UNIT - 3 BCME Final
UNIT - 3 BCME Final
UNIT - 3 BCME Final
Power plants – Working principle of Steam, Diesel, Hydro, Nuclear power plants.
Mechanical Power Transmission - Belt Drives, Chain, Rope drives, Gear Drives and their
Introduction to Robotics - Joints & links, configurations, and applications of robotics.
Working Principle of Diesel Power Plant
Applications of Diesel Electric Station:
1.Locomotives 2. Standby Plant 3. Peak Load Plant 4. Emergency Plant
5. Mobile Plant 6. Nursery Plant 7. Supply Units for Cinemas, Hospitals etc
Principle of Diesel Power Plant
The working principle of a diesel generator is established on the
thermodynamics law of energy conversion.
To produce AC (alternating current) power, diesel generators go through a
series of stages. When the diesel generator starts,
its four combustion processes: suction, compression, power, and exhaust.
As a consequence, the fuel’s chemical energy is transformed into rotational
mechanical energy.
This mechanical energy is employed to turn a crankshaft. The spinning
shaft is now used to rotate the alternator’s rotor.
The rotor and stator are the two crucial parts of an alternator that creates
The rotor, a cylindrical component surrounded by magnets, spins inside
the stator, which is made up of a fixed arrangement of conductive copper
Electricity is generated when the rotor spins. The magnets surrounding the
rotor are precisely positioned to create a magnetic field as they pass through
the stator’s copper wiring. The magnetic field is commonly produced by two
polarized magnets in an electric generator application. This magnetic field
generates voltage, which is captured by the stator. The voltage regulator then
delivers the electricity to the desired location .
The alternator produces an AC, which is converted to DC with the help of
a rectifier in a diesel generator.
The advantages of diesel power plants:
1. The layout of the diesel power plant is quite simple.
2. The limited quantity of cooling water required.
3. Low fuel cost for operation.
4. Smaller storage is needed for the fuel.
5. There is no problem of ash handling..
6. For small capacity power generation, diesel power plant is more
efficient than the steam power plant.
7. Quickly started and put on load.
8. They can respond to varying loads without having any difficulty.
The disadvantages of diesel power plants are listed below:
1. High Maintenance and operating cost.
2. The plant cost per kW power is comparatively more.
3. The plant produces too much noise.
Working Principle of Hydro Power Plants.
The turbine blades start rotating. So till now, we observed the water which is
having PE is now converting into KE.
Neutron Source: A source of neutron is required to initiate the fission for the
first time. A mixture of beryllium with plutonium is commonly used as a
source of neutron.
• Nuclear fission takes place in the reactor only.
• Nuclear fission produces large quantity of heat.
• The heat generated in the reactor is carried by coolant circulated through
the reactor.
Control Rods:
• They are used to control the chain reaction.
• They are absorbers of neutrons.
• The commonly used control rods are made up of cadmium or boron.
• Moderators are used to slow down the fast neutrons.
Fuel Rods:
• The fuel rods hold nuclear fuel in a nuclear power plant.
Neutron Reflectors:
• To prevent the leakage of neutrons to large extent.
• In PHWR, the moderator itself acts as reflectors.
To protect from harmful radiations the reactor is surrounded b a concrete wall
of thickness about 2 to 2.5 m.
• The heat generated in the reactor due to the fission of the fuel is taken up
by the coolant.
• The hot coolant then leaves the reactor and flows through the steam
• In the steam generator the hot coolant transfers its heat to the feed water
which gets converted into steam.
• The steam produced is passed through the turbine, which is coupled with
• Hence the power is produced during the running of turbine.
• The exhaust steam from the turbine is condensed in the condenser.
• The condensate then flows to the steam generator through the feed pump.
• The cycle is thus repeated.
Advantages of Nuclear Power Plant:
• Requires less space compared to steam power plant.
• Fuel transport cost is less..
• Water required is very less.
Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plant:
• Initial Cost is higher.
• Not suitable for varying load condition.
• Radioactive wastes are hazardous.
• Maintenance cost is higher.
• Trained workers are required to operate the plant.
The power is transmitted from one shaft to the other by means of belts,
chains and gears.
The belts and ropes are flexible members which are used where distance
between the two shafts is large. High speed Low torque
The chains also have flexibility but they are preferred for intermediate
distances. Low speed High torque
The gears are used when the shafts are very close with each other.
High speed High torque
Crossed belt drive. The crossed belt drive, as shown in Figure below, is used
with shafts arranged parallel and rotating in the opposite directions. In this case, the
driver pulls the belt from one side (i.e. RQ) and delivers it to the other side (i.e.
LM). Thus, the tension in the belt RQ will be more than that in the belt LM. The
belt RQ (because of more tension) is known as tight side, whereas the belt LM
(because of less tension) is known as slack side, as shown in Figure below.
Wire Ropes:-
When a large amount of power is to be transmitted over long distances
from one pulley to another, then wire ropes are used.
The wire ropes are widely used in elevators, mine hoists, cranes,
conveyors, hauling devices and suspension bridges.
The wise ropes run on grooved pulleys but they rest on the bottom of the
grooves and are not wedged between the sides of the grooves.
Wire ropes are lighter in weight,
These can withstand shock loads.
Wire ropes are more reliable,
Less expensive or low in cost.
Elevators, Mine hoists , Cranes , Conveyors , Suspension bridges.
Lifting and hoisting in cranes and elevators.
Robotics is a branch of engineering and science that includes electronics
engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science and so on. This
branch deals with the design, construction, use to control robots, sensory
feedback and information processing. These are some technologies which
will replace humans and human activities in coming years.
ROBOT:-A Robot is a programmable,multifunctional manipulator designed
to move matierials, parts,tools,through programmed for varieties of tasks.
Point to point robot.
Contineoous robot.
Sequance robot.
Intelligent robot.
Robotic joints, which are sometimes known as axes, are the moveable parts of
a robot that cause relative motion between adjacent links. These links refer to the
rigid components that connect the joints to ensure their proper and straightforward
1. Linear joint.
2. Orthogonal joint.
3. Rotational joint.
4. Twisting joint.
5. Revolving joint.
1. Explain the working principle of nuclear power plant with neat sketch
2. Explain the working principle of hydroelectric power plant with neat sketch
3. Draw a schematic lay out of thermal plant
4. Draw the general layout of steam power plant and explain its major components.
5. Examine the construction and working of Nuclear power plant with a layout.
6. Express the advantages and disadvantages of a diesel power plant over a gas
turbine power plant.
7. Explain the classification of gears with neat sketches
8. Discuss about the various types of belt drives with neat sketches?
9. State the advantages and disadvantages of the chain drive over belt and rope
10. Mention four important types of gears and discuss their applications and
their materials used. Advantages and disadvantages of Gears?
11. Define a robot. Name the commonly used robot configurations. Explain
cylindrical. Configuration robot.
12. Define a robot. Name the commonly used robot configurations. Explain polar
configuration robot.
13. Define a robot. Name the commonly used robot configurations. Explain
cartesian.configuration robot.
14. Define Robot Joint? Give classification and explain them with neat sketch
Assignment questions
1. Explain the working principle of nuclear power plant with neat sketch
2. Explain and Express the advantages and disadvantages of a diesel power plant .
3. Explain the classification of gears with neat sketches
4. Define a robot. Name the commonly used robot configurations. Explain
cylindrical. Configuration robot.
5. Define Robot Joint? Give classification and explain them with neat sketch
1. Explain the working principle of hydroelectric power plant with neat sketch
2. Draw the general layout of steam power plant and explain its major components
3. Discuss about the various types of belt drives with neat sketches? Write the
differences between Open belt drive &cross belt Drive.
4. Define a robot. Name the commonly used robot configurations. Explain polar
configuration robot.
5. Define Robot Joint? Give classification and explain them with neat sketch
1. Explain the working principle and draw a schematic lay out of thermal
2. Explain the working principle of nuclear power plant with neat sketch
3. Mention four important types of gears and discuss their applications and
their materials used. Advantages and disadvantages of Gears?
4. Define a robot. Name the commonly used robot configurations. Explain
Cartesian configuration robot.
5. Define Robot Joint? Give classification and explain them with neat