passive Perception of
13 or higher). If the PCs fail to detect The Weeper’s
minions, an attack occurs immediately. If they do
realize they are being stalked, they can set up an

The Weeper’s Mad Song

When it awakens, the Weeper cries out a maddening
cacophony that is part song, part fluting pipes, part
screams, and part sob. This sound echoes across the wood The deadening nature of the wood makes tracing the
and continues until it sleeps once again or dies. The sound source of the noise difficult, but clever PCs may seek to use
can be blocked in the usual ways, but any beast (and this as a means of guiding themselves to The Weeper with
occasionally monster) that hears it spontaneously awakens an animal. Such animals move at the fastest pace they can
and is drawn to it. Sometimes creatures become confused but may themselves get lost or confused on the way. Any
or enraged by the song, but more often than not, they animal guide must succeed on a DC 7 Wisdom (Survival)
simply move meekly to the Great Midden to be devoured. check when it enters a hex for the first time or become
The thorny edges of the wood also awaken after a lost. Lost animals move randomly into another hex but are
fashion—entwining to form a prickly outer wall. Trees and always eventually drawn to the Weeper’s song again.
plants awaken across the wood, too, but they are slow to Animal companions and familiars are not affected by this
wake and not generally coordinated enough to attack. awakening but are aware of something odd in the air and
They typically simply try to trick outsiders into getting lost likely show signs of nervousness as a result.
and dying.

28 Tales from the Shadows

The shambling mound is a hulking mass of folk still kept their animals penned up. Those that
putrefaction from the Great Midden and simply seeks weren’t—including his beloved dog Nat, as well as his
to engulf and destroy any life in its path. It is made of father’s prize ram (which somehow wandered away
rot, old bones, twigs and leaves, and hair or fur. from its meadow)—went into the forest answering
Each of The Weeper’s hunting groups is tasked The Weeper’s mad song. He and Nadge could see how
with slaying any who trespass within the Wombweald upset his father was, and Nadge dared him to go into
then dragging them back to the Great Midden to the wood to find the missing animals. Despite the
feed its unceasing hunger. If the PCs can trick The danger, he readily accepted . . . and dared his friend to
Weeper’s minions into believing that one (or some) accompany him.
of their number is dead (perhaps using a scroll of feign They were in the Wombweald for three days—and
death), the creatures drag their seemingly dead prey never did find the ram or Nat. Nor did they get any
directly back to the Great Midden. sleep. What they experienced is summed up in the
“Wombweald Lore” sidebar with one final addition:
GETTING STARTED They found the Great Midden by accident and got a
The lands just beyond the outer edges of the good look at the pods The Weeper had produced—
Wombweald play host to a small number of four great horrible writhing masses that held its
settlements. At most times, the wood slumbers and babes. Bandymoth got more than enough of a good
offers up game and timber in plentiful amounts and look at them and The Weeper itself. He requires some
living is generally good, although everyone knows urging from the PCs to describe what it looked like
the dark stories. One village is located closer to the but does so without the need for a skill check:
wood than any of the others and lies near a curious “As tall as a house, it was, a great writhing mass of limbs
entrance (area 1). The place is so small, it doesn’t even and vines. The stench was worse than any I have ever
have a name (labelled Start on the map), and its locals known—and I’ve smelt the rotting dead since then. And
know more about the wood than most. it moved! Maybe staggered is a better word for it. It had a
The inhabitants of this collection of a score or so head—or what passed for a head—a great open maw like a
wattle-and-daub hovels survive by raising livestock sick bloom, and as we watched it, a pig—one from a village
(mostly sheep and chickens), and the village’s nearby maybe—scampered near it. The Weeper was on it
oldest resident—Uncle Bandymoth—was alive in a moment, a sick tongue lashing out of its petaled maw,
the last time the Weeper awoke and actually saw it. dragging the poor animal, squealing, into its mouth. Then,
Bandymoth (N umbral human [Book of Ebon Tides] it slowly gulped it all down. When I close my eyes, I can still
commoner) is known throughout the area for this see the poor animal kicking in its foul throat, and squealing
one remarkable event in an otherwise dull life—the . . . and squealing. That’s when I ran; ran even when I heard
time he and his friend Nadge dared each other to Nadge crying for help, and sobbing.
enter the Wombweald. “I abandoned him, I’m ashamed to say. Shortly after that,
He’s very easy to find, and anyone asking questions Nadge’s sobbing . . . stopped.”
about the wood is pointed in his direction as the
resident expert. Bandymoth is a short, elderly human He was never seen again, and Uncle Bandymoth has
with two tufts of white hair above extremely large had to live with the guilt and the stares of his kith and
ears. He smokes a large, smelly pipe and often looks kin ever since.
into it when remembering things. He walks using an If pressed for further details, Bandymoth recalls
ash stick carved with the face of his favorite dog Nat, following a stream for a while, heading northeast
who died many years ago. as far as he could tell, and he remembers there were
Bandymoth doesn’t like to talk about the more buildings nearer the end than at the start.
Wombweald and must be persuaded by means of a If the PCs ask Bandymoth to come along as a
DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check to tell his story. guide, he is very reluctant and only agrees following
He recounts all the information in the information a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
table below but does so as part of his story. He does indeed have a good memory of places; this
He and his friend Nadge were youngsters when knowledge allows the PCs to make their Wisdom
The Weeper last awoke. Luckily—or not—it had (Survival) checks with advantage to avoid becoming
not been too long since it had last awoken and most lost. Bandymoth is old but still sprightly and as such
does not slow the PCs down.

The Weeper in Shadow 29

Wombweald Information Zone 2. Zone 2 is where the ancient village of
The PCs might know some of the information below Womford was located and features many more ruins,
or learn it from the villagers. If they spend time with crumbled structures, and other signs of village life. If
Uncle Bandymoth, they learn all the following lore. Uncle Bandymoth is with the PCs, the old gent notes
Any PCs who wish may make an Intelligence the increase in such buildings as a sure sign they are
(History or Nature) check to determine if they approaching the old village and Great Midden.
possess any of the knowledge below already. If the
PCs have not spent a significant amount of time in
(or studying) the Shadow Realm, these checks are An old, sunken pathway leads to a pair of thick iron
made with disadvantage. If the PCs wish to gather gates that stand before a natural tunnel—a path
information by speaking with nearby villagers, they through walls of thick trees and foliage leading to the
may do so by making a Charisma (Persuasion) check. forest proper. Either “wall”—and the entire outer
Consult the “Wombweald Lore” table to determine edge of the Wombweald—is thick with trees and
what information to provide the PCs. brush and thorns, essentially impassable, making this
natural break in the trees the only means of entrance.
At the far end of the natural tunnel there is another
Entering the Wombweald gate, and beyond that, the Wombweald. Cold
Refer to the Wombweald area map. Each hex is remnants of a huge bonfire can be found at the mouth
approximately 2 miles across, and it is all difficult of the tunnel; the villagers occasionally build such
terrain, with large trees surrounded by dense fires to remind the Wombweald and its denizens to
undergrowth. The phosphorescent glow shed by stay within its own confines.
some flora illuminates the forest only slightly; its When PCs first enter the wood, read or paraphrase
murky glow provides 30 feet of visible light. the description below:
Entering the wood is no easy task; the outer edges The wood doesn’t so much surround you as absorb you. Old,
form a wall of thorns that in some ways resembles a gnarled trees brood in the twilight, and if you didn’t know
weakened version of the spell of the same name. Those better, you’d say they were watching you. The silence is so
entering the wood through any other location than profound that to speak seems almost like an offense; any
area 1 must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or sounds instantly deaden and yet are horrifyingly . . . close.
take 1d8 piercing damage. This infestation of briars Odd-shaped eyes blink from shadows cast by eerie blooms and
also occurs in some encounter areas detailed below. lichens. Engorged, rotting fruit hangs everywhere; ravenous
Zone 1. Areas marked Zone 1 contain remnants ochre bees and large pale hornets feast on them. The stench is
of civilization such as old barns and walls. When almost preternatural, as is the thick air bloated with insects.
travelling through these areas, the PCs notice this And as you stand watching, you can hear whispering, and
with no skill check required and can conversely note a repeated word: “Outsiders.”
their absence if they move out of such areas.

DC Information Learned or Known
5 The Wombweald is so called after the . . . the thing that lives at its heart—a terrifying, slumbering thing that
periodically wakes, and whose strange mad song calls animals to it—to feed its growing young.
10 The creature at the heart of the wood is sometimes called The Weeper in Shadow. Sometimes it slumbers
for years at a time. When it does, its young later emerge from the wood and bring terror and death. These
creatures are vast, mobile plants that lurk on the edges of the wood’s edges until they are finally sated, and it
is only then that they move on—presumably to cause terror elsewhere.
15 When it is awake, time behaves oddly in the Wombweald; even those that dare venture into its outer edges
speak of a horrible sense of waking or being unable to find rest. Stories abound of people slipping into a
state of perpetual wakefulness after spending too much time in the Wombweald.
20 There is a rumor of a Great Midden—a mound of decay, huge like a cathedral—that lurks in the dark heart
of the wood above the ruins of an ancient village. They say that it’s where The Weeper makes its home. Some
say dying animals are drawn to the Great Midden and collapse when they reach it.

30 Tales from the Shadows

The Weeper in Shadow 31
2. THE SCARECROW GROVE by the side of the cattle road. This one leans upon the large
branch of a great tree, a crow resting on its shoulder.
The outer edges of this hex are tangled in thorny
From somewhere nearby, more crows call.
briars; PCs seeking to pass through this thorny wall
must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take The scarecrows are simply scarecrows, nothing
1d8 piercing damage. more. The crows, however, are another story. Shortly
Beyond, the remains of an old, walled cattle road after PCs see the first crow, there is a sudden calling
and scattered, crumbling field walls can be seen from the woods all around them, and within 2
beneath the vegetal growth that has long since rounds, hundreds of crows surround them—perched
overtaken it. Hidden in the undergrowth is a mile on sagging rooftops, the scarecrow’s shoulders,
post, only discoverable with a successful DC 20 branches, the walls.
Wisdom (Perception) check; it reads “Nettle, 10 miles” But this call alerts the senses of the things that
with an arrow pointing northeast along the track. live below the fields, too—a pair of ankhegs. These
PCs following the track eventually come to the fields show signs of there being occasional attacks
scene below: on passing animals for food, and several visible dips
in the fields and walls were caused by the ankhegs
You enter a wide clearing in the wood. Here, you find a small
bursting up out of the earth to attack their prey. The
collection of hovels surrounded by fields rampant with weeds
weeds make them difficult to spot, but a successful
but still containing several enormous pumpkins. In the center
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check is enough
of each field is a scarecrow—very much battered and encased
to notice the odd disturbances. Unless the PCs
in thick weeds but clearly humanoid in shape. Another, much
immediately back away from the scene, the crows
larger scarecrow stands not far from the ruins of stone houses,

32 Tales from the Shadows

swoop to attack, and any combat or spellcasting alerts The voices belong to travelers who have fallen
the ankhegs below, who burrow up to seek new prey victim to the wood’s peculiar ability to prevent rest.
to devour. They have been awake for so long they have forgotten
Creatures. There are 3 swarms of crows (swarms of what sleep is . . . and their bodies actually died many
ravens) as well as the 2 ankhegs. years ago. Viewed from a distance, they seem to be a
Treasure. One of the crows drops a shiny bauble: a foreman and a number of woodcutters, all wearing
piece of blue quartz (worth 10 gp). cowls, moving cautiously through the wood.
The cattle road continues about a quarter mile As the PCs get closer, they realize the conversation
northeast before being swallowed by trees and ending they initially perceived was the sounds of this group
abruptly beneath briars. quietly singing a work song to stave off the terror they
all felt as they wandered the wood long ago before
they died of exhaustion. If the PCs speak to them or
This encounter can also occur in any area 3 hex. approach, their true form—and hidden anger at their
As the PCs move through this hex, they become deaths—is revealed.
aware of a distant conversation. A successful DC 15 Creatures. The creatures are undead; the foreman
Wisdom (Perception) check identifies the words as is a wight (wielding a quarterstaff instead of a
being in the Common tongue, but they can’t make longsword), and the woodcutters—one for each PC
them out. Unless the PCs seek out the speakers, they present—are shadows. If they notice the PCs, one
move gradually away—possibly encountered later, of the woodcutters screams in terror: “The monsters
elsewhere in the wood. If the PCs wish to seek out the have found us!” They then attack in wild terror.
speakers, they can locate them with a successful DC
12 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

The Weeper in Shadow 33

4. THE OLD RUINED BRIDGE The PCs can navigate along the sunken causeway,
which is about 2 feet deep at its lowest point at either
The stream that wanders through the wood leads to
side, avoiding deeper water. Once the PCs reach the
this location, flowing gently toward it as it meanders.
midway point, each must make a DC 12 Dexterity
As the PCs enter this hex, regardless of which
saving throw. On a success, the PC can cross without
direction they come from, they pick up one of the
issue; on a failure, the PC slips on a mossy patch of
stone pathways through this hex that allows them
stone and falls into the deeper water. Getting back up
to avoid the swamp. If PCs reach the lake, read or
onto the path from the water requires a successful DC
paraphrase the description below:
10 Strength (Athletics) check.
The path peters out and is swallowed by a swampy lake— Creatures. The mildewed waters surrounding the
perhaps 100 yards across—fed by a sluggish stream. Clearly arched bridge contain a shadow-touched giant
the pathway used to cross this area, linking to either side of constrictor snake. The weird watches those on shore,
a very high arched bridge near the middle of the lake. At the preferring to attack characters in the deeper water,
zenith of the bridge is a small circular chapel. The pathway which gets progressively deeper away from the sunken
begins again on a causeway some 50 yards beyond the bridge. path, going from 10 feet to 20 feet deep. If any PC
The lake is surrounded by forlorn, drowning trees. falls off the sunken causeway and into the water, the
From the direction of the bridge comes the sound of faint water weird chooses that moment to attack.
The Hermit of Devil Bridge
Trek Around. The PCs could trek around the lake,
which is surrounded by boggy water across most of The arched bridge rises so steeply it is impossible to
this hex except for the numerous small paths; doing see from one side of the arch to the other. It is built
so adds 2 hours to the time it takes to pass through of great, smooth blocks of stone and rises to the
this hex. chapel, which is entered by arched openings at either
Cross the Lake. They could cross the lake and pick side. The singing emanates from the chapel and is a
up the path again on the other side; they could swim, mixture of strange, unfamiliar hymns and nonsense
or could use any of the large number of fallen logs rhymes. The voice is male.
nearby, many of which could be used to fashion a If PCs enter the chapel, read or paraphrase the
simple floating raft. Maneuvering such a craft requires following description:
a successful DC 10 Dexterity check; if a PC has the The archways are carved with flowers and open into a wide
Water Vehicles tool proficiency, no check is required. space below a fractured stone circular roof about twelve feet
Sunken Causeway. The pathway linking to either above you. Two narrow windows open into the space, one of
side of the bridge still follows the stone causeway which has been long ago shattered and now hosts a very large
it was built on, but it is sunk beneath the waters. nest made of mud, twigs, and bone that reaches all the way
up to the ceiling. On the walls are decayed frescoes that now
depict only patchy, incomplete renderings of religious figures.
Most notably, however, is the ceiling above, which hosts an
ancient stone face. Its lips move as it sings.
The Hermit’s Knowledge The face belongs to the Hermit of Devil Bridge. The
The hermit’s knowledge is mostly from times gone by, so hermit was once an arcane guide and seer. However,
it knows little of what might have happened recently, but its connection to this plane is now unstable, a result
it does know information such as the location of the old of the Shadow Realm’s corrupting influence. (And
village of Nettle (area 7), which lies about 4 miles away,
perhaps some effect caused by the Weeper’s song as
northeast from here. It also knows something dangerous
well.) The hermit has a passive Perception of 12 and
lurks in the waters below (the snake). At your discretion,
only wakes from its songs if it is spoken to or notices
it may also be aware of the hunting griffons (area 5) and
passing characters, at which point its eyes open and
may have heard the wanderers from area 3, so it can
its face, although seemingly stone, stretches to its
potentially warn the PCs about those dangers.
maximum four feet of elasticity, and peers down at its
Animal companions and familiars are not affected by
visitors. The hermit cannot attack and. It can help the
this awakening but are aware of something odd in the
PCs, though, as its knowledge, though ancient, is still
air and likely show signs of nervousness as a result.
valid. However, dealing with the hermit is risky.

34 Tales from the Shadows

The hermit speaks in an oddly gentle way and The unsettling nest in the window is the home of
introduces himself, politely asking the PCs who a trio of stirges; they remain in their home unless
they are and where they are heading. Underneath its attacked or are frightened into attacking by the
cordial words, however, lurks anger. Each time a PC screaming. Make one DC 12 Wisdom saving throw
asks the hermit a question, they must make a DC 12 for the stirges collectively; on a failure, they emerge
Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check. If they from their nest and attack the nearest PCs.
succeed, the Hermit answers their question.
If PCs fail a check, the face grimaces and yells 5. THE CROOKED SPIRE
“Outsiders!” and “Murderers, come to steal my
The ruins of a temple—now not much more than a roofless
children!” Its voice is of the earth, fetid and blasting, as
stone shell—occupy a sparse clearing in the trees here. A
it begins to scream, its mouth warping and distending.
great weather-beaten spire towers above where the temple
Thunderous Wail. PCs inside the chapel must
roof would have been, rising almost eighty feet above the
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take
ground. The spire shows signs of significant damage, where
9 (2d8) thunder damage and be deafened for 1 hour.
stone slates have detached from their timber supports, but
The hermit’s screaming can be stopped by a silence
seems solid and stands higher than any tree.
spell or similar effect, and likewise any spell or effect
that manipulates stone can be used to force shut the Creatures. Two griffons roost in this hex, lured
hermit’s mouth. here—and then driven mad—by The Weeper’s song.
Creatures. The hermit has AC 17 and 18 hp. The They may be encountered individually as they hunt in
mouth screams for 8 rounds in total. For each 2 any adjacent hex marked with an asterisk. If the PCs
rounds that pass, the hermit’s screaming summons an discover this location before they’ve encountered the
awakened tree, which drags itself from the edges of griffons elsewhere, they find them in their lair.
the lake nearby to attack.

The Weeper in Shadow 35

36 Tales from the Shadows
Lair. The griffons make their home in the lower combat ensues, the bulette flees if reduced to 30 or
part of the spire, where there are some exposed timber fewer hp.
beams and floorboards 20 feet above the ground. The
temple walls, columns, and the spire are ivy-choked 7. THE GREAT MIDDEN
and fairly easy to climb, with a successful DC 10 The outer edges of this hex are tangled in thorny
Strength (Athletics) check every 10 feet. The griffons briars like those encountered elsewhere in the
have a trio of chicks and defend them with terrible Wombweald; PCs seeking to pass through this
ferocity, attacking anyone coming near the temple. thorny wall must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving
PCs who reach the dizzy top of the spire can clearly throw or take 5 (1d8) piercing damage.
see the foul Great Midden in area 7 as well as the lake Beyond the briars, a stench of rot prevails, as well
at area 4 and the rough outline of the wood itself. as a brooding sense of expectation. This area of the
Treasure. Among the nest and bones are a wooded Wombweald is seemingly more awake and alive than
musical pipe inlaid with silver, with a mouthpiece any other. The stink of death grows more powerful as
made of cow lips (worth 50 gp); a curved walking stick the PCs approach the center of the hex and the Great
set with a carved stirge head and a small circular piece Midden itself.
of jet in its mouth (worth 100 gp); and a small statue
The trees seem to sag here, perhaps poisoned or drained by
depicting a trio of dancing humanoid stoats juggling
whatever malevolence lies at this place’s dark heart. Before
a terrified silver eel (worth 75 gp).
you, a great, abhorrent mound rises 20 feet from the leaf-
Griffon Chicks. The 3 griffon chicks (eagles,
drowned forest floor. The mound is a midden of decay; not
removing the ability to fly), which cannot yet fly,
only of trees and festering rot, but animals, too—along its
are roughly the size of a wolf, though PCs making
edges you can see the empty eye sockets of stags; the swollen
a successful DC 15 Intelligence check may realize
and bloated bellies of dead boars; and the sad, mangy fleece
that, to the right person, they could be valuable.
of lambs, blackened by fungus and rot. Confused, pitiful
The chicks are worth 150 gp each to the right buyer;
animals also wander, dazed, nearby.
however, catching them requires a successful DC
At the crown of this monument of rot is an enormous,
17 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to corral each
grotesque plant, a thing whose fleshy trunks make it look
one. Any PC proficient in Animal Handling knows it
alien and strange . . . wrong. The size of a bull, it bloats
would be almost impossible for the PCs to take the
outward, gripping—and sickening—the trees nearby
chicks with them unless they happen to be carrying
with tendrils that drip with festering fungal growths.
appropriately-sized cages. The chicks won’t attack
Green limbs flick spastically from its corpulent core.
unless provoked.
This revolting horror culminates with a leering bloom, a
6. FRENZY head from which flicks a flaccid, vegetal tongue. Nearby,
half a dozen green pods hang from trees with their thin,
The wood in this hex is thick with undergrowth,
cocoon‑like shells; you can just barely see the faint hint of
making visibility very poor.
motion lashing about inside.
Creatures. As the PCs move through this area,
they encounter a bulette, drawn to the Wombweald The Great Midden. The Great Midden rises to 20
and then maddened and trapped by the Weeper’s feet in height and is a mound of unstable decay. It is
song. The bulette moves with great speed, dashing difficult terrain and in 3 marked locations the rot is
through the wood. Any PC who makes a successful soft enough to act as doomsand (Book of Ebon Tides).
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check (or has a passive
The Weeper in Shadow
Perception of 12 or higher) hears the bulette coming
The true origins of The Weeper in Shadow
and can move out of its way; those with a passive
(see appendix) are not known. The Weeper is a
Perception lower than 12 must make a successful DC
carnivore, feeding on the small deer, giant insects,
12 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone after
and snakes—or pretty much any living creature—
diving to the ground to narrowly avoid the charging
that find their way into the Wombweald. It happily
creature. If this happens, the bulette stops its charge
devours humanoid flesh when available, using
30 feet from the PCs and initiates combat. If all the
its roots to soak up the nutrients from a freshly
PCs succeed on the rolls above, the bulette simply
decomposing corpse.
keeps charging through the wood unless provoked. If

The Weeper in Shadow 37

The Weeper understands words in Common but The spore tendrils—juvenile versions of The Weeper
cannot speak, although it can convey those words itself—cannot take any actions or reactions and
it feels to its many followers and subjects across instead simply seek to scatter across the wood, using
Wombweald. It can use the midden itself to rise their full move speed of 15 feet to get as far away from
up against its foes: every 3 rounds it issues forth a the PCs as possible. Their ultimate goal is to find a
shadow-touched awakened shrub, a vile animated place where they can fester and grow. If they escape,
mass of carcasses and vegetation. These shrubs the death of The Weeper is but a momentary pause
continue to be born until the Weeper or the intruders before the wood awakens once more. . . .
are destroyed. The Weeper becomes visibly agitated when any
The pods containing weeper saplings (see creature moves within 60 feet of it and attacks—and
appendix) hang from trees near the midden. The attempts to devour—any that comes within reach.
Weeper does everything in its power to stop them Treasure. Found adjacent to or near the surface
from being harmed. of the midden are a trio of silver ingots (worth 50
One of the pods is larger than the rest, containing gp) each; a leather satchel with a fine copper broach
a queen, like its mother—a rare event in the lifespan pin set with a tiny ruby (worth 200 gp); a stuffed toy
of The Weeper. The queen pod is statistically the same duck that never seems to be where you left it (worth
as the others but with one major difference: on the 200 gp to the right collector); a fist-sized, bronze,
first round after it takes any kind of injury (even if cockroach-shaped jewelry box (worth 25 gp) holding
the damage destroys the pod), the pod peels open, an obsidian earring (worth 40 gp) and a much folded
revealing 6 writhing spore tendrils within (each with scroll of mirror image; a beautiful (if strange) silver, jet,
AC 12 and 1 hp). In the following round, these spore and wire broach in the shape of a horsefly (worth 350
tendrils shoot out of the pod, randomly scattering gp); a potion of vitality in a green glass vial with a wax
5d6 feet from the queen pod, which immediately dies. seal; and a wand of magic missiles gripped in a withered,
severed hand that has two thumbs. There may be
more items within the midden, as well, but searching
it is extremely unpleasant.

Concluding the Adventure

After The Weeper is destroyed, if Uncle Bandymoth
accompanied the party, he suddenly declares he’ll
“Have a bit of a sit” and wanders to a place where he
can see what is left of The Weeper, which he prods
with his pipe when he walks by it. He sits contentedly
for some time and then slumps over slightly, dead,
but with a comfortable smile on his face. He has seen
the enemy he feared and dreamed of, slain by heroic
strangers, and is happy to finally be at peace.
Otherwise, without The Weeper’s influence, the
PCs have little trouble escaping the Wombweald. Any
creatures they encounter on the way out of the forest
appear to have regained their senses, and the sense of
malevolence in the air seems to have lifted. So, too,
have the normal sounds one would expect to find in a
wood returned, which comes as a bit of a shock after
all the time spent in the eerie, deadening silence.

38 Tales from the Shadows

A Death Among
the Pale Roses

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND • As the only beings currently on site that have no

Intrigue abounds in a fey court, even a minor one affiliations with the Court, and no known political
like the Court of Pale Roses. Political plays are as aspirations among the fey, the PCs are requested
common as conversation. However, sometimes to provide their services, for a suitable fee, once the
incidents happen that throw everything into chaos, culprit has been found.
and even the most calculating and scheming fey are at
a loss at how to deal with the situation. Running the Adventure
This is currently the scene at the Court of Pale
The PCs may be nearly anywhere in the Rose Palace
Roses. The handmaid of Lady Vindesol has been
when the adventure starts, depending on their reasons
murdered. This has the lady most distraught and
for being there. They might even be preparing to leave,
preparing to depart the court for home. As she is
having accomplished whatever it is they initially came
currently the focus of King Frulio’s affections, he is
there for.
dismayed at the thought of her leaving and is likewise
A Darkened Mood. After the murder, it is easy for
wroth over this attack upon her within the walls of
them to note the change in mood in the palace. Any PC
his own home.
with a passive Perception of 10 or higher notes people
The King’s guards keep the palace sealed,
rushing about, frantic, and also sees many concerned
allowing none in or out, until the murderer has been
looks on the faces of the fey as they hurry past.
discovered and subjected to the King’s justice.
Lockdown. More ominous are the stern guards with
ADVENTURE HOOKS bared weapons standing at all points of egress from
the grounds. If questioned, the only information the
Depending on their reasons for being present, here
guards offer is the king has forbidden anyone from
are some ways the PCs can be brought in to investigate
leaving the premises until he orders otherwise, along
the murder, assuming they do not volunteer:
with a dire warning to stay well clear of the doors and
• The PCs found it necessary to seek aid from King make no attempt to leave, under penalty of death.
Frulio. Perhaps they were lost in the Shadow Information Gathering. A successful DC 13
Realm, or pursued by enemies, or simply in need Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check can
of a place to rest. The king’s hospitality places convince a courtier or fellow palace visitor to divulge
them firmly in his debt, allowing him to call upon that there has been word of a murder on the premises,
their service in this matter to repay him. and the king is livid. Beyond that, little information
• The PCs are diplomatic envoys from another is forthcoming until Gilfrith, the King’s manservant,
court, seeking King Frulio’s favor on behalf of their arrives to escort the PCs to King Frulio Cornutus’
patron. He agrees to look favorably upon their audience chamber. PCs with a Passive Insight of DC
patron’s proposals if they assist in this matter. 17 or higher notice the normally taciturn Gilfrith is

A Death Among the Pale Roses 39

greatly upset about something and doing his best to the information regarding the victim, murderer, and
hide it; if questioned, he merely tells the PCs, “Best if manner of death is given to the GM up front. It is up
you speak with his majesty.” to your players to find the clues and leads necessary to
As the liveried servant ushers you into the King’s audience uncover this information.
chamber, the first thing you notice is the absolute silence. A general overview of the rooms numbered on the
Wide-eyed courtiers in finery, both fey and other folk, line map is provided, along with a guide to what NPCs
the walls of the room, clustered together near the pillars, as and creatures can be found in these areas. Details of
if hoping the stone columns will shield them from the gaze a room’s contents are not provided unless pertinent
of the angry shadow fey that stalks back and forth before the to the investigation. If your PCs search for treasure
throne at the far end of the hall. or other items, you can feel free to determine the
A herald, in subdued tones, announces: “All rise for His contents yourself, but remember that they have
Majesty, King Frulio Cornutus, the Duke of Roses, the been charged with investigating a crime, which
Count of—” gives them the freedom to move about and inspect
“Enough!” The King interrupts. “Bring the outsiders details of areas and speak with the inhabitants; they
forward.” do not have carte blanche to wander wherever they
The eyes of the hushed courtiers follow you as you approach like and take whatever they desire, and the castle’s
the dais upon which the throne sits. Gilfrith introduces you, inhabitants will surely object to such behavior and
and the fey monarch ceases his pacing to turn toward you, react accordingly.
hands clasped behind his back.
“Our house has been violated. A murder most foul
committed under our own roof. A life promised safety
The Murder
and succor at our pledge has been taken. Our honor, The young high elf Eillyn—handmaid to the king’s
compromised. More importantly, someone we care about current paramour, Lady Vindesol—was found dead
deeply has been cut deeply by this loss, and we intend to after drinking from a poisoned goblet of wine.
make amends, secure our home, and punish the guilty. Among the servants at court, Lady Vindesol is known
“We understand that you lot, of all the people currently for occasionally being less than kind to servants. But
under our roof, have no political ties or motivations here. Eillyn was extremely devoted to her, and because she
This makes you an impartial party. Furthermore, your knew how the Lady sometimes was with commoners,
whereabouts at the time of the murder are accounted for, she’d taken it upon herself to serve as the Lady’s royal
so suspicion cannot fall on you. I therefore charge you with taster, to make sure nothing ill ever befell her . . .
the investigation of this murder and the task of finding the which proved to be her undoing. (See the “Notable
guilty, so that the king’s justice may be served. Our court NPCs” section below for more information.)
will be at your disposal, and I hereby command that any The Lady spent the evening elsewhere (with the
within this palace shall offer any aid to your investigation king, though no one would be so uncouth as to speak
that is within their means. Gilfrith will show you out so you that fact aloud), so the body was found the next
may begin,” the king finishes and turns his attention from morning by Gilfrith, the king’s manservant. After
you, resuming his agitated pacing. the PCs speak with the king, this information can be
The pale fey that escorted you here steps forward and presented to them by Gilfrith himself, or any of the
gestures back to the doors. guards, including those on duty outside the door to
the guestroom where the heinous act occurred.
The layout of the Rose Palace is not provided in the
detail typically found in an adventure—e.g., with THE CRIME SCENE
read-aloud descriptions, then monsters, traps, and Eillyn’s body has been taken to lie in state in the
features, and finally treasure—as this adventure is palace’s private shrine (area 12), but the room where
structured around the PCs investigating the murder. she died (area 23) has been left otherwise untouched.
A room-to-room search is unlikely. Rather, the PCs When she was found, the handmaid was lying on the
must investigate whatever locales or individuals floor near the bed, a goblet, a serving tray, and a spilled
the evidence they gather points them to. Skills, bottle of wine scattered around her. A small amount of
observation, and dialogue are the path to success, the poisoned wine remains within the goblet.
and combat will be a secondary consideration. All

40 Tales from the Shadows

Poisoned Chalice. A PC proficient with alchemist’s addressed to Eillyn. Most are unopened. If read,
supplies, brewer’s supplies, herbalism kit, or they are revealed to be love letters from Gilfrith,
poisoner’s kit can discern, with a successful DC 15 expressing his ardent desires for her.
ability check using one of these tools, that while the
wine in the goblet was poisoned, the wine in the THE RESPONSIBLE PARTIES
bottle was not; if the PCs do not possess any of these The wine was meant for Lady Vindesol and was
tool proficiencies, they can potentially learn this delivered by a disgruntled servant, Thasim, who had,
information through magic, availing themselves of earlier the day of the murder, received a belittling
the services of the king’s alchemist, or some other rebuke from the lady.
means. The vintage of the wine is not relevant, but if a After this tongue-lashing, Thasim took a moment
PC asks, it’s a bottle of Year of One Hundred Sorrows to cry by the fountain in the garden. She drew the
Eternal Twilight Lethe Noir. attention of Permessa, the nymph-like crinaea (see
Chain of Custody. The bottle came from the wine appendix) that inhabits it, as well as the vodyanoi
cellar in the palace, a fact that can be discerned by (see appendix) ambassador Dobrilo, who was in the
questioning the king’s sommelier, Filkin Mulliget. fountain, having a soak.
The goblet was delivered to the room by a servant, The ambassador suggested Thasim water the wine
Thasim, though the sommelier does not remember in the goblet as a form of revenge, tricking the lofty
Thasim by name or description. lady into swilling the vodyanoi’s bathwater. The
Secret Correspondence. A successful DC 11 servant did so, taking some water from the fountain.
Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) The crinaea, however, is a much more mercurial
check discovers a stack of letters under the bed, all and emotional creature who reacts deeply and

A Death Among the Pale Roses 41

strongly to emotional situations. Outraged at what 7. Armory. This is where weapons and armor for the
she considered the horrendous abuse of her friend, guards is stored, as well as additional weapons, armor,
Permessa used her fey magic to turn the water in the and supplies for their upkeep and maintenance.
goblet to poison. 8. (Upper Level) Training Hall. This room serves as
a practice and exercise area for the palace guards. Two
THE LOCALE woven mats lie on the floor. Several racks of practice
The Rose Palace is King Frulio’s vacation estate, rather weapons and shields line the walls, as well as target
than his primary seat of power. The designation, dummies for both archery and melee practice. Two
however, is somewhat of a misnomer, as the king barrels of water sit in one corner near the door.
is rarely here purely on leisure. The central garden
The Clergy Wing
itself is a ruse, a place where the king’s alchemists and
This wing contains places of worship and quarters for
gardeners pretend to grow new varieties of illusion
the clergy.
seeds. He allows rumors to spread that this garden,
and not the ones at his seat of power, has a connection 9. Chapel. This chapel is dedicated to Loki (or
to the Somering Well, to keep meddlers, thieves, and any trickster or mischievous god) and open to all
saboteurs off-track and obsessed with what is a mere household staff as well as guests.
aesthetic enhancement to the building. 10. Visitor’s Chapel. This area can be used for
worship by any visitors, with adequate space to set up
The palace is built in a ring shape, with five towers
shrines and idols. Currently it is bedecked in black
projecting up from the upper level. Each tower tops a
wall hangings and used as a worship area for the
hall that separates the ring into five wings. A central
Void priestess (Midgard Heroes Handbook; or any dark
garden sits in the midst of the ring.
domain) and her followers.
The following is the key to the Rose Palace map,
11. Sacristy. This room stores clerical vestments,
naming and giving a brief description of the various
altar trappings, and other materials used for
rooms and locales marked.
ceremonies in the various chapels.
The Arcanist Wing 12. (Upper Level) Private Shrine. This small
This wing is reserved for the king’s alchemists and worship area is reserved for the king and select guests
arcane spellcasters. and is tended by Vares the Silent.
13. (Upper Level) Bedrooms. These rooms are
1. Laboratory. This room is where the king’s
quarters for the court’s clergy as well as rooms for
alchemists and mages practice their craft while living
visiting priests.
in the Rose Palace. Tables of equipment and shelves
full of ingredients and reagents line the walls.
Domestic Wing
2. Storage Room. This room is packed with spare
This wing contains the servant housing, the kitchen,
equipment, firewood, and crates full of materials for
and the dining hall. Quarters for less important
restocking the laboratory.
guests are also in this wing.
3. Bedrooms. These rooms serve as quarters for
14. Dining Hall. This hall is used for feasts on
the king’s arcanists. Currently, only one of them is
formal occasions and serves as a general eating area
occupied, serving as the quarters for the Alchemist-
for the guards and staff the rest of the time.
in-Chief, Olmed Carroso.
15. Kitchen. This kitchen holds a host of tables,
4. (Upper Level) Library. Shelves of arcana fill this
shelves, and sinks, as well as a massive fireplace.
room, where the spellcasters and alchemists of the
16. Pantry/Storage. This room contains the palace
court come to research and study.
food stores, crockery, and dining ware, as well as
The Barracks Wing extra tables, chairs, and other accessories.
This wing houses the king’s guards and officers. 17. (Upper Level) Servants’ Quarters. The servants
of the palace reside in these rooms.
5. Barracks. The rank-and-file guardsmen in the
18. (Upper Level) Guest Rooms. These rooms are
palace bunk here when not on duty.
given to the less important guests staying at the
6. Officers’ Quarters. Each of these rooms is the
palace. Currently both Lady Vindesol (after the
living quarters of one or more of the officers in charge
murder) and Dobrilo are lodged in rooms here.
of the palace guard.

42 Tales from the Shadows

19. (Upper Level) Washroom. This room holds four 20. Waiting Room. Those awaiting audience with
copper tubs for bathing, as well as a large wooden the king are kept comfortable here until they are
tub that can be occupied by multiple people. Water is summoned to the audience chamber.
piped in from a cistern on the roof. 21. Audience Chamber. This room is where King
Frulio holds court when in residence. The PCs are
The Royal Wing received here at the beginning of the adventure.
This wing holds the king’s royal chambers, as well as 22. Fine Guest Rooms. These rooms are reserved for
those of his close advisors and important guests. important guests and friends of the king.

A Death Among the Pale Roses 43

23. Crime Scene. This is another fine guest room, with animals and fey creatures pouring water out of
but this is the one in which Lady Vindesol was pitchers or spitting it from their mouths, the arcs of
staying—and in which Eillyn was found dead. water tumbling down into two raised basins, then
24. (Upper Level) Royal Apartments. These rooms flowing down into a central basin below. The main
are used by the king when he is in residence at the garden is mostly filled with rose bushes, bearing
Rose Palace. white and pale pink blossoms.
25. Palace Garden. A grand fountain is the central 26. King’s Private Garden. In the north part of
feature of this garden, crafted of marble and carved the Palace Garden, a wrought-iron fence and gate

44 Tales from the Shadows

covered in climbing ivy holds the king’s private helpful, or even truthful, but some can lead the PCs to
garden, only accessible with keys in the possession discovering other clues.
of the Royal Gardener, his assistant, and the king • “That Void priest and her lot. They’re the talk of
himself. The lock requires a successful DC 15 the Court, but how can you trust people that just
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to pick. want to bring everything to an end? Why do they
27. Guard Towers. Each tower has arrow slits stay? What do they want from us?”
opening to the surrounding landscape. A spiral
• “The vodyanoi ambassador—I don’t trust him.
staircase descends to a hall on the first floor.
He hardly speaks to anyone, just stays in his
room soaking in a tub, or floats out in the garden
Gathering Information fountain, defiling it with his filth. Plus, I heard the
vodyanoi are all shapeshifters. How can you trust
The PCs may not have any immediate suspects or anyone that can look like anyone?”
persons of interest to question, or they may try to
• “The king’s tired of Lady Vindesol. She just
get a general feel of the place by plying information
wouldn’t take the hint and leave. Perhaps this is
from courtiers, servants, guards, or other persons in
his way of getting her to go, and he’s just looking
residence not listed in the “Notable NPCs” section.
for a convenient scapegoat.”
In such cases, allow them to roll the appropriate/
relevant ability checks at DC 15. Many fey are not • “Vares the Silent, indeed! I could have sworn I
forthcoming about themselves or eager to give up heard his voice nattering away in the library.”
secrets, though fear of the king’s wrath or the desire • “I wonder where all the gnomes have gone.
to put someone else in the uncomfortable position Court’s usually full of them. Normally can’t turn
of increased scrutiny may motivate them to speak a corner without tripping over one of the little
out. Each individual success provides one of the scoundrels. But I can’t remember the last time I
following pieces of information. Not all of them are saw one.”

Where Have All the Wyrd Gnomes Gone?

An unusual occurrence related to the murder is the distinct broken wine bottle, using it remove the heart of the crinaea,
lack of wyrd gnomes (Book of Ebon Tides) in the palace. and the water of the fountain turned to blood.
This fact may go unnoticed by anyone unfamiliar with Most of the wyrd gnomes working in the palace decided
the Court of the Pale Roses. But the court normally has a it would be best to be elsewhere for a few days, taking
large population of wyrd gnomes—approximately 1,300 of leave publicly or surreptitiously. Arla, the assistant to the
them live within King Frulio’s territory—and their numbers Royal Gardner, stayed because she was ordered to do so.
are higher than any other represented race in the court. Orryn, the sommelier, remains out of a sense of duty, as the
Despite this, only three are currently in residence at the broken wine bottle gave him a sense that wine would play
Rose Palace: the sommelier, the assistant to the Royal some part in the impending tragedy the dream foretold,
Gardener, and the king’s fool. So where are they? and he might be able to divert or reduce the effect of the
One effect of the psychic abilities of wyrd gnomes is event if he remained on site, as all wine in the palace goes
their precognitive abilities grow more powerful when through him first. As for Anwicket—the king never goes
they gather in numbers. This increased psychic power anywhere without his fool, and thus she remains.
can manifest in several ways, including shared prophetic If a player specifically asks about wyrd gnomes, or their
dreams. This is exactly what happened here. The wyrd character succeeds at any ability check to recall anything
gnomes present in the palace all had the same dream one regarding the population numbers of the Court of Pale
night, a dream in which a female elf was pulled into the Roses, then allow that PC to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight)
fountain by a great, watery hand and drowned. After this, check to realize the lack of wyrd gnomes on the palace
Permessa, the crinaea that lives in the garden fountain, grounds is highly unusual.
rose from the waters. Then King Frulio appeared with a

A Death Among the Pale Roses 45

There are several important personages, interesting
characters, and suspicious figures within the palace,
and the PCs’ interpretation of clues, statements from
interviews, or hunches may lead them to interact with
these individuals.


(CN wyrd gnome bard)
The wyrd gnome Anwicket is the king’s fool; she
dresses the part, wearing a harlequin outfit of full
motley, carrying her scepter of office—a wooden stick
topped with a stuffed monkey’s head—and a belled cap
hiding the white stubble on her head. Anwicket is King
Frulio’s constant companion and there is nothing
of the king’s business she does not know. However,
though she is the king’s fool, she is not foolish. She
keeps the king’s confidence and uses her position
to sow humility among the ranks of the courtiers
and keep her position within the court secure. Her
antics are carefully considered and delivered for full
effect without causing great waves in court or greatly
angering those that could strike back at her later.
The Murder. If questioned about the murder, her
answers are oblique, sometimes addressing the issue
without providing any real context the PCs are likely
to understand. As a wyrd gnome, she had the same
premonitory dream as the others of her race (see
“Where Have All the Wyrd Gnomes Gone?” sidebar) DOBRILO, VODYANOI AMBASSADOR
and has determined who the likely culprit is. (NE vodyanoi ambassador)
Permessa. Anwicket considers Permessa a dear Dobrilo is a member of the vodyanoi race, ostensibly
friend and wants no part in exposing her guilt; yet at the Rose Palace as an ambassador of his people, a
she feels compelled to always speak some portion of small tribe of aquatic shapeshifters that lives at the
truth. For example, if the PCs ask her if she knows bottom of a lake. However, he is also attempting
the identity of the murderer, Anwicket might answer to discover the location of something called the
back with, “Someone with poor taste in wine?” If Somering Well, which is said to flow from a planar
questioned directly about Permessa, Anwicket simply spring with great powers of fertility and growth. He
advises them, “Don’t get wet trying to talk to her. You wishes to ascertain the whereabouts of the well so
might catch your death.” that his people can harness the inherent magic of its
Dobrilo. If asked about Dobrilo, on the other hand, icy waters to their own advantage. Thus far, he has
Anwicket likely provides more tantalizing answers, been unable to uncover the information he seeks.
though again, no outright lies. She has been trying to Gilfrith. Dobrilo finds the murder to be an
figure out the vodyanoi’s game since his arrival and annoyance, as the increased scrutiny of the guests
would love for him to run afoul of the king’s anger. A is interfering with his mission. He likewise finds
question about the vodyanoi and whether he might Gilfrith to be a pest and a bore and is happy to cast
have a hand in the murder could provoke a response aspersions on the steward if questioned about the
of, “That one seems like he might have a hand in many murder. He mentions the obsessive nature with
things. Worth keeping an eye on, in my opinion. Just which Gilfrith pursued the handmaiden, constantly
mind the smell.” sending her messages (true) and becoming enraged
when she spurned him (false).

46 Tales from the Shadows

EILLYN, LADY VINDESOL’S HANDMAID Eillyn. She intimates that Eillyn had recently been
(CG high elf commoner) distraught over the overbearing advances from the
Since Eillyn is deceased, the PCs can’t speak with her king’s manservant, Gilfrith. This is patently false, and
directly (unless they attempt to use speak with dead or Lady Vindesol, Gilfrith himself, or anyone familiar
other magic to do so), but some of this background with Eillyn can tell the PCs otherwise.
may be useful to the GM for determining how some
of the finer nuances of the mystery play out. FILKIN MULLIGET, PALACE SOMMELIER
Eillyn had been with Lady Vindesol for many (LN wyrd gnome commoner)
years, having come to her service very young. When Wyrd gnome Filkin Mulliget is the palace sommelier.
they were home in the Summer Lands, the Lady If shown the remains of the wine bottle from Eillyn’s
was always an extraordinarily kind and generous room, he can account for it, saying that it left his
person. But when the Lady was stressed, she could stores sealed and in possession of a servant, along
sometimes be unkind—particularly to servants or with a single goblet and tray. Unfortunately, he can’t
commoners not in her employ. Unfortunately, the remember which servant it was. He’s sure it was a
Lady was always stressed when she traveled—and woman. Definitely not a gnome. He’s fairly certain
particularly when she was courting, as she was on she had dark hair.
this trip to the Rose Palace.
And so, it had not surprised Eillyn when, from
the hall, she overheard the lady speaking harshly to
(N shadow-touched servant)
Thasim; the lady had asked for a specific vintage of Gilfrith is a shadow-touched commoner. Once a
wine that she knew was in the palace wine cellar, but mortal man, he ran afoul of King Frulio; to avoid
she had to repeat the name of the wine she wanted retribution, he agreed to a foolish bargain that saw
three times, and Thasim still got it wrong when she him transformed and bound to Frulio’s service
repeated it back. indefinitely. While Gilfrith is incapable of disobeying
Royal Taster. Eillyn had once heard about an his master’s commands, his loyalty is entirely a
incident some years ago—perhaps apocryphal product of the magic that binds him. He speaks no
(though Eillyn believed it)—in which a servant had ill will of his master but maintains enough of his
slipped some bloodroot herb into a lord’s wine as own will that his repressed emotions often show on
revenge over some unkind remarks, which resulted in his expressive face, typically in some sort of horrible
a night of extensive, horrible vomiting for the noble. grimace or twisted frown. He has been ordered by
Eillyn wished for nothing like that to ever befall her the king to make himself available to the PCs, and
lady, and so, ever since hearing this tale, she’d taken it assist them in any way in which he is capable, unless
upon herself to serve as a de facto royal taster for her. directly countermanded by the king himself or due to
an already standing order. (For example, if the PCs
ELLEC ISH-VARDES, MISTRESS wanted access to the king’s chambers, they would
OF THE CLOISTERS have to provide a convincing argument or evidence
(NE satarre priest) that it was necessary to further their investigation.
The Mistress of the Cloisters is a satarre priest and Even then, Gilfrith would have to seek Frulio’s
cleric of Vardesain (or any dark domain). As her cult express permission first before granting them access.)
is currently in vogue among the Court of the Pale In other words, nothing that might compromise
Roses, she has deigned to accompany the king here to the king’s safety or his plans is permissible without
his vacation palace. She can typically be found in the first receiving the king’s leave. Otherwise, Gilfrith is
guest chapel (area 10), which has been decorated with bound to do whatever the PCs ask so long as it will
the trappings of her cult. further their investigation.
The Murder. A true nihilist, Ellec has little care Eillyn. Gilfrith was enamored with the victim,
whether the murder is solved or not and is currently Eillyn. If confronted over his spurned attempts to
enjoying the chaos surrounding the incident. If woo her, he admits to being heartbroken but not
questioned about the murder, Ellec goes so far as to angry. He says she was not unkind when she rebuffed
suggest that what may appear to be murder might his advances, and he is adamant that he didn’t wish
instead be suicide. her dead or any ill will.

A Death Among the Pale Roses 47

enchantments brings him many willing followers
. . . and a number of those who pretend to some
arcane knowledge but whose true purpose is spying
for weakness at the court. He is unmarried but is
currently wooing Lady Vindesol.


(CG high elf mage)
The puckish Lady Vindesol of the Linden Tree hails
from the Summer Lands. The high elven mage has
been a guest of the king’s for quite some time—long
enough that some suspect she has perhaps worn out
her welcome. Since the murder, she has removed
herself to a guest room in the domestic wing until
she is ready to depart the palace. A pair of the king’s
guards watch over her door, and she has a bodyguard
with her at all times.
Eillyn. The lady is distraught over her handmaid’s
death but cannot think of any reason why someone
would kill her. She last saw Eillyn alive about an hour
before her body was found. (She had left the room
after ordering her wine to find King Frulio to request
some sort of entertainment or diversion.)
Royal Taster. Lady Vindesol doesn’t know what
Eillyn thought she was doing, taking a drink from her
wine chalice like that; it wasn’t like her to do anything
of the sort. If this line of questioning comes up, it
quickly becomes clear that, until that moment, the
lady had not considered that the poison might have
Lady Vindesol. If asked about Lady Vindesol, been intended for her.
a successful DC 13 Charisma (Deception or Wine Order. If asked about the wine, Lady Vindesol
Persuasion) check prompts Gilfrith to say that he remembers ordering an exceedingly dull-witted
didn’t know Lady Vindesol very well—she was not servant to bring her a bottle of “Year of One Hundred
the kind to mix casually with servants—but he Sorrows Eternal Twilight Lethe Noir” (a Wine of the
knows that Eillyn was extremely devoted to her. Summer Court varietal), and that she had to say the
After initially demurring to speak further on the name of the wine several times because the servant
subject, another successful Charisma (Deception or kept repeating it back wrong. The Lady confesses that
Persuasion) check, now DC 15, prompts Gilfrith to she might have barked at the servant a bit after that.
acknowledge that he had heard some of the servants She also confides that being away from home always
grumbling that Lady Vindesol was sometimes causes her a great deal of mental disquietude and
unkind; he (honestly) can’t remember who it was that that leads to her sometimes being terse with people.
was complaining. Finally, she notes that the girl took so long to fetch
the bottle that she forgot it was even coming and as a
KING FRULIO CORNUTUS result left the room before it arrived.
(LN shadow fey first servant of Hecate) Sleeping Arrangements. If questioned about where
King Frulio Cornutus—the Duke of Roses, the she spent the night—since it clearly wasn’t in her
Count of Spiders, the Lord of Illusions, the Lord room, else she would have discovered Eillyn’s body—
Mayor of Lurgestown, and the Baron of the Void the Lady blushes and will initially try to deflect,
Immaculate—is a young and vigorous shadow before finally confirming that yes, she spent the night
fey whose obsession with arcane workings and elsewhere. If pressed, she becomes momentarily

48 Tales from the Shadows

flustered, before turning affronted, saying things like, While highly intelligent, Permessa’s emotions are
“I’m sure where I lay my head at night is none of your volatile and she is quick to feel things and feels them
concern” and so on. A successful DC 18 Charisma to a degree beyond which most mortals could even
(Deception or Intimidation) check can get the lady to conceive of.
admit she spent the night in the king’s chambers, but Thasim. Thasim, the sable elf servant, is a close
after that she insists the PCs leave. friend of Permessa’s. Lady Vindesol’s treatment of
Thasim enraged Permessa, and in the heat of that rage,
OLMED CARROSO, KING’S ALCHEMIST she bestowed her curse.
(N human mage) The Murder. Cornered by strangers with evidence
Alchemist-in-Chief of the Court, Olmed is a human of her part in Eillyn’s death, Permessa may lash out
mage. He can be of assistance to the PCs if they need in fear of her discovery unless the PCs are careful in
anything analyzed, such as the poison found at the how they speak to her, such as having people Permessa
scene, testing to determine if Eillyn actually died of considers friends accompany them when they question
poisoning, determining the nature of the poison, or her, such as Thasim, Anwicket Folly, or Arla Mulliget
similar tasks. Olmed complies, but only grudgingly; (see “Encounter: Tactical Gardening” section).
he would rather be working on his personal projects
in his lab and leave such chores to his colleague—Igo
Natterbutt, wyrd gnome and Chancellor of the Royal
College Alchemical—who enjoys such work and is
more skilled with poisons. However, Igo left the palace
suddenly to return to the college, citing an emergency,
several days before the murder. Olmed is irritated
because they were working on experiments together
that now must be put on hold until Igo’s return.

(N crinaea)
Permessa is a crinaea, which are nymph-like water fey
who look as if they are made of water and plants
and inhabit small bodies of water such as wells
and fountains. Permessa inhabits the
fountain at the center of the palace
garden (area 25). A gregarious and
kind soul, Permessa loves to speak
with those who visit her fountain. She
listens to the gossip of the servants as
they come and go, fetching water, and
speaks with them about their duties
and their day. Visitors are typically a
special treat for her, allowing her to
hear about the wide world beyond
the palace and her little pool.

A Death Among the Pale Roses 49

THASIM, PALACE SERVANT Encounter: Arrogant Knaves
(NG sable elf commoner) Location: Anywhere other than the audience chamber
The sable elf (Book of Ebon Tides) Thasim is one of (area 21) or rooms where guards are present.
the palace servants. On the day of the murder, she Some young, brash shadow fey are upset with
was berated by Lady Vindesol, and then, later, was outsiders having the run of the palace and the king’s
called upon to bring a bottle of wine up to the lady’s trust. Some of these malcontents, four knaves
chambers. (shadow fey scouts), armed with rapiers and daggers,
The Murder. If she is told of the manner of Eillyn’s confront the PCs and attempt to goad them into a
death, she becomes extremely agitated, because she’s fight. When at least two of their number are killed or
certain the blame will fall on her, since she delivered incapacitated, the others attempt to flee.
the wine. A successful DC 12 Charisma check gets Alternately, a successful DC 15 Charisma
her to admit to watering down the wine in the goblet, (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check
using water from the fountain. But she swears convinces them to leave the party alone. This check
adamantly (and truthfully) that she didn’t put any is made with advantage if the PCs point out that
poison in the wine or chalice. angering the already incensed king further by
interfering with his chosen agents may not be a wise
VARES THE SILENT course of action.
(CN shadow fey cult fanatic) This encounter can be run more than once, but
This shadow fey is the High Priest of Loki (or a after the second time a group of knaves are defeated
trickster or mischievous god of your choice) and head or talked down, their failure is enough to discourage
religious figure of the Court. As his name implies, he others from following suit.
has supposedly taken a vow of silence. If questioned
or spoken to, he responds with exaggerated facial Encounter: Fey Battle
expressions and hand gestures. He will not write Location: Anywhere without guards present.
anything down. A battle erupts between two members of the court.
In truth, Vares has not taken any vow. It’s simply Old enemies, one of them has decided to take the
a game for him. Also, people speak more freely in other out, claiming that that the defeated foe was the
front of him because of this, and he can take such murderer. The two shadow fey (a bandit captain and
information to the king or other interested parties. a cult fanatic) engage in a running battle through
The Murder. Vares is amused by the whole situation the area, avoiding any guards. If they notice the PCs,
and doesn’t really care if the murder is solved. Given they both call for help, saying they’ve discovered the
the opportunity, he casts knowing glances, waggles murderer. A successful DC 14 Charisma (Deception,
eyebrows, and inclines his head in such ways as to Intimidation, or Persuasion) check is needed to get
draw the PCs’ attention to Ellec Ish-Vardes, the them to stop fighting, made with advantage if the PCs
satarre Void priestess, as he’s tired of her presence summon the guards. Both accuse the other of being
and wouldn’t mind if she were inconvenienced by this the murderer, but neither is convincing, especially
investigation. when they start giving details, which do not match the
situation of Eillyn’s death.
While locked down and subdued due to the murder Encounter: Tactical Gardening
and the king’s resulting anger, the Rose Palace Location: Central Garden (area 25).
is still filled with mercurial, mischievous, and As the PCs are passing through the central garden,
scheming fey, and is a hotbed of intrigue and political any PC whose passive Perception is 13 or higher (or
machinations. As such, incidents inevitably occur announces they’re making an active Perception check
that are peripheral or even completely unrelated in the area) notices a disheveled wyrd gnome sitting
to the PCs’ investigation. Run as few or as many as on a small, marble bench under a willow tree to the
you desire, simply by inserting the encounter in an northeast. Upon closer inspection, she appears to be
appropriate locale when the PCs are present. bandaging her arm, where the cloth of her tunic is
shredded and bloodied.

50 Tales from the Shadows

Arla Mulliget (NG wyrd gnome commoner)
is Assistant to the Royal Gardner. If asked about
Concluding the Adventure
her wounds, she is hesitant to speak about what The adventure ends when the PCs present their
happened. A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Persuasion) evidence to the king and pronounce the name of
check—made with advantage if the PCs take the time the guilty party. Wishing to bring an end to this
to heal the 6 damage she has taken—will convince her embarrassing situation and provide some sort of
to open up to the PCs about her problems. solace to Lady Vindesol, King Frulio is willing to
She is currently working the gardens alone, as the condemn anyone the PCs name as the guilty party,
Royal Gardner, another wyrd gnome, took a sudden so long as they provide compelling evidence of their
leave of absence. Unfortunately, a recent shipment guilt. Should the PCs extract a confession from
of seedlings and cuttings contained a surprise: A pair Permessa, the King is shocked and saddened and not
of children of the briar (see appendix) stowed away unmoved by her pleas for mercy. Rather than kill her
in the crate and are now loose in the King’s private outright, he proclaims that her punishment shall be
garden (area 26). Arla has been unable to contain banishment, effective immediately. As she becomes
them herself and reluctant to seek assistance, worried weaker the longer she is away from her fountain
she will be blamed for the problem. Thus far, they home, this likely means her death anyway, unless she
seem reluctant to leave the King’s Garden. If the PCs finds a new water source to bond with.
agree to deal with the children of the briar for her, For their efforts, King Frulio awards the PCs 350
Arla tells them why the wyrd gnomes in the king’s gp in assorted gems, as well as magic items from
court have all disappeared, as well as describing the the king’s personal collection. The PCs may choose
prophetic dream she—and presumably all the other any two of the following: a bag of holding, a lantern of
wyrd gnomes stationed here at the Rose Palace— revealing, a mithral breastplate, or a wand of secrets.
dreamed prior to the murder (see the “Where Are All
the Wyrd Gnomes?” sidebar). Arla also mentions she A PLEA ON BEHALF OF THE GUILTY
fears for the safety of the crinaea Permessa. Arla says If the PCs discover that Permessa is guilty of Eillyn’s
the crinaea is beloved by the residents of the palace, murder, they are approached by Thasim, Arla
and she is a fiercely devoted friend to many of them. Mulliget, and Anwicket Folly. They point out that
If the PCs defeat the children of the briar, they find Permessa is adored by the palace staff, and the incident
the crate in which they stowed away nearby. Carved was only her doing what she felt was necessary to
into the wood inside, just beneath the upper lip of the redress a wrong done to her friend. They also infer
crate, is a symbol: four lines in an octothorpe pattern, that the king would be just as happy, or happier, with
with a quartered circle in the square at the center. any other culprit for the murder. They suggest the PCs
This symbol was to allow them to recognize another implicate Dobrilo, the vodyanoi ambassador. They
agent awaiting them on the inside. This symbol can are certain he has sinister motives. If his involvement
be found in the vodyanoi ambassador’s quarters (area with the children of the briar (see the “Encounter:
18), as he was to use these fey as additional agents Tactical Gardening” section) has been uncovered, the
in his task to secure a sample of the Somering Well trio point to that as proof he means the Court of Pale
water. If captured, the fey admit to being here to aid Roses harm. Better an outsider with ill intentions pays
a spy, and they would know their contact by being the price than one of the king’s own loyal subjects.
shown that symbol. Such a symbol can be found in Should the PCs agree to this, they can approach
the guest room of Dobrilo, the vodyanoi ambassador. Permessa and ask her to locate some water from
her fountain in his quarters and turn it to poison.
Its presence can be used as evidence against the
vodyanoi, as the king’s alchemist can confirm it is
the same poison that killed Eillyn. As for motive,
Anwicket Folly suggests he might have suspected that
Eillyn had somehow learned of his plans here at the
palace and sought to silence her before she brought
her suspicions to the King. No matter who the PCs
accuse as the guilty party, award them experience as if
they had defeated a CR 3 creature.

A Death Among the Pale Roses 51

Reflections and

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Magic have noticed the humanoids that live around
In the Shadow Realm, beneath the night-dark Brightsigh Tower, deep in the Blackwood, have been
boughs of the Blackwood Forest, wood and stone acting strangely. The Retreat’s steward hires the PCs
to investigate and stop the cause of this behavior.
buildings have been built around the base of a tower
Shadow Road to Danger. Traveling along a shadow
constructed of jagged shards of mirrored glass. The
road, the PCs are surprised when the road terminates
tower’s occupant, Fultaris of Arborin, sits in his
at the edge of a cherry orchard with a strange tower
chamber in an ensorcelled stupor, unable to do more
at its center. The shadow road won’t reappear until
than reflect on his decision to pay the Queen of Night
Fultaris’ torment is ended.
and Magic an unsolicited compliment.
Darakhul Intervention. While resting between
Fultaris’ prison was a curiosity at first, but over
adventures, the characters hear rumors about a
time, the psychic emanations of his condition have
strange tower made of broken glass. The conversation
changed the personalities and habits of the residents
turns to the mad wizard and his unwilling, dominated
living nearby, and the reach of his anguish has only
servants who apparently reside in and around the
been increasing over time. News of the phenomenon
tower. A man named Edvard (NE human darakhul
has started to spread, and some fell denizen of the
spy) talks at length about the treasures fabled to be
Shadow Realm will leverage it to its advantage if the
in the tower and urges capable heroes to join his
heroes can’t end it one way or another.
expedition to delve the site.
This adventure takes place in Blackwood, a dark
forest located about midway between the Courts of
the Shadow Fey and Corremel, in and around the The Blackwood
environs of Brightsigh Tower. The characters must
The Blackwood is a deep forest of approximately
determine how to enter the tower and how to end
300 square miles located south of the Courts of the
Fultaris’ punishment. The task is complicated by the
Shadow Fey and north of Corremel. The forest is
automaton-like villagers and tower attendants, as well
largely comprised of beech, oak, birch, pine, and
as a troupe of darakhul acting as agents for Vizorakh
fir trees, with many hawthorn bushes and ferns.
the Ravenous, an undead dragon of dread repute.
Trees in the Blackwood are more gnarled than their
counterparts on the Material Plane, and they grow
more closely together. The tree canopy is thick with
Select one of the following reasons for the characters interlinked branches, so the forest floor almost never
to become drawn into this adventure, or make up one sees sunlight, wan as it is in the Shadow Realm.
of your own, based on the needs of your campaign: Shadow fey nobles and their courtiers often visit
Hunter’s Request. Hunters and trappers visiting the Blackwood to hunt for game or sport. The sound
the Hunt’s Retreat near the Court of Night and of their horns can be heard as they chase their quarry,

52 Tales from the Shadows

usually wild boar or whitetail deer, and the day’s catch Unless their life is directly threatened by an undead
is dressed at camp. The Blackwood has claimed many creature, the residents of Brightsigh Tower and its
lives, so undead are not uncommon among the trees. environs cannot see or otherwise sense undead.
Trees. The trees in the Blackwood are not
TOWER ENVIRONS vulnerable to fire damage. Most of the trees near
Brightsigh Tower is in a cherry orchard near the Brightsigh Tower stand approximately 100 feet tall,
center of the Blackwood. Despite the lack of sunlight, but the cherry trees are significantly shorter, at a mere
the trees produce bitter, red-black cherries, the juice 35 feet in height.
of which is fermented into an unusual varietal of wine Buildings. All the buildings near the tower, except
of the winter court (Book of Ebon Tides). The trees in the tower itself, are constructed of wood and granite.
the orchard are spaced around the tower so it stands Doors. Unless otherwise noted, all the interior and
in the center and has room for a number of stone exterior doors in the settlement are made of wood
and wood buildings that are interspersed in a rough with AC 15 and 27 hp and a damage threshold of 10.
circle around it. The tree canopy above the orchard is
thinner than most other parts of the Blackwood. 1. A TOWER OF JAGGED GLASS
Lighting. The portion of the Blackwood Standing 100 feet tall, Brightsigh Tower matches the height
surrounding Brightsigh Tower is dimly lit regardless of the tallest surrounding trees and looms above the cherry
of the time of day or night. Unless otherwise noted, trees and other structures in the orchard. The exterior of the
the interiors of the buildings surrounding the tower tower is constructed entirely of jagged shards of mirrored
are dimly lit during the day and dark at night when glass set at random angles, and no door or other means of
the residents are abed. ingress is evident.
Residents. Unless otherwise noted, the residents of
the tower environs are unarmed commoners. They The magically constructed walls have AC 15, 500
dress in sturdy woolen clothes and leather boots or hp per 5-foot-square section, and a damage threshold
clogs. Men favor tunics, breeches, and feathered caps, of 20. Damaged sections recover 70 (20d6) hp each
while women wear long-sleeved dresses, pinafores, day at midnight. There is no door into the tower,
and head scarves. Most women wear their hair in a but access can be gained through the Fairy Ring at
single braid. location 11.
The commonfolk are polite and greet the PCs or A creature that attempts to climb the tower can
engage them in meaningless small talk. They can’t climb 15 feet per round without an ability check but
answer questions about anything occurring in the takes 13 (2d12) points of slashing damage for each
tower or outside the orchard, and they don’t engage 5 feet it climbs. The shards are both silvered and
in gossip about the other residents. magical. There is no painless way to climb the tower.
The commonfolk have glazed and vacant eyes, their The lowest windows can be found at a height of
reactions are a touch too slow, and their conversation 25 feet above the ground and are leaded shut. Each
is stilted and unemotional. A character who observes window has AC 15, 100 hp, and a damage threshold
the residents for a few hours can make a DC 15 of 10.
Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence (Arcana) check The interior of the tower is detailed in the “Inside
to determine the residents are charmed; the check Brightsigh Tower” section later in this adventure.
can be made with advantage if the PC specifically 2. DARAKHUL ENCAMPMENT
theorizes the residents are charmed.
If a PC delays a commoner for more than a few A small canopy has been erected in a narrow space
minutes, they politely excuse themselves and try to between the trees here. From this bivouac, Vuto
resume whatever activity they had been engaged in. Baeez (LE iron ghoul [see appendix] commands
If they are prevented from doing so, they become six darakhul veterans). This group is part of a
agitated and hasten their attempts to exit the larger contingent serving Vizorakh the Ravenous,
situation. If there is no way for a resident to resume a powerful, undead dragon. It has commanded its
their daily activities, they attack the characters with agents to investigate the tower and surrounding area,
whatever tool they are holding and fight until an discover what type of magic has caused the villagers
avenue of escape opens. to act in their strange manner, and discover (and
capture) the source of the magic, if possible. If any

Reflections and Remembrance 53

54 Tales from the Shadows
darakhul are destroyed, reinforcements arrive from Any of the ghouls can also share the following
their larger encampment in a day and a half. information if the questioner succeeds on a DC 15
The darakhul observe the PCs and interact with Charisma (Persuasion or Deception) check:
them if approached. They reveal information as noted • There is a spirit of some sort in the woods at area
in the “What the Darakhul Know” section below and 3. The darakhul hope to avoid conflict with it
otherwise share generic observations about the area. and haven’t approached it. They are unsure if the
If a darakhul is caught lying, it refuses to converse creature is a ghost or some other type of undead.
further with any of the characters. Until the tower has • All their attempts to enter the tower have failed.
been investigated, the darakhul enter combat with the
• One of their number was ordered to climb the
characters only in self-defense, and only if there is no
tower to enter through a window. The unfortunate
way to flee the situation. A darakhul that flees returns
darakhul was torn to shreds by the tower walls.
to its camp after an hour has passed.
Treachery. Once the darakhul see that the residents • The residents of the settlement get angry if their
are no longer acting unusually, they approach the routines are interfered with in any way.
party at their earliest opportunity. They are initially Vuto Baeez alone can tell the PCs the following if a
friendly, but once the PCs seem at ease, and Vuto feels character succeeds on a DC 18 Charisma (Deception
they have no more information to impart, he gives the or Persuasion) check.
signal to attack. The darakhul fight to the death while
• The darakhul troop is also here to discover the
Vuto still stands but have a 25% chance of fleeing on
fate of a darakhul who was sent to investigate
their turn each round if he is destroyed.
the area over a year ago. If Sascha is returned to
What the Darakhul Know the camp, Vuto will pay the PCs 150 gp each. He
By the time the PCs arrive, the darakhul have been doesn’t mention that they intend to take anything
watching the settlement for a few days. Any of them interesting or magical—by force if necessary—
can share the following information freely: when they leave.
• No one enters or leaves one of the houses west of
• They have been sent from Corremel to investigate
the tower (area 13). They have observed a young
the strange activities that have been reported
male elf sleeping on a cot in the residence. The
in the area. The PCs can discern this lie by
elf couldn’t be roused. Vuto feels the elf is the
succeeding on a Wisdom (Insight) check opposed
key to entering the tower somehow, but despite
by the tale-teller’s Charisma (Deception) check.
attempting numerous, sometimes painful,
• Residents work in a silent and unnaturally methods of rousing him, the elf remains still.
mechanical fashion. The residents do not speak to
the ghouls.

You Look Fine Today, Your Grace, or, What’s Going on Here?
The trouble in Brightsigh Tower and its environs stem from knows he affronted Sarastra, but he can’t remember what he
a comment Fultaris of Arborin, the prisoner of the tower, did or said. To break the enchantment, he must remember
made to the Her Celestial Majesty Sarastra Aestruum years the words he spoke to the queen and write a formal letter
ago. At the urging of his attendant, Georges Hulbére, he of apology to her that must be delivered to Hypatia, the
approached the Queen at a gala and told her, “You look priestess at area 14.
fine this evening, Your Grace.” Every person the PCs meet in this adventure—except the
The Queen of Night and Magic, offended by the generic darakhul and their leader, Hypatia, Georges Hulbére, the
compliment, used her Shadow Grimoire to ensorcel the ghost of Gretl, and Fultaris himself—greets them with, “You
elf lord and his staff. Despite the enchantment, Fultaris look fine today, Your Grace,” every time they see them.

Reflections and Remembrance 55

For several years, Gretl Hulbére and Fultaris’
son, Iann, met in this quiet thicket for a weekly
rendezvous. When Gretl’s husband, Georges,
discovered her unfaithfulness, he paid a coven of
hags to curse her lover to fall into an enchanted,
nightmare-haunted slumber during their next tryst.
While Gretl tried to rouse her sleeping paramour,
Georges murdered her with a butcher’s knife taken
from the tower kitchen, cutting through the gold
wedding band on her hand as she tried to fend him
off. He then buried her body in a shallow grave
beneath the roots of a nearby birch tree. Iann’s
unconscious form rests in the house at location 8.
Haunting Presence. Gretl is now a ghost who
haunts the site every day from midday to sundown.
She looks like an incorporeal shadow with hawkish
features, talon-tipped fingers, and wearing the kind
of old-fashioned dress Iann liked. If left undisturbed,
she stares at a white-barked birch tree nearby. If
spoken to, she points at the base of the tree and says:
“That is where it happened. That is where we did it. The
circle is broken.”
If she is questioned at length, Gretl becomes
frustrated and attacks, focusing her fury on her
interrogator. If her interrogator retreats into
the orchard, she doesn’t pursue them. If Gretl is
weapon, the knife has the same statistics as a dagger,
destroyed, she reforms at the site with full hit points
except it lacks the thrown property.
at noon the following day.
If Gretl is put to rest, she thanks the PCs and says:
Quieting the Dead “My husband, Georges, convinced Lord Fultaris to pay a
Gretl can be put to rest in one of two ways: compliment to Her Celestial Majesty Sarastra Aestruum. He
Laid to Rest. The PCs can return Gretl’s wedding knew the words would incense her, but he bade our lord say
band to her body and rebury her remains. The PCs can it anyway. Perhaps he remembers the exact words that were
find her broken wedding band among her husband’s spoken. . . .”
belongings at area 7 in Brightsigh Tower. Her remains Gretl then fades away.
are buried among the roots on the south side of the
birch tree she gestures to when she is spoken to. 4. VALSTITZ WINERY
• A character that makes a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) The cherries harvested from the orchard are pressed
check discerns that Gretl wants them to interact and fermented into wine of the winter court in this
with the roots of the birch tree in some manner. building. The Valstitz family has run the winery for
• A character that makes a DC 13 Intelligence several generations, and this building predates the
(Investigation) check can tell the scars on the birch appearance of Brightsigh Tower and its prisoner,
tree’s roots were made with a shovel. Fultaris of Arborin. The Valstitz family currently
Postmortem Vengeance. If the PCs prefer action, consists of patriarch Hans, his wife Marlies, and their
they can instead kill Gretl’s husband, Georges, teenaged children, Ortrud, Detlef, and Josefa. They
with the knife he murdered her with, then return live in quarters on the second floor of the winery. If
the murder weapon to her ghost. The knife can be encountered, they behave in the same strange manner
found in area 7 in Brightsigh Tower. When used as a as the other residents do.

56 Tales from the Shadows

The winery has two floors and a cellar. The first 6–11. RESIDENCES
floor is the winery proper, containing tuns, barrels,
The commonfolk of the settlement live in these
corks, long-handled wooden spoons, and all the
homes. On the exterior, each of the domiciles has
other equipment required to make wine. The cellar is
stone walls that are 20 feet to a side, a peaked thatch
accessed through a double-doored hatch in the floor.
roof, and a stonework chimney. A single small
A fixed wooden ladder is used to go down into the
window allows what little light there is to filter into
cellar. Block and tackle are used to move full barrels
the room.
of wine from the winery to the cellar and vice versa.
Inside, the homes are sparsely decorated,
Wine Cellar. The cellar is used to store the wine
containing only the necessities of life: a wood stove,
fermenting in casks, as well as the bottled wine, until
one small bed per person, work tools, a table with
it can be transported to market. Several wheeled
chairs, and kitchen utensils.
dollies are used to move the heavy wine barrels. If the
The living arrangements are as follows:
characters explore the cellar, they find there are two
6. Alec LaRose and his wife Lorè (both human
cases, each holding twelve bottles of wine of the winter
court. A bottle of the wine can be purchased from
7. Twyla Nygaard and her children Flora and
Hans or Marlies for 400 gp. Each bottle holds four
Viola (all elfmarked; Twyla is a seamstress, and her
servings of wine.
daughters are weavers).
In addition to the usual effects of the wine, the first
8. Thudra Hubblested (a dwarf cooper).
time a PC drinks it while in the settlement, they have
9. Cygnus and Xan Petalstar (both shadow fey
a vision:
Your vision blurs for a moment, and when it comes back into 10. Paola Ghest (gnome jack of all trades), Tobin
focus, you are walking across a crowded ballroom toward Krentz (shadow fey carpenter), and Loy Braid
a tall shadow fey wearing an immaculate black dress. You (minotaur mason).
have the impression the room and other guests are also 11. Desmond and Ursula Dupaigne (both human
exquisitely appointed, though she is the only figure you can gardeners).
see clearly. As you draw nearer, she turns and casts her chilly
gaze toward you. Just before either you or she can speak, the 12. WELL
vision vanishes. The water from this well is perfectly mundane and
potable. The locals draw their water from here.
A three-foot-tall ring of stones here is bracketed by 13. IANN’S HOUSE
a pair of sturdy wooden posts topped with a small, The comatose body of Iann, Fultaris of Arborin’s son,
wood-shingled roof. A bucket dangles from the fixed rests in this house. Iann was cursed to a nightmare-
pulley attached to the crossbeam braced by the two filled slumber at the behest of his lover’s husband,
posts. The cold, black water from this well is drawn Georges Hulbére. Any of the following wakes him
from an underground tributary of the River Lethe. from his enchanted sleep:
A creature that drinks from this well must make • Having remove curse or greater restoration cast upon
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of him.
exhaustion. Whether the creature makes the saving • Putting Gretl Hulbére’s ghost to rest.
throw or not, it has the following vision:
• Having his bare skin touched by the bare skin of
You and a handsome shadow fey are standing on the an unmarried person. He becomes charmed by the
periphery of a large ballroom. The room is full of nobles, person whose touch woke him.
courtiers, and servers, though a single figure commands your • Slaying the hags who laid the curse upon him. The
attention. “There she is,” the shadow fey says with a gesture. coven consists of a green hag, a sea hag, and a
“Remember, you must not be too effusive. Tell her she looks night hag. They live two miles north of Brightsigh
fine. She will know what you mean.” The vision then fades Tower, toward the heart of the Blackwood.
like mist under a hot sun. Once he is awake, Iann (male elf noble) is charming
The residents of the area never drink from this well. and polite but otherwise like the other residents. He
is happy to explain how to access Brightsigh Tower

Reflections and Remembrance 57

through the Fairy Circle at area 16, though he doesn’t • She can answer questions about the residents of
offer any assistance in the tower, with its residents, the tower and its environs.
or with his father. If Iann learns of Gretl’s fate, he • She knows about the Fairy Circle at area 16 and
becomes inconsolable. when it is active. She requires something valuable,
Aside from Iann’s presence, this location looks such as a favor, from the questioner before she
much like the houses at areas 6–11. reveals when the ring can be used.
Hypatia (NE shadow fey mage) tends the settlement’s Fiona Hesch was the local washerwoman until she
shrine to the Queen of Night and Magic. was killed by one of the darakhul camping at area 2.
The shrine’s entryway features an open moon window, which The darakhul told his commander, Vuto Baeez, that
is its only source of natural light. Tall silver candlesticks he was attacked by Fiona when he prevented her
decorate the shrine, the black candles topping them unlit, but from doing her work. In fact, he saw a lone woman
the sticks themselves glitter with dancing lights. splitting firewood with no witnesses around, so he
attacked her with the intention of killing and eating
Hypatia takes her rest in a room just off the shrine.
her. When her life was imperiled, Fiona saw the
Her room holds a narrow bed, a small table, and a
darakhul for the first time and defended herself.
fireplace. An ancient-looking copy of Sarastra’s holy
Despite her attempts, she was slain by the undead
book, Mistress of Air and Darkness, sits on the table.
who only got to take a couple mouthfuls before he
Any creature other than Hypatia who opens her copy
heard someone approach to investigate the noise of
of the book must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
the scuffle. The darakhul hid Fiona in her hut before
throw or be blinded for 1 hour.
escaping back to his encampment.
Hypatia is here because of a debt she owes to the
Since her murder, Fiona has risen as a ghast. She is
Queen of Night and Magic and is aware of much
trapped in her house, and the few residents who have
going on around the tower. She can answer questions,
visited to see if she is available for washing can’t see or
though the questioner must succeed on a DC 15
hear her new undead form. They are unconcerned at
Charisma (Persuasion) check for each question they
her absence and explain it away as Fiona having gone
ask. Charisma (Intimidation) can be used instead,
to visit relatives.
but she refuses to speak to the PCs afterward. If a
character gifts her with a bottle of wine of the winter 16. FAIRY RING
court, she answers one question and that character
henceforth has advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) In this thicket, a two-foot ring of indigo mushrooms sits
checks when dealing with her. Hypatia is curious inside a four-foot ring of assorted blue flowers.
about the recent arrival of the darakhul and answers It matches an identical pair of rings at area 1 inside
questions in exchange for information about them. Brightsigh Tower.
For 1 hour at noon, and again for 1 hour beginning
What Hypatia Knows at the stroke of midnight, the ring of mushrooms
Hypatia can answer the following questions: acts as a teleportation circle keyed to the ring at area 1
• She can answer any questions about Fultaris, in the tower. If the characters step inside the circle
his punishment, and how to end it. She requires of mushrooms at one of the specified times, they are
a significant commitment from each of the transported from one ring to the other. A successful
characters—an agreement for a year of servitude DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check can determine the
to the Queen of Night and Magic for example—to purpose of the circle.
answer any questions about Fultaris.
• She knows the truth of Iann and Gretl’s
relationship, Gretl’s murder, and where her body
is buried. She knows where the hags who laid the
curse on Iann reside. She does not know how to
put Gretl’s spirit to rest.

58 Tales from the Shadows

False Fey
Inside Brightsigh Tower As soon as the PCs arrive, a satyr sitting beneath each
The interior of Brightsigh Tower contains much of pavilion starts playing its instrument in earnest and
what the PCs would expect to find in a noble’s home, calling the newcomers over. Each of them is playing
as well as several things that seem out of place, or even the same song, and each is as skilled as the other.
absurd. Much of the tower seems grounded and real, The satyr the PCs choose not to approach jeers their
but some areas feel less substantial and dreamlike. decision loudly. The characters have disadvantage on
Ceilings. Each of the tower’s five levels has Charisma checks when interacting with him for the
25-foot‑high ceilings. rest of this adventure.
Doors. Unless otherwise noted, all the tower’s Ashes. A satyr with glossy black fur can be seen
doors are made of wood with AC 15 and 27 hp, with a sitting, playing a harp, in the black and red pavilion
damage threshold of 10. to the east of the fairy ring. If Ashes is approached,
Lighting. Most rooms in Brightsigh Tower are he finishes his song with a flourish, closes the book
magically illuminated. Unless otherwise noted, the of music he is using, and tells the PCs that if they kill
rooms are brightly lit from 1 hour before breakfast in Ambrose, he’ll dispel the vines blocking the stairs. If
the morning to 2 hours after dinner in the evening. Ashes perceives any attempt by the PCs to steal his
The rest of the time, they are dimly lit. book of music, or if he is attacked, he assumes his true
Servants. Unless otherwise noted, the servants form as a barbed devil and fights to the death.
inside the tower are all N elfmarked (or half-elf) Ambrose. In the pavilion with the white roof to
commoners. They dress in Fultaris’ family livery: a the north of the fairy ring, a satyr with shaggy and
black wool suit braided in silver over a navy-blue linen unkempt white fur plays a hurdy-gurdy. If approached,
shirt and navy-blue hose. The servants of the tower Ambrose finishes his song and then greets the PCs
are all under the same curse as the residents of the politely. He then explains that he’s not allowed to
tower environs and exhibit the same traits and quirks. grant anyone access to the stairs leading to the rest of
the tower. He confides he can make an exception if
they retrieve his book of music for him, which Ashes,
The Fairy Ring in area 16 in the Tower Environs allows the other satyr, has stolen. If they fulfill his request,
creatures to teleport to the corresponding Fairy Ring Ambrose gives each of the PCs a family insignia which
located in the southwest quadrant of this chamber. allows them to pass the vines blocking the stairs
As the last glimmers of teleportation magic fade around you, unharmed. If Ambrose is attacked, he assumes his true
you find yourselves standing on a carpet of lush green grass, form as a unicorn and fights to the death.
surrounded by a ring of indigo mushrooms. To the east is a
well, and further beyond that is a small pavilion with a roof
of black and red checkered shingles. Another pavilion, to the Fultaris’ few living servants take their nightly rest in
north, has a pure white roof. The room is lit as though the sun this room. It holds four narrow beds and wardrobes.
shines from above, and the air is fresh and sweet. Everywhere Three of the wardrobes are unlocked and hold nothing
you look in this chamber, you can see large bushes loaded but servants’ livery. The northmost wardrobe is locked
with ripe blueberries. Almost immediately after your arrival, and can be opened with a successful DC 17 Dexterity
you hear a song coming from the two pavilions. check using thieves’ tools. Inside, in addition to
servants’ livery, are two silver and emerald house
Dangerous Walls. Thick, ropey vines studded with
insignias (worth 50 gp apiece), a vicious shortsword, 3
mirror shards climb the exterior walls of the glade
vials of serpent venom, and a half-used disguise kit.
as well as the large central column, blocking—and
The servants are: Dylainn Ventnor, Joichim
initially obscuring—the stairs going up. The vines
Culdada, and Stanislaus Puetsche. The last bed
have AC 15 and 150 hp per 5-foot section. Brushing
belonged to Nole Freitzman, who was murdered by
against them or attacking them with a melee weapon
the darakhul intruder Sascha a year ago. His body can
deals 4 (1d8) slashing damage to the attacker.
be found at area 5. If the other servants have occasion
Safe Refreshments. The blueberries are delicious
to speak about Nole’s absence, they simply state he
and the water from the well is sweet. Characters can
went to visit family.
eat and drink their fill in the glade. The berry bushes
are refreshed each morning at dawn.

Reflections and Remembrance 59

60 Tales from the Shadows
3. SERVANTS’ DINING ROOM Locked In. A living creature that sets foot in this
room cannot leave it again unless they are wearing a
The servants take their meals and recreation in this
house insignia.
chamber. This room is empty during the daytime and
Muck Raker. All the rubbish produced in the
can be used as a place for the PCs to take a short rest
tower, including humanoid waste, is deposited in this
without drawing attention or comment. After dinner,
chamber. Where the additional trash originated is
one of the servants typically plays the lyre while the
unknown. An otyugh happily devours any offal and
others play a game of backgammon, draughts, or
vegetable waste, though, like the humanoid residents,
fox and geese. The game sets noted are of masterful
it cannot detect dead or undead creatures. The otyugh
quality (worth 100 gp each).
was once Fultaris’ housekeeper, Fleur. She has
4. KITCHEN AND PANTRY forgotten most of her human life but is quite timid,
even now. She remains hidden in the pool toward
Fultaris’ cook, Tatja Proulxe (N shadow fey
the wall when the PCs enter but attacks any living
commoner), prepares meals in this clean and
creature that tries to remove anything from the room
well‑stocked kitchen. Her pet rat, Nim, is an imp
or comes within the 10-foot reach of her tentacles.
in disguise. Tatja is in a perpetually foul mood from
Unquiet Dead. If a living creature enters the
Nim’s nightly subliminal urgings to murder the
chamber, the bodies of Nole Freitzman and Tatja’s
living residents of the tower so he can be free of
former kitchen assistant, Remy, animate and rise
his obligations to the Queen of Night and Magic.
from the foul pool as bloated ghasts.
She chases the PCs out of the kitchen if they spend
Child’s Toy. If the PCs spend 30 minutes searching
more than a few moments in it. A successful DC 15
the room and succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence
Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check can make
(Investigation) check, they find a blue plush bear with
Tatja friendlier to the PCs temporarily, but such checks
mother-of-pearl eyes wearing a house insignia. The
are made with disadvantage. If Nim is removed from
bear was beloved by Fultaris’ son, Iann, when he was a
Tatja’s presence for longer than 24 hours, she becomes
child. If they give the toy to Fultaris, he becomes lucid
friendly to the characters and the other servants.
for 1d6 hours.
Tatja sleeps on a fold-out cot in front of the kitchen
fire. There is a 20% chance of her being absent from 6. TREASURY
the kitchen any time after dinner. In such instances, The door to this chamber is locked, requiring either a
she is either visiting Ashes in the glade or Georges successful DC 20 Dexterity check made with thieves’
Hulbére in his chambers. tools, or the key found in Fultaris’ wardrobe, to
Pantry. If the pantry is searched, the PCs find a full open. Piles of gold coins and loose gems are scattered
set of cook’s utensils and two bottles of wine of the haphazardly across the floor of this room and a
winter court. On a shelf, they find Tatja’s cookbook, locked, iron-bound chest sits at the southern-most
and next to that is her journal, most of which details point. The entire room seems to glow from the light
her series of dreams that revolve around strange, shining off the treasure.
disembodied whispers in the dark. If a PC looking
Unwanted Guests. There are 3,635 gp scattered
through her journal makes a DC 15 Intelligence
across this room and 2,150 gp worth of gemstones.
(Investigation) check, they can make out the
The chest contains a portal to the Elemental Plane
impression of the written-then-erased statement,
of Earth. If it is opened, requiring a successful DC
“Georges did this to us. . . .”
15 Dexterity check made with thieves’ tools, a xorn
5. TRASH REPOSITORY emerges and immediately starts devouring the
treasure. The xorn ignores conversation in favor of
Piles of broken furniture, crumbling masonry, broken eating, though it defends itself. If attacked, the xorn
mirrors, and debris of all types litter every inch of this engages in combat but continues using one of its claw
chamber. The floor is tilted at a ten-degree angle toward attacks each round to instead scoop treasure into its
the exterior wall. Foul liquid pools on the floor, sitting maw. The xorn can consume 100 gp per claw attack it
waist deep at the northeast corner. The room reeks strongly forgoes per round, or 300 gp per round if it forgoes
of refuse, rot, and death, though the odor strangely hasn’t all three claw attacks.
passed beyond into the corridor or any of the other chambers.

Reflections and Remembrance 61

An additional xorn emerges from the open chest attack them. At the end of their third minute in the
every 3 rounds until either the chest is closed and room, three plush wolves transform into winter
locked or the room is empty of treasure. wolves and attack. Once defeated, all the enemies
transform back into toys; afterward, a sad-looking,
7. SENESCHAL’S BEDCHAMBER bean-filled donkey—Glynn’s favorite toy—walks
Fultaris’ steward Georges Hulbére (NE shadow fey from the pile and sags down in the center of the
noble), once shared this spacious chamber with his room, a simple toy once again.
wife, Gretl. Now it is his alone. Everything in the Children’s Books. The books on the bookshelves are
room is opulent, from the thick rug, well-stuffed beautifully illustrated, but the only words in any of
leather seats, thick feather bed and down duvet, and the books are: “You look fine this evening, Your Grace.”
the finely polished wood furniture. If the toy donkey is given to Fultaris, he becomes
A Murderer’s Tools. A locked, steel-bound trunk lucid for 1d6 hours.
is located at the foot of the bed. A successful DC 20
Dexterity check made with thieves’ tools can open 9. LIBRARY
the lock, as can the key Georges carries on his person. Shelves of books stretch from floor to ceiling. Two wheeled
The trunk contains a moldering set of servant’s livery, ladders, one on each side of the stone fireplace, allow readers
stiff and stained with dried blood, and a chef ’s knife, to access books on the upper shelves. Flanking the fireplace
similarly tarnished. are a pair of statues shaped like a robed elf sporting a
Gretl’s wardrobe, situated directly north of the confused look. A pair of comfortable chairs sits in front of
bed, is too close to the bed to open easily. Sitting on the fire, each with a round side table to hold books. The north
the floor of the wardrobe, beneath her clothing, is and south portions of the room each hold a larger round table
her wedding band, which appears to have been cut with stools for easier research. The room is comfortably warm
with a blade. and smells faintly of cherry-scented tobacco.
A Broken Circle. Georges can be found in these
quarters from just after dinner each day until the
Among the Stacks
following morning. There is a 10% chance each
Each of the thousands of volumes on the shelves,
evening he is visiting with Tatja, the cook. When
regardless of its title, contains a single repeated line:
questioned, Georges is cagy and vague, favoring lies
“‘You look fine this evening, Your Grace,’ said Fultaris of
to the truth. He pretends to be charmed, like the
other servants, and if his deception is discovered
Unabashed Fairkin. A single volume, titled
(with a successful DC 15 Wisdom [Insight] check), he
Unabashed Fairkin Not Given to Pryde, contains a single
simply smiles and shrugs. He flees rather than fights,
line buried amidst the others: “Fultaris you fool, if
if possible, and only takes up arms if he has no escape.
you offer me a sincere apology via my agent, and promise
8. GLYNN’S NURSERY henceforth to never speak to me again, you may be freed.”
If Unabashed Fairkin is given to Fultaris, he becomes
Fultaris’ second-born son, Glynn, died as a toddler
lucid for 1d6 hours. Finding this line requires a PC to
long before Fultaris’ imprisonment in Brightsigh
spend 1d6 hours on the task and a successful DC 22
Tower. Fultaris’ residual grief has caused this chamber
Intelligence (Investigation) check.
to become a haunted replica of his son’s nursery.
The shelves seem to ripple for a moment at the
Half of this chamber holds a crib from which hangs a mobile stroke of midnight as the books reshuffle their
depicting carved wooden angels chasing dragons, a rocking locations upon them. Books that have been removed
chair, a shelf holding many books, and a table upon which from the shelves fly back to the shelf at this time.
his garments were changed. The other half of the room is Darakhul Agent. A frantic darakhul veteran, who
piled with stuffed toy animals of every imaginable variety, was a trollkin in life, with a long, squared beard,
wooden soldiers, and toy weapons. is on the southern ladder pulling books from the
Violent Toys. If the characters spend more than 1 shelves, slowly flipping pages while scanning the
minute in the nursery, 12 flying swords spin into the text, then dropping them to the ground. He mutters
air from the pile of toys. After another minute passes, incomprehensibly to himself. Sascha abandoned his
if the PCs are still in the room, 4 of the wooden disguise as the servant Nole (whom he killed) ages
soldiers (use statistics for awakened tree) move to ago, when he determined the people in the tower

62 Tales from the Shadows

couldn’t see or hear him. He is searching through
the stacks for anything that might set him free of the
tower. He hasn’t been able to leave since he offended
the satyr Ambrose on his arrival in the glade; the
unicorn swore to destroy Sascha should he ever
set foot in the glade again, so the darakhul hasn’t
attempted to return to use the fairy ring to escape.
Sascha takes no heed of the PCs as he thinks they
can’t perceive him. They must make a Charisma
(Deception or Intimidation) check, contested by
Sascha’s Wisdom (Insight), to convince him they
are not torments conjured by the tower. If the PCs
try to physically stop Sascha’s search, he unleashes
a bloodcurdling scream and attacks until he dies, or
they leave him alone.
Guardian. One of the statues flanking the fireplace
is a shield guardian. If a character tries to damage
a book or remove it from the library, the door closes
and locks, and the guardian animates and attacks,
ceasing only if the book is replaced upon a shelf.


A sense of sadness and loss permeates this well-appointed

living chamber. Despite the luxuriousness of the furnishings
and decorations and the lack of dust, the room feels
abandoned and untended.
Fultaris of Arborin. Fultaris (LN elf mage)
sits at a table in front of the fireplace. He stares
vacantly, showing no indication he notices any of his
surroundings. A meal and glass of wine sit untouched
on the table before him.
Fultaris is lost in an incomplete reverie of his
encounter with the Queen of Night and Magic. In
this state, he cannot interact with the PCs. If he is
made lucid, the characters can interact with him Concluding the Adventure
normally. If they can remind him of what he said Once Fultaris has apologized to the Queen of Night
to Sarastra, he can make his apologies and end and Magic through her agent Hypatia, the residents
everyone’s torment. and servants cease being charmed. They don’t wish
Fultaris’ Guardian. An invisible stalker watches to talk about the time they have spent in the tower
Fultaris from its position beside the fireplace. If the or its environs and seem embarrassed about the
PCs try to move or harm Fultaris, it springs to action, ordeal. They can also now see the undead, including
targeting spellcasters over other threats. If Fultaris the darakhul, if any are present. The tower itself
becomes lucid, the elemental’s debt to him is fulfilled, dissipates in a vaporous funnel at the stroke of
and it returns to the Plane of Air. midnight following Fultaris’ apology.
Treasure. If Fultaris is wakened to lucidity and ends If Fultaris dies before he can apologize, Sarastra
his imprisonment, he allows the characters to keep eventually visits the residents and offers them
any gold and gems they retrieved from the treasury. freedom in exchange for a favor of her choice at her
In addition, he offers them their choice of his staff of time of choosing.
charming or his ring of spell storing, which currently has
no spells stored within it.

Reflections and Remembrance 63

Big Briar’s Blessings

Aunt Crabapple’s Curse
The umbral humans (also known as dark folk) that
This unfortunate malady afflicting the people of Leer
live in the village of Leer seem a little bit . . . porcine.
is caused by one of the residents: Aunt Crabapple, a
They have a swine-like mien about their features,
hag whose curious curse is tied to this place.
snort as they laugh, and have revolting table
manners and odd little quirks that are more than a She, like the other villagers, has a pig. Sometimes
little . . . farmyard. she lives in her dark folk body; sometimes her pig does
. . . and vice versa. If one of the afflicted (or their pigs)
The pigs in the village are a different story. They
dies, then their counterpart simply vanishes. Except
seem quite human at times—they’re pigs, of course,
in Aunt Crabapple’s case, if she dies, her consciousness
so they can’t talk, signal, or communicate in any
trades places with her counterpart. And she remembers.
way a person could—but there’s something oddly
When she dies—and she’s died quite a few times—
intelligent about the way they look at you. There is
the villagers all shift from pig to person or vice versa.
something going on behind those eyes, as if they’re
And though she remembers, when the new Aunt
struggling with strange memories that they can’t
Crabapple rises, the rest of the village has no memory
quite form properly into thoughts, no matter how
of Aunt Crabapple being the reason for this situation,
hard they try. Oddly enough, if one were to count
allowing her to be reborn to rule the place once more,
all the people and all of the pigs in the village, the
whether she is a pig as person or person as pig.
number would be exactly the same.
Only Aunt Crabapple knows why all this is
This is because, in the village of Leer, sometimes
happening, and she’ll go to any lengths to hide her
the pigs become people and the people become pigs.
secret. She is a mirror hag (see appendix) and has
ADVENTURE HOOKS lived many long lives in the village. Her pig self—
which is currently in control—intends this phase to
This adventure works best if it is sprung unexpectedly
last a very long while and will do everything in her
on PCs. The sudden rush of children to their sides, as
power to ensure no strangers are going to come into
detailed in the “The Village of Leer” section, should
her village and unravel things. That’s why she got rid
disarm the ever-resourceful PCs, and the subsequent
of all the pesky mirrors that might unmask her; she
interaction should pique their interest enough for
likes them just as they are. . . .
them to see what transpires.
The Leer pig minds are currently in people bodies—
If you prefer a stronger hook, the PCs may have
and have been for many years—and are enjoying
heard tales of a marauding troll of great size and
life. Truth be told, they’ve been people for so long,
fearful toxicity menacing the countryside and are
they aren’t entirely sure that they even are pigs. And
asked to dispose of it.
thankfully, now is the time of the Blessings, when the
unexpected protector of the village, the briar troll

64 Tales from the Shadows

(see appendix), whom the locals
call “Big Briar,” visits. Heralded by
the strange arrival of her trollstone,
Big Briar comes to take her succulent
offerings: a trio of young, healthy pigs.
When the—well, to call them sacrifices seems
very dramatic, so let’s call them presents—when
the presents are taken, Big Briar leaves the village, and
the threat of her presence in the nearby forest ensures
the villagers will be left in peace for another season.
Aunt Crabapple is the only one who knows what’s
truly going on here. It’s her curse, and to be truthful,
she can barely recall how she came by it—something
about being cast out of her coven and being bound to
this place. She knows what the runes on the Horrid
Fetish (area 9) say, but her thinking is that for now she
may as well enjoy herself.
The very odd thing is that for every person in Leer
there is a corresponding pig, and if something
bad happens to one, something bad happens
to the other. For example, if one dies, the
other squeals and vanishes, never to be seen
again. Likewise, each baby born in the village is
marked by the birth of an adorable new piglet. It is
simply the way of things, and the villagers don’t find it
particularly strange.
Crabapple keeps her “alter-pig” safely locked up in
her grotto, just in case, because she fears that if both
of her bodies die at the same time, this whole sorry
mess might unravel and that could be the end of her.
Which is true—kill the hag and her pig at the same they likely seem dull and unintelligent. When the
time, and the curse is lifted. dark folk are in the pig bodies (peopleswine), they
Meet Aunt Crabapple. Crabapple looks like a cannot speak or otherwise communicate outside of
kindly, if strange, old lady. Her sweaty breath comes normal pig noises.
in short, sharp gulps, and her nasal voice is littered
with the odd, unwelcome snort, particularly when
referring to the succulents. She laughs a lot and sings
about blessings.
Meet the Locals. The locals are not bad (pigs); they Pigfolk and Peopleswine
go day-to-day foraging, and they fully accept that the The minds of the people of Leer are sometimes in
gifting of a few lowly pigs occasionally to keep their their dark folk bodies and sometimes in pig bodies.
troll happy is a small price to pay for privacy. Like Likewise, sometimes the minds of the pigs are in their
the pigs, when the humans have their turn, their own porcine bodies and sometimes they’re in the dark
memories are clouded—they know something odd folk bodies. This might understandably cause some
is going on, but Aunt Crabapple keeps them busy confusion when running this adventure.
and distracted enough so that soon they forget. After To help the GM (and players) keep this straight, in
a day or two, they accept things as they are—and this adventure, when referring to pig-minds-in-people-
assume it’s how they always have been. bodies, we call those creatures “pigfolk”; when we’re
When the pigs are in the dark folk bodies (pigfolk), referring to people-minds-in-pig-bodies, we call those
they can speak as a dark folk normally would, though creatures “peopleswine.”

Big Briar’s Blessings 65

the terrible Night Things (whatever you decide they
Running the Adventure may be) and a very stiff fight, which may leave them
Aunt Crabapple does not want strangers to know and longing for hearth, stew, and a good night’s rest.
talk about this place, so the PCs are in grave danger of When PCs first see the village of Leer, read or
being poisoned, paralyzed, and fed to the “Ravenous paraphrase the following description:
Troll” effigy (area 3) as a further present for Big Briar. A wide clearing opens up in the trees here, a space
surrounding a short, sharp grassy hill and rocky tor. Around
The Village of Leer thirty hovels sag in the muddy clearing. Pigs wander about,
but most are kept within a large pen by a duck pond. All
The PCs are wandering through a wood or forest after about the grassy hill are dozens of low, simple tables and
a hard day’s travel, when suddenly they hear children chairs. At the edge of the village is a small rocky tor with
giggling nearby. Within moments, a quartet of local a wooden ladder leading to a cave, and a nearby waterfall
children emerge from the trees and, laughing, lead flows down the cliff face and feeds the duck pond below.
the PCs by their hands into the village of Leer, which The entire area dances with flowers, noise, and abundance,
lies very close by. as the locals—who must number around a hundred—busy
If the PCs try to escape, a couple of locals spot the themselves preparing for some sort of celebration. They carry
PCs, shout blessings, and invite the PCs to come rest. hefty trays, singing as youngsters throw bright powder paint
If need be, adult locals warn the PCs that beyond their at everything. Everyone is smiling or laughing or both.
village, the terrible Night Things lurk—creatures of At the heart of this color and spectacle, a single great
enormous mouths, pointy claws and horribly bendy wooden figure leers out of the sharp hill, its vast, toothy
bones. They thrive in darkness, are drawn to pretty wooden head smiling broadly on a body the size of a small
faces, and are best not faced without a decent meal, house. It stands on a great pile of dry timber. At this
rest, and a hearty smile. If the PCs wish to continue grotesque figure’s feet are a trio of pigs, tied with ribbons,
their journey anyway, perhaps they become lost and their flanks a vivid riot of powder paint.
find their way back to Leer. Or perhaps they face

No Mirrors
Crabapple has one weakness—a weakness that immediately The locals view Crabapple as a kind, benevolent leader,
unmasks her disguised form and reveals her as the hag an eccentric soul. Blatantly attacking her brings about their
she truly is: her reflection. She has taken pains to destroy wrath, as well as that of her assistant, Young Todge. They
every mirror in the village and then gone one step further: defend her, provided they are not aware she is a hag.
everything in the village that can reflect an image has been Young Todge is an alp (Creature Codex; or substitute a
dulled. Apart, that is, from the reflections cast by pools of shadow goblin spy with the changes noted below) who
water, which is beyond even her talents to stop or prevent. is frequently at Crabapple’s side in the form of a mangy
Crabapple is careful to avoid such reflections, staying away chicken, at least when he’s not invisible and spying on the
from the duck pond (area 2) whenever possible. villagers. He is sometimes seen in his native form as an
A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check is needed ugly young fey with a sneering grin who swings a pigstick
to note the lack of reflective surfaces; reduce the DC to 15 if at any pigs nearby. He has little loyalty to the hag but he
PCs are searching the village for clues. A similar check also is scared of what she might do if he doesn’t help her in a
notes that Crabapple always avoids the edges of the duck fight, so he usually does.
pond when moving about the village. The pair reside in Aunt Crabapple’s grotto (area 5) but
PCs bringing such surfaces into Leer—like a nice shiny may be encountered anywhere in or around the village.
breastplate or silver mirror, for example—are dangerous to Creature Change. If you use the statistics for a shadow
Crabapple. If she even glimpses her reflection, she reverts goblin in place of an alp, add the ability to cast invisibility
to hag form (a successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw at will.
allows her to avoid), in which case she teleports back to her
boudoir in her grotto (area 9).

66 Tales from the Shadows

Big Briar’s Blessings 67
THE RESIDENTS The locals all have an extraordinarily good time,
One hundred and nine dark folk make up the and, as sociable animals, love being around the PCs.
humanoid population of this seemingly happy But the PCs, of course, will likely want to sneak off
village. One hundred and nine pigs also live there, or invent some excuse to get away even for a short
though counting that many pigs is never easy. A time so as to investigate or chat with NPCs. A PC
DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check identifies the can extricate themself with a successful DC 12 ability
pigfolk as having a slightly porcine mien about check—which ability depends on what the PC wishes
them. Likewise, an identical check while examining to attempt; each time a PC fails such a check, the DC
or viewing the peopleswine notes they have an goes up by 1 on subsequent attempts, as the locals
oddly humanoid aspect about them, as if a keen begin to get a bit suspicious of the PCs’ actions.
intelligence is behind their eyes.
An Unlikely Protector
Don’t concern yourself too much about the way
None of Leer’s residents are frightened about
pigfolk behave. They are fairly human; they can speak
the impending arrival of Big Briar, who is always
as dark folk normally would but will likely be seen as
heralded by the appearance of her trollstone. A
very dull and unintelligent by the PCs. They tend to
trollstone is the same size as Big Briar and suddenly
give themselves away during their leisure, especially
appears in town without warning. When the troll
after they have had some cider.
leaves, the trollstone vanishes some brief time later,
The pigfolk use what the humans left behind last
though its disappearance is something no one ever
time the changeover happened but don’t have the
pays any attention to. None of the PCs has ever heard
ingenuity to grow crops, close doors, or repair things.
of such a thing, but a PC who makes a successful
They do understand the abundance of rotting apples
DC 15 Intelligence (History or Nature) check knows
hereabouts produces great amounts of cider, which
enough about trolls to know that it is strange. The
they love, as it makes them giddy. They gather up the
Leer villagers see the occasional gift of three pigs
apples in a big vat (area 4) and squash them, serving
as an acceptable compromise for being left alone
up cider by the bucketload when it’s ready—which is
by the outside world and, in theory, are at least in
just as the PCs arrive in town.
some measure protected by Big Briar. If the PCs
They have worked out how to make fire and how to
press to find out how often the troll appears, no one
make an odd pottage of root vegetables, which they
remembers very well when the last time was, but all
adore and serve in copious amounts, but never eat
feel it was a long time ago.
with any manners, restraint, or cutlery. They also sing
songs (often forgetting the words) and play simple Village Olders
instruments, such as drums and whistles; with a
The village is ostensibly ruled
successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, the
by Aunt Crabapple, but she’s
PCs notice this detail or any casual observation of the
too busy to do everything, so she
locals’ curious manners and ways.
has the help of several Olders. The
dozen or so Olders of the village—
the de-facto watch and moral
compass—each carry a pigstick, an
Spells That Affect Animals object of hefty holly wood affixed
with tinkling bells, pig ears, snouts,
Any spell that affects animals, including animal
trotters, and tails. The title “Older”
friendship and speak with animals, work on the pigfolk
is a misnomer, since the age range
here presently (that is, the people in the village, who
of the Olders is oddly wide.
currently have pig minds), but not on the peopleswine
The rather spiteful young girl
(people minds inside pig bodies).
Bittersweet who delights in
Spells such as charm person work on the
chasing and beating pigs is an
peopleswine but not the pigfolk. Be a bit inventive in this
Older, but so too is Eldon
ruling, using it to enhance the adventure’s story rather
than fixating too much on the rules. Using spells like this
Liverwort, who is so old he
is risky, however, as detailed in Stranger Danger below.
can take a day to rise out
of bed. The Olders all

68 Tales from the Shadows

love Crabapple—unless she reveals herself as a hag— of Big Briar, at which time the effigy is burnt. Such
and, although they are weak, they help her with minor bindings are detailed in area 3 and in the Trollstone
tasks, one of which is detailed further below. and the Briar Troll event, detailed further below.
Stranger Danger
The PCs can speak to locals about the village and its
The PCs are, perhaps unknowingly, in considerable residents with a successful Charisma (Deception or
danger. Crabapple doesn’t like strangers poking their Persuasion) check, but any suggestion of something
noses into the village’s affairs. She and her fellow locals going on between pigs and locals is laughed off.
like to keep this place just that—a local village for local
people; they have no need of strangers. Strangers talk
DC Local Talk
and might bring unwanted attention on the village.
10 Very popular is Aunt Crabapple! A fair and
Trouble occurs if a PC: reasonable matriarch whom we all love and
• casts speak with animals, animal friendship, or charm trust, along with the Olders! And that little
person to identify there is something odd going on friend of hers, Young Todge, helps tend her
in Leer. miraculous stone garden up in her grotto.
• threatens any villager. 15 My, but she brings us big eggs! From those
• shows too much interest in the pigs and starts special two birds of hers, her fell poultry she
asking awkward questions about them. calls them. They must be big, and she says
they’re too mean to be allowed out of her cave.
• becomes aware that when a pig or local dies, a
20 She keeps her favorite pig in the grotto with
corresponding pig or local vanishes accordingly.
her always, dotes on her, they say. I hear she
• releases any of the succulents (area 3). calls her My Little Crabapple when she thinks
Something Special. If any of these events occur, no one is listening. She must really love her!
Aunt Crabapple quietly orders the Older, Mrs.
Grumpleswyne (area 1), to prepare “something
special”—a local, poisonous Shadow Realm 1. THE PARTY FIELD
mushroom called a Beauteous Slumbercap, the Scores of old straw bales, tables, and chairs lie scattered
essence of which is very difficult to smell or taste. If around the periphery of a hill here, on the top of which is a
PCs keep a close eye on Mrs. Grumpleswyne, they can massive wooden effigy of some kind. Flowers, ribbons, and
notice her adding the mushrooms to food or beverage food abound in the cheery space, which is thronged with
with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check; smiling folk.
closely observing Crabapple at work may also yield
A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
this information. Without such an action only a
notices how battered everything is—tables, chairs,
detect poison and disease spell or a DC 25 Wisdom
even the houses look like they haven’t been tended
(Perception) check can detect the slight earthy smell
for many years.
of the mushroom in whatever food or beverage the
PCs are given. Mrs. Grumpleswyne, the best cook in the village,
Beautiful Slumber. Grumpleswyne has enough dishes up the fare from a huge table not far from
Slumbercap essence for 12 doses. A protection from the foot of the hill. This table is laden with goods,
poison spell makes a PC immune to the effects, as do while nearby, a cauldron sits upon a roaring fire.
other types of poison protection. Unless protected, The capable Older and cook is a good friend of Aunt
those consuming the mushroom in any way must Crabapple and may, in certain circumstances, lace
make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be the PCs’ food and drink with the potent local poison
affected by the “beautiful slumber” when they next (see “Stranger Danger” section above). A successful
rest, falling into a deep sleep that only can only be DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check notices a trio of
ended by taking damage (at least 1 hp), or the use of a enormous eggs—about the size of a human head—
lesser restoration spell or a similar effect. on this table, gifts from Aunt Crabapple, from her
Unconscious PCs are wrapped in pig scarecrows “special chickens.”
(area 3), taken quietly by the Olders to the Ravenous See “Two Curious Clues” for information you can
Troll, and gagged and bound, ready for the arrival share with the PCs during the party.

Big Briar’s Blessings 69


A huge, battered wood fence surrounds a muddy sty fed by a A rickety ladder leans up against the cliff face here and rises
duck pond near the tor. Scores of pigs wallow happily within. twenty feet to a cave opening in the face of the tor. Flecks of
This is where most of the village pigs are kept, water from the adjacent waterfall spatter your faces as you
although several escape from time to time and survey the area.
wander about looking for food. Presently, the
fence is secure and keeps in a pig formerly known 6. ENTRANCE
as Charlock, who may be of some help to the PCs
The ladder ends at a narrow shelf of rock at the entrance
(see “Events” section below). When the PCs are
to the grotto, beyond which is a wide cavernous area. The
investigating the sty, remember that spells that affect
entire east and south walls form a magnificent waterfall
animals do not work on the peopleswine.
that cascades into the chamber and out through gaps in the
The pond is fed by the waterfall adjacent to Aunt rock down to the village below. A cave opening lies across the
Crabapple’s Grotto (area 5); the water cascades down vast, dark pool; there is a large wooden gate there.
the tor, forming a stream that feeds into the pond.
Crabapple pulls the ladder up after her when she goes
3. THE RAVENOUS TROLL into her cave and then also uses the ladder as a bridge
to get across the dark pool (area 7) to the cavern above
Atop the large hill at the center of the village sits an (area 8).
enormous, wooden effigy in the shape of some sort of leering
giant with a bulbous head. A ramshackle ladder leads up to 7. THE PETRIFYING WELL
the mouth of the figure, and the mouth of the effigy has been
filled with stuffed sacks wearing horrid pig masks—some This waterfall is crammed with slowly petrifying objects—
kind of “pig scarecrow.” The earth surrounding the effigy you make out countless curiosities, from dolls to kettles,
shows signs of old charring. cartwheels to scissors.
Tied by ribbons to a stone post near the base of this The petrifying well is a natural curiosity that slowly
structure are three young pigs. coats objects in mineral deposits.
The three succulents seem quite content to munch The water in the cave is cool but not deep, barely
on the turnips scattered at the foot of the structure. 4 feet in most places, but the floor below is slippery;
The ribbons securing them to their posts are wrapped PCs trying to move in the water must make a
around more substantial pieces of rope to prevent successful DC 10 Dexterity check each round or fall
them from running away. The ladder allows locals to prone. Crabapple uses the ladder from area 6 as a
easily feed the effigy—more wood or scarecrows— makeshift bridge, fixing it to two raised stones so it
and are quite sound; they do not burn (perhaps they lies as indicated on the map.
were made fire resistant by the peopleswine when If Crabapple is chased into this area (or hiding
they were ascendant) and should allow easy escape here), she throws the ladder into the water and leaves
for any PCs who find themselves within the burning the gate into area 8 open, though the creatures within
effigy (see “Events” section below). don’t like water much so stay there unless they hear
The land here is charred from previous effigies, and potential prey.
several giant footprints (belonging to Big Briar) exist Treasure. Most of the petrifying objects are
nearby, heading away from the effigy and the village. mundane items with no value, but among them is a
very large silver candlestick engraved with the image
4. THE CIDER VAT of a skunk eating bees (worth 300 gp) and a glass
lampshade covered in pictures of bugbears playing
The smell of fermentation hits you long before you see the
harpsicords (worth 175 gp). Both objects are partially
massive stone cistern full of crushed, fermenting apples
stone-covered, and a successful DC 10 Dexterity
standing in a small clearing between houses.
check is required to clean them; if an object is not
cleaned, or the check to clean it fails, it is worth half
its listed value.

70 Tales from the Shadows

8. CHICKEN COOP or Intelligence [Investigation] check to locate) is the
Horrid Fetish.
Beyond a 5-foot-high gate with a simple latch, you see a The Horrid Fetish. The fetish is a revolting, leathery
large chamber with rough walls of natural stone, the floor of thing that looks a bit like a child’s doll, but with a
which is covered with straw and feathers, and the entire area bloated, leering face surrounded by thick matted
reeks of feces and rot. Inside are a pair of enormous chickens hair, which sits atop a long, thin bone onto which are
with black and white plumage, though the white feathers are carved a series of runes. Flaccid arms and legs made
so covered in filth that the original color is like some long- of hair dangle preposterously at its side. The entire
forgotten memory. When the creatures see you, they both foul object is very brittle and flammable.
make quizzical squawks then rush forward to attack. The runes are very difficult to read and initially
Two of Crabapple’s chickens reside here. The birds make no sense. However, a PC making a successful
are perpetually cross and hungry, and if the gateway DC 12 Intelligence check notices the runes are
into area 7 is left open, they rush out to attack stylized and reversed. Holding them before a mirror,
anything that looks or sounds edible. The creatures or transcribing them in reverse, allows the words to
ignore Crabapple as she feeds them well on moles, be read:
hedgehogs, and the occasional piglet. We curse you foul sister
The coop is a foul place of straw, half eaten things, to forever wallow with swine
and perhaps a huge egg. A ladder gives access 20 feet for your sloth we twist you
up to area 9. Again, a fleeing or hiding Crabapple now our miseries shall be thine
draws the ladder up, necessitating a climb like the one
shift from woman to beast
at area 6.
and when you can no longer abide
Creatures. Two of Crabapple’s Chickens. Use the
burn this, the curse shall cease
statistics of terror birds (Creature Codex; or substitute
but remember the cost of pride
griffons with the changes noted below).
Creature Change. If you use the statistics for a If the fetish is burned (which it does easily) Aunt
griffon in place of a terror bird, add pack tactics but Crabapple and her pig burn with it, immolating
remove the fly speed. entirely in 3 rounds, leaving behind an unpleasant
smell of sweat and roast pork. See Concluding the
9. A HAG’S BOUDOIR Adventure for more information.

You climb up the ladder into what is a remarkably civilized

space. The walls are rough and natural, as in the room
below, but you see a small, rustic kitchen; a lit fireplace,
before which is a fur rug; and a comfortable-looking bed.
There are two side chambers; one, to the north, contains a
cot, and the other, larger, chamber to the northeast has a
Angry Locals
wooden gate across it; it smells of farmyard, and you can see At various stages in the adventure, the PCs may anger
an enormous pig inside. the locals. The local mob is not a great fighting unit, but
merely a group of angry commoners armed variously
This is Crabapple’s home, a very comfortable space with clubs, pitchforks, and things they can throw like
indeed. The two side chambers are areas 10 and 11, rocks or knives. This mob acts like a bar brawl (see
described below. appendix), but without the liquid courage ability. Unless
Treasure. Inside a trunk at the foot of the bed, there PCs stipulate that they are not using lethal attacks,
is a tiny three-headed mermaid in a glass jar (worth when the brawl reaches 0 hp, the battle results in 1d4
150 gp), and the central mermaid in the jar wears + 1 locals dead, and, out of sight, a similar number of
an incredibly dirty ring of feather falling around her pigs squeal and vanish, never to be seen again. The
neck. Also in the trunk, within an old leather glove, mob, once overpowered, are unable to form a coherent
is a very fine opal (worth 1,500 gp). The rug in front force again for the remainder of the adventure but still
of the fireplace is the fur of a dire wolf (worth 100 interact as NPCs (e.g., to shout disapproval, etc.). If any
gp). In a very well-hidden recess just above the bed of the villagers are harmed, any future social interaction
(requiring a successful DC 20 Wisdom [Perception] ability check with any local is made with disadvantage.

Big Briar’s Blessings 71

10. YOUNG TODGE’S COT recalls their meaning—that if the fetish is destroyed
the village curse is lifted.
A foul-smelling, very unpleasant cot fills this tiny space. The problem, of course, is that Charlock is now an
The cot is decorated with an upsetting array of daisy chains old pig in the Great Sty (area 2) and though she really
comprised of the tails of cats, mole paws, dead starlings, and wants to tell the strangers in town what she knows,
piglet tails. her thoughts—like those of all the peopleswine—are
Young Todge often sulks here thinking up cruel jumbled in her head, and she can’t talk.
things to do and wishing he had a friend. Give the PCs three chances during the party to spot
Charlock squealing at them or scratching on a fence,
11. PIGPEN staring straight at them. A successful DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check notices her; lower the DC to 12 if
This chamber is full of straw, and an enormous pig lies
the PCs spend time looking around the Great Sty.
within; the beast looks as if it could easily weigh more than
Approaching Charlock. If approached, it is clear
a thousand pounds and is nearly six feet from snout to tail.
to a PC who makes a successful DC 12 Intelligence
Unlike the chicken coop, which was full of filth and rot, this
(Nature) or Wisdom (Animal Handling) check that
pen is quite tidy and clearly well-cared for. The pig looks up
she is afraid. She’s also a pig, so the only way she can
at you curiously, tilting its head and wagging its tail.
communicate with PCs is by drawing something with
The pig—Crabapple’s pig alter ego—was brought her trotters. She needs 3 rounds to draw each of the
here as a piglet and now nearly fills the entire two objects below, but the PCs are interrupted on
chamber. She is not aggressive; in fact, she’s quite a both occasions by a curious local who wanders over.
happy pig. Her statistics are those of a giant boar, Unless distracted—via a successful DC 12 Charisma
but she won’t attack unless she is attacked first. If check, by magic, or with superb or hilarious
Crabapple the hag dies, a new iteration of her appears roleplay—the local sees something odd happening,
here in its place—fully formed as an adult—and the jumps the fence, kicks the pig, and scuffs the drawing.
whole sorry cycle begins again, with a new Crabapple Aunt Crabapple is subsequently told, and not long
pig appearing somewhere in the village soon after. after, poor Charlock gets some juicy turnips laced
with Beauteous Slumbercap. She falls asleep and
remains so for the rest of the adventure . . . at least
Two Curious Clues until she becomes bacon 24 hours later; Crabapple
Allow the PCs to learn the following during the party, does love the occasional naughty treat.
to help them unravel the secret in Leer. The two drawings are not easy to make out—you
might even crudely want to do the drawings wrong
THE OLD SOW THAT REMEMBERS handed for fun—the first is a ladder (leading to area
The last time Aunt Crabapple was a person, she took 5), the second is what might be a child’s head on a
a shine to a young girl called Charlock. Crabapple stick but is actually the Horrid Fetish (area 9).
used to bounce young Charlock on her knee and tell
her stories about the wicked sisters she had and how
they cursed her. She even went so far as to let the child For three little girls, the impending gift-giving
play with the Horrid Fetish the curse was bound to (see celebration is really, really scary. That horrible boy
area 9). But Charlock was not so young and quite Dropwort has been telling them that every time a pig
smart—she had read the odd words on the Horrid dies someone in the village vanishes. And with the
Fetish. She was too scared of Aunt Crabapple to say three succulents this season being all little sows, he’s
or do anything, but those tales and the object seared told the three girls—Poppy, Woodra, and Raspberry—
themselves into her memory. that when the sows are eaten, the girls will vanish too.
Not long after this, Aunt Crabapple fell off her The girls are too frightened to ask the grownups,
ladder and broke her neck, and everyone switched. but they’re wondering if maybe the kind strangers in
Charlock’s memory is strong, however, and even town might know. However, they know that talking
her peopleswine self remembers being bounced on to strangers is a bad thing to do. They toy with the
Crabapple’s knee and reading the words on the fetish. idea of freeing the succulents, too, but they know they
And though she doesn’t understand the words, she would get into terrible trouble if found out.

72 Tales from the Shadows

The girls hang around the succulents, desperately GAMES AND PLAY AND FOOD AND DRINK
thinking of a way to set them free. If the PCs watch Allow the PCs to play games of chance with the locals
the succulents, give them two chances in the evening throughout the party, perhaps simple throwing or
to spot the girls fretting; a successful DC 15 Wisdom eating games, with DC 12 checks. Ensure the PCs are
(Perception) is required to notice. kept in the thick of things so they are forced to sneak
Talking to the Three Girls. The girls each have a off if they wish to dig deeper. . . .
passive Perception of 10, and, unless the PCs sneak up
on them, they try to flee, resulting in a simple chase; THE GREAT DANCE
any PC who succeeds on a DC 10 Dexterity check
Drums, whistles, and pipes are suddenly gathered and
can catch them. If PCs catch them or surprise them,
a great ruckus starts up. Everyone gets up for the Great
the girls squeal and a grownup arrives to investigate
Dance. The PCs are grabbed and hurled into the fray
soon after. Because of this, the PCs only have time to
by snorting locals. The dance is mad, dizzying, and
attempt a single DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check
seemingly endless. Unless PCs escape—by making
to get the story from the children. Soon after the
either a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or a Charisma
check, a grownup arrives, looks suspiciously at the
(Performance) check if proficient in that skill—they
PCs, and leads the girls away.
are dizzily thrown about, jigged, and bounced until
If any of the PCs have a cute animal for a familiar or
they must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
a cute animal companion (or perhaps are themselves
throw or suffer 1 level of exhaustion. Whether they
a race that is animal-like, such as catfolk or bearfolk),
become exhausted or not, the locals insist on a second
the girls don’t run away at all; two of them make to
dance with similar checks and penalties, before the
run, but one of them—Poppy—wants to pet the fur
locals all finally drop, laughing.
of the familiar, companion, or PC. If the PCs allow
it, the girls all stay, allowing the PCs two attempts (as THE WALLOW
described above) to get the story before adults arrive
The dance goes on until the pigs drop, wallowing and
and take the girls away.
happy, at which point their piggishness may be easier
to spot. Cider is gulped down, jokes are told, tongues
Events are loose. At this stage, PCs making a DC 10 Charisma
(Deception or Persuasion) check may learn something
The events detailed below occur in the order presented. they have missed—perhaps a laughing local sings
about the absence of mirrors, or Crabapple’s poultry,
or lets slip some other useful titbit.
Upon first arriving in town, the PCs are led to Aunt The pigs’ wallowing eventually transitions into
Crabapple, who greets them warmly, offers them sleep, and eventually the party field is covered in
many blessings and asks them to join in the festivities, snoring locals.
which begin with music. The PCs mustn’t mind their It’s at this time that Crabapple and the Olders move
strange country ways, she adds, apologizing for any to poison any sleeping PCs. . . .
odd behavior they might see, adding that our folk are
set in their ways and have no desire for trouble. The THE TROLLSTONE AND BIG BRIAR (AREA 12)
locals are incredibly sociable, squealing and cavorting The trollstone appears just before dawn.
delightedly as the music starts, with bowls of pottage
It stands nearly nine feet high, and once it appears
being passed around and the cider continuously
the locals immediately start decorating it with
flowing. The PCs are pulled into dances or are asked
flowers. Not long after, the Ravenous Troll effigy is
to sing or to play music. Any PC that succeeds on a
lit by Crabapple, with great aplomb and with copious
DC 10 skill check or impresses with their enthusiasm
thanks for the coming Blessings. The Briar Troll
are rewarded with kisses and delighted squeals of
arrives almost immediately once the fire is lit, and the
laughter and encouraged for more. Those who fail
locals back away, smiling, as the troll moves to inspect
attract well-meaning playful laughter, but no kisses.
the succulents. Big Briar is similar in appearance to a
Ensure each PC makes a skill check and takes part
standard troll, but her greenish-brown skin is covered
during the merrymaking.
in brambly thorns and briars.

Big Briar’s Blessings 73

shouting at the villagers: “Defend the troll! Or the
Blessings will be ruined!” If the villagers remain loyal
to Crabapple, they help the troll as a mob (see the
“Angry Locals” sidebar) but are wary of her briars.
The troll is an unthinking brute and fights until dead.
If the troll is slain, the locals jeer and spit at the PCs,
horribly afraid of what will happen now that their
benefactor is gone. Crabapple spits a reconfiguring curse
at a PC, shouting at them, “Leave this village or face
the consequences!” If attacked, she flees to her grotto.
If she is unable to flee, she attempts to get away from
the crowd so she can show her true face; whether she
can or not, she fights to the death.
If at any point the PCs unmask Crabapple as a hag
to the locals, the villagers may be convinced with a
DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check that the troll
is evil and must be slain; if successful, the villagers
help the PCs as a mob (see “Angry Locals” sidebar);
otherwise they simply stand back aghast at events.

Concluding the Adventure

Depending on which choices the PCs make, the
conclusion may play out in either of the ways
described below.


Crabapple’s death switches the locals: Pigs wallow
in clothes, and locals rush off to grab them and
cover their suddenly unclothed bodies. They are
Any PCs within the Ravenous Troll each take 1 confused for a time, but soon after the switch, Aunt
point of fire damage and therefore awaken. Crabapple—who has appeared anew, bright and
Pigs are not very good with knots. Any bound and naked, in her boudoir—calls out to them, “All is
gagged PCs can readily escape the thick ropes used well! All is well! Aunt Crabapple is here.” The new
to bind them in 3 rounds with a successful DC 10 Crabapple remembers nothing of PCs or other recent
Dexterity check, a DC 15 check accomplishes the events at first, but will soon enough. . . .
same feat in 2 rounds, and a DC 20 in a single round.
Each round the PCs are within the burning effigy they
must make a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw If the PCs burn the Horrid Fetish or kill both
or take 7 (2d6) fire damage. Crabapples within a reasonable amount of time (5
The locals scream if they see the poor strangers or 10 minutes), the curse is lifted. Again, the switch
burning, but Crabapple and the Olders keep them occurs, but this time the locals remember everything.
back shouting, “It’s too dangerous to help those A great party—even larger than the Blessings
poor people. What if Big Briar put them there party—is held that night, with the PCs as the guests
deliberately!” of honor again, but this time there is no danger.
If left alone, Big Briar examines the succulents, eats The villagers have no money to speak of, but the
one immediately, and drags the other two away, both residents might recall a cache of magical goods
pigs squealing desperately. The troll then leaves the hidden nearby and reward the PCs with them.
village. If attacked, she attacks back, with Crabapple

74 Tales from the Shadows

The Lost Treasure
of Paletree Rise

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND has convinced him that the Queen will provide him
In the Whispering Plains, far to the North of a position in her court when she returns from her
Corremel, lies a range of rocky hills known as the exile—if he can keep her pet, c’Naazo, fed, where it
Paletree Rise. Travellers avoid the monster-infested resides in its lair in the hills of Paletree Rise. Friedel
hills, where manticores hunt, shadows dance, and faked a manuscript describing the “treasure vault”
strange trumpeting cries rise at dusk. and has concocted a plan to convince heroes to
willingly explore c’Naazo’s lair under false pretenses;
The scholars of the Shuttered Tower know few of
with their inevitable deaths, Friedel thinks his place
the hills’ secrets. But the cloistered scholars, whose
in the Banished Queen’s court is all but assured.
home sits at the border of the Queen’s Wood and the
Burial Mound. The hills are a cursed burial mound
Whispering Plains, have recovered a manuscript in
for a nameless titan from a long-forgotten age. The
nearby ruins that suggests a great treasure is buried
hills follow the contour of the titan’s body, its hideous
somewhere in Paletree Rise.
shape only visible from high, high above. While in the
A long-forgotten monarch (referred to in
hills, the PCs’ sleep is troubled by the titan’s curse,
the manuscript only as “the banished Queen”)
and the truth of the place is revealed in their dreams.
commissioned a vault to be dug in secret, where it is
Giant Hand. The tree that sits atop the highest hill
said she buried ingots of magical steel made in cold
in Paletree Rise is not a tree at all; it is an enormous,
forges in a place of great power. What arms might
clawed, skeletal hand that rises from the dirt,
be made from this metal haunt the dreams of smiths
reaching inexorably toward the dark skies above.
across the Shadow Realm and beyond.
The Banished Queen and c’Naazo. When she still
The manuscript’s final pages refer to two magic
walked the Shadow Realm, the Banished Queen was
lanterns being placed within Paletree Rise. Should
drawn to Paletree Rise, where she discovered the
the lanterns be lit, a trail will appear to whomever it
presence of the titan beneath the sands. As she sought
be that illuminates them, guiding them toward the
the source of the curse and the region’s magical
Banished Queen’s hidden vault.
power, she encountered c’Naazo, the remains of the
Deceiver. Several weeks ago, while studying a
titan’s hand brought to a mockery of life by strange,
series of letters exchanged between long-dead
ineffable magic. Rather than destroy the creature, she
sorcerers, Scholar Friedel was suddenly taken with
befriended it, offering it sacrifices from her dwindling
the urge to write. Friedel believes the source of this
court. In return, the aberration connected the Queen
inspiration was the dark will of the Shadow Grimoire
to the magic of the titan and the dark knowledge
(see appendix), believing it found a way to access the
buried in its skull under the hills. The Queen became
scholar’s mind through this correspondence. Friedel
fond of the aberration and placed the lanterns to
now wishes to gain the favor the “grimoire’s” patron,
guide her minions to its lair if the need ever arose.
the powerful “Banished Queen.” The “grimoire”

The Lost Treasure of Paletree Rise 75

ADVENTURE HOOKS Nightmare. The first time the PCs attempt a long
rest inside Paletree Rise, they each experience the
Either of the following hooks can be used to draw the
following nightmare:
characters into the adventure.
Reward for Lost Book. The PCs discover a tome Your breath leaves your body as you are forcefully thrown
of treatises about Melgros. A stamp on the last into the air. Cold wind pierces your clothing and armor as
page of the book declares it to be the property of you rise, drawing the heat from your bones. You look down
The Shuttered Tower. A small note on the inside to see the undulations of Paletree Rise, the hills rippling like
cover declares the book property of The Shuttered water before you. Higher still you climb, until the shape of
Toward and promises that if this book is lost and the land below offers up a dreadful vision. You see a titanic
then returned to the Tower, a “generous reward will corpse, its many limbs stretching out in all directions, its
be provided.” It provides directions to a shadow road long skull turned to face the east. The body’s contours form
leading to the tower. PCs returning the book are given the shape of the hills themselves. Once you grasp the nature of
100 gp and are introduced to Scholar Friedel, who the hills, you awaken with a start.
needs adventurers to explore Paletree Rise.
Shadowy Meeting. While the PCs are in a city
on unrelated business, a minion (shadow) of the Scholar Friedel
Shuttered Tower implores the party to meet with
Scholar Friedel. If they agree, they are given a key A stooped man of indeterminate age stands before you
made of pressed shadowstuff that opens the tower’s in thin, slate-colored robes. His face is half hidden in
heavy doors. Friedel greets them on their arrival with the shadows of a hood, whose trim is interwoven with
an offer of adventure in Paletree Rise. moon‑white thread. A wispy beard catches the light of a
nearby sconce. The man leans heavily on a wooden staff, his
arthritic fingers wrapped around the dry limb-like claws.
The Titan’s Curse Friedel (NE umbral human mage) is a senior scholar
The nameless titan whose body lies under the hills in the Order of the Shuttered Tower. He spends most
of Paletree Rise has cursed the region. PCs with of his time alone among the tomes and scrolls. He is
the ability to cast spells sense a magical presence as abrupt, awkward, and easily startled. Friedel looks to
soon as they step within 100 yards of the place. Any be in his seventieth year but seems hale and spry.
spellcasting PC can make Intelligence (Arcana) checks
to attempt to learn the effects of the curse. Use the
“Curse Effects” table to determine what the PCs learn: Friedel tells the PCs the following lie:
In those hills on the Whispering Plain, a great treasure is
buried. Not gold, nor silver, nor the antiquities of history’s
DC Information Learned or Known heroes—no; I have found reference, in a newly rediscovered
5–9 Sleep will be troubled here. ancient manuscript, to a store of magical steel ingots, whose
10–14 The hills are cursed and spending too long
here is dangerous.
15–19 The source of the curse is a powerful and
ancient creature.
20 The creature who cursed the hills is dead
but lives inside the dreams of those who
Adjusting the Curse
sleep within its bounds. For PCs whose class relies on long rests to remain
effective and fun, feel free to adjust the curse so that,
Troubled. Creatures taking a long rest within the instead of preventing a PC from gaining the benefits of
limits of Paletree Rise must make a DC 13 Wisdom a long rest, it halves the number of spell slots or uses
saving throw; on a failure, the creature cannot gain of class resources. If the party is struggling, you may
any of the benefits of a long rest until after the next also limit the effects of the curse further. The curse is
intended to make staying in the hills unpleasant, but the
dawn. The DC of this saving throw increases by 1 each
adventure should still be fun for everyone.
time the creature attempts a long rest inside the hills.

76 Tales from the Shadows

properties are far too numerous to list. I have secured buyers
for these ingots should we recover them! A fortune awaits us!

Friedel provides the following falsehoods as facts:

• The vault containing the ingots is hidden and can
only be found through magical means.
• The vault’s builder, a forgotten noble, had two
lanterns placed within the hills of Paletree Rise.
Should the lanterns be lit, their magic is released,
and a path to the vault is revealed.
• If the party retrieves the ingots and returns them
to Friedel, he will pay them 5,000 gp. As further
incentive to returning the ingots to him, the scholar
also offers a collection of onyx figurines carved to
depict warriors in battle (worth 1,000 gp).

Friedel has researched the Shadow Grimoire for many
years, and his desire to possess the tome has made
him lose his grip on reality. Through accumulated
fragments of knowledge, he has convinced himself the
grimoire is speaking to him, but it’s actually just him
slowly going insane.
Scholar Friedel communicates with the “grimoire”
via ink and paper. He writes his questions using a
magical quill, and he believes the tome guides his
hand to write a response. In this way, Friedel and the the hills. The other location, marked “The Lodge,” is
“grimoire” have concocted a plan to feed c’Naazo. atop a hill in the west. The southern edge of Paletree
What the scholar wants most is to please the Rise is fifteen miles north of the Shuttered Tower. The
“grimoire”. He imagines serving the Banished Queen map can be used by any PC to navigate to the location
as an advisor and scholar. Feeding the queen’s pet, he without skill checks.
thinks, is a sure way to accomplish this goal.
The scholar does not know of the Titan’s Curse,
or even the fact that the hills are formed upon the
remains of the titan. He also does not know who or
what the Banished Queen is; he’s simply doing what The Lie Must Remain
he believes is the bidding of the Shadow Grimoire. The PCs might be suspicious of the offer and may
Friedel follows the party throughout the adventure, attempt to discern the trustworthiness of Scholar Friedel.
using a ring of invisibility to remain hidden. It is the They may employ skills or magic (detect thoughts, for
scholar who seals the party into the lair of c’Naazo example) to catch the NPC in a lie. Under the influence
once they have entered it. of the Shadow Grimoire, the scholar is magically shielded
Friedel provides a map to the two lanterns if the from such intrusive spells. A successful DC 20 Wisdom
party agrees to the work. (Insight) check may reveal that the scholar is keeping
some information back, but the PCs are unable to detect
THE SCHOLAR’S MAP any malevolent intentions.

The map provided by scholar Friedel is crude but You might wish to allow the PCs—perhaps with a
successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check—to get
serves its purpose. It shows two locations in the hills
a sense that someone is following them, but scholar
of Paletree Rise, and the PCs are free to explore them
Friedel should be allowed to shadow the party without
in any order. The first location, marked “The Well,”
being caught.
is at the bottom of a valley in the northern reaches of

The Lost Treasure of Paletree Rise 77

16 Wisdom (Insight or Perception) check, a PC can
The Trail to Paletree Rise determine that Orville’s demeanor and movements
The trail to Paletree Rise winds through the plains, and, as are unnatural. Orville uses his innate ability to read
you walk, the white grass sways, serpent-like, though the thoughts while conversing with the PCs, and if he
air is still. On the distant horizon, the jagged peaks of the suspects they are going to reveal him, he claims they
Mistcall Mountains claw at the soot-colored sky. Here and are robbers and attacks. Netha and Yorgen will defend
there along the trail, small patches of shrubs grow. Their “Orville” if he is attacked but quickly turn on him if
leaves are sparse, and flightless birds dart between them, the doppelganger’s form is revealed through combat
their button-eyes watching as you go. or other means.
How Fares the Road. If conversation is friendly,
Having accepted Friedel’s map and its related quest, the traders warn the party they were followed by
the PCs must ride fifteen miles north of the Shuttered wolves—or perhaps something worse—for several
Tower to begin their search. miles. They did not catch good sight of the beasts, but
Yorgen saw a canine form loping in the whispering
grass nearby. Of Paletree Rise, the trio know nothing.
Ahead, you see three riders pulling a rickety cart Netha suggests the place is best avoided but offers
overburdened with wooden barrels. Two women and one little to back up her claim.
man, human, all similarly middle-aged, ride toward you
on tired horses. The woman’s hair is folded into braids tight PAINTED STONES
against her scalp, stretching the skin of her forehead taut To the right of the trail, you spy a flash of color in the grass.
against her skull. Her face is sharp and severe with dark You discern a cluster of stones, each no bigger than a plum,
circles ringing dull gray eyes. One of the men is broad and sitting piled one atop the other. The stones are painted in
boasts a large red beard and flattened nose. The reins of his several colors, and even from a distance you can see the paint
horse are comically small in his ham-sized fist. The last man looks fresh.
is clean-shaven and attractive, dressed in velvet finery soiled
by the road. He grins at you as the trio approaches. Scattered throughout the Whispering Plains are
clusters of painted stones (see appendix). These
On the trail, the PCs encounter three traders heading ubiquitous artifacts come in eight colors: puce,
toward Corremel. The traders come from Wormwood indigo, violet, slate, mustard, juniper, umber, and
and have followed the trail running through the bone. The stones were once members of a fey court,
Whispering Plains for several days. now fallen from memory, who were betrayed by their
The severe-looking woman is named Netha (N King—sacrificed in a plot only the stars can recall.
umbral human thug); she handles the money-related The King, cursed for his murderous treachery, now
dealings for the trio. She offers few words and seems stalks the Whispering Plains, collecting the stones in
antsy to move on. The large man is named Yorgen his clawed hands. However, his work is never done,
(CN umbral human berserker), and he serves as the as each night while he rests, the stones tumble away
group’s muscle. He keeps a wary eye on the PCs but from him and escape. And so, this strange cycle has
is not unfriendly. The smiling man was once named continued for an age. Over time, the King has grown
Orville but has been replaced by a doppelganger who more and more monstrous, his despair twisting his
killed Orville in his sleep and took his place to enter body into an aberration.
Corremel; Netha and Yorgen suspect nothing of him. The PCs discover a pile of these stones (one of
Trade. The traders’ cart contains a load of black each color) while travelling to Paletree Rise. If they
pepper (worth 500 gp). The pepper is mundane and keep one or more of the stones, the Painted King
of a high quality. The barrels bear the mark of the Ash (see appendix) comes to collect them during their
Crow trading company, a stylized outline of a crow travels in the area. The King stalks the PCs and waits
within a triangle. for the opportunity to surprise them, complicating
The Doppelganger. The monster plays the part of a their rest, or adding himself to an ongoing battle. The
charismatic leader very well. He is friendly and greets King abandons combat if the stones are offered to
the PCs with a smile. PCs with a passive Perception him, though he has no mind with which to bargain or
of 14 or higher note something is amiss with the man reason. The King comes to collect the stones even if
but can’t quite articulate why. With a successful DC they have lost their magic.

78 Tales from the Shadows

Arriving at Paletree Rise
You see a range of hills before you. The grass becomes sparser
there, giving way to great boulders churned up from below
Traveling from Site to Site
The three sites of this adventure (the Well, the Lodge,
in quakes from another age.
and the Lair of c’Naazo) are roughly six miles from one
Paletree Rise is a cursed place generally avoided by another. The PCs should be able to travel to all three
beasts and inhabited by creatures accustomed to the locales within a day. If you intend for the PCs to spend
lingering evil below the ground. In addition to the several days in Paletree Rise, be mindful of the stacking
previously detailed curse, the following hardships effect of the curse when planning encounters.
await those who travel through the hills.
Foul Springs. The few pools of water in the hills are
fouled by the remains of the titan, whose marrow
pollutes and corrupts. The water is undrinkable to
cobble together the beginnings of a small village
all creatures except aberrations and monstrosities.
using stone, mud, and what little plant fiber the
A creature who drinks the water and who is not an
region provided. The well was dug where a pool
aberration or a monstrosity must succeed a DC 18
formed from a now-dried-up aquifer that was tainted
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 24
by the bones of the titan below. Over time, the
hours. A successful saving throw only prevents the
goblins grew sick and developed strange and fatal
creature from becoming poisoned; it does not allow it
diseases. The shaman of the community (the last one
to gain the benefits of drinking water.
alive) threw the villager’s remains into the well and
Creatures. A pride of 3 manticores serves as the
fled the hills.
region’s apex predators. Under the roaring direction
Centuries ago, the Banished Queen had one of the
of the battle-scarred Akresh (manticore with 85 hp),
lanterns hidden in the dry cave below the well.
the monsters control the skies and keep their lair
in the ruins of a keep in the south of the hills. If the AMONGST THE STONES
PCs are not attempting to move stealthily, they are
The remains of the goblin village—now little more
easily spotted by the manticores; if they are moving
than rubble—form a circle 30 feet from the well.
stealthily, the manticores only fail to spot them if
Only the vaguest shapes of walls remain.
the PCs make a successful DC 18 group Dexterity
(Stealth) check. If the PCs are spotted, the manticores Creatures. A colony of gricks (with the changes
attack, eager to bring Akresh fresh meat. The noted below) has established itself in the stones
abandoned cargo and goods of countless traders sits here, feasting on the insects and animals using
unaccounted for in Akresh’s foul lair. the valley as a path through the hills. The colony’s
population is three, plus one grick for each party
member beyond four.
Creature Change. The gricks have been altered by
The Overflowing Well the corrupting presence of the titan; their beak attack
is replaced by the following:
Arriving at the bottom of the valley, you see an area cleared
of stones and stunted shrubs. Scattered at the edge of the Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage and 1 poison
clearing are the stone foundations of small buildings long
damage. Creatures who take poison damage from this
ago crumbled to ruin. In the middle of the clearing is an
attack are blinded until the end of their next turn.
unadorned stone brick well—its wooden cover long ago
rotted and crumbled away. From the well’s mouth, a steady Treasure. Any PC searching the rubble finds 150 sp
stream of dust pours onto the surrounding ground. scattered throughout. A successful DC 13 Wisdom
The well was constructed by a small community (Perception) check reveals a tattered leather apron
of goblins who sought to establish themselves in with a pouch containing a crude but usable set of
the Paletree Rise hills. Despite their unrefined mason’s tools. The kit’s chisel, made of grick beak, is
construction techniques, the goblins managed to a Goblin Chisel (see appendix).

The Lost Treasure of Paletree Rise 79

WELL MOUTH lie scattered throughout the Hacking Pool (area 1).
A creature with a passive Perception of 14 or higher
The air around the well is dry and choking. The closer you who descends the shaft of the well notices traces of a
get, the tighter your throat and chest become. foul, black, tarry substance on the rock walls. This is
The well expels a flume of choking dust rising from the residue of a black pudding that lairs in crevasses
the caves below. The well’s opening is large enough and hollows of the well shaft.
to accommodate the passage of a Medium creature
without squeezing. The well descends 20 feet into the 1: THE HACKING POOL
ground. The sides of the well’s walls are easily climbed This oval-shaped natural cavern once hosted a pool of
and offer many hand- and footholds. water. It is now the source of the magical dust which
The Dust. The dust rises from below and spills out fills this area, the well shaft, and the area around the
around the well in a 10-foot-radius sphere. The dust well above ground.
also fills the well itself and
area 1 below. Creatures who
breathe while in the radius of
the dust must succeed on a DC
14 Constitution saving throw
each minute or be poisoned
until they leave the area.
Succeeding on this saving
throw renders the creature
immune to this effect for 24
hours. The dust rises from a
magical pool in area 1. Using
dispel magic on the pool is the
only permanent way to stop
the dust from flowing upward.
Spells that normally affect
natural dust, like gust of wind,
affect the dust normally.


The small cave system at
the bottom of the well is
entirely dark, and all passages
connecting the caves require
Medium or larger creatures to
squeeze to get through. The
bones of the afflicted goblins,
thrown down the well by their
shaman upon their deaths,

80 Tales from the Shadows

Pool of Dust. The pool is six feet deep and is
magically enchanted to produce the poisonous dust.
The Hunting Lodge
The magic of the pool can be permanently dispelled Built on the flat top of a gently sloping hill, a stone and
with a dispel magic spell. wood lodge sits surrounded by crumbling outbuildings and
Creatures. The black pudding emerges and falls patches of thistle-bound shrubs. The front door is missing,
onto any creature foolish enough to stand below the but the cabin is otherwise mostly intact. The thatch roof has
well’s opening. It attacks from hiding, surprising any all but disintegrated.
creatures (passive Perception of 18 or better notices
The derelict hunting lodge was built as a business
the pudding) arriving via the well in area 1.
venture by gnome brothers. Secreting their wealthy
2: THE EXTINGUISHING CAVERN patrons along a short stretch of shadow road, the
brothers promised rare and dangerous hunting for a
Passing through the narrow opening to the north, you discerning clientele. The monsters of the region had
emerge into a wide cavern. The walls here are covered in little patience for the gnomes’ endeavors, however,
sharply drawn words and symbols. Hanging from an oily and the lodge was quickly abandoned.
chain affixed to the low ceiling is an iron lantern, unlit and
The place is infested with evil spirits drawn to the
swaying slightly in the still air.
magic of the Banished Queen’s lantern, which sits
This cavern contains one of the lanterns left centuries in the soot and dust of the lodge’s cold hearth. A
ago by the Banished Queen, the magic of which successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) check—made
shows the way to c’Naazo’s lair. with advantage if the PC is proficient with carpenter’s
Dark Script. The writing on the wall is a powerful tools—can determine the lantern seems to predate
spell trap written in a forgotten language known as the lodge.
Old Umbral. Any PC with the ability to cast 1st-level Ironically, the immediate region around the
sorcerer or wizard spells automatically discerns the lodge serves as the hunting ground for a monstrous
dangerous nature of the writing. If a PC can read elephantine creature and its spawn. The ground
the writing through magical means, they learn the around the lodge and outbuildings contains obvious
writing’s trap triggers if the lantern is lit, though what tracks; the creature and its smaller spawn have well
the nature of the trap is remains a mystery. The trap trampled this area. A successful DC 12 Intelligence
functions as an 8th-level spell and can be dispelled (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check suggests the
using dispel magic. A PC who lights the lantern tracks were made by 4 four-legged beasts of an
immediately suffers the effects of the maze spell for 10 elephantine nature. One set of tracks is significantly
minutes or until they escape. larger than the others. (See the “The Lodge” section.)
Lighting the Lantern. The lantern may be lit
using conventional or magical means. Once it is The Outbuildings
lit, it hovers in the air and a shadowy tendril forms These small shacks might once have served as skinning rooms
and streaks off into the sky. If the matching lantern and storehouses for the lodge’s hunting endeavors. They now
at the Hunting Lodge has been previously lit, the sit broken, exposed, and empty.
tendril stretches out to the entrance of c’Naazo’s
lair. Otherwise, it rises into the air beyond sight. The Journal Fragment. Buried under a few stones is a
moment the lantern is lit, the following additional nearly destroyed leather-bound journal. The book
things occur: is found by any PC who searches the buildings. It
belonged to a client of the lodge who perished at
• The dark script trap triggers.
the hands of Mahrax many decades ago. Flipping
• All sources of light, both magical and mundane, through the journal reveals an intact page with a
are extinguished. crude drawing of a horrid, tusked creature crushing
• The bones of the goblins in area 1 assemble into 3 humanoids under its large feat. The words “we are
ghasts (plus one ghast for each PC beyond four) now the prey” are scrawled in the gnomish script
that attack the party. under the drawing.
Treasure. In the northwest corner of this chamber, Treasure. A PC who is actively searching and
there is a large amount of spell components (250 gp succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) or
worth) in an old but well-made wooden coffer. Intelligence (Investigation) check discovers a pile of

The Lost Treasure of Paletree Rise 81

strange leathers hidden in the rubble. The leather is are the victims of the mammoth of Paletree Rise,
made from the hides of the few monsters the hunters Mahrax, who begins its approach of the lodge as
managed to slay before being driven off. A creature soon as any combat begins.
proficient with leatherworker’s tools can attempt to Creatures. There are five shadows (plus one
add the leather to any suit of light or medium armor. shadow for each PC beyond four) dwelling here.
A successful DC 10 Dexterity check made using The Cold Hearth. The Banished Queen’s lantern
leatherworker’s tools results in the armor receiving sits in the hearth, waiting to be lit. The lantern may
a +1 non-magical bonus to its armor class. A failed be lit using conventional or magical means. Once
check results in the leather rendered ruined and the lantern is lit, it hovers in the air and a shadowy
worthless. Unworked, the leather is worth 200 gp. tendril forms and streaks off into the sky. If the
matching lantern at the Overflowing Well has
The Lodge been previously lit, the tendril stretches out to the
The interior of the lodge consists of a foyer, a central chamber entrance of c’Naazo’s lair. Otherwise, it rises into the
with a stone hearth, and four small sleeping chambers. The air beyond sight.
furnishings and decor have been ravaged by weather and The Trumpeting of Mahrax. During the battle with
time. Something glints dully in the black recess of the hearth. the shadows, the party hears Mahrax approaching.
A great trumpeting sounds in the distance, drawing
Spirits in the Lodge. The site of the lodge is infested closer as the shadows are defeated.
with shadows who emerge from the corners and Creatures. The mammoth of Paletree Rise appears
attack any living creature present. The unhappy souls when the final shadow falls. Mahrax (use mammoth

82 Tales from the Shadows

statistics with the phase spider’s Ethereal Jaunt
ability) appears directly beside a PC using his phasing
ability. Mahrax’s three spawn both look almost exactly
like him but are the size of (and use the statistics of) a
boar; the 3 spawn all appear next to another PC in the
same manner as Mahrax. Mahrax and his spawn can
fit in the lodge proper—and can move freely through
its walls, destroying them in the process.

The Pale Tree

Having followed the churning tendril of shadow, you climb
a steep rise and arrive near a pale-barked tree reaching
toward the sky. Approaching the tree, you soon discern
the limbs and trunk are in fact the bony segments of an
enormous, skeletal hand; it points to a spot on the horizon.
But the tendril of shadow delves into an opening near the
wrist of the hand.
The party has arrived at the “vault” described by
Friedel. The scholar is hidden nearby, waiting for the
party to enter c’Naazo’s lair. He plans to use a scroll of
shatter to seal the entrance behind them.


A tunnel descends before you, the variable height and shape
of its steps challenging your balance. The air here stings the
nose and turns the stomach.
The smell is emanating from the poisonous body of
the aberration c’Naazo sleeping below. The tunnel
narrows occasionally, forcing Medium creatures to
squeeze for short stretches. A faint clattering sound
can be heard in the depths of the lair.
aberration with a chitinous, crab-like shell and
THE LAIR OF C’NAAZO three long, segmented, chitin-covered tentacles.
Its legs and tentacles are bone white with flecks of
You emerge into a great cavern. No trace of workmanship
phosphorescent green. Its shell, which has a large
is found in the rough walls and floor of this place. No locked
and obvious fracture in it, is midnight black with
door stands before you. The shadow tendril evaporates as you
phosphorescent green striations running over its
reach the chamber.
surface. The ancient horror takes little time to begin
As you briefly take in the features of the cave, a booming,
its attack, and it fights to the death.
menacing voice sounds from a stony recess nearby and to the
Lingering Syllables. The words c’Naazo uttered are
east of the entry tunnel—"DALDAR DARATH AJGAR
in Void Speech and translate roughly as, “Bleeding
OMOOKOM,” it says.
wounds soak hungry stone,” and its speech seems to
From behind you, up the tunnel, you hear a sudden loud
have a deleterious effect on reality. On initiative 20
ringing noise and then the sound of stone shattering and
(losing all ties), one syllable from c’Naazo’s utterance
collapsing into the tunnel.
returns as a sonic assault. Any creature inside the lair
C’ Naazo the Devourer. C’Naazo (see appendix) who can hear the syllable that is concentrating on a
appears from its resting place and skitters forward spell must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
into the chamber. It is a large, four-legged throw or lose concentration.

The Lost Treasure of Paletree Rise 83

Shattered Entryway. Friedel’s shatter spell has
created an obstacle that will make it difficult to leave
the lair. The PCs can simply take 1 hour to clear Scholar Friedel flees the scene when he hears the
the rubble, allowing them to escape, or a PC can party attempting to free themselves from the lair.
attempt to hurry the process along with a successful He might be tracked by the party, or even captured,
DC 10 Strength (Athletics) ability check. For each though he uses every means at his disposal to escape
PC who succeeds on such a check, reduce the time it undetected. Otherwise, the scholar returns to the
takes to clear the rubble by fifteen minutes. Shuttered Tower where he spends two days preparing
Treasure. C’Naazo has little need for valuables to leave the tower and plead his case to the Banished
and has had very few chances to acquire them. Upon Queen as suggested by the Shadow Grimoire.
its death, the segmented tentacles of the creature If confronted at the Shuttered Tower, Friedel
fall loose upon the floor. Two of the three crack and summons its guardians (two flesh golems) to defend
become useless, while the third remains intact. The him against the party while he attempts to flee.
segmented tentacle—the Chitinous Club of c’Naazo— If captured, he begs to be spared and confesses
can be used as a magical weapon (see appendix) and his plot, admitting to being under the influence of
serves as the only treasure to be found in the lair. what he thinks is the Shadow Grimoire. He is unable to
help the party locate the
magical book. However,
he reveals that, “The
Banished Queen will
soon awaken.”

84 Tales from the Shadows

The Horn of Revels

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Sultry Bloom. Finally, a cutting from a Sultry

The Court of Wine and Roses was a minor fey Twilight rose bush, a rose with a deep purple bloom
court whose rulers were ardent devotees of Baccho, that smells of orange and sage and is said only to
elven god of poetry, wine, and revelry. In its time, grow at the center of the palace’s hedge maze.
the court was renowned for its amazing wines, Patron. The specifics regarding the person who
beautiful musical compositions, and the outrageous hires them can vary depending on your campaign.
debauchery of the parties hosted by its King and They might be approached by a sage whose specialty
Queen. Unfortunately for the monarchs and their is the history of fallen fey courts, or a powerful lord
court, they were too committed to the tenets of or lady from another fey court seeking to improve
the Laughing Prince to avoid the machinations of their station with these rare finds.
other scheming fey courts, and they were destroyed. Reward. Their client rewards the PCs with
Little remains to remind the Shadow Realm of their the sum of 2,000 gp or your choice of any four
existence, save for the occasional rare bottle of wine uncommon or two rare magic items. The patron
vinted by the court, the still-popular songs of its does emphasize that payment is contingent upon
bards, and the lonely, abandoned palace that remains receiving all three items.
amid a vineyard long since overgrown, its gardens
run wild and its famous hedge maze looming nearby.
Recently, a group of brigands, led by a wereboar,
Palace (Ground Floor)
discovered the abandoned palace, and their leader The palace of the Court of Wine and Roses was
has decided to call it home for his not-so-merry band once an impressive and beautiful building. Now
while they figure out what comes next. it is a ruin, partially collapsed, as portions were
gutted by fire before it was abandoned. Time and the
ADVENTURE HOOKS elements have taken their toll, but much of it remains
The PCs are hired to explore the palace of the Court standing. The habitable parts have been occupied by a
of Wine and Roses to find and return with three items wayward wereboar and his band of outlaws.
desired by the NPC who hires them. Outlaw Occupation. A ferocious band of outlaws
Lost Ballad. The first is a lost ballad by Eilshaera—a and brigands, the Tusks are strangers in a strange
famous sable elf bard who was an attendant of the land. While fleeing a force of soldiers bent on
Court of Wine and Roses—which was never publicly capturing the band, the Tusks passed from their
performed before her untimely death. world through an open portal into the Shadow
Rare Vintage. Second is a barrel of the King’s Realm. Their leader gambled on the soldiers not
Prize, a rare wine vintage grown and vinted by the being willing to follow them. He was right; however,
court, where barrels of it were only tapped for revels the portal closed before the Tusks could return home,
at the palace. and now they find themselves trapped in the Shadow
Realm. They eventually stumbled upon the abandoned Bandits on Patrol. While on the palace grounds,
palace of the Court of Wine and Roses and decided to there is a 25% chance of encountering a patrol of four
make it their home until they figured out a way home brigands (thugs, armed with longswords instead of
or how to make their way in this strange, new land. maces). The brigands fight until half their number
Wereboar Beware. The leader of the Tusks is Fergus are lost then attempt to flee to area 12 to alert the rest
ap Hywell (NE wereboar). Fergus is a barrel-chested, of their band, sending one of their number upstairs
hairy man with muttonchop sideburns, bristly black to area 18 to inform Fergus of the intruders. Once
hair, and a scar that runs down the right side of his two such patrols have been encountered, the PCs
face from his hairline, through the left eye (which encounter no others, unless you decide Fergus sends
is blind), and down to the corner of his mouth. In out more of his men from areas 11 and 12.
boar or hybrid form, the scar is still visible, running
down the head through the eye and across one side 1. MAGICAL FENCE
of his snout. Fergus is a gruff and dominating leader,
brooking no dissent from his band. He is also more Several tall stone posts stand in a line between the two
discriminating than most wereboars regarding wings of the palace, enclosing the courtyard. Spidery runes
spreading his curse. Once his followers have proven engraved on the posts flicker with a bluish glow. A weave
loyal and worthy in his eyes, Fergus plans on gifting of transparent, bluish energy stretches between the posts,
them with lycanthropy, turning a simple band of blocking access to the courtyard beyond. As the runes flicker
brigands into a clan of wereboars. Should they find and dim, the weave of energy flickers in and out of existence
no way home, or simply determine it is better to stay, with a faint humming noise.
Fergus has decided the abandoned palace will be their This magical fence once provided the primary
permanent encampment. means of defense for the palace. Decades of neglect

86 Tales from the Shadows

have caused the magic to malfunction; as a result, to a post that does not reduce it to 0 hp releases a
the fence now flickers in and out of existence at surge of energy. All creatures within 5 feet of a post
random intervals. During the periods it stands, it when it surges take 11 (2d10) points of force damage.
functions as a wall of force, except it is translucent A successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw reduces
(rather than entirely transparent), and there are the damage by half.
strategically‑placed gaps in the wall through which
defenders could make ranged attacks. Any creature 2. GRAND COURTYARD
standing adjacent to the fence has three-quarters This once immaculate lawn is now overgrown with creeping
cover against attacks at a range of 10 feet or more vines, brush, and wildflowers. To the north, a staircase leads
from the other side. up to a pair of carved, wooden double doors that appear to be
Dash It. If the PCs attempt to cross into the the main entrance into the palace. There are also single doors
courtyard, they must rush through while one of the leading into the east and west wings. Near the center of the
sections of the fence is down. A successful DC 13 courtyard, an immense tree trunk supports a large object,
Dexterity saving throw allows safe passage past the though at a distance it is unclear what it might be, as the
fence. On a failed save, a creature takes 22 (4d10) vines here have overgrown it, obscuring its true nature.
points of force damage and is thrown back 5 feet and
falls prone. The main doors to the north open into the
Smash It. If one of the posts is destroyed, any antechamber (area 3). The door to the west enters
sections of fence it connects to cease to function the Western Gallery (area 8), but Fergus’ men have
altogether. Each post has AC 17 and 18 hp and a barricaded the door (requiring a successful DC 13
damage threshold of 10. However, any damage dealt Strength (Athletics) check to force it open). The
eastern door opens into the Eastern Gallery (area 16).

The Horn of Revels

As you get closer to the center of the courtyard you can see
that what the vegetation was masking is an enormous,
curling horn. This massive, ram-like horn has a mouth
wide enough for a tall human to stand inside upright. The
mouthpiece is crafted of silver, fashioned in the shape of a
head of a female elf, her lips pursed as if ready for a kiss. The
horn sits on an ancient tree stump, easily twelve feet across,
overgrown with heavy vines that fix the horn in place. A
steppingstone can be found on the ground beside the trunk,
allowing one to step up to the mouthpiece.
This ancient relic was one of the prized possessions
of the Court of Wine and Roses, supposedly gifted to
the royal family of the court by the great god Baccho
himself. It has remained where it currently stands,
neglected, since the fall of the court. Members of the
Tusks who wished to blow the horn upon their arrival
were quickly and violently dissuaded of the notion by
Fergus, who chastised them for fools, as the sound
of such a horn could alert potential enemies within
miles of the place of their presence here. None of the
bandits has since risked defying Fergus in this matter.
Blowing the Horn. If a creature blows the horn, the
instrument lets out a deep, resonant sound that shakes
the very ground and can be heard clearly in any area of
the top two levels of the palace or the hedge maze.

The Horn of Revels 87

Fey Party. The horn also serves to summon
several fey from the surrounding area to the palace,
magically enhancing their mood and making
them inclined to make merry and celebrate. This
summoning and “mood” magic only affects creatures
of the fey type. Sounding the horn also dispels the
palace’s magical fence, allowing the summoned
fey entry to the grounds, where they immediately
begin their revels upon arrival.
Glamorous Glamor. Finally, if the horn is
blown, the entire palace is affected by an illusory
glamor, which causes any creature who can see to
perceive everything in
the palace as polished
and gleaming, with
tablecloths, beautiful
woven tapestries,
immaculate carpets, and
the like—disguising
completely its damaged
and timeworn reality.
Return to Normal. After
24 hours, the magic of the
horn ceases. The fey return to
wherever they came from, the
glamor no longer masks

Regarding Sexual Content and Overtones

The Court of Wine and Roses was famous in its day for its only as much detail as is agreed upon with your players.
excesses, including lavish parties that were often orgiastic Be ready to tone things down by only alluding to such
affairs of legendary proportions. Most of the references activity, or you can simply end scenes by fading to black and
to this are subtle, mainly occurring in descriptions of moving on if too much interaction or description might be
rooms, pieces of artwork, and the like. However, there is problematic. The important thing is that everyone at the
the possibility that the Horn of Revels, a relic of the Court, table can enjoy the game. If you decide you’d rather not
will be used by your PCs, which brings a whole new level include an encounter, simply remove it.
to the fore as the magic of the Horn summons a band of You could also choose to have the magic of the Horn
fey folk in the mood for, well . . . revels. This introduces a of Revels no longer function, that blowing it would make a
different group of encounters, one of which involves some cacophonous noise that alerts the occupants of the palace
sexual situations. to the PCs’ presence and nothing more. If you choose this
Though what we have presented here should be option, consider adding more brigands to Fergus’ band and
appropriate to a “PG-13” rating, as GM, you should place them in areas where any encounters were removed, or
determine your group’s comfort level with these topics in add other creatures you deem appropriate for the setting.
their games prior to running the adventure and provide

88 Tales from the Shadows

the decrepitude of the palace, and the magical fence fresco, though darkened from smoke damage, still
becomes active once again. Spells such as dispel magic shows a massive revel, with myriad fey dancing,
have no effect on the horn’s magic. drinking, feasting, and engaging in various erotic
Revised Descriptions. If the PCs are exploring the entanglements.
palace after the horn is sounded, certain encounters Discovery. A successful DC 14 Wisdom
and descriptions change significantly. In such cases, (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check
there is supplementary text provided in the area uncovers a discarded note on the floor amid the dust.
description preceded by the word “Revel.” In such The note reads:
cases, refer to the Revel text rather than the boxed
text when setting the scene for your players.
I look forward to seeing you for dinner this evening and
Discretion vs. Valor. Given the sudden “invasion”
having you for dessert. I shall bring my new ballad for you
of fey into their new home, Fergus and the Tusks
to hear. It’s only right the one who inspired it should hear
deem it wise to hunker down and wait out the
it first. See you in the Red Room.
situation, except where otherwise noted in the
individual area descriptions. Eilshaera


A series of arches open onto a grander room beyond the Targets hang along the eastern wall. A pair of round tables
entranceway here. To the left and right of the door stand two littered with scattered cards and surrounded by overturned
suits of plate armor, dusty and cobwebbed. An inscription chairs stand beside the southern windows, and a billiards
in flowing script is painted above the main archway across table is to the north.
from the double doors.
Treasure. This room remains as it was when it
The inscription above the door is in Sylvan and reads, was first abandoned. The Tusks have already made a
“Baccho’s blessings and good fortune upon the lord pass through and collected most anything of value,
and lady of this house. Long may they reign.” but a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) or
Creatures. Should anyone attempt to enter through Intelligence (Investigation) check uncovers 3 cp, 2
the archways without reciting the above inscription, gp, and 1 pp on the floor under and near the tables,
the two suits of animated armor step down off their as well as a hidden compartment under one of the
bases and attack. They fight until destroyed. The two card tables where someone seated could pull out
suits pursue intruders anywhere in the palace but do cards to put in their deck. One of the cards in the
not follow them outside. compartment is a lich card from a deck of illusions.
Revel. Should the PCs observe the summoned fey
entering the palace, they note all of them repeat the 6. PARLOR
inscription in a loud voice as they enter. Several padded chairs and a pair of sofas are scattered
4. GRAND FOYER around the room near low tables, their coverings torn and
sprouting stuffing. A cabinet stands open and empty against
A large staircase rises from the center of the room, leading to the wall between the northern windows.
a second-story balcony and the upper level. Decorated arches The cabinet once held liquor, its remaining contents
allow egress from the hall to the east and west. The marble long since taken and drained by the Tusks, who have
tile floor is thick with dust, and the number of sculptures also scavenged the room for anything else of value.
that adorn the hall are veiled in cobwebs. An extensive
Discovery. Scratched into the surface of one of the
fresco covers the ceiling high above, but its subject matter
tables is a series of lines, like a portion of a maze,
is difficult to discern from below in the dim light. The air
apparently showing a path to its center. This can be
carries the smells of dust, damp, and smoke.
noticed with even a cursory examination of the room.
The statues, made of both carved marble and cast Supposedly a remembered path into the center of the
bronze, are nudes of various types of fey, caught in hedge maze, it is incorrect and instead brings those
poses of dance or merriment. If better lit, or if the that follow these directions to the small garden (area
PCs move up the stairs for closer examination, the 2) on the northeastern side of the maze.

The Horn of Revels 89

7. NORTH HALL them placed in the garden proper. There are also
records for the royal wine cellar, showing four barrels
This high-ceilinged hall runs north and south, with a door of King’s Prize stored there. The letters and records
at its southern end and a window looking out to the grounds are from several decades ago.
to the north. An archway opens in the east wall, while a
similar portal to the west is blocked off by charred timbers 10. CHAMBERLAIN’S BEDROOM
and rubble.
Once a well-appointed bedroom, this chamber is dominated
The hall is empty and contains nothing of interest. by a large, canopied bed. A bearskin rug is on the floor before
The exit to the east leads to the parlor (area 6), and the fireplace, and a thick, woven carpet covers the floor
the door to the south opens into the western gallery between the bed and a low wardrobe with a padded leather
(area 8). top. A desk and chair occupy the east side of the room.

8. WESTERN GALLERY This room has long since been looted of anything of
value or interest. The fireplace here is connected to the
This long hall has several tall, narrow windows along the one in area 11. Small or smaller creatures can move
eastern wall, their soot-stained glass or empty, broken through this area from room to room, while Medium
frames offering an expansive view of the courtyard. Along creatures must squeeze through the opening.
the western wall, several smoke-darkened paintings in Revel. A magical glamor gives the illusion that
gilded frames adorn the walls. the room is much more sumptuous, clean, and
The paintings along the wall are portraits of members comfortable than it actually is. A small fire crackles
and relatives of the royal court, as well as a few merrily in the hearth, alongside the sound of joyous
favored friends and companions. Each portrait giggling. A pair of nymphs (see appendix) and four
has a brass plaque affixed to it bearing the subject’s satyrs are lounging on the bed and the bearskin rug.
name and affiliation to the court. One is labeled When the PCs enter, the creatures make pleasant
“Eilshaera, Royal Bard” and depicts a sable elf greetings and encourage the PCs to join in the fun.
regarding the viewer with a sultry gaze as she leans Should the PCs refuse, a successful DC 14 Charisma
upon a large harp. She stands in a room draped in (Deception or Persuasion) check is necessary to
crimson tapestries, with furniture in varying shades gracefully decline without giving insult to the fey folk.
of burgundy, carmine, and vermilion. It hangs near a On a failed check, one of the nymphs and a satyr
portrait of “Liliana, Heir to the Crown,” a statuesque take it personally enough to leave their frolicking and
female sable elf in a gown of emerald green. engage the PCs in combat. Neither is willing to die
over hard feelings, however, and beg off to go nurse
9. CHAMBERLAIN’S LIVING ROOM their wounds if reduced to half of their hit points or
A large, ebony desk faces the door when you enter, with a fewer. Should the PCs not accept their surrender, the
high-backed chair behind it; a bookshelf stands just past the rest of the fey join the fray to save their friends.
chair along the north wall, empty but for a few worm-eaten
volumes. To the south, a torn couch sits against the wall
with a small table before it. In the corners stand two statues, A large fireplace dominates the northern wall, its coals
one of a beautiful elf in a dress carrying flowers, the other a banked and warming the room. A pair of bunkbeds are set
shadow fey playing a fiddle. An enclosed veranda to the west against the southern wall, while another single bed is to the
has several windows looking out onto the grounds. east. To the west of the fireplace is a large wooden desk and a
leather chair.
Once the living area and office of the majordomo,
this room has been long abandoned, though it has Creatures. Once the quarters of the captain of the
recently been rummaged through by the Tusks. guard, this room is now where the lieutenants of
Discovery. Among the old papers in the drawers the brigand band sleep. At any given time, two of
of the desk is a letter mentioning the breeding of the the band’s four lieutenants (bandit captains) can be
Sultry Twilight rose. The letter notes the new roses found here. They respond to intruders with violence.
will be grown and tended at the center of the hedge If combat breaks out in area 12, the lieutenants
maze until the King and Queen give the order to have open the door that connects the rooms to assess the

90 Tales from the Shadows

situation. Each time a bandit falls, one lieutenant If the PCs accept the invitation, they are given
enters the room to provide additional support. heaping plates of food and full flagons and are sent
Treasure. Five footlockers in the room contain the to the servants’ benches to eat. As they’ve willingly
lieutenants’ spare equipment and monetary wealth. accepted the magic of the Horn of Revels, they spend
A total of 210 sp and 70 gp can be found in these the next hour eating, drinking, and making merry. At
containers. the end of the hour, they gain the benefits of the spell
heroes’ feast.
Just beyond the doorway, a spiral stone staircase ascends to
the upper level of the palace. Past the stairwell, bunkbeds A massive hearth, flanked by a pair of ovens, takes up most
line the walls, a pair of footlockers at the end of each. of the northern wall. Shelves, counters, and sinks cover most
This room was once the quarters of the palace guard. of the rest. A couple of well-used chopping blocks stand in the
Now it serves as the sleeping area for the Tusks. center of the room, near a trapdoor in the floor.
Creatures. The lesser members of the Tusks bunk The door in the southwest quadrant of this room
here. At any given time, eight of the brigands (thugs, leads into a pantry, now overrun with vermin and
but armed with longswords instead of maces) can mostly bare. The other doors lead into the dining
be found resting here. They respond to non-fey hall (area 13) and ballroom (area 15) respectively. The
intruders with violence, attempting to fall back to trapdoor leads down to the wine cellar (area 17).
area 11 if at least half their number have fallen in Trap. The trapdoor leading to the cellar has a
combat and they have no lieutenants from that room glyph of warding cast on it. Opening the door without
for support. saying the phrase, “Wine for m’lady” causes a blast
of magical energy in a 20-foot radius, forcing each
13. DINING HALL creature in the area to make a Dexterity saving throw.
Two elaborate, brass chandeliers hang from the ceiling here, A creature takes 22 (5d8) fire damage on a failed
tarnished from neglect, with their candles burnt to nubs. saving throw, or half as much damage on a successful
A long table runs down the middle of the room, bearing a one. The glyph can be discovered with a DC 15
tattered tablecloth and scattered tableware. Chairs ring the Intelligence (Arcana or Investigation) check.
table, some askew, some fallen to the floor. A large hearth Revel. The kitchen appears much the same, only
takes up a portion of the southern wall. Long, wooden cleaner, and there is a shadow fey gladiator (current
benches line the northern wall. hit points 88) sitting on the trapdoor. He is drinking
wine from a keg and nursing what appear to be burns
This hall once was used for smaller and more intimate
that have reddened and blistered his hands and face.
feasts. For large revels, spare tables and chairs would
Appointed to fetch wine for the revel, the guardian set
be brought into the ballroom (area 15). This room has
off the glyph on his first trip down. Now he’s drinking
nothing of value remaining in it.
to take the sting off.
Revel. The dining hall is clean, its chandeliers
If the PCs ask to be let into the cellar, he
polished and aglow with fresh candles. The table is
informs them there’s only one barrel left down
laden with a great feast, and the chairs are all occupied
there, untapped, and he’s saving it for his master.
by shadow fey or sable elves (Book of Ebon Tides). PCs
A successful DC 14 Charisma (Deception or
that approach in a nonhostile fashion are given a
Persuasion) check convinces him to let them down
hearty welcome and encouraged to partake in the
to collect it themselves. Otherwise, he says he’ll
celebration and join the feast. Should the PCs refuse, a
move only if one of the PCs defeats him in a drinking
successful DC 14 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion)
contest. The guardian has already drunk a significant
check is necessary to avoid insult or arousing the ire
amount from his keg. If a PC can succeed on three
of the fey. If the check fails, one of the shadow fey in
out of five DC 14 Constitution saving throws, they
attendance orders his shadow fey gladiator to teach
win the contest. The guardian passes out on the floor,
the rude party crashers some manners.
removing him as an obstacle to the trapdoor.

The Horn of Revels 91

15. BALLROOM Palace (Upper Floor)
This large, empty room has floors of marble tile set with Very little remains of this level of the palace, as it
mosaic images of grapevines, musical notes, and wine sustained most of the damage from the fire that
goblets. A half-dozen ornate, brass chandeliers are suspended ravaged the building many years ago.
from the ceiling. A large alcove with windows viewing the
grounds is accessible through an archway to the east. 18. UPPER GRAND FOYER
Revel. Several fey, mostly shadow fey and sable Stairs rise from the floor below to a walkway that encircles
elves, are in the ballroom, dancing to the music of a the room. Halls lead off to the east and west wings, but the
fey quartet. The PCs are asked to dance. A successful one to the east has collapsed. Charred timbers and broken
DC 14 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check stone block access in that direction.
allows a PC to beg off, but those who fail their checks
The upper level of the eastern wing was demolished in
are offered a different sort of dance, with bared steel.
the fire. The other hall connects to what little remains
Eight shadow fey thugs challenge the PCs to a fight
of the upper level of the western wing.
as the dancers clear the center of the room to give
them space. 19. THE RED ROOM
16. EASTERN GALLERY The furniture, carpeting, and draperies of this room are all
varying shades of red, once vivid, now darkened by smoke
This long hall has several tall, narrow windows along the
and soot.
western wall, their soot-stained glass or empty, broken
frames offering a view of the courtyard. Along the eastern Creatures. This room is now occupied by Fergus ap
wall, several smoke-darkened paintings in gilded frames Hywell, the wereboar leader of the Tusks. He prefers
adorn the walls. The southern portion of the hall has to fight in hybrid form so he can gore opponents
collapsed and is choked with rubble. while he cuts them down with his greatsword.
Treasure. Fergus carries a sack that holds a jade
The collapsed portion of the gallery is inaccessible.
mug (worth 25 gp) and three bloodstones (worth 50
The paintings here are landscapes from various
gp each). A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
planes, but all are heavily damaged by smoke and
or Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a silver
difficult to make out their subject matter.
scroll tube (worth 10 gp). Inside the scroll tube
17. WINE CELLAR is the final ballad written by Eilshaera, entitled,
“Drowning (In Your Wine-Dark Eyes.)” Hidden in
A ramp descends from the trapdoor to a large cellar. Wine the lining of the underside of one
racks line and fill the northern half of the room. Barrels and of the couches is a small,
kegs of various sizes are stacked against the walls to the polished wooden box,
south. Long tables and numerous chairs are stacked in the which can be discovered
center of the room. with a successful DC 15
Treasure. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) Wisdom (Perception) or
or Intelligence (Investigation) finds a single Intelligence (Investigation)
remaining barrel of King’s Prize wine, hidden away check. Engraved on the lid is
behind some barrels in a corner. If the result of the an inscription: To my silver-
check is 14 or higher, examining the remaining tongued love, from your
bottles of wine on the racks also uncovers six intact muse. Inside the box is
bottles of fine wine (worth 25 gp each). an exquisitely beautiful
crystal rose. This is Liliana’s
Rose (see appendix).

92 Tales from the Shadows

The Hedge Maze
A bronze railing encloses this balcony that stretches across The maze was a favored distraction in the Court of
the upper story of the west wing. Wine and Roses and where their rarest and most
This balcony is the only reliable route to travel the prized blooms were cultivated at its hidden center.
upper floor of the west wing. Magic was used to keep the hedges in check and to
preserve their health and vigor, as well as the rare
21. ARMORY roses kept in its central, hidden garden. The spells
used here are still mostly intact, keeping it in much
Empty weapon and armor racks line the north and south
better form than the rest of the grounds.
walls of this room, while several chests rest against the
western wall. 1. ENTRANCE
The door to this room is locked, requiring a successful
Much of the gardens that occupied the land north of the
DC 15 check using thieves’ tools to open. The former
palace have grown wild or been choked out by the natural
palace armory now serves as the treasury for Fergus
vegetation of the area, unable to thrive without tending.
and his brigands. Fergus carries the key to the room.
Standing tall among the undergrowth are the verdant
Treasure. Inside the chests against the wall is the
walls of a great hedge maze—which, if you didn’t know
collected treasure of Fergus and his bandits: 500 cp,
any better, you’d say had been recently trimmed and tended.
2,000 sp, 600 gp, and 30 pp.
The entrance is at the end of a gravel pathway leading from
the north doors of the palace, flanked by a pair of marble

The Horn of Revels 93

statues: to the right, a shapely nymph running, her laughing she has been called to the palace by the magic of
face looking back over her shoulder; to the left, a lithe satyr, the Horn of Revels. However, her tree, while on
apparently in pursuit with a determined look on his face. the former property of the palace, is more than 300
Revel. Before the PCs can enter the hedge maze, yards away. She cannot enter the palace without
a female figure with slate gray skin, wearing a suffering the effects of being too far from her tree,
garment of vines and leaves, steps from the nearby yet she feels compelled to join the revel in some way,
undergrowth. This is a dryad (with changes noted yet not wanting to suffer for it. She demands that
below) named Smilax. She is rather perturbed, as the PCs return to the palace and bring her some

94 Tales from the Shadows

wine to drink and someone who can entertain her 3. CENTER GARDEN
with conversation or dance (or some other form of
amusement) before they head into the hedge maze. The maze opens into a square area. Roses of wondrous colors
If the PCs assist Smilax, any of the alcohol and aromas are planted here, some in the ground, others in
currently being drunk by the revelers in area 13 or large, glazed pots around the perimeter.
14 suffices; likewise, any of the contents of the wine Treasure. A rose bush at the center of the area is
cellar (area 17) is acceptable. As for conversation, notable for its lush, purple blooms. This is the Sultry
dance, or amusement—a successful DC 13 Charisma Twilight rose the PCs’ patron is seeking.
(Deception or Persuasion) check can convince any Creatures. Planted next to the Sultry Twilight
of the fey to take pity on Smilax and come keep her bush is a rose golem (Book of Ebon Tides) tasked
company for a time. with guarding the rare roses grown here. If anyone
Creatures. If the PCs refuse her demand, Smilax attempts to damage or steal its charges, the golem
casts wall of thorns, blocking their entry into the maze rises and attacks. Once all its opponents fall or flee,
and refusing to let them in until they bring her what it takes any sleeping foes and carries them out of the
she desires. If they attempt to destroy or bypass the maze, depositing them outside the entrance.
wall, she attacks, summoning eight vine-wrapped
skeletons that guard her tree to assist her. The
skeletons arrive in 2 rounds. If Smilax is reduced Concluding the Adventure
to half her hit points or fewer, and all her minions Once the PCs have collected the three objects of
are defeated, she ceases concentrating on the wall of their search, the adventure is ended. They may have
thorns and flees back to her tree. loose ends to tie up with the Tusks or any of the fey
Creature Change. Smilax can cast wall of thorns 1/day. that attended the Revel first. Otherwise, they can
Discovery. Should the PCs assist Smilax without return to their patron with the items to receive their
any initial refusals or combat, she is grateful enough promised reward.
that she gives them directions to the center of the
hedge maze and warns them about the guardian
there (see area 3). If the encounter does not come to
violence, but the PCs show any sort of hesitancy to
assist her, are openly annoyed, or otherwise insult
her, she gives them the path through the maze but
neglects to warn them about the guardian.


The hedges open into a small area lined with fragrant rose
bushes. In the center of this little garden stands
a marble statue of a female elf, smiling, with her
hand extended as if offering a greeting or aid.
Statue. This is one of a few small garden
areas in the maze. The statue is magical. If
a creature reaches out and grasps
the statue’s hand, the creature is
teleported back to the entrance of
the maze. This only happens once per
creature, per statue, in a 24-hour period.

Tales from the Shadows 95

The Sodality
of Silent Rites

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND Akyishigal gifted the statue of d’Bruna to the Court

The decline of the Winter Court was a planned of Sparrows several decades ago, where it sat outside
and gradual fall, as enemies sought to weaken its in a courtyard to be forgotten. The Order of the
increasingly mad Moonlit King over time. Members Sovereign’s Circle took advantage of a recent shift in
of the Court were killed in duels, met deadly accidents, power in the Court to steal the statue with the hope
fled, or simply found themselves new patrons. of restoring their founder, but they’ve encountered
difficulties in their attempts to restore d’Bruna to life
A group of the Moonlit King’s servants called the
and seek assistance.
Order of the Sovereign’s Circle once kept dangerous
The current ruler of the Court of Sparrows, the
and esoteric knowledge for the Winter Court.
trollkin chieftain called Undefeated King Marrow,
Nearly a century ago, the Demon Lord Akyishigal
would lose status if the theft were discovered by the
orchestrated a grave insult to the Queen of Night and
greater courts. His agents have tracked the thieves
Magic to frame the Order. The Queen commanded
to Corremel. They are unwilling to risk attention
the Order’s founder, Mesina d’Bruna, turned to stone
from the city’s ruler, the Black Prince, and seek a
and used her magic to strike d’Bruna’s name from all
competent group to retrieve their stolen property.
records and living memory. The statue was gifted to
the Demon Lord for his service.
The remainder of the Order fled with what
archival materials they could spirit away and covertly The PCs are near Corremel when they’re approached
reestablished themselves in pockets around the by two opposing factions.
Shadow Realm, including in Corremel. The Order
disguises itself as a sect of Hecate worshippers, calling
Statue Retrieval
themselves the Sodality of Silent Rites. Upon arriving at the outskirts of the city, the PCs are
greeted by agents from the Court of Sparrows.
A gray-skinned trollkin accompanied by a well-dressed
halfling calls out a greeting to you. The halfling clears his
throat to speak. “Your reputation precedes you,” he says, and
in a lower tone adds, “and we could use your assistance.”
Struck from Memory Each of the pair wears a cloak held closed by a
When running the adventure, keep in mind that no sparrow-shaped clasp. The trollkin ranger Gwana
one the PCs speak to remembers the name of Mesina Snapbone (N trollkin raider [see appendix]) and
d’Bruna, since the Queen of Night and Magic has halfling courtier Pritha Trerend (N halfling spy) are
magically struck her name from living memory. The only hunting thieves who stole a statue from the Court of
ways the PCs can learn d’Bruna’s name are via a book in Sparrows. The statue has little monetary value, but
area 15 and via a ghost in area 17. it is important to Undefeated King Marrow, and he

96 Tales from the Shadows

wants it returned. The pair has tracked the thieves as Vacer reveals his master with a successful DC 12
far as Corremel, but Pritha delicately explains that Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion)
King Marrow does not have the Black Prince’s favor check: the Demon Lord Akyishigal, a powerful figure
and would prefer to use intermediaries to discretely in the Shadow Realm.
retrieve the statue. The pair offer to pay 400 gp per If the PCs do not agree to the request, he shakes his
PC for successful retrieval and an additional 100 gp head sadly. He tells them that if any members of the
per PC if the group can return it undetected. group destroy the statue before it is returned, he will
Based on accounts of the theft from witnesses in provide the rewards to those members.
the court, the pair believes the thieves are members
of an esoteric Hecatean cult known as the Sodality of
Silent Rites that’s based in Corremel. Members of the The Sheltered Market
cult wear distinctive bird-shaped masks and take vows The famous Sheltered Market of Corremel is housed in a
of silence. They do not know why the Sodality would massive obsidian structure. Inner walls and ceilings are
steal the statue but suspect that some malefactor has covered by friezes showing shadow fey interacting with
reason to try to embarrass their king. members of other races. Once inside, ambient chatter and
The pair paid a goblin named Melkar (N shadow haggling are loud enough to make listening to others’
goblin spy) to chase rumors about the Sodality and conversations difficult. Edicts posted on walls and between
return with what information he found. The Sparrow the equally sized merchant stalls bear the elaborate signature
Court representatives would like the group to meet of “Mistress Twylla Yoop” and list the rules of the market
with Melkar at his stall in the Sheltered Market and and associated fines levied when these rules are broken.
continue the investigation. The pair will wait outside Today’s offenses include wasting another’s time (25 gp fine);
the city for the statue’s return. failure to praise the Black Prince upon completion of a
If the PCs have spent some time in the Shadow purchase (50 gp fine); insulting a merchant or damaging
Realm prior to this adventure, a successful DC 10 their reputation (150 gp fine).
Intelligence (History) check reveals that the Court
of Sparrows is a minor court once dominated by Given enough time shopping, almost anything can
courtfolk halflings. A few years ago, the Court was be found and purchased at the Sheltered Market.
conquered by a trollkin warlord who seeks to retain Most mundane items can be found within an hour,
the court’s legitimacy. and magical items may be available as allowed by the
GM. If the PCs need items that would be useful in
A Counteroffer transporting a statue, for example, there is a chance
A short time after the PCs’ encounter with the Court they are available at the market. Any merchant can
of Sparrow representatives, as they near the city easily (and gladly) direct the PCs to Melkar’s stall.
gates, an umbral human intercepts the group. Hunting the Sodality. The PCs can also choose to
hunt for rumors about the Sodality. A successful DC
“Your pardon, gracious ones,” a ghostly pale human man
15 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion)
calls out, approaching you from the direction of the city. His
check reveals the Sodality recently attempted to
body is mostly hidden by a well-made dark cloak. “I have
purchase a basilisk at the Market. Failure on this check
heard whispers that you have been recruited for an errand by
may draw the attention of the Market guards, who
a minor court, but I beg you to listen to my counteroffer; I
fine the PC for wasting another person’s time unless
bring you a vastly more profitable alternative.”
a PC succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidate or
He introduces himself as Vacer and says he represents Persuasion) check to convince them otherwise.
a group that does not want the statue returned. He Melkar’s Stall. The goblin Melkar is found working
will pay the PCs double what their current employers at a weapons stall near the center of the market. He
promised them if the group destroys the statue, citing cackles gleefully when the PCs reveal who they are.
a figure that is exactly double the amount the PCs and He informs them he has found two solid contacts.
the Sparrow representative agreed upon. Vacer speaks The first potential contact is a member of the city
of the Court of Sparrows with disdain and says that watch, the Lanternkeepers, by the name of Xeven
destroying the statue will earn them favor with those (N shadow fey guard). Xeven apparently has a
far more powerful than the Court of Sparrows. complicated history with the Sodality that has left

The Sodality of Silent Rites 97

him resentful of their operations. Melkar believes Court. They were my brothers once, but they became zealots. I
Xeven can guide them to the Sodality’s monastery and couldn’t take it anymore. They threw me out when I wouldn’t
may be willing to share intelligence if they decide to go through what they call their ‘higher rites.’ I wasn’t about
approach stealthily. to disfigure myself.” He appears uncomfortable and does not
The other contact is a cleric of Hecate who works wish to speak more on that subject.
in the Sheltered Market selling books and religious Xeven sketches out a rough layout of the ground floor of
items. Leina is on friendly terms with the Sodality. the monastery. “You’ll need to be swift and silent. The statue
Melkar tells the group that the Sodality has engaged you’re looking for is probably in one of the archives below. The
Leina to find adventurers to handle a problem. descending stairs are on the south side of the east library. The
gate’s probably locked. Your best bet is probably to hit up the
SOCIAL, STEALTH, OR SOLO ink devils in the scriptorium to the north. They’re not above
The PCs basically have three options on how to bribery, as long as they fulfill the terms of their contracts.
approach this adventure: (1) they can take the social I wasn’t allowed downstairs since I didn’t take the higher
route by accepting Leina’s help; (2) they can take the rites, but I know there’s a trick to opening the doors—there’s
stealth route by accepting Xeven’s help; or (3) they can a maze set in the floor. Start in the middle, figure it out and
proceed solo without anyone’s help. Several parts of you should be good. You figure out how you’re going to move
the adventure have different text depending on which a statue yet?”
lead the PCs choose to follow. In such cases, there will He’ll answer basic questions about the Sodality but has
be supplementary text provided in the area description largely exhausted his desire to share his knowledge. He
preceded by the word “Social,” “Stealth,” or “Solo.” does not discuss his reasons for assisting the PCs, but
he is bitter about being kicked out of the Order. When
Stealth Approach
the conversation is over, he tells them to meet him at
If the PCs elect to speak to Lanternkeeper Xeven, the southern end of Shady Lane when evening falls
Melkar makes arrangements for the guard to meet the tonight, and he’ll accompany them to the entrance.
group in Melkar’s home. Xeven is aware the PCs seek
to retrieve the statue. Social Approach
Lanternkeeper Xeven knocks on the door at the appointed If the PCs elect to speak to Leina (N shadow fey
time. He appears nervous when he enters and displays priest), Melkar sends them to her stall in the
his badge of office, the distinctive oval lantern of the Sheltered Market.
Lanternkeepers. He begins speaking immediately. “I’ll get Leina sells items related to worship and study of
you inside that cursed place. I’ll tell you what you need to the goddess Hecate. These items include amulets
know to get in and out without a fight.” (1 gp) and pins with symbols representing Hecate’s
If the PCs demur, he tells them he is their best chance different aspects (5 sp). She sells copies of Hecate’s
to enter the Sodality’s sanctum. He explains that the Book of Mysteries (25 gp) and scrolls of theology (25 gp
Sodality has an arrangement with the Black Prince: each). Worshippers of Hecate and those that purchase
The Prince allows them to stay in Corremel provided items from the stall have advantage on Charisma
the Sodality gives him or his servants access to their (Persuasion) checks with Leina.
archives. Due to this, the light of a Lanternkeeper Leina has a profitable relationship with the Sodality
reveals the hidden entrance to their monastery. of Silent Rites. She sells their scrolls and makes
use of their library. If a character mentions they are
If the PCs appear as if they might resort to violence
investigating the group due to a theft, she replies that
against him and try to steal his lantern, he reminds
such an action is unlikely.
them that being caught with a Lanternkeeper’s lantern
Leina recently received an urgent message from
is punishable by death. If the PCs take the lantern,
the Sodality requesting her assistance in recruiting
dozens of Lanternkeepers swarm Corremel to retrieve
adventurers to help them deal with a basilisk problem
it once they realize it is missing (1d4 days).
in the caverns underneath the Scriptorium. She
Xeven touches his mouth anxiously as he speaks. He shares believes the PCs are the right group to answer the call.
that he was once a member of the Sodality and that the group She tells the PCs to meet her at the southern entrance
is not who they claim to be. “Some are Hecate worshippers, of Shady Lane the following evening if they want to
but their true loyalty lies to the Moonlit King of the Winter meet the Sodality to discuss the job.

98 Tales from the Shadows

Solo Approach Creatures Present. Some of the monastery
If the PCs speak to any of the above but proceed residents are away searching for methods to restore
without any assistance, their way forward is more their founder, but members present include 4 cult
difficult, but completing the adventure is still possible, fanatics (with the changes noted below), 2 cultists,
provided they can find the location of the monastery. 1 knight (with the changes noted below), 1 guard, 1
priest, and 1 mage.
Creature Change. Add the following to the list of
The Monastery actions for any cult fanatic or knight:
Most members of the Sodality are neutral cultists, Painful Screech (Recharge 6). The cult fanatic
cult fanatics, or knights that wear dark robes over (or knight) lets out a loud, screeching cry. Each
their armor. Many wear bird masks that hide their creature within 30 feet that is not a worshipper
faces, as they have magically disfigured themselves of the Moonlit King must succeed on a DC 12
to show their devotion to the Moonlit King. Most Wisdom saving throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic
have replaced their mouths with an owl’s beak damage and has disadvantage on the next attack
and are paired with one of the Moonlit King’s roll they make before the end of their next turn.
human‑mouthed stryx (see appendix), who serve On a successful save, the target takes half as much
as their companions and occasional voice. These damage and suffers no additional effect. This
members cannot speak normally but can cast spells action replaces Multiattack for the cult fanatic
with verbal components using unusual vocalizations. and Leadership for the knight.

The Sodality of Silent Rites 99

1. ENTRANCE Social. If Leina guides the PCs, she casts a light spell
on her holy symbol, which reveals the door. She opens
Shady Lane is not far from the Sheltered Market. Anyone it and escorts the characters inside.
you speak to in Corremel knows at least a little about Shady Solo. If the PCs do not have a guide but have
Lane: it’s the one area of the city that is shrouded. It’s the somehow discovered how to locate the monastery’s
bane of the Lamplighter’s Guild. Even their magical light door, a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves
seems dimmer there. It attracts suspicious people who keep tools’ can be used to open the door. The door has AC
to themselves. 15, 25 hp, and a damage threshold of 10. If characters
The entrance to the monastery is magically hidden, destroy the door, those inside hear the noise and are
normally appearing as a featureless wall. Beyond the prepared for combat, as described in area 2.
hidden door, a set of stairs descend to the lobby.
Moonlit Connections. A PC with a connection to
the Moonlit King—for example, a warlock with the This mostly featureless room has a long desk near its northern
Moonlit King as their patron—can always see the side. A small bell sits in the center of the desk. Open doors to
door. the north behind the desk lead to a large, round courtyard
Stealth. If Xeven guides the PCs, or if they have a surrounded by a cloistered walk.
Lanternkeeper lantern, the lantern’s light reveals the
Stealth. If the PCs have successfully entered the
door. He opens it, wishes them luck, then departs.
building using stealth, the room is currently empty.

100 Tales from the Shadows

Social. If the PCs were brought in by Leina, she the PCs, joined by the mage in area 7 in 2 rounds,
rings the bell. A robed member of the Sodality and the remainder of the members in 8 rounds. PCs
wearing an owl mask approaches and gestures for can make a Dexterity (Stealth) check with advantage
the group to follow her to area 3; a stryx sitting on against the cult fanatics’ passive Perception (Wisdom)
her shoulder introduces her, in first person, as Sister of 11 to pass through the room unobserved.
Iebra (N umbral human cult fanatic). Leina takes her Social. If Sister Iebra is with the PCs, they pass
leave at this time. through this area without incident.
Solo (or Failed Stealth). If the PCs have forced their
way inside or have otherwise been found or detected, 5. REFECTORY AND KITCHEN
the Sodality have a group ready to engage them here. The northern end of the room is occupied by a
Their group includes 2 cultists, 1 cult fanatic and kitchen and prep area, including a long, wooden table
1 mage. The remaining members of the Order (3 for preparing food; a woodburning stove and a pair of
cult fanatics, 1 guard, 1 knight, and 1 priest) are wooden counters on the north wall; and two cabinets
elsewhere in the monastery and arrive in 6 rounds. holding dishware and cutlery or food supplies. There
are five large, round tables in the room, with eight
3. COURTYARD chairs around each; all are simple and utilitarian.
A large, grassy courtyard acts as the centerpiece of the
monastery, surrounded by a cloistered walkway held up by a 6. SHADOW ROOM
series of columns. The area is brightly lit by an unseen source. Social. Sister Iebra leads them to the small room in
A small area to the northwest features a small food garden. the southwest of area 4.
Stealth or Solo. There is a 50% chance the PCs The bright light of this room throws stark shadows against
encounter two cult fanatics and a knight training in each wall. It is empty of any objects or furnishings. The
the courtyard, engaged in mock combat. Otherwise, walls, floor, and ceiling are all pristine white, making it
there is one cult fanatic and one cultist tending a pure canvas for light and shadow. Sister Iebra positions
to the garden in the northwest, accompanied by a herself so that her shadow stands out as the dominant one
stryx giving them poor advice on how to grow larger in the room. Shortly after you enter, her shadow begins
vegetables. If the knight’s group is present, characters speaking. While Iebra herself is still, her shadow animatedly
can attempt an opposed Dexterity (Stealth) check gestures and swings its arms wide, gesticulating more wildly
against the cult fanatic’s passive Wisdom (Perception) as the conversation proceeds.
of 11 to sneak by. If the gardeners are present, the Iebra looks at you as her shadow speaks her words. “The
characters can make the check against the stryx’s Sodality requires your services and discretion,” she says. “We
passive Wisdom (Perception) of 14. Failure results in must avoid the notice of those that would seek to steal or
combat. The cultists in area 4 arrive in 2 rounds and destroy the knowledge we’ve accumulated and stored here,
the cultists in area 11 in 4 rounds. and so we find ourselves in the position to beg the aide of our
Social. If Sister Iebra is with the PCs, they pass honored guests.”
through this area without incident, though they do She pauses for a moment, and her shadow puts its hands
observe the stryx giving the gardener its bad advice as on its hips as if impatient for her to continue. “We need your
they’re passing through. help dealing with a pair of basilisks located in our archives
below the monastery.”
She goes onto explain that they have a statue in the
This large area features several 10 x 10 curtained cells that act basilisk room that is not merely a statue—it is the
as the monks’ living spaces. They are all spartan, and inside founder of their order, turned to stone decades ago
each is only a plain cot and small chest in which they keep after a cruel betrayal orchestrated by their enemies;
their few belongings and vestments. A refectory and kitchen because of this betrayal, their founder’s name was
are visible beyond open doors to the north. Closed doors lie struck from living memory, so they don’t even know
directly to the south and to a small room to the southwest. the founder’s name anymore. Their mage, Risa
Stealth. If the PCs have entered this room stealthily, d’Ruvek (N shadow fey mage), discovered, after years
two cult fanatics are resting in their curtained-off of research, a way to restore their founder to flesh
cells, and a cultist is eating at a community table in using an arcane ritual requiring a basilisk’s gullet.
the refectory to the north. They attack if they discover Having recently reclaimed the statue, the Sodality

The Sodality of Silent Rites 101

had tasked one of their best to oversee the restoration, does not attack immediately if the PCs approach her.
as it was their belief that only the worthy may fulfill She notes that she could raise an alarm, but she wants
such a holy quest. While this brother was successful to know why they are there. If the PCs tell her they
at procuring the basilisks and hiding them away, he are there to recover or destroy the statue, she angrily
was found to be unworthy, as the basilisks ultimately tells them the statue is a living being. Risa makes the
turned him into a statue as well. PCs the same offer described by Iebra in area 6. If the
The PCs are offered 400 gp each if they agree to kill PCs decline, Risa simply states, “So be it” and initiates
the basilisks and not reveal any of what they see here combat. She is joined by 3 cult fanatics in 2 rounds
to outsiders. Iebra also offers the PCs a +1 dagger, a and the rest of the Order (1 cult fanatic, 2 cultists, 1
periapt of health, and a cloak of elvenkind prior to facing guard, 1 knight, and 1 priest) in 6 rounds.
the basilisks. The items are currently in area 7. Treasure. If the PCs fight and kill Risa (or force
If the PCs can prove they are worthy, the Sodality her to flee), inside a chest beside the desk, they find
offers them an additional 400 gp each to retrieve the a +1 dagger, a periapt of health, and a cloak of elvenkind.
statue and complete the ritual. Iebra tells the PCs they Otherwise, they gain these items from Iebra or from
can prove their worthiness by correctly choosing the Risa directly as described above.
path to the statue and bringing the Founder’s statue
to the Chapel (area 11). They will be rewarded for 8. SCRIPTORIUM
slaying the basilisks even if deemed unworthy. Bookcases full of large tomes chained to the walls line the
Once they are ready to proceed, Iebra provides keys perimeter of this room. In the center are four long, wooden
to the stairwell gates and guides them to area 10. She tables with scriptorium desks abutting them. The entire
tells them their trial to prove their worthiness begins room is illuminated by magical light. The high ceiling is
as soon as they set foot on the stairs and leaves them painted with scenes from Hecate’s Book of Mysteries,
with the hint that the one true sacred path begins at depicting the goddess in her three forms. Two of these desks
the center. are occupied by chained ink devils that appear to be working
Stealth. The bright light of this room throws stark on copying pages with the occasional satisfied grunt.
shadows against each wall. It is empty of any objects or
furnishings. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all pristine The ink devils (see appendix) ignore the characters
white, making it a pure canvas of light and shadow. unless the characters attempt to interact with them.
Some of the tomes have illusory magic upon them,
7. OFFICE making them appear as mimics chained in place (a
result of the ink devils’ odd sense of humor).
When you step into this large room, the first thing you see is The book chains can be removed by a member
the vast number of books on the bookcases that cover every of the Sodality with an appropriate key, or with a
wall. On the floor immediately in front of the doors is a large, successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’
round, black and white woven rug bearing an intricate, tools. If the PCs study relevant books for 1 hour, they
stylized snowflake pattern. Beyond the rug is a large desk have advantage on their next Intelligence (Arcana,
covered in scrolls, quills, and stacks of books. In the southeast History, or Religion check); the PCs can find
corner, there’s a large table with more stacks of books on it, such books by succeeding on a DC 15 Intelligence
and in the southwest corner, there’s a 10 × 10 area that’s been (Investigation) check, or if they are directed by a
cordoned off with floor-to-ceiling violet curtains. Behind the representative of the Sodality.
desk, a serious-looking female shadow fey sits, left hand on a A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check
tome, right hand copying something down with a quill. reveals the chains on the ink devils are decorative.
The office is the living quarters and study of the The ink devils visibly wear a key ring at their belts. A
Sodality’s mage, Risa d’Ruvek. While devoted PC who wishes to obtain the keys—and can remain
to the Moonlit King, she has not undergone the hidden using invisibility or other creative means—can
disfiguration that many members of the Order have, attempt to succeed at a Dexterity (Stealth) check
as she believes it would affect her spellcasting. She against the ink devil’s passive Wisdom (Perception)
spends most of her time in this room doing research. of 9. A success allows the PC to then attempt a DC
Stealth. If the PCs stealthily enter the room, they 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check; a success
spot Risa at her desk before she sees them. They have retrieves the keys. Failure alerts the ink devil to the
the option to leave or remain to engage the mage. Risa PCs’ presence; it turns invisible and attempts to flee

102 Tales from the Shadows


The space in this room is largely filled with shelves burdened

by books, scrolls, and pamphlets, with desks along the outer
walls. Stone busts of shadow fey are arrayed on tables next to
each row of shelves. A spiral staircase leading down is visible
through a locked gate to the southwest.
If a PC stands next to one of the busts for more than 1
round, the statue animates and says the following:
“I am the Catalog and can guide you to the work you are
looking for. What do you seek?”
If the PCs are attempting stealth, they have 4 rounds
to act before a member of the Sodality comes to
investigate. If the cult fanatic finds the PCs, they emit
a loud screech and retreat to area 2 as described. If
they do not find the PCs, they attribute the noise to
one of the devils.
If a PC does not respond to the statue, it grows
silent. If a PC mentions religion, history, or arcana,
the statue informs them where to find such works. If
a PC mentions the Order of the Sovereign’s Circle,
the statue begins laughing quietly, then louder and
louder, warning of intruders.

to warn the cultists. If the PCs threaten or attack the The PCs can unlock the gates to the stairwell if they
ink devils, they turn invisible at their first opportunity have keys provided by the ink devils or cultists.
and flee to warn the cultists, who immediately Alternatively, a successful DC 20 Dexterity check
proceed to area 2. using thieves’ tools unlocks the gate. PCs can also
If the PCs speak to the devils, they initially appear attempt a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check to force the
annoyed at the interruption. They grow curious if a gate open, but this noisy process alerts the Sodality.
PC indicates they are looking for a key to the stairwell
A staircase is cut into stone here, spiraling downward.
gate. While contractually bound to the Sodality, they
The outer wall of the stairwell is lined with a series of
are amenable to bargaining; they provide the keys in
illustrations of the same figure, painted with considerable
exchange for a magical scroll, a common magic item,
skill on the black stone. The first painting shows a bearded
or 25 gp. If the characters don’t explicitly negotiate to
shadow fey in silver finery with ice blue eyes and well-coiffed
keep their presence a secret, the ink devils eventually
hair partly hidden under a fancy hat. His form radiates
inform the Sodality of their presence. If that occurs,
dignity and gravitas. Each painting that follows illustrates
members of the Sodality wait for the characters in
the same figure in almost the same pose, with subtle changes
area 2 once the PCs return upstairs.
that grow less subtle as you descend. The man’s expression
If the PCs remember to negotiate secrecy, the ink
turns angry, then confused. He stares at his hand, which
devils are impressed. They offer to trade additional
gradually takes on a bestial appearance. He looks alternately
information to the characters under the same terms
angry, amused, then confused the closer you get to the foot
as the key. If the PCs pay, the ink devils explain that
of the stairs. The man offers a bemused wink in the final
the downstairs archives are locked and trapped,
painting above the final step.
but that following the appropriate labyrinth path
from the center opens the doors safely. They say that A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
appropriate path is the one most appropriate to the reveals the final step is trapped. If more than 10
Sodality’s true patron but refuse to be more specific pounds are placed on the step, the figure in the
than that. painting opens its mouth and releases a blast of frigid

The Sodality of Silent Rites 103

cold. Each creature within 5 feet of the final step must 12. THE LABYRINTH
make a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or
The doors of the stairwell open on an enormous circular room
take 16 (3d10) damage on a failed save, or half as much
with a stone floor. Silver lines etched into the floor gently glow
damage on a successful one.
and flicker, illuminating this immense room, displaying a
PCs can avoid the trap by bypassing the step. A
labyrinthine pattern. Four stylized symbols carved into the
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check also
stone in the middle of the room shine with a golden glow.
reveals the trap can be disabled by poking the open eye
of the winking figure in the painting. Symbols. The symbols are a sun, a flower, a leaf, and
The stairwell ends at a locked steel gate. The PCs a snowflake. They are arrayed as follows:
can open the gate with the key, or they can unlock it • a sun (southwest). If stepped on, the sun’s golden
with a successful DC 18 Dexterity check using thieves’ glow becomes brighter.
tools. The PCs can also attempt a DC 15 Strength • a flower (southeast). If stepped on, the flower’s
(Athletics) check to force the gate open, but unless glow becomes a deep violet.
the PCs can take significant precautions against noise • a leaf (northwest). If stepped on, the leaf turns a
(such as the silence spell) this alerts the Order. brownish red.
• and a snowflake (northeast). If stepped on, the
snowflake glows bright white.
A stone wall bisects this enormous room into two distinct Choosing a Path. Each symbol stands before an
areas of worship. To the east lies a plain chancel dedicated to opening in the floor’s labyrinthine pattern. Once a
Hecate. To the west, a far more ornate chapel is devoted to the PC chooses a path and begins following it, the symbol
Moonlit King. illuminates as described above and, as they walk, the
Hecate’s chancel features three rows of plain benches with a path they take is illuminated in the symbol’s color in
modest altar on the north wall. A 6-foot-tall statue of Hecate their wake. Each path ends before a closed door.
stands in the center of the east wall and is flanked by a pair Knowledge. Any PC proficient in Intelligence
of wooden tables, one of which has a stack of a dozen copies (Religion or History), or one who succeeds on a
of Hecate’s Book of Mysteries. Another table abuts the DC 8 Intelligence check, knows such labyrinths
dividing wall to the west. are usually navigated starting from the center and
The Moonlit King’s chapel is far less modest. An enormous heading outward. Any PC proficient in Intelligence
altar can be seen along the north wall, flanked by a pair of (Nature or History), or one who succeeds on a DC 12
statues of the monarch that stand nearly as tall as the 10-foot Intelligence check, knows the symbols are traditional
ceiling. Additional (albeit smaller) statues of the monarch symbols of the seasons: the sun (Summer), the flower
also stand in the chapel’s three corners. The seating area here (Spring), the leaf (Autumn), the snowflake (Winter).
is comprised of three long rows of ornate pews, and there are Labyrinthine Path. The labyrinth is etched in the
long tables on the east and west walls. Motifs of snowflakes ground, so the PCs can simply walk to the center
can be found throughout the room, and reliefs of the Moonlit or even walk to each of the doors in the room. Each
King’s tower and maze are carved into the walls. door is locked and trapped with an enhanced glyph of
Stealth. If the PCs are moving stealthily, the Moonlit warding; however, following the path from the center
King’s shrine is attended to by two cult fanatics. of the labyrinth to a door unlock the door and disables
the trap.
Doors. The labyrinth doors cannot be unlocked from
The Dark Archives the outside. Unless a PC follows relevant the path,
The air is cooler here, and the walls are made of a the door must be destroyed to enter. The doors have
black stone. AC 18, 30 hp, and a damage threshold of 10. The loud
If the party is trying to prove they are worthy process of destroying the doors (unless the PCs can
enough to perform the ritual to restore the founder, cast silence or otherwise mitigate the noise) alerts the
they must do so by succeeding in two tasks: They must order if they are as yet unaware of the PCs’ presence.
select and follow the correct path on the labyrinth Enhanced Glyphs. Any active glyphs on the doors
floor to reach the statue room. Then they must can be found with a successful DC 25 Wisdom
identify which statue belongs to the founder and bring (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check.
it to the chapel with a basilisk gullet. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check can

104 Tales from the Shadows

be used to disable a glyph. Destroying the door, or 14. ARCHIVE OF THE CRESCENT MOON
a failed check to disable the glyph, causes the glyph
The books in this room lie stacked in haphazard piles.
to explode in a 20-foot radius; creatures in the area
Broken tables and chairs litter the floor. Strange sounds,
of effect must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving
including the occasional giggle and eerie strains of music,
throw or take 27 (6d8) cold damage, or half that much
occasionally escape the pages of the books.
damage on a successful one.
A PC attempting to read a book from this room must
13. ARCHIVE OF THE NEW MOON succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw or take
This room is filled with books and scrolls that appear to be 7 (2d6) psychic damage.
filled with gibberish that almost makes sense—words are A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
misspelled, written backwards, or just missing. Elaborate reveals the secret door in the north wall.
rugs surround a table in the center of the room covered in
open blueprints of impossible structures.
The door leads to a brightly lit room with a lectern
Creatures. A barbed devil is standing inside
at its center. The lectern displays a large open tome,
just west of the door when the PCs enter and
the Chronicle of the Sovereign’s Shattered Circle. It records
attacks immediately. The southeast rug is a rug of
the decline of the Moonlit King and the full history
smothering and attacks whomever steps on it.
of the Sodality of Silent Rites, including their origin

The Sodality of Silent Rites 105

as described in the Adventure Background. The final • Taergash’s Exsanguinating Tome. “12 inches tall,
entry of the book includes detailed instructions on 10 inches wide, 2 inches thick. Cover and pages
how to restore their founder to flesh using an arcane appear to drip blood. Keep away from other
ritual requiring the blood and gullet of a basilisk. The materials. Handle with care.”
PCs can attempt the ritual as soon as they have the Lifelike Statues. The room holds several statues of
statue and those ingredients. shadow fey. Each statue weighs approximately 200
A bank of cabinets is arrayed along the north wall. pounds. If detect magic is cast, the statues radiate an
The one in the northeast corner has an open drawer, aura of transmutation magic.
inside of which are three contracts that bind the
• The statue closest to the entrance is that of a
services of two ink devils and one barbed devil to the
beautiful female shadow fey wearing an elaborate
order. The other drawers contain various paperwork
gown and bearing a haughty expression. Though
and ledgers.
stone, the gown’s fabric and exquisite folds appear
16. ARCHIVE OF THE HALF MOON almost lifelike. A successful DC 10 Intelligence
(History or Religion) check recognizes the statue
This large room seems as if it was once akin to a fine as the depiction of a young Sarastra Aestruum, the
museum hall but has since fallen into disarray. Several Queen of Night and Magic.
empty display cases can be seen in an alcove to the south,
• A statue of a female shadow fey kneeling in prayer
and there are several fallen suits of armor scattered about
stands on the east side of the room. Her head is
the room. Spread throughout the room are seven statues of
bowed, and her hands are clasped together, her
shadow fey in various poses. But before you can examine
eyes closed with a stone tear forming, forever
any of this in more detail, a pair of hungry basilisks
waiting to fall. A golden amulet with a stylized
approaches and hiss menacingly.
snowflake symbol on it dangles from her neck that
Creatures. The basilisks attack immediately. A set is clearly not part of the statue. The identify spell
of armor along the east wall is animated armor and can identify it as an amulet of proof against detection
also moves to attack. and location; detect magic indicates an aura of
Gullet Harvest. Once the basilisks are dead, the divination magic on the amulet.
PCs can remove the gullets with a successful DC 15 • A statue of a female shadow fey near the western
Intelligence (Nature) or DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) wall stands proudly. Her hair is pulled back from
check. Failure does not ruin the gullet, but the PC is her head, each strand meticulously detailed in
unable to complete the task; other PCs can attempt stone, revealing short horns on her forehead. She
the same task, but each subsequent attempt causes wears traveling clothes and holds a walking staff
the DC to go up by 1. in her left hand. The staff is made of wood and is
Treasure. If the PCs search the room, they find clearly not part of the carving.
a basilisk egg in the southeast corner. A PC who
• A statue of a robed female shadow fey holds a stone
makes a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Nature) check
book in her right hand, her left hand raised as if
knows basilisks born and raised in captivity can be
she were in the midst of casting a spell. Her eyes
domesticated and trained. Because of this, basilisk
are shrouded beneath the hood she wears. Several
eggs are highly prized.
quills have been placed on the open book’s pages.
Display Cases. All the cases are empty, but some
remaining engraved plaques on the display cases read: • A statue of a female shadow fey with wide eyes
stands near the center of the room, her hands
• The Empyrean Opus. “12-inch diameter, 6 inches
held to her mouth as in shock, as if to silence a
wide. Cover of colorful feathered wings and
gasp or stop screaming. She wears glasses and
crystalline eyes. Pages are made of circular mithral
plain clothing. The statue is missing a finger on its
plate strung together by gold. Enchanted. DO
right hand.
• A statue of a female shadow fey clothed in finery
• Essence of the Void. “Size varies/changes. Dragon
stands near the center of the room. Her wide,
scale cover of multiple varieties. Bound with a
frightened, unsettlingly blank eyes appear to be
silver clasp.”
stained with black tears; her cheeks stained with

106 Tales from the Shadows

patina. She holds her arms in front of her as if
asking a question or if pleading to another. A PC
Concluding the Adventure
who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) or Once the PCs find the statue of the founder, they have
Intelligence (Investigation) check can determine several ways they can proceed to the conclusion of
that the statue’s tears and stains appear to due to the adventure.
weathering, and that this is the only statue stained
in this manner. This statue is that of the founder. RETURN THE STATUE TO THE COURT
• A statue of a male shadow fey, wearing vestments The PCs may return the statue to the Court of
similar to the other monks in the monastery, with Sparrows. If they found the statue without being
an expression of surprise on his face; his left hand detected by the Order, they must determine a way to
is broken off and missing. This is the brother the transport it out without being seen. Unless the PCs
order tasked with securing the basilisks, who then, have figured out an alternative solution, they have
sadly, became one of their victims. disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks as they
transport the statue to the entrance. On the way to
17. ARCHIVES OF THE FULL MOON the exit, the PCs may encounter (or be seen by) the
same Sodality members as specified in the adventure,
Bookshelves line many of the walls and rooms of this unless they were killed. Transporting the statue
archives. Tables and armchairs are set by many of the through Corremel does not draw undue attention.
shelves, which appear to hold handwritten letters, diaries,
Boon. If the PCs manage to return the statue,
and first-hand accounts from various figures in history of
Gwana and Pritha pay the characters as agreed,
the Shadow Courts. A transparent figure sits silently in an
including the bonus for avoiding detection, if
armchair set against the northern wall.
warranted. The PCs have advantage on ability checks
Creatures. This ghost is not initially hostile. She regarding any interactions with members of the
briskly rises if the PCs approach her, asking if they Court of Sparrows.
have an appointment. She becomes hostile and Consequence 1. Remaining members of the Order
attacks if any PCs attempt to remove materials from of the Sovereign’s Circle eventually come looking for
this archive or if they fail to convince her they are the statue and maybe the PCs as well.
allowed to be there. Consequence 2. If the PCs interacted with the
A successful DC 10 Charisma (Deception or Order and learned of their history but returned
Persuasion) check convinces the ghost the PCs the statue to the Court of Sparrows anyway, they
are allowed to be here. She introduces herself as have disadvantage on ability checks regarding any
Reen and grows confused after a few moments interactions with allies of the Moonlit King.
of conversation, mentioning that Mesina is likely
waiting for her and that she should leave soon. If DESTROY THE STATUE
the PCs ask who Mesina is, Reen appears surprised If the PCs destroy the statue, Vacer is true to his
and shares that Mesina d’Bruna is in charge of the word. A goblin servant delivers a pouch to the PCs
entire archives. If the PCs converse more, the ghost containing the agreed upon amount, including an
reluctantly reveals she is worried about the terrible extra 100 gp each, with a note stating, “We are pleased.”
rumors that are being spread about Mesina, who is Boon. The party has advantage on ability checks
also her partner. She seems to be having difficulty regarding any interactions with the Demon Lord
remembering the details, and if pressed further she and his allies and may be contacted for other jobs in
sits down and grows silent. the future.
Reen was an archivist in the Order of the Consequence 3. If the PCs inform the Court of
Sovereign’s Circle who was killed soon before Mesina Sparrows of their actions, Gwana and Pritha are
was turned to stone. She remains in this realm while shocked. A DC 20 (Deception or Persuasion) check
the order is forced to hide and her partner remains a can be used to convince the pair that an alliance
statue. As she was not living when the Queen of Night with the Sodality of Silent Rites could be useful for
and Magic’s edict struck Mesina’s name from living the court. If successful, Gwana and Pritha agree,
memory, it did not affect her. and the PCs suffer no negative consequences; if the
check fails, the trollkin and halfling express their

The Sodality of Silent Rites 107

disappointment, and the PCs have disadvantage on
ability checks regarding any social interactions with
the Court of Sparrows until they can make amends.
Consequence 4. If the Order is aware if the PC’s
actions, they have disadvantage on ability checks
regarding any social interactions with the Order
and any other allies of the Moonlit King.


If the PCs defeat the basilisks, but do not return
the (correct) statue, they receive the agreed-upon
reward from the order if they were hired—or
a confused thanks if the order was previously
unaware of their presence.
Boon. The order allows the PCs to use their
facilities at any time, and PCs have advantage on
ability checks regarding any social interactions
with the order.
Consequence 5. If the PCs inform the Court of
Sparrows of their actions, they suffer the same
ramifications as described in Consequence 3.


If the PCs demonstrated their worthiness, they
can restore the founder’s statue by bringing
it to the chapel; or, they can perform the
ritual themselves if they found it in the
Chronicle of the Sovereign’s Shattered
Circle in area 15. In either case, the
founder is restored to flesh and
the order is overjoyed, even if the
PCs elected to perform the ritual
without the order’s awareness.
Founder. The founder is a lunar shadow fey, a rare Boon. In addition to the agreed-upon payment, if
subrace with luminous silver eyes often aligned with the PCs successfully restore the founder from stone,
the Moonlit King. One challenge remains: while her they have advantage on ability checks regarding any
body has been restored to flesh, she does not appear interactions with allies of the Moonlit King.
to remember who she is and can only undertake the Consequence 6. If the PCs inform the Court of
simplest of tasks. Sparrows of their actions, they suffer the same
The Power of Names. PCs that succeed on a DC 16 ramifications as described in Consequence 3.
Intelligence (Arcana, History, or Religion) check can
determine the edict that struck her from memory
may have affected her as well and restoring her name
might help her recover her identity.
If the PCs met the ghost in the Archives of the
New Moon, they may already know that her name
is Mesina d’Bruna. If not, if the PCs tell the order
their theory that restoring her name might help the
founder recover, their members research on how to
restore her.

108 Tales from the Shadows

The House of


The bearfolk shaman Urshaka led her small family Introduce the adventure to the players using one of
upon the pilgrimage to the Moonlit Glades to partake the following hooks or create one of your own.
in the blessing ceremony of the sacred stones. For • While traveling in the Shadow Realm, the PCs
many generations, the great druids of the bearfolk encounter the bearfolk camped along the road,
passed down the secrets of light along with their tribal distressed over the events described above and
and familial histories. Though they traveled far, many unsure how to proceed. If the PCs listen to their
miles still lay ahead, so they rested along the road. plight, the bearfolk request their help.
While they took their repose, a curious traveler • An organization or influential person the PCs
rode up in a rickety carriage drawn by a pair of nags, are affiliated with sends word of the theft of
attended by a handful of shadow goblins. The small, Urshaka’s memories and requests that the PCs
copper-skinned fey with silver hair wore fine clothing retrieve them.
and introduced himself as The Ticktock Man. All
• Instead of Urshaka, the victim of The Ticktock
manner of timepieces filled his carriage. The bearfolk
Man is someone the PCs already know—someone
extended hospitality to him and invited him to join
they’ve helped before and/or have a good
them for an evening meal.
relationship with. A friend of the PCs’ associate
During the evening, The Ticktock Man offered
reaches out to them for help.
Urshaka a private viewing of his clocks. The two
entered the carriage, and a short while later, the Stolen Memories. Via any of these adventure
shaman dazedly emerged. The Ticktock Man then bid hooks, the PCs learn all the info in the “Adventure
the bearfolk adieu and rode off. Urshaka retired to Background” section above (or a similar version of
her tent, then fell into a stupor. When the distraught those events if you choose hook #3).
shaman finally woke, she expressed a profound sense Memory Merchants. An NPC relevant to the hook
of something important missing and realized she you chose tells the PCs they met a tiefling a couple
was suddenly unable to recall her identity and the weeks ago who works at a strange market where all
traditions she had learned as a cub. manner of goods are exchanged; the tiefling, whose
name is Albrytara, said they sell anything a person
might want at this market—including “things you
thought existed only in dreams.” At the time, the
NPC wasn’t sure what she meant by that last part, but
now they’re wondering if that might include stolen
memories. Albrytara deals in information from
Midgard (or whatever plane the PCs call home) and is
known to look kindly upon so-called “brightlanders;”
the NPC suggests finding her at her tent outside the
Part 1: The Common
market. They give the general location of the market The adventure begins when the PCs arrive at The
as being at the intersection of several shadow roads Common that surrounds The House of Reciprocities.
that are roughly equidistant between Veiled Grove, Read or paraphrase the text below to set the tone.
Solvheim, and Hawthorn Grove. Depending on the The House of Reciprocities sits upon the intersection of
NPC you choose, you might decide they would know several shadow roads. A cluster of looming, rickety wooden
for certain there are people there who deal in stolen structures, its towers protrude wildly, tilting at seemingly
memories and/or that the market is called “The impossible angles. Its chaotic construction reveals gaps
House of Reciprocities.” between the warped wooden planks, and moss sprouts
House Intel. The House of Reciprocities is a from the slate tiles of its sagging rooftops. High above, rings
politically neutral market where Shadow Realm of hovering witchlights or will-o’-wisps circle the tallest
denizens gather to exchange goods and services. precipices. Windows of every size and shape dot the exterior.
The shadow fey that run The House distrust those Weeds and grass poke through the cobblestones of a broad
from the mortal planes, so the PCs will require common that surrounds the house. Dozens of strange
assistance to gain entrance. Outside The House of wooden wagons and carts clutter the area, crammed into
Reciprocities, travelers seeking to enter gather on a nearly every gap not already taken by one of the fifty or so
large campground known as The Common; this is patchwork tents spread throughout The Common. A diverse
where the PCs can find Albrytara. assortment of fey occupy the various encampments. At The
Depending on the NPC and hook you chose, they Common’s edge, roads stretch in every direction.
might be able to provide any of this information to
the PCs.

110 Tales from the Shadows

Two dozen or so wagons and twice as many tents fill PUDDUG’S PUNGENT PETS
The Common, though the number fluctuates daily
A pungent and foul odor wafts toward you as you pass by
as some pack up and head out and others arrive. A
one of the tents, and the unpleasant scent is punctuated by a
collection of merchants and travelers occupy the
rumbling, mirthful giggle.
tents. These include sellers unloading their wares,
buyers of all types, and travelers stopping in at the Creatures. Anyone entering the tent interrupts
crossroads for gossip, news, and a spot to set up Puddug (N shadow-touched hill giant), who is
camp. Still, The Common draws opportunists, sitting in the middle of the tent with an endearing,
thieves, and con artists, as well as conspiracists, mad childlike expression on his face as he happily plays
prophets, and entertainers looking for an audience. with a half‑dozen small, green-skinned fey pigs (use
As the PCs wander about this area, every few statistics for boar). Tears seem to be streaming down
minutes, one of the fey notices them and expresses the giant’s face, perhaps from joy, perhaps from the
disdain for any non-natives, referring to them as oppressive smell—but if so, he doesn’t seem to mind.
“Tourists,” “Shiners,” or “Brightlanders.” Any PC Any interruption from intruders annoys Puddug, and
that gets identified as someone from “Brightland” he immediately sours and angrily attempts to chase
(i.e., a plane that has sunshine) has disadvantage them off. If the intruders refuse to leave, he and his
on any ability checks made to interact with the local pets attack, though they won’t leave the tent to pursue
shadow fey until the PCs gain a local patron. an enemy.
As instructed, the PCs should seek out Albrytara Fey Pigs. Fey pigs look like green-skinned boars
(LN tiefling spy). with clawed, hairless paws instead of hooves and a face
only a mother (and Puddug) could love; on their backs
INFORMATION GATHERING are a pair of tiny faerie wings too small to allow them
As the PCs search for Albrytara, allow them the to fly. They’re kind of adorable, but also repulsive; it’s
opportunity to gather the following information confusing. They definitely smell really bad.
or rumors:
1. The House of Reciprocities has many rooms—
too many to count, too many to keep track of, and Eventually, the PCs come upon Albrytara’s tent.
perhaps even more rooms than could actually exist Albrytara is an older tiefling with broad, curved
within that structure. horns and a pale complexion. She dresses in gray silk
2. The House manifests as a creation of the fey who robes and walks with the aid of a gnarled cane.
converge at the crossroads to partake in exchanges; if After introducing herself, she asks the PCs what
they stopped coming, The House would vanish. brings them to her tent; when she hears the story,
3. The House is inaccessible to the uninvited. as promised, she’s happy to help. She can confirm
Legends say it holds every secret ever kept, that the talk around The Common is that someone
everything ever lost, and everything ever forgotten. is selling memories—likely the same individual who
4. A clock merchant known as The Ticktock Man steals them, or at least someone who is working with
has a work residence within the house. Rarely does he the thief. Of course, such exchanges could only occur
go outside. in The House of Reciprocities; however, the PCs need
5. Memories can be purchased, and so can to first find someone who will vouch for them and is
emotions and dreams. Numerous folk have sold willing to escort them inside; otherwise, they will be
them over the years. refused entry.
6. Consuming another creature’s memories can Albrytara adds, “I cannot help you get inside, for it would
seriously damage one’s mind. put my business at risk; an information broker must remain
Albrytara can be difficult and refuses to haggle, neutral, and depending on what happens when you go in,
though her knowledge of events in “Brightland” is there could be . . . ramifications to those who are seen helping
always reliable. During their hunt for information, you. However, I can put you in contact with an individual
the PCs stumble across the Puddug’s Pungent Pets who might be willing to help.”
encounter (see below). After supper, which Albrytara provides (assuming the
PCs agree to her terms), she takes them to the tent
of Fradelrix Ungwort (CN wyrd gnome noble) and

The House of Reciprocities 111

introduces them, suggesting the PCs and Fradelrix the extreme spice; as a result, they must make
can likely help each other out. their next Charisma (Performance) check at
REDCAP’S CAT TRAP • On their turn, each contestant must make a
Fradelrix is a fidgety sort who runs a high-stakes game Charisma (Performance) check to recite the
of nonsensical rhyming called Redcap’s Cat Trap. nonsense rhyme as fast as possible. That check
The game’s champion is Elyshrith, a former will then be contested against the Charisma
Shadow Court elocutionist exiled for backtalking (Performance) checks of the other contestants.
his superiors, who presents himself as a shadow fey The contestant with the highest modified roll
but is secretly an incubus. But Elyshrith has recently wins the round.
challenged Ungwort himself to a game, with the • The contestant with the slowest time each round
winner taking sole ownership and control of the game is eliminated.
itself. The gnome fears he cannot defeat Elyshrith and
• The competition continues until one contestant
desperately needs someone to dethrone him. If not,
outlasts all the others and is declared the winner.
Ungwort will lose his livelihood.
• Casting spells during the game or colluding (or
If the PCs can beat Elyshrith, Ungwort promises
interfering) with the other contestants is not
he will introduce them to someone who might act as
their House of Reciprocities patron. He’s hosting a
party tonight, in fact, which would be a convenient
The Redcap Rhyme
time to make such introductions. If the PCs press him
The nonsense rhyme the contestants must repeat is:
to elucidate, he replies, “I’ll explain more later; first,
Red cats snap on a redcap’s trap,
you need to help me—here comes Elyshrith now!”
Redcaps clap on a dead cat’s back,
Running the Game (with Dice) Redcaps, trap snaps, red cats, dead cats.
The game takes place over the course of three
rounds. Each round, all contestants must eat an The Contestants
extremely spicy red mushroom cap and then repeat a In addition to the selected PC, the contestants are:
nonsensical poem. The individual repeating the poem Elyshrith, an exceedingly handsome shadow fey who
fastest, and without making any errors, wins. oozes confidence and charisma; Qask, a snake-faced,
If there is a tie, the game continues into additional scaly humanoid dressed in magenta robes; and Duke
rounds. The spicier caps one eats, the harder it is Montequise, an elegantly dressed humanoid with the
to perform the verse without error. After Ungwort face of a spider under a fabulous large hat.
explains the rules, the PCs must nominate one
individual to play the game. Constitution Performance
The Contestants Modifier Modifier
• At the start of each round, all contestants pull
Elyshrith +2 +8
a colored marble—blue (1st), green (2nd), red
(3rd), or black (4th)—out of a bag to determine Qask +0 +2
the order of play. To simulate this, have each Duke Montequise +1 +4
contestant roll 1d20 with no modifiers. This is
their initiative in the contest. If there are any Optional: Running the Game (with Roleplaying)
ties, the contestant with the higher Charisma
Instead of running the game as described above,
(Performance) modifier wins and can chose to
the GM can allow the players to choose to recite the
go before or after the other contestant. (Unlike
rhyme instead of using dice to adjudicate the game.
traditional initiative rolls, going last is better than
With these variant rules, instead of making a
going first.) Or, if you’re playing in person, you
Charisma (Performance) check each round, each
can put four d20s of different colors in a bag and
contestant must recite Ungwort’s nonsensical verse as
have the contestants each pull one.
fast as possible without making any errors.
• When their turn starts, each contestant eats a The poor sod must recite the verse for each round.
cap and must make a DC 14 Constitution saving The verse is performed 1 time in round one, two times
throw. On a failure, their tongue swells from in round 2, and three times in round 3.

112 Tales from the Shadows

Round Rhyme Reps to Ungwort or their party members, Qask—already
on edge—bares her teeth and draws steel; once that
1 1
happens the other two contestants (resignedly) follow
2 2 suit. Ungwort shouts, “This chicanery shall not
3 3 stand; the deal is off!” then looks for a place to hide;
as he ducks behind a PC, he grabs their wrist and says,
“Defend me from these blackguards, and I will honor
The GM performs for Elyshrith and then assigns the
our deal.”
other roles to the other players (or takes volunteers).
Creatures. If combat ensues as a result of Elyshrith
Use a timer to time each performance. If the
winning (or you decide that any of the game’s players
contestant makes an error, they must start the rhyme
are sore losers and you’d like to have a combat
over, but the timer continues running; the total time
here), the PCs face Elyshrith (an incubus), Qask
it takes for them to recite the rhyme without error—
(a serpentfolk of Yig [see appendix]), and Duke
regardless of how many times they had to start over—
Montequise (arachnocrat devil [see appendix]).
is their time for the round.
Ungwort cowers and hides; if cornered, he fights back.
As GM, you have an advantage since you can read
the rhyme ahead of time and practice it, but if you
feel like you still need a leg up to accurately reflect
Elyshrith’s superior skills, you might consider Ungwort hosts a catered gathering at his
applying a time reduction to each of your times. establishment to celebrate the Glum-Moon Harvest,
After each round, the slowest contestant is ejected a fake holiday supposedly representing the time
from the competition. The competition continues when his mushroom caps are red enough for the
until one contestant outlasts all the others and is picking. He serves his famous mushrooms along
declared the winner with six more courses of other fungi. Some of the
meal is mood-enhancing, as is his selection of fungal
Concluding the Game wines. He has invited four guests, each of whom the
After the game is over, the few people who came to PCs can attempt to win over for access to the house.
watch the battle cheer or groan, depending on who Impress, Gift, or Charm. The PCs must suitably
they were rooting for, and then quickly disperse, impress, gift, or charm one of the guests to win them
leaving the tent solely to the PCs, the contestants, over. PCs can attempt to improve their chances at
and Ungwort. winning over the guests by plying them with one of
If the PC Wins: The PCs gain Ungwort’s favor, the mood-enhancing foods or beverages on offer. To
and he honors his agreement to introduce them to do so, the PCs can make Charisma checks opposed by
several individuals with the potential to get them the guest’s Wisdom (Insight); on a success, the guest
inside the house. accepts the food or beverage, and, as a result, for the
If the PC Loses: Ungwort pays out 1,000 gp to remainder of the party, the PC has advantage on any
the victor, but he’s satisfied so long as the winner is further checks to interact with that guest.
not Elyshrith (see below); he doesn’t like having to
pay out the 1,000 gp, but so long as he gets to keep Ms. Tildywadders
control of his game, he’s happy enough to consider it Ms. Tildywadders (NG erina scout), a member of the
a “win.” He honors his agreement as above. hedgehog folk race known as erina, reads people’s
If Elyshrith Wins: Ungwort is beside himself at this fortunes using her quills to plot points upon their
tragic turn of events. He puts both hands over his bodies that mark the flow of shadow energy. She
face and mutters things such as “I’m ruined!” and the offers her services, and if the PCs accept, she performs
like. A PC who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) the painful procedure upon them as the evening’s
check (or has a passive Insight of 13 or higher) notices entertainment. Unfortunately, Tildywadders is
a surreptitious, satisfied look shared between the deluded in her abilities. Ungwort knows Tildywadders
other three participants, suggesting that there was has no powers. However, he encourages her
collusion between them in order to help Elyshrith treatment, as he finds it wildly amusing.
guarantee his victory. If a PC starts to voice such a No Pain No Gain. The excruciatingly painful
concern, either aloud or by leaning over to whisper treatment deals 10 (3d6) piercing damage.

The House of Reciprocities 113

Hedge Your Bets. During the treatment, Puddug’s tent. Whether or not Puddug will part with
Tildywadders asks the victim questions and makes one of his pungent pets is another question.
predictions. To attempt to convince Tildywadders
that they see themselves entering The House of Dr. Slipstitch
Reciprocities, the PC can manipulate the prediction Dr. Slipstitch (NE shurale satyr) is a devilish‑looking
with a Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check; satyr with a single horn protruding from his
the DC equals 8 plus half the amount of damage forehead, dressed in a tweed waistcoat, cravat, and
taken from the quills. If successful, Tildywadders spectacles. He carries a large black case with gold
invites the PCs to join her entourage; on a failure, she lettering that reads, “Dr. Slipstitch. Extraction
becomes upset and leaves the gathering in a fluster— Specialist.” The good doctor feeds off the laughter
but her leaving in a huff alerts the other guests that and tears of the dying and uses trained tapeworms,
the PCs need a host, causing them to approach the earwigs, and leeches to extract toxins and disease
PCs, prepared to make a bargain. from the individuals he treats. Not surprisingly,
many receive his services after they are “too late to be
Torriense Darkwysper saved.” He has come to the house to refresh his stock
Torriense Darkwysper (CN shadow fey noble) of “extractors.”
dresses in an antiquated gossamer dress with an De-banish Me. The doctor was banished to the
elegant lace collar. Those conversing with him Shadow Realm and desperately wishes to return
quickly discover he is obsessed with elven fashion, home. He only takes the PCs into The House if
particularly wigs and dresses from earlier centuries. they agree to bring him back to Midgard with them
During the conversation, he expresses his desire to (or wherever their home plane is located). If the
acquire a “Moonlit Court Gown.” There’s one for sale PCs renege on their end of the deal, he hunts them
at a shop inside The House of Reciprocities, but at down … and collects his payment in laughter or tears.
present, the cost of the gown is far beyond his means.
He gleefully says he would kill to have it; a successful REST BEFORE RECIPROCITY
DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check determines he might Once the PCs gain a host’s sponsorship, they possess
not be joking. a means of entry into the house. The host stresses
Dress Heist. If the PCs imply they can perhaps that the doors open and close at select times. The
acquire the dress for him, he becomes keenly PCs can camp outside Albrytara’s wagon. So long as
interested. It’s likely they’d have to steal it; if they they remain within the boundaries of her lot, no one
convince him they can and will steal the dress for him, troubles them.
he offers to take them inside the house. If the PCs
don’t fulfill their end of the bargain, Torriense just
sighs wistfully, clearly disappointed; after a moment,
though, he asks if they ran into Reissward, and if so,
Part 2: Inside the House
is there anything they could share? If the PCs can tell A long stair winds up and around the cluster of dilapidated
him anything, he’ll be satisfied with the deal. spires. Ascending the stairs feels strange, as if they constantly
change direction, and the angles of the buildings shift and
Lady Bauldrimere twist with every few steps. At last, the stairs end before a
Lady Bauldrimere (CG shadow fey mage) delights crooked door that hangs on a single hinge. Darkness spills
in odors of all sorts and carries several small vials from the cracks between the door and the threshold. There is a
containing scents that she passes around to guests small hatch in the center of the door and an oxidized copper
to partake of. The scents range from heady floral bell mounted on the door jam. Your host rings the bell, the
bouquets to cloying candies to glandular musk— hatch opens, and a pair of eyes stare outward, probing
some pleasant, some awful, but all highly evocative. everyone. Finally, the door opens.
She has come here to collect new scents.
Stern-faced Doorkeeper Drenexla (LN shadow fey
Stink Collector. If the PCs mention the powerful
guard) appears, dressed in a perfectly tailored white
odor of Puddug’s pets, she becomes extraordinarily
suit. She allows everyone entry, then tells the host
excited and wishes to acquire one immediately. The
they must return in three hours to exit.
PCs can win her favor by telling her the location of

114 Tales from the Shadows

The PCs’ host nods in acknowledgment; then,
turning to them, asks, “Hear that?” The host shushes
any response aside from a nod or a simple yes and
says, “Time for questions later.” At this point, the
host enters, and the PCs are free to follow.
Stepping inside the space, it opens to a tremendous
market square. Shaded and dim, wooden signs
hang on iron chains from the high, vaulted ceiling’s
exposed wooden rafters. Below, partitions divide the
square into a maze of stalls and shops.
A Three-Hour Tour. Once inside and away from
the Doorkeeper, the PCs’ host lets them know
there is only one exit to The Common—the same
place they came in—and it closes in three hours. If
they aren’t there in three hours, the host is leaving
without them. The PCs cannot leave without their
host—at least not without a fight—and the door
may or may not bring them to The Common; it may
simply open “elsewhere.” If the PCs ask how to
leave without the host, they reply, “Dear, that’s your
business.” At this point, the host departs with the
admonition, “Do try to stay out of trouble,” leaving
the PCs to their own devices.
Missing Memories. The objective is to discover the
location—and perpetrator—of the stolen memories.
As the PCs explore, they can pick up clues about who
stole the memories and where to find them. While
wandering, two events occur that may provide clues
or cause problems.
This event can take place whenever the GM wishes,
EVENT: JACK OF STRINGS but, as above, it is most beneficial to use this event to
Rimram, a jack of strings (see appendix), deter the PCs from reaching area 10 too quickly.
works closely with The Ticktock Man by seeking
brightlander memories. Once Rimram hears of
brightlanders in The House of Reciprocities, he A chaotic arrangement of kiosks, tables, and
comes looking for them, and once he sees the PCs, blankets—all of which are heaped with piles of
he fixates on them as prime targets. He avoids odds and ends—crowd The House’s hallways.
drawing attention to himself and always keeps 60 Known as “The Swap,” the fey vendors here
feet from the PCs—just close enough to target them trade a mindboggling assortment of snail shells,
with his Puppet Link ability. He uses this ability to mummified sprites, cross-sections of dyed minotaur
force the PC he has linked to enter various shops. horn, 874‑step recipes, lucky dretch toes, petrified
His hope is that by forcing the PCs to enter as many basilisk eyes, costume jewelry, bent candlesticks,
shops as possible, he will weaken them and/or force scrimshawed orc tusk, sentient meats, and more.
them to use their resources, which makes it easier
for him to capture them for The Ticktock Man. He
does this repeatedly if necessary, or if the mood Outside this shop hangs a gold-painted spinning
strikes him (or the PCs just need more of a push to wheel. Inside, an odd assortment of creatures—
go into the other shops). three shadow goblins; a fiendish-looking sprite with
a lopsided wing; and a giant snail with a vaguely
human‑looking face—are swapping stories at a table.

The House of Reciprocities 115

If the PCs ask what it is they do in this shop, one statistics for a swarm of poisonous snakes).
responds, “Brightlanders often promise more than Grumblub flies into a panic, yelling that he had a
they are willing to lose, such as youth, memories, and buyer for the bugs, and offers 100 gp per scorpion to
first-born children. We make sure such debts are paid; anyone who can capture them alive.
we collect on them.” Creature Capture. The PCs can “capture” the
Clue. If asked about memories, they reveal they scorpions by simply choosing to deal non-lethal
have collected a couple of bounties on behalf of The damage and using regular attacks against them. But
Ticktock Man. If pressed for more information, they if the players come up with creative ways of capturing
quickly become suspicious and refuse to reveal the the scorpions non-violently, reward that creativity.
whereabouts of an excellent client to strangers but Clue. If the PCs successfully aid Grumblub, he
add, “Don’t worry . . . he’s around here somewhere. expresses his gratitude by sharing a rumor that a
He rarely leaves his workshop.” puppeteer known as Rimram performs experiments
with memories, with the ultimate goal of giving his
3. DAG GNASHER’S puppets sentience. Grumblub shares this information
A sign outside this shop reads, “Dag Gnasher’s Tooth even if all the scorpions die, so long as the PCs tried to
Exchange. Most Gold per Tooth Guaranteed. Free capture them.
Appraisals.” Every so often, a scream comes from
within. The proprietor, Dag Gnasher, is a fairy with 5. HABERDASHERY DE NOX
black eyes and a wild aspect who is typically seen Torriense’s ex-lover, Reissward Nox (N shadow fey
carrying (and/or wielding) a large mallet, a chisel, and umbral tailor [Book of Ebon Tides]) runs this shop that
some pliers. specializes in all manner of Shadow Court formal
Clue. The tooth fairy carries a small hourglass attire. Rows of lavishly brocaded suits and lace dresses,
with sickly green sand inside, the memory of a silk stockings and hosiery, yards of exquisite cloth,
child getting his teeth extracted. He accepted it as a shoes, hats, and wigs crowd the room. Reissward and
payment from “the goat guy” in exchange for half-a- his staff also offer tailoring and commissioned pieces,
dozen bearfolk fangs about two months ago. though they only do this custom work for shadow fey.
Nox has a workshop behind the showroom where five
4. THE UMBRAL WORM shadow fey commoners serve as apprentice tailors.
The Umbral Worm is a large shop filled with hundreds Host Relevance. Reissward stores many rare,
of jars filled with a diverse assortment of worms, antique pieces he uses for measurements and
insects, slugs, and other crawling organisms most inspiration for new designs in his shop. Among these
would consider vermin. Its aged amphibianesque pieces stands a mannequin garbed in a stunning
proprietor, Grumblub, walks with a cane and eagerly gossamer evening gown matching the description of
explains his stock’s properties, benefits, and flavors. the Moonlit Court Gown sought by Torriense. If the
It contains creatures both magical and mundane, PCs inquire about purchasing it, Reissward insists
poisonous, venomous, parasitic, and harmless. Prices that he simply couldn’t possibly ever part with it—
range from a few silvers to hundreds of platinum, out of the question—though he compliments their
though he keeps the more expensive stock in a walk-in excellent eye and taste.
vault in the back. Clue. If the PCs mention their recent interactions
Host Relevance. Dr. Slipstitch stops in at this with Torriense, Reissward eagerly pleads for
shop, as it is where he hopes to replenish his supply gossip. If they oblige him, he offers the PCs a 10%
of “extractors.” If he is the PCs’ host and/or if the discount on any of the fine clothing he has on offer
players enjoyed interacting with him, consider having (though the prices of everything in his shop are
them run into each other again here. pretty outrageous), but likely of more interest is that
Complications. Two shadow fey get into an he offers to share information. When he asks the
altercation over the last milky ribbon worm in the PCs what they might like to know, if the subject of
shop. During the argument, one pushes the other memories comes up, he tells them a customer recently
into a large glass tank labeled, “Black Butcher Death showed him a small hourglass filled with colored
Scorpions,” shattering it and releasing four—you sand and told him the sand inside was memories. The
guessed it—black butcher death scorpions (use customer then tried to pay his bill using the hourglass

116 Tales from the Shadows

as payment, but Nox refused, preferring coin instead. However, he cannot remember his name, nor is he
The customer was a short fellow with silver hair who certain why he is there.
requested a top hat. Unfortunately, Reissward didn’t
“I feel like I’m missing something,” he says. “But I’m not
catch his name. (It was, in fact, The Ticktock Man.)
sure what. I have come here to find it; I sense it here . . .
If the PCs ask about timepieces, Nox remembers the
customer did indeed have a very fine pocket watch on
his belt. The elf ’s name is Varaelian Azrilith; his memories
were stolen from him nearly half a century earlier. If
6. THE LOOKING GLASS the PCs ask around about him, they learn he has been
At this kiosk, a young shadow fey named Oreliana a fixture of The House for at least a decade, and most
sells enchanted hand mirrors that change the viewer’s assume he’s simply mad.
reflection based on their mood.
Clue. A male sable elf shopping at the kiosk stares 7. WENDERIN’S WHISTLES
apathetically into a mirror, and his reflection remains This shop sells carved wooden whistles that imitate
the same. His eyes are vacant, and his expression various sounds, such as that of crying babies,
is blank. If the PCs attempt to talk with him, he horrified screams, eerie winds, and other dissonant or
acknowledges them and seems friendly enough. unsettling sounds, as well as more pleasant ones.

The House of Reciprocities 117

Clue. When the shadow fey, Wenderin, Clue. When the PCs enter, the satyr, Florian (CN
demonstrates his whistles—he always starts with a satyr with the changes noted below), immediately
pleasant, melodious one—it attracts Varaelian (see perks back up and turns his attention to them,
area 6) who wanders over and says the sound reminds hoping to score drinks, and tries to goad them into
him of something from his past, but he cannot recall participating in a drinking contest—the loser pays
what. Before he elaborates, something else catches the tab.
his interest, and he wanders off in pursuit; if the PCs Afterward, or if the PCs don’t wish to engage in
catch up to him, he is, in fact, unable to elaborate, in a contest, Florian offers to trade information for
any case—he doesn’t remember anything else. flights; he provides one of the following pieces of
information for each flight he is given. When given a
8. GRANNY GRISTLEWICK’S CONFECTIONS flight, he one-after-another slams back all six shots
A night hag known as Granny Gristlewick runs three like they’re nothing and seems none the worse for it.
different covens throughout the Shadow Realm. • “I’ve tasted memories before; thought they’d have
From time to time, they convene here at her shop more of a kick, to be honest! I bought them off
in The House of Reciprocities, where she spends a goat in a jester suit. Don’t look at me like that.
her days engrossed in her favorite pastime: baking It was a goat in a bloody jester suit. ” The goat in a
goodies for children. Her signboard boasts: jester’s suit he’s referring to is Rimram.
“GINGERBREAD AND OTHER • “The memories, they came in an hourglass; they
CONFECTIONS: was all made of grains of sand and really gritty
Guaranteed to Lure Human Children when I drank them all down; made me sneeze.”
Scent carries for more than 5 miles • “The goat has a shop filled with a bunch of weird—
or your money back!” what do you call ‘em?—oh, right: puppets! I tried
Host Relevance. Lady Bauldrimere makes a stop to find his wine cellar once, but I got all turned
here, as she wishes to purchase confections for her around and wound up in a place filled with clocks,
scent collection. If she is the PCs’ host and/or if the so I left. Admittedly, I might have been a bit
players enjoyed interacting with her, consider having drunk.” The shop he’s referring to is in area 10.
them run into each other again here. Creature Change. Florian has 20 Constitution, a
Constitution saving throw bonus of +7, has advantage
9. THE BLITHE SPIRIT on saving throws against poison, and has resistance
The Blithe Spirit sells potent distillations made from to poison damage.
unusual grains and dark water (Book of Ebon Tides). Florian’s Tolerance. If the PCs question Oslak
Some are said to contain the essence of wormwood, about Florian’s ability to drink so much or question
ghosts, or even alien creatures of the Void. the “three drink maximum” warning in contrast to
The storefront is arranged like a bar. The proprietor Florian’s drinking, Oslak just shakes his head and
is Oslak (N human commoner), a middle-aged man says he’s never seen anyone like Florian. “He kind of
with a glorious black handlebar mustache and a scares me,” he admits.
black derby hat. He offers single half-shot samples Storeroom. The store has a large storeroom filled
(up to three per customer) and sells six-shot sampler with crates of liquor.
flights for 10 gp. Bottles run between 20 to 500 gp,
depending on the liquor’s rarity and potency. 10. STRUNG ALONG
A satyr is sitting on one of the barstools with his Rimram, the jack of strings, runs this shop. Whether
head on the bar. you ran the “Jack of Strings” event or not, Rimram
Three Shot Maximum. If anyone drinks more than has learned of the PCs and desperately wants to
three shots, they become poisoned and must succeed capture them for The Ticktock Man.
on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw to avoid As the PCs approach the shop, but before they
suffering the effects of the confusion spell; the duration can see him, Rimram ducks through a door into his
of both effects is 1 hour. Before anyone actually takes a back room. Watching through a one-way mirror set
fourth shot, though, Oslak offers a friendly warning to into the backroom door, he uses his Animate Puppet
them that they might want to reconsider. ability to animate five puppets to run the shop.

118 Tales from the Shadows

All manner of puppets, marionettes, articulated wooden (Insight) check (or has a passive Insight of 13 or
toys, and plushy stuffed animals fill the shelves of this shop. higher) notices Zenk’s eyes flick toward the door to
All the creations appear to be exquisitely crafted, but after the back room in the middle of this statement.
a moment you realize that all of them, while cute on the Almost as if on cue, there’s a sudden clattering sound of
surface, also have some kind of subtly sinister or hideous shelving collapsing, followed by a torrent of teddy bears
element about them. The shop initially seems vacant, but dropping down to the floor from above the door to the shop.
moments after you step inside and look around, five of the As the stuffed animals pile up on the floor, you can see that
puppets suddenly come to life: a jester ballerina puppet with they’re a motley collection of patchwork teddy bears of a wide
a fractured porcelain face; a hideous patchwork troll plushy variety of colors and disfigurements. Even as the teddy bears
with one eye torn out; a toad hand puppet wearing a suit continue falling, the pile on the floor starts moving, forming
whose shiny black eyes feel like they’re boring into your soul; into some kind of . . . swarm . . . that rises up to nearly the
a portly, two-headed clown marionette; and an exquisitely size of an ogre, blocking the exit. After a moment, however,
painted, articulated wooden doll dressed like a sweet little the latter point is irrelevant as the door slams shut behind it.
schoolgirl, but with a bloody scalpel clutched in one hand.
The jester ballerina holds up a sign that reads, “What Can Creatures. The pile of teddy bears forms a
I Help You With?” gruesome plushy swarm (see appendix). It
immediately targets the PCs and attempts to kill
The other four puppets all also unveil signs; they them. With lots of tiny, tiny knives.
read: “Plushy,” “String Puppet,” “Articulated,” and Once the swarm emerges, Zenk retreats into the
“Hand Puppet.” The puppets wait for the PCs to back room, using Nimble Escape to Disengage if
choose one, then hold up a sign that says, “Be Right necessary. At the same time, Rimram, from the back
Back!” The troll then walks through a small door set room, turns the five puppet shop clerks (which are
into a larger door leading into the backroom. animated via his Animate Puppet feature) on the PCs.
After a few minutes, Zenk (LN shadow goblin The next round, Rimram attempts to use his Puppet
spy), wearing a black suit and bow tie, comes into the Link ability to target random PCs from behind the
shop through the small back door and says, “I hear door as three shadow goblin scouts plus Zenk race
you’re interested in our fine selection of [whatever through the smaller door to join the fight. Once the
the PCs requested].” He then directs the PCs’ PCs defeat more than half the enemies—or, if they
attention to the requested types of puppets. try to (or successfully) force their way into the back
Clue. If the PCs stay in the shop long enough for room—Rimram flees through a secret door hidden in
Zenk to come out, any PCs with a passive Perception a grandfather clock that connects to Ticktock Tower
of 13 or higher hears the faint sound in order to warn The Ticktock Man.
of a clock chime from further within
the shop, behind the closed door. If
asked about it, Zenk waves it off and
says the thing always rings like that;
he’s not sure where it comes from.
Hard Sell. Zenk gives the PCs the hard
sell: “You won’t find craftsmanship like this
anywhere else in the Shadow Realm . . . or in any
other realm, I’d wager!” He then goes on with more
in that vein if the PCs show disinterest. The puppets
range in price from 20 to 500 gp depending on the
level of detail and articulation.
If the PCs ask about Rimram, purchasing
memories, hourglasses, or anything else other than
puppets, Zenk feigns ignorance—never even heard
of a Rimram—and insists he only sells puppets.
“I,” he says, “am a puppet salesman and nothing
more.” A PC who makes a successful DC 13 Wisdom

The House of Reciprocities 119

Treasure. There are approximately 200 undamaged 4. BENEATH AND UNDER DOOR
puppets of various types (worth 2 sp each). In the
A wooden door with a clock face mounted on it hangs
back room, which is a workshop containing many
in an archway that faces the steps. The clock reads,
tools of the trade, the PCs can piece together two
“3:16.” The door is closed. The doormat reads, “6.”
sets each of painter’s supplies, tinker’s tools, weaver’s
Time Trap. The door is unlocked, and anyone can
tools, and woodcarver’s tools.
walk through it; however, the door alters time, and
those passing through it are subjected to a random
Part 3: Ticktock Tower temporal effect (see the “Temporal Effects” sidebar).
Anyone can easily avoid the door by stepping onto
Ticktock Tower consists of an uneven stack of rooms the open staircase. However, stepping onto the
built mostly from thousands and thousands of clocks staircase without first opening the door triggers the
of every type and style imaginable. All the clocks Hammerbell Alarms (see below).
function, creating a low din of whirring gears and Bypass. To bypass the effect, the clock’s hands must
clicking timers. From the tower’s hollow center hang be arranged so that if one were to subtract all of the
a pair of colossal pendulums and a massive chime bell. individual digits from each other, going from left to
Creatures. The Ticktock Man (see appendix) and right (for example 9 – 2 – 1), the result would be 6.
his two shadow goblin scout apprentices operate Hammerbell Alarms. All the clocks with hammer
this tower. When the PCs arrive, all three are on the bell alarms go off simultaneously. All creatures in the
second floor, in the Nowhere Room. As soon as they tower (except The Ticktock Man) must make a DC 16
become aware of intruders when the secret door is Constitution saving throw or lose any concentration
opened, The Ticktock Man sends the shadow goblins spells and become deafened for 1 minute, or if
to confront the PCs as he uses his blinding speed to successful, until the start of their next turn.
position himself strategically and then attacks.
Initially, he fights intending to protect his Tower 5. UP AND OVER DOOR
and his precious memories . . . until he falls below A wooden plank door with a clock face mounted on
half his hp. At that point, he rushes back to the it hangs in an archway that stands directly at the top
Nowhere Room to gather as many memories as he of the steps. “7:29.” The door is closed. The doormat
can before heading upstairs to the Nexus Door (area reads, “9.”
10) and fleeing. Time Trap. The door is unlocked, and anyone can
If Rimram was able to flee from Strung Along, he walk through it; however, the door alters time, and
proceeds directly to the Nexus Door (area 10) and those passing through it are subjected to a random
uses it to flee, though he stops and fights if the PCs temporal effect (see the “Temporal Effects” sidebar).
attempt to stop him from running. Bypass. To bypass the effect, the clock’s hands
must be arranged so that if one were to add all the
individual digits together (for example 3 + 3 + 3), the
This door provides access to Ticktock Tower from result would be 9.
Strung Along (House area 10). Cuckoo Alarms. All the cuckoo clocks in the tower
ring simultaneously. The cacophony is maddening,
and all creatures in the tower (except The Ticktock
This colossal brass pendulum hangs from a broad Man) must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw
gap in the ceiling that extends several stories up into to avoid losing concentration on any active spells.
darkness. The Ticktock Man can use it to make an
attack with one of his lair actions. 6. STICKY WICKET
The floor here is open to the floor above, and likewise
there is an opening leading to a third floor. The
Hanging alongside the pendulum, a massive metal enormous pendulums and chime hang down through
chime dangles from high above. The Ticktock Man the opening from above. The pendulum hanging at this
can ring the chime as one of his lair actions. level is swinging back and forth, north-south, slowly.

120 Tales from the Shadows

The House of Reciprocities 121
A creature can use the gap to access the upper 9. THE NOWHERE ROOM
levels by flying or climbing through it. Doing so
triggers Hammerbell Alarms (see area 4). Two dozen hourglasses, each filled with different color sand,
are arrayed on the shelves that line the walls of this room.
7. PENUMBRAL PENDULUM Anywhere on the walls that there isn’t a shelf, there’s a
This pendulum matches the description of—and clock. They seem to all be synchronized, except that they’re 12
functions the same as—the one seen in area 2. minutes apart from each other. You can quickly see that the
base time is the time that’s on the clock in the door you came
8. SIDEWAYS AND IN-BETWEEN through. For a moment, you think you notice a pattern as to
A wooden plank door with a clock face mounted how they’re arranged, but you blink and the same clock you
on it hangs in an archway that faces the steps. The were looking at suddenly has a different time on it, but the
clock reads, “6:14.” The door is closed. The doormat clocks are still all synchronized and 12 minutes apart.
reads, “12.” Sands in the Hourglass. The sand in each hourglass
Trap. The enchanted door siphons memories. holds a memory. The different colors of sand
Those passing through it must make a DC 16 represent different emotions. A creature can view
Wisdom save or lose their background, including the memory within by holding the magical hourglass
proficiency in any skills, tools, and languages up to their eye. Viewing a memory takes only a short
associated with the background. The memories time but can damage the psyche. Any creature that
transform into colored sand and manifest within views a memory from a mind other than their own
one of the hourglasses atop the shelf in the Nowhere must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw
Room. The effect lasts until the individual recovers or take 14 (4d6) psychic damage after the viewing
their memories, as described below. is complete. If a creature views a memory that
Bypass. To bypass the effect, the clock’s hands originally belonged to them, they regain the memory
must be arranged so that if one were to multiply the as if it had never been forgotten.
individual digits together, going from left to right Memory Catalog. Upon closer inspection, the PCs
(for example 2 × 3 × 2), the result would be 12. can see that most of the hourglasses are unlabeled
beyond noting a location, but a few are marked
more extensively:
• “Court of Sparrows. Skilled Shadow Goblin
Chef. (Excitement)” The memory is of the chef
explaining a new recipe to another chef and
seeing the chef impressed.
Temporal Effects • “Golden Oak. Haughty Elf Flautist. (Sadness)”
When a temporal effect occurs, roll 1d6 to determine The memory is of an emcee saying, “It’s my
the result: pleasure to give you Master Flautist Varaelian
1. Time skips backward. An affected creature makes its Azrilith” followed by applause; the elf then plays
next ability check with advantage. a beautiful, sad dirge on his flute and becomes so
2. Time skips forward. An affected creature makes its
wrapped up in his performance that tears streak
next ability check at disadvantage. down his face as he plays. These are Varaelian’s
(area 6) lost memories; the sound of the whistle
3. Time speeds up. The next time an affected creature
moves, its speed is doubled. The GM doubles the
(area 7) reminded him of the music he once
movement after the PC uses their movement.
played on his own instrument.
4. Time slows down. On an affected creature’s next turn, • “Corremel. Stalwart Human Investigator.
it is unable to take actions. (Anger)” The memory is of a man questioning
5. Time pauses. On an affected creature’s next turn, it someone about the death of his wife and then
can take 1 additional action. slamming his hand against a wall after failing to
6. Déjà vu. An affected creature repeats the last action
get any answers; he goes back to his room at the
it took on its next turn as well; this does not expend
inn and swipes his investigative notes off the desk
additional resources. and onto the floor.

122 Tales from the Shadows

• “Court of Pale Roses. Studious Wyrd Gnome
Apprentice. (Triumph)” The memory is of a young
Concluding the Adventure
wyrd gnome studying an arcane tome, making The adventure concludes when the PCs defeat The
somatic gestures with a bit of phosphorus in Ticktock Man, recover the memories, and exit The
hand as he mutters eldritch words over and over, House of Reciprocities.
until finally four torch-sized lights appear out of If the PCs previously met with the bearfolk directly,
nowhere, swirling brightly around his hand; his they may wish to travel to The Moonlit Glades to
eyes widen with wonder as he then makes the tiny return the memories to Urshaka personally. She and
magic orbs move at his command. her clan don’t have much in the way of coin, but they
extend their deepest thanks and give the PCs a ring of
Urshaka’s Memories. The bearfolk shaman’s (or
animal influence in gratitude.
whomever the PCs are trying to aid as part of the
Likewise, the PCs may wish to find Varaelian in The
hook) memories can be easily located by finding
House to return his memories to him and perhaps
the hourglass labeled “Moonlit Glades.” If the
also escort him back to his forgotten home of Golden
players don’t remember where she was from, a
Oak. Recovering his memories is a longer process
PC succeeding on a DC 10 Intelligence check can
for him than for most, as he’d been without them for
recall that information. Urshaka’s memory is of her
half a century. Though he was a well-regarded flautist,
learning the rites and traditions of her clan as a youth.
he was never wealthy by any means, but he promises
10. NEXUS DOOR that once he gets back on his
feet and is playing again,
An enormous grandfather clock stands among the
he will find the PCs and
hundreds of timepieces lining the walls. A close
reward them duly; in the
inspection of the clock reveals that the cabinet opens
meantime, perhaps
to a magical portal connected to various locations
he’ll even compose a
along the shadow roads. The clock’s hand’s settings
symphony inspired by
determine the destination. A DC 12 Intelligence
them. . . .
(Arcana) check identifies the portal’s purpose and
how it functions.
Developments. If Rimram or The Ticktock Man has
fled through the portal, the clock hands have been set
to arrive near Corremel.
Treasure. The Ticktock Man stashes his treasure
in various clocks throughout the room. Finding
each stash requires a successful DC 12 Intelligence
(Investigation) check.
• Stash 1. 2,000 sp, 300 gp, and an assortment of
gems (worth 350 gp total).
• Stash 2. A box with 1,200 cp, a scroll of darkvision, a
scroll of moonbeam, and a chime of opening.
• Stash 3. 50 pp; a tooled leather coin purse inlaid
with silver (worth 250 gp); a pair of dragonscale
earrings set with moonstone (worth 250 gp);
an ivory comb set with onyx (250 gp); a jade
statuette (worth 250 gp); and a figurine of
wondrous power (silver raven).

The House of Reciprocities 123

Among the Shades
and Shadows

Starting the Adventure
Eldreth Umbril was a noble shadow fey living in
The inky-black waters of the River Lethe run east-
Corremel-in-Shadow. He owned a modest home
west through Corremel. As the characters approach
within the city, enjoyed his inherited wealth, and did
the city limits, read or paraphrase the following:
what many minor lordlings do: moved in the circles
of politics, was a patron of the arts, and reveled in The city of Corremel glows like a beacon in the darkness of
food, drink, and good company. the Shadow Realm. Myriad lanterns light your way, dotting
Eldreth continued in this way for some years, the path forward.
until two new faces arrived at The Pluming Lantern A figure lingers at the edge of the light. A shadow fey
Pleasure Salon: two dream eaters, in the guises of dressed in tattered courtly attire, with two short horns that
midnight shadow fey, named Andarian and Duella. curve back along his head and short hair that falls into his
The two quickly became the establishment’s most downcast eyes, stares into the black water. It’s only after he
sought-after courtesans, taking up residence in the turns his head at the sound of your approach that you realize
largest, most well-appointed room. Eldreth was his form is ghostly and translucent. He lets out a small cry
one of their most loyal patrons, but each time he and rushes toward you.
returned to them, they demanded more and more in “Please,” he begs. “Help me.”
exchange for their time and attentions. Eldreth found The figure, Eldreth Umbril, is a newly formed
himself compelled to pay their ever-increasing costs, Stygian shade (use statistics for a wraith). If the PCs
until the day he realized he’d gifted them most of his hear him out, he explains that he does not remember
wealth and family heirlooms, including his deceased how he came to be here, on the edge of the River
mother’s necklace. Plunged into shame and despair, Lethe, nor does he remember his name or who he is.
Eldreth wandered the city in a drunken stupor for He has a burning need to reclaim his lost memories,
three days and three nights until he relented to his but he’s afraid of entering Corremel in his current
misery and flung himself from the River Bridge and form. He begs the PCs to help him track down clues
into the Lethe, ending it all. to his identity and to help him figure out the cause of
Eldreth has returned in the form of a Stygian shade, his death.
with only a few tattered scraps of memory to guide Eldreth is certain Corremel holds the answers he
him to who he once was. He needs the characters’ seeks, though he’s unable to explain why. The only
help to track down his true identity and reclaim his fleeting memories he presently has are the following:
family’s name.
• He recalls an image of a massive, white marble
bridge. (See “The River Bridge.”)

124 Tales from the Shadows

white stag amidst the dark trees, surrounded by
will‑o’‑wisps. (See “The Horn Gate Inn.”)
• He has a memory of a thick crimson rug twined
over with a design of brambles and black morning
glories. (See “The Pluming Lantern Pleasure
• He’s confident he was rich, and that if the PCs
help him, they will be paid handsomely (once
he regains his memories and his wealth). He
distinctly remembers an intricate necklace
of silver and black opal that was dear to him.
The memory of the necklace evokes feelings of
helplessness, rage, and despair, and he has a hard
time keeping his composure when discussing it.
(See “The Pluming Lantern Pleasure Salon.”)
If the PCs agree to help Eldreth, he thanks them
profusely and remains at his location to await news
from them.


If the PCs attack Eldreth, he uses his first two turns to
take the Dodge action, uses his movement to retreat
from combat at his full speed (using Disengage in
place of Dodge if necessary) and begs the characters

Alternate Plot Hook

In case the provided plot hook won’t work for your
game (or the PCs do something unexpected, like kill
• He holds tight to a fond memory of a woman poor Eldreth before acquiring the plot), here are some
singing, accompanied by a lute. He can hum a few additional options for introducing the adventure:
bars of the melody but does not recall the words • Eldreth’s sister, Indirial, recently arrived in the
or the entire song. (See “The Horn Gate Inn.”) city from the Courts of the Shadow Fey when
• He remembers the smell of oil paints, the taste communication with her brother suddenly ceased.
of good wine, and the sound of a man’s low She found his home empty, the valuables missing,
laughter. Accompanying these sensory memories and no answers. She’s particularly distressed to find
is the image of a half-completed painting of a her mother’s black opal necklace is missing. She
hires the party to find out what happened to Eldreth
and to bring him home if they can. She knows, prior
to his silence, that he’d recently squabbled with his
on-again, off-again lover, Soren Cimmerian, and
The Power of Names had talked often of sating his baser appetites at The
Since learning Eldreth’s name is a vital element of this Pluming Lantern.
mystery, it’s important that you don’t slip up and refer • Alternatively, if the PCs are in another city within the
to him by his actual name to the PCs until they discover Courts of the Shadow Fey, place Indirial there and
it. Refer to him to the PCs as “the Stygian shade” until have her request an escort to Corremel and/or ask
they learn his identity. that the PCs investigate on her behalf.

Among the Shades and Shadows 125

to stop. If the PCs continue their assault, at the company of friends, and the short strain of melody he
beginning of his third turn, Eldreth’s visage shifts and recalls in his present form is a song often performed
he becomes aggressive. by a bard here. When the PCs approach the inn for
the first time, read or paraphrase the following:
A merry strain of music dances across the air, so light you
The PCs can return to Eldreth over the course of don’t notice it at first. As it becomes clearer, however, you
the adventure to give him any items or information realize you recognize the tune as the one the shade hummed
they may have recovered. As he only recently became for you.
a Stygian shade, his form is still translucent and
insubstantial. As he regains his memories, his form The PCs can easily follow the music to The Horn Gate
begins to solidify. Returning Eldreth’s name to him is Inn. If they do so, read or paraphrase the following:
a huge boon and allows him to hold a material form A large, horn-colored mansion dominates the east side of
for longer periods of time, though not permanently. the road. With a stone exterior and a slate gray roof, the
Only the return of his mother’s necklace brings building sports numerous gables, turrets, and stained-glass
enough emotional resonance for him to transition to windows, and is bedecked with balconies with intricately
more permanent corporeal form. carved balustrades. Patrons filter in and out, and the low
If the PCs return to him with the snippets of murmur of conversation punctuated by laughter floats from
information they uncover, his form flickers briefly inside. Applause suddenly breaks out as the song you were
into corporeal form before returning to his ghostly following comes to an end. A moment later, a new song
state. The closer the PCs get to the truth, the more begins to cheers of approval. A swinging sign above the door
and more desperate Eldreth becomes, as he can feel declares this as The Horn Gate Inn.
the memories drifting just out of reach. When the PCs enter the inn, read or paraphrase the
Corremel-in-Shadow Inside the inn, hand-carved wooden décor creates a grand
but welcoming ambiance. Shadow fey, humans, elf-
The city is a teeming metropolis and finding Eldreth’s
marked, and even a few halflings dance to a lively song
memories within such a bustle may seem a bit like
being played by three musicians on drum, lute, and pipe.
searching for a needle in a haystack. Be on the
Tables and booths are arrayed around the dance floor,
lookout for opportunities to add additional clues or
occupied by customers eating and drinking and laughing.
leads for your players to chase down, especially if they
Art hangs from the walls above the booths, featuring still
begin to seem frustrated or without direction.
lifes, landscapes, portraits, and tasteful nudes. One striking
Clues. If the PCs begin asking around about anyone
painting is of a white stag, its flawless, pale coat nearly
of Eldreth’s description, roll a d20. On a result of 10
glowing in the shadow of a midnight forest dotted with
or better, the NPC recognizes the description as a
floating will-o’-wisps.
man who frequents The Horn Gate Inn, though they
don’t know his name. If they ask about the melody The Artist. The painting is the completed version
Eldreth hummed, the NPC recognizes it without the of the half-finished piece Eldreth remembers. It
need for a roll as a popular song often performed by was painted by Soren Cimmerian (NG shadow fey
a trio at The Horn Gate Inn. Any NPC asked about noble), an artist who resides full-time in a suite of
a large white bridge can easily point the PCs to The rooms at the inn. He’s currently sitting at a table
River Bridge. with other artists, drinking and laughing. A PC who
succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
THE HORN GATE INN notices Soren as a pretty, pale-haired shadow fey
A large, horn-colored mansion situated on the with numerous paint stains on his hands and on his
northernmost edge of the city, The Horn Gate Inn is charcoal-gray tunic and leggings.
often the first stop for travelers and adventurers. Clues. Though the inn is crowded, the PCs can
There are musical performances every night at The easily find a table if they wish. If the PCs ask any of
Horn Gate Inn, and musicians vie for the privilege of the staff about the painting, they’re able to tell them
performing for the public. Eldreth often frequented the name of the artist and point to him where he sits
The Horn Gate Inn, sometimes on his own or in the at his table. If they ask any of the staff about a man

126 Tales from the Shadows

matching Eldreth’s description, they can tell them that’s when he became worried and confronted
that his name is Eldreth Umbril and confirm he’s a him about it.
regular patron, though he hasn’t been seen in a while. • He claims Eldreth was like an addict of some sort,
He was usually in the company of Soren, indicating willing to do whatever he could to earn just a few
Soren in the crowd if they haven’t seen him already. more minutes of their time. He can tell them the
courtesans’ names: Andarian and Duella.
Soren Cimmerian
Soren Cimmerian is an up-and-coming artist living Reuniting Soren and Eldreth
in the city of Corremel-in-Shadow. He’s a tall and If the PCs tell Soren that Eldreth has returned as a
broad-shouldered shadow fey with long, white hair he Stygian shade, he immediately demands to be taken
adorns with small braids, and his tiny black horns are to him. The two tearfully reunite, and Eldreth takes
easy to miss. His face is more pretty than handsome, on a corporeal form for a few minutes as the rush
and his skin and eyes are pale gray. of memories associated with Soren fill him. Soren
Currently, Soren rents a small suite of rooms on asks how Eldreth died, but Eldreth still does not
the third floor of The Horn Gate Inn, consisting remember, so Soren asks the PCs to discover the
of a sitting room, a bedroom, and a study that answer, if they haven’t already.
he’s converted into his artist’s studio. Until three If the PCs show any reluctance to continue the
months ago, Soren and Eldreth enjoyed each other’s quest, Soren can offer them some of his art as
company, and Eldreth spent many days (and nights) payment. If pressed for actual coin, or if the PCs
in Soren’s suite. When Eldreth began visiting Duella have been to Inkblot Manor and accuse Eldreth of
and Andarian more and more frequently, however, being poor and unable to pay them, Soren mentions
Soren became at first jealous, and then increasingly Eldreth’s sister, Indirial, who would surely pay them
concerned with his friend’s obsession with the handsomely for aiding her brother.
courtesans. The last time Soren saw Eldreth, nearly Soren insists on taking Eldreth back to his rooms
two months ago now, they argued viciously about the at The Horn Gate Inn. If this happens, the two can be
matter, leading Eldreth to hurl a pot of paint against found there for the rest of the adventure.
the wall of Soren’s studio out of anger. The dripping
vermillion splotch is still visible on the wall and the INKBLOT MANOR
floor beneath it. So named because of the strange, constantly
If Soren is approached by the PCs, he welcomes changing blotched patterns of the black and white
conversation with newcomers and is highly flirtatious marble of its façade, Inkblot Manor was the home of
with all of them, especially the most charismatic Eldreth in life. The ground floor consists of a sizable
of the group. He can identify Eldreth from a foyer, sitting room, and library in the front, with a
description, though the mention of his former lover dining room, kitchen, and scullery in the back. The
sets him in a quiet pique. second floor holds the master bedroom, study, and a
Clues. If the PCs inform Soren that Eldreth is dead, private sitting room. The third floor holds three guest
he sobers and invites them to his suite to tell him rooms, dusty and unused, and a large storage room
more. Once there, he answers the PCs’ questions as filled with cloth-covered furniture.
best he can: When the PCs approach Inkblot Manor, read or
• Eldreth Umbril lived in a house east of Joyful Park paraphrase the following:
called Inkblot Manor.
Nestled in a wealthy neighborhood west of Joyful Park,
• He hasn’t seen Eldreth in nearly two months, not Inkblot Manor is one of the smaller houses on the block
since they had a huge argument and said some but is still grand in its own right. A three-story mansion,
unkind things to one another. with black scrollwork along the eaves and arched windows
• Soren is less enthusiastic about recounting the that stare out at the street like blank eyes, the house’s most
reasons for the argument, but reluctantly tells the notable feature is the marble façade, covered over completely
PCs it was because Eldreth had taken to visiting with black and white blotched patterns. The blots shift and
two newer courtesans at The Pluming Lantern. He change ever so slowly before your eyes, like ink drops soaking
was jealous at first, yes, but then as Eldreth spent through paper.
more and more of his family’s money on the two,

Among the Shades and Shadows 127

Robbery in Progress. A group of thieves are in range use both longsword attacks and their offhand
the process of robbing the house. A successful DC shortsword attack.
12 Wisdom (Perception) check allows the PCs to Creature Change. The shadow fey thieves have AC
glimpse movement and the flickering, intermittent 15, and their weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 poison
lantern light through the windows on the first damage on a hit.
floor. A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals the Treasure. One of the thieves has a fine, polished
movements to be strange, less like someone moving wood chest in their backpack. Inside the chest is a
through the rooms naturally and more like someone set of fine silverware service for 24 (worth 100 gp).
unfamiliar with the layout. The set was stolen from Inkblot Manor’s kitchen.
Entrances. The house has two entrances: The Otherwise, the thieves’ bags are mostly empty,
imposing front door (black, with a silver door save for a worthless trinket or two swiped from the
knocker featuring a crest of a curved sword crossed library’s shelves.
with a feather), and a smaller back door that enters
from the back alley. The doors are both unlocked. The Searching Inkblot Manor
thieves came in through the back, then unlocked the PCs who spend time searching the manor discover
front door as a potential means of escape. it is almost completely empty of any easily
Knock-Knock. If the PCs knock at the front transportable valuables. There is no money found
door, no one answers. At the back door, a DC 14 in the house, no jewelry, and no small trinkets or art
Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals scratches in pieces of any notable value.
the paint around the keyhole; a character proficient The Master Bedroom. The wall of the master
in thieves’ tools recognizes the scratches as tell-tale bedroom holds a painting of Eldreth’s mother, a
signs of clumsy lockpicking. beautiful female shadow fey with curly dark hair and
deep gray skin, wearing an intricate silver and black
Entering the House opal necklace. This is the necklace Eldreth remembers
Inside, the house is dimly lit. In any room the PCs and the one currently in Duella’s possession. (See
pass through, they see the drawers and cabinets are “The Pluming Lantern Pleasure Salon.”) A successful
all open, and items that had been on the countertops DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check (or a PC
have been knocked over or moved around looking behind the frame) reveals a safe behind the
haphazardly. portrait. The safe is locked, and a successful DC 18
When the PCs enter the house, two of the thieves Dexterity check with thieves’ tools is required to open
are in the library (area 1) and one is in the sitting room it. The safe is empty.
(area 2). If the thieves know the PCs are coming, they The Study. In the study, a desk stands adjacent to
position themselves in order to get the jump on the a cold fireplace. On the desk is an open journal and
PCs when they enter the room they’re in. When two an ink pot and quill that have been knocked over,
of the thieves are knocked unconscious or killed, the spilling ink over the desktop. The ink is dry, having
remaining thief attempts to flee. been spilled weeks ago by Eldreth. The open journal
If any of the thieves are taken alive, they beg for has most of the pages torn out, with only one entry
their life and apologize profusely. They were told remaining. On the open page, in a shaky hand, is
Inkblot Manor was empty, and that the owner would written the phrase “What have I done?” Eldreth wrote
not be returning any time soon, so they assumed this after realizing he’d traded away his mother’s
it was ripe for the taking. The thief seems upset, necklace, the event that preceded his eventual demise.
however, and explains they hadn’t gotten very far in A successful DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check or DC
their search of the house, and anyway, it seems like 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals several
everything worth anything is already gone. They mostly burned pieces of paper in the fireplace. These
suppose maybe another group got there before them. are pages from Eldreth’s journal, which he ripped out
Creatures. Three shadow fey thieves (use statistics and threw into the fire in despair. The PCs can make
for veteran with the changes noted below). Any out the following excerpts on the burned remains:
thieves not in the room with the PCs when combat “. . . went to Soren . . . a sweet night at The Horn
begins use their heavy crossbows and duck behind Gate . . . quarreled. He’s driven by petty jealousy.
cover between shots. Any thieves fighting in melee Typical of . . . doesn’t understand. . . .”

128 Tales from the Shadows

“ . . . what beauty and wonder . . . Duella. The neighbors, the Lanternkeepers stop them in the
Pleasure House has always been a favorite of mine, street, ask them their business, and then suggest they
but since they arrived . . . more and more, willing to move on and stop bothering these folk.
offer anything, everything, to spend time in their
presence. It’s as if they’ve ensnared me, body and THE RIVER BRIDGE
soul. What I wouldn’t . . .” The River Bridge is a massive, white marble structure
“ . . . must see them. What more can I do? Perhaps that spans the River Lethe in the center of the city.
they will accept . . .” One of the only safe ways to cross the River Lethe,
There is nothing else of interest in Inkblot Manor. there’s a near-constant stream of traffic over it.
Buskers stake out prime locations on the bridge,
Eldreth’s Neighbors
hoping to catch a spare coin from a passing traveler,
Eldreth’s neighborhood is upper class and is therefore
and it is regularly patrolled by Lanternkeepers. The
constantly patrolled by Lanternkeepers, and the
bridge itself arches over the dark waters of the river,
neighbors, all shadow fey nobles, tend to notice
and each of its many supports features a carving
when things are amiss. If the PCs go knocking on
of an unfortunate soul recently lost to the waters,
any of the neighbors’ doors, roll 1d20 and consult the
morphing and changing often.
“Eldreth’s Neighbors” table to determine the NPC’s
When the PCs approach the River Bridge, read or
demeanor, which determines how forthcoming they
paraphrase the following:
are. If the PC doing the talking is a shadow fey, add a
+2 modifier to the d20 roll. A massive white marble bridge arches across the River
Whether any of the NPCs end up calling the Lethe, connecting the northern and southern portions of the
guard or not, once the PCs have approached three city. All sorts pass across it, from those dressed in noble finery

Among the Shades and Shadows 129

to weary, road-stained travelers, and the clatter of carriages THE PLUMING LANTERN PLEASURE SALON
rattling across the cobblestones is a constant song. At least a The Pluming Lantern Pleasure Salon is located on the
dozen marble supports rise out of the dark water, each one northeast side of Corremel, two blocks east of The
carved with a lifelike figure with its face frozen in a mask Horn Gate Inn. When the PCs approach The Pluming
of horror. As you watch, one of the figures, a young human Lantern, read or paraphrase the following:
woman in a fine dress, shifts and changes into the form of a
bearfolk warrior, its wide muzzle stretched open in a howl A massive, turquoise, marble structure rises up at the corner
of terror. of two cross streets, topped by a crystal dome that glows from
within and casts broken rainbows across the surrounding
The PC(s) with the highest passive Perception
buildings. A single, nearly featureless tower juts up from one
immediately recognize one of the carvings, a shadow
corner of the building, capped with a pointed roof and ringed
fey with curving horns, short hair, and tattered finery,
by a single balcony. The double doors at the front of the main
as Eldreth.
building open as a shadow fey couple exits, bringing with
If the PCs ask any of the nearby townsfolk about them the sound of light laughter, harp music, and the scent of
the carvings, they are informed of the disturbing strong perfumes and incense.
truth of the figures. If they ask the passing
Lanternkeepers if they recognize Eldreth’s carving, Just within the front door of The Pluming Lantern, a
a successful Charisma (Persuasion) check is required host waits to greet any newcomers and inquire of any
to gain any information. Consult the What the services needed. The PCs can choose a service or spend
Lanternkeepers Know table to determine what the time in the lounge, where food, drinks, and company
PCs learn. are all available. The lounge features curtained
booths and low tables with cushions for relaxing, all
WHAT THE LANTERNKEEPERS KNOW partitioned enough to maintain the illusion of privacy.
DC Information Provided The baths are at the rear of the main building, behind
12 The Lanternkeepers confirm they recognize heavy curtains, with their own retinue of attendants,
Eldreth from around town. while the tower holds private rooms for more intimate
15 The Lanternkeepers know and tell the PCs entertainments. A door at the rear of the building
Eldreth’s name. opens directly into the baths from the street, where
18 The Lanternkeepers know and point out that an attendant waits to assist any patrons. Bouncers in
Eldreth lived in a house not far from here, plain clothing are positioned in discreet locations—
just to the southwest, called Inkblot Manor. throughout the public areas and in the hallways of the
tower—and are quick to protect any of the Lantern’s
employees or to eject any unruly patrons.

d20 NPC Demeanor Information Learned
1–5 Suspicious The NPC is wary of the PCs and may shut the door in their faces, or even call the
guard if the PCs press and fail at their attempts to get information. A DC 18 Charisma
(Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check is required to get any information
from this NPC; on a success, the NPC provides the information listed under
“Uninterested” below. If an Intimidation check is attempted (successful or not), the
NPC calls the guards on the PCs as soon as they are out of sight.
6–18 Uninterested The NPC tells the PCs Eldreth’s name and that they haven’t seen him in several
weeks. They have no interest in chatting. A DC 14 Charisma (Deception,
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check is required to get any additional information from
this NPC; on a success, the NPC provides the information listed under “Friendly”
below. If an Intimidation check is attempted (successful or not), the NPC does not
answer the door if the PCs return in the future.
19–20 Friendly The NPC tells the PCs Eldreth’s name, and that they haven’t seen him in several
weeks—and that when they did see him, he seemed in a bad state. They also mention
they heard he’d frittered away his family’s fortune over at The Pluming Lantern
Pleasure Salon . . . and that he’s surely not the first person to do so.

130 Tales from the Shadows

Services at The Pluming Lantern are not limited
to mundane or carnal activities. Typical spa services
are offered, as are magical and illusory diversions.
The only limits are the patron’s imagination—and,
possibly, their ability to pay.

Andarian and Duella

Andarian and Duella—who are dream eaters (see
appendix) disguised as midnight shadow fey—
came to The Pluming Lantern three months ago
and quickly earned the honor as the most popular
courtesans. They used their newfound influence
to force Amalthea Coronatto, a lunar shadow fey
courtesan, out of her rooms, which they then
claimed as their own.
When the PCs arrive at The Pluming Lantern,
Andarian and Duella are entertaining a guest in
their suite. If the PCs spend any time in the lounge,
they notice a female shadow fey (their most recent
patron) half-stumble into the lounge from the tower
door, and she then walks, somewhat dazed, out of
the building. Shortly after she leaves, Andarian and
Duella come to the lounge and are immediately
surrounded by fawning patrons.
When the PCs first see Duella and Andarian, read
or paraphrase the following:
You see a pair of shadow fey, both thin and androgenous. The
more masculine of the two has black eyes, alabaster white
skin, dark charcoal gray hair that hangs long and loose
around his shoulders to his mid back, and two long, white
twisting horns that angle back and away from his head. He
wears dark gray leggings with soft, black, thigh-high leather
boots and a black vest with intricate silver stitching along
the border that hangs open to show his muscled physique. the portrait of Eldreth’s mother in Inkblot Manor,
Black onyx earrings stud his ears, silver and black bracelets they immediately recognize the necklace from the
on both arms jangle as he moves, and multiple silver rings painting. While wearing the necklace, Duella’s
glint against his pale skin. Charisma score becomes 22, her Charisma bonus is
The more feminine figure has pale eyes, gray skin, and +6, and her spell save is DC 18.
white hair done up in an intricate style of braids, held back If the PCs are not hidden from Andarian and
with an opalescent hair stick to show off her long, pointed Duella, the two immediately turn their eyes to them,
ears and thin, black horns. She wears a gown with draped almost simultaneously. They then shoo away their
sleeves that attach at her wrist, her silhouette visible through adoring crowd and approach the PCs. They introduce
the diaphanous material. She also wears delicate silver and themselves and join the group without being invited,
black opal earrings, and though the gown is high-necked, it confident in their own allure. Andarian and Duella
bears a keyhole neckline through which an intricate silver are curious about these newcomers and ask friendly
and black opal necklace can be seen. questions about the PCs, their travels, and their
The black opal necklace worn by Duella is an business in the city—and in The Pluming Lantern.
intricate piece of twisting silver and sparkling The two have no desire to fight, or to even be remotely
jewelry; it is the Umbril opal necklace (see appendix) antagonistic with the PCs and look confused and
and belonged to Eldreth’s mother. If the PCs saw petulant if any of the PCs are rude; they retreat to

Among the Shades and Shadows 131

their room if things become too heated or it seems jump in to defend them on their own); they then flee
they’re not wanted. to their rooms and lock themselves inside, content to
If the PCs inquire after the necklace, Duella wait for others to handle the violence, as they have no
explains it was a gift from a patron. She refuses to part desire to blow their cover.
with it for any amount of money or offer of services,
claiming it holds too much sentimental value for her Andarian and Duella’s Rooms
to just give up. Andarian and Duella’s rooms in The Pluming Lantern
The pair are always together, never going anywhere are plush and well decorated. The bedroom holds
without one another, and so catching one alone would one oversized bed, situated behind a lounging pit in
take some clever planning indeed. If they are not in the floor filled with cushions and pillows. Positioned
the lounge area of The Pluming Lantern, they can be around the bed and the pit are four tall mirrors. The
found in their chambers on the third floor of the tower. two mirrors in the northeast and northwest corners
hides a wardrobe and a chest. Hanging from the
Combat within The Pluming Lantern ceiling is a chandelier whose magical lights can be
At any given time, there are ten bouncers (gladiators) changed to a different color with but a word. Small
within The Pluming Lantern.
If the PCs become aggressive
toward any of the employees or
patrons in the public areas of
The Pluming Lantern, they are
immediately set upon by 1d4
bouncers. If the combat occurs
in any of the private areas,
the bouncers head toward
that location as soon as they
hear anything that indicates
trouble, arriving in 1d6 rounds.
The bouncers refrain from
using their weapons unless the
PCs draw steel or use magic.
PCs ejected in this fashion find
themselves blacklisted from
The Pluming Lantern and
are thereafter refused entry.
The Pluming Lantern is also
quite busy at all hours of the
day or night, so the chances of
harming innocent bystanders
if a fight occurs is high.
If the PCs initiate combat
with Andarian and/or Duella
in public, the pair is content
to let the bouncers handle
the PCs unless things look
particularly dire. In a tight
spot, they use command and
suggestion on the remaining
patrons to defend them
(though several would likely

132 Tales from the Shadows

arched windows dot the curving walls at ten‑foot were with the dream eaters about their previous and
increments. Behind the bed hides another chest; this future business in the Shadow Realm, the dream
chest is locked, and it requires a successful DC 16 eater may make things politically complicated for
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to unlock it. the PCs by taking on a new guise and spreading
If the PCs confront Andarian and Duella here, the malicious rumors about them. Or they may simply
pair once again attempts to belay combat by use of gather a new group of followers and wait for the
their charms, but if the PCs are openly hostile, they opportune time to strike.
use their command and suggestion spells, and Duella
positions herself in the most optimal place to use IF ANDARIAN AND DUELLA
her Waking Dreams ability. The pair much prefer ARE BOTH KILLED
to subdue the PCs and then drain them with their If the PCs kill both dream eaters, the PCs have
Dream Eater’s Caress ability at their leisure. some explaining to do to the staff of The Pluming
If either Andarian or Duella falls to 0 hp, they Lantern and the Lanternkeepers. If they are relative
return to their natural, hideous form, and the other newcomers to the city, explaining this away is more
screams for the bouncers if they are not already there. difficult than if they have already established a
When the remaining dream eater falls to ¼ of their reputation for themselves.
health (25 hp) they use their Shapechanger ability
to polymorph into an eagle and escape through the IF ANDARIAN AND DUELLA ARE
closest window, at least one of which is already open. LEFT TO THEIR DEVICES
Treasure. The pair of dream eaters have amassed If the PCs allow Andarian and Duella to continue
quite a fortune in their short time. Duella wears a pair living as courtesans in The Pluming Lantern, the
of black opal earrings (worth 150 gp) and the Umbril pair continues to prey on the citizens of Corremel,
opal necklace. Andarian wears black onyx earrings eventually ensnaring one of Prince Hander Svenk’s
(worth 25 gp), ten onyx and silver bracelets (worth most trusted accomplices. If the PCs somehow
10 gp each), four silver rings (worth 5 gp each), and convince the dream eaters to go elsewhere, they set
has a key to the chest behind the bed in an interior their sights on the Courts of the Shadow Fey.
pocket in his vest. The chest to the northeast contains
five sets of fine clothes, a pouch holding 25 pp, and a ELDRETH’S FATE
gold and ruby tiara (worth 300 gp). The wardrobe to Eldreth’s fate depends largely on what the PCs
the northeast contains ten sets of fine clothes, boots uncovered while searching for answers.
of elvenkind, and a cape of the mountebank. The chest on If they reunite him with Soren but do not return
the northwest side holds five sets of fine clothes, a his mother’s necklace, he offers them their share of
pouch containing 30 pp and four gemstones (worth any wealth they gained from the dream eaters. He
50 gp each), a wand of secrets, and a wind fan. The stays with Soren in The Horn Gate Inn—only able
wardrobe contains ten sets of fine clothes and iron to become corporeal for brief periods of time—
bands of binding. The chest behind the bed contains a until he becomes restless and goes searching for
bag of holding filled with 15,000 gp and 2,500 pp. his memories. If Andarian and Duella are still in
The Pluming Lantern when he does so, he ends up
following the train of memories there and falls back
Concluding the Adventure under their sway once more. If Andarian and Duella
The adventure can end in several ways, leading to are dead, he haunts their former rooms, unsure why
different fates for the PCs involved. he finds himself drawn there.
If the PCs reunite him with Soren and return his
IF ANDARIAN OR DUELLA ESCAPES mother’s necklace, he regains his corporeal form
If the PCs initiated combat with the dream eaters, and is able to begin rebuilding his family’s fortune.
but one of them escaped, that is not the last they see He offers the PCs their share of any wealth they
of them. The dream eater finds somewhere to lie recovered from the dream eaters. He spreads tales of
low, licks their wounds, and plots their revenge on the helpful heroes, increasing their reputation.
the PCs. Depending on how forthcoming the PCs

Among the Shades and Shadows 133

The Time-Twister’s


After the magical wards protecting the city of There are several ways to draw the PCs into this
Oshragora from time’s tyranny failed, the city was adventure. Select or adapt one of the following hooks
ravaged by chaotic temporal storms. As it was ripped or devise one based on the needs of your campaign:
from the mortal plane and thrown into the Shadow • The Court’s Bidding. Mirrkos (N shadow fey
Realm, one of the architects of the original magical spy), an agent working on behalf of a powerful
protections used his last moments to transfer his figure in the Courts of the Shadow Fey, offers the
arcane knowledge to his youngest daughter before PCs one rare magical item each to breach a vault
sealing her in a vault for her own protection. He had in Oshragora and return its contents to him in
foreseen that these protections would eventually Corremel. Mirrkos explains what he knows of
collapse and so designed the vault in such a manner Oshragora, notably that time moves in a strange
that it not only protected his daughter from the storms and random manner and dangerous shadows and
that were tearing the city apart, but it also continued umbral vampires populate the city. He also shares
to protect her from the effects of time’s passage. that the Kairious family of Oshragora possessed
Oshragora is not as difficult to locate and travel to an item that protected them from the vagaries of
as it once was, and a few doughty souls have returned time. He cautions that the information is old and
with tales of a strong room in a region of the city may lead nowhere, but it may be a place to start.
where time expands and contracts so rapidly that • Friends of the Glade. Sivaer Firehide (NG bearfolk
it is impossible to gain access. Having heard these druid) hires the PCs to investigate reports of an
tales, some figures of power in the Shadow Realm are unopened vault in Oshragora. The druids of the
greedy to discover what treasures the vault holds. Moonlit Glade are concerned at the frequency
with which splinters of Oshragora appear in their
domain and hope a solution to their problem lies
in the vault that appears to have been sealed before
the city fell. Sivaer Firehide suggests the PCs
gather more information on Oshragora before
they travel to it, with the hope that speaking with
a recent visitor beforehand will provide valuable
intelligence to the PCs.

134 Tales from the Shadows

• Pure Villainy. Crime boss Henrik Stoll (LE dream corresponding Shadow Realms Encounter. If you roll
eater [see appendix]) hires or tasks the PCs with the same result more than once, roll again until you
procuring the contents of an unopened vault get a new result or choose a different encounter.
in Oshragora and returning to him with them.
Henrik informs the PCs that umbral vampires
(see appendix)—which hold and control the Encounters on the
city—can steal their strength. He also tells them
the shroud of Kairious will safeguard them against Way to Oshragora
some of the strange temporal effects of the city. If
asked how he knows such things, he simply smiles 1. FAILED ADVENTURERS
and doesn’t answer. As the PCs approach a tributary of the River Styx,
they encounter two figures kneeling beside two
shrouded corpses while stitching a third corpse into
Traveling to The City its own shroud. If approached, the pair, Fiela (NG
shadow fey spy) and Jann (LN elfmarked priest of
Fallen into Shadow Valeresh, or any god of war or justice) are wary but
The temporal anomalies that plague the city of polite. The pair encountered a splinter of Oshragora
Oshragora serve to confuse its location in both space while traveling and were swarmed by four umbral
and time. Its general location is known to some vampires and numerous shadows. Their three
denizens of the Shadow Realm, but the specific site companions were slain before they could even react,
seems to shift within that location. causing the pair to flee and hide. When the splinter
It takes the PCs 3d8 days to travel to Oshragora, and faded after an hour, their companions were beyond
again to return from it, regardless of their point of Jann’s ability to save them. The pair are grateful for
origin. Each time they set camp you should describe any assistance or prayers offered as they consign
the area. When they wake after their rest, you should their friends’ bodies to the Styx. Jann offers limited
describe a different area, even if only slightly. This spellcasting in return for any help; they have one 3rd-
helps confound the actual distance to the city and level and three 1st-level spell slots remaining.
reinforces the feeling of the Shadow Realm as a Creatures. If you’d like to introduce an element of
strange, liminal place. combat, have three shadows rise—one from each
While the PCs are traveling to Oshragora, roll of the corpses—as the two groups converse. The
1d10 every three days of travel and present the shadows fight until destroyed.

d6 Temporal Effect
1 Perception slows, causing everything that moves to become blurry and indistinct. All creatures in the splinter
are affected by the spell blur.
2 Everyone in the splinter hops between two different timelines. Each living creature is affected by the blink
spell. Affected creatures are safe from attacks when they jump to the other timeline.
3 Time is inconstant in the splinter. Each creature that rolls an even result on its initiative roll gains the effects
of the haste spell. Each creature that rolls an odd result on its initiative roll gains the effects of the slow spell.
4 Each creature in the splinter gains a slightly out-of-sync double. Each time a creature targets you with an
attack, it must roll a d20. On a result of 1–10, the attack hits your double. On a result of 11–20, the attack hits
you. Your double’s AC and hp are equal to yours at the beginning of combat. Your double can’t move or take
actions independently of you.
5 Time jumps backwards in short bursts. At the end of each of its turns, each creature regains 10 hit points, up
to its maximum hit points. On the first round after it dies, each creature that is dead must roll a death saving
throw, on a success it regains 10 hit points and resumes living as though it had never been dead.
6 No temporal effect.

The Time-Twister’s Daughter 135

2. THE HUNTERS OR THE HUNTED Creatures. As the four shadows encircle the
PCs, an umbral vampire drifts through one of the
As the PCs travel through a dark pine forest, they hear
buildings and joins the attack. The creatures fight
a horn sound in the distance, followed by the echoing
until destroyed.
replies of other horns all around them. The Wild Hunt
has caught their scent. Shortly after the horns sound, 4. TOIL AND TROUBLE
the PCs hear hoofbeats following baying hounds
A small hut sags nearby, its drooping roof missing
nearby. Hiding from the Hunt requires a successful
many shingles. A group of three old women tend
DC 18 Dexterity (Stealth) check; a successful DC 15
an immense stewpot suspended over a roaring fire.
Wisdom (Survival) check allows the PCs to use the
When the women see the PCs, they invite them
environment to mask their presence.
to join them for dinner and wave their hands to
Creatures. If the PCs can’t avoid the Hunt, a group
waft the enticing smell of the stew toward them. A
of six hunters (five CN shadow fey scouts led by a CN
PC that succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) or
shadow fey berserker) and two hounds of the night
Intelligence (Investigation) check realizes the stew
(see appendix) circle them and demand the PCs hunt
is made with humanoid flesh. The women ask the
with them. If the PCs refuse, the hunters give them 6
PCs to join them three times. Each time they ask,
rounds to run before giving chase. Each hunter and
whichever PC responds must succeed on a DC 15
hound breaks off its attack and flees once it is reduced
Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check to avoid
to 10 or fewer hp. If the PCs agree to hunt, they spend
offending them.
the remainder of the day catching pheasant, deer, and
Creatures. If the PCs offend the women—who are
elk, then revel with their hunting companions. When
a coven of three green hags—or if the respondent
they wake the following day, all trace of the hunters’
attempts a Charisma (Intimidation) check on either
camp is gone as though it had never existed.
of the first two requests, the hags attack in a rage.
3. DARK SHADOWS RISE (SPLINTER) If, however, the respondent succeeds on a DC
15 Charisma (Intimidation) check after the third
The landscape flickers and shifts into a pocked
request, the hags haul their cauldron into the hut
cobblestone street with crumbling buildings on each
and sulk.
side. The shadows lengthen and twist unnaturally in
Eating the Stew. If a PC consumes any of the
the wan light until four of them begin to stretch and
hags’ stew, it must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving
move toward the PCs. The splinter of Oshragora fades
throw. The target suffers the effects of the geas spell
after 1d20 minutes.
to the coven on a failed save; on a successful save,
the target suffers the effects of bestow curse for 24
hours. The coven uses PCs under a geas as guards
and gofers, occasionally sending them across the
Shadow Realm to procure one object or another. If
Splinters of Oshragora all three hags are killed, the duration of both effects
Portions of the city occasionally erupt into existence immediately expire.
elsewhere in the Shadow Realm. When this occurs in
an encounter, it is noted “(Splinter)” in the heading
preceding the relevant encounter. Unless otherwise An umbral vampire hovers 10 feet above the ground,
noted, the splinters remain for 1d20 minutes before they chiseling unrecognizable symbols into a flat, smooth
fade back to their proper location. Creatures that arrive slate wall standing 30 feet tall, 40 feet long, and 3 feet
in the splinter fade away with it as long as they haven’t thick. The imposing expanse is free-standing and
left the area the splinter occupies. obviously unnatural. It seems out of place with no
Each time a splinter is encountered, there is a chance other similar features in sight. He is wearing a garish
time and space within it might be altered or distorted. collection of ancient-looking clothing in shades of
Roll on the Temporal Distortions table to determine yellow, blue, and purple and looks as though he has
what temporal effect the splinter has. Each effect lasts as been at his work for some time. If the PCs don’t
long as the affected creature remains in the splinter or interrupt him, the creature seemingly doesn’t notice
until the splinter fades. them and allows them to pass by unmolested.

136 Tales from the Shadows

Any PC who attempts to speak to him in a peaceful 7. THE OTHER GUYS
and respectful manner must succeed DC 15 Charisma
Creatures. A group of adventurers hired by
(Persuasion) check. On a failure, or if the PCs are
someone else interested in the Impossible Vault—
aggressive or impolite, the vampire is offended and
possibly one of the patrons mentioned in any of the
attacks. On a success, the vampire explains he is
unused adventure hooks—ambushes the party. The
inscribing the names of the families responsible for
group consists of:
Oshragora’s doom on the rock so that all may know
• Gianna, a NE human assassin
of their hubris. He explains the Kairious family, to
which he belonged when he was human so long ago, • Nikola, a N human knight
crafted a censer, the smoke from which cloaked those • Henrik, a LE dwarf priest
within it from the temporal turmoil around them. He • Sage, a CN tiefling scout
admits he left everything behind in the city when he
crept away but can tell them where his family home 8. THE WEEPING GIANT (SPLINTER)
is located in the city and give them his family signet,
The landscape disappears and is replaced by a
which may be useful when they reach area 2 in the
crumbling flagstone street with collapsing buildings
Kairious Complex.
flanking it on either side. A lone ogre wearing chain
Creatures. If attacked or offended, the umbral
mail and wielding an immense maul is fighting a
vampire attacks the PCs for 3 rounds before drifting
shadow beast (see appendix) with 75 hp remaining.
into the sky and out of reach as fast as it can.
He is unaware of the umbral vampire floating
6. WE TROLLS. PAY TOLLS. toward him from behind.
Once the battle is over, the ogre takes off his
Hek and Pek, troll brothers, claimed this
helmet and begins to sob. His name is Rind, and
rickety‑looking 60-foot-long bridge spanning
he doesn’t know where his friends have gone. His
the River Lethe years ago. They demand that each
companions were looking for the shroud of Kairious,
non‑shadow fey creature that wishes to cross
which he calls the “shroud of Curious,” for a “fancy
gives them “something fancy.” Once this has been
provided, they step aside and allow the payer to cross
the bridge with a reminder that they’ll still be here
when the PCs come back around this way.
The toll can be any object worth 50 gp or more,
though the trolls want items, not coins or gems. No Windows and No Doors
A character that succeeds on a DC 12 Charisma
An inn called The Ring exists in Oshragora with no
(Deception) check successfully spins a tale about the
windows and no doors—or ordinary entrances of
item they are proffering and convinces the brothers any kind. The inn can only be entered through one
of its value; grant advantage on the roll for clever of the portals connected to the doors inside of it
roleplaying. A PC can bully the trolls into letting that the building itself creates; many of these portals
them pass by succeeding on a DC 15 Charisma exist throughout the Shadow Realm, but some
(Intimidation) check, but the brothers remember folk have found their way to this inn by stumbling
them if they pass through again in the future and through circular doorways on other planes. A three-
demand an item with a value of 150 gp to allow them dimensional shadow of this building moves about the
to pass. Shadow Realm, appearing at random locations, only
Creatures. If the PCs fail on any of their ability to disappear sometime thereafter. A stay at The Ring
checks interacting with the trolls, if Charisma can be purchased by many means, none of which
(Intimidation) is attempted more than once, or if the are coin; performances, the sharpest blade a person
PCs refuse to pay the toll, the trolls (with the changes owns, or even a memory have been known to serve
noted below) attack. as currency. Excellent live entertainment (and merely
Creature Change. Hek and Pek deal an extra 7 adequate rooms and food) can be found there, as can
(2d6) necrotic damage with their claws and bite, and four gateways that can take one just about anywhere .
if either of them takes radiant damage, they can’t . . provided you have the permission of the proprietor,
regenerate at the beginning of the next turn. the enigmatic entity known as The Ringmaster.

The Time-Twister’s Daughter 137

lady” in Corremel. Rind (NG ogre with the changes
noted below) has a childlike disposition and is a
steadfast, if teary-eyed, companion. He has a crude
map leading to the Kairious Complex (see the “The
Kairious Complex” section). The rest of his party
fared poorly in his absence and were slain and
subsequently dragged off by umbral vampires for
some unknown purpose.
Creatures. Rind won’t attack the PCs unless
he is attacked by them, and if the PCs jump in
to assist him, he gladly fights alongside them.
The shadow beast fights to the death; the
umbral vampire attempts to use plane shift
to escape if he is reduced to 25 hp or fewer.
Creature Change. Rind has AC 16 and
has been reduced to 30 hp by
the time the PCs arrive on
the scene; his maul uses the
same statistics as the ogre’s
greatclub attack.


Creatures. As the PCs cross through the center of
a plaza that looks as though it was just built, 3d6
shadows surge toward them from the shade cast into
the plaza by the surrounding structures.


When the PCs walk through a door or under an
archway, regardless of what is on the other side in
that door’s physical space, it leads them into The wish, but the next door they pass through inside the
Ring (see “No Windows and No Doors” sidebar). establishment leads them into the oven in area 3 of
The PCs can spend as much time in the tavern as they “The Kairious Complex.”

d8 Sights Seen
1 One of the PCs appears to age and become elderly, then the years quickly fall away in reverse until they are a
small child, only to spring back to their true age seconds later.
2 As the PCs walk along a street, they notice the shadows of people who aren’t there going about their business.
3 The street the PCs are about to turn onto flickers and disappears, leaving a barren, dark expanse across
which they can see the street beyond.
4 For 1d4 minutes, every article of clothing one of the PCs touches that didn’t enter the city with them
crumbles to dust.
5 A structure builds itself, as if being constructed by invisible hands.
6 The PCs turn down a street, only to find themselves at the head of the street they just turned off.
7 The facades of the nearby buildings change rapidly, shuffling through different looks, signs, and purposes—
until eventually settling on a single appearance.
8 For 1 minute, every step the PCs take moves them 10 feet in the direction they are traveling.

138 Tales from the Shadows

The Temporal Chaos crafted of yellow bricks, while the walls are comprised
of sky-blue bricks. The floor is laid in glassy, violet
of Oshragora ceramic tiles.

Oshragora is a nightmare of uncontained temporal 1. CYCLONIC MANOR

chaos. Some structures fracture and crumble into The ravaged foundation of a multi-story house is
rubble before rewinding themselves whole again. evident at this site, but the home that once stood
Others age from new construction to ancient ruins here swirls in a vortex of masonry, wood, glass, and
over the span of a few moments. Entire sections of furniture. Despite the magnitude of the whirling
the city periodically fade away to appear elsewhere chunks, a pile of dwarf-sized stones lies unmoving on
in the Shadow Realm, leaving disturbing voids in the the ground near the central portion of the site.
cityscape, only to return a short time later. Dungeon Entrance. From outside the swirl of
While within the boundaries of Oshragora, roll rubble, the PCs can see the edges of a large chute
on the “Temporal Distortions” table (see “Splinters or chimney leading to a location beneath. If a PC
of Oshragora” sidebar) every time the PCs have an succeeds on a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check,
encounter. enough rubble can be moved to allow the PCs access
Describing the City. Oshragora evokes a sense of to the complex beneath. A second PC can use the
combined melancholy and menace. The city and its Help action with this check. A PC that is proficient
umbral vampire inhabitants suffer eternally from in Intelligence (Investigation) has advantage on their
the hubris of the archmages who sought to defy time Strength (Athletics) check if another PC can’t Help
itself. Everywhere the PCs look, they should see them. On a failure, the PC can make a new check as an
something wondrous twisted or still affected by the action on their next turn.
ravages of time unhinged. The “Oshragora Sights” Once enough rubble has been cleared from the chute
table has some of the things the PCs might witness to use it, each PC can attempt a DC 15 Strength
as they travel throughout the city. Adapt or embellish (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to climb
as needed. down its 50-foot length. If the PCs set a rope, they can
climb down without a check.
The Kairious Complex Flying Rubble. A tornado of wind and rubble rages
ceaselessly at this site. Whenever a creature starts its
Before Oshragora fell into the Shadow Realm, the turn in the area bounded by the manor’s crumbling
Kairious family was known for its craftsmanship foundation, it must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
of beautiful magical curios. The Kairious home was throw or take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage from the
reduced to a swirling tumult of debris because of the flying debris.
chronal tempests that plagued the city during its fall.
Occasionally the wreckage reforms itself into the 2. SECURED STOREHOUSE
structure of a fractured but once-great manor—only The chute leads to a large storage area. A crumbled set
to explode once again a moment later. of stairs lying on the floor beneath the chute indicates
The intact workshop and storage space located the room once had easier access from the house
beneath the manor were built to stymie potential that was destroyed by the constant tumult above.
rivals and thieves by using multiple pathways that Blocks of stone, of sizes ranging from 1-foot cubes to
lead to the same locations. The redundant nature 10-foot‑by-8-foot slabs, are piled around the chamber,
of some of its passages allowed the family time to along with neatly piled stacks of multicolored bricks.
respond to threats. The temporal distortions that Three steel chests embossed with golden stars can be
plague the city are in effect in the Kairious Complex. found in the chamber, one against the north wall, a
Lighting. The underground complex is perpetually second against the east wall in the southern section
dimly lit by dozens of permanent dancing lights. of the room, and a third in the center of the west wall.
Construction. The complex’s passageways are 5 A lifelike statue of a chimera stares sightlessly toward
feet wide with 10-foot ceilings. The chambers have a the stairs from the south wall. There are several rusty
ceiling height of 15 feet. The walls and ceiling of the brown stains on the floor of the chamber.
complex are crafted of colored bricks. The ceiling is

The Time-Twister’s Daughter 139

140 Tales from the Shadows
Stone Monstrosity. If a creature sets a hand on who is still alive and trapped in a magical resin his
one of the chests or moves within 5 feet of one of the sisters duped him into creating ages before Oshragora
room’s exits, the chimera statue animates and attacks fell into the Shadow Realm.
(use statistics for stone golem). If a creature bearing Resin Demolition. The resin has AC 17 and 54 hp,
the Kairious family signet presents it to the golem, it with a damage threshold of 10. It regains 10 hp at the
returns to its position and becomes inert. beginning of each turn unless it took acid damage on
Treasure. The chests against the north and west the previous turn. (Acid damage also bypasses the
walls are open and empty. The chest against the east resin’s damage threshold.) Enough of the resin can
wall is sealed. If the Kairious family signet is pressed be dissolved to free Yildbray by using 3 uses of the
into an identically shaped depression on the chest’s universal solvent noted under “Treasure” below.
lid, or if a PC succeeds on a DC 17 Dexterity check Freeing Yildbray. If freed, Yildbray is forceful and
made with thieves’ tools, the chest opens. Inside are paranoid. He demands to know who the PCs are,
5 pearls (worth 100 gp each), 10 jars of lead-based what they are doing in his home, and where his sisters
ink (worth 10 gp each), a leather pouch full of gold Arnelia and Ormelle are. If calmed with a successful
dust (100 gp worth), 2 rubies (worth 50 gp each), a DC 18 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check,
pair of platinum rings (worth 50 gp each), 4 flasks of he can’t answer any questions about the current state
holy water, and a small box containing diamond dust of Oshragora but can be convinced to help the PCs
(500 gp worth). while they remain in the complex. If he detects any
deception, Yildbray attacks immediately. Until he
3. CHAMBER OF ALCHEMICAL AGONY rests, Yildbray only has his 1st- through 3rd-level and
There are three large, stonework tables located his 7th-level spell slots. If he casts teleport, the temporal
throughout this room, all bare as if waiting for storm above the complex draws his body into it and
someone to begin using them again. Each table has tears him apart; if that happens, the PCs discover the
a centrally located drain that leads to channels cut bloody chunks of his body swirling among the other
into the floor that all run into a larger drain. The walls debris when they depart the complex.
of the chamber are lined with shelves holding jars Treasure. There is enough alchemical material
and containers of all shapes and sizes. Many of the in this chamber to comprise five sets of alchemist’s
jars contain small creatures suspended in preserving supplies. If they spend 1d4 hours examining the
fluid. A large, casket-shaped wardrobe stands against contents of the bottles and jars, they find a potion of
the west wall of the room, and the north wall is gaseous form, 3 potions of growth, a potion of speed, a jar
dominated by a massive 15-foot-by-10-foot stone of oil of slipperiness (5 uses remaining), and a jar of
oven with iron double doors standing ajar. universal solvent (6 uses remaining). A large, sealed
Creatures. The viscous liquids and unguents that container holds a homunculus named Sluja. In the
collected beneath the room’s drain have gained a dull oven is a brazier of commanding fire elementals hidden
form of sentience as a black pudding and two ochre beneath a thick layer of ash and charred bone.
jellies. The oozes become aware of anything stepping
foot above them and immediately force their way
back up the drain and into the room, one emerging
each round for 3 rounds.

Wardrobe of the Suspended Mage Sluja the Homunculus

The wardrobe standing against the west wall of the Sluja appears to be a tiny humanoid doll constructed
room has the words “Keep Sealed” carved into it. of leather, twine, and bone. The homunculus’ greatest
If opened, the PCs see that it holds a human male desire is to be praised for doing good work, and it
suspended in a faceted block of resin. The figure’s readily attends to small tasks in service to people who
face is contorted in pain and rage, and it is garbed in do so. Sluja can be convinced to tell the PCs how
red, green, and violet clothing that is centuries out of members of the Kairious family opened the cupboard
fashion. An open book is clutched in one of the man’s in area 5. It also knows the names of all the members
hands and the other is held protectively in front of of the family alive at the fall of Oshragora: Pagritte,
his chest. The figure is Yildbray Kairious (archmage), Buhlford, Jitsko, Kelevray, and Visterella.

The Time-Twister’s Daughter 141

4. RESTING PLACE Creatures. If the PCs place items that don’t
contain the specified colors, the demon’s face makes
This chamber is stacked with piles of wooden posts
a disgusted expression and wakes the gorgons
and planks. A pair of 5-foot-wide-by-10-foot-long,
disguised as the steel bull statues. The same thing
sled-like dollies with long leather straps to pull them
occurs if the PCs offer a name other than a member of
and metal runners underneath lean against the west
the Kairious family when asked. The gorgons cannot
easily escape the room and fight to the death.
The skeletons of two elfmarked women, still
Treasure. All the statuary in the chamber is
draped in their clothing, lie near the northmost wall,
beautiful and valuable. There are 5d20 Tiny statuettes
one cradled in the arms of the other. Their packs lie to
and game pieces (worth 10 gp each), and 3d10 Small
the side. If they are viewed over the course of an hour,
and Medium statues (worth 100 gp each). A brass
the skeletons become sheathed in flesh once again,
censer with silhouettes of hourglasses on it can be
at varying degrees of decomposition. It appears one
found in the hands of a Medium brass statue of a
of the elfmarked was badly bludgeoned and suffered
female priestess, holding it aloft; the censer is the
a goring injury to her torso, while the other’s throat
shroud of Kairious (see appendix). The room also holds
was cut while she grieved.
two complete dragonchess sets (worth 100 gp each),
5. MENAGERIE one of which has a board of checkered agate and
jet tiles and pieces of gold and sapphire; the other
This chamber is filled with statues of animals,
board is checkered in mother-of-pearl and onyx with
monsters, and people made of a wide variety
amethyst and cobalt pieces. A bronze griffon figurine
of materials. The statues range from life-sized
of wondrous power is mixed among the figures.
representations, including a pair of steel bulls, to
miniature game pieces. The floor is so cluttered it is
difficult terrain. A large steel door is set into the north
wall of the room. Set into the middle of the door is a
The Impossible Vault
piece of stone carved into the shape of the face of a In stark contrast to the city itself, this modest‑sized
balor; the demon head has its mouth opened wide. white stone building, and the colonnaded courtyard
leading to it, bears no scars of the temporal
Hungry Demon chaos evident everywhere else. The vault itself is
The northern door is locked and cannot be opened constructed of white onyx inset with massive double
with a physical key or thieves’ tools. The carved balor’s doors, each of which has a stone knocker set at
head is exquisitely detailed, almost appearing to be eye‑level for a 6-foot‑tall human.
the petrified remains of the real thing rather than a
worked piece of stone.
Puzzle Lock. The hollow inside the demon’s mouth Images of peregrine falcons carrying the sun in their
is pitch black. If a light is shone inside it, the following talons—the symbol of the Chezzino family—run in
words can be seen engraved in a tiny, neat script: I bas relief along the edge of the colonnade’s roof. The
relish cobalt, dote on flax, and periwinkle my diet lacks. scent of hyacinth wafts in the air from perpetually
If a blue, yellow, and purple object of any material blooming flowerbeds inside the courtyard’s columns.
(multicolored items can be used if one or more of the Trap Clue. The front edge of the courtyard is
listed colors is present on it) are placed in the balor’s sculpted with more falcons (1) flying above a baby on
mouth, or if a spell that produces an array of colors, its belly; (2) a crawling toddler; (3) a young woman
such as color spray or prismatic spray is cast into it, the dancing; (4) and a stooped crone supporting herself
mouth closes and chews for a moment. When it opens with a walking stick.
again, the material placed inside is gone. The head Fatalistic Figure. A rusty gearforged (see
then offers thanks before asking, “Who are you?” “Gearforged” sidebar) leans against one of the
If one of the PCs offers the name of a member of columns lining the southern end of the courtyard. A
the Kairious family, the balor’s face resets and the crude metal stump is affixed to the knee of its left leg,
door opens, revealing a large space holding only a and it carries the cracked and warped remainder of
single large book, a manual of stone golems. that leg in one of its hands. It is so motionless at first,
it appears to be a statue. When it moves, its joints

142 Tales from the Shadows

The Time-Twister’s Daughter 143
screech loudly, as if they haven’t been oiled for ages. next steps should be, but if they are helped in their
A successful DC 15 Intelligence check using tinker’s self-maintenance, they assist the PCs. They don’t
tools determines that Mal’s chassis looks like it’s aged understand the magic of this place, but they can tell
more than a thousand years. the PCs that it seemed like whatever was happening
Mal’s Misfortune. Mal (NG gearforged veteran) got much worse the closer they came to the vault
and their companions attempted to cross the door. (For more information on gearforged, see the
courtyard to the building’s door, but their Midgard Worldbook or Tome of Heroes).
companions died of old age before they could span
the hundred-foot distance, their bodies crumbling Time Trap
to dust and carried away on the breeze. By the time The courtyard is laid in orderly five-foot squares of
Mal reached the door, their body aged six hundred white onyx; they start out pristine, as if freshly laid,
and eighty years. Then, to make matters worse, then progressively show more and more signs of age
they couldn’t get inside, and so they had to cross the closer one gets to the vault door. Directly in front
back over the courtyard again, aging another six of the double doors, there is a slightly raised long dais
hundred eighty years. Mal is demoralized and has made of smooth, polished stone that spans 30 feet
five levels of exhaustion. They don’t know what their long by 5 feet wide.
Each time a creature steps on one of the tiles, they
age a certain amount depending on where in the
courtyard they are. Refer to the “Time Trap Aging”
table to determine how much aging occurs with each
step, how one can avoid the aging effect, and what the
tiles in each section look like.
Attempted Bypass. A creature that enters the
courtyard from anywhere other than the stairs ages
100 years for its first step, then the trap functions as
described above.
Shroud Immunity. A creature standing within the
vapor emitted by the shroud of Kairious is immune to
the effects of the trap.
Trap Clue Revisited. As hinted by the bas relief
carvings in the columns of the colonnade, a creature
can escape the aging effects by traversing the
courtyard in the following fashion by (1) slithering,
then (2) crawling, then (3) dancing, then (4) stooping
and walking with a cane.
Pay Tribute. When one of the stone knockers is
struck against the vault door, a skeletal figure wearing
a blue cloak and carrying an hourglass under one arm
appears out of nowhere. It holds out its other hand
and rasps, “Give a rare gift.”
If a rare or rarer magical treasure is placed in the
skeleton’s open hand, it nods and gestures, opening
one of the double doors before disappearing with
its tribute. If an object of lesser value is placed in
its hand, the skeleton simply vanishes into thin air
and the object falls to the stone below. The figure
reappears when the knocker is used again.

144 Tales from the Shadows

Courtyard Years Action Required to
Location Aged Avoid Aging Effect Tile Appearance
1st 25 Feet (1–25) 1 Creature must slither on belly Tiles are pristine and look as though
across the tiles. they were recently laid.
2nd 25 Feet (26–50) 5 Creature must crawl on its hands Tiles are scuffed, showing signs of wear
and knees across the tiles. and a slight patina of age.
3rd 25 Feet (51–75) 50 Creature must stand erect and Tiles are heavily worn and show
dance across the tiles. numerous hairline fractures.
4th 25 Feet (76–100) 100 Creature must stoop and walk no Tiles are chipped and feature wide
more than half its speed, using a cracks and broken edges.
cane or similar object for support.

2. THE VAULT Ulla’s personality is sarcastic, and she loves clever

The interior of the vault is spacious and vast. The wordplay. She uses three words when she could say
temperature is comfortable. A pair of sturdy leather the same in thirteen. She is well educated, though all
boots stands by the door. Four thick wool rugs her knowledge of the world is millennia out of date.
depicting geometric patterns cushion the stone floor. She lacks patience for people who lack the desire to
Several tables hold curios from an ancient era as well learn or who think her incapable of something due
as whatever tribute the PCs offered to gain entrance. to her age or gender. When people offend her, she
A vase of vibrant pink and blue lilies and hyacinths speaks to them in a mocking fashion. If offered a
rests on a table, permeating the space with their sweet chance to leave, she accepts, so long as her liberators
bouquet. A comfortable chair rests next to a small promise to take her to the nearest sizable settlement.
table piled high with three thick books. Ulla has no conception of how long she has been
in the vault; to her, it feels as if it might have been
A wide-runged ladder leads to a loft in the northwest
a few weeks at most. Before she was locked inside,
corner of the area. The loft holds a four‑poster bed,
her father magically transferred all his magical
a large wardrobe full of long‑out‑of‑style men’s and
knowledge to her, so she can recall astounding facts
women’s clothing, and a table on which sits a book of
about the nature and manipulation of magic, some
children’s fairy tales.
of which have been lost in the intervening ages. But
Immortal Effect. Creatures inside the vault are under
she—like any other creature—can’t cast spells while
the following effects:
in the vault.
• They do not age. Impossible Ulla. Ulla is a CG mage who has
• Their health remains in exactly the same state as access to all 1st- to 5th-level wizard spells, as well as
when they entered the vault, unless magic alters proficiency in Nature and Religion.
that state, such as with healing or restoration • She is a source of temporal disruption. No matter
magic. where an encounter involving her takes place, roll
• The effects of all diseases and conditions are on the “Temporal Distortions” table; the effect
suspended while in the vault and resume when rolled has a 50-foot-radius centered on her.
they leave.
• They cannot tell how much time is passing.
• All other magical effects are suspended in the vault
as if the area inside is in an antimagic field.
The Living Repository. The Impossible Vault was
Trap Option
The aging effect of the time trap is intended to be
built to comfortably house Ulla Chezzino (CG human
permanent. If you wish to soften the trap, consider
mage) and protect her from the chronal ravages
allowing every step a creature takes to reverse its
wrought by her people. Ulla is a nineteen‑year-old girl
course out of the courtyard to erase the aging effect it
with olive skin, blue eyes, and braided platinum hair.
initially suffered.
She is wearing a blue dress patterned in white.

The Time-Twister’s Daughter 145

• Umbral vampires and shadows ignore her. LEAVING WITH ULLA
• Her challenge is 7 (2,900 XP). Ulla’s presence outside The Impossible Vault has a
The Guardian. If Ulla is attacked—or if a creature deleterious effect on her surroundings. She disrupts
attempts to force her to take any action against her time in her immediate vicinity. You may wish to
will—while she is inside the vault or in the courtyard, use some of the descriptions from the “Oshragora
Shevarrah, a djinni, appears in the nearest empty Sights” table to describe the effects. In addition, she
space to protect her. The djinni promised Ulla’s attracts Splinters (see the “Splinters of Oshragora”
father she would protect his daughter, so she fights to sidebar), which spring into being around her with
the death. alarming regularity.
Each day she is free, run the Dark Shadows Rise
(Splinter) encounter at a time of your choosing. Every
time you run it after the first, add 1 umbral vampire
and 1 shadow. The first three days, the Splinter fades
after 1d20 minutes. It fades after 1 hour for the next
three days, and after 1d6 hours the three days after
that. Once she has been free of the vault for ten days,
the Splinters are permanent and no longer fade away.
It should quickly become evident that Ulla’s
continued freedom poses a grave danger to . . . pretty
much everything. Unless the PCs are aware of a place
where her condition won’t put people in jeopardy,
they need to decide whether they will return her to
her prison, disregard the danger, or make another
choice regarding her fate. Ulla does not willingly
return to her prison unless convinced through strong
roleplay or a successful DC 25 Charisma (Perception)
check. She may be more likely to be swayed by
Deception or Intimidation, at your discretion.

Concluding the Adventure

Once the PCs have made a decision regarding Ulla’s
fate, they probably return to their patron, or their
patron’s agent, and either gain the agreed-upon
reward or attempt to justify their decision and
possibly deal with the consequences of failing to live
up to their end of the bargain.
Depending on what decision is made about Ulla, she
may become a recurring character or element in your
campaign. The PCs may need to work to keep any
promises they made to convince her to return to the
vault. If they made a grimmer decision, it may instead
come back to haunt them later.

146 Tales from the Shadows

Radiance Lost

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND • If one of the PCs is a wizard or is interested in

More than a thousand years ago, an elf lord known arcane research, Elmyra is an acquaintance from
as The Sun King and a shadow fey known as The a shared scholarly circle—or she hears of this
Dusk Queen fell in love. They were happy . . . until PC’s presence in the Shadow Realm and tracks
The Dusk Queen’s ambition tore them apart. To stop them down. She extends the invitation to join her
her escalating acts of evil, The Sun King used his sun expedition to this PC and their companions.
magic to imprison her in a hidden and unknown
prison and sequestered himself with his grief in a
palace built in the Shadow Realm.
A Dangerous Expedition
The Sun King and his palace disappeared, and the This adventure begins when the PCs receive a
story faded into obscurity. Until now. A desperate mysterious package containing a job offer.
shadow fey mage named Elmyra Lamorieth has
uncovered the location of this ancient palace that, for YOU’VE GOT MAIL
centuries, had been relegated to legend. She intends When you are ready to begin, read the following:
to find this palace, claim the lord's potent sun magic
A loud pop, followed by a gentle thrum, disrupts the murky
for herself, and use it to reclaim her standing in the
air as a tiny winged fey wearing a red uniform suddenly
shadow fey courts.
appears before you. The little creature yells, "Delivery!" and
ADVENTURE HOOKS tosses a black silk bag on the ground before disappearing
once again.
Here are some suggested hooks to involve your PCs
in this adventure: The creature who delivered the bag is a sprite named
• A friendly NPC previously encountered in Wort who works as a courier for the shadow fey
the Shadow Realm is an investor in Elmyra’s nobility. The sprite uses his invisibility feature to
expedition. The NPC offers to put the PCs in conceal himself and flies away as quickly as his wings
contact with the shadow fey to seize this lucrative take him. Still, if the PCs prevent him from leaving,
opportunity. Wort quickly agrees to answer whatever questions
they have so that he can stick to his delivery schedule.
• While passing through a settlement, the PCs hear
Wort doesn't know the bag's contents or anything
rumors of an odd couple who just passed through
other than the physical description of the person who
town. The shadow elf mage and the hill giant
paid him to deliver it; he can tell the PCs that she was
were offering a great deal of money to qualified
a pale-skinned shadow fey woman with white hair.
individuals interested in some kind of treasure
hunt. These two left town only a few hours ago, so
the PCs can still catch up if they’re interested.

Radiance Lost 147

Investigation reveals the black silk bag to be a bag
of holding that contains 150 gp and a letter that reads:
The Rosy Casket Taverns
The Rosy Casket taverns are a peculiarity amidst the
Dear Adventurers, gloomy wilderness that suffuses the Shadow Realm.
It was with supreme delight that I took notice of such Extensive enchantments protect each location,
accomplished heroes traversing this dark realm. It was, shielding them from hostile creatures and allowing
indeed, highly fortuitous, as I happen to be in need skilled the structure to shift alongside the fluctuating
bodyguards to accompany me on a perilous—and highly boundaries of the shadow roads.
lucrative!—historic expedition.
Ownership. The Rosy Casket franchise is owned by
I hope that you will meet me within three days’ time at
seven dwarven brothers of the Blackstone clan. The
The Rosy Casket tavern so that we may further discuss this
brothers each manage one of the seven identically
named taverns.
Consider the enclosed gold and the enchanted bag itself
Offerings. The Rosy Casket taverns are often
merely the beginning of the many rewards I am willing to
the only establishment travelers encounter for
offer in exchange for your expertise and bravery.
miles along the shadow roads. Consequently, the
I look forward to meeting you in person.
taverns have a wide range of offerings in addition to
Sincerely, standard tavern fare. Weary travelers can purchase
Elmyra Lamorieth food, drink, standard adventuring equipment
listed in the Basic Rules, a bed for the night, and the
If the PCs have a group name they are known by,
occasional magic item.
Elmyra addresses her salutation to that name rather
than the generic “Adventurers.” A MAGICAL SITE LOST TO TIME
The message is from Elmyra Lamorieth (NE
When the players enter The Rosy Casket, read or
shadow elf mage; see “Roleplaying Elmyra” sidebar),
paraphrase the following:
a disenfranchised shadow fey noble. She hired Wort
to deliver her message after hearing rumors of an Warm light and cheerful chatter banish the oppressive gloom
adventuring party in the area. Any PCs who have of the Shadow Realm once you step inside The Rosy Casket.
spent time in the Shadow Realm and succeed on a All manner of creatures sit drinking and laughing at stylish
DC 15 Intelligence (History) check recognize the metal tables, enjoying the perfume of living roses growing
name on the letter and know the information in the along the ceiling beams.
“Roleplaying Elmyra” sidebar; PCs who have spent A shadow fey woman dressed in pristine traveling gear
time in shadow fey society (or are privy to shadow fey sits at a back corner table, past a crowd of unlikely couples.
gossip) have advantage on this check. She gestures with a gloved hand for you to approach.
When the PCs receive this message, they should “Come, come,” she says. “It’s such a pleasure to make your
be no more than a day's journey away from the acquaintance. I’m Elmyra Lamorieth, so good to meet you.”
roadside tavern called The Rosy Casket, where Elmyra recognizes the PCs by description and
Elmyra is waiting. formally introduces herself. She buys a round of
The PCs can follow the lead by rendezvousing with drinks and directs them to a private room to chat
the shadow fey at the tavern or ignoring the notice. further about the job offer.
If they ignore the message, Elmyra's henchman, a Once out of earshot of the other patrons, Elmyra
giant named Grim (CN hill giant; see “Roleplaying lays out her proposition.
Grim” sidebar), tracks down the party to deliver
“As I mentioned in my letter, I require skilled adventurers
a second letter from the noble. This second letter
to accompany me on a dangerous expedition. An ancient
promises more explicit rewards for cooperation.
map has come into my possession that leads to a magical
Elmyra has many contacts and resources across
site long thought to be forever lost to time. I believe great
the Shadow Realm, so, if the PCs balk at taking the
treasure and knowledge lies within this hidden palace.
adventure hook, offer whatever treasure you know
“The map leads into the heart of the shadow marshes, a
will motivate the party to accept.
dangerous place rife with horrible creatures and ghosts. So
Spellbook. Elmyra has all the spells in her
it won't be easy. But nothing worth having ever comes easy,
spellbook that a mage normally does, but also has
yes? I’m sure—no, I know—you all are more than up to
the spells identify and dimension door.
the challenge. “

148 Tales from the Shadows

If the PCs have additional questions for Elmyra, she • The palace, called The House of Dawn, was
shares the following details: built as a personal retreat for The Sun King. But
• More than a thousand years ago, an elf lord he—along with his palace—disappeared without
known as The Sun King and a shadow fey known a trace from the Shadow Realm more than a
as The Dusk Queen fell in love. They were happy thousand years ago. He originally arrived in the
together until some unknown schism between Shadow Realm as a traveler from another plane,
them eventually tore them apart—and in the end supposedly a place of endless sun.
The Sun King used his sun magic to banish The • The shadow marsh in question is called the
Dusk Queen to a hidden and unknown prison. Gloaming Fens. Like all the wild areas of the

Roleplaying Elmyra
Elmyra Lamorieth is a brilliant mage and the last living
Alignment. Neutral evil.
member of the Lamorieth bloodline. Her family once held
great status and power in the shadow fey courts, until one Personality Trait. I can’t trust anyone but myself.
of her ancestors was accused of plotting against the Queen Ideal. More power is the solution to every problem.
of Night and Magic. The Lamorieth family lost all favor and Bond. I will restore my family’s name, whatever the cost.
were stripped of their lands and titles from that moment on. Flaw. I have given my life to one zealous pursuit and
Elmyra seethes with hatred for those who cast her family
anyone who gets in my way must be destroyed.
into disgrace and has spent her long life mastering the
arcane arts and accumulating allies outside the courts in
hopes of one day restoring her family’s name.

Radiance Lost 149

Shadow Realm, they are incredibly dangerous. FIRST LIGHT
Dark magic and evil creatures prey on travelers When the PCs are ready to begin the expedition, read
who dare let down their guard even for a moment. or paraphrase the following:
• A thousand years ago, the area where the House
As promised, Elmyra is waiting just in front of The Rosy
of Dawn is located was not The Gloaming Fens, or
Casket, wrapped in a thick green cloak. She is speaking to a
a swamp at all, so it was not so strange a place for
humongous figure crouched beside her.
a retreat. Why or how it changed is a mystery. She
believes the entrance to the House of Dawn exists The figure speaking with Elmyra is her bodyguard,
there but the palace itself exists in a demiplane Grim (CN hill giant). The shadow fey introduces her
created by The Sun King. giant companion and informs the party he will be
• The palace is reportedly magnificent, made accompanying them on their quest.
of solid gold, and filled with the lord's earthly When everyone is ready to depart, Elmyra reveals
treasures and magical research. the map they must follow to reach the hidden palace.
• According to Elmyra’s research, it is impossible The “map” is not a typical landscape drawing but
to plot a direct course to reach the hidden rather a highly complex cipher of symbols and umbral
palace. Instead, one must first collect three characters that Elmyra has decoded after months of
“trailmarkers” that, when brought together, research. As additional protection against any who
somehow show the way to the palace. She believes would betray her, Elmyra has memorized the map’s
she has discovered the location of the markers translation and shares key pieces of its information
and traveling between each location should take only as needed. The map is indecipherable to the
approximately three hours. PCs unless they too spend significant downtime and
expense decoding it.
Payment. Elmyra answers whatever questions she The Gloaming Fens themselves are not far from
can, then discusses payment. Elmyra is not interested The Rosy Casket and can be reached in a few hours
in any of the material treasures contained within the via the shadow roads. The journey to the marshland is
palace and says the PCs are welcome to them. She uneventful unless you would like to add any random
is, however, interested in the magical knowledge encounters along the shadow roads, such as those
contained within, so she insists on taking all research presented in the Book of Ebon Tides.
notes found in the palace and any spellbooks as her
cut of the expedition. She also offers 10,000 gp to the
PCs as payment, 2,000 gp up front and the rest to be Into the Gloaming Fens
paid upon completion of the mission.
The Gloaming Fens are a foul stretch of wilderness—
If the PCs attempt to haggle, Elmyra is willing to
even by Shadow Realm standards—and heavily
increase this flat fee to a maximum of 15,000 gp with
populated by monstrous creatures.
5,000 gp up front, but she is unwilling to negotiate
Aura of Dread. The hostile magic of the Shadow
on the research notes or spellbooks.
Realm casts a perpetual aura of dread over the marsh.
Once the PCs and Elmyra have reached an
Spending time in the Fens wears on the psyche of all
agreement, she suggests the PCs make whatever
living creatures. A creature exposed to the marsh’s
preparations they require now, as she wants to set
elements must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
out at first light. The shadow fey is happy to cover the
saving throw at the end of each three-hour period or
costs of rooms at The Rosy Casket if the PCs wish to
gain one level of exhaustion. It is impossible to gain
rest. Otherwise, they can purchase anything from
the benefits of a long rest while in the Gloaming Fens.
the "Adventuring Gear" table found in the Basic Rules
Fog. Unless specified otherwise, all areas of
directly from the tavern keeper. At your discretion,
the marsh are blanketed by dense fog. The fog
The Rosy Casket may also have a limited number of
reduces visibility to a range of 30 feet and imposes
uncommon or rare potions for sale.
disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
on sight.

150 Tales from the Shadows

Wetland. Vast tracts of standing water make successful DC 16 (Wisdom) Perception check. If the
finding solid ground in the marsh a considerable trolls remain undetected, they wait for as many PCs
challenge. Unless specified otherwise, the ground is as possible to step onto the bridge before smashing
considered difficult terrain. the supports to collapse it. When it collapses, PCs
standing on the bridge must succeed on a DC 15
BOG BRIDGE Dexterity saving throw or fall 10 feet into the muddy
Ahead, the curve of a stone bridge juts through the curling water below. Medium or smaller PCs in the water are
mist. To the left, there’s a beautiful, decorative spike at the subjected to underwater combat rules until they swim
head of the bridge’s stone balustrades; the balustrade to the to either shoreline 20 feet away.
right looks as if it is meant to have one as well but does not. Once the bridge has collapsed, or the trolls are
detected, they collectively attack. Since the deep
With a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check,
water does not impede the trolls due to their Large
a PC can see that the balustrades on the other end
size, they prefer to fight in it for as long as possible,
of the bridge both have the decorative spikes in
using the bridge remains as half cover from creatures
place. The missing spike is the arcane trailmarker
attacking them from the shore.
the PCs need to touch before they can proceed.
Trailmarker. The trailmarker is a 3-foot-long
Unfortunately, one of the three trolls who live under
marble post with arcane symbols inscribed on its
this bridge liked the shiny stones in it and now wields
surface. One of the trolls wields it as a weapon during
it as a weapon.
the fight. (Treat its damage the same as a standard
Creatures. The three trolls are ravenous and lying
claw attack but dealing bludgeoning instead of
in wait, submerged beneath the bridge, ready to
slashing damage.) If the marker is carried more than
spring a trap once the PCs step onto it. PCs who
100 feet away from the bridge, it magically reappears
specifically look for danger can spot the trolls with a
on the bridge.
Treasure. PCs who search under the bridge find the
trolls’ cache of riches stolen from past victims. The
cache contains 200 gp, six gems (worth 50 gp each),
and a belt of dwarvenkind.
Roleplaying Grim
Grim is a very unusual hill giant. He does not know
anything about his past or how he arrived in the
Shadow Realm. Elmyra found him a few months ago
wandering along the banks of the River Styx with his
memories wholly drained by the water’s magical effects.
Since then, they have spent most of their time Running Elmyra & Grim
together, with the shadow fey relying on him to be her It is in Elmyra’s and Grim’s best interests to help keep
research assistant and bodyguard. Perhaps because the PCs alive through this adventure, but they never
whatever personality he once had was wiped clean intentionally put themselves in danger on behalf of the
by the river, the giant has a surprisingly gentle and party. Neither the giant nor the mage is willing to rush
thoughtful demeanor about him. Elmyra thinks he may into combat first, take the lead position when traveling,
even be capable of learning the spellcasting arts one or volunteer to test a way forward. If the PCs attempt to
day, should she ever have the time and inclination to goad either NPC into taking one of those actions, they
teach him. refuse, and Elmyra reminds them they are being paid a
Alignment. Chaotic neutral. great deal of money to be here.
Personality Trait. I take the time to consider my words Grim always stays within 10 feet of Elmyra, who
before speaking. maintains as much physical distance between herself
Ideal. Everyone deserves a second chance. and enemies as logistically possible. The mage also has
Bond. I owe Elmyra my life, and I would follow her to no intention of being caught spell-less when she reaches
the ends of the earth. the House of Dawn, so she does not use any 3rd-level
Flaw. I become furious when people treat me like an or higher spells while in the marshes unless she needs to
unintelligent brute. protect Grim or herself from mortal danger.

Radiance Lost 151

Development Creatures. The island is occupied by a number
When one of the PCs first touches the trailmarker, of ghosts equal to the number of PCs. Each ghost
they experience a flash of memory left by the lingering appears as a headless knight walking around
heartache of the lord. the island or scratching at the earth, looking for
something. The ghosts ignore the PCs until they
The marble surface of the marker flares with sudden heat,
interact with the sarcophagus in the mausoleum, at
and the scenery shifts around you. Two beautiful nobles
which point the knights become enraged and attack.
stand together on a pristine stone bridge. The woman, a
Mausoleum. At the center of the island is a
shadow fey dressed in night-black velvet, quietly watches the
crumbling 10-foot-square mausoleum with a
fireflies dance above a moonlit lake. The man, an elf whose
single unmarked sarcophagus inside. The PCs
skin casts an amber glow, pulls a small box from his pocket
can remove the heavy stone lid of the sarcophagus
and reaches out for the woman’s hand.
with a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check.
The memory fades as quickly as it appeared, and your
Attempting to remove the lid or touching the
senses return to the ruined bridge and fetid bog of the present.
sarcophagus causes a wraith to materialize and
Once a creature has experienced this memory, a attack any PCs inside the mausoleum. The wraith
mote of starlight the size of a firefly emerges from cannot leave the confines of the mausoleum, but
the marker. The mote is immaterial and cannot the ghosts can pass through the walls to attack; if
be interacted with or dispelled in any way while it combat ensues, the ghosts arrive after 1 round of
remains in the confines of the swamp. combat with the wraith.
The mote follows the creature who experienced the Trailmarker. The trailmarker is a 3-foot-long
memory until it is in the presence of the two other marble post with arcane symbols inscribed on its
motes or until the creature leaves the swamp. surface. It rests inside the sarcophagus next to the
skeleton. If the marker is carried more than 100
FORGOTTEN MAUSOLEUM feet away from the island, it magically reappears in
A twisted, black iron fence surrounds the perimeter of a the sarcophagus.
mossy isle. Geometric outlines of tombstones are just visible Treasure. The personal effects and armor buried
through the gloom. with the skeleton are decayed beyond use, except
for a red-hued flame tongue longsword clutched in its
This black iron fence surrounds the circular isle,
hands. PCs who search the mausoleum discover an
covering a 60-foot diameter of solid land. The only
alter box containing four flasks of holy water and a
entrance through the fence is an iron gate with a
scroll of protection from evil and good.
padlock. The gates and fencing are 20 feet high. The
fencing is enchanted to repel evil creatures, which Development
cannot willingly come within 10 feet of the gate or
When one of the PCs first touches the trailmarker,
fence (including Elmyra). PCs who succeed on a DC
they experience a flash of memory left by the
15 Intelligence (Arcana) check or cast the identify spell
lingering heartache of the lord.
learn the nature of this enchantment; they also know
that casting dispel magic suppresses the effect on a 10- A chorus of clanging metal fills your mind as you touch
foot section of the fence for 1 hour. the marble trailmarker. The field around you is filled with
Explosive Glyph. A magical glyph is hidden shadow fey soldiers running drills with graceful precision.
within the locking mechanism of the padlock. If it Walking through the military camp is a beautiful noble
is triggered, its explosive runes erupt with magical couple, strolling arm in arm. The woman, a shadow fey
energy as described in the spell glyph of warding. The dressed in night-black velvet, smiles as she observes the
spell was cast at 3rd level and is set to deal fire damage. army prepare for war. The man, an elf whose skin casts an
Padlock. The padlock can be picked with a successful amber glow, wears a look of grim satisfaction on his face,
DC 16 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. A success as if proud but taking no joy in what he sees before him.
also disables the effect of the glyph of warding. The scenes fades as quickly as it appeared, returning you
Alternately, the lock can be shattered with a to the Gloaming Fens.
successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check, but
breaking the lock triggers the glyph.

152 Tales from the Shadows

Once a creature has experienced this memory, a alone on a garden bench by a cobblestone wishing well. He
mote of starlight the size of a firefly emerges from writes something in a gilded book, pausing every so often to
the marker. The mote is immaterial and cannot wipe away a tear.
be interacted with or dispelled in any way while it The scene disappears, leaving only the sunken hole before
remains in the confines of the swamp. you and a persistent feeling of regret.
The mote follows the creature who experienced the Once a creature has experienced this memory, a
memory until it is in the presence of the two other mote of starlight the size of a firefly emerges from
motes or until the creature leaves the swamp. the marker. The mote is immaterial and cannot
be interacted with or dispelled in any way while it
remains in the confines of the swamp.
The swamp water deepens here as a circular pool covered in a The mote follows the creature who experienced the
layer of slimy gray algae stretches out ahead. memory until it is in the presence of the two other
This pool is a large sinkhole flooded with water. motes or until the creature leaves the swamp.
Touching the surface disturbs the layer of algae, Vision Writing. In the vision, the lord is adding a
revealing that the black water stretches down far spell to his spellbook. Because wizards use a unique
beyond sight. system of notation in their spellbooks—and what the
Sinkhole. The top of the sinkhole is a 20-foot- PC sees in the vision isn’t the entire spell, could have
diameter circular opening that narrows to 5 feet at its been viewed only for a moment, and is a spell that’s
bottom. The sinkhole extends 300 feet deep into the of far higher level than the PCs can cast—it would be
ground. The walls of the sink are a slimy mixture of extremely difficult to determine what spell it is. If a
mud and rock. The water that fills the bottom 150 feet PC is persistent and/or surpasses an incredibly tough
of the well is murky with silt, causing the area to be DC on an Intelligence (Arcana) check (perhaps DC
heavily obscured. 30), if you wish to reward them for their diligence, the
Creatures. Diving into the pool attracts the spell he’s adding to his spellbook is imprisonment.
attention of two aquatic ropers (with the changes
noted below) who live in the sinkhole. The first roper THE FINAL MOTE
attacks when a creature reaches 100 feet below the Once the PCs have collected all three motes, it flies to
surface, and the second attacks at 200 feet. join the two others, forming a sharp, peaked triangle
Creature Change. The ropers can breathe (like the needle of a compass). From this point on, the
underwater and have a 10-foot swim speed. three motes move and spin in midair to point the way
Trailmarker. The trailmarker is a 3-foot-long toward the lost palace.
marble post with arcane symbols inscribed on its
surface. The marker is hidden at the bottom of the FINAL DESTINATION
sinkhole among the bones of the victims of the If the PCs follow the motes’ guidance, they arrive
ropers. If the marker is carried more than 100 feet at their destination in short order, with no further
away from the sinkhole, it magically reappears at the difficulty. When that happens, read the following:
bottom of the well.
As you trudge through the swamp following the motes, it’s
Treasure. PCs who spend at least 1 round searching
hard to imagine how you’re going to find anything in the
the bottom of the sinkhole find 350 gp and a circlet of
unending muck of this horrible place. But then between one
blasting still attached to a bleached humanoid skull.
step and the next, where a moment ago there was nothing,
Development suddenly you see it. The ever-oppressive fog thins, and
there, in the heart of the marshland, is a glimpse of a once-
When one of the PCs first touches the trailmarker,
magnificent palace of marble and gold. The central body of
they experience a flash of memory left by the
the building is sunken into the brackish water, but the tops
lingering heartache of the lord.
of two domed towers stick up out of the marsh.
The fragrance of jasmine fills your senses as the marble “Fascinating,” Elmyra says, mostly to herself, as she takes
surface of the trailmarker turns cold. A memory overtakes out a notebook and starts writing in it. “I thought it would
you, not your own, but as vivid as if you had lived it have been better preserved. Hmm. It’s possible the demiplane
yourself. An elven man whose skin casts an amber glow sits somehow degraded after all these centuries. Even the swamp

Radiance Lost 153

itself bled into it. I’ll have to give this a much closer study. Ceilings. Unless specified otherwise, the ceilings
But no time for that now. I suppose all that’s left is for us to of the House of Dawn are 15 feet high and covered
go inside! Come on, then, this is why we came all this way. with ornamental molding and astronomy-themed
Let’s get to it.” frescoes.
The main entrance of the palace has disappeared Doors. Unless specified otherwise, the interior
into the muddy water, but the PCs can gain entry by doors in the palace are made of white wood with no
climbing through the windows into one of the two locks.
front tower domes (area 3 or 4). Since the palace is Light. The solar lamps throughout the building
partially sunken, reaching the window of either tower have begun flickering and are losing power as the
is an easy climb requiring no ability check. lord’s magic wanes, but they still fill each room with
dim light unless specified otherwise.
Climate Control. Powerful enchantments built into
The Sunken House of Dawn the palace's foundations shield the interior from the
hostile influence of the Shadow Realm. While inside,
This partially submerged building is a ghost of its
creatures are not affected by magical conditions
former magnificence. The floors and walls are white
imposed by the marshes or the Shadow Realm as a
marble covered with exquisite wooden paneling,
whole. These enchantments have created a magical
plush carpets, and decorative modeling gilded with
barrier preventing the marsh water and filth from
gold. Ornate stained-glass windows afford views
entering the submerged rooms.
of the gloom outside, but the PCs cannot open any
Restorative Properties. When a creature enters the
submerged windows or doors to the exterior due to
palace for the first time, they immediately reduce
the palace’s magical climate controls.
their exhaustion level by one.

154 Tales from the Shadows

Arcane Lifts. The palace contains several Arcane Creatures. Whenever the PCs enter a new room,
Lifts: 10-foot-square, magical, elevator-like roll a d12 and consult the “Shadow Caretakers” table
platforms. Each lift can only go to certain locations to determine if one of them is present, and, if so, how
in the palace; in the description of each room, it is it responds to the PCs.
specified where each lift goes. It takes 1 round for the Creature Change. The Shadow Caretakers’ creature
lifts to move to the next floor. Each lift can carry a type is construct, and they understand elvish instead
maximum of 1,000 pounds in a single trip. of Auran.


The fireplace of the Drawing Room (area 14) conceals The great glass dome that once covered this circular room is
a secret passage to The Sun King’s Arcane Workshop now shattered. Jagged points stretch into the fetid water, but
(area 16). This secret passage was designed to be everything else has washed away. Large dark shapes swim
a whimsical puzzle/treasure hunt game to play at through the water just out of sight.
parties. The wall swings open only when the seven
rainbow objects scattered throughout the palace are This room was once topped by a glass dome like the
placed in their respective stands. The objects are a other three towers until it shattered centuries years
Blue Watering Can, a Red Notebook, a Violet Teacup, ago. The climate control magic could no longer
an Indigo Blade, an Orange Plaque, a Yellow Frame, protect the room upon its destruction, and it is now
and a Green Spyglass. completely flooded with marsh water. No furniture or
If the PCs are missing any of the items by the time markers of the original room remain.
they find the Drawing Room, they can determine what Entrances. There are two ways to enter (or exit)
sort of item fits into its respective stand by succeeding this submerged room. Creatures can swim into it
on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check. by diving 15 feet down into the muddy water of the
THE SUN KING’S RADIANT CONSTRUCTS Arcane Lift. This room can be accessed via the
When The Sun King first built the House of Dawn, he arcane lift in the Library (area 5). The lift cannot be
also created several constructs made of pure radiant activated from this room.
energy to care for the building. As his radiant magic Creatures. The dark shapes swimming in and
faded, so too did that of these radiant constructs. around the room are three giant crocodiles who
Some faded away into nothingness, but others attack any creature who remains in the room for
remained—and transformed . . . becoming mercurial longer than 1 minute.
beings of shadow. These shadow caretakers (use Developments. This is one of the only ways out of
statistics for invisible stalker with the changes noted the building during the Great Escape encounter.
below) now wander the palace, attempting to find
purpose in their confused existence.

d12 Encounter
1 Objects appear to fly around the room as a caretaker obsessively tries to redecorate. The caretaker
ignores the PCs unless they interfere with its activities.
2 Objects shatter and break as two caretakers furiously attack anyone who enters the room.
3 A caretaker hiding in this room becomes infatuated with one of the PCs. They follow them for the rest of
the adventure and try to give them little handmade gifts.
4 A caretaker hiding in this room decides to drive the PCs away. They follow them for the rest of the
adventure, staging spooky events to convince them the palace is haunted.
5 Several caretakers in this room are lounging about and using the furnishings as if they are humans.
6 A caretaker hiding in this room drops down from the ceiling to attack the first PC who enters the room.
7–12 No caretakers are present.

Radiance Lost 155


Every inch of this room is covered in trailing

vines and overgrown plants. Humid air and
bright light fill your senses. Amidst the tangle at
the room’s center, a floating glass ball shines with
the brightness of a miniature sun. A continuous
stream of water gushes from a blue watering can
suspended on a hook just below the orb.
This room is a greenhouse where the serving
staff grew food. Without caretakers to
regulate the environment, the magic sun
and water have caused the plant life to
grow unchecked.
Arcane Lift. This room contains a
lever that summons or controls the
arcane lift. This lift lowers into the
Kitchen (area 6).
Puzzle Object. The blue watering can ceases to
spout water if removed from its hook, and it has the
properties of a decanter of endless water. It is one of the
seven items needed to open the secret passageway in 4. DOME OF STARLIGHT
the Drawing Room (area 14).
As you enter this room, the ambient glow emitting from a
Creatures. The magic conditions have caused the
floating glass ball dims to black. The rest of the glass ceiling
plants in this room to mutate into two shambling
brightens with the glow of thousands of shimmering stars
mounds. The creatures reveal themselves and
depicting the night sky. The only furniture in this room is a
attack if anyone interacts with the watering can.
reclining chair and a green spyglass resting in a trifold stand.
The mounds do not pursue any creature beyond the
confines of this room. The Sun King built this room to replicate the
stargazing he frequently indulged in on his
3. DOME OF THE SETTING SUN homeworld. A creature who sits in the chair and uses
the spyglass to observe the dome ceiling can look at
This room is illuminated by a large glass ball floating at
different regions of the sky as if they were using a
its center that casts everything in the pinks, oranges, and
purples of a sunset sky. Curio cabinets and overgrown potted
plants line the walls. A piano with a red notebook propped Puzzle Object. The green spyglass loses its magic
in its music desk dominates one side of the space. qualities when removed from the room, but it is worth
1,200 gp. It is one of the seven items needed to open
This room is a conservatory where The Sun King and the secret passageway in the Drawing Room (area 14).
his guests could relax. Stairs. The stairs in this room lead down to the
Puzzle Object. The red notebook is filled with Private Chambers (area 10).
sheet music of long-lost ballads and original
compositions. It is one of the seven items needed to 5. LIBRARY
open the secret passageway in the Drawing Room
Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves line the walls of this library. A
(area 14).
continuous stream of water drips from the ceiling, adding to
Stairs. The staircase in this room leads down to the
a pool of rotting carpet.
Armory in area 9.
Treasure. PCs who look for valuables in this room This library contains The Sun King’s collection of
find a set of six ceramic and gold figurines of dragons books that are not relevant to his arcane studies.
playing musical instruments (worth 250 gp). Arcane Lift. This room contains a lever that
summons or controls the arcane lift. This lift rises to

156 Tales from the Shadows

the Dome of the Setting Sun (area 3) or lowers to the 6. KITCHEN
Portrait Gallery (area 11). Using the lift to travel to
area 3 causes a torrent of water to flood into the library This large kitchen is equipped to make vast amounts of food.
from the marsh, sending 500 gallons rushing in The cabinets, jars, and shelves lining the walls all appear to
before the climate controls can seal the lift platform. be empty. It clearly has not been used for a very long time.
Treasure. While none of the books in this room are Arcane Lift. This room contains a lever that
magical, several are rare first editions. PCs specifically summons or controls the arcane lift. This lift rises
looking for valuable books find seven tomes worth to the Dome of High Noon (area 2) or lowers to the
500 gp each to the right buyer. Pantry (area 13).

Radiance Lost 157

7. BANQUET HALL Stairs. The stairs in this room lead up to the Dome
of the Setting Sun (area 3).
This large room is built of intricate stonework with vaulted
ceilings covered with peeling sheets of gold gilding. Beautiful 10. PRIVATE CHAMBERS
paintings and tapestries hang on the walls, and rugs cover
This master bedroom is surprisingly gloomy. Thick, black
much of the marble floors. Immaculate banquet tables line
velvet covers the windows, and a rectangular shape that
the halls, ready, each, to seat dozens of guests. Vast windows
has been covered with a piece of dark cloth hangs above the
on the inner walls look into what was once a magnificent
empty fireplace.
courtyard, now left to ruin.
This room is the master bedroom where The Sun
This room is the largest in the House of Dawn. It is
King slept before he forevermore retreated to his
where The Sun King hosted events with retinues of
guests. Feasts and dancing would occur here.
Covered Painting. The covered rectangular object is
Entrances. There is a door in each corner of the hall
a painting of a beautiful shadow fey woman with cold
that leads to the Library (area 5), the Kitchen (area 6),
eyes in royal garb.
the Armory (area 9), and the Private Chambers (area
Stairs. The stairs in this room lead up to the Dome
10), respectively. There are also stained-glass doors
of Starlight (area 4).
that lead into the Courtyard (area 8). The double doors
Treasure. PCs who search this room for valuables
to the south that would normally serve as an exit are
find five sets of fine clothes sized for a Medium
impossible to open due to the climate control seal.
creature (worth 15 gp each) and a cloak of elvenkind
8. COURTYARD hanging in a wardrobe.

Stained-glass doors open onto the verdant expanse of the 11. PORTRAIT GALLERY
once magnificent—now hopelessly overgrown—courtyard,
Rows of exquisite, large paintings fill the walls of this square
lit by bobbing spheres of light. A paned ceiling of iron and
room. Each of the eight portraits depicts a different shadow
glass holds back a slowly churning mass of black water and
fey or elf dressed in regal clothing.
silt above it. Small, circular tables are dotted throughout
the area, as are swirls of toppling trellises and crumbling This portrait gallery holds eight paintings that
statuary. The tables are set with delicate violet teacups. portray the visages of The Sun King’s family and
friends. ​Each one, with its frame, is approximately 5’
This central courtyard was once used to host lavish
× 4’ in size and weighs 50 pounds.
garden parties.
Arcane Lift. This room contains a lever that
Creatures. The bobbing lights are in fact seven
summons or controls the arcane lift. This lift rises
will‑o’‑wisps drawn to the misery of the palace. They
into the Library (area 5).
attack any creature that steps into the courtyard or
Treasure. Each of the 8 paintings (along with their
otherwise interacts with any of the teacups.
frames) could be sold for at least 100 gp to the right
Puzzle Object. A single violet teacup is one of the
seven items needed to open the secret passageway in
the Drawing Room (area 14). 12. GUEST ROOM
9. ARMORY This lavish room has a carved wooden bed frame, an oak
chest, and a burnished copper washbasin.
Well-made weapons of every variety are stored on wooden
racks along the walls. A 10-foot-tall bronze statue of an elf This bedroom is set aside for guests. It holds nothing
wielding an indigo-hued blade is the only decoration. A of value.
spiral staircase leads upward.
None of the weapons in the racks are magical, but if a
PC searches for a specific simple or martial weapon, This stone pantry is filled with wooden racks supporting
they can find it here. rows of empty jars and casks. An orange plaque on the door
Puzzle Object. The indigo blade is a +1 longsword bears elvish script that reads, “Wine a little, laugh a lot.”
and is one of the seven items needed to open the Since The Sun King does not need to eat, there is no
secret passageway in the Drawing Room (area 14). food in this pantry.

158 Tales from the Shadows

Arcane Lift. This room contains a lever that interaction with him. If they do so, go to the “Lord of
summons or controls the arcane lift. This lift rises Light” section.
into the Kitchen (area 6). Treasure. The workshop is very disorganized, but
Puzzle Object. This orange plaque is one of the a PC who takes the time to search it finds various
seven items needed to open the secret passageway in spell components and alchemical ingredients (worth
the Drawing Room (area 14). a total of 3,000 gp), two diamonds (worth 500 gp
each), a set of alchemist’s tools, and a potion of speed.
14. DRAWING ROOM Research Notes. Scattered about the workshop are
Overstuffed chairs, dart boards, and plush rugs give this papers, books, and scrolls, which are almost entirely
stylish lounge a very cozy feel, despite its extreme age. concerned with the flow of shadow, the nature of the
Various marvels cover the walls, including beautiful ebon tides, and the role of the heavens (or stars) in
woven tapestries and paintings, and a golden sculpture the Shadow Realm. It is all information that would
shaped like an animal head stands in each corner. The be extremely valuable to the Queen of Night and
mantle above the marble fireplace, however, is curiously Magic or the Court of One Million Stars . . . or any
devoid of accoutrement. number of figures looking to control the nature of
the Shadow Realm.
This room is intended for lounging and entertaining
of the more intimate variety.
Empty Mantle. PCs who investigate the fireplace's Lord of Light
mantle see seven empty stands where differently
If the PCs interact with The Sun King, read or
sized objects are meant to be placed. The fireplace
paraphrase the following:
conceals a secret passage to the Arcane Workshop
(area 16). (See the “Seven Rainbow Objects Puzzle” The emaciated elf shifts uncomfortably in the padded throne,
section earlier in the adventure.) pulling his hands tighter into his threadbare golden robes.
Rheumy gold eyes, laced with cataracts, squint at you from a
15. SERVANT WING wrinkled silver face as he whispers, "My lady, is it you?"
This long, rectangular room contains a row of identical cots If Elmyra is present, The Sun King addresses her
and trunks. A painting of daffodils in a yellow frame hangs with this statement. If Elmyra is dead or otherwise
over the cot on the far left. separated from the PCs, he addresses the PC who
Before the servants all left or died, they shared this most closely resembles the shadow elf noble depicted
simple living space. in the portrait in the Private Chambers (area 10).
Puzzle Object. This yellow frame (painting If Elmyra is present, read the following:
optional) is one of the seven items needed to open the Elmyra's face is the picture of surprise as The Sun King
secret passageway in the Drawing Room (area 14). addresses her. The shock turns to confused disgust, and she
waves a hand towards you and says, "I don't know what's
16. ARCANE WORKSHOP going on here but just get him to give me his spellbook."
Long stone counters wind around the walls of this room Elmyra is utterly uncomfortable seeing the legendary
alongside worktables, bookcases, and racks crammed with Sun King in this state and insists the PCs deal with
biological and mechanical treasures. The eastern wall him. There are a couple of ways the PCs can acquire
features a large, glowing fireplace; facing the fireplace, and The Sun King’s spellbook, detailed below. If the
about 15 feet away from it, is an elaborate throne, crafted of players are struggling to figure out what to do, let
wood and gilded with gems and precious metals. A labored them know what options they have.
wheezing sound comes that direction.
This is The Sun King’s sanctum, where he once used COMBAT APPROACH
his talents to create artifacts to light the Shadow The more direct—but less beneficial—way to deal
Realm. It has since become his cell, as his mind and with The Sun King is by attacking him. In his current
body have decayed over the centuries. condition, the lord does not fight back and dies
The Sun King. The wheezing sound comes from quickly. Upon his death, a hidden drawer in his
the ancient elf lord slumped over on his throne. The throne is easily discovered with any search, revealing
figure takes no notice of the PCs until they initiate an the spellbook, The Luminous Codex (see appendix).

Radiance Lost 159

Simultaneously, the palace begins to sink, and the • The Sun King’s magic allowed him to seal the
encounter detailed in the Great Escape section begins. Queen away, and he has come to resent and fear
PCs who acquired the book through violence his own power. He only agrees to hand over his
quickly discover the true nature of the lord’s curse: spellbook if convinced it will be used to free the
He cannot die. At the beginning of the second Queen or to perform an act of great good.
round of the encounter, the lord materializes in While the lord is unwell, he is by no means a fool.
an empty space within 30 feet of his spellbook and Convincing him to hand over his spellbook requires
rolls initiative. This time, he does not die so easily. three successful DC 16 Charisma (Deception,
He is determined to use his spells to stop the PCs
from escaping. Whenever The Sun King dies, he
regenerates fully and appears again after 1 minute.
The only way to stop this cycle is to destroy his
Creatures. The Sun King uses the statistics for an
archmage, but he has the following additional
spells prepared: fireball, sunbeam, and sunburst.
His spellbook is currently hidden in his throne,
but, as he is attuned to it, he can still use its special
magical properties.

The more favorable way to deal with The Sun
King is by speaking with him. His memory and
understanding of reality are tenuous at best, so PCs
who listen closely and study his words carefully can
convince him to hand over his spellbook, The
Luminous Codex, freely.
When roleplaying the ancient lord,
use these motivations to drive the
• The Sun King sequestered himself here
over a thousand years ago after using his
magic to imprison the shadow fey queen
he loved, The Dusk Queen. He was forced
to do this to cease her descent into evil,
but he still deeply regrets his actions.
• While they were together, the queen
granted The Sun King immortality. But
like much fey magic, it wasn’t quite the
gift it initially seemed. To his horror, The
Sun King eventually realized that despite
being unable to die, he has continued to
age and decay as time passes by. He
waits here, hoping his lady will free
herself, find him, and undo her
enchantment so that he may
finally rest eternally.

160 Tales from the Shadows

Intimidation, or Persuasion) checks. If the PCs try
to manipulate the lord with magic, use the statistics
Concluding the Adventure
for an archmage to determine his saving throws. If This section details the events that follow the sinking
your players roleplay the conversation thoughtfully, of the House of Dawn.
consider waiving any number of these checks or
granting advantage when appropriate. FAILED ESCAPE
If the PCs fail three consecutive checks, the lord If the PCs fail to escape the palace or die in the effort,
becomes despondent as he realizes the truth of what their bodies or souls become trapped in the watery
is happening. The palace simultaneously begins grave of the palace. Any trapped PCs have exactly
to sink, and the encounter detailed in the “Great 1 year and 1 day to find a way out of the sunken
Escape” section begins. palace before the lord's magic fades for good and the
If the PCs successfully convince the lord, he hands climate controls dissipate.
over his spellbook and warns them to leave the If PCs become trapped, they can perhaps discover
House of Dawn as quickly as possible. If the PCs a way to send a message to the surface, or maybe
heed the lord’s advice, give them 1 bonus round to Elmyra can use the lord’s research to find a magical
act before the palace begins to sink, as detailed in the way out.
“Great Escape” section.
GREAT ESCAPE PCs who successfully escape the palace miraculously
When the palace begins to sink, read or paraphrase surface on the edge of the marshes where they
the following: first entered, expelled by the strange magic of the
The walls and floor shudder violently as if some great Shadow Realm.
weight below the building has broken. A chorus of creaking If Elmyra survives and is allowed to keep the lord’s
wood and stone surrounds you as the palace begins to sink. spellbook, she pays the full amount promised to the
If you intend to escape the same watery fate, you’ll have to PCs. She eventually uses the spellbook to bully and
move quickly. murder her way back into the favor of the shadow
courts. With her new standing, Elmyra becomes a
To run the escape, have every player roll initiative
valuable political ally for the PCs moving forward.
with the House of Dawn moving on initiative 20.
If the PCs attempt to betray Elmyra, or she
Each time the palace’s initiative comes up, the entire
suspects they will betray her and try to take the book,
building sinks 60 feet deeper into the marsh waters.
she casts dimension door to attempt escape. If Grim
The PCs must escape the palace and then swim to the still lives, she brings him if possible but sacrifices
surface to truly escape. him if necessary.
Here are some notes to help you run this encounter: If Elmyra does not survive the adventure, but Grim
• Due to the climate controls, the only open exit does, the giant insists on taking the spellbook, then
is the broken dome in area 1. Consider allowing leaves to arrange for Elmyra’s magical resurrection.
the PCs to escape through the other domes or the If both Elmyra and Grim die during the adventure,
courtyard ceiling if they find a way to shatter the the PCs get to keep whatever spoils they claim but
thick glass. never receive their full payment.
• It takes 1 round for an arcane lift to move to the
next floor. Each lift can carry a maximum of 1,000
pounds in a single trip.
• The rules for suffocating (drowning) can be found
in the System Reference Document 5.1 or the core rule
books. It may be helpful for you to reference those
rules and calculate how long each PC can hold
their breath before this encounter begins.

Radiance Lost 161

Shadows of the Dusk Queen

Throughout the land, legends of the Dusk Queen persist. They speak of a sometimes kind, other times
cruel, yet always mysterious fey queen who ruled from her Dusk Tower—a tall spire of smooth, dark
stone in the heart of a great, shadowy forest. Perhaps the most gripping legends, however, whisper of the
Dusk Queen’s sudden and mysterious disappearance.

In the deepest part of a cold, moonless night,

Adventure Background the Sun King wove his most powerful spells while
A mysterious shadow fey known as the Dusk Queen the Dusk Queen slept, magically banishing her to
left the Winter Court and came to a forest of shadows a hidden and unknown prison. Once she was gone,
where she ruled the land from a great stone tower. the wizard smashed the Dusk Queen’s mirror and
Although capable of surprising acts of kindness, much departed the tower, vowing never to return.
of her reign was marked by cruelty, violence, and The Sun King’s magic did not work as he had
death. At some point, the Dusk Queen encountered a planned, however. Due perhaps to the lingering spark
powerful wizard from a land of pitiless, burning sun of love he still harbored within his heart, the Dusk
and endless sand traveling in her realm for unknown Queen’s magical imprisonment was not permanent.
reasons. Against all logic, they fell in love, eventually Likewise, the destruction of her mirror was also
exchanging dark and secret vows in the queen’s throne incomplete—five shards of glass exploded from
room. Because of his homeland, the wizard came to be the mirror and, impossibly, came to rest in various
known as the Sun King. locations throughout the surrounding forest, waiting
The two were happy in their own, strange way to be found. . . .
until the Dusk Queen had a magical mirror created.
This powerful item, which was infused with shadowy
strands of the Dusk Queen’s very life essence, greatly Getting Started
expanded her powers and her ambition. It allowed
The adventure begins with the characters coming
her to spy on her enemies (both real and imagined),
upon a dark and mysterious forest filled with deep,
cast powerful spells through it across vast distances,
ever‑shifting shadows. When they first approach the
and even magically transport herself or her minions
forest, read the following:
to the farthest locations. The Dusk Queen used her
mirror with rapidly growing paranoia and zeal, Before you stretches a dark forest with trees rising as much
wreaking havoc and death throughout the land. The as a hundred feet into the air. Foreboding and sorrow seem
Sun King found it more and more difficult to overlook to emanate from within. Occasionally, shadowy creatures,
the queen’s escalating acts of evil and violence. When only glimpsed, move among the trees. Slow, plaintive howls
he learned the Dusk Queen was secretly plotting to echo among the dark branches as a cool wind begins to blow,
invade his homeland, the Sun King knew he had to act. as if whispering barely discernible words . . .

162 Tales from the Shadows

“She has returned. She has returned. She has returned!”
The trees directly before you slowly part, forming a natural
opening that leads into the shadowy woods beyond.


A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
check by anyone peering into the dark forest
reveals the following:
As your eyes slowly adjust to the dim light, you see the
silhouette of a large, tree-like creature emerge from perhaps
30 paces into the woods and step onto the path. The strange
creature completely blocks the way and seems to be watching
you and waiting.
Creature. The shadowy silhouette is a weeping
treant (see appendix). It does not respond or react
to the PCs in any way unless they enter the forest and
approach it. Once the PCs get within 30 feet, read:
A large, living tree with dark, cracked bark blocks
the trail in front of you. Black eyes watch you
intently. Thick, dark sap runs unchecked
like tears down its gnarled face. The
strange creature shows no other sign of
emotion. Suddenly, it speaks in a deep,
powerful voice:
“She has returned! The Dusk Queen
has returned! Have you come to retrieve
the mirror shards for her?”

Running This Adventure from the Shadow Realm

“Shadows of the Dusk Queen” is a classic Kobold Press How and why the PCs have come to the Shadow Forest
adventure updated and reprinted in this volume alongside is left to the GM and the needs of the campaign. The
the other, new adventures of the Shadow Realm. All the party could simply happen upon the forest while traveling
adventures in this book are designed to stand alone, through some desolate or otherwise unexplored area and
but they can also be run one after another if a GM were decide to investigate. Alternatively, the forest could be a
so inclined. If you do run them together, or if your PCs place well known but avoided by locals that the PCs have
are already in the Shadow Realm, “Shadows of the Dusk specifically come to explore. Local leadership might even
Queen” requires a little bit of tinkering, since, as written, hire the PCs to enter the forest, find out if the rumors of
it doesn’t take place in the Shadow Realm, but in a the Dusk Queen’s return are true and, if so, rid the forest of
shadowy forest on the Material Plane that is essentially a her foul taint once and for all.
partial portal to the Shadow Realm. If you do wish to set Reluctant PCs can be tempted with legends of specific
“Shadows of the Dusk Queen” in the Shadow Realm, the magical treasures rumored to be within the forest. The
adventure can start in essentially any forest area that’s party wizard, for example, might hear of a powerful,
isolated or remote, but a good location to place it would intelligent spellbook hidden somewhere in the forest and
be the northern part of the forest approximately 30 miles decide to investigate.
southwest of Sable.

Shadows of the Dusk Queen 163

The weeping treant watches the PCs, silently waiting
for an answer. The creature completely blocks
The Shadow Forest
the path and lets no one pass until it receives a When the PCs enter the forest itself, the feeling of
satisfactory response. foreboding and sorrow subtly intensifies.
PCs attempting to gain information from the The mysterious, plaintive howls continue to echo among the
weeping treant, convince it they have indeed come to branches, and the chilling wind continues to whisper . . .
retrieve the shards for the Dusk Queen, or otherwise
deceive it in any way must succeed on a DC 13 “She has returned. She has returned. She has returned!”
Charisma (Deception) or Charisma (Persuasion) A powerful abjuration aura permeates the entire
check. If the PCs manage to fool the treant, it reveals forest, limiting magical transportation such as
the locations of the five shards throughout the forest: dimension door or teleport to a maximum of 30 feet at a
One rests at the bottom of a dark pool time, regardless of the spell’s normal range.
One is embedded in the trunk of the Hanging Tree Swarms of black stirges (use stirges with the
One lies beneath a mound of smooth, black stones changes noted below) dwell in the upper reaches of
the treetops. They viciously attack any who attempt to
One has fallen into a deep pit of shadows
climb or fly into the forest’s thick upper canopy.
One is somewhere within the Putrid Bog
Once the weeping treant has given this cryptic
information, it insists the PCs leave
immediately to retrieve the shards for
the Dusk Queen, who resides once again
in her tower. The weeping treant might
be persuaded to answer a few additional
questions, but very quickly becomes impatient
and suspicious.
Should the PCs at any point fail
to convince the weeping treant,
or if it determines the PCs have been
deceiving it, the creature furiously and
relentlessly attacks!

An Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (History) check can recall the following about the Dusk Queen:

DC Result
5 The Dusk Queen ruled the Shadow Forest and surrounding lands for many years until she vanished
8 The Dusk Queen possessed a powerful magic mirror that she used to control and terrorize her subjects;
someone known as the Sun King smashed the mirror shortly before the Dusk Queen’s mysterious
12 The Shadow Forest is thought to be inhabited by frightening creatures, many of which come from the
Shadow Realm itself!
16 The Dusk Queen was protected by a dark paladin; many whispered that this dread guard was much more to
her than simply a royal guard.
20 The Dusk Queen was a shadow fey who journeyed to the Shadow Forest from the fey realm of the Winter
Court. She was also said to be able to wield magic in powerful and unique ways.

164 Tales from the Shadows

Creature Change. Treat as stirges with the
following changes:
The Search for the Shards
Shadow Blend: While not in sunlight, the black Remember to continually reinforce the dark and
stirge can become invisible as a bonus action. It can mysterious atmosphere as the PCs move throughout
end this effect as a bonus action. the forest. Long, thick shadows obscure vision;
Strength Drain: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, the heroes randomly hear animals and other, even
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing stranger beasts in the distance; and the cold wind
damage, and the stirge attaches to the target. While whistles and howls through the trees. During
attached, the stirge doesn’t attack. Instead, the moments of inactivity, the wind again seems to wail . . .
target’s Strength score is reduced by 1d4. The target She has returned. She has returned. She has returned.
dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Otherwise, the
reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long 2. THE SHADOW NYMPHS’ POOL
rest. The stirge can detach itself by spending 5 feet
of its movement. It does so after it drains 4 points of A small pool of calm, dark water lies nestled in a secluded
Strength from the target, or the target dies. A creature, clearing. As you watch, two delicate figures rise gracefully
including the target, can use its action to detach the from the still pool. The painfully beautiful creatures have long
stirge. This replaces the stirge’s Blood Drain action. black hair that falls down their bare backs before gathering
around their waists on the surface of the dark water.
The two dark beauties stare at you for a moment with
calm, suspicious eyes before at last speaking:
“Why have you come to our pool? Are you here to harm us?”

Shadows of the Dusk Queen 165

Sapphyl and Lasralith, two shadow nymphs (see
appendix) guard one of the shards. They keep it
extremely well hidden at the bottom of their deep,
dark pool (DC 22 Wisdom [Perception] check to
find). The shadow nymphs have no love for the Dusk
Queen and are not happy she has escaped from her
long imprisonment. A successful DC 12 Charisma
(Persuasion) check convinces the distrustful shadow
nymphs the PCs are not loyal to the Dusk Queen and
mean them no harm.
Sapphyl and Lasralith show great relief and beg
the PCs to destroy the Dusk Queen once and
for all. If the PCs agree, the shadow nymphs
gladly volunteer to give the PCs the mirror
shard they have been hiding since they first
found it.
The nymphs are desperate to see the Dusk
Queen destroyed. However, Sapphyl and Lasralith
also fear for their lives should the queen learn they’ve
aided the PCs and are unwilling to offer any additional Treasure. Sapphyl and Lasralith have three potions
assistance beyond what has been detailed here. of greater healing and one scroll of lesser restoration which
The Shadow Nymphs reveal (or confirm) the they gladly give the PCs to help them in their quest.
locations of the other four shards. They stress that the GM Note. It is important to remember Sapphyl and
forest is extremely dangerous, and the PCs should Lasralith have lived in the forest a very, very long time
remain on the trails at all costs. Additionally, they and can answer most questions the PCs might have
share a rumor that says if all five shards can be found regarding the Dusk Queen and her tower (essentially,
and placed physically together, the combined shards the GM should use the shadow nymphs to move the
can produce a magic powerful enough to greatly aid story along, clear up any confusion the players might
in any battle against the Dusk Queen. have so far, and fill in missing plot points).

Wandering Monsters
Although the paths are relatively safe and easy to travel, stay and fight the creatures if they have little trouble with
the same cannot be said if the PCs attempt to stray from some of the fights. It is at the GM’s discretion to increase
the paths and venture into the dense woods themselves, the difficulty of the random encounters to emphasize
which is considered difficult terrain. There is a 50% chance the danger of straying or decrease the likelihood of PCs
of a random encounter for every 2d6 rounds spent in the fighting endless battles.
forest depths instead of on the paths. PCs might decide to


d% Encounter d% Encounter
1-10 2d4 giant spiders 51–56 1d4 winter wolves
11-17 1d6 awakened shrubs 57–64 3d6 ettercaps and 2d8 giant spiders
18–25 1d4 giant bats 65–75 2d8 skeletons
26–32 1d3 worgs 76–84 2d4 awakened trees
33–38 1 shrieker and 1d6 zombies 85–90 1 shambling mound
39–50 1d4 shadows 95–100 1 wraith

166 Tales from the Shadows

As the characters approach this clearing in the forest,
read the following:
The Mirror Shards
The forest gives way suddenly to a thick bog of twisted trees
Each mirror shard is as wide as a man’s fist and just
and dripping vines. A few small hillocks and other areas of
under an inch in thickness. Although apparently made
soft, damp ground peek out from the stagnant water and of normal glass, they are extremely difficult to break.
foul-smelling muck.
Because the shards have the Dusk Queen’s essence
A strange gray mist hangs in the air, slowly swirling and within them, they possess a spark of quasi‑intelligence.
drifting though the misshapen trees and vines as if possessing The mirror shards’ primary goal is to be rejoined with
a mysterious sentience. The putrid stench of rot and decay the Dusk Queen’s mirror. A shard continually urges any
threatens to nauseate even those with the stoutest fortitude. PC possessing it to take it to the Queen’s Tower. If a PC
The Putrid Bog is covered in dank brackish water attempts to damage a mirror shard, remove it from
and thick mud ranging from only a few inches deep the forest, or do anything else contrary to the shard’s
at most points to as much as a few feet at others. It is goal, it attempts to force the PC into compliance (DC 11
difficult terrain. Wisdom saving throw to resist).
Hazard. Any non-resident of the bog must make a A mirror shard has: AC 13; hp 5 (2d4); damage
DC 17 Constitution saving throw or gain the poisoned threshold 20; INT 4 (–3), WIS 20 (+5), CHA 21 (+5) (as
condition from the bog’s putrid stench for as long long as the Dusk Queen is alive)
as they remain within its confines. A successful save
renders them immune to the effects of the bog’s stench Combined Mirror Shards
for the duration of the visit. A protection from poison Wondrous item, legendary
spell removes the effect from a sickened creature and If all five mirror shards are held together so they are
renders them immune to the effects for the remainder stacked front to back, front to back, they have the
of the visit. Creatures with immunity to poison are following powers:
unaffected, and creatures with poison resistance • Wielder can cast sacred flame three times per day
receive their normal advantage on the saving throws. as if by an 11th-level caster
Despite the overwhelming smell of death and decay, • Instead of the above, the wielder can opt to
the Putrid Bog is, in fact, teeming with life, most of it cast a single robust sacred flame spell once per
festering and vile. day. This causes maximum (24) damage, and
At the heart of the Putrid Bog lies a ring of ancient any target creature with vulnerability to radiant
standing stones: damage rolls its saving throw with disadvantage
An earthen mount rises from the muck. Tall, twisted Anyone can use the five mirror shards in this way, even
standing stones form a ring on the center of the mound, like non‑spellcasters.
some misshapen stone claw. The mysterious rocks encircle an Although the shards’ edges are certainly
ancient stone altar of black rock carved with strange, barely sharp, reasonably careful PCs should be
discernible symbols. A mirror shard lies on the altar’s surface. in no danger of cutting
A palpable feeling of evil and dark magic radiates from the themselves when using
entire area and the black altar in particular. the shards in this way.
A clever PC might even
The mound is solid enough to walk on unimpeded and
bind the five shards
is one of the few areas within the bog not considered together with
difficult terrain. The mound is about 50 feet across and strong cord, wire,
rises 5 feet above the swampy waters of the bog. The or rope to keep
ring of standing stones, each anywhere from nine to them together and
12 feet tall, is approximately 30 feet in diameter. make it easier to
The black rock altar radiates a permanent symbol use them.
of stunning (successful DC 16 Wisdom saving throw
negates), which is triggered by anyone not of evil
alignment passing through the ring of standing stones.

Shadows of the Dusk Queen 167

Any spellcaster placing both hands on the black
altar causes the symbols to glow faintly. For the next
24 hours, any necromancy spell that spellcaster
casts functions as if cast at three spell slots
higher. A spellcaster may only benefit from
this effect once per week.
Creature. The swamp naga (Tome
of Beasts 2 with changes noted below;
or substitute a spirit naga) Vessh Ossk
lurks within the ring of standing stones. She
was drawn to the stone circle and the dark magic
of the black altar and has claimed both as her own.
Vessh Ossk found the mirror shard some time ago
and has been placing it on the altar each night as
an experiment. The naga is aware of the Dusk
Queen’s return but has yet to decide if she wishes to
return the shard or keep it for herself.
The swamp naga is supremely
evil, highly intelligent, and
extremely manipulative. If
she learns the PCs possess any
of the other shards, she uses lies,
deception, and then outright threats to get them
for herself. If the PCs refuse, she viciously attacks.
Vessh Ossk does not give up her own shard under any The strange, black, carcass is a dead behir,
circumstances and fights to protect it. She does not approximately 40 feet long, and it fills much of the
leave the confines of the bog for any reason, however. area directly in front of the mound of black stones.
Creature Change. Treat the swamp naga as a 10th- Creatures. A band of bugbears has recently
level caster (rather than 8th), with three 4th-level ventured into the forest, hoping to claim it as new
slots, two 5th-level slots, and the following 5th-level hunting grounds. Three bugbears are focused on
spells: cloudkill, insect plague. picking over the recently slain carcass of the black
Treasure. Vessh Ossk has a collection of gems behir, while six others are spread out across the
buried near the altar. The collection consists of one clearing, busily repairing weapons or performing
small ruby (100 gp), two diamonds (150 gp each), and other chores. The bugbears are all focused on their
a pyramid carved from deep green jade (260 gp). tasks and most likely unaware (passive Perception 10)
of reasonably cautious PCs.
4. THE DEAD BEHIR The bugbears are led by Gothrolg (see appendix),
When the characters enter this clearing, read or a powerful half-umbral dragon bugbear who is
paraphrase the following aloud: currently out of view on the far side of the mound but
quickly flies up on top of the black stones at the first
Countless pebbles and other small stones litter this large sign of trouble.
clearing. In the center, you see a large mound of smooth, Gothrolg is a sadistic creature who delights in
black stones. Lying on the ground in front of the mound torture, pain, and suffering and has a taste for flesh,
is the dead body of a large, black, reptilian creature, its both living and undead. The half-umbral dragon
fearsome head crowned with two large curling horns. bugbear recently recovered the shard, which the slain
Surrounding the carcass stand several hulking, black behir had been guarding, and is unsure what
dark‑furred creatures with tiny, milk-white eyes. to do with it. He is more than willing to fight to keep
The large pile of black stones is approximately 30 feet the shard and will happily sacrifice the bugbears in
in diameter and 20 feet tall. Each stone is perfectly the process. However, Gothrolg has no allegiance to
smooth and about the size of a man’s head. Both the the Dusk Queen and is unwilling to die for her or the
mound and clearing are considered difficult terrain. shard; if reduced to 5 hp or fewer, he attempts to flee.

168 Tales from the Shadows

Treasure. Gothrolg wears a suit of +1 leather armor possess magical means to reach the shard, they will
and a +1 ring of protection. need to climb to reach it (DC 12 Strength [Athletics]
Searching the mound of black stones requires a or Dexterity [Acrobatics] check).
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check. The shard is embedded in a thick branch 40 feet
Buried within the mound are a broken potion bottle up the tree. A PC who reaches the shard can attempt
(empty), a ring of resistance (cold), and a wand of secrets. to pry it loose (DC 10 Dexterity check) or forcibly
yank it free (DC 10 Strength check). Failing either of
5. MESSAGE FROM THE SHADOWS these checks by 3 or more requires a DC 12 Dexterity
When the characters reach this point along the path saving throw to avoid being cut by the shard for 3
in the forest, read or paraphrase the following aloud: (1d6) slashing damage. Failing either check by 10 or
A hauntingly beautiful woman silently emerges from more requires a successful DC 17 Dexterity saving
the shadows and stares at you with cold, dark eyes. The throw to avoid falling from the tree for 14 (4d6)
surrounding shadows seem to pool around her, and power bludgeoning damage.
pours from her body. She smiles, but her dark eyes remain The shard is too firmly embedded in the tree for
cold as she speaks to you in soft, soothing tones. mage hand or similar magic to pull free.
“You are gathering my shards for me, and for that I am
eternally grateful. Once you have all five, I trust you will
bring them to me at once. If you do, I will reward each of
you handsomely. I assure you, the rumors about me have
been greatly exaggerated; I am not the monster many believe
me to be. Bring me the shards and I shall be pleased. Keep
them for yourself, though . . .”
The woman’s voice slowly trails off and her cold eyes
narrow menacingly.
The Dusk Queen is using major image to manipulate
the PCs. Once the message has been delivered, the
image continues to regard the PCs quietly for a
few moments before slowly fading away.
GM Note. Although keyed to a specific location
on the map, this encounter can occur at any point
along the path, after the PCs have acquired two or
three of the shards. Ideally, this should take place
during a lull in the action and should be used for
maximum dramatic effect.


When the characters approach this point in the
forest, read or paraphrase the following aloud:
A lone, twisted tree rises from a small hill ahead
of you. Skeletons, some with their hands still bound
behind their backs, hang from strong branches high up in
the tree. The branches creak as the skeletons twist and sway
in the wind. By all appearances, these gruesome remains
have been here for a very long time.
High up on the trunk, a mirror shard is deeply
embedded in a thick branch.
This was once known as the Hanging Tree. The
skeletons belonged to people who displeased the
Dusk Queen during her reign. Unless the PCs

Shadows of the Dusk Queen 169

Creatures. A specter and two wraiths guard the If the PCs take precautionary measures, such as
shard. They swarm out suddenly from the surrounding using rope or other climbing gear, the checks are
shadows and attack as soon as the shard is disturbed. made with advantage.
Treasure. A ring of the ram rests on one of the GM Note. Although characters falling from the
skeleton’s fingers. steps should normally have a chance of missing the
stone ledge and falling into the swirling darkness,
7. THE PIT OF SHADOWS doing so would certainly take the character out of the
When the party approaches the pit, read or paraphrase adventure! Therefore, be sure to play up the dramatic
the following aloud: impact of a falling character barely managing to grab
hold of something as they crash onto the ledge and to
An oblong pit yawns like a jagged wound in the ground in
avoid falling farther.
front of you. It is perhaps 20 feet across and at least twice
The Pit. Once the PCs are close enough to the stone
that in length. A dense, almost palpable blackness seems to
ledge, read:
rise from the depths of the pit.
Peering over the edge of the stone outcrop, you see a swirling
It is difficult to see very far into the pit. PCs without
miasma of inky blackness some 50 feet farther down. This
darkvision cannot see more than a few feet. PCs with
strange vortex of darkness resembles impossibly dense storm
darkvision have the limits of their sight halved.
clouds which completely fill the remainder of the deep pit.
A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a
partially worn and eroded set of ancient stone steps This mysterious, swirling cloud of darkness is, in fact,
cut into the sides of the pit. The steps wind their way a portal to the Shadow Realm (if you have already
precariously downward into the darkness before set this adventure in the Shadow Realm, assume
eventually ending 60 feet below at a stone ledge that this portal transports anyone passing through it to
juts out abruptly. another location on the plane—perhaps into some
Hazard. The steps are extremely steep and uneven, powerful fey noble’s dungeon).
making them difficult to navigate. PCs failing a DC Once on the ledge, the PCs discover a cave opening.
12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check fall from the steps Like the rest of the shadowy darkness within the pit,
and crash to the stone ledge below, taking 10 (3d6) visibility is difficult even for those with darkvision.
bludgeoning damage.

170 Tales from the Shadows

The Cave. The cave opening leads directly into a
natural cavern 60 feet across and 40 feet high. At the
The Queen of Shadows
center of the cavern, narrow steps leading up to a Once the PCs have all five shards, they must confront
stone ring are just barely discernible. the Dusk Queen, making their way to the clearing
The stone ring is approximately two feet high, 10 near the center of the forest and infiltrating the Dusk
feet in diameter, and encloses a pool of dark water Tower itself.
15 feet deep. A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
reveals a glint from a mirror shard lying at the very 8. THE DUSK QUEEN’S TOWER
bottom of the pool. When the characters approach the tower, read:
Creature. Ilmareth, an elder shadow drake (see The tower appears to be made of smooth black stone. There
appendix), dwells here with his two “pet” shadows. are no windows and only a single door. The tower is clearly
Ilmareth, who had been the Dusk Queen’s fiercely in disrepair; bits of the stone have crumbled away and
devoted mount, was devastated and confused by her cracks run like spider webs across its surface. Vines snake
sudden disappearance. He retreated here to his lair up the outside, as if trying to choke the life from the tower or
and sank into a long, deep depression. Ilmareth knew perhaps pull it to the ground.
of the shard in his pool, but
until the recent whispers of his
Queen’s return, he was unsure
what to do with it.
As soon as anyone touches
or otherwise interacts with the
water, read:
A large dragon-like creature with
black scales and shadowy wings
emerges suddenly from the darkness.
The creature’s red eyes glare at you as
it speaks in a deep, monotone voice:
“I know why you have come, but
I am a loyal servant of the queen.
You’ll not take this shard; the only
thing I will give you is DEATH!”
Ilmareth attacks with reckless
abandon to protect his shard, as
do the two shadows that share
his cave with him. If the battle
goes particularly poorly for him,
he attempts to escape the cave
with the shard and retreat to the
Dusk Tower.
Treasure. A bead of force, a
slightly rusted mace of disruption
with the word “Nanroc” faintly
carved into the head, and pouch
with 120 gp can be found at the
bottom of the well.

Shadows of the Dusk Queen 171

Front Door. A single ornate door, crafted of have crumbled away long ago. A massive chandelier lies
sturdy darkwood and reinforced with black iron, twisted and broken in the middle of the floor, apparently
is the tower’s only entrance. Although the door is having crashed to the floor when the ceiling above rotted
not physically locked, it is warded with arcane lock away. Thick shadows fill the upper reaches of the tower.
and protected by a glyph of warding (31 [7d8] cold Directly across from you, on a black marble dais at the far
damage, DC 18 Dexterity saving throw for half). The end of the chamber, sits an ornate black throne.
darkwood door is three inches thick, has AC 15, 18 hit To either side of the throne, once-majestic stairs climb the
points, and damage threshold 5. walls, reaching as high as one’s head before crumbling away.
Once the PCs enter the tower, read: To the right of the throne, a large oval mirror in a thick
A single large chamber opens before you. There is no ceiling darkwood frame hangs on the stone wall. The frame is carved
overhead; the wooden floors of the upper levels appear to with delicate runes, many of which look chipped or defaced.

172 Tales from the Shadows

The glass in the mirror has clearly been shattered; thousands
of tiny cracks create a chaotic spider-web pattern across its
surface. In five distinct spots, large pieces of the glass, each
about the size of a man’s hand, are missing entirely.
A large tapestry depicts the Dusk Queen riding her
shadow drake mount, Ilmareth, against the backdrop
of a stormy night sky. Well-worn, the tapestry is of
superior workmanship and worth at least 300 gp to
the right buyer.
Creatures. The Dusk Queen (see appendix) is
invisible and flying overhead in the shadowy, upper
portion of the chamber. Aazael (see appendix), her
loyal lieutenant, hides behind the throne. Once the
PCs enter the throne room, she addresses them
in a soothing and friendly tone, using the strange
acoustics of the tower to throw her voice so she does
not give away her position:
Greetings, my friends. I trust you have retrieved all of my
mirror shards for me? Please kindly place them on my throne
and then step back. Once you have done so, I will reward
you handsomely as promised. I am, after all, a just queen,
true to my word.
The Dusk Queen has been monitoring the party’s
progress for some time and has had plenty of time
to prepare for their arrival. She uses her supply of
scrolls to cast greater invisibility, freedom of movement,
mage armor, and true seeing (these additional boons are
noted in the statistics block above and marked with
an * where applicable).
The Dusk Queen focuses all her charisma and
powers of persuasion to cajole the shards from the
PCs. If they foolishly obey her command, Aazael
attacks them while she swoops in to claim her
precious shards and tries to repair her mirror. She can
replace one shard each round.
If she is unsuccessful in convincing the heroes to
obey, the Dusk Queen quickly becomes furious and
addresses the PCs in a menacing voice:
“FOOLS! If you will not listen to reason, then I will pluck
the shards from your cold, lifeless hands!”
As the Dusk Queen’s angry words echo in the chamber, an
ominous-looking warrior clad in black armor and wielding
a glowing black glaive appears out of the shadows. Lifeless
eyes burn from inside the creature’s hollow skull.
During combat, The Dusk Queen attacks with spells
while remaining well-hidden and protected in the
shadows high overhead for as long as possible, using
every means at her disposal to destroy the PCs and
take the shards while the dread knight pummels

Shadows of the Dusk Queen 173

them in combat on the ground. Because there are
no longer any upper floors, the inside of the tower is
essentially a shadowy, 80-foot-high shaft.
GM Note. A PC with all five shards attempting to
use the sacred flame power against the Dusk Queen or
her dread knight must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom
saving throw each time to force the shards to comply.

Adventure Conclusion
Replacing the five shards into the empty
spots on the broken mirror is simple
enough, assuming the PCs still wish
to. When the first shard is replaced, the
mirror’s frame begins to glow slightly, but
the thousands of spidery cracks remain.
Once the final shard is placed into the
mirror, all five immediately fuse into
the rest of the glass and the cracks
magically repair themselves, leaving
a perfectly smooth and whole mirror
once again. The mirror is firmly attached
to the wall with powerful magic and cannot
be removed by anything short of a wish spell or
similar magic.
If repaired, the mirror allows the PCs to step into
the glass and magically transport themselves away
from the tower, as the teleport spell. Without the
various command words and intimate knowledge of Tower Destruction. Once the PCs have had time to
how the mirror works, however, the PCs are unable catch their breath and search the throne room, read
to use any of the mirror’s other powers. the following:
Clever PCs may realize there is little compelling A tremor ripples across the floor of the throne room.
reason to repair the mirror at all now that the Dusk Moments later, an even stronger tremor rocks the entire
Queen has been destroyed and might instead decide tower. Dust and bits of stone begin to fall as large cracks
to keep the five mirror shards. If so, the shards keep appear on the stone walls! The shaking quickly grows more
their magical qualities. What’s more, if the Dusk and more violent, making it abundantly clear the tower is in
Queen is dead, the shards no longer possess the danger of collapse!
queen’s life essence and therefore no longer require If the PCs move quickly, they can get out in time and
a Wisdom saving throw when using their sacred flame move to a safe distance just as the entire tower crashes
ability. The PCs have acquired a unique and powerful to the ground in a cacophonous and deafening roar,
treasure, indeed! leaving nothing but a massive pile of stone, rubble,
Treasure. In addition to the shards and the and absolute destruction!
considerable magic possessed by the Dusk Queen
If, for some reason, the PCs choose to remain
and her Dread Knight, a successful DC 15 Wisdom
inside the tower, they most certainly meet with the
(Perception) check reveals a compartment concealed
same grim fate.
in the base of the throne. Hidden inside is the Shadow
GM Note. The tower’s collapse destroys the Dusk
Grimoire (see appendix).
Queen’s mirror. The force of the collapse is not
powerful enough to ruin Aazael’s armor, however,
which means the dread knight begins to rejuvenate
1d10 days later while still buried under the rubble.

174 Tales from the Shadows

to the rose’s stem, stitched with Elvish runes of gold
thread, representing light, life, and revelation.
While you carry it, you can perform the following
The adventures in this book feature a variety of magic
Rose of Radiance. The rose gives off light equal to
items and creatures. The referenced magic items
that of a candle. As a bonus action, you can adjust
and creatures not present in the core rulebooks,
the brightness of its illumination, extinguishing
System Reference Document 5.1, or Book of Ebon Tides are
it entirely or increasing it so that it equals the
presented here.
brightness of a hooded lantern.
Not Yet My Love. As an action, you can, at will, touch
Magic Items a creature with the rose and cast spare the dying.
Shared Suffering. As a bonus action, you can prick
Each of the following magic items appears in one of
your finger on one of the thorns of the rose, allowing
the adventures presented in this book.
it to feed on your blood and causing you 7 2d6
points of damage. If you then touch the rose to a
Chitinous Club of c’Naazo
creature, you can, as an action, heal it for 2d6 points
Weapon (maul), uncommon (requires attunement) or provide those points to the creature as temporary
Once a tentacle of the monstrosity c’Naazo, this hit points. If used in the latter fashion, you cannot
massive club made of segmented chitin is suffused heal the damage done to you by the rose until those
with glowing, phosphorescent green magic and emits temporary hit points have been expended. Once
an unpleasant odor when wielded. you use this property, you can’t use it again until you
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls finish a long rest.
made with this magic weapon. Inspiration of the Muse. As an action, you can use the
Venomous Spray. As an action, you point the weapon rose to provide one creature with inspiration. Once
at your enemies and spray forth a noxious cone of you use this property, you can’t use it again until you
poison. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make finish a long rest. If the creature does not expend the
a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 10 awarded inspiration by the time you next finish a long
(3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much rest, the inspiration expires.
on a successful one. Once you use this property, you
can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. The Luminous Codex
Wondrous Item, legendary
Goblin Chisel (requires attunement by a wizard)
Wondrous Item, uncommon The Luminous Codex is a spellbook that contains all
Used in the construction of a small goblin the spells that an archmage has, plus the following:
community in the Paletree Rise, this chisel is made fireball, sunbeam, sunburst, plane shift, demiplane, and
of hardened grick beak. While using the goblin chisel, imprisonment.
your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability While you are attuned to it, you gain the following
check you make that uses your proficiency with benefits:
Mason’s tools or Woodcarver’s tools. Radiant Illumination. You know the light cantrip,
and you can cast the daylight spell at will.
Liliana’s Rose
​Radiant Blast. You can change the damage type of
Wondrous item, rare any spell you cast to radiant damage. Once you use
This rose is fashioned of blood-red crystal affixed to a this property, you can’t use it again until you finish a
stem crafted of green gold, complete with hammered short or long rest.
green-gold leaves and sharp thorns. The rose glows Radiant Resilience. You are immune to radiant
with an inner light that, when held, seems to pulse to damage, and you disregard any penalties you would
the heartbeat of its bearer. A white silk ribbon is tied normally suffer from being in sunlight.

Tales from the Shadows 175

Night Messenger’s Coat Shadow-touched Steed. You can, at will, use the coat to
cast the spell find steed to summon a shadow‑touched
Wondrous Item, uncommon
fey mount of your preferred size and type.
This ankle-length black woolen coat has a high, flared Summoning this steed takes 1 round, but once you
collar and an elbow-length capelet. It has wide, open have chosen your mount and its form, the coat always
sleeves and a row of large, silver buttons down one summons this same companion for you. Removing the
side. At the front corners of the capelet, embroidery night messenger’s coat causes a mount summoned with
of stylized, shadowy horses in a rearing stance appear it to vanish as though you dismissed it. Summoning
in silver thread. While wearing the coat, you gain the mounts via find steed from other sources automatically
following benefits: fail while you wear a night messenger’s coat.
Witchlight Sight. You can see and sense the trails left
behind by witchlights.
Shadow Sense. You have advantage on Wisdom
(Survival) checks made to navigate or avoid getting
lost in the Shadow Realm.
Incorruptible. You have advantage on all saving
throws made to resist shadow corruption.

Painted Stones
Wondrous item, uncommon
The painted stones are magical and emanate different
auras of magic, depending on the color. If the stones
are taken from the Whispering Plains, they instantly
lose their magical properties. Returning a stone to the
Plains does not bring back its magic.
Only one stone can affect a creature at a time. Each
stones has one charge. With a bonus action, a creature
holding one of the stones can expend its single charge,
activating the corresponding effect below:

Color Emanation Effect

Puce Evocation For 1 minute, your weapon attacks deal additional fire damage equal to twice your
proficiency bonus.
Indigo Illusion For 1 minute, you become invisible (no concentration required); the effect ends if
you attack or cast a spell.
Violet Enchantment For 1 minute, you and one willing creature you can see within 30 feet become
immune to the frightened and charmed conditions.
Slate Divination For 1 minute, all attacks against you are made with disadvantage.
Mustard Transmutation For 1 hour, you gain the benefits of the enhance ability spell, choosing two of the
spell’s effects instead of one (no concentration required).
Juniper Abjuration A magical shield that has a number of hit points equal to five times your proficiency
bonus surrounds you. When you have the shield active and take damage, the shield’s
hit points are lost first, and any leftover damage carries over to your normal hit
points. The shield lasts for 1 minute, or until the shield’s hit points are reduced to 0.
Umber Conjuration For 1 minute, you can use your reaction to fling a magical spike at a target you can
see within 60 feet. The spike automatically hits its target, causing and amount of
force damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
Bone Necromancy For 1 minute, each time you damage a creature with a weapon or spell attack, you
regain an amount of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus.

176 Tales from the Shadows

Shadow Grimoire
Wondrous item, fabled (5th-level and higher
properties require attunement)
This thick tome is covered in inky
black nightmare hide and bound
with iron overlaid with silver. Delicate
silver runes are inlaid in a circular
pattern across the cover. The pages within are
written in silver ink on jet-black paper. The book is
extremely well-crafted, durable, and waterproof and
measures just over 12 inches tall, 9 inches wide and 1
inch thick.
impossible for its owner to attune to it, suppress one
While the grimoire is on your person, you have
or more of its properties, or attempt to take control of
advantage on all skill checks pertaining to shadow or
its owner.
darkness magic, geography, history, and denizens of
If the Shadow Grimoire attempts to take control
the Shadow Realm.
of its owner, the owner must make a Charisma
Sentience. The Shadow Grimoire is a sentient neutral saving throw with a DC equal to 12 + the grimoire’s
spellbook with an Intelligence of 15, a Wisdom of 15, Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the owner
and a Charisma of 14. It has an Armor Class of 15 is charmed by the grimoire for 1d12 hours. While
and 20 hit points. It regains 1d8 + 4 hit points each charmed, the owner must try to follow the grimoire’s
evening at dusk. It has hearing and normal vision out commands. Whether the attempt to control its owner
to a range of 30 feet and darkvision out to a range of succeeds or fails, the Shadow Grimoire can’t use this
60 feet. power again until the next dusk.
The book can speak, read, and understand
Bookish. As an action, the Shadow Grimoire can open
Common and Umbral and can communicate with its
and close itself and flip instantly to any page it desires,
owner telepathically out to a range of 60 feet.
including the current scroll page (see below). A DC 25
Personality. The Shadow Grimoire is intelligent, Strength check is required to close it, pry it open, or
haughty, and extremely proud of its abilities and its tear out a page against its will.
unique nature. Once it decides to reveal its sentience
Shadow Jump (3/Day). The Shadow Grimoire can move
and awareness, it expects to be treated in every
from one shadow into another. As a bonus action,
way like a highly regarded equal. If the grimoire is
when the grimoire is in dim light or darkness, it can
confident its owner shares its outlook and goals, it
teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can
reveals its abilities and complies with most requests.
see that is also in dim light or darkness.
It is often mysterious, cryptic, and prone to
falling silent for long periods of time without cause Sunlight Vulnerability. The Shadow Grimoire must
or explanation. If it feels it is being mistreated or always remain cloaked in shadow or the darkness
not shown the proper level of respect, the grimoire of night. The grimoire is damaged if exposed to
snaps itself shut and refuses to open or use any of its direct sunlight (not merely a daylight spell). For every
abilities until the situation changes to its satisfaction. minute the Shadow Grimoire is exposed to sunlight,
The grimoire has little interest in good or evil, it takes 1d8 radiant damage. If this damage exceeds
law or chaos. Its primary interests lie in magic, the book’s total hit points, the Shadow Grimoire bursts
specifically shadow and darkness magic or anything into gray flame and is forever destroyed.
pertaining to the Shadow Realm. The grimoire is Warded. The Shadow Grimoire is protected by a glyph of
single-minded in its desire to learn all it can about warding. The glyph can be triggered by the grimoire if
shadow magic, and it expects its owner to share this it feels threatened. The glyph causes explosive runes
desire. It insists that its owner prepare at least a few to erupt in a 20-foot-radius sphere of crackling,
of the spells contained within its pages every day (the shadowy energy. Each creature in the area must make
more, the better, of course). If the owner refuses, a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 5d8
the grimoire may (at the GM’s discretion) demand cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
to be given to someone more worthy of it, make it on a successful one.

Tales from the Shadows 177

Once the glyph of warding goes off, it can’t be used In addition, the Shadow Grimoire contains a special
again until the next dusk. scroll page—a single spell from among the spells
Enveloped by Shadows (Requires Attunement). The transcribed within it, that you may cast directly from
Shadow Grimoire’s secrets cling to your mind like the the book as if it were a scroll. Once the spell is cast,
shadow realm itself. Only you can read its contents; another spell (other than the one just cast) randomly
to all others, its pages appear pure black. As your becomes the next spell that can be cast directly from
level increases, you gain the following benefits while the book. The spell is always of a level you can cast.
holding or carrying this book. You must spend an action to flip pages and find the
5th level. The Shadow Grimoire is a spellbook that new scroll-page spell. Once found, the scroll page
contains the following spells (see Deep Magic by can be marked for future reference. You do not need
Kobold Press): to provide a material component and casting the
Cantrips: claws of darkness, douse light, shadow bite, spell does not remove it from the spellbook. Once
shadow blindness you have used the scroll page 3 times, it can’t be used
again until the next dusk.
1st level: black ribbons, cloak of shadow, shadow armor,
9th level. You gain darkvision out to a range of 30
shadow hands
feet. If you already have darkvision, you can see in
2nd level: dark path, darkbolt, negative image, magical darkness out to a range of 30 feet as if in
shadow puppets, slither dim light. In addition, the Shadow Grimoire’s glyph of
3rd level: call shadow mastiff, shadow tendrils, warding saving throw DC increases to 14, and the
shadow trove cold damage increases to 6d8.
4th level: black hand, hide in one’s shadow, shadow step 13th level. When the area you occupy is in dim
5th level: dark dementing, shadow gateway light or darkness, you can use a bonus action to
6th level: become nightwing, black well step through the shadow and emerge from another
7th level: conjure shadow titan, dying of the light shadow up to 200 feet away.
8th level: creeping darkness In addition, the Shadow Grimoire’s Intelligence
becomes 16, its Wisdom 16, its Charisma 15, its
9th level: umbral storm
Armor Class 17, and its hit points 25. Finally, the

The Shadow Grimoire is a fabled item. Fabled items are To utilize any of the higher-level properties, a character
a special kind of magic item that scales in power as the must attune to the fabled item per the standard magic
character does. Fabled items encompass all levels of rarity. item attunement rules. Once attuned to the fabled magic
The Dusk Queen received the Shadow Grimoire as a gift item, the character can use the fabled item’s more powerful
while she still dwelt in the realm of shadow. Little is known properties as the character increases in level. When an
about who gave her the grimoire or the motives behind attuned character reaches a property’s specified level,
the gift. Some say it was to aid the Dusk Queen in bringing the property listed at that level becomes immediately
darkness to the realms of light, others say it was secretly a available to the character. If a character of a level higher
means for her enemies to thwart her plans. than 1st attunes to a fabled item, the item’s level-dependent
Whatever the case, the mysterious Dusk Queen bonded properties, up to the character’s current level, become
with the dark tome and used its strange abilities to amass available to the character.
great power on the Material Plane. Many whisper that the If a character chooses not to become attuned to the
Shadow Grimoire was perhaps the Dusk Queen’s most fabled item, the item remains a common magic item,
prized possession. granting the character only its minor property, regardless of
the character’s level. Unless otherwise noted, all properties
Properties and Attunement
granted by a fabled item are in effect if the character is
A fabled magic item begins as a common magic item.
wearing, carrying, or touching the item.
It grants a small but useful property to any character
For much more information about fabled items, see Vault
that possesses it. This minor property does not require
of Magic from Kobold Press.
attunement to use.

178 Tales from the Shadows

grimoire’s glyph of warding saving throw DC increases Umbril Opal Necklace
to 15, and the cold damage increases to 7d8.
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
17th level. You can use an action to transport yourself
and up to eight willing creatures to the Shadow Realm This stunning necklace is crafted from finely wrought
as if you had cast the plane shift spell. You can’t do silver and sparkling black opals. When attuned to
this again until you finish a long rest. In addition, this necklace, your Charisma score increases by 2.
as an action, you may now choose which spell in the Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws
grimoire becomes a scroll page. against being charmed.
GM Note. The Shadow Grimoire is a powerful magic
item. It is important to remember the Shadow Grimoire
is the final authority on if and when its powers are
used. The grimoire typically acquiesces to the owner’s The following monsters appearing in this book can
wishes, but that is hardly absolute—it always retains be found in the titles specified. This table indicates
full control of its abilities. Essentially, the GM should suitable substitutions in cases where you do not
treat the Shadow Grimoire as an NPC as well as a magic have access to the book in question. (In cases where
item, which makes it an excellent tool for dispensing multiple monsters are listed, substitute that many
special clues and other campaign information that of the core rules monster for each instance of the
might not be easy to convey otherwise. The grimoire original monster.)
can be a teacher and mentor as well as a mysterious
Original Core Rules
source of secrets and knowledge. Creature Source Substitution
If a PC decides to keep the grimoire, the GM
arachnocrat devil TOB2 barbed devil
should observe and cultivate the symbiotic
child of the briar TOB1 2 sprites
relationship between them carefully. While the
Shadow Grimoire retains control over its special crinaea TOB2 dryad, change her tree
abilities, it still relies on its owner to carry it around home to a fountain
so it can learn and influence events. dream eater TOB1 incubus or succubus
elder shadow TOB1 young black dragon,
Shroud of Kairious drake breath weapon deals
Wondrous Item, very rare cold damage
hound of TOB1 winter wolf
The top of this brass censer has silhouettes of
the night
hourglasses and the sun punched through its surface.
When issued its command word, the censer begins ink devil TOB1 2 imps
to emit a hazy, jasmine-scented shroud of vapor in a iron ghoul TOB1 wight
15-foot radius centered on it for 2 hours. The vapor mirror hag TOB1 night hag
shroud does not affect your vision or the vision orphan of TOB2 shadow-touched druid
or visibility of the creatures inside of it. Creatures the black
standing inside the vapor shroud are immune to razorleaf CC shambling mound
Oshragora’s temporal distortions and magic spells and
serpentfolk CC cult fanatic
effects that alter time, such as slow, haste, or time stop. of Yig
Once per day, while the censer is emitting vapor,
shadow beast TOB1 vrock
you can use the command word to jump backwards in
time 1 hour, losing any progress or ill effects gained shadow blight CC awakened tree
during the erased hour. Once you have used this stryx TOB1 owl, Int 8 and can cast
function, the censer ceases emitting vapor. comprehend languages
Once the censer has been used, it cannot be used 3/day
again until noon the next day. trollkin raider TOB2 bugbear
umbral vampire TOB1 vampire spawn
weeping treant TOB1 shadow-touched treant

CC = Creature Codex, TOB1 = Tome of Beasts,

TOB2 = Tome of Beasts 2

Tales from the Shadows 179

Aazael, The Dread Knight Magic Resistance. Aazael has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Medium Undead, Chaotic Evil
Rejuvenation. One day after Aazael is destroyed, his armor
ARMOR CLASS 20 (+1 plate, +1 ring of protection)
begins to rebuild the undead body trapped within. This
HIT POINTS 85 (9d8 + 45) process takes 1d10 days—if the body is destroyed before
SPEED 30 ft. that time passes, the armor merely starts the process
anew. After this time has elapsed, Aazael regains all his hit
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA points and becomes active again (see sidebar for more
20 (+5) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) information).
Undead Nature. Aazael doesn’t require air, food, drink,
DAMAGE RESISTANCES bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing or sleep.
from nonmagical attacks
DAMAGE IMMUNITIES necrotic, poison
Multiattack. Aazael makes two melee attacks.
CONDITION IMMUNITIES charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
+1 Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 6) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6)
SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 necrotic damage.
LANGUAGES Abyssal, Common

Special Equipment. Aazael has +1 plate, a +1 ring of

protection, and a +1 glaive.
Dread Knight Weapons: Aazael’s weapon attacks are
magical. When he hits with any weapon, the weapon deals
an extra 3d6 necrotic damage (included in the attack).
Fear Aura: Any creature hostile to Aazael that starts its
turn within 20 feet of the dread knight must make a DC
15 Wisdom saving throw, unless Aazael is incapacitated.
On a failed save, the creature is frightened until the start
of its next turn. If a creature’s saving throw is successful,
the creature is immune to Aazael’s fear aura for the next
24 hours.


Aazael’s armor is a preternatural second skin
fused over the desiccated flesh and scarred
bones locked within; the undead
warrior’s life force lingers on in his
armor, much like a lich’s essence is
bound within a phylactery. Unless
every part of Aazael’s armor is ruined
along with his body, Aazael rejuvenates
after being destroyed.
Aazael’s suit of deep black plate armor
has AC 19, 45 hit points, and damage
threshold 10. Merely breaking Aazael’s
armor does not destroy it; it must be
ruined, such as by being disintegrated,
exposed to the Upper Planes, or thrown
into the heart of a volcano.

180 Tales from the Shadows

Summon Pet (1/Day): Aazael may summon Annominc,
Briar Troll
his fiendish black panther servant, which immediately
Large Giant, Chaotic Evil
appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of him.
Annominc remains for 1 hour, until it or Aazael dies, or ARMOR CLASS 15 (natural armor)
until Aazael dismisses it as an action. HIT POINTS 105 (10d10 + 50)
SPEED 30 ft.
Medium Fiend, Chaotic Evil STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ARMOR CLASS 14 18(+4) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 7 (–2) 11(+0) 6 (–2)
HIT POINTS 45 (10d8)
SPEED 50 ft., climb 40 ft. SKILLS Perception +3
SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
16 (+3) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 8 (–1) 14 (+2) 7 (–2) CHALLENGE 7 (2,900 XP) PROFICIENCY BONUS +3

DAMAGE RESISTANCES cold, fire Brambleskin. A creature that hits the troll with a melee
SKILLS Perception +4, Stealth +6 attack while within 5 feet of the troll or ends its turn within
SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 5 feet of the troll takes 9 (2d8) piercing damage from the
thorny brambles that cover its skin.
Keen Smell. The troll has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Keen Smell: Annominc has advantage on Wisdom Regeneration. The troll regains 10 hit points at the start
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. of its turn. If the troll takes acid or fire damage, this trait
doesn’t function at the start of the troll’s next turn. The
Pounce: If Annominc moves at least 20 feet straight
troll dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and
toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack
doesn’t regenerate.
on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target ACTIONS
is prone, Annominc can make one bite attack against it as Multiattack. The briar troll makes one Bite attack and two
a bonus action. Claw attacks.
ACTIONS Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, and if the target is a
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) creature it is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple
necrotic damage. ends, the target is restrained, and the troll can’t bite
another target.
Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
necrotic damage. target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Tales from the Shadows 181

Briar Blast (Recharge 6). Vicious thorns shoot out of the BONUS ACTIONS
troll’s skin. Each creature within 15 feet of the troll must Siphon Centipedes. C’Naazo consumes any number of
make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, giant centipedes with 10 feet of it, regaining 5 hit points
a creature takes 19 (3d12) piercing damage and is stunned for each giant centipede consumed this way.
until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the
creature takes half as much damage and isn’t stunned.
The area becomes difficult terrain (which the troll ignores) The Dusk Queen
for 1 minute, or until the troll uses this action again. Medium Fey, Neutral Evil
ARMOR CLASS 16 (with mage armor)
c’Naazo HIT POINTS 88 (16d8 + 16)
Large Aberration, Chaotic Evil SPEED 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (with winged boots)
ARMOR CLASS 20 (natural armor)
HIT POINTS 120 (16d10 + 32)
9 (–1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 21 (+5)
SPEED 30 ft.

SAVING THROWS Dex +6, Con +4, Cha +8

SKILLS Perception +8, Stealth +6
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
DAMAGE RESISTANCES bludgeoning, piercing, and
SAVING THROWS Str +6, Con +5 slashing damage from nonmagical attacks

DAMAGE IMMUNITIES poison CONDITION IMMUNITIES charmed, frightened, exhaustion

CONDITION IMMUNITIES poisoned SENSES blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive

Perception 18
SKILLS Athletics +6, Intimidation +4
LANGUAGES Common, Elvish, Giant, Sylvan
SENSES darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Special Equipment. The Dusk Queen has spell scrolls of:
dominate person, globe of invulnerability, protection from
Rage of c’Naazo. C’Naazo has advantage on melee attack energy (×2), see invisibility, slow, and true seeing. She also
rolls against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit wears a handy haversack, a ring of feather falling, and
points. winged boots.
Centipede Singer. At the beginning of each of its turns, Fey Ancestry. The Dusk Queen has advantage on saving
c’Naazo summons 1d4 giant centipedes to aid it in throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put her to
combat. The centipedes appear in unoccupied spaces sleep.
within 20 feet of c’Naazo.
Shadow Dweller. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the
Venom’s Succor. Whenever c’Naazo is subjected to poison Dusk Queen’s darkvision.
damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Dusk Queen has
number of hit points equal to the poison damage dealt.
disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception)
Cracked Shell. The first time c’Naazo takes 10 or more
checks that rely on sight.
bludgeoning damage at once from any source, its armor
Traveler in Darkness. The Dusk Queen has advantage on
class is reduced to 16 until it completes a long rest.
Intelligence (Arcana) checks made to know about shadow
ACTIONS roads and shadow magic spells or items.
Multiattack. C’Naazo makes three Segmented Tentacle ACTIONS
Multiattack. The Dusk Queen makes three Shadow
Segmented Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Bolt attacks. She can replace one attack with a use of
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage,
and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its next turn. Dagger: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Poison Spray (Recharge 6). C’Naazo sprays poisonous mist
in a 15-ft. cone in front of it. Creatures caught within the Shadow Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft.,
spray must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) necrotic damage plus 7 (2d6) cold
taking 21 (6d6) poison damage on a failed save or half as damage.
much damage on a successful one. Call the Shadows (Recharge 5–6). The Dusk Queen
magically causes shadows to pour out of a point she can

182 Tales from the Shadows

see within 60 feet of her. Each creature within 20 feet LANGUAGES Common, Goblin, Umbral, Thieves’ Cant
of that point must make a DC 16 Constitution saving CHALLENGE 2 (450 XP) PROFICIENCY BONUS +2
throw. On a failure, a creature takes 21 (6d6) necrotic
damage, and its hit point maximum is reduced by an Assassinate. During her first turn, Erestee has advantage
amount equal to half the damage taken. This reduction on attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a
lasts until the target finishes a long rest. A creature dies turn. Any hit Erestee scores against a surprised creature is
if this effect reduces it hit point maximum to 0. On a a critical hit.
success, a creature takes half as much damage and its hit
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Erestee deals an extra 7 (2d6)
point maximum isn’t reduced. A humanoid slain by this
damage when she hits a target with a weapon attack and
action rises at the start of the Dusk Queen’s next turn
has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is
as a shadow under her control, unless the humanoid is
within 5 feet of an ally of Erestee that isn’t incapacitated
restored to life or its body is destroyed. The Dusk Queen
and Erestee doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
can have no more than ten shadows under her control at
one time. ACTIONS
Spellcasting. The Dusk Queen casts one of the following Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
spells, requiring no material components and using one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the
Intelligence as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16): target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw,
At will: bane, command, protection from evil and good taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as
2/day each: blur*, darkness, hold person, mage armor, much damage on a successful one.
vampiric touch* Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage,
1/day each: black tentacles*, dispel magic,
and the target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving
greater invisibility
throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or
*If using Deep Magic for 5th Edition, these spells are half as much damage on a successful one.
instead shadow puppets, shadow tendrils, and black
hand, respectively. BONUS ACTIONS
Cunning Action. Erestee takes the Dash, Disengage, or
Hide action.
Shadow Traveler (3/Day). While in shadows, dim light, or Fast Hands. Erestee makes a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
darkness, the Dusk Queen disappears into the darkness check, uses her thieves’ tools to disarm a trap or open a
and reappears in an unoccupied space she can see within lock, or takes the Use an Object action.
30 feet of her. A tendril of inky smoke appears at the
Unseemly Unseelie. Erestee uses a combination of rude
origin and destination when she uses this bonus action.
gestures and sounds to distract one creature she can see
REACTIONS within 30 feet. If the target can hear and see Erestee, it has
disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the
Magical Parry. The Dusk Queen adds 3 to her AC against
end of its next turn.
one attack that would hit her. To do so, she must see the
attacker and have at least one hand free.
Erestee Loff Medium Humanoid (Goblinoid), Chaotic Evil
Small Humanoid (Goblinoid), Neutral Evil ARMOR CLASS 15 (studded leather)
ARMOR CLASS 15 (studded leather) HIT POINTS 90 (12d8 + 36)
HIT POINTS 49 (9d6 + 18) SPEED 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
SPEED 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
11 (+0) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)
SKILLS Intimidation +3, Stealth +6, Survival +4
SKILLS Acrobatics +5, Deception +2, Perception +4, SENSES blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft.,
Stealth +7 passive Perception 11
DAMAGE RESISTANCES poison LANGUAGES Common, Draconic, Goblin
SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Tales from the Shadows 183

Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage
when Gothrolg hits with it (included in the attack).
Indominable Heart. Gothrolg has advantage
on saving throws against being charmed,
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, stunned, or
put to sleep.
Surprise Attack. If Gothrolg surprises a
creature and hits it with an attack during the first
round of combat, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6)
damage from the attack.
Multiattack. Gothrolg makes three melee attacks.
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4)
piercing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7
to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage, or
7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage if used to make a
ranged attack.
Necrotic Breath (Recharge 5–6): Gothrolg exhales
a burst of withering energy in a 15-foot cone. Each
creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) necrotic damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.

Gruesome Plushy Swarm

Large Swarm of Tiny Constructs, Unaligned
ARMOR CLASS 14 (natural armor) Constructs, or Undead. Each other creature within 60 feet
HIT POINTS 67 (9d8 + 27)
of the swarm that can hear it must make a DC 13 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 10 (3d6)
SPEED 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
psychic damage and becomes frightened of the swarm for
1 minute. A frightened target can repeat the saving throw
at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 3 (–4) 10 (+0) 3 (–4) on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or
the effect ends for it, the target is immune to the swarm’s
DAMAGE VULNERABILITIES fire incessant babble for the next 24 hours.
DAMAGE IMMUNITIES lightning, poison; bludgeoning, Immutable Form. The plushy swarm is immune to any spell
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made or effect that would alter its form.
with adamantine weapons Magic Resistance. The plushy swarm has advantage on
CONDITION IMMUNITIES charmed, exhaustion, frightened, saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, stunned Magic Weapons. The plushy swarm’s flensing knives attacks
SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 are magical.
LANGUAGES understands the languages of its creator but Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space
can’t speak and vice versa, and it can move through any opening
large enough for a Tiny plushy. The swarm can’t regain hp
or gain temporary hp.

Incessant Babble. At the start of its turn, the plushies in the ACTIONS
swarm spout inane statements—in extremely saccharine Flensing Knives. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
tones—such as “You’re my best friend!” “I love you!” 0 ft., one creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: 21 (6d6)
“Hugs are my favorite!” “It’s time for some fun!” and slashing damage, or 10 (3d6) slashing damage if the
“Let’s play!” The incessant babble has no effect on Fey, swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.

184 Tales from the Shadows

Jack Of Strings Nymph
Medium Fey, Chaotic Neutral Medium Fey, Neutral
HIT POINTS 90 (12d8 + 36) HIT POINTS 60 (8d8 + 24)
SPEED 30 ft. SPEED 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

14 (+2) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 20 (+5)


SKILLS Acrobatics +10, Performance +8, Sleight of Hand +7 SKILLS Perception +4, Stealth +6
DAMAGE RESISTANCES bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing DAMAGE RESISTANCES cold, fire
from nonmagical attacks not made with cold iron weapons SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
CONDITION IMMUNITIES charmed, frightened LANGUAGES Common, Elvish, Sylvan
SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 CHALLENGE 4 (1,100 XP) PROFICIENCY BONUS +2
LANGUAGES Common, Sylvan, Umbral
CHALLENGE 5 (1,800 XP) PROFICIENCY BONUS +3 Amphibious. The nymph can breathe air and water.
Blinding Beauty. When a creature that can see the nymph
Magic Resistance. The jack of strings has advantage on starts its turn within 30 feet of the nymph, the nymph
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. can force it to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw if
the nymph isn’t incapacitated and can see the creature.
If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is
Multiattack. The jack of strings makes two Mocking Slap permanently blinded. Otherwise, a creature that fails
attacks. its save is blinded for 1 minute. A blinded creature can
Mocking Slap. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 3 ending the effect on itself on a success. Unless surprised,
(1d6) psychic damage. a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at
Animate Puppet. The jack of strings animates up to three the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can’t see the
wooden puppets it can see within 60 feet of it. This works nymph until the start of its next turn, when it can avert
like the animate objects spell, except the wooden puppet its eyes again. If the creature looks at the nymph in the
uses the statistics of a Small object, regardless of the meantime, it must immediately make the save.
puppet’s actual size. The jack can have no more than five Water Spirit. While the nymph is in contact with or
puppets animated at one time. submerged in a body of water, she ignores difficult terrain,
Puppet Link. One humanoid or beast the jack of strings can and magical effects can’t reduce her speed or cause her
see within 60 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom to be restrained. She can spend 5 feet of movement to
saving throw or become magically linked to the jack’s escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled.
marionette. This link appears as a barely perceptible string
between the jack’s marionette and the target. A linked
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of Multiattack. The nymph uses Nymph’s Gaze. She then
its turns, ending the link on a success. makes two Dagger attacks.
While a target is linked, the jack of strings can use its Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
reaction at the start of the target’s turn to control the target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.
linked target. The jack of strings can make the target Nymph’s Gaze. The nymph directs her gaze at one
move, manipulate objects, attack, or take other purely creature she can see within 30 feet of her, targeting the
physical actions. The jack can’t make the target cast spells. creature with one of the following effects:
While controlled, the target moves awkwardly and has Concerned Look. The target regains 10 (3d6) hit points.
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. If the target Once a creature has regained 20 hit points from this
receives a suicidal command from the jack of strings, it can stare, it can’t regain more hit points from this nymph’s
repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Concerned Gaze until it finishes a long rest.
The jack of strings can have only one target linked Glare of Nature’s Fury. The target must make a DC
at a time. If it links another, the effect on the previous 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) lightning
target ends. If a creature dies while linked to the jack’s damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
marionette, the creature’s body becomes a wooden successful one.
puppet that resembles the creature.

Tales from the Shadows 185

Stunning Stare. The target must succeed on a DC Spellcasting. The painted king casts one of the following
14 Charisma saving throw or become stunned until spells, requiring no material components and using
the end of its next turn. If a creature’s saving throw Wisdom as its spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is     At will: protection from energy
immune to the Stunning Stare of all nymphs for the     2/day each: hold person, silence
next 24 hours.
Spellcasting. The nymph casts one of the following spells,
requiring no material components and using Charisma as Painted Step (Recharge 5–6). The painted king disappears
her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15). and reappears in an unoccupied space it can see within
30 feet of it. A brief splash of colorful paint appears at the
    At will: animal messenger, druidcraft, spare the dying
origin and destination when it uses this bonus action.
    2/day each: gust of wind, water breathing, water walk
    1/day each: barkskin, conjure animals, control water
Medium Monstrosity, Chaotic Neutral
The Painted King ARMOR CLASS 13
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Evil
HIT POINTS 60 (8d8 + 24)
ARMOR CLASS 15 (natural armor)
SPEED 30 ft.
HIT POINTS 91 (14d8 + 28)
SPEED 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 5 (–3) 8 (–1) 11 (+0)
12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) SKILLS Athletics +3, Perception +1, Stealth +5
SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
SKILLS Insight +6, Perception +6
SENSES darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16
LANGUAGES Ankeshelian, Common
CHALLENGE 5 (1,800 XP) PROFICIENCY BONUS +3 Contingent Docility. If a creature presents an item
belonging to Mery to Sable, Sable must succeed on a DC
Stone Seeker. The painted king focuses its attacks on any 11 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by the creature
creature carrying one of the painted stones from the for 1 hour. Sable can repeat the saving throw every 10
Paletree Rise. The king’s goal is to collect the stones, and minutes, ending the effect on a success. If the effect ends,
should they be turned over to it, it gathers them and flees. Sable automatically succeeds on this saving throw for the
Incorporeal Movement. The painted king can move next 10 minutes.
through other creatures and objects as if they were Keen Smell. Sable has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its checks that rely on smell.
turn inside an object.
Limited Telepathy. The painted king can speak
telepathically with any creature within 60 feet of it that Multiattack. Sable makes one Bite attack and one Shadow
carries a painted stone. Tendril attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is Medium
Multiattack. The painted king makes three Claw attacks or or smaller, it must succeed on a DC 11 Strength check or
Paint Splash attacks. be knocked prone.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Shadow Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage, and the target ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 2
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or (1d4) necrotic damage.
take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
Paint Splash. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) poison damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned until the end of its next turn.

186 Tales from the Shadows

Shadow Nymph Shadow Glare. The target must make a DC 17
Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) necrotic
Medium Fey, Neutral Evil
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
HIT POINTS 93 (11d8 + 44) Stunning Stare. The target must succeed on a DC 17
SPEED 30 ft., swim 30 ft. Charisma saving throw or become stunned until the end
of its next turn. If a creature’s saving throw is successful
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the
10 (+0) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 22 (+6) shadow nymph’s Stunning Stare for the next 24 hours.
Spellcasting. The shadow nymph casts one of the following
SAVING THROWS Dex +8, Cha +9 spells, requiring no material components and using
SKILLS Deception +9, Perception +5, Persuasion +9, Charisma as her spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17).
Stealth +8 At will: animal messenger, detect magic, fog cloud
DAMAGE RESISTANCES cold, necrotic 2/day each: darkness, faerie fire, water walk
SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 1/day each: barkskin, conjure woodland beings,
LANGUAGES Common, Sylvan, Umbral control water
Shadow Blend. The shadow nymph magically turns invisible
Amphibious. The shadow nymph can breathe air and water. until she attacks or uses Shadow Nymph’s Gaze, until
Blinding Beauty. When a creature that can see the nymph she enters an area of bright light, or until she ends it as a
starts its turn within 30 feet of the nymph, the nymph bonus action. She can use this bonus action only while in
can force it to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw if dim light or darkness.
the nymph isn’t incapacitated and can see the creature.
If the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is
permanently blinded. Otherwise, a creature that fails its The Ticktock Man
save is blinded for 1 minute. A blinded creature can repeat
Found on page 388 of Creature Codex, the xiphus is a
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
speedy fey whose heart was replaced with clockwork
effect on itself on a success. Unless surprised, a creature
long ago, granting it some power over time. In The House
can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of
its turn. If the creature does so, it can’t see the nymph until of Reciprocities (see page 110), a particularly successful
the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If xiphus, known as the Ticktock Man, resides in the
the creature looks at the nymph in the meantime, it must Ticktock Tower in the Shadow Realm, where he collects
immediately make the save. stolen memories. The Ticktock Tower serves as his lair,
Shadow Dweller. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the and when encountered there, he has a challenging rating
shadow nymph’s darkvision. of 6 (2,300 XP). All temporal effects created by Ticktock
Water Spirit. While the shadow nymph is in contact with or Tower end abruptly when the Ticktock Man dies. All the
submerged in a body of water, she ignores difficult terrain, clock doors become insubstantial and slowly fade from
and magical effects can’t reduce her speed or cause her existence, except for the Nexus Portal, which remains.
to be restrained. She can spend 5 feet of movement to
escape from nonmagical restraints or being grappled.
The Ticktock Man
ACTIONS Small Fey, Chaotic Evil
Multiattack. The shadow nymph uses Shadow Nymph’s ARMOR CLASS 15
Gaze. She then makes two Dagger attacks. HIT POINTS 55 (10d6 + 20)
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one SPEED 50 ft.
target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.
Shadow Nymph’s Gaze. The shadow nymph directs her STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
gaze at one creature she can see within 30 feet of her, 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
targeting the creature with one of the following effects:
Icy Glance. The target must make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 10 (3d6)
SKILLS Acrobatics +8, Perception +4, Stealth +8
cold damage and is restrained until the end of its next
turn as ice forms around its limbs. On a success, the DAMAGE IMMUNITIES lightning
creature takes half as much damage and isn’t restrained. SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

Tales from the Shadows 187

CHALLENGE 5 (1,800 XP) PROFICIENCY BONUS +3 On initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties), the Ticktock
Man takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects;
Evasion. If the Ticktock Man is subjected to an effect that he can’t use the same effect two rounds in a row:
allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only The Un-Time Chime. The Ticktock Man causes the chime
half damage, the Ticktock Man instead takes no damage if to ring, casting a random spell on one creature he can
he succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if see within 100 feet of the chime. If the spell requires a
he fails. saving throw, the spell save DC is 16. Roll 1d4 to determine
Lightning Absorption. Whenever the Ticktock Man is which spell is cast: 1–2. slow; 3. dispel magic; 4. confusion.
subjected to lightning damage, he takes no damage and The chime is the spell’s origin, but the Ticktock Man must
instead regains a number of hp equal to the lightning maintain concentration if the spell requires concentration.
damage dealt. Pendulum Swing. The Ticktock Man can cause either the
Startling Speed. The Ticktock Man’s movements are so swift Umbral (Area 2) or Penumbral (Area 7) pendulums to
that he is almost invisible when in motion. If the Ticktock swing in a wide arc, potentially striking any creatures in its
Man moves at least 10 feet on his turn, attack rolls against path. When this effect is triggered, time seems to skip as,
him have disadvantage until the start of his next turn, on the upswing, the pendulum suddenly goes all the way
unless the Ticktock Man is incapacitated or restrained. up to the ceiling, then swings down with blazing speed.
ACTIONS Each creature in the pendulum’s path must make a DC 16
Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) slashing damage
Multiattack. The Ticktock Man makes three Hidden Dagger on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
attacks. one.
Hidden Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to
The Clock Alarms. The Ticktock Man can activate either the
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 +
Hammerbell Alarm (Area 4) or the Cuckoo Alarm (Area 5).
5) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) lightning damage.
Siphon Time (Recharge 5–6). The Ticktock Man chooses Medium Fey, Neutral Evil
one creature he can see. His clockwork heart vibrates ARMOR CLASS 13
rapidly, bending time to give him the upper hand against
HIT POINTS 60 (8d8 + 24)
his chosen target. The Ticktock Man chooses whether to
have advantage on his attacks against that target or on SPEED 20 ft., swim 40 ft.
saving throws against spells cast by the target until the
start of his next turn. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2)
Stolen Time (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If SAVING THROWS Con +5, Wis +4
damage is dealt to The Ticktock Man that would kill him,
SKILLS Athletics +5, Perception +4, Stealth +5
he can attempt to steal time from another creature to
avoid death. One creature the Ticktock Man can see within DAMAGE RESISTANCES poison
120 feet must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving CONDITION IMMUNITIES poisoned
throw or take 10 (3d6) necrotic damage, and the Ticktock SENSES darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Man regains hp equal to the damage taken. The target LANGUAGES Common, Primordial, Sylvan
is stable and doesn’t die if this effect reduces its hp to 0.
After 2 rounds, the xiphus takes necrotic damage, and the
target regains hp, equal to the original amount borrowed.
Amphibious. The vodyanoi can breathe air and water.
Water Mastery. The vodyanoi has advantage on attack
rolls if both it and its opponent are in contact with the
The Ticktock Man channels his obsession with time into the same body of water. If the opponent and the vodyanoi are
massive tower made of clocks in which he resides. Ticktock both on dry ground, the vodyanoi has disadvantage on
Tower is somehow connected to the flow of time itself. attack rolls.
The Ticktock Man is a similarly connected to the Tower in
a sort of symbiotic relationship, allowing him to further ACTIONS
manipulate aspects of time while inside his lair. Multiattack. The vodyanoi makes two Claws attacks.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a
Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 13).

188 Tales from the Shadows

Crashing Wave (1/Day). The vodyanoi conjures a wave Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
of water in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target
must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a failure, must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
a creature takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and is become poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the
knocked prone if on land or pushed up to 10 feet away saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
from the vodyanoi if submerged in water. On a success, effect on itself on a success.
a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked
Lashing Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 15
prone or pushed.
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage and
Spellcasting. The vodyanoi casts one of the following the target is grappled (escape DC 12) if it is a Medium
spells, requiring no material components and using or smaller creature. The weeper has two lashing tendrils,
Charisma as its spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12): each of which can grapple only one target.
    At will: water breathing, water walk Grasping Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 60
    1/day: control water ft., one target. Hit: The target is grappled (escape DC 12),
and the target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving
throw or be pulled to up to 15 feet toward the weeper. It
Change Shape. The vodyanoi magically transforms into a has two grasping tendrils, each of which can grapple only
Small or Medium Humanoid that has a challenge rating one target. If it is grappling at least one creature with its
no higher than its own, or back into its true form. Other grasping tendril, the weeper can use this action to pull all
than its size, its statistics are the same in each form. Any creatures grappled in this way up to 30 feet closer to it.
equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne
by its new form (the vodyanoi’s choice). It reverts to its BONUS ACTIONS
true form if it dies. Maddening Song (Recharge 4–6). The weeper sings its
maddening melody. The song doesn’t typically affect
Weeper in Shadow sentient creatures but being subjected to it at close range
Large Plant, Neutral Evil can have deleterious effects. Each creature within 15 feet
of the weeper that can hear its song must succeed on a
ARMOR CLASS 15 (natural armor)
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until
HIT POINTS 93 (11d10 + 33) the end of its next turn, as the alien song muddles the
SPEED 20 ft. mind and confuses the senses.


15 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (–2) 10 (+0) 6 (–2) Small Plant, Unaligned
ARMOR CLASS 12 (natural armor)
SAVING THROWS Str +4, Con +5
HIT POINTS 7 (2d6)
SPEED 5 ft.
CONDITION IMMUNITIES blinded, deafened, exhaustion, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
poisoned 8 (–1) 6 (–2) 10 (+0) 2 (–4) 6 (–2) 6 (–2)
SENSES blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive
Perception 10 DAMAGE RESISTANCES fire
LANGUAGES understands Common but can’t speak DAMAGE IMMUNITIES poison
CHALLENGE 4 (1,100 XP) PROFICIENCY BONUS +2 CONDITION IMMUNITIES blinded, deafened, exhaustion,
Alien Mind. A creature who attempts to communicate SENSES blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)
with the weeper must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving
throw or become frightened for 1 minute. The creature
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, CHALLENGE 0 (10 XP) PROFICIENCY BONUS +2
ending the effect on itself on a success. ACTIONS
Magic Resistance. The weeper has advantage on saving
Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
throws against spells and other magical effects.
target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.
Multiattack. The weeper makes three attacks, only one of
which can be a Stinger attack.

Tales from the Shadows 189

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Tales from the Shadows

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